bonusdragons · 3 months
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June 24, 2024:
Midnight Secondary, Sandsurge, Ripple.
Likan of Liirah's clan!
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meloboye · 1 year
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Artfight attack to Liirah
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
What nick names do you think Keith and Lotor have for each other? /gen
galra terms of endearment | Lotor's nicknames for Keith | Keith's nicknames for Lotor
Well obviously our favourite purple menace is a terrible terrible man who uses every nickname under the scorching desert sun—because not a single one has ever failed to inflict colour upon his lover's cheeks—but chief among them are: darling, sweet-thing, sweetheart, my love, beloved, l’vaanu, maar tron liirah, and (of course) b’aakhitah ♡
Keith is a little more selective—no less sincere in his affection, just less vocal—but when he does choose to verbalise it (beyond the obvious "I love you") it takes one of three forms: your highness, when he's being playful, teasing Lotor with a title that means everything to the rest of the universe, yet nothing between them; darlin', when he wants something, with a healthy dose of that southern drawl creeping into his voice because he knows exactly how it affects his prince; and rarest of all, tsaiah, used sparingly and only when they're intimate, a whispered prayer on his tongue as his lover leaves him breathless.
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grollow · 2 years
May I ask about Pinion, perhaps? Name got me curious
Pinion :>
They're my vessel OC! They kinda debuted in a side story of Living Dead and will actually be making an appearance in the real fic. They have a cracked mask because they got hurt by a mawlek~ They kinda got adopted by the Troupe in that fic due to having no where else to really go.
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(artist: oro)
They are very curious and a little on the reckless side and spend most of their time following around anyone who looks interesting to them (which is everyone, they're nosy). They are Very Scared of Tall People, which is unfortunate as they are very small.
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(artist: liirah)
Some day I'll probably write a "Pinion gets into trouble" ficlet. In Living Dead, they got their name from grown-up-Grimmchild, because they're always trying to fly -- bird flight feathers inspiration. :>
They're one of my favorites and my Twitter profile picture because they're really cute (and really easily made grumpy).
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(artist: @suminoze)
I'm sort of in love with their cloak. The original design was not supposed to be Grimm Troupe associated but Living Dead turned into a "Where I dump all my Original Characters for Hollow Knight" fic and well. They got put in.
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git-it · 1 year
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Based on Haf of Itami, art reference by Liirah
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pokefarm-q · 3 years
Questions from someone who left the game a while back due to shitty mod staff: 1. About how many users are on everyday (when i joined, it was usually 500+ every day), 2. Did Garthic leave?, and 3. What happened to Liirah
1. like. 5k people come online daily (give or take) but i think theres prob only a couple hundred on at any given time
2. nah hes a head admin
3. never heard of them..do u mean ledah? the homesuck shaymin person
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captainbasch · 5 years
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Mermay - Through the Trees __________________________ The last mermay 2019 ych piece for Liirah on dA! <-- where you can get a slightly better view :: characters not mine::
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pokeheros-drama · 4 years
Sure. Maybe Liirah does put effort into some of her work. Shit, maybe she puts effort and 'love' into everything she makes. But clearly, that Mega Luxray was neglected. The poor thing has matted fur 😔😔.
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xiheru · 5 years
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Some scetches to show that I am alive.
No 1. Liz by @xladymali
Malis belove OC Liz from our RPs as an athlete in rythmic gymnastics
No 2. Jack by me
My lil mechanic. I need to do this card new xD
No. 3 Liirah by me
One of my oldest OC from Fiesta Online. I really love her
No. 4 Therese by me
One of my gym leaders foe Pokèmon. Leaf type~ She loves her gloom~
Hope you like them~
I'll post some other old pics to show you that I am alive ❤
Cya Heru
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risto-licious · 6 years
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finished commission work for Liirah <3
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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December 24, 2022:
Copper Primary, Bogsneak, Paisley.
Teorah of Liirah’s clan!
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bonusdragons · 1 year
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August 20, 2023:
Sunset Primary, Tundra, Opal.
Mikos of Liirah's clan!
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grollow · 2 years
I’m very talkative today, but I want to introduce you guys to Pinion! 
Pinion will be making their debut at some point in We Are Like The Living Dead, where you’ll get to learn more about this little one. For the moment, though, all you really get to find out is that they’re the first major original character I’ve decided to introduce to one of my fanfics, and that they are a Grimm Troupe vessel -- or will be, given where they pop up.
Thank you to the lovely Liirah for this incredible artwork of them. I’m so smitten! (Art posted with permission :>)
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bonusdragons · 3 years
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March 26, 2022:
Ultramarine Tertiary, Veilspun, Python.
Shey of Liirah’s clan!
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pokeheros-drama · 4 years
Sorry, but Liirah is putting damn much effort into their work and art. Did you see their latest work? Its stunning! And the same effort they put into the sprites. People without any knowledge should maybe just stay quiet.
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lilflowerpot · 5 years
Please tell us more about Ezor and Zetherid's kid, I'm dying to know about them (Unless that's Spoiler Territory, in which case I'm happy to wait until it comes up in the fic!!)
It’s not really spoiler territory, more something that would happen maybe a decade or so //after// the LB narrative wraps up, so I think the closest I’d ever “officially” get to addressing it would be in some sort of epilogue? Maybe??
The only thing it would really spoil is (shocker!!) that LB ends with Keith and Lotor being happy and in love as they rule the empire together.. which I feel like all of you know purely for the fact that I am quite obviously too much of a sap to have it end any other way. Canon gave us the “Lotor dies” timeline and I Do Not Want That, so clearly LB was always meant as my self-indulgent keitor fix-it fic.
That in mind, let’s do this:
As it turns out, Zethrid’s non-Galra parent was biologically similar enough to the Galra that she’s not actually infertile (though she is the only Galra hybrid that they’re aware of who managed to jump that genetic pitfall) and so does in fact have viable sex cells. Ezor does not, BUT there is a method of artificial fertilisation which uses bone marrow to serve as a substitute for sperm, and therefore although she cannot produce eggs, she can in fact still be the biological mother of Zethrid’s child.
It’s still risky, more so than a Galra pregnancy typically is (which is a great deal) but Zethrid insists she’s strong enough for it, and the fact that it’s even a possibility in the first place is a miracle in and of itself, so they have to try.
It’s the most stressful five phoebs of the entire squad’s collective life.
And yes, that’s five phoebs - five, not the full six it should have been - because the baby not only comes ridiculously early, but when Zethrid is in the middle of a war council of all things, and she doesn’t even say anything, just sits there until its natural end basically ignoring her contractions, and as one of the higher ranking commanders stands to leave he notices that there’s fluid pooled beneath the table and tries to tactfully alert Zethrid to the fact that her waters seem to have broken, and Zethrid just looks him dead in the eye and goes “yes, a little over a varga ago, are we done here?”
Everyone of rank in the Empire’s military learns to respect the hell out of Zethrid, but she also scares them a little bit too.
Ezor’s on a diplomatic mission and Lotor has been in central command for the last couple of movements, which leaves Zethrid on planet Feyiv with Keith and Acxa who are both her very good friends but also goddamn useless at pretending they’re not completely out of their depth. Acxa’s coping mechanism includes glowering threateningly at absolutely everyone who comes within spitting distance as she not-so-subtly toys with the hilt of her blaster - including the doctors which is not at all helpful - while Keith is just a restless ball of energy that’s stressing her out simply by existing even as he tries very hard to stay in one place and not cause trouble.
The birth is… not easy.
The baby is small, which is a blessing because the amount of hemorrhaging despite that is at dangerous levels, but by the time the sun sets on the horizon, Zethrid’s condition is stable and she has in her arms the tiniest bundle of fur with the most ferocious set of lungs in the whole of the Empire.
Acxa is tentative and obviously unsure (she’s never really been around children and quite obviously don’t know what to do with them) but remarks that for such a small thing, Zethrid’s daughter - she has a daughter - has a warrior’s grip and will be holding a knife within the phoeb. Zethrid very firmly tells her that she will not, and never knew she could be this fiercely protective of anything.
Keith is better, more familiar with how to treat a kitling even though he insists that human children are quite different, because “she’s so squirmy why is she moving so much already- what do you mean galra kits learn to walk well within their first decaphoeb what the fuck we’re going to loose her!!”
Then Zethrid feels something - someone - at her shoulder and tenses for half a tick before that invisible presence registers as wonderfully familiar: “You won’t greet our daughter properly?” she asks, tilting her head back with a toothy grin in the approximate the direction of her bondmate’s face. “I can’t,” comes the whispered admission, tremulous and wet, “I don’t want to first time she sees me to be all-” there’s a watery sniff, a shaky little laugh, and Zethrid belatedly realises that Ezor is crying.
“Maar tron Liirah,” she murmurs, quietly appreciative of how Keith and Acxa shuffle over the the end of the bed to offer a faux sense of privacy, “you awful ridiculous thing, she hasn’t even opened her eyes yet.” And then Ezor blinks into existence with tears streaking her face and the both of them are laughing as Zethrid bundles both her bondmate and baby up into an embrace to end all others. Keith and Acxa become part of it too, Ezor insists, and surrounded by the security her ridiculously mismatched family offers, Zethrid passes out almost immediately.
In her defence, giving birth is hard.
They take turns watching their newest addition, but it’s only after the sun’s risen with Ezor having succumbed to sleep in Zethrid’s arms, Acxa curled like a cat at their feet, and Keith lying across the foot of the bed with the baby on his chest as she blindly tugs on his hair with all the strength her little fists can muster, flapping her great ears about to the sounds of his muffled laughter, that Lotor finally arrives.
He stumbles through the doorway to a quiet chorus of “my emperor,” and “vrepit sa” behind him, but all the doctors are ignored in favour of Keith’s smile as he lies there helplessly, with the kitling on his chest now chewing his braid to death with her gummy little mouth.
“Narti,” Keith whispers, after Lotor has kissed him gently breathless in lieu of a greeting, careful not to crush the tiny bundle between them, “they’ve called her Narti.”
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