koala-fluff · 10 months
First request, accomplished! Hopefully, the others will be coming soon :)
Thank you anon for the ask! I hope you like it!
Original Request: I saw that your requests are now open. If you're still writing for amphibia, could you do a switch!marcy switch!sasha and switch!anne please.
Flowers and Giggles
While searching for flowers, mischief is found.
“Why are we out here again?” Sasha grumbled, smacking a branch away from her face.
Marcy mumbled under her breath, searching the undergrowth. Sasha rolled her eyes, aware that she hadn't heard her.
“We're out here because Marcy wanted our help collecting rare flowers.” Anne whispered, nudging Sasha's arm. “She wants samples before we leave Amphibia tomorrow!”
Sasha sighed. “There's no guarantee that the King will be able-”
“AHA!” Marcy sprinted away, stumbling in front of a beautiful yellow flower.
“Jesus Christ…” Sasha muttered, clutching her chest. “What the heck, Marcy?”
Anne chuckled and crouched down next to her friend. “It's really pretty, Mar-Mar!”
Marcy nodded vigorously, squealing happily. Sasha sighed, smiling in amusement, and sat on Marcy's other side.
“It's… yellow.” Sasha said, chuckling.
“Great observation.” Anne said, rolling her eyes with a grin. She reaches around Marcy to shove the blonde.
“Hey!” Sasha scoffed, shoving the brunette in turn. The two get into a wrestling match behind Marcy.
“Guys, cut it out!” Marcy sighed, continuing to study the plant. She writes notes in her journal, grumbling when one of her friends bumps into her.
She winced when a shriek sounded behind her, but didn't even get up. “Really guys?”
“IhI'MM DYHYING!” Anne screamed, writhing in the ground, trapped in Sasha's bear hug.
“No you're not.” Sasha teased, digging her fingers into Anne's sides. “Don't be dramatic!”
Marcy rolled her eyes as Anne snorted at the fingers that krept up her ribs. The brunette leaned back, knocking Sasha off balance. The two tussled in the grass, trading pokes and squeezes.
“Gihive uhup!” Anne giggled, jolting as Sasha digs her fingers into her hips. “NAHAHA!”
“YOHOU FIHIRST!” Sasha retorted, cackling as Anne targeted her armpits.
Marcy sighed, unable to keep the smile off her face. She kept writing notes as the duo squirmed behind her. Her careful handwriting was skewed as a foot hit her arm.
“Who did that?” She huffed, turning around. The duo didn't answer, caught up in their battle. “Fine!” The smallest girl scowled, grabbing Anne by the ankle. “How dare you!”
“MAHAHARCY!” Anne shrieked as the girl targeted her knees. “IHIT WAHAHSN'T ME!”
“Yeah, Marce!” Sasha whooped, skittering her nails down Anne's back. “Nice sneak attack!”
“IHI'LL SHOW YOHOU A SNEAK ATTACK!” Anne lunged at Sasha, digging her fingers into her ribs. The blonde immediately collapsed in hysterics.
Marcy giggled and crawled over, fluttering her nails against Sasha's neck, making her squeal. Sasha flailed, cackling in the foliage. She rolled away, evading Anne's hands for a moment.
Twas all the time she needed. She pounced on both her friends, targeting Anne's hip and Marcy's stomach.
Marcy squealed and melted, her muscles turning to jelly. Anne shrieks and jumps away, giggling madly. She shakes her head and looks back at her friends, smiling fondly.
“SAHAHASHA!” Marcy squealed as ten fingers dug into her stomach, making her squirm. “PLEHEASE!”
“Please what, Mar-Mar?” Sasha asked, chuckling. “Please let Anne tickle you too?” She looked up, eyes locking with Anne's.
Anne grinned and crawled over, wiggling her fingers under Marcy's arms. “I will gladly assist with murdering our friend!”
Marcy wheezed, her face red as a cherry as her friends cooed at her. “WHYHY MEHE?”
“Because you're adorable, Mar-Mar!” Sasha said, playing her belly like a piano.
Anne nodded, giggling as Marcy's nose scrunched. “Besides, it's not like you hate it!”
Marcy's face reddened more. “SHUHUHUSH!” She whined, shaking her head.
“Mmmno.” Anne giggled, scratching at her friend's ribs. “Nobody will be shushing today!”
She was correct, and the trio didn't return till the sun had set.
I hope you enjoyed! Next up: Hunter and Willow from the Owl House!
Have a grandiose day/night and don't forget to go on a walk and stretch your legs!
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hyper-pie · 2 years
"I can't do it!!!!!"
This is a hurt comfort tickle fic... though tickling isn't the only form of comfort used.
Contents: angst, Panic attacks, trauma, self doubt / depreciation comfort, fluff, Marcy gets hugs and tickles, cuddles, Marcy pining for Anne and Sasha if you squint
Description: The trio is having their final sleepover before Marcy leaves... She still doesn't think she can live without her friends so she starts pushing them away sooner so she could have more control. But she becomes more depressed than ever and her friends find a way to help her through the despair.
word count: 1,398 probably the longest fic i have done
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The trio was back on earth, everything was normal, well as normal as things could get when you just saved the world from an ancient invading empire from another universe.
Marcy slowly wandered to the Boonchuy's house for her last sleepover before she left to live with her parents out of state. The flashbacks, the nightmares, the everything kept Marcy awake at night. She hadn't slept well in a week and wasn't eating properly either. she was broken, a broken heart, a broken dream, everything good seemed to disappear from her sight.
lost in her despairing thoughts she hadn't noticed she had walked past the Boonchuy's house until she fell into a thorny bush
"ow... I'm okay!"
she says clearly irritated, walking up to the door knocking on it.
Sucking in a deep breath she put on happy face when Mrs. Boonchuy answered the door. walking in she managed to get enough energy to pretend to be all bubbly until she started to make her way up to Anne's room.
She was genuinely really scared to see her friends, she didn't want them to yell at her, yes they forgave her, but part of her still felt as if they didn't.
Her breathing started to become scattered and she knew she couldn't walk in having a panic attack cause she knew what was gonna happen. so she sat herself outside the door letting the panic, worries and pain consume her so she didn't have to deal with them for the rest of the night.
she was soon broken out of her trance of fear by a arm resting on her knee.
"Hey hey Marce look at me okay? take a deep breath in and out"
She followed the instructions and looked up to see Anne and Sasha looking at her with worried eyes she started to control her breathing after about two minutes she had finally been calming down she jumped up trying to seem like she was okay saying
"Okay! sleepover time! what are we gonna do? watch suspicion island? Uhh pillow fight?"
She says speeding into Anne's room trying to be herself, however Anne and Sasha saw right through her and followed her silently looking at her sternly.
"Wh-what's with the look?" Marcy stuttered out
"Marce... Are you okay? you just had like a big panic attack... The only times we have ever needed to calm you down was when you were excited... This is not excitement!"
"Please talk to us"
Sasha said giving her a look that was stern but sweet at the same time and Marcy couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment.
"Marcy... listen you don't need to say much but at least come have a talk with us... Because we NEED to talk" Anne said looking at her with a soft sympathetic smile smile raising her voice at the 'need'.
The ravenette let out a harsh sigh and nodded.
"If you really think it is that important... Than I guess"
The trio made there way to Anne's bed
The three sat there in a panful silence until Marcy broke down. sobbing into her hands, alarming Anne and Sasha.
"I-it's a-a-all m-m-my fault... I don't even know if i learned! I am not okay! I cant do it... not without you guys...."
"Marcy........ hey hey hey come here" Sasha says opening her arms for Marcy to hug her, Marcy anxiously moved into Sasha's warm embrace, melting looking into her beautiful blue eyes.
"mar-mar we have been over this like a million times.. we forgive you" Anne sighs, grabbing Marcy's hand.
"That isn't why I am upset.... You don't get it...You don't know what it is like to be the weirdest kid in the class being called autistic by kids that don't even know you!"
Marcy snapped she was gone she wasn't her she didn't knew who she was anymore. "I can't live without you guys" she sobbed harder then suddenly she felt two pairs of arms wrap around her. When looking up she saw Anne and Sasha looking really concerned.
"Marcy... you can live without us.. You can make new friend-"
"no... I cant Anne I cant I cant.."
tears dripped down her face and Sasha began rubbing her back
"Marce.... You can talk to us about these things... Y'know that right?"
Marcy nodded in confirmation wiping her tears.
"I know I know... I was just scared is all... I thought you would be disappointed in me for being scared... After everything that is all someone as pathetic as me deserves"
Pain filled in her heart when seeing the looks her friends gave her.
"Marcy Regina Wu."
Looking at the source of the use of her full name she froze looking at Anne with a very serious expression
"you literally are a genius, the most harmless person on the planet, also you are a complete badass during battle.. listen, you went through a lot... It's okay to be unstable, it's okay to be scared, it is okay to come to us when you aren't doing well.. you are far from pathetic marbles"
Anne's face continued to be a stern one as the ravenette sniffled, wiping her tears turning to Sasha as she began speaking.
"We will only be one phone call away alright?"
Marcy nodded starting to feel a bit better.
"sorry this was supposed to be fun..." Sasha and Anne sighed squeezing her tighter both trying to think of a way to me her smile at the very least.
Both were broken out of their trance as Marcy spoke up.
"Uhm.. hey could you...... actually nevermind.. its stupid...." nervous in tone she giggled looking down at her lap confusing Anne, while Sasha already somewhat understood a soft, adoring smile made its way on to her face.
"No... ask the question mars.. your the only one that truly knows what to do to cheer you up so you should tell us."
Marcy could only blush, as Anne blinked looking toward the blonde.
"Do you know what she wants sasha?"
The blonde shrugs.
"I think so but i dont want to assume..."
Marcy sucked in a breath, face already turning a deep shade of red. Then squeaking out in one breath
The smirk that formed on her friends face's told Marcy she just said something that they will tease her about for the rest of her life... Also she was about to be obliterated by tickles which on one hand will be a LOT but on the other hand.... This is what wants, not just wants but partly what she needs too.. she kind of even forgets how to laugh sometimes to she needed the exact thing that her friends were going to give her... If they don't murder her with teases before laying a finger on the poor girl.
"sorry could you repeat a little slower I couldn't hear you" Sasha had a shit eating grin on her face.
*this little sh1t* Marcy swore internally turning a deeper shade of red.
Anne nodded "yeah we couldn't hear you"
She says as she begins wiggling her fingers just above Marcy's sides making her try to squirm, only to be stopped by Sasha having an iron grip, trapping the nerd in her arms.
"guys! Uhhhh okay fine.. but this is mean!"
Marcy huffed out pausing mustering up enough strength to squeak out.
"Can you guys please tickle me?!"
She was surprisingly polite and confident even though she was a complete embarrassed mess on the inside.
sasha and anne smiled softly at her "okay!"
"wait is it too late to back ahahaha heheheheep-!"
marcy started but got sucked into a fit of giggles as sasha trailed her fingers up and down her the ravenettes sides, and Anne's gentle touch from messaging her hips.
Anne and sasha laughed along with her as ass walked her fingers over to marcy's tummy, reciving a bunch of snorts from marcy in return.
"awww marbles~"
Anne cooed at her laughing friend looking at the blush on her face, Sasha following anne's gaze could only smile at how sweet she was being.
"your face is so red marbles! how precious is this?" cooed sasha wiggling her fingers under marcy's arms making her squeel.
after a few minutes they ceased their playfull attack wrapping her in a warm embrace, enjoying the rest of the night to do as many things as possible.
A/N: this took me like a month so I kind of rushed a bit at the end so sorry if it seems a bit lazy i just spent more time on you angst and hurt comfort. at first it is edited but the grammer gets worse at the end.
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mysteriouslee · 2 years
Lee Anne and Marcy and Ler Sasha? Let’s say Sasha wants revenge for something that happened earlier.
lee!Anne and Marcy ler!Sasha (he/him Sasha, with Alex as nickname)
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" sung Anne and Marcy.
Sasha felt so appreciated in this moment until he felt his face full of cake. He heard the snickers of his two girlfriends.
"Oh you're on" said Sasha with an evil smirk.
The other two girls ran away in different directions giggling.
Sasha decides to run after Anne first, who yelped in surprise when she got pinned to the floor.
"Waitwaitiwait Sash noho" Anne said as her her blonde boyfriend shadowed above her.
"You really thought you could get away" said Sasha nuzzling in Anne's neck.
"Grohoosse, you're getting cake all over me" whined Anne.
"Oh my bad let me fix that"said Sasha as he nibbled on Anne's neck.
"Alehehex"Anne giggled.
"Woops looks like I left some here" Sasha said now nibbling on Anne's ribs.
"Ahahaha there's nohone there gehehet offa mehe" Anne managed to spew out.
"What do you mean, of course, there's some here and here" Sasha said poking and prodding his fingers in his girlfriend's side. He then grabbed her leg and pinned it on his shoulders.
"ALEX NO" yelled Anne
"Im gonna count this as your last words" said Sasha.
"No fair you didnt even give me a chaHAANACE SAAHAHASHA NAHAHA" shrieked Anne as Sasha scribbled his fingers on her sole.
"PLEASEHAHAHEHSE STAHAHAP" pleading Anne as she thrashed around.
"Nah" responded the blonde.
Anne was flipped on her stomach and now both legs were caught. Sash raspberried on Anne's sides as he scribbled on both soles.
"BLUHUHUUE" shrieked
"Your wish is my command"said Sasha the moment he heard the safeword.
Sasha got up of Anne and went searchin for Marcy.
It wasn't long before Marcy was found and pinned.
"Hi Sashy, you smell sweet" Marcy said nervously.
"Yeah I wonder why"Sasha responded.
"It was Anne's idea, please let me goho" Marcy said.
"Ah yes but were you not ANNE acomplice" said Sasha as Marcy groaned at the pun.
"Let me stick to puns, you can stick to your mcdonalds hairline" said Marcy.
Ah yes, the final quip before Marcy's scream.
"You think you're so funny huh" said Sasha digging into Marcy's sides.
"Ihihi reheheally dohoho" responded Marcy.
Sasha dug into Marcy's armpits, Marcy slammed her arms to her sides and rolled around.
"Sashy pleahehse" begged Marcy.
"Please what? Please keep going? Ok" responded Sasha.
Sasha managed to pull his hands out of the grasp an dug his thumbs on Marcy's hips. Marcy arched her back and thrashed more violently.
" *snort* Sash!" came out of Marcy.
"Yes Marbles" said Sasha as he switched up and dug into Marcy's ribs.
"AHAHAHA ALEX NAHAHA" screamed Marcy
Sasha added raspberries on Marcy's midriff, driving the ranger even more insane.
"AAAAAAHAHA STAHAP" shrieked Marcy.
"You know how to make stop, yet you aren't doing it" teased Sasha.
Marcy held on for a little longer and then she finally gave in.
"GREHEHEEN"shrieked the ravenette
"There you go" Sasha said, ceasing the torture and giving Marcy a kiss on the head.
"Hey, how come I didn't get a kiss"said Anne.
"Cuz the ringleader doesn't get any" said Sasha, making Anne gasp in offence.
"Im just kidding" Sasha said kissin Anne on the cheek.
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edwire · 1 year
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some doodles with a common theme
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yoursghouly · 1 year
gary expresses his insecurities: “i’m… i’m sorry i’m probably boring you.” and marshall replies: “no no! i- i think it’s cool! i mean you’re just so… passionate, it’s just… impressive. to me.”
marceline expresses her insecurities: “wait, was that a diss?” and bonnie replies: “no no! it’s admirable! you’re so… in the zone.”
bonnie expresses her insecurities: “it’s like i’m nothing to them…” and marceline replies: “hey, you’re everything to me.”
your honor this show will actually kill me
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generalghosty · 11 months
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made a fionnaworld! redraw of that one still from obsidian
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itsdefinitely · 1 year
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haha yeah guys i'm completely fine about episode 7
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localcoffeeshop · 7 months
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some variety at art (marshall lee theme once again it seems. i sometimes imagine him with a punky androgynous cowboy vibe)
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cherrylikesotters · 1 year
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apocalypse father/daughter duo🔛🔝
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hyper-pie · 1 year
Ler!: Sasha
Lee!: Marcy
Warnings: tickle fic if you don't like that than just go and yeet a Bakugo or something I don't care just don't interact, gay ness and fluff.. just the begining though
stuff: Btw Sasha, Anne, and, Marcy are all in a relationship I just didn't want to write Anne into this one. ALSO SET IN THE FUTURE CAUSE YES
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At the blondes word, the ravvenette attempted to run only to inevitably fall over attempting to scramble to her feet as sasha inched closer, falling two more time in the process pure nervousness surrounding her as sasha finally reached marcy. Sasha's blonde hair brushing against her shoulder as she tilted her head kneeling down to be at eye level with Marcy "caught you" The shit eating grin plastered on the therapists face only made Marcy's eyes roll, Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Woooowww very mature marbles... Okay! Time to tickle the living crap out of you!"
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Winter Queen design in by @mlekonya
I have problems with choosing the final result.
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edwire · 1 year
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hello fellow victims of adventure time brainrot
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yamane0 · 11 months
What happened to the twink😨
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vampire Apocalypse Gary
idk I love drawing him this way
(Small bonus!!!)
Star Marshall lee
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oh-fuck-off · 1 year
I would have loved to see a universe where during the scene in "Simon and Marcy", Simon puts the crown on Marceline to keep her from getting more sick and give her the power to protect each herself, but maintaining the sanity he had remaining in order to stay with her as long as possible, leading to a late stage Ice Simon and Ice queen Marceline surviving.
I think Marceline the Ice Queen would be very cool to see interact with Simon and the world.
Since the magic of the crown expands emotion to its pure and exaggerated form, they'd have the chance to show Marceline in a new, very raw, form.
Simon's main drive in life when he found the crown was the love of his fiance, Betty, and thus Ice Kings main driving is finding the last love that he lost, regardless of if he remembers who that is.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
Bubbline was my OG wlw ship (well. I might be forgetting an earlier one, but that was the first I remember simping for). It's felt so validating over the years watching them go from fanon, to semi-canon, to canon, to REALLY canon, to the point where even their genderswapped au counterparts are canon and they even get a toxic yuri au in canon.
The recent episode of Fionna and Cake (The Star) brought me right back to the magic.
If anything, Gumlee just reinforces how much I love Bubbline. They are drawn to each other in every universe!! I had to rewatch Diatant Lands: Obsidian tonight and cry about it
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peach-fiz · 1 year
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So them last 2 episodes amiright
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