#darry letterkenny
headcanonthings · 1 year
Darry: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection?
Wayne: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
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sutjak · 5 months
My Season 12 of Letterkenny bc I am underwhelmed by the actual thing :^]
- conflict between Darry and the Hicks can stay, I think that arc was important
- god please let Katie date a girl omg please god please
- BRING GAE BACK and skids move back to the city forever bc they actually thrived there
- Darry x Bonnie or Darry x Anik, either would have been nice
- Rosie moving to Vancouver makes sense so that can stay, the break up would have more dialog tho
- Devon comes back for a short time, gives some closure for his disappearance
- Jocks move onto bigger, better, more homosocial pastures
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cassinopya · 5 months
Actually sobbing a little bit over season 12 episode 5 of Letterkenny and Wayne running into GUNFIRE???? To keep Darry safe?? AND THE FACT THAT HE WAS TALKING TO HIM WHEN HE GRABBED HIM??? SHIELDED HIM FROM BULLETS ?? Please Mr Keeso what did he say I need to know
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bedpolls · 1 month
Is Darry from Letterkenny good in bed?
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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baronfulmen · 2 years
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Got a new dog.  He’s extremely awkward.  He wants something, maybe for me to scratch his head?  It’s unclear.  He stands upright on your lap and just trembles.  He sits on your lap by backing up.
Anyway he wrote this:
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Note that he also saved it as X.txt at one point.
See, he has found he can jump on the bed, walk across the nightstand onto my desk like he's playing The Floor is Lava, and then try to lick my face.  This does require him to stand on the keyboard but he’ll deal with it.
It caught us off guard, but we did get a bad picture:
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Anyway he gets up there and yet again is asking for... something... and he’s super awkward and doesn’t know how to get down again and just kinda stares at me and trembles.
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So we named him Darry because of this line from Letterkenny.
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zeemczed · 1 year
Letterkenny Cold Open - Chicken
WAYNE: So you're on the road with your buddies the other daaaaaaaay.... (Interior: Wayne's truck) SQUIRRELY DAN: That a Wendy's comin' up? DARRY: Fifteen miles off, but yeah. WAYNE: Didn't think you for a Wendy's man, Squirrely Dan. SD: I likes the spicy chickens sandwich. D: Spicy chicken's not bad. W: Tolerable. D: You got something about the spice, Wayne? SD: Maybe too much spice for him. D: Get a case of the Afters? SD: Little heartburn? D: Lotta heartburn? SD: Snot rockets runnin' down the nostrils uncontrollablys? D: Can always get yourself a good Frosty to counteract that. SD: Though the dairy might not be too good for all that. On accounta- W: It's not that. D: Well enlighten us. W: It's just the chicken. (LONG PAUSE) SD: You never had a problems with the old yardbird before. D: I think I'd remember you having a problem with yardbird. SD: Ate twelve plates of Buffalo Wings at MoDean's during the competition. W: Still can't believe Bonnie McMurray won that. SD: Bonnie McMurray... D: Bonnie McMurraaaaay... (PAUSE) SD: Well then what is it? You likes the chickens, so why- W: It's disrespectful. (LONG PAUSE) D: Explain! W: One - they take a perfectly good chicken breast, deep freeze it, bread it with a load of spices and fry it. SD: That's standards practice, yeah. W: Two - they slap it on a bun with mayo, lettuce, and tomahto. D: Okay. (PAUSE) W: Well that's it, innit. SD: The toh-mah-toes? W: And the lettuce. Disrespects the chicken. D: By - what - cutting down on the spice? W: If you're making a spicy chicken sandwich you embrace the spice. Anything besides the bread is disrespectful to the chicken, and I only account for the bread `cause otherwise you get grease all over your hands. SD: Even the mayo? W: Eh, the mayo's just chicken lubricant, I give that a pass long as they don't slop it on heavy. D: You can order it without, y'know. W: But if I do, I'm just encouraging `em to keep up their practice. To keep the standard of lettuce and tomahto on an otherwise serviceable sandwich, to keep making it the exception rather than the rule to have a naked fillet on a bun. (PAUSE) D: Okay. Okay, I get that. But you know the problem with that. W: Enlighten me, Darry. D: If you want a spicy chicken sandwich that - by default - doesn't have all that... you gotta eat at Chic-Fil-A. (LONG PAUSE) W: Well fuck, Wendy's it is, then. (CUT TO WAYNE IN FRONT OF THE BARN) W: A fella's gotta have some standards.
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stellacartography · 5 months
Pitter patter, friends. Go watch Letterkenny.
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bagelsforhagel · 1 year
*katie and darry dress up wayne*
darry: do you or do you not feel ✨b o n i t a✨ ?
wayne: yes i feel bonita
*katie and darry smile*
squirrelly dan: wonderful because yous looks bonita
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tirednerd2012 · 5 months
I have so many feelings about the last season of Letterkenny.
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headcanonthings · 1 year
Darry: Yo, I heard that 1 in every 4 people is gay. That means someone in this friend group is gay.
Squirrely Dan: Who do yous think it is?
Darry: I don't know, but I really hope it's Wayne. Wayne's kinda hot.
Squirrely Dan: Uh, Da-
Katy: No, let him figure it out for himself.
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sutjak · 3 months
Why didn't they make Bonnie x Darry canon omg they make my heart melt ugh
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chag Pride fuckin’ sameach, sluts
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cassinopya · 6 months
It’s so sweet that Darry is willing to put up with Super Soft Birthdays just so Wayne and Katy can act like kids again. He’s willing to deal with that humiliation just so his best friends can have the parties they were never allowed and won’t feel selfish cause it’s under Darrys name. I love them so much
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piedoesnotequalpi · 5 months
I am not prepared for the last season of Letterkenny
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icantswim-03 · 1 year
Oh pain. There’s only like 6 pages worth of Wayne/Darryl (LetterKenny) fics on Ao3. That’s such a bummer 😭
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