#Lif x Summoner
anon-san · 1 year
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"What happened to you, my Prince...?" (Please do not repost my art!)
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emotionaldepravity · 1 year
Hi there 😃 may I request something with yandere Ike or Lif from fire emblem? I'm not sure what kind of scenario though 🤔 😅
I gotchu don't worry! I thought I'd do them in a short story style. Hope you enjoy!
You didn't know that getting close to Ike would have been so dangerous. He seems to be one of the most normal people you have ever summoned to Askr. Not being a prince or noble, he had fought with only his own two hands. How could you not admire him? Oddly enough he had felt the same. He would silently stand beside you whenever he had the chance. If you weren't at his side, the moment he saw you, you would be. Most heroes didn't seem to mind your closeness, other than the odd look Ike might receive after being pushed out of the way, but Soren wasn't content watching Ike slip from his grasp. The mage could confront you only once to tell you that you were underserving of such special treatment. After all, you didn't know Ike's journey or his struggles like he did. The conversation had left you quite frazzled, but you had a hard time disagreeing. Once you mentioned it to Ike, he assured you that there was no need to be worried. He was going to take care of it. You had no reason to believe that involved anything other than words.
When you were called to the scene you were sick to your stomach at the sight. You immediately confronted Ike about why he would act so cruelly toward someone who you believed to be his closest friend.
"I told you once that I would walk down this road with you as long as you let me, but... Whether you'll have me or not, I will not let anyone stand in our way. On the battlefield or otherwise..."
Its no wonder that Lif is jealous of others around you: he had seen you die before. Everyday since he watched the light fade from your eyes, he longed for you. Days were long without you in his ruined future. Experiencing the light take him only to be brought back in front of you seemed like a nightmare, but you try so hard to make him feel safe. Your warm lively hands, so gentle, often tap him on the shoulder. You offer him a place at the table you eat at though he no longer needs food. Each time he wants to push you away, you bring him back in. Though your small acts of kindness aren't just for him. You are kind and thoughtful to almost any hero. More specifically you are kind to Alfonse. It drives him mad. He knows that that is technically him, but it isn't the him who understands your value. It isn't the him that gets sick at night wondering if you love someone else. He is the one that keeps careful watch of you on the battlefield and reprimands the idiotic royals that let you out of their sights. That is why he couldn't stay another day in Askr. That is why he steals you away in the night. There aren't many realms that he could hide you in, but with Hel's throne truly empty now, he'd have somewhere to go. He'd carefully sit you on the throne, as you slept, thinking only of how he'd wish it was the one his birthright afforded him.
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"Heh, I won't break! You could even bend me in half and I wouldn't give in!" Alfonse will then prove you wrong by putting you in a mating press. Maybe even Lif will join in on the fun
"And so another point is proven for you to leave the fighting to us. How could I have forgotten how adorably pathetic that your endurance is."
Even as he scoffed beneath you, Líf continued to savor the sweet mewls and whines that spilled from your lips as you continued to bear the full brunt of him and Alfonse vigorously pounding away into you, helping keep your thighs spread wide for his counterpart to push into your core while he kept your ass stuffed full with his cock.
While far be it for Alfonse to ever talk down on your capabilities, he couldn't help but chuckle in light agreement as he proceeded to cup your cheek tenderly, even while his thrusts were anything but.
"Now, now, not that I'd mind--I'll protect you from everything so we can continue to lie together like this, day after day, Summoner."
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hair clip.
when the castle was reduced to nothing but rubble, had it still been there? [líf/kiran] content tags: slight angst(?) notes: writing for líf is hard because i want him to smooch the summoner but i don't want him to smooch alfonse's summoner so all i can do is make him sad. also endings are hard
nestled into the palm of his hand is a small, rectangular box, dark blue in color and lacking any extra embellishments. his fingers curl over its slightly curved surface, their tips resting just barely above where his thumb sits at the lid's end.
the identity of its content is obvious to him. though the specifics might be different from his own experience, there is still a younger version of himself walking around the castle with a golden hair clip keeping his bangs out of his face.
a similar gift for him, by the estimates of someone who knows kiran well, is to be expected.
how did that go the first time again?
it seemed like your hair was bothering you.
"on one, two...three!" as its gifter's command, he opens the box to reveal a silver hair clip—a rectangular piece composed of tiny jewel leafs. "it seemed like your hair was bothering you. so...i got you this!"
so...this is for you.
a smile of some sort accompanies her entire performance. at first, a cheery one, mimicking the false cheeriness she injects into her first words; it then melts into something shy, more in line with the careful, uncertain note she ends on.
"do you like it?"
i hope you like it.
dark brown eyes shift from the hair clip to his face—once, twice, seemingly intent on repeating the gesture for however long he remains silent. a thick strand of dark hair, dyed golden because of the sun's warmth—or rather, what manages to make it through the clouds dotted across the sky—spills loose from its restraint.
was it a braid? was her hair always so short?
i think it'll look good on you,
kiran steps forward to the tune of her own exhale. concern softens her eyes and tugs the corners of her lips down ever so slightly. his free hand longs to cup her cheek, so that she'll close her eyes and lean into his touch—and so she'll remember that he'll always trust her judgement.
instead, her fingers graze his cheek hesitantly.
was her touch always so warm?
she says his name.
the beautiful illusion shatters. in place of his wife stands a younger girl who wears her face and guards her heart, and who commands the same love and affection from him, no matter how much he tries to resist.
"your expression," he mumbles.
it's the same.
"hmm?" she retracts her hand in a hurry, as if it is his skin that burns instead of the other way around, and wraps her arms around herself. "sorry. you seemed out of it."
with his gaze still focused on her, he murmurs, "i had one...before. this..."
regret floods his veins the moment he comprehends his words.
"a hair clip? why—oh." her curiosity withers away and leaves behind a saddened expression on his face, one that makes his heart both ache and preen. "i'm sorry. i noticed your hair—and alfonse..."
the blue-haired man looks down, his hair partially obscuring his gaze. "i was just remembering it. i haven't seen it in a long time."
a useless apology lies in wait on the tip of his tongue. without knowing the exact cause of its existence, líf swallows it back down; the hazy, half-realized thoughts he has about it lead him down a river of memories he hasn't visited in a long time.
kiran's muffled laughter, from the day he lost the hair clip, interrupted briefly by their unborn child's vicious desire to remain relevant in the current setting, rings clear in his mind—as does the sound of his daughter's tantrums, and the quiet, sullen way she promised to find the hair clip she haphazardly hid in the royal library.
when the castle was reduced to nothing but rubble, had it still been there?
a warm hand on his shoulder distracts him from his current thoughts. líf covers it with his own, much cooler hand, the result of being a member of the undead; gently, he squeezes it, then looks up at her, hoping the look on his face conveys nothing about his earlier thoughts.
her expression flickers.
"you don't have to wear it. just...know that, okay?" she says finally, holding up her hand preemptively to prevent him arguing with her. the hand he's been keeping cool begins to move, and as he releases it, it grasps his hand and returns his earlier gesture. "and...i'll see you around."
kiran loosens her grasp on his hand and slides her hand out, letting it fall to her side. lips quirking into a terribly awkward smile, set on the backdrop of an expression torn between determined and embarrassed, she turns around and begins to leave.
he watches silently until her form disappears from his view, his gift still in hand. his fingers press down on the lid, then curl tightly over the box.
"you'd like me to wear it, wouldn't you?" the blue-haired man asks, to a dead woman, looking contemplatively at where her younger self once stood.
"if it's from you too, i think...i'd like to wear it."
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mecharlie-fox · 2 years
FEH Summoner: The Widow of Prince Alfonse
"The widow of Prince Alfonse was said to be only Queen for a day before dying from Death's scythe herself." The Summoner who died from Lif's Askr.
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Summoner Valen who became crown princess by marrying Prince Alfonse gave him four children. When Death came to claim the lives of many, upon the death of the King and her husband - she took up arms and gave the ultimate sacrifice in exchange for the survivors to have a future.
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keikaru · 10 months
more than the scattering of petals | lif x summoner au
Líf doesn’t understand why a building like this exists on the outskirts of the city. Long branches, heavy with the fragrance of flowers, conceal the eastern inspired architecture from view. The building stands aloof, with tree branches stretching near the upper floor windows and caressing the tiled rooftop with its shimmering, green leaves.
But he doesn’t have to understand so long as Kiran is here.  
A gust gently stirs the leaves. The leaves rustle against the tiles and echo the rhythm of rain.
Líf approaches the home in long strides. Near the building, his eyes flicker to a slender silhouette resting between the sliding doors.
Her outfit is a loose garment with long sleeves. Sleeves pool around her as if she sits in the center of a rippling pond.
Without fail, she greets him as if they share a home.
He leans down and brushes his hand against her face, caressing her cheek. She leans into his touch with a gentle smile.
Hand under her chin, he tilts her head to face him.
He loves her with a gentle immensity. Her content expression, the way her body is attentive to his touch—she is his heart. The one he will destroy a realm for, his Summoner.   
She obliges and her eyes glimmer with a tenderness that stirs a warmth inside him. For a moment, she appears much more alive and regains her autonomy not as an automation for Ganglöt but as his beloved Kiran.
“Do flowers bloom knowing they will die?”
Her wispy voice carries a melancholic air, but her expression reveals kindness and love. But why did her words press into his chest like a bell echoing across an empty courtyard?
Uncertain how to respond, he presses his thumb on her bottom lip. Soft, pliant lips part under his touch. Líf opens his mouth to speak, but she laces her fingers together behind his neck and tugs him low.
They fall on the tatami.
Each kiss dissolves all thoughts and words. Nothing else matters but her soft and warm body beneath his. She isn’t like him. Not all the way, perhaps.
His chest tightens. But he knows she needs his body to stay alive.
He no longer winces when she grabs his hair and presses against him for more. When she needs him, she forgets herself. Her thoughts blur instincts to survive, to replenish her life, surpasses her desire to be gentle with him.
He doesn’t mind because he loves her. Anything to keep her alive, happy, and by his side in this world devoid of his former life…he will give pieces of his life for her body and mind to function without pain.
That is the contract he makes with Ganglöt to bring the Summoner back to him.
For the Summoner to remain with him, in the realm of the dead, he exchanges his life to replenish hers when they embrace and exchange sweet sounds.
He loves her, knowing that her unusual spells that leave her hollow are phases that will disappear in time. Thrasir reassures him that the Summoner’s unusual moods and personality changes are side effects until she accustoms to her body.
Until Kiran is strong enough, in body and mind, he doesn’t mind as her garment slips from her body and coyly guides his hand across her body.
Líf gazes down at Kiran—my Summoner—and they embrace as the heavy boughs scatter flower petals across their backs.
To love and to bloom, he believes their love is more than the scattering of petals.
He loves her, even if her hands carve out the fragments of his soul and life light.  
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lustrous-dreams-art · 12 hours
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Twitter scribbles
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reuska · 11 months
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Hello, tumblr!
I raise from the dead to show you my newest pin campaign! The time has come for the most OG thing for me to make in my Nine Realms pin collection. We all know these characters have little to no merch. Even fanmerch creators gave up on them long ago if they ever gave them a chance. FEH OCs don't sell on a larger scale, they won't help someone pay bills.
But they can help me, who don't need my bills paid by fanmerch, to create more pins for the few of us who like FEH OCs and are starved for content! ♥ And I really want to do that, it's been incredibly satisfying to feed our niche community.
And so here they are! For the first time ever I'm doing three designs at once and I need all the help I can get! ♥ Please take a look and if you like what I do, please support the cause, spreading the word would help a lot!
STORE LINK: https://ko-fi.com/reuska/shop
Here are examples of pins I've already made:
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mysticpink · 1 year
Child!summaner: what if you die and I’m still here?
Alfonse:….then you’ll be all grown up.. and you won’t need me
Child!summaner: I think I’ll always need you
Lif: *looks at Child!summoner talking to Alfonse*
Child!summoner: I think I always need you…
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ivyaltdrachen · 2 years
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when the sun sets, we will not forget the red sun over paradise
my piece for @invinciblezine ‘s summoner zine 
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skep-eroni · 1 year
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Introducing the Shroud brothers!
Again, more notes under the cut.
Other posts of this AU:
[ Diasomnia ]
Originally, both brothers were alive (possibly residing in the Realm of Life) however Ortho was murdered when they were younger as a result of Idia’s mistake.
As punishment for his actions, Idia was given a choice and he agreed to preside over Hel rather than... being tortured? Kept in prison? I don’t know.
One of the main reasons he agreed was also because he wanted to be with Ortho/see him again and well, only the dead can enter Hel.
Idia generally dislikes his role since he can’t ever leave Hel and while Ortho is more free to explore (like Lif and Thrasir could), he mostly sticks to his big brother’s side to keep him company (and sane)
Unlike Hel, Idia isn’t going around killing people but moreso just ensuring that people who have to die do die, along with keeping the dead souls in Hel
I guess if Ortho were in the game he’d be the free unit who joins the Summoner/Askr Group
By the way, Ortho totally shoots a giant laser in his attack animation
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Pairing: Lif x reader
Prompt: The summoner gets a new outfit, based on Hel.
Description: You were a little apprehensive to try on the clothing made in the style of Hel... You didn't realize it would make Lif even more anxious than you.
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 1299
Notes: Whoo its a fanfiction!!! Not only that its a series!!! Anyways is anyone surprised to find I'm writing Lif to get out a little block in writing. I'm certainly not. This is not looked over at all, and yes I did do a whole ass sketch to decide how I wanted Hel summoner to look. You'll probably see a picture for that soon :eyes:
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“Wow this is really different…” You couldn’t help the way your voice softened as you traced delicate fingers over the clothing prepared for you. It sat innocently in your room, delivered by the tailor earlier and waiting for you to come and find it. You had asked them to make you some clothing similar tho the heroes from Hel (as well as those resplendent heroes from there; you did always tend to stare when another hero came though with the macabre designs).
Staring down the clothing now, you can’t help but feel a little intimidated by it. With its shining black armor, intricate designs and carefully chosen accessories you felt for a moment that perhaps something this nice (for lack of a better word) was too good for you. But, you had to remember this clothing was quite literally made for you. Each stitch considered carefully, every color chosen with care…
So its with a deep breath that you begin to dress in the outfit before you. Carefully slipping on your under clothing, you can’t help but admire the delicate headpiece and interesting armor. It was interesting to see what on your old outfit inspired the creation of this one, and the liberties taken by the tailor to create something that could absolutely be seen from the soldiers of Hel.
Once on and seeing yourself in the mirror you couldn’t help but feel a little heat over your cheeks. On the wall this outfit didn’t seem so revealing, but this skirt, with its cut edges seemed to ride up higher than yours, with the cut that usually filled you with confidence running much higher than before-- your saving grace being the bright blue thigh highs that showed just a bit of real skin. The shirt, meant to resemble the skin of the dead brought back, had careful patterns cut from it to show off your actual skin. At least, the armor resting on your chest and hips made you feel a little protected, not something the flimsy cape you wore could do.
Looking at your cloak, sitting lonesome on the bed, you almost felt like it would be better to replace your previous outfit instead. But glancing at your mirror once again, you steeled yourself; you couldn’t let your own awkwardness put this outfit down. So, with confidence renewed, you move to head out your door, trying to decide what heroes you should surprise with your outfit first.
You thought of the Robin’s, how they would probably be delighted to see how you matched them now. Or maybe Alfonse and Sharena, the latter who would be so excited to see you branching out a little with your clothing. There was any number of heroes who would be pleased to see you like this, you were sure. You really just had to pick a direction and walk!
...That was, of course, after you finished your patrol. It was that time. In all your giddiness to try on your new outfit, you had nearly forgotten!
“Ohh I know I asked someone to accompany me today…” You muttered, heading out towards the perimeter of the castle to begin. You couldn’t quite remember who it was, though. Unbothered, and expecting to enjoy their presence anyways, you hum as you reach the spot you usually start your patrol. You didn’t see anyone around, though, so perhaps you were just misremembering the day…
“Summoner…?” You turned to the sound of a gasp, already quiet footsteps stopping at sight of you.
“Oh, Lif!” You smile at him, but his red eyes remain wide with shock. “Is everything alright? I hope I didn’t keep y--!” Your cut off as Lif suddenly sweeps you into an embrace. “Lif?” You curl your head up to look at him, hands pressed against hard armor. But he’s hidden his face against your neck. You can feel your heartbeat picking up next to him. “What’s wrong?” Your voice comes out quieter now, as you take the chance to hug him back.
“This outfit you’re wearing… I…” He stops speaking but it doesn’t stop your eyes from widening. “But you’re still breathing… still alive…” You feel his heavy breath land on your neck, cold as his embrace.
“It was supposed to be for fun…” You admit softly. “I… didn’t intend to scare you.” How stupid could you be? Of course an outfit like this would cause him to act like that!
“For a moment I…” He stops again, pulling you close once more to double check your heart was still beating.
“I’m so sorry…” You pull back, just enough that you can see the sadness in his eyes, just as much as you feel it in the way he refuses to let you go. “I promise, I’m not dead. I’m still here…” Your unsure what else to say, silent as Lif closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Don’t apologize. I… was just taken back to the past is all.” You can’t help but frown at his words. “So many times I’ve agonized about not being able to save you, and to see you like this…” He shakes his head.
“I-I can go change! I’d still really like you to join me for my patrol.” You remember how much pleading it had taken to get him to agree in the first place.
“You don’t have to do that. I… just need a moment.” Still, he does not let you go. As if letting you go would change reality, and you too would be under Hel’s domain…
“Then I won’t go anywhere, then.” You were still beating yourself up over being dumb enough to wear this around Lif. You hadn’t even considered how he might feel seeing you like this… “I just got jealous of all the other Heroes getting new outfits, so I wanted to join in on the fun. I really enjoyed the way other heroes outfits came out when based on Hel but…” You sigh and shake your head, unable to finish the thought. “Think of it this way, Lif. I match you now!” You say instead, trying to boost his mood from how somber he had become.
“Match me?” He echoes the words. It wasn’t an entirely displeasing thought, but… Even now, taking another look at your outfit, Lif has to stop the pit of anxiety that fills him. You looked so happy though, smiling up at him in that encouraging way.
“Tell you what. We can go slow on my patrol today, and I won’t drop your hand the entire time.” You decide, pulling back from him but taking his right hand in your left. “I know were both wearing a lot of armor, but you can feel how warm I am, right?”
“...I can.” He nods, because even thought your now gauntlet clad hand, Lif can feel the heat of your hand. It’s very comforting, though he dare not admit.
“Then you can know I’m still alive.” You grin wide at him. “And if anything scary comes along during our patrol, I know I can trust you to keep me alive and safe too.” You added. “So… come on! We’re already running a little behind as it is.” You urge him forward by walking yourself, causing Lif to follow lest he lose the warmth of your hand.
The two of you continued forward like that, silent but happy in one anthers company. Lif wasn’t sure he enjoyed your new outfit yet. However, if it meant he got to hold your hand like this, soak in your warm touch as he had before… perhaps it wasn’t all bad. And like you said; the two of you did match now. You were dressed like him, and not Alfonse so… maybe, there was a chance for him after all.
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i like how mythic líf and rearmed líf kind of take opposite approaches to the summoner, but they're also incredibly similar?
they both have this desire to see kiran happy, but the difference is that mythic líf is after his "death" at alfonse/hel's hands, while rearmed líf has been resurrected and taken in by ganglot
which is super fascinating because if their kiran was summoned, mythic líf would be stuck in a love triangle between his wife and his not-wife while rearmed líf would use that as more fuel to fight loki and thor to get his own world back because he has the option of it, no matter how much his own kiran tries to talk him down from that
like mythic has settled, but rearmed hasn't, and i think that has the beginnings for a great fic
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mecharlie-fox · 2 years
FEH Summoner X Lif: "After You Left Nothing Made Sense."
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She warned him not to do it.
But out of desperation, he did it anyway.
The consequences of his reckless pride were the death of his comrades and friends.
The death of his sister and parents.
And the death of his wife and children.
His sanity truly died with them.
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LifxSummoner: Would You Love A Monster Man
Thought the sing would make for a fun amv idea.  Happy Birthday Lif/Alfonse!
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