#Letterkenny Wayne x Y/n
jerseyshoresy · 3 months
How're you now?
Can I request something for either shoresy or wayne where the reader goes home for Christmas? Since they came from either New Zealand or Australia and they miss the summer Christmasses. And one year they invite either shoresy and wayne to hang out with their family and go to the beach and stuff? Friends to lovers perhaps?
Thank you kindly!
Good and you? Hopefully not so bad! (lol)
What a fun request, thanks so much for sending this in! I had a great time thinking of a plot for this since it was a super creative ask☺️ I decided to do two shorter stories, one with Shoresy in New Zealand and one with Wayne in Australia!! Please enjoy <3
Summertime Santa Season with Your Sweetie
Shoresy x gn!reader, Wayne x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing
"So, what do you think? You wanna come with?"
You were giving your friend Shoresy a hopeful look. You had just invited him to spend Christmas with you and your family in the Southern Hemisphere.
"Really? You want me to be there?" he asked, a tone of excitement coating his words.
You laughed. "You're my best friend, Shore, of course I want you there. Besides, I think my family likes you better than me anyway."
"We're even because my family feels the same about you."
"It's settled then?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"Well, since your parents already bought my plane ticket months ago, I'd say I'm ready to go."
"What? Are you serious?"
Shoresy gave you a wide, missing tooth grin. "No, I'm just messing with you. The look of betrayal on your face was one for the books."
Your eyes narrowed. "I'm about to rescind my invite."
Considering you were now lounging on the beach with a certain loud mouth hockey player, you weren't actually serious about uninviting him. You sighed, taking in a breath, the smell of the ocean lingering in your nose. It had been a long time since you celebrated Christmas in your home country and while you loved living in Canada, nothing could beat the feeling of sun on your skin as it brought back all the fond memories of your childhood in New Zealand. Now that you were back, you were extremely happy. Having Shoresy there to celebrate with you and your family was a plus, too. You guys had been friends for many years and your relationship ran deeply, you two able to talk about everything with each other without fear or hesitation. While others found themselves exasperated by Shoresy, you never felt anything other than comfort and ease around the man. Even now, as his blocky figure stood over you, casting a shadow on your body, you couldn't find it within you to be annoyed.
"The picnic is all set up. You want something to eat?"
As if it heard him, your stomach growled. Shoresy reached out his hand to help you out of the sand and you gladly took it. Even though this was no sort of new gesture from your friend, you felt your heart do a flip at the contact of his skin on yours. Your eyes widened as you quickly pulled your hand away and made a beeline for your family, trying to calm your heart rate.
"Hey! Y/n! You feeling alright?" Shoresy caught up to you, sand getting kicked up from his fast moving feet. "You look like you saw a ghost or, like, the fuckin' Phantom of the Sydney Opera."
"Huh? That's in Australia, dumbass. But yeah, no, I'm fine, thanks. Just hungry, is all."
You didn't feel fine. Maybe you had heatstroke? You hadn't been in the sun that long... It didn't matter. You shook your head, eagerly grabbing a cup of water and relishing in the shade of the large umbrella overhead. Shoresy didn't look convinced but relaxed when he saw you sit down next to your family and begin to eat. He took the seat across from you, easily falling into conversation with a few of your cousins. However, he couldn't help but send a few glances your way every once in awhile, silently checking in on you. You were grateful for his attentiveness as you nodded, signaling you were good. As you took another bite of your meal, your mind was occupied with listening to all the other conversations happening around you, thankful for a distraction from the confusing feelings you experienced just a few minutes ago.
When lunch was finished, someone in your family suggested you guys play beach volleyball and you were ecstatic. You and Shoresy were on a team together and, to no one's surprise, you were completely in sync. Whenever the ball made it over the net, one of you would call it while the other set up the next shot for someone else to send it back over. Though you were good players, your family on the opposing team did really well, too. The game was heating up and the scores were tied by the end. With only one more point, you and Shoresy were ready to give it your all. The other team served as your cousin set up the first hit. Shoresy set the ball, hoping it was enough to have you spike it over the net. You kept your eyes trained on the ball and before it fell, you slammed your palm on it and sent it sailing over the net and into the sand. Your team won! You all erupted into cheers at your victory. All of a sudden, you felt your feet dangle in the air as Shoresy picked you up, swinging you around excitedly. You couldn't hold in your joyous laughter as you two shared your happiness at not losing, even though the result of the game had no impact on your lives whatsoever. When he finally put you back down on the sand, you two were still giggling and you noticed he still hadn't taken his hands off your waist. You felt yourself getting lost in his blue eyes as it seemed like the world around you dissolved, leaving you and Shoresy alone in your own universe. You were brought back to real life by a clap on your back from your sibling, giving you a hearty congratulations on your win. Shoresy immediately removed his grip on you, leaving you with a lingering feeling of emptiness now that he wasn't touching you.
After a few more days of fun in the sun and other Christmas festivities with your family, you and Shoresy decided to go for a walk by yourselves to get away from the hustle and bustle for a little bit. It was nearing dark and the stars started peeking from the sky. The way they twinkled reminded you of your Christmas tree in Canada and you smiled at the fact that this year, you had the best of both worlds.
“I’ve had a great week so far,” Shoresy said, breaking the silence. “I knew your family was awesome but this has been a hell of a good time.”
“Thank you for coming all this way with me. I appreciate it more than you know.”
You looked over at him, noticing he stopped under a Pōhutukawa tree. In that moment, in the comforting warmth of the night, under the bright red flowers, you swore that no one had ever looked so beautiful.
"I have something to tell you," you both uttered in unison.
"You first," you blurted out, making sure he was the first one to speak while you gathered your courage to confess that you were falling in love with your best friend.
"Okay. So. Okay." He took in a breath after nervously fiddling with his backwards hat. "Y/n, I've had a great time with you here in New Zealand and being your friend all these years has been such a wild ride that I'm thankful for every day. But lately, especially while I've been here, I've realized something. I would do anything to wake up by your side every morning and make you breakfast. I would jump out of a moving car for the chance to take out the trash for you. I'm falling in love with you and it's scaring the shit out of me so please, I need to know if you feel the same."
The only thing you did was let out a huge sigh of relief, momentarily confusing the man who just released an emotionally charged confession of his love.
"Kiss me, Shoresy."
He didn't hesitate, cupping his hands on your cheeks and capturing his lips in your own. As you stood under the glow of the stars while kissing your best friend, you couldn't believe how lucky you were this Christmas; Shoresy was the best gift you could've asked for.
"A Christmas outside of Canada? That's an odd fuckin' request."
You felt your lips pull into a frown. You had just told your friend Wayne that you were headed to see your family in Australia for Christmas and wanted him to come with. You knew he was traditional, but you didn't think he'd be so quick to shut you down.
"Never mind, it was a silly question anyway." You stood up to leave his house, but he caught your attention before you went anywhere.
"Hey now," Wayne said, "I never said I wouldn't go."
"Is that a yes, then?" you asked, excitement overcoming you.
"As long as Katy's okay with taking care of things while I'm gone, then I'll be seeing you in the Southern Hemisphere."
Katy was more than happy to watch over the farm, which is how you and Wayne were now watching a Christmas parade in Australia with the rest of your family.
"There's such thing as showing too much leg and a fella oughta be fuckin' aware of it," grumbled Wayne as he averted his gaze from a Santa in front of him, dressed in a tank top and short shorts that, admittedly, weren't leaving a lot to the imagination.
"Can you blame the guy? It is pretty hot out today. Maybe I can get you in an outfit like that," you teased, Wayne just looking at you with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. You knew him long enough, though, to know he was having a great time experiencing a new way to celebrate. As you turned your attention back to the parade, you caught a glance of something you knew Wayne couldn't miss.
"Wayne," you said, your voice low, "you need to prepare yourself for this next float."
He raised his eyebrows at you, wondering what could signal this interest. You knew he spotted it when his mouth opened and let out a loud noise that was a healthy mix of "aww" and "oh"-- the float from the local animal shelter had arrived!
"Is Wayne alright?" your parents asked you, concern apparent on their faces.
"He just really loves dogs," you explained and they nodded in understanding. The dogs, ranging from puppies to seniors, were dressed in their holiday best and it looked like Wayne was a second away from crying (not surprising). What was surprising was the way Wayne unfolded his arms and scooted a little bit closer to you, his hand brushing against yours. In all your years of knowing him, he was never a fan of physical touch. Did he do that on accident? And why did a simple ghost of his fingers on yours feel like a strike of lightning between the two of you? You refocused your mind on the parade, not wanting to think about the possibility of having a crush on your dearest friend.
When it was finally Christmas day, your whole family busied themselves preparing for the large gathering that was happening later that afternoon. You and Wayne, along with a few of the younger members of the family, patiently waited to be told where to help.
"Y/n and Wayne, you're on dish duty."
"Sounds like a plan," you told your mom.
"Well, pitter patter, kangaroos scatter," Wayne remarked, rolling up his sleeves and working right away on washing the dishes in the sink from breakfast.
"No way you actually just said that," you groaned, jokingly hitting your palm to your forehead and turning away to shelve a dried dish. You didn't see it, but Wayne was looking at you with a twinkle in his eye and the slightest upturn of his lips. When you turned back around, he slyly averted his gaze so you couldn't see the lovesick expression he held. Thankfully for you, your uncle witnessed the whole thing as he walked past the kitchen.
"Are you two ever going to date?"
You furrowed your brows. "Me and who?"
"You and Wayne, of course!"
Wayne had been called outside to do some heavy lifting of coolers and furniture, leaving you and your uncle alone to finish up setting the table.
"We're just good friends. If he wanted to date me, I'm sure he would've asked me out by now. Besides, there's no way he likes me like that." You put down a knife a little too forcibly for comfort.
"He hides it well," your uncle continued, "but I saw the way he looked at you earlier when you were turned away. In the kitchen. He really likes you."
"I don't think you saw what you thought you did."
"I know that look. That look is from a man who's deeply in love."
"Yeah, right," you said, huffing as you placed down another napkin, "it'd be a real Christmas miracle if that were true."
"So you feel the same?" asked your uncle, a smile inching on his face.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks. "No! Well, maybe. I don't know."
"That answer says it all," he said. "Just tell him how you truly feel, deep down inside. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome."
You went to say something else, but Wayne had made a return. Maybe your uncle was right. Maybe it was time to come to the realization that you were in love with Wayne.
Later that night, after the feasting was done and the gifts opened, it was time to go listen to some carolers. You, Wayne, and your entire family were holding little candles and waiting for the singing to start. All of a sudden, your attention was caught by a gorgeous jacaranda tree not too far from where you were standing. You excused yourself from the group, wanting to get a closer look. The vivid purple blooms were still vibrant in the looming darkness and seemed to glimmer under the flickering flame of your candle.
"It's so peaceful out here, isn't it," you practically whispered, noticing Wayne's quiet presence behind you. He didn't answer with words but acknowledged you with a grunt of agreement. You stood side by side in comfortable silence, admiring nature's beauty. The words of your uncle came forefront to your mind as your eyes wandered over Wayne's handsome face, one that was normally stoic, but was currently hosting an unreadable expression. You'd decided to confess your feelings but Wayne spoke up first.
"Y/n, I've had something I've wanted to tell you for a long time so I'm just going to say it. I think you're the most astounding person I've ever had the pleasure to meet and you've been a great friend over the years. But lately I've been feeling feelings for you that are unacceptable between friends. It seems I have, as romance novels would say, fallen in love with you."
"Wayne..." you breathed out, "are you serious?"
He nodded, blinking slowly at you. "As a heart attack."
"Good." You stepped in closer to him, your lips almost brushing against his as you spoke. "You beat me to it, but... I'm in love with you too."
You felt him push forward and connect your lips in a kiss as his hands found their way onto your waist, holding you securely against his body. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you realized your Christmas wish came true.
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Letterkenny- 5 Times Wayne Fell in Love With You
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(Not my Gif)
Notes: This was meant to be a quick little oneshot, but it ended up being five pages long. I figured since there are a few Letterkenny fics I would have to write some myself lol
Warnings: Language (it's Letterkenny, duh...), ooc for Wayne? Fluff?
1. Whenever you helped with the chorin’
- When you were sitting outside, drinking some Puppers in the sun in the middle of an afternoon
- There weren’t enough chairs, but you didn’t mind, so you took your usual seat on the ground next to Wayne so you could lean against his legs
- You had lost track about what exactly the boys were talking about, but it didn’t matter. You were just happy to be sitting around with your friends
-Wayne nudged your head with his knee and you were jolted back into the conversation
- “What do you think, Miss/Mr. y/n?” Dan asked you
- “About what?” you asked
- “Going to MoDean’s for drinks,” Daryl said
- “Sure, I’ll go. When are we going?” You asked
-Wayne gently moved your head from his leg so you didn’t whack it on the chair and stood up. - “As soon as the chorin’ is done, which I was supposed to get help with,” He said, glaring at Dan and Daryl
-You tapped Wayne’s leg so he looked down at you. You held both hands up above your head, silently asking him to help you up.
-He took both your hands and hauled you off the ground with essentially no effort because of the wonderful muscles he hid under his flannels
-As soon as you were on your feet you turned around and started marching towards some of the hay bales
- “Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er,” You said as you left
- Your back was to the boys so you missed the smile and head nod that Wayne had thrown to your retreating figure
- “y/n isn’t afraid to help with the chorin’, and that’s one of the things I appreciates about them,” Dan said
- “Take 20% off there Squirrely Dan,” Wayne said before marching off to follow you, who was already picking up a hay bale and throwing onto the back of the truck.
2. When you take care of everybody after they’re drinking
- It was hard to imagine since you spent all your time with the group, but you weren’t a big drinker
- You would spend the whole night nursing a beer or two or doing a few shots
-You were definitely the most responsible with alcohol out of everyone
- Which meant it was very often you were stuck with the aftermath of the drinking
- It wasn’t unusual for you to have to shove everyone in Wayne’s truck and drive them all home
- Getting everyone in the truck was the hardest part
-On really bad nights, the three boys were the worst
- “Daryl, I swear to fuck if you try and put your nipples on me one more time, I’m ripping them off,” you growled while helping Gail with putting all the empty bottles on the bar
- “Do you’s want to race me?” Dan barely slurred out, leaning against the bar to catch his balance
- “No, Dan, I don’t,” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the last few bottles and handed them to Gail
-Wayne was fairly easy, he was sitting at the end of the bar, giving a few adorable chuckles about nothing every few minutes
-Finally the bar looked somewhat back to normal and you waved goodbye to Gail and started herding the boys.
-Daryl ran at you with his shirt off, and keeping your promise, gave him the biggest purple nurple he had ever received
-He just laughed at it, but boy would he feel it in the morning
-Dan was now trying to get Wayne to race him, but Wayne was still giggling to himself
- “Hey you two, why don’t you see who can get to the truck first,” you called to Dan and Daryl, and they both damn near tripped over themselves to see who could get there first.
-Daryl definitely won
- You put your arm around Wayne’s shoulders and helped him off the bar stool.
- He flashed you the biggest smile and you were reminded that you actually loved seeing Wayne this drunk because it was the only time he actually relaxed
- “You’re a great fucking gal/guy, y/n” Wayne said between chuckles
-The heat rose to your cheeks, but you assumed he was only saying that because he was so drunk
- “So are you Wayne, now let’s get you home,” You said, leading him to the truck
-Daryl had his bare chest on the door of the car, but you didn’t want to bother with it. You would just let Wayne kick his ass tomorrow
-All the boys were put in the truck and you started your rounds of taking them home
-You got Dan and Daryl to their front doors before you headed to Wayne's house
-Katy said you could stay in her room since she was staying at a guys house for the night
-Don’t worry, you had already threatened the guy with death if he so much as thought about hurting her
- You got Wayne up the stairs and into bed, politely taking his boots off and innocently taking off his jeans and tucked him into bed
-He would give a quiet giggle every few minutes, but he was definitely on the verge of falling asleep
-You got him a glass of water and some ibuprofen and put them on his bedside table before falling asleep in Katy’s room
-The next morning, Wayne would be awoken to the smell of breakfast and he would make his way downstairs to see you in the kitchen in a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt
-He would sit at the table with his head down and you would pour him a cup of juice and set it down in front of him
- “Y/n, thanks for getting us all home,” He would say, albeit much quieter than he usually talked. Probably because of the hangover
- “You’re welcome, Sweetie,” You would say with a huge smile on your face, which would earn you a glare from Wayne, but it would disappear as soon as you put food in front of him. Instead it would be replaced with a grateful smile
-Because he knew you were a great fucking gal/guy
3. When you took care of Stormy
-You loved dogs.
-Like, loved dogs
-More than you loved almost anything else
-So when Stormy wouldn’t leave the barn, you were worried sick
-Wayne was too, but he would never show it
-He would call the vet but even in the small town of Letterkenny the vet wasn’t available 24 hours a day
- When the vet said they couldn’t be there for another day or two, you were devastated
- Wayne said Stormy would be fine for a few days and this wasn’t the first time it had happened
-But that didn’t matter much to you
- So for that whole day you didn’t stray too far from the barn where Stormy was laying
- Katy even brought food out to you when you didn’t want to come in for dinner
-Knowing that you wouldn’t want to leave the poor shepherd for too long, Katy got the couch made up for you to stay with her and Wayne
-He was pretty used to you hanging around the house anyway so it was no surprise and he just accepted it
-What he didn’t expect was to go downstairs in the middle of the night for some water to see the couch was empty
-He went up to Katy’s room but you weren’t there either
-Worry spiked through him as he registered that you weren’t in the house
-Until he saw a light on in the barn
-And he knew exactly where you were
-He put on a coat and grabbed a few blankets and headed to the barn
-When he approached the door, he thought he would see you on one of the chairs, or even laying on the upper deck
-What he didn’t expect was to see you laying in the hay right next to Stormy
-A small blanket covering both of them
-He stared at the sight before him for a minute before placing a heavier blanket on both his girls and taking a seat in one of the plastic chairs
-As he looked you over his heart got that weird fluttering feeling that only happened when he looked at you
-The chair wasn’t comfortable, but he settled down the best he could before closing his eyes
-Because he sure as shit wasn’t going to leave them both out in the chilly night air
4. When you only danced with him
-Wayne wasn’t much of a dancer
-He usually stayed at the bar drinking and watching everyone else
-Until he saw you on the dancefloor with Katy
-Both of you were having fun, without a care in the world
-He didn’t always understand how people enjoyed jumping around a dance floor, pushing into each other
- Until he saw you, smiling and carefree
-He could see how you would enjoy it
- He enjoyed watching you do it
- But when the song changed from an upbeat dance to a slower one, he saw the nervousness on your face
- Katy had gone on to dance with the 2 hockey players, leaving you alone on the floor
- He was going to wave you over for a Puppers, to sit down and have a drink with him
- Until
- Some uptown degen had grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, trying to dance with you
- And even from where he was sitting he could see you say no
- But this degen obviously didn’t know what was going to come to him if he didn’t let you go
- So Wayne took another swig of his drink, stood up, and marched right over to you
- He glared at the guy and shoved him away, standing in front of you until the degen scampered away from the crowd
- “I had him by the ropes,” you muttered, looking down at your shoes
- “Sure you did,” Wayne said, scanning the room to make sure the degen didn’t come back with any friends
- You both stood there awkwardly while everyone else was swaying to the music
- Finally you slyly held your hand out, asking him for a dance
- He looked between your hand and your face, before taking it and pulling you closer to him, his hand on your waist and yours falling on his shoulder
- You were slightly surprised that he had even decided to dance with you, but you weren’t going to question it too much
- It was rare that people saw this side of Wayne, especially in public
- So you just went with it and put your head on his shoulder
- “I thought you didn’t want to dance?” Wayne asked
- “No, I didn’t want to dance with some degen. I’ll always take a dance from you,” you said
- Wayne chuckled and pulled you a little closer
- He’d have to find a way to get you to dance with him outside of MoDean’s
5. When you patched him up after a fight
- Wayne was the toughest guy in Letterkenny
- Everyone knew that
- And for the most part, you liked it
- Except when Wayne had to prove that he was the toughest guy in Letterkenny
- Aka when he had to fight
- He always won, but that didn’t mean he didn’t catch a few hits along the way
- As the reigning tough guy in Letterkenny, Wayne never showed that he was hurt
- He usually hid behind a bottle of Puppers or Gus N’ Bru until the night was over
- Then he would give some half assed attempt to clean himself up
- Except he sucked at it
- So that’s where you stepped in
- Growing up in Letterkenny, you knew how to patch up wounds
- So as soon as you could get him alone, you would, ignoring his protests the whole time
- At first, you had to damn near tackle Wayne to get him to sit down so you could patch him up
- Even jumping onto his back to try and weigh him down
- It didn’t work, he just slung you off and caught you before you hit the floor, set you down, and stormed out of the bathroom
- This happened again and again until you tried a new tactic
- Begging
- Wayne could refuse most people’s begging
- But not yours
- Especially when you hit him with the puppy dog eyes
- So the first time you tried it, and said please, he sat down on the sink in the bathroom with a whispered “fuck a duck”, and let you patch him up
- You wiped the blood from his lip and disinfected the cuts on his knuckles
- And this became a routine almost every time he got into a fight
- Which was a lot
- His reluctance eventually diminished, and you swore that sometimes he looked forward to having you help him
- Although he would never tell his buddies
- But Katy teased you about it from time to time
- The last time you patched him up, Wayne had gotten into a pretty bad fight
- He had a busted lip, a blackened eye, and numerous cuts on his knuckles
- This fight wasn’t a typical ‘Toughest Guy in Letterkenny’ fight
- You had no idea what started this one, but Wayne hadn’t been this hurt in a while
- He had walked into the house where you were watching a movie with Katy, stood in front of you guys for a moment, and then walked into the bathroom and sat on the sink
- Katy had nudged you towards him and resumed the movie
- You walked into the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit that you had stashed away after the first few fights
- You got out the bandages and hydrogen peroxide and got to work, gently working from his eye to his knuckles
- “I take it this wasn’t a planned fight?” you asked him, throwing a cotton ball into the trash can
- “Not exactly,” he said, “Some fuckin’ degens were talking about some of the girls in town, fucking degens,” he muttered
- “Ah,” I said, putting a small bandage on his right hand
- You're little Batman of Letterkenny
- You went to release his hand but he grabbed yours instead
- You looked up into his eyes and saw that he was already looking into yours
- “You don’t have to patch me up every time, you know,” He said, barely moving his thumb across your own knuckles
- You smiled, your cheeks turning red. “I know, but I want to. Lord knows you can’t do it yourself,” you laughed, not moving
- He gave you a rare smile and let go of your hand
- You finished with his hand and patted his shoulder, signaling that you were done
- He hopped off the counter and watched as you put everything away
- You brushed past him and left the bathroom and went to go sit on the couch and resume the movie
- Wayne went to the fridge, grabbed a Puppers, and sat next to you on the couch
- As the movie played on, you felt your eyes drooping and your yawns had increased, some of them threatening to split your face in half
- At some point your head leaned over onto Wayne’s shoulder and your eyes closed for the night
- Wayne only dragged a blanket onto you and shifted his shoulder down for you to rest your head better
- He ignored Katy’s raised eyebrows and beaming smile and turned his attention back to the movie
- But as he looked at his wrapped hand again, he glanced back at you asleep on his shoulder, and figured enough was enough.
- He would tell you in the morning
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Hi! I saw your requests were open, I was hoping to ask for Wayne (letterkenny) x reader where some degens are bothering her and he's very protective of her. Sorry if that's kind of vague, thank you!!!
found time to finish this while I watch the new season!!
Wayne x Fem!Reader
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Ugghh....you hated it when kids came home for the holidays. Not kids anymore, grown ups with jobs or college students with way to much time on their hands, back to their small town roots to see family until the new year. Pissed off at family by now for old wounds, or bored of this ‘podunk town vibe’ and eager to get back to the city.
The city might have taught them a lot about culture & the world, but it didn’t teach a lick of them any manners.
“Hey baby! Another beer over here!”
“Please.” You snap back at the drunk while picking the empties off his table. He seemed confused about what you’d said, so you repeat fully, “another beer, please. Or, if you want to be real fancy: ‘may I have another beer, please’.”
“What’s your problem?” The citidiot gruffed out.
“You.” You inform him. “I’m not your bar bitch, or some one you can just bark orders at. I’m a lady. And I don’t get paid enough to deal with jerks like you. By Gail, or the 2 bit tip your probably gonna leave me.”
“Well if you wanted a tip baby, all you had to do was ask.” The mistaken citidiot who was actually a degen said, as he reach forward to take a grab at you. 
You pull away the first time and he tried again. Catching the belt loop of your pants before he was unceremoniously slammed back down into his chair hard enough to rattle his table and half empty beer. “Don’t paw at girls.”
The tall an intimidating figure of Wayne had appeared beside the degen, who was apparently too drunk to register the danger he was in. “Who the fuck are you?!”
“I’m Wayne.” He answered. “And I think yous and your pals atta leave, while you still can.”
A shutter ran down your spine, but the degen didn’t seem to get it. “ “While we still can?’ What’s that supposed to mean?”
The hick turned and squared his feet before looking down at him, “because in about two minutes I’m gonna toss ya out that door like the rotten sack of potatoes that ya are. So’s you can walk outta here like men. Or I can throw ya out.”
The degens seem to sober up and think about their odds, before they get up and run like little girls walk out like men. “Sorry to be causing a disturbance.”
“Don’t mention it Wayne.” You reply, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Just glad they opened a tab. it would suck if I was out the 2 bits and the bill.”
“Well I wouldn’t let that happen to ya.” He promised, giving you a smile that you return. “What time’s your shift over [Y/N]?”
“Couple hours.”
“Then I’ll be at the bar with a Gus and Brew til then.” You smile again as you watched him walk back over to his friends at the bar. Your proverbial knight in plaid armor.
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Wayne (LetterKenny) X Single-Mother!Reader
Summary: Wayne is going soft but that's okay.
Part one: Here
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It was the last day of Mason's suspension from school. So you dropped him off with the hicks. He's been there for a few hours just sitting with them. Mostly drawing in the gravel and helping with the choring.
"Do I get to come here tomorrow?" Mason asked looking up at Wayne.
"No your suspension is over and your mom won't be working." Wayne answered.
"Oh. I like hanging out with you guys."
"I likes hanging outs with yous too!" Dan smiled.
"Do you have anything other then puppers in here?" Mason asked looking at the cooler.
"No go get water from inside." Wayne answered.
"But you guys don't have to go inside for a drink." Mason crossed his arms pouting.
"Well ain't that a bummer?" Wayne answered. Mason whined but started walking up to the house. "He's a good kid," Wayne said once the 7-year-old was out of ear shot.
"I thoughts you hates kids?" Dan asked.
"He's tolerable."
"Glad to hear my son is tolerable." You said climbing out of your car.
"Y/n how're you now?" Wayne asked.
"Good. You?"
"I'm doing good. Mason is inside getting water."
"Okay. I thought I told you three now drinking around mason?" You eyed the puppers Dan and Daryl were holding.
"We're sorrys miss y/n." Dan said before chugging his beer.
"I'm sorry." Dary said.
"Uh-huh. Thank you for listening Wayne." You smiled giving him a peck.
"Yeah take the little ankle biter so I can have a pupper." He crossed his arms.
"Yeah. Thanks for watching him all week." You said before mason came out with his water bottle.
Wayne couldn't believe he was doing this, he went out to get more puppers for the cooler, and also got pop for Mason. He still hated kids, any kid except Mason still was not one he would want to be around. He stood by his previous statement, he's a good kid.
"Glen how'r you now?" He asked as they waited in line at the store.
"Good. Who's the pop for?"
"Someone." Wayne stated.
"Oh. Who's the someone?" Glen asked smiling.
"Mind your own beeswax." Wayne turned around adjusting his grip on the case of pop.
Once home he put the puppers and pop in and sat back in his spot.
"The pop for Mason?" Katy asked.
"Yes it is." He nodded.
"Your going soft big brother."
"I know." He agreed.
"He'll be so exciteds to sees that." Dan smiled.
"That's the point."
"What happened to hating kids?" Daryl asked.
"He's tolerable."
And he'll say it again. Every time someone asks. Can't let the people in town know he's gone soft.
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A/n: I might make this a series. Cause I do think Wayne with kids is cute 🤣 even tho he hates them.
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Could you do like an imagine or a headcanon about the reader having a young brother or sister under the age of like 10 and The kid meets Wayne (Letterkenny) who is dating the reader? Thank you!!! I love your Letterkenny stuff!
WAYNE x meeting s/o's younger brother
there is a 100% possibility that your little brother will leave the property calling Wayne his new best friend
and Wayne would be doing everything to impress the kid because he wants to impress you too
so he'd take the kid on a lawn mower ride, maybe throw a baseball around
listen intently to any story the kid wants to tell him
if Daryl shows up then maybe the three of them will do a small project around the yard, and let the little guy help
"Can't talk Y/N, me and the kid have to patch a hole in the fence."
and Wayne would want you to bring him around all the time
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beautifultypewriter · 3 years
Walk You Home ~ Wayne
Requested: No / This is my entry into @locke-writes 1.5k Writing Challenge.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 879
Pairing: Wayne x reader
Prompt: “I could walk you home, if you’d like.”
Summary: After a night out, Reader and Wayne discuss how to get home.
A/N: Do you guys like my super original title? Took me all night to think of it. Seriously though, look at me at actually posting a fic. Amazing, isn’t it?
You hadn’t originally planned on coming out tonight, but then Katy called you and you could never say no to her, so now here you were, nursing a Puppers at Modean’s. You were having a good time, you wouldn’t deny that. You and Katy were having a laugh at the city boys who had been approaching the pair of you all night. One particularly persistent Casanova was leaning against the bar right next to you and despite you having already turned him down, he was still offering to buy you a drink. Katy rolled her eyes as you held up your Puppers for the man to see, “I’ve got one already.” You waved your hand as you turned away from him, “Move along.”
 Stifling a smile at Katy’s quiet giggles, you turned as you heard someone else step up behind you. You had been ready to brush off the guy’s friend too, but instead you found Wayne standing behind the two of you. His hands were stuffed in the pockets of his jeans and he was glaring down at the city boy, who to his credit, looked just a bit frightened to be holding the attention of the toughest guy in Letterkenny. Wayne’s eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at the offender, but he directed his words to you, “Y/N, how’re ya now?”
 You smiled up at him, the tension in your shoulders relaxing as you did, “Good, ‘n you?”
 He hummed quietly as he turned his attention to you, “Not s’bad.” Then he was staring at the guy again and you were giggling along with Katy. He seemed to finally get the hint and he pushed away from the bar, skulking back to his friends with his head bent down. Wayne took the opportunity to pull a barstool next to you and sit himself down on it. He waved Gail over and she slid a Puppers to him. Settling in, Wayne nodded over to you, “Been like that all night?”
 Taking a quick sip of your drink, you shrugged, “More or less.” You smirked over at him, “Jealous?” Wayne only hummed in response.
 As the night wore on, the city boys did nothing but glance over at you and Katy, not a single one of them was willing to risk an approach with Wayne sitting right next to you. The man himself had been mostly quiet, content to just sit and drink his beer while you and Katy continued to chat.
 Before you had even realized it, the bar started to empty. Katy took a quick look around before she nodded to you, “I’m gonna head out. I’ll see ya tomorrow?” You nodded to her, taking the last sip of your drink before you stood up and gave her a quick hug. She kissed your cheek quickly and you watched her walk over to her two hockey boys. You turned to say goodbye to Wayne, but the stool was empty. You looked around quickly, but there was no sign of him. With a sigh, you shrugged, not entirely sure when he had left, but feeling a bit hurt that he hadn’t bothered to say goodbye. There really was no point in it though. That’s just how Wayne could be, and you’d never change that. Although, you had kind of been hoping that you would have been able to convince him to give you a ride home and then maybe to stay the night. You shrugged again. No point in dwelling on it.
 As you stepped out into the night air, you really regretted not bringing your jacket with you. “Y/N.” You turned at the sound of your name to be greeted with Wayne leaning against the side of the building, a dart clutched tightly between his fingers. You smiled as he looked you over, warmth spreading through you as his eyes moved over your exposed shoulders. Wayne lifted his chin, “Heading out?”
 You gave an absentminded nod, and looking over to small parking lot, you noticed the absence of his truck. Turning back to him, your head tilted to the side, “You walking tonight?”
 He nodded, “Truck’s in the shop.”
 Feeling a certain giddiness rising in you, your voice took on a teasing tone, “You gonna be alright? It’s pretty late,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to protect your bare skin from the breeze, “all kinds of unsavory characters about.” You smirked at him, your eyes lighting up.
 The corner of Wayne’s mouth twitched up, “Hmm.”
 Rocking on the balls of your feet, you slid your arms down, your hands moving to rest in your back pockets, “I could walk you home, if you’d like.”
 Wayne looked thoughtful as he took another drag, “And you’ll be stuck at my place?”
 Clicking your tongue, you looked off to the side, your shoulder shrugging ever so slightly, “I’m sure we could think of something to do.” You looked straight at him, your pursed lips lifting up into a smirk. Wayne stared at you as he flicked his dart to the ground. Then he smiled as he pushed away from the wall and took three long strides over to you. You giggled quietly as he slung his arm over your shoulders and started leading you down the street.
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film-bones · 5 years
god letterkenny season 5 episode 3 just makes me so much more straight up horny for Jared Keeso’s adamant stance against racism and homophobia while maintaining his masculine hick persona and theme
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
Something where someone (your pick from shoresy or LK) ask to meet up by text but you say you have a man in your bed, they're confused af but turns out you rescued a cat?
STOOOOPPP IM OBSESSED WITH THIS LMAO!!! Thank you so much for sending this request in, it's so perfect and I had tons of fun writing it! I decided to do little blurbs with everyone I've written for in both the LK and Shoresy universe so I hope you enjoy <3
Fatal AttraC(A)Tion
Shoresy, Wayne, Daryl, Coach x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, suggestive language
"I know I'm like, always confused, but I am extra confused right now."
Shoresy had just finished hockey practice when he texted you, asking if he could come to your place to hang out for the rest of the night. He certainly wasn't expecting your response of: "Please don't come over !! I have a man in my bed rn!!"
"Oh, that's no good, mah boy! You best get yourself o'er there and send the unlucky bastard scramblin' out tha door!"
"You're right, Hitch, you have a point. I'm not letting another man come between me and my partner and I mean that in both entendres."
"Settle down," said Goody, taking a sip of water.
Shoresy was quick to leave the barn and head to your place, nervous to see who he was going to find lying next to you. As he entered the bedroom door, he pushed up his sleeves, getting ready for a fist fight. To his surprise, there was no human man to be seen anywhere. Instead, he was greeted with you and an unfamiliar orange cat lying on his side of the bed.
"Look baby, Shoresy's home! My favorite two men in this whole world," you cooed, the cat purring as it cuddled up to you. Shoresy relaxed, happy you were just messing around with him, and looking forward to cuddling two very cute creatures all night.
You felt bad joking like this to Wayne, knowing he had been cheated on in the past, but you couldn’t help yourself as you sent the text message: “can’t meet rn. me and my other man are in bed.”
When Wayne received said text message, he sped over to your place in a flash, his stoic expression turning the slightest bit more sour than usual. After he slammed his truck door closed, he rolled up his sleeves, readying himself for a brawl. However, when he entered your bedroom, he just stood there very confused.
“Here’s the man I was talking about.” You held up a black cat with white paws. “I just rescued him! Isn’t he cute?”
Wayne stood in silence for a few moments before speaking. “Okay, y/n. Y/n, okay. That is a very cute cat.”
He took several big strides and abducted the cat from you, cuddling it close to his chest.
“You can have him back after I get an apology for making me worry.” He scratched the cat under its chin, making it purr. “And after I get an apology for not adopting two of these.”
“Does this mean what I think it means?”
Daryl was at MoDean’s trying to decipher the text you had just sent him. It was a picture of you lying in bed with a mass of blonde hair on your chest, captioned “don’t come over, my man and I are having alone time.”
“I knows y/n, we all do, and that doesn’t seem like their types of behaviors,” said Squirrely Dan.
Katy then spoke up, “But it is weird. I think you should go check it out. Let us know if you need backup.”
Daryl agreed and drove his van over to your house in a hurry, confused as ever. He walked into your bedroom, fully expecting to see you with another man, but what he actually saw couldn’t have been further from what he assumed.
“I got us a cat!” you exclaimed, holding up the cream colored cat. “Isn’t he just adorable?”
“You really threw me for a loop with that text,” Daryl said, frowning, but perking up when the cat ran over to his leg and started nuzzling him. “He is really cute though. This is the only other man I’d ever want in my bed.”
“Me too, Daryl, don’t worry,” you said, pulling him in for a kiss.
“I’m kinda busy rn, me and my man are lying in bed.”
“What the fuck are they talking about?!”
Coach was ready to crush his phone in anger. What did you mean, your man? HE was your man, your only man! He furiously typed back a response, telling you he’d be over at your place in no time, and he spent the whole trip muttering to himself about how he was going to kick that guy’s ass for laying next to his partner. He practically busted your door down, huffing and puffing as he stared you down. You were completely unbothered by Coach’s abrasive entrance, even laughing about it, as you lounged with a cat running in circles on your bed.
“Coach! Glad to see you made it to meet our newest roommate.”
“Don’t scare me like that, y/n, I was seriously pissed off!” He was pointing an accusatory finger at you until the cat pounced on it, clawing lightly at his skin. Coach immediately broke into a smile, cooing and giving the cat scratches on its ears. It looked like your two favorite men got along swimmingly!
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
I froth at the mouth over your fics!!!!!
May I please request something where some drunk asshole confronts the reader at MoDeans and hits the reader, then all of the LK crew starts coming over but reader just decks the cunt and lays him out. Wayne already guessing you'd be fine but everyone starts fussing asking questions and shit bur you're cool as a cucumber?
Okay so I'm OBSESSED with this idea of this because uh yeah anything with the LK crew at MoDean's is sure to be fun to write lol. And thank you SO much for your kind words, you're so sweet! I'm glad you like my writing and I'm honored you all trust me to bring your creative vision to life :) much love!! <3 <3
OH! ALSO! This isn't explicitly romantic because I wasn't sure if you were looking for more friendship or romance so it's implied Wayne x reader but it can be read either way tbh. Enjoy!
All Hands on Deck
Implied Wayne x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, fighting, mention of blood, Gail being... Gail
Done was another long day of chore'n so you decided to hang out at MoDean's with your best friends, relieved to finally relax in good company. You greeted the group, all of whom already had drinks, and so you ordered yourself one, too, taking a seat at the bar next to Wayne.
"Y/n, how're you now?" he asked, his expression softening ever so slightly when you sat near him.
"Good, and you?"
"Not s' bad."
You smiled. "Glad to hear it."
Everyone was listening intently to Squirrely Dan, who was in the middle of a story about some guy and an ostrich--you weren't all too interested in the details-- so you took the time to peek around the bar, seeing who else from Letterkenny had shown up for the night. The regulars were there, naturally, as were some people you knew from high school. You even spied Jonesy and Reilly who had stopped flirting with women to flirt with each other. You shook your head, enjoying the stereotypical evening with the same people who were always around. Turning your head a little more to the left, though, and you almost choked on your drink. There was some guy you had never seen before, sitting at a table and downing beers like nobody's business.
"Who's that?" you asked Gail when she brought over your drink.
"Dunno," she replied, leaning in closer to you, "but he's from out of town. Heard he's from the city. Montreal."
"Really? Their downtown is pretty nice from what I've heard."
"I'd be happy to show him what a real nice downtown looks like," Gail groaned, gyrating her hips in a way that felt so dirty you had the urge to clean the countertop she was gripping seductively.
"Don't you have customers to serve?" you asked, earning a glare from the bartender.
"Don't you have a tab to pay?"
"Fair enough," you grumbled, taking a sip of your drink. You looked at the man one last time before turning back around in your seat. You were surprised someone from the big city would come all that way to be in Letterkenny, but it didn't matter to you. The guy was spending big money in alcohol consumption and singlehandedly keeping MoDean's in business for the next month, which was great for Gail and even better for you. You tuned into the conversation with your friends, wondering what the next topic at hand was.
"...and that's how I got cow spit in my eye," finished Daryl, earning looks of disgust amongst the group.
"How about you, y/n? How was your day?" inquired Katy.
"It was alright, nothing too interesting," you said. "The most exciting thing to happen to me was hearing some guy's here from Montreal."
Right as you said that, you accidentally made eye contact with the man from Quebec. You quickly averted your gaze, not wanting any trouble.
"So yeah, that's been my day. I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom."
After you did your business, hands washed and dried, you starting making your way back over to your seat. All of a sudden, the screech of a chair being pulled out from under a table caught your attention and in no time, you were face to face with the stranger from the city.
"You got a staring problem?" he snarled, very obviously intoxicated with the way he was slurring his words. "You've been lookin' at me all night and I don' like it."
You went to reply angrily but you couldn't get any words out--the only thing in your mouth at that moment was a a drunk dude's fist. You staggered from the momentum of the swing, your face bleeding profusely, and your mind reeling from the audacity of this city dweller. You heard the chorused yells of the Letterkenny residents, all equally unhappy that the out of towner hurt one of their own. You knew your friends would be over any second to take care of the guy, you could see them running from your peripheral vision, but you wanted a piece of him first. Fueled by anger, you threw a power packed punch right back to the man. In an instant he was knocked out, his unsteady body crumpling to the floor.
"Holy shit, y/n, are you okay?" Katy asked, putting a hand on your back in a soothing manner. Daryl held a clean rag to your nose and mouth to stop the bleeding while Dan pulled out a chair and had you sit in it. You even saw some of the regulars take the man's unconscious body and throw it out behind the dumpster. Throughout the aftermath of the ordeal, though, you realized you never saw Wayne.
"Are you sures you're okays, y/n?" Squirrely Dan questioned.
You laughed. "I appreciate everyone's concern, but there's no reason to fuss. It was just one punch, I'll be fine. You guys go sit, enjoy your drinks. I'll be over in a minute."
They relented, taking in your condition one last time with worried looks before taking up their spots at the bar.
And now here came Wayne.
He stalked up to you, taking a swig of Puppers.
"Fuck, bud, you didn't even give him a chance." Another sip of beer. "I almost feel bad for the guy."
"Yeah," you sighed, "me too."
You enjoyed comfortable silence together for about a minute or so before Wayne spoke up again.
"You know, I didn't rush to your side because I knew you were okay. You're tough."
"I know." You met his eyes, the dingy lights of MoDean's doing nothing to dim their shining deep blue color. "Thanks."
Wayne was a man of little words, and you didn't feel like there were more words to be uttered anyway, but his look said it all. You spied the smallest hint of a smile on his lips as his head turned to the rest of your friends at the bar, already back to smiling and having a good time.
"Yeah," you answered, his question not needing to be asked out loud, "let's go have some fun."
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jerseyshoresy · 2 months
Kia Ora!
May I ask something for letterkenny where the reader routinely bakes for the produce stand( staples like bread, cookies etc) but then branches out into cakes and shit that they get Wayne, Darryl, Dans and Katy's opinion of their work? Wayne wants to pay you but honestly cooking/baking for others is your love language?
AHHHH I LOVE THIS SO SO SO MUCH because I totally would be this person in the LK universe!!! I freaking love baking and did I mention I LOVE this idea??? xD anyway thanks so much for lending me your creativity with this request, can't wait to see what you think of my creation below :) <3 I combined this ask with the other ask about being a friend of Katy’s and being a baker so don’t worry, I saw that request too!! No one falls through the cracks on this account, I see y’all and all your messages I promise😎 even if it takes me awhile to get everything done lol
This'll be another implied Wayne x reader story, but again, it can be read either romantically or platonically!
Bringing Home the Bakin'
lil bit of Wayne x gn!reader
Warnings: none
There was nothing better than hearing the sound of your oven ding with the promise of yummy baked goods. You pulled out a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies, the delectable smell filling your kitchen. You turned around, putting the raw dough of your very popular bread in the perfectly warmed up kitchen appliance. You were anxious to get this round of baking done as soon as possible because you needed to drop it all off at Katy and Wayne’s produce stand before it got too late in the morning. You and Katy had been friends for a long time, and in turn, her friends became your friends, and soon enough you were officially adopted into the Hicks’ group. You had always been an avid baker, too, which certainly didn’t hurt when it came time to making friends. You loved to bake things for people as it was your love language—food easily brings people together and full bellies equal full hearts. You never, in a million years, thought that people would love your products so much that they would line up so early in the morning, eager to get their hands on whatever you were selling that day. You couldn’t lie, you were proud of making a name for yourself like that, especially in Letterkenny where bad gas travels fast and good gas travels… well, probably just as fast, but nonetheless, you were happy. As your bread baked, you decided now would be the perfect time to go get ready so you’d be on time leaving later.
40 minutes bake time and 20 minutes cool down time later, everything was sliced, packaged, and ready to sell. You loaded up your car and drove over to the produce stand, excited to see your friends. As you pulled into the dirt driveway, you saw car after car waiting for you to arrive with your baked goods. Wayne saw you arrive and came over to help you carry everything to the stand.
“One of these days you ought to park your car and sell right from the trunk,” he commented, his arms filled with cookie containers.
“Then I wouldn’t be able to see your big muscles at work, moving my stuff,” you teased. Wayne scoffed quietly, but you knew he was flattered.
“Y/n! Glad to see you so chipper this morning,” Katy greeted, taking the bread from your grasp and setting it on the second stand they made specifically for your treats.
“Any morning I see my best friend is a morning worth looking forward to,” you said, a big smile on your face.
“Don’t go soft on me now,” she replied, smiling back at you.
“Our favorites baker’s heres,” said Squirrely Dan, clapping you on the shoulder.
“Sure is,” Daryl piped in before leaning in close to you. “Did you save us anything?”
“Hmm. Maybe,” you said with a sly grin. Daryl tried to contain his excitement but failed, letting out little giggles.
All of your baked goods were displayed neatly in no time with everyone’s help. Pies were placed all over pretty patterned plates, tarts were looking totally tantalizing, and the cookies couldn’t look any cuter in their containers.
“Pitter patter?” you asked, eyebrows raised.
“Let’s get at ‘er,” Katy responded, nodding at you before addressing the crowd. “Y/n’s Bakestand is now open! Line up nicely or we’ll lay you out.”
Crowds of people started swarming in as they all tried to buy something before it was sold out. You did your best to bake lots of extras this morning, but it didn’t look like it mattered. The stand was emptied in a half hour after what seemed like the entirety of Letterkenny’s residents came by. When the rush was finished, leaving you and the Hicks standing by yourselves, you clapped your hands.
“Now that that’s over with, you guys wanna taste one of my newest creations?” you asked, a sly grin taking over your lips.
“I like the sound of that,” said Daryl, unable to stifle more happy giggles.
“I’d taste anythings of yours that you’d so kindlys puts in my hands, y/n,” replied Dan.
“Why don’t you take about 50 to 60 percent off there, Squirrely Dan,” reprimanded Wayne, making you chuckle. You retrieved a cooler from your car that held something you’d finally tried after thinking it over for a while. You were confident in your baking abilities, but this time, you really wanted your friends’ opinions on your work. You opened the cooler and took out the large container, your nerves creeping up on you a little bit. Wayne eyed you curiously, wondering what delicious item you brought this time. When you finally took the lid off the container, you held your breath, waiting for each person’s reactions.
“It’s so pretty!”
“Too pretty to eat!”
“I disagrees with thats, Katy, but to each their owns.”
Wayne didn’t say anything, but he nodded his head in the slightest manner—that was a great sign. You had baked a carrot cake and covered it with cream cheese frosting; not only did you frost it, though, but you created art with it. You had decorated the border on the bottom and top with an intricate piping design, the swirls looking like they were dancing on the cake. In the middle was a perfect illustration of a carrot, the coloring vibrant and detailing neat. As you sliced it and doled out the pieces, you could see the nuts inside were evenly distributed and the cake was pleasantly spongy. Not a single element was out of place and you smiled to yourself, awaiting the consensus of flavor.
“You outdid yourself again,” commented Katy, taking another big bite.
“It’s so good I could cry,” an almost tearful Daryl replied.
“Delicious as always, y/ns,” Dan complimented.
“This tastes as good as puppy breath smells,” said Wayne, and you let out a relieved sigh.
“You guys don’t know how happy that makes me! I was nervous since I usually never bake cakes,” you confessed.
“You truly have a talent and I’m so glad we’re able to showcase that to Letterkenny,” Katy told you, gently nudging your shoulder with her own. There were still morning chores to get done so after everyone finished their treat, you and Wayne were left to watch over the produce stand for the time being. You busied yourself with the till, counting out how much money you made—you split your earnings with the siblings since you used their stand but you still came away with more than enough to cover some of your everyday expenses.
“You know, I wish you’d let me pay you more,” Wayne said, looking at you intently, “especially when you bring over those other treats just for us. You’re a hard worker, I want to make sure you’re paid fair and square.”
“This is a hobby-turned-side job for me, I promise I’m making enough,” you consoled. “And I enjoy making things for you guys. That’s just me sharing my love for you in the form of baked goods. No money needed there.”
Wayne wasn’t fully convinced until he saw just how brightly your eyes shone when you spoke about baking. He could tell that you honestly did it because you liked it, not because you were looking to make a profit. He felt his heart swell at the thought of you in the kitchen, apron on and humming to yourself as you worked on some more recipes to please him and the others.
“Okay,” he conceded, his steely gaze concentrated on your carefree one, “but if we have to build a second stand for you, you’re getting a bigger share of the profit. No ifs, ands, or buts.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Wayne, but I’m inclined to agree,” you said, stretching your hand out for a handshake, “only if you promise to keep being my most prized taste tester.”
“Fine by me,” he said, grasping your hand in his own and shaking it. However, he held onto your hand for a little longer than necessary, his lips curved into the tiniest smile.
He could never say no to you.
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jerseyshoresy · 9 months
Farmer and a Daryl
Daryl and the reader have some confessions to make.
Daryl x gn!reader (request from @scoutandtank , I really hope you like it!!)
Warnings: none
It was another hot summer day in Letterkenny and you were busy chorin’ as usual. You couldn’t wait to finish your work and reward yourself with an ice cold Puppers. As you finished cleaning out the chicken coop, you heard a car pull up into your farm’s driveway. You recognized the dilapidated van right away, your heart fluttering in your chest. As the van sputtered to a stop, you sauntered over.
“What’s a fine man like you doing out in a place like this?”
Daryl leaned with his arm rested on the now opened van door, a blush resting on his face (he convinced himself, though, that it was so hot outside that his skin was just naturally warming up).
“Y/n! I was just coming over to see if you wanted to go to MoDeans with me. And the boys. And Katy too, of course.”
You studied him closely. He seemed nervous to talk to you today. At least he was actually talking to you this time. Lately, Daryl had this weird habit of bouncing between nervousness, flirtation, and downright ignoring you when you were near each other. You couldn’t deny the hurt you felt when he chose not to talk to you because not only is he one of your closest friends, but you were really sweet on him. You tried asking Wayne, you interrogated Squirrely Dan, but none of the boys could explain his behavior and you were determined to find out why—one of these days.
Putting your hands in the back pockets of your shorts, you pretended to think over your decision.
“Hmm… I guess I could go for a Puppers… or I could stay home by myself with absolutely nothing to do… much to think about, Dary.” Shooting him a smile that he graciously returned, you ran over into the passenger seat of the van. As Daryl made his way into town, you reached over to turn on the air conditioner.
“Oh that doesn’t work. She’s an old van, but she gets the job done without all the fuss of modern technology.”
You felt like you were dying, you were so sweaty. You could only imagine how much of a mess you looked, and in front of Daryl no less. You were a bit embarrassed but too hot to care. You rolled the window down in hopes of catching a slight wind, which worked, to your surprise. Daryl, on the other hand, couldn’t help but notice the very attractive person sitting next to him, making him feel extremely shy. He was self conscious about his van, his looks, his life, and now this absolute gem of a human was in his car, sweat glistening on their face, making them look radiant, the radio playing a love song—it was all too much for him. He reluctantly tore his eyes from your body to keep steering the car on the road while you didn’t notice the war going on in your driver’s head and heart. As you pulled into the bar parking lot, you noticed Daryl got quiet and basically ran out of the car and into the establishment. Like before, you were confused, but maybe you were reading into things too much. You had no idea if Daryl returned your affections and it certainly didn’t seem that way right now. At the very least, you guys have been good friends for many years so you didn’t understand his sudden change in behavior. Sighing, you opened the van door. You really needed that drink now.
Inside, Gail bid you hello, followed by many innuendoes and dirty jokes, but none of it could lift your spirits at the moment. You spotted Daryl with the rest of the Hicks so you sat on an open stool next to Wayne.
“How goes it, Wayne?”
“Y/n, how are ya now?”
You studied the beer bottle gracing your hands and sighed.
“Truthfully, I could be better. Daryl’s been acting weird around me again. One moment we’re chatting it up, then he switches up and shuts down. Has he told you anything? Did I do something?”
Yeah you did something, thought Wayne, you stole Daryl’s heart and he’s completely head over heels in love with you! He talks about you all day long and he’s so ridiculously sweet on you that I’m getting a new cavity at the sound of your name.
“He hasn’t told me anything,” replied Wayne, taking another sip from his bottle, “but you might wanna ask Katy. She’s always, as you kids say, in the know.”
You nodded to him, bidding him adieu for now, and sought out Katy, who was at a table with the hockey boys.
“Y/n! How are you now?”
“I’m good Katy. How about yourself?”
“I’m great. Just enjoying the view,” she said while nodding her head in the general direction of the boys, earning a “right on!” and high fives between Jonesy and Reilly.
You gave them a quick smile and turned your attention back to brunette.
“I actually just had a quick question about Daryl. Do you mind if I take a seat?”
“You two. Scram!” The boys were immediately on their feet and scrambling to another table in the bar.
“What can I help you with?” she asked, smiling sweetly.
“To be honest, I’m not sure. I asked Wayne why Daryl is always so wishy washy around me, you know, cracking jokes one minute and the next totally quiet. It’s like, he knows it’s me that he’s talking to, and then he really looks at me and just… goes quiet. Wayne told me he didn’t know and to come ask you. So here I am.”
Katy started laughing.
“Oh my god. You’re serious? You don’t know?”
Okay, now you were finally getting somewhere.
“No, Katy, I have no idea. Please, you have to tell me.”
She took a deep breath after laughing so hard.
“This is seriously adorable. Y/n, he’s sweet on you. Like, insanely so. He gets all weird because you two are great friends and he doesn’t want his true feelings to show and freak you out. I’d give you more details but I think lover boy would rather tell you himself.” She tipped her bottle in the direction behind you and you turned to be face to face with Daryl himself, beet red.
“Can we, uh, can we go talk somewhere? Um, private? If that’s okay,” Daryl asked, keeping a close eye only on his shoes.
“Of course, Dary.”
When Daryl saw you walking over to talk to Katy after talking to Wayne, he knew he was in trouble.
“Wayne! You didn’t tell y/n about my feelings for them, right?”
“Of course not, Daryl. That’s business between a man and his lover. It’s not my job to kiss and tell or tell someone you wanna kiss ‘em.”
“Okay, but they’re going to Katy! Katy will definitely say something.”
Wayne sighed, took a quick swig of beer, and sighed again.
“Dary. You gotta take a chance in love sometimes. When you find someone as good as y/n, you don’t wanna lose them before you even get them. You know what I mean?”
He nodded and stood up, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.
“Alright. Thanks good buddy. Wish me luck.”
Now you found yourself back in the sweltering sun, staring at the man you loved, waiting for him to say something.
“Dary, it’s okay, it’s just me. You don’t have to worry about whatever it is you’re gonna say.”
“But that’s the thing!” he said suddenly, “you’re not just you, not to me. You are so wonderful, so kind, ridiculously attractive, hardworking and it’s hard to think that someone like you would ever return the feelings I have for you. I love you so much, beyond words, but I know that it’s selfish of me. You deserve so much more than broken down van, dirty coverall wearing, plain Daryl.”
He wouldn’t meet your gaze. Tenderly, you lifted his chin up with a soft touch. His eyes were getting watery and it broke your heart to hear that he thought of himself that way.
“Oh Dary.” You grabbed him into a tight hug, savoring the feeling of his hands resting on your back. When you two pulled apart, you kept a firm grip on his shoulders.
“Daryl. You are so much more than your clothes or your car and you are certainly not plain. You are the nicest man I have ever met. You are a person I can rely on at any given time. You’re funny, and so crazy handsome. I love you because you’re you. I wouldn’t take you any other way.”
All of sudden Daryl started giggling.
“Really y/n, you mean that? Like, really, really?”
You shook your head yes.
He exhaled a sigh of relief.
“Oh I was so nervous! I’m sorry I acted weird around you before. We would always have such a good time together but then I would really look at you, especially while you were laughing because your smile is outrageously cute, and I would think, man, whoever gets to see that smile every day is the luckiest man in this entire galaxy. And I would never think that man to be me but hopefully now it can be.”
“I would love nothing more than that. Actually, I would love one thing a little more,” you said, smiling coyly.
Daryl gave you a quizzical look, “Do continue.”
“I would love if you would finally kiss me after all these years.”
His eyes lit up.
“That’s a Texas size 10-4!”
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Meeting Wayne
-You were driving down a dirt road one day…
-You had just moved into some small town in Ontario to move in with your Aunt and Uncle who needed help on their small farm. 
-You had just finished college as a nursing student and hadn’t gotten a job yet, so what harm would it do to take some time off?
-Anyways, you were driving down a dirt road that looked like all the other dirt roads in Letterkenny when you saw a sign for a produce stand. 
-For whatever reason, you had volunteered to make dinner but had no idea what to make.  A few recipes for vegetable soup ran through your head, and what better way to make vegetable soup then with vegetables from a fresh produce stand?
-So you pull over in front of the gravel drive and shut the car off, stepping out of the beat up pick-up your Uncle had lended you.  You didn’t have a Canadian license but nobody needed to know…
-Stepping out of the car you saw three men sitting in chairs outside of the stand.  
-You were slightly concerned when two of them looked utterly perplexed and the other one was glaring at you, although you couldn’t tell if it was because the sun was in his face or not. 
-You slowly walked over to the stand, slightly waving. “Um, hi?” you asked as you approached them. 
-”Um, this is a produce stand...right?” 
-The three of them nodded and you continued standing there, wondering if you had somehow messed up this simple interaction. 
-Did you need to say ‘Hail Maple leaves’ or something whenever you started a conversation in this country?
-Everyone stayed where they were in an uncomfortable silence before one man stood up abruptly from his chair and marched over to you.  
- “I’m Wayne,” he said, holding his hand out for me to shake.  You took in his strawberry blonde hair and broad shoulders that were covered in a plaid shirt before slowly reaching your own hand out and placing it in his. 
-“Y/n” you muttered, gently shaking his hand.  
-The man nodded and dropped your hand before turning around and heading towards the other two men who were still looking confused.
- Did nobody ever come to this produce stand? 
-The taller man faced you again and gestured to the two other men.  “This here is Daryl, and Squirrely Dan.”
-You slightly waved to them and they waved back.  
-”No offense but yous don’t sound like like yous are froms here,” the man that Wayne had called Squirrely Dan said. 
-You chuckled and nodded, “I’m not, I’m from the States but I just moved here to help my Aunt and Uncle with the farm.” 
- A look of approval passed across all of their faces. 
-Nobody had moved in a good 30 seconds and you had started getting antsy.
-”I’m sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt your day, I just needed some vegetables for dinner tonight…” you trailed off.  
-The two who were sitting down stood up and moved out of the way of the stand. 
-You slowly approached the stand and peered at all the vegetables that were sitting in the cart. 
-You rifled through what you needed, and handed it to Wayne, who put it all in a brown paper bag.  
-When you were finished, Wayne gave you your total and you opened your wallet, flicking through the colorful bills.  
-It took you a minute to get used to the different bills, but eventually you had gotten the right ones.  
-”Sorry,” you mumbled, handing him the bills. 
-He nodded and put it in a box under the cart. “It’s alright,” He said, giving you a curt nod.  
-He also gave you a small smile, and the sun had nothing to do with the heat that rose to your cheeks.  
-”You want a Puppers?” the one in a blue jumper asked.
-”A...what?” you asked, a little confused. 
-He leaned over and grabbed a beer bottle from a cooler. “A Puppers,” He said, extending it out to you. 
-Oh boy, you really needed to catch up on the lingo around here or else everyone would be talking circles around you. 
-You gave the man a smile but shook your head. 
-”I’d love to stay, but I have chores to do at home.” 
-You saw Wayne's head snap over to look at you out of the corner of your eye. 
-”Wells it was verys nice to meet you y/n,” Dan said. 
-”You all too.  Maybe next time i’ll stay and have a drink,” You said, waving and walking back to your truck. 
-Climbing in, you saw Wayne walk over to his chair and sit down and immediately start chugging a beer.  
-You backed out of the driveway and gave one last wave to the boys. 
-You realized you would start volunteering to make dinner very frequently if it meant having to go to a produce stand.
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Bucky Barnes
Forever- Oneshot
Druig- Eternals
My Home 
My Home Part 2
Meeting Wayne
5 Times Wayne Fell in Love with You
Happier- Wayne and y/n oneshot
Dating Shoresy Headcannons
Animated Justice League
Bruce Wayne x Oc
Aquatica-Chapter 1 Evie
Aquatica-Chapter 2 Secret Origins
Aquatica- Chapter 3 In the Blackest Night
Aquatica- Chapter 4 The Enemy Below
Aquatica- Chapter 5 Paradise Lost
Aquatica- Chapter 6 Evie’s Day Off
Aquatica- Chapter 7 The Brave and the Bold
Aquatica- Chapter 8 Fury
Aquatica- Chapter 9  Christmas Eve
Aquatica - Chapter 10 Injustice for All
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Wayne (LetterKenny) X Single-Mother!Reader
Summary: Your son and boyfriend meet for the first time.
Warnings: mentions dad leaving, fighting, getting suspended from school
Divide: Me!
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Wayne didn't like kids, you knew this when you started dating him. Just like he knew that you have a 7-year-old son, Mason and have been raising him as a single mother, since he was 2 and his dad left, then you moved up to LetterKenny. Wayne hasn't met him yet, you both agreed the two of them wouldn't meet for a while.
"Wayne. I know we agreed you wouldn't meet Mason until after a year of dating and you don't like kids but his school is canceled and I still work and my mom can't watch him... Can you? It's okay if not I'll figure something out." You said hesitantly into the phone before you looked at the 7-year-old who was tossing his baseball up into the air and catching it.
"Okay." He said simply. He was sitting with Dan and Daryl in front of the fruit cart. He was falling head first in love with you and while neither of you felt it was time for him to meet the other guy in your life. You didn't have any other choice.
"Okay! We're on our way. Thank you babe! Mason! Get in the car." You moved the phone away from your mouth when you shouted to you phone.
"Can I bring my baseball and glove?" The little boy asked.
"Yeah come on baby. Okay Wayne bye."
"Why is he glaring at our car mom?" Mason asked looking through the window at the man who just stood up.
"That's just his face, he has a resting bitch face. Come on let's go say hi."
"Why does your boyfriend have to be the one to watch me?" Mason asked pouting.
"I know it's weird but he's really nice, maybe you and him can play catch." You suggested.
"Fine... But if anything bad happens it's your fault."
"Whys are they taking so long." Dan asked as they watched you looking in the backseat from the driver seat.
"They're talking." Wayne said simply standing with crossed arms looking at the SUV. Finally they watched you unbuckle and get out of the car before the back door on the opposite side of the car.
"I thoughts he was 2?" Dan asked.
"No he is 7."
You walked over your son walking in front of you. He stood in front of your boyfriend. The both of them glared at each other before Mason put his hand out.
"My name's mason."
"Wayne." He shook the young boy's hand. "Thoses are Squirrely Dan and Dary."
"His name is dairy?" Mason laughed.
"It's Daryl."
"Oh... Okay." He shrugged.
"Okay. I have to go now. Mason you be on your best behavior, Wayne no puppers while your watching him. And don't leave him unattended with them." You said before giving Wayne a kiss to which Mason exclaimed ew and then you hugged your son.
"Bye mom!"
"Bye sweetheart." Wayne waved.
"Bye y/n!" The other two men said. You left and Mason stood there looking between them once Wayne sat down.
"You's can sits downs." Dan said.
"Do you guys just sit in front of this produce stand twenty four seven?" Mason asked.
"Oh why?" Mason sat down before playing with his ball.
"Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life." Wayne said simply.
"Oh... My mom says that sometimes." Daryl looked at Wayne smirking but Wayne just hummed looking at the ball the young boy was playing with.
"You want to play catch?" Wayne asked standing. Mason thought for a second before standing as well. "Come I have to get my glove."
"Why doesn't mom want me alone with them?" Mason asked following behind Wayne.
"I don't know why she does half of the things she does." He answered. "How is school?" He asked not completely sure what he should say to the kid.
"It's okay. There's some boys who keep messing me though." Mason shrugged. Wayne looked back at him for a second.
"Do you know how to fight?"
"No." Mason shook his head. Wayne thought for a second. He could teach him how to fight so the dicks at his school stop messing with him, but you'll probably be mad at him. The other option is leave it be and tell you.
"I'll teach you." Wayne offered.
"But what about baseball?"
"You'll be here all day bud we got time."
"Hey Wayne how is it going there?" You asked on the phone during your lunch break.
"We're doing good." He said watching mason punch Dan in the gut.
"That's great. Is Mason being good."
"He is great."
"Ow!" Dan exclaimed when the boy punch him a bit low.
"What was that?"
"Nothing sweetheart. Dan is playing catch with Mason and got hit with the ball."
"Oh well I have to go. Bye. Thank you again Wayne." the
"Of course bye." He hung up.
"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" Mason said backing away from the man who was curled up on the ground.
"He'll be fine. Next time those boys pick on you. Do that." Wayne put a hand on his shoulder.
"I can do that! What's for lunch?" Mason smiled.
"Wayne!" You yelled getting out of the car mason following timidly behind you, sporting a black eye.
"What's happen to hims?" Dan asked.
"He got into a fight at school." You said crossing your arms glaring at Wayne.
"He was being bullied. I taught the boy to fight."
"He's suspended for a week. I have to work all week Wayne.".
"I can hang out here can't I?" Mason cut in. You glared at him
"Come inside with me lets get you ice." Katy stood leading him inside. You took a deep breath.
"Wayne I don't care if you fight. But my son is 7. I prefer him not fighting the other kids." You sighed. "But thank you he didn't tell me he was getting bullied."
"He got squirrelly dan pretty good last week." Wayne smiled.
"Oh so him getting hit with a baseball was a lie?" You asked.
"Yes. But mason had fun."
"You three are watching him this whole week I hope you know that."
"Can I drink puppers when he here?" Wayne asked
"No Wayne you can't drink beer while responsible for my child." You scoffed.
"How about Gus N brus?" Dan asked.
"No. This goes for all three of you."
"Its was his idea yous shouldn'ts take this outs on us." Dan argued.
"Yeah! I wasn't apart of it I didn't help him learn at all." Dary defended himself.
"Should've stopped them." You shrugged smirking as you watched Mason walk out holding a ice pack to his eye.
"Wayne I won the fight." Mason said sitting on the ground next to him.
"You can smile! My mom said you always have a bitch face." Mason said.
"Mason!" You gasped. "I said resting bitch face. Don't cuss."
"You dos have a resting bitch face." Dan agreed.
"Your a blabber mouth." Wayne told your son.
"And your a loser. And you dress like a lumberjack."
"Your one to talk kid. Socks and slides don't mix."
At least they got along, well kinda.
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Could you write something where the reader has been friends with the letterkenny hicks for a long time and the reader and darry don’t realize they like each other but everyone else does?
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Pairing: Daryl x f!reader
Another beautiful day at MoDean’s 3.
“MoDean’s 3.” Wayne announced before tapping his shot glass on the bar with the other’s before gulping it down.
“It’s good to have a bar in this town again.” Daryl stated.
“Can confirm.” Katy agreed.
“Hope this one doesn’t burn down like the last two. MoDean’s 4 just sounds like a bad post trilogy sequel.”
“MoDean’s 4: the MoDeaning.” Squirrely Dan added from his seat beside him at the bar.
“MoDean’s 4: MoDean MoProblems.” Katy added after that.
“MoDean’s 4: And this time, it’s personal.” Wayne added even further. Lowering his voice from its already gruff timber.
“MoDean’s 4: One for the Road.” The group all turned to look over their shoulders to see [Y/N] walk in and gave a resounding friendly hello. “You bums started without me.”
“We waited as long as we could.” Katy replied as she leaned in to take her half hug.
“But the tank was low and you had to fill up?” [Y/N] teased. To which everyone chuckled. “Sorry. Chorin’ ran long.”
“Well why didn’t you give me a call? I’d helped ya out.” Darry offered, seeming genuinely upset they didn’t call.
“Nah. That’s ok. She’s finished now. Didn’t want to bother anyone.”
“It wouldn’t have been a bother.” Darry insisted. Picking at the label on his beer now.
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” They replied with a smile. Lingering for a minute before turning to Katy. “Hey Kit-Kat, order me a Gus & Brew when Gailer comes back around? I’m gonna cop a squat before I cop a squat at the bar.” Katy gave a small salute as [Y/N] headed off to the restrooms. A low, quiet grumble following them.
“Hey Darry, what’s that thing you’re always sayin’ about birds landed on your bottom lip and what not?” Wayne asked.
“ ‘If you don’t tuck in that lip, bird’s libel to come poop on it’.”
“That a boy.”
“So why the long face Darry?” Katy asked. As if she didn’t know.
“It’s nothin’ it’s just…..well….this may come as a surprise to ya’ll but I sorta have a crush on [Y/N].”
“Darry, the only surprise here is that it took you so long to say it out loud.”
“Well what do you mean Katy?”
“I mean Darry,” she stated, “you’re about as transparent as saran wrap.”
“I am not.”
“If yous was an award-winning Amazons original series, you’d be Transparents.” Squirrely Dan added.
“I am not!”
“You know what, if you were a Canadian rock band from Ottawa, you would be Amos the Transparent.” Wayne chimed in.
“Ok. Maybe I do put the B in subtle from time to time, but I’ve been pretty cool about this.” The looks around the bar from his friends told Daryl that that would be a hard no. “Well…if I haven’t been that subtle, then it doesn’t matter cause she must know and isn’t interested. She’s probably into nicer guys. Like Wayne.”
“Well I appreciate the compliment bud, and I’m not gonna lie to you I have thought about it.” The plaid bespoke hick replied. “They’re right easy on the eyes. And a hard worker. Plus they’re an animal lover, and as Mrs. McMurray always says there’s a special place in heaven for animal lover. But I wouldn’t do that to ya there bud.” He said before taking a sip of his beer.
“Thanks good buddy.”
“In any case,” Katy chimed in. Knowing their time to have this little chat was running short. “You’re about as dumb as you look if you don’t think they have the hots for you too. Could not have been puttin’ out clearer signals if they had flair guns.”
“Well I take offense to that Ms. Katy. I don’t think I’m as dumb as I look.”
“I thinks you’re actually quite handsome there Darry.”
“Thanks Squirrely Dan.”
“Oh my God! Beset on all sides!” Katy shouted. “I love [Y/N]. They’re my best friend. But you can’t be softballin’ it in with them. You gotta be direct. If you wanna make a move, tell them. Get after it Darry while the gettin’s good.”
“Yeah Darry. Either shit or get off the pot. What’s the problem?”
“I thought I did.” [Y/N] replied to Wayne’s rhetorical questions as they came back for the tail end of the conversation. “Hey. Where’s my beer?”
“I’ll uh…I’ll get it for ya [Y/N].” Daryl said. Jumping up from his seat with grace of a newborn deer.
“Oh…thanks Darry.” They replied. Tucking their hair behind their ear.
“Get these guys a fuckin’ puppers.” Wayne muttered.
“Seriously…” Katy muttered back. Although both siblings secretly rooting for their besties.
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beautifultypewriter · 4 years
Ya Dancin’? Ya askin’? ~ Wayne
Requested: No
Warnings: None
Word Count: 677
Pairing: Wayne x fem!reader
Summary: At the opening of Modean’s II, Wayne asks reader for a dance.
A/N: Oh? What’s this? A Letterkenny imagine? Who would have thought? Anyway, I promise to return to your regularly scheduled programming soon. I’m still working on the fluff alphabets and hope to have one up tomorrow or Friday. This little drabble is based on the end of S3E3. I saw it and I had to write this quick little thing for it. It may or may not have fit perfectly into a scene that I wrote for the fanfiction in my head with my OC. I’ve only seen up to season 3, so if something is wrong or doesn’t feel true to Wayne or the show then I apologize. 
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You had looped your arm with Katy’s as you stood side by side in the cold night air. Jivin’ Pete and his Degen buddies were standing in front of you and Wayne was going off in the way only Wayne could. You knew that Katy’s encounter with the jerk had shaken her up a bit more than she would have ever admitted, so you pressed a bit closer to your best friend. Wayne flicked his dart to the side and moved in just as Jivin’ Pete took a step towards him. It was one punch and Jivin’ Pete was sprawled face first on the ground. You took a small step backward as Wayne moved forward and kneeled on the ground, his foot moving to cover Jivin’ Pete’s hand.
 Wayne lifted his head up and pointed him towards Katy, “Say you’re sorry.”
 Jivin’ Pete wasted no time in doing what he was told, “I’m sorry.” Katy stared down at him, that impassive look on her face that she had perfected.
 You watched as Wayne turned his attention back to the man, “Don’t honk at girls and don’t holler at girls.” His voice had taken on a louder tone than was normal for him and you were slightly shocked.
 Katy squeezed your arm, but her attention stayed on Jivin’ Pete, “And don’t talk to them if they’re not interested in talking to you.” Wayne reiterated her words, still holding tightly to Jivin’ Pete’s hair to keep his head up. You smiled slightly at the interaction. This probably wasn’t the best time for you to be feeling a fluttering in your chest, but Wayne just had that effect on you. He could do the sweetest things at the oddest moments.
 After all of that had been dealt with, you followed Katy into Modean’s, ready to christen the new bar with your friends. As each of you passed by Bonnie McMurray, you took a shot from the tray she held and made your way down the bar, where Gail greeted each of you with a beer. You sat next to Katy, stealing glances at Wayne every so often. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, and you looked over to see Daryl getting to his feet. He smiled over at you as he grabbed his half-finished beer and made his way onto the dance floor, immediately getting into the music. You smiled as you looked over at Dan to see him beckoning Gail over the bar. She jumped over and the two made their way onto the dance floor as Jonesy and Reilly approached Katy. She smiled at them as they held their hands out to her and you gave her a small nudge. Soon she was on her feet and the three were off with everyone else on the floor and you were alone at the bar. Well almost alone.
 Wayne had stood and moved down the bar to stand next to you, his thumbs hooked in his belt loops as he looked out over the dance floor, “Y/N.”
 Your eyes stayed on your friends aa you nodded, “Wayne.” You laughed quietly as you saw Daryl beckon Bonnie onto the floor.
 Wayne cleared his throat as he looked over to you, “Ya dancin’?”
 Glancing over at him, your smile widened, “Ya askin’?” You turned in your stool, so that more of your body was facing his.
 You glimpsed a small smile breaking out on his lips as he held his hand out to you, “Hmmm.” Pursing your lips in an attempt to hide your grin, you placed your hand in his and let him help you to your feet. You intertwined your fingers with his as the two of you walked side by side to the dance floor. The crowd seemed to make room for the pair of you as you faced each other. Wayne brought your interlocked hands up as his free hand landed on your back. He pulled you close as you swayed to the music, your eyes locked with Wayne’s and smiles on both your faces.
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