koala-fluff · 10 months
First request, accomplished! Hopefully, the others will be coming soon :)
Thank you anon for the ask! I hope you like it!
Original Request: I saw that your requests are now open. If you're still writing for amphibia, could you do a switch!marcy switch!sasha and switch!anne please.
Flowers and Giggles
While searching for flowers, mischief is found.
“Why are we out here again?” Sasha grumbled, smacking a branch away from her face.
Marcy mumbled under her breath, searching the undergrowth. Sasha rolled her eyes, aware that she hadn't heard her.
“We're out here because Marcy wanted our help collecting rare flowers.” Anne whispered, nudging Sasha's arm. “She wants samples before we leave Amphibia tomorrow!”
Sasha sighed. “There's no guarantee that the King will be able-”
“AHA!” Marcy sprinted away, stumbling in front of a beautiful yellow flower.
“Jesus Christ…” Sasha muttered, clutching her chest. “What the heck, Marcy?”
Anne chuckled and crouched down next to her friend. “It's really pretty, Mar-Mar!”
Marcy nodded vigorously, squealing happily. Sasha sighed, smiling in amusement, and sat on Marcy's other side.
“It's… yellow.” Sasha said, chuckling.
“Great observation.” Anne said, rolling her eyes with a grin. She reaches around Marcy to shove the blonde.
“Hey!” Sasha scoffed, shoving the brunette in turn. The two get into a wrestling match behind Marcy.
“Guys, cut it out!” Marcy sighed, continuing to study the plant. She writes notes in her journal, grumbling when one of her friends bumps into her.
She winced when a shriek sounded behind her, but didn't even get up. “Really guys?”
“IhI'MM DYHYING!” Anne screamed, writhing in the ground, trapped in Sasha's bear hug.
“No you're not.” Sasha teased, digging her fingers into Anne's sides. “Don't be dramatic!”
Marcy rolled her eyes as Anne snorted at the fingers that krept up her ribs. The brunette leaned back, knocking Sasha off balance. The two tussled in the grass, trading pokes and squeezes.
“Gihive uhup!” Anne giggled, jolting as Sasha digs her fingers into her hips. “NAHAHA!”
“YOHOU FIHIRST!” Sasha retorted, cackling as Anne targeted her armpits.
Marcy sighed, unable to keep the smile off her face. She kept writing notes as the duo squirmed behind her. Her careful handwriting was skewed as a foot hit her arm.
“Who did that?” She huffed, turning around. The duo didn't answer, caught up in their battle. “Fine!” The smallest girl scowled, grabbing Anne by the ankle. “How dare you!”
“MAHAHARCY!” Anne shrieked as the girl targeted her knees. “IHIT WAHAHSN'T ME!”
“Yeah, Marce!” Sasha whooped, skittering her nails down Anne's back. “Nice sneak attack!”
“IHI'LL SHOW YOHOU A SNEAK ATTACK!” Anne lunged at Sasha, digging her fingers into her ribs. The blonde immediately collapsed in hysterics.
Marcy giggled and crawled over, fluttering her nails against Sasha's neck, making her squeal. Sasha flailed, cackling in the foliage. She rolled away, evading Anne's hands for a moment.
Twas all the time she needed. She pounced on both her friends, targeting Anne's hip and Marcy's stomach.
Marcy squealed and melted, her muscles turning to jelly. Anne shrieks and jumps away, giggling madly. She shakes her head and looks back at her friends, smiling fondly.
“SAHAHASHA!” Marcy squealed as ten fingers dug into her stomach, making her squirm. “PLEHEASE!”
“Please what, Mar-Mar?” Sasha asked, chuckling. “Please let Anne tickle you too?” She looked up, eyes locking with Anne's.
Anne grinned and crawled over, wiggling her fingers under Marcy's arms. “I will gladly assist with murdering our friend!”
Marcy wheezed, her face red as a cherry as her friends cooed at her. “WHYHY MEHE?”
“Because you're adorable, Mar-Mar!” Sasha said, playing her belly like a piano.
Anne nodded, giggling as Marcy's nose scrunched. “Besides, it's not like you hate it!”
Marcy's face reddened more. “SHUHUHUSH!” She whined, shaking her head.
“Mmmno.” Anne giggled, scratching at her friend's ribs. “Nobody will be shushing today!”
She was correct, and the trio didn't return till the sun had set.
I hope you enjoyed! Next up: Hunter and Willow from the Owl House!
Have a grandiose day/night and don't forget to go on a walk and stretch your legs!
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xer9es · 1 year
The tickle bet
Lee!Connie, Lee!Jean, Ler!Sasha / Attack on Titan
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Summary: Sasha helps Connie and Jean with a bet that they have. It ends up revealing a few things about the boys~
Sasha sat quietly at her table, eating her dinner. Her stomach thanked her with growls and rumbles - it'd been two days since she'd had a nice meal.
Armin and Eren sat on the other side of her, enjoying their food too. It seemed that Mikasa had headed to sleep early tonight.
That certainly wasn't the case for Connie and Jean, though. Those two boys sat at the table behind her, laughing and shouting away. Jean slammed his cup down on the table after taking a large gulp, gaining the attention of Sasha.
She could overhear bits and pieces of what had the two so loud and argumentative. Over all the scouts voices, it was quite hard to hear them speak, so she stood up from her table - done with her food - and strolled over to the loud table.
"Sasha! We're glad you're here. We were just discussing something that needs a third opinion, y'know?" Jean leaned in.
Connie watched as Jean obnoxiously spoke. He may have been a little drunk. How did he even get beer in the first place...
"Connie and I have a bet. I bet I'd take longer to laugh than he would."
Sasha raised a brow. "Huh?- Am I missing something?"
"Yes, you are. Dummie, you didn't even form the right words to explain the bet!" Connie shouted, slapping Jean's back.
"Ugh... Oh... being tickled, that is."
"You think it'd take you longer to laugh while being tickled, opposed to Connie?" Sasha questioned, still a bit confused. Where'd this even come from..?
Jean nodded. "That's right. He'd be laughing like there's no tomorrow, I'm sure of it!"
"Yeah! I would. But, not before you start laughing, Jean!" Connie nudged Jean's arm with his elbow, jokingly.
"So you need my help with..?"
Connie and Jean looked at each other. Jean started, "Well I mean- tickle... us?"
"Y-yeah! Uh..." Connie rambled.
How did they get themselves into this? This was just a playful bet which wouldn't go further than the two joking around about it, but before the two could say anything else, Sasha had made her way behind the boys.
She was towering over them, since they were sitting. Connie looked at her backwards, tilting his head to his back. "Eh...well, wh-what're you gonna do?"
"Tickle you? Isn't that what you wanted..? You too, Jean." She smirked, looking at Jean, who was staring into the distance. He hoped that if he ignored her long enough she'd go away.
But no, she didn't. Instead, she did what they asked and tickled the boys. Sasha placed both of her hands on both of the boys opposite sides, squeezing them with determination. She was gonna make one of them laugh very soon...
Jean bit his tongue, trying to grip the wooden table with his nails, but ended up getting a splinter... aww.
Connie, on the other hand had no reaction. He was stone faced.
"Not here? Hm. Here?"
Sasha dug her fingers into the boys hips, both of them. Her arms were basically wrapped around Connie and Jean, squishing them together. They both looked at each other, wanting so badly to laugh.
"C-conn..connie? Guh-! Gonna laugh any...time soon...?"
Speaking was like stepping on landmine filled ground, if Jean were to have his mouth open and Sasha suddenly tickles faster, or another spot... well, laughter would likely come afterward.
"N-nah, you? EH-!" Connie scrunched his face when Sasha found a certain spot. His belly button. She'd wiggled a finger there, expecting nothing. But this might be a spot to make both of them laugh at the same time.
She swirled her finger inside Jean's belly button too, still playing with Connie's.
The two boys were holding back an avalanche of laughter! They had cheekfulls of giggles, and were basically on the verge of defeat.
Armin and Eren turned their heads suddenly, to take a look at this bet. It intrigued them... who would win?
"I'll bet Connie wins." Eren said, loud enough for him to hear.
"Thanks!- AHAH- mmph!" Connie laughed by accident, then shut his mouth to muffle it. Unfortunately, Jean heard it and tried to tell Sasha.
"He- Hehe, he-he laHAH! He lahaughed!" Jean spurted out, laughing too.
"Who? You?~" Sasha teased, digging her finger into his belly button even harder than before.
"NAHA- nooho! Cohonnie dihid! COHO-connie!"
Sasha shook her head. "Sore loser, eh? Ridiculous! Congrats, Connie."
Connie chuckled at the sight of Jean. He was now begging for Sasha, alongside Eren and Armin to believe him. But they wouldn't. Poor Jean...
"Connie... I'll get you back for this." He grumbled, giving up on arguing with the other three.
"Ha! Sore loser~ Just like Sasha said." Connie teased, poking his navel. Jean swatted at Connie's finger like it was a fly and frowned.
Revenge was certainly to come, but now, they'd finish their dinner and have some much needed rest.
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
Manifesting this one real quick before I pass out
(Day 2 Accident)
lee!Anne Ler!Sasha Ler!Marcy (slight lee! Sasha and Marcy)
"Eeek!" squeaked Marcy.
"Whoops" said Anne with a smug exspression.
"Anne quihihit" said Marcy and like Marcy's giggle, Anne was gone.
Anne had been randomly "accidentally" tickling Sasha and Marcy, with maybe a poke or a random graze.It's been like this all week.
Today the girls were having a sleepover like usual and Anne had kept up with her silly behaviour.
"*snort* BOONCHUY!" yelled Sasha.
Anne "accidentally grazed Sasha's neck.
"My bad, it was an accident" said Anne.
"I'll show you accident" said Sasha who pounced on Anne and pinned her down.
"Wait! Im sure we can come to a compromise" said Anne.
"Using big words won't help you Annie~, come help me Marce" said Sasha.
Marcy closed her book and joined Sasha over Anne.
Sasha gripped on hand and Marcy had the other, they both took an inhale and blew a rapsberry on Anne's stomach, who's only defense was her shirt.
"EEEE! GUHUYS NOHO!" shrieked Anne. Anne kicked her legs wildy and threw her head back.
"If you give us a good reason to stop we will" said Marcy as Anne's torturers paused.
"Because you'll kill me!?" this was indeed Anne's best excuse.
" Oh please, we all know the true reason you were doing it all week" said Sasha.
"Isn't she such a shy lee" teased Marcy.
Anne blushed at the cooing and tried to hide her face in her arm but it was no use.
Sasha and Marcy went back to tickling the living daylights out of Anne.
"MEHEHERCY!" shrieked Anne.
Marcy found her way to Anne's weak point and Sasha was teasing Anne's torso with her nails.
After a sec, Anne was released and rolled over. As Anne took a minute to calm her hysteria a blanket was thrown on top of her, then Sasha and Marcy lay beside her. Anne took a calm sigh of relief.
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hyper-pie · 2 years
  “What did you just say?”
Lers!: Sasha, Anne
Lee!: reader
Pairings: Sasha Waybright x Anne Boonchuy x fem! Reader (can be seen as gender neutral too) x Marcy Wu... Marcy isn't in this fic but is mentioned.
Description: Reader is being a little shit and anne and sasha wreck her
Warnings: Cussing, Gayness, Polyamory
this is a tickle fic if you no like than leave
Set in the future btw
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Today had started off as normal as any other could be when you are dealing with the memories of being in Amphibia..until a lee mood hit you like a truck, all you really wanted all day was playful affection but you are way too anxious and easily flustered to tell Sasha and Anne , so of course you thought of the best option, be a little shit until they get tired of it and wreck the living crap out of you. It all started when she woke up to you smiling evilly at the two. Stunt after stunt Sasha was finally at her limit when one final comment pushed her off the edge. And Anne is more than happy to help.
Voice deep and filled with annoyance, adding slight offense in the mix of things, Sasha spoke resting her hands on her hips, tilting her head raising an eyebrow at you.
“What did you just say?” 
 You gulped, staggering back, as you instantly came to regret all the shit you did that day, knowing that there is no getting out of this no matter what. Not after that comment.
“Uh uhm”
She watched you like a hawk 
“Come on, I know you can do it. Spit it out cutie. Or do i need to make you?”
The look of slight amusement crossed her face and you sighed, regaining what sass you had left.
“You dress like a cool grandma Waybright” 
You roll your eyes at her crossing your arms trying to seem all tough but realistically your face was the color of a tomato.
She smirked at you, slowly making her way up to you. wrapping her arms around you 
“Awh, what's wrong Y/N? You are all blushy now, cat got your tongue?~”
You shake your head.
“N-nothing I-I no reason?” 
Suddenly something clicked in Sasha's head and it all made sense to her.
And she clicked her tongue .
“Y-yeah no reasON! WHERE ARE WE GOING?”
 Sasha gently scoops you into her arms carrying you to your guy’s bedroom plopping you on the bed beside Anne who glanced up from her phone.
“Did she do something again? And what did she do?”
Anne groaned facepalming
Sasha nodded glancing at you
Then said in an amused tone.
“She said I dressed like a cool grandma.”
Anne burst out laughing 
“She did not!”
Sasha sat herself on the bed and you rolled your eyes 
“Oh i did and i would do it again”
They both looked at you with a scolding expression. You became shy laying down, allowing them to talk, scrolling on your phone knowing they would be pissed off even more if you interrupted them, again.
Sasha shook her head with an evil look on her face.
She leaned in so that Anne could be the only one to hear.
“I think i know why she is acting this way”
Only Anne could see the evil smirk on her face.
After a few minutes you looked up to see anne and sasha talking about whatever and smiled at them, finding them both beautiful, the way sasha’s hair framed her face, the way anne’s hair was always out of it, the color of their eyes, everything about them was a treasure to even look at.
 Then a thought returned to your mind causing you to frown, becoming anxious and guilty. Upon hearing a whimper escape your mouth the two turned to you wit a concerned look on their faces, your  girlfriends were instantly at your side sasha pulling you into her lap.
“You alright honey?” sasha asked sweetly, her evil presence disappearing instantly, replacing it with one of comfort and kindness.
Your eyes started to water 
"I am sorry Sashy, I am sorry Anne, I have been a menace today..It’s just I am feeling a certain way and- “
You look down, becoming embarrassed .
“I know honey”
She mused running her fingers through your hair soothingly chuckling as you leaned into the touch feeling the comfort of her strong fingers, against the soft strands of your hair. The tears that had boiled up sank back down.
Anne smiled softly showing a slight smirk "yeah dude we just made a whole plan for you"
Slowly blinking you turned bright red at the thought of what they were planning. Still way too melted to really do anything, as you thought.
 “Did they know you wanted to be tickled mercilessly? What are they gonna do? What do they even think?’’
Taken by surprise you let out a soft squeak as Anne pulled you away from Sasha's lap having you lay down on your back. 
Panic started to surround you as your arms were pinned above your head, the smirk on your girlfriends faces told you everything about what was about to happen, and Sasha straddling your waist confirming your assumption. To that you squirmed softly, giggling out of nervousness.
“Wahahahait! Cahahan’t we talk about thihis?”
Sasha playfully smirked, chuckling.
“Hmmm I don’t know… You sassed, annoyed and bothered me all fucking day and pushed our buttons and I feel as though you did that because you needed something from us, and who am I to not give my partner what she needs? And also you dont want to wait for marcy to be here do you?”
You were at loss for words on what to do to get out of the situation.
But sucked it up anyway
“Ahahanne i barely did anything to you! Whyhy are you helping?”
Anne laughed leaning forward whispering into your ear in a low voice
“Cause you're adorable when you get tickled baby~”
Tickled, the word rang in your ear over and over again for a second before speaking up.
“Wh-what do you- ahEEP! Sahahahahahasha!!!!!”
You burst into soft giggles as Sasha spidered her manicured fingers  over your sides poking and prodding at the sensitive skin, making you squirm like no tomorrow.
Of course you tried not to squirm too much because you truly never wanted this moment to end, and not to mention you didn't want to hurt Anne or Sasha by accident. (which would  be close to impossible)
All you could do was giggle and squirm as the torment continued to persist.
Suddenly  you managed to say one word .
Anne only chuckled at this as she kept your arms pinned with one hand and with the other tapping on each individual rib, bringing you into a fit of snorts and squeaks.
On the other hand Sasha’s eyebrow was raised as she began scribbling her nails on your sides. 
“No? What do you mean Giggle bug? You asked for this, I think you should accept it”
The nickname itself would have killed you on its own if the therapist had not  reached under your shirt and began scribbling up and down on the bare sensitive skin of your sides turning the volume of your laugh up higher.
“did you really think you could just sass us the entire day and expect no consequences baby?~”
You whined at them not being able to get many words out through the giggles.
Anne shook her head, giggling, finding you adorable then started moving her tickling fingers closer to your tummy, noticing this sasha did the same heightening your giggles even further teasing the sensitive skin on your torso. 
Finally you managed to giggle another sentence out.
“Nobhohhohohoho nononononono nohohot there dohont dohohoho thahahaht!”
The brunette tilted her head
“Hm? Do what? Your gonna have to be more specific”
Her fingers inched closer to your tummy looking at Sasha giving her a short wink when you weren't looking. And they both stopped allowing you to breath, as they saw that you had needed a break.
Seeing you looking slightly anxious Sasha soothingly rubbed your tummy in a non-tickly way to help you calm down.
“Take your time love, you know we aren't actually mad right?” 
The guilt in your eyes was clear as day and sasha cupped your cheek, anne caressing your face gently in reassurance.
You nodded after regaining your breath, looking up at Anne.
“S-sorry what did you want to know again?”
The blush on your face made Anne's smile softened even more.
“What do you not want us to do?”
Realization hit you and you said before thinking.
“Tickle my tummy- wait no- AHAHAHA WAHAHAHIT”
The mistake had already been made and the two poked, prodded, traced and scribbled up and down your tummy sending you into loud hysteric cackles face bright red. 
“What do you mean? You just asked us to tickle your tummy. Who are we to refuse?” 
Sasha cooed, an amused expression on her face, as she scribbled all around your tummy slowly inching closure to your belly button, to that your face turned a deeper shade of red trying so hard to squirm away and even managed to get your arms back..and tried to push away sasha’s hand away from your belly button which only made it easier for her to sneak her other hand in the same place swirling around your navel making your cackles more frantic.  The blond and brunette couldnt help but laugh with you.
“Whoops looks like her hands are free! Oh well I guess I have an extra helping hand! What should I do with it Sasha?” 
Anne mused, quickening her tickling pace going from stomach to ribs to sides with one hand.  but your laugh didn’t allow you to hear much of what the girls were saying
Sasha only giggled.
“How about her neck Boonchuy?”
And so she began gently tracing up and down a side of your neck  making you melt, becoming a mess of giggles and blush, even stopping you from trying to push Sasha's hands away. 
You were almost at your limit and sasha had noticed and looked at anne with a nod then leaning down looking at you, then cooing 
“You ready for the final blow honey?”
And to that you nod feeling close to your limit and before you could even think of anything else. Sasha had started blowing multiple raspberries up and down your tummy, while anne covered your neck in kisses to which you started snorting, you laugh soon falling silent to which the two stopped their attack sasha climbing off of you, anne scooping you up into her strong arms to which you melted.
“I am sorry for being cheeky..”
The guilty look on your face crushed the girls hearts.
“Nonono baby we aren't mad, we were just being playful okay?” 
Anne reassured you planting a kiss on your forehead
“Anne Is right we aren't mad please don't beat yourself up about it, I think it's actually kinda cute.. But if you say that I dress like a cool grandma ever again I am gonna get mar-mar’s help in wrecking the living shit out of you when she is here got it?”
Frantically nodding you squeaked burying your face in Anne’s chest. Your girlfriends smiled at you as they held you in their arms until you inevitably fell asleep in Anne's arms.
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maybedraws-things · 4 months
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Yup there more 🗣💯❗
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dj-banana-love-2 · 4 months
can you write a Lee sasha and ler grime ? Or Lee sasha and ler anne please
Yes I can UwU
Summery: Sasha miss her friends, Anne and Marcy, so Grime tries to cheer her up.
(this happens during the resistance)
(Also sorry this took so long to answer)
The sound of Sasha crying could be heard from her makeshift bedroom. Grime, her lieutenant heard the sound and followed it to her room. "Sasha can I come in?" he asked as he knocked on the door waiting for a answer. The girl on the other side quickly wiped her face as she held back tears and opened the door."hey...Grime" "Sasha are you ok" he asked "...................yeah...... of course I am.." as Sasha sat down on her bed Grime did the same siting on the opposite side. "Sasha tell me.... what's wrong" as the toad looked at her with a concern look on his face the blonde sighed "I......I miss Anne and Marcy." As she said this she broke down in tears. "Oh, Sasha" Grime scooted closer to her and put his arms over her. He rubbed her back comforting her as she cried, he stopped as he rubbed her side and she flinched. "Sasha you okay" he asked thinking he hurt her. "y-yeah of course I am." It took him a minute to connect the dots, but once he did......"it's ok if your ticklish" he said with mischievousness in his voice. "What are yOU AHAHA". The girl was cut off by her own laughter as her lieutenant tickled her ribs."GRAHIAHMAHE SHATAHOAHP NAHO NOAHT THAHEAHRE." Sasha screamed as he moved up to her armpit. He continued to tickle the girl for a few minutes until he saw she was getting tired. He stopped and they both fell asleep, Sasha still missed her friends from back home but she was happy to know she had a good one here.
Sorry it's so short, so what do you think?
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valentines-luna · 8 months
hellooo thereee how are you doing
Will you do a Lee sasha and ler marcy and Anne whenever you can? I really wanna see how you write a tickle fic for these three !
Hi! I'm sorry it took me 100 years to answer, I hope you like it!
(This takes place a few months after they leave amphibia)
Sasha laid on her bed, it looked like she was missing something, not something, but someone.
She had been missing Grime. She wasn't used to this feeling at all, “Marcy's in town.” She thought, “Hopefully that'll get my mind off things”. She got to the place where her, Anne, and Marcy planned to meet. Anne and Marcy thought Sasha seemed..off. “Hey, Sash?” Anne asked, “Are you okay?” She said, “I'm fine” Sasha responded in a monotone-like voice “Do you wanna go back to your apartment?” Marcy asked, “Sure” Sasha responded. When they got to Sasha's apartment, Anne immediately asked what was wrong, “Nothings wrong Anne.” Sasha said, “Sasha.” “Anne.”. If you don't tell us what's wrong, me and Anne are gonna have to use drastic measures~.” Anne and Marcy pushed Sasha down onto her bed in the blink of an eye and started gently tickling her, “C'mon guhuys thihis is chihildish!” Sasha said, giggling. “This is most certainly not!” Anne said and then bumped the tickles up a notch, “WhAhahAy aHare yohouho doHohoHoing thiHihis!” Sasha said, “We're doing this because you won't tell me and Anne what's wrong”, Marcy said “HAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUYS!”
“STAHAHAHAP!”, Sasha said through her laughter, “If your going to tell us what's wrong, then we will stop.” Anne said calmly, “FIHIHIHINE!, as soon as Sasha said that the wiggling fingers stopped. “So, what's wrong Sash?” Marcy asked, “I miss Grime.”
“Everything feels different without him.” Sasha said, “It's ok to miss people, I miss the Plantars and Marcy misses Yunan and Lady Olivia.”, “Thanks guys.” Sasha said while in the group hug,
“You know I'm so gonna get you back, right?” After she said that Anne and Marcy ran as far as they could.
Legends say that night was full of laughter.
the gods came to me at 2 in the morning with a vision for this fic, sorry for spelling errors my first language is spanish
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tklpilled · 2 years
(sasha, tim)
summary: sasha is carrying lots of metaphorical weight on her shoulders, so tim gives her a non-metaphorical massage.
a/n: unedited. for the prompt ‘massage’!
[this is a sfw tickle fic!]
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Sasha likes her job in the archives, she really does. There are worse places she could be. It’s just—it’s always hard adjusting to a new thing, and she loves Jon, but he’s not the best boss in the world. And she can’t blame him; he was suddenly thrown into a position he had no experience with, and that must be overwhelming, but that doesn’t mean he can take it out on his coworkers, especially Martin.
It’s not like Sasha has much archiving experience herself, and there’s so much work left behind, so yes, it does get to be a bit stressful—but at least there’s Martin’s tea and Tim’s jokes and Jon’s occasional appearance outside his office, and those brighten things up at least a little.
Some days the stress is heavier than others.
It’s like she can physically feel it weighing down her shoulders. Her back and head and everything aches, and all she wants is to go home and sleep for as long as she can manage. It’s probably showing on her face, but she ignores the couple of concerned glances cast her way. 
She startles when she feels hands on her shoulders. She knows it’s Tim right away—Jon’s hands are much smaller, and Martin is far too shy to do something like that without warning. 
“What are you doing?”
“Giving you a massage,” Tim declares. Before she can ask why, he continues. “You’re stressed out! I’m helping.” His thumbs dig firm circles into her shoulder blades, and she smiles for the first time that day.
“Thank you,” she says, shutting her laptop and resting her head in her hands. She’s feeling better already, some combination of the massage and Tim’s presence and the knowledge that someone truly, deeply cares. She nearly finds herself drifting off, and while her desk isn’t as comfortable as her bed, she can’t find it in herself to complain even internally.
Her eyes flutter open as Tim’s fingers find the base of her neck. Now, Sasha’s not the most sensitive person, but that’s not to say she doesn’t have a fair amount of spots that make her laugh. Tim, of course, the self-proclaimed Expert Tickler of the archives, knows all about these spots of hers, but most of the time he’s nice enough to not start something with her. Today seems like an exception.
She has enough self control to not jerk away the moment the feeling shoots through her, although she does stiffen and raise her shoulders just a bit. 
“Sorry,” Tim says, the mischievous grin evident in his tone. “Accident.”
Sasha knows for a fact that it wasn’t any accident, but she hopes that if she stays silent about it he’ll give up.
Her hopes are futile. She should have known.
“T-Tihim, this isn’t—m-muhuch of a mahahassage,” she giggles, covering her mouth to stifle herself.
Tim sounds far too gleeful. “Ah, but it’s getting you to relax, no?”
She hates how she can’t argue. She lurches forward when his hands find the backs of her ribs, at the same moment Martin walks in and promptly flushes bright pink.
Without skipping a beat, Tim calls out his preferred type of tea, and then tells him Sasha’s order too, since she’s currently occupied. Martin stammers and fiddles with his hands awkwardly before nodding and walking back to the break room to put the kettle on. 
“I like that boy,” Tim says once he’s gone, over Sasha’s steadily growing laughter. “Wonder if we can manage to get both him and Jon for a night out.” He squeezes her sides, as if to ask her thoughts on the matter. 
Struggling to form clear sentences, she manages, “I thihihink Jon would fihire uhus.”
Tim sighs. “You’re right. Probably.” He crawls back up towards her shoulders and slowly stops tickling her until he’s giving her a regular massage again. 
“That was no help at all,” she tells him after catching her breath.
“You look better now,” is all he says, and Sasha can’t even deny that she feels much lighter.
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tickled-2-death · 1 year
Tma tickles
Tma fans in the tickle community, please send me requests for any oneshots or hcs you want written! Jonmartin, LonelyEyes, Tim, Sasha, literally any of the other avatars no matter how niche? Send em my way, see pinned post for further info.
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prettymeredith · 7 months
Taylor Raz: Little ol' Razzle-Dazzle
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Ever hear the expression that "Blondes have more fun" before? Well? They're talking about Taylor Raz. A certified baddie, instantly recognizable with the little flower she always keeps in her hair.
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Her favorite place to be may as well be next to a cute pair of feet. Can we blame her? The name of the game is FUN and clearly, she knows how.
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Be warned, she comes equipped with a sexy pair of her own. She knows just how to work em' and she's never been afraid to use em' either. Don't stare too hard, or you may just find yourself quite Razzled.
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But like all true things in life; No good deed goes unpunished.
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Sometimes sassy, ticklish, little brats need a taste of their own medicine. Sometimes a double dose. What a treat it is to witness a Ler with so much fiesty esnthusiasm melt into a whining, squeaky, giggly mess.
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But if there's anyone with massive Switch Energy, it's Taylor. If you ever find yourself bound & alone with her, consider yourself FUCKED.
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Taylor Raz is the perfect Mean Girl, and honestly she should have been casted in the Movie. Tay-Tay we love you! 🩷
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mysteriouslee · 2 years
Lee Anne and Marcy and Ler Sasha? Let’s say Sasha wants revenge for something that happened earlier.
lee!Anne and Marcy ler!Sasha (he/him Sasha, with Alex as nickname)
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" sung Anne and Marcy.
Sasha felt so appreciated in this moment until he felt his face full of cake. He heard the snickers of his two girlfriends.
"Oh you're on" said Sasha with an evil smirk.
The other two girls ran away in different directions giggling.
Sasha decides to run after Anne first, who yelped in surprise when she got pinned to the floor.
"Waitwaitiwait Sash noho" Anne said as her her blonde boyfriend shadowed above her.
"You really thought you could get away" said Sasha nuzzling in Anne's neck.
"Grohoosse, you're getting cake all over me" whined Anne.
"Oh my bad let me fix that"said Sasha as he nibbled on Anne's neck.
"Alehehex"Anne giggled.
"Woops looks like I left some here" Sasha said now nibbling on Anne's ribs.
"Ahahaha there's nohone there gehehet offa mehe" Anne managed to spew out.
"What do you mean, of course, there's some here and here" Sasha said poking and prodding his fingers in his girlfriend's side. He then grabbed her leg and pinned it on his shoulders.
"ALEX NO" yelled Anne
"Im gonna count this as your last words" said Sasha.
"No fair you didnt even give me a chaHAANACE SAAHAHASHA NAHAHA" shrieked Anne as Sasha scribbled his fingers on her sole.
"PLEASEHAHAHEHSE STAHAHAP" pleading Anne as she thrashed around.
"Nah" responded the blonde.
Anne was flipped on her stomach and now both legs were caught. Sash raspberried on Anne's sides as he scribbled on both soles.
"BLUHUHUUE" shrieked
"Your wish is my command"said Sasha the moment he heard the safeword.
Sasha got up of Anne and went searchin for Marcy.
It wasn't long before Marcy was found and pinned.
"Hi Sashy, you smell sweet" Marcy said nervously.
"Yeah I wonder why"Sasha responded.
"It was Anne's idea, please let me goho" Marcy said.
"Ah yes but were you not ANNE acomplice" said Sasha as Marcy groaned at the pun.
"Let me stick to puns, you can stick to your mcdonalds hairline" said Marcy.
Ah yes, the final quip before Marcy's scream.
"You think you're so funny huh" said Sasha digging into Marcy's sides.
"Ihihi reheheally dohoho" responded Marcy.
Sasha dug into Marcy's armpits, Marcy slammed her arms to her sides and rolled around.
"Sashy pleahehse" begged Marcy.
"Please what? Please keep going? Ok" responded Sasha.
Sasha managed to pull his hands out of the grasp an dug his thumbs on Marcy's hips. Marcy arched her back and thrashed more violently.
" *snort* Sash!" came out of Marcy.
"Yes Marbles" said Sasha as he switched up and dug into Marcy's ribs.
"AHAHAHA ALEX NAHAHA" screamed Marcy
Sasha added raspberries on Marcy's midriff, driving the ranger even more insane.
"AAAAAAHAHA STAHAP" shrieked Marcy.
"You know how to make stop, yet you aren't doing it" teased Sasha.
Marcy held on for a little longer and then she finally gave in.
"GREHEHEEN"shrieked the ravenette
"There you go" Sasha said, ceasing the torture and giving Marcy a kiss on the head.
"Hey, how come I didn't get a kiss"said Anne.
"Cuz the ringleader doesn't get any" said Sasha, making Anne gasp in offence.
"Im just kidding" Sasha said kissin Anne on the cheek.
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hyper-pie · 2 years
"I can't do it!!!!!"
This is a hurt comfort tickle fic... though tickling isn't the only form of comfort used.
Contents: angst, Panic attacks, trauma, self doubt / depreciation comfort, fluff, Marcy gets hugs and tickles, cuddles, Marcy pining for Anne and Sasha if you squint
Description: The trio is having their final sleepover before Marcy leaves... She still doesn't think she can live without her friends so she starts pushing them away sooner so she could have more control. But she becomes more depressed than ever and her friends find a way to help her through the despair.
word count: 1,398 probably the longest fic i have done
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The trio was back on earth, everything was normal, well as normal as things could get when you just saved the world from an ancient invading empire from another universe.
Marcy slowly wandered to the Boonchuy's house for her last sleepover before she left to live with her parents out of state. The flashbacks, the nightmares, the everything kept Marcy awake at night. She hadn't slept well in a week and wasn't eating properly either. she was broken, a broken heart, a broken dream, everything good seemed to disappear from her sight.
lost in her despairing thoughts she hadn't noticed she had walked past the Boonchuy's house until she fell into a thorny bush
"ow... I'm okay!"
she says clearly irritated, walking up to the door knocking on it.
Sucking in a deep breath she put on happy face when Mrs. Boonchuy answered the door. walking in she managed to get enough energy to pretend to be all bubbly until she started to make her way up to Anne's room.
She was genuinely really scared to see her friends, she didn't want them to yell at her, yes they forgave her, but part of her still felt as if they didn't.
Her breathing started to become scattered and she knew she couldn't walk in having a panic attack cause she knew what was gonna happen. so she sat herself outside the door letting the panic, worries and pain consume her so she didn't have to deal with them for the rest of the night.
she was soon broken out of her trance of fear by a arm resting on her knee.
"Hey hey Marce look at me okay? take a deep breath in and out"
She followed the instructions and looked up to see Anne and Sasha looking at her with worried eyes she started to control her breathing after about two minutes she had finally been calming down she jumped up trying to seem like she was okay saying
"Okay! sleepover time! what are we gonna do? watch suspicion island? Uhh pillow fight?"
She says speeding into Anne's room trying to be herself, however Anne and Sasha saw right through her and followed her silently looking at her sternly.
"Wh-what's with the look?" Marcy stuttered out
"Marce... Are you okay? you just had like a big panic attack... The only times we have ever needed to calm you down was when you were excited... This is not excitement!"
"Please talk to us"
Sasha said giving her a look that was stern but sweet at the same time and Marcy couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment.
"Marcy... listen you don't need to say much but at least come have a talk with us... Because we NEED to talk" Anne said looking at her with a soft sympathetic smile smile raising her voice at the 'need'.
The ravenette let out a harsh sigh and nodded.
"If you really think it is that important... Than I guess"
The trio made there way to Anne's bed
The three sat there in a panful silence until Marcy broke down. sobbing into her hands, alarming Anne and Sasha.
"I-it's a-a-all m-m-my fault... I don't even know if i learned! I am not okay! I cant do it... not without you guys...."
"Marcy........ hey hey hey come here" Sasha says opening her arms for Marcy to hug her, Marcy anxiously moved into Sasha's warm embrace, melting looking into her beautiful blue eyes.
"mar-mar we have been over this like a million times.. we forgive you" Anne sighs, grabbing Marcy's hand.
"That isn't why I am upset.... You don't get it...You don't know what it is like to be the weirdest kid in the class being called autistic by kids that don't even know you!"
Marcy snapped she was gone she wasn't her she didn't knew who she was anymore. "I can't live without you guys" she sobbed harder then suddenly she felt two pairs of arms wrap around her. When looking up she saw Anne and Sasha looking really concerned.
"Marcy... you can live without us.. You can make new friend-"
"no... I cant Anne I cant I cant.."
tears dripped down her face and Sasha began rubbing her back
"Marce.... You can talk to us about these things... Y'know that right?"
Marcy nodded in confirmation wiping her tears.
"I know I know... I was just scared is all... I thought you would be disappointed in me for being scared... After everything that is all someone as pathetic as me deserves"
Pain filled in her heart when seeing the looks her friends gave her.
"Marcy Regina Wu."
Looking at the source of the use of her full name she froze looking at Anne with a very serious expression
"you literally are a genius, the most harmless person on the planet, also you are a complete badass during battle.. listen, you went through a lot... It's okay to be unstable, it's okay to be scared, it is okay to come to us when you aren't doing well.. you are far from pathetic marbles"
Anne's face continued to be a stern one as the ravenette sniffled, wiping her tears turning to Sasha as she began speaking.
"We will only be one phone call away alright?"
Marcy nodded starting to feel a bit better.
"sorry this was supposed to be fun..." Sasha and Anne sighed squeezing her tighter both trying to think of a way to me her smile at the very least.
Both were broken out of their trance as Marcy spoke up.
"Uhm.. hey could you...... actually nevermind.. its stupid...." nervous in tone she giggled looking down at her lap confusing Anne, while Sasha already somewhat understood a soft, adoring smile made its way on to her face.
"No... ask the question mars.. your the only one that truly knows what to do to cheer you up so you should tell us."
Marcy could only blush, as Anne blinked looking toward the blonde.
"Do you know what she wants sasha?"
The blonde shrugs.
"I think so but i dont want to assume..."
Marcy sucked in a breath, face already turning a deep shade of red. Then squeaking out in one breath
The smirk that formed on her friends face's told Marcy she just said something that they will tease her about for the rest of her life... Also she was about to be obliterated by tickles which on one hand will be a LOT but on the other hand.... This is what wants, not just wants but partly what she needs too.. she kind of even forgets how to laugh sometimes to she needed the exact thing that her friends were going to give her... If they don't murder her with teases before laying a finger on the poor girl.
"sorry could you repeat a little slower I couldn't hear you" Sasha had a shit eating grin on her face.
*this little sh1t* Marcy swore internally turning a deeper shade of red.
Anne nodded "yeah we couldn't hear you"
She says as she begins wiggling her fingers just above Marcy's sides making her try to squirm, only to be stopped by Sasha having an iron grip, trapping the nerd in her arms.
"guys! Uhhhh okay fine.. but this is mean!"
Marcy huffed out pausing mustering up enough strength to squeak out.
"Can you guys please tickle me?!"
She was surprisingly polite and confident even though she was a complete embarrassed mess on the inside.
sasha and anne smiled softly at her "okay!"
"wait is it too late to back ahahaha heheheheep-!"
marcy started but got sucked into a fit of giggles as sasha trailed her fingers up and down her the ravenettes sides, and Anne's gentle touch from messaging her hips.
Anne and sasha laughed along with her as ass walked her fingers over to marcy's tummy, reciving a bunch of snorts from marcy in return.
"awww marbles~"
Anne cooed at her laughing friend looking at the blush on her face, Sasha following anne's gaze could only smile at how sweet she was being.
"your face is so red marbles! how precious is this?" cooed sasha wiggling her fingers under marcy's arms making her squeel.
after a few minutes they ceased their playfull attack wrapping her in a warm embrace, enjoying the rest of the night to do as many things as possible.
A/N: this took me like a month so I kind of rushed a bit at the end so sorry if it seems a bit lazy i just spent more time on you angst and hurt comfort. at first it is edited but the grammer gets worse at the end.
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beetleisblue · 3 months
Even now.
Fandom: amphibia
Lee: Sasha
Lers: Anne and Marcy
In response to an ask I previously replied to exactly 30 minutes ago, here you go!
This was fun! Feel free to send in more asks or whatever. But as I said, this was made in 30 minutes so it may have some spelling errors!
Sasha had remembered what it felt like.
Yeah she had been tickled before. Hadn’t everyone at one point? Memories stretched as far back as the beginning stages of her trio of Marcy, Anne, and her. It was a normal kid thing to do, tickle fights.
But those times have passed now, right? That doesn’t happen anymore in your teen years.
She had an army now. An army. Who could think of something so stupid when she had soldiers to train and plans to draft?
That didn’t stop her from remembering those times, though. Late at night..
“Mar, you’ve been on that thing all dayyy!” A younger Anne whined as she tugged at Marcy’s sleeve, whom of which was engrossed in a major video game round of.. well, Sasha could never remember what it was Marcy was always playing. All three of them sat more or less comfortably on Sasha’s bed. another sleep over. One where times were easier and mental wounds weren’t burned into anyone’s heads yet. Innocence.
“Oh, let her Anne.” Sasha scoffed playfully.
“Besides, you gotta know by now it takes more than that to break her focus.” She gave her friend a knowing look, and Anne returned it. She knew. They both knew. And, if Marcy was present mentally, they would all know. But Marcy wasn’t present mentally, and Anne took full advantage of that, squeezing her sides gently and laughing along when Marcy let out a surprised string of giggles. It wasn’t long until Marcy returned the favor out of revenge for Anne letting her lose her game.
Sasha watched both of them and shook her head out of charm for her two silly friends. She didn’t expect however, to be brought right into the middle of it. Their playfight-wrestling knocking into her causing her to properly fall on the bed.
“Heh- Hey!” She was giggling now too out of the silliness of the situation, attempting to get back up until he was pushed back down, albeit, gently, by Anne herself.
“No fair! You never join in, pleeeease?”
Sasha sighed.
“Fiiiine.” She has grumbled, and as soon as the word left her lips, it was replaced by girlish laughter as she was mercilessly attacked by not just Anne, but Marcy too.
One of them got her sides, the other her stomach, and then Sasha finally realized how screwed she actually was.
“W-Wahahait! T-Thihihis ihihisnt- ahahaha!”
She laughed harder than ever before, and the other two watched in awe, never seeing their friend in such a state. Minutes later she would beg for mercy, and minutes later her friends would oblige.
But Sasha never forgot the way it felt afterward. A tired. A good tired. Not the kind of tired she now felt after days of work and leadership. Worried about tomorrow tired. No, this tired was perfect. Safe. A night that was somehow both restful and full of activity. Nobody had to say they loved eachother, they all knew.
She sighed and turned over in her bed, her face blushed from the memory. She could never admit it aloud, at least, not now. But she missed her goofballs. Even now.
Even now.
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dj-banana-love-2 · 7 months
Master fic
(My first blog) lee!Hunter ler!Luz
Your not the best of the best lee!Darius
TMNT 2012
Tk fic idea #1 (lee!Donnie lers!Leo,Raph, Mikey)
(My first blog) lee!Raph ler!Mikey
Hazbin hotel
(My first blog) lee!Arackniss ler!Sir pentious
Tk art
Helluva boss
(My first blog) lee!Moxxie ler!Blizø
One of those days lee!Blizø ler!Loona
(My first blog) lee!Miles ler!Hobie
Request 1 lee!Jay ler!Ben ler! Carlos
Request 2 lee!Sasha ler!Grime
Master hcs
Helluva boss
Hc #1
The Cuphead Show
Hc #1
Hc #1
My tk art
Started 3/9/2024
Update 5/27/2024
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xer9es · 1 year
Mystery meat
Ler!Jean, Lee!Eren / Attack on Titan
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A/N: I'm in a big writing mood right now! This is the second fic in an hour or two lol. Might write one more before bed.. Also, this takes place before s3 and stuff like that!
Summary: Eren is accused of eating Jean's stashed meat, which escalates into some giggly shenanigans.
Jean's face resembled a volcano at the moment. Steam was coming from his ears and lava poured from his gritted teeth.
"You're kidding me! Sasha, tell me he didn't eat that meat, before I kill him."
Sasha turned her head to face Eren, who was just as mad as Jean was. Eren had been accused of eating some meat that Jean stashed in his bag a while ago, which sounded like something Sasha would do instead. He must've been quite hungry at the time...
"I'd forgotten all about that meat... Can you believe how excited I was when I remembered it- only to see that it was gone?!"
Eren shouted, taking a step forward, "How many times do I have to tell you, Horseface? I didn't eat your damn rotted meat."
"Agh! You dirty brat, who're you callin' horseface?!"
Sasha stepped between the two boys, hoping to deescalate this situation.
"Look, maybe we can come up with a solution. Jean, I'm sure I can find som-"
"I don't want that, Sasha. I want what I took. What I had." Jean muttered, moving his head around Sasha's body, so he could see Eren.
Eren did the same. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Eren tried to spit on Jean! It landed on the boys shoes. He gave the spitter a horrified look, so disgusted that he didn't know what to do with himself.
He shoved Sasha to the side and pounced on top of Eren, only to be pushed beneath him.
Jean scoffed, surprised that Eren had been able to get on top of him. "I'm going to kill you, Eren. If you don't confess and make it known that you're a bratty crook, or somehow throw up that damn meat, I'm going to kill you."
Eren smirked. "Such cocky words for someone beneath me."
The taller boy grunted and pushed on Eren's chest, trying to get him off. It didn't work... Eren really was strong, huh?
"Ha! This is hillarious!" Eren laid his head back, dramatically laughing while moving positions, so he could sit on Jean's stomach. Before he could bring his ass down to sit, Jean had pushed him again, this time making him fall to the floor... Jean right above him.
He had a grim expression. One that you'd see before you entered hell, even. Jean, with that same expression, roughly grabbed Eren's wrists with one hand and placed them above his head.
"What did I tell you? Ha, this is pathetic. You really thought you could get away with eating my food, huh? No, you're gonna pay."
Eren shook his head, "No, I'm not. What do you even want me to pay you with? Money?" He laughed.
Jean felt belittled. He was being laughed at whilst in the dominant position. He had to find a way to shut this jerk up - or... maybe he didn't want him to shut up. Maybe he wanted him to make noise, like laughter!
"Eren, are you ticklish?"
"Gah- what?" Eren was caught off guard by such a blunt question.
Jean slipped his hand under the other boy's shirt and raked it across the length of his belly.
"Waha-? Wohoah, wait! What the hehell are yaha- doing-uha!"
Sasha, still a bit upset over that aggressive push from Jean, watched from the sidelines. She was surprised to hear Eren laugh while being tickled. She didn't know he was ticklish... This information would surely be spread to the other scouts.
Mikasa and Armin must've already known of this weakness - but the others must've been clueless. Sasha made a note in her mind, "Tell Connie about this!".
She stepped a little closer to the scene. Peering over Jean's head, she saw Eren, who was laughing like a toddler. She saw Jean's fingers digging into his tummy and waistline.
"Jehean! Fuhuck- let me go right nooowuhuhah!"
"Not until you do one of the two options I gave you. Or even both would suffice! Just get me my damn meat!"
Sasha placed a hand on Jean's shoulder. "Jean... Ah- I think-"
"Come over to Eren's head and hold his arms for me, Sasha! Yes, yes, he's gonna pay!" Jean sounded insane.
Sasha sighed and did what was asked of her. She held Eren's arms above his head, leaving his upper body exposed.
"Sahasha! Tra-aha! Traitor!"
Sasha felt bad about Eren's situation, but she couldn't lie to herself... it was sorta funny to see him laugh and giggle. She tightened her grip on his arms, while Jean traveled upward. His fingers squished against Eren's sides, making him chuckle and squirm.
He laid his head back in laughter, seeing Sasha, that damned traitor.
"I'm nehever going to help ahany of you agaha-HAH!" Eren howled.
Jean had struck gold. Eren kicked his feet, gasping for air. All the while, Jean sat there, toying with his armpits. He poked them to see Eren's face scrunch up, then tickled them harshly to see him beg for mercy.
After testing them out, Jean decided to simply drive his thumbs into the hollows, evoking bloodcurling shouts and indistinct laughter from Eren's mouth.
He massaged his underarms slowly, then quickly, enjoying every minute of it. This cocky asshole really was paying for his sins.
Eren was trying his hardest not to piss himself right then and there, but it was hard. The sensation of Jean's slim thumbs- ah, now he was skittering his other four fingers along Eren's shoulderblades?!
"GAHA-aheheho, nooohoh! Jehean!" He shouted.
"What the hell is all of this?" Levi opened the door, rushing in to see Eren on the floor, a giggly mess, with Jean and Sasha standing up.
"Ah- We don't know! He just started laughing like this... We didn't do anything." Jean lied.
Levi kneeled beside Eren, who was so f*cking glad to see Levi. He really saved him...
"Must be something to do with his Titan powers... we'll have Hange inspect him tomorrow. Go to sleep, Sasha and Jean. Now."
The two nodded. Sasha leaned over to Jean's ear, as Levi still examined Eren and his body. She whispered, "I ate the meat. I'm sorry. It just smelled soo good..."
Jean gasped and looked at Eren.
"Oh... Ha- well, he deserved that anyway, I suppose..."
The two headed to bed and left Eren, still a ball of warm giggles, agreeing to never mention this little mishap again...
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spacetickles · 2 years
hi idk how long ago you posted the stories and such of Michael but I 100% appreciate Michael As Friendo au because he is the best and he does kind of care about them and I will not be taking comments to the contrary lol
also ler!Michael is my new favorite thing I've ever thought about like come on he is SO predisposed he's just a michevous chaotic neutral thing that likes to have a good time
it was quite a bit ago, but not because I've moved on and moreso because life got in the way, but yes absolutely! I love AU that Michael just, gets his old archive job back, personally I like to call it the "Jon is a competent archivist" AU because its not like Michael was ever really fired, and with how disorganized the archives are, I doubt he was ever taken off payroll either.
so the idea that the minute Jon recognizes the name Michael Shelly, he hands Michael a stack of files to sort and sets him up in the archives with his old job.
Sasha is of course ecstatic because she has even more time to interrogate Michael and eventually they become good friends, which translates to it becoming good friends with Tim and Martin as well, and eventually Jon. Michael likes to pretend he's still a question mark of loyalties, but I'm a complete sashamichael stan, and lord above knows if anyone has the throat of delusion itself wrapped around her little finger its Sasha James, so there's really no actual question where Michaels loyalties lie.
I could go on about how I think that would change the main storyline, but the main ideas are: Jon is a lot more confident and more no-nonsense about proper archives procedure, Tim and Sasha never die, probably becoming avatars of a similar caliber to Martin, small and sharing their domain between the eye and another domain (personal hc, desolation and spiral respectively) , as well as Michael never turns into Helen and instead the archive crew has to deal with two mischievous doorway monsters.
and of course, Michael becomes resident archives tickle monster. because seriously, y'all have heard the fucker? MADE to be a tickle monster! destined for it! hell the spiral itself probably covers tickle torture as a fear, because what's more disorienting than that! (lots of things, but let me have this)
the fic I assume your referencing was a companion piece with a few other from here on tumblr, but mostly on the TMA tickle discord I'm in with a few friends.
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