#Letterkenny Oneshot
If He’s Got a Problem with You, He’s Got a Problem With Me.
TW: suggestion of domestic abuse, fighting, Wayne🤣💋 I do own the photo or the characters except the OC.❤️🎀 Enjoy!
She didn’t know where to go. She hadn’t known who to go to. Hiccups catch in her throat as another sob racks her small frame. Only back in letterkenny for an hour, her home town, the place she always ran when her heart was broken. This time it wasn’t just broken, she was scared.
Taking a deep breath, she raises her hand, and gives a soft rap on the door. Gnawing on her lip, she reaches up to knock again and the door cracks open a little and Katy’s sleepy face greets her with shock.
“Finna?” She asks softly, her voice a hoarse whisper. Clearing her throat she opens the door and waves her in.
“Hi, Katy.” She sniffles, tipping her head down and swiping her tears.
“You okay?”
“No.” She whimpers. Soft footfalls hit the stairs behind her and she turns to see Wayne standing at the foot of the stairs in his pajamas. He flips on the hall light and sees her face wet and puffy.
“Guppy, how are ya now?” He coos.
“Bad, ‘n you?” She hiccups.
“Well not so bad. Good to see ya, but not like this.” He babbles, pulling out a chair and offering her a seat.
“I’m sorry to wake you guys up. It’s just— I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” She whispers, glancing at Katy.
She and Katy had been best friends for their whole lives, and she always had a soft spot for Wayne. He was kind to her, and he always told her how nice she looked. There was a point in time when she doted on Wayne, when he the most handsome boy in Letterkenny to her. She and Katy were about three years younger than him, but she crushed hard on high school Wayne.
“Get her some blankets, Katy. She sleeps here tonight. I’ll deal with the rest of this tomorrow.” He announces, scooting away from the table heading to bed.
She and Wayne are the first two up.
“Morning, Guppy.” He smiles, hooking an arm around her shoulders.
“Morning, Wayne.” She replies, smiling slightly up at him as he looks down at her.
“You know if he’s got a problem with you he’s got a problem with me, and I suggest he lets that one marinate.” He threatens, his eyes searching hers for something and he finds something so soft and sad in hers. A couple of loud bangs echo from the front door and she screeches in fear, burrowing into Wayne’s strong arms. He hugs her tight to himself.
“I think he followed me.” She whispers, her voice quivering with every word. He holds her at arm’s length and gives her a gentle smile.
“I’ll be right back, yeah?” He assures, patting her shoulders. He goes to the door, opens it, and finds a scrawny man, gangly and rather ugly.
“Go away, Jared!” She cries, shoving at his chest.
“No! Who’s this guy?”
“What’s it matter?” She shouts back, shoving him again as he steps closer to Wayne.
“We get into one disagreement and you run to some other guy’s house?” He tells in her face. He reaches for her, his hand gripping her shoulder like a vice. A small whimper escapes her. She steels herself for the slap that follows, but it never does. When she opens her eyes, Wayne’s hand is around his throat, constricting his airway. Drawing back a heavy fist, Wayne hits him so hard the man drops to wooden porch with a low thud.
“We don’t hit pretty girls.” Wayne nips at the unconscious man, toeing him with his boot. “That wasn’t even a fight.” He laughs, “Let’s go get breakfast.” He offers, hooking his arm around her shoulders once more and heading inside.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” She asks, looking up at him for a moment. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
“I—“ she stops their walking. Wayne looks down at her, his eyes flick to her lips and he shifts from foot to foot. “Yeah. I think you’re really pretty, Guppy. And you deserve the whole world.” He offers, looking a his boots. When he glance at her, she’s dazing right back at him and he dips down, kissing her soft pink lips.
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I can tell the new season of Letterkenny came out because my likes on my Wayne oneshots have skyrocketed lol
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fan-of-many24 · 1 month
My name is Jas and I write fanfiction for various fandoms. They will likely only be oneshots but who knows.
I will write for:
Ted Lasso
Grey’s Anatomy
Criminal Minds
Law and Order: SVU
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Stranger Things
Possibly others but I can’t quite predict that yet lol.
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justcallmecinammon · 6 years
I’m going to write some Letterkenny oneshots soon and I’m thinking about making a Letterkenny fanfic blog.
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fangirlfanwritings · 5 years
Reilly and Jonsey Request
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a letterkenny oneshot with Reilly and jonsey?? Lots of humour and fluff?
You hoped out of your truck and leaned over the seat, reaching for your practice bag. You heard a loud whistle. “Damn girl, are you a goalie? Because I’d like to get in that 5-hole.” You rolled your eyes and ignored the joke you’d never seen before. “Never seen a slam like you around here before.”
“You must be new to the Barn then, Bro.” You stood up and looked to see Reilly and Jonsey coming your way. “You’re being gutty to our girl right now,” Jonsey spoke.
“Pump the breaks. Don’t act like you’d even have a chance with her. You’re airballing, bro,” Reilly followed.
“You don’t have the right to talk to this beaut, bro. What are you even doing here? Aren’t you a plug for the new junior team? Get outta here man.” The man that whistled at you looked back at you waiting for you to say something to your friends.
“I’d listen to them and beat it before you end up in a scrap.” With that the man took off and you grinned at your two best friends. “Thanks for the back up there, boys.”
“You on your way to praccy?”
“I am. Thought I’d get some extra time on the ice before the roadie next week. You boys care to join?”
“Sure. We were going to the gym and get some gains after praccy. Wanna come?”
“Only if you help me with my clap bombs.” You smiled and put an arm around each one of them. “Come on boys.”
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Autistic!Wayne (P1)
I wrote this back at the start of summer and thought I should post it here. It’s the introduction for a fanfic I started and kind of dropped from a show called Letterkenny. I think the main character, Wayne, is Autistic. He has some symptoms that are all but text book. 
Warnings: Stronger than usual swearing langue. If you watch Letterkenny, this oneshot is cleaner worded than any given episode. 
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Wayne had been diagnosed with Autism when he was eight or ten. His parents knew there was something a little “off” with him but it was Pa’s friend, Dan, who tied everything together. They were going hunting- Dan, Pa, Darry, and Wayne that is- until the trip got rained out. If it was just rain they would have gone but thunder and lightning put a pin in any notion of sitting in a metal framed deer blind.
Pa and Dan didn’t mind that much; they sat at the table chatting with Mumma over a couple of Gus’N’Bruno’s Puppers. Darry was watching cartoons in the living room with Wayne and Katy. Well, sort of. Wayne was mighty antsy and couldn’t sit still for long, so Darry was trying to calm him down. Wayne wasn’t upset the trip was cancelled, they could reschedule. He was irked the plans had changed within an hour’s notice.
“You know, Bens, I thinks Waynes got the Autisms.” Dan said. 
The three of them could see Darry shuffling a deck of playing cards on the coffee table while Wayne watched, his foot bouncing a mile a minute and he kneaded the knees of his pants like he was trying to wring water out of them.
“What’s that now, Dan?” Mumma asked, getting a snack for the kids. 
“Well, I was thinking an’ it fits. My cousin’s nephew’s son has it and Waynes acts sort of simulars to him. Theys both stoics, gots to has a water-tight routine. Theys both move their hands sorts of funnies.” Dan explained. 
Mumma and Pa looked at each other. “What do you figure, honey” Pa asked. “Worth looking into?” 
“If there’s something they can do to help him.” 
Within three appointments Wayne was diagnosed with Autism. Same as always, gas travels fast in a small town so by the end of the week most of Letterkenny knew.
As Wayne, Katy, and Darry got older, peers started bullying Wayne and Darry more. Come middle school, the three of them were pretty good at fighting. However, little gangs often sprouted. If someone picked on Wayne, Katy and/or Darry quickly taught them not to fuck with him. If someone went after Darry without reason or went too far with Katy, Wayne told ‘em where to go. By the time Wayne and Darry graduated high school, most of Letterkenny understood.
When Wayne and Katy’s parents died, Wayne went nearly nonverbal for almost two weeks. He wasn’t one much for words in the first place, so the one and two word answers scared Katy. Wayne hadn’t cried after a week of Mumma and Papa’s death and Katy didn’t know if he was going to; she’d never seen him cry before. 
Two weeks passed before he finally crumbled. He was making breakfast for himself, Katy, and Darry (with some extras for Dan). He’d forgotten to do the dishes the night before, so the spatula he needed wasn’t clean and it drove the final nail in. 
He threw the spoon he had in his hand across the room and a deep growl rose from his throat, his hands tugging hard on his hair. Katy and Darry both jumped when Wayne threw the spoon. Daryl jumped up from his chair and stood behind Wayne, getting a tight grip on his wrists. Slowly, Wayne’s fingers released his hair and Darry steadily lowered Wayne’s hands to his waist. 
“You’re okay, good buddy, you’re okay.” Darry whispered again and again. Once Wayne’s breathing was a little closer to normal, Darry let go of Wayne’s wrists and hugged him tightly. 
With a body shuddering sob,  Wayne’s knees gave out and Darry lowered them to the floor. He moved around Wayne so he could properly hold him as he sobbed. Katy quickly set to flipping pancakes on the stove so they wouldn’t burn. 
Ten minutes later when Dan came in, Wayne was still sobbing into Darry’s shoulder where they sat on the floor. At the 15 minute mark, the heart wrenching sobs that made Katy tear up quieted down and he’d sobbed himself out after a total of 25 minutes. He let himself be held by Darry, being a limp weight. 
Darry backed up slightly so he could see his best friend’s face. His eyes were red; his face red, blotchy, and tear streaked. “Okay, big shooter?” Wayne shakily nodded and Darry pulled him back into the hug. “Got a headache?” Darry guessed. Another nod. “Let’s get you in a chair an’ I’ll get you a tylenol, hm?” There was a pause but Wayne nodded all the same. 
Darryl got Wayne on his feet again and he brought his hands to his head again but Darry caught them around the wrists. “Wayne, eye contact.” He prompted. “Wayne.” Hesitantly, Wayne brought his eyes to meet Darryl’s. “Ya gotta stop pullin’ your hair, buddy. It’s just gonna make your headache worse.” Darryl kept his firm grip on Wayne’s wrists until he got another nod of conformation. As promised, Darry helped Wayne to his usual chair. 
No-one said anything about Wayne’s outburst and he took the two painkillers when Darryl put them in front of him with some water. No-one said anything when Wayne teared up throughout the day, either. 
Dan stayed over more than usual knowing what Wayne and Katy were going through. Dan stayed closer to Wayne and Katy too so he could cheer up the grieving siblings.
Two months passed before a lawyer came knocking and  this fuckin’ idiot got Wayne fully verbal again. 
“We think it would be best to move your sister into a group home,” the case worker said. 
“Hard no.” Wayne didn’t pause, still moving the bales of straw onto the trailer. “This family’s been broke up enough. Katy isn’t going anywhere.” 
“We’re just worried she won’t be provided for with your mental cond-” 
“This doesn’t have anything to do with my Autism. If I was unfit to care for my sister, I’d be unfit to care for myself and someone at the hospital would have told me before I turned 18. We’re staying together.” 
“Look, I can take care of my sister just fine. ‘Sides, if it’s me yer worried about I’m never alone with her. Go ask Darryl, Squirrely Dan, and the McMurries what they think. Darry lives with us, he brings in some pay o’ his own and we have friends we can ask for help from if we ever needed it. Give me the papers and I’ll take custody over Katy. She ain’t living under someone else’s roof until she’s 18 or good’n’ready to be living somewhere else.” 
“Are you sure? That’s a lot of stress and burden for someone your age. Especially with you still running the farm.” 
Wayne stopped moving bales of hay and set his stern, squinted eyes on the pair of caseworkers, pointing stiffly at them. “You call my sister a stress and burden one more time an’ I’ll have to go over there and talk to ya.” He put his arm down. “Get me the adoption papers or get the fuck off my property.” 
“We don’t have the papers right now. We didn’t think you were going to…” 
“Then get off my property. Come back with the papers or don’t come back at all.”
Wayne dated Angie for two years before he found out she cheated on him. He wasn’t a fan of being touched by anyone other than Darry or Katy. He’d been perfectly happy with their relationship. All the talking and occasional hand holding but nothing too out of his comfort zone. They’d kiss or make out sometimes but he always felt weird afterwards and he couldn’t pin it as a good thing or a bad thing. 
He heard rumours around town of someone cheating on a “sped” but he ignored it. Despite Letterkenny being pretty small, he didn’t know everyone, so it must have been pert near impossible for it to be about him and his Angie, right? Hard no. Katy told him it was true. She hadn’t mentioned left a bright pink hand print on the cheek of the bastard Angie had cheated on Wayne with. She figured it wouldn’t help her brother’s broken heart. 
It took a lot for Wayne to trust someone and Angie had somehow gotten herself into the farmer’s heart and then stomped it into the dirt when she got bored. Wayne didn’t cry but he didn’t turn down a hug from Katy either. Darry had been there for him too with a couple of Puppers and some stupid jokes he knew Wayne would understand and enjoy.
A year passed before Wayne pieced things together for himself with a little help from Katy. He wasn’t one for talking about his feelings; it made him feel 10-ply. So when he went to Katy to ask questions about her love life, the young woman had some idea of what was going on. 
“How’re ya now?” Wayne sat next to his sister on the couch. 
“Good. ‘N you?” Katy put her phone down and gave Wayne her full attention so he’d know she was listening and wasn’t bored or wanted him to stop talking. 
“Oh, not so bad.” 
“What’s up, Big Brother?” 
“Well, I have a question and don’t completely know how to ask it.” He started off slow. He was still thinking as he spoke but Katy knew how to talk to her brother so she knew it sometime took him a little while longer than most people to get the question just how he wanted it. 
“We can figure out.” She adjusted how she was sitting. 
“You know how you try to go after Bonnie McMurry?” Wayne tried. 
“Bonnie McMurry,” Katy sighed dreamily. “What about her?” 
“Well, before you liked her you were dating the hockey players.” Wayne’s head was racing with how to ask the next part. “How’d you know you liked Bonnie and not another man?” 
Katy was a little taken aback. This was out of character for Wayne. Usually he wanted nothing =to do with Riley and Jonesy aside from tripping them with Darry when they dropped her off before they broke up. “Well, uh… just… I don’t know, Big Brother. There’s just something different, you know? Jonesy and Riley were good for in bed stuff but they didn’t have the brain space put together for a full conversation. With Bonnie, though, she’s smart and can laugh.” 
Wayne thought for a second. This was backwards of what he was going through. All Angie seemed to have wanted was the “in bed stuff” without much of the talking and laughing. Darryl, on the other hand… Darryl made him smile that rare smile only he and Katy- not even Dan anymore- got to see. Angie left Wayne for the exact opposite reason Katy had left the hockeyplayers. He was a good listener but didn’t want anything to do with a bed if it wasn’t for sleeping or relaxing and he didn’t want anything to with touching if it wasn’t a handshake. 
“What’s going on in your head, Wayne?” Katy asked fondly. She knew he was trying to figure something out. 
Wayne’s throat made the little growl it always did when he was thinking too hard. “I don’t know.” 
“Well, what are you trying to figure out?” 
“I figured out why Angie cheated on me.” He said, folding his arms across his chest. “I did not want any of the bed stuff.” 
“That’s alright; some people don’t.” Katy nodded. “Do you like someone else now?” 
“I think so. I don’t know if it is okay.” 
“Who do you like? I can probably tell if they’re into guys,” Katy offered. She knew not to push too far with the question. Wayne had come to her and he wasn’t likely to leave until they got it figured out. “It’s okay. I dated two guys at the same time where all three of us were in the relationship and now I’m chasing after a girl two years younger than me. I’m not in a position to judge anyone.”
“Except Gailer.” 
“Except Gailer.” Katy could give him that one. “So who is the lucky person?” 
“I think… I think it’s Dar.” 
“That’s alright. You two would be cute.” Katy smiled. She happened to know that Darry felt the same way about her brother. The fond and sappy look he’d give Wayne when he was playing with one of the dogs or joking around with Katy.  “You gonna get after him?” 
“I do not know.” 
“Why not? He wouldn’t judge you.” Katy prompted, tapping Wayne’s knee with her socked foot. 
“Because if something were to go wrong then it’s 20 years down the drain.” Wayne tried to reason. “I can trust…” 
“You can trust Daryl, Wayne. He’s one that won’t hurt you and you don’t even have to worry about it. Not even a little.” Katy comforted him. “You don’t have to tell him, but I think he’d want to know the truth, Big Brother.” 
It took Wayne a couple days to say anything- he didn’t really.  Just kissed him casually one morning- but he and Darry were dating by the end of the week.
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carbootsoul · 4 years
tagged by @airshipvalentine! thanks 💕💘
rule: answer the questions and tag people you would like to get to know better or catch up with.
1. 3 ships in any order: ooof three?? wrightworth because i’m always thinking about those idiots, zukka because i’m watching atla with my little brother right now, and cecilos because wtnv OWNS my SOUL and listening to cecil talk about his husband feels like coming home. 
2. last song you listened to: too strung out by ezra furman and the harpoons
3. last movie you watched: umm. me and my dad watched oh hello last night and me and my brother are watching atla (as said above) but neither are really movies. probably the half of rocketman i rewatched with my girlfriend. 
4. currently reading: .. no books because i’m useless. i just finished mostly dead things by kristen arnett and i recommend! taxidermy and lesbians. as far as fanfics go i’m on the last chapter of gravity by euphorion (it’s like.. the second most popular klapollo fic on ao3 but if you haven’t read it you SHOULD. there’s a reason it’s so popular) and also slowly making my way through all the oneshots in the zukka tag. 
5. currently watching: atla and she ra, with my brother. i am also techincally halfway through letterkenny and iasip and good girls and cable girls and hollywood and the bee movie and american vandal but i am VERY good at not finishing TV shows. 
6. currently consuming: uhh like media that’s not the other two? night in the woods (slowly, because visual novels take a long time for me to play), ace attorney (also slowly, because visual novels take a long time for me to play), and stardew valley with my little brother. 
7. food you’re craving: ?? oh i don’t know. cheddar chex mix and one of those milkshakes from kwik trip. 
tagging: @transnureyev, @confusedhufflepuff, @heytherececil
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athena1138 · 4 years
Gods help me, I have too much shit to do, and here I am wanting to start an entirely new game of The Witcher *heavy sigh* (my to-do list below.) 
I’m in the middle of my AssCreed Odyssey playthrough, right? Haven’t even found Myrrine yet, but I just got this deep, deep urge to play The Witcher. Like?? Why am I like this? 
I also still have to finish:  Greedfall, Outer Worlds, We Happy Few, Wolfenstein New Order, Outlast, Colina Legacy, Ellen, DAO Awakening, and I think maybe three or four more games that I can’t see right now because my chair is in the way
I’m in the middle of replaying:  Skyrim, Last of Us, Origins, Devil May Cry, and I’ve been in the middle of Deadpool for fucking years
I have a fuckton of new games to play:  Black Mirror, the Crash Bandicoot trilogy, Dark Souls, The Dwarves, Elex, Little Nightmares, The Witcher 1-3, Fe, Layers of Fear
I have a FUCKTON of games that I’ve had for a while but still haven’t played:  Kingdom Hearts (everything but 1 and 2, so Chain of Memories, Birth By Sleep, 365/2, and 3,) Dead Space 1+2, Uncharted 3, Star Trek, Prototype, God of War Ascension+Chains of Olympus+Ghost of Sparta, Elder Scrolls Oblivion
PLUS, there’s shit on my computer I still have to play, like Wolf Among Us, David Bowie’s Omikron, and I think 3 or 4 more. 
SHOWS TO WATCH (copied from my personal list:) 
Steven Universe Future and the movie, She-Ra s4, The amazon prime show with karl urban (the boys?), That amazon prime show about the weird magic shit? Carnival? Idfk, The adventure zone, The magicians new season, Outlander, The good place newest season, The crown newest season, Fleabag, Vikings, Letterkenny, The Resident new season? Idk, B99 new season, The good doctor new season? Idk, Blindspot, Fresh off the boat new season? Idk, That one zombie not-zombie show on hulu about the kids in the high school, The fucking terminator movies before mamaw shoots you 
Alistair Flowershop AU, Fenhawke rewrite and finish, Faded to Be Together, A Reunion, that one Caduceus oneshot I started, the Kassandra story I have in my head, my Castlevania story, my Shega story, MY ORIGINAL FUCKING STORY
Alena and her clothes, Alena wearing Cullen’s mantle, maps for my original story, Idani, Neoma and Portia, the monsters my resident with dementia sees, gifts for Shep and Ma which I never fucking finished, my Cullen comic, the Tevinter Bois
Someone please shoot me. 
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bladesandstars · 5 years
Writer Ask Meme
I got tagged in this a million years ago by @aoifelaufeyson - better late than never! Thank you for the tag! 
Please note tags and warnings on all linked fics!
Author’s Name:
Stopmopingstarthoping - Is it too long? Yes. But I’m stuck with it, and it’s got Big Aranea Energy so that makes me happy.  I go by Hope as kind of a short version of that. (you can also find me at my @min-max-chimichangas and @devorak-appreciation sideblogs).
Fandoms You Write For:
Doctor Who/Torchwood
WIPs/notes/planned fics but nothing posted yet: The Dragon Prince, The Arcana, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, Letterkenny, OMGCP/Check, Please!, FFXIII.
I also write original fic and will occasionally pop a drabble or two up of my OCs.
Ships not listed because first thing about me is I am a big ole multishipper. Rare is the ship I do not or cannot be persuaded to sail.
Where You Post: Usually AO3, Tumblr, Twitter.  I have pillowfort and dreamwidth but haven’t found the time to really dig in there yet. 
Most Popular One-Shot:
Hmm, tough to determine, especially because a lot of my shorter oneshots are smashed together into a multichapter thing on AO3 (I no longer do this, live and learn). But based on Tumblr + AO3, definitely one of the most popular is Darkness, My OId Friend, a ficlet about a blind Ignis Scientia in the World of Ruin (AO3 link), inspired by the old Simon & Garfunkel song The Sound of Silence. It’s one of the ones I’m most proud of, too.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
The Dragon’s Dagger, a Highspecs (Aranea/Ignis) FFXV canonish story that I based around a chess game.
Favorite Story You Wrote:
It is very difficult to choose, but I’d probably say my Ignis/Nyx pre-canon series Disarmed. Ask me tomorrow, I might have a different answer, but this one is very feelsy and fun and launched my Ignyx love into the stratosphere, where it remains.
Story You Were Nervous To Post:
I was terrified all during writing Dagger, because I had never written a multi-chapter fanfic before, and I was certain someone was going to yell at me for doing canon wrong somehow. Happily, that did not happen. 
On the oneshot side, probably Look, Touch, Listen (Cor/Ignis/Aranea) because it’s a super rarepair OT3 and kinky. XD
How Do You Choose Your Titles:
I have two moods. “Here is this very short or one-word title that can cleverly be read multiple ways and hits the theme of the story” and “uhhhhh I dunno here’s a song lyric.” Both are valid!
Do You Outline:
I didn’t when I started, but being in some zines and having to plan carefully not to go over or under word count made me start. It’s been really helpful to assist my occasional Plot Deficiency, and also makes smaller chunks of things seem more manageable to get done. (As I contemplate writing an actual original novel or two, this is big!)
How many of your stories are…
Complete: 83
In-Progress: On AO3, 4.  
In docs, I’m not telling because it’s truly embarrassing.
Coming Soon: More prompt fills from my 100 Ways Challenge (I promise I have not forgotten about these!), the completion of Ignyx Regency Fun, some mythological crossover nonsense I just dreamed up recently, a time travel FFXV AU that I’m trying not to talk about too much because I’m writing the whole thing before I post anything, updates for the 4 outstanding fics on AO3, and whatever ficlet fun catches my fancy. Also, Kinktober approacheth, prepare for small spicy bites.
Do You Accept Prompts: Absolutely, see 100 Ways link above! I’m not fast but these are fantastic for branching out and trying new things and I appreciate every prompt!
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: I miss my rockband boys and my Fae/Vamp AU and am excited to get back to both of those worlds for an update. I have also been beyond hyped about my original work lately, and as it can be really daunting and scary sometimes, I’m grateful for being able to geek out over it.
Tag Five Authors To Answer These Questions As Well: @raidelle @haircutboys @ninemoons42 @denilmo @dudewheresmytea and anyone else who wants to! If you grab this and answer, please give me a tag so I can see your answers!
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Hey guys!❤️ how is everyone?
I have a weird idea! I have a prompt that I have fallen in love with, and I want to write for multiple characters! They would all act a little differently I think. So, there’s-
-Shane Walsh
-Billy Hargrove
-Angel Reyes
-Benny O’Donnell
-Tyler Owens
-Jake Seresin…?
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Letterkenny- 5 Times Wayne Fell in Love With You
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(Not my Gif)
Notes: This was meant to be a quick little oneshot, but it ended up being five pages long. I figured since there are a few Letterkenny fics I would have to write some myself lol
Warnings: Language (it's Letterkenny, duh...), ooc for Wayne? Fluff?
1. Whenever you helped with the chorin’
- When you were sitting outside, drinking some Puppers in the sun in the middle of an afternoon
- There weren’t enough chairs, but you didn’t mind, so you took your usual seat on the ground next to Wayne so you could lean against his legs
- You had lost track about what exactly the boys were talking about, but it didn’t matter. You were just happy to be sitting around with your friends
-Wayne nudged your head with his knee and you were jolted back into the conversation
- “What do you think, Miss/Mr. y/n?” Dan asked you
- “About what?” you asked
- “Going to MoDean’s for drinks,” Daryl said
- “Sure, I’ll go. When are we going?” You asked
-Wayne gently moved your head from his leg so you didn’t whack it on the chair and stood up. - “As soon as the chorin’ is done, which I was supposed to get help with,” He said, glaring at Dan and Daryl
-You tapped Wayne’s leg so he looked down at you. You held both hands up above your head, silently asking him to help you up.
-He took both your hands and hauled you off the ground with essentially no effort because of the wonderful muscles he hid under his flannels
-As soon as you were on your feet you turned around and started marching towards some of the hay bales
- “Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er,” You said as you left
- Your back was to the boys so you missed the smile and head nod that Wayne had thrown to your retreating figure
- “y/n isn’t afraid to help with the chorin’, and that’s one of the things I appreciates about them,” Dan said
- “Take 20% off there Squirrely Dan,” Wayne said before marching off to follow you, who was already picking up a hay bale and throwing onto the back of the truck.
2. When you take care of everybody after they’re drinking
- It was hard to imagine since you spent all your time with the group, but you weren’t a big drinker
- You would spend the whole night nursing a beer or two or doing a few shots
-You were definitely the most responsible with alcohol out of everyone
- Which meant it was very often you were stuck with the aftermath of the drinking
- It wasn’t unusual for you to have to shove everyone in Wayne’s truck and drive them all home
- Getting everyone in the truck was the hardest part
-On really bad nights, the three boys were the worst
- “Daryl, I swear to fuck if you try and put your nipples on me one more time, I’m ripping them off,” you growled while helping Gail with putting all the empty bottles on the bar
- “Do you’s want to race me?” Dan barely slurred out, leaning against the bar to catch his balance
- “No, Dan, I don’t,” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the last few bottles and handed them to Gail
-Wayne was fairly easy, he was sitting at the end of the bar, giving a few adorable chuckles about nothing every few minutes
-Finally the bar looked somewhat back to normal and you waved goodbye to Gail and started herding the boys.
-Daryl ran at you with his shirt off, and keeping your promise, gave him the biggest purple nurple he had ever received
-He just laughed at it, but boy would he feel it in the morning
-Dan was now trying to get Wayne to race him, but Wayne was still giggling to himself
- “Hey you two, why don’t you see who can get to the truck first,” you called to Dan and Daryl, and they both damn near tripped over themselves to see who could get there first.
-Daryl definitely won
- You put your arm around Wayne’s shoulders and helped him off the bar stool.
- He flashed you the biggest smile and you were reminded that you actually loved seeing Wayne this drunk because it was the only time he actually relaxed
- “You’re a great fucking gal/guy, y/n” Wayne said between chuckles
-The heat rose to your cheeks, but you assumed he was only saying that because he was so drunk
- “So are you Wayne, now let’s get you home,” You said, leading him to the truck
-Daryl had his bare chest on the door of the car, but you didn’t want to bother with it. You would just let Wayne kick his ass tomorrow
-All the boys were put in the truck and you started your rounds of taking them home
-You got Dan and Daryl to their front doors before you headed to Wayne's house
-Katy said you could stay in her room since she was staying at a guys house for the night
-Don’t worry, you had already threatened the guy with death if he so much as thought about hurting her
- You got Wayne up the stairs and into bed, politely taking his boots off and innocently taking off his jeans and tucked him into bed
-He would give a quiet giggle every few minutes, but he was definitely on the verge of falling asleep
-You got him a glass of water and some ibuprofen and put them on his bedside table before falling asleep in Katy’s room
-The next morning, Wayne would be awoken to the smell of breakfast and he would make his way downstairs to see you in the kitchen in a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt
-He would sit at the table with his head down and you would pour him a cup of juice and set it down in front of him
- “Y/n, thanks for getting us all home,” He would say, albeit much quieter than he usually talked. Probably because of the hangover
- “You’re welcome, Sweetie,” You would say with a huge smile on your face, which would earn you a glare from Wayne, but it would disappear as soon as you put food in front of him. Instead it would be replaced with a grateful smile
-Because he knew you were a great fucking gal/guy
3. When you took care of Stormy
-You loved dogs.
-Like, loved dogs
-More than you loved almost anything else
-So when Stormy wouldn’t leave the barn, you were worried sick
-Wayne was too, but he would never show it
-He would call the vet but even in the small town of Letterkenny the vet wasn’t available 24 hours a day
- When the vet said they couldn’t be there for another day or two, you were devastated
- Wayne said Stormy would be fine for a few days and this wasn’t the first time it had happened
-But that didn’t matter much to you
- So for that whole day you didn’t stray too far from the barn where Stormy was laying
- Katy even brought food out to you when you didn’t want to come in for dinner
-Knowing that you wouldn’t want to leave the poor shepherd for too long, Katy got the couch made up for you to stay with her and Wayne
-He was pretty used to you hanging around the house anyway so it was no surprise and he just accepted it
-What he didn’t expect was to go downstairs in the middle of the night for some water to see the couch was empty
-He went up to Katy’s room but you weren’t there either
-Worry spiked through him as he registered that you weren’t in the house
-Until he saw a light on in the barn
-And he knew exactly where you were
-He put on a coat and grabbed a few blankets and headed to the barn
-When he approached the door, he thought he would see you on one of the chairs, or even laying on the upper deck
-What he didn’t expect was to see you laying in the hay right next to Stormy
-A small blanket covering both of them
-He stared at the sight before him for a minute before placing a heavier blanket on both his girls and taking a seat in one of the plastic chairs
-As he looked you over his heart got that weird fluttering feeling that only happened when he looked at you
-The chair wasn’t comfortable, but he settled down the best he could before closing his eyes
-Because he sure as shit wasn’t going to leave them both out in the chilly night air
4. When you only danced with him
-Wayne wasn’t much of a dancer
-He usually stayed at the bar drinking and watching everyone else
-Until he saw you on the dancefloor with Katy
-Both of you were having fun, without a care in the world
-He didn’t always understand how people enjoyed jumping around a dance floor, pushing into each other
- Until he saw you, smiling and carefree
-He could see how you would enjoy it
- He enjoyed watching you do it
- But when the song changed from an upbeat dance to a slower one, he saw the nervousness on your face
- Katy had gone on to dance with the 2 hockey players, leaving you alone on the floor
- He was going to wave you over for a Puppers, to sit down and have a drink with him
- Until
- Some uptown degen had grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, trying to dance with you
- And even from where he was sitting he could see you say no
- But this degen obviously didn’t know what was going to come to him if he didn’t let you go
- So Wayne took another swig of his drink, stood up, and marched right over to you
- He glared at the guy and shoved him away, standing in front of you until the degen scampered away from the crowd
- “I had him by the ropes,” you muttered, looking down at your shoes
- “Sure you did,” Wayne said, scanning the room to make sure the degen didn’t come back with any friends
- You both stood there awkwardly while everyone else was swaying to the music
- Finally you slyly held your hand out, asking him for a dance
- He looked between your hand and your face, before taking it and pulling you closer to him, his hand on your waist and yours falling on his shoulder
- You were slightly surprised that he had even decided to dance with you, but you weren’t going to question it too much
- It was rare that people saw this side of Wayne, especially in public
- So you just went with it and put your head on his shoulder
- “I thought you didn’t want to dance?” Wayne asked
- “No, I didn’t want to dance with some degen. I’ll always take a dance from you,” you said
- Wayne chuckled and pulled you a little closer
- He’d have to find a way to get you to dance with him outside of MoDean’s
5. When you patched him up after a fight
- Wayne was the toughest guy in Letterkenny
- Everyone knew that
- And for the most part, you liked it
- Except when Wayne had to prove that he was the toughest guy in Letterkenny
- Aka when he had to fight
- He always won, but that didn’t mean he didn’t catch a few hits along the way
- As the reigning tough guy in Letterkenny, Wayne never showed that he was hurt
- He usually hid behind a bottle of Puppers or Gus N’ Bru until the night was over
- Then he would give some half assed attempt to clean himself up
- Except he sucked at it
- So that’s where you stepped in
- Growing up in Letterkenny, you knew how to patch up wounds
- So as soon as you could get him alone, you would, ignoring his protests the whole time
- At first, you had to damn near tackle Wayne to get him to sit down so you could patch him up
- Even jumping onto his back to try and weigh him down
- It didn’t work, he just slung you off and caught you before you hit the floor, set you down, and stormed out of the bathroom
- This happened again and again until you tried a new tactic
- Begging
- Wayne could refuse most people’s begging
- But not yours
- Especially when you hit him with the puppy dog eyes
- So the first time you tried it, and said please, he sat down on the sink in the bathroom with a whispered “fuck a duck”, and let you patch him up
- You wiped the blood from his lip and disinfected the cuts on his knuckles
- And this became a routine almost every time he got into a fight
- Which was a lot
- His reluctance eventually diminished, and you swore that sometimes he looked forward to having you help him
- Although he would never tell his buddies
- But Katy teased you about it from time to time
- The last time you patched him up, Wayne had gotten into a pretty bad fight
- He had a busted lip, a blackened eye, and numerous cuts on his knuckles
- This fight wasn’t a typical ‘Toughest Guy in Letterkenny’ fight
- You had no idea what started this one, but Wayne hadn’t been this hurt in a while
- He had walked into the house where you were watching a movie with Katy, stood in front of you guys for a moment, and then walked into the bathroom and sat on the sink
- Katy had nudged you towards him and resumed the movie
- You walked into the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit that you had stashed away after the first few fights
- You got out the bandages and hydrogen peroxide and got to work, gently working from his eye to his knuckles
- “I take it this wasn’t a planned fight?” you asked him, throwing a cotton ball into the trash can
- “Not exactly,” he said, “Some fuckin’ degens were talking about some of the girls in town, fucking degens,” he muttered
- “Ah,” I said, putting a small bandage on his right hand
- You're little Batman of Letterkenny
- You went to release his hand but he grabbed yours instead
- You looked up into his eyes and saw that he was already looking into yours
- “You don’t have to patch me up every time, you know,” He said, barely moving his thumb across your own knuckles
- You smiled, your cheeks turning red. “I know, but I want to. Lord knows you can’t do it yourself,” you laughed, not moving
- He gave you a rare smile and let go of your hand
- You finished with his hand and patted his shoulder, signaling that you were done
- He hopped off the counter and watched as you put everything away
- You brushed past him and left the bathroom and went to go sit on the couch and resume the movie
- Wayne went to the fridge, grabbed a Puppers, and sat next to you on the couch
- As the movie played on, you felt your eyes drooping and your yawns had increased, some of them threatening to split your face in half
- At some point your head leaned over onto Wayne’s shoulder and your eyes closed for the night
- Wayne only dragged a blanket onto you and shifted his shoulder down for you to rest your head better
- He ignored Katy’s raised eyebrows and beaming smile and turned his attention back to the movie
- But as he looked at his wrapped hand again, he glanced back at you asleep on his shoulder, and figured enough was enough.
- He would tell you in the morning
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ashlingiswriting · 6 years
FSC • Day 6
In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. 
Podfic? I don’t have any kind of good theatrical ability, so I can’t really do it myself, but I think there’s some dramatic, emotional, atmospheric oneshots I have written that might make good podfic: Liv Goes Inside (Moonlight) or Oblivion (Venom). Or, since this is a dream wishlist, a chapter from one of my long Peaky Blinders fics: The Bride, A Battle Joined, or The Phoenix Will Rise.
Manips, gifsets, or fanvids based on one of my fics? I don’t have Photoshop and my fanvidding skills are atrocious. But I love a good movie-poster-looking manip, or a gifset with a strong palette, or a fanvid that’s gorgeously in sync with its backing music.
Crossover pairing fic? Like. I literally have so many absurdly, absurdly out-there pairings, both romantic and platonic, that I thought up for Crossover Exchange but will probably never see the light of day. Greatest hits: 
Ainsley Hayes (The West Wing) & or / Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Ainsley Hayes (The West Wing) & or / Sloan Sabbith (The Newsroom)
Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones’ Diary) & Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project) & Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Cassian Andor (Rogue One)/Isabella Bautista (Narcos Mexico)
CJ Cregg (The West Wing) & Kirsten (Set It Up) & Anne Weying (Venom)
Don Keefer (The Newsroom)/Dan Rydell (Sports Night)/Sloan Sabbith (The Newsroom)
Eddie Brock (Venom 2018 movie) & or / Neal Sampat (The Newsroom)
Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)/Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Frank Castle (The Punisher)/Blanca Evangelista (Pose)
Jessica Tang (Southland)/John Wick (John Wick Movies)
Katy (Letterkenny) & Angel Evangelista (Pose)
Lara Jean Covey (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before)/Rilla Blythe (Anne of Green Gables)
Malcolm Tucker (The Thick of It) & Toby Ziegler (The West Wing)
May Carleton (Peaky Blinders) & or / Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project) & Donna Moss (The West Wing)
Stella Gibson (The Fall TV)/John Luther (Luther TV)
Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)/Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones) Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)/Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey) & Valentine Wannop (Parade’s End)
The Splendid Angharad (Fury Road)/Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)/Sylvia Tietjens (Parade’s End)
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Happier- Wayne and Y/N Oneshot
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(Not my Gif- Credit to Owner)
Synopsis: Wayne finally says those three little words
Warnings: Cheating, Angst, ooc Wayne (I never feel like I properly write him lol)
Authors Notes: could be read as a stand alone, but if you squint really hard, it could be a sequel to my other story '5 Times Wayne Fell in Love with You'. Like, if you squint realllllly hard.
The toughest man in Letterkenny was not always one of many words. More often than not, he would sit in silence unless he was really worked up about something. Then it was hard to get him to shut up.
Except when it came to you. When it came to talking to you, the man could go on all day long. It didn’t matter what you were talking about. You could say that a blade of grass was interesting and he would agree with you and tell you everything he knows about grass. Which surprisingly enough, was quite a lot.
For as long as you had known Wayne, he had always been like this. When you first moved to Letterkenny from the States, him and Katy were both there to make you feel welcome. When you needed help with chorin’ Wayne was the first one there to help you. When uptown degens wouldn’t stop bothering you, Wayne had gathered all of the boys and started one of the biggest brawls Letterkenny had ever seen. And you appreciated him for it.
You returned the favors too. You always helped Wayne with the chorin’ whenever he needed it. More often than not you would be the one to pick him up off a barstool on the nights he got really drunk, take him home, and make sure he ate breakfast the next morning. You would patch him up after his fights. You both took care of each other.
And yet.
He was still on and off with Rosie. Even after he had knocked out her favorite cousin, they had gotten back together. And it irked you. You had known how you felt for a while. Every time you saw Wayne all you wanted to do was smother the butterflies that erupted in your chest. You knew that facing your feelings head on would only lead you down a slippery slope of heartbreak and awkwardness. So you just turned your back on your feelings and ignored them. No matter how much it hurt whenever you saw Rosie and Wayne together, or whenever he mentioned her.
Katy understood how you felt. She liked Rosie well enough, but she didn’t like how she was going back and forth between liking and not liking Wayne. It wasn’t fair to either of them. And if they didn’t make a decision soon you were afraid of what Katy would do, judging by her past record with Wayne’s ex’s. Granted, you had helped her, especially with the Angie debacle, but that was another situation entirely.
“My brother has been in love with you ever since he first met you. He’ll come around eventually,” She would say, but you could never put any stock into her words. If he loved you, then why was he with her? Why had he never said anything before? It hurt too much to think about so more often than not you pushed it all to the back of your mind.
You had lost track of which side of the back and forth they were at, but judging by how they were sitting close to each other at MoDean’s, you figured they were in a ‘together’ stage. So you sat next to Daryl at the bar, and drank your Puppers, with a miserable look on your face.
Nobody noticed, except for Katy, who sent you looks of pity from across the bar, but you ignored her. It wasn't long until you had enough, paid your tab, and got up to leave.
“Leaving already, Miss/Mr. Y/n?” Dan asked you, a little surprised since you hadn’t been there that long, less than an hour. The group looked at you in surprise as you stood up.
“Um, yeah,” you said, twisting a ring on your finger nervously. You didn’t really like all of the attention you were getting, especially under Wayne’s gaze. “I’m just tired. I’m going to go home and read,” you said, not meeting anyone’s eyes. They would see the half truth in your eyes. You were tired, but you weren’t going home to read. You would probably drink at home, away from the two people that were making it hard for you to even pretend to be happy.
“Are you okay to walk home?” Daryl asked, his way of offering to take you home.
“I’m fine,” you said, sending them a smile and a small wave. “I’ll see you later,” and you left without another word, missing the concerned look that Wayne gave you and the look of disappointment that Katy gave Wayne.
It was colder than you thought as you made your way home. You pulled your sweater around you and quickened your pace. Keeping your head down to avoid the harsh wind beating against your face, you weren’t paying attention to the figure that had appeared in your path, bumping into them.
A small grunt left your as you were bounced back, heading for the ground until two arms caught yours and held you up. “I’m so sorry,” you started before looking up into the eyes of the man you had run into, immediately stumbling over your words. He had deep brown eyes which contrasted with light brown hair. His chiseled cheekbones were pushed up in a grin as he smiled down at you.
“No, I’m sorry,” He said, his voice deep enough to send a small shiver down your spine. Your only reply was a bashful grin. He set you up on your feet, making sure you were okay. “My name is Adam.”
And that’s how you hit it off. Adam walked you home, both of you making small talk the entire way. Once he had gotten to your front door you gave him your cell phone number and you two had been inseparable since. First friends, then more than friends.
While you liked being together with Adam, he didn’t exactly fit in well with the group. He wasn’t from Letterkenny, he was from the city, meaning he wasn’t quite as, shall you say, down to Earth as everyone else. He got along well enough with everyone...except Wayne.
From the first time you had brought Adam around to meet the group, Wayne had been especially hostile towards him. He wasn't even subtle with his insults anymore. From all the years you had known him, you knew that Wayne was just itching to scrap with him. Thankfully Katy sat him down and told him to knock it off.
Wayne loved and respected Katy, and even you a small amount, so his teasing stopped, and him and Adam started resembling a friendship. At least, very slightly. Once that happened, you were genuinely happy.
Months had passed and everything in Letterkenny had settled down. You and Adam were properly dating, even talking about moving in together, Katy was back with Riley and Jonesy, and you still weren't quite sure what was going on with Wayne. And you honestly didn't care. There was no point in bringing up feelings that you had buried deep down.
You still got the butterflies in your chest, but instead of it being a swarm of them, it was only a few. Still there, but enough that you could ignore. You didn’t think you could be happier.
You were coming home from MoDean’s one night when you saw a car in your driveway. Right away you were a little concerned, because it wasn’t your car, and it wasn’t Adam’s. You immediately thought something was wrong and you rushed inside, fumbling with your keys, almost dropping your phone before swinging the door open and finding…
Adam on top of another girl. Naked. They hadn’t even noticed that you had walked in the door. Until you slammed the door shut behind you. Both of them jumped and immediately tried to cover themselves up, Adam already apologizing profusely.
“Y/n, I didn't mean it, it doesn’t mean anything!” He yelled, ushering the other girl out the front door and slamming it shut.
You walked past him, grabbing your backpack and stuffing some clothes into it, along with your other daily toiletries. You weren’t thinking about anything else except getting out of the house. You could barely hear Adam behind you, mumbling his excuses but you only blocked him out.
You finished your packing and pushed past him and back out the front door, hopped in your truck, and left without another thought. A few minutes later you arrived at Wayne and Katy’s house, the only place you could think about going.
You knocked on the door and Katy answered. And seeing her face, you immediately burst into tears and hugged her tight. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and brought you into the house. Through your tears you could see that Wayne, Dan, and Dary were sitting at the kitchen table, looking concerned.
Katy led you over to the couch and sat down with you. “Y/n, what happened?”
You sniffed and wiped your eyes, clearing your throat so you could speak. “I came home, and Adam was with another girl,” You said in between your sniffling. As soon as the words left your mouth you heard all of the kitchen chairs slide out and three sets of footsteps walk into the living room.
“Together, together?” Wayne asked. You barely glanced up at him before bursting into another wave of sobs and nodded.
You laid down on the couch and curled up, letting the tears run down your cheeks. Katy sat with you, stroking your hair and telling you that everything would be okay. At some point you must have fallen asleep, because you woke up with a blanket around you, and the kitchen light on. Everything else in the house was dark.
You stood up and stretched, your eyes still feeling swollen from all of the tears and your shoulders popping. You were extremely thirsty and walked into the kitchen to get water, and found Wayne sitting at the table, a Gus n’ Bru bottle sitting in front of him. He looked at you as you entered the kitchen and stood up. It was silent for a minute as you both stared at each other. You broke the silence first, mumbling a hello.
“Y/n, how’re you now?” Wayne asked.
You smiled at his usual greeting and took a cup off of the counter. “Good, and you?”
“Not so bad,” he said, walking over to the kitchen and getting the pitcher of water out of the fridge. As he reached past you, you noted his freshly bruised knuckles. Your chest started hurting again as you remembered the events of the day, why you were so upset.
You blinked back the leftover tears and looked at your now filled glass, Wayne putting the pitcher away. “Did you guys go over there?” You asked.
Wayne stood still before looking back at you over his shoulder, “Yes.”
“Did you scrap?”
Wayne had set the pitcher in the fridge, closed the door, and turned back to look at you, “Yes.”
You nodded and took a sip of water. “Thanks,” you whispered.
Wayne gave you a sharp nod and you just stood there thrown back into another bout of silence. You sipped your water, and Wayne looked around the kitchen, eventually giving a slight cough.
Not wanting to stay in the silence but not wanting to be awkward, you said the first thing that came into your mind. “How’s Rosie?”
Wayne looked nothing short of perplexed as he looked at you while he slowly answered, “I don’t know. We haven’t spoken for months now.”
Now it was your turn to look perplexed. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had ended things.”
“We ended things a few months ago.”
Great. Now you were back in the awkward silence. You had finished your water and didn’t want to hold the glass anymore, moving to put it in the sink, which Wayne was leaning against. You set the cup down in the basin, accidentally brushing arms with Wayne. “Sorry,” you muttered reaching your hand back.
Before you could, Wayne had gently grabbed your arm, holding it in the air. For the toughest man in Letterkenny, he had a surprisingly soft grip. “I owe you an apology,” He said.
You were confused, thinking back to what he could possibly be apologizing for. He saw the look on your face, and continued. “I didn’t handle you dating well, and I took it out on you. And for that, I’m sorry.”
You thought back to all of the times that Wayne had insulted Adam. Even if he never said anything bad about you, ever since you had started dating Adam you noticed Wayne didn’t hang out with you, not as much as he used to. You shook your head, knowing that the apology wasn’t necessary. “Turns out you were right. I shouldn’t have been with him. Who knows how long he had been stepping out on me. I should have listened to you.”
By now, Wayne had slid his hand from the crook of your elbow to just above your wrist. “You deserve the world, Y/n.”
You didn’t know what to say except you noticed the butterflies in your chest had come back full force, staring at Wayne’s blue eyes in the low light of the kitchen. “Wayne,” you mumbled but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
“You don’t need to say anything. You’re going through a rough time. I just needed to tell you…” he trailed off, suddenly not able to meet your eyes.
‘What do I have to lose?’ you thought as you reached up on your toes and laid a gentle kiss on Waynes cheek. As soon as you pulled away, he snapped his head towards you so fast you thought he was going to headbut you. You were only an inch away from each other, staring into each others eyes before Wayne whispered ‘Fuck it’ under his breath and leaned in, properly kissing you.
For a man who did manual labor his lips were as soft as you imagined them to be. He moved his hand to cup your face and wrapped his other arm around your hip, as your arms snaked around his waist, holding him as close to you as possible.
You didn’t even know how long you both had kissed each other before air was needed, and Wayne broke off the kiss. You were still in each other's space breathing heavily as you stared at each other. Wayne ran his calloused thumb across your cheek, studying your whole face. At first when he spoke, you weren’t even sure you heard it correctly, but as your brain caught up with the sound you couldn’t fight the grin that planted itself on your face.
He whispered those three little words. “I love you.”
You kissed him again, him eagerly returning the favor, doing what you had wanted to do for so long. You didn’t even care about the events of the last 12 hours, let alone the last few months. Wayne had admitted he loved you, and that was enough. “I love you, too,” You mumbled in between your kiss. The hurt that you had been holding onto was gone, replaced by pure happiness.
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Bucky Barnes
Forever- Oneshot
Druig- Eternals
My Home 
My Home Part 2
Meeting Wayne
5 Times Wayne Fell in Love with You
Happier- Wayne and y/n oneshot
Dating Shoresy Headcannons
Animated Justice League
Bruce Wayne x Oc
Aquatica-Chapter 1 Evie
Aquatica-Chapter 2 Secret Origins
Aquatica- Chapter 3 In the Blackest Night
Aquatica- Chapter 4 The Enemy Below
Aquatica- Chapter 5 Paradise Lost
Aquatica- Chapter 6 Evie’s Day Off
Aquatica- Chapter 7 The Brave and the Bold
Aquatica- Chapter 8 Fury
Aquatica- Chapter 9  Christmas Eve
Aquatica - Chapter 10 Injustice for All
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