#Lester Sinclair imagine
loveandmurders · 1 year
Imagine you got adopted by the Sinclairs when you were ten.
Victor Sinclair found you in an orphanage: he got called to take care of you after you got badly sick.
It has been three years since you were rotting in this orphanage. Your parents promised they would come get you soon, but you long lost any hope they loved you and wanted you back. You even hoped they died in a car crash, and that was why they didn't keep their promise.
You wanted to leave this place now. You were mistreated and unhappy. You would do anything to leave, and running away didn’t work so far.
It was the first time in so long you met someone new so you promised to do anything Victor could need from you, including taking care of his sons.
Victor had always wanted a girl and he thought you could help his wife with the boys.
And if it didn't work out, he could at least hope for Bo to lash out all his anger on you. He wouldn't care and Trudy either because you weren’t truly theirs.
You were scared because you were smart enough to know Victor wasn't a good person and he told you how violent his sons could be.
But the boys fell in love with you at the second you entered the house.
Bo stopped yelling back at his mother and quickly became overprotective with you. You were the only thing that could appease him. Vincent forgot about the sculpture he was working on. Your beauty and softness made him feel overpossesive with you. You were his muse. Lester shyly offered you some toys to play with you, and your bright smile made him melt. He was only cuddles and kisses with you.
You loved them so much and you brought balance in the family. You sticked by their side when Trudy died and when Victor got killed by Bo. You would do anything for the brothers.
As you grew up, your relationship got a little bit ambiguous. After all, you were the only girl of their age in their existence. You were extremely affectionate with one another, and you had no secret for them. You sometimes kissed them, but it wasn’t fully a romantic relationship, and it never went sexual so far either.
Imagine you are fully an adult now, and you live with the twins and work close by Ambrose. Lester is often at home to spend time with you, and the twins take care of you. For instance, they wait for you to be back from work to have dinner.
You are happy. Too happy to care about the murders. You actually enjoy living with dangerous people who only love and cherish you.
Imagine one day your biological family finds you. They go to your work to talk to you. You are confused and lost. You have always thought your family died a long time ago.
Your mother is very sick, and she needs money to get a treatment. Your biological sibling wants to convince you to help and he sweet talks to you, saying he needs you, his big sister, in his existence.
You realise they are manipulating you and that your parents abandoned you but happily raised your little brother. You were the problem. You are heartbroken.
But they are good with their words. Your brother is a lot more dangerous than you can think. Your instinct knows it, but for the moment, you are too shocked to think.
You need to talk about all of this to your boys, but you don't know how. A small part of you is scared they will push you away, they will stop loving you.
Imagine you go back home later than usual that day, which worried the twins. When they see you, they instantly know something happened, and they make you talk.
Imagine the Sinclair brothers' reactions once you finish your story.
Imagine them thinking they are going to lose their girl, their sunshine, their happiness.
They don't know how they will deal with this, but they know one thing: you are a Sinclair, and you are theirs.
(Yes, I want to write for this 🙈)
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boringbxtch · 1 year
Sinclair brothers |
I’m having some Sinclair brother brain rot
You are dating one of the brothers when you find him tied to a chair or something and being surrounded by the others, he becomes the cuck and gets forced to watch his brothers use you for their pleasure, though your noise level and cock drunk face say you’re enjoying it the most
Like Bo in the chair while Lester and Vincent go at you ; how pissed off that man is going to get watching everything though I’m sure he’d be the least appreciative being strapped down for obvious reasons so maybe another method of restraint for him
Or Lester in the chair while you get tag teamed by the twins - they’ll show you how well they can work together when they put their minds to it
Or Vincent: just don’t touch his mask when he has no way to stop you, Bo being a little bitch showing Vincent how to treat a hole because right now that’s all you are and Lester being the praiser in this equation while jamming his shaft down your throat
Late nights are either incredible for my writing or terrible I don’t know yet
If someone wants to use any of these please tag me so I can read the absolute filth please
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small-sinclair · 10 months
Obsessed lester x reader please? 🙏
One of my favorite things ☺️
Obsessed!Lester Sinclair Hcs
Tw: mention of murder
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He called Bo and told him not to touch you and your partner when your group came to his shop. He wants the satisfaction of killing then just to have you
But he won’t ever tell you. He’ll lie and say they ran off and forgot you. Don’t worry. Lester will be there to care for you.
He loves watching you sleep while laying next to you. He’ll brush your hair lightly and hum to himself, thinking about how lucky he is to have you.
Lester would get you anything you want. Anything. Go on. Ask! He wants you happy!
Put your hand in his while you two are in public. He loves it! He gets to show you off and be proud of it because your his and his alone.
Lester would kill anyone that looks at you wrong. The man eyeing as if you were candy? Found dead with and arrow in his chest. Those boys cat calling you at the store? Terrible “accident”. That woman telling you to smile more? House fire with her “passed out” on the floor.
He loves it when you look at him while doing nonsense stuff like dancing in the kitchen, hanging the laundry, singing loudly with that big smile.
He loves to smell your shirts and jackets.
One time, he got on his knees and begged you to punish him for being careless and cut your arm. It wasn’t much but he felt like he just killed an angel. He was crying and pleading over and over for you ti hurt him, but you didn’t… you couldn’t. Imagine his surprise when he felt your gentle fingers going through his hair and pulling his head into your belly. You hold him gently and pull with his little curls. He feels like he’s been forgiven by a queen.
Talk about kissing obsessed! He will never get enough of your attention and touch.
Hold him close so he can decay in your bones.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
❝forgotten memories❞
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✭ pairing : Lester Sinclair x reader x Bo Sinclair x Vincent Sinclair
✭ fandom : slashers
✭ summary : whiles out hunting Lester comes across a beaten and battered young lady in serious need of medical attention so what does he do? He takes the little lass back to his hometown to get treated by his brothers, but she happens to wake up and at first they expect her to freak out since she’s surrounded by three men but the only thing on her mind is why can’t she remember anything but her name
✭ authors note : art work by @kasiawoe found it on Pinterest also this was requested by @shadowraven-02 you sent this in to @fandomnationwhore a while back and I’m here to fulfill it since I’ve taken over doing some of their top requests :) if at any moment you wish to be untagged, do inform me as I have no problem with it I just thought I’d tag you and let you read what you sent in
✭ slasher masterlist
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Lester Sinclair had always found solace in the woods. The dense canopy of trees, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the distant calls of woodland creatures were a symphony of tranquility. It was his sanctuary, a place where he could escape the demands of his hectic life and find a sense of peace.
On this crisp autumn morning, with the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Lester set out for a hunting expedition. He carried his rifle with practiced ease, each step taken with a careful consideration of his surroundings. His brothers, Bo and Vincent, would join him later, but for now, he relished the solitude.
As he ventured deeper into the forest, Lester's keen eyes caught sight of something unusual amidst the fallen leaves. There, sprawled on the ground, was an unconscious young woman. Her clothes were torn, and her face was marred by a bleeding wound on her forehead. It was a sight that sent a jolt of concern through Lester.
Kneeling beside her, he carefully examined her condition. She was still breathing, albeit shallowly, which was a relief. Gently, he brushed her hair away from her face, revealing her pale complexion. Concern etched his features as he noticed the deep bruises marring her arms and legs. It was clear that she had been through some kind of ordeal.
Lester's instinct to help kicked in immediately. He knew he couldn't leave her here, injured and alone in the woods. Carefully, he reached into her pocket and found her wallet. Opening it, he discovered her identification. Her name was (Y/N), a medical student still in college.
With determination in his eyes, Lester decided to take action. He scooped her fragile form into his arms, cradling her gently. She was surprisingly light, making it easier for him to carry her. As he began to make his way back to his pickup truck, he couldn't help but wonder how she had ended up in such a dire situation.
The journey back to his home felt like an eternity, the forest passing by in a blur of green and brown. Lester's mind raced with questions, but his primary focus was ensuring (Y/N)'s safety. He knew his brothers would be just as concerned as he was when they saw her.
When he finally reached the old, rustic house that he shared with Bo and Vincent, Lester carefully carried (Y/N) inside. The warmth of the living room enveloped them, a stark contrast to the cool autumn air outside. With great care, he laid her down on the couch, his worry deepening as he took a closer look at her injuries.
Bo had been planning to join Lester for the hunting trip, but he arrived later than expected. He pushed open the creaky front door of their rustic home, a cheerful greeting on his lips. "Lester, you out here, buddy?" he called, stepping into the warm and cozy living room.
His voice trailed off when he laid eyes on the unexpected scene before him. His gaze fixed on the unconscious girl lying on the couch, her disheveled appearance a stark contrast to the familiar surroundings.
"Who the hell is she?" Bo blurted out, his voice tinged with some kind of emotion though Lester wasn’t sure what.
Lester turned toward his brother, his eyes filled with a mixture of worry and confusion. "I found her out back in the woods," he explained, "She was unconscious, and there are bruises on her, and she had this nasty wound on her forehead."
Just as their argument started to brew, the connection between the twins kicked in. Vincent, who had been working away in the basement workshop, felt Bo's growing frustration through their twin link. He abandoned his tools and made his way upstairs, his face a mask of concern. He signed, asking if everything was alright.
Bo's agitation was clear in his voice as he responded to Vincent's silent inquiry. "No, Lester here is putting us all in danger."
Lester frowned at Bo's accusation. "How am I putting us in danger?" he retorted, his voice rising in frustration.
Their argument continued, voices escalating, as neither brother noticed the subtle movement on the couch. (Y/N) began to stir, her eyelids fluttering open. She blinked in confusion, disoriented by her surroundings and the voices she heard. Her vision was blurry at first, but gradually, the room came into focus.
Vincent, who had been watching the argument unfold, suddenly noticed her awakening. He took a step back, positioning himself between Bo and the girl, his curiosity piqued. He wanted to observe her reaction before drawing attention to her presence.
As (Y/N) began to regain consciousness, she felt a dull ache in her head, which sent a wince across her features. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the room, and as she sat up, she couldn't help but notice the three men now staring at her. Their expressions ranged from concern to curiosity, and she blinked owlishly at them, her confusion evident.
"Where am I?" she asked, her voice slightly shaky.
Lester, the one who had found her, stepped closer and replied, "You're in my home. We found you in the woods unconscious, and you had some injuries, so we brought you here."
(Y/N) furrowed her brow, trying to piece together the events leading to this moment. "How did I get here?" she wondered aloud.
Bo, ever the standoffish one, folded his arms and said, "That's exactly what I'd like to know too."
Vincent, who had been observing silently, stepped forward and signed a question, his hands gracefully moving through the air. However, (Y/N) was caught off guard by the unfamiliar gesture and simply responded with a confused "Huh?"
Lester quickly intervened, introducing his brother. "That's Vincent," he explained, "He was just asking if you're okay."
Still somewhat disoriented, (Y/N) nodded uncertainly. "I think so?" She winced again, a hand gingerly touching the bandage on her forehead. It was clear she had many questions, but her priority was trying to make sense of the situation and her surroundings.
“So how did you get out there.” Lester asks, he watches her brows clench and that’s when his concern deepened as he watched (Y/N) struggle to recall her recent past. He leaned closer and gently asked, "I mean do you remember how you ended up out here in the woods? You're pretty far from town."
(Y/N) closed her eyes, trying to summon any memories that could explain her current situation. However, her efforts were in vain, and her frustration grew as she shook her head, her voice trembling as she admitted, "No, I don't remember."
Bo, always quick with a sarcastic remark, couldn't resist but quip, "Does she even know anything?"
(Y/N), taking Bo's question more seriously than intended, felt panic start to creep in. She tried to think back to her life, her home, her studies, but everything seemed to be shrouded in darkness, leaving only her name as a lone beacon of familiarity. Tears welled up in her eyes as the realization sank in that she couldn't recall anything else.
Vincent, noticing (Y/N)'s distress, reacted impulsively. He smacked Bo on the arm and then swiftly signed at him, "Look, you made her cry."
Bo's temper flared. "I ain't do a goddamn thing to that girl!" he retorted, defensive.
Lester, always the voice of reason among the brothers, interjected firmly, "Enough, you two! We need to help her, not argue." He moved closer to (Y/N) and spoke in a soothing tone. "Hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together. Take a deep breath."
He reached out to offer her a comforting hand on her shoulder, hoping to ease her panic and bring some clarity to the situation.
Lester gently held (Y/N) in his arms, offering her a comforting embrace as she cried out her fear and confusion. His heart went out to her as he whispered soothing words. "It's okay, (Y/N), you're safe here. Everything's going to be alright. This is just a hiccup in the road. You'll remember, I'm sure of it."
She clung to his words, her sobs gradually subsiding. In his arms, she found a flicker of solace amidst the storm of her lost memories and newfound uncertainty.
Meanwhile, Bo's frustration had not subsided. He was growing increasingly impatient and wary of the stranger in their midst. He couldn't shake the feeling that (Y/N) was a threat, not just to Ambrose, but to all of them.
In the quiet of the kitchen, Bo took Lester and Vincent aside, his tone hushed but determined. "We need to get rid of her," he declared, his voice filled with urgency.
Lester frowned deeply, appalled by his brother's suggestion. "Bo, we can't just... get rid of her. She's clearly in trouble, and we need to help her."
Bo's eyes narrowed, his frustration boiling over. "She's a danger to Ambrose, and she's a danger to us all. We don't know who she is or what happened to her. We can't trust her."
Vincent, ever the voice of empathy and caution, hesitated. He signed his thoughts, "We need to be careful, but killing her? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”
Bo was unwavering. "Think about it, Lester. We have no idea who she is or what she's involved in. We can't risk our safety, or Ambrose's."
Lester shook his head firmly. "No, Bo. I won't do it. We'll help her, keep her safe until she remembers. We can't resort to violence."
The tension in the kitchen grew palpable, as the three brothers faced a difficult decision that would shape their future and the fate of the mysterious (Y/N).
Bo's frustration reached its peak, and he reluctantly conceded. "Fine," he grumbled, his jaw clenched. "But she's your responsibility, Lester."
With those words, Bo turned on his heel and stormed out of the kitchen, the door slamming shut behind him. Vincent, sensing his twin's anger and knowing that arguing further would only escalate the situation, hurriedly followed, hoping to calm Bo down and find some common ground.
Lester was left alone in the kitchen, his thoughts swirling as he watched his brothers leave. He knew that taking care of (Y/N) was a responsibility he was willing to shoulder, even if it meant facing uncertainty and danger. She needed their help, and he was determined to be there for her, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
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Matching Christmas Pajamas With The Sinclairs
mentioned: bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair
a/n: thank you so much anon for this request. this was so much fun to write! :) and i'm sorry it's so late, i've had really bad writer's block lately aha
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Bo Sinclair
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Bo would be having none of it.
When you first propose the idea, he doesn't even hesitate before telling you no.
But after arguing with him about it for a while, he finally agrees to it, but only if you give him something in return.
You're not allowed to pick out anything too cheesy though, so you end up settling for some red, snowflake patterned pajamas.
Bo lasts probably about an hour before he's changing his shirt to a plain black t-shirt. He keeps the pajama pants on though, which is something you suppose.
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Vincent Sinclair
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He would be unsure about the idea at first, worried that Bo would tease him about it.
But after seeing how much it means to you, he would eventually agree to it.
He's never had any Christmas traditions, considering what his family were like, so he's excited to start this one with you.
Although he doesn't fully understand how wearing matching reindeer pajamas is supposed to be fun.
He tends to work on his sculptures sometimes at night though so the pajamas will eventually become slightly covered in wax.
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Lester Sinclair
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He loves the idea.
And he's not as much of a grinch as Bo, so when you present matching elf pajamas to him, he's ecstatic.
He insists on wearing them every night.
He's also happy to finally be able to be involved in a Christmas tradition, considering his parents barely paid him any attention as a child.
He tells you all the time how cool he thinks you both look because he's genuinely happy to be matching with you.
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[Main Masterlist] [Bo Masterlist] [Vincent Masterlist] [Lester Masterlist] [12 Days Of Christmas Blurbs]
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fluffy-little-demon · 2 years
Fade Away
Poly!Sinclair Brothers x Hinge!Reader
This was inspired by the song Shapeshifting by Taylor Acorn I have used some lines from the song for the dialogue spoken by the reader (in italics) Bold is sign language
She/her pronouns, nicknames darlin, baby, babygirl, sweetheart and sweet pea are used
Just to be clear you are dating all three sinclairs and all three sinclairs are dating you but the brothers are NOT dating each other which would make you the hinge of this poly relationship
Tagging @rottent33th and the people who voted for this story thank you 💕 @slutforguts @sketchy-rosewitch @the-cannibal @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @bric-a-brac-brooke @cordelium @heyhowareyaxd
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If I fade away will they miss me
This was all you've been thinking about, it was all you could think about. Would any of them notice if you had gone? If they did they would most likely think you had just ran away. Surely they wouldn't care enough to actually go looking for you. Nobody from your old life did. They all think you're dead, right?
You had finished all the housework a lot earlier than normal, since you couldn't sleep last night. You were now sitting by the window still watching the rain come down. You've always loved the rain, finding peace in the noise, smell and feel on your skin. You were hoping the rain would at least try to make you feel better but all you felt was pure emptiness. Wondering if going outside to be in the rain might help, except you can't find the energy to move your body so you just sit there as the thoughts take hold of your mind once again.
Bo had noticed something was off about you. He couldn't quite tell what it was and he didn't know how to talk to you about it so he was just waiting until you came to him. He wondered if either of his brothers could tell there was something off too, he's sure Vincent does. Bo heads down into the basement to see if you've told him anything.
"Hey Vince, have you noticed Y/N acting... strange lately?"
Vincent nodded slightly, I don't know what's wrong with her, she hasn't really been coming into the basement a lot lately.
"Oh, ok thanks" turning around, going back to the house Bo gets out his phone calling Lester to ask the same question. Lester tells him that when he asked if you wanted to go on a ride in the truck with him you declined while looking weight down, you just told him you were very tired. Bo thanks his brother and hangs up. Now he's even more worried about you, Bo walks up to your bedroom gently knocking the door. "Hey Y/N you alright darlin?" When you don't answer, Bo opens the door to find you sitting on the floor looking out the window, your legs up to your chest with arms wrapped around them.
Bo walks up to you slowly sitting on the floor next to you. Your eyes fixed on watching the rain, refusing to meet his eyes knowing as soon as you look at him you will shatter.
"Baby" Bo started in the softest voice you've ever heard him use. "Baby, hey can you tell me what's wrong"
Vincent and Lester had come into the bedroom joining you and Bo on the floor. Vincent reached out slowly rubbing your back. "Y/N, we're here for ya. We just wanna help" Lester said trying to get you to talk.
"I just wanna make sense of it all" you said almost in a whisper
"Need to make sense of what darlin?" Lester said
"How was I supposed to know I'd feel nothing in my bones. Been putting on a show for everybody but me" you spoke so quietly Bo almost would have preferred you to be yelling and screaming at him. He could handle that. None of the brothers are very good with emotions. None of them really knew what to do. They just hoped that being there and talking, offering comfort would be enough.
Bo pulled you into a hug, you didn't move to wrap your arms around him like you normally would but as soon as your head hit his shoulder everything built up inside you just exploded. Your body racked with sobs, you hands came up grabbing ahold of Bo's shirt. Vincent took off his mask, wrapped his arms around your middle from behind and pressed his forehead into your neck trying to give some skin to skin comfort since he couldn't use words. Lester joined the hug as well "it's ok sweet pea, it's gonna be ok"
"Breathe sweetheart it's alright, we got you" Bo trying to calm you down.
Once the tears slowed down, Vincent signed what's going on in that pretty head of yours?
In a shaky voice you replied "I don't think I can do this anymore. Lyin' awake another night, wondering why I'm still here? I'm not special, there's nothing even remotely interesting about me. I'm just a burden. Would you even miss me? I'm not pretty, I know that. There were other girls in the group that I came here with that were so much more gorgeous than me yet they're all wax and I'm still breathing. Most nights, I feel like I'm dying fast and living low at least that's how it feels when I can't sleep"
The three men stayed silent for a moment as you wiped your eyes with your sleeve trying to stop stray tears rolling down your face.
Vincent reached up to cup the side of your face, running his thumb across your cheek. Removing his hand he signed Y/N you are not a burden. We all love you so much.
"Vincent's right, you've made our lives so much better." Lester assured you
"Babygirl" Bo gently grabbed hold of your chin so you were looking directly at him. "You are the most interesting and gorgeous person I, we have ever met. There's also a shit ton of special things about you. So don't you dare even for a second think that we would be better off without you." He was trying to hold a stern expression but you could see his eyes were beginning to tear up.
You could feel your own eyes begin to water, only single tears rolling down your face as your body was too tired to cry anymore. Vincent carefully scooped you up, walking across the room placing you on the bed. He laid down on his side beside you kissing your cheek before resting his head on your chest and wrapping his arm around your middle. Bo joined in doing the same as Vincent lying on his side beside you kissing your cheek before lying his head on your chest and arm around your waist. Lester kissed your forehead then very carefully positioned himself to lie on your belly.
"We need you sweetheart. Of course we would miss you"
You run a hand through Lester's curls then wrap an arm around each twin. You smile as you kiss them.
Been puttin' on a show shapeshiftin'
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First fic after not writing anything for about four and a half months also first one of 2023!
I don't know how I feel about the ending I had no clue how to do it 😅
Reblogs and comments are extremely appreciated 💕
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suvidrache · 1 year
an unforgettable night
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 912 / Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: lester and y/n go on a date.
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You looked around as you drove slowly through the countryside. You had no idea where you were going or how you had wound up here. Actually, you had wanted a detour to avoid the city. To avoid the people and one wrong turn, and here you were. A place unfamiliar to you. The GPS didn't help. It was a place unrecognized. You thought the country would be a quicker route than through the city. You should have turned back when you did. You shouldn't have continued on, and yet, there was something that made you feel like you should keep going. You looked around as your vehicle crept slowly down the bumpy and dusty road. Finally, you reached the pavement. However, you were out of gas. There was a man sitting in the bed of his truck watching something. You weren't sure what, but when your car died, his attention turned to you. You were already afraid before you had arrived here and now a strange man is just sitting in his truck with a dog. His feet touched the ground, and he began to make his way over to you. You quickly locked your doors, but with no battery, you wouldn't be able to roll down your window. You breathed in slowly and got out of your car.
"Hello, I'm Lester." He said, smiling as he reached his hand out to you.
You took his hand and introduced yourself.
"Sorry about the smell. I clean the streets up."
"It's alright, it doesn't bother me." You lied. You only wanted him to feel better. "Do you know anyone around here?"
"Yeah, I know a couple of people."
"My car, it ran out of gas."
"I don't have a phone on me, but I could take you to the nearest one or the hotel?"
"A hotel would be fine. There's not a lot of crime out here? I wouldn't want my car to be attacked while I'm away."
"It'll be alright, I promise." He said, smiling as he opened the door to his truck.
You climbed in and sat looking out the window as Lester got in, started up his truck, and dropped you off at the nearest hotel. A seemingly abandoned place like most of the places in this town. You stepped carefully into the hotel, looking around, seeing nothing but people and dust. The people never moved nor spoke when you walked up to them. You looked around. There wasn't anyone with you. You reached a shaky hand out to the man and touched his face. No response. His face felt almost like wax. You went back to the doors that you entered through, and Lester was gone. You went back to the counter, knowing there was no one to stop you. You picked up the phone and typed in a number. Nothing. You tried again and again. The phone didn't work. You traced the cord back to the wall where it was plugged into. You looked up, and the lights weren't on. You made quick work to find the light switch and flick the lights on. They didn't work either. You breathed in and out slowly, hoping Lester would come back for you. He was the only one in this town, and he wasn't bad looking. You made your way slowly around the hotel, exploring every single room there was. When night came, you made your way to a room and laid down after locking the door and fell asleep.
By the next morning, your car had been dropped off outside the hotel. You could only assume that it was Lester. No one else seemed to be around here. You could have left and gone home, but you stayed, wanting to know more. Wanting another chance to see Lester again.
You got exactly what you wanted. You stayed, and you got to know Lester a little better. You also learned about the city and how it was, in fact, abandoned.
You were wearing your nicest outfit, as was Lester. He had showered and offered to take you in his truck, but you offered yours up instead. He was fine with that, but he could drive you if you wanted. Which you were fine with. For your date, you both agreed to go to the movies. You weren't sure what movies there were, not that it really mattered, considering he could just change the movie if you wanted him to. You were fine with whatever decided to show up. Together, the both of you sat, silent at first, but eventually, the both of you would talk from time to time.
The both of you had gone out to eat at a restaurant earlier, and your date was coming to an end. You had enjoyed every moment of it.
You stood on the steps of the hotel, looking at Lester.
"Thank you for the date. I enjoyed it."
"So did I. Would you like to go on another one?" He asked, looking up at you.
"Yes, I would."
He started to move closer, but stopped himself. He turned around and began to head back to his truck. Your hand touched his arm, and he stopped. You hugged him, and your lips met for a moment before you both turned and left. You smiled happily, and your cheeks felt hot as you walked into the hotel. A feeling of butterflies in your stomach as you headed up to your room. An unforgettable night.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @queendeeshorrorimagines, @fluffy-little-demon / Join my tag list here!
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
I don’t know why, but every-time I listen to this song I get House of Wax vibes…
Like I keep imagining the storyline in the song is about one of Lesters old school friends. And they went away for a while, slowly loosing their mind and not remembering if the blood on their hands is their own or someone else’s.
But they find their way back to Ambrose and everything feels clear all of a sudden. And of course Lester welcomes them back with open arms, bloody hands or not-
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cherubfae · 7 months
jealous slashers~!✧
With Michael, Brahms, Jason, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Thomas Sawyer, Sal Fisher, & Patrick Bateman
tags: gn!reader, jealousy, creepy men, unwanted attention/touching, uggestive and mature themes, gore/blood, violence, canon typical behavior, billy x reader x stu poly, rob zombie!mikey, I know Sal isn't exactly a slasher but he's my baby and needs to be included
Alexa, play Love to Die by the Slashstreet Boys
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Rest in Peace to the poor, stupid man who thought it'd be a good idea to mess with the Shape's partner, and Michael had witnessed it all. How this man shoves you into an empty alleyway, the clatter of your groceries falling. The guy doesn't get much more than a few bruises and claw marks when Michael's knife slices through the back of the man's throat, protruding from the other end in a splash of blood. The Shape watches you wipe your bloody face off, not doing much but picking up three of your four fallen bags and tugging you into his side.
Absolutely not. Brahms is fuckin' seething from his safe space sheltered behind the walls. Heavy breathing muffled by the porcelain mask, he watches with wild eyes as some idiot decides to break into the mansion whilst you were sleeping, and proceeds to hold you at knifepoint, effectively pinning you to the bed in what little nightclothes you wore. The unwanted guest and you are certainly going to know when Brahms is upset. There's banging on the walls coming from every direction that leaves the would-be burglar panicked and you slightly more comfortable.
"You're not allowed to be here," comes the eerily childlike voice Brahms has perfected. He crawls his way out from behind the large antique mirror. "I'll make sure you never come near them again." With a sudden slam, Brahms downs the intruder with a lead pipe repeatedly bashing the object until all that remains was brain matter and gooey blood. He drops the pipe with a huff and collects you into his arms, the cool porcelain biting onto the heat of your chest.
As the protector of the surrounding forest, Jason is always watching. He's omnipotent, he sees all. He seems to know where people are at all times and he can sense when you're in distress. Your shared cabin door left ajar sends his blood boiling and his heavy footfall increasing as he approaches your home. Barging in, Jason's pale eyes lock onto you and your assailant holding you by the throat. His thunderous steps are quick, slicing through the man with his machete and proceeds to lift him up while still pierced with the blade. The man gurgles, arms weakly reaching behind him in attempts to claw at Jason. All attempts were futile. He tossed the body to the side before he gently frets over you, his large hands soothing the fingerprints tarnishing your throat.
Billy & Stu
Rather snake-like the two will wrap themselves around you (they adore your personal space) and stare down whoever else demands your attention. Billy's arm hooks around your waist and Stu wraps himself around your shoulder, tilting your chin up with a single finger. "Is this guy bothering you, baby?" Looking like a shark that's tasted blood in the water, Billy's eyes grow more wild. He's already making a mental note of who and where this guy lives. The guy raised his hands in defense backing down the more the two stared at him, walking off completely.
"We're gonna take care of him, doll," Billy promises, kissing your cheek. Stu cackles lightly, tongue sticking out. They would strike tonight.
There's no one Vincent trusts more to watch over you when he can't than his own two brothers. He had his hands full, turning Dalton and Wade into wax people. Nick and Carly were proving to be hard to get a hold of and there was still another tourist that needed to be taken care of.
But then Bo is telling him that the person escaped and he doesn't know where you were. His two worst fears confirmed. Vincent is soon on a wild hunt, trying to find you anywhere with Bo hot on his heels. He soon locates you, passed out with a bit of blood on your head. Your eyes slowly open as he touches your cheek, catching you as you wobble into his warm embrace. He shares a look with Bo who nods.
"I've got you, brother. Keep them here with ya. Wait til I'm back, ya hear?"
Out in public, he's all cordial and kind smiles. Especially if this is an intended victim. Some random person putting the moves on his partner is a huge no-no and one Bo doesn't take lightly. That person just warranted themselves a for sure death sentence and Bo isn't feeling too kind, so perhaps he'll drag things out, yeah? Touch what's his and you got what's comin' to ya.
"Can I see, baby? That bastard leave any marks on ya?" Bo strokes your shoulders, blue eyes drifting over your frame like water. He has every intention of marking every place that person touched, no matter if you tell Bo the guy only grabbed your arm. Once he has his mind set on something, he's gonna do it.
Unlike his older twin brothers, Lester is actually pretty chill. Especially in comparison to Bo. He doesn't think much of the people he's helping get into Ambrose knowing full well it's their final destination and Vincent and Bo will take care of things as they always have. What he doesn't like is some dude making a pass at you right in front of him. Can't he see the engagement ring on your finger? It leaves a sour taste in his mouth, watching with narrowed eyes as the small group heads towards the mechanic shop in search of a fan belt.
A familiar hand on his arm calms him down instantly. He turns to you and musters a weak smile as your hands slide around his torso from behind, leaning your cheek on his shoulder. "Y'alright?" Lester nods too quickly and unconvincingly, giving you a quick kiss. "Yeah, darl', always."
Your partner is not unlike a bear, watching with wild eyes as one of Hoyt's new catches clasps onto you, their nails digging into your arms, and pinning you to the barbed fence. The cry of pain you let out has Tommy barreling towards you, chainsaw revving to life. A deep snarl echoes behind his mask and he wastes no time cutting down the poor soul with a single swipe of his motorized saw. Tommy turns it off and picks you up in his large arms as gently as he can. With his masked cheek leaning against yours, he carries you back towards the house. Mama Luda Mae will take a good look at you.
Sal Fisher
Honestly Sal isn't one to get jealous. He's pretty level-headed and understanding in most situations. He respects your choices and he's not gonna step on any toes or do anything drastic; Sal isn't a monster. However, if he sees some guy make a creepy pass at you and clearly overstep your boundaries, he won't hesitate to swoop in, looping his arm around your shoulders. His sharp blue eyes staring at the man from behind his prosthetic mask.
"Do we have a problem here?" His voice is cold, lacking any interest in what excuse the man finds. Sal's main focus will be on you, rubbing gentle, soothing circles into your skin. His main priority is to get you away from this sicko and would totally call in reinforcements from his brother Larry if need be.
A jealous Patrick Bateman isn't a good scenario for anyone. Especially not with his deteriorating mental state. He trusts you explicitly, with his thoughts, ideas, and recreational hobbies that most would find distasteful. So when a colleague of his gets too big for his britches and unabashedly begins to flirt with you in his presence, Patrick finds it difficult to keep his boiling bloodlust at bay. The heat of his anger is getting to his head, the fierce emotions only swelling well it's clear how uncomfortable you look in that man's company. He must see to put an end to him quickly.
"Are you alright, my darling? That man surely didn't know his place, did he?" Patrick places a hand at your back, guiding you out of the office party. "Let's get you home and into a nice hot bath, hmm? I'd rather not taste that swine on your lovely skin."
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24kvlaks · 2 months
Slashers and sex
How big do you guys think slashers dicks are? And how hard would it be to take it.
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Thomas Hewitt.
Thomas being a big boy, he has really good girth, and he’s more of a grower than a shower, when he soft it isn’t the biggest thing on average 5.8 inches, when hard it’s a decent 7.2 inches, and his girth is between 4-5 inches wide.
It’s pretty hard to take, it starts off rough and painful but the longer you fuck the more you ease towards it. In the end it’s very pleasurable and he’s very careful with you! <3
Thomas is very found of bondage. He loves seeing you tied up, especially with a strawberry in your mouth.
RZ Michael Myers.
Michael from rob zombie is a really big boy. He’s 6’9 and more muscle than he is anything else. He’s a grower and a shower. He starts at 6 inches soft snd 9.1 inches hard. Likely 6 or 5inches wide.
It hurts so much when you two have sex, Michael isn’t careful, he’s rough. And if he didn’t cum the first 5 minutes he won’t stop.
You have a bruised cervix. The first time you two had sex you bled! You quickly warmed up to his girth but you could never come to terms with the length of his.
Michael loves bruising! He doesn’t even know that he does but he goes nuts internally when he marks you.
Very very hard to take. Bruises you, and a couple of hospital visits.
Jason Voorhees
Jasons a big guy, more on the lean yet chubby side. Very bulky. And you can bet your ass that his dick is exactly the same.
Jason has a girth of 4.8!
He’s very thick. He has a length of 6.9.
The length is pretty average yet he stretches you so far every time.
Jason is very very careful, if you say you’re done, you’re done. Even when you tell him to go rough, he’ll go harder and faster but he’ll never go his full strength.
You seem to forget the fact that he can actually hurt you if he goes to his full potential during sex. Breaking your spine or actually doing some damage to your cervix. Nevertheless potentially killing you.
Jason’s a very very careful boy. Psst he also has a very secretive mommy kink.
He’s a grower.
Hard to take because he doesn’t really know what he’s doing and sometimes it hurts. Yet if you’re patience enough he’ll catch on and it’ll feel amazing.
Gabriel may
Now having sex with Gabriel is very difficult. Even though he doesn’t have a penis I didn’t want to not include our special boy :(
Gabriel gets very mad and insecure during sex because he doesn’t have his own body.
He always fantasizes about having his own body his own parts. Instead of having to use dildos or toys.
Though you make up for it, Gabriel hates receiving because he doesn’t like the thought of you pleasuring his sister even if he can feel it too.
Sometimes he’ll allow it but mainly seeing you enjoy yourself is enough to get him off.
I’d like to say if Gabriel had a penis it’d be 4.0 inches soft and 5.8 inches hard. With 4.0 inches in girth.
Gabriel has a phone sex link. Since he can control radios, lights and phones, he loves watching you pleasure yourself over the phone. Drives him crazy.
And he never goes easy on you.
Not hard to take because you’re not really taking anything. But mentally it’s a hassle, he’s always edging you.
Bo Sinclair
Bo fucking Sinclair. Bo is big on sex, crying sex, arguing sex, mad sex, sad sex, romantic sex. Anything you want you can have it.
Though Bo doesn’t like to experiment he doesn’t like stepping out of what he doesn’t know.
He likes the normal thing smoke regular missionary and doggystyle. Average shit.
And don’t think because it’s average he can’t fuck good because you would be wrong.
Soft 5.7. hard 8.2, Girth 4.5. Boy takes pride of his dick. If you’re arguing and say anything that involves you calling his dick small he will whip it out and fuck you.
Sometimes he’d just stare at you and whip it out letting out a scoff before putting it back in his pants.
If you say it in public he’ll laugh in your face before giving you a painful fucking after.
He’ll never ever go easy on you in bed. Sometimes you have to fuck in his gas station because his brothers were tired of hearing you yell.
Bo has a huge smacking kink. Loves seeing your skin turn a tad red when he smacks you. The shock on your face yet you’re being too fucked out to be mad.
Very hard to take. End of story.
Vincent Sinclair
He takes after his brother. A big dick boy.
Though Vincent’s shy about it, sometimes he wonders if it’s big enough. Which it is. It’s perfectly fine.
5.2 soft 7.4 hard.
Vincent was a virgin though he enjoyed the thought of sex. He thought of it as an art.
During sex with Vincent he’d be very careful. Scared he’d mess up or he’d read about it to prepare and rock your world.
Having sex with him was pleasurable. Soft and romantic there was never a time where sex between you two wasn’t romantic.
He was always so soft and gentle.
He thought you’d find it weird that he had nude mini sculptures of you, or paintings of you having sex. Though you oddly found it attractive.
You guessed it! Vincent has a wax kink. He loves poring it off your body. Though he thinks real wax is too dangerous so he uses lotion wax.
Rubbing it into your skin whilst pounding into you. He admired you, his favorite muse. And his favorite wax to create art. By fucking you.
Mediocre when it comes down to taking him, you don’t have sex often because he’s always busy. So usually when you do you have to get used to his size again!
And even when you do he still has length that bruises you.
Lester Sinclair
Straight to the check. He’s 4.0 soft 5.4 hard. Don’t think just because he isn’t as big as the others he doesn’t know what to do.
He’s a little sex geek. He has millions of magazines.
And he’s a little switch, he enjoys being a bottom most of the time. He’ll brush his teeth to eat you out.
Will literally scrub his teeth and drink mouthwash just to eat pussy and then go back to his day.
He loves the way you taste. He always compliments you by saying you taste better than his chocolate.
Saying you are his favorite chocolate. He’d call you white chocolate, cream chocolate, dark chocolate, cream chocolate or just his sugar brown baby.
He’s crazy with nicknames! He doesn’t mind experimenting, whatever involves him having sex with his girl, or boy. He doesn’t really care.
He’ll dress up for you, go out of his way to pay for expensive dates that he doesn’t have the financials for.
He’s very steady during sex, he doesn’t really do anything unless you tell him too.
Your wish is his command.
He loves sitophilia! If you don’t know what that is he likes food play. He’ll dump chocolate on you, he’ll use peanut butter.
He’ll put candy in between your ass and go nuts! Sometimes he’d just eat the candy and leave.
You didn’t mind, as long as he was happy. And he always was. A mouth full of candy and a face full of ass who could complain?
Never hard to take Lester. You fuck so much you’ve gotten used to his penis. Though that doesn’t make sex less pleasurable for either of you.
Especially with his erratic ideas.
Hannibal lector
Hannibal is an average guy. 6.2 soft, hard 7.0
Mind you, he knows how to use every inch of his body. And he loves fingering. He will use his hands and finish you off.
Especially if he’s busy, he’ll fuck you to smithereens with one hand whilst he’s writing with the other.
Hannibal knows what’s best during sex. If he decides to go Fast one night and slow the other it must be what’s best.
Hannibal loves dress up. Any cute outfit on you would drive him mad. It’s not just dress up like cosplay, he loves any kind of dress up. You wear a silky dress he’d tear it in half.
And fuck you that night.
Sometimes he’d leave it on and just hump you through it. Just because he can, Hannibal knows best.
It’s never really hard to take Hannibal, he always makes sure it’s easy and pleasurable.
Hi guys! That’s all :) lmk if I should do part two! If you have any slashers I missed just comment them <3
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slasherstories123 · 4 months
Hii this is the first time I make a request. Can you make slashers(your choices hehe) react to S/O making a plushie that look just like them? Thank you :)
Slashers reaction to their S/O making a plushie of them
Paring: Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Vincent Sinclair,Lester Sinclair, and Brahms Heelshire x reader
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon @mehidktbh @the-anxious-youth @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @l0sercat @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @pink-apollo @charliedawn @emychan @slasherscrybaby @l0sercat
A/N: When you said dolls it made me think of crochet dolls, but if not then I’m sorry😭💗
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Jason Voorhees
Very curious. He's curious about the process of you making the plushie once tibeas given to him.
Jason loves the plushie, even carrying it around like it’s his own child and will even sleep with it besides his teddy bear that was given by his mother.
He’ll hug you to no end as his way of saying thank you
If you were to make another plushie he’d want to watch you make it so he could make one of you, it was terribly made but it was his first time… and it’s the thought that counts
He’ll be forever grateful because it’s the fact that you wanted to make the plushie and haven’t had any sort of gift in years ever since his mother was killed, it’ll possibly even make him emotional just the thought of him receiving any gifts after being called a monster or freak.
Michael Myers
He’s giving you so many head tilts of confusion
All he can think about is why? Why are you making it, he knows you love him, but that far to make a plushie?
He’ll keep it of course but you won’t see him around with it, he probably has it put up on your dresser.
Will he stare? Yea. He’ll stare at you through the whole process of making it. Once it’s done he’ll definitely see something missing. Going in the kitchen to get the largest knife and give it to you.
You’d have to stifle a laugh and make a large knife that will fit the doll to fit his liking, handing it up to up for his own approval.
He’d take the doll and hold it by its head. Placing it on his shoulder.
He’d walk around the house with it on his shoulder, surprisingly, it doesn’t fall off.
Vincent Sinclair
Loves it.
Vincent keeps anything you give him, even if it’s a a half head flower you saw outside he’ll keep it even if it’s shriveled up into nothing
At first he’s curious since he never knows you could make things like he could. Once you show him how you do it, just know he’ll also make you one as well so you both can have plushies of each other
He’s rather good at it for the first time but often cuts his fingers so you’d have to stop him just to patch them up or to make sure he isn’t bleeding
He’ll often watch you make them since it’s satisfying in his opinion to watch. Just have music play in the background while you work he could stare for hours and not get bored at all.
Lester Sinclair
Lester literally laughs at the sight of it
It’s more of a surprise laugh since he didn’t expect you to make a doll that’s exactly like him, he loves it and will give you the tightest hug known to mankind
Even press kissed all over your face happily, mustache sloppy but they’re still kisses 🤷🏾‍♀️
He’ll even call the doll “Lester Jr” and will have it in his truck… or will carry it everywhere but will also have it in his truck since it reminds him of you
He’ll hug it to no end, even in his sleep, or he’ll have you hold onto it while he curls up besides you to sleep
Brahms Heelshire
It would be hard for you to even make it since he’ll sometimes take the tools away just so he can get your attention.
Once he settled down… hopefully. He’ll watch while having the porcelain doll of himself in his lap. Holding onto it until you finished with the doll you were currently making yourself.
Just like with the porcelain doll, he expects you to be careful even though it isn’t as fragile as the one he has
It’s a doll, and it was made by you. He wants it to be taken care of of since it resembles him.
As his way of a thank you, he’ll give you one perfectly made as well, and it has more details of your features that you don’t even pay attention to.
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Slashers with an S/O who has a Newfoundland Dog
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A Newfoundland Dog is my dream dog, and I had this thought of stabby men with a Newfie dog.
Characters: The Sinclairs, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (78, 07, and 2018), Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Saywer, and John Kramer (I know he's not a Slasher but I've watched Saw X and wanted another character to add here)
CW: Boys getting Slobby kisses from a large dog
Vincent Sinclair
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Your dog came with you when you came to Ambrose. A 6 month old Newfoundland Dog
Your puppy found the way to the basement and found Vincent working at his desk
He was surprised that it wasn't Jonesy, and he walked with pup to find you
Let's just say one thing let to other
Vincent fell in love with Annie, your chocolate Newfie. He thought she was just like Jonesy, but he was so wrong.
6 months later and Annie's head is near his hips
You love seeing your big doggo with your Wax Hubby, giving kisses
Left side of his face is covered in slobber
Vincent would sketch your Newfe when whenever he doesn't know what to draw
Jonesy has a new friend to play with
Bo Sinclair
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Your 3 yo Newfie walked into the Church when you weren't looking and had to go get
Bo turned around and got a big slobbery kiss from your doggo
"DAVID, GET BACK HERE." You said getting your Dog to come to you. Leaving Bo's face covered. "Sorry." You said as you closed the door.
You were telling your dog not to do that, when Bo came out to have a Cigarette
"Sorry about that. David is really friendly with people." You said 'That a Dog?" Bo said, "He's a Newfoundland Dog."
Bo thinks your dog isn't one but a Horse
David would try to give Bo more kisses when he sits on the couch
He would guard his food when he's eating at the table as David tried to get at it
"There a reason you named him David? Was it from that Werewolf movie?" He asked as he patted David resting head on his leg. "Yeah, you seen it?" You asked, "I may see it on tv."
Lester and Vincent definitely love David.
Lester Sinclair
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Automatically in love with your pooch
Your dog, Aaron, knocked him over when they jumped up
Lester's face was covered in slobber, which he cleaned up with his tank top as he got up
Jonesy was taken aback from how big your dog was. But they got along real quickly
Bo and Vincent thought you owned a bear from how big they where
He's giving a lot of treats to your doggo
Michael Myers
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Oh Great
A Dog?
Michael met your puppy when he came home from his walk
A black and white pupper looking at his face
Michael wanted to get rid of it as he grabbed the scruff of their neck till he heard your voice screaked at him. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT BOWIE!! "
Michael definitely wanted not to be hit by something, so he put down Bowie.
Michael would have Bowie giving him kisses on his cheek when he's on the floor. He didn't like it, with a sour look on his face
He had to get used to your puppy
A few months and Bowie is much bigger than when they were a puppy. Michael noticed that he had to ask what breed Bowie is.
A Newfoundland Dog?? And they Get How Big?? Oh God
8 months later, Bowie is near his hips and needs a lot more food.
Michael would take them for a walk when you're at work
Bowie is now fully grown, and their face is right at his when he sits on the couch
Michael is now in love with Bowie
Jason Voorhees
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Hello, did you bring home a bear cub?
It's a Newfoundland Dog? Never heard of those before
That's an Adorable face I can't resist
Jason's keeping a close eye on your puppy when they go outside
Jason decided to give them the name Teddy cause of the mistake he thought
Couple months later, Teddy is double in size from the day you brought them home
Poor Jason nearly had a heart attack when Teddy jumped onto the lake, but Teddy started to swim back to the shore
Fun fact: Newfoundlanders have webbed feet that's great for swimming and a thick coat to fight the chill of the water.
Jason will take Teddy on long hikes when you're at work
His face is going to he covered in slobber from Teddy
Michael Myers RZ
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Oh God, there's a Bear in the house
Oh, it's a Dog
Definitely a Big Dog
Michael didn't know what to do, so he just patted their head
When he's just working on his masks, Danny is right beside him
When on the couch, he let's them lay on his lap
He would give a kiss if they kissed him first (But not with His Tongue lol)
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas met you with your big doggo when your car broke down near his mama's gas station
Thomas was shocked at the size of your dog. He thought it was a bear when he saw them.
Mickey was the name of your Canine pal
Holty got licked by Mickey whenever he sat down on the couch. Thomas couldn't help but snickered
Thomas would come up from the basement to see Mickey laying at the top of the stairs waiting for him.
Laying in bed, Mickey would wake him up with wet doggie kisses on his face
Luda would spoil them with little goodies
The Hewitt resident's is a Dogs dream place. A lot of running around and places to go have privatize
Peepaw Michael Myers
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Michael was taken aback by this large Dog, he thought it was a bear at first
It just Woofed. it's a Dog
Normally, not a Dog person Michael felt differently with this Newfoundland Dog
Michael would be woken from his old man naps with a slobbery kiss from Arnold
Would definitely give them a scratching on their neck when he's reading a book
You catch Michael napping with Arnold on the couch
Michael may share his food with Arnold
Bubba Saywer
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Bubba Squealed in delightment, seeing a puppy bolting towards him
You brought home a puppy to brighten up Bubba's mood
Nubbin being himself tried to play fetch with the new addition to the family
"A Newfoundland Dog? Do they find new land?" Chop Top asked
Drayton hopes the dog doesn't pee inside the house
Jed gotten bigger as the months go by
Bubba loves getting kisses from Jed, but not Drayton
A run outside with you and Jed
Happy man loves the Big Doggo
John Kramer
Long story short, you became a caregiver to him
You sometimes bring your 5-year-old Newfie dog with you to John's "place of work"
Definitely a highlight of his day when you're gentle gaint rest there head on his leg. Much easier for getting pats on their head
Kisses on his hands
One Apprentice hope they don't pee on the floor
Bonus Character:
Corey Cunningham
Doesn't want to let go of your puppy when he comes over
Automatically, his therapy Animal
Loves getting kisses from your puppy makes him feel much better
Definitely would stay with you overnight to be with your puppy longer
He would volunteer to dogsit when your go to work
His mother is going to wonder why he's covered in dog hair
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boringbxtch · 1 year
Lester Sinclair | getting a little relief
1.5k words
[ Gender neutral reader smut ]
not descriptive on gender specific body parts but i identity as female so please let me know just incase I unintentionally messed up somewhere
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Warnings: oral(m receiving), degrading/praise, using a human as a toilet (no#1) and spitting (you get called multiple names including bitch, slut, whore )
From all of those warnings you can guess that the below imagine is 18+
At this point I’m not confident with attempting to type how Lester sounds, so I’m mostly keeping it general writing but you can read it in his voice
You didn’t know why you expected any differently, sitting bored and alone in a ghost town should have been what you anticipated and yet with how up your ass Bo was…figuratively of course, you would have at least anticipated some appearance from him but no. Left alone lying on the wooden floor trying to get some semblance of fresh air to your heated body.
It seemed your saving grace was walking through the door at that moment, Lester Sinclair. “Should’a ask why you’re on the floor?” “I’m wasting away that’s what I’m doing down here” your flair for dramatics causing laughter to erupt from the man.
“Well I don’t know about wasting away ya look perfect ta me, If you want you can join me on my run” That seemed to spark some life into you at least a little. Slowly rising from the ground and both making your way over to his truck. The smell hit you much like how the truck would on impact, the rancid smell of rotting carcass couldn’t exactly be described as an aphrodisiac but never the less you both climbed in and set off down the back roads in search of roadkill.
It had been a little while since you spent time with Lester given that the man showed up briefly to drop off people with car troubles and he was away again, So this was a welcome distraction even if Lester seemed a little more skittish that usual, you didn’t bring it up though believing he was just getting used to spending this time together after all he did spend most of his time alone on the back roads.
It had been roughly just about over an hour since you left the house and you could see from the corner of your eye that Lester was shifting in his seat though trying to do it inconspicuously so you wouldn’t notice, not missing the side long glances he takes at you when there’s a lapse in conversation and silence hits. He seems to look at you from head to toe, you can admit that you did find yourself liking the attention due to the feelings you were harbouring for the man.
That’s what gave you the little bout of bravery coupled with slight pity for his uncomfortable shifting to reach over and place your hand on his mid inner thigh before commenting “I can help with that, honey. Give you the relief you want, That’s if you want me to” The silence you were met with was like ice water thrown over you making you stutter out apologises while retracting your hand.
It didn’t get very far away before it was grabbed “I’m not rejecting you darlin, if anything I’d take you right here but this ain’t quite what you think” your face must have betrayed your thought to make him say “ I need to empty the tank if you know what I mean” feeling foolish but still reeling a little from the non rejection you did something you never believed you ever would. “The offer still stands,you can use me to relieve yourself”
A loud screech tore through the air, he had jammed his foot down on the break before snapping his head in your direction. “Y’sure about that darlin? Cause once I start going I might not be able to stop it” having lost your nerve by now you just nod back as an answer. He turns around and bounces his way out of the truck to walk around and open your door for you given that it sticks.
Getting out the truck you both make your way towards the tree line with you lagging slightly behind Lester, your nerves are really hitting you now when you make it far enough in so no one will see you both. Not that many people travel out this far often but it’s a precaution. Meeting him face to face but you can’t seem to meet him eye to eye slight regretting the decision you made.
A hand touched your chin causes your eyes to finally meet. “Cmon now don’t get shy on me, you want it that bad you’d get on your knees and beg for anything from me even my piss” the pure shock of the sentence seem to have given him an advantage to place his hands on your shoulders to take you down to your knees. Unceremoniously landing in the grass now eye level with the slight bulge in his blue jeans. His hands obstructing your view slightly to unzip them and lower both his jeans and underwear enough to bring himself out, Almost like you were viewing it from an outside perspective you shot to the forefront when he had fully exposed his slightly hard cock. Locked in a one sided staring contest with it due to the almost laughable circumstances before feeling a sudden wetness hit your face, he had spit on you “ open you mouth dirty little bitch” you had never seen Lester like this before especially with him above you but it wasn’t unwelcome.
Gripping your jaw to open your mouth he leans over and you catch sight of the saliva leaving his mouth this time right before the liquid hit your tongue. mouth wide open still he grabs hold of himself and reiterates “are you sure about this darlin? We can stop here” the little sweet moment unexpected but you reply back with “I’m sure Les, it’s ok” eye contact is held when the first spurt hits you just below your throat on your sternum before he makes an adjustment in his stance , the shock of the bitter and salty taste hit your tongue causing a slight jump. The liquid dribbling down the side of your mouth from the movement.
The look on his face makes the liquid filling you mouth worth it, that’s why you’re doing this…purely for Lester you think while ignoring the feeling stirring between your thighs. Your mouth filling up fairly quickly but giving you very little option to move with his hand gripping your jaw and the other gripping the bottom of his shaft.
You feel the stream taper and stop but you remain still with your mouth brimming full , doing the first thing that comes to mind closing your mouth but it’s quickly forced back open with his thumb and pointer finger.
“We’ll I’ll be damned” You had swallowed it. A sudden wet feeling slap brought your attention back in focus, he hadn’t moved his hands, One was still gripping the side of your jaw and the other still had a tight grip on the bottom of his dick, he’d hit you on the face with his dick smearing urine across your cheekbone.
“Fuck I think you’ll be coming with me more often, you dirty little slut drinking it down” a breathy chuckle “I’m nowhere near finished so open your mouth”
He placed the tip against your bottom lip, This time you were prepared for the stream to come, the same bitter taste that screwed up your face but you wanted to be good and stay still not that the hand now on the back of your head gave you much choice.
Mouth filling up quickly you swallow again, your mouth closing around the head temporarily causing the stream to hit directly on your lips streaming down the side of your face to your chest soaking into your clothing
You could feel the warmth of the liquid running down pooling onto you thighs reaching between them. The stream was slowly losing its flow tapering off into little spurts at the end. A groan of relief emitted itself from his mouth having been able to finally empty his bladder, looking down at you. You must have been a sight, covered from face to thighs in his urine with your clothing plastered to you. Swallowing around the last mouthful you lean forward and bring his tip to your mouth licking the head clean before bringing your head forward to take more of him into your mouth.
“Fucking little whore wants more they can’t just accept what they’re given and be grateful , you want to suck me clean and work for my cum. You’re a good little slut aren’t you?” The answering hums causing his head to throw back in a gritty whine, his hips now slowly canting forward to meet your mouth bobbing down his shaft. Getting so far into it you don’t expect to be pulled backwards, the resounding pop of your lips leaving his tip loud in the trees. Being pulled up to stand you were told “as much as I’d love to take you like a whore, head buried in the grass with your ass in the air filling you with my cum and watchin it dripping down your thighs. I want to be good to you for our first”
As you fully balanced on your own feet again a thought came to you, How were you going to get back into the house like this without anyone seeing you? You can’t but don’t worry they’ll treat you real good…I promise
It’s a little rushed but I had to finish typing it quickly or I would’ve made a whole book on sucking Lester off, hope you like it
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small-sinclair · 4 months
Lester slow dancing with you while the sun sets behind the trees. The radio turned down low but loud enough to hear it. He’s calm and filled with contentment because he has you. He’ll always have you.
That’s it. That’s the post.
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I would like to request more slasher x reader whos on the period and is just emotionally exhausted and does a fall hug on them and sighs 😞
I actually looked up period aesthetic on Pinterest 🤦‍♀️ (didn't work, I had to instead looked up blood stain aesthetic)
Ps: why the fuck did I think it was a good idea to put blood stains pictures here, and also this might be the last post for this week and the next week, since my exams are only one week away I really need to start focusing on my studies. I love you all, byee :)
Slashers in this are: Michael myers, sinclair brothers, Jason, and lastly, Billy and stu
Relationship: romantic!!
Slashers with exhausted reader on her cycle!
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Michael sat rested on the couch of your living room. Letting himself sink into the soft cushion. This day was particularly satisfactory by far... Except for one thing.
You were ignoring him. You've stayed in your room with food and a bunch of other stuff saying you were on your period, you've explained to him before and stuff. But that didn't give you the right to ignore him. What did he even do anyway?
Deciding thinking about why his s/o's mad at him on their period isn't his thing, he shuts his eyes and prepares to pass out.
The silence and the comfy atmosphere. Not too hot not too cold, slightly slouching to his side now that the drowsiness is getting to him. Until he hears the door open ,your door open. he quickly sits straight waiting for your figure to come into the living room.
Are you mad at him right now? Are you going to yell at him? Did he forget to do something?
He sees you enter the room and make eye contact with him for a few seconds, waiting for you to do Or say something. He becomes a bit alert when you start walking towards him, you don't seem to have a bit of aggression in your manner and you just seem... Tired.
Next thing he knows you're on top of him with your hands around his body. Sighing loudly you don't do anything and he starts hearing you softly snore.
Maybe just these few times you can physically get this close to him. He takes a few breaths before his eyelids start feeling heavy again and he starts to feel less and less energetic.
Subconsciously he puts his hand on your back as the two of you slumber into a deep sleep together.
Sinclair brothers
Bo's not really the best in verbal comfort but he sure is one hell of a good physical one. He sat on the couch reading a newspaper after a long day of being mean. Having a cup of coffee on the small table next to the couch you kinda wanted to laugh. Your overly aggressive boyfriend sitting so quietly and almost innocently on the couch on a Thursday morning is really a contradiction to his usual behaviour. But the inner exhaustion is making you dramatic. Walking over to him he notices you. "What?" He questioned, not a single sound of roughness in them. Hmm, maybe he really was in a good mood today. Taking this as your sign you grab his newspaper and then fall on him dramatically, not forgetting to hug him as you do so. Sighing as you feel the warmth of his body seeping into yours. "What do you think you're doing?" He asks a bit annoyed and a bit more confused. You place the paper on the arm rest on the couch and just continue to rest on him. Bo stays quiet for moments before he wraps his arms around your waist. "Well you could've just told me if you wanted a hug." He chuckles a bit. Let's just hope this isn't cut short.
Vincent Although can't really talk or comfort you verbally, is willing to do anything for you. Acts of service, physical touch, gift giving... Anything. Especially since you're on this painful and tiring process called "a period" He's on his bed reading a book he got from a traveller. Flipping through the pages he hears steps coming towards his room. He memorised your footsteps by now and closed his book but kept his fingers in between where he was reading. He saw you in his sight and tilted his head as to say "is there something you need?". You smiled a bit and went towards him and your body went softly crashing into his. Tightly hugging around his neck and you sigh because honestly hugging him was the most comforting thing ever. Vincent's a bit startled but rubs your back as he realises you're just tired. He kisses the top of your head through his wax mask and he starts blushing and grins when you turn to him and his cheek. He couldn't help but fall for this side of you every single time.
Lester was the best at any kind of affection. So anytime you felt the bit of sadness you immediately went to him. Today or during the cycle was no exception, trotting over to find your lovely dearest boyfriend you needed someone to lay all your love on right now. You finally saw him, Lester who was dropping by for a few days to accompany his brothers was on a couch with Vincent, it seemed they were silently discussing something. Probably they broke the wooden floor and were planning on how to tell Bo without angering him. (Impossible) besides all that, you just wanted to feel your lover's warmth around yours. Lester who noticed you after Vincent did, immediately lights up with a goofy smile. "Hey baby! How are you doing?" You instantly knew he was referring to your cycle, you gave a small smile on your tired face. You walked over to him with your arms extended and fell on him. "Woah!" He relaxes after a few seconds. He strokes your hair as you lay quietly on him. (Vincent third wheeled his way out of the room.)
It were a particularly quiet and peaceful few days camp crystal Lake. Which was a very good thing which meant a longer spending time with your undead boyfriend.
Especially since being on the flow meant more emotional draining. And although your boyfriend wasn't the warmest in body heat, he definitely was the warmest in showing you his love.
He was on a bed just resting because he didn't really have anything else to do. He didn't wanna bother you since you said you were on your period and didn't wanna risk you getting mad at him. (He would be extremely sulky.)
In his train of thoughts he hears footsteps creaking and immediately gets up, did a trespasser come into the cabins without him knowing? He grabs his machete that was on the ground and prepares for any sort of unfamiliar faces, he sees your face and sighs. He drops his machete as he realises he almost hit you with it.
You see him and stare at him for a few moments. He tilts his head and you start walking over to him and jump on him with your arms around his body.
He presses his mask against your head as you sigh. He couldn't express how much he loves you if he were honest. He strokes your head as he thinks so.
Billy n stu
You knew who to go to when you needed some physical affection. Having two people around you was more than enough.
You couldn't bother telling them about the problems and pains of your period since they're both lowkey air heads.. Just one of them is a bit smarter but definitely more sassy with a shit more attitude.
You slowly made your steps over to where you heard bickering, you saw the two of your boyfriends who you could see were talking about a horror movie most likely. You lazily walk to them, damn. They still don't notice you yet.
You decide to just fuck it and throw your body to where they were and Billy made a surprise grunting noise as Stu just yelped.
"Jesus! You fucking scared the shit out of us Y/n!" Billy exclaimed. Stu made a small "yeah!"
You just sighed tiredly. You wrapped your arms around both of them. "Well, we were just about to watch a movie. Wanna join us?" You just nodded as you felt them adjust themselves around your grip.
You relaxed after you felt Stu hug you tightly as Billy started going through the tapes with his legs around yours.
You were starting to relax until they started bickering again. Damn they couldn't shut up could they?
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whiskehorange · 2 years
How the Slashers Would Treat Your Stuffed Animals
literally pissing and crying writing this right neow.
Also, Happy New Years Loves! I wish everyone and myself a better 2023, I couldn't ask for better supporters ♥♥
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Stabs them repeatedly when youre not home until theyre nothing but a shredded mess like an untrained dog and when you confront him he denies it like you've accused him of murder.
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Kisses each one on the forehead goodnight like he's going to be deployed in the morning. Comes home the next day with glass display cases for you to put your favorites/ most valuable in. Even buys them personalized stickers and trinkets to but in and on their box like he's assigned them their own personalities.
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Punches each and every one of them in the face as hard as he can like they all own him a grand each right in front of you, laughing until he violently shit himself while you scream at him to leave them alone.
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Gives each one their own day to help/follow him around the farm (carrying them around in one arm or aggressively stuffing them down his pants when he needs to use both hands) while actively getting them dirty with blood, dirt, and shit or tearing them in the process of being so unintentionally violent.
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Gives them dirty looks when they touch his stuff but actively grows very fond of them and shares all of the family drama and tea with them when they are alone. The dirty looks shift to you when you walk in on a heated tea spill session.
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Steals them from you.
Humps them.
Cries and denies taking them if you find them before he's able to "sneakily" put them back where he got them.
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Refuses to acknowledge them and absolutely refuses to touch them, but buys you more and more whenever he's out by himself. When you leave the room he apologizes for ignoring them all day and adds the new friend to your collection. Has to turn them away when the two of you do the dirty.
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Gives them all government first, middle, and last names and doesn't forget them either. Also constantly buy you new ones whenever he sees them and issues them names, social security numbers, and jobs before he even gives them to you. Makes them beef with each other.
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Dresses up and has tea parties with them. When your not home. Writes and prints hand made name tags, name plates, bibs, and beautifully crafted invitations with their own messages for all of them. Spends hours making real treats for said parties.
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Quietly passive aggressively threatens each of them that if hey even think about getting closer to you that he'll destuff them and use their skin as pillow covers, and will do so in front of the others. Insists that he loves them when you ask, shooting them dirty looks after you've turned around.
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Crop-dusts them if you keep them waist level and will even grab them and purposely rip the fattest, wettest, most gut wrenching, stomach rumbling, room clearing, radioactive, leg lifting fart you've ever heard right in their face and throw it at you, flipping you off as he walks away.
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Makes them all their own little wax sculpture the same color as their fur and keeps them on a shelf above where you keep yours. Still doesn't have the heart to tell you that he stole one from you once to sculpt and accidentally dropped it in a vat of wax and had to dump the whole basin because it was ruined. Claims you must have just misplaced it.
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Makes you homemade, roadkill fur stuffed abominations that smell like the wettest of shit and will set them right next to yours on your bed/shelf. Can never remember the names of your stuffed ones and called them something not even close to what they are, thinking he's 100% right. Pets them unconsciously if he's standing next to them and just mindlessly talking.
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