#Life establish flore plan
life-establish · 1 year
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go2goio · 1 year
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CFWC Writer of the Month Profile - Feb 2022 Issabees
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our many talented fanfic writers and this month's writer of the month is @issabees! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below!
The writer is selected randomly, and the criteria can be found on our navigation page.
Blog: @issabees
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Issa
Issa's Blog
Issa's Masterlist
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1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? Let me check when I first downloaded the app…November 2016! I believe the first book was The Freshman as it was the default book to start with at the time.
2- When, and why, did you join Choices fandom? Pretty recently, around the end of March 2021! I wanted to join because I had just found out that there was a fandom in Tumblr and I had been meaning to become more active on the platform.
3- How did you pick your url name? issa is from my name while bees is from that time when I stumbled upon this really cute photo of a bee right as I was picking out my URL!
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. Oooh…it’s a post where I introduce myself and what books I’ve read + what I was planning to make! Definitely need to pull through with those book-based playlists I promised myself 🙈
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction? Including other fandoms, I believe since 2011! I started writing for this Nickelodeon series House of Anubis, but stopped when the series ended. Then I picked up writing again when The Freshman Book 3 was released (though I never posted those anywhere).
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about? As of right now, The Nanny Affair and Queen B (though I haven’t posted QB fics yet) because they’re the ones I really got to read properly as I don’t play that often anymore.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it? Ahaha, that would be 9:30 AM! I still love it because I really liked writing something that would constructively criticize TNA Book 2 and its direction at the time, but I would definitely add more to the story. Hopefully, I do in the future!
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written? Hmm, it has to be the Alone Together mini-series. I never really saw Robin Flores as a possible LI, but it was really fun to write fics where that would be the goal as I got to flesh out his character more!
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be, but it could use a little more love? I think the ones that I have made did go well when they were newly posted! Because I’m kind of new here (+ I don’t post very often and I think TNA’s overall reception here), I did expect that it wouldn’t really be recognized right away. But seeing the notes I have received, I was honestly surprised to find more than two or three people reacting to it! I am definitely still grateful for that, because I like being able to make someone happy (even for just a moment) with my writing.
10- What is your specialty as a fanfic writer? I’d like to think it’s angst! I really like writing about people confronting a harsh truth about their current reality, especially in TNA and QB (which I am planning to post hopefully soon!) where there are (or should be) plenty of opportunities for the main characters to introspect and wonder about the good and the bad of their actions.
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? Hmm, it’s a tie between angst or fluff (even if my life depended on it, I just can never write smut)! I like how angst grounds you back to reality, while fluff celebrates even the simpler moments in life. But if I really had to pick, I think it’s angst! 🙈
12- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MC’s or in your writing? To some degree, yes! I still prioritize my MCs (or any character) staying faithful to what has already been established in the books they are from, but there are moments in the story when I feel like they need to break away from that. A lot of my writing also has the characters introspecting, so these two instances are where I try to kind of integrate some of my personal thoughts.
13- What element of writing do you struggle with most? Establishing subplots for sure. I have tons of notes on worldbuilding and character development littered everywhere (Notion, Bear, Google Docs and Sheets, notebook.ai, etc.) and I often have the general plot pinned down, but I’m stumped when it comes to forming what happens between Points A and B.
14- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish? All of them…🙈 especially the Queen B fics! I really want to finish this one fic because it kind of serves as a guide for an even bigger project, but I get writer’s block every time I open the WIP.
15- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? Yes! I’m not quite sure which story to suggest but maybe 9:30 AM and/or I Wanna Love You (But I Don’t). They are my shorter fics so it won’t demand much of the person’s time, but I think they’re nice to give that person an idea of what I write about!
16- Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? For published authors, I like to take notes from Emily Giffin (Something Borrowed), David Nicholls (One Day), and Alain de Botton (The Course of Love). They really influenced how I write and what to write about. For fanfic writers, there are so many to name but one for sure is Em (@txemrn)! Her fics were the first I have read when I joined the fandom, and they were what inspired me to write again this time!
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? Alone Together! Definitely would need to flesh the story out, though, but I’m super down for that! If anything, I think it might turn out to be something similar to the Before Sunrise film, but TNA (if that makes sense? hahaha)
18- Do you write original stories? I used to, but I stopped because I thought I didn’t know much at the time to write something meaningful. I do have one planned as of the moment, but I’m setting that aside first to write fanfics.
19 - What other hobbies do you have? Binge-watching TV shows, making edits for a side blog, baking, and sleeping!
20 - What’s your favorite emoji? It’s a tie between the see no evil monkey emoji (🙈) and the sparkling heart emoji (💖)!
21: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
Hope everyone is having a lovely day! Take care and stay safe! 💖
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scotianostra · 3 years
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The second of our murder stories today......
On February 10th 1306, John Comyn, a leading claimant to the vacant Scottish throne, was murdered by his arch-rival, Robert the Bruce, whilst in a Dumfries church.
Forget Braveheart, far from betraying William Wallace, the Bruce was inspired by him and, after the battle of Stirling Bridge he realised that Edward’s army could be defeated and Scotland eventually freed from English domination, but how best to go about this?
Setting Scotland free  could not be achieved without an established leader and this would have to be sorted out quickly.
  There were really only two men who could step up and become King, John Balliol had been out of the picture for too long and by this time would have been about 60 years old, Scotland needed a younger, more ambitious monarch, only two men were ready, and able to step up, Robert the Bruce himself or his arch enemy John “The Red” Comyn.
  The two men were always at each other’s throats and distrusted each other completely.
The Bruce suggested that they could both meet in a church and discuss who should be the next king. With their supporters outside, the meeting took place by the high altar of Greyfriars Monastery, Dumfries. Nobody knows exactly what happened, but history tells us that Robert the Bruce murdered the Red Comyn in Greyfriars Monastery Blackfriars that day.
I like to dip into the old newspapers of the day, whatever the post, be it modern or like this ancient, and just like today they had their own agendas and bias, this was a typical English account
  Robert de Brus, aspiring to the kingdom of Scotland, sacrilegiously killed the noble man John Comyn at Dumfries (where the justiciar of the king of England was then sitting in the castle) in the church of the Friars Minor, because [Comyn] would not consent to his treasonable action. Robert de Brus junior, earl of Carrick, grievously killed John Comyn, the greatest man in the whole nation of Scotland after the king, because the same John refused to consent to the treason of the same Robert and of the Scots against the king of England There are also some fuller narratives that give details about what had been going on, or at least their version of the events.
  The first comes from a section of the Flores Historiarum written shortly after 1306 at Westminster Abbey – which of course was closely associated with Edward I.  
In it, The Bruce meets with various Scottish nobles, ‘first secretly and then openly’; he tells them that, as they know, his father was not made king because of Edward I’s trickery, but now, if theycrown him, he will wage their war and liberate Scotland. Many perjurethemselves and agree. But when he asks the noble and powerful John Comyn for support, Comyn ‘firmly replied no’ – ‘so he slaughtered him’ in the Franciscan church at Dumfries.
This narrative was expanded in the fuller ‘Merton’ version of the Flores, possibly written for Edward II’s coronation in 1307. In this fuller account Comyn is given an eloquent speech saying the king of England has subjugated Scotland four times, and all Scots, knights and clergy, have therefore sworn fealty and homage to him for both the present and the future; so ‘let me take no part in this – truly, I shall never give assent in this matter, lest I am forsworn’. They argue at length, until Bruce draws  sword and strikes the unarmed Comyn on the head; but the extremely strong Comyn tries to seize the sword from his assailant’s hands, and throws him down. However, the traitor’s attendants, rushing up to free their lord, stab Comyn with their swords. Comyn escapes to the altar; but‘Robert followed … and the impious and cruel man sacrificed his holy victim’. It is the most dramatic of all the accounts of the killing.
There are a number of other English versions of the murder, some written a decade or so later, they all believe that Robert Bruce was planning to become king well before Comyn’s death, which, though plausible is obviously based on hindsight.
  One thing that the English chroniclers all agree on is Comyn’s insistence on upholding his homage and fealty to the English king, basically he was happy to be ruled by an English king.  I have to say though, not just the English agreed with this, but it was only natural that the concept of the ultra-loyal, ultra-honourable Comyn was a vital piece of English propaganda against Robert I. Moreover, it would have been vehemently promoted by the rest of the Comyn kin, since the killing at Dumfries had transformed its members from leading upholders of the Scottish cause into dependent allies of Edward I who looked for his support in the bloodfeud with Robert I.
Okay enough of the English versions, let's look at what the Scots were saying and firstly we have The Scotichronicon (what a great name eh?)  by chronicler John Bower who was a canon and abbot at Inchcolm Abbey on the Firth of Forth, a great place to visit by the way!.
  In The Scotichronicon Comyn  is consistently and famously portrayed as agreeing to help Robert Bruce become king in return for Robert’s lands, and then betraying this agreement to Edward I, remember I said about this in my post a few days ago about Bruce taking Dumfries. Well reflecting on this, Bower depicts Comyn as overcome by ‘the spirit of iniquity’; in other words he is an agent of the Devil. It is a theme in these chronicles, on both sides of the border, indeed in Europe as a whole to make statements like this, or comparing men to biblical figures, remember these stories were all written by deeply religious figures.  The Comyns are shown to having a strong aversion towards William Wallace, for instance deserting him at Falkirk out of jealousy and ‘clear wickedness’.
  Gesta Annalia, an important medieval chronicle detailing our history also points to the famous crown-for-land offer between Comyn and Bruce going on to say  Comyn destroys this unity by betraying the agreement to Edward I, and that is why Bruce kills him. I have to say that this is the main gist of the story that I have understood to be true.
  Gesta's accounts again head in the religious directions saying that God makes his greatest intervention in Scotland’s wars etc, etc. He says Bruce decided to put the public good before his own private interests and therefore approached Comyn humbly with the offer and he is clearly acting under divine influence.  How does Bruce respond to God’s call? Only goes and murders Comyn in a church causing him to be excommunicated by the Pope!
  Of course the most partisan version that we have of what happened is from John Barbour, author of The Brus. In this it agrees with Gesta, and other Scottish Chronclers the Comyn had proposed the deal and offered to support Bruce's claim for the crown in return for all of Bruce's existing lands and titles.
None of the religious nonsense for Barbour, this version is much more secular, and when it comes to the actual killing, Barbour’s account is succinct and brutal;
Sa fell it in the samyn tid That at Dumfres rycht thar besid Schir Jhone the Cumyn sojornyng maid. The Brus lap on and thidder raid And thocht foroutyn mar letting 30 For to quyt hym his discovering. Thidder he raid but langer let And with Schyr Jhone the Cumyn met In the Freris at the hye awter, And schawyt him with lauchand cher 35 The endentur, syne with a knyff Rycht in that sted hym reft the lyff. Schyr Edmund Cumyn als wes slayn And othir mony off mekill mayn. Nocht-for-thi yeit sum men sayis 40 At that debat fell other-wayis, Bot quhat-sa-evyr maid the debate Thar-throuch he deyt weill I wat. He mysdyd thar gretly but wer That gave na gyrth to the awter,
To sum things up the best explanation the English sources can offer for the intention to kill his rival is Bruce's innate wickedness, which is an understandable attitude for them to take in the circumstances but not especially convincing. Gesta, Fordun and of course Barbour are going to be more sympathetic to King Robert. All make the explicit claim that a written agreement existed between the two that Comyn had broken.
To go back to Barbour’s poem, in it he exonerated Bruce's sacrilegious murder  as the just slaughter of a traitor. But this is no mere whitewash. The grave suffering which Bruce endures after his inauguration as king in 1306 represent a series of chivalrous and moral adventures in which Bruce proves himself worthy of his prize, but the murder, and it’s ramifications, that he was excommunicated, played greatly on his mind. You only have to look at the last hours of his life when he asked Sir James Douglas to carry his heart on a crusade, one which he was never himself able to take during his life due to the days events of February 10th 1310 in Dumfries.  
You can read the full epic poem The Brus here  https://www.gutenberg.org/files/44292/44292-h/44292-h.htm
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ducavalentinos · 4 years
Hello ! Could you tell me facts about the life of Cesare Borgia? Thaanks.
So, I really wanted to make this a short list with basic facts, but somehow it ended up becoming a longer, detailed list with my favorites facts alongside facts that aren’t very well known or mentioned, here it goes: - Cesare received an outstanding, carefully planned education. He was brought up at Rome by private tutors until the age of twelve, in 1489 he left Rome to attend La Sapienza of Perugia, where he studied the foundations of law and the humanities, being placed under the charge of the preceptor Giovanni Vera of Archilla, to whom btw, he remained warmly attached until Vera’s death in 1503. In 1491 he continued his studies in Civil and Canon law at the University of Pisa, attending the lectures of Filippo Decio, one of most rated lecturer on canon law of his day. There he also became more acquainted with the Medici family, through Lorenzo de’ Medici sons: Giovanni de’ Medici and his brother Piero. - Paolo Pompilio, a Spanish scholar, dedicated his treatise on verse-writing, the Syllabica, to Cesare, where he praised him as ‘Borgiae familiae spes et decus’  (the hope and ornament of the House of Borgia).     - His father, as Cardinal and Vice-Chancellor, invested a long list of benefices upon him, to name only a few: when he was seven years old, pope Sixtus IV conferred upon him a prebend of the cathedral’s chapter of Valencia. In 1483 he received the title of rector of Gandia and archdeacon of Játiva. Later on, with pope Innocent VIII he was granted the position of treasurer of Mallorca’s cathedral, following that of canon of Lérida, Archdeacon of Tarragona and then treasurer of Cartagena’s cathedral. By 1491, Innocent at last granted him the bishopric of Pamplona. - He learned the art of bullfighting from the Spanish members of his father’s court and it became one of his life passions. Whether in Rome or in the Romagna, at any celebration, there was almost always a bullfight and he was almost always participating himself. - He also loved hunting, so he was always looking for good hunting dogs and falcons. On May 28th, 1497 he even sent one of his men, Enrico, to Germany to request from the Archbishop of Mainz some “well-trained and sagacious hunting dogs; their quality to be more important than their number.” - He was the first person in the history of the Church to resign the cardinalate, eventually becoming commander of the Papal armies. - He was briefly hostage of the Colonna during the conflicts of the French Invasion in 1494, and later on hostage of the king of France, Charles VIII. Although that time, he escaped their camp at Velletri, with the help of a man named Francesco del Sacco, officer of the Podestà of Velletri, who was waiting for him with a horse. Cesare sped back to Rome going to the house of one Antonio Flores, where he stayed for a night and informed his father of his presence. The next day, he withdrew to the city of Spoleto, and remained there until matters cooled off. - In 1497, a sword was forged for Cesare, known as “the queen of swords”, for his visit to Naples as papal legate, to crown the new king, Frederick of Naples. Its design was attributed to many artists including Michaelangelo, but it is more likely that the artist was Pinturicchio. And the blacksmith/sword engraver was Salomone da Sesso (c. 1465- c.1504–21) who after his conversion to Christianity assumed the name of Ercole dei Fedeli. (more details about the sword here x) - Cesare appeared wearing a horned mask in the guise of a unicorn during a theatrical performance, in one of the many festivities held in honor of his sister Lucrezia’s second wedding. Unicorn are known symbols of female chastity, possibly a reference to Lucrezia and her wedding night, but it also shows off Cesare’s own sense of humour, since it was well known to all present that he was anything but a chaste man lol. And the unicorn horn, according to a Greek physician had the ability of protecting people from sickness and neutralizing poison, which could have been another humourous remark from Cesare in reference to his family’s reputation of using poison to dispose of their enemies. - His best known mistress was Fiammetta Michaelis, she was a cultured courtesan from Florence, but who lived in Rome since 1473 most likely. Her relationship with Cesare was such that even after his death in 1507, she continued to sign herself as Fiammetta Ducis Valentini (of the duke Valentino). And her will in the city archives was headed ‘The Testament of La Fiammetta of Il Valentino.” - On May 10, 1499, he married Charlotte d’Albret, and before his departure from France he appointed her governor and administrator of all his lands and lorships in France and Dauphiny. He also made her heiress to all his moveable possessions in the event of his death (a little more about that here x). On December 1501, he personally selected precious gifts to be sent to her acquired from Venice. It included moulded wax, white sweetmeats, fine sugars, syrups, nine barrels of Malvoisie, oriental spices, oranges and lemons and all kinds of cloths. - Under his patronage, the first printing press of any importance was established in Italy. It was set up at Fano by Girolamo Sancino in 1501. One of the earliest works was the printing of the Statutes of Fano for the first time in January 1502. - About his administration staff, also in the year of 1501, we know he had a beautiful young woman from Bologna named Jovanna, working for him in his chancery. She’s described as a “degnissma scriptora”, she wrote letters and maybe did other secretarial duties as well for 14 ducats. - Whether it was treachery or a legit, reasonable move against Guidobaldo's own plans of treachery against him, the fact is that Cesare acquired Urbino without bloodshed in any of the towns, in a brilliant coup that amazed the whole of Italy (and terrified the nobility lol). While leaving a military contingent at Camerino, Cesare road north through the Apennines, between Nocera and Urbino he covered more or less sixty miles in forty-eight hours with a mixed force of 2.000 men. Before anyone else knew, he had already took Cagli, inside the Duchy of Urbino. Simultaneously, two other points were taken too, Montevecchio and San Lorenzo. Di Naldo, one of Cesare’s captains came from the east. These three armies converged towards the capital of Urbino then, where they met with the castilian and the garrison was rendered by him. A few hours later Cesare himself entered the city without any resistence. - The famous Sleeping Cupid by Michelangelo that Cesare gifted it to Isabella d’Este when he took Urbino in 1502 had a history together. He had previously been the owner of this piece. Cardinal Riario Sforza bought in 1496, but apparently when he found out that the piece was a modern piece and not an antique, he didn’t wanted it anymore, so it was displayed across the street of Cesare’s palace and he bought before the end of the year and later on send it as a gift to Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. -  A popular canzona of the time, Donna contra la mia Voglia by Filippo de Lurano  (c.1470-c.1520) was Cesare’s favorite song. (There is an excellent version of it too by conductor and composer Jordi Savall). - As another step to secure the unity of the Romagna, Cesare did a reform in legal administration of great importance, he established a supreme Court of Appeal, named the Rota, influenced by the famous Court of the Vatican with the same name. He appointed as The First President, a newly created office, to Antonio di Monte Sansovino, a distinguished jurist with high integrity, and who was universally beloved. This Appeal Court sat in the seven main cities of the Romagna: Fano, Pesaro, Rimini, Cesena, Faenza, Forlì and Imola. If it was necessary, this Court would sit for as much as two months. All expenses were met by a payment from each of these judicial circuits of 200 ducats per annum. - In October 1500 Pinturicchio wrote to Cesare asking for the grant of a well to be put in one of the lands pope Alexander VI had bestow on him and his descendents at Chiusi, a city in the province of Siena, but near Perugia. Pinturicchio went himself to see Cesare at Diruta to request for all the necessary permission. Cesare issued a letter to Alfano Alfani, vice-treasurer of Perugia, making the request and saying that: “he had again taken to his service Bernardino Pinturicchio of Perosa, whom he always loved because his talent and gifts; and he desires that in all things he should be considered as ‘one of ours.” This initial request wasn’t honored so Cesare wrote again to this Alfani reinforcing his wish to be granted within that year. In 1501, Pinturicchio was given an annual payment as Cesare’s personal painter as well. - Cesare hired Leonardo da Vinci as a military architect and engineer in the spring of 1501, he entrusted him with all sorts of projects, in Cesena for example he asked that Da Vinci planned a new quarter of the city with wilder streets, sidewalks, parks, and a functioning sewage system and many other improvements. He also issued papers from the city’s headquarters for the construction in Cesena of a new university building, a palace to house the Rota. - Cesare also commissioned Da Vinci to work on an alterpiece, that is now lost unfortunately, at the Santuario della Beata Vergine del Piratello, outside of Imola. Some scholars agree that Da Vinci at the very least begun this painting, but it was not finished by him. There are some sketches he made that are called: Three views of a bearded man and it’s generally accepted to be Cesare, in what might have become a portrait of him in this alterpiece. - Right after he conquered a city, it was Cesare’s policy to issue a stem proclamation against plunder, guaranteed the property of the citizens. At Forlì he took measures to safeguard the convents, listening to all complaints of ill-treatment or robbery at the hands of the soldiery. On December 7, 1500, he hanged from the windows of his headquarters, two of his own men, a Piedmontese and a Gascon soldier, who had disobeyed his orders against plunder in the town. On the 13th of the same month, other offenders followed the same fate as the first two, which showed his zeal and the level of his commitment for the interests of his Forlivesi subjects. - At Cesena, as in other places in the Romagna, that same policy was applied, the usual disorder was put to an end, and civic automony was fully restored, along with the suppresion of aristocratic feuds, which resulted on econonical security and internal peace. - During the conquest of Faenza, the only city where Cesare met a true resistance, he retired to Cesena through the winter months while the siege kept going there. One night, he was walking around the city when he found a baby girl abandoned in the street, he commanded the baby to be nursed, and settled an ample dowry on the baby’s mother until she was of marriageable age. Afterwards, when the father refused to acknowledge the girl as his own, Cesare himself acknowledged the girl and she was baptized that day. - On March 29, 1501, when he was informed of Beatrice of Naples arrival at Cesenatico, twice Queen of Hungary and of Bohemia, and sister of Frederick of Naples, he send off his staff to greet her and to present her with a 'royal gift'. He ordered his lieutenants to honor her in every city in the Romagna and the Marche region, where she made her way back to Naples. - On 1502, Cesare and his father, Rodrigo went on a boat trip to Piombino and the island of Elba so that Rodrigo could officially take possession of these territories Cesare had recently conquered. Everything went smoothly, and they were on their way back when a violent storm began, hitting them hard. During 5 days they wandered aimlessly. Everyone, but Rodrigo, were quite anxious and scared. At the second day, the crew saw an English ship, and Cesare proposed to go to this boat to request for help, but Rodrigo refused, not wanting to request help from strangers. Eventually they made it back ashore, but it was a close call there for them for awhile.     - After the masterstroke at Senigallia, where he successfully arrested his conspiring condottiere, the city was in total confusion, and a part of Cesare’s infantry were starting to sack the city, so Cesare in full armour and on horseback gave orders for his men to stop the sacking immediately, he then gathered some of his captains and went about the city streets putting a stop to the abuses that were starting to happen, some soldiers however, refused to obey his orders, and they were promptly executed there for their disobedience. - On 25 October, 1506 he managed to escape the Castle of La Mota, in Spain, a fortress that at that time worked as State prison, of maximum security, and where he was imprisoned. With the collaboration of his chaplain, and a servant of the governor's, named Garcia, along with the outside help from Count of Benavente, a powerful lord from the neighbourhood, who visited him regularly, he managed to climb down the 40 meter high tower with a rope, and if memory doesn't fail me, he was the only prisoner to have ever managed to escape this prison lool.
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architectnews · 3 years
Ten student architecture projects from the University of Westminster
A project that examines restoring damaged peatlands in Scotland and another that addresses the housing needs of income poor young people in Beijing are included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Westminster.
It also includes a mycelium product factory where a repurposed prison provides ideal conditions for growing sustainable products and a redesigned climbing wall highlighting the connection between sport and the natural world.
University of Westminster
School: University of Westminster, School of Architecture + Cities Course: Architecture BA (Hons), Architecture and Environmental Design BSc (Hons), Interior Architecture BA (Hons), Architectural Technology BSc (Hons), Designing Cities BA (Hons), Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: Constance Lau, Stephen Harty John Zhang, David Porter, Paolo Cascone, Panagiota Adileniduo, Ro Spankie, Diony Kypraiou, Allan Sylvester, Ana Araujo, Tabatha Mills, Adam Thwaites, David Mathewson, Elisa Engel, Kester Rattenbury, Sean Griffiths, Anthony Boulanger, Stuart Piercy, Callum Perry John Cook, Laura Nica and Ben Pollock
School statement:
"The School of Architecture and Cities offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as research degrees a few moments from Baker Street. Here, students can enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, including the extensive Fabrication Laboratory and dedicated open-plan design studios.
"Open 2021 is a rolling programme of events being created by the school's staff and students, which reflect the varied design approaches of the School of Architecture and Cities and their place at the heart of London.
"It will feature 750 student projects, drawing on the vast body of developmental and finished work imagined and realised over the course of the last academic year. The show will transform student work into digital assets, creating an extraordinary display of new architecture and a compelling visitor experience. The show opens on 17 June until 30 September."
The Bioengineering Experimental School of Architecture: Designing for the Prevention of Fires by Momchil Petrinski
"In this project, the notion of 'fire' from the laboratory experiments serves multiple purposes, from the 'gallery' for public knowledge, heat distribution to the surrounding buildings and the cultivation of the green spaces.
"The dense urban site of Little Britain and proposed Tower is approached as a Borgesian labyrinth where the ever-green public gardens extend across the horizontal and vertical landscapes, and resting places for the homeless community are embedded within the public realm."
Student: Momchil Petrinski Course: Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: Constance Lau and Stephen Harty Email: [email protected]
Ideal Landscape from Luo Shen Fu Tu by Yunuo Zheng
"The proposal is a spatial narrative telling the ancient Chinese story of the painting Luo Shen Fu Tu created by the famous Eastern Jin painter Gu Kaizhi based on the plot of Cao Chi's work Luo Shen Fu.
"This is not just a love story – it is a story of frustration and anger caused by feudalism when people could only express thoughts and feelings through landscapes and myths. It is these landscapes and myths that give the form to an immersive exhibition situated in London."
Student: Yunuo Zheng Course:  Interior Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: Ro Spankie, Diony Kypraiou, Allan Sylvester, Ana Araujo Email: [email protected]
Intercultural communal living as a catalyst for refugee integration by Anne-Flore Smits
"Nature avoids monocultures and lives in diversity to feed its system. The harmonious living between living forms is known as symbiosis. Through intercultural communal living, symbiosis is regenerated, where the forgotten lives of refugees can integrate back into society.
"With local and foreign amalgamation, the most vulnerable group in society can write their futures. The design of social-communal connectivity incorporates multi-use courtyards, creating a unique spatial arrangement within the male and female quarter and central community compound.
"A common roof with various environmental qualities ensures the proposed and established buildings receive minimal solar radiation, that is experienced in its extreme within Cameroon's Far North capital of Maroua."
Student: Anne-Flore Smits Course: Architecture and Environmental Design BSc (Hons) Tutors: Paolo Cascone and Panagiota Adileniduo Email: [email protected]
 Ark for an Ant Tribe by Yuen-Wah Williams
"This project addresses the acute housing needs of well educated but income poor young people who come to Beijing to seek their future – affectionately known as the 'Ant Tribe' in China.
"The project is a co-living mega-block with floating courtyards, rooftop running tracks, and community programmes open to the broader neighbourhood at the ground level. The novel tectonics draws inspiration from traditional low-rises, high-density Hutong courtyards and local experiments in soviet-era social condensers.
"The generous and intensely social outdoor spaces become rooms in themselves, responds to the changing patterns of life in a pandemic."
Student: Yuen-Wah Williams Course: Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: John Zhang and David Porter Email: [email protected]
Climb Air Theatre by Zhiqing He
"The conditions of isolation and lack of physical interaction due to the pandemic gave birth to this project with the aim of evoking memories of intimate communication stemming from the past. Inspired by The Phantom of the Opera, London's historic musical production (forced to close during the lockdown),  the proposal suggests an open interactive theatre, situated at St Dustan park in London.
"The audience gets invited to follow actors through the theatre's three main theatre stages and participate in distinct moments of the play while re-connecting them to each other through this musical, theatrical and spatial journey."
Student: Zhiqing He Course: Interior Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: Ro Spankie, Diony Kypraiou, Allan Sylvester, Ana Araujo Email: [email protected]
The Arch Climbing Wall by Tom McGinnity
"The Arch Climbing Wall is located in Bermondsey, London. The redeveloped climbing centre uses all the existing building while also developing a new building adjacent to the existing one. The design aims to highlight the connection between climbing and nature.
"New climbing walls were positioned in the existing building to create an environment of valleys and mountains. The new building acts as the final challenge, with climbers able to scale the exterior of the building and the tall structure within. The new building is open-air with large use of open mesh, allowing climbers to connect with nature."
Student: Tom McGinnity Course: Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) Tutors: Tabatha Mills and Adam Thwaites Email: [email protected]
Old Kent Road: A New Precedent for Mixing Leisure, Manufacturing and Housing by Daniel Sefton
"By combining industrial, residential, and leisure spaces using innovative changes of level, land-use pressures in the inner city could be significantly alleviated.
"An undulating raised park set against the side of an existing recycling centre creates a pocket of urban rurality. Pavilions break through the park's surface for exhibition and retail space, with micro-manufacturing occurring on the submerged ground floor.
"HGV access to ground floors occurs through a road network beneath the park. The park removes both social and physical barriers that industrial land creates through controlled, increased public proximity to manufacturing and community-connecting active transport routes."
Student: Daniel Sefton Course: Designing Cities BA (Hons) Tutors: David Mathewson and Elisa Engel Email: [email protected]
The Mycology Institute by Gemma Mohajer
"The Mycology Institute re-purposes existing buildings at Wormwood Scrubs Prison. Former cells provide ideal conditions for growing mushrooms, used to make sustainable products. The project extends one of the cell blocks creating a mycelium product factory.
"It forms a route to the scrubs and a public square created by demolishing the prison wall. The building is constructed using sustainable products, including rope elements, developed from chance operations. These are used as part of the roof structure and as a screen that shades the building and takes rainwater off the roof. Columns and floors reuse the 916,000 prison wall bricks."
Student: Gemma Mohajer Course: Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: Kester Rattenbury and Sean Griffiths Email: [email protected]
The Rotherhithe Cooperative Press by Rebecca Gardner
"Newspapers are dying, and with them, an integral part of London's civic life and tacit skillset is at risk of extinction. The Rotherhithe Cooperative Press reinvents newspaper production, turning away from mass media favouring temporal print that focuses on specific events and protests.
"Through exploiting the natural diurnal cycle of the printing industry and the Thames, the scheme acts as a production framework and distribution network for marginalised media outlets at night whilst a community print-work mobilises the community to engage in protest during the day."
Student: Rebecca Gardner Course: Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: Anthony Boulanger, Stuart Piercy and Callum Perry Email: [email protected]
Peat Observation: Carbon Cycles through Plant Matter by Seni Agunpopo
"The project looks at preserving and accelerating the restoration of damaged peatlands in Scotland – one of the world's most effective carbon store/sinks.
"This project uses a wider parametric masterplan strategy of landscape probes and responsive blanket systems to alter and control the conditions of soil moisture, temperature and humidity, as well as the deployable modular research units that support the ongoing scheme."
Student: Seni Agunpopo Course: Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: John Cook, Laura Nica and Ben Pollock Email: [email protected]
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buirbaby · 3 years
The Wardens: The Far East
Rating:  M + Mature content, language, and violence
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"We need to do something about your accent and name," Benjen remarked amidst the preparations. His comrade didn't say much as to where she was from and he hadn't pushed the envelope. They were anomalies, people who shouldn't exist, and whatever past life Tabitha had experienced, she was wary of sharing it. He wondered if she had been a mercenary or a thief, maybe a harlot? No, none of those quite fit. Her mannerisms, while gruff, bespoke the regiment of a soldier--more finely tuned than the majority of his own men and subordinates on the Wall. She had been a soldier, he did not doubt this, and she had the skill in hand to hand combat to prove it, utilizing a grappling technique he'd never seen before. Foreign was the only thing he thought when put the pieces of Flores together.
"What, there's no one in Essos who sounds like me?" Tabitha groused, rolling her attire in a compact and methodical manner--yet another militaristic trait. She placed the garments into her saddle bags and gave him a wry, but tempered look.
"Perhaps," Benjen relinquished, he was not exceptionally well traveled. The idea of going to Pentos made him nervous. A queer, brilliantly colored tropical paradise. The polar opposite of the home he'd grown up in. Tabitha's features would be much less noticeable than his own, but her accent and name would draw questions once they managed to gain an audience with the Targaryens. "But do you have any idea of where that would be?"
Tabitha sucked her teeth. "Fine. What do you think would fit? I don't look like a northerner," she pointed out.
"You could be Dornish or Rhoynish," Benjen proposed. "What languages do you speak?"
"Probably none that are useful. The True Tongue--what Fang speaks, a little High Valyrian, and un idioma que nunca has escuchado , " (a language you have never heard) she spoke in the last eloquently, the slipping of the language foreign and lofty, but he'd heard it from sailors.
"You speak Rhoynish," he realized.
Tabitha blinked. "Wha-Oh, well... I suppose then it's been decided for me. I could be a Dornish bastard, my mother is from Rhoynar. Which means I'll need a new name, Tabitha isn't exactly common," she paused her work to contemplate a name, but drew a blank. "Tabris? Taliya?"
"It's the name you're going to have to go by," Benjen chuckled.
"Oh, you're laughing now as if you're going to go by Benjen Stark," Tabitha snorted, reminding him that the Targaryens most definitely would not look favorably upon his name. "Fortunately for you, you've got fire eyes now, but you still look a bit too Stark."
Scowling, he inquired, "What do you mean?"
"Grow your beard out and cut your hair shorter. You can't go by Benjen Stark. Daenerys is young and impressionable, we can win her over. Viserys on the other hand is a malicious brat who will spew poison into her ears. We cannot reveal your true name until we're established and Viserys is gone."
"Hm, I was assuming we were going to ride in on our griffins and give the girl wedding presents. That isn't the plan?" Benjen quipped, eliciting a frown from the woman.
"Never reveal your full hand," Tabitha sniffed. "We are going to be stopping in Braavos first. Hopefully, I can pick up the language a bit more before we get to Pentos. It's a bastardized version of High Valyrian, but it'll be useful either way. Dothraki more so if I could..." Pausing she narrowed her eyes at him again. "Stop evading the subject, Stark. You need to pick a name too. How well do you know Jorah Mormont?"
Sucking in air between his teeth, he obliged. "I know him enough. Saw him in Winterfell a few times when I was young, but not much since I joined the Watch. I know he was exiled for slave trade. He probably will not recognize me-"
"Unless you make it obvious," Tabitha interjected, jerking a finger in his direction. "I know how you Starks are and you better not glare openly at this man. As much as you distrust him, you can't be obvious about it."
Benjen suppressed a sigh, but knew that she was right. Jorah Mormont could get them killed if he discovered who he was. The flaming irises--more gold than orange--would make him unlike a Stark, but all it took was some well placed knowledge and a snarky jab to begin unraveling the aliases they were building. Tact had never been necessary in his line of work. He dealt in truths, honor, and by the posting he had. Now, he had none of that and if Tabitha was going by a bastard name, it was wise that he did as well. He might've been the better warrior, but Tabitha knew more about politics-a cursed game he'd never wanted to play.
"I'll think of a name," he grimaced, continuing to store his supplies. "What is your plan for gaining an audience with Magister Illyrio?"
"I'll send ravens in Braavos," Tabitha told him. "We'll spend a fortnight there so I can establish my contact in King's Landing. There's a good friend of Magister Illyrio who'd like more eyes and I think I have the right information to convince him to place a bet on us. The relics we're taking with us will sell for a high amount of coin, we'll be able to afford the necessary supplies and a gift for Daenerys after we depart for Pentos."
Thank the Old Gods that she had a plan, because his only one really had been arriving on griffin back and Torrhen wasn't large enough yet. "Who is this contact?"
Tabitha paused, lips curling in that same, wicked manner that sent a chill down his spine. The female looked exceptionally roguish and dangerous, the fire in her eyes dancing brightly. "Varys."
The Spider: a name he'd wished had not fallen from her lips or that he'd not asked at all. He had to trust Tabitha to be clever enough to fool the eunuch, but the rumors surrounding the man were abysmal. He was the keeper of secrets for a reason and the fact that the Spider had interest in the Targaryens to begin with spelled ill for the Starks. He was walking into a dragon's den without as much of a piece or armor or weapon to defend himself. Everything in his body rejected this idea, wishing for nothing more but to return to the simplicity of being First Ranger. But he could not. This second life came with a price and he had to play the game of thrones in order to save his family.
"Don't look so pale," Tabitha scolded, diverting her attention to the bags she'd finished packing. "I'll do my best to find a way to save your family. We have to start by changing Daenerys' perception on them... but your brother is a kinder man than King Robert. He is the one who speaks against assassinating her."
Those words were meant to be comforting, but Benjen was still anxious.
"I wish the king never asked Ned to go south," he muttered.
"Me too, but what we can do is earn a friend. Petyr Baelish is behind the fall of House Stark and his most staunch enemy is Varys."
"Why is that?"
"Baelish wants power. Varys wants what is best for the kingdom, regardless of who rules, as long as the common folk are treated justly. Anything we can feed Varys will help make him more powerful before Baelish's plans come to fruition will help the Starks. Varys likes the Starks," Tabitha explained, but sighed deeply afterward. "Unfortunately, your elder brother is naive and surrounded by enemies. He's also distrustful of Varys and more inclined toward Baelish, which is his first mistake. I'll make certain that mistake isn't repeated."
"How? We can't speak or write about the future."
"No, but I can write cryptically enough that all Varys will have to do is unwravel the riddles. He's clever."
"If Robert sits the throne now, why would he be looking toward the next monarch?"
"Because Robert is fat and a drunk. His health is failing. Joffrey and the Lannisters will inherit, which will begin the demise of Westeros. Having other options available is precedent, especially given the Crown's surmounting debt, circling lions, and the thin line they're riding with the favor of the commonfolk. That can all turn on a dime and Joffrey does not make a good king," Tabitha explained.
"Given what I saw at Winterfell, I'm not surprised."
"You have no idea what a tyrant he'll become. He's sick in the head," she tapped her brow. "Hopefully, we can avoid some of his wrath, but I doubt we'll be able to stop King Robert from dying."
"If we can save Ned and the girls-"
"I'll try," Tabitha insisted firmly. "But this all starts in Braavos. We need to do our part beside Daenerys to gain her favor."
Trying was all he could ask, considering he knew the true fate that awaited them all. For all that they knew, their own fate was not written in any visions or words that they'd witnessed. He did not fear for his own life, but for those he knew were going to be cut short if he failed. But to save some, wouldn't that come at the cost of others?
Benjen had never been to Braavos, but he had heard of the legendary Free City. Balerion had coasted far above the famed Titan of Braavos, bringing them out to a rural location miles outside the city to land unnoticed. The pair of griffins would remain out in the countryside until summoned. The larger seemed thankful not to be saddled with two adults, allowing for their supplies to be retrieved before he huffed and took off into the sky with a much lighter burden. No where he'd been had ever been as sprawling as Braavos. So choked full of buildings that trees were nonexistent, unless purposely planted in the more prestigious areas of the grey city. A plethora of languages were spoken between the canals, many of which he could not identify. Tabitha, now Taliya Sand, a traveling sellsword and linguist, picked out between the Braavosi and found a Rhonyish sailor to garner directions from.
The weather was not too hot, which he savored now, fully aware in Pentos it'd grow warmer and the Dothraki Sea would be unbearable. Wary eyes traced the streets, noticing the flamboyant colors that many bravos wore, proclaiming their profession lest any other swordsman wish to challenge them. Otherwise, most other locals dressed in muted tones of grey, purple, and dark blues. Songs floated like gondolas through the canals. Art and courtesanship prized greatly within every part of the city that they roamed. To him, it was florid, but not unbearably so. He'd trust a Braavosi before any southerner.
Within the Purple Harbor, the stretching market boasted magnificent goods ranging from Lyseni lace, desert gemstones, to Arbor Wine. There were few foreigners selling goods in this area, as only Braavosi ships were able to dock in this part of the harbor. However, Taliya made due, haggling over the rare treasures that had been preserved in the Roost. Shadowskins, golden chalices encrusted with garnets, antique daggers, fine armor that hadn't suited either of them. It had all been dead weight, things they could not carry forever, and the armor seemed to garner the most attention aside from the shadowskins. Benjen had no idea what they were saying, but the merchant before them was raving, tracing the finely hewn details and glancing up, trying to contain his delight as not to overpay for the work of art.
No sooner were their pockets heavy with Braavosi coin, did Taliya insist that they turn in for the night before darkness fell and they became open invitations for duels as they had swords buckled to their belts. They had passed a few fine establishments, but she took him aback by leaving the Purple Harbor and approaching the religious sector of the city. A large bridge led to another island, a temple of red stone looming before them. Upon the great square tower was an iron brazier as wide as the roof, containing a great fire.
To him, it was still difficult to acknowledge that his 'gods' had not saved him and that he was now in the service of the Lord of Light. A god he was not very familiar with and probably would have never cared for if not for the new life breathed within him. Part of him wished he'd died, resigning the simplicity and lack of responsibility as peace, but knew he'd not be able to save his kin had he not been given this chance.
The temple was grand, embellished with scones, braziers, and fire to emphasize the importance within the religion. It was not as decadent as any of the Septs, but was purposeful in its design. Red was an overarching theme, the priests and priestesses milling around dressed in crimson robes. Burning hearts were depicted on banners hanging from the walls, the sigil of the red god. A female paused, drinking them in, before a crisp smile broke across the plane of her features.
"Greetings," she knew they were not local, as evident by their faces.
"We seek lodgings while we are staying within the city," Taliya started, reaching toward the gloves that obscured her hands.
Benjen expected that the priestess might chuckle and direct them toward an inn. What temple would host strangers? Yet, the priestess paused, glancing between them, before watching as Taliya removed her glove and turned her palm over to reveal the Mark of the Warden. A burn emblazoned upon her left hand, just as Benjen had on his.
The priestess did not falter, but her smile broadened. "Yes, there are quarters we can afford to spare for such esteemed guests. The Lord of Light shines upon both of your faces, Wardens."
He was shocked, but why? The Lord of Light had brought them back as champions for his cause, why wouldn't those who served him know of the secret order? Returning her glove, Taliya gave a stout nod and followed closely behind the priestess.
"I must admit, I am surprised to see holy warriors. My name is Oresha and I am in your service for as long as you intend on staying," the priestess introduced, folding her hands into her sleeves as she led them through the halls and deeper into the enormous building as more braziers were lit for the evening fires.
"Then you will know that we cannot speak of our holy mission," Taliya rebuffed, not unkindly.
"As is the way," Oresha acknowledged, unbothered by this proclamation. "We know our duty to the swords of the Lord."
The main chamber led deeper into a monastery where the priests and priestesses dwelled, including those that were still in training. Night was an active period of time for the Red Temple, as prayers would be said as the shadows snuck in, whispering of the terrors that hid within them. Oresha turned a hall and entered an area with many doors, a few crimson garbed figures going in and out of rooms as they passed by. At the end of the hallway, Oresha unlocked a door, revealing a simple room with a set of dual beds. There was nothing ornate or remarkable about it. A fireplace, a brazier, a chest at the foot of each bed, and desks. It appeared to be intended for those living in the monastery and a roommate, but sufficed perfectly for the pair.
"Is there anything I can have sent to you while you settle in?" Oresha inquired.
"Books on Dothraki and High Valyrian," Taliya asserted immediately, putting her things down on the desk. "Parchment, ink... Do you have a rookery here?"
"Yes, of course."
"Very well, I'll require any ravens that fly to King's Landing and trusted contacts in the city that can deliver the letters."
"I shall send the requested materials with a meal to this room," Oresha complied. "I shall always need to send word to Volantis and the High Priest."
Taliya pursed her lips, but gave a nod. "Very well, as long as we are not made outside the walls of the temple."
"We are aware that the Wardens must work under discreet circumstances. You are the secret flames that weave the Lord's will, not heralds," Oresha retorted.
"Thank you, that will be all," Taliya closed the conversation and Oresha took her dismissal.
"How did you know that they'd take us in?" Benjen inquired after the door had shut and a few moments had passed from Oresha's departure.
"Fang," Taliya informed him. "He hinted that the Red Temples would be our greatest resource. Seems he was right. We can trust them. They're fanatics, incredibly devoted to the prophecy of Azor Ahai. With the amount of coin we were carrying too, even the nicest establishment in Braavos would have posed risk. We already drew a few eyes today."
"We could utilize the Iron Bank," Benjen suggested.
"Trust me, considering how much things were in the market, it'll be easy to spend a good portion on a wedding gift," Taliya snorted.
"And you're going to learn Dothraki and High Valyrian in a fortnight?" Benjen inquired, finally setting his belongings down, mildly amused by the woman's ambition.
"I'm going to learn as much as I can, unless you'd like to take that burden, Ben," she emphasized his name, shaking her head at his choice. "How many languages do you know?"
He'd chosen Ben River. It was a common first name and with his shorter hair, beard growing in, and golden eyes--he doubted even Jorah Mormont would connect the dots given the years since either had seen one another. He'd been little more than a boy playing at being a man when he'd seen Mormont. "Hm, you're rather clever with languages. I wouldn't wish to encroach upon your expertise."
"Oh no, you're going to learn," Taliya insisted haughtily. "Maybe not Rhoynish, but you're a stick in the mud if you don't at least understand the dialect of Valyrian most of Essos uses and Dothraki."
He chuckled at her decisiveness, but knew she was right. He didn't understand anyone and that made him anxious. Relying only on common was a severe disability, especially if they had to be clever. Better that people thought him a stupid Westerosi bastard and it turned out he spoke enough of the other languages to follow along. "Enlighten me, wise maester."
Taliya rolled her eyes, jerked out the chair to the desk, and sat down. Just as he was her mentor in swordsplay, she had subjects to school him on. Despite her typical lack of decorum (with him, at least), she was rather perceptive and cunning. Perhaps her harsh, serpentine personality hinted at this, but he originally thought the woman lacked poise. Obviously, he'd been wrong. She only lacked it when there was no need for a facade and between him, a fellow warden, she did not guard herself. He was thankful for that, uncertain how he would have handled his Wardenship is not for a companion who was polar in nature to him. The Lord of Light had intentionally paired them, each stronger in different fields, and somehow aware that they wouldn't be at one another's throats. Perhaps the fact that Taliya was a woman had a hand in his relaxed nature around her or her courage when facing down the Other.
Despite how much the woman could bark, she was true, a trait rarely witnessed in this world. People were fickle, oathbreakers, and more willing to protect their own hide than to buckle down and remain steadfast to a cause.
While a learned man, languages were complex. Over the simple dinner they had been provided, his mind spun as she tried to impress Dothraki on him first as she learned herself. Her own ramblings, she seemed to make sense of it, but he was stuck on the harsh annunciations. Valyrian, he'd heard a few words of before, and found that it was a bit easier to follow. Still, it would be a long time before he was fluent in either. He turned in relatively early, aching from their journey, while Taliya bowed over the desk and began writing letters.
Come morning, he was astonished to find her asleep at the desk, face pressed to the parchment and candle nothing but a stump of wax with no light. Throwing his leg over his bed, he crept up to see that she'd written numerous drafts and that her handwriting was quite atrocious. However, as he pulled out a sheet, his eyes coasted over the content that flowed like rivers of prose. Ambiguous and had nothing at all to do with their plight. How would Varys be able to understand them?
"Not the hibiscus-" Taliya muttered, jolting up, a piece of parchment sticking to her face as she moved. "Oh. Is it morning already?"
"You spent all night writing this?" Ben waved the work, unimpressed.
"Takes a while to create a code and cipher," Taliya groaned, rubbing her neck, peeling off the parchment from her face to reveal a mess of equations and a more deliberately spaced version of the letter he now held. "Look, this is the key which will be sent a few days after the first letter-" she turned the page over and showed him an alphanumeric mess, launching into an explanation on how certain letters within different words corresponded to others and could be utilized to spell out entirely different sentences. The process by which she broke it down was complex, but without the cipher, the letter would just appear to be a gilded exchange about traveling through Essos from a friend.
"And you think he'll be able to crack this without a full explanation from you?" Ben inquired thoughtfully, enthralled with her diligence to get this done immediately. He hadn't considered the letter being intercepted or read by another, but perhaps that was his own naivity of King's Landing and the inner workings of politics. Until they secured a better mode of communication with Varys, it was best to adhere to a code to draw no attention from anyone who might spy the letter before the master of whispers.
"We'll find out. If not, we're going to have a fun time trying to get into the wedding," she chuckled, standing up from her seat. "Shit, I really need to lay down though. Go out into the city if you'd like, but I need a couple of hours."
He wasn't really keen on the idea of going out into Braavos without a translator, but also knew there were few moments where either of them really got to be alone. Securing a small portion of Braavosi coins, he departed from the dormitory. Where the temple had been aflame with activity overnight, it had simmered down to a quiet lull as he passed a few priests and priestesses who gave curt bows of their head, but spoke no greetings. Word had spread like wildfire and yet, as requested, they were discreet.
Sunrise on the city illuminated the grey stone with a warm, amber haze, refracting off the water in the canals and basking the people. There was still a lot to take in, bustle, and queerly speaking people, but Ben tried to relax. Courtesans milled around openly, smiling at passing men, including himself. Some rode on ornate pleasure barges and unlike those in Westeros, were treated like nobility and with care. His eyes did not linger long, but Ben puzzled about the fact that he was no longer bound to his oaths as a man of the Night's Watch.
He had warned Jon Snow of speaking away his freedoms, including enjoying a woman, at such a young age. Ben knew what he had missed, especially after he'd learned of men going down into the Gift to purchase time with harlots to sate their thirst. There had been a time, before the Night's Watch, where he had known women and what he was giving away. But as a Stark, he'd known his place in protecting the kingdom and supporting his brother from the Wall. It was easier for Ned if Ben had no claim, nor had he ever yearned for the title as Warden of the North.
Whatever oaths he had to uphold with the Lord of Light, he suspected given the fact he did not recall them meant that there were no such clauses as refraining from giving in to carnal desires. Yet, as he espied the comely faces of the women dressed in vibrant silks, he felt nothing. Perhaps because he did not know them, lacking rapport or trust, a rather bad taste situating in the back of his throat at the idea of paying for services. But this was Braavos and while he had a disliking for it, the city revelled in their differences from his home.
Ben followed his nose, finding himself breakfast amongst the stands, freshly baked sweet bread and a hot tea to enjoy by the canals. The city still sprawled before him, beckoning to be explored. Despite his wariness for the urban setting, he curiousity got the better of him. He was a ranger, an explorer in his own right. Be this a foreign city, his legs took him through the bridged paths, between the islands, and amongst the shifting colors and faces. Few paid him heed aside from a few smiling escorts, but he'd simply continued onwards, careful to evade shady alleys and remained on the main roads.
A couple of hours turned into the better part of the afternoon, as he'd managed to get himself turned around, searching for the path back to the Red Temple. After finding someone who was willing to give him directions in common, he returned to find that Taliya was awake, the desk was void of the scattered parchment, and she was pawing through the language books. Her dedication was admirable, but he wondered how she could remain holed up in the stuffy room when there was so much to explore.
"Think the priests will mind if we use their courtyard for sparring?" Ben proposed wolfishly.
"We're Wardens, they'll let us do anything short of murdering them all if it's the Lord of Light's will," Taliya smirked.
They kept to the strict schedule of a fortnight in Braavos. As Taliya had jested, there was substance to the claim that the Red Priests would do anything for them. Part of Taliya's plan for Daenerys' wedding went hand in hand with R'hllor and claiming to be religious ambassadors and warriors entering into servitude on the blessed wedding-as was the will of their God. The temple parted with crimson garments for them, burnishing their armor, making certain they had plenty of coin and food for the journey to Pentos. He had not thought that he would have missed the little griffin during their separation, but as they left behind the watery city and trekked back out into the countryside where they'd started in Essos, he found his heart brimming with joy as the griffins touched down and reunited with them.
While Torrhen had grown a bit over the weeks, it was still not enough to ride him. Balerion groused, but in good nature, butting playfully into Taliya as she tried to secure the saddle bags to him, tail swishing around like a cat ready to play. Each passing moment brought them closer to the beginning of their first mission and to say that Ben was anxious was an understatement. What if Jorah recognized him? What if their invitation to the wedding was not solidified and they failed? His doubts and worries did not seem to affect his partner in the same manner. She was difficult to read and aloof, her pensive expression the only inkling that she might be worried about what Pentos had in store for them.
He had to trust in their mission, but his Dothraki was poor and his Valyrian rough. For all he knew, he'd be the fool on the Pentoshi promenade. Even the skills of his companion would not save him from his own ignorance. Gods, the north was so much less complex, even with the Others lurking north of the Wall.
They arrived in the city with a few days to spare before the wedding, allotting them time to get gifts and top of their supplies. Where Braavos had been grey, mild, and riddled with more canals than streets, Pentos was warm, made of many bricked buildings and walled estates akin to miniature castles, and filled with brightly hued residents. Westeros seemed bleak by comparison and Ben was sweltering in his thin doublet, armor, and trousers. While a warm, salty breeze often blew up from the port, the high walls of the golden city often denied them of the luxury of feeling its reprieve.
While the colors of the Wardens had been dark blue and grey, they traded the typical hues of their regal to that of the Lord of Light. Before dawn on the day of the wedding, Ben had settled his wardrobe and his attire. He'd spent the better part of the night polishing his cuirass, emblazoned with the heraldry of the Warden griffin on silvered steel. He did not possess a full suit, only the breastplate, thankful that it was light. The doublet beneath was provided by the temple in Braavos, a deep, garnet red that looked almost black, threads glistening in the sunlight.
His trousers were of a loose fit, as not to make him sweat excessively on the desert plains, though he knew there would be no avoiding it. He had not been crafted to be in Essos. He was a Stark, ice and iron, not heat and fire. The shiny black boots were finer than he would have typically chosen, accustomed to the sublime and mundane as a man of the Watch. What he wore now was a little 'much' for him. Taliya assured him that it was simple, but it still felt rather decadent.
He need only remind himself of the gem hues across the city to feel less excessive. After all, there were men who dyed their beards strange colors and forked them with oils.
Taliya was much more at home in the city than he was. Over the weeks her complexion had warmed to a rich olive, which complimented the tones she wore. That morning, the woman wore a pair of slitted harem pants in a deep, vibrant crimson. An ensemble of gold and cred sashes by her waist secured Fate to her hip, before a thick leather cuirass was fitted carefully over her torso, wrapped beneath sashes that matched the trousers, encompassing her collar and neck and fluttering behind her in scarves. While he knew she had gloves to meet the tight sleeves at her elbows, she had foregone them for the wedding, revealing intricate scrawlings of black and colored ink on her left arm.
Ben had never seen tattoos so ornate or detailed, leaving yet another layer of curiosities surrounded the woman. But as he gazed at her, he had no doubt that she was Dornish, wearing the sunset as she sat astride the dappled gelding that she'd purchased for their journey. Until the dragons were born, they could not introduce the griffins and had to have their own horses to accompany the Dothraki with. Each shuffle of the horse revealed the warm skin of her smooth legs and Ben felt himself watching a little longer than was polite. It was the first time he'd really seen more of the discreet Warden since the beginning of their partnership.
Both of their horses wore blankets with the flaming hearts of R'hllor, pressed to the flanks so that people knew they were embassies of the red god. The wedding was to be held outside of the city, the khalasar so enormous that the city was wary of what the festivities might do inside the walls, given their lack of military protection. Thus, it was to be conducted outside the golden walls and within a field where the Dothraki had made a temporary camp. Running through the lines of Dothraki he did remember, he prayed to any god that would listen that he wouldn't make a fool of himself.
Their trip out of the city and toward the allotted field paused when they noticed an elaborate poliquin gilded with so much golden paint that Benjen was quite certain it could've fed the entire north for a year during winter. Taliya spared him a glance, giving him a quick nod, before nudging her gelding forward to approach the throng of plump Unsullied that were carrying it. With a click, the shutter slipped open and within they could see the greasy face of a very fat man. The man from the visions: Illyrio Mopatis.
"Ah, you must be the swords of R'hllor," he greeted in a honey sweet voice, stroking his yellowed beard that was greasy enough to paint pictures on canvas.
"May the Lord of Light smile on you, Magister," Taliya replied courteously, a staunch difference from the woman he was acquainted with. Still this was not groveling, she spoke as a soldier might to an officer, cordial and polite. "I believe a mutual friend of ours told of our coming from Braavos."
"Yes, yes he did. I am quite surprised that the R'hllor would be so interested in this union," Illyrio simpered.
"The Lord of Light works in mysterious ways. We do not question his will," Ben broke in, earning a careful, but impressed glance from Taliya.
"Hm, indeed. There are not many Westerosi who follow the Lord of Light. Given your accent, my lady, you must be from Dorne."
"I am," she conceded simply, but her voice fell flat as she did not smile or lean into the flattering tone which the man spoke with. "And there are not many Westerosi on this side of the Narrow Sea, yet here we are. The paths in which we led to get here were but the will of the Lord... It seems as if it'll be a fine morning for a wedding."
"Tell me, my lady, have you ever been to a Dothraki wedding?" Illyrio inquired lightly.
" Vo, vosma anha shillolat anha tikh allayafi me ," (No, but I believe I will enjoy it) Taliya retorted, the magister's brows shooting up. "Sorry, my Dothraki is still a bit rough, but I believe it'll get better."
"Our friend said you were clever, but I was not aware you were a linguist," Illyrio remarked.
"I'm a bit more gifted in scholarly pursuits than my companion, but he could best me with a sword any day. Perhaps the Lord of Light was aware of this when he made his partners," Taliya concluded before drawing her horse a few paces away. "We shall reconvene with you at the wedding. The night is dark and full of terrors."
"Farewell," Illyrio watched as they departed, skirting past his poliquin and down the beaten path that led to the sprawling plains where a city's worth of Dothraki were dwelling.
"Shit, I need something to sniff, that man smelled awful-" Taliya complained, rubbing her nose as they broke into a small pocket of solitude. "Could you smell it? Even the perfume didn't hide his reek-"
"No, I wasn't close enough," Ben admitted thankfully. "Who knew you could be so well-mannered."
Her infamous temper flared, eyes narrowing at him, as she opened her mouth to lash at him like a viper, "A side of me you'll never have the luxury of knowing."
He barked a laugh. "If you were being polite to me, I'd suspect death was near and the Lord of Light tasked you with killing me."
"Is it that uncharacteristic? I can be nice when I choose to," Taliya grumbled, drawing in a shimmering gold scarf.
"No one here knows you, so to them, they'd be none the wiser," he pointed out.
"But you know," she gave him a sideways glance, a devilish light playing in her fiery eyes.
"I know," he agreed, tucking away a smirk. Months of being beside her, with only her company aside from the griffins (not to include Fang's sporadic appearances), he thought he knew Taliya well enough. Still, despite all that he knew, he knew little of her history or who she was.
Abruptly, the woman reigned in her horse and dropped from the saddle in a puff of dust. Bending down, she retrieved a dagger and began hacking up a shrub of multicolored flowers, assembling a bouquet with a throng of tall grass to tie it together.
"For the princess?" he puzzled, aware that they'd already purchased excellent gifts for the girl. What good would flowers do?
"Mhm," she got back on the saddle. "Would you believe me if I told you I was a gardener in my past life?"
Benjen chuckled, but then realized she was utterly serious. A gardener?
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eye-it · 3 years
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About The Developers
IConnecT Studios Corporation is a technology company which creates new innovative mobile applications and software which could help everybody to attain convenience in their life and to avoid certain cases of dilemma. The company was established in the town of Cavinti and Lumban with the partnership of Mr. Jesse Carlo Altobar, Mr. Carlo Caburnay, Mr. Philjan De Lumban, Mr. John Einfrey Del Rosario, Mr. Jhay Vincent Flores, Mr. Patrick Mark Anthony Guzman, Mr. Clyde Onnil Lagrosa, Mr. Keat Dainielle Panopio, Mr. Leo Patingan, Mr. Geme Marcel Pelayo, Mr. Maurice Santos, Mr. Nathan Louis Sardalla, Mr. Edrian Villarosa, and in 2021. These entrepreneurs who are stated above are not just business partners, but they are also friends since their Senior High School days. Their love to obtain compassion and commitment in coding was the reason for them to come up in this kind of business.                 
The app was created due to the notice of problems with time consumption of the traditional writing methods. Commonly, people use paper as a medium to list different transaction, budget planning and different things that we need in our life. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we might lose it and that would be a big problem for the us. The app aims to help with providing process of evaluating collecting, stacking, and calculating, removing the need for using paper, providing convenience for upcoming sole proprietorship business, as well as give a satisfactory performance to its user. The founders believed this could be beneficial for sole proprietorship businesses and people with a budgeting schedule.  
Our target customers are the people who are planning to start or have a sole proprietorship business. This will be their head start and it will help them list items easy, convenient, and less paper. The biggest target of the app is to consume their time more managing a complicated inventory. The company wants the best for all its customers to be at ease and giving the best service for all and it is the company’s number one priority.   
The solution is to help people who are having a hard time in managing their daily expenses such as bills. This will help them manage things easily without using papers as their tool for listing down their items. This process will ease traditional listing process, lessen the use of papers as their tool for notes and convenience for people who wants to start sole proprietorship business. People with sole proprietorship businesses can use this app as well to manage their stocks and sales everyday but this time, they can monitor and manage them without a touch of paper.
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lastsonlost · 4 years
LAST APRIL, Tara Reade watched as a familiar conversation around her former boss, Joe Biden, and his relationship with personal space unfolded on the national stage. Nevada politician Lucy Flores alleged that Biden had inappropriately sniffed her hair and kissed the back of her head as she waited to go on stage at a rally in 2014. Biden, in a statement in response, said that “not once” in his career did he believe that he had acted inappropriately. But Flores’s allegation sounded accurate to Reade, she said, because Reade had experienced something very similar as a staffer in Biden’s Senate office years earlier.
After she saw an episode of the ABC show “The View,” in which most of the panelists stood up for Biden and attacked Flores as politically motivated, Reade decided that she had no choice but to come forward and support Flores. She gave an interview to a local reporter, describing several instances in which Biden had behaved similarly toward her, inappropriately touching her during her early-’90s tenure in his Senate office. In that first interview, she decided to tell a piece of the story, she said, that matched what had happened to Flores — plus, she had filed a contemporaneous complaint, and there were witnesses, so she considered the allegation bulletproof.
The short article brought a wave of attention on her, 
along with accusations that she was doing the bidding of Russian President Vladimir Putin. So Reade went quiet.
As the campaign went on, Reade, who first supported Sen. Elizabeth Warren and then Sen. Bernie Sanders, began to reconsider staying silent. She thought about the world she wanted her daughter to live in and decided that she wanted to continue telling her story and push back against what she saw as online defamation. To get legal help, and manage what she knew from her first go-around would be serious backlash, she reached out to the organization Time’s Up, established in the wake of the #MeToo movement to help survivors tell their stories.
The Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund was the recipient of an outpouring of donations over the past two-plus years, and is set up as a 501(c)3 nonprofit housed within the National Women’s Law Center. It was launched in December 2017 and was the most successful GoFundMe in the site’s history, raising more than $24 million. Among the accusers backed so far by Time’s Up are some of those assaulted by Harvey Weinstein, as well scores of others with allegations against executives in male-dominated industries. The group has committed more than $10 million toward funding cases.
In January of this year, Reade spoke with a program director at NWLC and was encouraged by the conversation. The fact that she was a Sanders supporter and had come forward previously in incomplete fashion didn’t dissuade Time’s Up. The program director referred her to outside attorneys, Reade said, and suggested that the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund might be able to provide funding for PR and subsidize legal assistance.
The program director shared with Reade the note she planned to forward to attorneys, which read, in part:
She began publicly sharing the harassment she experienced in April 2019 but was attacked … online including by Richard Painter (Univ. of MN law professor who worked in the Obama administration) and journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere for being a Russian operative. There is more to the story of the harassment that she did not feel safe sharing at that time. She is looking for support in sharing her story and guidance on any possible legal action she may be able to take against online harassers. [Editor’s note: Painter served in the Bush, not Obama, administration, and ran for Senate in 2018 as a Democrat.]
The references to Dovere, a reporter with The Atlantic, and Painter stem from their Twitter posts that highlighted favorable comments Reade had made about Putin in a now-deleted post on Medium. “What if I told you that everything you learned about Russia was wrong?” she had written in one 2018 post. “President Putin scares the power elite in America because he is a compassionate, caring, visionary leader. … To President Putin, I say keep your eyes to the beautiful future and maybe, just maybe America will come to see Russia as I do, with eyes of love. To all my Russian friends, happy holiday and Happy New Year.”
Reade says that she learned about Russia and Putin through a Russian friend in her creative-writing group; she is currently writing a novel set in Russia. She wrote the post in the spirit of world peace and solidarity with her friend, she said, adding that the writing should have nothing to do with her allegation. Reade’s leftist mother had raised her to oppose American imperialism and be skeptical of American exceptionalism. She hoped that Time’s Up would be able to help push back against the attacks she knew would be coming.
By February, she learned from a new conversation with Time’s Up, which also involved Director Sharyn Tejani, that no assistance could be provided because the person she was accusing, Biden, was a candidate for federal office, and assisting a case against him could jeopardize the organization’s nonprofit status.
On February 11, the NWLC program director wrote to Reade that she “wanted to let you know that after our conversation I talked further with our Director, Sharyn Tejani, about our ability to offer funding or public relations support in your case. Unfortunately, the Fund’s decision remains the same. … Please know how much I appreciate your courage in speaking out and appreciate what you shared over the phone, that you are speaking out so that your daughter and other young people can start their careers free of harassment.”
When reached for comment by The Intercept, the program director Reade had spoken to referred questions to a NWLC spokesperson, Maria Patrick, who said that the organization has legal constraints. “As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the National Women’s Law Center is restricted in how it can spend its funds, including restrictions that pertain to candidates running for election,” Patrick responded, when asked why the organizing declined to provide funds to Reade. “Our decision on whether or not to provide certain types of support to an individual should not be interpreted as our validation or doubt of the truthfulness of the person’s statements. Regardless, our support of workers who come forward regarding workplace sexual harassment remains unwavering.”
By February, Reade learned that no assistance could be provided because Biden was a candidate for federal office, and assisting a case against him, Time’s Up said, could jeopardize the organization’s nonprofit status.
Ruling out federal candidates marks as off-limits any member of Congress running for reelection, as well as President Donald Trump. Ellen Aprill, a professor of tax law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, said that Time’s Up’s analysis is too conservative, and the group wouldn’t be putting its tax-exempt status at risk by taking a case involving a candidate for federal office as long as it followed its standard criteria for taking on cases. “As a legal matter, if the group is clear regarding the criteria used as to whom it is taking to court, show that these are long-established neutral criteria, and they are being applied to individuals completely independent of their running for office, it would not be a violation of tax law. Groups are allowed to continue to do what they have always done,” she said.
The public relations firm that works on behalf of the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund is SKDKnickerbocker, whose managing director, Anita Dunn, is the top adviser to Biden’s presidential campaign. A spokesperson for Biden declined to comment. The SKDK spokesperson assigned to Time’s Up referred questions back to the NWLC.
As for influencing the election, Reade said that she was deeply conflicted about continuing to come forward, given that Biden’s opponent in the general election is someone she sees as far worse politically. “I don’t want to help Trump. But what can I do?” she said. “All I can do is stand on my truth.”
Update: March 26, 2020 Reade has given an interview with podcast host Katie Halper, describing her time in Biden’s office, and what she described as a sexual assault in 1993. At the time, she told her mother, brother, and a friend who worked in Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office about the incident. Her mother has since passed away, but both her friend and brother told The Intercept they recalled hearing about it from her at the time. Reade’s friend, who asked to remain anonymous so as not to be part of the public blowback, said she discouraged Reade from coming forward at all, concerned that she would be attacked and would never get the apology she was hoping for. Reade and her brother, Collin Moulton, both said that their mother urged her to call the police, but her brother urged her to move on instead. “Woefully, I did not encourage her to follow up,” he said. “I wasn’t one of her better advocates. I said let it go, move on, guys are idiots.” (Moulton, who lives in Georgia, said he voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and has no intention to vote for either Biden or Donald Trump.)
The experience in Biden’s office derailed her life, Reade’s friend said. “Back then people assumed girls just get over it,” she said. “But no, it plants a seed and lives can spin out of control. Yes, everybody’s an adult, but guess what, so is he.” At the time, there was just no way that Reade’s effort to right the wrong could succeed, her friend said, but this time, she’s determined to be heard. “It was the ‘90s,” she said. “There was no Me Too. There was no Time’s Up.”
Update: March 27, 2020
The Biden campaign has denied the allegation, releasing two statements, one from Communications Director Kate Bedingfield and the other from former executive assistant to then-Senator Biden Marianne Baker, who served him from 1982-2000.
Bedingfield’s statement:
Women have a right to tell their story, and reporters have an obligation to rigorously vet those claims. We encourage them to do so, because these accusations are false.
Baker’s statement: 
For nearly 20 years, I worked as Senator Biden’s executive assistant and supervised dozens of employees who reported to me.  I took very seriously my duties with respect to human resources, following the direction of a Senator whose insistence on a professional workplace was embedded in our culture. In all my years working for Senator Biden, I never once witnessed, or heard of, or received, any reports of inappropriate conduct, period — not from Ms. Reade, not from anyone. I have absolutely no knowledge or memory of Ms. Reade’s accounting of events, which would have left a searing impression on me as a woman professional, and as a manager.  These clearly false allegations are in complete contradiction to both the inner workings of our Senate office and to the man I know and worked so closely with for almost two decades.
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milenapetrofig · 4 years
Napoleon’s bedchamber
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France’s First Consul only had two official residences in the Tuileries and Saint Cloud at his disposal. Two identical beds established a protocol of equality between the two residences while preserving the appendages of power.
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Several elements indicate a bed was taken out for reuse in order to follow Bonaparte's recommendations. The Jacob brothers had received orders for all the furniture in the room for which they sought to create a homogeneous whole. The gilded wood bed differs from the mahogany canape seats not only in  materials but also in  décor. Bonaparte left five and a half months to the architects to refurnish Saint Cloud with instructions to use existing furniture for the sake of economy. An argument existed in this direction that the twin bed was to be made for the bedchamber in the Tuileries.
Napoleon’s residence at the Orangerie was indeed a day apartment intended for official life with a private apartment designed as well for the Tuileries, Fontainebleau and Compiègne a few years later.
Château de Fontainebleau furniture made in 1799 from drawings by the architects Charles Percier b.1764 d.1838 and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine b.1762 d.1853 for the Directors at the Luxembourg Palace included the elements of a bedchamber. Napoleon Bonaparte’s residence as First Consul was in the Tuileries Palace until 1804 before the bed was moved to the room of Pope Pius VII at the Pavilion of Flore. The bed was sent to Fontainebleau in 1805 for the Emperor's bedchamber on the first floor where it served until 1807 before being placed in small apartments on the ground floor where it was preserved from 1810 until today. Above the ground floor of the horseshoe wing of the Orangerie another small apartment had ten rooms in 1808. A mahogany bed was introduced to exhibit the simplicity of taste for the Emperor’s bedchamber.
The gilded wooden bed consists of a single berth with uprights at the same height at the rear as in front grooved and surmounted by vases turned into the shape of an urn. Tops of two bedside tables are finely carved with a frieze of water leaves and lilac stems while the side rails are decorated with rosettes framed by palmettes and stars. On the front uprights carved and sheathed figures are adorned with the heads of young girls crowned with flowers and ribbons floating on the neck. Sheaths are carved on the main face of palmettes, rosettes and coat hooks and on the sides lit torches. The feet of the bed end on a base. Each figure motif adorning the front uprights was used at the end of the eighteenth century and at the beginning of the 19th century.
Below is a detailed figure motif on the bed.
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Plan of the first floor of the Palace of Saint-Cloud in the first quarter of the nineteenth century, Mobilier national, inv. 120. A is a bedroom of the Orangerie  apartment and B a provisional chamber of the Count of Artois then chamber of representation of Louis XVIII.
The Emperor's small bedchamber in Fontainebleau with a gilded wooden bed attributed to Jacob Frères circa 1799, National Museum of Fontainebleau.
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CHINESE HOROSCOPES 2020! Fruits Basket Style
The Rat - “You're done. Put that down and get out.” - Yuki Sohma
Other Rats: Lymantria Khan, Mateo De Alva
Congrats. It is the year of the rat. The Rat horoscope 2020 predicts that you may be filled with a vague feeling of dissatisfaction even though things will go quite well.He is loyal and devoted to his friends and rather protective of them. He is not really romantic and often is really good friends with his lover. At times he can be mean, stubborn, and narrow-minded in his view but it is merely his way of being a perfectionist and his need to live by his own rules.
Don’t listen, then, to the insidious little voice that will incite you to see things in black. Look at your life with serenity: You’ll realize that, in fact, you’ve absolutely no serious reason to complain or even to worry. Celebrate the many good things you’ve been given.
The Ox - “A mystery...” - Hatsuharu Sohma
Other Oxen: Perry Flynn, Merida Dunbroch, Berlioz Bonfamille, Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, Charlie Little, Alana Triton, Keaton “Buster” Palmerteri 
2020 will certainly be a lucky year for those born in the Year of the Ox. You’ll be relaxed and feel good about yourself, The Ox chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that in order to amplify the good celestial influences of the year and lessen the negative impacts, it will be in your best interests to take stock of your life and to hatch out new projects. and this beautiful balance will have happy repercussions on your love life.
Some of you might accidentally encounter some supernatural events that are beyond one’s imagination. Whether such meeting is a good omen or not is to be established in the near future. But certainly it brings a new chapter into one’s life. As long as one has an open mind and does not keep thinking of negative consequences, then the situation should be under control. If still in doubt, then one can choose to totally ignore it.
The Tiger - “When I’m...with Onee-chan...I feel warm inside...” - Kisa Sohma
Other Tigers: Kanga DeRosa, Thomas O’Malley, Calliope Harper, Olafur Önnuson, Gregory Eeyore, Marian May, Sindri Dyrsson
Tigers are set to reap the benefits of the Year of the Rat; career and education, in particular, will be the areas to focus on for the next few months. Be confident in your abilities. Use your talents for good; loyalty and intelligence will get you far. On the other hand, health and relationships will not have such a positive outlook. You will need to be sensitive to your well-being and others’ if you want to have a good year.
The Rabbit - “But...I think...I want to live with all my memories. Even if they're sad memories.” - Momiji Sohma
Other Rabbits: Kiara Lyons, Shannon “Shock” Adamson, Bambi Basurto, Sora Hamasaki/Roxas, Reed Fisch, Elyon Brown
The Rabbit horoscope 2020 predicts that in general, the outlook is positive. However, the year will be marked with some tense configurations. In order to preserve your serenity, it would be in your best interest to adopt a well-balanced lifestyle at the very start of the year.Be careful about your diet, and think of getting more fresh air; indeed, you’ll tend to live too much indoors, forgetting to walk or to maintain contact with nature. There’s a whole world out there for you to explore.
The Dragon -  “No I was simply too amazed by your stupidity to say anything.” - Hatori Sohma
Other Dragons: Imelda Rivera, Sun Park, Roscoe Sykes, Jake Long, Marie Bonfamille, Deb DamselBu, Oliver Twistes, Fflewddur Fflam
The Dragon horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you will become more sure of yourself and assert your originality, especially in your career, where your qualities will be acknowledged by your superiors and colleagues. But you’ll also have the tendency to adopt overly radical positions at times; try to be more moderate.Beware: By refusing to make concessions, you’ll antagonize even those who only want to help you! Expect luck to smile upon you.
The Snake - “So send me your desire. In the service of my fellow students, I am prepared to receive!” - Ayame Sohma
Other Snakes: Kristoff Bjorgman, Violet Parr, Isabel Flores 
The Snake horoscope 2020 predicts that your personal evolution will be highlighted by the Stars this year. You’ll discover new things that interest you and you’ll better understand the direction of your destiny. Many of you will be attracted by all that is related to spirituality. Your natural generosity will express itself usefully in the service of others. Think about this if ever you have an important career choice to make.
The Horse - “And if when everything ends, nothing is left in my hands...that's alright.” - Rin Sohma
Other Horses: Willis Tibbs, Marzel of Coronado, Marisa of Coronado, Gaston Lacarriere, Ralph O’Reilly, Lucius “Lock” Adamson, Ashley Spinelli, Mei Qin, Dash Parr, Haley Long, Urchin Owens, Ashle Boulet, Ashleigh Quinlan, Ariel Triton
The horse horoscope 2020 predicts that the year may be marked with important surprises. Now, as a native of this Sign, you abhor the unforeseen. Nevertheless, it will be in your best interest to act quickly if changes come to disrupt your career schedule. Given the favorable astral configurations of the year, such modifications will play in your favor, on the condition that you take up the challenge. Don’t be doubtful of your abilities; you’ll find the necessary resources within yourself to make the most of changing conditions.
The Goat - "STUPID WOMAN! Always stealing our alone time." - Hiro Sohma
Other Goats: Terra, Nala, Terence, Attina, Ella, Simba, Meg, Finn, Roo, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Ashlee T, Nemo, Wilbur
The year of the Rat will be full of highs and lows for Goats. Having enjoyed a relatively stable previous year, they should expect 2020 to be more dramatic.Goats will have to work harder than usual to capitalize on great financial opportunities during the first half of the year. These resources should then be saved to prepare for the difficult years of the Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit.
In the second half, Goats may face some serious problems that can last a while. These obstacles will require strong persistence and commitment from them. However, they should see this as an opportunity to grow and bring out the best in them. As long as Goats remain optimistic throughout the year, everything should turn out fine.
The Monkey -  "I'm a complete failure. At everything I do, I'm absolutely worthless. I know this, and yet I continue to burden the human race with my presence. “ - Ritsu Sohma
Other Monkeys: Celia, Henry, Jake Rogers
The Monkey horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you’ll have to make concerted efforts in order to get what you want. Important changes can take place at home or at work, so you need to be prepared. It would be ideal if you could remain confident when you actually feel like sweating. If you act rather than panic, you’ll find brilliant solutions and you’ll triumph over difficulties. Be convinced that life is made of renewals and that upheavals are useful because they allow you to make progress.
The Rooster - “I alone am free. I could go anywhere I please. I could love whomever I wish.” - Kureno Sohma
Other Roosters:  Marlin, Iseul, Adella, Belle, Artemis, Apollo, Jim, Sally, Georgette, Chase
The Rooster chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, your focus will be on the sectors related to relations with others. Thus, it will be in your best interest to think of other people more. Whether in your work, love affairs or family life, don’t make any decisions without foreseeing its consequences on those around you. Good fortune will smile upon you if you put your family and friends first.
The Dog -  “Sometimes I think the whole world is conspiring to destroy my house.” - Shigure Sohma
Other Dogs: Reza, Hera, Minnie, Sarina, Melody, John, Elena
People born in the year of the Dog won’t have to complain about the stars in the year of the Rat 2020, for they will have good luck in most areas of their life. You will need to be patient and tenacious at work. If you’re wise enough to adapt yourself to new challenges that arise, you’ll strengthen your character and develop two key qualities — the art of negotiating and the ability to make sensible choices.
The Pig - “I will forgive him right after I kill him!” - Kagura Sohma
Other Pigs: Hercules, Dodger, Mitte, Jane, Wendy
2020 will be an extremely lucky year for all the people born in the year of the Pig.The pig has the last position among the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. The Pig horoscope 2020 predicts that the astral climate will lighten. After a rather chaotic year, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself. However, there are still lessons to learn. First of all, show yourself to be extremely reasonable in all domains of your life. Next, vow to be more selfless. Finally, the more willing you are to modify your plans at the last minute, the better you’ll fare in all aspects of your life.
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life-establish · 1 year
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anniekoh · 5 years
to the architects of concentration camps and the designers of detention centers
The response to American concentration camps is abolition. 
The humanitarian response is to shut down the camps or prevent their establishment.* 
Building better detention centers, instead of using tent cities or converted sheds, is not humanitarian.
Justice for Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez, a 16 year old who died alone in his Border Patrol holding cell, is to make sure youth are not detained by a xenophobic government agency. 
Giving the Border Patrol enough funds to hopefully hire a nurse and buy some medicine is not justice. 
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*(Dream Action Oklahoma and other activists led protests that resulted in the cancellation of plans to open a concentration camp to house immigrants at Fort Sill)
has been calling for a Prison Design Boycott for years. ADPSR’s stance is simple, architects, designers and planners should refuse to design prisons and other carceral facilities. Don’t accept government contracts for the prison-industrial complex, even if the project is to improve prison design, do promote community-based alternatives to incarceration.
More specifically, ADSPR is advocating for
American Institute of Architects to amend its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct to prohibit the design of spaces for killing, torture, and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. In the United States, this comprises the design of execution chambers; super-maximum security prisons (“supermax”), where solitary confinement is an intolerable form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; and solitary confinement facilities for juveniles and the mentally ill. As people of conscience and as a profession dedicated to improving the built environment for all people, we cannot participate in the design of spaces that violate human life and dignity. Participating in the development of buildings designed for killing, torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is fundamentally incompatible with professional practice that respects standards of decency and human rights.
At a planning conference in 2017, I attended a panel in which one of the speakers was urban planner and university administrator Flores Forbes, who had been incarcerated in the early 1980s. He described attending an event, a charrette on “designing the ideal jail,” at which he had to excuse himself. The carceral institution is not a design exercise or the subject for a juried competition. 
My layperson’s understanding of harm reduction -- let’s just immediately improve the material conditions for this person, even if we are not addressing the underlying issues -- has generally made me less radical in my actual practice. Working within a broken system to improve people’s lives is worth it, I think, in many cases. However where this approach is really really problematic is when the “reform” or the small improvement actually further entrenches the injustice. 
Don’t legitimize concentration camps. Don’t accept that ICE is a legitimate use of government power and public money. 
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
As of Wednesday morning, the remains of 33 victims who were aboard the #Conception have been recovered. A search is underway for the remaining body, according to @USCG officials.
Conception Boat Fire: Here's The Latest On The Tragedy Off Santa Cruz Island
BY LAIST Staff | Published September 3, 2019 3:44 PM | LAIST | Posted September 4, 2019 7:04 PM ET |
Recovery efforts are continuing near Santa Cruz Island after a dive boat named Conception caught fire and sank early Monday with 34 people aboard.
As of Wednesday morning, the remains of 33 victims have been recovered and a search is underway for the remaining body, according to U.S. Coast Guard officials.
The intense fire aboard the ship spread rapidly and authorities believe 33 passengers and one crew member were trapped in their sleeping quarters on the lower deck. Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said Tuesday it appeared a stairwell and escape hatch were both blocked by fire.
Here's what else we know so far.
At 9:40 a.m. Tuesday, after nearly 24 hours on the scene, the U.S. Coast Guard suspended the search for survivors, USCG Captain Monica Rochester said. Authorities are now working on a plan to safely salvage the vessel and recover the 14 remaining victims.
Four to six additional bodies were located in the wreckage Monday night, but the sunken ship is currently inverted upside down on the sea floor, creating a hazardous situation for divers. Authorities will attempt to stabilize the boat in an effort to search the wreckage for the additional victims and recover their bodies, according to Sheriff Brown.
"We want to make sure that this process is done safely and methodically," he said.
Brown also said the five surviving crew members gave written statements Monday and would be interviewed Tuesday.
The sheriff's department has a list of passengers from the Conception and have been working to notify the victims' families. Sheriff Brown said four families have yet to be reached Tuesday. The majority of the passengers appear to be from the Bay Area, he added.
Brown said many, if not all of the victims, were badly burned in the fire, meaning the remains will have to be identified through DNA testing. Authorities are in the process of collecting DNA samples from family members and will create profiles based on those samples.
A special team from the U.S. Department of Justice is assisting local officials with a rapid DNA analysis tool to speed up the identification process, Brown said, but it's unclear how long that process will take.
The Santa Barbara County Coroner is handling the remains with assistance from the Los Angeles County coroner's office. No autopsies have been performed as of Tuesday morning, officials said.
A family assistance center was established at Earl Warren Showgrounds at 3400 Calle Real in Santa Barbara to provide family and friends of victims information, support, mental health counseling, and other resources.
A pair of vigils are scheduled Thursday in honor of the victims: one at 6 p.m. at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium and another at 7 p.m. at the Deep Blue Scuba Center on the Belmont Pier in Long Beach.
Conception's 33 passengers and 6 crew members were on a three-day excursion in the Channel Islands. Early Monday morning, the vessel was anchored off Platts Harbor on the north side of Santa Cruz Island, a popular Southern California dive site located about 24 miles off the Santa Barbara coast.
A mayday call sent at about 3:15 a.m. Monday reported a raging fire on the vessel. Five crew members, including the captain, were awake and on the bridge at the time of the incident, then jumped overboard, authorities said. The passengers were below deck asleep when the blaze broke out.
The five crew members were rescued by a good Samaritan boat anchored nearby. A sixth crew member did not make it off the ship, authorities said.
"This is probably the worst-case scenario you could possibly have," Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown told reporters Monday, noting the combination of a fire breaking out on a boat in a remote location in the middle of the night.
Two boats from the Ventura County Fire Department were the first on scene and found the wooden vessel completely engulfed in flames. U.S. Coast Guard boats also responded and worked to douse the fire.
But at about 7:20 a.m., the boat sank in about 60 feet of water. Four bodies were recovered shortly after the vessel went down, described only as two adult men and two adult women.
Search and rescue teams responded with helicopters, boats and divers and located another four bodies on the ocean floor Monday. Concerns over the tide and the stability of the sunken boat hampered recovery efforts that afternoon, but as crews worked into the night, 16 more bodies were recovered and brought to shore.
Authorities are investigating where the fire started and what caused it, but could not confirm media reports of an explosion on the ship.
"There's no indication at this point in the investigation that there was an explosion that preceded this fire or this event," Brown told reporters Tuesday.
The National Transportation Safety Board has dispatched a team to investigate the incident.
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the cause of the fire and plans to release a preliminary report within 10 days, NTSB board member Jennifer Homendy said at a Tuesday afternoon press conference, though a final report usually takes between 12 and 24 months. The Coast Guard will also be conducting their own investigation.
Vehicles of the size of the Conception aren't required to have a black box on board, according to NTSB Investigator-In-Charge Adam Tucker, and they have not received any indication that the ship had installed one voluntarily.
The NTSB plans to be on scene for 7 to 10 days collecting evidence, but will not be determining the cause of the fire while on scene, Homendy said. They do plan to provide factual information ahead of their report as it becomes available. She also noted that they have in the past provided urgent safety recommendations in the middle of an investigation and that they won't wait for the investigation to end in order to do that.
The NTSB is asking the public for their assistance, seeking photos, videos, and any other information that people believe will help the safety investigation. Anyone with that information can email them at [email protected].
The NTSB has started to develop a list of people they'd like to interview. Homendy said they would like to speak with surviving crew members, the companies that were involved, first responders, the Coast Guard, and others. They plan to examine the vessel itself, the crew, and the conditions they were operating in. That includes if crew members had undergone firefighter training and what emergency supplies were on board, such as life vests, fire extinguishers, and life boats.
Homendy said she was 100 percent confident that investigators will determine the cause of the fire, why it occurred, how it occurred, and what it will take to prevent it from happening again.
The Conception was owned and operated by Truth Aquatics, a Santa Barbara-based charter company that provided a variety of ocean excursions, including whale watching, lobster diving and fishing.
The 79-foot ship was built in Long Beach and first launched in 1981, according to Truth Aquatics website. The company operates two other boats, Truth and Vision.
The vessel has three decks, authorities explained Tuesday: the lower deck is the passenger sleeping quarters, the middle deck contains the galley, or kitchen, and the top deck houses the crew quarters and the ship's bridge.
The Conception was on a three-day Labor Day weekend trip to allow divers a "unique opportunity to explore the pinnacles of San Miguel Island," according to an online trip listing. It was scheduled to have left Santa Barbara at 4 a.m. Saturday and return Monday afternoon, Brown said.
The U.S. Coast Guard inspects boats annually and the Conception was "fully compliant" in its most recent inspection, according to Captain Rochester. The vessel was equipped with smoke detectors, along with fixed and portable firefighting systems, per federal regulations. The boat specifications also say it was equipped with rafts and life jackets for 110 passengers.
Several people, including friends of former crew members and frequent passengers on the Conception told LAist that the company had a strong safety record and a top-notch crew.
This story is developing. Check back for updates.
Ryan Fonseca, Alyssa Jeong Perry, Brianna Flores, Itxy Quintanilla, Lita Martinez, Megan Erwin, Megan Garvey, Melissa Leu, Sharon McNary, and Mike Roe contributed to this story.
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 8:40 a.m.: This article was updated with information from the U.S. Coast Guard about the recovery efforts.
3:44 p.m. This article was updated with information from a National Transportation Safety Board press conference.
2:20 p.m. This article was updated with information about two vigils planned for Thursday.
11:37 a.m. This article was updated with additional details about the Conception.
11:15 a.m. This article was updated with information provided by authories during Tuesday morning's press conference.
This article was originally published at 8:35 a.m.
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anonimo-infinito · 5 years
Yeyeyeyeyey!!! Here. I translated it (Of course I used google translate so... um... don’t expect too much lol)
Original: https://poder-de-las-palabras.tumblr.com/post/182530605067/wooo-un-cuento-que-termin%C3%A9-ayer-y-que-va-directo 
The River
After the disappearance of Nicole Hernandez, panic flooded in the most prestigious boarding school of young ladies. It was exasperating, for teachers and students, to see how the police continually interrupted the classes to get and interrogate a few of my classmates.
Nicole was the almost stereotypical perfect girl: perfect grades, kind, popular, with all the boys from the neighboring boarding school chasing her every day, loved by everyone (teachers and classmates) and with an incredible culinary sense - in fact, from both interned, nothing was served at the table that she hadn’t tried before. And I say almost because, when you think of girls like her, you imagine the white and tall blond girl with blue eyes, a fine nose, a role model, etc., etcetera. However, it was not like that, in fact, it was the opposite: she was simple, the shortest of all of the students, barely visible in a crowd (except for her high ponytail), curly black hair, she was chubby as every free time she had, she used it to buy one or another craving, but it has to be said, she didn’t care, her self-esteem was as high as her grades; sports was not for her, she was always the last one running, the one that failed blaying basketball and the one that missed the soccer ball before kicking it. Nicole had a remarkable feature, it was the characteristic that made everyone be enchanted by her: her voice; soft and sweet, like honey and a summer breeze, it is not a description that I do, it is an institutional agreement, however, it is true, her voice (and her hair) brought me crazy.
Everyone knew her, there was no one that didn’t know at least her name. Nicole was in charge of welcoming the new ones, participating as judge in competitions and was one of the main organizers of the extracurricular activities.
She and I shared the love of nature; she, on one hand, enjoyed it as a hobby while I, on the other, devoted all my study and thought to the idea of ​​becoming a botanist. We met by accident one night planned by destiny, and I don’t refer to “destiny” as a cheesy, I speak of destiny as a written fact, predetermined otherwise it would have been impossible to know each other -the only moment in which the two schools could They lived on weekends, only five hours (Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, with a meal and rest in the garden) and, really, little was the coexistence, if only one to two mixed groups talking amicably , but the others as far away as they could.
As I was saying, Nicole and I found ourselves at the entrance of a cave passing the river. It was the second week and we both had broken the first rules of the boarding school. “The walks through the garden beyond the established limits will be punished with the expulsion from the school” and “any student outside the institute’s facilities more than 9:30 p.m. will be punished with the suspension of classes for one more week. cleaning of said facilities ”. But this, none of us cared. I discovered Nicole with a flashlight in her mouth, drawing lienas in a notebook; his drawing skills were not good, but he could capture the structures of what he drew. She jumped when I approached her from behind, thinking that the ranger had caught her. We spent all that night talking about our tastes and, she, just told me that she wanted to go into the different caves that were distributed in the territory of the school, believing to find some other evidence of ancient civilization.
The escapades continued and went from being weekly to practically daily. It was our shared space and, like a classic tale of love, I could say that I fell in love; However, more than love was admiration and devotion to her. I respected her deeply. Also, Nicole, she became the only person with whom I felt safe.
A few days after the complaint of his disappearance, a first-grade girl found a corpse on the shore of the lake while doing a practice for a subject; He shouted such a shout that he alerted both institutes and the gossip ran before the police arrived to see the scene.
And the endless questionnaires began.
At first I thought they would call me, but nobody really knew about our escapades, much less that we talked to each other. In fact, Nicole herself had told me that she would prefer not to tell anyone about me, since she felt that this would make recesses weird because her friends would playfully mock our friendship.
The police spoke with the director to find out who Nicole used to relate to, clearly, the director replied that her friends were the most popular girls at school. However, they also called a girl named Lauren, whom Nicole used to talk to often; according to her friends they were not so close and only helped each other to study, but I knew that Lauren knew each and every one of Nicole's secrets, in a few months they had become the best friends and they did almost everything together. Lauren commented that not only did she have friends at the Señoritas Institute, but also that there was a group of boys she used to hang out with. And so the police came to the building where I was.
Shortly after the in-depth investigation, those responsible for it, interrupted one of my classes for the first time and I felt that my heart would pop out of my mouth. Nicole was my friend, of course she wanted them to know what had happened to her, her parents had a right to know, just like Lauren, but she did not know if she would have the courage to talk to cops about anything about her. For the simple fact that our escapades were forbidden, not only would they consider me the suspect number one and a cold-blooded killer, but they would also expel me from school and any chance to get on with my school life. When the list of names was finished, I was able to breathe again, although, although I tried to return my attention to the class, my mind was elsewhere.
The investigation ended, almost a month after his complaint, with the police taking Matias Flores.
It would make sense that the police had hired him as Nicole's suspect and killer. She herself, by the way she referred to him, seemed scared of his presence.
That night, that of the supermoon, that of the departure that we had planned in advance to visit a cave slightly further away than the rest, she had not wanted to go. At the entrance to the forest he told me that he had spoken with Matías, he wanted to go out with her and, as we all know in both institutes, he does not have the fame of the gentleman if not the opposite. Nicole told me that they had argued because she had no interest in being with him, and that when she made a move to leave, he grabbed her arm and approached her violently, hurting her. If Lauren had not intervened, Nicole was afraid that Matthias might have done her some harm.
I told him that to clear it, we could go to the caves before it was done later and, with my continuous insistence, finally my wish was granted.
We crossed the first meters of tall, wooded trees, the fireflies and dragonflies met where it was in the river and illuminated, along with our lanterns, the narrow trunk that was on the bridge. We were moving away more and more from the limits to which we were accustomed. At first we thought we were going in a good direction, however, after wandering a few minutes, we felt completely disoriented, and it was, when deciding to retrace our steps, when it started to rain.
We kept silent, as if we were afraid that through sound we would meet another person who was not the other. Suddenly a light, which was not from the moon or our lanterns, rotated on the floor. "The ranger" I thought. Next, we turned off our light source and hid behind trees to see if we lost the caregiver, maintaining the hope that he had not seen us.
"Whoever it is, get out," he said in his thick voice.
We looked at each other terrified, but both, as if we read our minds, counted to three and we left running, letting the moon guide our steps. The man kept hurrying us in his step and ours too. We ended up running through the muddy forest; even without being able to see well where we were going, because the rain made it impossible to distinguish that there were three steps away. After a while of chase, we could hear the river running, as well as see the shadow of what the bridge was.
I quickened my step, with the idea in my head that nobody should know that I was out until so late. With the greatest possible care, I went through the trunk that creaked under my feet. I was so wet that I could not tell if the water that was wetting my sneakers was from the river or from the rain that fell on us. I stumbled over the bridge and kept running when a scream sounded in the forest.
"Nicole," I thought. I stopped dead and it seemed like everything else too.
Time came back to life and I fled from where I had come from, without bothering to meet the ranger. I heard the river again -bravo and scandalous- as well as gasps of unbridled effort to escape certain death.
"Nico!" I yelled and she responded with another cry for help so I could locate her. The force with which the raindrops fell had diminished considerably, so that I could already distinguish where I was. My friend had slid off the trunk and was holding on to the unstable land covered with wet leaves. The river had grown enough to cover Nicole's knees, preventing her from doing more than just grabbing and praying that the river would not continue to grow.
With my heart about to come out of my chest, I ran to the nearest tree with low branches; I tried to start one to help her climb. No tree gave way and the cluster of slippery leaves that I was walking did not help either. My head was spinning, I decided to look on the floor to see if I was lucky, but I only managed to get my clothes and hands dirty.
Another scream with my name alerted me because a desperation and terror trembled in the humid air. I turned in his direction, the water splashed the shore and there were only fingers clinging anguished to the earth that was falling apart between them.
I felt that I stopped breathing. It seemed that the space between where I was and where the river flowed was immense, just as every step, however hasty it took, took me further away from Nicole.
To top it off, the treacherous mattress under my feet, he played his game and I ended up with a muddy face. I got up without waiting for a second and flew to the shore. When I arrived, the river had taken it.
I stared at him, unable to process anything of what had happened. I stared at him while, this one, he played to cross the limit once again.
I returned with slow and calm step to the boarding school, without being able to contain the tears that ran for my face. Already back, nobody never suspected me, or the exits. I made my life again, I stopped going to the forest, like the idea of ​​being a botanical biologist and turned to neurology.
From time to time, in that time of tension, and even now it happens, they used to wake me up with the cries of Nicole asking for help and the cries of Matías praying for a little credibility.
In the end, the river took two innocents, a dream and a secret to the depths of its waters.
( @mkayisinsane please tell me what do you think! When you can of course!)
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Meet The Diet regimen Slimming Perfume.
If you're dealing with to slim down, you are actually probably investigating the very best diet regimens as well as which is right for you. The other factor is this kind of public health argument that if you only say to folks that you don't must eat carbs but you can do just what Atkins told folks, you don't must eat carbs but you could consume as much steak as you want, seafood Newberg, quarter-pounder burgers, enjoy, merely don't consume carbohydrates and you'll burn fat. http://laforcedefruits-blog.info assumed this message was actually unfortunate and also incredibly contradictory for people which really shouldn't be dropping weight. Always remember that some folks are actually extra conscious variations in water weight in comparison to others. Low-fat as well as low-carb diets produce equivalent weight reduction and improvements in blood insulin resistance however the low-carb diet may be actually hazardous to vascular health, inning accordance with a brand-new study in Diabetes. A low-carb diet like Atkins helps you manage your blood glucose as a result of the foods you are consuming-- protein, body fat and thread coming from veggies. I would say no. I assume if an individual experiences addicted" around meals, they might want to examine their amount from physical regulation (really refusing themselves appropriate fats, creating excessive cravings, and/or rejecting on their own specific foods) or their level of psychological stipulation (consuming the foods items but feeling responsible regarding them, identifying meals good/bad, really feeling negative concerning their physical bodies and making use of food items as a stand-in). Corinne Podger: Online dieters Chip, Anna and also Lyn typically aren't thinking about the 80 per-cent who fail; they wish to become aware of the others, the one in five which deal with certainly not merely to reduce weight but to keep it off. However currently I'm additionally on a fitness center zing for a month or 2, to get my body weight down and strength up, into a different zone. The superstar admitted to consuming alcohol additional after experiencing her divorce coming from past spouse of five years, Jordan Bratman, and also being actually lax on her diet regimen. Got my very first pair of weeks from meals this evening, as well as had 8 meals substituted by things I failed to order. I believe I check out Topiramate would not be actually risk-free to have while on this form of diet do to renal rock creation. Our experts reside in a globe where our company go to work, bring up kids, travel through McDonald's, experience delight as well as stress, reveal food items along with relatived ... I do not wish to judge, yet I am actually pretty sure the daily life from a computer mouse is not quite as complex as that from an individual. In this particular research, reduced threat of cardiovascular fatality was urled to the Mediterranean diet just in the course of the first healthcare facility remain. Though the incorporated B vitamins could be replaced along with whole foods items, the only energetic element for effective weight loss besides vitamins is coffee robustica. My weight varies in between 209-216 pounds (98-95 kilograms) as well as my waist circumference is 36 inches (92 centimeters), which offers me a weight loss from concerning 143 pounds (65 kilograms) and also 23 inches (58 centimeters) smaller sized circumference. It is actually likewise the first time Body weight Watchers has actually fallen out of the top 5, right now can be found in at # 10, yet with the latest announcement that Oprah will be their brand new representative in 2016, we anticipate them rebounding next year.. Talking from experience, as I am at a fit as well as healthy and balanced weight I reside in a happier mood compared to the amount of times when I am heavier. But I also attempted carrying out weightlifting on an empty belly prior to as well as failed to like that in any way, I experienced unstable and also could not perform a bunch of agents, for me it pretty much was actually ineffective. my company attempt to stick to this diet plan essentially yet do not eat red meat product, poutry or pork. Fast onward a million years or so, and also not merely have our situations modified dramatically, yet thus has our meals. Particularly, the danger of urinary system tract contaminations as well as genital fungus infections boosts - the result from all the sweets (food for micro-organisms and also fungis) that crack into the pee. Having said that, if you're alarmingly overweight and you've tried all various other techniques after that the FDA accepted weight management strategies use a glimmer from chance - but they come with a rate. Re Problem 2 - the RC diet plan possessed an increase in fat oxidation that was a fair bit less than the reduction in electricity consumption, so they were actually making use of carbohydrate (glycogen) reserves. When I initially started on my weight-loss trip, my objective was certainly not to reside a dog's life of deprival; as a matter of fact, I determined that if I couldn't go as well as appreciate a McDonald's meal at the very least when a full week, I wasn't mosting likely to continue from it. And during that time in my youthful, never-dieted, regularly eating way too much physical body, I performed drop weight promptly and conveniently without harsh deprival. Since people were reading as well as seemed to be to want a lot more, I really felt motivated sufficient to start a podcast with my friend Aaron Flores, RDN, which has actually been actually a lot fun for me. I came to get on Christy Harrison's Meals Psych podcast to refer to my past with meals as well as weight loss which was actually so very tremendously cool. Some research studies of Ramadan have presented weight increase during the course of this period therefore. But PHYSICIAN Dukan carries out all he can to eradicate both carbs as well as body fats coming from his fat burning periods. In her service, Trudy helps customers along with fat burning and food longings, as well as operates a meals weblog full of mouth-watering dishes. My weight dropped coming from around 150 to 142.5 after the initial full week however during the 2nd week my weight fluctuated as higher as 147.5 and afterwards the next day was down to 143. She points out lots of weight reduction facilities make use of dish substitutes as part of a closely watched very-low-energy diet plan (VLED) for individuals with being overweight. Okay, the moment you choose a practical diet plan you definitely must include workout in to your regimen. Not only cravings reductions, but additionally rate of metabolism increasing, blood sugar management, and other effective weight loss perks. Microsoft Shanks said among the reasons why going or eliminating breads to reduced carbohydrate diet regimens would certainly cause quick weight management resulted from the body system exhausting its own carb establishments, which are stored along with water. Considering that her triglycerides are very high, her physician lately informed her that she requires to follow a low fat deposits diet.
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