switch-writer · 11 months
Can I request Johnny Cage hcs? He has such chaotic switch energy
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Johnny Cage Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: As a Johnny Cage fan since MK9, I love how Johnny SINGLE-HANDEDLY managed to get people who never played Mortal Kombat to love it. Its honestly too funny 😭 But! I love Johnny, he was always a fun little character. Nonetheless. It was fun writing these due to his goofy personality. Do enjoy!
• Right out of the way, he might as well have a sixth sense of telling if someone is ticklish and how to get them laughing, where to poke, etc.
• His energy is infinite so his hands will be jumping all over the place and tickle anywhere he can reach. He likes to jump from spot to spot. Very all over the place.
• He’ll stop once someone needs him to. He pushes people a little bit, but as long as they’re laughing and trying to push him off, he’ll stop for them. He’s kind hearted.
• …Although. You will certainly persuade him much easier if you feed him a compliment or two… or three… or many.
• “You want me to stop? Alright alright… BUT! First off! Who’s the most talented movie star out there? What was that? Say that again? Can’t hear you over the laughter!”
• He will also playfully put on a announcer voice and say things like “And the most ticklish fighter in the world goes to…!”
• He’ll often shove someone back down when they try to get up. If they have long hair? He shoves it in their face. Wearing a hat? In their face so they can’t see. Etc.
• He’d also probably take photos with the person quickly while they’re smiling then quickly go right back to tickles.
• His goal is just to make the person laugh any means necessary, including silly actions to make sure he succeeds.
• Once he knows someone is ticklish, he’d probably take a jab at their sides every so often and have a big grin that basically screams his cockiness. Almost as if he’s trying to say ‘I still know’ and so he can dangle it over their head.
• He’d also give a eyebrow raise whenever someone who’s ticklish snarks off, and wiggle his fingers as if to send the hint that they should watch it or else the movie star is gonna rush over and do his usual mischievous (and slightly annoying) acts.
• Despite all of this, this is probably as often as the rest of his antics. He’d tickle someone every so often just as he’d shove a camera in someone’s face every so often with the flash on.
• That being said, he knows when to be serious, and knows when someone is being direct with him. He’s a actor and knows what to look for in body language.
• …He’d still give a little poke though.
• And that leads to the flip side of things.
• He’s someone to slowly back away with his hands up and go ‘woah woah! Lets get rational here.’ With a nervous smile.
• He’d consider running but his ego says it’d be too cowardly, however, he can’t handle when someone stares at him in a dead serious manner yer clearly has the intent to tickle him. He’ll run. The seriousness makes Johnny panic even more so he’ll bolt it. Other than that, he’ll stand his ground.
• He’ll constantly grab at the other person’s hands to block them. If you’ve played MK11, you remember the mime time move where he’ll act like a mime and if you hit him, he’ll basically reflect the attack/block it then immediately hit the other person (sorta similar to his fatal blow in MK1) so think of it like that. He’ll grab hands when they come at him and try and flip the tables.
• He will flail, he kicks, he’ll wiggle, he will do anything to dodge the tickles. So sit on his waist and he’ll be a sitting duck. Straddle him or pin him or else you’ll have. 50% percent chance of being kicked.
• Once the tickles actually start? His hands will auto focus on getting your hands off. His nerves freak out and therefore his hands flip out and frantically try and get the sensations off. But he’ll usually give in after the first minute because he loses most of his strength.
• But his actual laugh is extremely contagious, it probably sounds a little goofy and a touch more high pitched than his normal laugh, but it’s a contagious laugh that’s loud. He’ll also sometimes start silent laughing at his limit.
• He’ll start backpedaling the moment the tickles start.
• Johnny maybe bold with his actions, such as when he takes pictures when tickling someone, but if someone takes a photo or dare I say a video of him, his face will go tomato red. He isn’t a man easily embarrassed, but there’s things that make him tomato red, and that’s one of them.
• If that video is ever mentioned, he will quiet down fast too.
• He’ll be a major giggler after the tickles stop. He’ll just slowly get up as he giggles, fixing his shades with a giggle. The tingles will linger for a moment with him.
• He’ll usually be mellow for the next 30 minutes or so too. He’ll be quieter and less obnoxious, but he’ll chat normally.
• Johnny also likes teasingly going ‘hey, 20 bucks a second’ just to quickly say it’s a joke in case someone tries to tickle persuasion into him, one look that hints tickles, he’ll quickly clear it up.
• Over all, Johnny thinks it’s amusing to do it to others, and is greatly embarrassing when he’s on the receiving end. But… it’s mostly fun, so that’s what matters to him!
Hopefully you enjoyed!
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greasersgyatt · 6 months
Could u do Lee dally? Ik it’s rare to see him as a Lee but it would be cute
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{yes ofc the ler will be johnny if thats okay<3}
Dally was sitting out on a field, smoking a cigarette. For thr past week or so, dally hasnt been the same. He doesnt know why but he just felt weird. He has been drinking his life away for these past few days as if to make himself happier or something. This has never happened before. Hes dallas Winston. Hes never sad. He never cares about anything. Why does he care about himself now?
As he sat just by himself and his thoughts, he heard someone. He glanced over his shoulder to see johnny, a member from their gang. “Whats up, johnnycake? What are you doing here?” Dallas asked with a raised eyebrow. He tried to act normal (he knew how to do that well.) he didnt want anyone to fund out about how he was acting, especially johnny. If Johnny knew, he would have endless amounts of questions..
But what if it made him feel better? Talking to someone about it? But he pushed that thought away when he heard johnnny breathless voice. “..ran away from some socs. There were too many of them, i couldnt fight them off myself” johnny answered as he came over to dally’s side. “..why are you here?” Johnny asked. “Just chilling in a random field?” “Yea, just thought it was a peaceful place” dallas replied. That didnt sound like a dallas answer. He kinda felt shocked about how johnny even found him. It was a random field. Dally didnt think anyone could find him here. He didnt know whether to feel annoyed or relaxed that johnny found him. “..this isnt a place someome would normally find you in” johnny mumbled, looking around. The field seemed like it never had a end to it, but he couldnt lie, the view was pretty nice. You could see a bit of the town from up there and what was even more nice was that the sun was setting and the sky was a pink-orange colour. “I know. Sometimes i just come here for some peace and quiet” dally shrugged. Johnny looked at him suspiciously. Dally was normally a loud person and could barely handle silence. It was quiet for a few moments as they both looked out into the distance. “..can i ask you something?” Johnny asked. “Sure” dally replied, looking at johnny. “..whats up with you this week? Youve been drinking non stop and you’re much more aggressive to everyone” johnny said. Obviously johnny was the one who noticed. Fuck. “Im fine, johnnycake” dallas just answered, not wanting to talk about it. “Are you s-” before johnny could even finish, dallas snapped. “Yes johnny im fucking sure. Now shut your trap before i slap your face off.” Dallas almost instantly regreted what he said as he buried his face in his hands. Its not usual for dallas to snap at johnny and it definitely not usual for dallas to act like this in the first place. “..want me to cheer you up?” Johnny asked sweetly. Dallas glanced at johnny, raising an eyebrow. “…what?” “..trying to cheer you up.. just like you always do” johnny said. That was all johnny needed to say. “Oh no- nononono” dallas said quickly, his eyes widening. Before dallas could even get up, Johnny already tackled him. They tumbled down the field, wrestling alittle until johnny was ontop of dally. Johnny had to act fast if he wanted to not get thrown off dallas.
Johnnys fingers quickly shot up to dallys armpits since he knew dallas was ticklish there. Dallas wasnt the most ticklish dude but if you knew him well enough, you could get him to laugh. “pfFtt- JohOhnny, nOhoHo” dallas laughed out in a low hushed laugh. Johnny was using all his weight to keep dallas pushed down on the ground. “What? You always cheer me up like this, thought i might aswell do it back” Johnny said with a smile on his face, moving his fingers down to dallas’s hips and outer thighs. Dallas kicked his legs out, squirming as johnny lightly brushed his fingers around on his outer thigh. “JohoHOnNy fuck ohohoff” dallas howled with laughter. Johnny couldnt help but snicker. If it was anyone else but johnny tickling him, he would have punched them square in the face, but he knew dallas cared about johnny too much to hurt him.
“Okay, okay. Ill stop before you pop a blood vessel, holy shit” johnny joked as he got off dallas who was laying on the green grass, panting. “Didnt think id get you laughing that hard” johnny snickered. “Not a word of this to the gang, understood?” Dallas said, glaring at johnny. “Understood.” Johnny smirked.
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cringemesstickles · 11 months
Capable of Joy
(TickleTober Day 25: Gang Tickles)
Summary: Dally gets teamed up on bc they’re silly
Pairing: None
Word Count: 545
A/N: y’all I’m not even gonna lie, I was so tired today and lacked motivation… 😭
I still wanted to post something tho, so I did my best :)
It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. The gang had all congregated in the Curtis living room, the air thick with the smell of leather jackets and cigarette smoke. Johnny was flipping through an old comic book, Two-Bit was playing with his switchblade, and Darry was busy fixing a leaky faucet in the kitchen. Soda, Pony, and Steve were engaged in some loud chatter while Dally lounged on the couch, trying to look as uninterested as possible.
“So, you’re telling me you’ve never been tickled before?” Steve asked incredulously, staring at Dally.
“What’s it to you?” Dally grumbled, feigning indifference.
“Aw, come on, Dal. Everyone’s been tickled at some point,” Ponyboy chimed in, grinning.
“Not where I come from.” Dally retorted, rolling his eyes.
Darry, having overheard the conversation while walking back from the kitchen, couldn’t help but join in.
“I think we should enlighten Dally on this age-old form of entertainment.”
The room seemed to hum with anticipation. Even Johnny looked up from his comic book, eyes wide with interest.
“Alright, fellas. What do you say we all give Dally a proper introduction to the world of tickling?” Two-Bit suggested, cracking his knuckles for emphasis.
The gang needed no further encouragement. They moved quickly, surrounding Dally, who for the first time looked genuinely unsure.
Before Dally could react, Darry pinned his arms above his head, Ponyboy and Johnny each securing his ankles.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!” Dally squirmed, frantically trying to escape.
“Relax, Dal… all in good fun!” Said the oldest of the group, tightening his grip to ensure nobody got punched in the face.
Two-Bit was the first to strike, skittering his fingers up Dally’s sides and back down again. When Dally jolted away with a yelp, Sodapop struck at the other side, leaving the victim trapped between the two.
“EEK- STOHOHOHOP YOU IDIOTS!” He squealed and squirmed, any trace of stoicism completely thrown out the window.
“So, how’s that tough persona holdin up, Dally?” Grinned Soda, letting a hand wander up to the Dally’s armpit, eliciting a snort, the normally stoic boy tugging at his arms to try and defend himself.
Unfazed by the empty threat, Johnny and Pony exchanged a glance before each of them went for their target’s knees.
The variety of tickling seemed to only make things worse; each member seemed to have their own unique tickling technique that when combined, created a storm of sensations.
Two-Bit’s was mostly rapid skittering, while Soda tended to lean more towards playful pinches. Ponyboy’s style was a combination of Two-Bit’s and Soda’s, whereas Johnny’s was light and tender. Even Darry transferred one of Dally’s wrists to the other hand so that he could restrain him with one hand and tickle him with the other; his tickling was more strategic.
Seeing that Dally couldn’t take much more, Darry lightened his grip on Dally’s wrists.
“Alright guys, let him breathe.”
Everyone pulled back, pleased with their little experiment.
“Well, Dal, I’m glad we’ve established that you’re capable of expressing joy!” Two-Bit grinned, punching Dally in the shoulder.
Dally glared, though there was a noticeable lack of tension in his body in comparison to earlier.
And though Dally wouldn’t admit it, he felt significantly lighter.
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anubismagic · 9 months
You bet'cha
"Little Silly"
Lee: Ponyboy
Ler: Johnny
As usual, Darry was gettin' on Pony for coming home late. Pony got tired of it and sneaked out. He came up quickly where Johnny was, where he always was. He ploped down next to him.
"Cigarette." Pony said, annoyed as ever. Curious, Johnny spoke up. "So, is everything been well at home?" Pony just shrugged. Everyone knew if you get a shrug from a Curtise, something is up.
"You seem quiet, want help?" Pony cocked an eyebrow at Johnny, "Help?" He repeated, almost seeing Johnny hold back a smile. "If you insist." Johnny said. Before Pony could react, he suddenly was tackled.
Johnny was stronger than he let on, "Johnny?! The hell?!" Pony shouted. He was already annoyed. He didn't need this. "Spit that cigarette out." Johnny said, his fingers suddenly dove from Pony's ribs, causing the boy to yelp.
Giggles and shrieks came from Pony as he wiggled, trying to get Johnny away. His face reddened as Johnny tickled the life out of his ribs.
"Giggling already, Ponyboy?" Johnny smiled, he was more playful with his tickles then the gand, who used them to get their way with each other. "Johoohohohnny! Stahahp it!" Pony yelped with laughter.
With a slightly proud face, Johnny took his chances to Pony's armpits (secret soft spot of the Curtise's) instantly screams of laughter came.
"JOHOHONNY EHEHEHHEAHHAHA! NOHO AHHAHAHA!" Johnny almost laughed himself, looking down at the flailing greaser, his face red and near to tears.
"Why so grumpy? Hm?" Johnny asked, not expecting a real answer. "HHEHAHHAHA I'M NAHAHAHAOT AHAHAH GRUMPY! HAHAHAHA STHAHAHAHAP IT!" Pony shrieked, Johnny wouldn't lose that smiled, honestly neither would Ponyboy.
After a while, Johnny finally let up. Pony gasped for a little, giggling and clutching his arms. Johnny helped Pony up, and both smiled, "Thanks, Johnnycake." Pony grinned, "Stealing Dally's nickname? I outta get you from that." Johnny teased.
Heheheh >:]
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lessons in how to stop being a dick
Pairing: Familial Johnny and Robby
Word Count: 1,682 words
i've gotten a few asks abt cobra kai recently (there is one in my inbox rn, i'm so sorry i haven't responded yet!) and it just reignited my inspiration for this idea i had so tada new fic!! :D
"You sure you don't wanna head home?" Johnny called out to the near-empty dojo as the last few students walked out. "Carmen hasn't pulled off yet, you could ride home with her and Miguel."
"Nah," Robby replied. He was on the other side of the dojo, wiping down the mats before putting them back against the wall. "Someone has to keep this place from getting a health code violation."
"Hey, I clean this place after every session!"
"Oh, yeah? Then why was there dried blood still on this mat?"
"I left it there. As a reminder of what happens if you let your guard down."
Robby huffed a laugh, which made a spark of something really good go through Johnny's chest. Having his son back in his life was something that seemed impossible for such a long time, and now they got to spend time together every day, even if it was while cleaning a gross, sweaty karate dojo together.
They continued to riff and bicker while they cleaned and sorted the rest of the mats, put the training dummies back in place, and mopped the floors. Robby even fixed one of the fluorescent lights that Johnny had been too lazy to get to. Finally the two of them stood side by side, admiring the Cobra Kai dojo.
"Looks good to me," Robby said.
"Yeah, same, man. You did a good job on those floors." Johnny nudged Robby's shoulder with his own. "Somebody must've taught you the value of hard work."
"Yeah, his name is Daniel LaRusso."
"Shut up." Johnny bumped him again, a bit harder, smirking when he felt Robby return the gesture. There was a beat of silence, just this side of awkward, but not wholly unpleasant.
Finally Robby sighed, turning and heading to the locker rooms. "Alright, lemme just grab my bag-"
"Robby," Johnny blurted. His son stopped in his tracks, looking back in confusion. Johnny wavered for a second, then pushed through. "I really do appreciate this second chance, man."
Robby's face smoothed out as he huffed a little laugh. "I know, Dad."
"I mean it," Johnny continued. "Even after... you know, all the Kreese bullshit, and the pony tail dude, and LaRusso, and everything... I know we're on good terms now, but... you didn't have to let me back into your life."
Robby shifted a bit in place. He looked about as uncomfortable hearing this as Johnny felt saying it. "I mean... would've been kinda shitty to just ignore you after everything."
"No, it wouldn't," Johnny said. "You'd be completely within your rights to never talk to me again. I was an asshole, and a horrible father, and... I mean, you didn't really have a dad for so long-"
"Too long," Robby blurted. "Long enough."
Johnny's breath caught in his chest. "Yeah." He coughed, looking around awkwardly for a moment. "So- you know, I'm just- I'm gonna try my hardest to stop being a dick, for everyone, but especially you. And- you know. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your Dad again."
Jesus Christ, he's so lame now. Having actual loved ones in his life again made him a sappy loser.
"I-" Robby started, and Johnny looked closely at him for any signs this was going to far. "I just-"
He sighed, cleared his throat, and finally looked towards Johnny again. "Thank you for... trying to be better, Dad. You are better. And... I love you."
Johnny let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I love you too, kid."
They paused. Slowly Johnny walked towards Robby; he raised his arms, and after a beat Robby returned the hug. They stood in the middle of the room, just barely swaying as Johnny held his son.
"I love you," he said again, because fuck it, he'd take being cringey if it meant his son got to hear those words as much as possible. "I love you, Robby."
He had no idea what Robby was thinking, but he felt his son slowly drop his head onto his dad's shoulder. Johnny rubbed his back with one hand, the other cradling the back of his head. After a long moment wrestling with indecision, Johnny pressed a light kiss onto Robby's temple.
"Love you, kid."
He didn't expect a response, but after a few moments he caught a muffled response from where his son's face was buried in his shirt.
Robby pulled back a bit; Johnny still couldn't see his face, but he definitely heard the smirk in his voice as he said, "Did Mr. LaRusso write that speech for you?"
Johnny froze. His arms were still wrapped around his kid. "You serious?"
"No, it was a great speech. Very, uh, emotional." Yeah, Robby was fucking laughing at him, the little shit. "Or did Carmen help you? You asked her what teenage boys like, and she told you they love hearing their parents say 'I love you' over and over?"
"You little shit." Johnny was baring his fucking soul to this kid, and Robby was making fun of him. This would not stand.
Johnny looked slightly down. Right under his chin was Robby's shoulder; he always changed into a tank top after practice. Before he could think about it, Johnny leaned down and blew a raspberry right on Robby's shoulder.
In hindsight, he didn't know what he'd been expecting. It didn't feel good in the slightest to admit it, but the truth is Johnny had no idea if Robby was ever ticklish. He'd never been around that long, and when he was it certainly wasn't the kind of thing Robby would've allowed before their relationship had gotten better. It wasn't even a normal tickle spot, Johnny thought- who the hell has ticklish shoulders?
Apparently... Robby does. Very much so.
Because his response to having his dad blow a raspberry on the crook of his shoulder, Johnny's half-shaven stubble scratching the skin while the rest of his shoulder buzzed with vibrations, was to squeal and immediately lose all ability in his legs.
"Jesus!" Johnny hissed, catching Robby when his son veered dangerously far to one side. "Was that- was that real? It tickled that much?"
"What the fuck-" Robby hissed in return, "what the fuck was that?" He tried to stand, but doing so would've pulled him out of Johnny's grasp, and on a whim Johnny locked his arms even tighter around his son's shoulders. "Dude, let me go-"
"Hell, no," Johnny said. And then he did it again: same shoulder, same spot, and same desperate giggles falling from Robby's mouth.
"Dad!" he gasped, his legs kicking wildly. "What are you-"
Johnny did it again, this time closer to his neck, and Robby's squeal turned into more of a scream. He slammed his head to the side, frantically rubbing his ear against the skin to stop the tingles.
"Fucking- are you serious?" he said. His ears were turning red, Johnny noticed, and his smile was wider than Johnny remembered seeing it in a while. It wasn't a smug smirk, or the measured-yet-cocky expression Robby wore after winning a sparring match. It was uneven, with lots of teeth, and looked very goofy.
So of course, Johnny immediately switched to the other side and blew yet another raspberry.
"Why?" Robby screamed, trying to slam his head down to the other side. "Dad!"
"Mhmm?" Johnny asked, keeping his mouth pressed against Robby's shoulder. "What's up, kid?"
There was no answer; his son was too busy laughing his head off at the feeling of Johnny's words sending tickly feelings all down his spine. He stamped his feet against the ground, straining against Johnny's hold, but his dad had the upper ground.
"I'm trying to be earnest, you dork," Johnny said, "and you make fun of me?" He ducked his head to go again, waited for Robby to try to protect his neck, then immediately attacked the other side.
"Do you think-" he blew a raspberry- "that Carmen had to teach me this?" Another one, this time moving one hand from around Robby's shoulders to squeeze haphazardly at his side. "Or LaRusso?"
Robby was giggling and cackling, his legs moving seemingly without permission from his brain. He tried to pull backwards, but Johnny easily switched his hold to around Robby's midsection, and now both hands were free to squeeze and vibrate all over his sides and stomach. Robby couldn't stop squealing, that was the craziest thing- Johnny never would've imagined his son could made that noise. Now that he heard it, he never wanted to stop.
"Yohohou- you said- you were gonahahahahaha stop-being-a-dick!" he shrieked, throwing his head back with laughter that seemed to echo off the dojo walls.
"This is just payback, man," Johnny teased. "Don't make fun of me when I'm being sappy and shit."
He waited for a comeback, but Robby's breaths were sounding more and more ragged, his body getting weaker and less fighty, and Johnny figured it was probably time to stop. He slowed his fingers and moved his hands so he was simply helping Robby stand upright as the teen caught his breath.
"You good?" he said. Robby coughed as his breathing slowed down, even though his face was still pretty red.
"You are-" he panted, before fixing Johnny was a hilariously inaffective glare, "such a dick."
Johnny grinned. "Like I said, it's a work in progress."
Robby rolled his eyes and turned his head, but he wasn't fast enough- Johnny saw the smile that still threatened to turn up the corners of his mouth. "Jesus Christ, man. Can we just go?"
"Hold on," Johnny said. Robby looked at him warily. "I love you, son."
Johnny squeezed his fingers once around Robby's waist, making him yelp. "Okay! Fuck! I love you, too!"
A beat, and then Johnny burst into snickers, finally letting his son go. Robby stumbled, barely catching his balance before he huffed and stomped his way toward the lockers.
"Love you!" Johnny yelled after him. Robby flipped him off, and Johnny laughed loud and bright.
Yeah, this was definitely a work in progress.
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j4lexis-ler · 4 months
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Well, here are some drawings of my oc truffulaflu
1- It was a collaboration with an anonymous artist, but he never sent his part of the drawing :'(
2- It's an attempt to make infected, the infected is Johnny's mother, maybe in the future I will talk about her
3- My boy as a zombie hunter (I love how the truffula looks on Johnny's jacket)
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farfaripol · 9 months
I noticed that few people wrote JoJo fanfiction. Besides, no one has ever done Lee Johnny before. So today I'll fix that! Enjoy:)
Roles: Lee Johny! Ler Gyro
Relationship: PLATONIC
Warnings: it's a tickle fic; tusk tickles?
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"Hahahaa! Ahand this is your stand? He's too cute compared to you." Gyro laughed at Johnny's stand while looking at the tusk
"yes, yes, very funny." Johnny had no time for Gyro's words now. While the owner of the steel balls admired the stand, Johnny was busy with the map and laying out the route to the next race
At this time, Gyro had already picked up the floating pink creature. He held it carefully, and carefully looked at every detail. Each time the stand seemed cuter and cuter to him
"heh, such a cute thing~" Gyro took the stand in one hand and used his index finger to tickle the stand's belly.
"PWHAHAHA!!" Johnny immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and a blush began to grow on the cheeks. Hearing the laughter, Gyro immediately stopped ticklings and looked at Johnny.
"What the hell was that?!" Realizing what was going on, the cowboy returned back to the stand, using slow circular movements to move his finger across Tusk’s stomach. "Is someone ticklish here! Nyo-ho~"
"wait..wahait!! Gyroho! Dohohohn't!! Johnny didn't have time to finish his words before he immediately fell into constant giggling. Johnny couldn't stay in a sitting position and fell to the ground holding his stomach.
"Gyrohoho, stahahp i cahan't" Johnny lay on the ground, having completely forgotten about the map he was working on. And Gyro continued to spider his fingers over the tusk, causing Johnny's laughter to grow even stronger.
"Gyrohoo!! Plehease stahAHAP AHAHAH!!! NAHAHT!! DON'T GO THEHEHERE!!" Johnny curled up into a ball, laughing hysterically as Gyro's hands darted across his back. No matter how hard Johnny tried to stop him, he couldn’t yet. Because of his laughter, he lost all his strength and couldn't even pull his Stand out of Gyro's clutches.
"don't go where? Right heereeee?~" Gyro slowly lowered his index finger down Johnny's spine.
"NAHAHAHA!! GYROHOHO!! DICKHEAHAD! AHAHHA STAHP" Johnny immediately arched his back, throwing his head back and laughing hysterically
"what did you said about me?? Now you'll regret what you said" With these words, Gyro squeezed the sides and ribs of his Stand user. And tackled him with no mercy.
"AHHAHHHAHAH NAHOHO GYROHOHO STAHAP IT!!" Tears began to form at the corners of Johnny's eyes. He hit the ground with his fist and could no longer to say out a single word.
Gyro was too caught up in the tickling that he didn't even notice someone sneak up on him from behind. Johnny, despite being ticklish, was able to hit Gyro on the head with an overthrown newspaper.
Johnny hit Gyro over the head with a rolled-up newspaper, causing his hat to fall off his head. At the same time the tickling stopped. "I told you to stop. It's time for revenge"
"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Okahay.. i'm sohorry! Don't do anything bahad..."
Johnny wasn't listening anymore. He came up from behind and started tickling the cowboy. Gyro has already bursted into laughter "NAHAHA JOHNNY I'M SAHAHARY PLEASE STAHAP"
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 8: Death Spot
A/N: Thank you for requesting this fic, @hotshot624! I don't know how well I characterized the guys, but I tried! And I know it's late, I'm gonna be uploading a few more fics I think a couple days late, I just got too busy. Hope this fic is good! &lt;3
Fandom: Jackass (Film & TV)
Characters: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera
Bam's always been ticklish. Since he was a kid, it was just a known thing to everyone around him that 'hey! bam is ticklish! let's get him!' and that's just how it was.
Even into the sets of Jackass, pestering Bam with pokes, jabs, flutters among the other tortures the guys administered to each other as pranks, it all just became normal practice. And it was hilarious because no matter how often they did it, Bam would always jump or scream or run away from his attacker. He always had a reaction, thereby making the bit funny.
But Johnny Knoxville had been on a mission for these past few weeks on set. He'd been trying to come up with a bit where Bam was absolutely wrecked with tickles, but no one thought it was funny enough or worth filming. So back to the drawing board it was.
And then the idea just spiraled into Johnny wanting to wreck Bam's shit, regardless of cameras or plans. Bam had been especially dickish with his pranks on set recently anyway, so this was all well-justified.
During the lunch break, some people left the set to eat out, most everyone stayed in the outdoor cafeteria to eat, and some ate in their cars or another safe place in fear of typical Jackass shenanigans. So Knoxville waited until after lunch, when everyone would be called back and they'd usually have a good period of down time while crew set up the next shoot. Knoxville watched as Bam pulled back into the parking lot and got out of his car, immediately walking into the air conditioned offices.
Knoxville stalked Bam and followed him inside, making sure he didn't notice him. He watched Bam go into the men's room and that's when Knoxville knew he would strike. He positioned himself just outside the bathroom door and waited for Bam to come back out. He shushed anyone who walked by and tried talking to him to keep up the sneaky attack. And boom, when Bam emerged and started walking the other way, Knoxville jumped out and tackled him to the ground, the two men rolling around on the carpeted floor for a few seconds.
"What the fuck!" Bam cursed immediately, trying to fight off Knoxville. But the guy had the element of surprise on his side and Bam wasn't prepared to be fighting this hard. Knoxville maneuvered himself so he was straddling Bam and had both his hands pinned under his knees on either side of him.
"Bam, I've been trying to put this together for far too long," Johnny sighed, "It's about time I've caught ya."
And then that signature Knoxville grin spread across Johnny's face and he wiggled his hands in the air up by his head, "Coochie coo, Bam!" and he dove his hands down, scribbling all over Bam's belly and sides.
Bam screamed and he kicked his legs violently, "AHA fuhuhuck you! Fuck you fuck-- stohohop!" he was trying to not laugh to maybe not give Knoxville some of the satisfaction he was getting from this. But it was damn hard, man! Especially when you were as sensitive as Bam was.
Some crew had come by at all the noise to watch the scene, all wearing smiles.
"You see, I wanted to make this a bit," Knoxville was talking as if he wasn't currently tickling the shit out of Bam, "But no one let me. Isn't this fun?" he asked Bam and then looked at the crew around him, "Isn't this fun?" he repeated with more energy and got a few cheers and claps.
Johnny's fingers worked their way up to Bam's ribs and stayed there for a while as that seemed to get deeper laughs to come out of Bam's mouth.
"And the point of the bit was that we'd be finding your Death Spot," Knoxville continued, "Which I don't think any one of us knows. You wanna tell me now and just get it over with?" he smirked.
"NAHAHO! Fuhuck YOU!" Bam slammed his heels against the carpet, "Thahahat's never gonna fucking happen, you prick!"
"I expected that," Johnny let himself giggle gleefully, "Welp, then I guess I'm just gonna have to figure it out on my own!"
Johnny slid his fingers up Bam's ribs and tried to get into his armpits, but Bam was making it hard. Even with his pinned wrists, his arms weren't like pulled way out to the side or anything, so Bam was still able to squeeze his upper arms to his sides.
"Let me in there, Bam, c'mon," Johnny voiced, "Come onn, you little shitbird," he laughed and Bam groaned, "What do I gotta say? Open sesame! Please! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!"
The last few teases got Bam to blush and Johnny fluttered his fingers by Bam's neck and ears, which got the young man giggling and tossing and turning his head. It got him to scrunch his shoulders up to fend off Johnny's fingers, which was part of the plan.
"Bingo!" Johnny dove his hands in with some extra force and Bam was cackling once more, "Is this your death spot? That's why you wouldn't let me in?" he asked and didn't really expect an answer. But the longer Knoxville tickled under Bam's arms, the more he was realizing that no, this couldn't be his worst spot. He felt like he could get Bam laughing louder, harder, and longer.
"Alright, back down we go," Johnny wrenched his hands free and wiggled them back down Bam's torso.
Bam was in hell during this ordeal. No one was helping him because everyone was a dick. And here was Knoxville having the time of his life, airing out all his secrets and sensitive spots for the whole set to know. And damn, the guy knew how to tickle. Bam kept trying to get his arms free but he wasn't able to, and Johnny was using the exact perfect tickling speed and pressure to get him laughing anywhere he touched him. And now Johnny was back by his belly and even snuck his hands up under his shirt to tickle him. God, he sucked. Bam snorted at the lighter belly tickles on his bare skin and Knoxville burst out laughing at hearing that.
"Youhuhu snorted! I didn't know you could snort, Bam!" Knoxville was giddy.
And then he moved his hands even further down, sliding around to Bam's boney hips that were showing clearly above his low-rise jeans and hiked down boxers. Bam took a sharp intake of breath and he shook his head, "No! Knoxville, stop, I mean it! Stop it right now. I swear, Knoxville, I swear to god!" Bam was gritting his teeth and pulling to free his arms even harder.
A grin spread across Johnny Knoxville's face like the Grinch. Christmas had indeed come early.
"What's that? Stop before I get to... here?" he poked his two pointer fingers into both Bam's hips at the same time. He felt Bam's entire lower body jerk roughly to one side at just the poke.
Knoxville let out an evil and excited, "Ohohoho..." before he cracked his knuckles and situated his hands so they gripped both of Bam's hips, his thumbs poised and ready for the attack. Aaannnddd...
Yeah, let's just say Knoxville ended up with a bloody nose and a whole target for revenge slapped onto his back. Hips. Definitely Bam's Death Spot. And wouldn't you know it, someone had a camera out and recorded the whole thing.
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sunshyni · 7 days
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nasty | Johnny Suh
Johnny Suh × Fem!Reader | eu diria que é um Slice of Life | um teco Sugestivo | w.c - 0.6k
resumo - Johnny não fazia ideia do porque você estava tão concentrada lendo um livro de capa ilustrada. Bom, agora ele já sabe o motivo.
notinha da Sun - @lovesuhng VOCÊ NÃO SABE O QUÃO BOM É ESCREVER COM O JOHN!! Eu escreveria com ele todos os dias KKKKKK Então, pode me fazer quantos pedidos quiser em relação a esse homem 🙏
Ah e sobre o “livro de capa ilustrada”, é que atualmente os livros com a capa desenhada são os mais 🔥🔥🔥 Tipo “Quebrando o gelo” da Hannah Grace KKKKKK
boa leitura, docinhos!! 💚
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Don't wanna wait on it tonight, I wanna get nasty.
— O que você tá lendo? — Johnny perguntou, engatinhando até você na cama de casal. Você escondeu o livro com o conteúdo contra o peito, assustada com a voz dele de repente. Estava tão concentrada na leitura que nem percebeu que ele estava ali na sua frente.
— Tá escondendo por quê, princesa? Tem algo aí que eu não posso ler? — Ele perguntou com um sorrisinho, pegando o livro de capa ilustrada antes que você pudesse protestar. Você deu um gritinho, e Johnny se levantou com o livro lá no alto, lendo em voz alta e rindo das suas tentativas de alcançá-lo. Ele até se afastou da cama quando você se pôs em pé, tentando recuperar seu bem, mas sem sucesso.
Enquanto isso, Johnny continuava lendo as perversidades daquele livro como se recitasse o poema mais romântico do mundo.
— Johnny Suh, me devolve esse livro — você pediu em tom de aviso e saiu da cama em direção a ele, soltando um gritinho de surpresa quando ele envolveu sua cintura e te ergueu com um só braço, deixando o livro na cabeceira. Você desistiu; agora que ele já sabia do que se tratava sua literatura, não havia mais o que fazer. Envolveu as pernas ao redor da cintura dele, e Johnny te deu um beijo gentil na bochecha, mesmo que você estivesse fingindo estar emburrada.
Ele te deitou no colchão, mas continuou entre suas pernas. Gostava quando você o abraçava daquele jeito. Johnny acariciou sua bochecha; você desviou o olhar, mas um sorrisinho estava nos seus lábios.
— Eu posso fazer aquilo, você sabe, né? Um 69 — Imediatamente você explodiu em risos. Johnny sorriu, contagiado pelo seu bom humor. Enquanto recuperava o fôlego, ele te beijou delicadamente pelo pescoço, criando uma trilha de fogo por onde sua boca passava. — Por que você tá rindo? É sério.
— Johnny, eu não sou assim. Tem que criar o clima pra mim — suas bochechas ruborizaram com a declaração. A verdade é que o básico te agradava; você gostava da lentidão, das preliminares que deixavam tudo em você quente. Gostava de música ambiente, das luzes baixas, e gostava de vê-lo também, de enxergar os íntimos se encontrando. Definitivamente, gostava de tudo isso, e Johnny sabia como te fazer feliz.
— Criar o clima pra você cair de boca no meu pau?
— Johnny! — Ele riu, te abraçando forte, unindo seus corpos o máximo que a calça de moletom folgada e sua camisola de cetim permitiam. Pararam um pouco, só para Johnny beijar sua boca devagar, do jeito que sabia que você gostava. Tinham todo o tempo do mundo, toda a noite para desfrutarem um do outro, e agora, com as alianças nos dedos, tinham o resto da vida para isso.
— Posso ser egoísta e dizer que você foi desenhada pra mim? — Johnny arrumou seu cabelo atrás da orelha e beijou docemente seu lóbulo, causando arrepios por todo o seu corpo. Você pressionou o quadril contra o dele; ele sorriu, sabendo que, mesmo sendo tímida, você tinha seu lado atrevido.
— Assim como cada estrutura anatômica se encaixa perfeitamente, a gente se encaixa — Johnny beijou seus lábios, e você tocou seu lindo rosto, a barba recém-feita e os cabelos ligeiramente bagunçados. Johnny pós-banho era o melhor. — Minha boca encaixa com perfeição na sua.
Ele procurou sua mão e entrelaçou os dedos suavemente.
— Minha mão aninha a sua perfeitamente — você sorriu, e ele continuou fascinado por você, pela sua beleza, pelo simples fato de você ser você. — Meu corpo encaixa no seu.
— Perfeitamente — você completou, acariciando as costas nuas dele, provocando-o com as unhas levemente compridas, arranhando sua pele e arrancando-lhe um suspiro.
— Já pintou o clima pro 69? — Johnny perguntou, enquanto você cobria o rosto, rindo divertida. Ele afastou suas mãos e te beijou até que você cedesse à posição ousada que ele tanto insistia em propor.
Mas vocês tinham o resto da vida para isso.
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notinha da Sun² - me inspirei em “nasty” da Ari pra escrever essa, e mais especificamente nessa playlist:
@sunshyni. Todos os direitos reservados.
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greasersgyatt · 9 months
lee!Johnny lee!Ponyboy please🙏
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Idk which is supposed to be ler so ill just do both❗️❗️
‘Not funny’
Switch: ponyboy, johnny
Ponyboy and Johnny sat in the Crutis house bored out of their minds. Sodapop. Steve and Darry were at work while Dallas and Twobit were out probably causing trouble.
“im bored” Johnny whined, leaning up against Ponyboys shoulder. “I know, but we cant go out until Sodapop comes back home” Ponyboy sighed. Sodapop said that he will take Johnny and Ponboy to the movies just for fun even though they knew that he’d probably cancel due to him being tired after work. They still kept their hopes high. “But hes only coming back in like two hoursss!” Johnny protested, wanting to go outside. “Oh shut your whining, Jonnycake” Ponyboy whined back but had a smirk on his face, ruffling Johnnys hair. “Leave my hair alone,ponyboy!” Johnny said playfully. “Or what?” Ponyboy snickered but before he could even give a small reaction, he was pinned under Johnny. “Johohohny” Ponyboy laughed lightly at Johnnys sudden playfullness. “Oh god, this will be funny” Johnny muttered under his breath with a smile before running his finger against Ponyboys sides. Ponyboy was already laughing before Johnny even started so when Johnny actually touched him, his laughter increased. “Johnonhy-! Whahaahat the hehell” Ponyboy laughed out. He was stronger than Johnny but when he was getting tickled, there was just no way he could escape. “Cuutut it ouhuhout!!” He shirked, squirming from side to side. “What? Cant handle it?” Johnny said, his little smile not leaving his face as he looked down at his best friend laughing. Ponyboy was the most ticklish out of the group and honesy had one of the most funniest reactions from even the most smallest little touches. Johnny laughed as he scattered his fingers around ponyboys ribs, making him howl with laughter. “JOHOHNHY” ponyboy was basically melting into the sofa they were on. Johnny snickered at Ponyboys red face and eventually stopped.
“Oh my gohOhd” ponyboy giggled, rubbing his hands against his sides to get rid of the tingles. He sat up, glaring at johnny. Johnnys face went from sweet, giggly and smirking to a nervous look. Ponyboy was giving him a look. Johnny knew what that look was. It was a look of revenge.
“..pony, you- i was just messing around” Johnny quickly said, getting up from the couch with his eyes stuck on ponyboys movements since he was slowly getting up from the couch. “You think you can get away with that?” Ponyboy said with a playful serious tone before chasing after johnny. Johnny didnt get far until ponyboy launched himself at Johnny, making both of them fall onto the carpet in Ponyboys room. “Pohony” johnny said nervously “please we can talk abOUHOUT THIS” johnny fell into a pit of laughter instantly when Ponyboy went straight to Johnnys ribs even though he fully knew how badly ticklish his ribs were. “POHONY- NOHO FAAHAIR!!” Johnny screeched out his laughter, turning a red colour on his cheeks.
Sodapop came home from work about 10 minutes after Ponyboy stopped tickling johnny. It went on for a while. A good while.
Johnny was still laughing when Sodapop got home.
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cringemesstickles · 1 year
Sunsets and Tickle Fights
(TickleTober Day 15: Tickle Fight)
Summary: Johnny and Ponyboy have a tickle fight (very self explanatory)
Pairing: None intended
Word Count: 681
A/N: I just had to write them for this prompt because they’re so sweet :’(
I totally didn’t tear up writing this
It was a cool autumn day in the heart of Tulsa where two best friends, Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis, lay in the grassy field outside the old abandoned church, reminiscing over the recent events.
“Ya know, I’ve been thinkin'…” began Ponyboy, breaking the silence. “About everything that’s happened… and how life can change so fast.”
Johnny looked over, his brown eyes filled with thought.
“Yeah, it’s been an awful lot… but right now, it feels, you know.. normal. Just two pals hangin' out.”
Johnny spoke in his typical timid manner, a manner that Pony had grown accustomed to.
Suddenly getting a mischievous idea, Ponyboy smirked.
“You know something, Johnny? You’re always so timid. You ever consider, oh I don’t know… breakin outta your shell?” He nudged the older boy with his elbow, a playful glint in his eye.
Johnny chuckled. “What d’ya mean?”
In the blink of an eye, Ponyboy pounced, both boys tumbling in the soft grass and wrestling for a moment before the younger got the upper hand by darting a hand to Johnny’s side.
“Tickle fight!” He exclaimed, wriggling his fingers all along the soft skin, eliciting a surprised yelp from the older boy.
“AH- P-Pony, no fahahahair!”
The dark haired boy squirmed and struggled, trying to break free from the tingling sensation in his sides.
The blonde laughed along, endeared by the joyous smile on his friend’s usually solemn face.
“Well, look at that! I gotta admit, Johnny… your smile is mighty cute!” He teased, not missing the rosy hue that colored the elders cheeks.
“Don’t sahahay that! It’s embarrassing…”
In a moment of desperation, Johnny reached for the younger boy’s ribs, giving a quick squeeze and successfully turning the tables.
“Wha- Johnny! Q-Quit ihihit!” squealed Ponyboy, retracting his hand in favor of defending himself.
Johnny giggled, amused by the silliness of the situation.
“What’s the matter, Pony? Can’t take what you dish out?”
Once again, in an effort to reclaim power, the blonde willed himself to reach out and scribble his nails against Johnny’s tummy, earning a loud squeal.
“EEK- Nohohot thehehere!!” He kicked his legs, throwing his head back with bright, contagious laughter, cheeks flushed bright red.
Though hysterical, he persisted with tickling back, though it was now much weaker.
Ponyboy continued to giggle, tickling with one hand and trying to bat Johnny’s hand away with the other.
“Haha! J-Just give up, Johnny! Y-You know I’m gonna wihihin!”
But Johnny refused to quit, switching to squeezing at his friend’s hip with as much energy as he could manage.
“N-No wahahay! Y-You give up!”
The two rolled around in the grass, each one tickling and trying to get the upper hand. The stress of recent events weren’t on either of their minds as they laughed without a care in the world.
Eventually, they both just lay side by side in the grass, red faced and panting from all the tickling.
Ponyboy looked over at Johnny with a smile glued to his face, still trying to catch his breath. “So, who won?”
Johnny giggled, meeting the blonde’s gaze.
“I think we both did…” He said contently.
Suddenly, Johnny shot up with a gasp, his big brown eyes widened.
“Pony, look at that!” He pointed at the horizon which showcased a beautiful blend of orange and pink, the bright yellow sun adding an almost surreal glow, painting a portrait of beauty and tranquility.
“Wow…” The younger gaped, sitting up and taking in the enchanting view, utterly speechless.
The pair watched the setting sun, basking in its breathtaking glow.
Once the sun set and the boys were greeted by the moonlight, Johnny was the one to break the silence.
“It’s good to be alive…”
It was a simple statement, but one that held more meaning than anyone could ever know.
“Yeah… it really is.”
And so, basking in the pale moonlight, the two friends stargazed and took comfort in each others company.
They’d been through hell the past year, but they were alive and breathing; and as long as they had each other, they knew they’d be alright.
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anubismagic · 9 months
Ohhhh! Daly tickles yeeees!
"Brighten up Kid."
Lee: Johnny
Ler: Dally
Johnny had stayed the night with Ponyboy, his parents, of course, didn't care. Lately, Johnny has been rather down in the dumps, none noticed except Dally.
Dally normally catches on with Johnny with how much the kid follows him. "Why so glum?" Dally asked, that normal twisted grin. Johnny just shrugged.
He didn't like Johnny's answer, "Come on, Johnnycake, what's the matter? Gonna tell me, or am I gonna have to drag it out of ya?" Dally snickered. Johnny felt the sudden feeling to run.
He turned to run, but Dally already had a grip on his waist and quickly pulled him in. What the gand like to call was, "Dally hold.".
"D-Dally??" Johnny stammered, Dally loosen his grip, not wanting to hurt the kid. "Smile, will ya?" Dally said bluntly, his fingers traced Johnny's ribs, causing the boy to flinch.
With a grin, Dally dug his finger into Johnny's ribs, tickling each bone, "EEK! DAHHAHAHLLY! SHHEEHHAHAHA NOOOHHAHAHA!" Johnny melted so easily.
Dally, Darry, and Steve are the only gang members who could hold up tickling, but Johnny just melted to fits of giggles and laughs.
"I'm not doing nothin' what's with the screaming, Johnnycake?" Dally smirked, "YOHOHOHOU KNOHOHOW AHAHAHAH!" Dally just shrugged. His fingers moved down to Johnny's stomach. Watching as the boy squirmed and even kicked, his face was red, redder than Ponyboy's.
"I ain't doing nothin', Johnnycake." Dally kept teasing, Johnny yelped with laughter, crumbling in Dally's arms. Eventually the playful torture ended.
"You alive, Johnny?" Dally snickered, a smug expression on his face. Johnny gave a weak nod and a smile.
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dreamwithlost · 3 months
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- E digo mais, uma grandíssissima farofada
Faz um tempinho que eu queria começar a fazer capinhas para doar, mas sempre fiquei com medo de ninguem gostar, porém agora, resolvi deixar isso de lado e tentar, por isso, começa aqui a adoção de capas da Lost!
⋆ É bem simples, basta acessar o formulário abaixo para ler as regras, e preenche-lo para adotar sua capinha disponível favorita!
⋆ Ah, e ajude este post a alcançar mais possíveis ficwriters dando um reblog nele, vai que te alguém aí querendo adotar uma capinha!
- Abra pra ver melhor ♡
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Ninguém me pega! [Giselle — Aespa] Já adotada
5 minutos de vídeo [Johnny — Nct]
Quem é esse cara? [Jaehyun — Nct] Já adotada
Video games & Cola [Minnie — (G)i-dle]
Entre todas borboletas [Ten — WayV] Já adotada
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j4lexis-ler · 4 months
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Johnny, is he a c@nnib@l??.. Yeah
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simpleeticklish · 2 months
Remy Lebeau/Gambit || Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Tickle Headcanons
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So, in my humble opinion, Remy is predominantly a ler but doesn't mind the odd wrecking here and there. I mean, did you SEE the way his fingers twirled his playing cards about? Those are PRIME tickle tools, my friends, and that accent he's got would work WONDERS for teasing!
The main instigator of tickle fights amongst the rebels. While he loves going after Johnny the most because he is so easy to fluster and so horrifically ticklish, if he wants a challenge, Remy will target Laura, Elektra, or Eric as well.
Once he starts to bond with Wade and Logan, he is just as happy to go after them as well (especially Wade because you KNOW the guy provokes him).
“Aaw, what’s the matta? Can’ take a bit a’ ticklin? That’s too bad, ‘cause I don’ feel like stoppin’ anytime soon!” (Apologies to those with a Cajun accent, I’ve never written one before and it shows.)
His tickling is quick and precise. The moment he hones in on a sweet spot, Remy is going to exploit it. He’ll start off relatively soft at first, but as time goes on and you get more and more hysterical, expect an increase in ruthlessness.
Remy is one of the few lers who can (mostly) handle the taste of their own medicine. He’s stubborn and playful, taunting his ler through snickers and sneaking in the occasional cheeky jab at their own ticklishness (a move that flusters Johnny to no end).
If you wanna wreck him real good, you need to zero in on the sweet spots quickly and show no mercy. Don’t worry, the man has stamina for miles, he’ll be able to take it (at least for a while).
Teasing doesn’t work on him too well. At best, it might earn you some light blushing or a flustered giggle from the man.
Remy can’t STAND mouth tickles in the slightest. Be it raspberries, tickle bites or kisses, they all drive him up the wall with laughter.
His worst spots are his neck, sides, hips, and feet. In fact, the only form of teasing that actually seems to get to him in any major capacity is counting his toes; the poor guy will BEG.
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nonuwhore · 8 months
parabens pelo blog,nonu!adorei o evento pra comemorar,quero contribuir fazendo um pedido com o johnny e os números 1 e 28.gosto muito do seu blog,de coração.é o meu favorito de todo o tumblr🫶🏻
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“Tô muito afim de te provocar hoje.” + “Você acha que aguenta?” contém: linguagem vulgar; menção a experiências ruins em outros relacionamentos da leitora; jaehyun, mark e haechan também são personagens; smut: servicetop!johnny; facesitting; superestimulação e menção a penetração; dirty talk.  nota da autora: como é bom escrever com o johnny, né? estava com saudade. acho que estou viciada em escrever service top, não sei o que fazer. espero que goste do resultado e muito obrigada pela paciência! <3
“Então tá. Mas nenhum homem gosta mesmo de fazer sexo oral assim.”
“Assim como?”, Jaehyun perguntou tentando ler seu rosto.
“Assim. Sentando na cara.”
O silêncio pairou por alguns momentos na sala, que até pouco tempo, era um emaranhado de vozes altas. Você encarou seus amigos como se acabasse de dizer que o céu era azul, como se lembrasse eles de uma informação que era óbvia e nenhum deles estava dando a devida atenção.
“Eu sei muito bem que vocês ficam dizendo isso por aí pra conseguir o que querem”, concluiu, dona de toda sabedoria do mundo, mastigando sua pipoca com orgulho.
Mark, Johnny, Haechan e Jaehyun se olharam, tomados por um choque esmagador até caírem em uma gargalhada conjunta, histérica. Seus olhos piscaram em uma velocidade diferente e você começou a perceber que talvez tivesse dito uma besteira. Talvez. Sua melhor amiga, sentada no colo de Mark balançava a cabeça pesarosamente de um lado para o outro como se dissesse “dessa nem eu consigo te salvar”.
“O que? Eu disse alguma mentira?”, você forjou uma voz ofendida, se xingando mentalmente pela sua boca gigantesca que sempre tentava parecer tão inteligente quando se sentia insegura. Matou a latinha de cerveja e se preparou para abrir outra enquanto sentia os olhos em você.
“De onde você tirou isso?”, Haechan era o que mais ria. Aquele tipo risada que se misturava ao choro, em um pedido de misericórdia, implorando pra que você o fizesse parar ou ele iria desmaiar.
“Cara…”, Jaehyun deu um gole na garrafa, ainda tentando controlar outra gargalhada que parecia vir se ele pensasse muito sobre que você tinha dito.
“‘Te falar um negócio. Acho que Johnny ‘tá certo, tu tá andando com os caras errados…”
“Gente! Por favor… Eu sou amiga de vocês há quantos anos? Não tentem mentir pra mim!”, você chamou o nome da sua amiga em uma nova tentativa de socorro e ela deu ombros.
“Amiga… Desculpa, mas é isso, não é porque alguns caras não quiseram te chupar que nenhum vai querer”, os dedos bagunçavam o cabelo de Mark enquanto tentava de aconselhar da maneira mais terna possível. Mas você era cabeça dura demais, não era?
“Olha pra eles! São um culto, eles nunca admitiriam na nossa frente!”
“A carne sempre cai do prato do vegano…”, mal dava pra ouvir a voz do Johnny, mas por algum motivo todo mundo prestou atenção. Haechan proferiu um “ihhh” arrastado e começou se levantar, arrumando a calça jeans e colocando o celular no bolso.
“Isso aqui-”, ele gesticulou para a bagunça de sacos de salgadinho vazios, latas, pipoca espalhada no chão e todos vocês, “‘tá ficando estranho. Vou meter o pé.”
Felizmente o assunto se dispersou e seus amigos passaram a fofocar sobre qualquer outro menos interessante. Você agradeceu aos céus, tanto pela vergonha que tinha acabado de passar quanto pelo caminho que ela estava tomando. Aos poucos eles foram indo embora e você ficou sozinha no seu apartamento novamente. 
Você tinha perdido seu BV pra ele. Era constrangedor e irritante, mesmo que vocês agora fossem adultos com experiências das mais diversas possíveis, você ainda se sentia meio envergonhada, embaraçada, tímida perto dele, principalmente quando o grupo falava sobre esse tema. Aquela energia de quem já tinha comido essa vizinhança e as outras também não ajudava. Você e Mark com certeza foram os mais conservadores em relação à escolha de parceiros sexuais do grupo de amigos, enquanto Johnny, dentre todos os meninos, que também não eram nenhum pouco santos, parecia não ponderar muito sobre onde ou em quem deveria enfiar o próprio pau. Muitas piadas já tinham sido feitas, tanto sobre você quanto sobre seu amigo mais novo, e várias delas vindas daquele que tinha a vida sexual bastante agitada. 
“Você só se envolve com moleque, né?” ou “dedo podre do caralho, garota!”, comentários assim eram feitos com frequência sobre os caras com quem você ficava, que foram pouquíssimos, e sobre os dois relacionamentos que você teve. Você não podia culpá-lo, o primeiro terminou com você depois de três meses por mensagem e o segundo simplesmente desapareceu, assim, de um dia pra noite. Enquanto varria o chão da sala você se lembrou de como os dois pareciam tão desinteressados sexualmente em você, não mais como uma lembrança dolorida, mais como algo sobre o que você só se tinha dado conta agora.
“Filhas da puta!”, você se apoiou na vassoura, levemente indignada, mas também resignada. Aquilo não importava mais, o que Johnny disse mais cedo pulsava na sua cabeça e algumas outras lembranças começaram brotar, como do dia que ele te deu o seu primeiro beijo, como ele tinha sido tão doce e meio desastrado e como depois que terminou você gritou, mandando ele nunca mais te dirigir palavra, correndo porta afora da antiga casa dele. Recordou também, como anos depois, entre um relacionamento e outro, você o beijou em uma balada chatíssima que todo o grupo tinha ido, porque você estava entediada e bêbada e proibiu ele de tocar no assunto em qualquer outra situação. Esse voltava de vez em quando, principalmente sobre como ele tinha te segurado, tão delicadamente, e como gosto dele era algo muito diferente de todos os outros.
A última memória, por fim, te fez ficar triste. Essa de quando você começou a namorar o segundo cara e sua amiga te chamou de idiota. “Você é tão tonta. Não consegue enxergar o negócio acontecendo na frente do seu nariz!”. Na época você achou que ela falava do cara, que era um otário, de fato, mas agora a situação ganhava uma nova interpretação. Será que você e Johnny tinham perdido o timing? Será que você, no auge da sua desatenção, tinha perdido o timing? Johnny não prestava, você sabia, sabia de todas as histórias que nunca vinham diretamente dele, mas que ele também não fazia questão nenhuma de esclarecer. Ele naturalmente gostava que a fama dele o precedesse, principalmente porque não gostava de se apegar e isso seu amigo sempre deixava bastante evidente. 
Você tentou não pensar nisso, tentou não sofrer por algo que nem tinha acontecido, “era uma piada, ele gosta de se aparecer” era a ideia da qual você tentava se convencer e acima de tudo, tentava parar de pensar em Johnny Suh. Só que o celular dele, com aquela capinha feia de skate que ele tinha há mil anos, na pia do seu banheiro, não ajudou muito. Respirou fundo, já imaginando que ele provavelmente teria que voltar para buscar e você teria interagir com ele. Pensou em ligar para Jaehyun, já que Johnny tinha ido no carro dele, mas sua campainha tocou. “Falando no diabo…”
Johnny estava encostado no batente da porta com aquele sorriso tranquilo e bastante autoconsciente de sempre, o cabelo longo antes solto, agora estava preso com em um pequeno coque com alguns soltos na parte de baixo. 
“Opa. Eu esqueci meu-”
Você balançou o celular com uma falsa expressão de desapontamento no rosto. Ele te devolveu com uma risadinha sem graça e pegou o aparelho. Se colocou completamente de pé, arrumando a jaqueta e esperou por algo que te fez estranhar por um momento. Ah.
“Não vai me convidar pra entrar, não?”
Wow. Estava acontecendo, algo que você só tinha ouvido falar, estava acontecendo bem na frente dos seus olhos. Johnny Suh estava flertando com você. Você queria tanto rir, dar uma gargalhada gostosa e alta, porque era a única forma de entender o que estava acontecendo e, acima de tudo, como você estava se sentindo sobre isso. No final, se limitou a abrir espaço e deixá-lo entrar novamente. 
O mais velho foi direto para o sofá e se jogou nele, mexendo no celular e rindo sobre algo que parecia muito empolgante. Você ficou sem jeito de novo, porque agora sua cabeça não conseguia parar de pensar no que tinha acontecido e nele daquela forma.
“Quer beber mais alguma coisa?”, perguntou com uma voz que soou estranha e te fez revirar os olhos pra si mesma. 
“Não, valeu”, respondeu sem tirar os olhos da tela. Ele estava agindo normalmente, esse era o típico Johnny, estava tudo certo, você era a estranha da situação. Precisava colocar sua cabeça no lugar o mais rápido possível. Sentou-se ao lado dele no sofá grande e também olhou as mensagens no seu telefone, percebeu que ele estava rindo do grupo de amigos de vocês que aparentemente ainda estava conversando naquela hora da noite. Mark tinha colocado o endereço errado no Uber e eles estavam em algum lugar bastante aleatório. 
“Você ficou chateada?”, Johnny quebrou o silêncio do nada, ainda descendo um feed de alguma rede social. 
“Hum?”, você respondeu também sem dar muita atenção.
“Com aquele negócio.”
Você o olhou, torcendo pra que ele não estivesse falando do que ele estava falando. “Que negócio?”
“Você sabe… Todo o lance do sexo oral e-”
“Ah, sei, sei. Hum, não fiquei, não”, fingiu pouco caso enquanto se forçava a abrir vários aplicativos e parecer ocupada, até porque não estava chateada, estava de orgulho ferido, coisas completamente diferentes, mas que seria impossível explicar na situação que você estava.
“Tudo bem ficar chateada, eles deram uma exagerada-”
“Eu não tô chateada!’, você o encarou, ríspida, parecendo muito estar chateada. “Desculpa, não é isso.. É só… Deixa quieto”, você forçou um sorriso. Johnny largou o celular e apoiou a cabeça no encosto fofinho do sofá, te observando. Você respirou fundo. “Só tô me sentindo um pouco idiota, ok? O que é normal. E não sobre o que aconteceu hoje, mas os eventos que me trouxeram até aqui, entende?”
“Perfeitamente”, a voz dele aconchegante e te dava vontade de falar mais.
“É um saco ter que admitir pra mim mesma que você ‘tava certo esse tempo todo.”
“Sobre o que exatamente?”, perguntou, tão inocentemente que você quase acreditou. 
“Não me enche, ok?”, você riu e ele riu junto, o olhar antes calmo sendo substituído por um brincalhão, investigativo.  
“Desculpa, é que eu tô muito afim de te provocar hoje”
Que canalha. Você sabia exatamente sobre o que ele estava falando, exatamente. Aquele risinho de quem sabe que sobre o que você estava pensando até agora, de quem tem consciência das próprias habilidades, de quem sabe que você só precisa de um empurrão pra pular. Johnny te olhava completamente ciente de que você estava tão curiosa quanto ele e de que você queria jogar. Ele nunca esteve tão certo, mas era estranho seu amigo estar fazendo aquele tipo de movimento com você.
“Me provocar sobre o que? Seus amigos já não provocaram o suficiente?”
“Você já entendeu que nenhum desses caras te valorizam ou sequer mereciam te tocar,” o sofá parecia pequeno agora, você não tinha notado o quanto ele tinha se aproximado de você, “só falta sacar que tem gente que arrastaria um caminhão pra conseguir ter uma chance com você.”
“Tem gente?”, você perguntou, entrando na onda, se deixando ser envolvido naqueles clichês tão batidos, mas que vindos de Johnny pareciam tão diferentes. Droga, você queria, é óbvio que queria, queria esse tempo todo e não tinha percebido ou se deixado perceber.
A mão dele segurou sua nuca, trazendo seu rosto para mais próximo do dele. Seu corpo se arrepiou por completo, talvez pelo hábito quente dele tocando sua pele, talvez pelo toque firme que começava a te embrenhar no seu cabelo, talvez por toda a energia que Johnny exalava, tão masculina, tão penetrante, tão inebriante. Seus músculos formigavam quando ele te beijou delicado, muito parecido com aquele primeiro que ele tinha te dado, e aos poucos se tornou sexual, quente. Você ofegava, porque silenciosamente implorava por mais, segurando a barra da camisa dele, enfiando sem vergonha a língua dentro da boca. Ouviu uma risada com ares de surpresa dele e sentiu seu orgulho sendo ferido mais uma vez naquela noite, mas ao mesmo tempo você não poderia se importar menos. Queria sentir aquilo, encontrar o mundo novo, queria Johnny.
“Você acha que aguenta?”, a voz dele saiu rouca, a respiração completamente plena, e por um segundo você se perguntou do que ele estava falando. “Acha que vai conseguir viver numa boa depois disso?”, o polegar segurava seu queixo enquanto os outros dedos circulavam seu pescoço, sem aplicar pressão, pois não precisava, tinha ciência que só o toque dele te manteria no lugar. 
 “Você vai fazer isso comigo mesmo? Sério?”, você quase implorou, tentou manter seu tom o mais estável e convencido possível, mas parecia falso como plástico. 
“Não, meu bem, não vou”, Johnny segurou sua cintura e te ajudou a sentar no colo dele, as mãos passearam pelo seu corpo enquanto ele olhava todos seus detalhes, pensando por onde deveria começar, ou talvez forçando a si mesmo a manter um certo nível de civilidade. Tirou sua blusa, o sutiã em seguida e beijou seus seios, beijos afetuosos, lentos, analisando com um olhar parecido a uma adoração, uma prece. “Você merece alguém que te queira como um doido e eu vou ser esse alguém hoje. Você vai gostar do jeitinho que eu faço”, disse, fazendo seu coração se apertar e em seguida sua garganta prender um gemido quando chupou seu mamilo com força, roçando os dentes enquanto segurava pela base e imprimia apertos cuidadosos.
“Johnny…”, chamou baixinho e segurou os fios longos do cabelo, o assistindo se deliciar com a sua pele e de vez em quando te encarar com aqueles olhos redondos e cheios de um prazer extraordinário. Você estava assombrada, a cabeça girando pelos estímulos, pela visão de cima do seu amigo, roçando sua intimidade inconsciente nas coxas cobertas pelo linho à procura de alívio.  A cada vez que esbarrava o volume que já estava ali desde que você tinha subido nele, desejava mais que ele estivesse dentro de ti.
“Johnny… Eu preciso…”, suplicou agora sem nenhum peso na consciência, sem nenhuma interferência do seu ego. 
“Eu sei do que você precisa. Vem aqui”, ele tirou sua calça e deitou-se completamente no sofá, puxando sua cintura até a altura do rosto.
“Espera, a gente não precisa fazer isso…”, você entendeu o que ele pretendia fazer e sentiu por um segundo que fazia por pena.
“Mas eu quero. Quero você sentada na minha cara, suas coxas me sufocando… Por favor”, os dedos se entrelaçaram o dele e ele te ofereceu uma expressão sincera de pedido. “Eu quero te dar isso-” disse, te ajudando a subir no sofá de novo e se posicionar, uma perna de cada lado, “Quero ser o primeiro a te dar isso, quero ver tua perna bamba depois que te fizer gozar”, prometeu, beijando o interior das suas coxas e esperando o sinal.
Você segurou as mãos dele novo, assentiu rapidamente, dividida em acreditar que aquilo estava acontecendo de verdade e tomando coragem pra não desistir. Johnny deslizou o nariz pelos lábios que escondiam seu ponto sensível, não era mais provocação, não era mais um jogo, era como se te preparasse para a enxurrada de sensações que viriam daqui pra frente. Distribuiu beijinhos ao redor da sua vulva, aproveitando também o presente que era pra você, e por fim deslizou a língua molhada e quente por toda extensão. Seu gemido se desprendeu, apertou os dedos dele assustada, maravilhada. Ele repetiu o movimento, agora mais devagar, mapeando os cantos e os meandros, e juntou o lábio em um biquinho, chupando o aquele ponto da sua pele que pulsava. Se concentrou nele, fazendo movimentos circulares rápidos, revezando com mais chupões, demorados, com vontade. Apertava sua bunda ao mesmo tempo, como se tentasse te obrigar a liberar o peso das pernas, a sentar de uma vez, mas você estava receosa, não queria machucá-lo, nem que ele perdesse o ar.
“Pode sentar. Tá tudo bem.”
“Eu vou gozar, não vou conseguir me segurar”, respondeu entre arfares.
Johnny riu e riu claramente da sua inocência.
“Relaxa, deixa que eu penso nisso. Vai, rebola na minha cara, me usa”, e abriu um pouco mais sua perna, fazendo com que você inevitavelmente grudasse a entrada molhada na boca dele, que sem perder tempo voltou a chupa-la, agora com mais velocidade, a estimulando com sede. 
Foi o suficiente para que você fechasse os olhos com força e liberasse um gemido arrastado e longo. As mãos entrelaçadas te deram sustentação e certa segurança que ele estava aproveitando aquilo tanto quanto você, até mesmo quando você fez exatamente o que ele tinha pedido, o usando, movimentando sua cintura para frente e para trás, tirando a maior quantidade de fricção dos lábios dele que conseguia. E ele gemia, tão alto quando você, as ondas sonoras ajudando também a te fazer gozar intensamente. 
Johnny não entendeu isso, entretanto, como o fim. Continuou sugando a região, dessa vez com a língua toda para fora, em círculos maiores, mais rápidos, praticamente movimentando a cabeça de um lado para outro. Você sentiu outro orgasmos nascer no seu baixo ventre, ao mesmo tempo que sentia a sensibilidade dos seus músculos que acabaram de fazer um esforço tremendo. 
Largou as mãos e segurou os cabelos, com força e quando olhou Johnny, ele sorria com os olhos, já que a boca estava ocupada. Desgraçado, ele sabia o que estava fazendo e estava fazendo de propósito. Você queria xingá-lo dos nomes mais terríveis possíveis, por estar forçando outro orgasmo, mas ao mesmo tempo seu corpo não te obedecia. Sua cintura rebolava instintivamente, quero aceitar o que ele estava te dando.
“Mais uma vez pra mim amor, só mais um”, você ouviu a voz abafada dele e em seguida sentiu a língua resvalar pela intimidade completamente encharcada de novo, a sensação de relaxamento completo atingir seu corpo todo e sua visão ficar turva. Seu gemido era um chiado dolorido, de um deleite perturbado, mas tão bom que se soltou dele e se apoiou no braço do sofá. Johnny te colocou deitada de costas no sofá, te ajudando a controlar a respiração entrecortada, acariciando seu rosto. 
“Que porra é essa?”, você perguntou, rindo, tentando arrumar os cabelos presos à testa. 
“Isso é uma das coisas que você ‘tá perdendo se envolvendo com esses idiotas”, respondeu desafivelado a calça bem a altura do seu olhos, te dando uma visão privilegiada do membro pesado dentro da cueca que já tinha uma mancha molhada e o local transparente. Sua boca salivou. 
Você levou rapidamente seu olhar ao dele, tentando esconder a felicidade. “Uma das?”
Johnny puxou suas pernas na direção dele, agora apenas suas costas estavam seguras pelo sofá. Desceu a última peça que o cobria e posicionou um tornozelo em cada ombro. Você sentiu a glande tocar a sua entrada e se contorceu, os dentes travados enquanto soltava um arzinho entre eles.   
“Uhum. Você ainda tem vários outros tópicos pra dominar.” 
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