#Lena dies on a Wednesday
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Back in May I got the wildest most amazing message from persevered-by-bronzing who said they’d like to make a hand bound hard copy of Lena Dies for me for Fanfiction Writer’s Appreciation Day.. for free. Obviously I thought this was a strange prank, but I said yes anyway and now here I am the VERY proud owner of a physical copy of one of my favorite works!!!!
Cannot express what a treasure this is to me now. I’m beyond delighted I can hardly contain it!!!!!! Look at how beautiful she is!
Also check out the group that does this if you’d ever like to get into book binding or possibly commission one of your own: Renegade Publishing
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rocketonthemoon · 4 months
I'm kinda new to the fandom and you seem to rec fics that I don't see around a lot. Any older SC fics I should look up?
Well I dunno how much I can vouch for my taste but SC fics I really like that are more than a few years old:
Where Lamps Go to Die by WastedOn - Kara pretends to be in a relationship with Supergirl and Lena gets jealous (probably my absolute favorite SC fic. One of the first I read and genuinely a lot of fun)
lena dies on a wednesday by @karalovesallthegirls - Lena is trapped in a loop, reliving the day she dies over and over again. She just doesn’t know it. (I think this was one of the first SC fics I ever read? absolutely fantastic)
in the shadow of that green light also by @karalovesallthegirls - Kara wakes from an accident with no memory and a mysterious caretaker who creates more questions than she answers. (I'm not normally one for horror but this is SO good and makes me want to rattle the bars of my enclosure it's so good)
1,370,911 by @pippytmi - Soulmate AND Singer/Songwriter AU (I reread this on the regular you don't understand the grip it has on me)
We Deserve Only Good Things by @thornedrose44 - Kara and Lena are working through how to be friends again and an alien has them meet the younger versions of each other (yeah this one wrecks me in the best ways honestly)
quiet when i'm coming home (i'm on my way) by @valkyrieskwad - Kara's a retired smoke jumper and has to figure out life afterwards (Kara learns how to fucking heal and I'm in love with this honestly)
and of course I gotta plug @i-am-robie's you're gunna find yourself someway, somehow - Morning Glory AU aka one of my favorite Kara fics ever
And then of course I gotta plug my own work.
These are only a small handful of course. This fandom is so talented there's so many good one's to choose! So like just go through my bookmarks and have a good time. Don't forget to leave comments!!!
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fyonahmacnally · 3 months
Thank you to @rainbow-rebellion for the amazing prompt!
“W-Wait…you’re going to Midvale this weekend? You’re spending the 4th of July in Midvale? With the Danvers? The same place I am going?” Lena asks, voice an octave higher than usual as her panicked green eyes dart between her computer screen, her cell phone, and the woman sitting in front of her. “K-Kara didn’t mention anything at lunch yesterday.”
Oh fuck! Lena thinks. This can’t be happening. Sam knows me too well. This is a disaster. Fuck! That’s it, I have to find an excuse not to go. 
Sam’s hazel eyes scan her boss and longtime friend’s face with a smirk. “Well, that’s because she just asked today. I ran into her on the sidewalk on my way back from lunch with Andrea. She invited the two of us as well as Ruby, but Rubes is going to be with her friends all weekend. So, it’s just Drea and I.” 
Shit, Andrea will be there as well. Goddammit, Kara. Drea knows me better than Sam! Gay panicking. You’re gay panicking. Okay, it’s fine. Everything is fine. You’re fine, Luthor. Get it together. You’ve hidden your pining for years. You can handle a weekend with your friends. 
The brunette CFO raises a brow in question, an act picked up from the raven haired genius over their years of working together. It’s obvious the youngest Luthor is panicking over the presence of two of her oldest friends. No, she’s full on gay panicking. Sam does her best to stifle her laughter for Lena’s sake, but just barely. “Why are you being so twitchy about it, Luthor? Drea and I have been going to game nights since I moved back to National City. Besides, all of us already know you have the hots for blondie.”
The L-Corp CFO grins as she watches Lena’s posture shift from nervous to defensive. The entirety of their friend group knows Kara and Lena have been pining over each other for years. Sam is more than aware of the reason her friend is being squirmy about her and Andrea spending the weekend in Midvale. Lena knows she and Andrea know her better than the rest of their friends. The two of them know her every little tell and both of them live to give her shit about it. 
Sam gives the youngest Luthor one final devilish smile before leaving her office. Lena knows she is absolutely fucked with the Arias and Rojas duo.
Lena does her best to put things out of her mind after her conversation with Sam. The first two days of her week fly by. It’s suddenly Wednesday, she’s finished her work for the day, and is currently standing in the middle of her walk-in closet trying to figure out what to pack for her four day weekend in Midvale. 
The past few years with Kara around have provided a crash course in “comfy clothes” as the hero calls them. She has even accumulated a lot more casual clothing, but it doesn’t mean she has figured out how to pack for a holiday weekend, much less one held primarily outdoors. Honestly, she never really had holiday weekends while growing up with the Luthors. How the hell is she supposed to know these things? 
She sighs and glances down at her watch, she should have been finished packing hours ago.
Kara will be at her penthouse any minute and she has exactly three things packed – her toiletries, her tablet, and her glasses. They are supposed to leave at 7:00 pm, which is exactly 45 minutes from now. There is absolutely no way she will have all of her shit done by Kara’s proposed departure time. 
The Kryptonian wants to beat everyone to her childhood home to help Eliza set-up for all the guests. Lena pulled out all the stops and tried her best to get out of going after learning Sam and Andrea would be there, but the lovable reporter wielded her deadly pout and any further attempt died on her lips. So here she is, packing her suitcase. She was originally excited for the trip. It was supposed to be relaxing, but now she’s certain she will spend the entirety of the trip tense as a mouse in a room full of cats. 
Lena sighs, again. She can already feel her anxiety climbing and shakes her head. Get yourself together, Luthor. Accept the fact you’re the mouse and will be tormented by two very devious cats. Fucking Sam and Andrea.  
She gets lost in her thoughts. The next thing she knows, warm arms wrap around her waist causing her to shriek like a banshee. Once she calms down and wrangles her heart out of her throat, she smacks Kara for scaring the hell out of her quickly followed by shaking her now aching hand. They tag team her packing and get it done much faster than she would have alone. Unfortunately, she let her heart eyes cloud her judgment and allowed her years-long crush to take care of her swimwear for the weekend. There is no doubt in her mind she is going to regret this decision later as she has no idea what awaits her.
You are a fucking gay disaster, Luthor. Useless, pining queer disaster. 
Unfortunately, Kara Danvers is her kryptonite. Lena Luthor cannot say no to that woman. It’s impossible.
Read the rest on AO3 - link at the top.
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axinite25 · 4 months
I absolutely know the all too famous "lena dies on a wednesday" and im ready for your bishova fic
I absolutely love that story! It's so so good, and I couldn't stop thinking about it, I'm excited to show everyone the Bishova version!
I'm gonna link it when it's posted for anyone who's curious, because Supercorp shipper or not, that's one of The™ Fanfics of all time 😍
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inkedroplets · 4 months
WIP Wednesday Friday
thank you so much @sideguitars and @eqt-95 for the tag Here's an excerpt from the last Chapter of Rich Girl that should be out shortly if work stops occupying every moment of free time.
Kara stared up at the hologram. At Lena. Before she could stop herself she reached out as if it was something she could touch. Her fingertips passed through it and she drew her hand back as quickly as if she had been burned. She stood up on legs as shaky as a newborn foal. Her eyes roamed the hologram’s face with a desperate kind of greed.
Lena’s hologram fidgeted, almost appearing to waffle under Kara’s intense scrutiny. Not that such a thing was possible. The real Lena, the one who would likely blush under the intensity of her gaze was still lying in the operating room. This Lena before her was something else entirely. A recording. A memory. “Hello, Kara.” Lena’s hologram smiled wryly. “If you ever watch this… If you are watching this, it means something has happened to me…” She considered this particular turn of phrase incredibly carefully, lips pursed as she did so. “It means that I’m no longer around…” Again she seemed to ponder her choice of words very carefully, lips pushed together in a tight line that was not quite a frown. She must have found the right words because her smile returned, weak and shivery like moonlight glimpsed through a scrim of clouds. “If you’ve already heard, already know that I've died, you don’t know what really happened. You don’t know the truth and I think you deserve to hear it.”
Kara took in breath in a series of shuddering gasps as tears slipped down her face. She brushed them away, shaking her head so strongly it dislodged a few tears. They glittered like tiny jewels as they fell.
"After what I planned to do with Myriad, what I did to you in the Fortress… Trapping you there… leaving you…" Lena's hologram closed their eyes tight. From the way her shoulders began to quiver, Kara thought she might begin to cry but when Lena opened her eyes again, no tears fell. "I knew,” she said and each word seemed to cause her pain, “I could no longer trust myself. How could I when I had deluded myself into pursuing something so terrible? Realizing how easy it was for me to justify myself again and again when I had misgivings. And hurting you like I did…” Her voice tapered off and her eyes closed as she took a deep breath. “No better than Lex,” she said and the revulsion on her face momentarily twisted her features into a moue of self-loathing. 
“So I scuttled every one of my projects at L-Corp. Put them on indefinite hold until I could be sure that I wouldn't misuse them. I told myself it was a temporary measure.” She flashed a rueful smile and shook her head slowly.  “But with nothing for me to do but dwell on everything that had happened, everything I’d done, I was drowning,” she said with a solemn finality that broke Kara’s heart.
"I hardly ever left my office. I wasn't sleeping and I was drinking too much. I knew things couldn’t continue that way much longer but I was afraid.” She smiled sadly. “I still wanted to do good but I wasn’t sure if I could be good.” She tilted her head sideways as if to say do you understand the difference? Kara thought she did. 
“I’m a Luthor, after all,” she said in a tired monotone, that of a person who has been forced to  retell a joke they didn’t find very funny the first time around. A ghost of a smile touched her lips. “Most people think that we’re incapable of being anything in the ballpark of good and after what I did, I can’t say I blame them. When I used to hear people whisper about me behind my back, or when they’d tell me to my face how much they despised me, how I wasn’t fooling anyone, I took most of it in stride. All the more fun to prove them wrong, I thought.” She laughed, although there wasn’t a shred of humor in her voice as she did so. “But not all of it,” Lena admitted, dropping her voice to a low whisper, looking ashamed to say so out loud. “At times it could be so exhausting. Tolerated but never trusted.  Having people not just expect the worst from me but to see them almost want to see it happen. Like the concept of a good Luthor was an offense to their reality. It always felt so unfair because I knew if I was someone else, anyone else it would be different. I found myself thinking about that a lot while I was holed up in my office. I think maybe that’s how I got the idea in the first place. Or at least the first domino… I’m getting ahead of myself,” she said, veering away from whatever she had been about to say, although Kara was fairly certain she already knew, even if she didn’t quite understand. 
“On one  of the rare nights I actually went home, I happened to turn on the news.” She shrugged. “Just something to have on in the background. I was only half-listening, at first but something caught my attention. A hostage situation in Gotham. A bank robbery went awry and they took some of the staff hostage. Negotiations with the police had broken down and with the way the reporters were pushed right up against the barricades, I think they knew instinctively that whatever the outcome, good or bad, it was going to happen soon.” She worked her mouth around as if something bitter had been forced upon her. “That was what got my full attention. Some of the reporters looked as if they were hoping things might turn out bad.” 
Anger momentarily darkened her face. “It was the same look people would sometimes give me. Hoping I’d finally show my true colors and unveil the death ray I had been building under L-Corp.” She chuckled humorlessly. “I didn’t want their bad faith rewarded so I said a little prayer to whoever might be listening; that the hostages all get out safely." She laughed again. Only this time it was the genuine article. “And then there he was, just in the nick of time, as if he had arrived to answer my prayers. Batman,” she said and there was an unmistakable hint of amusement in her voice. “A few moments later, the hostages came spilling out the doors and I couldn’t help but smile. It was the first time I had done that in weeks.”
I never know who to tag in these and when I do I feel like I'm bothering people but if you feel like sharing: @trashpandato @sazernac @theredcapeofk
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moistvonlipwig · 1 month
supercorp 1 8 9 16 20
right on 🫡
What is my absolute favorite of their scenes and why do I love it so much?
Oh I don't know...there are many good classic scenes. For the sake of spicing it up I'll talk about a moment that I don't often see people discuss and that is actually from an episode that I otherwise don't really like, namely: the scene in 5x19 where Kara is on the ground with kryptonite coursing through her veins and then Lena's anti-kryptonite device flies in and attaches itself to her suit and before it's even started working, Kara smiles and laughs. Just...the fact that Kara is in (if we are to believe her assessment in S3) incredible pain and that doesn't even matter to her because Lena's on her side again. I think that's a really sweet moment and it captures a lot of what I wish S5 & S6 had been about for them lol.
8. Am I most interested in fics about them that focus on fluff, angst, humor, smut or actual plot?
Angst, humor, & plot are all good with me. Fluff & smut tend to bore me.
9. What is my ideal endgame for them?
Hm, I could envision several good endgames for them (none of which include Lena being a witch or Kara becoming editor-in-chief or revealing herself to the world lol). I think ideally Kara would eventually become known as Superwoman and maybe would become more of an independent freelance journalist, while Lena would run the Lena Luthor Foundation which presumably funds Good Things. Lena would keep kryptonite on hand in a secret vault in case of emergency and Kara would be cool with it, and Lena would also design all kinds of suits & accessories for Kara (sorry Brainy but your Supergirl suit design was not very good). I like the idea of Kara having a longer, more stately cape especially as she grows older and more confident.
I do think they'd both want to get married, probably in a Kryptonian or Kryptonian-inspired ceremony. I think they should get a cat or a dog or both. I like lena-in-a-red-dress's fic where Lena adopts Dex-Starr the Red Lantern cat so let's say their cat is Dex-Starr. And their dog can be Rex from sango-blep's comics. Rex is cute.
I like the idea of them having kids, though I also think they'd be OK without them. If they did have kids I think the kids would be Luthors, not Danverses or Luthor-Danverses. They would also probably be created via birthing matrix or a similar technology invented by Lena because I can't imagine either Kara or Lena wanting to get pregnant lol. I like Leo Alexander as a name for a boy. I'm less sure about names for girls (maybe Sasha? Elizabeth? Linda?) but I don't like Lori, I know that's popular because of an old comic where Lena has a daughter named Lori but I am not a fan.
16. What are three of my fic recs for this ship? And (in the event that I’ve written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I’m most proud of?
Catfishy Business by whythinktoomuch is an iconic and deeply funny fic.
lena dies on a wednesday by karalovesallthegirls is a GREAT time loop fic that ingeniously puts us in the shoes of someone who doesn't know they're in a time loop. I think you've said you've read it? Still, it bears re-reading.
There are so many other great fics I could rec but I'll rec one that is a little bit lesser-known, since I've already named two very well-known fics. Which is and darling (is there a cure for this hunger?) by m_oliverfan, aka There Are Consequences To Sending Nyxly To Eternal Torment Land, Actually.
I've only finished one fic for SC so far which is laid in thine enemy's grave? - in truth, i dig it, which I believe you've also read. ^_^
20. How and when should they have gotten together?
I think in a better S5 where they started talking to each other sooner -- end of 5x13 would've been a good time -- and had some time to work through some stuff, I could see an end-of-S5 confession or kiss working. In terms of the actual show, which was never very good at writing romance, I think a Korrasami-style 'they end up together or are implied to end up together as part of Kara finding herself' would've charmed me.
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gveret-fic · 2 years
If you're up to sharing, what are some of the Warrior Nun fics you enjoyed?
Honestly I've loved basically every fic I've tried so far, let's go!
of greater marvels yet to be by seabiscuit - a religious studies doctorate student on the rebound visits a church library to research for her dissertation about lesbian nuns, and falls in love with a lesbian nun. My first introduction to this fandom. Gorgeous, spectacular, transcendent. To me, everything here is in the seabiscuit nun romance cinematic universe
mirages of you by totheflame - It's a beautiful, carefree, idyllic Tuesday in Switzerland, a perfect day to realize Ava is in love with her best friend. But why is Beatrice so sure Tuesday was yesterday? Is she okay? A wonderful, emotional time loop fic from the perspective of the one who is out of the loop. (Bonus rec for lena dies on a wednesday by karalovesallthegirls, the first example of this fantastic premise I've seen).
favorable conditions by sunsafe - Governor's daughter Ava has become so smitten with an honorable navy officer so far beneath her station and so steadfast in her propriety that she has no choice but to become a pirate about it. Extremely delightful. All the best tropes you'd expect and impeccable execution, and we haven't even gotten to the piracy yet.
the next best thing by unicyclehippo - A beautiful, lyrical oneshot soaked to the bone in the most tender, heartwrenching pining and care and love expressed through observation.
desperate times, desperate measures by AdeleDazeem - Ava needs Beatrice to give her multiple hickeys for extremely serious, extremely platonic reasons. Beatrice selflessly acquiesces. It all goes perfectly, platonically to plan.
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scify65 · 1 year
Lena can die now. It hits her all at once, this acceptance. There is this moment of realization, when you’re at the end, of what’s really important, and Lena knows now that that which matters most will be safe. Even at the hardest moments, it’ll make it through. It’s bulletproof. Someone is touching her, she realizes, though the touch feels miles away. Kara is there, beautiful Kara, and she’s crying and her tears are dropping on to Lena’s face and Lena wants to tell her it’s okay, everything is okay now because Kara is Supergirl. She’s a superhero. Kara is yelling, pleading, pawing at the body that’s no longer hers. The dark is engulfing her now, and it’s warm and quiet and she’s so, so happy. What a balm it is to know that her love will be safe without her. How lucky is she, to love a thing death cannot touch. ------- Lena wakes to thunder.
I don't normally share fanfiction I like, but this one... I dunno. The way Lena thinks about Kara, the way her last thoughts tend to be relief that Kara's going to be safe... I just really enjoy it.
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oldisnewradio · 5 months
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Mike Renzi was Musical Director, Arranger & Accompanist to some of the biggest names in show business. These talented & lucky ladies spent a day with Mike and would record with him. These would be Mike's last studio recordings. Mike Renzi died on September 29, 2021. Finally we will present an appreciation of his musical contribution. In addition to hearing Mike with Tony Bennett & Lena Horne & Maureen McGovern & Mel Torme and dozens of others, we will also hear Mike’s final recordings from the Recording Studio Workshop tapings. Provided to us by the workshop’s creator Lina Koutrakos with performances by: Margaret Curry, Diane D'Angelo, Mary Sue Daniels, Patrice McKinley, Ann Talman & Lina Koutrakos.
Join me for Everything Old Is New Again Radio Show on Sundays 10PM(ET) on WBAI 99.5 FM New York & wbai.org & Wednesdays 9PM(ET) on The Penthouse at thepenthouse.fm
More info at www.oldisnew.org
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Anna Faris Names Director She Says Touched Her Inappropriately On The Set
Actor Anna Faris says the late director Ivan Reitman slapped her arduous on the butt as she stood on a ladder through the filming of 2006′s “My Tremendous Ex-Girlfriend.” She recognized Reitman on her podcast “Unqualified,” launched Wednesday, after recounting the incident in 2017 with out the identify of the filmmaker. “Can I communicate unwell of the useless?” Faris requested visitor Lena Dunham in introducing the subject. She recalled Reitman yelling at her after she was late to the set on her first day due to a wig-glue accident in make-up. “Later, he slapped my ass, too, and that was a bizarre second,” she mentioned. “I don’t suppose you’re the primary one that’s reported that,” Dunham replied. “And I’m so sorry you had that have. And did nobody step in and say, ‘No?’” “No. It was, like, 2006,” Faris answered. “I had 30 folks round me anticipating me to do one thing, however I didn’t,” she added. Because the Me Too motion raged, Faris recalled feeling “small” as Reitman spanked her. “I used to be doing a scene the place I used to be on a ladder and I used to be imagined to be taking books off a shelf and he slapped my ass in entrance of the crew so arduous,” Faris mentioned. “And all I may do was giggle.” “I bear in mind trying round and I bear in mind seeing the crew members being like, ‘Wait, what are you going to do about that? That appeared bizarre.’ And that’s how I dismissed it,” she continued. “I used to be like, ‘Effectively, this isn’t a factor. Like, it’s not that large of a deal. Buck up, Faris. Like, simply giggle.’ But it surely made me really feel small. He wouldn’t have performed that to the lead male.” For no cause in any respect, this is a scene of Anna Faris shelving books on a ladder in “My Tremendous Ex-Girlfriend,” directed by Ivan Reitman pic.twitter.com/eV8NE82DDI — Jillian Sederholm (@JillianSed) October 24, 2017 “One in all my hardest movie experiences was with Ivan Reitman,” Faris mentioned earlier within the podcast. “I imply, the concept of making an attempt to make a comedy below this, like, reign of terror, he was a yeller. He would carry down any individual day-after-day and my first day, it was me.” Reitman, who directed “Ghostbusters,” died in February of this yr. His son, director Jason Reitman, didn’t instantly reply a request for remark. Anna Faris with Ivan Reitman in 2014 at CinemaCon in Las Vegas. Charley Gallay through Getty Photographs Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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comeoncomeout41 · 4 years
the only arrowverse show from the core 4 that has not had a groundhog day episode is supergirl. arrow, the flash, and legends have all had one. i fully believe we are going to get one in s6
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ohmygrath · 5 years
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Ohmygoddd why is she soo goood 😭😭😭😭
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“I believe in this city,” she begins just as the world explodes.
The force of it throws her forward and through her podium. Everything is burning, she might be burning, although she can’t think much beyond the smoke around her and ringing in her ears. Her face is pressed down into muck and from her position she can just make out the flaming remains of the stage, the L Corp logo melting down its slabs. 
She blinks repeatedly, trying to clear the dust from her watering eyes, tries to wipe it away with hands that won’t seem to listen. Nothing hurts, not yet at least, but she can’t make herself move. Then the world is spinning and she’s greeted with the most welcome sight: Kara, crouching over her, dirty but alive. “I’m so glad you're okay,” she wants to say, tries to say, but she’s barely getting air into her lungs as is and her body doesn’t want her using any of it elsewhere. Kara is saying words she cannot hear above the ringing and she keeps looking at Lena’s chest in horror. Lena tries to lean forward a bit to see what she’s so worried about, but Kara pushes her back down. The ringing really is quite loud; Lena would much rather listen to the panicked sounds of Kara’s voice than the continual hum of what is likely some level of hearing loss. Kara presses her hand to Lena’s chest though she can’t feel it, and when she pulls her hand back Lena can see it’s covered in blood. Ah. That explains the panic. Another explosion hits, and Kara falls forward and over Lena protectively. A deep stinging sensation has begun to creep into the buzzing silence. Her eyes roll a bit, uncooperative, and that is when she catches sight of the heavily armed man skulking their way.
Lena feels, appropriately enough, all the blood drain from her face at once, and she tries in vain to push Kara away, to scream, to make any sort of sound or movement aside from a frantic glance back and forth. Somehow, Kara understands to look, and her entire body seems to tighten up at the sight. Instead of running like Lena so dearly wanted her to do, the foolish girl stands as if to shield Lena from her assassin.
Lena is fading so fast - she can feel it every small wheeze that hits her lungs - and oh god, she can’t watch Kara die. Kara dying in front of her would be the ultimate hell. Maybe she’s already dead, maybe this is her afterlife where she will spend eternity reliving this nightmare. Her fingertips are numb.
Lena can see the man lifting the rifle and she can feel the animalistic scream that tears from her throat. She sees her dear Kara blocking her with her own body like she’s not already dead, like she’s worth sacrificing it all for, and Lena thinks she may still be screaming when the shooter fires his rapid burst but she knows she’s silent when Kara is still there unmoved, unfazed.
Maybe this really is her death dream, because Kara is still very much alive as she stalks over to him. Flings him away like he’s weightless, twists his gun into a bow. She turns back to look at Lena, and it becomes abundantly clear that the shooter did hit her - with many rounds, in fact, as her shirt hangs in tattered shreds and the floor sits littered with crumbled bullets. And there clear as day where blood should be there is blue, the red on her chest only from that iconic symbol.
Lena closes her eyes and laughs a blood-thick laugh, coughs, barely feels the tears that drip down into the mud she is dying in.
Kara Danvers is Supergirl.
thank god thank god thank god
Lena can die now. It hits her all at once, this acceptance. There is this moment of realization when you’re at the end of what the most important thing is, and Lena knows now that that which matters most will be safe. Even at the hardest moments, it’ll make it through. It’s bulletproof.
Someone is touching her, she realizes, though the touch feels miles away. Kara is there, beautiful Kara, and she’s crying and her tears are dropping on to Lena’s face and Lena wants to tell her it’s okay, everything is okay now because Kara is Supergirl.
She’s a superhero.
Kara is yelling, pleading, pawing at the body that’s no longer hers. The dark is engulfing her now, and it’s warm and quiet and she’s so, so happy. What a balm it is to know that her love will be safe without her. How lucky is she to love a thing death cannot touch.
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A college au where Lena does the unthinkable: she forgets about her chemistry lab. Now Lena never misses a lab. She’s never even late to class. So when her lab partner calls her, asking where she is, her heart drops. She’d forgotten it’s Wednesday. How could she forget it’s Wednesday?
A glance at her watch tells her that she has approximately 10 minutes before she’s actually late, which is plenty of time to get two buildings over to the lab space.
The only minor snag is, well… lab dress code. Normally, that would never be an issue. She always keeps a spare pair of safety goggles in her bag, and she’d never deign to wear something like shorts or sandals to attend classes, like some of her peers.
But… some days, she’s just stayed up far too late studying. Some days, she’s barely staying upright by coffee and willpower alone, and she’s so tired that she couldn’t even be bothered to put her contacts in before classes. On those days, she’s willing to make a minor exception to her usually immaculate state of dress.
With her biomedical engineering midterm fast approaching, today happens to be one of those days. The skin tight leggings that she threw on before sleepily rushing out the door that morning mock her with the way that they cling. Honestly it’s not as if she planned to spill corrosives on herself, but she knows for a fact Dr. Kord wouldn’t allow her to walk through the door in such “lab inappropriate apparel.”
Ugh. At least, the tennis shoes she threw on are close-toed. She’ll figure something out.
And as she scurries through the chemistry halls towards the lab, that something presents itself.
She catches site of a blond girl in comfy looking NCU sweat pants heading into the restroom just around the corner from her destination. And really, she can’t believe she’s doing this, but her options are limited. So she looks the girl dead in the eye through the mirror and steels herself, as she firmly states, “I need your pants.”
“You… what?” her bewilderment is evident in her reflection.
“Your pants. I need them,” Lena repeats to the stranger, raising her chin, as if this isn’t the strangest request (read: demand) she’s ever made.
The blond turns around to face her, spluttering as she pulls at the straps of her backpack. She eyes the door behind Lena momentarily, before asking, “Why?”
Lena sighs, “Chemistry lab,” and glances down at her watch, a frown growing. “In two and a half minutes. And I… well…” She gestures down at her legs, sheepishly. “I forgot.”
Her eyes lock again with the blond’s and she momentarily forgets her fluster in realization that, behind dark-framed glasses, they’re a vibrant shade of blue. And determined, too.
Determined enough to usher Lena into a stall, and without a word, she heads into the adjacent one. A pair of sweats are flopped over the dividing wall for Lena to grab, and as she strips off her leggings to pull on the sweat pants, she notices the name ‘Danvers’ running down the thigh. It seems oddly familiar, but—
“So how long is this lab?” the girl in the next stall asks.
“Four hours.” The splutter from next door tells Lena that maybe this ‘Danvers’ didn’t necessarily think this through.
“Four hours?! Am I supposed to just… hang out here, pants-less, that whole time?”
And, oh, that finally breaks through Lena’s stress and embarrassment. “Of course not.” Laughing, she tosses her leggings over the wall, and exits her stall to the sound of shuffling.
“Thanks for this, by the way,” Lena says as she digs for her goggles in her bag. “I really owe you.”
“It’s no problem,” the voice behind her says as the stall door swings open. “It may be one of the weirder things to happen to me, but definitely not the weirdest.”
Lena goes to laugh at that, but the sound dies in her throat and her mouth goes dry as she takes in the reflection of incredibly fit and well-muscled legs shifting under the tight material of her leggings. She has to swallow a deep breath and blink hard to recalibrate her mind.
But the girl immediately decimates the progress by twisting to get a view of her ass in the tight spandex, giving Lena a rather favorable view in the process.
“Don’t look too terrible, do they?” she asks with a grin.
“No.” Lena’s voice comes out strangled, and she looks away, clearing her throat before trying again. “No, definitely not.”
Looking for anywhere to place her eyes that isn’t on her savior’s well-defined (and now prominently-displayed) ass, Lena glances at her watch again.
“I should—“ Lena starts, gesturing to the door.
“Yeah,” the girl agrees, shuffling her feet and scratching at the back of her neck. And was that a faint blush Lena spied on her cheeks?
“I’ll, uh, get these back to—“
“No worries. Go, we’ll figure something—“
They both pause, just gazing at each other for a moment, when Lena’s phone rings.
“Lena, where are you?!” a voice calls from the phone speaker.
Lena flashes the blond a last smile and a little wave, as she says, “I’m just around the corner, Jack. I’ll be right—“
She runs straight into her lab partner, who steadies her as she stumbles. “—there.”
“Thank god. You made it. I was worried I’d have to pair up with that moronic—“ Jack’s voice trailed off as he stared at her, mouth agape. “Are you… Why are you wearing Kara’s sweats?”
“Who?” Lena’s brows furrow.
“Kara. Kara Danvers. NCU’s star soccer player? She was in that game Sam dragged us to.” A smug grin spreads across Jack’s face. “I knew it! I knew you were lusting over her! You spent the whole time staring.”
Danvers. That’s why the name sounded familiar. And, now that she thought about it, the face too, though she hadn’t worn those glasses that hid half her face during the game.
“God, I can’t believe you’re sleeping with Kara Danvers. I can’t wait to tell Sam.” Jack sounded far too gleeful about the whole situation.
“We’re— I’m… I’m not— We’re not—“ Lena struggles to get any words out to explain the situation. But images of the blond… Kara… in her leggings spring to life in her mind, and Lena quickly realizes she wouldn’t be opposed to it being true.
“Lena. Darling. You got in her pants. Literally.” Jack smirks, and a blushing Lena just shoves him towards the door.
“Just get in the fucking lab.”
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searidings · 3 years
Could I ask you for some angsty supercorp fic rec, if you have any? I'm kinda in the mood for some bittersweet romance since the show is ending. I suppose I'm just steeling myself for Tuesday.
Thank you!
captain holt p a i n dot gif
lena dies on a wednesday by @karalovesallthegirls
spending all my nights alone (waiting for you to call me) by dancingthru
people will say we're in love by @takethegrasskara
truce by @itllsetyoufree
sink into you like water (pray you won't pull me under) by @valkyrieskwad
worlds between us by lycanhood
would you forget me? (do i know you?) by @hrwinter
mine when you're with me by wavegoodbye
pour me a drink by lunchables
not afraid to fall by prettyaveragewhiteshark
i need you to pencil in the rest by @mooosicaldreamz
handprint on my heart by dancingthru
please don't go by @itllsetyoufree
you ruined national city for me by @jjulyingg
this gut punch by @blymoon
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janusa · 4 years
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Links to feautured fics under the cut.
made of stars by gveret | @gveret-fic
ray of light by Lia_Petros | @liapetros
an animal within an animal by moosicaldreamz
everything pink by amnesiayourself | @amnesia-yourself
can i have you for the rest of my life? by amnesiayourself  | @amnesia-yourself
i know you don’t believe (it’s you i’ve waited for) by Jazzfordshire | @jazzfordshire
lips drawn constellations and pen marked kisses by sapphic_luthor | @sapphic-luthor
is this who we are now? by luthorial 
a wrench in clocks and the solar system by C_AND_B | @c–and–b
she blinded me with science by BigMammaLlama5 | @bigmammallama5
lena dies on a wednesday by karalovesallthegirls | @karalovesallthegirls
with the birds i’ll share this lonely view by searidings | @searidings
the girl she loves pitch_playbook
in another life by JetpackingPenguin
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