#Le Smol bean
queenbeebumblebee · 8 months
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For your gift, You can Have, The Smol bean!
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"well goodness golly! I've never seen You before, so uhm.. what would You like, would You like something to eat?"
Berry is surprised by the gift! She invites the smol Bean for a treat!!
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this picture kills me 😆
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trapper-faggot · 2 years
I bought yet another copy of Les mis cause that's what this house needs
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morsobaby · 1 year
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She/her. Full name Sipi Le pipi sobbeli bobbeli
This is my emotional support sobble, Sipi! Her name was twisted from the finnish word for fetus, bc that's what she looks like. She is so scared and so upset. She is what you'd call a "smol anxious bean". She falls over and drops things easily and tends to cry about it after. She's like a purse chihuahua. Her special talent is emotional support bc she is so upset all the time (knows lots about coping w it!) and when someone else is upset she uses all the kindness received from others to comfort and give them bravery!
She is Jojo siwas biggest fan. Some of her other favorite things include big bows (as seen above), oversized snacks such as lollipops and various drinks, and being held like a hamburger. The world is so big and so scary for her but in her trembling little heart there is only love for her friends.
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rebeltigera · 9 months
Le gasp! Smol beans. I wish to pet Rumble and Savage -Candy cane anon
Watch out for your hands, they bite
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Okay so since i'm still very new to f1 here's my impression of all the drivers because it's fun and i know nothing
Sir Lewis Hamilton: -very fashionable, gay rights, cute dog and absolute Gott (i mean goat but whatever)
Seb: so much lesbian mom energy i'm about to cry that he's retiring
Charles le chair: giggly mess and absolutely adorable , confused puppy 99% of the time he could be World champion if he's be driving for literally anybody else except Ferrari , ✨️monagasque✨️
Lando norris: chaotic, frat boy but in small, chronically online , probably likes to cuddle a lot, sleeps absolutely everywhere?? 100% a scorpio
Carlo5 5ainz: even more confused than charles, *zones out* *sings* *stares into space* *dolphin noises*
Pierreeee GaslYy: apparently likes everything on the Internet, his Personal life is messy , stole ocon's gf ???? Has two boyfriends, 3 side pieces, french
Yukittsnoda: smol bean , married to Pierre and food
Max verstappen: you either hate or love him, his dad is everyones villain origin story, dutch and drunk
Danny ric: light of everyone's life even Harry Styles' , would walk through hell with a smile while drinking out of a shoe, just vibin'
Micky Mouse : Michael Schuhmacher might be his dad but Sebastian Vettel is his mom. The boy next door who lends you sugar and makes you fall in love
Estie bestie: everyone's best friend except Pierre gasly because he stole his gf...probably hate fucking tho...they're french
Lance stroll: in the family Business, has one Fan and that's the guy on tik tok who's living on my fyp
George Russel: Business major with a heart of a grandpa and would call your parents every weekend to catch up. So nice he'd buy you Gifts every day just to see you smile, wearing Shirts is for the weak
Alex albon: the WAG everyone wants! Besties with George , almost died of appendicities
Zhou: ???? Literally no Clue
ValteRRi Bottas: thirsty thursday and finish. No need to say more
Kevin Magnussen: could be a hero or could kill you
Goatifi: 0 points , which is good in Flensburg( german joke hehe) but not in formula one
Checo Perez: Mexico that's all i know
Fernando alonso: old , like really old. Retired but it was just an april fools joke , probably races until he's legally not allowed to anymore because his reaction time would be 45 minutes.
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petricakegames · 1 year
Devlog #1: ECTOCOMP & Bare-Bones Jam(s)
Two jams at once! Never thought I'd be here and yet...here I am. ECTOCOMP was a given to join--Halloween is the greatest and I find horror to be a versatile and interesting genre and I'm excited to be writing horror IF. Bare-Bones Jam I was more on the fence about--I don't care for default Twine UI and it's all I know coding-wise. I was hesitant to try out a new IF tool as I often get carried away with details and fall down learning holes. But Ink is straightforward enough that I can learn the basics and make a good story out of it and the default UI is quite nice.
Now! Here's the kicker part: ECTOCOMP has two sections to it. La Petite Mort for games made in 4hrs or less and Le Grand Guignol for games made in over 4hrs.
Here's how my brain managed this: --pfft, no. Impossible. There's no way I could make a game in that short a timeframe. Get out of here. Long version for me, thank you very much --how would I even....no. Stop thinking about it. There's no way --well, I guess if I didn't have to worry about the UI that would leave more time for writing...nope, focus on your other story idea. We're not going to bother with this one --!!IDEA!! --oh...dang. That's a cool idea... --it's short. You could write it in 4hrs....probably... --it'd be pretty funny if your first IF is a big, chonky boy at 25k words and your second is a smol bean under 2k words
And that was the nail in the coffin. I will always commit for the LOLs. I had a similar Rejection of the Call experience with the Single Choice jam and that one turned about pretty good. There won't be any neat mechanics or anything--I'm a storyteller before I'm a coder, after all--but there'll be a pretty good story (I have a lot of Big Thoughts about interactive fiction as games and I still haven't nailed down how I feel about the idea but I strive for my stories to be benefitted by the medium of IF--to have something crucial to their telling that's enhanced by the act of playing. There's something powerful in the nature of choice-making)
I still love my original idea and will be doing that as well:
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Haven't decided yet if it'll be Bare-Bones, too, or just for the longer portion of ECTOCOMP. It'll depend on if I can get the first idea done within the time limit, I suppose.
Oh, gawd. The jams have started today. I need to get to work! But first...breakfast
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hoochieblues · 1 year
Peppy le phew-she-made-it
New beastly houseguest! Peppy is a smol anxious bean who arrived at five something this morning after a nightmare journey (transport van broke down en route, chaos ensued).
This was extra hilarious as the relay team had to finish their drop offs before they could come bail out the first van's drivers, and apparently they ended up having to reshuffle twenty something exhausted and scared dogs across two vans at a motorway services station near Bristol around 2 this morning. I always feel like I should greet them with energy drinks and homebaked cookies at the minimum, but anything you offer feels inadequate. They're amazing.
Anyway, Peppy's theoretically only scheduled for foster long enough to decompress and have her behavioural assessment, but... I get the feeling this one may need some slow intros to her potential adopters. First order of business on arrival was to scream uncontrollably at the sight of the resident foster, attempt to climb onto my head, yell for about an hour in existential panic, then strip down her safe space for parts, and (eventually) break into the bathroom where she's currently asleep in the laundry. Someone is indeed extremely, extremely over-tired.
She's adorable, though. She has the neurotic bug-eyed stare of an Italian greyhound on the (stinky, grubby) body of a Parsons Russell mix. More or less. Extremely cuddly and affectionate, if a lil nibbly.
Shitty pic is shitty, but in my defence it was early and I hadn't been to bed yet. Everything looked like that.
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Smol beast in less 'terrified victorian child' mode:
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She's actually a lot taller and with a tinier head than that pic implies. Also not sure how recent it is. I still need to do body score and weigh her but overall, aside from travel grime and being knackered, she's in great shape. Almost definitely an ex-pet dumped at a high-kill PS so the confusion and anxiety is very very normal. She'll be fine. <3
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gt-daboss · 1 year
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part 2 of how to hold le smol beans,
3 new ways to carry, will you choose Good (Head) Neutral (Finger) or evil (Cat)
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okie twitterinos its time to learn you a thing!!
1. you HAVE to be in a fandom ^-^ superwholock is a good place to start but have your gifs at the ready!!! if you dont youll be a hipster *le eye roll*
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2. in case you forgot: the code is i like your shoelaces!! its amazing that its stayed in use this long but if you ever see a super cool person in public theyll understand :) and REMEMBER: the response is thanks, i stole them from the president
3. jerma is our smol bean babie 🥺🥺 protecc him at all costs!!!!
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look how cute he is... *squee!!*
4. never mention pizza..... you know why.....
5. if you see a post that says "reblog or you hate gay people" you HAVE TO REBLOG!!
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6. dont stay up past 11 pm unless you want to see the night bloggers and shit posters. the night is their domain.... *shudders* but they can be pretty funny so its your choice!
okie thats it!!! if you follow these youll be rebageling, gif-ing, and memeing like a pro tumbly-poo!!!
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primpk · 2 years
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por fin, la última de mis hijas ( al menos hasta que me deshaga de al menos el 50% de mis pjs ) y la que va que vuela a convertirse en mi pj favorito. bajo read more les dejo la info de prim, al igual que sus conexiones y esas cositas. si quieren algo con la morrita, podemos hablarlo o lo pueden imponer ♡ les tqm   /   @lavieconex​ .
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PRIMROSE PHAKDI ( audición ).
headcanons familiares: los phakdi viven en el mismo distrito parisino que la familia navruz y la familia kang; tienen una relación cordial/amistosa con la familia de la cour, con la familia caputo y la familia joh; y tienen una relación complicada/enemistad con la familia tang, la familia almodóvar y la familia gagneux.
clase baja. nacida bajo otro nombre y con una vida que ahora solo vive en sus recuerdos, los phakdi eran importantes en tailandia y prim tenía toda una vida planeada que se fue a la basura después de la tragedia que manchó su antiguo apellido. vive con sus hermanos desde hace cinco años y ha pasado por una gran cantidad de empleos, hasta que encontró lo que más le apasiona: cuidar y enseñar a las pequeñas mentes. tiene un patito de mascota llamado 'mr. cuack' y, después de sus hermanos, ese pato es lo más importante en su vida. smol bean, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, bisexual chaos y la personita ideal si quieren un poliamorrss *guiño*
para sus conexiones busco amIGUES DE TODO TIPO, es la florecita más sociable y extrovertida del mundo ademÁS TIENE UN PATO QUE LE QUIERE PRESUMIR A TODO EL MUNDO. DÉJENLA SER FELIZ ( si quieren ser ese amigue con el cual consiguió a mr cuack les advierto que maybEEE se lo robó de un estanque público ). also, llegó desde los diecisiete años a parís sabiendo solo decir 'bonjour', 'oui' y 'croissant' así que si alguien fue paciente con ella y le enseñó a hablar francés ella le debe de tener un enorme aprecio. alguien que tenga hijes de los que pueda ser ( o haya sido ) tutora / niñera, algUIEN QUE HAYA CONOCIDO DE MANERA RANDOM PORQUE PRIM SE SIGUE PERDIENDO POR PARÍS, lit es de las que toma la ruta equivocada y termina donde no debería. intereses románticos, tengo muchas ganas de explorar su gay side pero no le hacemos el feo a los dudes *guiño*. un age gap maybEE???? ( pero si me funan entonces no quiero ) medAN UN POLI CON ELLA???? y si me dan una relación tóxica también los voy a querer mucho. graciaS ADIÓS.
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asensefeed · 1 day
The smol bean malloid archetype is such an interesting thing. Cowardice and meekness beget the social position whereby you become a member of the humble gallilean slave morality industrial complex and are perceived [by some] thus as less-than-man. Yet the nice guy is not actually less-than-man, and the gut-feelings of unheimlich around women is not a suitable indicator of anything. He can still wield the infinite power of the machismo ur-shotgun against anything He wishes. This is why the "male loneliness epidemic" does not actually exist. You are not isolated, you are simply unimpressed with your position in the imagined social hierarchy: hence why so many wish for the le tradwife femcel - the primal virgin which dates back to His ProtoIndoEuropean forefathers on the steppes of grand Eurasia. The machismo machine is working perfectly as-intended. Horaious looks upon them with glee and honour.
The Incel Armies shall march on Rome, the prophet says. Yet the "Incel Armies" are not anything new: they are the shock-troops of masculinity dating back again to the vestiges of Yamnaya with their Boy-warriors clad in the skin of wolves.
They were pastoralists. This is why the Nice Guy is a wolf-in-sheep's clothing, or vice-versa; the difference matters not.
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since today is evidently Fandom Salt Day
I wish people would do less depicting Grantaire as some kind of soft delicate too-too precious depression-as-aesthetic Very Special artistic-temperament sadboi who Just Wants To Be Loved and who has real, well-thought-out philosophical and logical points to make against Enjolras’ ideals and activism. That isn’t Grantaire.
instead I wish people would start paying attention to the fact that canonically he is a loud unmannerly disrespectful 19th century-equivalent of a dudebro who has genuine untreated mental health problems including actual alcoholism, who (possibly related to the aforementioned mental health problems) engages in exactly zero (0) self-reflection ever and consequently does not understand why he is obsessed with Enjolras, and whose opposition to/detraction of Enjolras’ ideals etc. often boils down to “lol I’m a troll.” 
He is way more complicated than this simple overview of course, there aren’t any simple characters in Les Mis, but in completely rewriting the character like this one destroys him. Grantaire isn’t meant to be a sweet palatable pretty-boy, he’s a difficult, aggravating man whose “attraction” as a character lies in the fact that he is CAPABLE of being much more than the obnoxious person that he CHOOSES to be. He’s Enjolras’ foil for a reason, and that reason isn’t because he’s Soft and Gracefully Sad and Understands Consequences Better and is generally uwu. He is not any of those things (well, I’ll give you sad, but not in the shallow, melodramatic sit-in-the-corner-and-weep-into-a-lace-hanky way it’s sometimes written. More in the “It’s 1829 and I don’t have access to therapy or medication so I’m going to deal with what is probably clinical depression by getting wasted and wrecking the place up” kind of way.) 
I get that his canon self, when looked at honestly, isn’t cute. I get that his canon self is not someone that 21st century young women and girls on tumblr would probably want to really hang out with. But that’s not the point of his characterization. The point of his characterization is that he’s a terrible unattractive (in the sense that his personality and behavior do not attract positive attention) mess of a person, the shining peak of whose character arc involves him rising above himself and for just one moment in time - the last moment of his time, and just enough - becoming the better person he could have been, when it mattered most. When Grantaire’s censored and altered to render him more palatable and “unproblematic,” so that he can be seen as appealing and sweet enough to be “shippable” by tumblr’s increasingly silly standards, it utterly ruins the entire point of his character arc. It also makes him way more boring tbh. Soft uwu sadbois are a dime a dozen in fiction, especially YA fiction. Messy complex adult characters who have big bold character flaws that cause conflict within the narrative but who still manage to evoke sympathy and interest are much rarer and more interesting.
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flowerrose14 · 4 years
Toast + 🎵
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Song- Freckles and Constellations
Like-I can see the bean definitely singing this, he freakin adores the night sky and would show it to those he be close with uwu
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barricade-gal · 4 years
So hear me out...
I think they really missed out on the opportunity to add Jean Prouvaire’s death into the musical. It’s such a powerful scene in the Brick. There’s just so much potential there.
Imagine they have Javert, tied up and held hostage. Enjolras is giving orders, much like at the beginning of Red and Black. Courfeyrac is silently doing a headcount, checking on everyone. But there’s someone missing.
Just then Combeferre runs up to interrupt Enjolras just as Courfeyrac comes to tell him his worries about Jehan being missing. Combeferre gives the report that they’re holding Jehan as a prisoner. 
Panicked whispers flood across the stage. Prouvaire was “one of the dearest. one of the most valiant.” Of course they’re all worried. Enjolras has to quiet them. They’re faced with an awful decision - Kill Javert as they had planned or give him up for the sake of their friend’s life.
The answer is clear, Jehan’s life is more important. Combeferre starts to tie his handkerchief to the end of a cane, everyone agreed they needed to call a momentary truce in order to exchange prisoners. But everyone is stopped in their tracks by the sound of commotion on the other side of the barricade.
“Vive la France!” they hear their friend shout, teary emotion ripping his normally delicate voice into a fierce battle cry. “Vive la Revolution!” And then gunshots.
All is still. You can hear the trills of a violin playing the melody,“and rain will make the flowers grow...”
Everyone is shell shocked. And then Enjolras turns to Javert, his voice ice cold, “Your friends have just shot you.”
I mean... I think it would be pretty epic.
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laurapetrie · 4 years
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Anna Karina models Chanel and Nina Ricci in Paris. Photographed by Frank Horvat, 1959
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