#Lee Seo Jin
jugeullae · 3 months
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dangermousie · 27 days
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I should not be thinking the things I am thinking about a man who looks like the definition of the verb "reek" BUTTTTT
Ji Chang Wook has come a long way from his first sageuk:
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Warrior Baek Dong Soo, the sageuk that walked so My Country could run...
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Anyway, man is giving off bona fide Lee Seo Jin in Gyebaek vibes here and I am living!
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PS Clearly, he's a fan of playing period dudes with blood on face but this time they could afford gallons...
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schtrawberry · 7 months
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The Return of High School Gangster - Kdrama Review
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Hi everyone! I just finished this very short 8 episodes web drama called The Return of High School Gangster and wanted to share my thoughts.
Before I start, I want to say that I know that this is based on a BL manhwa but as we know about mainstream media in South Korea - the director had to remove the BL elements (not really tho).
I understand that people might want to boycott the drama for removing the BL plotline but I genuinely think that you should give it a chance. The drama doesn't suggest romance but two episodes in, I could tell that it was from a BL plotline. so....
Anyways, this is about Deuk Pal, a Gangster (second in ranking) who died while saving Song Yi Heon, a High School Student who was bullied in school. Song Yi Heon was bullied in school to the point he wanted to off himself. Deuk Pal's body sadly died and somehow his spirit entered the body of Song Yi Heon.
This drama is where it's at if you're in a drama slump. It's short, funny, filled with actions (duh, gangsters) and heartwarming scenes.
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Deuk Pal as a character is a caring yet a fierce gangster. I love that the moment he entered Song Yi Heon's body, he immediately vowed to protect Song Yi Heon upon realising the abuse he had endured. Throughout the 8 episodes, his focus was to set things right for Song Yi Heon. Though we know that he is sad that his life ended, he still focused on studying hard, ending the school violence and even protecting his mum so that when Song Yi Heon comes back to his body, he gets a second chance at an easier life. Truly such a selfless character and it is understandable why his loyal underlining boys were so upset when he died.
And in Song Yi Heon's body, he build relationship with his classmates, ensured that his bullies stayed in school and graduate and protected his mum from getting hurt by his dad. He was an adult, in a 19 year old boy's body.
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We also meet Choi Se Kyung, a boy that had history with Song Yi Heon (in the manhwa, he was the love interest). Choi Se Kyung is a broken boy with daddy issues yet so caring toward his friends. The chemistry between the two main characters are off the chart. Like I said, 2 episodes in, I had to check if this was BL. His eyes are always looking at Song Yi Heon (Deuk Pal) with care and concern. But he is still sassy and feisty towards those he doesn't like.
Can we please take a minute to appreciate the beauty that is Bong Jae Hyun (Golden Child). I first saw him in Twinkling Watermelon (another recommended drama!). He played the mute brother of the main character. But here, hearing his low soft voice makes me wonder why they muted him in that drama haha! He is such a good actor that I am excited to see how he will grow in the future with different roles.
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But my main MVP for this drama is Yoon Chan Young. He was able to embody an ajusshi (he is only 23!) to the point that I could see Lee Seo Jin (the actor that played Deuk Pal) in him. And his voice doesn't sound awkward saying these really deep and mature sayings.
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Ok I am rambling. But the most important part that I want to talk about is the ending. SPOILER. Song Yi Heon ended up not wanting to go back to his body and instead gave Deuk Pal a chance to live as him. I thought about it and I think I can get behind that ending.
(This is solely based on drama plotline and not the manhwa.)
Shin Se Kyung and even the repented bully Hong Jae Min really needed a proper adult guidance. With Deuk Pal remaining in Song Yi Heon's body, they will be able to remain friends (same age, not ahjusshi and young adult). He will be able to protect and guide them. And Deuk Pal will be able to live a different life this time. A second chance at life.
And I understand, why can't real Song Yi Heon get a second chance in life? The boy had a hard life, he is depressed enough to off himself. Deuk Pal may have bettered his high school life but Song Yi Heon is still Song Yi Heon. He might not be able to be better in college. Whatever Deuk Pal build is never Song Yi Heon's because they are not the same person.
Being depressed doesn't go away even if your life is all better now. He is afraid of his tomorrow than death, hence he chose death and I respect that. Like he said "He is happy to see at least see a smile on his face."
Overall, I think both Deuk Pal and Song Yi Heon have their own happy ending. And that is what's important.
Rating: 4.75/5
-- Fary
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Kdrama: The Good Bad Mother (2023)
He finally recognized his kids❤️🥺✧ (THE GOOD BAD MOTHER | Ep.12) #kdrama #leedohyun
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AkvXj_BxHS0
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inpursuitofnunchi · 13 days
idk how real korean variety shows generally are but youn/jinny's kitchen really makes my heart warm. The way they all work together to really cook for hours and take care of each other, and then always eat together, it just scratches my found family itch the right way.
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kactors-kpop-kdrama · 20 days
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soapver4 · 3 months
He, a Gangsta, Became a Productivity Cherub
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Merch idea: An app with which you boost your work or study productivity by boosting that of a college-aspiring dead 47-year-old gangster given a new lease on life in the body of a severely bullied high schooler he tried to save from suicide. By "you," this concept includes the underprivileged and misfits among us who particularly feel small in front of the chic spaces and perfectly manicured accoutrements prevalent in popular YouTube productivity livestreams.
Helping people by facilitating them to help others may well overcome the real or perceived dehumanizing and enfeebling aspects of helping that either cause resistance to aid or deskill aid recipients:
Dehumanizing: Some benefactors and aid recipients see or experience aid as a manifestation or shift in power. Such benefactors may relish in the subjugation of aid recipients to their benevolence and in the visible evidence of their comparative strengths, whereas certain recipients feel threats to their identity, personal agency and sense of dominance as the direction of aid confirms their own positions on the need hierarchy. Many aid recipients are actually used to being benefactors. And wouldn't you rather be a benefactor yourself? While insightful character education may attenuate the deep-seated, not-always-rational human thirst for power, aid mechanisms that boost the self-esteem and morale of recipients, whose unhelpful mindsets, if any, are not necessarily a matter of will or justification for drastic consequences, can enhance their cooperativeness in the aid effort in the meantime.
Enfeebling: Remember that repeated substitutions or diminishment of the recipients' potential effort can erode their capacity for independent problem-solving and rob them of opportunities for intellectual or character growth. Yet we sometimes look at people as they are today and fail to envision the people they can mature or shape themselves into tomorrow. We say, "It's pointless to teach you how to fish! How can you haul up fish when you can barely haul up yourself? Let us just give you the fish!" Such attitudes can destroy recipients' belief in themselves while trapping them in a dependent mentality. The convenience direct assistance offers benefactors in many cases and the immediate results come at the probable expense of aid recipients' long-term prospects. Not all needs for aid arise in emergency situations or in an excessively incapacitated person.
Besides, since individuals perhaps excel more at designing solutions for others' problems than at doing that for their own, placing aid recipients in the position of benefactor can endow them with fresh, unencumbered perspectives that point to a way out of their quagmires. If not, the exercise at least has the potential to enhance their empathy for seemingly stubborn, pessimistic real individuals they themselves still try to be benefactors to.
This app would thus be an addition to important experiments already out there on this kind of chain aid. But for all the lofty exposition of its purpose, how exactly do you administer self-aid through aiding gangster soul productivity? Here are the mechanics:
Every time you commence a sequence of Pomodoro sessions, you log on to a screen featuring Deuk-pal struggling to revise while old clutches and bandage rolls hang around, gang notifications pop up and menacing thugs taunt him from outside his windows. In the anti-bullying web series High School Return of a Gangster, Deuk-pal confronts problems head-on, but let us accept that there are battles not worth any minute of our time and battles that can wait. To motivate commencement of Pomodoro sequences, different Pomodoro sequences would display different notifications and taunts.
Only at the end of each 25-minute session would you see Deuk-pal's witty and funny responses to more and more of the lines. Picture as the responses a middle-aged soul's wild misinterpretations of neologisms, his antiquated, pompous idioms prone to young'uns' absurd misinterpretations, and dad jokes so cold they stupefy the thugs. Picture also a middle-ager's wisdom from the natural time travel we call the passing of ages, as well as a possessed person's paranormal references. Again, these may not exactly match viewers' image of Deuk-pal, but recall that Deuk-pal upgrades himself over time and navigates different phases of life and different generations of peers in the series, so it would be reasonable to see a Deuk-pal with humor and more verbal drama in his arsenal but not necessarily immune to psychological aging.
You may want to enable cross-app functions that track webpages and apps you visit during the sessions, and if you visit those irrelevant to your anticipated tasks, the app would get the high-schooler ghost (acting by Yoon Chan-young) who [spoiler caution] decided to leave the body to the gangster for good to sigh eerily at this waste of his own sacrifice whereas Deuk-pal's actors (Lee Seo-jin and Yoon Chan-young) yelp out aegyo / cute apologies. Now, we wouldn't want to waste the actors' voice sacrifices, would we?
Ideally, under consent, the app would tap into AI-enabled motion and voice detection technologies that trigger Deuk-pal to groan about his sleepiness or fears about his upcoming deadlines to get your help whenever you rest your head on a desk for too long or you, God forbid, snore.
Better still, cerebral oximeters and electroencephalography sensors you may like to wear would monitor (but hopefully not transmit to the app developer or other parties) your concentration level and brain health, triggering the groans when the concentration level falls below a threshold and transitioning the screen to a scene of emergency responders calling out to Deuk-pal when your brain health is sub-optimal. Provided the science behind the technologies is solid, that might strike a balance between the pros of hustle culture and the danger of over-exertion.
Each Pomodoro sequence ends with an upbeat song from the web series and Deuk-pal exercising by teaching his young new friends confidence-building self-defense moves.
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At the conclusion of the series, [spoiler caution] successful gangster-turned-college-student Deuk-pal may have realized that an upright life based on honest effort is forever a work in progress. We are all works in progress, wherever on a need hierarchy we find ourselves.
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lizziexmeow · 2 years
[ Taehyung Story 🌟 IG ]
230218 - 14:37 KST - @/thv
> 24 8:50
> @/dntlrdl @/jungyumigram
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somanykdramas · 2 years
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GENRES: Drama, Comedy
SUMMARY: Think less 'lifestyles of the rich and famous' and more 'lifestyles of those who have to deal with the rich and famous.'
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Long hours, tons of photocopying, office affairs, superstar babysitting, hunky accountants, know-it-all start-up CEOs, coworker solidarity, digital golf, family secrets, film festivals, gorgeous gowns, hanboks, hair salons, and more cameos than you can count on both hands.
HOT TAKE: This show wins the award for Most Cringeworthy Frequency of Product Placements. If I ever see another package of Kopiko caffeine coffee chews in a k-drama I might just pass out.
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voxyldy · 2 years
Preview of episode 4 of Jinnys Kitchen
Source: channel full moon ( tvN)
[Yumi whose holiday starts with swimming]
[No thoughts at least for today]
[Now at our dormies]
PSJ: We have to go~ to exercise~
[Under the direction of Leader Park, Dongsaengs who gathered one by one]
[While dormies are working out, with considerable concentration watching sports]
PSJ: There are two more sets~
🐯: You're saying there are still two more sets!
PSJ: Hmm
CWS: I'll be going now.
PSJ: Don't go!
CWS: I'm going!
LSJ: Where are you going?
CWS: Kayaking
[PSJ-> Running, 🐯 -> Riding]
[Enjoying the holiday in their own way]
CWS: I'm.. this... *looks behind*
🗣️hahaha.. nice cool bro~
CWS: Wooshik
🗣️Wooshik! I'm Olse [sry I dunno the correct spelling)
CWS: Olse? Nice to meet you.
[Seojoon is still running]
*🐯 riding his bicycle and vibing to music*
PSJ: Running uphill is very tough.
🐯: Wait a minute, one, two, three!
[Seojoon, finally, rides a bike]
PSJ: Ah! I got a good chauffeur!
🐯Ayeee~ yo~
🐯Ah~ There is an upcoming bump!
PSJ: Oh~ This right here! Woah! How much further will the bridge go?
PSJ: I can't see the end! Let's sit down for a bit.
PSJ: I'm very tired.
PSJ: After work finishes, we can immediately come here!
🐯:After work?
PSJ: Ah but I feel like going into the water!
🐯Let's get in!
서진이네 김태형 뷔 #뷔 #서진이네 #김태형 #JinnysKitchen #V
Translation credit: @naver_Taehyung
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glennethph · 2 years
I’m confused. I don’t know if he’s a good person or a bad person.
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dangermousie · 7 months
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Bwahaha this is the first time I've seen someone actually come out of the vehicle they are driving to look at the accident they caused.
And he didn't even hit her! Normally they total someone and still don't come out. Now you know this drama is different :P
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puff-puff-potato · 2 years
My Late Night Grumble
I mean, aside of Seo Jin starring it which is why I watch it in the first place, the plot is lit. It’s actually showed what the heck butterfly effect is. It starts with Jung-In’s wish to save his dad to Jin-Woo running for the office to impeachment of Gi-Taek.
 However, I’m still curious about the original timeline -the one before the cross-timeline call. Since it’s still unknown if the OT Jin-Woo is the one who died in car-crash or still alive in 2020 as Jin-Woo’s death in 2015 is known in the 2nd timeline which assumed to be the effect of the cross-timeline calls. 
Also, with the call start to ring again, I’m curious if Jin-Woo is actually the right person to hold the phone this time since he lost his memories of the past 5 years. Or will this call become their ending, like the new call is the one which will put everything back to its place, and by its place is return it into the original timeline before the calls happened. Or maybe, this time it’s Jung-In’s turn to help Jin-Woo -I don’t know, maybe preventing his brother’s death or something terrible than before, as nothing changes when the last call happens. The first call happens along with the timeline distortion, but the last call did not show any timeline distortion -or not yet.
Anyway, is there anyone who knows where I can watch Trap (2019)? because it’s missing from viu and non-existence in Netflix
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wannaeatramyeon · 8 months
Lookism: "No thank you! I have a partner!"
Silly. G/N. Y'all probably seen the meme. Your partner comes home drunk and doesn't recognise you. Masterlists
Gun Park, Ryuhei Kuroda, Goo Kim, DG, Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo
Loud scratching and thumps at your front door wakes you. You wonder whether to arm yourself with a frying pan and then you hear your boyfriend muttering slurred profanities.
A loud bang reverberates through your home as he stumbles, drunk, through the door.
With a sigh, you crawl out of bed to check the state they're in.
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Gun gazes at you, bleary-eyed and half focused. Slightly swaying on his feet, a very unusual sight of someone usually in full control of their body.
Then something clicks in his brain, eyes hardening just before he looks away. He tells you, tone disinterested, that he's a taken man.
"I don't know how I ended up here, but don't get the wrong idea."
He turns around, exits his own living room, exits his own home, and sleeps outside the apartment in the hallway instead.
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"Yeah you're pretty cute," Ryuhei mumbles, words slurring together, "But my partner is cuter."
He pulls his phone out, drops it twice, unlocks it on the third attempt and shows you a picture - one that you have seen, actually one that you took of him smooching you on the cheek.
"Aren't they cute?" He beams, utterly besotted. "Let me just crash here," he says as he collapses on the sofa. "If you touch me I'll scream."
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"Get your hands off me!" Goo screeches, slapping you away as you try to undress him and get him ready for bed. "My my, you're forward aren't you?"
Goo leans forward and gives you a smile halfway between utterly charming and complete sleazeball.
Then, all bravado evaporates and he sighs.
"Oh sweetheart you would be just my type, but," he pushes you off the bed, "I'm taken and very happy about it."
He lies down, burritoing himself and turning his back to you. "You can make your own way out."
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Vin fiddles with his sunglasses, peering approvingly at you.
Even in his drunken haze he can tell that damn, you're fine. Except. He is also lucid enough to realise he is not looking respectfully anymore and he thinks of you, his ride or die, and his face completely changes.
He frowns and asks you what the hell you are looking at. That you have no chance. He has a partner at home that is much hotter, much better, thank you very much and yeah he's an asshole but he's not going to cheat so back the fuck off.
You roll your eyes, hackles would have been much higher if he wasn't actually being sweet in his own way.
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DG takes a moment to process the situation. And when he does, he gets it completely wrong.
He plasters on his k-pop smile. The one reserved for winning over fans, interviewers and for his insincere apology videos.
"Did you want an autograph?" He pulls out a photocard from his inner pocket and a pen (and wow, you did not realise he carried a stack of his photos. You are not going to let him live this down) and scribbles his signature that comes with some love hearts and sparkles and passes it over to you.
"Here you go," he holds it out to you in both hands, not before mumbling under his breath, "You're cute but shit if you turn into another stalker..."
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Jake is already asleep on the sofa by the time you pad out, which must be some super power in itself.
"Wake up," You give his shoulder a shake. He frowns, then cracks one eye open. "Come to bed."
He grunts something indecipherable and attempts to roll his oversized frame on your undersized sofa.
"Jake, cmon."
You start to drag him to your bedroom, your touch finally waking something inside and he bolts upright, removing your hands firmly off him.
"I have a partner." He tells you with no room for any misinterpretation. "But," he scratches absentmindedly at his stomach, "Do you have any food?"
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Samuel does as he's told. Obediently removing his trousers, and unbuttoning his shirt, taking it off-
(Truly, you had no ulterior motive, you just wanted to remove the stink of alcohol.)
When, maybe for the first time in his life, he is afflicted with modesty and a startling clarity.
He yanks his shirt back on and pulls his trousers on with surprisingly sober efficiency.
"Absolutely not," he glowers at you, "This is not happening. I'm taken."
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inpursuitofnunchi · 11 days
BAHAHAHHAHA they made the producer wash dishes on the last dayyyy i can't with them lmaooo
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