#sry if you saw me post this fic a while back
keikaru · 10 months
more than the scattering of petals | lif x summoner au
Líf doesn’t understand why a building like this exists on the outskirts of the city. Long branches, heavy with the fragrance of flowers, conceal the eastern inspired architecture from view. The building stands aloof, with tree branches stretching near the upper floor windows and caressing the tiled rooftop with its shimmering, green leaves.
But he doesn’t have to understand so long as Kiran is here.  
A gust gently stirs the leaves. The leaves rustle against the tiles and echo the rhythm of rain.
Líf approaches the home in long strides. Near the building, his eyes flicker to a slender silhouette resting between the sliding doors.
Her outfit is a loose garment with long sleeves. Sleeves pool around her as if she sits in the center of a rippling pond.
Without fail, she greets him as if they share a home.
He leans down and brushes his hand against her face, caressing her cheek. She leans into his touch with a gentle smile.
Hand under her chin, he tilts her head to face him.
He loves her with a gentle immensity. Her content expression, the way her body is attentive to his touch—she is his heart. The one he will destroy a realm for, his Summoner.   
She obliges and her eyes glimmer with a tenderness that stirs a warmth inside him. For a moment, she appears much more alive and regains her autonomy not as an automation for Ganglöt but as his beloved Kiran.
“Do flowers bloom knowing they will die?”
Her wispy voice carries a melancholic air, but her expression reveals kindness and love. But why did her words press into his chest like a bell echoing across an empty courtyard?
Uncertain how to respond, he presses his thumb on her bottom lip. Soft, pliant lips part under his touch. Líf opens his mouth to speak, but she laces her fingers together behind his neck and tugs him low.
They fall on the tatami.
Each kiss dissolves all thoughts and words. Nothing else matters but her soft and warm body beneath his. She isn’t like him. Not all the way, perhaps.
His chest tightens. But he knows she needs his body to stay alive.
He no longer winces when she grabs his hair and presses against him for more. When she needs him, she forgets herself. Her thoughts blur instincts to survive, to replenish her life, surpasses her desire to be gentle with him.
He doesn’t mind because he loves her. Anything to keep her alive, happy, and by his side in this world devoid of his former life…he will give pieces of his life for her body and mind to function without pain.
That is the contract he makes with Ganglöt to bring the Summoner back to him.
For the Summoner to remain with him, in the realm of the dead, he exchanges his life to replenish hers when they embrace and exchange sweet sounds.
He loves her, knowing that her unusual spells that leave her hollow are phases that will disappear in time. Thrasir reassures him that the Summoner’s unusual moods and personality changes are side effects until she accustoms to her body.
Until Kiran is strong enough, in body and mind, he doesn’t mind as her garment slips from her body and coyly guides his hand across her body.
Líf gazes down at Kiran—my Summoner—and they embrace as the heavy boughs scatter flower petals across their backs.
To love and to bloom, he believes their love is more than the scattering of petals.
He loves her, even if her hands carve out the fragments of his soul and life light.  
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wttcsms · 2 years
Hihi i saw ur request box was open & i just couldnt resist! A big confession to make here, uhh ive been such a big fan of u and yr writings and also u were the v first fanfic blog i came across a couple years ago so yea, u literally open my third eye to a whole new world of fics👉👈 🥺
i feel like you havent written angst in a while–and bc i miss ur angsty haikyuu fics– sooo could i request post-breakup college!au with atsumu or iwai (honestly anyone who'd best fit the scenario cuz i trust ur characterization👌) abt the aftermath of the breakup, them seeing us on campus and unconsciously following us with their eyes, reschin to help out on instinct only to realize theyre no longer together, thinking about what could've been just reminisce reminisce
ahhhh im sry honestly dont know how to expand more on the idea
thank you for stealing my ficvirginity😃
pairing atsumu miya x f!reader word count 2.1k content contains exes still in love, college!au, mutual pining author's notes hi <3 i remember you (eycee, right?). don't be a stranger! you can always dm me and say hello :) thank you for the constant support. not sure if this fic is angsty enough, but i wanted yours to be the first req i do <3
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“Hi, welcome in! Let me know if— Oh.”
Your voice falters, recognition and maybe even something similar to embarrassment flits across your face, and a split second later, you go back to smiling like nothing’s wrong. Like the two of you haven’t spent the better half of this month actively avoiding each other at all costs, even though the sprawling acres of the University of Tokyo suddenly feels too small. The entirety of Japan has felt too small ever since it became his mission to never cross paths with you ever again. 
This mission of his started just a little over two weeks ago, on the very same day you decide to use his heart as your own punching bag. The worst part of it all, though, is the fact that he doesn’t even hold any type of contempt for you. It’s a cruel sort of joke; sometimes, Atsumu Miya feels like everything bad that happens to him is just some sort of sick punchline in a sitcom instead of real life. 
Usually, when girlfriends find out their high school sweetheart is going to be a wildly successful (and rich) professional athlete, they’ll do anything in their power to hang onto him.
You decided to snip the invisible string tying the two of you together, and you did it so effortlessly, so quickly, that Atsumu had to make sure that he hadn’t been imagining the last four years of your relationship. 
He’s got his hands shoved in his pockets, and he’s torn between staring at you like a total creep or looking at everything in the campus bookstore but you. He settles for the former, scared that this will be his last opportunity to really look at you. 
Neither of you is saying anything. It’s a Saturday and so no one else is even in the bookstore this morning, and Atsumu wants to say something, anything, but he’s never been that great at carefully picking his words, and he’s scared out of his mind that he’ll say something stupid and prove once and for all that you had been right to break up with him. Better yet, he wants you to say something. He wants you to give him a better explanation instead of the bullshit you told him in his apartment. 
We just want different things.
What does that even mean? He thinks he would have shouted out that question, if only your little break up speech hadn’t caught him so off guard. Different things? The two of you wanted different things? Sure, Atsumu likes to sleep in a freezing cold apartment, and you need the room to actually be at a reasonable temperature. And maybe Atsumu has a penchant for overly fried, greasy foods when all you want (and deserve) is a fancy dinner. Maybe Atsumu wants to be at a sports store instead of browsing aisle after aisle in Sephora, but he doubts these different wants have accumulated so much that you felt you had no choice but to break his heart. 
“Hey, Miya.” You say it softly, dropping the perky customer service voice you greeted him with before you turned around and realized who he was. And he flinches. He fucking visibly cringes at the way you speak to him, walking on eggshells and going back to formalities like he’s barely above a stranger to you.
(Did you know that he wanted to make that your last name?
Do you know that he still does, even now?)
“Hey,” he replies back, curling his fingers into fists inside his pocket. He thinks his voice comes out all scratchy, like how it always sounds when you don’t use your voice nearly enough. He clears his throat awkwardly. Everything feels awkward; everything feels wrong. He says “hey”, but what he really means to say is please don’t call me Miya; you know the color of my toothbrush, you don’t have to call me Miya. 
“Were you looking for something?” 
Subconsciously, Atsumu finds himself seeking you out. He walks by another girl on campus and almost breaks his neck with the speed he turns around to catch a whiff of the perfume wafting from her body because he swears it’s the same fragrance you favor. He walks by the building that houses all the classrooms for your specific major, even though it’s located on the opposite side of his own classes because he secretly hopes against all hope that he’ll run into you, and you’ll see him and fall in love with him again. He goes to the same restaurants the two of you frequently ate at together, and he orders your usual because you can never finish your entire meal and always have him finish off the leftovers for you (and the food is always good, but somehow it doesn’t taste the same when your utensils haven’t touched it first). And he doesn’t even need to be here, doesn’t even care enough about his stupid class to go out of his way to buy the study guide, but he knows you’ve started picking up the weekend shifts at the campus bookstore, and suddenly, he cares enough about passing to get the damn study guide. 
He shrugs. “Just some stupid workbook to study for an upcoming exam, but it’s not that serious.” 
“Oh. Is Dr. Furata giving you a hard time again?” 
“How do you do that?” Atsumu blurts out, wanting to kick himself for giving too much of himself away. You already own every centimeter of his heart and maybe his soul. You don’t need anything else from him; he’s almost certain there’s nothing left for him to give you, but he can’t help but impulsively ask the damn question that’s been running through his mind ever since you left him behind. 
Did you know that when you’re confused, your brows furrow together, and you get this adorable, endearing crinkle in between them? Do you know that he still finds that same expression as cute as he did when you still called yourself his girlfriend? 
“What are you talking about?” 
How can you just stand there and act like you never crushed his heart? How do you wake up in the morning and not feel like your life is missing something important, like you’ll never feel whole again? How can you keep him wrapped around your finger, and then have the audacity to not even realize it? How did you let him go so quickly? 
Practicing caution, he swallows hard before clarifying, “How do you know everything?” Because if you can act like he’s just a polite acquaintance, like he’s nothing more than another fellow classmate, he can try to play pretend too. He can act like there’s not enough history between the two of you to fill up every damn textbook in this stupid store. “Yeah, Dr. Furata’s been on everyone’s ass. Somethin’ about midterm grades being worth a quarter of our overall grade.” 
“Believe me, you’re not the first victim of Dr. Furata’s to come wandering in the store. I think I have a few more of the workbooks he suggested in stock. Let me go check.” 
It’s instinct at this point for Atsumu to just follow you. If he uses his imagination, it’s almost like he’s back to browsing in a makeup store, walking aimlessly in every aisle, following you loyally because he’s happy to have you lead the way and he doesn’t care where he ends up, so long as you’re there with him. 
But this isn’t an afternoon date with you. This is him following a bookstore employee. After you find that study guide, which is really nothing more than his flimsy excuse for seeking you out, you’re going to ask him “card or cash?”, ring him up at the register, and he’s going to walk out that door and have to act like he’s still not in love with you. All the while, you’re doing fine. You’re fine right now, and you’re going to be fine when he leaves, and you’re probably going to be fine, five years down the line, when you’re happy with someone else and Atsumu is alone because in this little hypothetical, he still hasn’t gotten over you.
He is trailing behind you in this bookstore, and your back is facing him, and he’s panicking because he doesn’t think he’s capable of not loving you. 
Just two weeks ago, you knew him better than anyone else in the world, maybe even better than Osamu, perhaps even better than he knows himself. Now, you just give him a polite smile as you grab the small stool to reach the books located at the very top of the shelf. 
“God, I hate the way we organize everything in the store.” You say, lightheartedly complaining. He knows you do. He knows because he’s known you for nearly a decade. The two of you have grown up together. You made this same complaint sprawled out on the couch in his apartment. 
When he doesn’t reply, you look down to see if something’s the matter, only to do it too quickly that you find yourself losing your balance. Before you can come crashing to the floor, Atsumu is quick to catch you, and you pretend that his protective embrace isn’t comforting. You pretend not to notice that he’s wearing the cologne you bought him for Christmas last year, and you continue to pretend that you don’t miss him at all, that you don’t still love him. 
And for a second, the two of you both pretend that you’re still with each other. That it’s perfectly okay to savor this intimate moment, that his arms wrapped around your body right now isn’t awkward in the slightest. He’s staring at you with a sort of starstruck, boylike wonder, and it’s so familiar, so sweet, because it’s the way he always used to look at you. His lips part slightly, like he’s about to say something, and—
The loud ring! interrupts whatever moment the two of you are sharing, and you nearly jump out of his arms. You hear the distinct footsteps of another student, and you adjust your shirt before remembering where the two of you are — what the two of you are. Not a couple. Barely even friends. Just a bookstore employee and a student that needs a book. That’s all the two of you are allowed to be.
“I should probably go check up front and make sure they don’t need any help.” You tell him, biting down on your lip. “Anyway, did you need anything else, or would you like me to check you out right now?” 
He blinks a few times, as if still in a daze. “Uh, yeah, sure.” The tips of his ears are flushed a light pink. “Y-yeah, I’m done here.” 
The two of you practically race each other to the front of the store, and you step behind the counter to scan his workbook. He drums his fingers, looking around the store. When he’s nervous, he likes to be moving. You know this. 
Just looking for an excuse to use his hands, Atsumu mindlessly picks a pack of gum off a nearby rack and slides it towards you so you can also scan it. You know you shouldn’t say it. You know it’s supposed to be a clean break. Instead, you tell him, 
“Actually, if you want, I have the fruit variety flavor.” 
“Huh?” This catches his attention. 
You reach into one of the boxes that have just been shipped to the store, rummaging through a tiny one before revealing a shiny, new package of gum, this one advertising all the flavors based on tropical fruits. “Would you rather have this one?” 
“Oh, yeah!” As if truly forgetting what the two of you actually are (exes, strangers with too much history, two people still pretending like they’re not in love), his eyes light up. “How did you kno—” He doesn’t finish the question. He knows the answer to the question. 
You’re quick to finish ringing him up, the “polite strangers” illusion being completely shattered. It’s obvious, really, that there are always going to be parts of Atsumu that still live deep inside of you. You can only hope that this isn’t the case for him. 
You hand him the bag, and when he grabs it from you, your fingers just barely graze each other’s. Atsumu is scared — scared that this might be the last time he ever feels your touch. 
And because you’re a glutton for punishment, you find yourself telling him,
“Don’t be a stranger.”
You can’t tell who’s more devastated: you or him.
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letsquestjess · 5 months
So I heard you were doing fic requests (I stumbled on a post lol)
I'm not a big x Reader fan (sry 😭) but is it okay if I just request the bad batch relaxing on a forest planet in a cozy cabin? I just think that huddling up next to a fireplace, hot soup and hot cocoa would be the ultimate way to relax 😅
(Also writing this request reminded me of a drawing of Cross chilling in a cabin that I made a while back, is it okay if I tag you when I post it?)
Thank you and have a nice day! :D
Hello! Thank you so much for the request! Of course you can tag me in the Crosshair cabin post, it sounds so sweet! 😊💜
By the Warmth of the Fire
Summary: The Batch go on a relaxing retreat to a cabin in the woods.
Word count: 904
Warnings: None.
-- -- -- -- --
“That shower definitely beats the one on the ship,” Hunter said, padding out of his bedroom and tying up his almost dry hair into a quick bun before readjusting his bandana. Despite his efforts to tame the flowing curls, a couple of stubborn strands still flopped over the red fabric. 
The worn fireplace crackled, casting a soft, welcoming glow over the open living space. The metal poker on the stand had been scorched until the original metallic shine dulled beneath the constant heat, and Hunter was careful when he balanced the deceptive weight of it and nudged the larger surviving logs. 
“Where are the others?” Echo asked as he set the steaming bowls of soup onto the coffee table. Crosshair trailed closely behind with a tray of hot chocolate, placing each on the stone slab by the fire to keep them warm. 
“They shouldn’t be too long,” Hunter replied. Settling into the nearest armchair, he sank into the plush cushions and accepted the bowl Echo handed to him. He took a sniff of the curling steam and recognised the scent. “This one of Gregor’s?” 
“Yeah. When I told him we were coming out here, he gave me the recipe and it seemed easy enough to put together.”
The door groaned in protest as Omega, Tech, and Wrecker pushed their way inside, shutting out the biting wind and tracking snow behind them. 
“We’ve been waiting for you three,” Echo chuckled, assisting his sister in removing her coat and hanging it on the hooks. He guided her to a comfortable spot in front of the crackling fire and placed a bowl of soup in her hands. “Careful, it’s still hot.” 
With a nod, the girl brought a spoonful to her lips and blew on it before taking a sip. “It’s good,” she said as Crosshair draped a blanket over her shoulders. 
“The smell’s making me hungry,” Wrecker groaned. His stomach growled as he dumped the armful of chopped logs onto the dwindling pile and grabbed his dinner. He ignored the spoon and sipped straight from the bowl, letting out a small, satisfied belch. “Tastes great,” he declared, digging back in. “We got anymore?” 
“There’s about half a pan left,” Echo said. “I also cut up one of the fresh loaves if anyone wants some bread.” Sitting himself down on the sofa beside Tech, he took the last serving and savoured the warm, heartening aroma. His brothers tucked into their meals, and the sound of spoons on ceramic and slurps mingled with the crackle of the fire as it put up a valiant effort against the gusts invading the chimney. 
“How did your exploration go?” Hunter asked, glancing between Omega and Tech. 
“We didn’t go far, like we promised,” Omega replied, “but we saw a flock of ice birds.”
“Arcasia birds,” Tech corrected gently. “I believe they were preparing to migrate underground, otherwise we would not have seen them.” 
“Sounds fun,” Hunter said. “Did you get a look at the trail?”
“The snow is clearing, so if we wanted to go on a hike up to the springs, tomorrow would be the optimal day for it,” Tech replied. 
The tracker relished the warmth of the soup as he drained the last spoonful and set the empty bowl onto the low table. “We can head out in the morning,” he suggested. “So long as we don’t have any heavy snowfall overnight.”
As a howl ravaged down the chimney, Wrecker swiftly shoved the mantlepiece guards up to prevent the ashes from scattering. “Looks to be getting colder,” he commented, ensuring none of the smouldering flecks had managed to reach Omega. “Might be best to grab those extra blankets from the attic.” 
“Oh,” Omega said with a spark of excitement, “I have an idea. If it’s going to be cold, we could bring the bedrolls in here and sleep by the fire.”
“I brought Sabacc cards so we could always play a few rounds before bed,” Crosshair added, and Omega threw him a competitive grin. 
Hunter nodded in approval to the plan. “Okay, but if there are any arguments like last time, we’re leaving those cards here.” 
“It wasn’t that bad,” Crosshair reasoned. 
“Finish your soup,” Hunter told him in a commanding yet light tone. 
Omega wasted no time in grabbing her share of hot chocolate after she had cleaned her bowl. She took a small sip, relishing the sweetness, and offered the other mugs to her brothers as they mopped up the rest of their dinner with the fresh bread. Crosshair directed her to the Sabacc cards, and mug in hand, she disappeared into the back bedroom and reappeared moments later with them.
Hunter nestled into his seat and glanced around at his siblings. On the sofa, Echo indulged Tech’s ramblings, asking him about the various bird species he had encountered during his trek as he flipped through the pictures on his datapad, while Crosshair, Wrecker, and Omega got to work setting up the game. The brawler’s raucous guffaws warmed the room as he clapped Crosshair on the shoulder in amusement, and the sniper returned a tickled laugh. 
Hunter’s attention lifted to Omega as she presented him with a set of cards. 
“Are you feeling alright?” she asked. 
“Couldn’t be better,” he replied, a smile spreading across his face as he graciously took the playing cards. “Come on, I’ve got games to win before we go to bed.” 
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chromotps · 5 months
p-please. if you still ship ace/luffy? if not then it's fine no need to read/answer etc. i just wanted to ask because i think i saw you post related art on here earlier at some point? and i haven't stopped thinking about it since honestly. could you possibly. please add some more thoughts on that future/time-travel/age swap (??) AU that's basically older/pirate king luffy meeting spade captain ace? because it has infinite angst potential to me (something something you're as beautiful as the day i lost you....), but also an equal amount of emotional hurt/comfort. and i'd like to hear more. how would an older luffy react to a young-ish (still alive.) ace? like, how would their dynamic change? (or not at all, with luffy going immediately into younger brother mode despite being in his 40s or something like these videos of fully grown up golden retreivers acting like puppies in specific situations. though not gonna lie, a more collected/a fully grown luffy in both the physical and emotional aspect is also. ugh.) would he respect the potential time-travel /rules/ that probably the rest of the strawhats would try to make him adhere to (like not talking about events that ace doesn't know about yet, or generally not engaging physically with people that clearly don't belong in the timeline), or would he just selfishly try to enjoy the moment while it lasted? (or a secret third thing, maybe?)
it's like. a purely self-indulgent AU for me because it both allows luffy to meet ace once more/say goodbye to him/thank him for a lot of things or just do things that he didn't get to do being the younger brother (even more self indulgent sub-scenario to this is. similar to your acelu week work? luffy helping ace bathe/washing his hair because it had always been the other way round, with ace taking care of him), and ace technically gets to see luffy as the pirate king? which partially equals to seeing him accomplish his dream.
yeah. sry for all the spam but i'm. just so weak for this AU honestly and just wanted to reach out to you as i think you came up with it initially?
hello!!! yes, thank you for messaging—I've had Ace on the brain so much lately... Definitely still ship acelu!! It just started seeming like there were fewer and fewer people who shipped it in, er, the same way I did? Which is totally fair, with how much possibility for interpretation there is with these characters.
ANYWAY, my version of the time travel acelu AU (since, you know, I don't think I came up with anything groundbreaking—there are a few fics out there, I think, with an older Luffy saving his younger brother Ace, things like that)... So much of it depends on the circumstances, like, if Ace was briefly transported forward in time, or Luffy + the SHs went back. I might go with the first option—let Ace get a fullllll sense of Luffy in his Pirate King grandeur, haha.
"angst potential"—I definitely see that possibility, like, the pure shock Luffy would have seeing Ace young and healthy, miraculously alien after however many years it's been and yet so, so familiar. The little details Luffy might have even forgotten... the particular way the freckles fell across Ace's skin, the way he was always so expressive in his movements, tensing up in this new environment, leaning in toward Luffy when he's laughing. Also, different kind of angst, but I could imagine Ace having this sinking, freezing feeling when he finds out he died. A sort of resignation, like, his fear that he never deserved to live confirmed. Then, Luffy explains more about the situation—how he owes Ace his life, how so many people fought for him, how even Ace was moved to want to be alive. So then Ace is like, at least my death was worth it—I made something valuable of my life. And finally Luffy has to be like, no. I appreciate your sacrifice, but what I really wanted was for my brother to live.
Also (it's probably clear already) but because this is *my* take on the AU I wouldn't have it get too angsty. Not that I want everything to magically be perfect, I'd want whatever catharsis happens to feel earned... but with any of my headcanons, I'm just not compelled by a story where Ace still dies. 😂 So:
"would Luffy respect the potential time-travel rules" absolutely not, ahahaha. Mr. "I heard your rules, and they're stupid, so I'm making my own"? Fair, a more mature Luffy would recognize the true weight of messing with the past/future... But even recognizing that risk, he'd actively choose to prioritize his connection with Ace and his faith in his own instincts. Plus, I don't know, Luffy feels like the kind of character who you could tell, "It's either you let Ace die, or your crew" and he'd say, "no! I'm taking option #3" and then he makes it happen.
"how would their dynamic change?" - so, tbh, I first came up with this AU on a horny whim. I wanted older, even more self-assured Luffy to just have the time of his life messing with Ace while also piling on the adoration. I don't think Luffy would really "revert"... The way he acts in Wano, and other places, shows that his mindset has really shifted over time. (Actually, okay, caveat—I could see Luffy in his initial shock of seeing Ace, if you wanted to really push the angst, completely breaking. Then he might get a bit clingy, wrapping Ace in as close as he can get him, crying for his big brother...) On Ace's side, maybe he's put at-ease, because this really is Luffy, the person he loves most in the whole world... Same ridiculous laugh, same unstoppable smile. But Ace is also completely thrown for a loop, because you're telling him this guy?? Right here?? Is his baby brother (who he last saw as some 14yo pipsqueak??)? The guy able to shove him around with a slap to the back, and who's somehow able to restrain himself from yelling for meat because he's so engrossed in Ace, for some reason?
I definitely think Luffy would thank Ace for everything he did, both during Marineford, and just their whole lives... I don't even need to get into it in this post, but thinking of how Luffy carried Ace's love with him all those years (this post says it better). Anyway, Luffy would express all that to Ace, and then let that lead into why he wants Ace to live this time around even more desperately.
From there, it just depends on how long the time travel effect lasts. If it's brief, it might just be Luffy trying to convey some way to make Marineford go differently to Ace ("train your haki!!!! don't make reckless sacrifices thinking it's the only way you can show your love!!"). But............ if I wanted to be really indulgent, I could say the effect is a few days, maybe even weeks. And then, I could so see Pirate King Luffy just doting on Ace completely. Being the one to show Ace all kinds of wonderful things in this future, interesting treasure they've found—the same way Ace made him feel that wonder when they were kids. And then, like, treasuring Ace's physical form, that he's whole and safe... Gosh, with how defensive Ace might get at this whole situation, I could see older Luffy and his insight immediately clocking how much teen Ace was hurting and angry in a way his younger self never noticed. Especially Ace from his Spade Pirate days... So, Luffy's response to that could be the care you mentioned—insisting on doing something soft and appreciative, like bathing, or bringing him his favorite food to share in a private place, like a quiet spot on the ship or Luffy's room or somewhere...
Ahhhhhhhh I have once again dumped an absolute mess of thoughts into the world. Hopefully this is something like what you were looking for (even with all my biases 😂)!
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daisyvisions · 9 months
(sry still trying to figure out how i should add the emoji whenever i come by lol)
Hi~ I'm back not necessarily w/ a spicy dream about tbz (I've only had 2 & cant remember them😔) but more just 'wtf is going on' type
At one point i was in a car w/ changmin, & i think sunwoo, and min was for some reason acting all matter-of-fact or like 'I'm right, your wrong' about something while driving. Then for some reason looks back to the backseat at me w/ that evil type smirk I'm sure most deobis know, & nearly crashes the car (intentionally or not i have no idea). Then it cuts & i just saw forest mixed w/ bamboo forest (too much minecraft again lately lol) but its not normal pov, more like overview or like i was watching a movie. A huge grizzily bear (or polar bear i cant remember clearly) that talked and kinda was human-like was chasing after/hunting(?) haknyeon who was climbing up the bamboo jumping/flinging himself from one bamboo to another to try to escape. But tell me why hak was a fking CAPYBARA???😅😭 And HOW DID I KNOW IT WAS HIM?!?
Idk why most dreams w/ tbz i have are just wtf vibes or like 'we're gonna die' situations but i felt like this one was the most interesting/confusing one besides a juyo one i had a couple months ago (if you wanna hear about that one i will happily tell)
slr on this reply! hahaha omg that dream was so all over the place askdjnaskjnd 🤣 please I hardly get spicy dreams I just want some with tbz I'll always keep saying this but the most I've had that was spicy (2 scenarios) were just making out but I've had anons here have really really graphic ones and PLEASE WHEN WILL IT BE MEEEE 😭
and sorry for the wait on part 2 for the Eric fic haha hope you still enjoyed it!
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merlinfic · 2 years
group ask for lost fics #39
Hi y’all! Below are a few lost fics that us mods just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply below or send in an ask with which anon/user and group ask that the fic corresponds with when the ask is back open!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
Looking for a fic where Arthur and Merlin broke up bc Arthur was ashamed of him and was royalty, and he comes out during an interview that Merlin is watching with Hunith, I think they had a kid together as well
Anon 2 asked:
Hi, hello. There's this merthur fic I'm looking for where merlin is taking a potion to suppress his feelings for Arthur. Arthur doesn't know about it until one day he goes out with Merlin and Merlin's apprentice(?/it could also just be a random servant) tries to give Arthur Merlin's "vitamins" but Arthur's like nah he doesn't need that just leave it. Also Merlin's the court sorcerer.
Thank you so much for all the work y'all do, I am a huge fan ♥︎
Anon 3 asked:
Hi! Thank you so much for everything you guys do, really.
Can you guys help me? There was this fanfic that I read a really long time ago, that Merlin got hit by a curse/spell that the consequence was his mind was like, loosing his memories, and I think was him going back to not feel afraid and Arthur was with him and at some point Merlin was happy and Arthur questioned him about it and he said that he just meet a girl and they're going to run away together, at the end of the memory regression he didn't know who Arthur was
Anon 4 asked:
Hi! I was looking for a fic which I read a while ago likely on ffnet, it’s a post reveal where Arthur and Merlin communicate with notes in the margins of a magic/spell(?)book. I’m sorry I don’t have more to go on, it was a humorous, probably merthur fic. Does this ring a bell for anyone ? Thank you :)
Anon 5 asked:
There’s a fic i’ve been looking for but I can’t seem to find it! Basically the knights piss some lord off and they offer to give him their gold as appeasement, but instead of money, the lord ends up wanting Merlin. If you can’t find this exact one, are there any other fics similar to this? Much appreciated!
Anon 6 asked:
Hi! Hope you're having a chill time; this blog is such an invaluable resource. I kinda lost track of a fic, I read it years ago so it's a lil hazy sry. All I can remember is Merlin & Arthur in A's room, maybe a spell on one of them (not a love spell) & when they touched there was magic & them promising to wait for the other, as if they finally realized who they were to each other. They passed out & Gaius saw part of it, and felt such reverence for their destiny, who they'd be. Thx in advance!
As usual this post will be updated if any fics are found!
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run to you | Harry Styles
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Summary: harry can’t help but feel a little jealous when it seems like his best friend is interested in someone else
GENRE: angst, fluff at the end
WARNING: jealous harry, roommates, being dumped, drunk reader briefly, crying
Pairing: harry styles x reader
Word count: 2.5k
Author note: I write a ton of friends to Lovers fic
Blog appropriate for all ages
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission.
Harry's fingers drummed on the table he was sitting at. His eyes knitted as he watched your figure across the room like you were some type of prey.
You were grinding up against a guy as the alcohol you consumed ran through your veins. You were carefree, living you life and enjoying yourself like lots of people were doing in the club that night except harry.
God he hated how that guy was touching your waist, and how you smiled as you looked at him, and how your lips were almost touching his. He hated it, harry really fucking hated it.
He wanted nothing more than tear that guy away from you, but he couldn't.
Harry adjusted himself in his seat, tearing his eyes away from you and the mystery man. His hands went down to his lap and he cleared his throat. He used every inch in his body to not look back over at you.
5 minutes later the song died down and you came back giggling. "Hi harry." Harry looked up at you, pressing his lips into a thin line.
You of course didn't notice and kept talking. "It's fun night. I just met this cute guy and he blew me away. He's going to take me on a date later this week because he likes me. It's going to be so fun." You squealed.
Harry growled under his breath before getting up. "Let's go." He took your hand. You looked up at him confused as to what the problem was. "Harry, what is it?"
Harry pulled you out of the club and to the car he drove you in. "It's late and you're really drunk. It's time to go."
You got in the car, harry did as well, and he drove you away to your apartment.
The whole ride harry grip on the steering wheel was tight. His mind was clouded with thoughts he just couldn't shake.
You on the other hand was confused. You peered over at Harry every now and then seeing his jaw tighten and his knuckles white from his grip. You didn't know what was wrong with him but you didn't bother trying to figure out either.
About 10 minutes later harry pulled into the driveway. He parked the car and got out. He helped you out of the car Because of your drunk state before letting you into the house.
Harry walked right passed you to his room with out a word. You felt yourself tear up at the action. You don't know if it was because you were drunk or you were genuinely upset, but you hated it.
That night you went to sleep crying and confused. Harry heard your cries loud and clear seeing that he was in the room next to you. He felt guilty for treating you like that but he was pissed.
The next morning harry woke up at the crack of dawn. He ripped the blanket off and dragged himself out of bed.
He went straight to the kitchen to get you some water Because he knew you were going to have a killer headache when you awoke. He still cared about you of course.
He walked back up the creaking stairs, grabbed an aspirin from the bathroom before walking to your room.
You were sprawled out on the bed, mouth open as you snored. Harry chuckled to himself at the image. He sat the water and pill down on your nightstand before shaking you awake.
"y/n, time to wake up."
You opened your eyes, groaning as your head started to throb. You easily regretted getting wasted last night.
You looked up at harry; he had a faint smile on his face that didn't quite meet the eyes. Images of last night flooded in your brain of harry being unknowingly mad at you. It made your heart drop in your chest.
You sat up and reached out for the water and aspirin. With harry's help you gulped it down before you looked up at him.
"uhh what was your problem yesterday?"
Harry sighed, "nothin' I was just ready to go." Harry lied. You knew it was a lie but didn't pry.
Your phone on the bedside table ring causing you to reach over for it. You opened your messages and began to read.
Harry watched as a smile creeped up on your face. "What is it?"
"the guy from yesterday message me. He wants to take me on a date tonight." You giddy said.
Harry swallowed, jaw tightening. "Well.. that sounds fun."
Before you could get a word out, harry walked out of the room. You sat there dumbfounded. You didn't understand what his problem was and right now you seriously had a problem with him. He was being an huge ass.
Your makeup was done, you were dressed in a silk dress and a few expensive pieces of jewelry for your date. You exhaled as you stood in front of the mirror in the foyer. You were waiting for your date to come.
Harry walked down the stairs and saw you in that beautiful dress. God you were beautiful but it wasn't for him.
He walked straight to the kitchen without saying a word to you even though you looked right at him.
You walked into the kitchen ignoring his pissed state. "so, I'm probably going to be out till 11 so I'll see you later." You said to him.
He turned away from you grabbing a mug from the cabinet. "Have fun I guess."
You grew angry at him, "what is your problem? You've been acting like a huge jackass!"
Harry scuffed, "I'm a jackass. At least I'm not the one who's going out with a fuck boy." He placed the kettle on and placed the mug on the counter. His eyes didn't met yours at all. You decided it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine and ignore him like he's been ignoring you.
You walked out of the kitchen as you heard a knock on the door. You grabbed your bag and coat before walking to the door. Before you left you yelled out to harry.
"have a good Rest of your fucking day Harry." You walked out of the house, slamming the door slightly.
"you too y/n." Harry spat out to himself.
Days and days went on since you and harry talked on the night on your date.
Everytime you both were in the same room you ignored each other. It was like you were both strangers in your own home.
It wasn't like you both wanted to do this but harry was being a prick and you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
It was the day of another date with the guy you met at the bar. You were really excited. You sat in the restaurant waiting for him to come.
5 minutes turned to 10 minutes, 10 turned to 20, and 20 turned to 30 and he hasn't shown up. You started to worry, aggressively texting him but there was no response.
You were getting embarrassed at all the waiting you were doing right now. After a while you just decided to leave. After telling the waiters you were leaving, you walked out of the restaurant. As soon as you reached your car your phone went off.
You opened it seeing a message.
Bar guy | I'm not coming, I found another girl. Sry
You felt your heart drop as you got in your car. You held in your tears as you drove to your apartment. The only thing you wanted more than anything was to be with Harry. Even though you hated his guts, he was always the one there when you had a breakup.
You pulled into the driveway, parking the car. Harry who was inside wasn't expecting you back so early. He frowned as he sat his guitar down.
The door open revealing you. You were crying and went straight to harry.
"hey, love what happened?" Harry asked as placed a kiss on your forehead, wrapping his arms around you.
"he dumped me." You cried out. Harry awed as he once again kissed your head. "It's okay, he didn't deserve you."
You pulled away sniffling. "I'm sorry. I called you a jackass and you were right. He was a fuck boy and I didn't see it and I'm so so-"
"hey, no no it's okay, it's okay." Harry stopped you. "You didn't do anything wrong. He's the one I'm mad at not you ok."
"yeah... Ok." You whipped your eyes and sat down on the couch. Harry did the same. He picked up his guitar. "So I know I'm a shit friend sometimes but what do you think about us having a little bit of fun. Just me and you. I'll sing you a song."
You chuckled, "okay."
Harry smiled, "alright, let's do this."
You and Harry spent the whole night enjoying each other's company. After a few days of not talking it was worth it.
Later that night you and harry are laying on the floor after you both had a long dance party– yes you both were cheesy like that.
Your chest was rising and falling as you looked up at the ceiling. "that was fun."
Harry looked up at you, "of course it was, you're with me bitch, it's obviously going to be fun." Harry said
You laughed. You turned to harry and smiled. "Thanks for today." Harry smiled at you, "you're welcome."
He leaned over and placed a kiss on your nose, something that was normal and he has been doing for years. But this felt different to you.
His lips lingered making your skin tingle. When Harry pulled away he was inches away from your face. You couldn't help but close the gap between the both of you.
Your lips moved with his slowly with meaning. You moaned softly into his lips as harry pushed your back on the ground and hovered over you.
Eventually he pulled away and looked down at you. "Wow." Was all you could get out as he stared down at you. Harry chuckled, "yeah, wow." He placed another soft kiss on your lips before getting up leaving you shocked on the ground.
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yanqiiuver · 3 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 ༘♡
hello i am here to deeply and sincerely apologise for not posting for such a long time. i have been very busy and giving myself a break from the genshin fandom for a while and also given myself a break from really having much human interaction at all. but heres a uh fanfic? idk i wrote on my wattpad enjoy yuh AND I PROMISE THIS TIME I WOULD REALLY START WORKING ON THE ALBEDO FIC its just kinda awkward writing for albedo after i read the hydro and cryo slime fics with my friends im so sry
inspiration from the song 君がくれたもの
❀┊𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐧 (mordern au!)
❝涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようならせつないよね。❞
❝Farewell while smiling and holding back tears is so hard.❞
ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ 君がくれたもの ]
1:07 --◦---- -4:05
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
warnings: angst yuh, as far as i remember there's no swearing of sorts
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 + 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝
☄. *. ⋆ enjoy, comrades ♡
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𝙭𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙦𝙞𝙪 𝙥𝙤𝙫
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 06/12/21 ୧ (dd/mm/yy)
I remember... when I saw you last summer. I wonder... do you still remember me? I can't seem to forget your smile. Your light blue eyes always seemed to glisten when we talk about your favorite topics. I really miss you.. Do you miss me?
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 01/06/20 ୧ (shh pretend there was no covid) (i live in a country without summer so i'm not exactly sure when summer break is pls correct me if im wrong)
The last day of school before the summer holidays has finally come to an end! That was when i spotted you. I was walking on my way home under the blistering hot sun. There, I saw you bright blue hair standing out in all it's glory. This town i live in is small and I immediately knew you weren't from around here. They way you dressed was already different from our traditional clothing on it's own. As i turned to walk away, you called out to me, running towards me trying to gain my attention. I turned around to see you happily munching on a popsicle trying to speak to me. Your words were muffled by the cold treat you had in your mouth. Chuckling, I asked you to repeat what you said.
"I'm heading that way too! Wanna walk home together?" you asked me, smiling widely at me. Wanting to get to know you, I agreed. At first it was just silence, silence which i broke, asking you if you were moving here. I know it was a dumb question, I knew it was a dumb question, yet i still asked it, hoping, hoping so much that I had more than just the 11 week break to get to know you. You answered with a shake of your head, a wary smile visible on your face which faced the ground. You plastered on a lopsided grin and turned back up to face me. You told me we still had time before you left. You told me that it was ok, you comforted me. You knew that comforting a stranger is weird, I knew it too, yet you still comforted me.
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 08/06/20 ୧
A week has passed since i met you, and that week was the happiest i have been my whole life. We became inseparable just after one week. Funny how this works. It felt like I've known you forever, like we have been friends forever.
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 09/08/20 ୧
Its late at night, around 12am , you brought me to the playground that we go to all the time. This time it wasn't to play. You wanted to talk. You told me about how you were leaving the next day. We were both crying. I begged you to stay, I begged you to convince your mom to let you change schools, to no avail. You told me it was too late, that you were leaving early next morning, that the tickets were already bought. I never got the courage to admit to you, to tell you the secret I kept from you. And that night, I was blinded by grief, I didn't admit to you, and i forgot to ask for your number and so did you. But you held out your pinkie to me, asking me to hook mine along with yours. "I promise that I'll come meet you, 10 years later, 1st of June, the exact location we first met." I asked you why only 10 years later, why not next year. You only smiled sadly at me and we left the playground, walking back home in silence, with the occasional sobs.
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 10/08/20 ୧
Alas, the day you would be leaving our small town behind has arrived. It has nearly been 2 months. Somewhere in between, I realised that I had developed feelings for you. When you're having fun, time sure passes quickly don't you think so? I'll greatly miss you my dear friend. Funny how I didn't think of asking for you number before you left. Maybe I forgot? I don't remember why. I just knew, as i watched you board the plane back to your home that I forgot to ask you for it this 2 months we had been together. I could see you crying and it broke me to see you crying like that. Without realising, I myself was crying too, watching you leave me behind. Oh how much stuff I have yet to tell you, it hurts just seeing you go. It hurts a lot. Being with you this past 2 months made me happy. You were the sunshine that brightened this dull life of mine. But my sunshine had to leave, and I myself knew that the day would come.
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 01/06/29 ୧
9 years has passed. Every year on this very day, I would wait for you at the same place we met. I knew you told me 10 years but, I couldn't stop myself from hoping that maybe... maybe you would come back earlier. That maybe you would come back to me. Yet I knew my hopes were just mere dreams, that I wouldn't see you that soon.
──────── *ೃ ‍୨ 01/06/30 ୧
10 years have past, I hope you still remember our promise. You didn't break it did you? You will come won't you. I walked into the store, and there, I an ever so familiar tuff of light blue hair. It must be you. But beside you was a girl... Your fingers intertwined with hers as you smiled at her. You had a girlfriend. You turned your head towards me and widened your eyes, your smile became brighter. Oh how I missed your smile, and your bright blue eyes. I love them, I love you but I now know that I can never be with you, you found a girl you loved after all, I could see it in both your eyes.
I fake smiled and turned my head away, hiding the tears that I shed. Your smile etched in my brain.
══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*══
ehehe finally done hope you liked it <3
- - - —꒰𝘺𝘶𝘯🎐☁꒱
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dripkingpetey · 4 years
this fic is actually inspired by @fav-imagines​! i loved this fic by her and i wanted to write something like it!
this is a shorter fic sry :(
tw:panic attack?
i feel like there should be some sort of tw to this? idk i might delete that part.
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“come here baby, you’re gonna be alright.”
552 words
you’ve always had some mental health issues, its not a constant thing but sometimes it can get really bad and elias knows that.
elias was on his way home from his road trip and you saw that he tagged you in an instagram post with the caption: “miss my bestfriend<3”. it was a photo quinn had took of you and elias awhile ago, it was after peteys first hat trick and you were posing with him while wearing his jersey.
you went to go comment “miss you too elias :(“ when a couple of comments caught your eye. you knew that people were cruel some times but you never thought someone would say anything like that about you.
you saw more comments like that as you refreshed it, you couldn’t help but keep on looking at them. what you didn’t realize was by now, you were sitting on the floor with your knees up to your chest and having a panic attack. you felt guilty looking at the comments but you really couldn’t stop, sure there were tons of nice ones but still, the mean ones caught your eye the most.
elias stepped through the front door looking for you. “y/n?” he looks around your guys’ house but can’t find you anywhere until he gets to the bedroom. 
you didn’t even notice that elias was home, you just couldn’t stop shaking and crying.
elias went into shock right away when he saw you, you were curled up in a ball and crying, he sat on the floor with you immediately and started rubbing your back. “come here baby, you’re gonna be alright.” he whispered to you as he pulled you into his arms. he was now thinking what could’ve caused this when he saw your phone on the ground and saw all the hate comments people had written about you.
“their opinions don’t matter.” elias said after giving you a kiss on your head. it hurt him to see you like this, he’s dealt with you going through emotions like this but never this bad.
“maybe they’re right though, i am larger, i’m not as pretty as-“ you were saying before elias cut you off. 
“you are the most stunning person i have ever met y/n, their opinions really don’t matter. what matters is i love you.” elias was still rubbing your back softly and giving you kisses while talking.
“i love you too, i really missed you” you mumbled out knowing that he truly meant it and you shouldn't worry about what other people thought of you.
“i missed you even more, do you want me to go start a bath for you? i’ll order chinese food.” he said knowing that it was your favourite take out and that you absolutely loved baths.
“yes please, that would be amazing.” you said to him with a smile now. “i don’t deserve you.”
elias gave you a last kiss on the lips “yes you do.”
what you didn’t know was while you were taking your bath elias teared up a little, it sucked for him to see you like this and he was also really mad at them. he then proceeded to delete all of the hate comments one by one.
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Hide Your Love Away (Paul McCartney x fem! Royal! reader Oneshot)
From an anon request:  can you write Paul x reader oneshot or something where she’s going to have an arranged marriage the following day, which is forced by her family. but she doesn’t want it since she’s secretly dating Paul. So they go on their last date, pretending it’s their honeymoon just for one day since they know they have to be separated after that🥺(sry I’m a sucker for sad/angst fic with lil fluff)
Word Count: Less than 2K
Warnings: swearing, angst with fluff, mentions of weddings and sex. Lack of editing,
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! In order for the premise to work, I decided to make you a member of the noble class who has to marry into royalty  (I got inspired some by The Crown on Netflix, whoops) when you really love Paul. Much love to my angels @joeneslee​ @bens-jawline​ and @rhapsodyrecs​ for helping me when writers block stuck for this one!
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 “I just met him, how can I marry him?” you asked with tears blinking in your eyes.
Sighing, you could tell the diadem on your mothers head was beginning to droop. Your father began cutting his meat with more fury. It made the metals on his suit follow in a clink, clink, clink.
“Because this marriage is important to us- to your whole family!” he said.
“But he…I…how do you know it will work?” you question. The diamonds on your necklace feel like an icy grip.
“That doesn’t matter, you will make it work. You always have. It’s the price you pay for your title. It’s going to secure everything. The Prince of Cardonia already agreed to it,” your mother said.
“Y/N, you’re a duchess. You do understand the consequences if you don’t do this…money will fall, we’ll lose protection…our house, everything.”
Squeezing your hands together, you began to blink away tears.
“And think of how the alliance will help us, politically. Do you want our people to suffer?” your father pointed out.
You agreed to the match. In a way, you could be a good leader still. Carry out orders. Make changes. Protect people. But it was useless now.
In your room, you began dialing madly for his number. Pacing, the ring on the phone seemed to last forever. Who knew a chance encounter at a party for music led to you both. Then all these phone calls. The meetings. Then meetings led to more talk. And soon your mouths stopped talking and started kissing.
“Y/N…I’m speechless…and you…you can’t say no…” Paul wonders. Your throat feels dry.
“I don’t have a choice! I…I didn’t choose this, they just…announced it,” you mourned.
Those calls are made in plenty the following weeks. You get fitted for the wedding gown a month later. It’s a wide gown decked in lace covering your neck and shoulders with a long train that leaves lace down like a cape. Everyone says you look beautiful, but you don’t feel like it. You are constantly asked for details about the wedding. You gave boring answers. You don’t want to make it too fussy, but at least pretty. But it’s soulless, you feel like.
The day comes sooner, so Paul suggests something…a trip.
You don’t know how, but you managed to get away. You had a few trusted friends who covered for you
The prince of Cordonia isn’t like Paul at all. He is stiff and dull. Not abusive, you don’t think, but that could change.
Paul is super ambitious and works to get the secret trip right.
Right as you get on the plane, making sure it is private and paying guards and the pilot extra, you look at Paul.
“We could…pretend…”
“Pretend what?”
“Pretend we’re married. That we’re going to be at our honeymoon…I don’t know if we’ll get a chance to later…”
Smiling, you begin to drum your fingers on the tan plush arm of your seat.
“How in god’s name did a damn Beatle escape from the press?” you asked. The plane whirred as it soared over the air.
Paul sighs, taking a sip of water from a plastic cup. 
“A lot of help, that’s what. Didn’t you get your friends in? Well, I got friends too,” he answered with a wink that always flipped your stomach.
“Where are you even going?”
He smiled.
“Ibiza, Spain!”
“Spain! I’ve never been to Spain!” you cried. Running up, you give him a girlish hug and kiss his cheek.
The jet plane landed and you both made your way to a hotel. Paul donned fake facial hair and as soon as you were led to your suite, he ripped it off. Though it looked red and tears stung his eyes.
You began to laugh hard at his reaction before tossing yourself on the feathery bed. That first night you both indulged in a large dinner while watching the sun go down and after much evening walking, settled into your bed for the first sleep after traveling.
When you both woke up, you saw his face first. Then your eyes flitted open. The sunshine of the Spanish morning poured in from over his head. He looked even more angelic.
“Hello husband!”
“Hello Wifey!” he said, kissing your forehead. 
Both of you cuddle up against the cold air from the AC before ordering a breakfast and spending time in your pajamas…as well as out of them. Smiling and taking in each other. Chatting about the habits of his other band members and laughing at them like normal.
They explored old towns. Spanish architecture, orange and tall, surrounded them. You bought lunch at little local restaurants, usually saving room for cold gelato served in cones dusted with cinnamon. It was touristy. It was cliche. It was perfect.
Both of you go through markets all afternoon when it’s too hot to do anything else. Thanking the heavens for shade and cheering at the sight of a working fan. One market had a tendency to be overpriced. Not that neither of you couldn’t afford it. 
Glancing over there was a young woman eyeing a necklace. Maybe a local. Her eyes were bright as she admired how the gems shone in the light and how they flattered her skin. But when she glanced at the price tag, she frowned.
Nudging, you murmur “I’ll be over there…”
You walk up to the young woman and smile.
“Hello, do you like that necklace?” you greet.
She blinks in confusion and sighs.
“Yes, I do” she says in a voice as sweet as honey. “It’s just…expensive, is all. I’ll look for another one.”
From the pocket of your pants you pull out several dollar bills and hand them to her. She is frozen looking at the numbers. It’s enough to buy at least five necklaces here.
“Not anymore…”
“Why are you doing this?” she asks.
“Let’s say…I have more than enough. Least I can do.” You answer.
Walking back, you see Paul’s eyes grow wide and then he smiles. He wraps a hand around yours as you walk out. Glancing back, you can see the girl is slack jawed. Then she went and bought the becklace with a smile as big as her face.
As soon as he got home, with only a few packages of things, Paul flung himself on the bed.
“Ooof! I’m bloody exhausted!”
You lean over, smiling. His face has gotten a little red from the sun. Your hands creep over to his shoulders.
“Let me massage you sweetheart…I don’t want my… my husband to be in pain,” you insisted.
Paul grinned larger at the use of the word.
For the rest of the night, you went over piles of photographs Paul managed to take. His love of the camera made him keep it as close as if it was his baby. You both managed to find local places and take pictures. The cheesiest pictures one could manage. Smiling faces, wide arms, and mountains and beaches and buildings too beautiful to be real.
“I’d like to keep a few…” you say.
Paul looks up at you.
“Is that…is that possible, Y/N? They look through your things, y’know…” he warned.
You shrugged, looking at one picture you took of Paul smiling, squinting into the sunlight with a castle from long ago far behind him, poking out of the green hill. Then another one where you managed to travel out and visit another real palace with elaborate floors outside and pigeons flying by.
“I can manage. I have…have places in my home only I can enter. Royalty, y’know…”
Looking back, only your closest friends were in on this. Friends you knew would not tattle. Friends who could influence any nosy servants.
He leaned over on the bed, in a white shirt and long pajama pants. Placing a hand, he traced a strand of hair.
“You might be their duchess, but you’re me girl. Always.”
The next morning, both of you were napping, naked, and smiling in post-coital bliss. Unaware that it was already noon. And there was a newspaper with your brunch.
As you groaned, opening your eyes, you heard Paul nearly spit out his tea from the tray.
“Oof, too hot for you?” you teased.
He looked at you and turned the page.
There was a small, minor article. It shouldn’t have caused much attention. But it was about your parents. It mentioned them addressing rumors that you were running away with another man and may have been spotted in Spain- or someone who looked like you. They couldn’t tell who the man was, but it was not your betrothed.
“Oh shit.”
You toss the paper onto the sheets, looking at Paul with his face, white as the sheets.
“We’ll…we’ll just have to be careful…” you suggest. Leaning forward, you cup his face and he nods.
You both had to be too careful. You went to beach. The sun was bright and you tasted the salt in the wind, but you had to look around you. Everytime there was a stranger, you felt their eyes on you. Both of you picked a time when there would be less people, but it felt there were now invisible cameras somewhere.
Both of you waded in the water and laid around in a towel underneath an umbrella for shade. But even in the most relaxing moments, you couldn’t help but worry if eyes were staring. Paul opened a picnic basket and handed you a bowl of strawberries, but you wondered if even a nice snack would somehow make it’s way to tabloids.
The next few days, you were more careful. Going to less crowded places. On your penultimate day, you ignored the paper. Paul was still asleep. You glanced for any news. Once you saw a photo of your parents worried faces. “We are concerned for our daughter…”
You tossed it into the trash bin. You would deal with it later. You wanted to enjoy each minute while you had it.
You kept trying to sneak into sites with less people, odder hours. If not, you were at each other like rabbits in your hotel room. Savoring intimacy and feeling one while you still could, or lazing about in your pajamas-ordering food and watching the sea. Talking about everything and nothing.
Paul opened his eyes, lashes fluttering. You couldn’t’ help but smile at him. His lashes were long, curved naturally without any mascara. How could one man be so beautiful?
“What…what is it?”
“Nothing hubby…” you said quietly, kissing his forehead. “Let’s just…let’s just enjoy the day.”
Spain had the loveliest sunsets. You watched from your hotel and then walked at night. The stars were out and the ocean was calming. Both of you felt a breeze. Paul handed you his jacket. Even in the dark, you could make out quiet sniffling. Clutching his hand, you turned to the ocean to look up at it’s infinity underneath a night sky. You never let his hand go the rest of that night. You wanted this pretense to last long as it could until you could no more, when the plane landed and you were back home at the palace with photos of Spain snuck into the bottom of your suitcases. 
 Besides, there was a wedding next week. 
Taglist: @stardust-killer-queen​ @queenlover05​
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bohemiansweede · 5 years
The Tourbus
Ch 1
By request
Pairing Roger Taylor Reader
Warnings Smut 🔞
A/N Chapter 2 is posted below
Please like and reblog or if you want leave a comment
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Pairing: Roger Taylor Reader
Warnings: Smut  🔞
A /N Please like and reblog or if you want leave a comment
Thank you
Your best friends uncle Bob was a journalist and when you both were younger you always trailed along to watch some of the celebrities he were intervjuing
Nowadays it was harder because of your work
It was a cold day and you teeths scattered as you waited on the parking lot
Why did it have to be in the middle of nowhere .. And in November
- So.. Y/N are you ready for meeting the band?
You were used to meet famous people ever since you were little
But this band Queen had something special, not only the music
Your stomach was filled with butterflies as you entered the tourbus
It was a buzz of noices in there
- Ahhh Bob!! Nice to meet you again.
A tall man you recognized as Brian, shook his hand and turned to greet you and your friend
Also John and Freddie bounced up at their feets to say hello
In the back of the bus you saw a dirtyblonde man making out with a girl .. That.. had to be Roger
- Hey Taylor.. Say bye to your friend now.. Time to go
He whined out loud, kissed her forehead and said good bye, she looked grumpy as hell when she passed you on her way out
- Sry bout that... I am Roger
His smile was warm, as was his hand and thoose beautiful ocean blue eyes, you totally understod why women fell like trees for him
Shortly after that the bus started to roll..
There was no turning back now..
This were going to be a trip you never would forget
You were all scattered around in the bus , Brian sat in the front and chatted with the driver, John was reading, Freddie wrote lyrics and was mumbeling "We are the champions" over and over, it sounded amazing .. Really really amazing
On a seat on the other side of the isle sat Roger.. He kept turning around the whole time, you could feel him watching you, sometimes your eyes met and he smiled
Your cheeks flushed pink
- Hey Jane.. You never said you had a such a pretty friend Roger chirped while touching his lips
- You never asked Rog, Jane fired back
- Ohh fare enough
You squirmed in your seat .. Did anyone just turn up the fuckin heat in the bus
You continued your journey and everyday was almost the same.. hotels, dinners, fun times watching them in the dressingroom, soundchecks, studiowork a few intervjus here and there for Bobs documentary and.. groupies.. of course groupies and as the icing on the cake.. Rogers heated looks on you
He was very flirty with everyone and everything
You knew that all too well ...
But you could not fall for him.. Never..
- Y/N? Jane came to your resque from your thoughts, what is it with you and Rog?
- Ehhm nothing...
- Ahh stop it I can see your looks on eachother
- Well... Looks maybe.. He is sooo handsome and charmig.. But he is all too busy with his tounge down in every womens throats
- Ahh you talk about Roger? Freddie bounced down on the seat next to you ..
Shit.. what did he hear?
- Don't worry.. Your crush is safe with me darling
- Freddie... He is no crush... (a white lie) he...
You got abrupted by all the others with a loud rumble entering the bus
- Hey guys.. Why don't we all play scrabble?  Jane suggested
They took the game out from a cupboard and put it on the table together with a big amount of beer
- Well... This is kinda our way to relax you know, Brian explained
Two hours and a grumpy Roger who kept loosing later, you all gaved up
- Well... We can maybe cheer up with a game of "truth or dare" Jane again.. What was it with her today
John and Brian rolled their eyes
- C'mon.. It can be fun, Freddie who tooked her hint maked the statement
The questions were quite lame really and soon everyone got bored again
- Sooo.. Y/N.. Your turn .. Truth... or dare?
- Truth
- OMG don't be such a dull now..
The beer might have done so you got more brave
- Ok...ok.. Dare
Freddie stood up
- Ok.. My darling Y/N.. Since you and Roger are the only ones who are single here... Give him a proper kiss
Everyone cheered
You swollowed hard and looked at Roger
He had glossy eyes from the alcohol and were slightly pink in his face
- Fine
You rumbled up from the sofa and went around the table, the bus made a little turn and you straddled him in the process. Shit.. This was it.. You lightly pressed your lips against his and backed from him just a second later
- Ohh C'mon... That was not a real kiss dear
- Fred.. she doesn't have to.. I..
You grabbed his neck, crashed your lips against his, he opened his mouth maybe to protest.. Or maybe not and you quickly entered your tounge he moaned and grabbed you tighter, the kiss deepened and you felt him breathing faster.. Neither of you could  stop.. his hands trailed along your back and his crotch brushed against your heat
- Oh guys... We are all still here ya know Brian mumbled
- Do you want us to leave.. Just say.. John filled in
You forced yourself from eachother and you looked shocked at him.. He licked his lips and trailed his eyes down your body
With that you understod that the game was over.. You surrendered.
You wanted him
The tour continued and it got even more tense between you
The looks became more and more heated and desperate
When they rehearsed "Get down make love" he could not bare to look at you..
Only the sound of the bass drum maked it vibrate in your entire core
You saw him one night with a lucky blond groupie, he had pushed her up against the wall fingering her hard
He saw you watching, turned his head around and smirked at you
- Evening Y/N
You went fast out from the building.. blushing
A few days later you layed in the tourbus alone the others were inside arranging instruments
You could not let the thoughts go from your kiss.. Neither what you had seen.. The make out in the bus with that girl the first day.. Him with all the girls thru the tour.. The other day.. Damn.. Wonder what it would feel like having his fingers inside you
You gasped for air when your own fingers entered your own wet heat
You were soaked just by thinking of him, it was a slick sound when two of your fingers pumped in and out of the drenched pussy
You whined and could not stop the words escaping your lips
- Mmmm.. Ahhh... Shit... Omg.. Rr.. Roger.. Ahhh
You heard someone coming in, but that could not stop you either... You continued fucking yourself
- Y/N... Are you ahlright?
It was Roger
- Ye... Yes.. Shit.. I am ok
- I heard you called my name dear.. Sure u ok?
- No... No I am not you whimpered.. Shit Rog.. Help me..
He pulled the curtain to the bunkbed to the side and sat down on your bed
He did not say anything but you could see his eyes were dark with lust
He touched your innerthigh, trailed up and down with his calloused fingers, you got goosebumps all over your body
- Tell me baby.. Did you come?
-.. N no.. I w.. was ccloss..
Shit his one finger touched your inner folds
- Ohh.. Lucky me.. You are soakin wet hunnie.. Who maked you like this huh?
He took his finger and sucked on it with open eyes
- Tell me!!!! He growled
Continuing here
More fics in my masterlist
Non of the pictures and gifs are mine
Credit to the owners
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sunflowerkiszka · 5 years
Hii Can i ask for the dialogue thing number 1, 2 And 34 with Jake :) thank you
you're the one i want- jake kiszka imagine
dialogue prompts 1, 2, & 34 w Jake
"you're annoying"
"please stop being mad and let me kiss you"
"you're the one I want"
pairing: jake x reader
a/n: is this even good idk how i feel ab this one
it's also not edited so if it's obvious- sry
also i saw this post the other day and it was like "y do ppl want to read angst fics do they WANT to be sad" or something like that we
genre: angst
word count: around 1.3k
summary: jake is jealous of you're relationships w his brothers
warnings: swearing
"Jake," you shout after you're boyfriend. You're struggling to run in your heels to chase him. He's upset because he felt as though you were flirting with Josh and giving him more attention.
He was always really jealous of your friendships with his brothers, especially Josh which baffles you because even though you love Josh, he's an actual clown.
"Jake!" you groan again, but he keeps walking. You roll your eyes and pause so you can remove the heels from your aching feet and be quicker.
You eventually caught up to him and forced him to turn around, "What the hell?"
"What," he sighs.
You scoff, "What do you mean 'what'? What is your problem, Jake?"
Instead of answering you, he kicks rocks with his boots.
"Dude," you push back his shoulder in hopes that he'll pay attention to you. When his eyes finally meet yours you continue, "What's wrong?"
A lot of the times when he's upset, he just grows quiet and you hate it because you never know what's going on in his head.
"Talk to me," you press.
After a few seconds of him just standing there you give up. You turn on your heels with a sigh, shoes still in hand, and walk back inside.
"What's up with Jake?" Sam asks with a confused expression.
"I have no idea, but whatever," you shake your head, "All I'm worried about right now is what my next drink is gonna be."
You both laugh and as soon as you turn to get another drink, Josh is in your face screaming Chandelier. Again.
"Jooossshhhh," you yell over him and cover your ears. You try to repress the laugh that comes out because you really don't want to encourage this.
Sam jokingly puts his hands around his neck and pulls him away from you.
"Thank you," you giggle.
The rest of your night was spent singing and dancing, but also yelling at Josh.
You were about five drinks in by the time you guys were ready to leave, but you were still coherent enough to think straight.
"Are you going home, Y/N?" Sam asks as the three of you emerged outside.
You sigh, remembering your boyfriend. "Well I wasn't really planning on it, but.... I guess now I am."
You all piled into your friends' car who was the designated driver and the ride was mostly silent aside from Josh trying to talk to everyone about random topics.
Sam walked you up to your door to make sure you got inside safely.
"Thank you, Sammy," you say in his chest. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Y/N. I'll talk to Jake," he gives you a lopsided smile.
"Yeah, boyfriend of the year, huh," you say before turning to walk inside.
You debate if you should call him or not. You know that you can't let him continue to do these types of things and you don't want to give in, but even though it was early on in the relationship this really upset you and you just wanted to make it better. Your feelings for him were already really strong so soon in and it was kind of scary.
You ultimately decide to not, because he needs to learn how to communicate better and you couldn't enable him. If you did, nothing would improve and you wanted you two to last.
It's around 2:00 A.M. and you were just laying bed, thinking.
Does he even care? You didn't know what was wrong or why he just walked away like that. You had known him for a while, but being together romantically was a whole new world and you felt like there was a whole new part of him that you didn't know and you were so confused about it.
You decide to shake it off and just try to fall asleep.
The next day when you wake up you check your phone. Nothing from Jake.
You're going over to their place later to listen to a song they were working on. You have a mild hangover, but nothing a joint can't fix. You eat breakfast, shower, all that shit, and get ready for your day.
You're a little nervous to face him, but you're a bad bitch so you got this.
When you get to their place, Sam opens the door for you.
"Hey, Y/N," he extends his arms out for a hug that you reciprocate.
"Y/N!" Josh screams and joins the hug which makes you laugh.
"Hey Josh," you smile when you pull away.
"Come, step into our lair," Josh motions inside.
"Where's Jake?" you can't help but wonder.
"Um..." Sam looks around, "He's... Actually I don't know."
"Wow thanks," you laugh, "Great help."
Just as if it was on que, Jake walks in, but ignores your presence. He ignored for most of the time you were there. You didn't want to push it. What's meant to be, will be. So you didn't.
You spent the time dancing to it with the other boys.
"This is so good!" you laugh.
Sammy laughs and reaches over to fix your hair that was messy from headbanging.
"Wow," Jake mutters and gets up from his position in the corner.
"What!" you throw your hands in the air. "What is your fucking problem?" you yell. You'd never yelled at him before. You never really yelled anyways, so everyone knew that you were pissed.
Jake looks taken aback and when he doesn't say anything you continue, "Huh? Why are you ignoring me? What the hell did I do? If you don't want to be with me just- just fucking say it. I'm a big girl, I can handle it."
Sam and Josh are wide-eyed and start to shuffle out of the room awkwardly.
"No, you guys don't have to leave. I'll go," you say and quickly pick up your bag.
"Y/N-" Jake starts and you're already out the door. "Y/N!" he repeats. What a turn of events.
He finally catches up to you and grabs your hand.
"What, Jake?" you yank back your hand.
He opens and closes his mouth a few times and you roll your eyes before turning back around. Your open your car door and he yells out, "I'm..."
"You're what?" you look at him.
He looks around and you just get into your car. Before you could close the door he stops it.
"Do you even like me?" he asks.
"What!?" you exclaim.
"I mean you're always talking to my brothers more than me!" he starts to raise his voice.
"Jake," you sigh. How could he think this? "You don't get to yell at me right now. You left me there with them, what did you expect to happen?"
"Well I left because you were-"
"Jake," you cut him off, "You're the one I want. Not Sam, not Josh. You. But you can't be upset with me because we have a friendship. And you can't do things like that, it's not okay...."
"I know," he brings a hand to his face, "I'm sorry, I just... I was a dick. I wasn't thinking right. I shouldn't have done that. You didn't deserve that."
You sigh and step out of the car to stand in front of him.
"Do you forgive me?" he asks.
"You can't get out of it that easily," you raise your brow.
"Well... what can I do?"
"Um, not do that again? And stop thinking that I don't like you. Cause I do. A lot," you laugh softly at the end.
"I like you a lot too, that's why I did that, but it was stupid. It won't happen again, I promise," he pulls you into him and you bend your neck up to look at his face. His hair tickles your face in the process. "Okay, big girl?" he mocks.
You roll your eyes and push him away, but you can't hide the smile that creeps up onto your lips, "You're annoying. You know that?"
He shrugs, "Yeah... I'm sorry, again." You guys look at each other for a moment before he bends down to kiss you, but you put your hand on his face and he throws his head back, "Please stop being mad and let me kiss you," he groans.
You look around as if you're pondering and he grows impatient. "Stop fucking with me," he begs while tugging at your arm and you laugh.
"No, you have to earn this shit," you shake your head and he closes his eyes as he let's out a sigh.
"Please?" he does the puppy dog eyes thing that you can't resist. He begins to smile when he sees that you're cracking.
"Just this one," you bring a finger to his face, "time."
He laughs, "Yeah, whatever," he pulls your head to his and lets his lips linger on yours for a while and you laugh while trying to push him away.
"You're annoying," you repeat.
"I know," he smiles.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
we’ll get there [pt. 1] (plastique/brooke) - scheherazade
A/N: yeet, it’s my first time posting and it’s a fic challenge ! i decided to go with these:
rare pair: plastique/brooke
tropes: 1) reuniting after a long time apart and 2) besties who’re secretly inlove with each other and neither knows
bonus: lesbian au
Summary: Brooke and Vanjie break up and Brooke is thrust into the aftermath where there are broken friendships & inner turmoil to be found. She gets by with a little help from an old friend.
How dare she?
“I deserve better,”
Better than what?
“Better than what you can give me.”
Brooke slammed open the door of her and Nina’s dorm room, the customized rainbow number plate they hung dangerously swinging from the impact. She threw her bag in a random direction and face-planted on her bed. She buried her face in the covers to muffle her scream.
“Oh no mama, I know that look. C'mon Brooke, understand me here. We just ain’t workin’ out.”
How can she decide that?
Brooke heard a familiar laughter from around the corner. The sound got louder and louder and Brooke groaned.
“Brooke?” Her face was still buried in the covers but she knew that it was her roommate. “I—we didn’t know you were here.”
She remembered when Nina didn’t sound so surprised to see her. Back when she didn’t practically live in her girlfriend’s (ex’s) pocket.
“Yeah. We thought you’d be with your girlfriend.”
The laugh Brooke heard earlier was definitely Yvie’s. Fuck. She didn’t know if she could handle their…issues above everything else. She hoped that Yvie would notice her mood and drop any attitude that she would probably give. Not that it wasn’t deserved.
“Girlfriend? Not anymore.” Brooke intended for her reply to be biting. She wanted it to reflect the anger she felt at that moment but at the last word, her voice broke. Her cheeks burned in humiliation.
The bed dipped beside her and she felt a hand on her shoulder. Warm. “Will you be okay?”
Brooke really doesn’t know. She voiced that thought to Nina.
“Do you need anything?”
It was shameful the way she immediately blurted out her ex’s name. Someone scoffed and even without seeing, Brooke knew that it was Yvie. She probably rolled her eyes too and crossed her arms, the combination she did when she found something particularly ridiculous and dumb. Brooke was familiar with it once.
Nina tutted and Brooke heard a placating “Okay fine,” from Yvie (who probably also threw up her arms, if Brooke remembered) before she heard the door shut.
“Sorry about her.” Nina apologized.
Brooke didn’t reply. Her mind was too busy going into overdrive about everything that was wrong in her life. Between the unexpected break-up and everything else, she just wanted to chug her ballet teacher’s Russian vodka and hope that her problems solved themselves.
“I think I want a hug.”
“C'mere baby,”
Brooke shuffled around until she was in her roommate's—and best friend’s, if Nina still considered her that—arms. She curled inwards in an attempt to make herself smaller. She snuffled and was embarrassed to realize that she had started crying. Brooke tried to regulate her breathing and bit her lip to stop it from wobbling and setting off a wave of tears.
It didn’t matter because when Nina tightened her hug and started stroking her hair, she was undone. Her walls let down, just for this moment.
“N—Are you angry at me too? Like Yvie?” If she was going to cry, she might as well cry about everything wrong; might as well bite the bullet.
“No. But I am disappointed. And sad. Mostly sad.”
Nina didn’t explain and Brooke didn’t question her further, too afraid of the conversation escalating and losing the only comfort she had for the day.
“You’re late Ms. Hytes.”
Brooke almost fell to her knees apologizing, true to the Canadian way. She had woken up this morning to a covered plate of pancakes with a sticky note beside it. Nina wrote using a pink glittery pen and questionable handwriting. She must’ve rushed.
made pancakes for u. there’s maple syrup on the counter the brand u likeee sry didn’t wake u up u look like u need rest. take it easy brooke :) Nina <3
It was sweet and really warmed her heart but one glance at the clock made it freeze. She ate the pancakes quickly (but not before drizzling them in syrup) and dropped the dishes in the sink and reminded herself to wash it later. Afterwards, she ran and repeatedly apologized as she hit a lot of people on the way.
“I’m so sorry Ms. Visage, I woke up late today and I swear it won’t happen again.”
“Just get over there,” she motioned to the seats and Brooke complied, murmuring another apology.
She ignored Vanjie who sat between Silky and A'keria and the lack of empty seat somewhere between the three that was usually reserved for Brooke. She opted to sit between Gia and Jujubee who seemed to be discussing something with Raven. She settled in her seat and turned to Gia.
“Hey did I miss anything?”
“Absolutely, we just paired up for the project.”
“What project? Who am I left to pair up with?” Brooke’s eyes widened.
“Funny Ms. Hytes, that’s what I was just about to discuss.” Ms. Visage replied and raised a brow.
There was a smattering of laughter and Brooke bowed her head and winced.
“And to answer your question: everyone is paired up,” Brooke dreaded doing a potentially hard project alone. “But there will be a new student coming tomorrow so you can do the project with her.”
The class burst into chatter and questions when their professor announced a new student. Brooke could pick out some of the most popular comments.
“What’s her name?”
“Where is she from?”
“Why is she transferring now?”
“I hope she’s hot,”
Brooke wanted to ask a question herself except she noticed that Ms. Visage’s face got stonier by the minute.
“Silence!” she called out and like magic, it worked. “You’ll meet her when you meet her. Now can I discuss the project? Yes? Good.”
Brooke stressed out over the project until lunch. Then at lunch, she stressed out where to sit because obviously, she wasn’t welcome at her ex’s table anymore. She sighed and held on stupidly to her lunch tray and dragged her feet to find an empty table.
Brooke thought about the project their professor gave them. They were supposed to put together a 30-minute presentation about two countries wherein country A has influenced country B (through trade, colonization, etc.) enough so that it has been integrated into B’s culture in present time. They were supposed to include how it became so and an answer to what if the cause didn’t happen. What would change?
She decided that she needed to get a high–if not the highest– grade. She was going to and that’s final. Brooke knew that she was a competitive person. She needed a win badly and it’ll be something that’s sure to lift her spirits.
Her view regarding the project was starting to lighten up. It provided a very important perk which was distraction. The project gave her something to focus on, to work towards—a goal. And she’d rather do that than wallow in feelings.
Just as soon as she started feeling better because of the project, she remembered that her partner was going to be a stranger. That one factor could potentially change everything. Brooke Lynn clicked her tongue and snapped at herself mentally. She was not going to ruin this by overthinking. Whoever her partner was going to be, she was going to make sure they were on board with her goals.
“Brooke!” She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name called. An enthusiastic arm was waving at her and it belonged to Nina. “Come sit with us!”
Brooke approached hesitantly at her table. “Are you sure?” she asked, glancing at Yvie.
Yvie rolled her eyes at her. “This is so dumb. Just sit down girl.” She said and scooted over near Scarlet by her left to make space.
Brooke’s lips quirked. How long has it been since? “Okay,” She sat down.
Nina grasped at the arm of the person closest to her, who just happened to be Shuga, and looked at them like they just made her dreams come true. It was sickeningly sweet. And totally undeserved, Brooke thought, they haven’t really reconciled yet.
Yvie noticed Nina too and she laughed. “Ew stop that. You only look at your girlfriend like that. It’s weird on us,”
Nina leaned on Shuga and proved Yvie correct. “She deserves it. Anyway, this is a special occasion.”
“Yes!” Shuga clapped like the cinnamon roll that she was. “Welcome back Miss Brooke Lynn!”
“Yeah, how was ignoring us for 5 months?”
Brooke flinched. She considered not replying but her tongue slipped. The urge to fall back to the usual banter between her and Yvie overtook.
“Honestly? Awful. How did I ever survive lunch without Nina and Shuga being sickeningly sweet? Not in front of my salad!”
“If being sweet is like this then I’m diabetic.” Yvie retorted.
Nina threw them an unimpressed look. “Brooke I think you can go back.” She made a shoo-ing motion which made Brooke feign a scoff while the others laughed.
“Anyway, uh, what’s up? Catch me up on the stuff I missed.” Brooke segued, kind of awkwardly.
“Ms. Del Rio is a flaming bitch.” Scarlet spoke up and her Physics book on the table. Brooke was surprised to hear the hostility in Scarlet’s tone, and aimed at a professor nonetheless.
“Say it again for the people in the back!” someone from across the cafeteria shouted.
So. Insulting your sharp-tongued Physics teacher wasn’t the best idea. Scarlet and a couple other students who jumped in on the protest against the teacher—who apparently is a “demon sent from hell on wooden legs"— now served two hours of detention after school. For the rest of the week.
Brooke Lynn felt sorry for them. She had Ms. Del Rio before and she knew that she made them go through suffering (a lot of it) so that they could learn properly. They would thank her in the end. Either that or they’ll plot to overthrow her or something.
She leaned against her locker as students went past, rushing to get out of school. Brooke waited until she saw Yvie and went after her.
She needed to apologize.
"Yvie! Eve!” she called out.
The girl stopped and looked at her, adjusting the strap of her fluffy blue cookie monster bag. “What’s up?”
“Can I talk to you? Out. I meant, outside—somewhere out, like a coffeeshop?” Brooke asked. “I want to apologize.”
Yvie looked hesitant but then she sighed and shrugged. “Shuga’s bakery. Your treat.”
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reifromrfa · 7 years
I don't know of already ask you this, but... Where do you live? Age? What you do in your daily life? Hobbies out internet? Hahaha sry if was too much x.x
Oh sorry! I guess I never introduced myself ಠ~ಠ And no worries!!! Thanks for taking an interest in lil ol’ me 。◕‿◕。
I’m a 25 year old Filipino-Chinese freelance graphic designer from the Philippines :) I used to work for a big company but some people were so toxic that I had to leave ;;; I dream of starting my own design business/agency someday but I still have a long way to go ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
I got sick a while back and had to take 2 months off work –that’s when my addiction to otome games started :)) I was home alone at lot and I stumbled across Shall We Date games ♥‿♥ And after resigning from work, I downloaded Mystic Messenger because I saw one of my friends posting about it a lot :)) The world is so detailed and the story so well-written that I had to write about these characters, even though I mainly write original stories :))
My hobbies include: writing, designing, drawing but I am terrible at it haha, reading books, photography, playing video games (otome games, Mobile Legends, Call of Duty with my family, Kingdom Hearts, etc), watching gamer youtubers, singing (I used to be in an independent choral group but now I’m with a theater company), watching movies/tv series (I am waaaaay behind on Riverdale, no spoilers please!!!), hanging out with family/boyfriend/friends, and recently, scrolling through tumblr. 
Yes, I know ;;; I’m interested in a lot of things ;;; I feel like 24 hours aren’t enough tbh, there’s so much I want to do (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
Oh and also! I have a personal blog here, @whisperbinder, in case any of you are wondering why whisperbinder is replying on your comments :))) 
Soooo there :)) Haha sorry this got long! I’d really love to get to know you and anybody who’s reading this too :) Please feel free to comment here about yourselves or message me! :) I always reply to messages! :D
Thanks again, @hyzzzan ! :)
PS, your fic request is giving me the feels and I can’t wait to finish On the Line so I can finally work on it!!! :))
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droidmom · 7 years
lmao i meant to type like 3 sentences and accidentally wrote out an entire fic series layout for wash and mira so im sry to mobile users who cant benefit from the rest of this post being under a “keep reading” banner. 
so after curran brings deborah back from the sixers’ camp, taylor sent wash out with a team to investigate where curran said the camp would be. and wash told taylor it was deserted, but like... 
she probably just barely missed running into mira. 
running into ur ex under casual, coincidental circumstances? probably awkward. but actively going otg and seeking out your ex so you and your security team can fuckin fight your ex’s people or some shit? i feel like that might be just the tiniest bit more intense than the former scenario.
and every single time wash goes otg she runs the risk of running into mira lmao. im sure theyre both desensitized to the risk by now, but scenarios where theyre actively trying to interact with each other’s civilizations are a little different than a coincidental “oh shit i just saw my ex over there by that tree, im just gonna pretend im not here until she goes away”. 
and tbh judging by the episode where wash and dunham got tied up and held hostage by the sixers just outside the gates? i’m pretty sure just avoiding ur ex out in the jungle is a little bit more difficult than you’d expect. 
can you imagine though? thinking those rustling leaves are coming from your ex approaching you but then being relieved when it’s a fucking nykoraptor? so relieved that you almost forget to stun it and run? bc that would probably happen to me if i once dated the enemy and i thought i might run into her while casually strolling through a dino-infested jungle 85 million years in the past. 
but anyway back to the deserted camp thing? i almost wanna pretend that mira might have still been there when wash’s team arrived. like carter wouldve lead the sixers to another location while mira made sure nothing was left behind or something. and wash was investigating one of the camp’s platforms alone and oops! guess mira’s still here. 
but wash sent her team out in divisions to explore other parts of the camp and she’s all alone when she stumbles across mira, both of them pointing guns at each other in the seclusion of the branches and whatever’s left of that layer of the camp. 
but wash doesn’t signal to any members of her team because just as she’s about to comm for backup, mira gives her that look. and she starts leading them both into one of Those Conversations about them, about their past, about their present and future and--
on this very very very rare occasion, wash’s emotions are getting the best of her. and of course, once the hushed argument they should have had years ago is finally nearing its end, mira slips away unnoticed by the rest of the team. and wash would never admit that she let it happen. she wouldnt admit that she even ran into mira in the first place. 
but what kills me? this is really one of the last times they see each other before the finale. im sure that when wash was confined to boylan’s after the phoenix group takeover, mira probably stopped by to observe her, maybe even to exchange a few words and glances. but with phoenix group soldiers infesting the place, i doubt they got to really talk. 
wash was definitely under watch but mira, even though lucas probably hated it, was now one of the higher-ups in the colony. so when she drags wash up the stairs of the bar and up to boylan’s empty office, the phoenix group soldiers are too drunk to think anything of it. 
and boylan? well he was there back before the sixers revealed their true agenda. even though wash and mira were never very public about their relationship, boylan knows every little secret in the goddamn colony and he isn’t about to tell mira that the area is off-limits when 1. both mira and wash are two of the most terrifying people he’s ever had the pleasure of knowing and telling either of them “no”, especially mira now that she has official power in the colony, is a fucking mistake. 2. with the way recent events are impacting wash, he hopes that maybe mira can knock some sense into her like he hasn’t been able to or and 3. watching wash just sit there and beat herself up over not being able to protect the colony is way harder on him than he likes to admit. 
so mira manages to drag wash up the stairs even though wash really isn’t looking forward to having their past brought up again because she already feels like shit but then mira sits her down and just fucking... talks to her. they talk about everything that’s happening to the colony, even though they’ve experienced it all from opposing sides. mira explains that she really just wants to get back to sienna, and that the phoenix group and the sixers arent exactly getting along, and she wishes it didn’t have to be this way for terra nova or for wash. 
and wash just doesn’t want to hear it at first but mira still has that way about her that can almost make wash forget everything that happened between them and at least a fraction of everything happening now once she finally lets her guard down just enough to listen to what mira has to say. and before she knows it she’s listening and she’s understanding and she’s getting the opportunity to talk about everything that’s happened these past few days, even though she’s venting to one of the people responsible for it all. but... judging by how poorly sixer-phoenix group relations have been going? mira is slowly melting away from the status of the enemy. 
and so they’re able to finish the conversation they couldn't finish at the abandoned camp, they finish the conversations they never even got the chance to start back when the sixers first left, and they renew conversations they hadnt had since before the term “sixer” was even something that needed to be coined. and things are honestly better between them than they had been in years, even though the circumstances had never been worse.  
eventually mira gets comm’d by lucas and they realize exactly how long they’ve been up there. mira sends wash down first and, after sneaking one last glance at her, slips away to tend to whatever bullshit lucas needs from her this time. and the next couple of days are so hectic it’s hard to do much else, but it’s fine. years of heartache and sunken romance are now resolved, right? and it’s not like mira’s going to be sticking around much longer, right? getting attached again wouldn’t be smart, right? then why does mira still find herself back at boylan’s, fighting the urge to go inside and see wash just one more time before she leaves for the future?
but she does get to see wash one last time. 
after an explosion shakes the entire colony, mira finds herself just beyond the central plaza, just out of reach of the search-lights, just out of reach of... wash. and before she can calculate the risk of making herself known, the risk of opposing lucas's command, of running forward and tackling lucas or shooting him from the shadows--she hears a bang. it’s not a sonic. it’s not another explosion. it’s gunfire. and before she can even process the sound fully, wash is no longer standing. 
lucas leaves. phoenix group soldiers carry her body away. and mira sinks to her knees. 
but it’s okay. everything between them was resolved. mira’s going to the future soon anyway. it doesn’t matter.
but it does matter. 
and all mira can do to pretend otherwise is focus on seeing sienna again. and she gathers the rest of her belongings, tucking into her bag a momento from wash that she never admitted to still carrying, says her farewell to carter and the other sixers who hadnt yet left (and maybe never planned to), and she heads off to the portal terminus. 
but the portal doesn’t fucking work. 
so she’s trapped in the past, away from her daughter, and completely unable to talk to the one person she needs most in the world right now. 
that moment until the evacuation of the colony only exist in her memory as a blur of anger and emptiness and regret. and before she knew it, lucas comm’d her an order to evacuate the colony and meet him at the designated coordinates. she oversaw the troops getting into rovers, carrying along what supplies they could in the urgency, and then one of the phoenix soldiers asked her a question in that borderline insubordinate “i dont answer to you but i need something from you” type of way:
“Where do you want the prisoner?” 
“What prisoner?”
“That bitch from Boylan’s.” 
The only reason Mira didn’t knock him out right then and there is because she needed answers. And by letting him retain consciousness, she got them. Sitting in the brig, very obviously incapable of coherent thought, as one might expect after being shot in the head, was Alicia Washington. And she was alive. 
As much as Mira wanted to leave Alicia at Terra Nova, where she should be, and as much as she also wanted to knock out the Phoenix guard and run off with the Alicia and keep her safe, she knew that if she disappointed Lucas in any way, her chances of seeing Sienna again would be nonexistent. So she and the Phoenix soldier bring Alicia out to Mira’s vehicle and, after a few more provisions, they head to the coordinates Lucas gave them. 
honestly this could branch off into a variety of events i would be happy to explore if it weren’t 5:16 am but i think i accidentally spent a little too much time yelling here as it is so i think im gonna end it here. i am so sorry to anyone who ends up with this on their dash on mobile but this post is already typed out so i might as well toss it into the void. 
anyway wash is alive and both she and mira deserved better bye 
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randomsquirrel · 7 years
Simblr Story Meme
*Laughs and grins.* I’ve been tagged by the delightful @valoisfulcanelli, and it would simply be RUDE not to say something, so here we go!
 Here’s a fun thing: YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED! Let’s talk about your story! Here’s what you do:
 1. How many stories are you writing?
Um, heh, not that many sadly. I’ve been working on a series set in the Stardew Valley game-universe for over a year now, on its third book, with a fourth one starting up some time in fall once I finish the third one. At least, that’s the PLAN; I’m updating thrice weekly, but even at 51 chapters so far it’s still not quite done, and I don’t want to rush it like I did book one.
Rose & Sunflower is the current series, and hopefully I’ll be done with it after book four. (I mean, seriously, four books for this little game?!) It’s the story of someone running from a problem that he created and it trying to start over again, and happens to find friends, a new use for his skills, and more. Where most SDV writers tend to follow their farmers, their farm, and all of that stuff, I went for a different tangent, hitting the musical angle that to my surprise, nobody else has tried. There’s also romance because of course there is, but it’s still a decent story despite that. XD
A Legend from the Gem Sea is a little one-shot short story written as a Tumblr Secret Santa this year, and it came out rather nice. Just a quick story between their farmer and Elliott, and I’m pretty pleased with how it came out.
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day is another short-story one-shot I’ve had in mind for a little bit but haven’t had the time or energy to sit down and write, just a small Sam/Sebastian thing, but not set in the R&S “universe.”
For REAL stories and not just fanfiction I have a few other stories in mind, like the high-tech high-magic world that I’ve been tinkering with for over a decade, and another with a near-future version of Earth that’s basically “network engineers in low-earth orbit.” Trust me, it’s much more interesting than it sounds. :P
I’ve also got a few FFXIV-centric fics planned, based on the adventures my RP character and his Free Company (and allied/neighboring FCs) get up to. But again, those are on hold for a bit until I untangle my schedule a bit more and cache some ideas and events. Haven’t built any stories around my Sims 3 version of Lys yet as I’ve been too busy getting his FFXIV incarnation to level 50 before the new expansion drops.
2. What’s your favorite story/favorite post you’ve written?
Rose & Sunflower, of course, but Legend was a cute story and I’m pleased with it. The R&S project has been a lot of fun and I’ve had a number of great moments in all three books. Some of my favorites are easily the Chatter logs (basically the equivalent of Discord in this universe). Also, I LOVE writing dialogue for Sam, and have given him so many good one-liners and moments, alternating between having him be the butt of a joke or making him a cheeky troll. One I particularly love is partway through book 2 where Lysander notes aloud that “I’m heterochromatic” when he discovers that he suddenly has mismatched eyes, and Sam remarks that he thought that “you like both men AND women.” One of the other best moments in general came early on from book one at the end of chapter 7. (The people in chat are Sebastian, Abigail, Sam, and then Lysander, in that order):
As he sat down on the edge of his bed to take off his boots his phone chirped with a Chatter message. Curious, he picked up his phone and was greeted with a shirtless photo of Sam, taken in the bathroom mirror, while making the for-some-reason-popular kissy-face.
What in the hell…
L33tK3ys: d00d wtf
PurpleGoth: MOAR :D
L33tK3ys: no
RawkStar: sry guys, misstell -_-
Initially confused, he began giggling until he dissolved into a full fit of laughter, collapsing back onto the bed.  He wiped away tears and checked the rest of the messages he had just missed.
PurpleGoth: c’mon Sebby, your turn.  You too, Lys, if you’re still up! ;)
L33tK3ys: NO
RawkStar: your turn, too, Abby, if you wanna play like that :P
L33tK3ys: ...okay maybe
PurpleGoth: nope, not until I get another pic from someone else. I’ve got two boobs, that means I need two pics to bring the girls out to play :3
L33tK3ys: the hell I will.  Mom almost saw this and I don’t have the energy to deal with that
Suddenly feeling cheeky, Lys typed out a quick reply.
SixStrings: why? There were already two boobs in the first pic; you and your reflection :P
PurpleGoth: there needs to be a microphone drop emoji
RawkStar: that…. That was actually a good burn.  I’m not even mad, bro
L33tK3ys: damn it, mom and Demetrius want to know why I’m laughing so hard. SMH, FML
SixStrings: good night :)
 3. Who do you personally ship in your story?
*Puts on tricorn hat.* I be shipping alllll the booty!
*Removes hat, coughs politely.*
Lysander/Elliott of course, but non-canon to “my universe” I think that Sam and Sebastian are a great match, and in-story I really wish I’d taken the time to develop Sam and Penny together a bit more. They’re such a cute couple, and I really got a kick out of how he’s such a snarky, energetic pain in the ass around his friends, but turns into a blushing, grinning doofus around Penny, because she’s a sweet cinnamon roll and he will protect her. Though I do love the bromance that ended up growing between Sam and Lysander, they are such adorable and awful shits together when they’re up to something! :D
 4: Who do you think has had the most character development in your story (bonus: why)
Funny enough, Elliott. Lysander got a lot of personal development over book 1 (and a bit more in book 2), but for the most part he was already mostly self-actualized. He was running from a problem that he’d created, and had a few self-esteem/confidence issues, but overall his character arc through the first (and technically the third) book was a story of redemption, ultimately. Elliott, however, definitely changed since the moment you meet him, and in book 3 (which tells events from his side), you get a much bigger picture of how he changed and developed thanks to his friendship (and later, relationship) with Lysander. His is much closer to a coming-of-age story in that regard, and he is a distinctly different person at the end of that story (and therefore the start of book 2) than he was at the beginning.
 5. Tag 3 story simblrs that you’ve been reading!
Ah, heh… I follow a few artists here and there, but I follow no other writers (save for Valois), so I think I’m gonna hafta risk the seven years of bad luck for breaking this chain. (That’s how this thing works on the internet, right?) Send me an ask with someone’s name and I’ll tag THEM, then, just so this space doesn’t end up blank. :3
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