cringemesstickles · 1 year
A Squealing Surprise
(TickleTober Day 11: Squeal)
Summary: Johnny’s been a little sad and Pony wants to see him smile
Pairing: None implied
Word Count: 613
A/N: I wanted to write something for them bc they’re just adorable ahshsb
Johnny had been a little downcast as of late, his typical puppy dog expression even more prominent than usual.
Ponyboy, his best friend, wanted nothing more than to see that heart-melting Johnny Cade smile, and he knew just how to get it.
The pair were lounging on the Curtis's living room couch, Pony secretly plotting his ambush.
“You’ve been lookin' real down, Johnny. Something on your mind?” He lightly probed, trying to set up the perfect moment to put his plan in motion.
Johnny seemed to snap back to reality just then, blinking and momentarily processing the question.
Finally, he answered mellowly. “Nothin' in particular… just the usual stuff, ya know?”
The youngest Curtis boy nodded in response, briefly forgetting his plan in favor of providing support.
However, this was the perfect moment.
Trying to bite back a grin, Ponyboy sat up and turned towards his friend, unable to hide the mischievous sparkle in his eye.
“Ya know, they do say laughter is the best medicine…”
When Pony began wiggling his fingers in the air, Johnny had gotten the message.
“Ponyboy, don’t you d-dare!”
Taking that as his queue, the blonde pounced on his friend, fingers digging into his sides.
“EEK- Pohohony, q-quit ihihit!” He squeaked and giggled, trying to squirm away from the tickling fingers, though they only seemed to follow wherever he went, only amplifying his sense of desperation.
“Why? You aren’t ticklish, are you?”
The teasing only seemed to get under the older boys skin, which was starting to turn a soft pink.
“Y-You know I ahahaham!”
By this point, Ponyboy couldn’t help giggling along, finding the slightly shy laughter quite infectious.
“You sure do have a nice laugh, Johnny. Maybe we could get it louder?..” He then moved his fingers upwards towards the scrawny ribcage, and that did it.
A high pitched squeal filled the air.
Ponyboy stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
Johnny had slapped his hands over his mouth, his eyes just as wide as Pony’s, seemingly unaware he could make such a sound.
“Did you just squeal?!” The younger boy laughed, pleasantly surprised by the reaction.
Johnny on the other hand looked terribly flustered, his tan skin turning as red as a rose.
“That’s soho embahaharrassing…” He whined, burying his flushed face in his hands, his voice tinged with slight insecurity.
The youngest Curtis laughed and poised his hands above the newly found soft spot, eyes glittering with glee.
“Aw, don’t be shy, Johnny! It was a cute squeal!” He assured, resuming his skittering to see if he could evoke the same reaction.
Low and behold, Johnny let out yet another squeal, this one louder than the last.
“PONY, PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Johnny kicked his legs and squirmed with reckless abandon, trying to bat at the hands that were mercilessly attacking his worst spot.
The younger pretended to ponder, not pausing his motions.
“Hmm.. I don’t know, Johnny… Do you think you’ve laughed all the sadness away?”
All the response he got was a frantic nod of the head. Johnny’s face was flushed and tears of mirth were running down his face.
On one hand, Pony wanted to hear more of the happy laughter, but on the other, he didn’t wanna kill his best friend.
Finally pulling his hands away, the Curtis boy sat next to his friend who was curled up letting out leftover giggles.
“Thahanks, Pony. I-I needed thahat..” Johnny confessed, looking at the blonde with eyes full of gratitude.
Ponyboy smiled proudly, crossing his arms in triumph.
“Don’t mention it.”
The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and joy, the previous somber mood completely faded, leaving only glee.
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switch-writer · 11 months
Can I request Johnny Cage hcs? He has such chaotic switch energy
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Johnny Cage Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: As a Johnny Cage fan since MK9, I love how Johnny SINGLE-HANDEDLY managed to get people who never played Mortal Kombat to love it. Its honestly too funny 😭 But! I love Johnny, he was always a fun little character. Nonetheless. It was fun writing these due to his goofy personality. Do enjoy!
• Right out of the way, he might as well have a sixth sense of telling if someone is ticklish and how to get them laughing, where to poke, etc.
• His energy is infinite so his hands will be jumping all over the place and tickle anywhere he can reach. He likes to jump from spot to spot. Very all over the place.
• He’ll stop once someone needs him to. He pushes people a little bit, but as long as they’re laughing and trying to push him off, he’ll stop for them. He’s kind hearted.
• …Although. You will certainly persuade him much easier if you feed him a compliment or two… or three… or many.
• “You want me to stop? Alright alright… BUT! First off! Who’s the most talented movie star out there? What was that? Say that again? Can’t hear you over the laughter!”
• He will also playfully put on a announcer voice and say things like “And the most ticklish fighter in the world goes to…!”
• He’ll often shove someone back down when they try to get up. If they have long hair? He shoves it in their face. Wearing a hat? In their face so they can’t see. Etc.
• He’d also probably take photos with the person quickly while they’re smiling then quickly go right back to tickles.
• His goal is just to make the person laugh any means necessary, including silly actions to make sure he succeeds.
• Once he knows someone is ticklish, he’d probably take a jab at their sides every so often and have a big grin that basically screams his cockiness. Almost as if he’s trying to say ‘I still know’ and so he can dangle it over their head.
• He’d also give a eyebrow raise whenever someone who’s ticklish snarks off, and wiggle his fingers as if to send the hint that they should watch it or else the movie star is gonna rush over and do his usual mischievous (and slightly annoying) acts.
• Despite all of this, this is probably as often as the rest of his antics. He’d tickle someone every so often just as he’d shove a camera in someone’s face every so often with the flash on.
• That being said, he knows when to be serious, and knows when someone is being direct with him. He’s a actor and knows what to look for in body language.
• …He’d still give a little poke though.
• And that leads to the flip side of things.
• He’s someone to slowly back away with his hands up and go ‘woah woah! Lets get rational here.’ With a nervous smile.
• He’d consider running but his ego says it’d be too cowardly, however, he can’t handle when someone stares at him in a dead serious manner yer clearly has the intent to tickle him. He’ll run. The seriousness makes Johnny panic even more so he’ll bolt it. Other than that, he’ll stand his ground.
• He’ll constantly grab at the other person’s hands to block them. If you’ve played MK11, you remember the mime time move where he’ll act like a mime and if you hit him, he’ll basically reflect the attack/block it then immediately hit the other person (sorta similar to his fatal blow in MK1) so think of it like that. He’ll grab hands when they come at him and try and flip the tables.
• He will flail, he kicks, he’ll wiggle, he will do anything to dodge the tickles. So sit on his waist and he’ll be a sitting duck. Straddle him or pin him or else you’ll have. 50% percent chance of being kicked.
• Once the tickles actually start? His hands will auto focus on getting your hands off. His nerves freak out and therefore his hands flip out and frantically try and get the sensations off. But he’ll usually give in after the first minute because he loses most of his strength.
• But his actual laugh is extremely contagious, it probably sounds a little goofy and a touch more high pitched than his normal laugh, but it’s a contagious laugh that’s loud. He’ll also sometimes start silent laughing at his limit.
• He’ll start backpedaling the moment the tickles start.
• Johnny maybe bold with his actions, such as when he takes pictures when tickling someone, but if someone takes a photo or dare I say a video of him, his face will go tomato red. He isn’t a man easily embarrassed, but there’s things that make him tomato red, and that’s one of them.
• If that video is ever mentioned, he will quiet down fast too.
• He’ll be a major giggler after the tickles stop. He’ll just slowly get up as he giggles, fixing his shades with a giggle. The tingles will linger for a moment with him.
• He’ll usually be mellow for the next 30 minutes or so too. He’ll be quieter and less obnoxious, but he’ll chat normally.
• Johnny also likes teasingly going ‘hey, 20 bucks a second’ just to quickly say it’s a joke in case someone tries to tickle persuasion into him, one look that hints tickles, he’ll quickly clear it up.
• Over all, Johnny thinks it’s amusing to do it to others, and is greatly embarrassing when he’s on the receiving end. But… it’s mostly fun, so that’s what matters to him!
Hopefully you enjoyed!
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temeyes · 5 months
Soap and ghost are gonna get their tummies kissed, I don’t make the rules 😘😤
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lieutenant riley might need a bit more convincing, bestie,,,
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amazingmsme · 1 year
What Siblings Do
AN: Yes yes, late again, don’t be expecting that to change lmao. But this is a Schitt’s Creek fic I started awhile back to fight the writer’s block & I’m so happy I got to include it for tickletober! Here’s day 15, hope ya like it!
The Rose family was not a tight knit, overly affectionate one. Even as children, the siblings were distant from one another, preferring to play with their expensive toys alone or with their respective friends. When Alexis started to toe the line of puberty, she set out on her world-wide bender that lasted throughout her middle and high school years. David was already on his own in New York, his sister merely a footnote in his thoughts.
When they lost everything and their lives essentially flipped upside down, they only just began to realize they may not be the perfect, happy family they thought they were. Money can buy a lot, but memories are forged from your actions, or lack thereof.
Alexis thought she and David were normal brother and sister, that their contempt and annoyance with each other was common and didn't border on hostility. After being forced to spend so much time with him, she's grown to enjoy his near constant presence, and wondered why she'd ever shut him out. But then he'd say something snide and bitchy and she was promptly reminded. But David was smarter than he gave himself credit for, and she had to admit he could be hilarious. (She couldn't let on that she thought that; the last thing he needed was an ego boost.)
It was the middle of the afternoon, and she was hanging in the motel lobby to fight off her boredom. Stevie gave up on passing her Candy Crush level and shifted her full attention to Alexis's nonstop rambling and the occasional question. She must've read something in her expression, because her next words threw Stevie for a loop.
"I hope I'm not coming off as, like, an entitled whiny brat trying to brag. But I just miss the way things were when we had money. Things I never even considered as a luxury before, I can't dream of having now," she said dejectedly.
Stevie shook her head, eyes wide. "No, I-I don't think that at all. I mean, you are an entitled whiny brat, but so is David," she said, smirking when she saw a fleeting smile grace the other's face.
"I mean, you can't really help it. You guys had a lot of money, so you lived like rich people. You never knew this would happen, so it's okay to miss it. Hell, I miss it and I don't even know what that's like."
Alexis nodded, taking in her words. "Yeah, but I guess if anything good's come from it, I don't think I've ever been closer with my family."
"Hm, I can see that. No offense, but none of you seem like the... touchy feely type," Stevie said, vaguely waving her hand in her direction. Alexis giggled and rolled her eyes.
"Well you're not wrong there. I can't help but wonder what it's like to have, like, a normal childhood," she wondered aloud, leaning on the front desk.
Stevie hesitated before she spoke. "Weeell, when I was a kid, we played outside a lot." Alexis listened intently, leaning farther over the counter. Stevie let out an amused huff as she continued. "We'd get dirty and someone wound up hurt most of the time. We got into a lot of trouble," she admitted, chuckling. "Even though I can't really stand my cousins now, we had some good times, back in the day."
"Aww, that's so sweet! So like, what would you guys do? Any favorite, memories you'd like to share?" she asked in her usual inquisitive, bubbly manner.
Stevie thought for a moment, a smile forming on her face. "We'd go skinny dipping in the creek during summer. But only after it rained," she specified, the two of them succumbing to a short lived giggle fit. "We had a few sleep overs. We just did normal kid shit like watch movies and play games." She paused and chuckled, shaking her head. "There were some pretty brutal tickle fights. But I'm sure you know all about that, being the youngest," she teased.
Alexis cocked her head. "Mm noooo," she said, stretching her arm out and leaned away from the counter.  "Should I?" she asked, knees slightly bent and arms tucked close like she does when she's nervous about something. Stevie looked her up and down, brows furrowed.
"Are you trying to say you won against David growing up? 'Cause that doesn't really seem likely if I'm being honest," she deadpanned.
When she didn't answer, Stevie dropped the sarcasm. "Alexis... have you and David ever had a tickle fight?" she asked, genuinely curious. She thought for a moment, shook her head, paused and hummed to herself before shaking her head again.
"Nnno, not really. Maybe when we were like, really little, but nothing more than a poke here or a squeeze there," she explained. Stevie looked at her, something akin to pity in her gaze as she tried to think of something to say. It made Alexis fiddle with her hair as she whined. "That's not weird, right?"
Stevie froze like a deer in headlights. "No," she replied, a little too late.
"Mmmm really?" she asked skeptically. "'Cause you're acting like it's weird, and it's making me feel weird, 'cause, like, were we supposed to?"
"Well- I- obviously, it's not for everyone," she struggled to put her mind at ease.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like, I don't know, like I'm one of those dogs on the sad commercials."
Stevie shrugged. "I don't know. I guess, I'm just a little sad for you guys," she said honestly, her hands shoved in her pockets. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say.
"Oh my God, it is weird!" she cried, grabbing a fistful of hair. Stevie shook her head frantically, mouth slightly agape.
"I didn't say that!" she insisted.
Alexis heaved a sigh. "You didn't have to."
There was a long stretch of awkward silence. Stevie finally spoke up. "You know, it's never too late. And I saw David get back like an hour ago, and most of the guests are out for the day," she hinted. Alexis picked up what she was laying down, and a bright grin stretched across her features.
"Thanks Stevie, you've really been a huge help. On an unrelated note, I think I'm gonna go," she said, already at the door.
"Uh huh," Stevie grinned as she watched her leave and walk down the sidewalk through the window. She muttered a silent prayer for David, hoping he'd forgive her for whatever hell she unleashed upon him.
When Alexis burst into their room, David was laying on his bed eating Doritos and talking on the phone.
"Why have we never had a tickle fight?" she demanded, slamming the door behind her. David jumped out of his skin and started choking. Alexis could hear Patrick on the other line asking if he was okay until he composed himself enough to answer.
"I'm fine, Alexis just- barged in here and said the most atrocious thing I've ever heard so I started choking on my Doritos!" Patrick hummed in understanding. Ah, so that's what all that crunching was.
Alexis stared down at him, arms crossed. "That's not an answer!"
David groaned. "I'm sorry babe, I have to go. I'll call you later." He didn't wait for Patrick to say goodbye before hanging up. "Are you out of your mind? I was on the phone!" he yelled at her, standing up from his spot on the bed.
"Oh come on David, I've walked in on much worse," she teased. He huffed in frustration, running his hands through his hair.
"What even brought this up? The last time I just acted like I was going to tickle you, you hissed like some demon and flipped me off."
"Well, yeah, but when was the last time you actually tried?" she asked in exasperation.
David blinked a few times as he realized he didn't have an answer.
"I... don't know."
"Don't you think that's weird?" she asked, staring at him expectantly. Hopefully.
He shrugged, "No."
"Well Stevie got this look on her face when she found out, and she said she thought it was sad!"
Oh, so this was Stevie's fault. He was going to kill her. "It's only weird cause you're making it weird!"
"So you really don't feel like we missed out on something?" she asked, something accusatory in her voice.
"No! And honestly, I wish you'd just drop it!" he snapped, throwing himself back on the bed. He turned his attention back to his phone, thumbs flying across the screen. He didn't notice his sister creeping towards him, which would utterly be his downfall. He looked up just in time to see Alexis looming over him, and let out an ear piercing scream.
In the lobby, Stevie muttered to herself as she idly clicked around on the computer, "Wow, that was fast."
Next door, Johnny's head snapped up in alarm when he heard his son's scream, but his nerves were set at ease when it was followed by loud laughter. Moira on the other hand, didn't seem to bat an eye.
Back in their room, Alexis was already laughing as David flailed on the bed, holding her hands and pushing against her with all his might. She had the high ground and ultimately won the upper hand when she twisted out of his grip and shoved him on his back.
"Alexis! Alexis nohoho!" he immediately broke, having no resistance against the feeling. She was scribbling up and down his sides, finely manicured nails sending ticklish shocks through his whole body. He rolled onto his side, curling in a tight ball as he swatted at her persistent hands.
"Wow David, who knew you were so ticklish?" she taunted, pinching around his torso sporadically, leaving him in a fit of jumpy giggled, shrieking each time her hand made contact. “I really missed out! Oh well, guess I just gotta make up for lost time!” she chirped happily, kneading her brother’s stomach as if she were a cat making biscuits. Needless to say, it was very effective.
“Nohoho you dohon’t! AHAHAHA!” he screamed and arched his back when she poked his bellybutton. A devious grin spread over her face as she wiggled her fingers above him. He didn’t know why, but felt warm and fluttery inside. He hadn’t played with Alexis like this in… okay he’s never played around with her like this, but something about it felt somewhat adjacent to fun. He tried to banish the thought from his mind, but was beaten to the punch when she started squeezing his hips, sending him into mad cackles.
“Ohohoho fuhuhuck you!” David snapped as she began squeezing his thighs. That had no right being so ticklish.
“You know, you’re not really doing much fighting in this tickle fight,” she teased smugly, hands continuing down and latching onto his knees. David screeched and kicked, but to no avail.
Hold the phone.
“Ihihi cahahahan doho thahahat?” he asked incredulously through his laughter. Alexis scoffed in annoyance as if it were obvious, which, to her,
“Duh, it’s called a tickle fight! You’re supposed to try and defend yourself!” Apparently, that was all the permission David needed.
He mustered up the strength to turn over and shoved his hands under his arms. She let out a shrill squeal, falling on her back as she fell victim to bright, bubbly giggles.
“Ha! And you tried to say I was bad?” he mocked, enjoying how the tables turned. That made her snort, followed immediately by a shriek.
“Dahahahaviiihihid!” she whined, grabbing a pillow off the bed and shoving her face in the cushion. Her laughter was muffled, but only slightly.
“What’s that? Sorry, I can’t understand you, you’re laughing too hard,” he teased, scribbling over her neck. She yelped, biting her lip in an attempt to hold back her laughter, but to no avail. He looked down at her and smiled. He doesn’t remember the last time she looked so carefree and happy. Her hair was tussled in a way she would’ve been appalled by, her cheeks were flushed a bright pink, her eyes glistened with unshed tears, but most importantly, she wore a smile that stretched from ear to ear. David smirked down at her. “Or maybe just take that pillow out of your mouth.” She flipped him off.
He gave a dramatic gasp. “Well that’s not nice! I guess someone needs to be taught some manners!” He went to attack once more, but the predator became the prey.
Next door, Johnny Rose had been trying to read the same newspaper article since their tickle fight began. Don’t get him wrong, he loved the fact they were bonding! But did they have to bond in such a loud manner? His brows furrowed in concern when he heard a shrill scream followed by begging and screaming for help. He set his paper aside and made to stand.
“Ah ah, what do you think you’re doing?” Moira asked, brush combing through one of her many wigs. John gestured wildly to the door.
“He asked for my help! It sounds like there screaming bloody murder in there!” he exclaimed, pointing to the door behind him that connected the two rooms. Moira gave him a look
“John, they’re adults, they can fend for themselves. Besides, Alexis borrowed a necklace without asking, and David blew me off for dinner to go see Patrick. So I say let them tickle torture each other to their heart’s content,” she chirped, unbothered by the sounds next door.
Johnny sighed, defeated. “Okay, if you say so.” It was probably another 10 minutes before they settled down.
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tigresslanzhu · 9 months
Negative Association Technique
Johnny: Not again… why do you keep tickling Mr. Moon?
Artica: He was getting ready to rob a bank. I figured if I helped him associate crime with something he finds unpleasant, he’ll be a law abiding New Moon Boss!
Meena: Yeah, the fact that you didn’t have to stop to think about an excuse… kind of worries me, Artica…
Artica: Lemme know when he passes out. Unconscious people can’t steal money, right?
Johnny and Meena: Artica, just stop!
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 8: Death Spot
A/N: Thank you for requesting this fic, @hotshot624! I don't know how well I characterized the guys, but I tried! And I know it's late, I'm gonna be uploading a few more fics I think a couple days late, I just got too busy. Hope this fic is good! <3
Fandom: Jackass (Film & TV)
Characters: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera
Bam's always been ticklish. Since he was a kid, it was just a known thing to everyone around him that 'hey! bam is ticklish! let's get him!' and that's just how it was.
Even into the sets of Jackass, pestering Bam with pokes, jabs, flutters among the other tortures the guys administered to each other as pranks, it all just became normal practice. And it was hilarious because no matter how often they did it, Bam would always jump or scream or run away from his attacker. He always had a reaction, thereby making the bit funny.
But Johnny Knoxville had been on a mission for these past few weeks on set. He'd been trying to come up with a bit where Bam was absolutely wrecked with tickles, but no one thought it was funny enough or worth filming. So back to the drawing board it was.
And then the idea just spiraled into Johnny wanting to wreck Bam's shit, regardless of cameras or plans. Bam had been especially dickish with his pranks on set recently anyway, so this was all well-justified.
During the lunch break, some people left the set to eat out, most everyone stayed in the outdoor cafeteria to eat, and some ate in their cars or another safe place in fear of typical Jackass shenanigans. So Knoxville waited until after lunch, when everyone would be called back and they'd usually have a good period of down time while crew set up the next shoot. Knoxville watched as Bam pulled back into the parking lot and got out of his car, immediately walking into the air conditioned offices.
Knoxville stalked Bam and followed him inside, making sure he didn't notice him. He watched Bam go into the men's room and that's when Knoxville knew he would strike. He positioned himself just outside the bathroom door and waited for Bam to come back out. He shushed anyone who walked by and tried talking to him to keep up the sneaky attack. And boom, when Bam emerged and started walking the other way, Knoxville jumped out and tackled him to the ground, the two men rolling around on the carpeted floor for a few seconds.
"What the fuck!" Bam cursed immediately, trying to fight off Knoxville. But the guy had the element of surprise on his side and Bam wasn't prepared to be fighting this hard. Knoxville maneuvered himself so he was straddling Bam and had both his hands pinned under his knees on either side of him.
"Bam, I've been trying to put this together for far too long," Johnny sighed, "It's about time I've caught ya."
And then that signature Knoxville grin spread across Johnny's face and he wiggled his hands in the air up by his head, "Coochie coo, Bam!" and he dove his hands down, scribbling all over Bam's belly and sides.
Bam screamed and he kicked his legs violently, "AHA fuhuhuck you! Fuck you fuck-- stohohop!" he was trying to not laugh to maybe not give Knoxville some of the satisfaction he was getting from this. But it was damn hard, man! Especially when you were as sensitive as Bam was.
Some crew had come by at all the noise to watch the scene, all wearing smiles.
"You see, I wanted to make this a bit," Knoxville was talking as if he wasn't currently tickling the shit out of Bam, "But no one let me. Isn't this fun?" he asked Bam and then looked at the crew around him, "Isn't this fun?" he repeated with more energy and got a few cheers and claps.
Johnny's fingers worked their way up to Bam's ribs and stayed there for a while as that seemed to get deeper laughs to come out of Bam's mouth.
"And the point of the bit was that we'd be finding your Death Spot," Knoxville continued, "Which I don't think any one of us knows. You wanna tell me now and just get it over with?" he smirked.
"NAHAHO! Fuhuck YOU!" Bam slammed his heels against the carpet, "Thahahat's never gonna fucking happen, you prick!"
"I expected that," Johnny let himself giggle gleefully, "Welp, then I guess I'm just gonna have to figure it out on my own!"
Johnny slid his fingers up Bam's ribs and tried to get into his armpits, but Bam was making it hard. Even with his pinned wrists, his arms weren't like pulled way out to the side or anything, so Bam was still able to squeeze his upper arms to his sides.
"Let me in there, Bam, c'mon," Johnny voiced, "Come onn, you little shitbird," he laughed and Bam groaned, "What do I gotta say? Open sesame! Please! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!"
The last few teases got Bam to blush and Johnny fluttered his fingers by Bam's neck and ears, which got the young man giggling and tossing and turning his head. It got him to scrunch his shoulders up to fend off Johnny's fingers, which was part of the plan.
"Bingo!" Johnny dove his hands in with some extra force and Bam was cackling once more, "Is this your death spot? That's why you wouldn't let me in?" he asked and didn't really expect an answer. But the longer Knoxville tickled under Bam's arms, the more he was realizing that no, this couldn't be his worst spot. He felt like he could get Bam laughing louder, harder, and longer.
"Alright, back down we go," Johnny wrenched his hands free and wiggled them back down Bam's torso.
Bam was in hell during this ordeal. No one was helping him because everyone was a dick. And here was Knoxville having the time of his life, airing out all his secrets and sensitive spots for the whole set to know. And damn, the guy knew how to tickle. Bam kept trying to get his arms free but he wasn't able to, and Johnny was using the exact perfect tickling speed and pressure to get him laughing anywhere he touched him. And now Johnny was back by his belly and even snuck his hands up under his shirt to tickle him. God, he sucked. Bam snorted at the lighter belly tickles on his bare skin and Knoxville burst out laughing at hearing that.
"Youhuhu snorted! I didn't know you could snort, Bam!" Knoxville was giddy.
And then he moved his hands even further down, sliding around to Bam's boney hips that were showing clearly above his low-rise jeans and hiked down boxers. Bam took a sharp intake of breath and he shook his head, "No! Knoxville, stop, I mean it! Stop it right now. I swear, Knoxville, I swear to god!" Bam was gritting his teeth and pulling to free his arms even harder.
A grin spread across Johnny Knoxville's face like the Grinch. Christmas had indeed come early.
"What's that? Stop before I get to... here?" he poked his two pointer fingers into both Bam's hips at the same time. He felt Bam's entire lower body jerk roughly to one side at just the poke.
Knoxville let out an evil and excited, "Ohohoho..." before he cracked his knuckles and situated his hands so they gripped both of Bam's hips, his thumbs poised and ready for the attack. Aaannnddd...
Yeah, let's just say Knoxville ended up with a bloody nose and a whole target for revenge slapped onto his back. Hips. Definitely Bam's Death Spot. And wouldn't you know it, someone had a camera out and recorded the whole thing.
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lxvvie · 8 months
Simps 'R Us, Between the Sheets edition: Your faves and the wholesome and funny things you two get up to in bed, part I.
Capt. John Price - When he's half asleep and about to snore loud enough to wake the dead (Price vehemently denies this), you like to have random conversations with him because you know questions you ask will do one of two things: elicit a nonsensical answer from the Cap'n or... wake him up from his sleep altogether.
Gaz - Is curling up into himself because you're the big spoon, you're running your hands over his body because he's highkey lowkey ticklish, and your face is buried in his neck because... he's highkey lowkey ticklish. "Darling, please—" Gaz manages to gasp out between... wait, are you giggling, Garrick?
Soap - Your darling golden retriever chaotic good boyfriend loves... to sleep naked. You're not complaining, though, especially because he loves it when you lay on him. You've made a home for yourself between his thighs; his stomach is your pillow, and he usually has a hand rubbing your head. Helps him to relax, y'know, bonnie? And whenever you don't lay on him, it's an affront to Johnny's... everything. His heart is broken. His soul is crushed. You're too far away from him (even though you're still right under him). How could you do this to him? He can't live like this. No other stud muffin can offer you what he can, beautiful. But no really, bonnie, he needs you on top of him like... yesterday.
Ghost - You really like his body. Like... really like his body. You blow raspberries on his stomach, you smack his ass, you talk about his eyelashes—scratch that, you love his body. To you, every scar tells a story, and you've asked him plenty of times to talk about them. And then you did the unthinkable that had Simon wanting to disappear into the fucking blankets—"Si-bear, I didn't know you had a mole on your inner thigh!" Bloody fucking hell, he'll never hear the end of this. And then you kissed it and Ghost's face had never felt so bloody hot before. Christ, you'll be the death of him, sweetheart.
Roach - Nothing but the most sickeningly saccharine stuff to ever stuff happens with Roach. A poke-fest, a kiss-fest, a tickle-fest, you name it, it happens. Roach loves to sleep with his face buried in your chest and arms wound tight around you. Always. You rubbing his head soothes him to sleep as well.
Alex - You're also the big spoon here, too. You're busy talking about conspiracy theories you believe the government is/was involved in and Alex is entertaining you ("That so, Boss?"). In actuality, his eyes are comically wide because the truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction and you may or may not be walking a little heavy there, Boss.
Alejandro - Is the big spoon to your little spoon in bed no matter what you're doing. Loves to intertwine your legs together, too. Alejo murmurs how much he loves you in your ear and kisses the top of your head before telling you good night.
Rudy - Sometimes when he's asleep, you'll whisper "Rodolfo" in his ear which causes Rudy to shoot up, eyes comically wide because the only time someone calls him by his full government name is when he gets into shit but it wasn't him this time, it was that idiot Alvarez— "Didn't get to tell you good night and I love you, Rudy, so... good night and I love you, Rudy." Oh. Oh. Ha. Real funny.
Farah - A cuddle bunny through and through. She loves laying up under you, her head resting on your shoulder or under your chin, or her face in the crook of your neck. She wants to hear you as you sleep. She wants to feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest or the resonances as you speak. Farah simply can't get enough of you.
Keegan - It's really you teasing him because Keegan isn't one to really get flustered or deviate from his infamously neutral expression. Much. Until you came along. You two are relaxing in bed and you're the one randomly calling out, "Hey, Kee-Kee," to which Keegan makes the most surprised and disgusted face in response and you're wheezing.
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lisenberry · 5 days
Thoughts on the first time you give your man a back rub after a long day. (Some of them are nicer about it than others.)
nsfw/mdni/18+/daddy stuff
Simon - He's never been touched like that before. Who would voluntarily reach out to offer him comfort? He doesn't exactly scream "pet me, I don't bite." It makes him ticklish, but he's not the type to giggle and shy away. No, he doesn't want you to stop, but he doesn't know what to do either. So, he just tenses up, grits his teeth, eye twitching under his mask, skin crawling as you run your fingertips over the skin of his back, his shoulders, down to his waist.
After a minute or two, you realize he's more uncomfortable than when you started, so you pull back. "I'm sorry. I was only trying to help."
"You know how you can help me, lovie?" He unbuckles his pants and pulls out the only part of him left that feels anything uncomplicated.
Kyle - He's upset, at the unfairness of it all. Ranting and raving about the mission and the particulars. It should've been easy, people could've been killed. But as your hands move in wide circles along his neck and his spine, he quiets down. He forgets what he was so angry about. His breaths slow and his eyes close. His head rolls back until you think maybe he fell asleep.
So, you stop, just for a minute. Until he moans your name and kisses your wrist. "Enough about me, baby. How was your day? Want to go out for dinner?"
Johnny - The second you lay your hands on him, he starts to boss you around. "A little to the left." "Ah, that's it, lower." "Don't be shy, use your nails." "Harder."
Before you know it, you're playing 'Whack-a-mole' with the itch running around his back muscles and across his chest. He's stomping his foot like a dog and leaning into your touch. You're behind his ears and under his arms, down the waist of his boxers.
He's moaning like you're giving him the best fuck of his life, and when your roommate happens to poke their head out from the kitchen to see what the commotion is all about, it's just the big Scot with his shirt pulled up around his neck and your legs spread across his lap for better access to his hairy abs.
John - Like Simon, physical touch is a mixed bag for him. Most people who sneak up behind him want him dead, so he's more prepared for a knife than a kind pair of hands.
But he trusts you, he reminds himself. And he has a lot of hair, so it does get itchy. Especially in the heat after a long day. He pays for your maintenance--hair, nails, clothes--so it's only fair that he gets to enjoy everything his money gets him.
"Do you like this, daddy?" You knead his knotted muscles with your thumbs and mindlessly run your meticulously filed nails through the coarse salt and pepper curls along his back and chest.
Maybe the nicer you are to him, the nicer he'll be later.
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ghostedbunnie · 13 days
little things with tf141
little domestic moments I find oddly charming about each of the members.
warnings: suggestive
SIMON: he believes he forgot how to simply be. after every messed up thing in his life, he doesn't know how to not think four steps ahead in every situation. he still double checks the windows and doors before going to bed and sleeps so light that a feather fluttering to the ground would get his attention.
but most of the tension in his muscles leaves when you are around. he sits with his thighs spread far apart on the couch, watching a movie you like even though he couldn't care less about it. what he does care about is pulling you in between his legs when you bring popcorn for your little movie night, the hold on your middle almost makes you drop the bowl. you scold him, like you would a misbehaving pet and he only responds with a grunt that you feel through your back as you it's flush to his chest.
PRICE: the biggest handyman there ever was. his pride would take the biggest hit if you needed to call someone else. some other man. usually he won't even let you know he did anything, you'll just end up piecing the information together when the light in the garage works after months of you putting it off because it's high up and you get dizzy trying to reach it or when the stair that always creaked under your foot stops making noise after you mention how it drives you crazy to him.
when you bring it up to him, he only shrugs with a satisfied smile. "i don't do it for a reward, honey." but his words don't match the glint in his eyes, like he is gonna eat you up for dinner later.
JOHNNY: very much gives off the vibes of a velcro dog. wherever you are, he is. he is always right behind you or in your way and he is absolutely shameless about it. if you're baking he sticks to your back with his head on your shoulder, occasionally nibbling at your neck or nuzzling his stubble into it for a sliver of your attention when you tell him it's ticklish. when you are taking a shower at night he is either brushing his teeth right next to the shower curtain or slipping inside because "c'mon bonnie, cannae argue wit' savin' water." as if he doesn't let the water run while he inevitably bends you over to ravage you.
GAZ: brings you flowers at least once a week when he's not deployed. always says he doesn't need a reason to give his girl flowers. at this point every time he passes by a flower shop he thinks of you and since he's been doing it for a while he has the flower language down to a t. so much so he enjoys having you realize what each of these flowers mean especially when it clicks that he used to give you flowers even before when you were only childhood friends. every time he would drop by your house after coming back from deployment he would hand you a tulip with a soft smile and mess up your hair.
his smile only widens when he sees you google the meaning of tulips in flower language. hopeless love.
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cringemesstickles · 1 year
Sunsets and Tickle Fights
(TickleTober Day 15: Tickle Fight)
Summary: Johnny and Ponyboy have a tickle fight (very self explanatory)
Pairing: None intended
Word Count: 681
A/N: I just had to write them for this prompt because they’re so sweet :’(
I totally didn’t tear up writing this
It was a cool autumn day in the heart of Tulsa where two best friends, Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis, lay in the grassy field outside the old abandoned church, reminiscing over the recent events.
“Ya know, I’ve been thinkin'…” began Ponyboy, breaking the silence. “About everything that’s happened… and how life can change so fast.”
Johnny looked over, his brown eyes filled with thought.
“Yeah, it’s been an awful lot… but right now, it feels, you know.. normal. Just two pals hangin' out.”
Johnny spoke in his typical timid manner, a manner that Pony had grown accustomed to.
Suddenly getting a mischievous idea, Ponyboy smirked.
“You know something, Johnny? You’re always so timid. You ever consider, oh I don’t know… breakin outta your shell?” He nudged the older boy with his elbow, a playful glint in his eye.
Johnny chuckled. “What d’ya mean?”
In the blink of an eye, Ponyboy pounced, both boys tumbling in the soft grass and wrestling for a moment before the younger got the upper hand by darting a hand to Johnny’s side.
“Tickle fight!” He exclaimed, wriggling his fingers all along the soft skin, eliciting a surprised yelp from the older boy.
“AH- P-Pony, no fahahahair!”
The dark haired boy squirmed and struggled, trying to break free from the tingling sensation in his sides.
The blonde laughed along, endeared by the joyous smile on his friend’s usually solemn face.
“Well, look at that! I gotta admit, Johnny… your smile is mighty cute!” He teased, not missing the rosy hue that colored the elders cheeks.
“Don’t sahahay that! It’s embarrassing…”
In a moment of desperation, Johnny reached for the younger boy’s ribs, giving a quick squeeze and successfully turning the tables.
“Wha- Johnny! Q-Quit ihihit!” squealed Ponyboy, retracting his hand in favor of defending himself.
Johnny giggled, amused by the silliness of the situation.
“What’s the matter, Pony? Can’t take what you dish out?”
Once again, in an effort to reclaim power, the blonde willed himself to reach out and scribble his nails against Johnny’s tummy, earning a loud squeal.
“EEK- Nohohot thehehere!!” He kicked his legs, throwing his head back with bright, contagious laughter, cheeks flushed bright red.
Though hysterical, he persisted with tickling back, though it was now much weaker.
Ponyboy continued to giggle, tickling with one hand and trying to bat Johnny’s hand away with the other.
“Haha! J-Just give up, Johnny! Y-You know I’m gonna wihihin!”
But Johnny refused to quit, switching to squeezing at his friend’s hip with as much energy as he could manage.
“N-No wahahay! Y-You give up!”
The two rolled around in the grass, each one tickling and trying to get the upper hand. The stress of recent events weren’t on either of their minds as they laughed without a care in the world.
Eventually, they both just lay side by side in the grass, red faced and panting from all the tickling.
Ponyboy looked over at Johnny with a smile glued to his face, still trying to catch his breath. “So, who won?”
Johnny giggled, meeting the blonde’s gaze.
“I think we both did…” He said contently.
Suddenly, Johnny shot up with a gasp, his big brown eyes widened.
“Pony, look at that!” He pointed at the horizon which showcased a beautiful blend of orange and pink, the bright yellow sun adding an almost surreal glow, painting a portrait of beauty and tranquility.
“Wow…” The younger gaped, sitting up and taking in the enchanting view, utterly speechless.
The pair watched the setting sun, basking in its breathtaking glow.
Once the sun set and the boys were greeted by the moonlight, Johnny was the one to break the silence.
“It’s good to be alive…”
It was a simple statement, but one that held more meaning than anyone could ever know.
“Yeah… it really is.”
And so, basking in the pale moonlight, the two friends stargazed and took comfort in each others company.
They’d been through hell the past year, but they were alive and breathing; and as long as they had each other, they knew they’d be alright.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 10 months
Dad!Cod Scenarios
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I had thoughts on these racked up in my brain about CoD characters having kids and what type of parents they'd be in a scenario or drabble manner.
Tag list: @puff0o0, @simp4konig, @blingblong55, @azereus, @rustic-guitar-notes, @shadofireshinobi, @anonymuslydumb, @skeletalgoats, @icarustypicalfall, @ghosts-cyphera,@connorsui is at it again, making me blush over her words, AHHHHH I LOVE HER. Did I tag almost everyone I know here? Yes, yes I did 😭
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
(Implied?? Wife!Reader, Parent!Reader. Not really specified, so gender neutral!Reader)
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❥ Dad!John Price is the type of dad who'd fondly tell your kids about how you met, tell them stories about his time in the army, his experiences with their uncles and aunts from 141. Enjoying how their little faces express something great, admiring how cool their dad was for being so brave to constantly and willingly put his life on the line in the means of saving people. They tried telling him that they want to follow in his footsteps but that is a big no no. The last thing he wants is them willingly throwing themselves in danger and the risk was far too much.
❥ Dad!Johnny MacTavish is the type of dad to make his kids laugh by blowing raspberries on whatever body part his kids are ticklish on, he enjoys hearing their laughter and giggles. Definitely is the man who grew up with quite a big family so he'd love to have a full house if you were up to having it with him. He's such a family man to the bone, knows how things work around and mostly knows what to say and do when it comes to the kids.
❥ Dad!Kyle Garrick is the type of dad to dance with his kids, letting them have their little feet on top of his, letting them pick the music and guiding the little one. Having them smile and look up at him, his little one thinking it was just the best thing in the world to spend quality time with their dad. Swaying them around while they call him giggling, letting out squeals after he spins them. (I NEED GIRL DAD!GAZ 🥺😭)
❥ Dad!Simon Riley is the type of dad who absolutely HATES it when his kids cry, always doing his best to console them, depending on what made them upset. Being the one to patch them up when it's because of a "boo-boo", god forbid it's because of another person, he'd either make that kid piss themselves or that adult will NEVER see the light of day again. Because of that, the little one always finds themselves looking for their dad's comfort.
❥ Dad!Gary Sanderson who is the type of dad who finds so many ways to make his kid feel appreciated, whether that'd be through letting them help out and make them feel needed, thanking them and returning the favor for handmade gifts on days like Father's day or Valentine's day. The little one is always so eagerly awaiting for their dad to come home, knowing he'd be bearing so meaningful gift that goes in the memory box.
❥ Dad!Alejandro Vargas who is the type of dad who's strict but also not at the same time. Safe to say he did not have fun when Soap taught his kid to curse in Spanish when he first met the kid, that was probably Alejandro's fault for teaching Soap Spanish curses anyway. That kid is going to be loved I tell you, Alejandro has taken them to work just so they can see what he does and safe to say they loved being around everyone that Alejandro works with. (More likely that they still do this together however Alejandro is VERY strict since it's dangerous for the kid to even be out there)
❥ Dad!Rodolfo Parra who is the type of dad whose domestic, he has many memorabilias and scrapbooks of his kid's milestones, even kept the teeth that fell out. Always finding ways to spend time with the kids, whether it'd be through something as simple but meaningful as teaching them Spanish or taking them out to eat. His kids love and adore him, finding that the best time they spend with him is when he lets them talk about their day, listening in and validating their thoughts.
❥ Dad!König who is the type of dad who finds himself absolutely terrified that he's responsible for such a tiny thing. He's extremely protective of them, seeing his little kid whimper and point at something that caused them pain (even if it was by their own accord), König finds himself comforting the little one by soothing their crying and kicking whatever inanimate object it was just to make them feel better. He already hurt himself once or twice doing that and it did make his kid laugh, anything that makes them happy right?
❥ Dad!Kim Hong-Jin who is the type of dad whose a bit irresponsible at times, he tends to roughhouse with his kid a lot. There's definitely a lot of physical and playful activities with him in the means of spending time. He doesn't mean anything by it, just quality time, his kid is one of the reasons behind him stopping his gambling addiction. He wanted to set an example for them. The last thing he wants is for his kid to remember him by something negative so he does his best to spend time with them a lot despite him getting deployed.
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Sidenote: I wrote this at 1 am and it was fun but my eyes hurt now, I have plans to go out tomorrow with a friend. Now regarding your guys' requests, ISTG I'm not ignoring you guys, I'm just not in the right headspace to write them except for a few I'm currently working on.
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thephant0menace · 2 years
| Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley head cannons
Warning: Simon Riley x fem!reader, strong language, just a cute little fluff cause I thought of this when I was scrolling through Pinterest😻
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You always had a thing for Simons arms. You found them so sexy….
You liked how muscular and veiny they were.
But something that really got you was the sleeve of tattoos that covered his forearm.
Simon was never made aware of this, thank god. You thought he’d find it weird…
This was until one day, the two of you were sitting on the couch together on a cold winters day in your little shared apartment in Manchester.
His arms were wrapped around you as you snuggled into his chest, watching a show you forced him to watch. (Probably some roncom he claims to hate but deep down he loves.)
As you watched in comfortable silence, you begin to trace your fingers along the outlines of his tattoos. Tracing out his veins carefully.
The simple touch sends shivers down his spine. The feeling of your nails dragging along his inked skin is so addicting.
You continue to drag your fingers along the tattoos, taking in the pretty designs of the art carefully.
Simon notices you marvelling at his arms and let’s out an amused grunt.
“watcha lookin’ at, sweetheart?”
His gruff voices brings you out of your thoughts.
“Nothing,” you almost whisper looking back up at him, “just like your tattoos.”
Simon chuckles to him self, “is that so?”
You nod, slightly embarrassed but then an idea pops into your head…
“Hey Simon?” You ask with a cheeky smirk on your face.
He hums in response and you sit up properly on the couch, smirk still plastered on your face.
“Can I colour in your tattoos?” You ask trying to hold a laugh in.
His face goes from amused to absolutely dumbfounded.
He sits in silence, staring at you before finally speaking.
“Sorry what?”
“Can I colour your tattoos in?” You repeat.
With a little bit (a lot) of begging he finally gave in and you happily ran off to find markers to begin your masterpiece.
You begin colouring in all the different shapes and designs and occasionally asking Simon what the tattoo meant to him and why he got it.
“What about this one?”
“Don’t fuckin’ know…Johnny made me get it when I was drunk.”
It was also an effort to get the motherfucker to sit still as he was so incredibly ticklish. It astounded you.
“Simon! Stay still, please!” You laugh, climbing onto his lap to try hold his giant squirming body down.
“Tickles s’much, lovie. Fuck-“ he says, burying his head in your neck, trying to hold his laughs in.
Although he complained through the whole thing…deep down he loved it. He found it cute that you were so interested in his tattoos and that you wanted to colour them in.
Would he ever admit it though?
A/N: this was so random but I had the idea and HAD to do something on it! I’m currently working very hard on a ghost smut so get ready for that…hopefully will be up by next week! Thank you for all the love on my last post, love you all🫶
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yikesb3rg · 1 year
sorta based on those johnshi hcs i've been seeing around but consider amongst the ticklish skin and snort giggles kenshi finds slightly squishy parts around cage's belly n waist hggouggb defends himself like HEY!! i- i been outta work for a little okay! actually embarrassed and i know kenshi is v proud of his findings, one after another. ticklish "love handles" i froth i love making johnny get awkward and embarrassed for once, can't take what he dishes out!
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i was going to add dialogue um... but i'm not a good writer so you can imagine what they're talking about here lol
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
heyy could you write to Johnnie Guilbert x female reader where the reader paints his tattoos with a marker?
(idk if this is a good idea but I saw his new tattoo and thought how much fun it would be to paint)
Stained Skin.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
this is so cuteeee I love writing blurbs like this. I was also thinking that whenever I saw his new tattoo omgggg
tooth rotting fluff???
word count:
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you traced Johnnies tattoos, admiring them as he laid next to you watching tv. an idea popped into your head, so you broke the comfortable silence. "Do you still have all of my markers over here?"
he hummed sleepily. "they should be in the drawer." he nodded his head towards his desk.
you ran your thumb over his cheek gently. "Can i color in your tattoos?" you asked with a smile.
he looked down at you, confused as to where the odd request came from. "Yeah, of course."
you crawled out of bed and gathered your markers. you helped him slip his shirt off. "Which ones do you wanna color?"
you hummed, "Let me color in your back first."
he pecked your lips gently before flipping over. you began to color in the roof of the house. you colored them a deep forest green. you rubbed your thumb on his back as you rested your other hand. "it kind of tickled." Johnnie laughed. you loved seeing his smile.
you giggled, "Don't worry, babe, it's going to look great."
johnnies tattoos were one of your favorite aspects of him. you loved how he portrayed his interests through what's he got done. you switched to a light blue to color in the windows. you placed the cap back on the marker. "Turn around, i'll work on that one later. can i color your neck?"
"Yeah," he gripped your waist as you crawled into his lap. you moved his hair as he tilted his head to the side you wanted. you grabbed a deep red for the wings of the bat. he giggled. "i'm too ticklish for this,"
you paused  to kiss his cheek. you took a deep gray and began to color the fur of the bat. "we should get matching tattoos." you mention. you smiled to yourself. " You should get my name tattooed."
"fuck it, i will." he ran his fingers through your hair.
"yeah, right." you replied sarcastically. you finished coloring in the bat and sat up. you looked over his arms as you picked which tattoo you wanted to color next. you changed your mind, choosing the goosebumps tattoo on his shoulder.
you colored it in a dark green and made the eyes red and purple. "mkay, I'm done. flip over for me, baby."
you hummed quietly to yourself as you continued coloring in his back tattoo. you began to color in the walls of the house a dark purple, adding streaks of black to make it look more worn down.
you placed a soft kiss on Johnnies shoulder. "okay, all done." you put up your markers.
"can you take a picture of my back for me, love?" he asked, sitting up.
you picked up Johnnies phone and snapped a photo of his back and the other tattoos you colored in.
"they're so cute." you commented.
he kissed your cheek and proceeded the posy the photos on his story. he captioned it 'She made me a coloring book @Y/nL/n.'
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soap-ify · 9 months
the key to solving johnny’s horrible mood? by letting him eat you out.
cw — f!reader, cunnilingus, soap's nasty.
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careless recruits, getting scolded by the captain and messing up some tasks — literally everything was going terribly wrong today. did he wake up on the wrong side today or what? just his damn luck.
barging into the apartment he shared with you and dropping his stuff aside, he stomped inside and searched around for you, glaring blue eyes softening just a bit when he caught you reading a book on the bed, comfortably laying.
and oh, you were wearing some loose shorts too.
he pounced on you in no time, shoving the book away from your grasp, earning a surprised yelp from you.
“johnny, what—”
“need ye so bad, hen. cannae shut down my head.” he grumbled and pressed soft kisses on your cheeks until you finally let out a giggle due to the ticklish feeling, callused fingers sliding your loose shorts down your squirming leg before shoving his face in between your legs.
he was nasty, mouthing and licking your warm cunt through your panties, soaking them all up with his saliva and your precum, feeling the heat emitting from you.
this is exactly what he needed, just comfortably laying in between those soft plush thighs of yours, all cozy with his mind only focused on you and the little moans you let out, your hands resting on your stomach while you panted softly.
he would gently grab the bottom of your panties and move them aside, letting his mouth latch onto your soaking cunt, hungrily slurping and sucking onto your poor sensitive clit, obscene noises filling the air.
he was so messy, not caring about your slick coating his stubble, your wetness slowly beginning to soak the sheets underneath. in fact, he loved it. so much for being called soap.
you had long forgotten about the book you were reading, pleasure overtaking your senses while you whined and tried to grind against his hungry mouth with your hips clumsily bucking forward, your fingers tugging and gripping onto the messy hair of his mohawk while his tongue circled your puffy clit before shoving into your tightness, his nose nudging against your clit.
by now, all of his anger was long forgotten. you really were his off switch.
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konigsblog · 6 months
Simon, price, and Johnny love hairy pussy prove me wrong
(i don't see gaz to be the type to enjoy a hairy reader, i think he prefers you to be shaven, while keeping himself smooth as well. doesn't like being itchy...)
johnny loves the idea of it being spontaneous, not something you were expecting or planned. he adores the thought of winning you over, to the point where you allow him to fuck you despite being unprepared. he will rub his slick, swollen cock back and forth against your sensitive clit, feeling your pubes against his veiny shaft, his head thrown back at the fantasies swarming his mind.
simon likes the ticklish feeling of your pubes against his hung balls while he's easing into you. you're on all fours, back arched, and your tight cunt spread out around his thick, meaty dick. his voice is deep and hoarse as he ruts into you, your walls clamping down around his length, and the feeling of your hairy cunt grazing against his balls with each thrust leaves him with laborious breathing.
price is hairy himself; it's not a surprise that he also enjoys a hairy reader to indulge in. he's similar to johnny in the sense that you didn't prepare for this, that he'd won your pussy over. but price encourages you to keep yourself hairy, enjoying himself as he eats your wet, glossy, hairy pussy out, his eyebrows furrowed together and his breathing short and strained. his tongue flicks your clit teasingly, burying his nose in your bush. the strong scent of your sweet arousal leaves him light-headed and agonisingly horny.
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