cringemesstickles · 8 months
A Squealing Surprise
(TickleTober Day 11: Squeal)
Summary: Johnny’s been a little sad and Pony wants to see him smile
Pairing: None implied
Word Count: 613
A/N: I wanted to write something for them bc they’re just adorable ahshsb
Johnny had been a little downcast as of late, his typical puppy dog expression even more prominent than usual.
Ponyboy, his best friend, wanted nothing more than to see that heart-melting Johnny Cade smile, and he knew just how to get it.
The pair were lounging on the Curtis's living room couch, Pony secretly plotting his ambush.
“You’ve been lookin' real down, Johnny. Something on your mind?” He lightly probed, trying to set up the perfect moment to put his plan in motion.
Johnny seemed to snap back to reality just then, blinking and momentarily processing the question.
Finally, he answered mellowly. “Nothin' in particular… just the usual stuff, ya know?”
The youngest Curtis boy nodded in response, briefly forgetting his plan in favor of providing support.
However, this was the perfect moment.
Trying to bite back a grin, Ponyboy sat up and turned towards his friend, unable to hide the mischievous sparkle in his eye.
“Ya know, they do say laughter is the best medicine…”
When Pony began wiggling his fingers in the air, Johnny had gotten the message.
“Ponyboy, don’t you d-dare!”
Taking that as his queue, the blonde pounced on his friend, fingers digging into his sides.
“EEK- Pohohony, q-quit ihihit!” He squeaked and giggled, trying to squirm away from the tickling fingers, though they only seemed to follow wherever he went, only amplifying his sense of desperation.
“Why? You aren’t ticklish, are you?”
The teasing only seemed to get under the older boys skin, which was starting to turn a soft pink.
“Y-You know I ahahaham!”
By this point, Ponyboy couldn’t help giggling along, finding the slightly shy laughter quite infectious.
“You sure do have a nice laugh, Johnny. Maybe we could get it louder?..” He then moved his fingers upwards towards the scrawny ribcage, and that did it.
A high pitched squeal filled the air.
Ponyboy stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
Johnny had slapped his hands over his mouth, his eyes just as wide as Pony’s, seemingly unaware he could make such a sound.
“Did you just squeal?!” The younger boy laughed, pleasantly surprised by the reaction.
Johnny on the other hand looked terribly flustered, his tan skin turning as red as a rose.
“That’s soho embahaharrassing…” He whined, burying his flushed face in his hands, his voice tinged with slight insecurity.
The youngest Curtis laughed and poised his hands above the newly found soft spot, eyes glittering with glee.
“Aw, don’t be shy, Johnny! It was a cute squeal!” He assured, resuming his skittering to see if he could evoke the same reaction.
Low and behold, Johnny let out yet another squeal, this one louder than the last.
“PONY, PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Johnny kicked his legs and squirmed with reckless abandon, trying to bat at the hands that were mercilessly attacking his worst spot.
The younger pretended to ponder, not pausing his motions.
“Hmm.. I don’t know, Johnny… Do you think you’ve laughed all the sadness away?”
All the response he got was a frantic nod of the head. Johnny’s face was flushed and tears of mirth were running down his face.
On one hand, Pony wanted to hear more of the happy laughter, but on the other, he didn’t wanna kill his best friend.
Finally pulling his hands away, the Curtis boy sat next to his friend who was curled up letting out leftover giggles.
“Thahanks, Pony. I-I needed thahat..” Johnny confessed, looking at the blonde with eyes full of gratitude.
Ponyboy smiled proudly, crossing his arms in triumph.
“Don’t mention it.”
The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and joy, the previous somber mood completely faded, leaving only glee.
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driftiscat · 5 months
Ohhhh! Daly tickles yeeees!
"Brighten up Kid."
Lee: Johnny
Ler: Dally
Johnny had stayed the night with Ponyboy, his parents, of course, didn't care. Lately, Johnny has been rather down in the dumps, none noticed except Dally.
Dally normally catches on with Johnny with how much the kid follows him. "Why so glum?" Dally asked, that normal twisted grin. Johnny just shrugged.
He didn't like Johnny's answer, "Come on, Johnnycake, what's the matter? Gonna tell me, or am I gonna have to drag it out of ya?" Dally snickered. Johnny felt the sudden feeling to run.
He turned to run, but Dally already had a grip on his waist and quickly pulled him in. What the gand like to call was, "Dally hold.".
"D-Dally??" Johnny stammered, Dally loosen his grip, not wanting to hurt the kid. "Smile, will ya?" Dally said bluntly, his fingers traced Johnny's ribs, causing the boy to flinch.
With a grin, Dally dug his finger into Johnny's ribs, tickling each bone, "EEK! DAHHAHAHLLY! SHHEEHHAHAHA NOOOHHAHAHA!" Johnny melted so easily.
Dally, Darry, and Steve are the only gang members who could hold up tickling, but Johnny just melted to fits of giggles and laughs.
"I'm not doing nothin' what's with the screaming, Johnnycake?" Dally smirked, "YOHOHOHOU KNOHOHOW AHAHAHAH!" Dally just shrugged. His fingers moved down to Johnny's stomach. Watching as the boy squirmed and even kicked, his face was red, redder than Ponyboy's.
"I ain't doing nothin', Johnnycake." Dally kept teasing, Johnny yelped with laughter, crumbling in Dally's arms. Eventually the playful torture ended.
"You alive, Johnny?" Dally snickered, a smug expression on his face. Johnny gave a weak nod and a smile.
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greasersgyatt · 5 months
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‘Sadness? No more’
lee: Johnny Cade
ler: Dallas Winston
tw: venting, mention of suicide
Johnny was sitting alone in the cold lot. He was hanging out with the gang not too long ago but it started to get dark and everyone left home. Johnny never liked going home. He was thinking about going today but he decided not to. He could hear his parents fighting from outside their house. The word ‘hated’ was a understatement of how he disliked his parents, especially their fighting.
He could see his cold breath in the -2 degree weather, shivering. He had tried to start a fire to keep him warm but it was no use. The wind kept blowing it out. Johnny knew it wasnt safe sitting by himself this late because of him being a greaser. Town was weirdly full of socs today and even socs were passing through greaser territory and hanging about there which always made Johnny feel a bit frustrated but also afraid of getting jumped again.
He was thinking for a while, sitting on the curb of the lot. He was thinking about going to the curtis house snd maybe asking them if he could sleep over.. or maybe he could go round to two bits. Then it hit him. Dallas. Dallas would probably let him stay over. He always let when Johnny asked to sleepover even if it wasn’t usual. He got up and started to speed walk towards Buck Merrils house.
He got to Bucks Merrils house and knocked on the door. He knew there was some sort of party going on because he could see the colourful lights peeking through the curtains and he could hear the loud music coming from inside of the house. After a long moment, Buck opened the front door. “what do you want, kid?” Buck asked, his eyes focused on Jobnny. “uh- can i speak with Dallas?” Johnny said. He sounded like he was asking even though it wasnt a question. He was gonna speak with Dallas. “..he’s busy” Buck answered as he was going to shut the door but Johnnny quickly pushed it open again. “No, please. Just tell him that its johnny.” Johnny pleaded. Buck stared at him for a quick second before sighing. “wait here” Buck muttered under his breath as he shut the door.
He waited patiently until the door opened again. He saw Dallas who was shirtless. “..hey Johnny” Dallas said with one eyebrow raised, not really expecting Johnny but he wasn’t complaining hat he was here. “hi Dallas” Johnny said quickly before adding on, “do..- do you mind if i stay over for the night?” Johnny asked, hoping Dallas would say yes since there was a slim chance of Dallas saying ‘no’. Dallas looked at Johnny. “Yeah. of course, kid” Dallas said as he pushed the door open wider for Johnny to come in.
Johnny stepped in and instantly was hit with the scent of alcohol, cigarettes and weed. He didnt say anything about it though since he was used to all of smells. It didnt bother him much. Dallas and Johnny made there way upstairs and into Dallas’s small room that was at the end of the hallway. Dallas closed the door behind him so that the music from downstairs would be a bit quieter.
“..parents fighting again?” Dallas asked Johnny when he looked at him. Johhny sat down on the edge of dallas’s double bed, just answering with a simple “yeah”. Dallas stared at him. He couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for Johnny which was suprising since Dallas was always the ‘fearless, tough’ dude and he never reslly cared about anyones feelings, not even his own feelings. But there was just something about Johnny that he just felt like he needed to protect. Johnny already had a bad enough life with his abusive parents and how he got jumped a few months ago just made it worse since he never deserved that. Nobody deserved what Johnny was going through at his young age.
Dallas sighed, his hands swinging by his side before he goes down to lay on his bed. “C’mere” Dallas muttered quieter than usual as he let Johnny crawl over next to him.
“Dallas- i dont- i dont think i can do this anymore.” Johnny whispered under his breath, making Dallas turn his head in confusion. “I cant live like this anymore.. ill- ill kill myself-!” Johnny blurted out, making his breathing increase. “Hey, Johnny no. Don’t think about that. You’re not gonna kill yourself, kid. You’ve got me.. and the gang. We’re like your better family, Johnny. You dont gotta worry about a single thing happening to you when im around, you got that?” Dallas reassured him, putting his arm around Johnnys shoulder. “Now calm down your breathing, Johnny. Im being serious, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Dallas added on. “Youll be okay. I promise.” Dallas said with a sigh, glacing at Johnny. Johnny always looked like a lost puppy in a crowd. Who wouldn’t want to protect him?
“..how about i try and cheer you up?” Dallas asked, trying his hardest not to smirk as he knew full on damn well what was about to happen. He was good at cheering Johnny up one way or another, tho today he was gonna try the old first method. “..ho-how would you do that?” Johnny asked, turning his eyes towards Dallas. “Ive got my ways.. so what do you say?” Dallas asked again with a slight grin. Johnny seemed hesitant but nodded. Dallas couldn’t contain his smirk now that Johnny agreed. In one quick move, Dallas grabbed Johnny, making him sit infront of him while Dallas was behind him. “Ready?” Dallas asked. “..yeah?” Johnny muttered with a bit of confusion in his voice. Thats when Johnny just wished he said no.. well.. maybe he did enjoy what happened next. Suddenly, Dallas dug his fingers into Johnnys sides, making him let out a gasp before being in a pit of laughter. He tried his best to swat Dallas’s hands away but he failed since Dallas was behind him. “DALAHAeHAS” Johnny said through his howl of laughter. Dallas smirked as his fingers made their way down Johnnys side, down to his hips and over to his tummy which made Johnny giggle in a more high pitched voice. “What Johnny? Am i making your sadness go away?” Dallas asked with a teasing tone. Johnnt could feel Dallas’s breath hitting against the back of his neck, making him squirm his neck back. “CUHUHUT IT OUT” Johnny squealed when he felt Dallas’s fingers scattering around his tummy, near his belly button. “DALALAS” Johnny begged when suddenly one of Dallas’s hands were poking around Johnnys ribs while his other hand was dancing around on his knee. Johnny basically screeched with laughter, kicking his legs to avoid Dallas’s fingertips on his knees. “What, Johnny? Cant handle a little bit of tickling?” Dallas chuckled “tickle, tickle, tickle Johnny” Dallas teased, laughing as he sees johnnys face turn a pinky colour from the t word.
Dallas finally stopped as he saw that Johnny was slightly coughing from all his laughter. “You good?” Dallas said with a smirk, letting johnny lean back on him while he gets his breath back. “Yeah- yeah” johnny said quickly in one breath as he looked up at dallas then looked away. “..thanks” Johnny mumbled. Dallas just smirked. “No problem, kid.” Dallas answered.
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switch-writer · 7 months
Can I request Johnny Cage hcs? He has such chaotic switch energy
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Johnny Cage Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: As a Johnny Cage fan since MK9, I love how Johnny SINGLE-HANDEDLY managed to get people who never played Mortal Kombat to love it. Its honestly too funny 😭 But! I love Johnny, he was always a fun little character. Nonetheless. It was fun writing these due to his goofy personality. Do enjoy!
• Right out of the way, he might as well have a sixth sense of telling if someone is ticklish and how to get them laughing, where to poke, etc.
• His energy is infinite so his hands will be jumping all over the place and tickle anywhere he can reach. He likes to jump from spot to spot. Very all over the place.
• He’ll stop once someone needs him to. He pushes people a little bit, but as long as they’re laughing and trying to push him off, he’ll stop for them. He’s kind hearted.
• …Although. You will certainly persuade him much easier if you feed him a compliment or two… or three… or many.
• “You want me to stop? Alright alright… BUT! First off! Who’s the most talented movie star out there? What was that? Say that again? Can’t hear you over the laughter!”
• He will also playfully put on a announcer voice and say things like “And the most ticklish fighter in the world goes to…!”
• He’ll often shove someone back down when they try to get up. If they have long hair? He shoves it in their face. Wearing a hat? In their face so they can’t see. Etc.
• He’d also probably take photos with the person quickly while they’re smiling then quickly go right back to tickles.
• His goal is just to make the person laugh any means necessary, including silly actions to make sure he succeeds.
• Once he knows someone is ticklish, he’d probably take a jab at their sides every so often and have a big grin that basically screams his cockiness. Almost as if he’s trying to say ‘I still know’ and so he can dangle it over their head.
• He’d also give a eyebrow raise whenever someone who’s ticklish snarks off, and wiggle his fingers as if to send the hint that they should watch it or else the movie star is gonna rush over and do his usual mischievous (and slightly annoying) acts.
• Despite all of this, this is probably as often as the rest of his antics. He’d tickle someone every so often just as he’d shove a camera in someone’s face every so often with the flash on.
• That being said, he knows when to be serious, and knows when someone is being direct with him. He’s a actor and knows what to look for in body language.
• …He’d still give a little poke though.
• And that leads to the flip side of things.
• He’s someone to slowly back away with his hands up and go ‘woah woah! Lets get rational here.’ With a nervous smile.
• He’d consider running but his ego says it’d be too cowardly, however, he can’t handle when someone stares at him in a dead serious manner yer clearly has the intent to tickle him. He’ll run. The seriousness makes Johnny panic even more so he’ll bolt it. Other than that, he’ll stand his ground.
• He’ll constantly grab at the other person’s hands to block them. If you’ve played MK11, you remember the mime time move where he’ll act like a mime and if you hit him, he’ll basically reflect the attack/block it then immediately hit the other person (sorta similar to his fatal blow in MK1) so think of it like that. He’ll grab hands when they come at him and try and flip the tables.
• He will flail, he kicks, he’ll wiggle, he will do anything to dodge the tickles. So sit on his waist and he’ll be a sitting duck. Straddle him or pin him or else you’ll have. 50% percent chance of being kicked.
• Once the tickles actually start? His hands will auto focus on getting your hands off. His nerves freak out and therefore his hands flip out and frantically try and get the sensations off. But he’ll usually give in after the first minute because he loses most of his strength.
• But his actual laugh is extremely contagious, it probably sounds a little goofy and a touch more high pitched than his normal laugh, but it’s a contagious laugh that’s loud. He’ll also sometimes start silent laughing at his limit.
• He’ll start backpedaling the moment the tickles start.
• Johnny maybe bold with his actions, such as when he takes pictures when tickling someone, but if someone takes a photo or dare I say a video of him, his face will go tomato red. He isn’t a man easily embarrassed, but there’s things that make him tomato red, and that’s one of them.
• If that video is ever mentioned, he will quiet down fast too.
• He’ll be a major giggler after the tickles stop. He’ll just slowly get up as he giggles, fixing his shades with a giggle. The tingles will linger for a moment with him.
• He’ll usually be mellow for the next 30 minutes or so too. He’ll be quieter and less obnoxious, but he’ll chat normally.
• Johnny also likes teasingly going ‘hey, 20 bucks a second’ just to quickly say it’s a joke in case someone tries to tickle persuasion into him, one look that hints tickles, he’ll quickly clear it up.
• Over all, Johnny thinks it’s amusing to do it to others, and is greatly embarrassing when he’s on the receiving end. But… it’s mostly fun, so that’s what matters to him!
Hopefully you enjoyed!
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2cupids · 7 months
warnings — fem reader, overstimulation, oral (f. receiving), f.ingering, pet names (doll, baby)
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no sooner than your vision returns to normal, does your boyfriend’s latch his mouth onto your overly sensitive core again.
you’ve lost count of how count of how many times you’ve cum tonight. hell, you can barely even remember your last name. that’s how foggy your brain is.
you run your fingers through his hair and weakly tug at the strands but just enough to get his attention as you whine. “p-please too much, i-it’s too m-much.”
he moans against your cunt from the sting of his hair being pulled but he remains unfazed by your pleads, continuing to flick his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves and sucking it into his mouth as he drives two fingers into your hole. he does, however, let his free hand roam around the sheets until he finds your hand, intertwining your fingers together. your heart flutters at the simple yet intimate gesture.
he remains situated between your legs, one minute he’s lapping at your arousal then the next minute he’s suddenly pulling away and sitting back on his knees to look at you.
“let me honest with you, doll. i’m nowhere near finished with you. you let me have one taste of that sweet pussy and i can’t help myself, you know how i get,” he says before bending down to whisper the next part in your ear. “just let me stay down here a little longer— play with her a little more. then i’ll put this dick inside that pretty little pussy of yours if you’ll let me and fuck you to sleep while i fill you up.”
you clench around nothing except air at the lewdness of his words and all you can do in response is dumbly nod at him, too weak and tired to speak.
he brings your hand up to his lips, your fingers still interlocked and kisses the back of your hand. “thank you for being so good for me baby. we’ll do whatever you want tomorrow, how does that sound?”
you nod again and he returns to his previous position, placing a kiss on the hood of your swollen clit. “you think if i add three fingers i can get you to squirt?”
shownu, kihyun, taeil, johnny, taeyong, yuta, kun, changkyun, doyoung, jaehyun, hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, san, mark, xiaojun, mingi, hendery, haechan, jaemin
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note: now y’all i don’t write for mx but i.m, shownu, and kihyun (jooheon too lowkey) give me the vibe that they would do this
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k-wame · 17 days
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Johnny Saxby & Gheorghe Ionescu God's Own Country (2017) | dir. Francis Lee
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tyongie · 4 months
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johntenyang (+ jeno)
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catboyieejeno · 1 year
texts ; lee donghyuck (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵)✧
pictures bf! hyuck sends you of himself
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ
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happygirl2oo2 · 3 months
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saw this textpost and got inspired
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honeyydrunk · 4 months
nct are such fraternity boy college athletes fuckboys coded it's insane !! everyone i see a video of those men with the homosexual tendencies, vaping addiction, and their athletic garments, it really only cements this theory. their disography and music videos add to this too 😔✋ u know 90's love, universe (let's play ball), alley oop, bad alive eng ver.
can imagine them walking around this elite prestigious campus all loud and obnoxious. they know everyone is looking at them and want to fuck them too. they're chronic drinkers, vapers, cheaters, fuckboys. what would get most students expelled, they do on a tuesday afternoon.
nct are mostly made up of foreigners right? watch them walk around the campus as rich international students, some are here on academic or athletic scholarships they don't need. everything they own is designer. playing the 'sorry my korean isn't so good, can you help me?' card, and what they want help with is you sucking their dick.
the korean members aren't any better. they're every single horrible stereotype you hear of korean hongdae fuckboys. will come up to you all sweet and pretty, but they're horrid.
cw for under the cut: they are toxic males
can literally imagine haechan vaping on the college campus, moaning in the back of the class obnoxiously, and pulling the thing where he jokingly asks for your number ALL THE TIME. going to college parties and getting wasted after 3 drinks idk 🤷 ,,, he'd be so whiny and teasing too. bc obviously he's a rude BITCH but he's so pretty and whiny and flirtatious. he's fucking everything in sight, absolute whore!! his body count is triple his age. he'd genuinely try to suck one of his friends' dick and claim it doesn't mean anything because he has clothes on !! 😔✋ he'd be stroking his dick while you're in the room, whimpering your name. the type to get on his knees and beg for any kind of attention from you..
mark lee starting off being a cute college boy canadian transfer but becomes the NOTORIOUS korean pastor's son fuckboy in like the span of 3 months. he'll act real nice, and that's because he is real nice. being super sweet and asking if you want to get coffee with him and study. and he's so good with his words you'll think that's all it is. but then of course, since he's so good with his words he'll have you blushing and giggling as he takes you back to his apartment and gets your clothes off. talking yapping so much you don't even realise what he has you doing, that you're just another girl he's pulled. he'll still be whispering when his face is in your pussy. telling you how easily you cum. "dang girl, wait a lil' can't you?" implying you're the whore,
YUTA yuta is the entire campus crush. the star football ⚽️ player and the rockstar vocalist in a band. has sex with all the groupies that come to his concerts. he's dragging people up on stage to shotgun them while the guitar break plays. absolute heartbreaker. would definitely kick the ball to your head so that when it hits you, he has to go over check if you're alright, take you up to the nurse and wait with you. he is such a liar, it genuinely hurts. lying all the time and making up words and stories left and right. but he smells like cherries and watery perfume !! he tastes like it too. you'll be coming to all his garage concerts just to see if you'll be the one he takes backstage to fuck after. he's like a god, half the time you don't even realise he's a student like the rest of you. he's just an angel sent to have fun and fuck or smth.
jaemin nah he's horrid. he'll cheat on you, and with his cute smile you'll forgive him instantly. 😔✋ he'll spend a little cash dress you in designer, make you cum until you faint, and tell you how beautiful and perfect you are for him. he will genuinely have you thinking those girls meant nothing to him, theyre just a way to vent his stress and you're the only one he loves. and then bro will say he can't stay the night, as he needs to wake up early for training. you agree, obviously. and he left for another girl's house to fuck her too. when you met him he smelled so sweet, and it was someone else's perfume. each of his girls swear they're his favourite of his, and one day he's planning fucking them all in the same room.
JOHNNY SUH? he would abuse the american transfer student status. he walks around without a shirt, soaking wet, and never get pulled up. he's rich too, got bands on his wrist and multiple cars. going on holidays overseas every chance he get and hosting parties every weekend. when you get drunk at one of them, almost falling off the balcony, someone will come up and help you to a chair. he'll take real good care of you, going above and beyond. so you can't let this guy leave when he's everything you've ever wanted. so you pull yourself onto him and ride him while the party rages on inside. make sure his dick feels so good he'll ask for your number. but you don't know that you're the fifth girl who's thrown herself at him that night.
taeyongie ^-^ he's the prettiest guy you've ever seen. bros too sweet and shy to be handing out with the rest of the neo WHORES. he's the leader of a lot of clubs but he mainly sits in cute little cafes. genuinely he seemed too adorable? to be considered the 'leader' of some horrific ahh fuckboys. until you check twitter and you see someone's reposted his MANY MULTIPLE HE HAS A LOT sex tapes. he's surrounded by ridiculously hot guys and girls, and they're passing him around like a joint, and he's begging to be humiliated. they're making him cum so much he crying. he's stronger than most of them but he's letting himself be thrown around like a doll. absolutely wrecked. looking in the camera with pretty black eyes and a slurred voice before someone shoves a cock back in this throat "am i pretty?" zhong chenle is the epitome of the chinese international student stereotype. he's almost never there, never takes off his sunglasses. he has several of those douyin type baddies trailing after him. "you have nice collarbones and pretty eyes, i like. what's your instagram?" he'll be talking with his friend renjun about what yacht he should buy during class. he can buy your affection simply because he's just that rich. will shove his black card down his pants and tell you there's only one way to get it. buys rolex watches so that he can have it on while he fingers you. dresses you in diamonds and he doesn't want to be paid back in cash. qian kun is there on an academic scholarship, but he doesn't need it. he's just that good, the school begs to have him attend. he's not a fuckboy in the conventional sense but he's just as nasty. he wants to have the perfect girl for him, to bring back to his family. he'll look for the most naive but academic girl he can. he's a manipulator. he's trying to mold you into what he wants. he'll replace your entire wardrobe with designer, but he picked out all the clothes. he'll plan cute dates for you every day, but it's to stop you from hanging out with your skanky friends. he'll buy you a new phone, but he's already added software tech to spy on you. in some essences, even though he's not a fuckboy, he's much worse than one.
jisung, like taeyong, looks so sweet. but he's NASTY. he'll seem too quiet to be hanging out with the rest of the dreamie WHORES. so you don't mind sitting next to him in your lecture. but he's just a mix of all of dream. he's good with his words like mark, and he'll have you agreeing to meet at his place EASY. he's too cute to refuse like haechan and jaemin. and then the renjun part hits, silent and sneaky, he'll be doing everything to make you think you're coming on to him. once he finally has you, he'll make a mess of you like a feral animal, the way you've heard jeno fucks. and you realise he's just like the rest of the dreamies, you shouldn't have thought otherwise. he might actually be worse than all of them.
tell me if u want me to make these like a full post or add more characters IM SO CRAZY DELULU RN SORRY xx !! 💋
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cringemesstickles · 8 months
Sunsets and Tickle Fights
(TickleTober Day 15: Tickle Fight)
Summary: Johnny and Ponyboy have a tickle fight (very self explanatory)
Pairing: None intended
Word Count: 681
A/N: I just had to write them for this prompt because they’re so sweet :’(
I totally didn’t tear up writing this
It was a cool autumn day in the heart of Tulsa where two best friends, Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis, lay in the grassy field outside the old abandoned church, reminiscing over the recent events.
“Ya know, I’ve been thinkin'…” began Ponyboy, breaking the silence. “About everything that’s happened… and how life can change so fast.”
Johnny looked over, his brown eyes filled with thought.
“Yeah, it’s been an awful lot… but right now, it feels, you know.. normal. Just two pals hangin' out.”
Johnny spoke in his typical timid manner, a manner that Pony had grown accustomed to.
Suddenly getting a mischievous idea, Ponyboy smirked.
“You know something, Johnny? You’re always so timid. You ever consider, oh I don’t know… breakin outta your shell?” He nudged the older boy with his elbow, a playful glint in his eye.
Johnny chuckled. “What d’ya mean?”
In the blink of an eye, Ponyboy pounced, both boys tumbling in the soft grass and wrestling for a moment before the younger got the upper hand by darting a hand to Johnny’s side.
“Tickle fight!” He exclaimed, wriggling his fingers all along the soft skin, eliciting a surprised yelp from the older boy.
“AH- P-Pony, no fahahahair!”
The dark haired boy squirmed and struggled, trying to break free from the tingling sensation in his sides.
The blonde laughed along, endeared by the joyous smile on his friend’s usually solemn face.
“Well, look at that! I gotta admit, Johnny… your smile is mighty cute!” He teased, not missing the rosy hue that colored the elders cheeks.
“Don’t sahahay that! It’s embarrassing…”
In a moment of desperation, Johnny reached for the younger boy’s ribs, giving a quick squeeze and successfully turning the tables.
“Wha- Johnny! Q-Quit ihihit!” squealed Ponyboy, retracting his hand in favor of defending himself.
Johnny giggled, amused by the silliness of the situation.
“What’s the matter, Pony? Can’t take what you dish out?”
Once again, in an effort to reclaim power, the blonde willed himself to reach out and scribble his nails against Johnny’s tummy, earning a loud squeal.
“EEK- Nohohot thehehere!!” He kicked his legs, throwing his head back with bright, contagious laughter, cheeks flushed bright red.
Though hysterical, he persisted with tickling back, though it was now much weaker.
Ponyboy continued to giggle, tickling with one hand and trying to bat Johnny’s hand away with the other.
“Haha! J-Just give up, Johnny! Y-You know I’m gonna wihihin!”
But Johnny refused to quit, switching to squeezing at his friend’s hip with as much energy as he could manage.
“N-No wahahay! Y-You give up!”
The two rolled around in the grass, each one tickling and trying to get the upper hand. The stress of recent events weren’t on either of their minds as they laughed without a care in the world.
Eventually, they both just lay side by side in the grass, red faced and panting from all the tickling.
Ponyboy looked over at Johnny with a smile glued to his face, still trying to catch his breath. “So, who won?”
Johnny giggled, meeting the blonde’s gaze.
“I think we both did…” He said contently.
Suddenly, Johnny shot up with a gasp, his big brown eyes widened.
“Pony, look at that!” He pointed at the horizon which showcased a beautiful blend of orange and pink, the bright yellow sun adding an almost surreal glow, painting a portrait of beauty and tranquility.
“Wow…” The younger gaped, sitting up and taking in the enchanting view, utterly speechless.
The pair watched the setting sun, basking in its breathtaking glow.
Once the sun set and the boys were greeted by the moonlight, Johnny was the one to break the silence.
“It’s good to be alive…”
It was a simple statement, but one that held more meaning than anyone could ever know.
“Yeah… it really is.”
And so, basking in the pale moonlight, the two friends stargazed and took comfort in each others company.
They’d been through hell the past year, but they were alive and breathing; and as long as they had each other, they knew they’d be alright.
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jsuh · 3 months
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johnny & haechan // 240310 nct 127 3rd tour 'neo city : japan - the unity'
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greasersgyatt · 1 month
pls pls plsssss do a lee johnny fic i literally love him sm!!
no pressure ofc, take care of yourself and dont rush anything 💕💕
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Ponyboy and Johnny were walking back to the Curtis house after being out for a while. The sky was a pinky colour as the sun started to set. As they walked and talked, Ponyboy could tell something was off. Ponyboy kept an eye out for johnnys little movements throughout the day. He watched as Johnny would brush his fingers past Ponyboys sides, how Johnny kept zoning out and turning a rosey colour, how he kept messing with his hair nervously, how he couldnt stay still for longer than 7 seconds, how he kept fiddling with the buttons on his jean jacket. Ponyboy had known Johnny for too long to not know what it all meant. Thats why throughout the day, Ponyboy kept messing with Johnny. Ponyboy constantly kept mentioning the word tickle, poking him every so pften and then acting like nothing happened and so on. He felt bad for teasing his poor friend but it was just too funny, plus, this wasnt the first time johnny was in a tickly mood so he knew later on, Ponyboy would take care of it. Johnny just had to be patient and wait.
When the two boys got home, they quickly noticed that no one was home which meant Darry and Sodapop were probably doing overtime. “You want something to eat, johnnycake?” Ponyboy called out from the kitchen as johnny slouched down on the couch, bouncing his leg up and down inpatiently. “no, im good” johnny said with a slight groan at the end. He knew Ponyboy was just dragging this out to tease him. After a moment of silence, ponyboys voice could be heard from the kitchen. “Johnny, come here for a sec!” Johnny got up with a quiet sigh, going over to the kitchen where he was met with ponyboys arms wrapped strongly around his stomach from behind and his fingers creeping under his t shirt, scribbling all over his tummy. “PohOHohy!” Johnny squealed, bending over in hopes of saving himself but Ponys fingers went down with johnny, tickling every little part of johnnys tummy. “Whats the matter, johnnycake?” Ponyboy teased with a grin as he watched his best friend crumble to the kitchen floor in laughter. “Whatcha laughin’ at?” Ponyboy asked as he climbed onto johnnys back, holding him down. “StahAhap iT! I wahahasnt reheheady!” Johnny yelped before letting out high pitched giggles when Ponyboys fingers slide down to his hips, wiggling his fingers all over them. “Wasnt ready? Oh, c’mon” Pony laughed, lifting one of his hands from Johnnys hips and placing it on the back of Johnnys knees, doing a circular pattern gently. Johnny squealed loudly, trying to kick his legs to get ponyboys fingers away but nothing was working. Johnny just had to sit there and suffer. Well, maybe not suffer. Johnny usually wouldnt admit it, but he was happy to get wrecked. “tickle, tickle, tickle, johnnycake” Ponyboy whispered into Johnnys ear, making johnnys face go bright red. “Oh, Shuhuhut up!” Johnny giggled out, moving his hands to cover his bright red face. “Gotcha!” Ponyboy said excitedly as he suddenly launched his fingers at johnnys ribs. Johnny howled with laughter, squirming from side to side.
“Is that enough for you, johnnycake?” Pony snickered, his fingers sliding around johnnys ribs. “Yehehes!” Johnny laughed out. Ponyboy smirked, getting off johnny and sitting next to him on the kitchen floor.
“..thahanks pony..” Johnny said shyly.
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ncityprincess · 1 month
What turns Nct 127 on the most about you
Minors do not interact
Seeing you be so caring and attentive toward him. Whether it’s you baking him his favorite treats, or knowing exactly what to wear to turn him on. Something about you just getting him makes him want to bend you over and pound you.
Watching you struggle underneath him. Not necessarily in a sadistic way, but in complete adoration and amusement. He loves to coo at you while listening to your breathy whines and watching you squirm all because of him.
Seeing how messy and filthy you can get. Loves to see you decorated in your own drool and sweat. But he also loves to decorate you with his spit, sweat and cum as if you were his work of art. The naughtiness of it all is what gets him.
the way your eyes pierce into his with the hottest, most desperate look on your face. It’s a cross between you being unable to process the amount of pleasure he’s giving you, and you silently crying for more.
the intimacy of knowing that you two are the only ones experiencing what goes down in your bedroom. Knowing that he can let out his filthiest fantasies with you, and that no one will ever know what really goes on gets him off.
watching your ass bounce up and down on his cock in reverse cowgirl. The curve of your back, your plush thighs, and you desperately leaning forward to grab his legs for more support has him ready to blow.
seeing you enjoy yourself during the act. Gets a huge adrenaline rush when he watches you play with your own breasts while his mouth is massaging your clit.
watching his cock move in and out of your tight hole. Sometimes he thrusts dangerously slow into you, really savoring the gushy sounds your bodies make. Other times he’s stuck in a trance, pounding into you like a madman, gaze permanently fixed where your bodies meet.
hearing you moan for him like a whore. He really loves those long, staccato moans. He has a huge smile plastered on his face while he fucks into you from behind, coaxing the most beautiful sounds out of you.
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star-suh · 2 months
5-way ticket
Johnny Suh, Lee Taeyong, Mark Lee & Nakamoto Yuta x Male Reader
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cw: idol au; tops johnny, taeyong, mark and yuta; unprotected sex, breeding, facial, dumbification, musk kink, degradation, praising, feminization.
an: lowkey think this is a mess, writing 3+ -somes is so hard so ntm. also this is the only fivesome you would see in this account.
today it's the day where yn finally would see his favorite group, nct 127, at concert. he also won a vip ticket so he can go and meet them backstage.
yn went greeting each member and talking to them one by one but he felt something different when he talked to johnny, yuta, taeyong and mark… their stares were like those of a hunter looking for a prey…
it was time to say goodbye when mark suddenly whispered in a sexy low voice “see you here after the concert” his breath tickling yn's neck.
“fuckk!! i knew he was good for this” moaned johnny impaling his huge dick inside yn's hole.
“damn he really is” mark said while mouthfucking the fanboy.
yn felt like he was in paradise, having 4 cocks just for him; one in his mouth, other in his ass and the other two on each hand. their musk was like a drug for yn, it made him more eager to just be used by the four all the time they want.
they idols decide to rotate every once in a while, johnny would now put his cock in yn's right hand while yuta would now fuck his mouth, mark moves to the left hand and taeyong rims his ass to fuck him minutes later.
they rotate again, mark didn't waste time and put all his dick in at once “how are you still so tight after taking two dicks already” he started to jerk off yn while thrusting harshly.
“open up for me whore” yuta taps yn's thighs and the fanboy obeys, he clenches his hole into nothing as if it's asking impatiently for yuta's cock. he rubs the tip against the abused hole, yn whimpered impatiently with taeyong's dick stuffing his mouth.
minutes passed and the idols still were at it, yn was regretting it now they had a lot of stamina. being double penetrated back to back by every member has left his hole gaping and dripping a mix of fluids. every cock managed to brush his prostate making him seeing stars for how good he was being fucked. “i'm about to cum” yuta said introducing his cock quickly inside yn's ass and came inside he kept thrusting to ride his high. “move let me churn it and add some more” mark winked at yuta and fucked yn until he came inside. next it's the turn for taeyong and johnny while taeyong fucked the ass, johnny fucked the mouth. “you did so well prince” johnny praised while slapping his cheek lightly, “yeah… thank you for letting us use your boy-pussy” taeyong added emptying his balls inside, every throb of his cock making yn squirm in pleasure. “shit” johnny pulled his cock out quickly, leaving it resting on yn's face spurting ropes of thick cum on his face.
the other day yn woke up in a hotel room, the pain on his lower back killing him but it was worth it, not all days you get to be fucked by a member of your favorite group “hell, i was lucky i got four of them inside me”, he stood up from the bed ready to go to the shower when he found a little card with a number on the nightstand next to him “call us whenever you want to have a really fun time”.
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jentlemahae · 4 months
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