#Leave gay dudes alone and stop calling yourself one
I don't think any female person obsessed with gay men, gay porn, and gay relationships should ever have her desire to be called a man (ESPECIALLY a gay man) respected. Nor do I think any male person obsessed with lesbians, lesbian porn, and lesbian relationships should ever have his desire to be called a woman (ESPECIALLY a lesbian woman) respected.
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a-simple-imagine · 1 month
Too Cute to be Angry
Synopsis: A night spent talking to politicians and alt right superheroes is enough to drive anyone crazy but it's sister sage that puts you over the edge
Pairing: Victoria Neuman x fem!supe!reader (feline shifter)
Words: 3k+
A/N - self ingulgent little cat girl fic with my favourite supe written entirely for myself :)
WARNINGS - swearing, brief mention of murder and homophobia
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Victoria Neuman was the busiest woman you know. if she wasn't spending her days in meetings or on Zoom calls, she was attending interviews or making speeches. she was a very driven woman. had big goals. ones you could hardly even fathom but not from lack of trying. you wanted to be part of her world but at the same time, it was so difficult to comprehend. it's not as simple as black and white. the people she surrounded herself with weren't always the best and for the most part, it's clear she tries to keep you out of it. possibly some misguided attempt to protect you.
it was a rare afternoon that was cleared just for you. nobody else around. no work calls or meetings. just the two of you sharing a quiet moment. laying on the couch with your head in her lap.A delicate hand scratches behind the feline ears that live upon your head. it feels good; and calming.a sluggish but continuous rhythm that was drawing you to drowsiness. She wouldn't mind. it wouldn't be the first time nor the last that you fell asleep on her.
"how would you feel about going out tonight?" the answer was no. it was always going to be no. you were too content with a quiet evening to suddenly have plans thrust upon you.
"Where?" you question anyway and her hand slows.
"Tek knights." a mumbled answer that your ears pick up loud and clear. she couldn't be serious right now. there is absolutely zero reason why she would be going to see Tek Knight for anything but business and she already promised you no business tonight. it was just gonna be the two of you.
"Are you... serious?"
"some fancy party."
"no," replied snappily. "dude is creepy."
"When have you ever met tek knight?"
"once actually," you state, moving yourself up to look at her. "and he was fucking weird- asked inappropriate questions about my tail." you swish your tail, gently grazing it against her cheek.
"Well, you can just avoid him all night," Victoria insists, shoving your tail away. "I'd really like you to come."
"no thank you, can you go back to scratching behind my ears now." you lay back down.
a heavy sigh. "Victoria," whined softly, as you nuzzled into her lap. you're tempted to gently bite her thigh but you don't. that would not help your case right now. "please?"
"if you agree to come I'll give you all the ear scratches you want."
"that's not fair."
"I need a buffer for when I can't take it anymore and that's you," she gives your side a firm pat. "I got you something pretty to wear."
"how pretty," mumbled against her legs.
"very," that meant expensive. you groan, stretching your arms and legs before sitting up. she raises a curious brow that makes you roll your eyes. She wasn't going to let this go.
"fine but you owe me," she places her hand on your head, ruffling your hair, making sure to get behind the ears. you naturally lean into her touch. this was gonna be a very long night.
Tek Knight lives in a mansion. like an actual massive mansion that's old and creepy but also kind of cool. gothic in nature and not an ounce of homeliness to its name. Victoria annoyingly leaves you alone pretty quickly and you're forced to find your own source of amusement. music plays as background noise and there really isn't anything to do here other than touch ornaments or talk with Republicans. She didn't tell you this was gonna be a party filled with right-wing nuts but here you are anyway. conversing with old white men about reproductive rights and how gay people are fine but need to stop shoving their lifestyle down Americans' throats. you observe the party from the corner of the room. helping yourself to the hors d'oeuvres as trays rush by. It's always a wonder why they don't just have actual food at these events or at least something a little less fancy. something actually tasty.
"you're Neuman's girl, right?" it's not inherently wrong so you allow the nickname especially when you realise who it comes from. she has never tried to hide your relationship but she hardly advertised it either. can't scare off the voters or whatever. you don't mind. you're not exactly in a rush to be hounded by the general public. Homelander stands beside you; strong and tall in his red, white and blue super suit. You've never been next to such a powerful supe before excluding Neuman. he was intimidating in real life.
"homelander," you declare obviously. you're not sure what else to say here. Victoria speaks about him a lot. he's also in the news all the time. you very recently watched him on TV. "I saw your trial," blurted out before you thought of the consequences. he probably didn't like to talk about him murdering a man.
"so you saw that I was found innocent,"
you nod a little. he'd been found not guilty despite the overwhelming evidence which was kind of insane but also expected. "Vicky says you should have been locked up," you agreed.
"and what do you think?" he turns his whole body towards you and you do the same. such intense eyes it's almost like he's looking right through you. you may be a supe but you were hardly on his level. Victoria says he's kinda unstable these days and anything can set him off so you try to think of something safe to say.
"I think... your eyes are really fucking blue- no wonder fascists love you," he smiles. you don't know if it's amusement or menacing but surely he understands you're joking. and if not, he likely won't attack at this fancy little party.
"calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."
"What makes you think I'm worried." he wasn't a mind reader that you knew for sure.
"your heartbeat," he replies. "but mostly the ears," the blonde points to the cat ears on the top of your head. "anyone else would call it cute," and with that, he walks away. he was a... confusing man. even from that short interaction, you can tell he can be elusive. alone once more you decide to go in search of a drink but it isn't long before Victoria is at your side.
"hi baby," you're happy to see her. you hope it means you can go home soon.
"What did he want?"
"Who? homelander?" why did she care? "just chatting about his trial and how cute I am."
"how cute you are?" she repeats back slowly.
"Hmm it's no surprise- everyone is obsessed with me so."
"you are adorable,"
a very bright exaggerated smile, showing your canines before your face immediately falls. "can we go yet?"
"you promised you'd hold out a couple of hours," and it was starting to feel like a lifetime.
"and I have," you groan dramatically.
"It's barely been an hour,"
"y'know, I literally got told women have too many rights," you reply. "too. many. rights- what does that even mean?"
Victoria sighs softly. "I know they can be... opinionated but just suck it up for me okay? it'll be over before you know it,"
"I wanna go now,"
"I know," she runs a gentle hand along your back. "but this is important."
"why is it so important?"
"I- I can't tell you that right now," Victoria replies. She never told you anything. it was always just important calls or important meetings or important parties. it made you want to roll your eyes. "just please behave for me," you put on a pout. "and I'll take you to the nice restaurant with the fancy cakes you love,"
"Really?" said cautiously. when in doubt she'll bribe you. not because she doubts you'll do it for free but rather as an insurance policy. better safe than sorry.
"Always so easy," she chuckles. "you gotta work on keeping your ears in check. perked right up when I said that,"
you frown a little, reaching up to cover your ears with your hands. "stupid ears."
"It's cute," she hums softly, a kiss placed against your temple.
"I hate you," said sharply.
"Just... mingle or something." Victoria pats your shoulder before leaving you alone again. you follow her with your eyes as she walks up to some old man. you decide to go for a walk and find that drink you were after.
"you arrived with Neuman," stated matter of factly. sister sage walks up from behind you. you cover your mouth as you finish the little pastry you stole off a tray.
"Sister Sage," mumbled through a mouthful before you swallowed. "newest member of the seven- I heard you're like the smartest woman ever."
"smartest person," she corrected.
"smartest person," you repeat. "what's someone so smart doing in a place like this?"
"we're surrounded by some of the most powerful people in the United States of America right now," Sage explains. you know on some level that should mean something to you but you hardly feel excited or proud. quite the opposite. you were in a room with some of the worst people in the United States of America. Almost all of them are against the very things you are.
"but not the nicest," you grab a champagne flute as it passes by, taking a long-needed sip of bubbly liquid.
"nice only gets you so far," she continues. "you're probably the nicest person here but also the least important."
wow. okay. rude. "I wouldn't call myself the least important."
"I would," she replies. "even the waiters are of more value right now. you're just Neuman's basically pet, cute but useless."
you're not sure what to say to that. is that why Victoria never shared anything with you? didn't think you were important? just a pet to be paraded about like some cute little mascot in her parade for power? "I'm not her pet."
"how do your ears and tail work? they're biological right?" the question catches you a little off guard. such a change.
"uhhhh shouldn't the smartest person alive be able to figure that out?"
"you're a shifter but only into a feline," her eyes trail over you like this was some sort of interview or examination. "do you keep the ears for aesthetic purposes? surely, you can get rid of the cat ears and tail."
"you'd think," you shrug. "but no, I'm cursed to be every nerdy incels wet fantasy." the cat ears and tail were considered cute by many, disgusting by others and a fetish by too many. for a long time, vought used you in a lot of advertisements and commercials until you quit. you still occasionally do some ads and stuff for extra cash. Not often do people see a real-life cat girl. a hand snakes across your back and you instinctively jerk away before realising it's Victoria. "hey,"
"Can we talk?" she wears the fakest smile ever.
"hmm," sage hums. you quirk your brow.
"Nothing," she insists. "you have the exact dynamic I would expect. don't mind me." you'd ask what she meant but she is already walking away and Victoria is leading you in the opposite direction.
"what's up?" you wonder.
"I don't want you talking to sister sage."
"Can you listen to me for once?"
"for once?" all you do is listen to her. this whole night was for her. "I'm here listening to old men tell me I deserve to go to hell for you. this is worse than that political banquet where that man followed me around the whole night and kept trying to pet me." you huff.
"you don't think I haven't thought about popping my own head every time one of these rich idiots tries to talk to me about reproductive health?" her voice is quiet but stern. she's trying not to cause a scene. "but I put up with it so just suck up. it's important."
"oh really? never would have guessed." you roll your eyes. "I'll just go sit in the corner and stare at the wall since I'm not important enough."
"That's not what I said,"
"no I get it, don't worry," you force a smile and brush past her. "I'll be a good kitty."
it's a quiet ride home. silent even. staring out the window as bright lights zoom past. you can hear Victoria chatting on the phone. much too busy to take note of your angry brow or vacant stare. you're angry at her. Sage's words weren't helping either. playing over and over in your mind. cute but useless. you couldn't necessarily disagree. Even Vought just wanted you because of how you looked. sure you had enhanced strength and senses but that was only compared to humans. there were plenty of much stronger supes. there were even more useful shifters. you just became a cat. agile. sneaky. but ultimately just a common house pet.
"Are you gonna pout all night?" Victoria eventually asks as you pull up outside her home. it pissed you off more.
"I'm sorry, I thought I wasn't allowed to speak." replies sharply as you exit the vehicle; a quick slam of the door. you hear her get out the other side and follow behind.
"I didn't say you couldn't speak,"
"semantics," you huff back. maybe she didn't say you couldn't talk but she did try to control every conversation. who you could and couldn't speak to. always checking in to make sure you weren't saying the wrong thing. "I don't feel like talking."
"We need to."
you just ignore her. That was much better than an argument right now. all you wanted was a hot shower and to go to bed. As soon as you get inside, you march upstairs. She doesn't follow, instead heading towards the kitchen.
the hot water was a welcomed distraction from your otherwise terrible evening. it was supposed to just be about you too and she just couldn't help but make it all about herself. propping herself up to important people. sneaking off for private meetings that you weren't allowed to attend. you go to bed alone. she was probably downstairs working like always. you don't know how long it is before she joins you.
"you have to talk to me eventually," Victoria hums. "can't sulk in your other form forever."
whenever you fought you liked to shift. being a cat was simpler. nobody had any expectations for cats. it was like the perfect excuse to not have difficult conversations. She couldn't understand you after all but you could understand her. loud and clear. "just tell me what's wrong."
you stretch out. fluffy kitty paws morph into human hands and legs sprawled out in the darkness. you sigh softly following on to your back. Victoria is sitting on the edge, looking down at you. "I'm not your pet," growled quietly.
"I never said you were,"
"that's all anyone sees me as," you reply. "Neuman's girl. neuman's pet. cute but useless/ that's what sage said."
"that is why I didn't want you talking to her," she replies.
"but she's right," you express. "you don't treat me like we're equals. you hide stuff from me. tell me it's too important and I won't understand. I'm not a fucking child or your silly little house cat, Victoria."
"Baby," a gentle hand moves to your arm but you shake her off. Moving onto your side and away from her.
"Okay," she retracts her hands slowly. there's a moment of silence before she continues. "I don't see you as a child or some silly cat."
"Sure you do,"
"I don't," she insists. "I'm a politician there are some things I just can't share with you-"
"but you don't tell me anything," you interrupt
"but I admit I could share with you more," she proceeds with. "I just... I try to keep you out of all that bullshit. not because I think you're stupid or useless but because it's just easier. I don't want them tearing you down to get to me,"
"But I'm willing to take it,"
"you shouldn't have to. I don't want that for you- for us." she urges. "Sage can say whatever she wants but I don't believe those things about you. You're smart, beautiful and adorable sure but you're not useless. I'm so lucky to have someone as caring and wonderful as you."
"gross," said playfully after a moment. a small smile tugs at your lips though. "Victoria?"
"I'm sorry for acting like a spoilt brat tonight,"
"I'm sorry I made you spend an evening with all those awful people," you chuckle lightly as you roll over to look at her. they really were awful people. and maybe you weren't one of the most important people in America but you were a good person. a nice person. and that was much more interesting.
"World's worst and most boring party," you voice. "how did your private meeting go?"
she hesitates. probably a debate on whether to tell you or not. "...pretty well I think."
"Vice President Neuman has a nice ring to it," you tease. smiling up at her in the darkness. a strip of moonlight crosses her face. twinkling in her pretty eyes. it was a wild thought. one day soon you could be dating the vice president of America.
"how do you feel knowing you'll be the second lady?"
"oooh so official. so important."
"you're already so important,"
"to you maybe." you huff.
"does anyone else matter?"
"you of all people saying that is crazy," you semi-tease. it was kinda true. she cared a lot about her image. about how the world saw her. "let's just go to sleep."
Victoria doesn't answer but she does lie down, shuffling up behind you. there's a slight hesitation like she's not sure if you've truly forgiven her. you move closer to her, resting your head against her chest. listening to the way her heart thumped in her chest "night."
"good night," you hum softly as you let your eyes flutter closed. "I'm gonna get so many fancy cakes tomorrow."
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Mcyt bbut a Karen makes their S/O cry? :0
It's the readers first ever encounter with one in the wild and at first Y/N just,,, tries to ignore the woman/leave but the Karen does the usual of not letting em leave and then Y/N gets overwhelmed and starts crying?-
BAHAHHAAB I LOVE FUCKING WRITINF ABOUT KARENS I CANNOT LMFAOOOOOO ; thank you for the request lol ; I got a random strike of writers block halfway through and its very obvious I'm sorry
MCYT ; wild karen encounter
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, iterations of homophobia/transphobia & fatphobia, Karen activity, reader is described as nonbinary
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you two went different ways while clothes shopping and you were looking at more fem/masc (whichever doesn't conform with your sex) clothing
you felt someone glaring daggers at you so you glanced up and saw some random ass woman staring at you, accompanied by her 13ish year old son
she started making remarks about how you shouldn't be looking at those clothes and it's not "modest" for a little young man/woman like you
like mf you're nonbinary huh
you try to ignore her, meanwhile her son looks SO uncomfortable and wants to very obviously leave
she starts recording you out of no where to call you slurs and the sons just like "mom stop" and of course she doesn't
you end up crying and trying to hide it while you defend yourself but you get quickly overstimulated and flustered
the yelling caught Tommy's attention so he quickly walks over like "woah, woah, woah, what's going on?"
and she starts SCREAMING at poor Tommy about you
he looks at you literally wiping your tears while she's STILL recording it and he just peacefully flames her ass
"it doesn't matter what the hell they wear, clothes don't have gender and I could care less about what my partner buys and wears and how they express themselves. go post that to Facebook and look like a fuckin' idiot."
he pulls you away to the changing rooms so you can talk in private and eventually try on the clothes you were looking for
while he was going that he got a hold of a nearby security officer and told them about the situation since you'd both been illegally recorded on the premises of the store
he didn't wanna press charges for you or anything but at least wanted the woman escorted out to look more like a dumbass, considering the security guard had to call the police because what she did was a crime
couple days later you found the video and bodycam footage of the woman being detained and arrested for resisting arrest and recording someone without consent on private property, which is marked as a felony where you live
live laugh love Tommy bc everyone in the video description was hyping him up and saying how bad they felt for you and even the son 🫶
dude you can't even go grocery shopping without people bitching about you guys
you were just trying to pick out some chips and this lady walks past with a scoff
ran quickly turns around like, "Sorry, can we help you?"
she quickly starts yelling about how you gay people are all going to hell and shit
ranboo quickly spits back but you get overstimulated and really take it to heart and you tear up a bit
the lady notices and points it out
she then follows you around the store, yelling at you and shit while they're on the phone dialing the non emergency police line because wtf is wrong w this lady???
before you're questioned and after she's detained, you guys stand alone and try to calm yourself down because you were just getting really stressed about it because wtf do you even do in that situation
gives you a big hug and reassures you that it's okay to cry
he's generally just proud of you in general for being able to hold yourself together for the most part
you two were going out for a little movie date, and dressed in tuxedos to watch Saw X
some dumbass dude was making snarky comments to his wife about you two considering you were holding hands while ordering snacks
Freddie turns around, having heard the guy talking about you thinking he dropped something "can I help you?" He asks in the nicest tone possible
the man and his wife both start making nasty comments about "this generation going to hell" and how you're brainwashing Freddie or something???
you almost immediately start crying because you're trying to ignore it and talk to the girl behind the counter filling your popcorn bucket who doesn't know what to do
she quickly pushes the security button under the counter because she can see your distress and how Freddie was just like stunned as he looked between the couple and you cause like wth
once they're escorted out you're the first in the theater so you guys sit there and talk it all out because you got really overwhelmed
he gives you a hug and reassures you that you did nothing wrong and you're gonna enjoy the movie
the dude had a warrant out for his arrest for not paying child support anyways L
you two were out on a walk in a park holding hands and shit and passed this little family down by the creek
the mom just goes full fucking demon mode and starts recording you guys and shouting at you
niki quickly retaliated with a "leave us alone!" before walking off
you were visibly pretty shaken but she reassures you everything is okay and she probably wasn't even recording
she ends up finding the video a few days later
thankfully all the comments were supporting you two and flaming the lady's ass lmao
you guys were out doing stuff (getting shit at home depot for quackitys new house and peojects) and some Karen was judging your abilities to handy-man basically
"actually, my partner is the best handyman I know! so shut the fuck up"
the Karen immediately goes to the front to get a manager or some shit
meanwhile yall quickly checkout and leave
while leaving you see her getting detained for resisting an officer with violence and threatening an officer 🥰
that becomes a story you tell at every single "family reunion" (meetup with friends)
he still boasts about yelling at someone like that
you guys were out getting snacks for a movie night with friends that were staying over
some Karen made a comment how you needed to go on a diet or some shit since you were the one carrying the basket full of unhealthy snacks
foolish quickly whips around and flames her ass
you just kinda stand there like "wtf"
foolish slings an arm around your shoulders and leads you away since she wouldn't stop blabbering and was threatening to call the cops for some reason
back in the car he reassures you that you do not need to go on a diet and you don't need to listen to the lady whatsoever
movie night was 10/10 you watched Barbie & roasted Saltburn bc that movie wasn't good like at all
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years
[It wasn't supposed to be this long, whatever this is. Enjoy!]
Eddie has always been a tactile person, but he ramped it up after Vecna. Not only does he hug people tightly as he says goodbye, but he also plants a kiss on each cheek. So, after they all finish hanging out at Steve's house, he escorts them out the door. Eddie hugged and kissed them all, him being the last to leave because he lost one of his rings and couldn't find them. Eddie says goodbye to Steve last and hugs him tightly. He goes in for a kiss, but Steve moves his head, and their lips brush together. They pull away at the same time.
Steve: What was that?
Eddie: *panicking because he hasn't told Steve he's gay and crushing on him* Oh, that's how I kiss all my best friends. Just ask Gareth.
Steve: *clueless and happy that Eddie considers him a best friend.* That's cool. *Pecks him on the lips* You're my best friend too. See you later, Eds.
He proceeds from then on to make sure that no one else sees him say goodbye to Steve. It's easier when he's hanging out with Steve alone. He almost let it get too far one day after they hung out at his trailer. They had just wrestled, Eddie trying to stop Steve from leaving. Eddie wasn't sure how he managed that without getting really happy, but he did it. Breathless, Steve headed towards the door, pecking Eddie's lips goodbye as he did so.
Eddie: You call that a kiss?
He whirled Steve around and kissed him hard on the mouth. He didn't stop until he realized what he was doing and pulled away. Steve didn't question it, figuring it had been a while for him. It all came to when Eddie checked out a video with Robin while Steve was in the back. Dustin was helping out behind the counter, having gotten a part-time job there. Keith decided he had spent too much at Family Video and put him to work. Eddie had given them both a hug and a kiss before turning to leave. That's when Steve came out from the back.
Steve: Hey, what about me?
Eddie: *suddenly nervous* Oh, I didn't realize you were working, Stevie. Sure thing. *He tries to kiss his cheek*
Steve: *laughs* What are you doing? *Grabs his face and kisses him hard.* See you later, Eds.
Flustered, Eddie waves nervously and leaves. Steve turns to Dustin and Robin, their mouths hanging open.
Steve: What?
Robin: Why didn't you tell me you're dating Eddie? I am hurt. . .of all people. . .
Steve: *nervous laughter* I am not dating Eddie. Why would you think that?
Dustin: Ugh, maybe because, I don't know, YOU KISSED EDDIE ON THE MOUTH. Dude, you know we would be cool with that. We love you.
Steve: No, that's how Eddie kisses his best friends. I am one of his best friends. Just ask Gareth.
Dustin: I have seen Eddie say goodbye to Gareth many times since Vecna and he has, not once, KISSED HIM LIKE THAT!
Steve: 🥺 But Eddie said. . .why would. . . Does Eddie like kissing me? . . . 😳 Do I like kissing Eddie? But I like. . . Wait, am I like that thing you said? What was it? Bilingual?
Dustin: . . .Bisexual?
Steve: *snaps his fingers* Yes, that!
Dustin: ☺️ I think so, buddy.
Robin: Man, you buried yourself so deep in the closet all so Eddie wouldn't stop kissing you that you needed Dustybuns over here to pull you out? The straightest of all your kids?
Steve: . . .shut up.
Later that evening, Steve found himself knocking on Eddie's door, and when he opened it, Steve walked in without saying anything. He closed the door and pulled Eddie into a kiss, then pulled away.
Steve: . . .hello. *leans forward to whisper in his ear.* I know you don't kiss Gareth like that.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Luigi's Secret
Chapter 5: After-Dinner Shenanigans
Mario and Luigi leave their parents house, and continue to tease each other and bond over typical brotherly things.
As soon as the boys hopped into their car and closed the door, Luigi and Mario both let out a sigh of relief. 
“Mama mia…” Mario let out. “I love our famiglia, but I am exhausted.” Mario told him. 
Luigi scratched his own forehead as he looked at Mario. “Do you want me to-a drive?” Luigi asked. 
Mario looked at Luigi with exhaustion just dripping from his eyes. “Will you?” Mario asked softly. 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “Sure! I don’t mind driving.” Luigi replied. 
Mario chuckled and opened the car door. “I know you don’t mind, but still…You’re not tired?” Mario asked as he closed the door. 
Luigi hopped out as well and walked past his brother to the driver's side. “Not-a really, no.” Luigi replied. “I could still go another couple hours.” Luigi admitted as he hopped into the driver's seat and closed the door. 
Mario laughed as he closed the passenger side door. “Well, maybe I’m tired because someone couldn’t keep their paws off me for a night.” Mario teased. 
Luigi groaned in pain as he held his forehead. “Did you mean to word it like we’re a gay couple?” Luigi asked. 
Mario laughed and covered his mouth. “No no, that’s-” Mario doubled over, wheezing before clapping his hands a couple times. “-That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” Mario reacted. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and started the car. “Then what did you mean, oh tired one?” Luigi asked. 
Mario poked his side. “You couldn’t go one hour without tickling me.” Mario explained. 
Luigi jumped and pushed Mario’s hand away. “Don’t go around calling yourself the innocent one. You couldn’t go a single second without taunting me.” Luigi reminded him. “Yeah! Cause it’s fun to tease you!” Mario reacted. 
Luigi smiled as he turned himself around to look behind him, while pressing the gas lightly. “Well, maybe it’s fun to tickle you.” Luigi teased. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “Of course it’s fun to tickle me.” Mario muttered. “Tickling others is always fun.” 
Luigi changed the stick to Drive, before letting the steering wheel turn itself forward. “Well that, and you’re very cute and tickle-able.” Luigi told him with a smirk. Mario looked at Luigi out of the corner of his eye, refusing to look at his brother for fear of making his blush more visible. Then, he poked Luigi’s side. “Right back at you.” Mario shot back. 
Luigi widened his eyes and jumped, before attempting to slap his hand away. But the dude was trying to hit him without looking, and was missing every slap attempt. All the while, his face was heating up red already from just the comment and the poke alone. 
Mario laughed as he kept going around his brother’s hand and poking his brother’s exposed right side occasionally. Luigi kept driving one-handed, trying to hit Mario’s hand with his free right hand to stop him. But you could only do so much when you’re trying to focus on the road while your stupid older brother keeps poking you.
“Mario, I’m driving!” Luigi spat at him, looking at him out of the corner of his eye for a moment before looking forward at the road. 
“And I’m getting my revenge!” Mario declared. “No biggie.” He added. 
“Now is NOT the time-” Luigi finally managed to land a slap on the back of Mario’s hand. 
Mario pulled his hand back, yelping in pain, before looking at Luigi. Mario then smirked and started poking him with both his hands this time! “How well can you drive when being tickled?” Mario asked, poking his side and his belly. 
Luigi growled and tightened his diaphragm in an attempt to lessen the tickles while he drove. But everytime he had to breathe, the tickling would worsen and make him curl up enough to skew his line of vision. He should NOT be driving like this! 
Luigi finally flipped on the right turning signal, before pulling over. Somehow, the man managed to park the car without hitting the curb, while Mario only kept on poking his stupid sides. With the car put into park, Luigi turned over and began to physically play-fight with his brother. “STOP IT! You’re driving me INSANE!” Luigi argued. 
“Annoying, isn’t it?” Mario asked with a smirk. 
“VERY annoying.” Luigi warned, genuinely angry at this point. 
Mario giggled a bit. “Do you need me to stop?” Mario asked. 
“YES!” Luigi shot back. 
“Okay, okay! Ihi’ll stop!” Mario reacted, holding up his arms in arrest. 
Luigi softened his expression and let Mario’s hands go. He turned to the front of the seat, and repositioned himself. “Can’t the revenge wait until we get home? Or…ya know…Tomorrow?” Luigi asked. 
Mario raised an eyebrow. “Well which would you rather?” Mario asked. 
Luigi widened his eyes and looked forward. “I…You want me to have a say?” Luigi asked, looking at Mario out of the corner of his eye. 
Mario chuckled. “It’s your doom. You might as well have a say in your own doom.” Mario teased. 
Luigi could feel his stupid cheeks betraying him again. He began to stutter and look everywhere except directly at Mario. “Sh-Shut up.” Luigi muttered, pushing Mario’s shoulder. 
Mario laughed loudly at his blushy younger brother. “You’re so easily embarrassed!” Mario laughed. 
“Yeah? W-Well, you’re no different!” Luigi attempted to argue. 
“I can sense your confidence.” Mario said sarcastically. 
“More confidence than you have with Peach.” Luigi argued. 
Mario looked at Luigi with shock. “Hey! What does Peach have to do with this?!” Mario argued. 
“It is blatantly clear you like her, Mario. I know how you act around girls.” Luigi told him. 
“How do I act?” Mario asked, narrowing his eyes. 
“You get all competitive and smug. You act like you’re SuCh A tOuGh GuY.” Luigi exaggerated. 
“I do not.” Mario mumbled. 
Luigi guffawed before looking at Mario. “I believe some of your exact words from yesterday were ‘Don’t even think about it’ and ‘You messed with the wrong plumber’.” Luigi joked. 
“I was fending for myself! Am I not allowed to fend for myself?!” Mario asked. 
“She is 5 foot 11, Mario. You’re 5 foot freaking 1!” Luigi reacted. 
“SO WHAT?!” Mario yelled. “SHE-” Luigi paused for a moment, before sitting back, closing his eyes, and taking in a big breath. He breathed out. “All I’m saying is…When are you gonna ask her out?” Luigi asked him with a tiny smirk. 
Mario widened his eyes and blinked. He could feel his own face start to flush a slight red as he struggled to think. “B-But-” 
Luigi let out a laugh as he saw the blush. “I knew it! I knew it, I could sense it the whole time.” Luigi elbowed him a bit. “Mario has a cruuuush~” Luigi teased. 
“The more you keep talking, the more you’re gonna get it.” Mario warned. 
Luigi chuckled. “I thought I had a say in when I was being tickled?” Luigi asked with a smug grin on his face. 
“Keep going, and I may forfeit your privileges.” Mario warned. 
Luigi rolled his eyes. “You forfeit my privileges, and I may just tell Peach aaaaall your ticklish spots.” Luigi teased. 
Mario widened his eyes and covered his own middle with blatant fear. “You-You wouldn’t…” Mario muttered. 
Luigi looked forward at the road with a smug little grin on his face. “Choose wisely, Mario.” Luigi warned softly. 
Mario narrowed his eyes at him. “You don’t…” Mario looked forward at the road and hunched over almost in a pouty position. “You don’t even know all my ticklish spots.” Mario muttered. 
Luigi raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Are you sure about-a that, Mario?” Luigi asked. 
“Y-Yeah. You can’t possibly name all of them.” Mario said back. 
Luigi cleared his throat before looking at Mario and freeing his own right hand. “Sides and ribs are a good spot for starters. But I believe Peach already knows those spots.” Luigi started, making hand gestures as he talked. 
“WHA-” Mario dropped his hands to his sides and dropped his jaw in shock. 
“Armpits are a good idea too, though. However, nothing comes even close to how ticklish your feet are.” Luigi explained. 
“I-” Mario shouted, unable to think straight. “The feet are a STUPID ticklish spot, specifically the toes! And don’t get me STARTED on the big toe! Good lord, that spot could kill you in a minute tops.” Luigi explained. “But if the toes are just too resistant, one could always go for your arch or heels.” Luigi explained next. “Those work well too.” Luigi added with a smirk. 
“LUIGI-” Mario growled and looked down, covering his face. 
“Another super ticklish spot happens to be your belly button. Though it’s a bit hard to reach that spot on most days, thanks to the overalls.” Luigi added with a laugh. 
Mario let out a whine and muttered some Italian curse words under his breath. 
Luigi parked the car in the usual spot right beside the pipe that led to the mushroom kingdom. “Oh! And who could possibly forget to mention the neck!” Luigi added. “Specifically the right side and the jawline, which I’m sure Peach would find absolutely adorable, by the way.” Luigi teased. 
Mario waited impatiently for Luigi to finish his stupid infodump. “Are you DONE?” Mario asked. 
Luigi giggled and placed his hand on his chin. “I think so…Though I believe there’s one other spot I’m missing…” Luigi thought for a moment. 
Mario uncovered his eyes and looked at Luigi. “AHA!” Mario declared, pointing to him. “So you DON’T know all of them!” Mario reacted. 
Luigi raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers. “OH! OH!” Luigi declared, suddenly remembering the spot. But before he could get it out, Mario covered up Luigi’s mouth. 
Luigi widened his eyes and yelped in surprise, before looking at Mario with slight shock. But seeing Mario’s red, embarrassed face…for some reason…helped give Luigi the small bit of confidence he needed to continue this brutal tease-fest. 
Luigi looked at the hand that was on his mouth, and narrowed his eyes. Mario’s self-defense act had been a huge mistake. And the best part? Mario didn’t even realize it yet. 
With a swift inhale, Luigi blew a raspberry on Mario’s hand. 
“eeEEEHEEK!” Mario pulled his hand back, squeezing his hand into a fist as he grew a wobbly smile and let out a few giggles. 
“Your palms!” Luigi declared, his mouth free to verbally tease him all he wants. “Though, that’s probably the strangest ticklish spot out of all of them.” Luigi replied. 
Mario looked over at Luigi for only a few seconds…before showing Luigi the most evil little smile he could muster. It was here that Luigi began to realize…that he may have just screwed up big time. 
Mario kicked his own passenger door open, and hopped out of the van. Closing the door, Mario marched his chubby little legs over to the drivers side, and opened the door. Because Luigi was still leaning against the door, Luigi ended up falling backwards out of the car. Luigi felt instant relief the moment he felt hands rather than pavement. But his relief quickly turned to fear when he saw Mario holding him bridal style. 
“WAH! M-Mario, can we pleASE TALK ABOUT-” Luigi shrieked as he was blatantly dropped right into the green pipe by his brother. 
Mario wiped off his hands, and turned around to look at the van. He decided to take a couple extra seconds to make sure that the keys were grabbed and the van was locked. Putting both the keys and his phone back into his pocket, Mario jumped into the pipe right after his brother. 
Having lived in the Mushroom kingdom for months now, Mario was used to the long slide that led to and from the Mushroom Kingdom. It was fun, and certainly felt like a wild tube slide made for adults. Mario looked forward and saw Luigi flying down the pipe in front of him. Mario brought his own hands to his sides, and allowed himself to go down faster. 
Luigi popped out of the pipe first and landed onto the grass. Mario popped out next, landing right beside him…Quite convenient placing considering the tickle fight that was about to start. 
Mario quickly crawled up to Luigi and started absolutely destroying his brother with tickles. “While we’re on the topic of embarrassing ticklish spots, Maybe I should start specifying every cute little ticklish spot on YOU!” Mario declared. 
“eEEEHEHEHEHEEE! MAHAHARIO PLEASE NOHOHOHO!” Luigi begged, trying super hard to stop his brother. 
“Now where do I even start…” Mario muttered. “Well for starters, I’ll start with the #1 cutest little ticklish spot on you: Your ears.” Mario teased, fluttering his fingers very gently on the back part of his right ear. 
Luigi snorted right away and blushed a dark red, as squeaky giggles started to leave his lungs. “EEEheeheeheehee! *snort* Nohohooo! *snort* Leeheeave my eeeheeheears alohohone!” Luigi reacted. 
“I think the funniest part is when your blush is so dark and spreading so fast, it even begins to cover theeee…” Mario gently traced his fingers right over to the top of his vulnerable ear. “Top of your ears!” Mario finished. 
Luigi snorted and tilted his head towards the tickling hand. The man just kept snorting occasionally and giggling up a storm at this point. “eeEEHEHEEHEE!” Luigi squeezed his eyes shut as he attempted to get Mario’s hands away from his fragile, tickly ears. 
Keyword here is ‘attempted’. 
“Ihit’s like your ears have flashing lights that tell people “TICKLE ME! TICKLE ME!”. It’s so funny!” Mario explained, letting out a few laughs of his own. 
Luigi covered up his face in pure embarrassment. Though he knew that teasing him the way he did would get him in trouble, Luigi still could NOT predict a lee mood to come on so quickly. It was like Luigi did a full 180 in a matter of minutes! 
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~!” Mario teased before tickling Luigi’s completely vulnerable left ear. 
Luigi let out a glass-shattering squeal. “eEEEHEHEEEEE! *snort* NAHAhaha- *snort*!!” Luigi covered his face with both his hands. “MM MMHMHMHM- *snort* -HMHMHM!” Luigi whined through his palms. 
Mario then pulled out that feather powerup from a couple days earlier, and started tickling his right ear with it. 
Luigi could’ve died from how embarrassed he was. Though the other tickle fights he had over the last couple days were great, this specific tickle fight quickly took the cake as his favorite. If it wasn’t evident enough, one of Luigi’s favorite spots to be tickled and teased is the ears. He knows it’s embarrassing. He knows what Mario is capable of doing. But he freaking LOVES IT! 
“So which ear tickles more? The right ear? Or the left one?” Mario asked curiously. 
Luigi giggled and shook his head. “Ihihihi dohohon’t knohohohow.” Luigi replied. 
“Do you need me to try it out?” Mario asked. 
Luigi uncovered his face momentarily. “Uhuhuhuhuhh…” Luigi struggled to reply. If he wasn’t so embarrassed about this little secret, he probably would’ve told Mario the truth right now in a heartbeat. But…with how the tickle community was often perceived, he knew it was going to be a lot harder than just straight-up admitting it. 
Luigi was thrown out of his thoughts the moment his left ear was tickled with the feather. “EEEHEEEK! Wahahahaha!” Luigi laughed, shaking his head left and right. Though this wouldn’t help Luigi in the slightest. In fact, shaking his head rapidly would only tickle his ear even more. 
“Too bad I only have 1 powerup feather…Two of them would be very useful right now.” Mario admitted. 
“Shuhuhushhhh!” Luigi ordered. 
“I feel like one would be plenty enough for the poor man.” Someone nearby said. 
Mario yelped and looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. Luigi had covered his mouth and squeaked in horror. He knew EXACTLY who this was, and he was WAY too embarrassed to even make eye contact with them. 
Mario scratched the back of his head as he looked at the person. “Princess, I…” Mario bit his lip, embarrassed. “How…how long have you been watching?” Mario asked. 
Peach giggled and crossed her arms. “Oh, about 15 minutes.” She replied. “There’s only one person I know who has a laugh as genuine and goofy as Luigi’s.” Peach told him.
As if it was even possible at this point, Luigi’s cheeks had started glowing an even darker shade of red. “……Eheh…oh.” Luigi mumbled, still quite tired from the giggles.  
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know if ‘goofy’ is the right word for it. Genuine certainly is, but not ‘goofy’.” Mario replied. 
Peach smiled and walked up to Luigi. “Hmm…” Peach looked down to Luigi, and offered him a hand. “Need help up?” Peach asked. 
Luigi smiled a bit and took her hand, getting up. “Thank you.” 
Mario smiled and looked at the two of them. “We should probably head inside. Did you want to come in, Peach?” Mario asked. 
Luigi smiled a bit and shook his head. He saw this coming a mile away. Peach smiled brightly and nodded her head. “I would love to!” she replied. 
Luigi walked up and opened the door for her, waving for her to come in. He closed the door when Peach went inside. “Very nice house. Small, but cute.” Peach said. 
Luigi chuckled. “I think the word you’re looking for is ‘quaint’.” Luigi said. 
Mario guffawed and looked at Luigi. “Where’d you pull that word out of?!” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “My head.” Luigi replied. 
“You read too much.” Mario teased. 
Luigi rolled his eyes. “And you don’t read enough.” Luigi replied. 
Peach sat down at the table, thinking for a moment. “What does ‘quaint’ mean?” Peach asked. 
Luigi smiled. “Charming, pretty, unique.” Luigi replied. “It’s a word often used to describe old-fashioned buildings, or people who were out of the ordinary.” Luigi replied. “In a good way, I mean.” Luigi added. 
Peach nodded and watched as Luigi put down a mug of tea in front of her, with the tea bag still in. “Thank you.” Peach said, doctoring up her tea as she listened to the boys bicker and chat. None of them would end up going to bed until much later. And despite knowing they’re gonna wake up feeling slightly less rested the next morning, Mario and Luigi both agreed that it was going to be worth it. 
I wanted to put this tiny disclaimer at the end...Please don't do what Mario did, and tickle the driver while the car's moving. This counts as distracted driving, and you are going to cause a car crash, followed by endless embarrassment caused by having to explain this unfortunate situation to the police. So...Don't do that. That is all. :)
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I’m so fucking close
In like two months I’ll be done
I’ll be out of this fucking hell hole of a high school
And I hope I can get out of this house
I want to leave and never look back
But god
Oh god dude I wish
I wish my entire high school experience wasn’t wasted on this fucking cult
Growing up in the Mormon church as been living hell
I missed out on so much just having to survive
I still remember shit of having to constantly be afraid of my own well being because I didn’t know if my family was safe, the people at church where safe, if my own friends where safe
Dude my parents OH MY FUCKING GOD dude they home schooled me for middle school then signed me up for a fucking Mormon private school taking their online course
I was so fucking isolated from anyone outside the fucking church
It was wake up, go to seminary at 5 FUCKING 30 AM, than listen to your classes talking about Jesus and how you can find him in every subject there is, after that go to a church activity, still have some time? How about we invite the MISSIONARIES over for a small FUCKING DINNER PARTY.
Im an atheist
I’m gay
I’m trans
I’m half Mexican
The treatment I’ve mostly gotten has been micro aggressions at best and physical/sexual assault at worst
I will never know what it’s like to just be a normal kid because of the people that preach they want “kids to just be kids” 
It’s so fucking shitty
Ever since I was outed at the age of 12 or 11 it’s been hell
At first I was fine because I still had my best friend that supported me
It was funny even
You’d be minding your business, then someone would try to talk you out of being gay, try to argue why it’s wrong, get mad at you for being gay. You’d fight back
Laugh at them with ur friends. Poke the bear with a stick
Then the tide would shift
Suddenly they didn’t try to pray the gay away, they weren’t trying to argue you out of it
Now they saw you as a threat
A threat to their friends’ sexuality, a threat to their kids’ sexuality, a threat to their own sexuality.
They where more aggressive
Often yelling at out, picking on you, singling you out, even threats that they love to call jokes
But that’s okay,
You’ll hold your head high
Stand your ground
you won’t swallow your pride
so you’ll fight with your words
And if they decided they didn’t want to play with words
Then you’d fight with every tooth and nail you have
You’d be very really win a fight
Like ever
They usually get broken up by adults or they’d get the upper hand and stop when they’re bored
A rare occurrence actually having to fight
But it changes you
Before you where creepy
Now you try to be off putting, to appear as batshit crazy as you can
But it’s okay because when it gets too much you go to your friends
The tide shifts again
Your friends are closer to other friends than before
They stop hanging out
Then the excuses come
“My dad thinks you might be making me gay. Sorry. Yeah I’m going to have to block you.”
“My mom said if your mom weren’t friends with her, that she wouldn’t let me hang out with you, can we maybe stop hugging?”
“Being gay is one thing, but being trans is a bit much. You’ve always been a girl and i can’t see you any other way.”
“Are you just trying to be a guy so girls can like you more? That’s really creepy.”
And the worst of all you best friend
“I just think marriage should stay between a man and a woman.”
“But you said that you’d support gay marriage despite what your parents say. Your aunt is gay, and you’re a witch.”
“changed my mind.”
Now it’s harder to hold your head high
To stand your ground
You start to retreat
You cant appear normal for the life of you
But now you laugh at their jokes
You play along with them
Make yourself small
You’ll expire soon
It doesn’t matter
You promised
You took away life now it’s your turn
But you can never actually mange to do it
Then your friend finds out
He makes you stay
You decided to brake that promise but now it’s too late
Now your sister knows
You make another promise
Before you know it there’s too many promises to brake
They watch you like a hawk
Make sure you get better
But it doesn’t erase the fact that they pushed to here
You’re at this point because of them
And now it’s less than three months from graduation
You’ll never have a real high school experience
You’ll never be able to be a real teenager
You’ll never be able to be a real teen boy
What are you going to do about it
You graduate in less than three months
Can you make it to crawl out of this hell hole?
Or will you lay there in the grime you’re so well acquainted with?
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24-guy · 2 years
Whats the show name :o also this ask is an open invitation to rant about said show if you would like :] /nf
The show is heartbreak high.
And I'm gonna rant about it under the cut so you are aware of spoilers in case of watching for yourself.
So I'm gonna talk about my favourite couple in the show because I love them. Oh also. Lots of themes of sex in this show. This pairing relates to it but not as much as others.
So we have hypersexual Darren. They're non-binary and into men. Which is immediately a great character. So they are kind of known for sleeping around. Haven't had like. A proper boyfriend.
And then we have ca$h, his real name is Douglas. But imma call him cash. Purely for ease. So he's a criminal. Sells drugs. At one point broke into a store. He's doing it because he is the only one caring for his nan. He's gay but we only find that out through prolonged looks he gives Darren at their workplace, a fast food restaurant, since cash also is a delivery guy.
So they get to talking and flirting and plot happens and they start kissing but nothing more. Literally ever. And so tensions rise because this is a romance series.
And we get to the point where Darren is remarking that they make out with cash to their friends, but he's not made a move so they're getting irritated because you know. Sex.
So Darren tries to be bold about it. But cash kinda beats them to asking them out. They plan to meet up that evening but Cash ends up needing to take his nan to a poker game, so Darren tags along. They end up staying to play a game. At the end, cash apologizes for how the date has gone. Darren confirms it's a date but it doesn't go any further with their prompting.
And Darren, again, gets annoyed. Especially when Cash starts to avoid them. Darren's friends like. Tell them that they should send Cash a nude (this is a show themed about sex and things like that of course it's gonna have talk of these things. No actual genitals are shown by the way. Thought I should mention. It's a 15 in the UK.) And so they do.
We see Cash struggle with responding. But he never does, leaving Darren on read. Darren gets annoyed again at this and kinda rants to their friends more about how they hate boys.
A little time passes and we get back to cash as he's home alone, trying to respond to the nude with one of his own. We get a montage of failed shirtless pics and it's very amusing to watch.
In the end, Cash ends up accidentally dialling Darren, hanging up. And then Darren calls him back and he invites Darren over. They do. And they get to kissing/making out eventually and Cash stops it, asking to just. Stay in that moment. And they end up cuddling through the night.
The next morning, Darren tries to initiate sex, but cash stops them before they can get very far. Darren goes off at him, saying he's just like all the other dudes they've slept with; gay but don't want to be gay and using them.
Cash insists he's not like that, but Darren doesn't hear him out and storms out.
More plot happens and like. Oo. Oo boy. They have a talk at one point and we find out that cash has never enjoyed sex with any men he's been with. Even then it's rare to happen in the first place since he just doesn't like it and yes you're thinking right! Cash is asexual! :DDDD
So Darren says shit that's kinda ace-phobic because they don't understand. And Cash understandably gets upset at that so they're on another break.
But cash is, at this point, plainly in love with Darren. Like it's all over his face every time they talk really. But Darren can't go without sex, that's the only form of intimacy they've had.
Cash says he at least wants to be friends with Darren, Darren says they can be friends.
Darren then, in almost the next scene that centers around them, realizes that they are in love with cash too.
But during all this there has been a heavier plot with this girl called Harper but it's like the biggest spoiler to say it but all you need to know is that cash was involved and he's told, in the aftermath, to stay away from Darren.
So when Darren goes to Cash's house, to tell him that they love him, cash declines. Saying that he can't do it. And then he leaves and Darren is sad.
Cash then repairs his mistake and is being chased down by cops. Long story. He runs all the way from the house to school, right into the classroom and just stands there, stares at Darren and then reveals that he's loved Darren since he was in year 8. That is at least 5 years of a crush. (Year 8 is 13 years old, cash is 18 at the time of the show)(it's set in Australia). And then they kiss and everything is great but then the cops come in and arrest cash and all he's repeating is that he loves Darren.
The show ends with cash in prison and Darren and their friends hoping he gets out soon because of reasons you will find out if you watch it.
I just love how they paired the two together. And I love that cash is ace.
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scentedchildnacho · 29 days
The pastor told me to remember that it's because I do need to go to a shelter and that's the over population of domestic abuse married that was a home owning lady and should see the professional conflict between was a home wife and homeless people
Ladies are like an employer and homeless people under this residentcy were told strictly the tools they may have and the naturality they may try so separatism for me here is needed or quick process to flee crowds will kill me of refusing to spend money
You were a lady and you have to learn to live more expensively or I have to die of quick easy process crowds
You were a wife a lady.....and you could take in a law suit and you wont stop stalking me of refusing to take a settlement from him
You have to pay a domestic abuse shelter and leave me alone....
Thomas Kuhn if your husband is a car creep fascist dude it's look you did these creepy international energies so it's no you pay for the weird international modeling
You you did this creepy fascist awful shit to me so now you pay for my elan...then
You were a wife it's look he did that awful hyper sex thing to you so it's he should let you model and socialize
If you were a wife some homeless women are very gay criminal scary and if you crowd her she knifes up people's ass
I think as homeless she did have to become a terrorist and she may.....may be illegals do show up sometimes
I told the pastor about shelter I already had to file police battery and harassment charges on the sal army and that already was a complete return to Africa if the black people's feel their lives have become vanity to vegetating other people's they do though completely vacate the states just gone one day
There is maybe one smoke crack head lady and that's the only resident of the sal army
Its if their going to start killing other people's for dark populations to be here they do though quickly refuse the massacre
Otherwise path of life admits they had to do communist process because the violence here against migrants by residents was apparently uniquely cruel to this area and the residents were called sicko criminals that can't be bothered or they lash out in juvenile horrible ways
Corona Norco their criminal disease though is really infective and you can't bother the residents
There is some type of crisis with a family community someone apparently stole or threatened their community house so I can't ever use the women's restroom for all the children all the time
So I agree with path of life there needs to be separatism or I will die of hosting a lot of families with little children and homosexual over crowding of males everywhere
Their are large crowds of homosexual males so people like women are crazy angry all the time...
Peace lady doesn't want the males released to pacific islands and she wanted to kill herself a lot of forcing people to host males that huge and militant
Uhm kusara she wanted to slit her own throat a lot so people's in new York wanted to die a lot of resources scarcity to host her creepy huge male discovers asexuality party
Hokulea warriors use to let the sea penetrate them so
I told the man at shower that I have to be homeless till all the people like you no matter their suffering start apologizing for parasitic actions towards me
Really bad things happen to you and your all addicted to calling women fat so a larger meal plate comes in off me if you won't confront yourself about copeing differently then i have to show up here to get called fat
And you know you have to pay for your plate if I won't reject mine
That's the families also something really bad happened to them and if I won't be wiman there won't be a quick available free toilet for boys i didnt birth so if people wont make decisions to cope differently then misery looks like parasitism on me and someone finally takes me away
If the families won't learn to cope in ways that use the family restroom so I'm never forced to wait for a toilet then it will be an all gender and I will get taken away as the woman fund
In the women and children's defense......there are large over populations of male homosexual problems like whole inaccessible wards so
If you ask me not a mental hospital for a domestic abuse shelter and these crowding problems and intensity between us didn't have to happen
That's me about those men in the mental hospital they are already medically privileged and still wouldnt stop lazeing around in there
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 He just saw Brian’s scar ‘HE HURT MY BOY! MY BOY IS HURT! HOW FUCKING DARE HE THAT MONSTER! YOUR STUPID BOYFRIEND HURT HIM!‘ Ethan is leaving and this man is now sitting and bouncing up and down ‘he’s leaving! He’s leaving! and please stay gone! HE NAMED HIS UKULELE?! just for that alone id break up with him. (Justin says Ethan will be back tomorrow) not if i have a say in it! WHY IS JUSTIN DUMBING HIMSELF DOWN FOR THIS DUDE? He just called himself an idiot because he didn’t know a quote or whatever. HEY! 1500 SAT! YOU GOT INTO DARTMOUTH! and you’re dumbing yourself down for the knock off version of Shaggy? Have some respect for yourself AND ME. (Ethan says you will be and shows his ring) I actually puked in my own mouth right now’ ‘BRIAN COME ON WHY WOULD YOU WORK WITH THIS HOMOPHOBIC PIECE OF SHIT?! Oh this dude for sure has a gay crush on Brian. I mean same but I’m better. BRIAN COME ON!’ WE ARE AT THE CONCERT SCENE! ‘Oh god here he go again, i cant esca- WHY ARE WE CLAPPING HIM? No stop that! You dont know him! You dont clap for terrible people! BLONDIE! BLONDIE IS THERE! HE SURPRIS-WHO IS THAT?…did you see how he looked back? OH HE IS CHEATING ISNT HE?! AND THE SAD VIOLIN MUSIC? OH FUCK YOU IF THIS IS THE CASE! PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! JUSTIN BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN!’ Ted just got arrested ‘WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? What the fuck? This is..what even? See! If you had stayed an accountant, we wouldnt be in this mess!..what’s that noise? Oh Benny Boy is puk- CAN YOU DO ANYTHING? MICHAEL HOW..lets me calm down so i dont say something rude…he has the spine of a gummy bear. He is a DRUG ADDICT! Why is he acting like he has the flu? Why does he keep throwing HIV into peoples faces? Dude, i get that he’s sick and this was before now so it’s different and scary but COME ON? At this point someone should smack him and tell him to get over himself..and i am willing to make the sacrifice to volunteer..i know what Ben is saying is serious but all i can think about is Brian saying that self pity makes his dick soft’ And we are finally at the Britin scene again ‘i really hate that ring. SEE BLONDIE! You miss the bars and the clubs! This *waves at him* pretentious behavior is not you. Wait i forgot he saw that fucker leave with that other fucker! Oh blondie, its gonna be okay, i know JUST the man who can mend that heart! (Camera shows Brian) *screams like a crazy person and pauses tv* AHHHH THERE HE IS!! LOOK AT HOW HES LOOKING AT HIM! He is trying so hard to pretend like he doesnt care (Brian watches Justin and then like closes his eyes for a second longer) *literally pulls his hair* AHHHHH FUCKING HELL! LOOK AT THAT! HE HAD TO CLOSE HIS EYES TO FORCE HIMSELF! He is so in love and still hurt and he wants to go to him but he also doesnt but he cant stay away. He didnt need to sit next to hi- YES BUY HIM ANOTHER ONE- NO THANKS?! JUSTIN WHY DO YOU FUCKING HATE ME SO MUCH? (Brian asks where’s your fiancé) RIGHT IN FUCKING FRONT OF HIM IF YALL WOULD JUST FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND STOP FUCKING PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF! (Justin answers and it shows Brian and he once again pauses tv and rewinds it) DID YOU SEE HOW HE CLOSES HIS EYES FOR A QUICK SECOND AGAIN?! DID YOU SEE THAT! HE HAD TO LITERALLY PULL HIMSELF TOGETHER FOR A SECOND! DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT! HE BLINK BLINK BLINK AND THEN CLOSES HIS EYES FOR A SECOND LONGER CAUSE THAT ANSWER HURT! (Brian points to the ring) seriously can we get rid of it- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING BRIAN! NO! COME BACK!!!…does that mean they broke up? Please say yes. I am begging you please say ye-ohhh cool trick’ Just so you know, he burned himself 3 times because he wanted to try to lit up a match the way Justin does it in the end of the ep.
Oh this dude for sure has a gay crush on Brian. I mean same but I’m better. I snorted so hard at this!
AHHHH THERE HE IS!! LOOK AT HOW HES LOOKING AT HIM! He is trying so hard to pretend like he doesnt care (Brian watches Justin and then like closes his eyes for a second longer) *literally pulls his hair* AHHHHH FUCKING HELL! LOOK AT THAT! HE HAD TO CLOSE HIS EYES TO FORCE HIMSELF! He is so in love and still hurt and he wants to go to him but he also doesnt but he cant stay away.
Your brother is alllll of us analyzing everything. Also he's right.
Just so you know, he burned himself 3 times because he wanted to try to lit up a match the way Justin does it in the end of the ep. I DIED AT THIS.
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shotthemessenger · 3 years
Pranking Him 💌
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Pairing Tenjiku Ran x Black Prankster Reader
Reader & Ran → 18+ - Pranks will take place at home
Pranks are:
Whispering "daddy" in his ear and then walking away
Calling him by someone else's name to see his reaction.
Both will be written on this post!
Warnings: Suggestive
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Enjoy :>
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[Whispering daddy in his ear then walking away]
So, while your lovely boyfriend sat in the living room playing video games that you, shouldn't have, introduced him to. You were in your room talking with your friends. "So what should I do to prank him today girls and gays?" It was all a discord call on your laptop. You were getting suggestions when one caught your eye. "What about teasing him and walking away? Since he's always messing with you why don't you mess with him?"
"Dude... That's a good idea!" You giggled at your inside joke. When he leaves the room for the bathroom you sneak in, setting your phone and gopro up. You set your phone as recording and gopro for streaming. When he came back in you put your plan in action. "Hey babe!" You surprised him while his eyes drifted from the screen to you. "Hey baby, kiss?" He asked, giving him one before turning back around.
You started unbraiding his hair and raking your fingers through it. Once you finished, you leaned over and whispered "hey daddy~" in his ear the detaching yourself from him. His head whipped around so fast and he threw the remote, scaring the crap out of you. "Huh? Oi what are you doing? You don't just say that then run. Who do you think you are."
"Your girlfriend. Maybe you should pay more attention to me and then you could get some." You winked. Oh how bold your were. He quickly snatched you up and pinned you to the couch. Before he could say anything you are a ruckus. "WAIT WAIT WAIT I'M RECORDING! THIS IS STREAMING!" He paused and looked at the screen and saw the phone and gopro. "People are seeing this? On what?" He asked while looking backs and forth from the electronics to you. "Discord. They'll ban me if we do anything like this."
You lied, they'd probably watch and then comment on it. "I don't care." He stated bluntly and started kissing on your neck while you squeezed his hands. "Baby, bae, babe. We can't do this right now!" You mumbled softly. He sighed and got up off you. "Turn it off. We are still doing it babe." You rolled your eyes and got up. He attached himself to your back and waddled with you to the rooms and once you left the call, he picked you up and brought you right back to the front.
He put you right back into the same position, kissing your neck again, this time you had no problem with it. Your hands squeezed his and this time he squeezed back softly.
"I love you, [reader]"
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[Calling him by someone else's name to see his reaction.]
Ok ok, so you know, you KNOW, that he would kill someone. And being that you don't want him going on a rampage, you use Rindou's name for the prank, and you prayed the best for him. You were currently home alone but you knew that he would be home soon so you set up in the kitchen and when he came in close you started recording.
His brother was with him, which made things a little sticky, but you thought about when he ate your Klondike bars that one time and now you wanna get back at him. When Ran came up behind you, he tickled your neck with his kisses, making you giggle. "Rin- Ran stop!" He did stop. In fact he turned you around. Rindou had spit out his drink in confusion watching this shit unfold and whether or not he had to run for his life. "Oi oi, what'd you just call me?"
"I called you Ran." He chuckled softly and shook his head before he stared into your eyes. His were empty and intense. His grip on your waist tightened and you could feel his nails dig into your skin but you were too focused on his gaze to notice. "No. You called me Rin. Baby don't tell me you're cheating on me with my brother. My brother, love." You winced and kept your stance but the pain was a little too much. "Ran stop she's bleeding, it's a prank."
Rin grabs his hands and separate them from your waist. He was still serious and didn't believe him. "Look, her phone is recording, it's another TikTok idiot. Go clean her up or I will." He said smacking his older brother in the head while you grab your phone. You stopped the recording and put it back. "Come one bae, let's go. You jealous prick." You roll your eyes, dragging him along as he stays quiet. It's silent as he's on his knees wrapping the bandages around your stomach.
You pat his head and he looks up at you, triggering your hand to slip down to his cheek. "Hey sugar, you good?" Blush was visible on his face, he liked that. He really liked that, what you just did, this view, he really likes it. "I'm alright darling, I should be asking you that." He responds, taking your hand in his. The atmosphere enlivened between the two of you. "I'm just fine, my love." The reddening of his cheeks said it all, bringing about a wider smile.
"Let's' go cuddle, yeah?"
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Operation: Pop The Cherry | JJK
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Jungkook x Virgin!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: rough bathroom sex, college au, unprotected sex, teasing, fingering, Jungkook has a virgin kink if you couldn’t tell by he title, lowkey sadistic JK, Gay BFF Jimin, mentions of alcohol and weed, brief mention of homophobia. bIG diCK Jungkook, more belly bulging, and I forgot what else
Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: Against you better judgement and thank to your best friend Jimin. You somehow agreed to let a stranger on campus known as the Cherry Popper, too well..pop your cherry.
Alternatively: You're a virgin. Jungkook has a fetish/kink for fucking virgins.
A/N: I guess i’ll keep putting this note until i stop reposting my old stories. I use to be lizardsocial, and this fic was previously called Game. You may still be able to find it somewhere on tumblr. I edited this fic heavily and it’s honestly a new story, but there are still some elements from the fic it used to be still in there. Unedited so please let me know of any mistakes or typos. Like, comment, reblog, let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Bass boosted pop music seeped through the dense walls of the energetic room. Strobing bright colored beams danced to the rhythm of the music in mesmerizing synchrony. The musty odor of marijuana, booze, and sex-saturated air shrouded the room in a turbid veil, covering the sea of drunken undulating bodies packed in the cramped living room.  Empty beer cans and other various booze bottles mixed with burnt-out blunts accompanied the young adults. You groaned with irritation and disgust. You didn't want to be here, but to your chagrin, you had a promise to keep.
It wasn't a secret that the college nightlife was unquestionably not your type of 'scene.' You quite frequently elected to willingly engage most of your time in your freshman dorm, wrapped in your weighted burrito blanket. A nightstand stockpiled with all your favorite snacks, lights dimmed low, and lavender incense burning, filling your room with the aroma of relaxation. The perfect setting to binge-watch your favorite show for the umpteenth time, the shifting distorted brightness of your computer screen, projecting the scenes against your face. 
It's kind of funny how you got yourself into this mess in the first place. The one time you decide to take the chance and branch away from the alternate antisocial hermit, your personality had adopted as its own had come back to bite you in the ass. You admit, lately, you've been neglecting your best friend. Your reasonings generally varying from the classic 'oh I was sleep' to deliberately silencing your phone, not wanting to hear the constant shrill ringing of the default ringtone. You loved Jimin, you truly did, but you could only take so much of his eccentric mashup of bubblegum and rainbow sparkles that was his personality. Eventually, guilt began eating away at you piece by piece until you ultimately caved in and invited your friend over for an impromptu movie night in your dorm room. 
Not even 30 minutes into the movie, one that you had been dying to see, might you add, Jimin commenced his drunk and high chattering. He had already started 'pre-gaming' before he came over; Six shots of straight Vodka and 2 blunts. Every day you prayed for this man's liver and brain function; with how much he drank and smoke, you would think he needed it to function. 
"Oh! Oh! Bitttch. Did I tell you about that football player, I fucckked last week!" Jimin started slurring on certain words. You noticed his eyes were glossy and glazed over. 
"No, you didn't, Chim." You sighed, completely giving up trying to watch the movie. You would have to watch it on your alone time. 
"Reeaally?" Jimin slurred, a goofy grin uplifting his lips.
"Yes, really. You haven't told me." Amusement lightly coated your voice. 
"Welll, his name is T-tae, Tae-tae something. Hold on, it's coming to me." Jimin said, rubbing the sides of his temples, trying to remember the guys' name. 
"Taehyung! That's it!" Jimin shrieked, snapping his fingers in victory.
You looked at him startled. You remember Taehyung from high school. You didn't recall him being at this college, though. Well, it wasn't like you paid attention to many things outside your bubble anyway.
"Wasn't he homophobic as fuck in high school?" You asked, genuinely interested.
"Yeah, he was. Buttt I guess he was trying to cover up, that he was actually on the DL." Jimin smiled, whispering the last part.
"DL? What's that mean?" You inquired
Jimin looked at you with a look of betrayal. "It means he's on the down-low, meaning he didn't want anyone to know he's gay. Girrl, I'm too crossfaded to be explaining this to you."
You chuckled, " My bad, Chim. So was it good?"
"Fuck, no! Dick was straight trash. The only thing that saved him a little was that his dick was huge." Jimin said, wiping away a pretend tear from the corner of his eye. 
You laughed boisterously at that. If Jimin wasn't so adamant about becoming a professional dancer. He could seriously take up a career in comedy.
"Speaking of dick. When are you gonna get some?" Jimin asked, turning his body to face you completely. As you looked at him, you noticed his eyes seemed a bit clearer, and his face wasn't as red as earlier. Not only did Jimin drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney. He was somehow able to sober just as fast.
"Oh my god, Jimin. Please don't sta-"
"Mmm, no missy," Jimin said, wagging his finger in your face.
"Don't you hear it?" He said, cupping his hand around his ear as if he was straining to hear something.
"Hear what?" You replied, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms against your chest.
"The cobwebs and tumbleweed living in your cunt."
"Jimin!" You shrieked, slapping the arm closest to you.
"Don't Jimin me! You know it's true, I swear you're gonna be a 40-year-old virgin, and by the time you finally make the decision to have sex, it'll be too late!" Jimin yelled, stumbling to stand up from the couch.
"First off, ouch. I won't be a 40-year-old virgin. That's very insulting. Second, I do plan to lose it soon. I just haven't found the time or the right guy." You said, looking down at your feet shyly. You did want to lose your virginity, but with being an introvert with a mix of social anxiety and just a dash of seasonal depression for added flavor. It was hard even to get out of bed sometimes. Much less going out and trying to find someone to do the do with.
"Oh! Well, if that's all, then I got you covered, babe. Time? Next week Friday at Jihyo's dorm. As for the right guy, I know a dude. He has like a kink for that kind of thing." Jimin answered nonchalantly, now scrolling through his phone, probably on his social media page.
You looked at Jimin, head tilted to the side, confused. "What kind of thing?"
"Oh, you know fucking virgins and shit. Popping their cherries." He said, popping his "P's."
You sputtered, exasperated. What the fuck. You didn't kink shame, that was for losers, but he can't seriously expect you to do something like that.
"What the actual fuck. Jimin, are you serious?"  
"Deadly." He said, looking you square in your eyes. His tone of voice haven dropped an octave lower.
"Jimin no. I-i can't."
"Jimin, yes! Err, I mean _____ yes, you can! Come on, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Plus, it's not like he's a total stranger. I've known him since he was 8 years old. I use to babysit the little shit head." Jimin said, waving his hand in the air, trying to swat away a rogue fly.
"Wow, Chim. You know, now that you put it like it makes me feel a lot better about the situation." You said tone dripped in sarcasm
"Really?" Jimin squealed, a delighted twinkling in his eye.
"Of course not! Don't be stupid!" Offended, you gawked at Jimin. You swear sometimes he could be so dimwitted.
"Come on, please? At least meet him, and if the vibe is not right, then you can leave no harm done." Jimin pleaded, his attention back on you. Was it crazy that you were actually thinking about agreeing to this? Jimin did have a point. It was sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity. He did know the guy, and if you didn't like the vibe, then you could just bounce, right? Right?
Sighing in defeat, your hands dragged down your face and turned towards a pouting Jimin. Grabbing at his deflated shoulders, you shook her lightly, and with urgency in your voice, you spoke, "Alright goddammit! I'll do it, but you have to stay by my side the whole time, no running off, you understand!" 
You watched Jimin's face quirk into a sly smirk. You swore you could see the cogs in his brain churning. Damn, you were going to regret this. You had the tendency to make deals when pressured. Most of the time, those agreements ended up backfiring on you, confining you in the proverbial rock and a hard place. 
"Yay! Operation: Pop _____ Cherry has commenced. Okay, so will meet at the auditorium on the art campus. From there we will walk to Jihyo's dorm, it's only five minutes. Promise me you'll actually show up and won't flake on me." A complacent expression rested arrogantly on Jimin's features, a single pinky finger extended towards you. 
"Don't give this situation a not-so-secret code name. And I can't believe I'm saying this but, I promise." You agreed, interlocking pinky fingers, yours thumbs coming up to press against one another.
"So I'll meet you at the location Friday, don't be late, and wear something sexy. No granny clothes." he chirped, making his way to your front door.
"Wait! You're leaving already?" you frowned, looking at the clock on your wall. He's only been here for an hour, and 30 mins of it were spent persuading you to hurry up and lose your virginity. You didn't even get to finish the movie together.
"Sorry babe, but I have a dick appointment." he shrugged, putting his arms through the sleeves of his jacket.
"Can you at least tell me the name of the guy who's supposed to fuck me?" you huffed, honestly you were done for tonight. As soon as Jimin left, you were heading straight for bed.
"Oh yeah, how could I forget." Jimin slaps the center of his forehead. "He's a real cutie. I would fuck him if he wasn't as straight as an arrow." Jimin looks off to a far wall, eyeing it with jealousy.
"Just tell me his name, please." You pleaded. Oh yeah, that's definitely a headache forming. You could feel it already. Jimin snaps out of his daydreaming and spins his body towards you.
Time skip to a week later, and precisely as you suspected, what a mistake that whole conversation was. Now here you were at this fucking dorm party with people you didn't know or care to get to know. Jimin had left you as soon as he saw his next piece of ass. Restlessly you hauled down the short black dress that insisted on riding up your ass, the soles of your feet protesting in the slim heeled shoes. Floundering your way into the packed building, you couldn't help but query where Jungkook was. Jimin was supposed to get around to send you a picture of the mystery man, but that never happened. Funny how now was the best time you decided to question why exactly Jimin was your best friend.
"Well damn, the pictures Jimin sent me doesn't do you justice at all. You're fucking hot." You recoiled from the closeness of the voice, the heated breath sending chills skittering down your spine, and the hairs on the back of your neck ramrod straight. Heat spurred to your face when you whisked around to meet an absolutely gorgeous guy. Like unfairly gorgeous guy. You stared wide-eyed, taking in his chiseled facial features, paired with wide doe eyes and bunny smile decorating his face. Somehow, someway he's mastered looked soft and sexy at the same damn time. And fuck was that a dangerous combination for your pussy. Your heart too, but more so your cunt.
"U-uh, thanks? Who are you exactly?" You watch as he recoils back from your with a look of apprehension on his face.
"A-are you not ____?" he stutters cutely. You think you can see the beginnings of a blush burning his cheeks. You nod your head once to confirm his question. He stared at you a minute longer before you see the recognition spark in his chocolate orbs.
"Jimin didn't send you my picture did he?" Shaking his head with his eyes close, you get the courage the scan his face a bit more. Yeah. He's definitely blushing.
"Sorry. I guess seeing you here, I thought Jimin would have...prepared you better." Shaking your head from side to side because your words refused to come out. You watched as he backed up a bit further from your personal space and thrust his right hand out to you. 
"The name's Jungkook, or J.K. Whatever suits your taste."
With clammy hands, you taking his outstretched hand marveled at how it almost covers your hand. Now that he's moved back from you, you now had to chance to see how tall he really was. Maybe about 6 to 7 inches taller. You look down at his feet and eye his combat boot, perhaps a little shorter but still taller. And big, yeah, definitely bigger. His oversized black jacket did little to hide the broadness of his shoulders and chest. You let your eyes travel down the length of his body. You bet he's hiding some killer abs under his shirt. And holy fuck, his thighs.
"You like what you see, baby girl?" Teasing, he's teasing but God, if his voice didn't make you pussy throbbing pathetically. Whimpering slightly, you let out a meek "Yes." God, you hope he didn't hear that.
Much to your dismay, he did, hear you. How he heard you with the music as loud as it was, was a mystery to you. But you watched his pupils dilate, and his nostrils flare slightly. Jungkook tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes rake up and down your scantily clad body. His heated stare scrutinized across your body, intrigue exerting over him, as he analyzed the way the snug-fitting dress molded to the curves of your shape. He could tell you didn't do this often. His dick twitched in his jeans with enthusiasm. 
It's the increase in pressure of your hand that makes you realize you're still holding his hand. You go to retract your hand from his. However, yelp shrilly as he tugs you closer to his body. Both hands now resting on his chest, and his wrapped around your waist. Fuck, you could feel the warmth and coarseness of his hands through your thin dress. A spontaneous tremor racked your body. The heat-transmitting from his frame mixed with the floral yet musky undertone of his cologne made you somewhat featherbrained.
"Fuck, you're so soft." You squeak as he squeezes your waistline, pulling you even closer against his body. You were now putty in his hands.
"Jimin told you my....preferences, right?" his voice caressed your ear. Just a slight movement or subtle twitch, and his lips would be on your skin.
"Y-yeah, he did." It should be an embarrassment how frail and breathless you sounded, but that didn't matter.
Jungkook hid his smile behind your ear. This was just too easy. Just how he liked it. He almost felt bad- almost. He was gonna ruin you utterly and completely, mold the shape of cock in the walls of your pussy. His name spilling from your lips, voice going hoarse by how loud he would make you scream. Fuck he couldn't wait. He's had virgin's before, a lot of them. That's his whole M.O. The cherry popper, virgin fucker, whatever. Jungkook's heard all the names in the book. But there's just something about you, you just had an air of genuine innocence, and he couldn't wait to defile it. 
Jungkook pulls his head back, enough to where his eyes can trail over the bared skin of your neck, and the sprinkling of perspiration sparkling off the bright strobing lights, no doubt from nervousness. His tongue traced over his thin upper lip, watching the droplets of sweat spiral down the curve of your neck. He wanted to taste you. 
"Alright, then." He jerks his body away from you. You're no longer touching his chest, but his hands are still on your waist. 
"Let's enjoy the party before the fun really begins. Every done body shots before?" Jungkook spoke casually, undeterred by the way you recoiled back or the look of stupor on your face.
"W-what? B-body shots, why?" you squeaked, failing to keep from stuttering over your words. Is this how it's supposed to go? Is this normal? You're bewildered, and just a bit perturbed. Were you just imagining that sexual tension that was going on just moments ago? For sure, you thought Jungkook was gonna throw you over his shoulders and haul you off to the nearest unoccupied bedroom or bathroom. At that instant, you didn't care. 
Jungkook regarded the war of emotions wage across your features, merriment and strobing lights twinkling in his eyes. Fuck, you were cute, so desperate staring up at him with a pout on your face a puppy dog eyes. He could honestly just take you back to the closest room and fuck the shit out of you. But he wanted to play with his prey, a bit more. The wait made it that much more satisfying.
"Don't pout too much, baby girl or I may not be able to contain myself. Follow me. The table is this way."
Jungkook didn't indulge in answering any of your questions you rambled off at him, delighted to see you trailing on his heels like a lost pup. Jungkook directed you further into the dorm, and like a dog on a leash, you followed. In the center of a sparse room sat a scraped up black table. You observed the area. It was devoid of many people. The several that were present made no recognition of your proximity in their intoxicated state.
"So who's first?" Jungkook asked, setting the bottle of tequila, rim salt, and limes down on the table.
"U-uh, I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter." You shrugged hesitantly. You were way out of your element here.
"Perfect then, you first." Jungkook should be ashamed by how excited he was at getting to sample your skin. It looked smooth, felt soft when he had you in his arms, and would no doubt probably taste as sweet as it seemed. You nodded in docility, wandering over to crawl on top of the table, being attentive to your dress. You lay flattened against the table, shiverings racking your body as he began pouring a trail of salt between your cleavage. 
He poured himself a shot in the depression of your throat and tore the lime in half with his bare hands. Smirking at how you flinched when he thumped the liquor bottle down beside your head. Jungkook pushed the other half of the unevenly split lime towards your lips, a silent gesture to take the lime in your mouth. Jungkook watched as your lips curled gently around the hull of the green citrus. A flare of lust stirred in his loins at the action. He couldn't wait to see your lips stretched around the head of his cock. He observed your eyes clamped closed as he began dropping his head forward to your chest. It was adorable and innocent. He noted the way your lips slackened around the citrus in your mouth, your chest heaving in speed, the closer his tongue trailed to your neck.
You tasted splendid, just as sweet as he thought. The salt on your skin did nothing to deter your natural flavor. If anything, it enhanced your sweetness, rendering your skin damn near mouth-watering. Jungkook's ears perked at the breathless moans slipping past the fruit perched against your lips, drawn out by the repeated pass of the wet, pink appendage lapping at the salt line between the valley of your breast. Committing your muffled moans to memory, he lapped persistently at the collection of salt and tequila in the hollow at the base of your neck.
You face flammed in embarrassment as panting moans effortlessly tumbled from your mouth. Who knew your chest and neck was such an erogenous spot. Despite your shame, you couldn't stop wriggling, shifting your thighs together for some form of friction to sate the rising arousal dampening your panties. You yelped at the sensation of blunt teeth nibbling at your skin before soft lips came to suck at the shallow indentations. Fluffy hair with an undercut came into your line of vision as Jungkook lifted his head up to your lips. Your heart stammered tortuously against your ribs, flirtatious eyes stared lidded with searing lust, his head advanced closer to your lips. Your eyes fluttered closed, lips puckering against the bitter hull of the lime.
Jungkook closed the distance, slanting his mouth over the lime, blocking his contact with yours. He sucked against the sour fruit, acidity puckering his lips, residual tartness flowing to your cracked lips. Jungkook withdrew from your mouth, taking the drained lime hull with it. Your saccharine moans were heaven to his ears. It had awoken something inside him, fueled his fire in knowing that possibly no one had ever heard such a sweet sound. He wanted more, craved more. 
"Have you ever been kissed before, sweetheart?" Your eyes followed the movement of his tongue, poking out to moistening his lips. 
"Yeah, once in like 3rd grade." Who hasn't snuck behind a tree or hid underneath the dark coverings of playground equipment to lock lips with a childhood crush?
He grinned salaciously, body moving to rest between your spread legs. Oh, now he was really excited. Your lips were practically untouched. Just another part of your body to claim first. You jumped when palms pressed flat against the revealed skin of your thigh. Gently, Jungkook rubbed lazy circles on your skin, never lowering or furthering than the hem of your dress. He felt you wiggle beneath his hands, observed your eyes, glimpsing―darting about, should you concentrate on his face, or his hand, uncertainty was etched on your face.
"Amazing." He groaned, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks, before grinning again. His face inched closer to yours, his lips but a breath apart, warmth flickered against your lips as he talked, level and smooth. " Well, how about I become your second?
And then his lips were on you, the soft muscle mangled itself to your lips, tentative and sluggish to give you a chance to register his mouth slanted upon yours. Jungkook chuckled against your lips at your unresponsiveness. He guesses you were a little shell shocked. It only takes a few more stagnant seconds before you're shyly reciprocating his kiss. Delicate, shaky movements highlighted your inexperience. Increasingly, Jungkook increased the pressure behind lips, his hands spreading to enclose around your waist, dragging you closer against him. One of Jungkook's hands removed from your waist to bury itself in your hair, gently his fingernails scratched against your scalp, an airy moan was his reward. 
Hands completely abandoning your midsection, one gripped the meat of your thigh, pulling you to the edge of the table, flush against the tent of his denim jean encased manhood, the other embedded in your strands pulled sharply on your roots, a loud gasp tearing from you. Jungkook took that opportunity to advance his tongue into your gaped mouth. His tongue wrapped itself around yours, briefly wrestling for dominance before easily pinning your tongue in submission. His hips ground against yours, the heat of your covered core teased him through his jeans. 
He thoroughly explored your mouth, swallowing the now copious cries leaving your mouth. Reluctantly, Jungkook tore himself from your kiss-swollen lips. The ravished looked suited you perfectly. You looked beautiful, thighs brazenly spread, eyes glazed over in lust, your sticky chest heaving from the length of the shared kiss. Even in the dim lights, he could make out the taunt pebbling of your nipples. 
Your mouth gaped wide, flapping about like a fish out of water, trying despairingly to draw air into your lungs. Your first kiss definitely didn't compare to this much. Your wide eyes flicked between Jungkook and the floor, your bottom lip tucked firmly between your teeth, feeling shy as he just stares at you. Releasing your teeth from your lips, you timidly touched your mouth, admiring how plump they've gotten from the intense liplock.
Wordlessly Jungkook hitched you over his shoulder, winded with a grunt as his defined shoulder blades dug into your stomach and what sounded like a growled vibrate up into you. You squirmed lightly in his hold, scared he was going to drop you, and secondly, your panty-clad ass on display for the party-goers, not that anyone was looking. 
You watched the continuous panels of hardwood floor move beneath you as Jungkook carried you to an unknown destination. You couldn't believe you were really doing this. Were you actually going to have sex with a complete stranger? Someone who was known for explicitly fucking virgins. Realistically, you should be ashamed, yet, you conceded full control to him without a second thought. What did that say about you? About your character? Would you now be labeled as 'easy' or a 'hoe' after all this was done? What was going to happen between you and Jungkook? 
The flick of a switch stirred from your thoughts. You shield your eyes with your hand at the bright lights pouring into the room, or rather a bathroom. Jungkook loved the confusion marring your features. He wouldn't fuck you in his bedroom just yet. That was a privilege you would have to earn, no matter how intrigued he had become with you. There's always humiliation to be had in the corruption of innocence, and fucking you in the bathroom was a good start. He planned on making you watch him as he destroyed your body, popping your cherry, stretching your tight virginal hole to accommodate his length, and claimed it as his own. Jungkook shuddered at the thought, his possessive nature taking a turn for the worst. 
Impatiently Jungkook sat you on top of the bathroom sink counter, his lips smashed against yours, the previous tenderness was gone, vanished into a puff of smoke. Teeth banged, and tongues flailed recklessly against each other in the heat of passion, with you struggling to keep up with the demands of his dominating kiss. Thick fingers trailed beneath the hem of your dress, tickling the expanse of your thighs. Jungkook wasted no time in shifting your slick soaked panties to the side, a warm digit gliding effortlessly through your damn folds.
"Fuck, you're already so wet. You're enjoying this a little too much, baby girl." Jungkook growled, panting against your lips. His finger breached your sex, you tensed deftly around the foreigner intrusion, stretching your weeping walls. 
"Ah, Jungkook." You cried listlessly, rocking your hips against his stilled finger. He felt so good inside you, and it was just his finger. Maybe this experience wouldn't be as bad as you heard. Now you couldn't wait to see what his cock felt like embedded deep within your pussy. Jungkook pumped slowly, eventually introducing a second finger to help loosen you up more. You were gonna be a tight fit, very tight, but that just made it even better. You hissed at the slight burn as he began scissoring his fingers apart with each withdrawal. Your hands wrapped around his neck as you buried your head against his broad chest, your mellifluous moans suppressed by the fabric of his shirt. 
"G-go faster, please." You begged, your body adjusting and quickly becoming frustrated by the snail's pace his fingers were pumping. You bucked your hips against his hands, hoping he would ease the growing discomfort boiling in your stomach. 
"Have you ever had an orgasm before, babe?" You nodded eagerly at his question, whining as you bucked against his hand again.
"Oh, really? Who gave it to you." Slow, he was going too slow you wanted, no you needed more friction, more stimulation from him.
"M-me. I-i did." Jungkook loved how you stuttered, it stroked his ego and filled him with arrogance to know it was him, and only that was capable of making you stumble over your words.
"Mmm, and how did you do it? Did you rub this little clit of yours raw?" You cried louder when his thumb flicked at your clit, the stimulation further drawing the appendage from its hood.
"Or did you fuck this tight hole, with these tiny fingers of yours?" At those words, a loud, choked moan, even muffled by your face in his chest, echoed throughout the white bathroom. Jungkook had gone deeper inside, almost to the third knuckle. Another moan left your lips as he twisted his fingers inside you, his palm now facing upwards.
"Though you and I bought know they couldn't possibly reach deep enough to touch the spot you really want." It's euphoric, no better yet orgasmic, the sheer shock of electric pleasure that zaps through your body when he finds the spongy bundle of nerves. Your body jerked heavily, legs go to snap close, only to be stopped by his broad body between your thighs.
He chuckles softly, stroking your thigh with his other hand. Jungkook shifts his head down, bringing his mouth closer to your ear. He exhales quietly, warm air tinged with tequila and lime caresses the light hairs on you around your ear. " I found it, huh?"
You whimper, rubbing your head up and down against his chest.
"You want me to speed up the pace, sweetheart?" Jungkook's voice is delicate now, so gentle. But you're confused, overwhelmed, and scared. It's never felt like this when you did it yourself. Your not sure if you could handle the feeling, so you don't provide an answer to Jungkook's question.
"Don't ignore me ____, that's not nice manners. I'll ask again." You clench around his fingers as Jungkook inches just a bit deeper. 
"Do you. Want me. To go faster?" With each pause, he arches his fingers in a 'come here' motion, pressing deeply against your bundle of nerves, the sensation of having to pee accompanied with each thrust.
 "Y-yes, faster, more. Pl-lease." Fuck, you sounded so pretty begging for him if he wasn't addicted before. You had him sprung now. Jungkook buried his face in the crook of your neck, the sharp smell of tequila and salt still lingering on your skin. He sucked at the junction where your shoulder and neck met. You bucked harder against his fingers, your juices now dripping to coat his palm is sticky cream.
"If you wanted more. Why didn't you just ask?" Jungkook said deviously. Confused, you felt withdraw his sticky digits, walls gripping to stop their departure. Without warning, Jungkook flipped you over onto the counter, your knees buckled at the sudden change in position. Your faced burning at your displayed state, droplets of your essence dribbled from your pussy, slicking up your inner thighs. You yelped as Jungkook grasped at the length of your hair, pulling back pointedly, your neck craned back to observe him addressing you in the mirror.
"You've been wondrous for me ____. Such a sweet girl." He expressed, his empty hand disappearing behind your perked ass to fiddle with the groin of his pants. 
"Truly, you have. Your response and reactions to my touch have really gotten me riled up. It's been a while since I've tittered on the edge of losing control." You wheezed, starting to panic as you felt the thick head of his cock slap teasingly against your slicked throbbing hole. Oh, God, he's huge. Jungkook's cock might just tear you apart. You shifted your hips forward, pressing against the cold marble of the bathroom counters door.
"I-i don't think, I can t-take it Jungkook, you're too b-big. It's my first-time, r-remember?” Your stuttering worse now, but you're scared.
Jungkook pulls your hips back with the hand the was grasping his length, the side of your hip now coated in his pre-cum. His hand lays flat in the crease of your back, forcing you into a perfect arch. 
"You can take it, all of it. And don't worry, of course, I remembered your fragility. I'll go slow, I promise." You plead silently with your eye contact through the mirror. 
"You ready?" You nod once an advert your eyes down to the sink.
Your mouth shakily falls agape as he slowly began pushing the head of his cock into you. It burns, but not as bad as you had anticipated. You take the chance to look back up into the mirror, adamant about giving Jungkook a thankful smile for his gentleness. That vision that greets looks like it jumped right off the page of your favorite erotic story. 
Jungkook's got his head thrown back, the edge of his t-shirt clenched tightly between his teeth, your eyes trail the drip of sweat that follows the curve of his jawline. You have a clear view of his abs all the way down to the v-cut of his hip, to the happy trail that leads to a neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair. You clench tightly around him, efficiently aroused by the view. You feel his cock throbbed heavily inside you, even getting bigger if possible.
"You like that, sweet girl? You like seeing me struggling to contain myself because you're so tightly around me. This little pussy trying to milk me for all I can give you." You love it. You feel powerful in a way. Do you really feel that good around him?
"Yes." Jungkook draws out the 'S.' 
"You feel amazing, so warm and wet. I wished you could see how coated in white you've got me, and I'm not even all the way in yet."
You scream soundless as he bucks into you, shoving in half of his length. It doesn't hurt anymore. You just feel stuffed full. Lifting a trembling hand, you take the chance a feel the lower part. You noticed swelling that wasn't there before, intrigued; you push down against it, moaning in shock you realize it's Jungkook's cock. 
"Yeah, baby girl, that's all me, well, most of me. You ready to take the rest?"
"Yes! Please!" That's the clearest you've been all night. You don't get an answer as Jungkook immediately picks up his pacing, thrusting into you faster. He wastes no time pumping deeply into your tight pussy, his tip smashing against the entrance to your cervix as you pant and grit your teeth in slight discomfort, overshadowed by pleasure. The burning sensation is back as he fucks in deeper with each brutal and swift stroke. But you don't care cause it still feels amazing. You can hear yourself, sloppy and soaking wet, echoing throughout the bathroom. You're drooling down his pistoning cock. You can feel it dripping down your inner thighs. Your head jerks violently against your shoulders, to weak support your head from his menacing thrust. 
Tightened vocal cords released strained shrieks of praise; from your mouth, drool dripping from your lips, into the sticky cleavage of your breast, and sweat coated your skin. The coil in your stomach was quickly tightening, never had you felt anything so deep inside you. If you ever had sex with anyone else, they would never compare to Jungkook.  You were fucked both figuratively and literally.
Jungkook pulled you further from off the sink, the new position allowing him even deeper. You clawed at the marble tops underneath your fingers, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. That sensation of having to pee is back again.
"J-K, I-m. I have to-," You don't get to finish as the band in your stomach snapped. Silently you announced your release; if it wasn't for the new wave of cum coating his cock, or the fluttering tightness of your walls, Jungkook might have missed your orgasm. He wasn't far behind you. The constant clenching of your ridged walls around his cock, had him reaching his limit sooner than he would like. Jungkook had half a mind to pull out but decided to gamble his odds. You're the first person he's fucked raw in a while, and with three deep thrusts later, he was shooting his hot seed right against your cervix. 
Breathing heavily, Jungkook lets you fall against the sink, observing as you crumpled against the sink countertop. Pride swelled his chest as he watched his seed bubble out of your well-used hole. He's never contemplated going farther with the virgins he fucked. He wouldn't make any hasty decisions now though there were still a lot of things he wanted to do with you. He would sleep on it and revisit the idea in the morning.
"So would you say, Operation: Pop Your Cherry was a success?"
You giggled, winded, still having difficulty catching your breath. You straighten up against the bathroom counter, the majority of your weight still resting on the object as you had yet to regain the feeling in your legs.
"Jimin and his stupid code names. I swear when I get a hold ass, he's dead." You warned already preparing your revenge on your best friend. You stare at Jungkook in the eyes through the mirror, smile a bit goofy, you say.
"Operation: Pop My Cherry. Mission complete."
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peterbparkerth · 3 years
My Experience Shifting to MCU Part 1 it’s really long sorry
Okay the first time I shifted was in January so I will summarise what happened till now.
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Steve gives the best piggy backs rides, he’s also gay and loves Bucky but when Bucky and I got together he moved on. Steve is also the one who introduced me to everyone. He makes great pancakes and has the infinity war beard. He’s also very good in training and god his body 😏
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Tony on the other hand loves Peter like his own son 🥺🥺. I annoy him a lot by either stealing his suits or by pranking him with Loki. He is exactly like what you think he would be but he is also hella caring
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Natasha is so scary at first but I made her get used to me and my pranks and stuff, she has so much love for Bruce and vice versa. She also becomes my training partner when Steve isn’t around. And she gives best life advice. Also her combat skills 😍
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Bruce Banner is always at the lab and if not then he is fonduing with Nat 👀. And if that’s not the case he’s helping Tony and Peter. I haven’t interacted with him that much.
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Peter Parker! This boy is so not what y’all think (well maybe in only in my DR he is like this). He is so kinky and naughty, boi I don’t know how can he be so innocent around others. Yes he and I dated at one point, but we broke up cause of some drama(he hugged MJ the way he hugs me and wouldn’t apologise to me), he is so caring and possessive like boi he won’t leave you alone at all and boy cuddles and kisses with him🥺🥺 i fondued with him first 😏. He also did some dances with Scott Lang and Peter quill 😭(if you want the whole relationship story of Parker and I let me know, it’s kinda adorable and kinda naughty) he still loves me and I do too but
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I’m dating Bucky Barnes now 😏 okay so this dude was in love with me way before Peter and I dated and he had kissed me when the rest of the avengers and I played truth and dare, he made Peter so angry that Peter fondued with me😏. Oh god and his hands 🥺. (Now I will type down how Bucky and I got together and what are relationship is like now).
Okay so we got together when Bucky was sitting with Sam and I came up to Bucky with sad face since Peter broke up with me and I hugged Bucky and told him everything that happened And buck was like “be with me if I make you feel happy” so I kissed him And then we got together .so when I shifted again I walked out of my room and Bucky was like “doll I have been searching for you everywhere I thought something happened to you” and he looked at me like 🥺.I gave him a kiss and he was like “oof! Doll I have missed that”🙈.Bucky and I also 👉🏻👌🏻we went on a mission and I was partnered with Nat and when we came back I went to injured Bucky and tried to give him aid and I took him to my room and while I was aiding him he looked at me and leaned in and gave me such a passionate kiss 🥺🥺🥺.So I sat on his lap and said “I’m ready to give you my heart” .And he looked at me like “Are you sure sweet cheeks?” And I nodded so he then placed me on the bed and locked the door.And then he took of his shirt, left the metal arm on since I told him to.And then he got next to me and then slowly took of my clothes.He then laid me under him and kissed me first then my neck.And then went down on me first.He was so careful not to hurt me. Omg when I told him I love him 😭.He looked like a lost kitten that just found his home.Anyway the day after I and Bucky had fondued I woke up and made him breakfast only to have him hug me from behind and hum a song in my ear I was like “Bucky what are you doing” and he said “serenading my girl” and Wanda coughed and we turned around to see everyone look at us and Peter looked so heartbroken that he pulled me in to a room .And tbh he said “so you’re with Bucky now? The same one I told you to say away..” he said some other rude stuff (Peter was heart broken) making me cry so Bucky came and stood in front of Peter and said “if you make my girl cry ever again, I swear I’ll take her to another apartment building and marry her right in front of you making you hate yourself for eternity” and I looked at him like 🥵👀.Bucky and I kiss all the time making Tony say “stop snogging each other and listen to the mission updates”.Once John called me to meet him alone in a place so I went and I didn’t know Bucky was following me secretly so when I got there John Walker kissed me after a while of talking and Bucky was like “so you came here for kissing another guy” and I looked at him and kept repeating the truth and Bucky said “he knows the truth” and he starts beating up Walker .While he was beating up John I got kidnapped by hydra and when Bucky heard me screaming he ran towards the vehicle I was in but he was too late.I was taken to hydra’s secret place and tortured there and when the avengers came to find me Peter found me first and was like “what the hell darling, you’re okay I’m here, everyone’s here for you” and took me out of constrains only to get kissed by me just then Bucky saw me and looked so heart broken but I ran to him to tell him that I choose him but he said that till he doesn’t sort out this hydra situation he has to go away. And I looked at him like “ I want to come with you”.I said “don’t break my heart like Peter did, I don’t know why I kissed him, I just want to be with you, you make me so happy and so loved, please don’t break up with me, with you i feel alive” and I cried as I said this,He pushed me against the wall and said that he will never break up with me but He need to make sure I’m giving this relationship my everything and I looked at him and kissed him with so much love and passion that showing him how vulnerable I am with him .The way he looked at me when I got really vulnerable with him and the way his held my cheek with his real hand as I did him 🥺 The way he said “I would do anything for you doll” 😭 (these things happened just recently so I will keep you guys updated if you want me to)
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Wanda Maximoff and Vision along with Tommy and Billy. Yes they all are alive and together in my DR!. Wanda is so sweet and just a momma bear🥺 she is the first one to know about the drama and tea that happens to me and I’m like her younger sister 😭. She is such a great wife and mother and I’m so proud of her she treats everyone with yummy food every lunch time. Vision on the other hand is annoying af because he keeps asking me if I fondued with Peter or Bucky so I warn Wanda to tell him to shut up about it. Their kids play with me and Pietro so much
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Pietro Maximoff is such a flirt but he doesn’t go that far because I tell Wanda to keep him in check as well, he’s also really fast obviously and boi training with him is fun and how he and I along with Loki prank Bucky 😂😂😂😂. Boi I need to spend more time with him too
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Loki is my homie, my best friend and my partner in crime!. He took to me Asgard and the way I greeted Odin made Loki laugh so bad 😂. He gives me the best prank ideas and also always tried to keep me away from Peter and Bucky at first. He also always get thrown away by Tony I have no idea why but Thor brings him back to the compound. He’s so caring towards me and tbh I tried kissing him once he said “no thanks, I’d rather kiss a corpse” 👁👄👁.
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Thor is exactly like that in the gif, goofy and so hilarious like oh god if humor was a person Thor would be it. He is soft and makes great pop tarts which I steal because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️. Thor trains with Loki and Wanda since Clint is not around cuz clints on fam duty vision is partnered with Tony and Peter. I can lift his hammer which pissed him off so much that he broke the lounge table 👀
Sam Wilson the only time I interacted with Sam a lot was when Bucky and I had to go to hydra facility and he was fun to be around. When I’m cuddling with Bucky or sitting on his lap Sam teases us so much that I tell him stfu 😂
T’Challa ,Shuri, Scott Lang and Peter quill have visited only once so I haven’t spend time with them I only remember t’challa and shuri bringing biscuits and Scott Lang being all so adorable and giving me a piggyback ride, quill accidentally shot me with his gun so yeah he isn’t allowed anymore. Strange hasn’t made any entrance yet but I’m thinking about bringing him to my DR
I have erased some explicit details if you want them DM me cuz i don’t want to scar anyone young here
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
The Mercer Legacy - Part 1
Pairings: Reggie x Luke x Reader, Willex
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: none? 
a/n: welcome to the first part of my social media JATP au!! Im really excited about this series and I hope you like it!! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 
Masterlist  TML Masterlist
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“Beep beep! Coming through!” You heard somebody call from down the sidewalk.
You stepped to the side, lifting your dress so that the white fabric didn’t touch the grass but Alex wasn’t as lucky. Your best friend apparently hadn’t heard the warning and before any of you knew what had happened, Alex and the skateboarder were both sprawled on the ground.
“Oh, you dinged my board!” The skateboarder whined as he stood and you saw Alex scowl.
“I dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over! You’re lucky I didn’t-“ Alex stopped abruptly and you smirked, recognizing the expression on your best friend’s face as he actually looked at the boy who had run into him.
You knew that look, that was Alex’s gay panic look. However, before Alex could regain control of his brain long enough to say something his mom interrupted, calling out from the car.
“Alexander, Y/N, let’s get a move on! We don’t want to be late!”
The skateboarder nodded apologetically to Alex before riding off, leaving Alex to stare longingly after him. When he finally turned back he was met with a teasing grin from you.
“Don’t say a word,” he grit out, glaring at you and you laughed.
“Whatever you say, lover boy.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
The event was about as stuffy as you’d imagined it would be. After they’d lined you all up and announced you to the attendees, the master of ceremonies turned it over to the orchestra to play for the rest of the evening.
“How much longer do we have to be here?” You huffed, plopping down very un-ladylike into the chair next to your best friend.
“At least two more hours, probably longer,” Alex responded dejectedly and you sighed, taking a sip of your fruit punch as you surveyed the room.
Most of the attendees, both debutantes and parents, were slow-dancing to whatever piece the orchestra played. You would be perfectly content if you never made it onto the dance floor though you knew it was unlikely considering Mrs. Mercer’s overbearing and controlling nature. She’d be damned if her son didn’t dance to at least one song which meant you’d be dancing with him.
“Y’know, whoever chose fruit punch as a beverage for this event is an idiot,” you declared, holding your cup up to eye level as you stared into the red liquid. “It would be so easy to spill this all over my pristine white dress. Maybe I should. We’d probably get to leave and…” You trailed off.
Though distorted and colorized due to the liquid in your cup, you thought you recognized one of the young servers. Lowering your glass slowly as to not spill your drink (sure you’d threatened to but really this was a nice dress and you didn’t want to ruin it) you peered more clearly across the room at the boy.
“Hey isn’t that your boyfriend?” You asked Alex, grinning teasingly at him.
It was hard to be certain when the guy had traded his helmet for a neat bun at the base of his neck and his street clothes for a tuxedo shirt and black slacks but you were pretty sure that was the same boy who had run Alex over with his skateboard.
“What?” Alex hissed, looking around frantically and you weren’t sure if he was checking to make sure no one had overheard (no one had, you’d checked before you’d said anything) or looking for the boy in question.
“Your skater boy,” you explained. “Isn’t that him over there with the tray of hor d’œuvres?”
“Oh my god.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go introduce yourself, get his number!”
“I can’t just go over there,” Alex exclaimed, parroting your words back at you. “He’s working!”
You huffed and rolled your eyes at his reluctance.
“Fine. Then I’m hungry let’s go get a snack,” you stood, dragging him out of his chair with you.
You looped your arm through his, not allowing him to get away as you pulled him across the room. You stopped in front of the skater boy, pretending to be occupied with selecting an hor d’oeurve from his tray. You felt Alex freeze up next to you and you nudged him with your elbow.
“Alright well, Alex, I’m going to go sit over there,” you gestured over to a table nearby, “and let you guys talk.”
You slipped your arm from Alex’s, winking no-so-discretely at him as you moved away.
“I hate you,” you heard him hiss in your direction but you just smiled cheekily in response.
“So, Alex huh?” You heard the skater boy ask before you were out of earshot and you smirked.
You sat down at a nearby table alone, keeping an eye on Alex in case you needed to rescue him. However, once you saw him relax you let your gaze wander. Your new seat afforded you a view of the orchestra and you found your gaze drifting off towards the musicians. You hadn’t realized you’d been staring at one particular musician until the dark-haired cellist winked at you.
You felt heat immediately rise to your cheeks and you quickly averted your gaze, embarrassed at being caught by the cute musician. Of course, your gaze then fell to a violinist across the orchestra setup. To your surprise he was already staring at you, a cocky smirk on his face as he continued to play, completely disregarding the sheet music and conductor in front of him.
He was undeniably attractive, though in a different way than the other musician who had caught your eye. Still, you had the undeniable urge to wipe the smirk off his face and make him as flustered as you were so you did what the cellist had just done to you moments before. You winked. However, it didn’t seem to phase him very much, the flash of surprise crossing his face quickly replaced with a smug grin and you groaned internally. Not wanting to drop your facade and surrender, you did your best to smile back demurely before you looked away, eyes going back to where Alex and his skater boy had been standing.
You couldn’t help your surprise when you discovered that they were no longer standing where you’d left them. Your eyes began to flit frantically around the ballroom, searching for the familiar frame of your best friend but you couldn’t find him. That’s when you noticed that the skater boy was nowhere to be found either and you smirked to yourself, realizing that they must have snuck off somewhere.
Yeah, Alex definitely owed you.
You had just pulled your phone out to text him as much when the orchestra stopped playing. The sudden absence of sound shocked you and you looked up to see the MC stepping up to the microphone as the musicians began filing out. The MC explained that the orchestra was taking a brief break and you tuned out the rest of his announcement, your eyes being once again drawn to the brunet violinist. He tilted his head towards the stage door, silently inviting you to join him backstage and you quirked a brow in surprise. He winked in response, smiling cheekily before he turned to follow the rest of the orchestra off the stage.
You sent a quick text to Alex in case he came back before you snuck out the back, doing your best to blend in with the musicians. You were certain you were unsuccessful given your white gown and their concert blacks but nobody stopped you so you didn’t give it much thought.
It took you a moment to locate the violinist and you were surprised to find him with the dark-hair cellist who had winked at you. The violinist was sitting backward in his chair, elbows resting on the back while the cellist sat crisscrossed on another. They both looked up at you as you made your way towards them, each smiling at you, though the violinist’s was more of a smirk.
“Pull up a chair, mystery girl,” the violinist invited gesturing to a nearby black plastic chair when you approached.
“Mystery girl?” You quirked a brow quizzically as you slung the chair around to face them. You sat down gingerly, careful of your gown before pulling off your white gloves, gratefully to get rid of the fabric now that you were away from the rest of the attendees.
“Well we don’t know your name,” the violinist explained, studying you intently as if he was trying to figure out how you fit into this whole event.
“Well I don’t know yours either,” you tossed back with a smirk of your own as you crossed your legs and leaned back in your seat.
“Oh, well, I’m Luke,” the violinist introduced before gesturing to the cellist, “and this is...”
“Reggie!” The cellist chimed in, “Can we know your name now?”
“Y/N,” you answered simply with a smile. However, that smile turned into narrowed eyes and a look of suspicion as you watched the two boys exchange looks.
“You’re Alex’s y/n,” Reggie spoke aloud and you did a double-take.
“I’m who’s y/n?” You spluttered in disbelief.
“You are Alex’s best friend right? Alex Mercer?” Luke asked, leaning forward and causing his chair to tilt onto two legs.
“I- yeah, but how do you know that?”
“We’re in a band together! I play the bass and Lu…” Reggie trailed off, his voice going from excited to confused as he watched your expressions shift. “You don’t know about the band.”
“No, I do not,” you grit out, mind starting to wonder what else Alex had left out. Your best friend seemed to be living a secret life. “I’m gonna fight him.”
You pushed out of your seat, ready to hunt your best friend down and force him to tell you everything.
“No, wait!” Luke reached out a hand to grab your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. “Why do that when we could mess with him?”
You turned, giving him a thoughtful look. “Go on.”
“Well, obviously he kept us apart for a reason, imagine how freaked out he’ll be if he finds out we already know each other!”
“I like the way you think,” you smirked, sitting back down in your chair and pulling out your phone. “Okay now smile.”
You took a couple pictures of the two boys, wanting some options to post on Instagram later.
“Oh wait! We need some of you!” Reggie exclaimed, having caught on to your plan without you having to verbalize it.
You nodded in agreement as he pulled out his phone. You did a couple quick poses before dissolving into laughter, unable to take yourself seriously. The three of you sat that way for a few more minutes, getting to know each other and plotting your revenge on Alex.
Before you knew it the orchestra’s break time was up and the musicians began to file back onto the stage, leaving you to sneak back into the ballroom. Alex was waiting by the side door with a quizzical face.
“What were you doing back there?” He asked and you had to fight to keep the smirk off your face.
“Just visiting some friends.”
Part 2
TML Taglist: @bright-molina​ @bright-patterson​
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @n0wornever​
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bungeenomin · 4 years
“Stop lying Sicheng” you roll your eyes, although you can’t help the sick feeling building up in your stomach, and it’s not from alcohol.
“Y/n, i was your best friend before all this shit. Yeah, i don’t like Dejun, but the last thing i want to do is hurt you, i wouldn’t lie about this shit. Come with me” Sicheng sighs, reaching his hand out in which you hesitantly take, before leading you to the living room.
You don’t need to see his face to know it’s him. You know your Dejun. Or at least, who you thought was your Dejun. The back of his head is facing you, sitting on the couch, a blonde haired girl straddling his waist and kissing him. You feel sick. You feel weak. You feel hurt. You feel heartbroken.
“What the fuck” you whisper, beginning to shake, your eyes welling with tears.
“What the actual fuck” Xuxi shouts, ploughing towards where Dejun is on the couch. “Really bro?” he scoffs, clearly fuming with anger. “I really fucking believed you were done with fucking around. I really fucking believed you Dejun, what the fuck”
Dejun looks at him in shock, pushing the girl off of his lap. “Dude it’s not-”
“It’s not what it looks like? Dejun you were just making out with that girl! How the fuck is that not what it looks like?”
“I wasn’t making out with her she-”
“We all fucking saw you” Xuxi shouts, flailing his arms around, signalling at the rest of the room.
“Fuck this” Sicheng huffs, before walking towards the boys.
“Sicheng don’t” you sob, grabbing his wrist.
“Y/n, i’m sorry. I’m not going to watch him do this to you. I’m not going to blame you for not listening to me warning you about it. I lost you, one of my best friends because of him. I’m not going to stand and watch him make a fool out of you like he did with me” and with that, he turns to Xuxi and Dejun.
“You” he spits, grabbing Dejun by the shirt, pulling him up off the couch. “I knew you’d fucking do this. I lost my best fucking friend because she fell for you and look now, you can’t fucking control yourself”
By now Sicheng had Dejun pinned against the wall, seething with anger. “It’s not what it looks like” 
“Everyone fucking saw you Dejun, y/n saw you with her own fucking eyes. I let y/n go, let her love you after multiple warnings. But i will not allow you embarrass her, break her heart” Sicheng shouts, pulling Dejun off the wall and shoving him back again harder. 
“I had to bite my tongue, be civil with you in hockey, look like the bad guy for hating you, but you know exactly fucking why, don’t you Dejun?” Sicheng says through gritted teeth. 
“Shut the fuck up” Dejun bites back, trying to push the other boy off him, resulting in Sicheng kneeing him in the stomach, a loud groan leaving Dejun’s lips that although you’re angry, you can’t help but to flinch at. 
“Not this time” Sicheng chuckles darkly, “i’m done saving your ass, having you look like the good guy and keeping what you did to me quiet” 
“Bro chill come on” Xuxi sighs, placing a hand on Sicheng’s tense shoulder. 
“No Xuxi, you fucking know what he did. No matter how much you say you’re on his side, you know what he did was fucked” Sicheng snaps, shaking Xuxi’s hand off of him. 
“Everyone’s favourite, Xiao Dejun, wasn’t always the ‘great guy’ he is now, huh Dejun? In high school, we were pretty close, but Dejun started changing. He wasn’t the guy i called one of my best friends anymore. He was just, different, but we had no bad blood, we were still friends. But i got close to this girl one time. A girl Dejun thought was pretty, although he was talking to another girl, but then again, that never changed. Dejun was the only one that knew i was gay, he had for the longest time, but for some reason, he felt intimidated by me being close with this girl, spending time alone with her”
“Sicheng stop” Xuxi warns. 
“So one day, at lunch, Dejun came up to the table me and the girl were at, and took it upon himself, to come out for me. He decided to announce, very loudly in the cafeteria that i’m gay. Before the end of the day, the whole fucking year knew. All for a girl he would use then move on from. So there, that’s why i have a problem with Dejun” 
You’re in shock. That’s not the Dejun you know, but it is. You know it’s him. But that person isn’t the person you fell in love with. He would never do that right? But, you never thought he would cheat on you, but now you stand corrected. But then again he never put a label on what you ar- were. You’re such a fool. All this time, you thought you meant something to him. Thought things were different. But you were wrong. You’re just another girl that got sucked into the players game. 
When you snap out of your trance, you feel Hyuck’s arms around you comfortingly, and see both Dejun and Sicheng in front of you, shoving each other harshly, swinging punches, kicks, anything they can. This time, you can’t even blame Sicheng for hitting him. You want to as well. 
“Yo what the fuck” Johnny shouts as he enters the room with Ten, leaving his boyfriend to separate the two boys with help from Xuxi. 
Dejun looks over at you for the first time since he’d left you to go talk to Morkles or Mickey or Morky or whatever his name was. “Baby” he almost whispers, but you still hear it. 
The tears stream down your face at one hundred miles an hour as you turn and run out the door. How foolish of you, getting trapped in the players game. 
feel free to send me questions/opinions about the au!
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socialmedia!au xiaojun!au wayv!au nct!au
pairing: xiaojun X y/n
genre: college!au , fluff , angst
warnings: smut, oral, sex
summary: Hockey player!Xiaojun is the biggest player in UCS, both on and off the ice. He has a different girl practically every time you see him. But when y/n has to learn all about the player for a psychology project, will she just be another girl that’s dragged into his game?
taglist: @xiaojunsmintchocci @whoe-dis @yancupidxhyunjin @bvbyxuxi @ngayongabi @kswblueprint @kylomeyon @neocluefor @amymoonl @ta3ilmoon @thatonekpopsweater @captainasianllama @bubudays @glxwingstar @bby-kji9 @simplicitysbabe @skittlez-area512 @crybabybomin @this-is-the-bbc @xiaodejunfair @jeonlovers @junglewoos @absolutefantrash @yoongsicles @ksoolive @ajhdr @mxrcayong @kuntenwinluxiaohenyang @bubblywonu @markistheloveofmylife @llamajuns @queen-of-himbos @doyoungsarabbit @awksmark
ask to be added!
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hockeyisit · 3 years
It'll Be Okay.
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Summary: Auston and Amelia talk to their son.
A.N: It’s at the end of the story. 
Word Count: 2,472
Auston and I were curled up on the couch as we watched a rerun of That 70s Show. His arm was wrapped around me with his feet stretched out on the coffee table. I leaned into his side turning my head to rest my chin on his chest.
“Are you ready to go up for bed?” I asked, feeling myself growing more tired by the minute. He looked away from the tv to look down at me. His expression softened as he took in my sleepy form.
“Yeah sure. You head up and I’ll be there in a minute,” he said pushing me gently to sit up. I pouted slightly upset he wasn't coming up yet but decided against saying anything. I leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips before making my way upstairs. I walked over to Kais bedroom first and knocked. I waited a moment for an answer but after none I knocked again.
“Kai I’m coming in,” I said pushing the door open, only once I was in his room he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he’s in Noah’s room I thought as I walked out of his room to Noah’s. I knocked before announcing that I was coming in. As I pushed the door open Noah was sitting at his desk working on homework.
“Where's your brother?” I asked once I noticed he was alone. Noah looked up from his textbook with an eyebrow raised.
“In his room,”
“Uh no he's not. Try again,” I said, putting my hand on my hip. He glanced at me, his expression radiating annoyance.
“Did you check the bathroom?” he sassed before holding his hands up defensively when I gave him a stern look.
“He’s not in the bathroom, the door was open,” I walked further into the room.
“Do you know where he is?” I asked again. Kai was never one to sneak out of the house; it was something we expected from Noah but never Kai. Noah nervously reached up to rub at the back of his neck.
“He didn’t tell me where he was going,” he finally answered. I ran my hand through my hair frustrated.
“But he isn’t here?” I asked for clarification. He nodded looking back down at his text book. I sighed as I turned to walk out of his room.
“Tell me if he texts you,” I called out softly as I closed his door. I peeked into Brody and Elsa’s room before heading to mine. I pushed the door open to see Auston sitting on the bed facing the wall.
“Kai snuck out,” I said, causing his head to snap to me.
“Are you serious?” He asked standing up and walking over to me. I sighed as I nodded pulling my phone out. I had made both of the boys share their location with me as part of a deal that they could have a later curfew after Noah's sneaking out got to be too much.
“He turned his location off,” I groaned, turning my phone to show Auston. He took it from my hand and looked at it before closing out of the app to pull up Kai’s contact. He hit call and put it on speaker. It dialled for a few moments before going to voicemail. He hit end call and tried again. When he didn’t answer on the second call I pulled my phone from Auston’s grip and sent him a text.
Where are you
Answer now!
“Does Noah know where he is?” he asked, running his hand through his hair. I shook my head no. Auston glanced at me before marching his way out of our room and over to Noah’s. I followed hot on his heels. He pushed Noah’s door open without knocking causing him to jump at his desk.
“Dude,” Noah whined looking at us. Auston gave him a look that shut him up quickly.
“Give me your phone,” Auston asked holding his hand out. Noah looked at him in disbelief as he held it.
“Why?” he asked.
“Noah,” Auston warned, his hand still held out. Noah reluctantly handed it over.
“What's your password?” he asked, Noah reached out and turned it to face him causing it to unlock.
“What are you doing?” he asked. I looked over Auston’s shoulder as he pulled up Kai’s contact and hit call putting it on speaker. He didn’t answer so Auston repeated the action thankfully on the second call his voice finally came through.
“Dude what do you want?” Kai’s voice rang through the phone breathless.
“Dude you're so grounded,” Auston responded. It was silent for a moment before he silently cursed.
“Get home now,” Auston said sternly, he ended the call and handed Noah his phone back before storming out of the room. The two of us watched as he left Noah looking at me concerned.
“Get some rest alright,” I said tapping his shoulder and then leaving him alone.
“Auston,” I called after his retreating figure. He stopped rather abruptly causing me to slightly run into him. His arms quickly reached out to steady us as he turned to face me.
“I’m just going to wait downstairs for him to get home,” he mumbled as he wrapped me up in a hug. I leaned my head against his chest as I hugged him back tightly.
“I’ll wait with you,” I pulled away and leaned up to peck his lips. I then pulled away completely and ran into our bedroom to grab a blanket before following Auston down the stairs.
“Okay are we playing good cop bad cop? Or are we going to just straight up ask if everythings alright? Is he grounded or?” I questioned once we were both cuddled up on the couch. Auston’s hand reached out to cover my mouth causing me to shut up and stare at him with innocent eyes.
“Shh babe, will just ask him why he needed to sneak out,” he said like it was as simple as that. I raised an eyebrow, which made him take his hand off my mouth quickly and send me an innocent smile of his own.
Around ten minutes later Kai walked into the house looking extremely nervous. He slipped his shoes off before turning around to face the two of us. Auston and I stared at him as he awkwardly stared back.
“Have a seat bud,” Auston finally said, breaking the silence. Kai made his way over and sat on the couch next to us.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked hesitantly.
“I guess that depends on if you can tell us where you were,” Auston responded, moving his arm that was wrapped around me.
“I can't tell you,” he responded looking away towards the ceiling. I held my breath as I turned my attention away from Kai to Auston. It wasn't like him to keep secrets from us.
“And why not? Was it anything illegal?” Auston asked impatiently. A panicked look crossed Kai’s face before he relaxed.
“It wasn't anything bad, I was just with a friend,” he said trying to reassure us.
“Who?” I asked leaning further into Auston. He glanced at me before turning back to Kai. We all sat in silence for another minute before Kai let out another long deep sign.
“I can't tell you,” he whispered, his right leg started shaking causing the couch to shake. I turned to give Auston a questioning look before turning back to Kai.
“And why not?” Auston asked confused.
“I’m bisexual,” he whispered after another few minutes of silence. My head snapped up to face Kia as I took in his words. I turned to Aston with a shocked expression. Out of all the things I thought Kai would say that was the furthest from what I actually thought he would say.
“What?” I asked leaning forward and out of Auston’s touch.
“I I uh, I’m Bi and I’m seeing a guy right now,” he stuttered out rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his lap. Auston’s grip had tightened around me but had slowly loosened as Kai talked to us.
“Oh my god,” I said as I covered my mouth in shock. Kai and Auston both turned to me looking nervous.
“What?” Kai asked leaning forward on the couch.
“Did we just force you to come out?” I asked, latching onto Auston’s leg in guilt. Kai looked at us in shock for a moment before shaking his head.
“No mom. I just haven’t really needed to tell you guys,” he admitted shrugging his shoulders. I glanced over to Auston hoping that I could get some type of reaction from him. He looked more shocked then I did but other than that he seemed fine.
“But now?” I asked.
“Now I do,” he glanced away from me to Auston, who had been quiet the whole time.
“I’ve been talking to someone and I really like them,” he looked down at his feet. “I can’t tell you who it is because they aren't out but,” he shrugged.
“I’m sorry I snuck out,” he finished.  Auston burst out laughing causing the two of us to look at him in shock.
“Dude,” I said, elbowing him harshly. Kai looked like he was seconds away from making a dash for it. Auston sobered up quickly as he rubbed his side.
“Sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I promise. Kai no matter who you like or fuck your mother and I are going to support you,” Auston said causing me to gasp loudly as I elbowed him again. Although I agreed with his words I wish he had been a little less vulgar.
“But kid sneak out again and you're grounded for the rest of your life. Also if you're willing to come out and he’s not then he’s not worth your time,” Auston told him gently.
“It’s complicated,” Kai said looking away. I stood up and made my way over to him so I could pull him into a hug.  
“Have you told Noah?” I asked, leaving my arm around him. He shook his head no.
“Nobody knows,” he glanced between the two of us.
“I do think you should consider telling Noah because he seemed pretty hurt that you snuck out without telling him,” Auston teased. I laughed lightly as I rubbed my arm up and down his back.
“I do want to tell people I’m just worried I guess,” he glanced down at his hands as he nervously fiddled with his bracelet.
“If I come out and if I make it to the MLB I’d be like the only out player. It would draw so much attention to me and I don’t really want to be known as the gay player. I also don’t want it to negatively affect Noah. If he gets interviewed theyll ask about what it's like-'' he ranted as he fiddled. Auston reached out and grabbed his hand.
“Kai, you're overthinking it. Yeah it might be scary to be one of the only out players but it’s scarier to live in fear. It’s important for you to be yourself and we live in a time where people are more accepting. I get that the lockerooms can still be rough,-” Auston griminaced slightly as he thought back to all the gay slur’s he had heard or laughed at back in the day.
“Be who you are. Your mother and I will unconditionally love you no matter what,” he trailed off. Kai’s eyes filled with tears slightly, he tried to hide it by looking away. I reached out for his other hand.
“Papi’s right,” I squeezed his hand.
“I know that the locker rooms can be really bad sometimes but the leagues are all truly more accepting and we live in a generation now that is trying to change. I’m sorry if coming out to us was scary for you. I truly hope Papi and I haven't ever said anything to make you feel scared to tell us.”
“No mom it wasn't anything like that I promise,” he glanced up at me trying to reassure me. As I went to say more we heard the sound of the stairs creaking. Noah casually making his way down the stairs only to stop abruptly when he saw the scene in front of him. I shared a quick look with Kai and he gave us a nod. I dropped his hand and stood up Auston doing the same. Kai stood up as well.
“Alright will talk more tomorrow. You boys get to bed soon you have school in the morning,” I warned them. They both nodded
“Love you guys,” I told them and pulled Kai into a quick hug before doing the same with Noah. Auston and I quickly made our escape upstairs. I pushed our bedroom door open and Auston closed it behind him. He reached out for me and pulled me into a tight hug. I let out a soft sigh as I wrapped my arms around him.
“What a night,” I laughed lightly as I pulled away to look at his face. Auston sent me a small smirk as he nodded.
“Yeah for real,” he looked like he was in deep thought so I pulled away to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed.
“Do you think I should make like a big breakfast or something tomorrow?” I asked after the silence went on for a little too long. Auston looked up from his phone with a small frown.
“No,” he mumbled. I frowned as I made my way over to him. He was being more moody than usual.
“What’s wrong?” I sat next to him on the bed causing him to lock his phone.
“I feel like I should have known and I didn’t mean to laugh,” he mumbled as he laid down on the bed. He moved his arm to rest over his face as he thought back to just a few moments ago. His shirt rode up slightly. I reached out and placed my hand on his chest as I leaned closer. I knew that if I didn't say anything it would force Auston to keep talking.
“He looked two seconds away from bursting into tears when I started laughing and I feel really bad,” he continued.
“Babe he was just shocked. You said all the right things and he knows that you are supportive. He knows we love him,” I schooced closer so I could rest my head on his chest causing him to move his arm from his face to around me.
“I’ll make breakfast in the morning,” Auston mumbled. I grinned up at him as he leaned forward to connect our lips.
“Yay,” I said softly as I started to doze off in his arms.
“Love you.”
A.N Hello! Here's just a quick little glimpse into the future of Auston and Amelia! Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Another thing I want to say is that I myself am bisexual and for a really long time I wanted to make Amelia bisexual because of that but I was never to sure what to do with that because I know a lot of my readers may not be bisexual themselves. So I came up with the idea of one of the twins being bi almost immediately. Anyway I hope it was something yall enjoyed reading. I love hearing your feedback and questions so don't be afraid to send them in! Also thank you so much for all the support I have received in these past few months you guys have really helped me through a really hard semester.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Fantasy Cruise
This piece is made for a very special someone, @standoutofthecrowd as a gift. The characters in this story are original and do not belong to any fandom. If you give it a read, I hope you enjoy ❣
Warning! The rating of this is M for Mature themes. ;)
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They called it the Fantasy Cruise.
The hyper-luxurious ship of not-so innocent dreams, which promised to make anyone’s fantasies a reality during its five-day trip across the Mediterranean.
Well. So long as the money was there for an individual to afford one of its limited, mind-boggingly expensive tickets. Whoever said dreams were cheap clearly hadn’t heard of that cruise.
The advertisements all over the world promoted the experience as ‘starring in a romance movie’. And wouldn’t anybody be excited to star in their very own epic adventure?
“No.” Quinn deadpanned, dragging her luggage behind as she followed Lena into the fifth circle around the same deck, where their cabins were supposed to be.
“What do you mean no, stupid, isn’t this amazing?!” the other girl asked excitedly.
Quinn wondered what exactly was so amazing about getting lost on a piece of wood floating into the vast blue sea. Her glare met Lena’s back without much of an impact.
“No means no. It’s fine at best.”
“Don’t be a spoilsport, Quinn! Just look at this!” the redhead said, turning around to throw an arm around her shoulders and motion towards the polished-to-a-sparkle saloon, as if that would change the brunette’s entire worldview. “I won us free holidays to the world’s sexiest cruise. You should be beside yourself with excitement right now and buying me a shit ton of drinks as thank you!”
Quinn shook her head. “Correction; You won a trip for you and Mike –but then you had to go and break up and drag me into this, at the last moment.” As always. The woes of being a best friend.
“Because your single ass could really use what this dreamy ship has to offer.” Lena stated.
“It could also use some rest and relaxation at my grandparents’ seaside house.” The brunette countered. “Instead of being the wingwoman to the universe’s most annoying redhead.”
Lena grimaced. “And a sucky wingwoman, at that. Most of the guys I’m interested in come onto you.”
“Except I’m a tad too gay to care.” Quinn let out a small, exasperated sigh.
“Well, then this cruise is your chance! There are a ton of girls here and I can guarantee they aren’t straight as arrows, hon.” Lena replied. “Tell you what. When we find our rooms, we’ll take a look around. And if nobody exists to catch the great Quinn’s interest, I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the trip.”
Quinn’s brown eyes immediately lit up at the sound of that.
“I should be offended at how much you perked up just now.” The other girl commented. “But, anyway. Do we have a deal?”
They shook hands. “We got a freaking deal.”
It only took another hundred turns to find their respective rooms.
Quinn was no stranger to waiting for Lena to get ready. The woman could show up anywhere from a quarter to an hour later than their arranged meeting time, so it was nothing out of the norm.
Alone in the empty corridor, Quinn checked her smartwatch, then leaned back against her door with a bored huff. She could already feel the ultra-comfy, queen-sized bed within calling her name, but if she gave into the urge to rest Lena would surely come in like the human wrecking ball she was and ruin it for her.
Giggles from down the corridor reached her ears, then.
Two girls were walking towards her, one raven-haired, the other blonde. Quinn didn’t really pay them any mind, until they were close enough to tell the cute laugh belonged to the blondie.
The stunning blondie.
Quinn hoped –but wasn’t betting on it— that she was subtle in her double-take. Because as soon as the beauty entered her field of vision, all else faded into the background. The girl’s hair was shining like silken strands, her pink lips glossy and glistening, absolutely kissable, her pretty face and killer body taken straight out of a dream.
Hazel eyes met brown for a single, earth-stilling second.
Then the girls were past her and Quinn blinked, checking the blonde’s back out before she disappeared around the next corner.
Damn, she thought. Maybe all that crap about fantasies coming to life weren’t complete bullshit, after all.
“Why do you look like a fish out of water?” Lena’s voice came, shattering the dream to pieces.
“Because I felt like one, waiting for your sorry ass to get ready. Move it or I’m going for a nap.”
“No, you’re not~ we’re hitting the pool.” Lena sing-songed.
Ugh. Maybe I can find someone to keep her busy for the next four days. Quinn thought. She’s happy, I’m free, win-win.
If she only knew…
“Hey. Hey look.” Lena whispered. Quinn huffed over her drink. “How about that guy? How would you rate him?”
“Why do you assume my answer’s gonna change? All guys get a zero out of ten from me. Period.”
“He’s an eight at least.”
“Sure, Lena.”
“How about that sexy over there, who’s been staring at your abs for the past ten minutes?”
“Hm?” Quinn turned, following her friends’ gaze under her glasses.
The drink nearly dropped from her hand when she saw the blonde from earlier on the other side of the crystalline pool, fair skin glittering from suncream. The brunette’s throat went dry.
“Ah, now she’s speechless.”
“Tsk. Don’t be an idiot, she’s probably not even gay.”
“Do you have eyes? Even I can tell she’s interested.” was the immediate reply.
“From this distance you couldn’t tell a dude apart from a girl, you idiot.” Quinn teased with a smirk.
“You’re the idiot if you don’t act fast and another girl chats her up first. Remember; We’re here to have a good time. Stop being uptight; There’s your good time, all blonde and waiting for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, Lena, whatever you say-” But her friend was already rising from her sunbed. Quinn didn’t pay her any mind, at first, thinking she was just going for a swim or for a guy that caught her eye.
Instead, five minutes later, much to Quinn’s terror, the insufferable redhead was taking a seat right beside the cute blonde.
To say the brunette rushed to the other side of the pool would be an understatement. She could not recall a single instance in her life where she ran faster. It was practically teleportation.
“Hello, girls. This one has had too much to drink so excuse me, I’m taking her away~”
“Lies, they needed to know you have the hots for blondie but you’re too pussy to make a move-” the redhead began.
Quinn covered Lena’s mouth with a hand, pulling her into a headlock with the other. “Shh, don’t listen. We’re leaving. Sorry for the interruption.”
“Sad.” Miss Cute Blonde spoke up with a shy smile. “So… you’re not interested in me.”
“I… did not say that.” Quinn replied, heart suddenly in her throat. “I also didn’t say I don’t want your number.”
“Oh, good.” Another darling smile.
God. Head empty, girl too pretty. Quinn mentally slapped herself to get her shit together. “And definitely didn’t say I don’t want to see you at the bar later. At, like, ten o’clock.” Thank whatever higher power graced me with this sudden bravery.
“Maybe I’ll be there.” The blonde said.
It was only after Quinn went back inside with her friend in tow that she realized she didn’t even ask for the girl’s name.
“You’re welcome.” Lena laughed.
“Shut up…”
“You’re such a useless lesbian, by the way.”
Night had well settled over the ship. The massive pool at its pinnacle stood illuminated by both the moonlight and the soft LEDs within it, creating a beautiful setting, equal parts calming and seductive. Perfect for drinks and dates.
Quinn adjusted her blue button-up shirt as she walked out into the deck, greeted by the wonderful sight. There were tons of well-dressed people all around, but her eyes caught on one individual only.
“Hi.” She greeted, surprised she could speak at all, with the gorgeous blonde right there and dressed up just for her.
“You look beyond beautiful. Only problem is, I can’t keep calling you ‘cute blonde’ in my head.”
“You look sexy. And you can call me Paisley, Quinn.” she replied in her sweet voice.
“You… know my name.” Don’t blush, don’t blush—
“I asked your friend.” came the shy admission.
“Yeah? What else did you ask about me?” Quinn smirked, slipping into the stool next to hers.
“Um… if you like girls…?”
“If I like you?” Feeling bolder, she raised a challenging eyebrow.
“If you like me…” Paisley chuckled there at the end. It was a sound that shot straight to Quinn’s heart.
And that– was worrying.
Because this was quite literally her dream girl in front of her... except she’d already paid the price of dreams, before. It had felt similar, then, since the first moment. A zap, undeniable attraction. An instant connection. And then… she’d been left bitter and alone.
Cold. Afraid to approach women for anything other than one quick, meaningless night.
“I think it’s quite easy to tell I do like you. A lot of things about you. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, that melodic voice. How come a girl like you is single? That’s a crime.”
“Um. Long story, I guess. How come a girl like you is?”
“Long, unhappy story.” Quinn grimaced.
“I have time.”
They ended up chatting the night away, until the small hours of the morning.
The deck had nearly emptied.
Paisley and Quinn were walking side-by-side, admiring the dark waves as they gently lapped at the stark white shell of the cruise. It was time to say goodnight, but both were hesitant to go. To break the moment. To lose the chance for more.
Slowly, they turned to face each other.
“I had a great time.” Quinn began. “Thanks for the amazing company.”
“No, thank you…”
Neither moved to leave. Instead, they gravitated closer. Perhaps it wasn’t a smart move. Perhaps it would only lead to more trouble in the end. Perhaps it was fated. Perhaps it was fleeting.
Quinn knew she would regret it for her entire life if she let Paisley slip away without first knowing exactly how soft her lips would feel against her own.
“So…” She began. “In the hypothetical scenario I wanted to kiss you before we go… would you like that?”
A brilliant smile, enough to rival the moon in its shine. “Hypothetically… I would.”
No more needed to be said.
The lock of their lips spoke the rest for them. Slippery, soft, tasting of daiquiri and strawberry lipgloss, that kiss was everything.
That kiss was the beginning of everything.
A full day had passed and they spent every moment together.
Swimming, laughing, trading interesting little facts and life stories. Trading kisses. What they had was a bond that formed so suddenly yet so powerfully it defied even logic.
As love often did.
And it was love. They both knew it, instinctively. Perhaps they weren't ready to admit it, perhaps the word was scary to fully register, yet that didn't make it any less true.
Every kiss fed something more than desire. Every caress, over an arm, over the gentle curve of a neck or a thigh, carried more than a physical aftershock.
They both knew they were on the same page on what they wanted, come nighttime. It was a wonder they hadn't ripped each other's bathing suits right by the pool so far. But they could only play nice for so long.
Quinn could feel her skin alight with want at every wayward trail of Paisley's nails on her. She wanted to have everything with the girl, even if it was just for a few days, just for one unforgettable night. They could worry about the rest later. They were already in too deep, anyway.
Paisley's back pressed against the door to her room. Her mouth was already onto Quinn's, tongue over her own, soft sighs and breaths filling the nonexistent space between their bodies.
Quinn's hands slipped under the blonde's top, caressing her tight, quivering stomach.
“Ah, at this rate we'll never make it inside.” Paisley panted.
“Good. Then whoever comes this way will know you're mine to have.” Quinn replied. Her teeth caught the sensitive shell of an ear. “You'd like that, wouldn't you? For them to walk in on us like this? With my hand in your pants, rubbing you slowly?”
“Mmh.. Fuck...”
“With my fingers in your pussy, working deep?”
“Fuck Quinn...” Paisley groaned, pushing herself down on the thigh trapped between her legs. It only made the ache at her center worse.
Quinn couldn't help but rub herself against her, to ease her own lust. Their lips locked again while Paisley fumbled blindly for the electronic lock. It was a wonder they got the door to open with how focused they were on each other. Quick steps took them to the plush mattress at the far end of the room.
The brunette pushed gently, taking great pleasure in how easily her lover allowed herself to fall. Pale wrists were pinned onto the bed while thirsty tongues and bodies sought each other out...
But then they both pulled back. Paused. Stared into each other's eyes. The mood shifted like the wind before a storm. All the previous lust melted into something softer and far deeper, the urgency muted as they slowly started peeling each other's clothes off.
“You really are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.” Quinn whispered.
“You're the most stunning I've seen.” Paisley said back, a hand caressing her brunette's strong shoulders.
As much as she wanted to melt under the ministrations, Quinn wanted to bring her girl to that serrated edge of bliss, first. Thus began her descent down the marble plane of the blonde's neck, pausing to mark the skin with her teeth before soothing it with licks and kisses, enjoying every hitched breath she drew.
God, she feels so good...
With a light caress over Paisley's thigh, her mouth licked over a hard nipple, paying it the proper attention before moving further down. Her blonde was quivering by that point, non-verbally begging for her release. Every muscle taut, every breath shallow, eyes blown into swirling black pools. She was breathtaking.
Everything about the moment was.
When deft fingers finally dragged over soaked flesh, the reaction was as immediate as it was loud. Quinn decided she could easily get hooked on the sound and repeated the same motion with her tongue, from bottom to top.
She could feel in her mouth how ready to topple over the edge Paisley was for her. How she tried to last longer but couldn't help it. Quinn didn't think she could wait any longer, either. She needed to see her unravel more than she needed oxygen, right then.
With the insertion of fingers and a powerful suck, Paisley was crying out into the room, arching, clenching and contorting for her. Quinn, brought to the edge by her voice alone, couldn't help but grind down on her leg to mirror her release.
They both lay together after that, basking in the quiet closeness of their afterglow, hands roaming, worshiping, until the sunrise greeted them with its golden glory.
“I'm scared.” Paisley admitted between them. “That when the cruise ends, so will we. And I'm not ready to let this go tomorrow.”
“Neither am I. Not tomorrow. Maybe not ever.” Quinn said. “I haven't felt this way before. I don't generally feel things so... powerfully.” But this one slipped right under her defenses, somehow.
“But how will we make this work? You live here. I live on the other side of the world.” The blonde lowered her head, expression overtaken by sadness. “We'll just hurt to be apart.”
“We'll hurt, yes. But we won't 'just' hurt. Every relationship comes with pain— I think it's unavoidable, whether one’s partner is near or not. The question is, whether that pain is worth it. And I'd rather hurt yearning for you than for not having you at all.”
“I— I don't know what to say...” Paisley trailed off. “I only know I can't bear to lose you.”
“You won't lose me if you don't let me go. I will never abandon you, never let you face this shitty world alone.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.”
A promise sealed with a kiss and intertwined fingers below a gorgeous sunset.
And as it turned out, love can defeat any obstacle if it's real and true. Physical restrictions don't matter when it comes to what the heart needs. Distance bends before it. Even time can. Laws of physics and reason cease to apply.
The heart will love what it is meant to love.
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