#tay is a smol bean
this picture kills me 😆
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The world’s most adorable potato...
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Look at this precious angel being so proud of herself after kicking Andy Samberg through a wall, we must protect her at all costs [x]
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whyshedisappeared · 6 years
my brother just came into my room, yelled “hagariiiii”, jumped on my bed, gave me a hug and walked away .....okayyyy
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fandomfairyuniverse · 2 years
This ep really had everything
1. Vegaspete being incredibly messed up but equally captivating
2. Kinnporsche being all adorable and in love
3. Kim being an idiot and doing some ✨investigating✨
4. Chay being a smol bean
5. Tankhun being iconic as always
6. Time and tay being the bestest friends to kinn (also loved the outfits as per usual)
7. Korn and Chan being absolutely done with all of their children
And of course 8. Vegas talking to his hedgehog like it’s a person
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Your sister is who? (USWNT X Swift!Reader)
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Hey Dudes, this is my first USWNT imagine. I’m considering writing more one shots from this universe but I haven’t decided yet. I’m totally open to requests and suggestions of things that you guys would like to see! All mistakes are 100% my own, and I hope you enjoy! Also reader is the baby of the team.
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
You loved your family more than anything in the world, but that didn’t mean that you always loved your last name. You had never been the most outgoing person in your 17 years on earth, but you had honestly never needed to be. The only part of you that most people were interested in was your last name, so you had learned to fade into the background and let your older sister work her social butterfly magic. Unless you were on the Soccer Pitch. That was your happy place. Who you were didn’t matter. You were only judged on your ability to get around the defenders and bury the ball into the net, which was something that you excelled at if you did say so yourself. The pitch was the only place in the world where you were more than simply Taylor Swift’s little sister, and you wanted to keep it that way.
Maybe that was why you had introduced yourself to the USWNT as simply Y/n, conveniently forgetting to add the Swift to the end. Maybe that was why you hadn’t told them who the Tay that you were texting all the time was. Maybe that was why you were so closed off anytime they had asked about your family in the past 2 months you had been on the team. Maybe that was why you were dreading the team bonding activity for the night so much. You didn’t like truth or dare to begin with, and the fact that your teammates were determined to get you to open up to them did nothing to ease the anxiety you were feeling as you sat between your self-declared team moms Alex and Kelley.
“I think I win that one” Lindsey smiled as she took a bow after finishing Sonnett’s dare. “But who should go next?” She hummed, sitting down and tapping her fingers to her chin.
“Well, the rookie hasn’t gone yet?” Megan Hummed back, smirking in your direction, laughing as you leaned a little closer to Alex, who wrapped her arm a little tighter around you.
“Ah yes, the rookie,” Lindsey smirked back. “Truth or dare rookie?” She asked, and you shrunk back a little further as you felt the eyes of the rest of the team land on you.
“Um, dare I guess?” You asked back unsure. So far, the truths had been really personal and uncomfortable questions that you had no desire to answer. At least with a dare, they couldn’t get you to reveal too much personal information.
“Brave choice kid” Ashlyn smirked, as Lindsey leaned in to listen to whatever Sonnett was whispering in her ear. The evil smile that crossed Lindsey’s face meant that whatever Emily had suggested was probably something that you really wouldn’t enjoy.
“Ok little striker, I dare you to give me free rein over your phone for 3 minutes,” Lindsey said with a chuckle. Alex immediately noticed how you tensed in her arms, your eyes growing comically wide with the implications of handing over your personal device.
“Um, that seems a little invasive don’t ya think?” You asked back quietly, praying to god that you would be able to get out of this.
“What if we set some ground rules, so nothing too bad happens?” Alex glared at where Emily and Lindsey were grinning triumphantly, rubbing your back. Those two hadn’t understood why you were so guarded, but then again neither of them was as shy as you were. They had been determined to get to know you, no matter how evasive you were. You huffed but nodded into her shoulder.
“You can go on messenger and photos, but not my social media.” You said back firmly, attempting to compromise with the women who were grinning like Cheshire cats. You were just glad that you had decided to use nicknames for all your contacts, at least they wouldn’t know who they were talking too. And your photos pretty much consisted of landscapes you had seen during each stop of your sister’s tours. You had never liked people, but you loved nature so that was what you filled your phone up with.
“Include the facetime app, we get five minutes and you have a deal.” Lindsey smiled, sticking her hand out for the phone. You huffed again, causing several of the girls to coo at how cute you looked, and handed over the desired device. Kelley laughed and pulled her own phone out to act as the timer.
You watched with worried eyes as most of the team got up to crowd around your device and Lindsey began to thumb through your phone. You glanced at the clock, praying that the time would tick by faster and that they wouldn’t find something that you didn’t want them to.
“You’re no fun kid,” Megan mumbled as she watched Lindsey scroll through the crazy names that adorned your contact list.
“Alright, Who’s Tay?” Lindsey asked after 30 seconds of scrolling, glancing over to you.
“It’s Taylor” You groaned.
“Who’s Taylor?” Emily asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“No, one” You responded far too quickly, your cheeks turning a deep shade of red.
“So you tell no one that you love them all the time?” Megan hummed disbelieving as you tried to hide even further into Alex’s neck, and Kelley’s hand began to rub comforting circles on your back.
“Just tell us who he is, and we’ll leave you alone” Mal laughed at your discomfort, the memories of her rookie year still very fresh in her mind.
“It’s not a he. It’s my sister.” You said quietly. The room went silent at the admission, the eyebrows of your teammates furrowing. Some not understanding why having a sister named Taylor was such a big deal, and other’s trying to figure out why you had been so reluctant to give up such a small piece of information.
“Wait. The name on your uniform is Swift.” Someone said, breaking the tension in the room. You nodded slowly, whining as Alex attempted to remove you from your hiding spot.
“So that means that Taylor is Taylor Swift. As in The Taylor Swift” Emily nearly yelled back. Your Y/E/C orbs peaked out of Alex’s neck to meet the wide eyes of your teammates as you sent them yet another small nod.
“There’s no fucking way dude.” Lindsey snorted, shooting you a disbelieving look, causing you to laugh.
“Well, there is a way cause I exist so…” You shrugged, sending her a shy smile, as several indistinguishable questions were thrown your way from your shocked teammates.
“I’m going to call her to prove it.” She said, glancing back towards your phone, and you sucked in a deep breath.
“She’s probably in a meeting or something” you mumbled, returning to your hiding spot. You hadn’t intended this. Your phone rang out with telltale sounds of a facetime call, and your heart speeding up at the sound that signaled that someone had picked up.
“Hey kiddo, everything alright?” Taylors concerned voice filled the room, and the team gasped.
“Holy Shit you’re actually The Taylor Swift,” Emily said shocked, her mouth hanging open.
“Guilty as charged, and you must be The Emily Sonnett?” Your sister giggled, as Lindsey reached over and closed Emily’s mouth.
“You know who I am. How do you know who I am?” Emily began to fangirl, flapping her arms excitedly as the room burst into laughter.
“Y/n talks about you guys all the time. Speaking of Y/N/N, where is she?” Taylor questioned, concern leaking into her voice. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the women, but Y/n wasn’t one to introduce people to her. Her little sister was a shy, smol bean, and just the fact that she hadn’t seen her yet was causing her a little anxiety. They had always been close, and Taylor would be dammed if her little sister got hurt.
“Over there hiding in Alex’s neck” Lindsey laughed back, flipping the camera to show you sitting on Alex’s lap, curled into her neck. She sighed in relief, glad that you seemed to be connecting with someone other than her, as that was never one of your strong suits.
“Hey Tay,” Alex smiled, waving as the offending phone was passed to her. The Y/E/C eyed girl peeking out to smile at her older sister. Taylor smiled back and chatted for a few minutes with Alex before she needed to go. Y/n said her goodbyes and hung up, pointedly avoiding the questioning eyes of her teammates.
“So you talk about Sonnett, do you talk about me?” Lindsey asked, wiggling her eyebrows, and you couldn’t stop your cheeks from turning impossibly redder.
“Um…” You stalled, unable to form the right words. The truth was that you might have a small, well not so small, crush on a certain defender. It was kinda hard when she was a literal ball of sunshine all of the time, and your sister had given you great advice so far. The problem was that you were too much of a wus to do anything about it, and you were utterly convinced that the age difference left you with a 0% chance.
“Leave her alone guys,” Alex said sternly, tightening her arm around you and leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Why didn’t you tell me that I knew your sister?” She said quietly, rocking you back and forth.
You sighed. “Cause I wanted you guys to know me for my soccer skills and not who my family is.” You responded equally as quietly as if talking any louder would break you.
“Trust me, kid, we know all about your soccer skills” Tobin laughed, causing you to smile. You may or may not have nutmegged the nutmeg queen during practice, several times.
“But why would you hide?” Christen asked gently, moving towards you and Alex.
“People hear the name Swift and it’s like I don’t even exist. I mean, I’ve met all of you guys before and none of you even remember that. I mean I love Taylor, but soccer is my thing and I wanted it to stay that way.” You murmured, ashamed. You loved Taylor and you were incredibly proud of her, but for just this once you wanted to be known for who you are and not who your sister was.  
“You’ve met us before?” Kelley said in disbelief. How had they met you and not remembered it? Sure, you were a little shy, but you were incredibly sweet and adorable. Plus she was convinced that you would be hilarious once they got you to come out of your shell.
“When she invited you on the stage during the 1989 Tour. She did it because I was such a huge fan of you guys.” You answered back, staring down at your hands. She had felt guilty about missing your U20 championship match and had invited the team on stage to make up for it. You had been so excited, but you had once again faded into the background the moment your sister was in the room. She had tried to put you front and center, but you had been so nervous that words had been nearly impossible.
“That’s why she traded us tour merch for our signed jersey’s” Tobin put the pieces together, vividly remembering trading her jersey for a signed sweatshirt.
“Yep,” You said back, popping the p, and smiling at them.
“and you met us? Why don’t I remember that?” Megan cut back in, trying to remember that night. She remembered Taylor and going on stage, but where had you been? There was no way she would have intentionally ignored you.
“Because Taylor was there and I’m just her little sister.” You shrugged, used to the fact that Taylor cast a huge shadow, one you typically didn’t mind hiding in.
“Well, I can promise you one thing. You Y/n Swift are so much more than just Taylor’s little sister” Alex said with finality. Squeezing you tight.
“Yeah dude, you put Sonnett on her Ass during practice” Tobin laughed, as Emily pouted. It was true. Emily had been assigned to mark you, which had proven to be a very difficult task. It had taken both her and Becky to finally shut down your goal-scoring abilities.
“And got 3 goals, past Uncle.” Becky added, smiling at you, as you cuddled further into your team “mom”.
“You, my dear, are a fantastic striker, and every time you step onto the pitch you show the world that you’re on the team because you’re amazing and not because of who you’re related to,” Megan said, cooing at how adorable you were. Not that she would ever say it out loud, as they had learned early on that you hated being called adorable.
“And you guys don’t hate me for not telling you?” You asked quietly, glancing up at the 22 other women carefully watching you.
“We could never hate you kid,” Kelley grinned, bumping you with her shoulder.
“Now how bout you tell us what it’s like to The Taylor Swift as a sister?” Ali smirked at you. She was one of the few that knew exactly who you were from the first moment you had walked into camp.
“Well, her fans are crazy.” You laughed, your shoulder’s relaxing, reassured that you were so much more than just a Swift. You were a force to be reckoned with, and you couldn’t wait to show the world what you were made of.
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validgendersonlytm · 3 years
do u have any soft / webcore prnns ? ty !
I gathered all of these from old posts I’ve done! If you would rather I try and make some new ones, feel free to tell me that! I promise I wont bite your head off, lol!
Long post under cut!
Moth/mother/motherboard/motherself (motherboardself)
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atldiscourse · 3 years
damn i didn't know the atl stuff went down this far
i started listening back in 2016 and went through a bandom phase in 2018-2020 with atl near the forefront, then dipped out of it, only listening to the songs, like i wasn't actively following them, i didn't have social media or check their twitter or anything
i found their weird humour thing... weird, like the constant sex jokes/bras thing, and there is someone in a current hyperfixation who has similar humour (he asked if his co-worker (who was 19 at the time) had pubes live in a press conference) (the guy himself gives off jb vibes, and i wouldn't be surprised if he knows then, wither by music or personally), i guess i was pretty grateful for not going to shows, and having to take part in the bra thing
i had heard via like youtube comments and stuff that the band were good people, and i believed that because so many people were saying it, and some of my freinds went to several of their shows. i didn't go to shows or get merch or anything but i was still a pretty big fan.
i heard about the tay thing (and the rumours of her with jack) and the cassadee thing, but that was the depth of it from then
i don't know how to feel about the whole 2021 situation, atl have been a bit of a comfort for me, like at least half of future hearts is on my emotional support playlists, and atl were my most listened on spotify (outlines my most played song)
sorry for the whole infodump/overshare/confession thing but idk
yupppp it’s quite the rabbit hole of shitty behaviour and abuse of power dynamics. it’s so easy to believe they’re good people because they put on a facade for so long that was like “don’t take advantage of women just bc ur in a band! activism! fundraising for blm/gay marriage!” that is so attractive to young left-wing fans.
the inundation of accusations against jack that have come out in the latter part of this year are, unfortunately, unsurprising to many fans, but are still a jarring removal from this idea many held of atl as smol beans uwu or whatever.
i think it’s useful to remove them from your spotify playlists as they do benefit (albeit in small amounts) from streams but like… you do you, y’know? out of sight out of mind always works a treat if you’re trying to be less into them in light of all the jack allegations.
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gone-to-oregone · 5 years
Starkid Moral Alignments (TL:DR: Tay gets nerdy and probably classifies her idols incorrectly)
So, my friendo @oh-theatre mentioned BHol and Jeff being chaotic, and I thought I’d take it a step nerdier further
BHol: Chaotic Neutral ( I mean, come on. Of all the Starkids, I’m most similar to Brian, he’s loud and insane, and I’m a chaotic neutral, so it makes sense. Plus, the characters he’s played, Junior, Smelly Balls, Lupin? Type-casted )
Jeff: Chaotic Neutral ( I mean, again, come on, a give-in. I nearly put him as Chaotic Good because he’s a sweetie, but also, like... have you seen the man’s Instagram stories?? And, once again going to type-casting, we have literally every single one of his roles )
Meredith: Chaotic Good ( she’s crazy and she’s adorable, and she was drunk and she hugged a tree that was scheduled to be cut down. How much good-er can you get, chaotically?
Jaime: Neutral Good ( she’s literally the sweetest human being ever, and her crazy character side may dub her as CG, but she’s just so caring about the other Starkids and she’s such a momma bird )
Lauren: Lawful Evil ( Here me out: this is about her sense of humor. Just today, in her sibling post, someone commented “you’re so pretty” and she replied “I know but thank you”. She may be a fellow Hufflepuff, sure, but she said herself she’s Slytherin rising 😂 )
Jon: Neutral Good ( we love one tol smol angel bean. Jon is so pure and adorable, and so polite to everyone, he’s a gentle giant, and he just wants to make sure everyone’s having a good time before he has one himself )
Robert: Neutral (but also Chaotic) Good ( we all know how polite and lovely our little Aussie son is, but, again, this goes into his sense of humor, which is Chaotic at times. The majority of his personality, however, is Neutral Good )
Joey: Chaotic Good ( Joey’s so polite and sincere, but he’s definitely a piece of the life of the party. He absolutely knows how to have a good time, and be open to people with open, welcoming arms )
Rachael: Neutral Evil ( her witchy way of life, as well as her Instagram posts, give me a Slytherin vibe, and she seems, in all her 4’11” glory, pretty fucking intimidating )
Mariah: Chaotic Good ( Kindness + Waluigi = Chaotic )
Corey L: Lawful Good ( he’s such a dad, and trying to get the others to shut up during the livestream? Amazing. Plus, he’s a cute lil angel bean )
Corey D: Lawful Evil ( once again, I get Slytherin vibes from him. He’s Lawful because he can be sweet and kind, but mostly he’s just crazy )
BRosenthal: Neutral Good ( another good and wholesome human, he’s lovely and kind to everyone )
Joe W: Neutral (Sometimes Chaotic) Good ( yet another good and wholesome human, but he’s not that way all the time, so he’s Chaotic, too. And “Can you see my chili??” So pure. )
Joe M: Chaotic Good ( he’s so good at improv, watch his Snape video’s with Tessa, or Potionmaster’s Corner. Again, this is based a lot on his sense of humor )
Darren: Chaotic Good ( I mean, did you WATCH the livestream? )
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franeridart · 6 years
what program/brushes do you use for your art? it's so damn pretty
Easy Paint tool SAI and the default pen/brush/marker tools, mostly! and thank you!!! ;^;
Anon said:When I was a kid I would've had a crush on Akane
HECK that’s such a compliment!! Thank you!!!
Anon said:Couldn't Akane technically Control/move Kiri's hair since it's dyed? I mean it's like his hair is stained meaning it's not alive! so Akane finally warms up to him and messes with him or plays with his hair?
She can and she did! I drew her doing just that both in the first and in the fourth thing I posted about her! :D
Anon said:okay i don't know if this is coming through but i have just looked through your entire blog(can only go 4 years back) and let me just say you are wonderful, I absoluty LOVE how you paint/draw like its sooo pretty??? like dnjwcfehbi i cant describe it, (part 1) || like you are wonderful, I absolutely LOVE how you paint/draw like it's so pretty??? like dnjwcfehbi I can't describe it like it's absolutely Fabulous, Stunning, Amazing, Lovely and it looks so smoooooth like what????how??But anyways love your art and love you keep being Amazing! (part 2)
AH GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! This is such a sweet ask to get TT^TT (and you can only go 4 years back because the blog is 4 years old! Can’t believe you actually went through it all!!)
Anon said:I really love your art style and your comics are so cute and I love how you draw older Bakugou and Kirishima!! It’s all so wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with everyone!
Oh man thank you!! ;;; I’m so happy yo know you like them!!!!!! TTOTT
Anon said:the level of FLUFF and KOOKIENESS and SOFT and MARSHMALLOW and MY HEART CAN'T TOOK THIS IS is so much I could die.
Anon said:I love everything about Akane's au. Her, her interactions with Bakugou, how she dislikes Kirishima but is beginning to warm up to him, the boys' aged-up designs. Everything. It's all amazing. Thank you for bringing it into my life!
Nggghhhhhhhh no anon thank you for liking her!!!!
Anon said:Currently procrastinating on my essay to go through your blog because it de-stresses me and I love your art so much like seriously h e l p
Anon said:There's something I'm not understand in your AU children kiribaku. She adopted by bakugo or she is a kid bakugou have with someone. ( I'm really really sorry for my English )
Anon said:Your comics are so cute and funny! I'm loving the story with Akane, the last update was great! I really like the way you draw the characters, like your style is so nice. Thanks for making my day better with your art!
G o d thank you So Much!!!!!!
Anon said:Akane is adorable, and I absolutely love the comics that you upload of her, but also on top of that your mohawk Bakugo has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and brought me back from the dead at LEAST twice.
I’M REAL GLAD TO HEAR THAT because mohawk Bakugou owns my whole soul and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in that hahaha
Anon said:What are some ways Akane messes with Kiri (or used to) when he wears red clothes? Does she often do that? Does she do it when Baku's not home, or when he is so that she can hammer in just how much she dislikes Kiri? Has she ever done anything major that caused her to be really reprimanded by Baku, but being the best person in the world Kiri did not get angry?
She really only ever gets pissy (or used to! they’re starting to get along better !!!) at Kiri when she feels jealous for whatever reason, and that doesn’t happen as often as it seems through my doodles, so it’s not like she’s always antagonistic towards him! Mostly she just ignores him, so no, it doesn’t happen often at all! And she’s never gone further than messing his hair up or tugging a bit at his clothes, since she doesn’t have the strength to move Kiri all that much haha the only reason she managed to have him fall the first time was because he was balancing already, but generally Kiri weighs way too much for her to move him around or pull at the red stuff he’s wearing enough for him to notice it all that much 
anyway, Baku never reprimended her for it - not more than he did in the first comic I posted with them, at least, specifically because the damage she can make is so minor that Kiri and Baku barely consider it something to tell her off for... if she were ever to act that way towards someone she might actually hurt (say, a kid her own age) then Baku might reprimend her more seriously, but as long as she’s just tugging at Kiri’s clothes they don’t see it as anything worth fighting her over :D
Anon said:Just sent an ask, so forgive me for this one, but I'd love to get this straight: in the Akane AU Kiri and Baku graduated and share an apartment, are madly into each other, but they neither has made a move on the other yet? Perhaps that should be sad, but it's 100% adorable.
I know I shouldn’t say this as I made the au myself, but I find the arrangement pretty dang adorable too haha they act like a married couple anyway, so it’s like... pining while the rest of the world already considers them an item? and the pining is mostly about stuff like ahhhh I wanna tell him I love him or ahhhhhh god I wanna kiss him, but then they’ll fall asleep on the couch together or hold hands just for the hell of it or cook for each other or make plans that always involve each other and all in all act as each other’s partner, so it’s mostly just like *Kaminari voice* “God these oblivious idiots” hahaha
Anon said:That latest Akane comic melted my heart like you often do. Though for a moment, I expected Eijirou to say "I don't want Katsuki to be my dad, I want him to be my daddy" XD Though that would not sound like him. Props for his adorable interactions with Scarlet Death Queen Witch.
Anon you don’t get it that’s exactly why I had him say “be his son” instead of “be my dad” LMAO it was like, a conscious wording decision hahaha thank you so much for liking my girl, btw!!!
Anon said:Fran! I was just wondering if you would be willing to post your Demon Kiri and Angel Baku art on Redbubble? I'd love to buy a print of it!! Totally understand if not. Also your newer Akane comics are killing me, they're so damn cute!! So yeah love you and your beautiful art! Hope you have an awesome year!!
I CAN TRY I think I did try last time I updated my rb? But the format of the pic made it hard to use it for a lot of things so I gave up??? I can try again tho!!! Thank you for being interested in buying it!!! And thank you for liking Akane too!!!!!
Anon said:is katsuki and kirishima not together in the adopted child comics or is there gonna be a plot to them getting together? 👀
I’m not really writing anything cohesive for it so I wouldn’t call it a plot point, but yeh they still aren’t together! And I wanna have them get to the point in which they are together!!! :D
Anon said:I'm gonna die why do you do this with your adorable art my god
PLEASE!!!!! DON’T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Your Akane + KiriBaku comics are adorable and I love the relationships that exist between them. I can't wait to see more of them!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I won’t disappoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art so much!! Especially the little Akane au (so freaking cute!!!!). Random question: if you’ve ever seen Lucifer, who do you think would fit his character? Have an awesome day!
I haven’t seen it, sorry :((( but thank you for liking my girl!!!!!!
Anon said:I apologize if this has already been thought of but i feel as though when akane gets older and if she decides to be a hero, part of her costume could include useful red objects mayhaps?? Such as a shield or daggers or handcuffs so if there’s a lack of red around her she isn’t in a complete ditch. But i love your work sm ahhh💕💕
Yes!!! That’s the plan!!!!! I don’t think I’ll ever draw a teen version of her character but I MIGHT mention this idea in the current timeline, I like the idea so much TT^TT
Anon said:Hey there, I am absolutely obsessed with Akane like I love her so much wow but anyways I was wondering if you've ever drawn tododeku/ will in the future?
Thank you!!!! And I have drawn them in the past (under my tododeku tag!) and I might draw them again in the future, though currently I’m in a pretty big izu//ocha mood so I dunno when that will happen!
Anon said:I love your art so much like??? Help???
Anon said:Y'know it could be gayer c'mon
This ask has been in my inbox for 17 days and I still don’t know what it means ??? but I laughed a lot when I got it so thank you anon and yes, definitely, everything could always be gayer that’s just how the world goes
Anon said:I swear you drew an older version of the krbk kids and it wasn't a fever dream I'm currently frantically searching through your blog rn help
I DID that post is CURSED anon, you can look it up through any of the tags I used to tag it and it won’t show up it won’t and I don’t know why!! I always lose it exactly because of this reason I have zero idea why it does this but??? okay I guess???????????
anyway if you still want it it’s here
Anon said:If Akane can control red things, does she low-key also have control over things that are pink and orange depending on how reddish in hue they are? I love her btw. Such a smol bean who could probably kick my ass!
What a good question you got there!! She has control over everything that has a color that falls in the red wavelength of the visible spectrum - that does include certain tones of pink and certain tones of orange, but there’s a point where orange gets too yellow or pink gets too white that her powers stop working. As long as the red in the color is more than any other hue, though, her powers work! 
Anon said: im just imagining if baku takes akane with him when he is going to work and is there with kiri and akane help kiri with his hair bc she is suffering when he tries to style it himself
Once they start getting along better Akane and Kiri actually start helping each other with their hair! They’re both very particular about it so they understand each other as far as that topic goes haha
Anon said:Hi I just wanted to say I’m really enjoying what you are doing in your latest drawing. The contrast with the thick sketchy lines and the thinner crisp ones and the spaces that have no defined line! It’s cool to see you experiment with your line work while staying true to your natural style! Sorry if this came off weird but I love seeing talented artists try pushing the boundaries of their style it’s really visually/conceptually interesting! :)
AH MAN thank you so much I’m so happy to know you like that tool TT^TT it’s really super comfy to use, so it’s nice to know someone finds it visually appealing too!!! thank you!!!!!
Anon said:Is there any chance you could make a masterpost of the aus you do? It's a lot to scroll down to the beginning of a concept u have sometimes and it can be unclear when they start
They all have a tag they’re under, tho? If I’ve made more than one post about them! I have so many AUs going around that making a masterpost with all of them is a bit... mostly so since I don’t know for how many I’ll actually go back on! But if the tags don’t really work for you (generally the link is gonna look like https://franeridart.tumblr.com/tagged/[here goes the tag]/chrono to have it in chronological order) then I can try? I can’t promise I’ll find a comfortable way to do this, tho orz sorry!
Anon said:This might be an odd ask but does Akane like Jirou? I feel like they would get along really well. And how about her grandma Mitsuki? Since she takes after Katsu who takes after her, they could make an adorably angry trio
She hasn’t spent much time with Jirou yet so right now she’s mostly meh about her (though right now she only actually likes Bakugou, and she’s warming up to Kiri, but that’s about it). She doesn’t mind Mitsuki, but she hasn’t spent too long with her either! She yells a bit too much at her dad tho, which Akane isn’t particularly fond of (protective bean that she is, she doesn’t get that that’s just their way of communicating just yet), so out of her grandparents she prefers Masaru, after all~
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andyoucallmeupagain · 6 years
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Happy national cat day to my smol bean tay tay 🐾
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“[Olivia] scratched me on my face yesterday.” [x]
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kkat-art · 6 years
"Tai Tai!" I slightly hear through my blue door.
I knew it had to be one of my brothers because no one else knows that nickname. Quickly, I started to slide my acceptance letters into a red folder before my door swung open. I stop to see a tall, slightly tanned man with short, wavy brown hair look into my icy blue eyes with his evergreen ones. 
“Tai Tai, what are you doing? We’ve been trying to get in contact with you for hours! Were you playing with yourself or something?” The man said. I swear my face was a deeper shade of red than normal. 
“Why would you say that, Marlin?! I busy looking over something! Not doing what you do on a Saturday night when your girl is out of town!” I think I heard Marlin gasp. 
“I’m calling Shi on you! Our smol bean is growing up too fast!” Marlin yells so dramatically, I just roll my eyes. 
“Anyways, is Toni and Shi here? Remember, we all have to be here for dinner.” I place the red folder on top of my books by accident. Marlin looks at the folder with curiosity. 
“What’s that?” Before I could grab for it, Marlin had the folder open in his hand. 
“So, you were going to keep this a secret from us? I’m shocked, man. I thought you liked us enough to tell us that you were getting ready to leave for college.” He didn’t look at me. 
“I was going to tell you at dinner. I’ve been trying to find out which college to go to...” I looked down. I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone with my actions. 
“Well, you can come to Columbia with us. I mean with your grades, tests, and Dad’s connections, I’m pretty sure they would want someone like you.” Marlin says with some enthusiasm.
“Besides, we can’t let our smol bean out of our sights!” He picked me up and kissed my cheek. 
“I mean you’re slightly corrupted by that school you went to,” He spats. I roll my eyes. 
“It was going to happen one day. Remember, I’m around you guys a lot,” I mumbled the last part. 
“Yeah, but, we want to keep you innocent for a little while longer. After all, you’re our baby~!” Marlin put me down before kissing my forehead. 
“I’m eighteen. At this point, I’m old enough to be an adult.” I huffed, rubbing his kisses off of me. 
“Yeah, still a baby to us~!” Marlin left before I had a chance to retaliate. 
With a brother like that, who needs enemies? 
Yeah, this is the first chapter to another story I’m writing. I don’t know if I should keep posting the chapters here and on wattpad or just the first chapter and the rest on wattpad 
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plush-tigre5s · 6 years
One More Tag Game
I was tagged by @percussiongirl2017
Rules: Tag 20 followers that you want to know better.
Nickname:  don’t have one
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′2 ( I am smol bean )
Sexuality: Demi-Bisexual
Favorite Animal: Guess... (also owls)
Average hours of sleep: 6-8
Dogs or cats: Both. (I have 3 foster cats and a gorgeous poodle)
Number of blankets: 2 Korean Mink blankets and a light fleece.
Dream Trip: Ancient library tour of the world.
Dream Job: Professional Cosplayer (I am fluffy and no one would describe me as fair complexioned so...totes a dream at this point)
Things I find comforting:  Music. Crotchet. Yoga/ Tai Chi/ Belly Dance. Incense. Candles. Chocolate. Grapes. Water.
Favorite song of the week:  New Metal Band I started listening to called Oceans of Slumber - Nights in White Satin
I also tag whoever wants to play!!! Tag me so I can see your answers!!!
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High Lords and their Theme Songs from My Shitty Music feat. Feyre Archeron, Queen
Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court: Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore
Lyric: I got my city right behind me if I fall they got me
Helion, Badass de Court de Soleil: Tik Tok by Ke$ha
Lyric: Party don’t start ‘till Helion walks in
Thesan, Smol Bean and Preciousness of the Dawn Court: Better Days by Hedley
Lyric: Better days are not so far away
Tarquin, Pearl and Mate of Ava, High Lady of Summer: What Do I Know by Ed Sheeran
Lyric: Sing, “love can change the world in a moment, but what do I know?”
Kallias, the coolest bro in the Winter Court: Rolling In the Deep by Adele
Lyric: Go ahead and sell me out and I’ll lay your shit bare
Beron, Asshole and Insult to the Autumn Court: Look At What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Lyric: (all of the others sing it to him and now he’s stuck with it) NO I DONT LIKE YOU
Tamlin, disgrace to everyone, really, but is also apparently High Lord of Spring?: Story of Us by Taylor Swift bc I love her
Lyric: The story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now
Feyre, QUEEN and High Lady of the Night Court, Stars Eternal and bro to Rhys, Cassian, Helion, Lucien and like a million other people: I Did Something Bad by TAY TAY
Lyric: They say I did something bad, but why does it feel so good?
To Rhys: King of My Heart by TS
Lyric: And all at once you’re the one I’ve been waiting for, King of My Heart
To Cassian: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things by TS
Lyric: ‘Cause you break them, I have to take them awayyyyyyyy
To Az, Amren and Mor: Barcelona by Ed Sheeran
Lyric: Dance to the rhythm of the music, don’t care what the DJ chooses
To Tim Tam the Tool: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by TS
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beenfrozendeepblue · 7 years
i’m late , i didn’t know that yesterday was Internet Best Friend Day but i just want to appreciate you guys , my big and smol beans @oliviabn @tay-is-the-real-bae @lovingherisred13 @red-era-swiftie @immaswiftieyo @lovingherisred13 @enchant-tayed @swiftswizzle13 @swiftieflute oh and @taylorswift if you consider me your best frand
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