#Lena and Alex brotp (eventually)
waytooinvested · 6 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 5
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human. And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
Rift era reconciliation/fix-it fic, starts out kind of on the angsty side but there will be more fluff down the line.
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
It wasn’t where Lena had imagined this conversation taking place, and she honestly would have preferred to meet at the DEO headquarters, or her own office. Somewhere that set a clear boundary that this was a work collaboration, not a personal one. But Alex hadn’t exactly left room for negotiation before she’d ended the call, and, well, the glass of wine it gave her an excuse to drink was not unwelcome, though she did plan on taking it slow. Easing the tension was one thing, but becoming sloppy right now would be unacceptable.
She was a couple of sips in when Alex dropped down in the seat across from her, a pint in one hand and a basket of onion rings in the other.
Lena raised an eyebrow, and Alex grimaced back.
‘I didn’t have time for lunch today, okay?’
‘I didn’t say anything’.
‘Your face did’.
‘I’m not interested in your eating habits Alex, I want to know about Kara. Did anything show up in the tests?’
Alex nodded through a mouthful of onion and batter.
‘Yeah, I have them here’.
She pulled an unmarked cardboard file from her bag and slid it across the table, then hesitated, her hand still pressed down firmly to keep Lena from taking it.
‘If I share this with you, you can’t pull the same shit you did when we were trying to find her. You tell me everything you find the moment you find it. I want theories, vague hunches, wild goose chases, hell, if you so much have a dream about this, I want to know every single detail’.
‘Fine, but that goes both ways. I tell you everything I have, and you do the same’ -Lena paused, leaning forward over the table and tapping a finger on the closed folder for emphasis – ‘everything, Alex. No more hypocritical demands for openness while you keep your own cards close to your chest’.
‘That wasn’t my-’
Lena pursed her lips, challenging her to finish that sentence. This was a battle line drawn in the power balance of their working relationship, and Alex clearly knew it. She hesitated, glancing down at their outstretched hands where they both rested on the cover of the file, then back up at Lena, a faint frown on her face.
‘Look, it’s not that I don’t want to. But the DEO works with a lot of highly classified intel, and I just can’t promise you that’.
Not good enough.
The tip of Lena’s finger went white where it was pressing against the folder, her nail leaving a small indentation in the cardboard, but she kept her voice level and calm, as if she was arguing contract wording in a business arrangement. Polite but firm. Not aggressive, but not giving an inch either.
‘I’m not asking to see the Alien Registry or schematics for your latest weapons designs. Keep whatever else you want to yourself, but if we’re working together on this, then we share all pertinent information both ways. If you want my help, those are my terms’.
Their eyes locked in a brief struggle, but Lena neither blinked nor looked away, the jut of her chin conveying (or so she hoped) that she was perfectly willing to walk away right now if this condition was not met. She might have agreed to help, but she would never again allow herself to be forced into being a convenient little lacky that the DEO could call on whenever they felt like it and drop the minute they didn’t need her anymore. She was done with being lied to and kept in the dark.
At last the set of Alex’s shoulders dropped from defensive to acceptance, and her free hand reached up absently to run through her hair, pushing imaginary strands out her face like she needed to brush the feeling of Lena’s glare off her skin.
‘Alright, it’s a deal. But I’m gonna have to get you to sign an NDA, we’re under enough scrutiny right now as it is’.
‘Fine. You too. Some of my research is still at the highly confidential experimental stage, and the fact that I might use it to help with this does not mean I want it to be public knowledge’.
Lets keep things fair this time, shall we?
‘Seriously? I’m not going to leak your research Lena’.
‘And I’m not going to leak yours, but here we are’.
There was a moment when Lena thought they might be about to tip into another fight, but in the end Alex just rolled her eyes and nodded.
‘Yeah, fair enough. Write something up and I’ll sign it’.
‘Good’. Now that the first battle was won, Lena allowed herself to relax by a few degrees, sitting back in her chair and taking another small sip of her drink. ‘Speaking of which-’
She pulled the gadget she’d brought out of her purse and placed it in the centre of the table, activating it with a quick twist. It lit up with a faint blue glow which expanded rapidly outwards to encompass the table and the two of them, then faded to nothing, leaving the device apparently inert once more.
‘Okaaay... what the hell is that?’
‘It’s a prototype for an auditory scrambler I’ve been working on. It has no effect on what we can hear coming in, but will keep anyone outside of our immediate vicinity from being able to make out what we’re saying, without anything as obvious as a bubble of artificial silence. Given where we were meeting I thought I’d better bring it along’.
Alex stared at the unassuming black box, assessing and, perhaps, a little bit impressed.
‘Well that’s why I got us this table way off in the back corner. But yeah this is better. If that thing works it would be really useful to have a few at the DEO’.
‘That is another conversation, and not what we’re here for right now’.
Dream on, Alex.
‘Right, yeah, sorry’.
At last Alex seemed to realise that she was still holding onto the file between them, and withdrew her hand to allow Lena to pick it up.
She flipped through the thick wodge of notes and test results it contained, skimming briefly through a page of negative read outs for various types of foreign chemicals in Kara’s saliva and urine samples, then turning to the brain scans.
The MRI was first and looked normal enough, though with a few minor variations compared to human images Lena had seen.
‘I assume the differences I’m seeing here are due to Kara’s Kryptonian anatomy rather than anything Lex did?’
‘Yep, totally as expected. We’ve scanned Kara before so we can be sure of that’.
Lena nodded and turned to the CT scan, then the EEG. Again, a slightly different set up to a human brain but nothing alarming.
And then-
‘Did something go wrong with this one? A hair on the lens or something?’
Alex had clearly been waiting for her to get to this page, and didn’t even need to glance at the image to know what Lena was looking at.
‘No, I checked and redid the scan twice. I even scanned my own brain just to be sure there wasn’t something weird in the machinery that I wasn’t picking up. It’s legit’.
‘Well… wow’.
‘I know, it’s crazy, right?’
‘I’ve never seen anything like it. The whole area is completely dark, and the margins-’
‘Like someone went in there and drew it on with a marker’.
Lena traced the winding path of the shape that cut through Kara’s brain, curving back and forth so that it passed through almost every key area to form a wide, dark S.
‘We might really have something here, something we can use. What sort of a scan is this? I don’t think I’ve seen a readout quite like this before’.
‘It’s something new we’ve been working on with Q-waves’.
‘How does it work?’
‘The details are classified Lena, I can’t tell you more than that’.
The paper creased at the edges as Lena’s grip tightened on the printout. Who did Alex think was doing who a favour here exactly?
‘What were we just saying about sharing everything?’
‘And I will. But this is about DEO tech, it’s not directly related to Kara’s case’.
‘It could be. Nothing at all showed up on the other scans, but there’s something different about this one. If I know how it works, maybe I can use it as a starting point to design a device that could not only detect the barrier, but start breaking it down without triggering the fail safe’.
They stared each other down for a long moment, and then Alex broke eye contact to take a sip of her beer, and shrugged.
‘Fine, I’ll send you the schematic. After you’ve signed your NDA. I might be Director but I can’t just do whatever I like you know’.
Lena tutted, but did her best to smooth the rumpled edges of the Q-wave scan before slipping it back into the folder and turning to the next page.
‘Whatever, go ahead and jump through your hoops, just get it to me quickly. What else have you found?’
‘Not much honestly. Blood work all normal. Her powers seem to be blocked off along with her memories of Supergirl, so no accidental heat vision or super hearing, and she can get hurt, so we’ll need to watch out for that. Cognitive tests were all normal too, apart from the obvious. She feels fine as Kara, but it’s like Supergirl is just a work acquaintance she vaguely knows but hasn’t seen in a while’.
‘I suppose that makes sense. Her mind would need to come up with some explanation for all those exclusive interviews she turned in at Catco – they’re out there now, so it’s not like she can just forget they ever happened’.
‘That’s what I thought. The one other thing we were really hopeful for was when Brainy went back into her Mind Space before she woke up to see if he could help her-’
‘Wait, back up a minute. Her Mind Space?’
‘Oh, right, you weren’t in the loop yet then. It happened when she was in a coma after Reign attacked her, Brainy was able to go in after her to try and wake her up. Mind Space is- I guess kind of like a dream, or a metaphor or something? It’s 31st century alien technology, don’t ask me how it works. Anyway, last time he said it was like Kara’s apartment, only the front door was locked and she couldn’t get out. That was the coma. It was different this time – the front door was open, but there was a new door at the back – like the door to a serious maximum security prison – a foot of steal with cross bars and a million padlocks, totally locked up tight’.
Lena leaned forwards, interested enough to forget that she was annoyed with Alex.
‘Okay, not great, but it’s a start. If there’s a door there must be a way to get through it’.
‘Yeah that’s what he hoped too, but it was like Kara couldn’t even see it. Every time he tried to get her to look where it was the door would move so it was behind her again, and the place it had been would just be a blank wall. He couldn’t even get her to go to that part of the room, and she didn’t seem to notice at all’.
‘Just like Lex said, her mind is fighting to keep the two parts separate. Still, it could be something to explore further. What about-’
‘Hey Alex! I was in the diner across the street and saw you come in here, so I thought I’d drop in to see if you wanted to meet up later’.
Lena turned instinctively towards the voice, and locked eyes with none other than Kara Danvers herself.
Her glass of wine very nearly spilled as she jerked in her seat, unsure if she was trying to turn away from Kara or get up and flee the room altogether, so that in the end she did neither, and the two of them remained frozen in a moment balanced on a knife edge.
A single slip in any direction, and one of them would bleed.
She swallowed against the sudden dryness in her throat, trying to remember how to breath. Somehow it had been almost easier when Kara was unconscious – at least then she had known how to feel about it. But there was no time to figure that out, because now Kara’s eyes were flitting back and forth between Lena and Alex, and her expression had become one big question mark as she tried to work out exactly what she had just walked in on.
Lena pushed aside her own inner turmoil as best she could and took the opportunity of Kara’s distraction to flip the file of test results closed and slide it casually off the table into her lap, before reaching over to disable the auditory scrambler.
Whatever else happened, Kara could not be allowed to realise that they were here because of her.
‘I didn’t know you two were… ahh… hanging out?’
‘We’re not’.
They said it simultaneously, and too fast. If anything Kara looked even more puzzled than before.
‘Lena’s helping the DEO out with a project that could use her science expertise, that’s all. We were in a planning meeting and had some things to finish hashing out, and it was getting late. You know I can’t concentrate when I’m hangry, so we came here to get something to eat’.
Alex gestured to the half empty basket of onion rings, as if that proved the story rather than raising more questions.
‘Oh, that’s… that’s great. What’s the project? Can I help?’
This time Alex looked stumped, and Lena jumped in before the pause got too obvious.
‘You know how I work Kara. It’s still all top secret at the moment, but I promise, as soon as there’s anything ready to take public I’ll give you the exclusive’.
It was the kind of thing she had said all the time before, and yet for some reason Kara was staring at her, apparently stunned by the offer.
‘Wait, really?’
‘Of course, why wouldn’t I?’
‘Well, I just thought… after our fight, and then you sold Catco… I didn’t think you’d want to work with me again’.
Kara knew about their fight?
Lena had assumed, given what they had fought about, that Kara wouldn’t remember it at all, but clearly her mind had filled in the blank of the subject matter while retaining their falling out. She should really have anticipated that, but with everything else going on she hadn’t given the matter enough thought, and now she didn’t know what to say.
What did Kara think they had fought about, if not Supergirl?
She cleared her throat awkwardly, trying to regain some semblance of composure.
‘Yes, well… you going missing forced me to look at things in a new light. I may have… overreacted before. If you’d be willing, I’d like to try and start putting it behind us’.
Kara’s entire face lit up, and the sight of it made Lena feel raw and numb at the same time, the radiant warmth of her smile searing the very skin from her bones to leave only the bleeding essence of her, vulnerable and exposed despite all the armour she had tried to forge for herself these past few months.
‘Yes! Definitely yes, I would love that. Maybe… we could meet for lunch some time?’
She wasn’t sure she could do this.
But she had to. She had to. She had to. The stakes were too high not to at least try.
‘Sure Kara, I’ll give you a call’.
‘Amazing. Fantastic. I’ll see you soon then. Oh- and Alex, text me later if you want to hang out? I was thinking pizza and a movie?’
‘Yeah, sure. I might be a while though, we still have some stuff to finish here’.
‘That’s fine, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping til late tonight anyway’.
‘Alright, I’ll text you when we’re done’.
‘Bye Kara’.
They waited, watching in silence until the door had closed behind Kara and she had been gone long enough to be fairly confident that she wasn’t going to pop back in, then Lena rounded on Alex.
‘You let her follow you?’
‘I didn’t let her. She was supposed to be at home! I can’t tie her to the radiator to keep her inside Lena-’
‘That’s weak and you know it. How the hell have you made it this long as a secret agent if you can’t even keep your little sister from following you? Kara’s a reporter Alex, we can’t let her catch even a hint of this or she’ll start digging and she won’t stop, and that could literally kill her’.
‘Hey, you think I don’t know that? It was a mistake, it won’t happen again. And it’s fine, she doesn’t suspect anything’.
‘Yet. She doesn’t suspect anything yet. We are clearly going to have to put some ground rules in place to stop this kind of thing happening again. Code names, file encryptions, plausible reasons for meeting up, not to mention plausible places for meeting up – and it will have to be on a strictly need to know basis. Anyone who knows who Supergirl is will have to be in on part of it of course, but full details should only be shared with people who are actively working on her case. The fewer people know, the safer this will be’.
Alex stared back at her, eyebrows raised and seeming entirely unchastened by the scolding. If anything, there was a hint of smugness in the curl of her lip, and Lena scowled back at her as she replayed the last part of what she’d said in her mind. She huffed.
‘Oh shut up, this is different’.
‘I didn’t even say anything!’
‘You were thinking it very loudly’.
‘So I’m not even allowed to think n-’
Lena held up a hand to stop the budding argument before it could go any further. They were here for a single purpose, and it was not to bicker like children, no matter how tempting it was to keep venting all the confused feelings seeing Kara had stirred up in her. This was business, and emotions had no place in business.
‘First things first. Change my name in your phone’.
‘What? Why? Kara knows we’re working together now’.
‘Yes, but that excuse is only going to take us so far. This will be safer- actually, no don’t. Kara knows my number, if she saw that under someone else’s name it would look even worse. Use this one instead, and give it a different name’.
Lena scribbled down the number, careful to make her handwriting look as unlike her own as she could to avoid it leading back to her if Kara came across the paper in Alex’s things.
‘I will use that number to contact you for anything relating to our work, and continue to use my regular cell for anything to do with the cover story. You do the same’.
‘Okay, but I don’t have a second phone number’.
‘That doesn’t matter. I am a well known public figure and I like my privacy – my phone is pretty much unhackable, and besides I have software set up that will allow me to assign you an alias name and number. It’s not a problem’.
Alex nodded, tapping the number Lena had given her into her phone.
‘What do you want your alias to be?’
‘I really don’t care. Whatever you like as long as it’s not obviously traceable to me’.
‘Okay then, you’re… Lulu’.
‘Lulu? Seriously?’
‘Hey, you said anything! Luthor. Lu. Lulu. It was all I could think of! Besides, it’s kind of perfect because there is no way in hell Kara would ever believe you’d let me call you Lulu’.
‘With good reason. But fine, okay, Lulu it is’.
Alex chuckled as she saved the name and popped the last of her onion rings into her mouth. She chewed in silence for a while, tracing patterns in a puddle of spilled beer before broaching the question she had clearly been weighing up in her mind.
‘So… Kara knows you had a fight. What does she think it’s about, if not Supergirl?’
‘I have no idea. I could hardly ask, could I? I just had to go with it and hope for the best’.
‘And… did you mean what you told her? About wanting to put it behind you and move forwards?’
Lena opened her mouth to tell Alex to mind her own damn business, but then hesitated. If they were going to work together and keep Kara from getting suspicious, she supposed they needed to be on the same page about this. Still, she took a large swallow of wine before replying, trying to work out what she wanted to say, and how much she was willing to admit.
‘If I’m going to be able to help Kara I need to be close enough to her that she’ll let me do it, and the more comfortable she feels opening up to me the easier that will be. I did mean it when I said that all this has made me see things from a different perspective. But- look, the fact that Kara doesn’t remember what she did doesn’t mean she didn’t do it. Amnesia is not a free pass’.
‘I know that, but surely now you’re on the other side of it you can see why it might be important to keep this kind of secret?’
‘As I said, I’ve gained some new perspective, but it’s still a false equivalence to compare the two situations. Besides, me being upset with Kara isn’t just about her keeping her identity a secret. It’s the fact that she would fight with me as Supergirl, then come over as Kara and spend time with me as if nothing happened. Alex, she went behind my back and got my boyfriend to break into my lab instead of trusting what I told her, or even asking me to show her myself. As Supergirl she acted as though I had betrayed her for keeping the smallest thing about my work to myself regardless of the intention behind it, and yet all that time she knew she was keeping this huge secret from me despite how often I had practically begged her not to lie to me. She did a lot of objectively pretty awful things, and I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive her for them, or feel like we can be real friends again. But I’m not a monster. I still care what happens to her, and I am committed to helping her get the rest of her memories back. That’s the best I can do’.
Alex nodded slowly, frowning down into the dregs of her beer.
‘Yeah, I guess I see that. For what it’s worth though, I think you should try to forgive her. Kara made some mistakes, but she cares about you a lot, and she really misses having you as a friend’.
‘Respectfully Alex, I don’t want to hear that from you. It’s none of your business. I told you what I did so that you’ll know where we stand and that I’m in earnest about working with you on this, but beyond that, you don’t get to have an opinion on my friendship or lack thereof with your sister. I will work with you on this project because it’s the right thing to do, but that is the extent of our relationship’.
‘Fine. From here on out we will only talk about Operation Get Our Girl Back’.
‘We are NOT calling it that’.
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jamies-overalls · 3 years
For the character ask, gotta go with love of my life Alex Danvers
The one and only, the love of my life, Alex Danvers.
Favorite thing about her:
Her intense love and protectiveness for those around her. Does it cloud her vision sometimes? Yeah. But i think we can all relate to that in one way or another.
Least favorite thing about her:
The way the costume designers on the show decided to dress her, especially in the later seasons. Like... Chyler dresses more like Alex in her real life than Alex does on the show. Kudos to all the fanart peeps who give her the badass outfits she deserved.
Favorite line:
The entire coming out arc. I can't even pick one line from that. It hit so close to home and it aired while i was just starting to come out, so it just made me feel so comfortable and seen.
I mean, besides her and Kara (because the Danvers Sisters are the best but they're actual sisters so idk if it counts lol)? Probably her and Winn. I loved their dynamic and that he was a little brother to her but was also always there for her when she was the one who needed support. I would have loved to see more from them.
Alex/Kelly. For sure. They are soulmates and they are perfect for each other. But before Kelly showed up and we didn't know what was going on with Alex, my answer would have been Alex/Sam. They had so much potential.
Alex/Kara. I don't think I need to explain why, but it's still considered a ship, so....
Unpopular opinion:
While I love Alex being Sentinel, she should have joined the Super Friends in a more scientific capacity. The show legit forgot that her entire background was in science when the DEO recruited her. I would have loved her and Lena working together on a project.
Song I associate with her:
happiness by Taylor Swift. It's a very bittersweet song, but it makes so much sense given her love life. She had a rough time after the break up, but she healed in time and found happiness in someone else eventually.
Favorite picture of her:
My joke answer that's also a little bit true...
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My actual answer...
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galaxy-creationz · 3 years
Character asks: Brainy! -Kryptonsdaughters
Sorry this took so long (/gen) but uhh
Why I like him:
Where do I even start? I’d say because he was introduced to the show at around the same time my opinion on Lena started to go downhill, and seeing as they’re both dark-haired scientists with childhood trauma and problems with feelings (which is like, low key my type), he was the perfect replacement fave.
Of course, that’s not the only reason. I don’t know if the writers did this on purpose or not, but a lot of his experiences remind me of how it’s like to be a former gifted kid. Being raised in an advanced society (analogous with being raised on higher education), being out of touch with the present/humans (analogous with “normal” students), and being seen as arrogant/insensitive (same thing, but this mostly applies to season 3) are the main reasons for this.
So yeah, I low key relate to him. Somehow.
Why I don’t:
Hmm… this is hard.
Honestly, the only things I don’t like about him are certain character arcs (season 5b my beloathed)?
I don’t know. Because most of the things I can think of aren’t completely his fault. Like, I’m more mad at the writers than at him for them? If you know what I mean?
Favorite episode:
5x10. Except for the ending, of course. We don’t talk about the ending.
Or 4x04.
Favorite season:
I’d say season 4? He was just so endearingly awkward, and what really got me hooked on his character.
Favorite line:
How dare you make me choose.
Anyways, I think it’s either his love confession to Nia or the “I’ll beat you up with physics” scene. (I don’t remember his exact words, and I’m too tired to look it up.)
Favorite outfit:
If you’ve followed me long enough, you probably know that I love his black-shirt-with-his-family-crest-slash-symbol-slash-whatever-and-a-collared-jacket look. You know what I mean?
It’s literally one of the only things I draw him wearing shhh
Not my fault he looks so good in it
It’s a whole aesthetic
Him and Nia. But you already knew that lol.
Either Winn or Alex, like most people in the fandom. Obviously.
In his mid-to-late teenage years (after he got arrested then given a choice to change and well you probably know the story), he used to wander around different planets as some sort of anti-hero/vigilante before being found (and recruited) by the Legion (which was just getting started at the time) at age 20.
I have a drabble about that but I’ll probably never publish it because it most likely contradicts his comic origin story. But then again, this is a CW show. And since the writers are known for changing a lot of stuff, I guess so can I. (Don’t get your hopes up too high; it’s not even done yet lol)
Unpopular opinion:
Oh boy it’s another hard one.
First off, his fight scenes aren’t as boring as the DCTV wiki fandom says they are. They’re a perfect way of showing that he doesn’t have to do much to disarm enemies, and it just shows how experienced he is in that department.
Oh, and I’m not a fan of his “friendship” with Lena. She manipulated him into asking her for help (that scene just didn’t sit right with me ok?) and told him to suppress his feelings which eventually resulted in, well, his season 6a arc. I know she admitted that she was wrong, but still, both of them could’ve avoided that if she just thought about what she was doing and, well, didn’t teach her “friend” unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Long story short, friends don’t let friends bottle up their feelings to the point of having a mental breakdown. And that’s exactly what she did to him.
A wish:
To just be happy again. Poor guy’s gone through a lot this season since That One Season 5 Episode I Love-Hate.
Oh, and also to (finally) get some healthy coping mechanisms.
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen:
Him returning to the future, alone, at the end of the show. I’ve already had to see that at the end of season 3 with another one of my faves, so I’m begging the writers not to put me through that again. 
5 words to best describe him:
SG Tumblr’s favorite male character.
(as he should be)
(I mean I love the other ones too but still)
My nickname for him:
I don’t think I have one?
But I do sometimes call him “my boy” in my head. Because he is.
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supercorpandbeyond · 5 years
lena Luthor character ask
Glad you asked
Lena Luthor
Otp: Kara and Lena.
BRotp: why do I have to choose? Honestly! I like Lena and Kelly, Lena and Nia, Lena and Andrea, Lena and Alex. LENA NEEDS SUPPORT! Honestly. I see Lena and Kelly as a kind of, like they finally get Lena to Therapy and Lena slowly befriends Kelly in the process.
Lena and Nia: Nia remembers about Brainy briefly being friends with Lena. She knows she isn’t really a friend, per say, but after this whole Brainy breakup she just needs some sort of support. Also Nia totally ships Supercorp.
Lena and Andrea. The childhood brotp. Their friendship starts off slowly, but surely they get back to the footing they once were at.
Alex and Lena: alright. Okay. So. It might take a bit, but eventually Alex makes a realization. Her sister is in love with Lena. Holy shit. How did she not see it?! That’s why she seems so adamant about saving Lena! Holy shit! So, Alex tries to look at it through Kara’s eyes. And decides one day, she’s sick of Lena putting up this front. She visits, and tells Lena she knows. Knows she loves Kara too. And Lena’s like, wait what? Too? Wait!? What do you mean-? But Alex is just talking to her and saying, Lena can’t close herself off like this ya da ya da ya da. I dunno. I’m writing a in-depth fic about it.
Last but not least:
Lena and Sam. Alright y’all. These two have been there for each other. Like. Big time.
Favorite nickname: I don’t have one. .
Favorite outfit they wore: whenever she wore a suit, or that National City University Sweatshirt in the episode where she gets drunk and Kara takes care of her.
Color that reminds me of them: Black and white. Dark colors. Nothing that’s bright.
Song that remind me of Lena:
I have been compiling a list-
Cigarettes by Carlie Hanson
I Don’t Like You by Grace Vanderwaal.
Remind Me to Forget by Kygo
I Wish We Never Met by Oh Wonder
Forgiveness by Paramore
People You Know by Selena Gomez
A fic idea for Lena: AHHH I HAVE BEEN AGONIZING OVER THIS!!! So I thought the ending of the 100th episode would end with Kara giving Lena the tape, and telling her, “listen. I know I can’t undo my past experiences. But something happened tonight, an imp from the 5th dimension visited me- long story- but he let me try a multitude of ways to tell you the truth about me earlier. In the end I decided not to change anything. He also gave me this.” Cue Kara handing Lena the tape. “I didn’t watch it. This is for you. It’s up to you if you watch it or not.”
Or Mxy visits Lena and shows him everything he showed Kara. Showing Kara’s reactions and her choices.
Three tv tropes: Friends to lovers. Enemies to lovers. Roommates to lovers.
General thoughts: Lena is in serious need of a therapist.
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theramenbandit · 5 years
"Wait, how did she get so good at this?"
"WHEN did she get so good at this?"
Lena gathers up the cards with a smug little smile, while a certain DEO director looks on forlornly.
Alex's Game Night losing streak begins right around the time she starts bugging Lena for tac gear improvements.
"Lena! Lena, hey! Listen, can you have my glove interface with my gun? I just think it would be great for missions, you know..."
"Absolutely. What's in it for me?"
"Uh, well..."
It's Catchphrase.
"You think i can get an HUD in my riding helmet?"
"Of course you can, dear..."
Trivial Pursuit.
Eventually, Kara and Brainy catch on: along with each new enhancement comes a bad loss for Alex.
One day, she rolls in on her motorcycle. Kara makes an impressed face when she clicks a button on her keyring and it shrinks to the size of a credit card.
"Nice. What's that one cost you?"
"Imploding Kitten."
AgentCorp is my brotp. They have this eldest/middle sibling vibe. Kara is the baby. Heh.
Imploding Kitten
When this card is drawn, put it back into the Draw Pile FACE UP anywhere you’d like in secret. Do not use a Defuse Card. The card has a white border so when it's face up everyone can see it coming. 
When you have no choice but to draw this card face up, you immediately implode and are out of the game. This card cannot be defused nor can it be noped. --From explodingkittens. Com
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Not gonna lie a Kara & Kassandra BROtp in modern times sounds very appealing. Both sharing workout exercises, both are fucking SHREDDED. Sparring partners whenever one needs to blow off steam. An AC Odyssey/Supergirl crossover, Ancient Greece starting sounds way too good. ( I don't think Lena would have a coherent thought with Kara showing so much skin in her armor)
Okay, so Kara in modern times isn’t known for being a fan of working out but one day she Lena watching Kassandra while she’s sparring with Alex and it is ON. Kara has never done so many pushups in her life. Then Kassandra teaches Kara about oiling up before wrestling matches. Whew! Lena about has a heart attack. (Kassandra is also the one who pushes Kara to finally ask Lena out.)
Don’t even get me started on Supergirl in Ancient Greece! Markos may have taken in the girl who fell of the mountain, but the Danvers took in the girl who fell from the sky. They become fast friends - Kassandra being the only one on this strange new planet that can withstand Kara’s strength. When Kassandra leaves to find her family, Kara swears to help her - she knows her own family is lost but if she can help her friend, she will.
Alex tags along under the guise of keeping those two malakas safe, but really she has a secret crush on Kassandra. Out in their journeys, they run across the daughter of a cultist who’s seperated herself from her family’s evil name and instead has devoted her life to inventing machines and tech to help the world be a better place. She often sends Kara and Kassandra off after obscure items, and in turn upgrades their armor and ship. Kara has the biggest crush on Lena, a fact that Kassandra and Alex love to tease her about. Eventually Kassandra tells Kara that if she doesn’t ask Lena out soon, then Kassandra will. She’s joking, of course, but it has the desired effect!
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cardiaceyes · 5 years
I know you haven't updated it in awhile! but! what are some ideas you wanted/want to explore in the redfield au. any other au's you had in your mind involving Claire? I love her dynamic with Alex and Lena
Who knows if i’ll actually update that AU but-
Aunt!Jill making an appearance. Some older RE characters no one in the supercorp fandom would probably care about, I wanted to have show up because that is/was a very indulgent fic of mine.
BSAA Vs. DEO (but not really because they’d end up working together, but try to fight for jurisdiction over who can save Claire. This was also going to be where Jill makes an appearance like “lol as temp director of the BSAA y’all fuckin quit and save HER” but I couldn’t get it to work)
Light!Supercorp Angst- I had an idea once to have Sherry show up sooner and Kara gets a lil jealous of how close she is and then Sherry calls her out like “can you just TALK to my sister?” “SISTER??” “yes.” (cue Lena and Kara bonding over being the adopted younger siblings)
I had a scene planned that would show Alex admitting she, once, thought about accepting a recruitment offer to the BSAA. 
Lena talking to Alex about the abuse Lillian put her under. Alex, confronting Lillian about it. Not because she’s Lena’s friend (she’d like to be eventually), but because how could you do that to A CHILD?
As for other AU’s-I had a no Powers AU Idea, where Lena worked with Claire at TerraSave and met Alex on the job, they became friends, and eventually, Alex introduced Lena to Kara and upon seeing the sparks tried to play matchmaker. (they get close but don’t cross that line until a close call happens, and Kara fears for Lena’s life.) it was gonna be dramatic and gay, and I love Alex/Lena as a brotp so LOL
I did have a RE movie idea where- Lena pretty much replaces mikey in Extinction (except doesn’t die). Kara and Alex are just random people they help but Kara and Lena get particularly close. You find out backstories, etc, then Alice comes in for that sweet Alice/Claire I love and it follows the movies plot but changes some shit. 
That’s literally it.
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yesokayiknow · 6 years
Alex Danvers for the meme?
god i love her
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang commit treason forhogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: honestly all of them but like the way she’s kind of a morally grey asshole who’s pretty much only reined in by kara or j’onn??? amazing. can you believe she’s a government agentworst quality: like you know she’s gonna end up sacrificing herself for someone (kara) eventually rightship them with: l u c y (also sam! maggie! astra!)brotp them with: k a r a (also winn!! james!! lena!!)needs to stay away from: i mean i’d say general lane or maxwell lord but. you knowmisc. thoughts: idk i just love her a lot you know i should probably stop making angsty aus abt her huh
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iamsuperconfused · 7 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jimmy Olsen & Winn Schott Jr., Maggie Sawyer & Winn Schott Jr., Kara Danvers & Jimmy Olsen & Winn Schott Jr., Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers & Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Winn Schott Jr., Maggie Sawyer & Lena Luthor Characters: Maggie Sawyer, Winn Schott Jr., Jimmy Olsen, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, a few minor OCs, Jeremiah Danvers, Lena Luthor Additional Tags: Post-Break Up, Brotp, James deserve better than the show gives him, Maggie more so, Winn is the friend Maggie is staying with, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Again post break up, Woops, I broke Supercorp too, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn Romance incoming, Hostage Situation, Xenophobia, angst with an eventual happy ending, Both supercorp and sanvers are broken up, but they were a thing Summary:
This story chronicles Maggie's side of things after the break up, how her relationship with the Superfriends changes and adapt to the new Situation, Fluff, Angst and awkwardness inbound. This story is also going off canon a bit, the Reign stuff is too disruptive to what I want to do at the moment.
This is not a fix-it fic but one that I want to explore new things in. I am working to give everyone their happy endings.
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Supergirl Ao3 Fic Masterpost
Since it’s the hiatus and y'all might be looking for something to read, here’s a comprehensive list of all my Supergirl fanfictions.
All 19 (and counting!) of them.
Here we go!
certain dark things
SuperCorp. Lena-centric.
“The pain comes in waves, like the crash of the tide against the shore- the sea merciless and unrelenting in its assault of the sand. It threatens to consume her, to drown her, to pull her from the safety of land and batter her against the jagged edges of the rocks that protrude from the waves until she is in pieces, scattered, like so many grains of sand.
Like falling snow slipping through grasping fingers, like smoke wafting from the end of a lit cigarette, like dandelion seeds dancing on the wind.
Intangible, untouchable, like fine mist on a cool morning.
The pain comes in waves, and she is utterly helpless against it.”
SuperCorp. Lena-centric.
Kara zor-El looks down at her chest, at the glyph that has never held any meaning other than hope in her eyes, and is shamed.
This, her family’s emblem- el mayarah, stronger together- has never made her feel more set apart than it does in this moment.
Inspired by one of the Kara/Lena scenes from 2x03
mild AU in which Lex was killed by Kal-El during his attempts to destroy Metropolis
the girl of shadow
Alex-centric fic.
Alex Danvers has dedicated her whole life to protecting her sister, and she would do it all again in a heartbeat.
She’s just not sure who she would do it for.
Inspired by For The Girl Who Has Everything | 500 word Alex angst challenge
of potstickers and preferences
SuperCorp adorableness. Kara-centric.
Because really, who serves potstickers at a gala?
Shameless fluff. Fix-it fic (sort of) to make up for the lack of Kara/Lena interactions at the gala.
Winn-centric. Winn/Alex brOTP.
In which Winn does something stupid, Alex seizes the opportunity to put on her Big Sister pants, and the family we find isn’t always the one we were born into.
Sanvers. Alex-centric.
Shit hits the fan at work, and Alex finds herself struggling to cope in the aftermath of a mission that goes sideways.
Maggie is there to help her get through it.
a reason to smile
Sanvers. Alex-centric. Drabble.
The result of the most dangerous question on the planet- ‘what if?’
What if Alex had met Maggie before, back in college, during her party girl days?
SuperCorp. Kara-centric.
kintsukuroi (n.) - the art of repairing something with gold, and realizing that the object is all the more beautiful for having been broken
It’s the anniversary of the day of Krypton’s death. Kara’s not in the best state of mind, and Lena tries her hardest to reach her.
SuperCorp. Lena-centric.
SuperCorp, post-winter finale.
Fix-it fic for the totally unresolved matter of Lena Luthor in the aftermath of her mother’s arrest.
Lena’s settling in for a quiet night of drinking away her sorrows, but Kara’s not willing to let her fall into a bottle.
in the absence of the sun
SuperCorp. Lena-centric.
It’s the anniversary of the day Lena’s mother died, and Kara opens up some old wounds when she digs into it.
Kara’s only trying to help, but the story of that night is more complicated than she knows.
Oneshots in the uncompleted ‘SuperCorp AU’ collection:
of art room supply cabinets and a lack of caffeine
SuperCorp. Kara-centric.
The last thing Kara Danvers expects to find in one of the art room supply cabinets is a person. Vaguely suggestive figurines? Sure. Abandoned sculptures? Maybe. But definitely not a person.
And especially not one with dark hair, green eyes, and a downright killer smile.
The university SuperCorp oneshot AU you were all hoping and praying for.
of misunderstandings and morning detentions
SuperCorp. Kara-centric. High school.
Kara Danvers has detention. So does a certain kryptonite-eyed individual.
She’s just perfecting her vacant stare when the sound of the door hinges squealing in protest breaks her concentration. Her attention snaps towards the doorway, where a girl with dark hair, green eyes, and an absolutely wicked smile meets her eyes- and winks.
A bright crimson flush spreads across her cheeks as she quickly averts her gaze, having suddenly developed an intense desire to count every single one of the tally marks scratched into the battered desk in front of her. “Miss Luthor, we don’t have all day to wait for you to get inside and shut the door,” McCarthy snaps, gesturing towards the other students- most of whom suppress a long-suffering sigh as he glowers. “Take a seat.”
Multi-Chapter WIPs:
SuperCorp. Angst. Slow burn.
Lena’s just trying to drink away the day when she gets a not-so unexpected visitor on her roof.
Post 2x08.
Fix-it fic.
Kind of.
give me touch
SuperCorp. Introspective.
Kara needs it.
Lena hates it.
A look into why they turned out this way.
these memories, they haunt me
SuperCorp. Lena-centric. The Morgana reincarnation!AU you didn’t know you needed.
“I know you’ll be there for me when the time comes.”
Kara’s departure is hasty, and for that, Lena is grateful.
If she’d lingered a few seconds more, she would have seen Lena’s lowered eyes flash gold.
My interpretation of the Lena/Kara scene from 2x04 and Lena’s shady look at the end of it.
tabula rasa
SuperCorp. Sanvers. Other pairings.
who can we become, when we no longer wish to be ourselves?
what remains when we are hollowed?
Alternate Universe- Dollhouse
our souls entwined
SuperCorp. Daemons!AU
Alternate Universe. Set in a world where the people of Earth have Daemons, physical forms of their souls that exist outside their body in the form of animal companions.
In which Lena is a girl with witch-blood in her veins, and Kara is a girl whose soul has never settled.
This is the story of two girls who have never fit in with anybody else- except each other.
stranger in her skin
Lena-centric. Growing up. Eventual SuperCorp.
“She is fourteen the first time she tries to run away.
It’s not something she plans- she just walks out of the house one day and doesn’t feel like coming back.”
Lena-centric fic set during her childhood. Basically the teen!Lena growing up fic you didn’t ask for and got anyways. :)
dust and shadow
SuperCorp. Harry Potter!AU
The SuperCorp Hogwarts AU you probably weren’t looking for that my trashy gay brain couldn’t help but writing.
Kara is only nine years old when her world ends.
There’s a flash of green light that passes through the glass of the windowshield as though it were as insubstantial as smoke that strikes her father squarely in the chest and then the wheel jerks and the world is spinning spinning spinning-
Her mother’s screams echo in her ears as the world turns upside down and right side up and upside down all over again. She’s reaching for her, fingers outstretched- Kara! -but her mother’s belt won’t loosen and neither will hers and all she knows is that she wants to get out, she wants to move-
They stop falling.
This was all typed and formatted on mobile, so just know I definitely did suffer while making this.
Happy reading! :)
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ao3feed-supercorp · 7 years
by OnceUponAGay
Words: 3689, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl, supercorp - Fandom, sanvers - Fandom, Cat Grant - Fandom, Lena Luthor - Fandom, Maggie Sawyer - Fandom, Alex Danvers - Fandom, Kara Danvers - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Lena Luthor, Lexi Luthor, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, James Olsen, Winn Schott, Cat Grant, Carter Grant, mon-hell
Relationships: Supercorp - Relationship, sanvers, Eventual James/Winn, Winn/Lena Brotp, Lena/Carter brother/sister kinda relationship
Additional Tags: The Winn/Lena brotp is amazing, superfriends are more like superfamily, carter and Lena's brother sister relationship is amazing, karas been ignoring them for mon-hell, Angst, Fluff
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' http://ift.tt/2gdJPB1 via IFTTT
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waytooinvested · 6 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 4
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human. And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
Rift era reconciliation/fix-it fic, starts out kind of on the angsty side but there will be more fluff later and plenty of bonding.
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Back home in her penthouse Lena headed straight for the kitchen, not bothering to pause long enough to remove her jacket or shoes.
It turns out that you were just too incompetent to work it out. You’ve really let me down Lena.
She pulled a glass out of the cupboard, half filled it with chardonnay, then stared down into the pale liquid for a few seconds, as if it might offer her some words of comfort to replace the relentless echo of all that had happened in Lex’s bunker.
She’s just like you – a lesser imitation of the real power in her family.
Lena drained the contents in a single long swallow, shuddering as the chilled wine hit the back of her throat.
I would love to believe you, but that can’t possibly be true.
She looked down at the glass in her hand, twirling the stem between her fingers as she contemplated the last couple of drops at the bottom.
I can think of a Luthor who might think that something like that was fitting revenge, but it’s not Lex.
Then she threw it against the wall.
It shattered, raining sharp fragments over the kitchen floor.
Lena left the glittering pieces where they lay and took out a whiskey tumbler, her movements deliberate and precise as she slammed it onto the worktop almost hard enough to crack the crystal, a counterpoint to the furious tremble that kept trying to assert itself in her hands.
She refused to let so much as a tremor show itself as she poured a triple measure from the dusty bottle she kept at the back of her drinks cabinet. It was rougher than her usual choice of scotch and lacked the subtle complexity of a fine sipping whiskey, but Lena wasn’t in the mood for slow savouring. She wanted to knock it back and feel it all the way down to her stomach.
She wanted it to burn.
Lena had let Lex live the last time they’d met, and to repay her he had taken the one person she least wanted to have to care about and forced her into a position where she had no moral choice but to actively save her; then behaved like he had done her a favour as he left her to be blamed for his crime by someone she had once called a friend.
She had helped Alex and the DEO to track down the missing Supergirl and had been on the point of getting her out safely, and yet had ended up right back where she always did – tarred with the Luthor brush and assumed to be a villain.
And as for Kara: somehow even unconscious Kara had managed to draw to the surface all the vulnerability Lena did not want to admit to herself she possessed and reignite the searing flame of a betrayal that simultaneously overshadowed and was dwarfed by how much she had loved her before all this happened.
Well, let them.
It was over now, and they had got all the amusement they were going to get from her.
She had done her part and got Kara safely home. She had warned the DEO what would happen if they convinced Supergirl of her identity without finding a way to circumvent Lex’s trap, and even shot her own brother (albeit unsuccessfully) in an attempt to stop any further harm being done. Alex and the entire DEO would be working on Kara’s case from now on, and it was clear that they neither needed nor wanted her help with that. She had nothing to feel guilty about, and she didn’t owe them another second of her time.
From now on, they could damn well manage without her, and if they tried to rope her in again-
Lena’s cell phone rang.
Out of habit, she pulled it out her pocket and stared at the name on her screen.
Fucking nerve.
She looked at the ringing phone in her hand for a long moment before jabbing the screen to reject the call.
Only it seemed that the half glass of wine and single swallow of whiskey she had managed to consume so far must have gone to her head faster than usual, because somehow she had hit the accept icon instead, and now she was holding the phone to her ear as if she had any intention at all of speaking to Alexandra Danvers, now or ever again.
Which she absolutely did not.
‘What do you want Alex. Did you call to tell me you’ve changed your mind and you’re coming to arrest me after all? Because it’s not a wise move to tip off your criminals in advance like that’.
Well, maybe a nice cathartic argument was exactly what she needed right now.
‘No, of course not... I actually called to thank you for your help getting Supergirl back, and to apologise. I was beyond out of line with how I treated you today, and I’m sorry. No matter how bad it looked I should never have assumed the worst like that – I know you would never hurt Kara the way Lex did. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I tend to get kind of over protective when I think Kara’s in danger and this time you got caught up in that... it’s no excuse, but I wanted you to know. I really am sorry Lena’.
That was… not what she had been expecting. The apparently sincere apology slightly took the wind out of her sails, though it was far from good enough. After all, apologising after the fact was easy. It didn’t mean that if something like this ever happened again, they wouldn’t find themselves right back where they had been, with Alex’s gun aimed squarely between Lena’s eyes as she reduced her to nothing more than another scheming Luthor.
‘Apology noted’.
Her tone crackled with the ice she hadn’t bothered to add to her drink, and Alex must have sensed that she was about to hang up on her, because before Lena could tap the end call icon she called out again, at a volume clearly intended to be heard by someone who had pulled the phone away from their ear.
‘Wait! Lena, I also wanted to check on how you’re doing. Today was a lot, and I can’t imagine how I’d be feeling right now if I’d been put in a position where shooting Kara felt like the only option I had left’.
Lena should have hung up anyway, but it was such a patently ridiculous false comparison that she couldn’t resist getting drawn in long enough to refute it.
‘Yes, well, Lex and Kara are hardly the same, are they?’
‘No, but he’s still your brother, and that can’t have been an easy choice to make. I honestly don’t know if I could have made the same one in your position’.
Of course she couldn’t have, Alex would always put Kara’s life ahead of anyone else’s. It had been one thing they used to agree on.
‘That’s because you’re not a Luthor’.
Not a scorpion. Not like Lena.
‘And you’re not as ruthless as you’re making out. I’m sorry I let myself forget that today, but you shouldn’t. You saved Kara. Even after everything that happened between you, you called me and offered to help get her back, and then you did. I owe you for that. I truly hope that we can find a non-lethal way to deal with Lex once and for all, but if it ever really comes down to it and there is no other choice, I will take the shot myself’.
Lena stared down at the phone in her hand, as if that might somehow help her take in the vehement resolve in Alex’s tone as she promised to shoot Lex Luthor.
Maybe she had a little more sting in her tail than Lena had given her credit for.
‘I thought the DEO didn’t kill these days’.
‘We don’t if we can help it, and I won’t if there’s another way. I don’t want to be a killer. But sometimes there is no other way, and if we reach that point with Lex, you shouldn’t have to be the one to do it’.
There was a lump in Lena’s throat that she couldn’t entirely explain.
It wasn’t gratitude.
It was just that she had never imagined that someone else would offer to do this just to spare her from being the one who had to kill him. Lex was her brother. Her problem. Her responsibility. It was a burden she had borne for years without any expectation of relief.
Not that she intended to lay it down now.
But even so…
She sighed, hearing the whoosh of her breath crackle through the speaker and across the miles that separated them to reach Alex’s ear, a wordless acknowledgement of an offer she couldn’t bring herself to say thank you for right now.
‘I assume this is the part where you ask me to help you find a way to get Supergirl back?’
‘Honestly? Yeah, we could really use your help. You know how Lex operates better than any of us, and you are mind blowingly good at off the cuff inventions for things no one else would even consider possible. I would love to have you on this. But that’s not why I called you, and if you decide that the way you feel about Kara and the rest of the DEO means you can’t or won’t do that I will understand. You have already done more for her than we had any right to expect’.
If Alex had tried to persuade her to help Lena would have been able to dig her heels in and refuse, and wouldn’t even have felt bad about it. It was true. She had already saved Kara, and there was no immediate risk to her life or to anyone else’s. She did not have to do this.
But somehow, when it became a genuine choice that she could say no to without consequence, Lena found herself unable to do so. She wondered fleetingly whether Alex knew that, and was trying to reverse psychology her into helping them with Supergirl, but she didn’t think so. Alex was a good Director and a genius in her own right in her field of bio engineering, but, as demonstrated by what had happened in the bunker, subtlety was not her forte. If she had called Lena with the goal of getting her to help undo Lex’s meddling, she would have asked outright.
Besides, this wasn’t just about Kara and whether or not she would get to be Super again one day. As the increasingly hysterical news articles about the disappearance of Supergirl proved, the entire city had become so reliant on her to save them that they didn’t know how to function without her, and innocent people were eventually going to die because of that.
‘I’ll help’.
‘Seriously? Lena, thank you. It’s really good to have you back on the team’.
‘Let me be clear here Alex. I will help Kara get her memories of Supergirl back, but that’s it. We are not friends, and this doesn’t changed what happened between us before Lex interfered’.
‘Fine, we’re not friends’.
Lena could almost hear the exasperated eye-roll taking place at the other end of the line, but she ignored the tone and took Alex at her word.
‘Good, just so long as we’re clear. Now, fill me in on where you are with Kara’s case and I’ll get started’.
‘That might take a while, and I need to finish the rest of the tests and collate the results first. Meet me at Al’s at 6pm tomorrow and we can go through it then. I feel like we’re going to need a drink for this’.
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ao3feed-supercat · 7 years
Supergirl: A Warrior's Grit
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2eSZ4OU
by Cerberus_Spectre
Cat and Lena Grant-Luthor are the most powerful women in National City, and rank no. two on the all time richest in the world. They've been with each other for years, carrying one another through thick and thin. Now they are both bored and feel as if something is lacking in their lives.
They decided to invest in their very own alien, purchasing her from the Fort Rozz black market so that they could participate in Roulette's Extreme CTF (Capture The Flag). Cat and Lena only meant for it to be as a form of entertainment to cure their boredom and bring a little excitement to their marriage and their lives.
And it did, but what happens next is not what they had in mind.
I'm always writing stuff no one asks for, but ya didn't know ya needed it until you read it. >:]
The rules of the game? Don't die.
Words: 3040, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), DC Cinematic Universe, The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Cat Grant, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Maggie Sawyer, Rip Hunter, The Legends of Tomorrow crew (Original), Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Barry Allen, Wally West, Jesse "Quick" Wells, Lois Lane, Clark Kent | Kal-El, Bruce Wayne, Batgirl, Nightwing, Selina Kyle, Diana (Wonder Woman), Maxwell Lord, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Oliver Queen, Speedy (DCU), Laurel Lance
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Cat Grant, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Cat Grant/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Cat Grant/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: AU-No Superheros, Aliens and Metahuman's still exist, Kara GP, Futanari, BAMF Kara Zor-El, Blood and Violence, Eventual Smut, Some angst, Polyamory, Love Triangle, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, I'm Not Ashamed, Kalex BroTP, SuperLane BroTP, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2eSZ4OU
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Some Supercorp prompts I have thought of!
Evil!Kara and reluctant evil!Lena: Kara is getting tired of everyone’s shit and the thought of killing the criminals in National City is haunting her. No virus or cure for her, established Supercorp and Lena seeing Kara turn even bad after everyday goes by. Lena loves Kara deeply so she joins Kara by killing her Mum first. Extra points for devastated Alex, Winn, James, Maggie and Lucy.
Ex!Lucy of Kara: Lucy and Kara used to date and were engaged once before Lucy walked out on Kara. Lena sees how uncomfortable Kara is and says she is the new ‘girlfriend’. Eventually feelings get told. 
Protective girlfriend!Kara: Everytime someone says something bad about Lena, Kara is always there to protect Lena. Extra points for Kara going to the media and setting the record straight.
So I keep picturing Lena walking around with a poodle so that is my headcanon that she owns a Poodle. Imagine Kara giving all her attention to the dog, and Lena is all “I lost my girlfriend to my dog”. Down the track Kara uses Lara/Lady? to propose to Lena.
Wonder Woman and Kara brotp! Kara going to Diana for advice 
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ao3feed-sanvers · 7 years
Supergirl: A Warrior's Grit
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2eSZ4OU
by Cerberus_Spectre
Cat and Lena Grant-Luthor are the most powerful women in National City, and rank no. two on the all time richest in the world. They've been with each other for years, carrying one another through thick and thin. Now they are both bored and feel as if something is lacking in their lives.
They decided to invest in their very own alien, purchasing her from the Fort Rozz black market so that they could participate in Roulette's Extreme CTF (Capture The Flag). Cat and Lena only meant for it to be as a form of entertainment to cure their boredom and bring a little excitement to their marriage and their lives.
And it did, but what happens next is not what they had in mind.
I'm always writing stuff no one asks for, but ya didn't know ya needed it until you read it. >:]
The rules of the game? Don't die.
Words: 3040, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), DC Cinematic Universe, The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Cat Grant, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Maggie Sawyer, Rip Hunter, The Legends of Tomorrow crew (Original), Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Barry Allen, Wally West, Jesse "Quick" Wells, Lois Lane, Clark Kent | Kal-El, Bruce Wayne, Batgirl, Nightwing, Selina Kyle, Diana (Wonder Woman), Maxwell Lord, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Oliver Queen, Speedy (DCU), Laurel Lance
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Cat Grant, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Cat Grant/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Cat Grant/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: AU-No Superheros, Aliens and Metahuman's still exist, Kara GP, Futanari, BAMF Kara Zor-El, Blood and Violence, Eventual Smut, Some angst, Polyamory, Love Triangle, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, I'm Not Ashamed, Kalex BroTP, SuperLane BroTP, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2eSZ4OU
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And I Love Her
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2qZdUce
by RainbowLuthor
"You have a daughter, Miss Grant?"
"Yes. Not very many people know about her because she likes to be kept out of the spotlight. However, she will one day be taking over CatCo and she needs to start putting herself out there. And that, my dear, is where you come in."
"Yes, Kiera, I need you to accompany Lena to the gala tomorrow."
Lena was adopted by Cat instead of the Luthors and Kara has a crush on her boss's beautiful brilliant daughter.
Cat Grant plays matchmaker and deserves all of the awards.
This is my first time writing and I suck at summaries, but give it a go?
Words: 1689, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Cat Grant, Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Winn Schott Jr., Maggie Sawyer, Jimmy Olsen, Lucy Lane (DCU), Supergirl - Character
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Cat Grant & Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: SuperCorp, Established Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alternate Universe-ish, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, sort of, but not really, Lena Luthor is actually happy because she deserves to be, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena/Winn brOTP, Hugs hugs and more hugs, so many hugs, and kisses, Shy Lena Luthor, Protective Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor deserves a mom who cares
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2qZdUce
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