#Lefou deux
meteor752 · 2 months
What I would have done
If you have been keeping up with my posts for the last week, you may have noticed that I fucking despise the new Descendants movie
There’s a lot of reasons behind this. One, nostalgia, I love the original ones (Harry Hook is one of my all time favorite characters lol I think he’s fun). Two, I expected more of the franchise, because it’s fucking Disney, and while I know Kenny Ortega wasn’t the director this time, there would at least be people who worked on the original movies involved in the process, so I thought they at least knew what they were doing. Three, nothing in the movie makes any fucking sense, and I’m not usually a person who gets hung up on nitpicks, like if you entertain me then do whatever you want, but my god it’s impossible to ignore.
But most of all, the story they were trying to tell just isn’t interesting.
Like, if I would tell someone what the best part of Descendants is, it’s not the songs, or the cast, or the costumes, or even really the characters. Don’t get me wrong I love all of those parts, and I doubt the movies would be even close to as good as they are if you removed one of these things. But the best and most interesting part to me, and to a lot of people in the fandom as well, is the concept of The Isle Of The Lost.
The concept of taking all of these classic Disney Villains with wildly different aesthetics, motives, ideologies, and overall moralities and placing them all on an island and make them build up a society, that shit’s fascinating, but the core movies do next to nothing with it cause they spend all their time on Auradon. The second one focuses the most on it, and guess what, that one’s the best one!
(I know the books exist, I read them, but they just weren’t that good, like it felt like I was reading bad fan fiction)
So what would I do for Descendants four?
Well, I’d set in on the fucking Isle.
Actually, I think this would genuinely work better as a series. Not that long of a series tho, maybe like eight episodes, each episode like 40 minutes long.
Each episode would focus on a different VK, set a few years before the first movie, and have a short composed story about their general life.
I don’t know which VKs exactly, but I think Harriet Hook could be interesting, her episode being like four or five years before the first movie so we can see preteen C3, I think that would be cute, also a young CJ.
Possibly the Gaston twins, though Lefou Deux could work too. Whichever it would be, the other would feature.
Jade, Jay’s cousin, could be a lot of fun, maybe have like a rivalry between the two.
Freddie and Celia, I think it’s insane that they never mention Freddie in D3, but like I wanna know what their relationship is like.
And of course, Red! Queen of Hearts is a villain, she should be on the Isle. And if any of you dare tell me that she’s from wonderland and they couldn’t like, capture her or whatever, they got fucking Hades on the Isle, they resurrected some guys to place them there, Queen of Hearts is not a problem.
(Also like, Morgie could be there, but this time as a real VK)
But yeah, lot of options lol.
Every episode would show just the grim reality of what these kids would have to live through their whole lives, the complicated relationships they would have with their parents, and really emphasize that fact. D1 was the only one that really focused on how the Isle kids were kids who were all victims of insane abuse their whole lives. I mean, in D3 they all like happily run to meet them once the barrier is down, which is crazy.
Also, the show would be rated PG-13. Like, I’m not asking for graphic scenes of abuse, but I do want it to be kinda gritty and grim, with some more psychological and mental abuse taking place. Also, we’re told multiple times about gang wars, but we aren’t really shown any. Maybe one episode could focus on that, like idk Clay Clayton (insane name btw) and his gang.
But most importantly, we’d have all the Disney villains in cool new leather outfits, which is what I think everyone wants tbh. I have gotten that one part of ‘Life Is Sweeter’ where the villain comes up more than any part of the movie, like people like the villains more than anything. And yeah I know they wouldn’t be young and hot anymore, but like we can have some extreme Milf and Dilf looks, it will even out.
Descendants is one of, if not the most popular franchise Disney Channel has made, it deserves a better continuation than Rise of Red.
Also, if the show is popular then we could have a season two/sister series, about the kids of Auradon, that could be interesting too, and also have some dark shit in it, idk. The way that Queen Leah spoke to Audrey in D3 had some dark undertones, so I think her episode could be interesting. Could also feature the political implications of The Isle, potential protests and propaganda, idk.
Also, Chloe can get an episode, so boom we got them both!
So what I’m trying to say here is this:
Disney hire me
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chadtheroyalidiot · 30 days
Descendants: book series villain kids full names [headcanon]
i made maddy's last name le fay because i headcanon madam mim to be a nickname given to morgana le fay from the villains in merlin academy
harriet → rhisiart aegea hook
↳ rhisiart → welsh → brave ruler
↳ aegea → greek → aegean sea
↳ hook → english → someone with a hooked/crooked nose or bent back
anthony → jean-antoine lathyn tremaine
↳ jean → french → yahweh is gracious
↳ antoine → french → highly praiseworthy; priceless one
↳ lathyn → american → a gift from god
↳ tremaine → celtic → town built with stone; stone settlement
ginny → geiona gothel
↳ geiona → german → a dove
↳ gothel → german → godmother
hermie → herminia bing
↳ herminia → greek/latin → great; potent; messenger; earthly
↳ bing → german/english → pot-shaped hollow
diego → diego leonard de vil
↳ diego → spanish → supplanter
↳ leonard → german → lion strength
↳ de vil → spanish/portuguese → from vileness; from villainy
yzla → marguerita ximena de la pēna
↳ marguerita → greek → pearl
↳ ximena → spanish → he has heard
↳ de la pēna → spanish → cliff; crag; rock
gaston jr → adonis legume
↳ adonis → greek → handsome lord
↳ legume → french → vegetable
gaston III → cassius legume
↳ cassius → latin → empty; vain; helmet; castle
↳ legume → french → vegetable
claudine → eveline atarah-grace frollo
↳ eveline → latin → source of life; little bird
↳ atarah → hebrew → crown
↳ grace → latin → favour; blessing
↳ frollo → ____ → ____
hadie → thaddeus
↳ thaddeus → aramaic → courageous heart
mad maddy → mawredd le fay
↳ mawredd → welsh → great chief
↳ le fay → french/latin → the fairy
sammy → sullivan matthew smiegel
↳ sullivan → gaelic → dark eyes
↳ matthew → hebrew → gift of god
↳ smiegel → polish → to move swiftly
rick → richard charles ratcliffe
↳ richard → german → strong in rule
↳ charles → english → free man
↳ ratcliffe → english → red cliff
clay → darren elliot clayton
↳ darren → irish → oak tree
↳ elliot → hebrew → the lord is my god
↳ clayton → english → clay settlement
lefou deux → remi ciel lefou
↳ remi → french/latin → oarsman
↳ ciel → french → from heaven
↳ lefou → french → fool
harry b. → harold jasper badun
↳ harold → english → army ruler
↳ jasper → persian → treasurer
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
jace → jason horace badun
↳ jason → greek → healer
↳ horace → latin → time; season
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
eddie → george edgar balthazar
↳ george → greek → farmer; earthworker
↳ edgar → english → wealthy spear
↳ balthazar → hebrew → god protect the king
jade → khadijah al-ṣādiq
↳ khadijah → arabic → early baby; trustworthy; respected
↳ al-ṣādiq → arabic → the truthful
sophie → sophie taran
↳ sophie → greek → wisdom
↳ taran → celtic → thunder
big murph → bastian murphy
↳ bastian → greek/latin → venerable; revered
↳ murphy → gaelic → sea warrior
reza → reza rachid
↳ reza → persian → contentment
↳ rachid → arabic → rightly guided
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Lee: that shirt looks good on you
Yzla: thanks
Lee: but it would look better on Claudine's floor
Claudine: are you flirting with me for her?
Lee: someone has to help 
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isleofdarkness · 21 days
Who is Davin ad why can he not give consent? I’m guessing from how it was phrased he is old enough that others his age typically can,
Davin is LeFou Deux. He has severe intellectual disability and doesn't really understand sex, relationships, and the associated risks, so he can't give informed consent. He kind of knows the basics of sex so that he knows if someone is trying to force him into it, but that's the extent of his knowledge on this stuff
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
The Golden Escape
Main Medic: Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Gothel
Second in Command: Marsaili ‘Macie’ Mim
Assorted Members: Rick Ratcliffe, Hermione ‘Hermie’ Bing, LeFou ‘Lee’ Blanchard the second
The Golden Escape is one of two neutral parties on the Isle. This is due to it being the only medical service. Everyone is welcome with the understanding that if any direct intentional harm happens to a medic that they will be banned from all medical services.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 4;
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Blake Bohumil 'Big Murph' Murphy, the 23 year old son of Black Murphy and Ludmilla.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes Club and Harriet's crew.
He is very close to his mom but not very close to his dad who isn't a big fan of children.
He lost his eye while play fighting the Gaston twins when he was younger and has a glass eye that he likes to take out to mess with people.
He is very close to Marya Rasputin since her dad and his mom were allies behind the scenes, and he often translates for her and others when a language barrier pops up (which happens a lot since Russian isn't a very common language on the isle)
He likes cutting hair, playing cards, eating cake, fishing, learning languages, taking care of the little ones, reading, swimming with the sharks, building sandcastles, wrestling, play fighting, singing sea shanties, and learning about geographical differences and locations.
He also likes collecting hooks of any kind.
He is single.
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Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Olympian, thr 10 year old (as of d3) son of Hades. Younger brother of Mal.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes club and a wannabe detective, musician, hero, and cook who is always imitating those he looks up to. Friend of Chloe Charming, Red Hearts, Danny Darling, Maddox Hatter, Shan Deja, Edith Olympian, and his minons.
He is playful and loves coloring, cooking, playing various instruments, baking, sword fighting, parkour, gymnastics, acrobatics, and playing with animals.
He has a villian streak no one takes seriously later in his teens and has a pet dog named 'Cerberus.'
He later gets together with Danny Darling.
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Lefou Deux 'Lee' Leprince, the 20 year old son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). He's the older brother of La Foux Doux Beaumont, the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, and the older cousin of Claire Bimbette, Gil LeGume, and Gemma LeGume.
He is apart of Harriet's crew.
He's a hardworking big brother who does his best to help support his family while still being stuck under Gaston's thumb.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules—against his will, mind you, because Gaston forces him too after all. But he doesn't complain too much about it.
He gets to steal from the register though, so it's not too bad.
He fights with various gardening tools and a bow and arrow—he's an excellent shot. He's a poet, a toy maker, and an inventor who records everything in his journal.
He loves French food, sailing, farming, reading, and gardening—even though it's difficult to do anything like that on the isle.
He also loves old photos and dancing.
Lee often makes and fixes toys for the children on the isle, and has no problem fixing things for those he loves. He's also the secret Santa Claus of the isle.
He's been in love with Claudine Frollo since first grade and they get together not long after d3.
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La Foux Doux Leprince, the 12 year old (as of d3) son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). Younger brother of LeFou Deux, the older cousin of Gemma LeGume, and the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, Claire Bimbette, and Gil LeGume. Older brother of Sylvie Leprince.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules'— again, without choice mind you. Gaston forces him too. He is a painfully shy, playful, quiet boy who loves French food, playing games, reading, and climbing things.
He is single and not interested at dating at the moment.
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Crazy Bonny, the 18 and a half year old(by d3) daughter of Bill Jukes (in my universe).
Sword sharpener and medic of the Lost Revenge/Uma’s crew.
Bestfriend of Desiree.
Student at Serpent Prep and one of the first to join Uma’s pirate crew.
She is described as crazy in patched dungarees and a torn fishnet shirt.
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Vicious Desiree, the 17 year old daughter of a witch and Shan Yu (in my universe anyway).
She is the swabbie of the crew, meaning she is the one in charge of mopping the deck.
She is described as tiny and vicious in a a ragged peasant dress.
She is Bonny's bestfriend and one of the first to join Uma’s crew, and she's a member at the witch school.
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Firece Gonzo, the 19 year old son of an unknown woman and Joshamee Gibs (in my universe anyway).
He is Jonas' bestfriend and is the boatswain of the crew.
He is also responsible for stocking the pantry and refilling the chum buckets.
He and Jonas are the ones in charge of the food (they don't cook it tho) and supplies, among other things.
He is described to be firece and as having long braids, a red bandana, and blue pantaloons.
He, along with Gil, Harry, Jonas, Desiree, and Bonny, is one of the first to join Uma’s crew and student—or former student—at Serpent Prep.
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Ferocious Jonas, the 20 year old son of Morgana Olympian and older cousin of Uma (in my universe).
He is the Quartermaster of Uma’s crew, the fourth in command, and the gunner (the one who mans the canons).
He's described to have a scar on his left cheek, corn rows, and a scarf. Has a thing with Jade in my universe. Has been seen selling scarves before which is probably a side job of his.
He's been described as ferocious. Student/former student at Serpent Prep and one of the first people to join Uma’s crew.
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Top 10 Craziest Things Trace Tremaine Did On The Isle Of The Lost
Ran over goblins with his motorcycle on more than one occasion.
Stuffed LeFou Deux into a sewer.
Cracked Harry Hook in the head with a shovel so hard he made the end of it fall off.
Stabbed his own cousin Anthony in the hand with his knife.
Stabbed Big Murph in the eye with a screwdriver, which is why the pirate wears an eye patch now.
Nearly killed Ginny Gothel's brother Mitch (who's another OC).
Took out a whole group of people his arch enemy Zac sent after him single-handedly.
Wrapped the end of a chain around the bottom of an old excavator's hydraulic arm, wrapped the other end of it around the neck of one of his victims, raised the hydraulic arm all the way up, and left his victim hanging in the air to eventually die from strangulation.
Drowned another victim of his in sulfuric acid.
Burned a third victim of his to death with a blow torch.
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sunny-clover · 1 year
Just randomly remembering how increadibly queer coded live action Le Fou was
and how I had like a month-long phase really in love with his character and trying to redeem Gaston so my bbg could have a happy ending
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This one part of that scene is amazing btw
I couldn’t find the gif for it and was too lazy to go searching for too long lol
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leavethemtorot · 3 months
VK Masterpost
This will be updated with new characters as needed, but holds all current characters
Harriet Hook
Sammy Smee
Big Murph
Jade of Agrabah
Diego de Vil
Harry Badun
Jace Badun
Squeaky Smee
Squirmy Smee
Uma Triskelion
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Bonny Callahan
Claudine Frollo
Desiree Marinos
Jonas Marinos
Clay Clayton
Jay of Agrabah
Carlos de Vil
Evie Metternich
Freddie Facilier
Celia Facilier
Junior LeGume
Gast LeGume
CJ Hook
Eddie Balthazar
Maddy Mim
Reza of Agrabah
Anthony Tremaine
Dizzy Tremaine
Ginny Gothel
Rick Ratcliffe
Hermie Bing
Lefou Deux
Red Hearts
Widely Accepted Fanon
Marya Rasputin
Ivy de Vil
Hunter de Vil
Heimir Westergaard
Hawise Angevin
Gale LeGume
Sage Snoops
Maddox Dobbs
Abigail Callaghan
Hart Bing
Clancy Muntz
Maitland Mim
Maggie Mim
Elias Westergaard
Silver Tóth
Cedar Muntz
Mila Tóth
Arthur Mim
Gwen Mim
Shan Huang
Agatha Frollo
Rosa Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Hou Jia
Zhu Rong
Vladivoj Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Jared Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Kazimíra Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Mečislav(a) Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Emmerich Metternich
Miloš Rasputin
Dior Traviss
Su Tsui
Yan Chiu
Laura Rourke
Lizzy Balthazar
Bernadette Sykes
Ripley Callaghan
Myf Mim
Macaulay Mim
Mickey Mim
Maeve Mim
Leighton Rourke
Malvina Mim
Malcolm Mim
Desi Tremaine
Bella Tremaine
Davinia Tremaine
Dixie Tremaine
Dodie Tremaine
Mars Mim
Haze Bing
Siv Stabbington
Blakely Sykes
Henry Plantagenet
Emmit Blakeslee
Meade Mim
Michelle Mim
Gene LeGume
Tiitus Westergaard
Esteban de la Cruz
Whitney Sykes
Levi Beck
Hadley Bing
Gustave LeGume
Alex Plantagenet
Collin Muntz
Iolanthe Mim
Blodwen Mim
Myrddin Mim
Magnus Mim
Monet Mim
Mallory de Vil
Kennedy de Vil
Lucia Clark
Rosie Angevin
Gloria Gothel
Gabriella Gothel
Gaia Gothel
Gisela Gothel
Harvey Snoops
Åse Stabbington
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
List the WORST descendants kids names you've ever seen. From both books and movies.
Jay, it's a good name but why wouldn't Jafar give his kid an Arabic name?? Disney being lazy example 1
Clay Clayton, just leave your kid nameless at that point wtf is this.
I LOVE her but Dizzy..... like... I know it's derived from Drizella but why would a noblility wannabe name her kid something so.. juvenile?
Hadie. I know Hades is a narcissist but like couldn't you think of something more.... demi-god sounding?
Artie. Like I hope this is a nickname? If he was like Arthur the Second I'd get it, royalty does that a lot but.. Artie??
LeFou Deux. WASNT LEFOU HIS SURNAME???? DEUX??? I just ugh
Red. I have been hating on this name ever since it appeared, again the Queen of Hearts is royalty why something so... casual? (also fun fact while typing I acidentally wrote a Dutch swear word here so yeah those are my feelings)
Squeaky and Squirmy. WHAT THE FUUUUUUU- I know Smee is stupid but god I didn't know it was at this level
Tiger Peony. Like again so unoriginal, like y'all couldn't think of one different flower?
I needed to get this off my chest thank you
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Descendants Fan Cast
( Parents )
( reposted from my main blog now that I have a descendants specific sideblog, with some characters that I forgot the first time! ) – I’m not recasting anyone from canon, just live action casting for Wicked World & Isle Of The Lost characters!  If I’ve forgotten anyone, or if there’s any interest in parent-casting, lmk because I had a lot of fun doing this!  Special shoutout to @humaudrey​ for helping me decide between a couple of options!
Feel free to use any of these ideas if they help you!  I’d appreciate credit but it’s not really necessary, but if you do use them please tag me or send me a link so that I can see what other people come up with!
I have my own collection of descendants characters ( part 1 / part 2 / desktop ) so some of my castings were based around my own collection of descendants kids (not reusing faces I used for mine & wanting them to work as siblings to some I’ve made) but without further ado, here we go!
Ally; daughter of Alice ( Skylar Samuels )
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Anthony Tremaine; son of Anastasia Tremaine ( Ross Butler )
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Arabella; niece to Ariel ( Emily Rudd )
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Ariana Rose; niece to Aurora ( Jessica Sula )
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Artie Pendragon; son of Arthur ( Joel Courtney – alternate: Jordan Fisher )
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Big Murph; pirate ( Will Poulter )
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CJ Hook; daughter of Captain Hook ( Madison Iseman )
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Claudine Frollo; daughter of Claude Frollo ( Josephine Langford )
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Clay Clayton; son of Clayton ( Froy Gutierrez )
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Diego De Vil; nephew to Cruella De Vil ( Justice Smith )
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Eddie Balthazar; son of Edgar Balthazar ( Tanner Buchanan )
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Freddie Facilier; daughter of Dr Facilier ( Letitia Wright )
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Gaston “Trois” Legume the Third; son of Gaston ( Rudy Pankow )
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Gaston Legume Junior; son of Gaston ( Joe Keery )
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Ginny Gothel; daughter of Mother Gothel ( Alexa Demie )
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Hadie; son of Hades ( Asher Angel )
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Harold “Harry” Badun; son of Horace ( Aria Shahghasemi )
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Harriet Hook; daughter of Captain Hook ( Samara Weaving )
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Herkie; son of Hercules & Megara ( Tyler Posey )
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Hermie Bing; daughter of the Ringmaster ( Madison Reyes )
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Jade; niece to Jafar ( Fivel Stewart )
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Jason “Jace” Badun; son of Jasper ( Diego Tinoco )
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Jordan; daughter of the Genie ( Maitreyi Ramakrishnan )
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“Li’l” Li Shang Jr; son of Mulan & Li Shang ( Ludi Lin )
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LeFou Deux; son of LeFou ( Ty Simpkins )
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Mad Maddy; granddaughter of Mad Madame Mim ( Peyton List )
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Reza; son of Agrabah’s Astronomer ( Avan Jogia )
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Rick Ratcliffe; son of Governor Ratcliffe ( Noah Schnapp )
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Ruby Fitzherbert; daughter of Rapunzel & Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert ( Sydney Sweeney )
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Sammy Smee; son of Smee ( Jack Dylan Grazer )
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Sophie; apprentice to Yen Sid ( Millie Bobby Brown ) 
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Yzla; daughter of Yzma ( Isabella Gomez )
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Zevon; son of Yzma ( Alberto Rosende )
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 months
Descendants characters (if I've missed any let me know so I can add them)
red, daughter of the queen of hearts
chloe, daughter of cinderella & prince charming
morgie le fay, son of morgana le fay
maddox hatter, son of the mad hatter
- - -
mal, daughter of maleficent & hades
jay, son of jafar
evie, daughter of the evil queen
carlos de vil, son of cruella de vil
uma, daughter of ursula
harry hook, son of captain hook
gil legume, son of gaston legume
dizzy tremaine, daughter of drizella tremaine
celia facilier, daughter of dr facilier
squeaky smee, son of mr smee
squirmy smee, son of mr smee
ben, son of belle & beast
audrey rose, daughter of aurora & prince phillip
chad charming, son of cinderella & prince charming
jane, daughter of fairy godmother
li lonnie, daughter of fa mulan & li shang
doug, son of dopey
- - -
freddie facilier, daughter of dr facilier
cj hook, daughter of captain hook
zevon, son of yzma
jordan, daughter of genie
ally, daughter of alice
ruby fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
- - -
harriet hook, daughter of captain hook
anthony tremaine, son of anastasia tremaine
ginny gothel, daughter of mother gothel
hermie bing, daughter of the ringmaster
diego de vil, nephew of cruella de vil
yzla, daughter of yzma
gaston legume jr, son of gaston legume
gaston legume III, son of gaston legume
claudine frollo, daughter of claude frollo
hadie, son of hades
mad maddy, granddaughter of madam mim
sammy smee, son of mr smee
rick ratcliffe, son of governor ratcliffe
clay clayton, son of clayton
lefou deux, son of lefou
harry badun, son of horace badun
jace badun, son of jasper badun
eddie balthazar, son of edgar balthazar
jade, niece of jafar
sophie, intern of yen sud
big murph ,son of black murphy
reza, son of the former royal astronomer of agrabah
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aziz, son of aladdin & jasmine
lil shang, son of fa mulan & li shang
derek, son of dopey
arabella, niece of ariel & prince eric
herkie, son of hercules & megara
ariana rose, niece of aurora & prince phillip
anxelin fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
carina potts, daughter of ms potts
yi-min, daughter of yao
artie, son of king arthur
tiger peony, daughter of tiger lily
pin, son of pinocchio
opal, daughter of mama odie
bobby hood, son of robin hood & maid marian
crabby, son of grumpy
gordon, son of grumpy
hap, son of happy
cheerful, son of happy
bashful jr, son of bashful
shy, son of bashful
sleepy jr, son of sleepy
snoozy, son of sleepy
doc II, son of doc
gesundheit, son of sneezy
- - -
chester cheshire, descendant of the cheshire cat
dora, daughter of the dormouse
twee, daughter of tweedledee
dee, daughter of tweedledee
bill, nephew of the cook
katy, granddaughter of the caterpillar
tweedledee jr, son of tweedledee
tweedledum jr, son of tweedledum
- - -
- madam mim's granddaughters
- evil step-granddaughters
- stabbington cousins
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Yzla: I want to be a raccoon
Lee: We were talking about philosophy but same
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tiredflowercrown · 8 months
Marsaili Mim
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Legal name: Marsaili Mim
Aliases: Mars
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Dark Grey
Height: 5’9 (175 cm)
Scars/Birthmarks: A 5 in (12 cm) scar across throat, Several 1 in (3 cm) scars along both calves, Several long thin scars along the entire body
Other Distinguishing Features: A gold septum, a gold lip ring, a vine tattoo on right ankle
Appearance: Typically found in black clothing with gold touches
Birthday: Dec 6th
Known Family: Maïwenn Mim (Mother), Matan Beyersdorf (Father), Mordon Mim (Aunt), Maeve Mim (Cousin), Móirín Mim (Anut), Maighread Mim (Cousin), Morrígan Mim (Anut), Madailéin Mim (Cousin), Marlowe Mim (Anut), Myf Mim (Cousin, deceased), Morweena Mim (Anut, deceased), Moria Facilier (Cousin), Mordon Mim (Anut), Maeve Mim (Cousin), Marvel Mim (Anut, deceased), Michelle Mim (Cousin), Melissa Mim (Cousin, deceased), Madona Mim (First Cousin once removed), Malvina Mim (Anut), Madam Mim (Grandmother), Merlin (Grandfather)
Notable Traits: Stubborn, Intelligent, Resourceful, Compassionate
Associations: Ginny Gothel, Hermie Bing, Rick Ratcliffe, Lefou Deux
Mars had done so much recently. Even though he's the 2nd in command, it feels like he's first half the time. He's the only one who can treat Ginny after all, the only one who has seen every single person who has entered the Escape. He's so tired of it all, but he can't take a break or a breath. He won't take the chance of them both being out of it.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Do you have any new headcanons about Claudine Frollo and Lefou Deux?
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They get married in their late twenties.
They go on to have two kids—Darren and Cerise.
Lefou Deux is the one who gifted Claudine her clarinet back when they were 10.
He's been to every single one of her shows.
Claudine use to help Lefou Deux pass out his handmade toys to the children of the isle on Christmas unbeknownst to everyone.
The two of them are both very close to Marya Rasputin.
Lefou Deux is the only reason Claudine even knows her birthday. He only knows it because he stole money from Gaston's register while on shift so he could pay the Badun Detective Agency to find it when Claudine was 9.
She hugged him for the first time ever that day.
Their song is 'They don't know about us' by One direction. It was the song they danced to at their wedding.
Lee/Lefou Deux proposed with a handmade silver ring with the engraving 'I trust in you.'
They get a nice little house in Auradon and one of the rooms is made up for Claudine's rats courtesy of Lee who decorated it that way for her as a surprise.
Claudine gifted him a stuffed deer when they were little. He still has it.
Marya Rasputin and Big Murph are the godparents of Lee and Claudine's daughter, Cerise.
Sammy Smee and Ginny Gothel are the godparents for Lee and Claudine's son, Darren.
The closets and cupboards and crawl spaces of their house were boarded up for quite awhile to avoid giving them panic attacks. It took quite awhile for them to overcome it enough to remove the boards.
Claudine has a total of five rats/mice living with them named Pepper, Sugar, Salt, Buttercup, and Nutty respectively.
Their house has splashes of color all over the place—mainly to make up for all the color that was missing from their lives on the isle and in their homes.
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(I do not own the picrews. The links just aren't working for some reason).
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cleverqueencommander · 8 months
LeFou Deux for the bingo?
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