#my disney descendants alternate universe
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Jolene Bog Application;
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Name: Jolene Melinda Bog.
Known Aliases: Jo Bog, Joboga, and Junior Punk of the Storm Bringer .
Nicknames or Other: Jo, Little J, J.B, and J Punk.
Date of Birth or Best Guess: Leap year. 5 years ago.
Place of Birth: Isle of the lost.
Favorite Color: Red, black, and purple.
Favorite Activity: Whineding up my music box.
Favorite School Subject: I don't like school.
Father's Name (or alias): Chernabitchbog.
No one tell Hannah about this.
No promises.
Oh come on Anna! She'll skin me alive--
Sounds like a you problem.
Mother's Name (or alias): Beth.
Father's Profession: Diety.
Mother's Profession: Musician and activist.
Who is your favorite of the first wave of VKs? There is no wrong answer.
Hannah or Carlos. I like their style.
In your own words, tell us why you want to come to Auradon. There is no wrong answer.
Oh God she's never gonna get to go to Auardon.
Whatever. We'll just send her to that Sherwood school instead.
Everyone wants me to. That's why.
Jolene Bog.
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c-rose2081 · 9 months
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They’ve been through a lot together, but the gods work in strange ways. Audrey and Chad had a lot of growing up to do after the events of D3, but I imagine they become the soulmates they were always meant to be in the end.
The prince fallen from grace, and the princess turned villain and back again.
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El sonido de unas diminutas explosiones se escuchó, y la vista de Kotarou se llenó de colores. Cuando logró enfocarse notó que frente a él estaban Kuroo y Suga, sonriéndole. Ambos se veían emocionados, y detrás en una gran mesa decorada había comida, unas cajas coloridas, y otras cosas más. El heredero al trono de Auradon estaba ahí también, usando ropa casual por una vez, y Daichi Sawamura servía una bebida transparente para él y para Oikawa. Todos lo saludaron y al unísono Kotarou pudo escuchar un enérgico “Feliz cumpleaños”.
inspired by chapter nine "a song for the heartsick" of my fanfic.
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lirarey · 9 days
See you again (chapter 1)
Dedicated to Cameron Boyce. Eternal gratitude for the wonderful roles.
"Jane? Jane! Can you hear me at all?"
The girl stopped abruptly, clutching the tablet to her chest. Uma looked unhappy. Did she forget to do something?.. In response to the confused expression on her face, Uma exhaled loudly, and her gaze softened. Although she didn't know her as intimately as Mal or Ben, they had had an indirect encounter in the past.
"You know, I already miss the last Jane," Uma continued, grinning. "The one who wasn't afraid to disrupt my engagement to Ben at the Cotillion."
"I did it for them," Jane said, shrugging her shoulder. "If my mother taught me anything, it's to distinguish between true love."
Although the girl regretted to this day that she hadn't been persuaded to show her magic since childhood — as all fairies were trained — lately even verbal spells using a wand turned out badly. The internal flow of energy was constantly dissipating, slipping away from under the very tips of her fingers. Only one person could help. He would have smiled now, put his arm around her shoulders and just by his presence gave her the opportunity to concentrate. Jane couldn't be sure if that love was true. In fairy tales, fairies were given the role of a wise mentor, guiding royalty or ordinary people on the right path. That's how her mom brought Cinderella and Prince Charming together at that wonderful ball. But already there were doubts: the eldest son, Chad, was distinguished by an unbearable character, brought up in too much love. Even then, the girl saw his efforts only to take advantage of Evie, but didn't dare to say so. And the daughter of the Evil Queen wouldn't have believed that her fate was the son of an ordinary dwarf, deprived of all titles. She wished Chad would also realize the wrongness of his behavior and take an example from his younger sister. With Lonnie and Jay, everything was more than obvious: both stood up for justice and were in no way inferior to each other.
But there were problems with the son of the King Beast and Queen Belle. He, like Audrey, is a little older than her, so they were engaged long before she learned to see the difference. Audrey really had feelings, partly caused by communication since childhood, partly dictated by family pressure. Everything remained too ambiguous for Ben. But the appearance of Maleficent's daughter opened her eyes. By nature, leaders who have a lot of power hidden inside. Only if Ben grew up in a pretty happy family... Fear of the villains' children clouded her mind, which made Jane not immediately understand what Mal was trying to achieve. There was only the faint sympathy that had passed between them at their first meeting. To some extent, her and Mal's goals collided. Without the love cookie, these feelings took an even longer amount of time to unfold. Ben mentioned the very existence of a love spell in conversation with her, but at first the girl didn't understand why he didn't interfere. Later, when they were returning from their first date, it became noticeable that the water of the Enchanted Lake not only removed the consequences. No, now the prince's feelings were felt even more vividly. Mal, on the other hand, was clearly distraught. Perhaps Jane herself had made it worse by trying to side with Audrey. When Ben suggested that she organize a Cotillion, Jane agreed, trying to atone for her guilt. It was all exhausting, of course, but the feeling of usefulness turned out to be pleasant. While she was running errands — including the creation of stained glass windows — she managed to once again make sure that Ben and Mal were meant for each other. With what trepidation he clarified everything to the smallest detail. The appearance of Uma, who was still a villainess from the Isle of the Lost, knocked the ground out from under her feet even. They seemed to have feelings, but something about them was confusing. Who would have thought that she decided to repeat the fate of her mother. And after all, she didn't need Ben himself: Ursula's daughter only wanted to hurt the former villain.
"How are you and Carlos?" The name of a once-loved one caused a nagging pain in her heart, but Jane found the strength to shake her head. "Come on, it can't be that you're not true lovers."
Carlos. Cruella's son. This villainess might not have magical powers, but bullying dogs has never made anyone better. Imagine her surprise when the guy once admitted that he used to be scared to death of these animals, and only getting to know Dude helped overcome this fear. But one thing was clear: they were both in the shadow of their parents. True, her mother loved her sincerely, although she was too protective, and among the vague images from Carlos's childhood it turned out to be impossible to notice at least some kind of manifestation of love. However, his fate wasn't known, and Jane decided that not everyone should find happiness in love. With all this preparation for the ball, the girl was running so fast that she didn't pay attention to the slowly emerging feelings of the guy who was constantly trying to talk to her. She couldn't see the full picture anyway — the fairies were worried about someone else's well-being. It was only when Carlos finally decided to discuss everything here and now that such a warm and brave love came over her in waves. His brown eyes sparkled with happiness, and a wide smile shone on his freckled, tanned face. His embrace seemed to be the most comfortable place in the whole world. At first she was kind of scared: mom hadn't said anything about fairies being happy with someone.
However, it was true.
"Fairies don't use their abilities to their advantage," Jane replied, glancing at the playground where Carlos had once met Chewie.
With an initially thin build, the guy ran away fast enough, and the girl was definitely afraid to think about the reasons for the appearance of such a skill. Over time, she couldn't help but notice that a good lifestyle clearly did him good: his lean body became noticeably stronger, and in his spare time, Carlos began dancing. Secretly, Jane even admired his graceful and smooth movements from the side, but she never admitted it.
"Can't you?" She froze, pushing the memories away.
Really, couldn't she? But it was too late to talk about it anyway.
"We can't."
A week later, her birthday came. The first birthday without Carlos. His last gift, a necklace with their names combined, was still hanging around his neck, both pleasing and making him feel even more lonely. So many familiar faces gathered, but there was absolutely no mood to celebrate. After making sure that no one was around, the birthday girl quietly dived into the Enchanted Lake. After swimming a sufficient distance, she exhaled deeply and raised her head to the sky. Not a cloud, only the bright sun shone in the sky. Even it reminded her of him. The girl climbed onto one of the flat stones and shuddered: her wet hair stuck to her bare shoulders, and the blue translucent knee-length dress didn't warm her. A spell flashed in her memory, allowing her to dry out quickly, but the magic failed again.
"I wish you were here again!.." Jane shouted desperately into the void and hugged herself by the shoulders, feeling burning tears rolling down her cheeks. "I can't do it without you, do you hear? You were the sun in my life!"
She covered her face with her hands, clenching her whole body, shaking with sobs.
"And how can you cry on your own birthday?"
It seemed. There's definitely no one here.
As soon as she felt the warmth of someone else's hands gently touching her tear-stained face, she felt like an electric shock.
Impossible. It can't be...
Her hands slowly lowered, gently wiped away the traces of tears with one finger and tucked the wet strands behind her ears.
Only then did Jane dare to look up. The black-and-white hair was slightly disordered as always. The brown eyes, as before, shone with devoted and endless love. The freckles on his tanned face resembled rays of the sun.
"How are you?.." It sounded hoarse.
"You called me, and I came," Carlos replied softly, touching her forehead with his. "I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye properly.
"You fool," she suddenly blurted out. "We should be the ones to apologize to you. We couldn't save you."
"No one could have predicted this." With each word, his hot breath sent goosebumps all over her body.
"If only... If only I could do magic like a real fairy..." The girl barely touched his shoulders, trying to make sure of the reality of what was happening, and pulled him into her arms, completely forgetting about his wet clothes.
Carlos nuzzled her neck, exhaling deeply. Nothing seemed to have changed since he left. It was as if there had never been that distant day when Auradon was overshadowed by terrible news. At first, what was happening looked like an endless nightmare. Emotions were so overwhelming that she had to get used to uncontrollable bursts of destructive magic. Because of this, Jane tried not to go anywhere unnecessarily, even when King Ben himself asked the Fairy Godmother about her well-being. She desperately wanted to wake up and return to the moment when the kids of the villains had just left the Isle of the Lost. To find at least the slightest opportunity to fix everything.
"You are a real fairy," the guy whispered, stroking her hair soothingly. "Who else was able to recognize the spell on Ben? We were all confused then. None of us have ever believed that it is possible to be loved just like that. Not pretending, not trying to please."
"And it's terrible," she muttered dully. "Everyone deserves to be loved... Except for me. Fairies instruct heroes, tell a story, but don't have their own."
"And I'm the son of a dog—hating woman. Do you think Dude knows about this?" He laughed softly, which made Jane freeze in fascination, feeling that she missed his laughter. "We decide our own destiny. Of course, Mal could become as terrible a villain as Maleficent, Evie could find herself a prince, and Jay could continue stealing for his father. But they are all here and happy."
"We were happy with you. If everything is in our hands, why can't you come back?" The girl took a shaky breath, sobbing. "And don't tell me that the best leave early."
Carlos said nothing, hugging her to his chest. The realization that his heart was beating was maddening. How? Isn't this her dream? Reality just can't be that beautiful.
"What happened while I was gone?" Jane wondered fleetingly what that meant.
"Ben and Mal got married. They say that almost the entire population of the states has gathered." She couldn't help but smile, remembering that she had indeed contributed to this. "Evie's business is booming: now she works with Dizzy. Jay and Lonnie want to create a club where anyone can play their favorite sport. And I continue to make sure that everything is in order. And I'm not coping... I'm not okay. This is definitely a dream.
His hands were on his wrists. Jane looked away.
"You're going to disappear, and I'm going to wake up. It's not the first time I've had a dream like this," she said lamely. "Can I at least do one little stupid thing?"
"Which one?" Carlos cocked his head thoughtfully.
"In fairy tales, the story ends after the words about living Happily Ever After." Jane exhaled sharply, gathering her thoughts and raising her head. "The heroes stand side by side against a beautiful sky and... I know that this is probably not the right place at all. I have a tear-stained face, a soaked dress and a terrible mood for a person whose birthday is today. This is all wrong. I still regret that I didn't do it when I had the time."
"Are you talking about the Kiss of True Love?"
"Yes, but I won't have that anyway. So I just..." The girl stopped short, feeling the gentle touch of his warm palms on her cheeks.
Carlos looked at her with a bit of embarrassment, but how deep, charming and tremulous was the look. Jane was well aware of it existence, having read many books, but she never would have thought that one day she would see it in reality. These flickering sparks made it impossible to think about anything else, as if hypnotizing.
"Maybe it's worth fulfilling your dream?"
A light, almost weightless touch to the lips. So soft and soothing, but at the same time incredibly exciting and brave. It was as if time itself had stopped. Despite the wet dress, there was a feeling of heat all over her body. The whole world around them faded into the background. Cold hands hesitantly wrapped around his neck. It was only now that she remembered how unusual her feelings for him were. Enthusiastic in every moment, genuine, bright and somewhat naive. The kind she has always dreamed of.
There was something insanely right about it all. Destined by fate.
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Mal and Jay: *see Trace walk down the hall like a punk*
Jay: Why's Trace walking like a hard-ass?
Mal: Because he is a hard-ass.
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loreofthelost · 1 year
Your headcanons are really interesting! In your AU, both Freddie Facilier and Claudine Frollo have brothers?
Thanks for the question. So yes they both have brothers, Dr Facilier has three children who have the Facilier name and live with him. Freddie Facilier who is 15 Celia Facilier who is 11, and then Jonothan Facilier who is 17. Jonothan goes by Jon and is friends with Freddy Frollo. Dr Facilier does have other kids but they don't live with him. Now for Claudine, Claude Frollo has several kids but he only acknowledges three, Claudine who is 19, Freddy Frollo who is 17 and Catherine Frollo who is 10, Claude Frollo has father more kids but they live with their mothers. Claudine also has a few half-brothers through her mother but she doesn't who they are or her mother is.
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writingdrama · 2 months
I love making oc’s and rewriting stories to make my own au’s. One of my favorites is descendants where I basically rewrote everything, changed dynamics and whatnot, although it does not have any of the VK’s from the movies. Rather, it includes my oc’s and my friends oc’s, new plot lines that focus more on slice of life side of things. I’ve been working on and off this au for about a year now, although I don’t know if I’ll share anything about it.
I did also write about twenty pages of fanfiction, and a bunch of one shots/song-fic’s of my au because of the brainrot. Might post more about my stories, both au’s and original stories on this tumblr.
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caliburn-the-sword · 4 months
the main talking point of a lot of people that love eah but bash on descendants is that "eah was deep!! descendants was just a disney knockoff that meant nothing and was just a cashgrab" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP (to be clear i am an eah lover). analytical thoughts to follow:
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consider also, that auradon is portrayed as very technologically advanced in direct opposition to the isle being associated with magic (even with its ban) and a lot of of clearly second hand, worn and torn fridges and tvs and whatever
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also, the fact that she felt PRESSURED to not only culturally assimilate into auradon culture, but alter her physical appearance to assimilate further. consider mal's costuming in the first movie. on the isle, we see her with (what i assume is her natural) purple hair, leather, etc. she is even, to a degree, gender nonconforming. pretty much the ONLY time we see her in skirts is when she's trying to impress ben for her plan to work
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compare this with the hair costuming in descendants 2:
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(i actually can't remember which scenes the third one was in but whatever) they have taken away her sparkle!! she's assimilated firstly into auradon fashion by dressing in pastels like them, and in SKIRTS which she textually only wore in the first movie when she wanted to impress ben. now with the added context of her wanting to impress auradon. and it really speaks a lot that she feels she has to conform to gender norms more in order to be accepted by auradon
and what about hair. she's felt the need to not only change the way she dresses, but change her hair to the eurocentric standard, so blonde that it's almost WHITE to conform to auradon's society (because let's be real, her mum's a fairy/dragon and her dad is a greek god. i'd be MORE surprised if she was DYING her hair purple than it being natural). changing your natural hair in order to to conform to and be accepted by the majority... where have i heard that one before??
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shoutout to @soniccat
(to be clear. it is not a one for one analogy. "hey using a spell to force someone to forget what you did is an invasion" to me is like going "well actually people were right to fear mutants in x-men because some of them were walking weapons" IT'S A METAPHOR THAT IS ALSO A PLOT DEVICE)
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('backwater' being used ironically, do not let my meaning be misconstrued here. a better way to word it is that immigrants are guilttripped into having to be 'grateful' for their oppression in a first world country because microaggressions or assimilation is considered better than the alternative, being back in your home country where living conditions may be considered poorer)
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in the sense that for instance, jay put a VK spin on supporting feminism. like yes, he could've done it the rulefollowing, create a petition and gather signatures route, but INSTEAD he finds and exploits an existing loophole to let lonnie join the team. or evie shouting out dizzy's creations, uplifting her voice despite the fact she could've still taken the credit since she was the one that paired the outfit with the accessories. etc
are the descendants movies objectively bad movies?? yes. but this was to me, one of the most compelling analogies for immigrant struggles. take particular notice how almost ALL the main VKs are either racebent from the original disney movies (evie, carlos, uma) or were already based on an ethnic character (mal, jay)
but wait, mal is the whitest white girl to walk the planet. how is she already based on an ethnic character?
glad you asked. it is quite unclear in the descendants movie (basing its portrayal of maleficent on the disney sleeping beauty) is a fairy or a dragon. while the maleficent movie isn't canon to the descendants universe, i'm still going to use the fact that she's a fairy with the magical ability to turn herself into a dragon
a lot fairy folklore comes from ireland. the name maleficent itself, and i quote
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shares similarities to the name millicent. millicent has irish (or scottish) roots (even a coat of arms) as in
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thus one could argue that maleficent herself could potentially be irish coded
whether or not you agree with the idea that maleficent is irish coded, it is undeniable that mal is the daughter of hades, a greek god. it's a shame that that was a retcon in the third movie and not planned from the start, because the role could've gone to an actually greek actress (please google the ottoman empire and greek independence day if you still think it's not fitting for me to group mal with the others)
where was i going with this?? right. it's extremely telling that most of the main/side VKs, save for gil, are ethnic, in the story of a group of misfits finding themselves in an unfamiliar country with new social norms for them to learn as they try to fit in with and become accepted by their peers
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unusual-raccoon · 6 months
Silver Son (Ch. 2) | by Unusual_Raccoon (JaceLuke)
@livinginafantasysposts, @andromaxeoftroy, @saintbehemoth, @mondstaub1, @the-heartlines, @the-white-w0lf, @potatochips-15, @arkah-archive, @lunar-19, @bimyself06
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dark Jacaerys Velaryon, Blonde Jacaerys Velaryon, Jace is Daemon's Biological Son, Complicated Relationships, Political Alliances, Canon-Typical Violence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Jacaerys Velaryon, Omega Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Episode: s01e08 The Lord of the Tides (House of the Dragon), Viserys I Targaryen Lives, Daemyra Have Disney Parent-itis = they died, Brother/Brother Incest, POV Alternating, Political Alliances, Arranged Marriage, Valyrian Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Valyrian Wedding, Loss of Virginity, Explicit Sexual Content, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Knotting Summary: With few options left, Lucerys travels to Dragonstone to marry his mother's eldest son and heir, Jacaerys Targaryen. WC: 8,9K+ Ao3 Link
It began with a proposal. The promise of marriage in exchange for protection.
A marriage…to the prince of Dragonstone.
Their breakneck pace had consumed two weeks' worth of time in an instant, and before Lucerys had a true moment to recuperate, he was standing upon blue-veined white marble within the Eyrie’s High Hall.
“Prince Lucerys,” The lady of the Vale welcomed him, eyes as blue as the sky creased at the corners in a small sign of fondness.
“My lady,” he greeted, lowering his head in a show of deference to his host.
“I pray your time in King’s Landing has seen you well.”
“It has my lady, and while I am eternally grateful for your hospitality, I’m afraid I will need to depart from the Eyrie soon.”
To her credit, Jeyne Arryn took the news with aplomb.
“Might I ask, who is stealing you away, dear cousin?”
“I am Targaryen, my lady, I worry you may find the truth upsetting.”
She arched a single brow, the same shade of honeyed-gold as her hair. Whatever fondness she reserved for Lucerys in the months since his mother’s passing seemed to vanish at the mere insinuation of him.
What power you wield, dear brother.
The image of pale hair stained more crimson than silver flashed through his mind.
“I see.” She replied with an icy sort of diplomacy that made his teeth clench cold. Her disdain gleamed through in the blue of her eyes.
“And you’re certain there is nothing I can do to persuade you otherwise?”
She spoke with a royal I, not only of herself but also of the Eyrie and all its vassal houses…House Corbray amongst them. He thought of Ser Corwyn – the kind, gentle Valeman that had seen him return to the Eyrie safely.
Corwyn, who carried Valyrian steel upon his hip. He pondered briefly the wail Lady Forlorn might make when she collided with Dark Sister.
The hairs on his arms stood on end. He prayed it would not come to such unpleasantries.
Yet, as he imagined falling sway to Lady Arryn’s suggestions and wedding Ser Corwyn, Lucerys’ mind only conjured the image of Alyssa’s Tears scorched dry by dragonfire, yellow-orange flames shot through with veins of green, and his betrothed’s body severed at the neck, his handsome head gnashed between Vermax’s thorny jaws…
Have care, I will crush him if he intends to deny your departure.
He recalled his brother’s words even a fortnight later, as though he was yet twined in Jacaerys’ arms rubbing mindless fingers against the dried blood, blood his brother had spilled in Lucerys’ name, upon the velvet of his sleeve. He chastised himself still for the thoughtless creature he had been reduced to with his lungs full of his elder half-brother’s scent: the heat of an open flame and the heady musk of white oak.
The thought inspired a conflicting sense of hot and cold spreading through his body. A simultaneous pleasure and pain.
“I think it is for the best, my lady.”
Her smile was amiable, but far from pleased.
“Very well,” She hummed in acquiescence.
It was not until she descended from her carved weirwood throne that Lucerys voiced another rather pressing concern.
“I must admit, dear cousin, I fear how he will take the news.”
Jeyne Arryn offered a soft smile, her hand folded over the delicate expanse of his forearm and he was reminded of the few times the lady of the Vale had taken him hawking in the Mountains of the Moon.
“He loves you, he’ll understand.” she reminded with a knowing tilt of her lips.
Lucerys exhaled. He hoped love might be enough to soften the blow of his elder brother’s proposal as Lady Jeyne escorted him to his apartments in the Maiden’s Tower.
. . .
A long soak in a marble tub had not seen his nerves much improved. In fact, Lucerys felt more disturbed knowing he was avoiding the inevitable.
He sank deeper into the water scented with orange blossoms and rose hips, while it was a distraction, it was certainly a pleasant one; it did wonders for his sore bottom after two hard weeks on horseback.
He hadn’t dithered for much longer before dressing. 
He omitted his usual high-collared samite gown with a laced-tight bodice to accentuate curves nature had failed to provide, in exchange for a soft, modest shift to sleep in. 
He layered a patterned dressing gown over his shift to stave off the everpresent wind of the Vale.
There was a knock at the door and Lucerys grimaced. He wasn’t ready, yet still approached his fate with a raised chin - as mother had taught him.
“Prince Lucerys-”
“Ser Corwyn,” He greeted, voice lilted in surprise.
“My deepest apologies, forgive the intrusion, I was not aware-” the knight stammered at Lucerys’ state of dress.
“There is nothing to forgive, the fault is mine own,” Lucerys murmured, cheeks warm, as demure as any proper worshiper of the Seven desired in an Omega.
The insinuation of his nakedness was enough, even layered in sleepwear as he was.
Lucerys crossed bashful arms over himself and Corwyn reddened further.
“I have heard the news of your departure,” Corwyn informed steadily and to the point, eyes focused on some fixed point just over Lucerys’ shoulder.
“From Lady Jeyne, I have no doubt” he had shared the news with none other,“– forgive me, it is uncouth to speak of my host in such a way.”
Corwyn shook his head.
“It was uncouth of my Lady to share business that was not hers.”
Lucerys swallowed, wringing his hands together, discreetly scratching small scent glands in his wrists until the air sweetened with his natural scent.
Vanilla and browned butter.
“I gather that she has informed you as to why I must be leaving…”
Corwyn nodded, nostrils flaring subtly. His jaw tightened.
“She has…”
He looked away, sheepishly with a dusky color upon his cheeks that revealed what his nonexistent scent did not. He chafed at the thought of Lucerys departing to Dragonstone - to Jacaerys.
“Ser, I pray you will not think less of me now…it is not a thought I think I can bear.”
Corwyn’s eyes were a bluish-grey, a beautiful, but understated color that Lucerys admired as the knight turned back towards him in shock.
“My Prince I would never.”
“I don’t believe our Lady shared this information with the thought that it might sour my opinion of you.”
“Oh,” Lucerys exhaled with the kind of smile that enamored countless at court, “good,” he hummed with a dithering kind of naivete a simpering storybook Omega possessed.
Corwyn appeared ensorcelled.
He prayed silently that Jacaerys might be so simple to gain mastery over.
“I believe my cousin has shared with me this news to embolden me…”
Embolden, Lucerys thought. Corwyn’s eyes focused on him then, breathing a touch shallow like he meant to sling Lucerys down onto the floor to ravage him…
Instead, the knight drew Lady Forlorn from the sheath upon his hip.
Lucerys’ heart stilled for a moment before Corwyn knelt before him, head lowered.
“With your permission, my prince, I would swear myself to you…as your protector.”
His brother’s words rang through his head once more as the knight’s hands clasped the weeping woman carved into the sword’s pommel and grip.
You have gone too long without an Alpha. Too long without proper protection.
Lucerys was not acquisitive enough to think he could have both his brother’s protection and Ser Corwyn’s.
A choice was required.
He imagined yet again the sound that Lady Forlorn might make when she clashed with Dark Sister, yet when he pictured Valyrian steel on steel he could only hear the bellow of a dragon…
“You honor me deeply, ser…but, I am afraid I cannot accept. To bind yourself to me on the eve of my marriage…it would not be wise.  I fear my betrothed will think ill of it. However, I hope that should I ever need such a gallant knight you might permit me to call upon you?”
Ser Corwyn rose with a conflicted look etched upon his face.
His bluish-grey eyes softened as Lucerys draped an effete hand over the knight’s forearm. Corwyn’s gaze lingered on Lucerys’ hand.
“Of course, my prince.”
Again, Lucerys offered that affable smile and his sweet scent and all was well.
“Rest well, my prince.”
Lucerys blinked slowly, a soft smile about his lips, “I shall certainly rest easier now ser, thank you.”
With Corwyn addressed he would face his greatest challenge yet on the morrow.
. . .
In the morn he was awoken by the sound of his door opening and a riotous blur bolting inside. He was spared only a moment before said blur was atop his bed – bouncing.
“You’re back!”
“Joff,” Lucerys hummed, half asleep, partially shielding his body from each spring of his younger brother’s body.
“You’re back!” He exclaimed again with a wide, gap-toothed smile, “What was the capital like? Did you get to see the king? Is it true that you killed someone?”
Lucerys’ eyes widened immediately, what vestiges of sleep remained fled from him. 
He wrangled his younger brother in his hands like catching lightning in a bottle.
Joffrey tugged at the silk sleeves of Lucerys’ shift, irritated at being held captive.
“Where have you heard such things?” Lucerys asked seriously.
“A girl from the kitchens,” Joffrey shrugged, “She said someone died-”
Gods damn Jacaerys Targaryen. Already whispers floated about the validity of his hearing of succession. Matters hadn’t been helped by the same rumor mills purporting that Ser Vaemond’s head had allegedly been fed to his elder brother’s dragon; he had yet to hear the word kinslayer but knew it hung on countless tongues.
“You should not repeat such talk, it is not princely.”
Joffrey tugged upon Lucerys’ sleeve, eager to be released.
“Swear it,” Lucerys commanded with a waggle of his finger.
“Fine, I swear it, let go-”
“You swear what?”
“I swear not to repeat unprincely things, Luke-” Joffrey whined.
Lucerys smiled fondly despite himself and released his grip upon his younger brother, content to let him whirl about.
And whirl he did. He had become so content in the Vale. A part of Lucerys mourned the thought of taking him from what had just started to feel like home. It wasn’t fair.
“Joffrey?” Lucerys called as Joffrey’s dark head bobbed around. His brother fiddled with something on the other side of Lucerys’ apartments; something breakable no doubt.
“Something did happen at court…something important.”
“Is this about you getting married? I already know,” Joffrey said, sounding rather bored as he watched the viscous swirl in a stoppered inkwell.
“Another rumor from your spy in the kitchens?” Lucerys asked, unmoved by his brother’s pout.
“No - and she’s not a spy!” He huffed defensively, “Melara told me that you’ll marry her father. I’m not upset, Luke, I promise. I like Ser Corwyn. If you marry him, do you think he’ll train me to be a knight and give me his sword when I’m older?”
Lucerys felt ill.
“Joffrey, come here,” He beckoned, voice trembling. His brother whined a petulant little noise, but remained at Lucerys’ desk, shaking the stoppered inkwell.
It was cruel, Lucerys knew, but he prayed none of his children were Alphas, that none would ever be so obstinate as his brother - brothers. He prayed for Betas and Omegas to quicken in his belly when the time came, for obedient children with sensible little heads on sensible little shoulders.
“She said House Corbray’s colors are like ours, red and black - and white too, but that we wouldn’t have to change very much.”
Change, Lucerys thought to himself, how much of that have we endured already?
Joffrey continued his blabbering, stubborn at that. Lucerys winced, his frustration mounting to a point of eruption.
“I won’t be marrying Ser Corwyn!”
Distantly, he heard glass shattering as the inkwell toppled to the ground. Lucerys bolted from the bed, taking Joffrey’s little hands in his own. He scrutinized his brother’s palms for any shards of glass amidst the overwhelming pools of ink on his pale skin…
“Why not?!”
“Oh, Joff, look at your hands! You mustn’t be so careless.”
His younger brother tore his hands out of Lucerys’ grasp, visibly crestfallen. The pristine white silk of his sleeve was slashed with ugly splatters of black ink.
“Why aren’t you marrying Ser Corwyn?”
Why? Why indeed…
Lucerys sighed. How could he tell a child of seven years about the politics of the matter? Or worse yet, that in the most aggravatingly primal sense, a piece of him yearned for Jacaerys…
“I’ve been presented with a stronger proposal.”
“But, you said we’d be safe here, that we wouldn’t have to leave!” 
His younger brother argued, what else could he have said to a grieving child who had just fled the only home he had ever known? Their exodus from Dragonstone had been a hasty affair, yet in the midst of their pain and fear, it seemed the only thing they could do.
“This proposal means more protection, real protection,” Lucerys swallowed, each breath scraping the inside of his throat like shards of glass as his brother’s face reddened, “Joff, we can go home.”
Tears welled in the muddy brown of Joffrey’s eyes.
He held his brother’s dirty little hands so tightly in his own, clinging desperately.
“But if I am to keep my word, we must leave soon.”
Lucerys brushed an affectionate finger beneath the cleft in his brother’s chin.
“You haven’t misplaced Tyraxes’ saddle have you?”
Joffrey blinked slowly with a dawning realization, sadness forgotten at the prospect of flying again.
“Good,” Lucerys hummed before ruffling his brother’s dark curls, swallowing beyond the lump in his throat as he spoke, “you’re going to need it.”
. . .
The fortnight he had allotted had passed, and for two days and two nights longer, Jacaerys had waited.
He had spent 6 years in the North as a ward of Lord Cregan Stark, estranged from his family, and yet, he had never yearned more ardently for his own blood than he did in the two weeks since leaving King’s Landing.
Every morning he waited on Dragonstone's beaches for a young white dragon to pierce the clouds and the scent of vanilla and browned butter to shower him from the sky; for Lucerys to come home to him.
Each day that passed he weighed the worth of simply collecting his brother on dragonback. Of flying to the Eyrie, Dark Sister in hand…like Visenya on Vhagar, and dragging his little wife home.
But then he thought of Lucerys…of sweet, gentle Lucerys.
He refused to force the matter. Lucerys would come to him in time, he knew it…
And so he waited, morning after morning.
And each morning yet he had been disappointed, though he was not the only one.
Baela was still bitter about his decision to break their betrothal that had been arranged since they’d been born…
A marriage done in the tradition of Old Valyria was binding, unbreakable, a union that could never be undone or annulled. Immutable to the word of any king or council. It was everlasting.
He’d been rehearsing the words since he’d had ears to know them. Leagues away in the bitter cold, they had given him warmth. The knowledge he might one day speak them to the one that he loved, as his mother had, as his father had, as was his right.
He was owed this. Tradition dictated for the two oldest children to marry, as Aegon and Visenya had; there was duty and honor in it. By definition, Jacaerys and Lucerys were their mother’s eldest children - the two destined to wed.
He stared at the sky, awaiting his destiny.
. . .
It was the third morning and the sky was a cool blue, drowsy in color when a bright streak sailed through it…
Descending toward the island like a falling star.
Jacaerys had never seen anything so picturesque, so perfect-
Then came the rambunctious squawk of a dragon scarcely large enough to fly. Black and red and chasing after gulls, belching plumes of black flames.
“Dohaerās, Tyraxes!” A reedy little voice called.
“Ninkiot, Arrax,” Lucerys commanded calmly and Jacaerys watched as that young dragon, glittering pearl white and gold, spread his wings to slow his descent to the island.
The sea breeze rolled over the shore, tasting of salt and morning air, of vanilla and browned butter…
Lucerys was a vision in supple charcoal gray, wool-lined riding leathers. His dark curls were wind-tossed and his cheeks a ravishing shade of red.
Those beautiful brown eyes widened at the sight of him.
His younger brother cleared his throat, calling up to Joffrey.
“Come down here,” He commanded, “now.”
Lucerys’ expression was unreadable as he marched across the sands toward Jacaerys, Joffrey in tow.
The dragonkeepers handled their mounts, even the unruly Tyraxes who had feathers hanging from his maw.
“Jacaerys,” Lucerys greeted coolly, with a defiant little raised chin. Jace wanted him then and there — marriage be damned, he wished to pup Luke in the sand. He pushed the thought away, quite capable of ignoring his hindbrain.
“Brother,” Jacaerys responded smoothly, smile softening, “welcome home.”
Lucerys gave a small nod, dainty gloved hands clasped together demurely.
“I apologize for making you wait,” Lucerys said primly, poised and practiced and perfect.
Jace chuckled, “Oh, I doubt that very much. Come along, we’ll get you both settled.”
They stepped through the Great Hall’s massive red doors, flanked by household guards at every step.
He felt Lucerys gasp as he pressed a palm to the small of his brother’s back, leading him into the hall. Luke walked along, spine stiff, his scent dripping from his pores.
It was surreal, sharing the space with Lucerys once more… It had been so long since they had been here together, lived here together.
“Prince Jacaerys,” Maester Gerardys greeted fondly, “and Prince Lucerys, how comforting it is to see you two together once more…”
For the first time since his brother had returned home, Jacaerys witnessed that icy demeanor thaw. His smile was soft and genuine and beautiful…
“It is…good to be home,” He answered, and to Jacaerys’ surprise, his words seemed sincere. Buried somewhere beneath the stoicism his younger brother wore like a coat of mail, he was happy.
“Your mother would be pleased.”
Lucerys’ throat bobbed and his eyes misted, for a moment he seemed to lean into Jacaerys’ touch upon his back. He steadied Lucerys instantly, naturally — it was what elder brothers were meant to do.
He caught a brief flash of gratitude in the corner of a brown eye when Lucerys glanced back at him.
“I’ll show you to your rooms,” Jacaerys said softly, to which Lucerys nodded, a pliant little thing.
“I know where my room is,” Joffrey called, running off blindly, to Lucerys’ horror and Jace’s amusement. Lucerys seemed mortified of Joffrey’s boyish behavior, like some minute thing would pull the rug out from beneath them, as though he may cast them out to the wilds once more…
He’d sooner fall upon his own sword than permit such a thing to happen.
“It’s alright,” Jace soothed, tasting the frantic spike in his younger brother’s scent, vanilla and burnt butter, “he’s home too.”
Lucerys nodded, swallowing thickly.
“When will the ceremony be?” Lucerys asked, his voice steady like he’d practiced the words.
“When would you like it to be?” Jace asked in return, something that seemed to bewilder his younger brother who stared up at him owlishly. Something he hadn’t prepared for.
“Soon,” he said, a tad uncertain as Jacaerys slowly circled him like prey.
“Soon?” Jacaerys echoed with a wily smirk. Lucerys’ brow dipped in what he knew was annoyance.
“Yes, soon, unless you intend on making me wait.”
There he was, Jacaerys grinned, all teeth - his Luke.
“Had I known you were so eager to be my wife, I never would have left King’s Landing without you…” His lips touched his younger brother’s ear.
Lucerys exhaled a shaky breath that he very badly wanted to be a scoff, struggling to right his mask of aloofness. The rich scent of vanilla and browned butter, nutty and earthen and sweet, betrayed him.
“Is tonight soon enough for you, brother?” Jacaerys asked, his subvocals flanging.
Lucerys turned, blinking up at him, pink-cheeked.
“Good,” Lucerys said with his raised little chin, as though he had been so decisive, to begin with; Jacaerys could only focus on the cute cleft of his chin that he wished to trace with his tongue.
Without another word, his younger brother turned and exited the Great Hall, marching down a corridor after Joffrey.
. . .
Valyrian wedding ceremonies were not as time-consuming as weddings performed under the faith of the seven. The very same priest that had performed their mother’s wedding was summoned to conduct theirs.
The materials had been gathered and garments prepared.
A natural stone dias was dressed accordingly. A thick chalice of inscribed Valyrian steel sat upon the dias, filled halfway from a decanter of blood wine.
Jacaerys’ hands shook as he reached for the traditional robes worn during Valyrian wedding ceremonies. The fabric was a pale cream color, with thick blood-red collars and a gradient along the hem and sleeves.
They were meant to symbolize blood purity… the irony wasn’t lost on him.
“Father was the last to wear these…”
Jacaerys exhaled, fingers trailing over the dyed collar of the robe. He never had the right to refer to Daemon Targaryen as his father publically, yet as he stared at the garment, shapeless against his dressing table, it felt right. His father had worn these robes, and Jacaerys would wear them after him.
“He’d be proud of you…”
Baela intoned, her voice alarmingly gentle despite how angry she had been with him in the past weeks.
“Even if I’m marrying against his wishes?”
His sister smiled a radiant thing. Pretty enough to kiss, but he knew better than to try.
“Especially because you’re marrying against his wishes. You chose your own bride…he’d admire that.”
Baela stepped closer, inspecting the ceremonial garment. The fabric seemed endless when lifted into her tiny hands.
“You have every right to wear them, Jace. You’re a Targaryen.”
He nodded and began unlacing his tunic.
“Slower,” His sister bade, her deep violet eyes raking over every ounce of unveiled flesh with unbridled want. Spice flower and cinnamon hung heavy in the air. There was time when that scent beckoned him like a siren’s call, yet there had always been another scent, more potent —— dragonsong.
“I don’t want to forget a thing,” She added sadly, and Jacaerys felt a twinge of regret…she had always been good to him.
Jacaerys slowed, plucking away each individual lace with the utmost care. The garment swayed open and he heard the sharp intake of her breath.
He smiled softly. He couldn’t marry her, but he could give her this.
. . .
It all felt foreign to Lucerys like something out of a dream. His hair painfully twined into a snug series of plaits and braids atop of which the ceremonial headdress was placed.
The robes were long, the dyed hem puddled like blood around his feet.
Unbidden emotion snagged in his throat as he straightened the headdress. His entire life had led to this moment, from the day he was born and the maester had announced what resided between his legs. He was an Omega, he was born to be someone’s wife. Jacaerys’ wife. His face burned hot for reasons he dared not contemplate.
He was to be married and his mother wasn’t here to witness it…
He glared at his reflection in the looking glass.
He blinked away the tears quickly and straightened his back. Jacaerys wanted a wife and he’d get one…and Lucerys would get the legitimacy he’d been lacking. He would certainly be a wife, but Jacaerys had been born an Alpha —— he would become Lucerys’ weapon. It was all he could find comfort in; for this was not a union borne of love.
Lucerys’ bravado held up quite nicely as they traveled to the dais where the ceremony would be held. Jacaerys looked as he always did, aggravatingly handsome; rakish, even, in the long ceremonial robes with his silver hair bound in twists away from his face.
Countless candles burned around the dias, ensconcing them in a golden hue.
It was surreal, standing on warmed stone in the very same spot, in the very same gown his mother had once worn…
Joffrey stood beside Maester Gerardys, a sour look on his little face, in the same spot where Lucerys had stood as a child. Fragmented memories of his mother’s wedding washed over him like the dewy evening rain. 
A hand in his clutched so tightly. Father had died. Warm lips pressed to his crown, there was no giggling when he pressed his cold little feet to the backs of warm knees; just a need to be sated, and comfort that was given. There was no room for laughter on the grim day. Mother had never looked so beautiful. The hand in his was pulled away. It hurt, that missing piece, like a severed limb…
Lucerys felt the memory fade away as he blinked his way back to the present. Jacaerys stared at him with unabashed concern.
“Hm?” he hummed, “I’m sorry.”
“Are you ready for the ceremony to begin?” The priest asked.
“Yes,” Jacaerys said without hesitation, and all eyes were on Lucerys.
“Yes,” Luke nodded, the tassels of the headdress bouncing.
“Very well.”
Ceremonial dragonglass daggers were given to each of them.
“I’ll go first,” Jacaerys told him and Lucerys nodded, and when he smiled at Luke, it was the smile of an elder brother. 
Rest easy, little brother, that roguish smile said, I’m here. His hands trembled as he brought the shard to his Jacaerys’ mouth. He didn’t flinch when Luke cut him. The dagger split the supple flesh of Jacaerys’ lower lip with ease. Blood oozed bright and warm. He gathered some upon his thumb, transfixed by it. The candles seemed to glow brighter, the air more fragrant. He painted the sigil upon Jacaerys’ skin.
His own dagger was lowered as Jacaerys approached. A large hand came to grip his chin, stroking the skin fondly. He tensed in anticipation of the sting of the dagger. He met his brother’s gaze, those hypnotic violet eyes, silver lashes brushed gold in the candlelight. He felt warm, very warm wrapped in Jace’s scent. His hindbrain was alight. Gently, the dagger sliced his lower lip, he hardly felt it.
He blinked and Jacaerys’ thumb was wet with his blood.
The liquid crimson felt hot against his skin as his brother painted the accompanying sigil.
Blood would flow, and their line would continue. 
He watched as Jacaerys’ dagger carved a wound across his palm. Lucerys did the same.
The priest carried forth the chalice and spoke the binding words. An embroidered chord of gold tied them together.
“Hen lantoti ānogar”
Blood of two
“Va sȳndroti vāedroma”
Joined as one
Jacaerys’ hand clasped with his, the open wounds upon their palms bleeding into one another. Unerringly intimate; eternally entwined. The golden chord soaked crimson. Red oozed into the chalice.
“Elēdroma iārza sīr”
And song of shadows
“Izulī ampā perzī”
Two hearts as embers
Lucerys stared into the chalice, at the placid surface of the blood wine, small dots of liquid crimson littered the rim, like crushed garnets. His reflection stared back.
The wine smelled of figs and iron and was thick upon his tongue. He’d never known something so foreign, yet so perfect. Heat raced in his veins when he swallowed it. Jacaerys’ eyes never left his, his hand clutched so tightly…they were a perfect fit.
“Prūmī lanti sēteksi”
Forged in Fourteen flames
Fourteen candles stood taller than the rest.
“Hen jenȳ māzīlarion”
A future promised in glass
Jacaerys tilted the chalice toward his lips. Lucerys squeezed at his brother’s hand, fresh blood sticking between their palms.
“Qēlossa ozūndesi”
The stars stand witness
“Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo”
The vow spoken through time
“Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi.”
Of darkness and light.
“Your vows must be spoken.”
Lucerys nodded and swallowed the urge to mewl as Jacaerys’ hand squeezed his; both comforting and consuming.
“One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever,” they spoke the words in unison. The lingering taste of wine on his tongue deepened. The richness of Jacaerys’ scent thickened in his lungs. He could taste only fire and blood…
The priest lowered his hands and inclined his hooded head towards them to indicate the ceremony was complete. Lucerys’ entire being pulsed hotter than the dragonmont. They were married. Bound in blood.
He stared at Jacaerys, still struggling to fathom when his brother’s lips were on his - kissing him, ravenously; like he had waited his entire life for such a moment. And it returned to him, the frayed pieces of a memory, like torn pages in a book, as Jacaerys’ hands gathered his face between them, tender and so familiar - they had done this before.
He felt a fool.
He gasped when his brother pulled away, mouth red. Lucerys’ legs felt boneless. His hand clutching Jacaerys’ sleeve, anchored to his brother, his husband, his other half…
Jacaerys’ tongue chased the trickle of crimson from Lucerys’ mouth. He mewled then, openly, unabashedly, without meaning to.
His brother’s forehead touched his, tacky with blood. A deep flanging purr swelled there and Lucerys struggled to remain upright with his knees turned to liquid. A strong arm curled around his waist.
The sky shook with the triumphant cries of Vermax and Arrax. Blasts of dragonfire burst above them in a spectrum of color, yellow-orange, gold, copper, and bronze, swirls of white, pearl, emerald, and jade green. There were streaks of rainbow light where their flames collided as their dragons danced in the sky overhead.
With the wedding complete, only one thing remained…
Their wedding night.
. . .
The inside of the Lord’s chambers were carved in dark stone, the snarling heads of dragons frame towering columns around the bed, a blood-red canopy draped above it.
Dragonstone was not known for its forgiving weather, and despite the chill that was ever-present in the air, Lucerys felt like the flesh might slough off his bones from the heat that raged within him.
A fire burned in the hearth that resembled a dragon’s maw, with flames crackling between pointed stone teeth.
A touch dragged featherlight over his pulse and he gasped, body burning hotter than the fire.
He looked at his brother - his husband with new eyes.
“Forgive me,” He murmured in apology, “I feel…warm.”
Jacaerys offered a smile, a flash of pointed teeth that left Lucerys breathless.
“‘Tis your blood calling.” His husband explained.
Lucerys flushed deeply.
“Do not fret,” Jacaerys hummed, fingers finding Lucerys’ chin, stroking the skin fondly, “We will answer it.”
Lucerys nodded, struck into a demure state, his heart hammered hard in his chest.
There was nothing entirely complicated about seduction, Lucerys knew, most Alphas simply desired a chase. A submissive bit of prey that they could play with before devouring them whole. It became clear Jacaerys was no different in that regard.
It brought to mind a memory far more recent…
“Tilt your head, just gently over your shoulder. A tad more. Perfect. Lower your eyelids. Less, Lucerys.” Daemon clucked.
“I feel like an imbecile,” Lucerys complained, though his step-father chuckled.
“I assure you, you don’t look like one.”
He snorted, “Is this how mother got you to fall in love with her?”
Daemon hummed a laugh, flicking Lucerys’ ear as he passed by, “Don’t slouch, extend your neck. There. Delightful. Any Alpha with a knot between their legs will understand the invitation. And, no, your mother was the exception in that regard.”
Lucerys rolled his eyes. Unsurprised to find that his mother, as always, was so perfect.
“You have no shortage of suitors, even now, but it never hurts to know how to keep them.”
Lucerys flushed, “I have…suitors?”
Daemon nodded, “Many. Amongst our vassals Houses Bar Emon, Celtigar, and Massey have already put forth proposals for your hand. You even have the attention of an Alpha up North…”
“Truly?” Lucerys gasped, strangely flattered.
“He’s been the most persistent of all,” Daemon said with a wink.
“That’s enough practice for today, little one. With any luck, matters of marriage won’t be relevant for some time. At least not while your mother and I draw breath.”
The fresh loss of his parents' death yawned open once more, like a gash across his heart, at the memory, but he ignored the pain. His blood had already spilled today. Lucerys turned his back to Jacaerys as he began the tedious process of removing countless metal pins from his hair. Discreetly, he nipped at the scent gland in his wrist.
The aroma of vanilla and browned butter, rich and sweet dripped into the air. A Siren’s call.
Unlike Ser Corwyn who had merely blushed and floundered at the presence of his scent, his husband however,  evidenced a more promising reaction.
He heard the sharp intake of Jacaerys’ breathing. The subtle beginnings of a growl left Lucerys weak at the knees.
He shook his curls loose with a soft sigh, he arched his back with an indulgent stretch.
When he turned back towards his husband, he did so employing everything Daemon had taught him. His head tilted coyly, his eyes hooded just right, bare neck extended boldly…
“Husband,” he called with intention, his voice a touch higher than it typically was, “shall we- mmph!”
Being kissed was as disorienting as it had been the first time, scorching, the taste of blood on his tongue. His husband’s hand cupped his bottom. Lucerys considered it a rousing success.
He panted, mouth slick. Jacaerys’ tongue glided against the roof of his mouth and something glittery and warm surged down to his toes. His brother’s fingers curled beneath Lucerys’ chin. A softer, kinder kiss was pressed to his crown, and yearning opened up in him like an old wound.
“I’ve missed you…” Jace whispered against Lucerys’ dark fringe. Longing resounded in his voice, spanning deep like the roots of a tree.
Lucerys swallowed, a strange sense of guilt left him feeling hulled. A part of him wanted to feel what his brother did as well, yet there were still pages torn from their story in his mind; pages he feared he may never recover.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t-“ He stammered, frightened that his husband may be slighted by history Lucerys had forgotten…
“I know,” Jacaerys soothed, thumb pressed to the cleft in Lucerys’ chin. A dizzy back and forth was etched in his flesh by the callused pad of his husband’s finger.
When his brother kissed him a second time, it was a slower exchange. Jacaerys’ mouth and tongue coaxed his into action. It was evocative, sensual, reciprocal; dragonsong. It was the stoking of embers, the spreading of wildfire to every corner of his being.
“On the bed,” his brother growled, a crass hand swatted his bottom.
Lucerys nodded.
Their robes were placed aside and Lucerys settled upon the bed, skin bare and pulsing hot.
He laid carefully upon his stomach, firelight licking at his back. His face burned as he arched his back, his bottom sticking out in subtle invitation.
The bed dipped beneath the addition of another body and Lucerys drew in a steadying breath. His lungs were coated with the aroma of white oak and an open flame; heady and thick. His hindbrain secreted pacifying pheromones that left him strangely at peace.
He was going to be claimed, he realized, holding fistfuls of sheets. He would be mounted like a broodmare…
A warm hand grazed his spine.
A breath that smelled of figs and blood wine caressed his ear.
“What are you doing?”
Laid upon his stomach, Lucerys should have felt vulnerable; his neck was left exposed. He tilted his head against the bedding, curls loose as he caught the corner of his husband’s statuesque visage knelt upon the bed.
“I-” Lucerys swallowed, mouth uncomfortably dry. Even now, as bare as the day he was born, he was meant to exude aplomb. Jacaerys clearly desired a confident lover.
“I am not so naive, journals and written accountings detail that being upon one’s stomach is the most efficient way to ensure a successful mount…”
Jacaerys’ expression remained unreadable, but then he chuckled that pleasant sound that buzzed in Lucerys’ ears.
“...a successful mount.” Jacaerys echoed to himself with a shake of his damnable silver head. Lucerys flushed hot with embarrassment, feeling anything but confident.
A warm hand settled upon the small of his back. The simple touch inspired a strange building pressure. Jacaerys’ lips touched his ear and Lucerys exhaled a flustered sound into the bedding.
“You have spent too long with Andals that do not know how to fuck…”
His husband’s voice dripped thick and hot into his skull, like honey, or blood. His quim clenched. His husband seemed intent on showing Lucerys the error in his ways.
“Fucking is a pleasure. And Omegas were made to be pleased.”
There was lightning in Jacaerys’ voice, raw power, like the crackling of logs in the hearth.
“Here,” Jacaerys murmured, “turn over.”
He blinked up at him, at his pale hair, at his violet eyes that were nearly glazed black, at the sharp contrast of gold light and rich velvety shadows painted by the hearth across his husband’s body. His mouth had grown wet at his lean abdomen and sturdy shoulders, at his firm chest and strong arms…
A picturesque virile Alpha.
“There you are,” Jacaerys hummed, eyes so very fond.
His thighs are eased apart and Jacaerys settled between them. Each touch exchanged between them felt like it might set them alight. Mere kindling to a fire.
Every sensation titillated and overwhelmed.
A finger trailed featherlight from the hollow of his throat to the spot above his navel where that building pressure persisted. He was left gasping. Tears beaded in his eyes.
“Mm,” Lucerys sighed, unaccustomed to such intimacy, such nearness as his husband caressed the spot as the feeling worsened.
His fingers dipped lower toward the dark mound of his quim, wiry curls matted with slick.
Lucerys’ hips leapt from the bed with a cry at the barest touch. A clever, knowing thumb unveiled his bud, teasing it. Tears leaked from the corners of his eyes, wetting his temples, inevitably soaking into his loose curls.
His husband’s damp fingers teased along the seam of his quim; leisurely, as if skimming the lines of a book he had read before.
He felt as a digit slipped down to the knuckle into his velvety embrace.
“Jacaerys,” He croaked. The concave dip of his stomach quivered as his husband’s attention returned to the pink ache of his bud; his fingers made a lewd sound, so thoroughly wetted with slick.
Jacaerys’ silver head lowered with a knowing look and began to kiss him breathlessly; each press of Jace’s lips against his own selfishly stole what air remained in his lungs, and good sense from his mind.
He anchored a fist in his husband’s pale hair if only for an ounce of control, to claim something in return.
He sucked on Jacaerys’ tongue when it dipped into his mouth; he felt his husband’s body shake with a melodic swell of his subvocals.
“When I claim you, it shall be like this,” Jacaerys murmured through spit-slick lips into Lucerys’ panting mouth, their foreheads were pressed together, tacky with dried blood and sweat.
“Not for a ‘successful mount’, but so that I may look upon you, so that I may see the pleasure writ across this face,” His husband paused mouthing at Lucerys’ jaw, weight steadied on a forearm, Jace gazed down at him with such longing, “to have gone six years without it, ‘tis a crime against our nature. Yours and mine.”
Lucerys longed to pry the words apart, like field dressing a fresh kill, to permit nothing to escape his grasp nor understanding. Yet, his husband’s fingers grazed his cunt once more and all sense was lost, bleeding from the pulsing, open wound of his weeping gash.
A few fingers glided into his heat, effortlessly and Lucerys moaned. Ashamed of how easily his body had been reduced to something so carnal.
He was lost in the pleasure, the thick haze of pheromones in his head, and the scent of Jacaerys in his lungs.
When his hips leapt once more, it was to chase the rhythm of Jacaerys’s fingers spreading him open; shaping the walls of his quim like a smith molded metal — with patience and dedication.
His husband’s digits sought deep, fingers squelching amidst the sticky nectar and slick flesh. Without preamble, that knot of tension above Lucerys’ navel was pulled so readily to its limits, fingers pressing at the tender raised flesh until the tension broke.
Lucerys yowled, the sensation smarted, whip-fast as he came undone. His cocklet, stiff and yearning just above the seam of quim, spurted a few delicate ribbons of white against his stomach and chest. His quim gushed as a more potent release took hold, soaking around his husband’s fingers and onto the bed. A pleasure swallowed him so readily that he could not make sense of an end or beginning.
A garbled stream of hybridized Valyrian and common peppered his ears like a rain of arrows.
“There you are,” Jacaerys huffed, eyes ablaze with awe, “Issa lēkia.”
“ābrazȳrys…” he snarled, “mate…”
His body, so laden with pheromones only longed for one thing. To be claimed.
What power you wield, dear brother.
Jacaerys had tasted his blood once already. Surely he wanted more, needed more, needed to sink his teeth into Lucerys’ neck, where his bonding gland lay pristine and untouched.
“I, I need-”
“I shall give you what you need, wife.”
Pangs of longing littered his flesh, like ground glass in raw meat. He watched, mouth wet as Jacaerys’ cock swayed heavy and thick between well-muscled thighs.
It seemed impossibly large then; too large.
“Mm, b-brother… it won’t-”
“It will fit,” Jacaerys assured with a smile that Luke wanted terribly to believe, a brief kiss was pressed to Lucerys’ lips, “you were made for this,” another kiss, “you were made for me.”
Lucerys nodded, permitting his body to fall slack, tensionless, sedate with pheromones and supplicant for his Alpha.
The fattened head of his husband’s cock rubbed slowly along his quim, gathering nectar along the girth.
His stomach quivered as the glistening crown of Jacaerys’ manhood pressed obscenely large to Luke’s quim, puffy and pink.
“Shh,” Jacaerys soothed. His thumb toyed with Lucerys’ bud, rubbing tender little circles as the head applied a hint more pressure.
His legs spasmed as pleasure frothed in his belly.
He whined, the lips of his quim stretching to welcome the thick, drooling head.
His hips inched higher as Jacaerys’ eased lower. He envisioned the steel-tipped head of an arrow piercing the soft cushion of a straw-stuffed target.
The lips of his quim opened like a flower in bloom.
Jacaerys held himself painfully still as Lucerys mewled beneath him at the thin barrier of his maidenhead halting his brother’s path.
His brother kissed the salty spill of his tears; seeming to savor them as readily as he had Luke’s blood.
He awaited the agony that every maester and septa warned young Omegas of, for a geyser of blood to burst from between his thighs as his Alpha sank down to the bulb of his knot.
Yet, as Jacaerys finally slipped completely inside, it wasn’t at all as violent as Lucerys had imagined. It stretched the walls of his quim to what felt like its limits, certainly, but, the sensation did not inspire any pain. Rather, it felt like a wound being sewn shut, flesh knitted together, a sword in a sheath, a sense of completeness so profound that he wished to weep.
“There you are,” Jace panted, a wry turn to his lips before his hips eased back.
A hand cradled his jaw as they laid, forehead to forehead, nose to nose. Blood upon their skin, sharing the same dewy breath.
One flesh, one heart, one soul…
The motion of Jacaerys’ hips was fluid, they beat against him as wrathful as the gale upon the sea. Every wave threatened to drag him under. Devastatingly beautiful.
Lucerys gasped, mouth agape as his brother’s eyes stared into his. Jacaerys’ hips pumped, large cock pushing and pulling his insides; molding him anew.
There was a harmony to it, the creaking of the bed, the crackling of the logs, the wet rhythm of Jacaerys’ hips colliding with his. The blood-red canopy above the bed quivered like a razed kingdom behind his husband’s silver head.
He dug frantic nails into the muscle of his brother’s back. He felt power. True power rippling beneath his fingertips.
The broad tip of his brother’s manhood found the raised flesh tucked away within his walls upon every thrust; pleasure spiraled and screamed within him.
Jacaerys’ grip tightened around his jaw. He began to lose track of what limbs were his and which were not.
Barely-there breasts bounced with every thrust, grazing his brother’s muscled chest. His nipples pebbled stiff as they scraped against Jacaerys, the sensation worsening the tension that tangled in his belly.
His quim fluttered, each pulse yearned to draw his husband deeper.
Lucerys dug a heel into the flexing muscle of his husband’s buttocks, urging him faster.
He mewled. Beyond words. Thrashing to bare his neck; recalcitrant and desperate. That only made Jacaerys fuck him harder.
Bloated stones, swollen with seed, slapped against Lucerys’ milk-white bottom.
Jacaerys’ free hand dug into the pliant flesh of Lucerys’ soft little bottom, urging his narrow hips to meet every harrowing plunge of Jace’s cock.
The wet lips of his quim, stretched thin, kissed the bulbous swell of Jacaerys’ knot upon every perfect union of their hips.
He urged his hips down, guided by his brother’s hand, yearning in a primal mania to have that knot inside of him.
The head of his brother’s cock kissed his womb, caressing that soft pink channel on every deep thrust.
His insides felt molten, like the flesh may slough off his bones at any moment. Like every cant of his brother-husband’s hips urged a tongue of dragonfire to lap at that sacred place. The place he yearned to have filled.
Jacaerys offered the dripping length of his tongue and Lucerys suckled upon it readily, filled by him so completely.
He anchored himself to his husband, nails caught upon the rippling muscle of his back.
He has no words left to give, save for a garbled string of “please”. 
“Are you close, my love?”
Jacaerys asked, voice little more than a growl, his forehead pressed to Luke’s.
Lucerys thrashed at the delicious torment of his building release, tears streamed down his cheeks. He was close, horrendously so. 
His husband’s lips found his, drinking deeply of his anguish.
The cadence of his husband’s thrust had grown all the more ardent in response. The very bed seemed to quake. Yet all he could see was Jacaerys, the silver of his hair, the violet of his eyes, Lucerys’ own blood painted upon his skin…
“Please!” Lucerys cried out, drunk upon the scent of white oak and an open flame, burning with a longing writ in their shared blood upon his very bones. Stripped of all constraints and vanity, he was simply an Omega in dire need of his Alpha.
When he arched his neck, his husband hadn’t the will to refuse a second time. He mouthed at the spot that so dearly needed attention, he adored it with his lips and tongue.
Each thrust fucked him so deeply into the rich, sweat-soaked featherbed. He arched, yowling at the unbearable sensation of his husband’s broad head at his womb.
“Once more, wife,” Jacaerys panted, breath hot as dragonfire ghosted along his lips, “come for me, brother. Shower me in your love.”
His bud was found and assaulted with the unrelenting press of sword-callused fingers; Urging him and higher.
And in a moment, he was undone, his release snapped like their chord of blood-red and gold and his world shook like all of Dragonstone would fall apart around them. His release gushed from his stretched-wide quim, drenching his husband and the bedding further. Jacaerys growled a deeply pleased guttural sound, his hips continued to pump into the squelching mess of Lucerys’ dripping sex, the firm grip of his hand cradled Lucerys’ jaw, forbidding him from looking elsewhere, at anything but Jacaerys.
He could only watch as a trembling look of awe passed over his husband’s face.
Jace’s hips surged forward and Luke bowed off of the bed at the undeniable ache of his husband’s knot popping inside. The thick head pressed against the slender pink opening of Lucerys’ womb. His thighs shook. Teeth were at his neck, kissing then breaking the skin. The bite was clean and perfect and unifying. Lucerys cried out towards the blood-red canopy above them. In that moment he saw a burst of color behind his eyes: the endless rainbow of their combined dragonfire. A third sharp release was upon him; brief and blinding. His cocklet spurted weakly, his quim clenched, milking the fattened bulb of his Alpha’s knot. A desperate whine fell from his lips as he felt it begin to swell. They were tied now, irrefutably: in body and blood.
His unspooling mind retreated to their vows once more as his brother’s seed distended the concave of his belly —— one flesh, one heart, one soul.
A rumbling purr started in his chest and his fingers wound through Jacaerys’ silver hair of their own volition. It was an intrinsic need as primal as the ache to purr, was the need to touch his brother. His husband. His mate.
He became prey pinned beneath his Alpha. His toes curled in atavistic delight.
He felt unbearably whole like he had found his missing piece.
When his brother’s lips inevitably withdrew from the fresh site of Lucerys’ bondmark, he was overcome with the bone-deep urge to weep. Yet, Jacaerys soothed him with a low, nearly musical flange of his subvocals that said, ‘Rest easy, little brother. I am here.’ Lucerys felt the spike of pacifying pheromones filling his frantic hindbrain, putting him promptly at ease. He felt the press of an aquiline nose to his temple, gentle and familiar. He fought his body's need to fall slack and submissive, instead twisting stubbornly upon the bed if only to feel the tug of his Alpha’s knot keeping them tied. A satisfied prickle of overstimulated tears stung his eyes. A dutiful tongue lapped at the slow ooze of blood from the site upon his neck.
A tug persisted at the base of his skull. A nascent thing through which all flowed. Their bond.
There was no word so apt for his current state other than claimed. Even still, adrift within the overwhelming emotion of it all, Lucerys sought some semblance of assurance; some logic to the disorder Jacaerys had made of him.
His mind scrabbled for clarity, despite how his eyelids drooped and his limbs curled into the preternatural heat of his Alpha’s body, wrapped in the woodsy aroma of white oak and the bittersweet bite of an open flame.
He fell deeper still into a place so utterly content as an aquiline nose and warm lips nuzzled fondly at his hairline. It was not long until whisps of vanilla and browned butter roamed in fragrant curls from his sweat-slicked skin.
“I’ll be going soon,” Lucerys said amidst a yawn as firm fingers pressed warm divots into the underside of his thigh.
“Going where, precisely?” Jacaerys asked, indolent, but displeased. The emotion trickled over, like rainwater through a leaking roof. Lucerys frowned at the feeling.
He thought of propriety, of what he’d been taught of formal marriages such as theirs.
“To my own chambers, husband,” Lucerys informed, though he hadn’t the strength to lift his head while he spoke.
“I could use the rest,” he added sweetly, knowing an Alpha’s ego was utterly in want of stroking.
Jacaerys exhaled through his nose before Lucerys felt its straight bridge touch the upturned curl of his own.
“Mm,” his Alpha hummed, “then rest.”
Longing poured over as a hand settled at the dip in Lucerys’ waist where they lay.
“You are my wife now, Lucerys. My chambers are yours.”
Curious, he thought to himself.
It brought to mind a memory formerly lost to him…
“Let me in!” Lucerys demanded in a nasally whisper, lips pressed to the crack in the door.
The door budged far enough for him to catch the gleam of his elder brother’s silver-gold hair and he felt a swell of victory.
“I can’t let you in, Luke. Mother will have my head-”
“She will not! Oh, Jace, she won’t catch us. She never does.”
Jacaerys’ face twisted in a conflicted expression, but in his heart, Lucerys knew he had won. The door swung open and Lucerys rushed inside. His hand clasping with his brother’s pulling him towards the bed.
“You mustn’t make a sound, hm?” Jacaerys warned, a finger held to Luke’s lips.
Lucerys nodded giddily.
“I won’t. I promise.”
As the memory faded, Lucerys found himself unbearably drowsy, his head pressed to a strong chest, his cold little feet tucked to the backs of warm knees, as familiar as the lines traversing his palms.
I had mastered you once brother, he thought to himself as he squirmed closer into the cage of his husband’s arms, I can do it again.
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bezierballad · 5 months
I know it’s been kind of a while since I posted about my Black Butler Dadbastian Maleficent AU (damn that’s a fucking mouthful lmao) so I’ve been brainstorming a little narrative that sets up the story events.
Here’s what I came up with (as I always say when making shit like this, bear with me lmao)
Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom (or some shit) there was a young peasant.
Vincent was a very poor young fellow, living alone in very poor conditions, spending what little money he has just to buy barely enough food for himself.
One fateful day however, he made a contract with a demon.
The demon called himself Sebastian (or maybe Vincent named him that idfk) and he made the offer of whatever Vincent wanted in exchange for his soul.
Vincent told him that he wanted a wealthy life where he’d have a high level of status and power.
It was established in the contract that when Vincent was at the peak of wealth and power, Sebastian would take his soul.
And so time passes, and eventually Vincent is king, with a castle and a wife and loyal servants and subjects
Now here’s where things kinda get shaky (both in-universe and out, like I’m kinda struggling to think how this story would play out properly)
Sebastian shows up looking for the soul Vincent promised.
Vincent is freaking out like, “No wait please let’s discuss this further” cause like he doesn’t wanna die, not now-
Sebastian’s like “Fine. You wanna live? I’ll give you an alternative” and he makes an offer.
Either Vincent let him have his soul now, or he offers the soul of his then-infant son, Ciel.
It would be stated that once Ciel turns thirteen, his soul would descend into Hell.
Vincent, not knowing what else to do, very hesitantly agrees to the latter.
Sebastian’s like “Very well, I look forward to that day” and disappears into nothingness (if anything he’s pissed off that he has to wait thirteen more fucking years to get a damn soul)
Vincent’s like “oh shit oh shit I fucked up BAD what do I do”
So goes to this fairy (or fairies I dunno) like “please help me”
So uh
You know how in the original Disney sleeping beauty film
The curse was originally “Aurora will die if she pricked her finger on the spinning wheel”
But one of the fairies sort of “waters down” the curse so Aurora would fall into a deep sleep instead of dying? (And she’d be awakened with true love’s kiss and shit)
A similar thing is happening here:
So like the fairy (let’s pretend that Tanaka’s in this role because why the fuck not) he’s like “Okay here’s what I can do”
Instead of descending into Hell, Ciel’s soul would only leave his body and maybe enter a state of limbo or something. (Ciel himself would enter a state of some sort of “suspended animation” one would say.)
As for how to fix it? “True love.”
(Audience note that he doesn’t say “True Love’s Kiss” just true love. Just a bit of foreshadowing that he's not actually talking about romantic love like the characters think)
Idk how logic would play into this shit just
It’s a fairytale world just go with it okay
So just like the film, Ciel is sent off with these three... fairies? Servants?
Okay I know I said the Phantomhive servants (Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy) would play the role of the fairies and they still do
I just don’t know whether they’d be fairies or just Vincent’s castle servants that he trusted with his child
So the rest of the Maleficent plot plays out (Ciel grows up in the woods, Sebastian forms a father-son bond with him) I’d get into more of it but that’s for another time
Oh and uh btw I decided
Agni will be the role of Diaval (aka the crow character who turns human in the Maleficent movie)
We love us some Sebagni
Alright I think that’s about it okaybye-
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letmelickyoureyeballs · 6 months
Beta Reader About Me
This is going to be a more in-depth post about me as a beta reader, which will be linked in my pinned post.
First off, hello call me Shark or Spruce! I'm 19 and go by he/they pronouns. I am open to beta reading for people, whether that's stuff on here or AO3.
What I'm willing to do:
Cheer reading(pointing out what you did well and what I'm excited to see)
Identify plot inconstancies/where something needs to be clarified
Help with canon/characterization(if I know what/who it is)
American/Midwest information and more specifically Wisconsin information
Pretty much anything else you wish me to help with
*Depending on the fandom and length of fics, some of these will differ in doability*
I am generally ok with any kind of content that you write, but I do have some fic turn-offs. *Note that not everything on this list means I won't beta read for you, but I would like more info/details around them if they are in your fic to see if I'm still comfortable helping*
Mpreg/Anything pregnancy-related
Kid fics(when the main pairing has a kid, not kid-focused fics)
Really dark stories with no happy endings(depends on the story, but I'd prefer a happy/fulfilling ending)
Major Character death
Anything that is meant to hate a certain group/subgroup of people
Really long fics over 100k words
Some things that I am comfortable reading. *Not a comprehensive list*
Reader Insert
G-E rated fics
Original characters
Alternate Universe
Gore and violence
Potentially triggering topics
I will again read pretty much any fandom you write for including original works, but here are some fandoms that I would be able to help more in-depth with:
The Witcher(Show, Third game, All the books), The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Halo(Game series), Marvel, Venom, Star Wars/The Mandalorian, Transformers, Call of Duty, How to Train Your Dragon(Iffy on third movie), Spider-Man/Deadpool(Spideypool), Percy Jackson/The Heroes of Olympus, The Hunger Games, The Divergent Series, Maze Runner, Narnia(Movies only, I don't know anything in the books), Pride and Prejudice/Emma, Disney/Pixar movies, The 100, NBC Hannibal, Rise of the Guardians, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Beastars, Titanfall 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Hazbin Hotel, Critical Role(I've only watched Campaign 1 and 3, and the TV show), Once Upon a Time, Anne with an E, Harry Potter, Six of Crows, Twilight, Star Trek, The Conjuring series, Descendants/High school Musical, Guardians of the Galaxy, Oceans Trilogy, Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, Top Gun, Stranger Things, Fast and Furious, Moon Knight, Bridgerton(Show only)
I will read WIPs/completed works, multi/single chapter works, original works, and anything in between.
If you are interested or have any questions you may DM me. If you do, please provide whether I would be helping with a WIP or completed work, and whether there are any deadlines I need to be aware of. Please also include any warnings I should know about, and what you would want me to help with. I would also prefer to work on Google Docs if possible.
*Even if you are not interested, please reblog for others to see*
Edited July 18, 2024
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
TigerWick family magizine for our shared au please ?
Tigerwick magazine:
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What would happen if you met Kitty Cheshire (Ever After High)?
Wellllll considering she is the child of an alternate version of me in a different universe, but is closer in age to me than my alternate self, I suppose I would see what she wants to do in that situation? Or purrhaps what her mother wants, if she is present?
But I certainly am not unfamiliar to interacting with alternate Che’nyas, alternate Cheshire Cats, my children from other universes, or Cheshire Cat children from other universes by alternate versions of myself… this wouldn’t really phase me.
In order, for those that may be confused by what I just said, allow me to break the fourth wall a bit to explain what I mean. *chuckles*
AU Che’nyas: This… seems purrtty self explanatory 😹
AU Cheshire Cats: Cheshire Cat (CC) from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (AiW) movie, CC from from Disney’s AiW movie, CC from Alice: Madness Returns game, etc.
AU Che’nya Children: Chessie
AU CC Children: Kitty Cheshire the daughter of the CC in Ever After High show and Chester the son of the CC in Descendants
We Cheshire Cats travel through the different looking glasses a lot. We tend to see each other around. 🤷‍♂️
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haikyuudescendants · 2 months
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lirarey · 6 days
See you again (chapter 2)
And then she woke up, but didn’t see the assembled guests. Surprisingly, there was only her room around.
"What a realistic dream," Jane thought bitterly, looking at the ceiling with detachment.
Carefully putting the blanket aside, the girl slowly stood up, swaying slightly. The feelings from the dream still didn't leave her. For some reason her dress was wet...
Where did she manage to do it?
The phone lying on the nightstand beeped. Today's date appeared on top — her birthday — and a message from Carlos.
A message from Carlos.
It can't be.
Trembling fingers unlocked the messenger.
The contact had the very photo she took during the dance competition. Carlos was all beaming with pride in it, because he managed to take first place.
She couldn't concentrate on reading: the letters were jumping before her eyes.
"Good morning. I hope you had only good dreams. We’re preparing a big joint gift with the guys. Don't be missed without me, I promise to finish as soon as possible."
And two hearts at the end. Black and white. That was always his signature.
Her heart skipped a beat.
No. No, it's impossible.
She had to see for herself.
Clutching the phone in her hand, she glanced at the things in the closet. The mood was more than decisive, so the choice fell on a blue jacket and skirt. Her hair — by the way, also wet — was gathered in a high ponytail. The phone went into the jacket pocket.
The only thing Jane forgot to do was to ask Carlos where they were preparing this very gift. Luckily, Dizzy was passing by, thoughtfully examining the two shades of paint on her hand.
"Hello!" the girl called out to her, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice. "Have you seen Evie?"
"Hi," the girl responded, turning around. "I saw her, but I’m not supposed to tell you where exactly."
"It’s really important to me." Saying this casually turned out to be harder than she thought.
"If you don’t tell on me, we’re even," Dizzy answered without thinking twice and giggled, whispering: "Evie mentioned that Carlos and Jay were going to the playground."
"Thank you!" Jane, overcome with emotion, hugged her unexpected assistant and went in the direction indicated.
It was hard to believe that everything had really become like before. She had seen with her own eyes how Carlos... No, she definitely didn’t want to remember that. In fairy tales, good people always won. With the help of magic, the power of love or friendship. Jane didn't have full-fledged magic, she had almost no friends — until she became close with the children of villains — but she loved. Loved for the first time, sincerely and with faith in a happy ending. So why did fate take away the most precious thing? Was it a punishment? But for what? What was her fault? Unwillingness to follow the rules that appeared long before her birth? And now... Would a guy really end up on the field alive and well? Or was this an evil irony over her feelings?
The students hurrying past created the impression that another weekday had begun. The closer she got, the more her hands trembled. Even the sun, shining brightly in the sky, didn't calm her down. It was unknown which emotion dominated: a terrible fear of possible disappointment or stunning joy if... But more on that later.
"Your lord... Ben! Don't you have royal business?" Jay's clearly embarrassed voice reached her.
"First of all, I only have a part of the duties," Ben waved it off. "Secondly, I owe it to her. And to you too."
Jane peeked out from behind the stands, not daring to give away her presence. Jay was holding a large sheet of cardboard, while Ben was coloring it beige. She caught her breath, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. Carlos was nowhere to be seen. How could this be?.. No, this is...
"And it's not nice to peek," A painfully familiar voice sounded right next to her ear.
The girl was afraid to move. Afraid to find out that she imagined it. Disappointment would hit with all its force.
"But I can't blame you: I myself am terribly eager to show it as soon as possible."
Holding her breath as if before jumping into the water, she slowly turned around. He. It was really he. Alive. Real. Not a dream. With an unchanging smile that warmed the soul. Blinking rapidly from the tears that had welled up in her eyes, Jane sniffled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Carlos was taken aback, but gently pulled the girl towards him by the waist.
"What happened?" he asked worriedly, peering into her face. "Did some plans get ruined? Are you unable to finish your business? We can always help, you know that."
"No, I..." She took a deep breath. "I had a bad dream. It was all real, but much worse. And you... I thought..."
She didn't have the courage to finish the sentence.
"See: everything is fine. You wouldn't believe how many times I dreamed about life on the Isle. How afraid I was to wake up and realize that none of this had ever happened. A better life does exist. Here, in Auradon, with you and the guys."
Jane bit her lip, smiled nervously and nodded briefly. The realization of what was happening still had only just dawned on her.
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Trace's symbol
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