#Lemony fresh
scriveyner · 2 years
always summer #25
always summer #24: distension | bungou stray dogs |👿🐯 | #kinktober 🔞| ~1600 words
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It was still dark when Atsushi rolled over and found the bed empty. He thumped a hand around the other side of the bed with his eyes still closed—still mostly in his dream about the marshmallow car—but when no smack or Rashomon retaliation came in response he, unfortunately, woke fully and could see that he was alone in the bed.
Continue on ao3 or:
Atsushi sat up and yawned hugely, staring at the covers and then looking around the room. No light spilled from around the corner where the bathroom was, and the lights in the main room downstairs were clearly off as well. Akutagawa’s side of the bed wasn’t warm, either, and they had definitely gone to sleep together. He staggered out of bed and wandered over to the loft’s railing.
The cabin was quiet save for the regular background hum of the appliances downstairs. No light from the television, no raucous sex noises from the master bedroom, just the soft, comfortable blanket of night. Atsushi caught some movement out of the corner of his eye and finally saw a figure standing on the covered back porch, by the dormant hot tub. There he was.
Akutagawa was standing, leaning against the railing and just looking out into the night quietly. He didn’t jump when Atsushi opened the door, although he did shift his head just enough to verify that it was Atsushi before looking back out into the night. “Everything okay?” Atsushi asked, coming to stand beside him at the railing.
The air outside was cool but not cold; the end of the season was imminent. Atsushi rubbed his arms as he leaned them on the railing, and Akutagawa sighed out a soft noise of amusement. “Go back to bed, weretiger. Dawn is a few hours off, yet.”
“Then come back to bed with me. I’ll sleep better with you there.”
This seemed to startle Akutagawa just slightly, and he looked sidelong at Atsushi as if expecting his face would share a different sentiment. When he clearly saw no difference, he sighed again and rubbed his hand over the bottom of his face but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his mouth. “Do you even know what a remarkable creature you are?”
Atsushi was still paddling around in a barely awake fugue. “I’m not remarkable,” he said and yawned. Then he gave Akutagawa a sleepy smirk. “But you’re lucky to have me.”
Akutagawa touched his face, and Atsushi tilted his cheek into Akutagawa’s hand. “Eternally lucky,” Akutagawa said softly and brushed his thumb over Atsushi’s bottom lip. “Go back to sleep, Atsushi.”
“Not without you,” Atsushi said stubbornly, covering Akutagawa’s hand with his own.
“If I go back to bed with you right now there won’t be much sleeping to be had,” Akutagawa said, still smirking, but with a hungry edge to his voice he didn’t bother trying to hide. Atsushi mouthed his thumb. “You don’t want to miss your morning run again today, do you?”
“I’d much rather have your cock inside me,” Atsushi said, eyes glittering in the darkness, and Akutagawa leaned in to kiss him.
“Fuuuuuuuck,” Atsushi moaned, rolling his face against the mattress, and clawing the fitted sheet up off the corner of the bed. Akutagawa’s hand landed heavy on the back of his neck and kept him pressed down, and he panted, shivering at Akutagawa’s touch. His cock felt so good it was unfair, and Atsushi rolled his weight up onto his shoulder so that he could sneak his hand down between his legs.
Heat blossomed where Akutagawa struck his ass and Atsushi whined. “No touching,” Akutagawa reminded him, and Atsushi begrudgingly pulled his hand free so that Akutagawa could see it again.
He was moving at a languid pace, which was great except the angle they were at wasn’t hitting him in the way he needed, and while Akutagawa’s cock filled him up just right, he wanted a hint of something more. Atsushi swallowed, elbows under his chest and head hanging, considering this. He felt Akutagawa slow, hand still holding tight to the back of his neck. “Something’s wrong.”
“No,” Atsushi said hoarsely, and decided to go for it, “can you just…can you use Rashomon, too?”
Now Akutagawa did stop, and Atsushi’s heart rose in his throat, afraid he’d crossed a line. He swallowed, panting aloud, and dared a glance back over his shoulder to see that Akutagawa was just staring at him, bewildered. “Is…is that okay?” Atsushi asked tentatively, because of the reactions he’d expected, this wasn’t really one of them.
“You want me to use my ability on you?”
“You’ve done it so fuckin’ much already,” Atsushi said, surprised that Akutagawa was surprised. “Can you…” fuck, he couldn’t believe he was about to say this out loud, “can you fuck me with it too, like you did that one time?”
His voice twisted weirdly. “You prefer her to my cock?”
“No, no, no—" Atsushi inhaled because he was going to fuck this up, sleepy-drunk already on the feeling of Akutagawa around him, inside him. “Not like, instead of your cock, but,” he flushed red and made himself maintain eye contact. “In addition. To it.”
Akutagawa kept staring at him for a long, long moment—and then the smirk that spread across his face let Atsushi know he was never going to live this down, but that was okay because he really wanted to get plowed right this second. Akutagawa tugged at the covers that had been haphazardly forced down the bed, pulling the top sheet around his shoulders and immediately Rashomon rippled from it, the grey sheets rimmed in red.
Atsushi rolled over, onto his back, legs cocked wide as Rashomon slid over his skin. Akutagawa sat on his knees for a moment, one hand braced on Atsushi’s knee as he puzzled out what he was going to do. A Rashomon tendril slid inside, curled in on itself, about as thick as his finger—and Atsushi squirmed as it pressed deeper than Akutagawa’s cock could reach.
His decision made, Atsushi hummed in satisfaction when Akutagawa sank his cock back in as well, the Rashomon tendril curling around him inside Atsushi. Atsushi had a hand on his cock and was stroking it, before Rashomon grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him back. “No touching,” Akutagawa reminded him crossly.
“More…?” Atsushi asked hopefully even as he felt Rashomon plunge deep, and maintained eye contact as more tendrils, each as thick as the first, squeezed in around Akutagawa’s cock. They all pressed on his inner walls, each in a different direction, and it was like being fingered but so much more, deeper, and with Akutagawa’s cock nestled up against his prostate.
Atsushi breathed out through his nose, fingers scrabbling against Akutagawa’s thigh. Akutagawa twisted his head, he’d stopped thrusting in as the tendrils were introduced, and now was just holding tight, enjoying the way everything was squeezing around his dick. “More,” Atsushi begged, and Akutagawa wet his lips and considered this.
He pulled Rashomon back, and Atsushi whined, upset at the feeling of emptiness, and that whine turned full-blown when Akutagawa pulled out as well. He was using himself to eyeball it, though, and the Rashomon tendrils that wrapped together formed something akin to a cock, if slightly bigger—and definitely longer—than Akutagawa’s own.
Atsushi moaned when the Rashomon-dick plunged into him, filling him up immediately. His cock bobbed against his belly, leaving slick trails where the head kissed skin, and Akutagawa enjoyed watching Atsushi take every bit of it, panting and gasping. Once it was entirely in, he pushed his own cock in alongside, and it was tighter than anything he’d tried so far. Atsushi keened, and Rashomon fucked in deep; Akutagawa was startled to realize that he could see it move, a small bulge forming above Atsushi’s cock.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Atsushi was changing, head dug all the way back into the mattress and eyes squeezed shut. Akutagawa grabbed his wrist with one hand and Atsushi whined, trying to twist it free. “I haven’t touched, I haven’t,” he panted, but Akutagawa grabbed his hand and pushed it against his skin, and held it there as Rashomon rammed in again.
Atsushi’s mouth opened but no sound emerged that Akutagawa could hear for a solid thirty seconds. Then he twisted, hand still pressed to the bulge, and grabbed at the sheet Akutagawa had wrapped himself in. “More,” Atsushi gasped, gone mad with it. “Harder—!”
Too much more of this and he’d split clear in two, so Akutagawa regretfully only added one or two more tendrils to the creation pounding away at Atsushi’s insides; and watched with great satisfaction as Atsushi pressed both his hands to the spot where they could both see Rashomon move when she bottomed out.
Atsushi’s back arched and his hips started to rise off the bed. Rashomon kept him down even as his cock spurted hot, white trails over his hands and stomach. As soon as his cock stopped pulsing, Rashomon slammed into his walls again and Atsushi wailed, bouncing the headboard against the wall and coming apart all over again, the climax clearly painful. Akutagawa fucked him through it, shallow thrusts of his cock hitting Atsushi’s prostate directly, and then some of Rashomon squeezing him tight while still inside Atsushi, until he came as well.
Akutagawa remained between his legs, though he had slipped out when he came. Rashomon, however, remained inside, keeping Atsushi in place, filled completely; he was breathing in great gulping sobs, somehow still on the edge of coherent.
He looked up at Akutagawa with wide, glittering eyes, tears tracked down his face and immediately Akutagawa’s gut twisted with worry…at least until Atsushi blindly grabbed at his hand, pulling him in, and gasped, “again!”
“Is it still called caterwauling when it’s a tiger?” Dazai asked reflectively, hands folded over his stomach.
“Shut the fuck up,” Chuuya said, head buried underneath all the pillows and half under Dazai as well. “Just shut up.”
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harshing-your-buzz · 1 year
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"i-" *think*
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jenahid · 8 months
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pipbellerophon · 1 year
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 months
💡 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been inspired by?
hmmmm!!!!!!! there's lots of like. little things i've seen or done that have worked their way into fics over time. but the weirdest......
i have to say i never expected to be inspired by lemon bars. i bring this up because i made lemon bars for the first time back in 2020 and immediately started trying to figure out how lemonberry ice would describe them without using the word lemony. i've never found a place to put the scene yet, and you really, honestly, run out of good adjectives pretty fast. i also bring this up because. i made lemon bars today. and i constantly think, once a year when i make them in the summer, god there has to be a way............
the fic document tells me i have tried to spin this into one of those sort of.........long fics with clearly a long song lyric title, that coasts along on character vibes over plot, where bea and bertrand are touring for my silence knot and trying lemon-flavored desserts in between shows and trying to describe them, and lemony isn't there and there's a lot of that heavy relationship pining juggling going on, you know? phone calls.......definitely making out...........thinking about lemony and relationships and everything........bertrand's pov, because i don't do nearly enough of it.........oh but there has to be so much vfd in the background too, because my silence knot has to be vfd-related, or i always imagined it was. and also. vfd exists and hangs over their lives and especially in their early 20s. that cannot ever be forgotten. so, the balance of all that always tripped me up, even in just idly daydreaming about it. also features the theories 'bertrand was the co-star, although, does that make sense? look am i here to make sense? well. yes. but bear with me.' and 'lemony wrote the play my silence knot' which are such. ugggg tasty things re: lemonberry ice. i have such an acceptable number of wips right now that i CANNOT take that one on again but. the dream........
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vulcanette · 1 year
having work troubles again where all my temp jobs are ending abruptly and I can’t keep a steady source of income and I’m quite anxious and upset (but I have faith it’s gonna work out) so I used my nervous and upset energy to clean my entire house this weekend, culminating in an aggressive round of mopping and washing today and now, at least, I feel worn out and like I did something. so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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youandme-and · 5 months
"You know, food delivery would be a good way to figure out the neighborhood you're casing."
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"We used to ask who was buying candy the most to find potential customers; drugs make sugar really, really hard to pass up."
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scriveyner · 2 years
always summer #27
always summer #27: face-sitting | bungou stray dogs |👿🐯 | #kinktober 🔞| ~1600 words
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There had been no sign of Dazai nor Chuuya since they got back in, which was both a relief and a new worry all its own. To be entirely honest, Atsushi wouldn’t have been surprised to see Chuuya stomp out of the woods covered in dirt and carrying a shovel, and while the door to the master bedroom remained closed no sound emanated from within. “Weren’t you just contemplating homicide the other night?” Akutagawa asked as Atsushi considered the closed door.
Continue on ao3 or:
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Akutagawa snorted. At least he didn’t seem to be bothered, and even made dinner for the two of them, lighting the candles on the table and everything. It was soft and romantic, something he still wasn’t used to having Akutagawa perform for him, and Atsushi even drank the wine he poured without a fuss, it made him feel warm and content.
“This is so nice,” Atsushi sighed as they leaned against each other on the couch, Atsushi with his finally restored phone and Akutagawa with a book he’d been reading. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
He didn’t know at what point he fell asleep, but Atsushi woke with a blanket across his legs, tucked under Akutagawa’s arm. He was still reading under the soft light of one of the floor lamps, and Atsushi didn’t want to move and disturb the spell that was cast over them both. He never wanted to leave this moment.
Akutagawa lifted his hand and tapped two fingers against Atsushi’s temple, without taking his eyes from his book. “Finally awake?”
Atsushi blinked and snuffled but didn’t raise his head. “How could you tell?”
“You don’t purr when you’re awake,” Akutagawa said, and Atsushi wheeled himself upright, face flaming scarlet, and slammed both of his hands down on Akutagawa’s thigh in protest.
“I don’t purr at all!”
Akutagawa closed his book with one hand, and, with the other, cupped Atsushi’s chin and drew him in for a kiss. Atsushi scowled but finally submitted to it, and Akutagawa licked gently into his mouth. “You don’t do it often,” he murmured. “I consider it a gift.”
Atsushi’s face achieved a color that would make a traffic light proud, though when Akutagawa smiled at him and it was soft and endearing and not a smirk, his embarrassment faded. He huffed out a sigh and hung his head, fingers worrying at the fabric of Akutagawa’s shorts. “I feel safe when I’m with you,” he admitted. Akutagawa didn’t startle at this revelation, but he brushed his hand along Atsushi’s cheek, keeping his face turned toward Akutagawa.
“I do, too,” he said, finally, and this time it was Atsushi who leaned in for the kiss.
“I wonder if they’re both dead,” Atsushi said, seated on his knees in the bed when Akutagawa emerged from the bathroom. He’d attempted to follow him into the shower, intent on initiating something, but Rashomon had kindly shown him the door. Akutagawa was particular about his bathroom habits and didn’t always appreciate an audience.
“We’ll see in the morning, they could just both be drunk and passed out,” Akutagawa said as he dried his hair. Atsushi conceded this point and caught Akutagawa by the wrist as he passed. He stopped and looked wordlessly at Atsushi, who grinned somewhat sheepishly.
“I have something I want to try,” he said, and Akutagawa raised a barely present eyebrow. “Please?”
Akutagawa turned and took Atsushi’s hand off his wrist with the other. For a moment Atsushi was afraid he would be denied, and that Akutagawa was justifiably worn out and just wanted to sleep, but he leaned in instead. “I will not do snowballing.”
Atsushi laughed and tugged him in for a kiss. “You made your thoughts abundantly clear on that one already,” he said, lightly. “I got something else.”
“Mm, do you?” Akutagawa climbed onto the bed, straddling his lap and kissing him. Atsushi exhaled into his mouth and gently bit Akutagawa’s lower lip.
“I do,” he hummed, and flopped over backward, dragging Akutagawa with him. They kissed for a while, Akutagawa warm in his arms; it was nice and soft but then Atsushi encouraged him up on his knees, still straddling him, and Akutagawa leaned back and wrapped his hand around Atsushi’s dick, which had filled out against his leg.
“No, no,” Atsushi said, pulling on Akutagawa’s thighs. “Up here.”
Akutagawa tilted forward, bracing his hand on the headboard, frown twisting his face as he looked down at Atsushi. Atsushi smirked back up at him, wiggling down slightly further and stroking Akutagawa’s dick, which was now right above his face. “You are up to something, weretiger.”
“Of course I am,” Atsushi said, angling his head so he could lick the underside of Akutagawa’s cock and watch him shudder, pleased. He focused his attention on it for the moment, wrist twisting as he stroked, smearing the clear fluid that was leaking from the tip. Akutagawa exhaled and closed his eyes as Atsushi kept at it, hanging his head.
Atsushi was good with his mouth, and he had no fear of putting it anywhere on Akutagawa’s body—which is why it should have come as no surprise at all when he slid lower, one hand still loosely wrapped around Akutagawa’s cock but the other pushing his cheek away, dragging him down so that Atsushi could lick over his hole.
This elicited a loud noise of surprise from Akutagawa, who immediately grabbed Atsushi by what hair he could still see and attempted to tug him away. “What-!?” Atsushi twisted his head free and did it again, using both hands to pull Akutagawa’s hips down further so that his entire mouth was now in play.
Atsushi had remembered the lube this time, and released Akutagawa’s cock to fumble with it, slicking his fingers and bringing them into the game. Akutagawa made breathy, wheezing noises every time Atsushi licked around his hole, breathed on him, or dipped his tongue in; and right around the time he worked his second finger in, curling them and rubbing inside, Akutagawa made a weird hitching noise.
He'd fingered Akutagawa before, plenty of times—he couldn’t remember a noise like that. Atsushi slowed but didn’t remove his fingers, pressing a sloppy kiss to the inside of Akutagawa’s thigh. “You okay?” he asked, and when he didn’t receive any kind of answer pulled his fingers free as well.
He could hear his ragged breathing, so Atsushi wiggled his face up enough to see that his cock was stiff, leaking steadily, and both his hands were white-knuckling the headboard. Akutagawa’s eyes were glazed, and he wasn’t really seeing Atsushi. “Hey,” he said, and finally Akutagawa focused on him. “You okay with this?”
Akutagawa wet his dry lips. “You really will put your mouth on anything,” he said and groaned, shifting his weight on his knees. His cock thwapped Atsushi in the cheek and left wet behind, and Atsushi caught it and stroked, watching how sensitive Akutagawa was.
“I barely even got started.” He stroked Akutagawa’s cock idly, focusing on it. “You want me to stop?”
He didn’t respond again. Atsushi exhaled, licked the head of his cock clean, and said, “you know, I got you fingered open if you’d rather ride me instead…”
Akutagawa groaned, twisted his hands on the headboard, and Atsushi laughed. He climbed slightly out from under him, urging Akutagawa back until his ass rubbed over Atsushi’s ignored erection. He was more back to himself now, hand gripping behind him and stroking Atsushi’s cock; he wasn’t lubed but Akutagawa didn’t seem to care and before Atsushi could stop him for more prep he was already sinking down.
He was so striking, sprawled out on Atsushi’s lap, and he had come back to himself for sure now, one hand gripping Atsushi’s knee as he arched his back, hips settling flush against Atsushi’s. “God,” Atsushi muttered, as Akutagawa rose a little and sank back down, making a lewd noise of pleasure, “you’re so hot? How are you so hot.”
Akutagawa cracked open an eye and gave Atsushi a disdainful look, and he laughed, putting his hands on Akutagawa’s hips to steady him—at least until Rashomon cracked free of the sheets they were tangled in and caught him by both wrists, binding them just above his head and nearly lost between the pillows. “Hey!”
“No touching,” Akutagawa hissed and spread his legs for a better viewing angle.
Atsushi moaned, because Akutagawa was tight, and hot in every way, and watching his dick bob back and forth as he continuously impaled himself on Atsushi’s cock was making his eyes cross. He was shamefully close just this quickly, and the fire building in his guy was the only warning. “Ryuu, I’m gonna…hn, I’m close—”
Akutagawa rose almost entirely off him, tilting perilously forward and bracing his palms on Atsushi’s chest—before sitting down hard. Atsushi unspooled entirely, dick throbbing as he emptied inside Akutagawa. Akutagawa’s cock still hung hard but he couldn’t touch, and how this had gone from him in control to Akutagawa he wasn’t sure, but he opened his mouth obediently, tongue out, while Akutagawa jerked himself off over Atsushi’s face.
Atsushi panted, swallowing what landed on his tongue and licking his lips clean. Akutagawa laughed hoarsely, tilting forward and bracing himself against the headboard again. “You are a mess,” he said, swiping his thumb through a glob that had landed on Atsushi’s cheek and letting him lick his thumb clean. “I’m not kissing you again until you brush your teeth.”
He squirmed under Akutagawa. “Ride me again?” he panted hopefully, and Akutagawa gave him a look, before reaching back and feeling his dick growing hard again in his hand. He squeezed it, none too gently, and Atsushi moaned and rocked his hips.
“You beast,” Akutagawa sniffed, but he was also smirking, and Atsushi bowled his hips up as Atsushi sat on his cock again. “I think I can manage one more ride...”
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harshing-your-buzz · 1 year
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did i evver post this??? idk
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incoherentbee · 1 year
i miss eating plants in my yarn </3
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When I tell you I am stuck in traffic and I have not moved for 20 minutes lmaooo
I literally put it in park and cleaned it out we DID NOT MOVE
Good thing I got gas before this holy moly
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theinnocentwarrior · 2 years
[Just made a minor update to my rules. Figured I’d make it explicitly clear that I do not expect reblog karma from anyone who wants to reblog memes they like on my blogs. I also do not require people to go to the source. If you want to, great. If not, I am not bothered.]
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scakeuk · 2 years
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Lemon Birthday Cake _______________________________#lemoncake🍋 #lemoncakes #birthdaycakes #lemonsponge #lemon #scake #leicester #lemonswissbuttercream #yellowandwhite #fresh #customcakes #noveltycakes #scaketoppers #nameingold #mint #mintleaves #lemony (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjh2HjAIBP3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thelcsdaily · 6 months
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Creamy Lemony Chicken Sausage Orzo
This one-pot meal is a great addition to any recipe book. This recipe might be your go-to on nights when your fridge is nearly empty or you just don't have the energy to prepare a fancy dinner. Here, orzo gets toasted in olive oil that’s infused with the flavors of lemon, garlic, and butter before cooking in a flavorful chicken broth amped up with tomatoes and dried oregano. When they simmer, the starch they produce gives the sauce a creamy texture that is reminiscent of risotto. It's a quick and easy dinner to prepare because everything is prepared in a single pot in less than an hour. Topped with fresh Parmesan and freshly ground black pepper.
“Eating is so intimate. It’s very sensual. When you invite someone to sit at your table and you want to cook for them, you’re inviting a person into your life.” — Maya Angelou
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moxfirefly · 7 months
Greetings and salutations. I bring you a little nugget of something that’s been on my noggin for a while. I haven’t had the pleasure to experiment too much with AU’s so here I bring you two segments of just that.
Rated Mature.
So please enjoy and let me know if maybe y’all want more?
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It was that scar.
You hadn’t been necessarily subtle about it. You’d stared, wondered what could’ve gone wrong to have a man nearly lose an eye.
You liked making up stories of strangers, what their backstory and futures could be just on looks alone.
But when blue eyes had met your own, looked up from the local news paper, you felt as if he’d heard your mental fictions.
He was pretty.
Blue eyes, strong features and built.
Because mutants tended to be built, imposing, rough, dangerous.
But there was a softness to Blue Eyes here.
Somewhere between restarting your brain and the soft rattling of him pushing his mug towards your outstretched hand, you had finally poured a re-fill of a lemony scented tea he had ordered twenty minutes ago.
The cafe was a passion project, something you’d done on impulse when you hopped on a plane to run away from New York and its hollowness and move to Osaka.
To run away from the bad memories…
A bad guy.
“Are you alright?” Oh? He spoke English.
You nodded, dipped the kettle and refilled his mug. “Sorry, mornings aren’t really my thing.” You chuckled to lighten the mood, watched the corner of his mouth lift as he reached for the mug.
“Working in a cafe must’ve been a tough option.” His lips pressed to the ceramic, a large hand holding it as he softly blew.
The peak of a finger missing an inch to it making you squint.
Just how many scars could one individual have?
But he had looked at you again, piercing blue eyes gaging your thoughts, somehow digging into what your story was. Maybe he had made up his own.
You should’ve known, should’ve seen the tattoos peaking from the cuff of his dress shirt, the roughness to his demeanor.
You should’ve sensed the danger.
You ran from danger back in New York only to somehow find yourself enchanted by something far worse.
Because Leonardo (he had introduced himself at long last) screamed dangerous.
But he kept coming back to the cafe, each day he stayed just a little bit longer, his small talk became more of a lighthearted interrogation.
And those damn eyes of his never seemed to not follow you around the counter as you prepared and brewed for the patrons of the morning. His eyes were watchful, something kind of protective to them. Whenever the bell for the door ran he’d always cast a careful backwards glance.
Anticipating something?
He seemed to travel on the edge of a knife, waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop.
And you wanted to ignore the obvious, the setting, the place, the fresh cuts and bruises on his hands. You wanted the fantasy to remain just that.
Because deep down you knew that he ran in that lifestyle.
It rang like an alarm in your brain, warning sirens to not get involved, to not find yourself in the fire pit.
One afternoon as he remained during your closing, he had stood up and adjusted the cuff of his suit.
“Do you wanna have dinner with me tonight?”
It was a simple question, a razors edge to it, the anticipation mixing with water running from the sink. You had stopped, hand sopping wet from washing mugs and glasses.
You stared at him, watching those calculating eyes of his gage your reaction.
That little voice told you to say no, desperately to just let this be a fleeting thing. Let Leonardo be a fantasy, don’t jump into that dark ocean and let the current sweep you away.
“Yes…I’d like that.”
‘These violent delights…’
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It felt more like a light version of Wack-a-Mole. Gently but intentionally shoving all these screaming adolescents and young adults away from the object of their desire.
You waved and smiled, signed what you could when several high glossy portraits of yourself were shoved into your eyesight. A massive arm wrapped around your shoulders and tugged you into hard scales and you caught the warning glare Raph had shot to a handsy guy.
‘Just get her to the hotel entrance’ That was all Raph was thinking, if he could haul ass with you through this sea of screaming fans in the next sixty seconds he’d pat himself on the shell.
So he held you closer, pushed through and as gently and professionally as he could pushed through the doable doors.
Hotel security could keep everyone at bay, your poor assistance somehow alive and inside as well moved quickly to the front desk to check you in.
“Never get tired of that shit?” he asked you with a smirk, making sure to keep your body covered by his much larger form.
“Just part of the job description, some of them can be endearing.” You adjusted your sunglasses, shooting a thanks to your assistant when they jogged back towards you with a room card.
“Y/N you have an interview tomorrow at 9am so there’s a 7am wake up call for hair and makeup to get up to your room. After that it’s the photo shoot at noon and finally the concert at MSG, I’ll be here early to get everything started.” They were an efficient assistant sometimes doubling more like a parent.
“She got time to sleep somewhere in there peepsqueak?” Raph was already escorting you towards the elevator. Your assistant rolled their eyes.
“Be nice Raphie, they keep the order, I just do the fun stuff.” You waved back as you climbed into the elevator with Raph.
In the quiet steel and glass you took a minute to sigh and stretch. While it was fun it could be pretty exhausting running around from show to show. You felt your phone vibrate, the work one, and allowed yourself the luxury of not dealing with it. Closing your eyes briefly you centered yourself.
“Ya good?” Raph’s voice, the soft one he only reserved for you, mixed with the ping of each floor.
“A little stiff, but I’m alright. What about you?” You watched Raph huff a little laugh, incredulous to assume that this was enough to even remotely tire him out. When the doors open he stepped out first to make sure the halls were empty before alerting you to follow suit.
“You know you can chill out now, clock out technically.” You opened the door to your latest hotel suit and watched Raph go in and do his usual perimeter walk.
One time some obsessed fan had hidden in the suit you had stayed in, and while it hadn’t been a violent situation it had spooked you and angered Raph enough to always check the room before letting you settle in.
“Looks clear, although C- for not having those chocolates on the bed.” Man he kinda wanted something sweet.
He smiled at your laugh watching you plop on the chase lounge near the window.
He could feel his own phone, not the work one, vibrate in the pocket of his jeans.
“Do you want to stay?” Came your voice, light and floaty like an inviting drink.
Raph knew this wasn’t exactly right, but it hadn’t been right the last fourteen hotels ago.
You turned to study him, a flirtatious smile spreading across your beautiful lips.
Those lips had been around his dick last night on the limo ride to some after party.
Something in the jittery electric feel of his legs, urging him to move, to put an end to this not so professional relationship.
“Raphie?” You asked, jacket coming off, heels being kicked off, skin inviting him.
He ran the back of his palm across his mouth, caught the faint scent of you from just this morning (where he had fingered you in the shower of the last hotel).
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
He swallowed the nerves, swallowed it and let it simmer in the pit of his stomach.
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tsunflowers · 18 days
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im pirating this pasta recipe for you bc I think it's pretty good. very fresh and lemony taste and it also makes for a good cold salad the next day. the only problem is since you use a whole lemon you end up with large pieces of the fibrous parts of the lemon that don't cook down. but you can pick them out easily or just chew on them if you want
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