#Leading IT Enabled Services
bitnest · 2 months
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In the current rapidly evolving digital currency market, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are redefining the shape of financial services with their unique advantages. Bit Loop, as a leading decentralized lending platform, not only provides a safe and transparent lending environment, but also opens up new passive income channels for users through its innovative sharing reward system.
Personal links and permanent ties: Create a stable revenue stream One of the core parts of Bit Loop is its recommendation system, which allows any user to generate a unique sharing link when they join the platform. This link is not only a “key” for users to join the Bit Loop, but also a tool for them to establish an offline network. It is worth noting that offline partners who join through this link are permanently tied to the recommender, ensuring that the sharer can continue to receive rewards from the offline partner’s activities.
Unalterable referral relationships: Ensure fairness and transparency A significant advantage of blockchain technology is the immutability of its data. In Bit Loop, this means that once a referral link and live partnership is established, the relationship is fixed and cannot be changed. This design not only protects the interests of recommenders, but also brings a stable user base and activity to the platform, while ensuring the fairness and transparency of transactions.
Automatically distribute rewards: Simplify the revenue process Another highlight of the Bit Loop platform is the ability for smart contracts to automatically distribute rewards. When the partner completes the circulation cycle, such as investment returns or loan payments, the smart contract automatically calculates and sends the corresponding percentage of rewards directly to the recommender’s wallet. This automatic reward distribution mechanism not only simplifies the process of receiving benefits, but also greatly improves the efficiency of capital circulation.
Privacy protection and security: A security barrier for funds All transactions and money flows are carried out on the blockchain, guaranteeing transparency and traceability of every operation. In addition, the use of smart contracts significantly reduces the risk of fraud and misoperation, providing a solid security barrier for user funds. Users can confidently invest and promote boldly, and enjoy the various conveniences brought by decentralized finance.
conclusion As decentralized finance continues to evolve, Bit Loop offers a new economic model through its unique recommendation system that enables users to enjoy highly secure and transparent financial services while also earning passive income by building and maintaining a personal network. Whether for investors seeking stable passive income or innovators looking to explore new financial possibilities through blockchain technology, Bit Loop provides a platform not to be missed.
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#In the current rapidly evolving digital currency market#decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are redefining the shape of financial services with their unique advantages. Bit Loop#as a leading decentralized lending platform#not only provides a safe and transparent lending environment#but also opens up new passive income channels for users through its innovative sharing reward system.#Personal links and permanent ties: Create a stable revenue stream#One of the core parts of Bit Loop is its recommendation system#which allows any user to generate a unique sharing link when they join the platform. This link is not only a “key” for users to join the Bi#but also a tool for them to establish an offline network. It is worth noting that offline partners who join through this link are permanent#ensuring that the sharer can continue to receive rewards from the offline partner’s activities.#Unalterable referral relationships: Ensure fairness and transparency#A significant advantage of blockchain technology is the immutability of its data. In Bit Loop#this means that once a referral link and live partnership is established#the relationship is fixed and cannot be changed. This design not only protects the interests of recommenders#but also brings a stable user base and activity to the platform#while ensuring the fairness and transparency of transactions.#Automatically distribute rewards: Simplify the revenue process#Another highlight of the Bit Loop platform is the ability for smart contracts to automatically distribute rewards. When the partner complet#such as investment returns or loan payments#the smart contract automatically calculates and sends the corresponding percentage of rewards directly to the recommender’s wallet. This au#but also greatly improves the efficiency of capital circulation.#Privacy protection and security: A security barrier for funds#All transactions and money flows are carried out on the blockchain#guaranteeing transparency and traceability of every operation. In addition#the use of smart contracts significantly reduces the risk of fraud and misoperation#providing a solid security barrier for user funds. Users can confidently invest and promote boldly#and enjoy the various conveniences brought by decentralized finance.#conclusion#As decentralized finance continues to evolve#Bit Loop offers a new economic model through its unique recommendation system that enables users to enjoy highly secure and transparent fin
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growthwizards-blog · 9 months
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rainydetectiveglitter · 10 months
Neptune, the dreamy and mystical planet, brings both enchantment and shadows as it journeys through the astrological houses. Its influence can evoke a sense of magic, spirituality, and creativity, but it also has the potential to cast a fog of confusion, delusion, and escapism.
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Neptune in the 1st House - House of Self
The enchantment of Neptune in the 1st house can be enticing, but its shadow side can manifest as identity issues and an inclination to escape from the harsh realities of life. Individuals with this placement may struggle to establish clear boundaries, often absorbing the emotions and issues of those around them. This can lead to a sense of confusion about their own identity, as they become chameleonic, adapting to others' expectations. The allure of substances or daydreaming might provide temporary relief, but it can lead to a pervasive sense of self-deception and disconnection from their true selves.
Neptune in the 2nd House - House of Values
While Neptune in the 2nd house adds a touch of glamour to one's values and possessions, it can also lead to financial instability due to idealized financial decisions. The shadow side may involve a tendency to overspend on escapist pleasures, such as lavish vacations or excessive indulgence. Money can become a source of confusion and escapism, rather than a means of practical security. Beware of deceptive financial schemes or unwise investments that can lead to substantial losses.
Neptune in the 3rd House - House of Communication
Neptune's influence in the 3rd house can foster creativity in communication but can also result in a propensity for misunderstanding and deceit. The shadow side can lead to a struggle with truthfulness, as individuals with this placement may resort to white lies or delusions to avoid confrontations or preserve their idealized self-image. They might find it challenging to express themselves clearly, often resorting to vague or cryptic communication, which can create confusion and mistrust in relationships.
Neptune in the 4th House - House of Home and Family
The dreamy allure of Neptune in the 4th house can infuse the home environment with a sense of enchantment and creativity. However, the shadow side may involve unresolved family issues, secrets, or addiction problems that are concealed behind a façade of tranquility. Individuals with this placement might struggle to establish emotional boundaries with family members, leading to emotional overwhelm and escapism through emotional numbing or substance abuse.
Neptune in the 5th House - House of Creativity and Pleasure
In the realm of creative expression and pleasure, Neptune in the 5th house can inspire artistic endeavors and romantic ideals. However, the shadow side may manifest as unrealistic romantic fantasies or creative blocks stemming from self-doubt and a fear of rejection. Individuals with this placement might find themselves caught in a cycle of seeking unattainable romantic partners or escaping reality through indulgent and potentially harmful pleasures.
Neptune in the 6th House - House of Service and Health
Neptune in the 6th house can lead to a strong desire to help others but may also result in blurred boundaries and a tendency to sacrifice one's well-being for others. The shadow side can involve a susceptibility to unhealthy work environments, where individuals become enablers or victims of manipulation. They might struggle with self-neglect, pursuing self-destructive habits or substance abuse as a means of escape from the pressures of daily life.
Neptune in the 7th House - House of Relationships
In the realm of partnerships and relationships, Neptune in the 7th house can create an idealized view of love and a longing for soulful connections. However, the shadow side may involve a tendency to attract or idealize partners who are emotionally unavailable, deceptive, or even addictive. Individuals with this placement might find themselves entangled in codependent relationships, where they sacrifice their own needs and boundaries for the sake of an illusory love.
Neptune in the 8th House - House of Transformation
Neptune in the 8th house can deepen one's connection to the mysteries of life but may also lead to an obsession with hidden truths and secrets. The shadow side can manifest as a preoccupation with dark or taboo subjects and an inclination toward manipulation or deceit in matters of shared resources. There is a potential for individuals with this placement to be deceived or financially exploited by others, leading to financial instability and emotional turmoil.
Neptune in the 9th House - House of Philosophy and Higher Learning
While Neptune in the 9th house can foster a spiritual and philosophical outlook on life, its shadow side may involve a susceptibility to cult-like beliefs or dogma. Individuals with this placement might become lost in a world of delusions and spiritual escapism, where they reject practical realities in favor of idealized spiritual pursuits. This can lead to a sense of disillusionment and isolation from grounded wisdom.
Neptune in the 10th House - House of Career and Public Image
In the realm of career and public image, Neptune in the 10th house can create an aura of mystique but may also lead to confusion regarding one's professional path. The shadow side may involve a tendency to deceive or be deceived in the workplace, leading to career setbacks and a loss of reputation. Individuals with this placement might struggle to distinguish between their authentic professional aspirations and illusory ambitions.
Neptune in the 11th House - House of Friends and Social Groups
While Neptune in the 11th house can foster empathy and idealism within social circles, its shadow side may involve a susceptibility to deception or disillusionment in friendships and group affiliations. Individuals with this placement might idealize friends or become entangled in deceptive group dynamics, ultimately leading to feelings of betrayal or isolation. The allure of escapism through social activities can be particularly pronounced.
Neptune in the 12th House - House of the Subconscious
Neptune's natural domain in the 12th house deepens one's connection to the subconscious but may also lead to profound emotional struggles. The shadow side can involve a tendency to escape from reality through addiction or spiritual delusions, creating a sense of inner chaos and isolation. Individuals with this placement might grapple with unresolved trauma or psychic wounds that require careful attention and healing.
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Navigating Neptune's darker aspects through the houses is a profound journey, one that demands self-awareness and a commitment to confronting illusions and delusions. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, individuals can harness the transformative and spiritual power of Neptune while navigating the shadows of self-deception
(this is intended to appear somewhat disorienting)
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seikilos-stele · 7 months
There are many different ways to define the “main character” of a story, but the one I found most useful growing up is this: “the main character is the one who grows the most.” Sometimes, that means your POV character isn’t the main character. By nature, whoever grows the most will be the one audiences are drawn to; this is why audiences frequently gravitate toward side characters in ongoing tv shows; because we sense the capacity for more growth in Sidekick #3 than in Hero #1. To cope with this, the writer’s room will typically push Sidekick #3 out of the story entirely or will coax him into the spotlight and develop storylines just for him, thereby making him into a main character.
This is what we saw in OFMD. Ed and Stede were the main characters of S1. They had plenty of growth ahead of them and audiences were excited to see that teased out. Stede — selfish, out of touch, gentlemanly — longed to remake himself into a fearsome pirate. Ed — jaded, bored, infamously badass — longed to leave piracy behind and find something more meaningful. He didn’t yet know what would be most meaningful for him, and we were excited to watch Ed and Stede meet and figure it out together.
However, at the same time, the writers gave us Sidekick #3 — Izzy. Humorless, snarling, rage-filled, Izzy was your stereotypical henchman. This put him at immense odds with the rest of the cast. While everyone else, including Blackbeard, Fang, and Ivan, took to Stede’s management style, Izzy chafed under it and lashed out. Already, we can see that he has a lot of growing to do before he can get on the same level as the rest of the crew. That alone makes Izzy interesting, from an audience perspective. But what really enhances it is Con O’Neill’s performance — he brings an interiority to Izzy that’s lacking from the other characters; from his expressions to the intonation of dialogue, Con is always hinting that there’s something more to Izzy than what meets the eye.
Fans noticed. What exactly is going on inside this weird angry little rat? Why is he so furious all the time, and why is he so loyal to Ed? What will it take for him to let go of that anger and be part of the crew? By setting Izzy apart from the cast, the writers automatically set him up for an arc of growth. In S2, we watched that growth arc come into full swing. From E1-6, Izzy is on a constant climb up that hill to be part of the crew. We watch him take a bullet for the crew in E1, then attempt suicide in E2; we watch him try and fail to save the crew from execution in E3; in E4 Izzy is given a new leg and embraces his role as the ship’s figurehead. In E5 he works to train Stede and gives advice to Lucius on letting go of trauma. In E6 he embraces drag and performs in front of the crew. We see him, throughout S2, physically leaning on his crewmates and even crying in their arms — acts that S1 Izzy would never do. And we see him grappling with his relationship with Ed, admitting his love for him, mutinying against him, finding who he is without him.
By contrast, in S2, Ed’s and Stede’s growth hit a roadblock. As an Ed fan in particular, it was tough to watch him stagnate and backslide in this season. He makes no effort toward growth or change, and his efforts to leave Blackbeard behind are displayed not as growth but as a form of cowardice — running away from his problems rather than facing them head-on. Stede, at first, seems to be making progress. He makes strides as a pirate and even attains fame. But this progress toward his goals does nothing for his personal growth. Instead, it seems to catapult Stede back into his least-savory self from S1: selfish, out of touch, and vain. He and Ed enable each other in their determination NOT to grow, while Izzy fights for growth in every episode leading up to the finale.
This, essentially, is why so many fans believed Izzy was a main character. And it’s a good part of why so many fans were shocked when Izzy was killed off to service Ed’s growth, and his relationship with Stede. We spent a whole season watching him be the main character, only to be told at the end that he was really just Sidekick #3 all along. This strikes me as dishonest and unskilled, like the writers were working off intuition — good intuition, granted, for most of the season — without any real understanding or intentionality behind their decisions. They were working off what “felt” right without interrogating why it felt right, and when they hit the season finale, all those instinctive, thoughtless decisions came crashing down. The rubble left behind is difficult to sort through and honestly doesn’t make much sense. And, as an audience, we’re left with a season-long growth arc that was bafflingly cut off before it could culminate — and a prospective S3 where one of the main characters is dead and buried, after only a single season to shine.
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elvisabutler · 7 months
one night of sin
fandom: elvis 2022 | elvis presley rating: m pairing: elvis presley ( priest au ) x female reader word count: 3003 warnings: priest kink. religious talk. cheating ( reader is technically cheating on her boyfriend ). minor implications/ideas of entrapment. minor breeding mention ( like blink and you miss it ). cum swallowing. boot riding. oral ( male receiving ). an obscene amount of the words father presley used. elvis ia a catholic in this because that's my specific flavor of priest. improper confessional. author’s note: welcome to day 15 of ally’s wet hot smut summer, religious kink/priest kink with 68/69 era priest elvis presley x reader. so. long time no see? i got no excuse but to simply explain that when you need the us government to go fast, it'll go slow as molasses in january in yellowknife but when you need it to maybe go a little slower you end up concluding what has been a nearly 5 year long adventure in less than two months. america y'all. BUT. i'm back with a new shift, a sleeping pattern that enables me to not pass out every hour and a priest fic for the smut summer ( that's now just smut last half of the year ) to tide y'all over while i finish up spark and other shenanigans. pick your poison the elvis though to be honest.
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"A woman like you should know better," Father Presley murmurs in your ear as he pulls you in for a hug. Unlike most Fathers the congregation has had, he's always been more of a tactile person. He's always joked that it came from his Pentecostal upbringing even as other there were always titters about how it came from actually being a Baptist. Father Presley would turn the other cheek though, a true sign of how he was a good godly man. A man who truly was meant for the cloth.
Yet, your body craves him, and you desire to be on your knees, praying to God and him for salvation. The Lord wouldn't allow the devil to tempt you so viciously with Father Presley. There had to be some good in this temptation. There had to be a plan you were yet to be privy to, but perhaps perhaps the Father might be.
"What did you mean by a woman like me?" You ask after the service legs crossed at the ankles in a plush chair, long after you should have left to spend time with your significant other. He was a boyfriend you had been steady with since college, and yet neither of you had decided to marry. Neither of you had decided to walk down that aisle despite both of your parents insisting on the union. You ought to be spending time with him, but more and more, you found yourself in the rectory with Father Presely discussing any number of topics. He was intellectually stimulating in a way those around you weren't, and you found yourself drawn like a moth to a flame to Father Presley's light.
Father Presley looks up from the papers he had been scribbling on, and you feel a shudder pass through you at the heat in his gaze. The Father shouldn't be looking at you like that. Your boyfriend barely looks at you like that, and yet here the Father was with eyes that set a fire ablaze inside you and underneath your skin. A part of you wants to hang your head in shame, to hide your face as if the Father is stripping your purity with every second he looks at you. If you were being honest with yourself- he already had been. A woman like you should know better than to fantasize about the man who God chose to lead the congregation you're a part of. You always found yourself in the late night hours before bed or the early morning hours before daylight, wondering how his plush lips would feel against your neck, sucking marks on your skin. You wondered how the occasional beard he grew would feel between your thighs and against your most intimate parts. Against your will your thighs clench at the thoughts that float unbidden to the forefront of your mind.
His eyes dart down to your clenched thighs and you see his nostrils flare before he speaks. "A woman who believes in God and who cares about how he sees her. You should know better than to fall for tricks the devil puts in front of you."
Tricks. The word feels like a joke bouncing about your head once it leaves his lips. Was that Father Presley confessing to you that he wasn't a force of good in the world? That he was sent by the devil himself to tempt young women such as yourself to the side of the dark. No, no, Father Presley wasn't that sort of man. Maybe he wasn't perfect but he loves God so much and the mere idea sends a shiver down your spine and through to your soul.
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips before you swallow. "And what sort of tricks are those, Father?"
If you weren't paying attention to his face, you'd miss how his jaw clenches and miss how his hand tightens on a paper he's holding. You are paying attention. Rapt attention as you always do for Father Presley and you can't help the smile that crosses your lips. He may not be sent by the devil to tempt young women but maybe you were sent to tempt him. And it appears that it might be working. You're playing with fire though, hellfire and damnation you could joke but but something in the way Father Presley stands up from his desk and makes his way to the front of it has you willing to risk even more.
"You ain't naive, lil one," his voice is pitched so low you almost don't hear him but the words are there, just barely. "You're so innocent, so pure n' righteous but I know ya. Ya ain't the least bit naive. Ya know better than this."
To play with hellfire like this. Perhaps that was the point, perhaps you knew better and yet you also knew this was what you wanted. You wanted to see how far you could push Father Presley, you wanted to see if he would finally break and join you in having a mind swirling off and on with images of the two of you entwined together. Lips pressing against one another and against every body part. Your clit throbs at the memory of your dream from last night.
With a shaky exhale, you try to respond with something witty and charming and expected. "I'm only a woman, Father Presley. I- I'm not- I'm not as innocent as I once was."
You watch as something shifts in Father Presley at your words, how his jaw tenses and he finally moves the front of his desk to right in front of you. He's always been a bit taller than you, than most of the congregation, and yet you've never realized how overpowering that simple height difference could be. You've never quite realized how his broad shoulders and thick arms could cage you in with an ease until you found yourself in the position. Your breath comes in short pants as you swear Father Presley steals them from your chest. His eyes roam across your body, beginning at your open mouth, gliding down your neck and chest and down, down, down until he stops at your thighs.
The thighs that are clenched together so tightly he reckons you'd be able to form a diamond out of coal from the pressure. He can hear the whispers of the Lord telling him he shouldn't do anything. That this is a test the Lord wants him to pass. Yet the longer he looks at you, the longer he sees your chest rise and fall with shallow breaths of desire the louder the voice of the Devil is in his ear becomes. You want this, you need this. You deserve this for being such a pious young woman. You weren't like some other girls who thought they could throw themselves at him, no, you stayed pure and so very inviting for him.
He moves a hand to under your chin, grasping it lightly in an effort to have you look at him. His words leave his mouth in a murmur. "Have ya done somethin' ya need to confess?"
A burning fire rolls through his veins at the idea, threatening to envelop the two of you in hellfire from the Lord smiting you where you both sit. He watches as you open your mouth to speak only to have something akin to a low whine leave your lips. "Lil one, I asked you a question. Have ya done-"
The words are cut off by your answer, a measured response where you drag the words out. "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."
He's heard so many people say those words through tears and with husky breaths yet the way you say it has him needing his own confession. The way your eyes look up at him with desire and pure unadulterated need have him exhaling heavily. "When was your last confession?"
It was last week, he knows because you were always so dutiful in admitting when you had done wrong. The glint he sees in your eyes tells him you hadn't admitted this before, hadn't dreamed of putting this sin into words for him and for the Lord. That devilish voice becomes just a bit deeper, a bit more pronounced.
"Last week. But- Father, I- I've been keeping this a secret. From you and the Lord." Your voice shakes even as your gaze on Father Presley is steady. "I've- I've-"
"It's alright, lil one, this- this ain't any different than the other times you've confessed, you can jus' see me now. The Lord is forgiving if you're truly repentant, darlin'. are you?" His thumb brushes against your chin and it occurs to him that if he moved it just enough he could run his thumb over your lower lip, could coax them open like he was going to feed you a wafer. "Tell me what it is."
"I've thought of you sexually." You whisper quickly and quietly, your face and body heating up as if you've caught it on fire. Is this the Lord smiting you for finally admitting what you've done? Putting into actual words your desires and wants? "I've touched myself to the thought of you, Father. Touched between my legs and cried out for you to help me."
It's not that you mean to utter such filth so quickly and with such fervor but the more the fire burns within you the more you can't help it. Father Presley's gaze is unwavering even as his jaw tightens more and more with each passing word. You swear you see his eyes becoming hooded, a dangerous glint forming as his pupils start to widen and his nostrils flare. Against your better judgment, your hand sneaks up to his jaw.
"Don't," he growls, his grip on your chin tightening as he does. "Don't touch me like that. You- you know better."
The cracks that had always been there, miniscule as they were are widening with every second the two of you are in this room. His clerical collar is choking him, tightening like a vice grip the longer your hand stays on his jaw.
"Father Presley. Forgive me, but I want to. And I think you-" Stopping yourself, you take a deep breath. "I'll repent if I can just have one time with you."
A moment is all you have to regret the words that come out of your mouth before he backs away from you like he's been burned. Shame runs through your body infecting every inch of you as you start to get up, ready to run from the room. Hiding would be an acceptable alternative than seeing the look on his face become one of pure disappointment and distaste. So busy with the thoughts in your head, you don't realize that he's moved back in front of you until his hands grab your hips.
"One night," he commands with a tone that offers no questioning. The tone he uses at the pulpit, the one that forces everyone in the church to hang on to every single word that passes by his lips. A shiver runs through your body as you start to drop to your knees despite the way he tries to keep you from doing so. "Don't- Get back up here."
A head shake is the only response he gets as your hands move to the front of his slacks, shaking as you fumble with the button and the zipper. His cock is warm to the touch and firm as your brush against it and you wonder how it's supposed to cool the fire between your legs. If anything you worry it'll stroke it even higher and higher until it burns the two of you to ash and takes the church down with you. You've gone far to back down and once his pants are finally undone, his cock springs from its confines. He hadn't worn underwear, his bare cock had been so close and yet so far from you. You've never seen one before, not up close and personal but you know from the way his thighs tighten there's something different, something that makes him nervous as you lick your lips, admiring the head of his cock trying to peek out from the skin that surrounds it like a casing.
As your hand moves to grasp at his cock, Elvis grabs your wrist and holds it tight for a moment. "It's different, I know, lil one. But-"
If the ache between your legs didn't make you want to cry from sheer desire and if you had something to truly compare it to, you're certain you would have wanted to defend Father Presley's cock, tell him that you haven't seen anything more beautiful in all your years of living. Instead you allow yourself a tentative lick, looking up through your eyelashes to see Father Presley's head lean back, eyes looking up as if to pray for salvation.
His hand drops your wrist and moves to your shoulder, clenching and holding on for dear life as you play with the slit, unsure of how to move the skin around. You mouth at his cock, spreading your spit and his not small amount of precum around it. Noises you've only ever dreamed of ripping from his mouth exit in an unending stream as his hand moves to grasp the back of your neck, pulling you off as much as he can, even as your teeth graze at his cock. "Darlin' you- You gotta move up the skin, let 'im in your mouth fully."
His grip loosens the moment your hand slides his foreskin up and without missing a beat your mouth is back on him, tongue playing with the slit of his penis, and trying to take as much of him in your mouth as you can. What you can't get into your mouth, your hand grasps, trying to make sure every moment of this is something you can remember all those nights when you won't have this, won't have him. A hand makes it way to your hair and you whine around his cock, wanting him to do something with it. The chuckle he lets out, low and practically devilish is all the warning you get before his hand yanks at the ends of your hair. If your mouth wasn't full, you're certain you'd have cried out as you grind against the floor. As it is, he still hears you, still understands what he's done and yanks again, watching as your eyes roll back in your head.
"Takin' me so well, such a good woman. Saved your mouth and everything just for me, haven't ya? Been achin' wit' no relief from that boyfriend of yours. Jus' wanted a forbidden fruit like Eve, didn't ya?" He knows the words he's saying don't make sense, that it's murmured and muttered as he focuses on the warm heat of your mouth and the feel of your tongue against his cock and tracing the veins. "Lord's pushed us too far. Couldn't- Shoulda- Been wanting to taste ya for too long. Needed ya for too long."
He shouldn't admit this, shouldn't tell you these things but it's as if the devil himself has taken over his body and filled his mouth with every sinful thought he's had of the two of you. Your thighs clench and he moves his foot in between them, trying to give you something to grind down on proper. And grind down you do, whimpering and groaning around his cock, almost seeming to bounce as you chase a release while bringing him to his own.
"Devil put us in front of each other- tempted us till we broke but this- we'll get it outta our systems. Gonna forget all 'bout this after tonight. No one but us and the Lord'll know. Won't have anythin' to 'member tonight wit'."
You nod, even as your mind tells you that's not what you want. Even as your mind tells you that you want to remember this and that you want to beg him to give you something to remember this by. That's not what you're supposed to do, what either one of you are supposed to do and yet it doesn't stop the desire and need you have for it. It doesn't stop your mind from picturing a life past tonight with him as his grip tightens once more when he yanks and your clit brushes against the toe of his shoe. You feel your orgasm slam through you at that simple brush, already overstimulated and aching and you worry you're going to stain the carpet or the leather of his shoes but looking up, you realize he won't care.
"Gonna have ya swallow, lil one. Gonna be good for ya," he groans, even as his minds supplies an image of your face and hair painted with his cum. At another drag of your teeth along the underside of his cock, your mouth fills with the salty tang of his cum. Your mouth fills with it and you have to force yourself to start to swallow quickly to avoid choking. Your eyes burn from the effort but it slows quicker than you expect, leaving you exhaling through your nose heavily and inhaling the full musk of his pubic hair. His grip on your neck is the first thing you feel as you start to come back to yourself and you let him pull you off his cock, opening your mouth when you feel his thumb against your lower lip.
"Didn't waste a drop," he whispers, patting at your neck and motioning for you to stand up. Your legs are shaky but he helps, even as you fall against his chest, so warm and inviting.
"Father-" You start to speak only to be silenced by a finger to your lips as he starts to walk both of you back to his desk.
"For tonight, it's Elvis. Let me take care of you."
taglist: @ab4eva , @blurredcolour @butlersxbirdy, @precious-lil-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted, @be-my-ally, @mooodyblue, @pixiedustcosmos, @jessicarcates, @amydarcimarie, @flwrs4aust, @myradiaz, @adaydreamaway08, @doll-elvis, @whatstruthgottodowithit. i literally think i used spark's last tag list. lord help me i don't even know.
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virtchandmoir · 2 months
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Zabeen Hirji: Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with two inspiring women - Canadian Olympic and World figure skating Champion, Tessa Virtue, and Deloitte Canada’s Human Capital leader Jodi Baker Calamai.
The topic: State of Performance: Applying lessons from elite athletes to organizational performance
We talked about strategies and practices to enable individuals and teams to feel and perform at their best.  The audience was an intimate group of CHROs from leading organizations, who were also invited to bring along a mentee or son or daughter.  We all drew inspiration from the techniques used by elite athletes in pursuit of sustained high performance to redefine expectations around the way we work. 
Tessa and Jodi shared their experience and expertise, with a human touch, bringing honesty and vulnerability to the dialogue.  The discussion centred around the criticality of creating work environments where human sustainability is prioritized (https://lnkd.in/gvh_YE3N).
Three takeaways from the conversation:
1️⃣ Stop chasing perfection and start pursuing excellence - “Failure had been my greatest fear - we learnt to embrace failure. It gave us confidence to make bold, ambitious choices.  We were liberated - freed to be our best." (I personally feel freed in my #purposefulthirdact, wish I had made it happen sooner.)
2️⃣ Human Sustainability: To achieve a state of performance, you must equally value and focus on human performance and  business outcomes (The “power of and”). 
3️⃣ Energy Cubes: You only have so much to give in a week. Make sure what you take on is in service of your greater purpose, your why.  Rest and recovery are necessary to operate in a “state of performance.”  
And at a very personal level for me - learn to mono-task, vs. always multi-tasking.
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hobicakess · 6 months
14 with sope 🤓. glad your back<3
thank you baby <3
send a number and a member ⭐
cw: fingering & oral ( f receiving ) , mention of trafficking and killing, shitty kidnapping attempt, meanie Hobi, age gap ( 20.28.30 )
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Her father was a wealthy man with a good name, big company, and a lot of connections; he had and earned the respect of many and he made sure she stayed drowned in riches. She never really questioned her fathers work, but she knew exactly what he was doing when he came back home with bruised knuckles which she dressed without a word. He allowed the 20 year old to come and go as she pleased as long as she was home before 2 am although she wanted to stay on campus she and her father had an understanding relationship.
On a Monday morning she decided to walk to campus since she couldn't find her car keys. While walking she noticed two men following her to make sure she wasn't just paranoid she stopped at a coffee shop and still they followed her in until she walked out again. Internally panicking she pulled her phone out and called her father and he told her to just keep on walking and he'd be there in 2 minutes.
Still leading the men in circles timidly checking behind her she noticed they were not there anymore panicking again she looked around and around until a van pulled up and attempted to grab her up. Biting the wannabe captor in the process. He let her go yelping as she ran aimlessly till she saw her father collapsing into her father's chest face wet with tears.
From that day on he decided it was time to become more strict. He limited her curfew, she now took online classes, and he made sure she wasn’t alone anywhere without her bodyguards Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi
Hoseok didn’t say much; he just grunted and groaned, while he glared at her; snatching her up when she tripped or stumbled, Calling her a clumsy brat but still checking her body for wounds. Tired of being defenseless She begged Hoseok to teach her self defense after seeing him flip a man 10x his size on his back for harassing you at a club.
He gave in but Hoseok wasn’t the ideal teacher. He constantly knocked her down on her ass over and over until eventually her eyes started watering from the fact that she didn’t stand a chance against whoever tried to harass her again. Her internal struggles didn’t help that on top of it was Hoseok Harsh words.
“your lazy foot works going to get you killed and stuffed in a suitcase”
“Do you want to be sold in a trafficking ring? tch like anyone spends money on you. such a spoiled bra-''
She was in tears on the gym floor. Realizing he pushed a little too hard he tried to comfort her before Min Yoongi came rushing in.
"Damn hope you're too harsh on the princess” he immediately scooped up in his arms. Burying her sobs into his shoulder.
Min Yoongi was the exact opposite of Jung Hoseok. He wasn't mean and pissy with her. Feeding into her bratty attitude, practically enabling it. Though he does pinch her thighs when she gets too out of hand, throwing a simple look her way leaving her pouty and skipping over to Hoseok it didn't take long for you to come back.
Hoseok obviously didn't have a good way with words. His love was tough and rough around the edges but when you crack those edges there was a soft and gooey side of him. Even if Y/N did crack him a bit he was more of an act of service kind of man. Yoongi knew this from years of working beside him...
“Hobi wants to say sorry baby.” Yoongi whispered as he cupped her cheeks to turn it towards said man as he trailed kisses down her neck and forehead fingers gripping her thighs pressing them to her chest, holding them wide open for Hobi's to slot between them. The younger man pulled her panties to the side with the quickness.
Watching him attach his mouth to her clit sucking as his fingers circled her hole she whined, head falling back. Sounds of Hobi and his lewd slurping along with the gushing of his veiny fingers invading her soaking walls. Loud sounds leaving her lips as she bucked her hips onto his face.
"Do you forgive Hobi for being so mean,hmm?" The oldest of the two asked, gripping her legs tighter as she squirmed. "Yes yes yes."
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stradamed · 2 years
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The number of people with dental health problems is increasing day by day. Many people who do Turkey teeth research prefer the stradamed.com platform. The platform, which stands out with its reliable services, is appreciated by thousands of people. It is known that the platform, which also provides services to people who make inquiries about Veeners turkey, is open every day of the year in this area.
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tangent101 · 4 months
Small thought on Laudna's leveling up...
It was most curious in the past to see Marisha choose a roleplaying reason to choose Warlock due to Delilah's increased influence over Laudna compared to her latest leveling up... but I honestly think there is a legitimate reason why Laudna leaned more on her Sorcerer side in leveling up this time. And that's due to the harsh truth that Imogen stated at Nana Morri's Truth-Telling Session.
Let's think about that for a moment. Marisha chose to have Delilah's influence impact Laudna's leveling up at level 7. Laudna had broken Imogen's rock, her relationship with Imogen was strained, and when FCG went berserk Laudna used a new power to almost kill FCG. She was at her nadir.
Now, there was a lot of heavy stuff that went down leading up to this leveling up. We had the "betrayal" of Ashton and Fearne... but Laudna resisted Delilah's command to take the Shard of Rau'shan. She resisted more than once. And when Delilah was encouraging Laudna to seek vengeance, Laudna turned it into "Ashton is a child and I don't hurt children." For all that Laudna has been talking about embracing and using Delilah, she has also been avoiding doing the things Delilah has demanded.
The kicker though... is Imogen. Because Imogen accepted Laudna, she loves her, even though Laudna used Delilah's dread little "gift" to devour Bor'Dor's life essence. And this honestly... Laudna needed to hear this, to hear she is worth loving. But she also needed to understand that while Imogen loves Laudna... that she might accept the things Laudna does... she is not going to be happy about Delilah.
Imogen is very much the first person that Laudna has been in love with, at least since she died and came back. This allowed Laudna to embrace a part of herself that... well, that she never had a chance to indulge in while growing up in Whitethrone. She's got to have sex! (Sure, we've not seen Laura and Marisha state in-game that they are going off and fooling around, but the general impression when they chatted during 4-Sided Dive is that they're having a physical relationship (and "enhancing" it with magic). ^^;;
This brings us back to the Truth Telling Session... when Imogen admitted that she is repulsed at the thought of Delilah watching them being intimate. She doesn't want Delilah to get off watching them as her own personal pr0n service. She wants to get Delilah out of Laudna's head, to free Laudna. That is her big desire.
That was the big bucket of ice cold water on the next leveling of Warlock. Her "enabler" (Imogen) has stated she does not like Delilah being a part of their relationship. In doing so... Laudna has taken a step back, for the moment. Thus Laudna going with a level of Sorcerer and Marisha stating that "there's not much left for me as a warlock." It's going to take a bit for Laudna to end up embracing Warlock again... possibly Imogen dying or being subverted and working to free Predathos. And honestly? I think Imogen's story works better if she is not corrupted. She's not her mother.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 7 months
saw a bunch of libertarians citing the recent and from what i can tell very awful case of indi gregory, a small child with a rare mitochondrial illness taken off nhs life support whose parents were denied the right to transfer her to an italian hospital that agreed to see to her medical needs. which was ofc trotted out as an illustration of the evils of statist health care, death panels, etc
the obvious retort here ofc is that the main effect of privatising healthcare on cases like these is to multiply them, but what particularly interested me was the judge who issued that ruling, robert roger peel. turns out peel is currently the lead judge of the uk's financial remedies court (for determining financial disputes between divorced or separated couples), and has published an interesting couple of articles on his (very positive) assessment of the court. a lot of his focus is trained on time/cost minimising, settlement:trial ratio maximising measures for the court to implement or that the court has implemented, including (from the 2nd one)
the extensive use of "private fdr's," a sort of privatised dispute resolution in place of the court itself, in which an ex-couple hires a "private fdr judge" (could be a solicitor, barrister or retired judge) to rule on their case without recourse to the actual judicial system. ("So too the widespread use of Private FDRs. Judges need little persuasion to permit parties to attend a Private FDR and return to court thereafter for, as the case may be, a mention hearing to endorse the consent order, or a directions hearing to timetable to trial. The use of Private FDRs has in turn relieved pressure on the courts.")
the use of single lawyers simultaneously representing both members of the former couple, explicitly in order to undermine the costly adversarial nature of the legal proceedings. ("The Single Lawyer Model, for example, has attracted much interest. The aim is to enable parties to engage jointly one lawyer whose instructions are to gather the relevant facts and disclosure, and make a considered recommendation. The advantages are two-fold: (1) it ordinarily takes place at a very early stage of proceedings, or even before issue; and (2) the joint instruction of a single lawyer removes the parties from the adversarial world of separately instructed legal representation.")
the liberal awarding of costs orders, seemingly as a punitive and deterrent measure, to litigating parties the judge deems to be litigating unreasonably or insufficiently flexibly ("Similarly, I have repeated the mantra that judges should not be afraid to make costs orders where justified, particularly if one or other party does not litigate reasonably, and/or does not make reasonable open offers. [...] I appreciate that it is more difficult to do so when the assets are barely enough to meet needs, but even in those cases a judge is entitled to consider whether to make a costs award, however modest, to mark the court’s displeasure at the litigation conduct of the miscreant party.")
summary judgements in a majority of trial cases, without hearing of any oral testimony ("In an article I did last year for the Financial Remedies Journal, I said this: ‘It has sometimes seemed to me that many cases could be fairly disposed of with no oral evidence.’ My point was that as part of a drive for efficiency, cases could be swiftly dispatched without oral testimony where the factual and financial landscape is reasonably clear, and it would not be proportionate to explore relatively minor factual issues in the witness box. I suspect that will be the majority of cases")
in short, while this is definitely not an area where i have domain knowledge, my first impression is that the judge responsible directly for this decision is sort of a miserly ghoul happy to undermine the rights of individual brits in the service of shrinking and cost-cutting that portion of the govt over which he exercises authority. (to his credit he does at least declare the lack of public funding for legal representation to be "iniquitous", tho ofc that bit is out of his hands.) many such cases!
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mod-coffee-is-here · 4 months
Useful resources to help Palestine
When you can't sit and do nothing, but there's nothing that can be done, what do you do?
You do what you can, so here are some useful resources to help Palestine from the discomfort of your home and your heart.
(Dividers are used for the sake of reading information more easily, if it bothers you or if you think it's dangerous to have, please tell me and I will remove them)
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The most famous and easiest to use now is arab.org, a completely free and easy to use website where all you need to do is click a single button and you'll be already donating to Palestine, as well as other causes of your choice. It takes less than 5 minutes to donate to all 6 causes: Palestine, Poverty, Children, Women, Refugeees and Enviroment. AND if you got some spare time, you can change browsers and enable private navigation so you can click more than just a single time.
Arab.org works by, basically, viewing an ad. The text on their website says:
"You essentially are changing the world with the few seconds of attention that you give to the product/brand/service being promoted. The advertiser sets aside a budget and you, by viewing the ad, operate the transfer of revenues from the advertiser’s budget to us and onto the various trusted organizations."
You can find more information on their website.
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For news, you can rely on Aljazeera, a Palestine news website that is always updated about the situation going on in Palestine as well as other country's news and perspectives about the situation too.
Looking, reading and LEARNING, and most important, not forgetting about the situation, is one of the most useful ways of helping. Do not let their culture die down.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign website gathers all of the PSC's campaigns, such as disarming Israel, boycotting brands that are supporting Israel, Apartheids and more.
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Reporters and resources
There are some easy to follow reporters that are constantly updating about the situation in Palestine. Here are some of them:
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Wizard_bisan1 is the reporter who proposed the boycott, also updating on donation links.
[Image ID: A screenshot of the Twitter profile of Wizard_bisan1. ID over]
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Direct Aid for Gaza is a group of volunteers, distrubuting food and care. Page is constantly updated about donations and distributions on their part.
[Image ID: A screenshot of the Twitter profile of Direct Aid for Gaza. The profile pic is the Palestine flag with their sayings on top. ID over]
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Muhammad Smiry, reporter constantly informing about the situation in Gaza.
[Image ID: A screenshot of the Twitter profile of Muhammad Smiry. ID over.]
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Decolonize Palestine is a collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine. It's filled with books, debunking myths and propaganda and articles about Palestine.
[Image ID: A screenshot of the main page for the website "Decolonize Palestine. It depicts an art of a woman dressed in white palestinian traditional clothing and a rural landscape scenario. On top of it, it's the website's logo in black. It's a key with the name of the project on the side. ID over.]
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Eye on Palestine is a group dedicared to spreading information and raising awareness about the situation in Palestine.
[Image ID: A screenshot of the Twitter profile of Eye on Palestine. The profile pic is a big eye with rays coming out of it in the colors of the palestinian flag: red, green and black. ID over.]
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Times of Gaza is a news profile dedicated to sharing information.
[Image ID: A screenshot of the Twitter profile of Times of Gaza. ID over.]
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Artists for Palestine
A lot of artists right now are doing commissions, with all the funds being donated to Palestine organizations. Some of them are:
AB for Gaza (Brazilian lead project)
(Will update this list as I find more. You can also DM me or leave suggestions in the comments/reblogs. I will add all of them to the pain post)
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Here are some useful websites that you can donate to:
Islamic Relief USA (Accepting donations for food and care)
Islamic Relief Canada (Donations for food, health care, water and money support)
PAMA - Palestinian American Medical Association (Hospital care)
Pious Projects (Donations for hygiene and menstrual hygiene products)
PCRF - Palestine Children's Relief Fund (Humanitarian care and support for homeless families)
eSims for Gaza (Buying eSims cards for people in Palestine without acess to internet)
Care for Gaza (gofund me for the Care for Gaza project. Money going for the displaced families in Gaza)
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For now this is what I have, but as I get more information, will try to update the best I can. Feel free to send me any links or other resources that you find too.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 10 months
"The kids are all right: The bill is not a solution to the problems of social media, and in fact, will make the internet much worse for young people. If you’re a young person unsure of where to stand on the bill, here’s a short explainer. 
KOSA’s main goal—to limit access to harmful materials—is unworkable and will lead to censorship. The vague “duty of care” to prevent harms to minors will require overly broad content filtering. We know already that this sort of filtering fails, both at the platform and the user level. Platforms are notoriously bad at content moderation at scale, frequently allowing content that violates their terms of service while penalizing users who post benign content that’s misidentified as dangerous. 
Under KOSA, this sort of flawed moderation will come with legal force. Platforms will be pressured by state attorneys general seeking to make political points about what kind of information is appropriate for young people. So not only will the moderation be inaccurate, but it will sweep in a variety of content that is not harmful. Ultimately, this bill would cut off a vital avenue of access to information for vulnerable youth. Platforms will be required to block important educational content, often made by young people themselves, about how to deal with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorders, physical violence, online bullying and harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, and suicidal thoughts. 
Lastly, KOSA would have the practical effect of enabling parental surveillance. The law would unreasonably bucket all people under seventeen into a single category, despite the widespread understanding that older minors should have greater autonomy, privacy, and access to information than younger children, and that not every parent-child dynamic is healthy or constructive. 
Since KOSA was first introduced, it’s become even clearer that online platforms impact young people of varying ages and backgrounds differently, and one-size-fits-all legislation is a bad approach to solving the ills of social media. In March, the American Psychological Association (APA) released a “health advisory” on social media use in adolescence that makes clear that “using social media is not inherently beneficial or harmful to young people.” Rather, the effects of social media depend on multiple factors—in particular, “teens’ preexisting strengths or vulnerabilities, and the contexts in which they grow up.” 
KOSA has laudable goals, but it also presents significant unintended consequences that threaten the privacy, safety, and access to information rights of young people and adults alike. Teenagers already understand that this sweeping legislation is more about censorship than safety. Now we just need to make sure Congress does, as well."
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george-the-good · 3 months
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Letter from KING GEORGE VI to his physician, DANIEL DAVIES. The King wrote from Sandringham, three months after his lung operation:
December 27th 1951
Dear Davies,
I must write & try to thank you for all your help to me in my long illness. I fear I have caused you many days of worry during the last few months. But since the seat of infection has been removed I do feel that I can regain my health again & the few days here have done me good. I have used a gun with no ill effects & medium accuracy. Miss Linton’s exercises and massage have been invaluable.
With renewed thanks to you & with all good wishes for 1952
I am
yours very sincerely
George R.
Article on the ‘Miss Linton’ the King mentions in his letter:
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Every day Miss Winifred Linton goes from Weymouth Street, London, to Buckingham Palace. She helps the King with his breathing exercises.
In theory anyone should be able to breathe by moving only one side of the chest. Miss Linton’s exercises enable the King to do this.
She is a physiotherapist who has worked for many years with leading doctors, including Mr. Price Thomas, the King’s surgeon, and Mr. Geoffrey Marshall. It was Mr. Price Thomas who called her in to help the King.
A shy, grey-haired woman, she was a member of Queen Alexandra Nursing Service in World War One.
- The Manchester Evening News // November 14, 1951
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forgottenthreads · 2 months
Alien visiting a human colony
Human: So this is our capital city. We're in our government centre.
Alien: it's fitting for your government centre to be such an important looking structure, by why are there other structures that seem just as grand
*the alien points across the city at other skyscrapers from the observation deck*
Human: we believe that government should serve the people, what you see are buildings other organisations, usually companies, that provide other services
Alien: how.... Unique, so what is that one.
Human: that is a shopping mall, it contains lots of small shops. Usually some places to eat like cafes and restaurants, it's a centre for a community of humans and a tourist attraction for many too.
Alien: I have seen some of this on other worlds but never to this extent.
Human: Really? So your people do not enjoy spending time together? Do not exchange things they have for things they want?
Alien: We do things together, we have things that pull us across the world to see them as with you, we have people who open their homes for anyone to visit and enable meeting new people. There are even people who build things they'd like to do and invite other people to join them in both the building and the experiences. But what would anyone have that they didn't need? And why would anyone want something they couldn't have?
*the human looks at him curiously*
Human: Our society is built on exchange, not all jobs are desirable and so to make them worth doing we add incentives, like money or vacations. Vacations are free time to do things that people want to do. Money is a universally agreed valuable resource that can be exchanged with anyone for any good or service.
*Alien looks aghast*
Human: it is how we've always done things, people work for money, have a certain amount of free time each week and each year to enjoy that money and pay for everything they want and some of what they need, the government takes a certain amount of money from each transaction to pay for the things that are necessary for a good society but would not otherwise be profitable to provide or fairly distributed without intervention.
Alien: People do not do things simply because it helps themselves and their community? You require incentives? ... Wow ... And what do you mean by not profitable or fair?
Human: Well it is prohibitively expensive for a company to build their own transportation network and it would lead to a lot of redundancy if they did, it is more cost effective for the government to provide one network linking every business and home together, so that's one thing we do. While for fairness we provide healthcare, we have experienced times where healthcare was driven by profit motive and it meant some people wasted medicines for little gain while others suffered without access.
Alien: You waste so much time and effort coercing people to act civilized and you enable so much misery. I bet there are people stuck doing things they don't want to do and don't enjoy simply because they need ... What was it again... Money? Right. It feels inefficient.
Human: I agree but in all honesty humans who act for the benefit of society without this are in the minority, they do exist, I feel like I do that though many would argue I'm.... Anyway we're in the minority.
Alien: I don't understand, if you're doing your best and others think you aren't why do you assume others aren't doing their best.
Human: one of the things about money is you can see who is doing things because they love to do their jobs and think it's good for other people and those for whom their primary interest is selfishness and greed
Alien: that's pathological.
Human: funnily enough in the history of modern medicine we pathologized being a good person instead.
Alien: I hope my people can help bring yours a new perspective
Human: I hope we are worth the effort.
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voidsentprinces · 2 months
I mean to be fair, imagine being a humble shepherd's son. Tending to the flock and going about your normal life when the Dravanian Horde descend upon your village. Rending it naught but ash and killing your entire family. You then are driven by the feeling of hatred and vengeance. You let it lead you to becoming a knight and fighting to defend Ishgard. The Holy See recognizing your talents and your vigor for the cause to send you to train with the old Azure Dragoon who teaches you readily but cautions you against your hate. But you are growing restless and wish to exact that vengeance. You steal away one of Nidhogg's eyes and are hunted by an Adventurer also destined to be the Azure Dragoon and Nidhogg's Bane. You grapple with this feeling as the eye over takes you but the Adventurer stops the corruption in its tracks. Knowing how well you have to guard yourself you prefect the art of mentally and emotionally closing yourself off. You appear in the lead up to a conflict with another Horde invasion at the behest of an old companion who has risen to the station of Lord Commander of the Knights.
You aid in beating back Nidhogg's finest and give chase shortly thereafter. But after finding no path forward and knowing not where the Aery is. You return to Ishgard and over hear a young, naive little lord speaking on making peace with the dragons. You shrug it off as folly but with his adventurer friend seems to of encounters the heretics hideaway. With no other lead you follow them on their peace mission. Slay heretics and meet with their leader Lady Iceheart. You bicker and your eyes begin to open to possibility that the Holy See is also at fault for your village's demise. You learn more and more until you discover the root of it all. You fight the consort of Nidhogg and then the beast itself. Paining your armor red with his corruptive aetheric essence. And then it is over...your long siege now finished. But the job of the Azure Dragoon is never done. You submit to a life forever in service to the Holy See. For those who caused the Dragonsong War are now all dead and gone.
Until the current Heavens' Ward and Archbishop make their intent known. An eternal Dragonsong War with Thordan as its god and propigator. Eternity of tragedies set to unravel and the death of Lord Haurchefant. You join the Warrior of Light in their own quest for vengeance. You see the sacrifice of Icehearts' sacrifice for the future of Dragon and Ishgard peace. You aid in breaking the barrier to Azys Lla and you aid in fending off the Garlean forces. Knowing, just as with Nidhogg, the Warrior's vengeance of the Heavens' Ward is their mission alone. You return to meet with them afterwards, a kinship in vengeance fulfilled. But at the slightest relief that the fight is finally over Nidhogg's essence takes over you. Twists you, corrupts vengeance and years of hatred with its own. Ruining any chance at peace between Broods willing and turns your lance against Ishgard. Which you had never wished.
But the fool Little Lord and the Warrior of Light fight off the shade. And with the eyes removed. You can finally place the mantle away and take up a better cause. To make the future worlds be not fooled by holy surmon and vengeful malice. You armor yourself with Ysayle's namesake and go forth freeing dragonkin and man alike from their missions of wanton carnage. Until you hear word of the Eyes of Nidhogg causing a Storm of Blood in Ala Mhigo. You disable a cannon to enable Resistant forces to cut a path between you and your objective. Once again your allies lay low Garlemald and false Gods. And with a strike of your lance, the eyes of Nidhogg and the spectre of vengeance is vanquished.
You leave to bring Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg's remaining broods back together in harmony. Becoming fond of the dried squid of Kugane. Only to hear Ishgard is at war with Garlemald. You make a mad sprint onto the battleground and find the Warrior about to be struck down by a demon possessed corpse of the crowned Prince. Spiriting them away in a nick of time and quickly leaving as to avoid Aymeric's pestering. But that doesn't save you for long, because Tataru and Krile arrive in Kugane and harass you into taking up the Scions' cause as the Warrior and their companions are in another world. You meet the fabled Black Wolf, Gaius van Baelsar. Who is on his own path of redemption by slaying the Ascians who fed him the right words to become so foolhardy and reckless to go forth in conquest of Eorzea. Not content with such words as he has many a crime to pay for but time is short and the Scions are still gone. So strange bedfellows make better allies than the enemies that close in around Ishgard. You both make for the capital and find the Emperor slain, Zenos empowered and the both of you framed for the Emperor's murder. You break out and return to the Scions to deliver the news where Krile and the returned Warrior of Light. Disliking the Echo as it whispers in their ears and envisions them as Nidhogg did yourself you make your excuses and take leave.
And after ALL OF THAT you now find yourself passing through Ishgard to investigate and question Tiamat about her corrupted brood being used against Eorzea once more. You stand being yelled at so loudly by a person you thought was the Little Lord but isn't. While a miqo'te is singing your praises and acting like you're a living legend. You have no idea what is happening, who these people are or why you are worthy of such praises. But oh god here you are anyway and thank the Fury, here comes the Warrior of Light. HELP! PLEASE!
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self-loving-vampire · 4 months
I'm no expert but it doesn't seem right to blame some of the things several companies in the gaming industry have been doing as being in service of "limitless and unsustainable growth".
For one, some level of growth is to be expected when the market as a whole does grow. There are more people who play video games now than there were in the 90s (for example), so it would be odd to use 90s standards of sales to judge how a game is doing, especially if the game does have bigger teams and budgets than they used to.
This is part of why I believe the console market in particular is stagnating. The PS2 was the best-selling console of all time, and it released about 24 years ago. Even the Switch has not been able to match it despite having substantially more people they could be potentially selling it to. It really shows how much people are playing on other systems (like phones) these days instead.
But the most relevant thing is that a lot of the actions these companies are taking are very obviously not the kinds of things that seem like they'd lead to long-term prosperity. If you fire your veteran teams who brought you success and destroy morale among your employees what you are going to get is most likely not "growth" but some very short-term gains. It feels kind of like an effort to fumble numbers so they'll look good to investors while removing the thing that actually generates value. Like if you put a new coat of paint on a car but smashed the engine with hammers.
It's only the illusion of growth, not actual growth-enabling policy.
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