#Like I get food gifted all the time with nuts or milks
dragonwithdid · 2 years
Is it truly normal to get allergens gifted ? Like nut chocolate when the person clearly knows that the recipient is allergic? Am I the only one who thinks that this is upsetting ?
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27potatochips · 7 months
Life's Greatest Gift Is Growing Old With You
Johnny is the first to wake, as always, curled around Simon’s sleep warm body as the other man slumbers on. He smiled and nuzzled into Simon’s nape, pressing a soft kiss to the scar there before slipping out of bed, time for breakfast.
I love you, Johnny says, whispered into every interaction he has with Simon.
He stumbled downstairs, sleepily greeting Riley and Sorcha, who were sleeping in their usual places on the stairs, with a pat on the head that the two dogs eagerly received. He made his way to the kitchen and started up the coffee maker, giving the old thing an encouraging pat on the top when it struggled for a bit.
Breakfast was always pretty simple, yoghurt with walnuts for Simon, scrambled eggs for Johnny and Tamsin, Elise was at her partner’s so wouldn’t be joining them for breakfast, and yoghurt with blueberries for Briar.
As the smell of cooking eggs filled the kitchen, Tamsin staggered in, dropping herself onto the barstool at the counters. She was in her pajamas and her messy mop of blonde hair was so much like Simon’s it made Johnny’s heart clench with love. He slid the plate of scrambled eggs to her. “Mornin’ mo leanbh.” He murmured.
Tamsin made a grunting sound of acknowledgement and dug into her food. He left her to it, Tam truly was Simon’s daughter, and it often showed in their mutual hatred for mornings and love for knives. Johnny was a smart man despite what some think, and he learned from the first time Simon threw a knife at him when he tried to disturb him while eating his breakfast.
Briar also eventually joined them with sleepy eyes and their hair half out of their braid. Johnny gave them their bowl of yoghurt with a kiss on the forehead. Briar made a happy sound at the affection and dug in happily.
Johnny finished his own scrambled eggs, then started up Simon’s tea, just in time as the man himself slipped into the kitchen. The blond wrapped his arms around Johnny’s waist and breathed in deeply, nuzzling him. “Mornin’ mo ghrádh.” Johnny murmured, pressing a kiss to Simon’s temple.
I love you, good morning, we’ve survived another day, says the kiss.
Simon hummed and tightened his hold on his husband, hands kneading the soft fat of Johnny’s belly. Johnny chuckled and gently wriggled out of Simon’s hold, handing him his breakfast and tea. “I need tae eat, love, go cuddle yer bairns.” Simon grumbled and pouted a bit, but stumbled towards Briar, who happily let their father snuggle them as he ate.
I love you, I love our children, I know you love them too, says Johnny’s teasing remark.
After breakfast and coffee, they were all more or less awake, and the day could really begin. Tamsin fed the animals and Briar video called with their boyfriend while Simon and Johnny made a grocery list.
“Alright, so we need apples, flour, sugar, milk, yoghurt, gelatine, eggs, oil, and garlic.” Simon listed. Tamsin walked past. “Dinnae forget spinach, pine nuts, and sun dried tomatoes, I want tae try that recipe Floris gave us.” She said, getting the cat food and dodging the hungry cats yowling at her feet trying to trip her up. Johnny nodded and added them to the list. “Alright, nothin’ else tae add anyone?” With a shake of everyone’s head, he folded the list and put it in his pocket. “Alright, let’s go hen.”
I love you, I love that we get to do things like this, says the sweet endearment.
The shops were quiet, with it being on a Sunday morning, so they could calmly go about their business. Until Janice entered the store.
You see, Janice just got divorced from his husband, and she’s on the prowl for a new man to latch onto and emotionally suck dry, like a joy vampire. And lately, she has set her sights on Simon. Which was understandable, but nobody liked it. All attempts to rebuff her have been met with sheer ignorance, so mostly they just avoid her. But today, her eyes immediately found Simon and a grin graced her face. “Simon!” She crooned, making everyone in the store flinch at her screechy tones.
Simon sighed and buried his head in Johnny’s hair. “Can’t we just kill her? Just a little?” He murmured, his hands kneading Johnny’s hips. Johnny sighed. “Laswell said no.” He grumbled back. They heard heels clack on the tile flooring and gathered all their strength to face their most dangerous enemy since Makarov, an entitled PTA mom trying to find a new husband.
“What a happy coincidence, Simon! I just walked past your house, even considered knocking for a little chat if not for that… beast, in your front yard, you should really chain it up, you know, who knows what it might do if not.” She said.
Simon growled under his breath. The ‘beast’ was Lily, their animal guardian dog. She was an absolute sweetheart and frequently laid by the fence out front when the nearby school went out to wait for the students who loved to pet her. She was a Anatolian Shepherd who looked intimidating, and her bark may even startle Simon sometimes, but she was sweeter than sugar and loved children, so she was no danger to anyone except the foxes and hawks, and even those she preferred to scare away instead of killing.
Johnny smiled back, sharp and with entirely too many teeth. “Tha’ would kinda defeat the purpose of her wouldn’t it? Cannae guard when she cannae go anywhere.” He said, voice deepening and accent thickening in a way that made Simon shiver pleasantly.
I love you, I’ll protect you, you’re safe with me, the protective stance says.
Janice’s face soured and she opened her mouth to retort, but was swiftly interrupted by Mari, a lovely girl who worked at the store. “There you are miss! We don’t have the exact product you were asking for, buuut we do have this alternative. I understand you might be wary of it, so let me explain the ingredients for you!” She began, discreetly winking at Simon and Johnny and motioning for them to escape as she distracted Janice. They threw her a relieved look and fled the scene, they already had everything they needed anyways.
The cashier scanned everything as quickly and quietly as he could, and soon they were out of the store without much hassle. “We need tae get them all somethin’.” Johnny said as they walked back home, Simon agreed with a nod. “Definitely, We’ll bake them some cookies with Briar later.”
I love you, I love that you’re here with me, you’re mine and I am yours, the hand on Simon’s lower back says.
They got home to Elise and Tamsin playing something at the table, Briar up in their room. “Mornin’ mum, da.” Elise greeted, standing up to give them a hug. Simon dropped a kiss onto her hair as he carried the bags to the kitchen and Johnny briefly hugged her back before going after his husband to help. “Mornin’ Eli, how’s Penny?” He asked.
Elise leaned against the counter. “Good, we thought about going to the beach today, you guys comin’ too?” Johnny and Simon exchanged a glance and Johnny nodded with a smile. “Absolutely.”
I love you, I know you like I know myself, says the glance.
The children run around like they are 10 again as they’re let loose on the beach, the salty air and cooling sand making even Tamsin, who will be turning 23 soon, run around, dumping sand in her siblings’ hair.
Simon and Johnny sit down on the sand together, watching their kids play and the sun go down over the sea. Their scarred hands intertwined, the remaining sunrays hitting their matching rings.
Johnny breathes out deeply and lays his head on Simon’s shoulder. “Hey, I love you, Si.” He says, watching the sun. Simon lays his head on top of Johnny’s, squeezing Johnny’s scarred and calloused fingers. “I love you too, Johnny.”
I love you, say their mouths, I love you in this life and all the others.
And now, an authors rant.
This was for @bringinsexybackk69 as an early birthday present (Love ya momma Aggs!) and excuse my French but DAMN i was on such a roll i felt possessed. The writing beast got me good. Hope you enjoyed reading this (why else would you be down here?) because i certainly had fun writing this. Again, love ya momma Aggs for feeding the rabid beast within me.
Now a very small summary i have of the family.
The MacTavish family:
Simon ‘Ghost’ Thomas MacTavish: Around 48
John ‘Soap’ Junior MacTavish: Around 45
Tamsin Anastasia MacTavish: Eldest, 22, looks a lot like Tommy, hence her name (Tamsin means twin and is the female form of Thomas in from what I’ve seen)
Elise Alexandra MacTavish: Second, 20, has Johnny’s hair and Simon’s eyes, a bit taller than her sister.
Briar Cameron MacTavish: Third, 18, has Johnny’s hair colour and Simon’s curls, their eyes are green, inherited from Simon’s mother.
Riley: You all know who Riley the dog is, best girl.
Sorcha: A pit bull mix they got after Tamsin was born to help guard the house, absolute sweetheart, but very vicious if the kids are threatened.
Lily: Anatolian shepherd that Johnny's parents gave them to help guard the chickens.
Captain: an old tomcat that used to be a stray, he walked inside one day and never left.
Missy (short for missile launcher): Another former stray that just waltzed in and began demanding food.
CC (short for C4): Got given to them by a friend who had unexpected litter.
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maryonmega · 3 months
Twin Stars - Chapter 5
A new thing (is it a good thing?)
{{Ah, Stars, I dropped I dropped my self control. The original chapter was posted on my birthday, the little self indulgence (Isafrin) was my gift to myself.
Speaking of Isafrin, CW for internalized acephobia and a little bit of sugestive writting.}}
You brace yourself for the next period of time. Going through the moves without Loop makes you nervous, makes it possible to contradict each other. It's fine, you're fine, you'll just have to catch it up when you two have alone time to "tell about the loops". Stars, you're being sneaky again. You might try and justify with it not being just about you all you want, but it's the truth.
Your group meet up in the dining area, and you let the smell of different foods sooth your nerves. Another way that you're weird. You've been out for over a month, made camp that were small and your tent wouldn't block the smells, yet it seens like the confort that this particular thing won't fade anytime soon. You don't like the origin, but you do like Bonbon's eyes when you happily sniff what they prepare.
Tho, this time, it's not Bonbon food. Not that it's disappointing on it's own, you just think they could use the quick fix, too. After all, you're pretty much toeing the northwest and north separation. If everything goes right, they'll see their sister again in two days. Maybe even tomorrow night, depending of the group's mood.
You're not surprised when they're the first one to talk, either. Not to you, but to Odile. You're too busy noticing their pineapple juice and thinking that maybe you should tell about that.
"Where's Sisy? It's not good to skip meals."
Oh, that got you off guard!
"Sisy, Bonnie?"
"Yes. Phus sounds dumb."
You just nod to the irrefutable argument while Odile puts her plate down carefully to not topple over the crushed boiled eggs. "Sisyphus is already in bed and I don't think they're waking up anytime soon."
"They're tired to the very soul."
You realise a second too late that it came from you. A saving throw! Now!
"I don't remenber a lot from traveling alone, but it's exausting when you only have what fits your pockets. Then we met again but still have problems with our memory. It's weird, it's like... " You think about acts and shudder. No, not going there "Like reading a story skipping random chapters."
Odile eyes you over her dinner, but decides to eat in silence. You feel a mix of relief and horror.
You see resident bookworm Mirabelle wince in pain at the idea. Just because you're a bit rusty pun wise doesn't mean you can't make funny moments happen.
Is it weird? To be lingering in their present the day you're supposed to have met with long lost family, a vague yet sweet sensation on your chest? Maybe not. No one in your little circle is unfamiliar with coping with abnormal situations by trying to act like things are normal. Specially you, as your eyepatch won't let them forget. Would that benefit you, right now, tho?
"... But, if coconuts have hair and milk, aren't they mammals?"
Stars, how long did you stay stuck in your head?! Not good, not fair. You really need to train out this bad habbit.
"I hope not, that would be nuts."
"That was lame even for you."
Hm, maybe acting as normal is not just you. Good? You dig into your memory to try and be sure. It's hard, it gets frustrating, but you're almost sure that something like that happened around the time Bonnie joined. Not quite like that, you all had to nurse them back to health, after all, but you did try to put on an image of normalcy, didn't you?
Stars, with everything that gets lost in the way, it's like a miracle that you didn't forget their names.
One thing that sticks out is when Mira cuts the casual air in the table in a way very reminiscent of her speech in the sleepovers, before... Well, before you torn the script to shreds because you felt like they were messing it up.
(Bonnie was right, you were being quite stupid)
It's not about walking out this time, it's about the elephant in the room that you were trying to avoid for so long: everyone hoped that Bonnie's assumption was right, but there was always the possibility that taking them with you wouldn't happen.
The others join in to present ways you can stay connected, even if not traveling together, but Mirabelle os still at the center. She doesn't look nervous when she smiles at Bonbon and says that she wants to see them grow up and become taller than herself.
You want, too. You want to see if their dream of having a restaurant will stick. How handsome they'll be and how far they'll let those unpolished smarts take them. If they'll settle for good or still carry that drop of wanderlust. What type of person they'll befriend beside all of you, if they'll one day date, get bonded, or go through the realisation Mira is yet to right now.
But Mirabelle is the one that puts those thoughts into words that won't pratonize them too much. If Mira was better by the end of your journey, medicated she was like a goddess.
You all go back to your rooms after the meal. It has been quite a full day, after all.
You and Isabeau change into your night clothes with your backs to each other, only getting in bed after both are confirmed ready. Isa rolls to his side by the wall, and you pull the sheets up to your nose so your smirk won't betray the fake annoyance.
"You didn't even call dibs this time."
"I already took it, you'll have to live with that."
You mock scoff, and hear a softer laught than usual (maybe because it wasn't as funny, maybe because he's tired too). You let your body and face relax, and, before your dumb brain has a chance to overthink, you get your hand out of the sheets and almost into Isabeau's personal space. He places his hand on yours, and it's soothing. 
There's still a lot of thoughts to sort out, some including him, some not, but, right now, the contact is soothing. You want to close the gap and bury your face in his chest, to give him a kiss, like you itched to do so a few times but froze before you could (rich of you to call anyone a coward, Siffrin). But the objective is to sleep, and going further than hand holding still can be overwhelming. Maybe it's not just with you, by the way a darker shade crept all the way down his throat.
It's odd, to have at the same time limited time and more than you could hope for before. One month feels like so long and so little at the same time. You're not sure what really would count as slow, or would cross the line to too slow. You're thankful that Isa is a patiente man.
Is that enough, though? Even before your rough talk, he hasn't pushed, hasn't rushed. You haven't returned fairly. You haven't been fully honest with him.
You're vaguely aware of Loop in the room next door, and that's oddly motivating. Gross. Doing the right thing isn't enough motivation, you need wanting to avoid being confronted about not doing it as an extra push.
You know the way he's looking at you now. You know he noticed your shift in mood.
You open your mouth before he can.
"There's... Something I haven't told you." Wow, how specific, don't you want to broad a bit more? "Remenber when you asked if I love you the same way you love me?"
"Of course. What about it?" His tone is so soft, but the worry is clear. Of course it is. You are about to give bad news.
"I-I don't think I can." You gently squeeze his hand and hope it draws attention to them "I'm fine with this, and hugging. I'm almost sure I'm fine with kissing, too, but..." Just say it. You could say it to Mira, say it to him. Stop leading him on "I can't... do things past that. I don't think I ever will."
You can't look him in the eye. That phrasing felt like an understatement. The thought of hands on your skin with that kind of intent makes it crawl. The thought of taking him in such a way makes you shudder. The thought of him taking you like that is terrifying.
You feel a gentle caress over your knuckles, and that brings you back to reality. In this moment, you wish hope that he thinks the shudder was nerves. You gave him the info, it's up to him what he does with it. You don't get to think things of what chooses.
"That's the thing?" You nod. "Then it's fine."
"What?" You look at him. You can't quite read his expression, but you do know it's not any less found.
"Are-are you sure?"
He's still caressing your hand. There a warmt in your stomach, but not a bad one.
"Sif. Sifarooni. Siffrin. What I meant was if you love me romantically"
"I know, but- isn't that part of being a couple?"
He looks pensative. Maybe this time it finally sunk in. You wonder if you still can hold hands as friends, and smother that thought as soon as it comes to light. That is Isa's choice to make.
"It can be, but doesnt have to. I'm fine with not being."
You're not so sure.
"Are you not going to miss it, though?"
"Siffrin," no nicknames. Bad sign? "think for a minute. Untill the day before I confessed, I was sure you hated touch, but still wanted a relationship with you. If I can live with no touch at all, I can live with no sex."
... How in the Universe can he say the word so easy?
Not the point here, Siffrin!
"Will you miss it?"
"A bit, but it's nothing unhandleable. I'm fine just being with you."
Your face feels hot. Your eye stings. There's still the chance of being too much, but the craving is stronger. You crawl a bit closer, and get your other arm out. Isa gets the memo, and puts his arm around you, slowly, giving you a chance to pull back. It makes your belly feel warmer. You want this to last, and that allows you to smother the question of how he would "handle" it with the same mental wet towel.
"Then, I think I do love you."
Sunlight brings a dull ache to your head. You protect your eyes with your hand and blink a lot before sitting up and getting your hair out of your face - oh, right, you're sharing a room with the Researcher. 
You slip out of the bed and change back into your awake clothes, with that sleeveless turtleneck that you haven't had for so long but already is kind of attached. You know Stardust wouldn't dare (the reason is not the point, the point is that you do). It is blinded that you have to put on the effort, you were there first, but clearly it doesn't matter to whoever is the author of your life, so it falls on you the burden of showing that you're not just another one, regardless of technicalities.
Even under this dumb masquared, didn't the Researcher herself say identical twins doesn't mean the same person twice? You don't have to stay tethered.
The loops are over. You don't have to stay by him. You don't have to stay by this party. If you want to dip out, you can.
Even under the ache, the thought gives you some sort of confort. Not having a script anymore... is one of the reasons you've been carrying those bottles. Your newborn-like body also has fresh, newbie to drinking sensibility. Isn't that sweet?
You brush and tie your hair, then turn around, and start to make your way out of the room before you hear her voice.
"Come with us. We need a second table anyway."
Oh, no.
"How long were you awake?"
"A bit. I didn't peek, I swear."
You know she didn't. Your Researcher wouldn't either, and this one seens to be a little nicer. Unlike just enough to be uncanny.
Your head throbs. You really need some water.
"I see you at breakfast, Madame." You're not drinking while hangover, as mild as it may be, let alone in an empty stomach.
You find your way to a bathroom to splash water in your face after drinking your fill, and the face in the mirror taunts you, worse than back in the first day. It's you. It's not you. It's not Stardust. You're not Stardust. Except you are.
You wipe your face dry before putting on a nice smile and going out for the dining area. Is the Kid's temper being influenced by losing one of the main ways to release tension?
You make it there almost at the same time as your roommate. Uncanny. The Kid and the Housemaiden got there first. Of course they did. You're not surprised the Traveler isn't here yet. The Fighter is another story. Something the Fighters seen to have in common is a body still working on a Defender's internal clock. Maybe Stardust will notice the lack of company and go after him. You can and do feel sympathy and amusement at the same time. Still a baby, aren't them?
"Good morning, Madame, Sisyphus." The Housemaiden says, fidging her fingers.
"Good morning." You respond. You don't want that name on your tongue so early on, directed at her.
"Good morning, Mirabelle, Boniface."
"You skipped diner. It's not good to skip meals." The Kid pouts. They're clearly annoyed over inn food. You think they would hit you with the wok if it was their food.
You think of a grilled fish head in a nice napkin. You wouldn't skip on their food if someone offered gold coins.
"I know, Bonnie. I was just really, really tired. It's very draining to travel alone."
"Hnf, I can forgive you. But you'll have to not let that happen again."
"I'll try."
"Don't worry, Boniface, I can help with that."
The latent comic relief instincts tell you it means no more drinking before bed. Beautiful. Speaking of beauty
The Traveler and the Fighter arrive at the same time. Curious. 
You look at the arrangement. The Fighter between the Traveler and the Housemaiden, you next to the Researcher, and the Kid in the end. You could almost believe you're part of this, couldn't you? Such a shame you know the truth. They're only being receptive because you supposedly have a connection to Stardust... A normal one, that is.
Breakfast is nothing lavish, pancakes and a few pieces of fruit, but the time since your return have not been enough to make you take food for granted. Specially food with salt. Getting used to the gross stuff like sweat and potty is a fair price for the chance of enjoying such thing.
The tension that the Kid could release cooking, they did stabbing the poor food like it owned them money.
"Today's the day! You're all meeting Nille! And I can show you my favorite places! Everyone must be unfrozen, so it's gonna be good!"
Nille... Nille... Oh, right, the sister. They... wished to see her again, didn't them? And now this Kid can.
It's not the best of thoughts, but, right now, you kind of also have more selfish reasons to want to meet. It's your second day, and you'll be recieving another person. A stranger, but with a connection that makes not feels like it with the intensity it should. Is this what the others are feeling like with you?
In the corner of your good eye, you notice the Traveler and Fighter moving calves together.
You'd think that would make you angrier, but... Right now, you mostly feel empty. Not numb, a sad type of empty. You think of hands around yours, sweaty to the point of feeling throught your gloves, but still warm and comforting.
And give your signature grin in their general direction. You're not dealing with that right now.
"Touching their ankles? Before bonding? You dare defile my sibling in front of me, defender? Shameful!"
This is easier. No need for a pun and that weird display stopped. Stardust glared at you, but you don't give it the dignity of a reaction.
If he wants you to play a role again, then you'll do it your way.
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arrianna21 · 1 year
~Caramel Eyes, Mocha Paws~ Chapter 4
Summary: With unexplainable occurrences on the rise, you begin investigating the random attacks on your own until someone else apparently has the same idea as well. And suddenly, you find yourself caught at the wrong time and place.
wolf!yoongi x fem!reader
Word Count: 12,774
#1 | | #2 | | #3 | | #4 | |
There’s always a strange irony to things you realize as you pour milk into the cup. It drips with ease and you stop once a sufficient amount has been added. Using the toothpick, you curve the cream into a crescent moon and slice the other little dots into stars before carefully delivering the drink to the woman sitting at her table. 
She smiles and thanks you in return while you continue working on more orders. While not rare, the fact that someone else is thinking about the moon too can’t help but nudge at your suspicions. A lot of people like the moon but since finding that note, you’re wondering if that’s also a sign of some sort. Especially after the other gift you received this morning. 
As you headed to the café during your usual walk you came across a squirrel that had been dashing up and down the trees before stopping short in front of you on the trail. You froze so as not to startle it, watching it look at you with a twitching tail only for it to scurry off. In its place was an acorn, one in pristine condition, the nut glimmering a pretty brown hue with small designs etched into the shell. Unsure of its meaning, you stuck it into your bag and continued on your way even more confused. 
Between the will o’ the wisp and squirrel, you’re half expecting some other person or creature to deliver yet another cryptic message.
The note is sitting on your desk at home, tucked behind your books. It surely had to have come from the will o’ the wisp that you found in the storage room but it couldn’t have been the one to write it itself. According to your quick online search, these phantom creatures don’t exactly communicate with others, instead leading people astray in the fog. Yet this one seems to understand you. Maybe it’s just a messenger, but for who? This mysterious WW isn’t recognizable unless the initials are for a pseudonym of sorts. Yoongi was the only other person there that night yet he had been on his laptop the whole time. 
“Are you going to finish the order or keep watching it blend into mush?” Elanor asks over the loud whirring of the blender that’s currently mixing the coffee. 
You quickly pull the container free and serve the drink into a cup with ice cubes before handing it off. “Sorry, got distracted for a second,” you say in a hurry. 
“With what, the blender?” She jokes. 
“No,” you shake your head, “just getting lost in my head.” 
Elanor reorganizes the desserts that’ve gotten knocked around in the display case, resetting them to look presentable. “Yeah, but about what?”
Nothing you could possibly say out loud in public. “Just about my walk this morning. I saw a cute squirrel running around and burying nuts for winter.” 
She gives you an odd look. “Right.” Before she can prod any further, a woman dressed in a business suit quickly walks in on the phone and orders an espresso and a couple of scones. 
While Elanor takes over making the drink, you fetch the food and ring up her order. Inadvertently you end up catching bits and pieces of her conversation. “Yes, sir, I just wrapped up the interview with the victim in Greenbriar and grabbing a coffee before I head to the second one now.” The woman pauses, listening quietly to whoever’s talking. 
You slowly ease the chocolate and lemon scones into the bag, doing your best not to noisily crinkle the bag too much. What does she mean by second one? Second victim? There’s only been talk of one attack. Maybe it’s not the same case. Greenbriar is all the way in the next county. 
“Depending on what this one says, I think it’ll determine if there’s a connection between the attacks. But I believe—yes, well, I already have those scheduled with experts to verify,” she sighs to herself before clenching and unclenching her fist, “yes, I’ll schedule some more meetings and look into it.” Hanging up her phone, she rubs her forehead and lets out another sigh. 
“Boss being a little overbearing?” You guess, giving her a sympathetic smile while handing her the drink and bag of food. 
“Yep. I finally start getting things on track for this story and now my supervisor wants me to interview paranormal investigators or something to see what they think about these attacks in the woods,” she explains, taking a careful sip of her coffee. “I’m well aware of the importance of hearing from both aspects, but he wants to spin it as some spooky ghost story.” 
“That’s certainly quite a take,” you note, drawing a snort from Elanor who’s actively listening in nearby at the register but not engaging in the conversation. “So is it true there’s been two attacks?” You lower your voice as you ask. 
The woman nods while typing out something on her phone. “Supposedly. That’s why I’m out here to verify and see if there’s any connection between the two cases. Though this is a little ways out to be honest.” Her phone begins ringing again and she answers it. “Yes, sir?” She lets out another sigh before rolling her eyes. “Yes, I’ll bring you a banana muffin.” 
You’re already putting one into another bag by the time she hangs up. “Here, it’s on the house. Consider the muffin payment for having to do the runaround with him,” you tell her, giving her the additional paper sack.
“Thanks.” Setting her phone briefly on the counter, you notice her GPS is open and leading to her next location. Must be the second victim. While she’s still digging around in her purse, you take another look at the coordinates and easily recognize the address that’s rather close by. The woman, having found some spare change, drops the coins and handful of bills into the tip jar before gathering her things to leave. 
You watch her step out the door before glancing at the clock. “Hey Elanor, can you cover for me this afternoon?” 
Just more and more coincidences. 
The two story Air BNB house sits atop the brick foundation with a short stack of stairs leading up to the porch. Neatly trimmed hedges line the front with a decaying birdhouse that hangs on the lone tree. A fresh patch of grass grows over the plot of dirt where the blooming lilies and poppies once used to be, the colorful flowers always drawing your attention on your walk home from school as a kid. 
Before this became a vacation home, it used to be owned by Mrs. Reyes. She was the librarian for decades and so you were a familiar face since you were always studying there. She gave you the offer of coming by once or twice a week to help clean her two story home as dust easily collected all throughout the many rooms. 
It’s still strange being here in quite a few years. While you hadn’t planned on investigating the attack, after hearing about the other one from the reporter, you’re wondering if this really could be the work of something supernatural. Sure you could just tell Wolfy about it, but what can he do besides keep guarding the forest? It’s not like he can go into the city to investigate or talk with people. At the very least you can be lending a helping hand in the meantime. 
The faded white railing creaks as you use it to help steady yourself while you climb the steps. You knock on the wooden door while the wind briefly picks up and stirs the wind chimes hanging at the far end, the dull silver butterflies swaying in the air as the metal clinks faintly. Otherwise, it remains completely quiet. Normally, classical music would be seeping through the cracked open windows, but there’s only the swaying tree branches that serve as your ambience. 
There’s the sound of fast-paced footsteps and the door swings open, revealing blonde hair tied into an unkempt bun. If the brown-rimmed glasses aren’t already recognizable, then the burgundy cardigan draped over her shoulders surely is. What are the odds of you running into the rude customers from the coffee shop? If memory serves you correctly, you think her friend had called her Diane. 
“Can I help you?” She sighs. Dark bags hang just below her eyes as she practically stares through you. 
“Hi, I’m looking for Miranda Hutchins.”  
“Who’s asking?”
“I’m Y/N and I work with the local paper, the Hallow Howler,” you answer with a smile. “I don’t mean to intrude but I was hoping to speak with her about what happened in the woods.” Clearly you don’t work for the paper, but you figure at least it’s credible enough to investigate further into this mess. Better than saying you’re a barista with an apparent knack for sleuthing. 
She squints her eyes before asking, “Don’t you work at the coffee shop?” 
Of course. “I work there part-time, but this is my main job,” you smoothly respond. 
Diane stares back, eyeing you over while silently contemplating if you’re worth listening to. “Come in,” she eventually sighs, opening the door wider, revealing the foyer that used to be decorated with all sorts of landscape paintings but is now bare. 
As you step inside the warm house getting away from the chill air, you take a moment to examine the place you once knew. While the faded floral wallpaper has been updated with a fresh coat of green paint, the rest of the house looks about the same as you remember. At the entrance there are still little end tables with a vase of fake wildflowers on each one. You can’t help but notice the thin strings of cobwebs that decorate a few of the petals. At least the appliances have all been upgraded as you catch a glimpse of the kitchen from your position. The nineteenth century vintage stovetop with its multiple knobs and drawers is now replaced with a more modern type. Even the retro mint colored refrigerator has been replaced by a fancy silver one that has a touch screen on the door. 
Gesturing for you to follow, Diane takes you to the cozy living room, where a red couch and armchair sit in the middle facing away from the entrance. Against the wall, a new flatscreen tv sits on a stand, having replaced the old fashioned one as well. The channel is on some celebrity news show and you see someone with their legs propped up on the red velvet ottoman, bare feet sticking out from beneath the quilted blanket. 
“Diane, was that the delivery person with our takeout?” The person asks, turning their head to look over and your eyes end up meeting as you recognize the other woman who barked both their orders at you. “Why’s the barista here?” 
A part of you is almost impressed she can remember all the people she yells at. 
“She works part time there but also works with the local paper and wants to do an interview with you,” her friend explains, coming closer. “Do you need anything while I’m up?” 
“Yeah, some more water,” Miranda holds up the glass and Diane takes it before heading to the kitchen. You awkwardly shift on your feet, soles creating imprints on the faded beige carpet. “Are you just gonna stand there or actually ask whatever questions you supposedly have?” She snaps without looking away from the screen. 
Moving forward, you position yourself beside the couch before easing down into the side that’s closest to her. You pull out your phone, ensuring the notes with your questions are ready. “I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me. I’m Y/N by the way,” you introduce yourself, not that she actually pays much attention as she continues watching her show. “Are you sure you’re comfortable talking about this again?” You tentatively ask. 
She finally glances over to stare at you, her blue eyes rimmed red, the dark smudges beneath them tinted with exhaustion. Her black hair is tied in a messy ponytail with some strands sticking out in various directions. Even her clothes, though certainly some high-end fashion brand, are slightly disheveled. Her fuchsia long sleeve shirt is rumpled and seemingly drowns her within in the fabric. “Yeah,” she scoffs. “It’s not like I haven’t told my story over a dozen times at this point.” 
“I just wanted to make sure,” you respond politely, keeping the customer service voice enabled before your mouth gets the better of you. “Could you confirm when and where this happened exactly?”
“Maple Berry Way at about 9:30pm,” she recites just as Diane comes back with her water, setting it down on the little side table beside her before going to sit at the other end of the couch. 
Your fingers quickly type in the information. “And what were you doing there?” 
“Hiking.” Next to you, Diane hesitates to which Miranda gives a stern shake of her head in return. 
Resisting the urge to press further about their silent conversation, you focus on the next question. “Did you mostly stick to the main trails or did you go off the path?” 
“Stuck to the main trail, obviously,” Miranda scoffs. 
“I’m just asking questions to better understand what happened. Either way I’m not here to judge,” you reassure, silently noting her stiff posture. “So you were hiking on the main trails and then what?” 
Reaching for her glass, she takes a sip of water before setting it back down. “After I finished, I was on my way back to the car when I heard noises in the bushes. Next thing I know I was being mauled,” she answers, shifting in her seat. 
“Could you describe what attacked you?” 
“Not really, I was too busy screaming and trying to get away. But it was big, whatever it was.” 
“Do you know what kind of animal?”
A shrug. “Some kind of wolf I guess.”
Your fingers stutter in their movements, disrupting the rhythm as you clear your throat. “Any distinct features, something that maybe stood out to you?” 
Miranda readjusts again before shaking her head. Absentmindedly, she begins fidgeting with her necklace, fingers softly rubbing the sapphire pendant. “No, like I said, I was just trying to get away.” 
“There wasn’t anything that seemed odd about it?” 
“What do you mean?” She freezes, fingers still touching her jewelry, eyeing you strangely in return. 
You’re debating whether or not to outright ask before eventually saying, “Like, did it ever stand on its hind legs? Or you know, just attack in an abnormal way? Something that wasn’t quite natural?” Raising suspicions won’t do any good but at the same time she may have seen something at least. And if you earn any weird looks in return, then you’re just some believer of the supernatural, that’s all. 
Her eyes narrow as she sits upright from her slumped position. “How’d you know about that? Look all I said in that police report was that it was a big animal. I’m not some superstitious person that chases shadows in the night, okay? So don’t you dare write me off as crazy or anything.” As though catching herself a moment too late, she clamps her jaw, pivoting her head towards the bay windows that look out into the front lawn. 
Crazy wouldn’t be the word you’d use to describe her, or anyone for that matter. Belligerent or demanding, sure. But even if you were actually writing a story about this, you wouldn’t use those words either. You already know what it’s like having your theories dismissed by one person, a whole audience would be so much worse than that. “I wouldn’t do that. I’m here to listen to whatever you want to share. Just because something can’t be easily explained doesn’t mean that it’s not real or isn’t true. And who knows, you might not be the only one either.” 
“That other reporter said she was investigating another case too,” Diane quietly adds, her leg shaking as her bare foot taps the floor in rapid succession. 
“See?” You gently encourage, setting your phone down in between your legs as you lean forward slightly, trying to bring Miranda’s attention back to you. “This other person might’ve had a similar experience. If so, then it’d probably be a relief—for both of you, knowing that at least there’s someone else out there who experienced the same thing.” 
Breaking her gaze away from the window, she faces you once more, scowling though maybe not from your line of questioning. Uncertainty is clearly evident yet curiosity also lingers in her blue eyes. “Have you talked to this other person?”
“No, not yet,” you say, desperately hoping she doesn’t shut down the interview as a result of your lack of information involving this other case. 
She chews the inside of her cheek, contemplating something as her eyes shift to Diane before returning to you. “Do you know what the wolfman looks like?”
The sudden question takes you by surprise as your brows knit together though you’re sure your eyes widen in response. “Yeah,” you answer slowly. “Basically an extremely hairy or furry man with claws and teeth. Goes on murderous rampages, involuntarily transforms on a full moon, and is vulnerable to silver.” 
She sniffs in response, partially resembling a hint of a laugh. “You almost sound like some kind of expert.”
You can’t stop your own laugh from escaping. If only she knew. You’re certainly more so compared to others. “Thanks, but not exactly. Just a fan of the supernatural really.” 
“Anyway, basically like that, but without all the fur.” 
“So a person with wolf like features sharp claws, teeth, and all?” You try envisioning this creature, but the resulting image you conjure up doesn’t quite fit. All you really picture is Gollum from Lord of the Rings though more vicious and animalistic. 
Miranda grimaces, struggling for words. “In a way, but I said werewolf because that’s the closest thing it reminded me of except it wasn’t quite that. The features weren’t fully human and it just looked. . .evil.”
Evil? It makes you wonder if this is a similar situation to your run-in with the goblins. A will o’ the wisp had led you right to them that night, could the same one or one of its friends have done the same to her too? “Did you happen to notice anything else strange or peculiar that night? Like any glowing lights or maybe a weird sound?”
She stares at the carpet, lost in thought before slowly shaking her head though she doesn’t seem completely sure. From beside you, Diane stiffens and sharply inhales. “What about shining lights?” She softly murmurs, drawing both you and Miranda’s attention though the dark-haired woman catches her eyes. Both exchange looks with each other, an exclusively private conversation that’s between them. Diane silently pleads to her friend only for it to be disregarded by her friend’s hard expression in return. 
It prompts your memory to recall a crucial piece of information from the few articles you’ve been reading about the incident. “Wait, were both of you out there that night?” All the reports indicated there was only one victim. 
“Yes,” Diane softly answers at the same time. Miranda sends her a scathing glare to which she helplessly responds with, “We already told the police.” 
“So? She’s with the press and if this gets leaked, you’re screwed.” 
You glance between the two of them. “Wait, what do you mean?”
Diane ignores the warning look Miranda sends her way. “My father is well-known. Actually he’s the CEO of Keaton Enterprises and word would’ve spread quickly if the media found out about the attack,” she explains, despite her friend’s obvious pissed-off facial expression. 
“I won’t say anything,” you blurt, hoping they don’t get suspicious of your quick reassurance. While you truly do wish to prove your integrity, you also hope they don’t catch the hint of fear in your tone at the realization that her father runs the company your dad works for now. “Especially if you want your identity kept a secret. And if everyone knows it’s just one victim, we can stick with that,” you promise and Miranda rolls her eyes in return. 
She shifts in her seat before taking another sip from her glass. “Like we’d believe you. You’re not the first journalist to spout supposed honest shit like that.” 
“But I mean it,” you insist, “you’re identities aren’t important. I just want to hear from you directly to prevent misinformation from spreading about what attacked you.” At your mention of the attack, both women glance at one another before awkwardly looking away. “You can be honest with me. I’m not the paparazzi. I just want to know the truth.” 
Surprisingly, it’s Miranda that speaks first, her voice somewhat low. “We could barely believe our own eyes.” 
“Our minds can play tricks on us, but when our imaginations run wild that can make something seemingly normal a true nightmare.”
She shakes her head, black hair whipping furiously. “That’s what we’ve been telling ourselves, that the dark shadows were to blame and that it was just a normal predator. But it wasn’t.” 
“And that’s okay, it’s why I’m here. Just try the best you can,” you encourage them. “Maybe let’s start with what you both were really doing out there that night.” When they visibly stiffen, you’re quick to reassure them again, “No personal information will be published without your consent.” 
Both of them still look apprehensive before Diane sighs. “We were out drinking. Just a bottle of vodka between the two of us, nothing to make us too drunk. After having a busy day, we just wanted to let off some steam. While we were out there, we started hearing rustling in the forest. First it was quiet and far away, but as we started walking back to the main trail so we could get to the parking lot, something came running out and hit Miranda.” 
“Could you describe the approximate size?” You ask. 
“Big,” Miranda answers. “Probably similar to a bear but resembling more of a wolf.” 
“Except it stood on two legs.”
A humanoid figure but with animalistic features, no wonder they kept saying werewolf. “That’s why you mentioned werewolves.” 
“Not that it mattered because the cops are convinced we were just drunk off our asses and imagining it. Well, that I was too drunk,” she amends, a sharp edge in her voice and you catch Diane wince slightly. 
“Do you remember any particular features that it had? Face, build, things like that?” 
“Like, a hairless werewolf, I guess.” Diana grimaces in thought. “Maybe it was actually thin fur but the face looked sort of human while the body had long limbs with all the claws and teeth. Hence the wolfman comparison.” 
“What did it do next?” You ask, still typing furiously on your phone. 
From her seat, Miranda scoffs, “What do you think? It attacked us. Or me, specifically.” She points to her gauze-wrapped leg that’s propped on the ottoman. 
“Miranda,” Diane softly scolds and turns to address you. “What she means is that thing didn’t hesitate once it saw us. Maybe we caught it by surprise when it came out of nowhere,” she guesses, “but there wasn’t any fear, just anger.” 
“It could’ve possibly been hungry or rabid,” you theorize. 
They shake their heads. “No, I don’t think so,” Diane says to which you look up in confusion. “When it bit Miranda, I slammed the vodka bottle over its head but it didn’t even react. Only when it kept biting at her did it eventually stop before taking off.” 
Your fingers remain hovering above the screen of your phone and they helplessly shrug at your perplexed look. “It just stopped?” 
“I know, it doesn’t make sense but that’s what happened. Something got it to stop, but nothing else was out there besides us. It was like a spell or the bloodlust was broken.” 
At this rate, you wouldn’t be surprised if a witch or warlock were suddenly added to the mix. Will o’ the wisps, werewolves, and witches, oh my. “Could this be related to what you said earlier?” You look towards Diane. “About the shining thing you saw?”
“Maybe. Before it showed up, I thought I saw something shining or reflecting off the moonlight somewhere among the trees just before it attacked. But for all I know it was my eyes playing tricks on me.” 
“The cops sure seemed to think so,” Miranda mutters. 
“How bad are your injuries?” You ask her, looking at her bundled form. 
She carefully eases the blanket back, revealing several long scratches that range from her thigh to her shin. In the middle of her thigh is a dark purple bruise. 
“And is that where you were bit?” You ask, leaning a little closer but there’s no teeth marks anywhere to be found. 
“Exactly where that disgusting bruise is at. And before you ask, yes, they didn’t find any cuts either. They think it probably just got close to breaking the skin but I know what I felt,” she insists. “My flesh was being torn apart.” 
Despite her claims, her skin shows a different story. Maybe in the moment it felt like her skin was being torn open, but the lacerations aren’t actually that deep. “Does your leg feel weird where you got bit?” 
“Not really, just…itchy,” she responds, her fingers automatically reach to scratch but she stops when Diane’s about to intercept. “I know, I know.” She gently massages the area instead. “I insisted they give me a rabies shot and everything else just in case.” 
One can only hope that modern medicine will be enough to combat any diseases from possible supernatural creatures. 
On your day off, you head to the opposite end of town towards Maple Berry Way in the hopes of finding anything useful about this strange creature that attacked the women. Maybe the police had missed something or believed it wasn’t crucial to the case. As you ride your bike, you stay on the sidewalk even though cars hardly ever come down this street as it’s rather secluded and takes you away from the heart of town. Even hikers and those who enjoy the outdoors tend to take other trails that are more lively and frequented.
As you reach the entrance, you hop off your bike and leave it resting against a tree that’s behind one of the few weathered-down benches near the road. No other cars are in the parking lot, leaving the area vacant like usual. Your feet leave indents in the sinking gravel as it throws your gait off-kilter until you reach the flat area where the path begins. Starting your trek down the dirt path, you follow the map on your phone where Miranda and Diane had marked the general area of the attack as best as they could remember, continuing toward the blue dot while looking for any evidence as you do. 
Most of the trees are almost bare, with only a handful of brown leaves left in patches on some branches. An old wooden sign sits at an angle, the arrow pointing downwards instead of the direction it’s supposed to be in as you walk by. You can’t even make out the original writing as the letters are faded. 
Up ahead, you catch a glimpse of a little orange flag peeking out from beneath the overgrown grass slightly away from the trail. You inspect the ground where remnants of shattered glass are still scattered about. This must be where they broke the bottle over the creature’s head. Avoiding the shards, you step carefully around the space, looking for any other clues but there’s not even a trace of blood whatsoever. You continue walking around, careful not to disturb any of the crime scene, but everything seems relatively normal. If they hadn’t told you about the bottle, you would’ve just assumed people were out here drinking and accidentally broke it. Basically normal. 
“Can I help you?” A deep voice asks, startling you with a jolt. Turning around, you find two guys standing in dark clothes, the shine of police badges peek out from behind their jackets. Leave it to you to run into the cops. The one who spoke has pitch black hair perfectly styled to the side, revealing his smooth forehead and the arched brow that’s lifted, awaiting an answer. Beside him stands another man who’s slightly shorter with a mop of dark brown hair that makes him appear rather young. 
“Hi, um, I’m just here to investigate the recent attack. The crime scene has been cleared so the public is allowed in now,” you answer, hoping it sounds as confident and professional as you try to seem. 
“Yes, but our specific department still needs to gather more information so if you could come back tomorrow we’d be most appreciative,” the taller one explains, giving you an apologetic yet polite smile in return.
While he may be actually telling the truth, there’s no doubt that him or his department doesn’t exactly want you snooping around the area. Even if they haven’t found anything, this guy is smooth and most likely a pro at deflection. You wouldn’t be surprised if he’s in charge of public relations for the station. 
Before you can respond, rustling sounds from nearby as another person appears from amongst the trees. “Hey, Namjoon, should we split up and check the northeastern area for—what’re you doing here?” The familiar voice wonders, original question abruptly replaced by another one. Yoongi, dressed in his usual hoodie carries a backpack over his shoulder, stops abruptly upon seeing you. His tone is hard, annoyed almost, so different compared to his usual demeanor.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you reply.  
“We know each other,” is his pointed answer. “Besides, my help was requested by the department. Did they give you the same clearance?” 
“No,” you scoff, fishing a small paper from your pocket and briefly flashing it to them. “It’s my journalist pass, and technically we don’t need them since the crime scene is currently clear now.” 
His brows raise at that, humor glinting in his eyes as though he can clearly see right through your lie. “You’re a journalist too?”
The shorter man besides his tall partner with the deep voice smiles excitedly. “You work at the Hallow Howler too? That’s cool, so do I! I’m new so I don’t think we’ve met. What department do you work in?”
You’ve got to be kidding. Luck just can’t give you enough of a break. “Actually I’m more of an intern,” you backpedal, “my mom’s the journalist.�� Was, your brain silently corrects. Technically you did borrow her press pass just for a moment like this. As long as they don’t notice that the expiration date is almost a decade old. “I’m just here inspecting the area while she follows some other leads.” 
“Oh that’s cool! What’s her name?” The same guy asks, seemingly oblivious to your deceptions. Next to him, Yoongi faintly smirks, also expectantly waiting to hear your answer. 
While you say her name, you frantically think of something else to switch topics to before you somehow slip up. “So is there much evidence besides the broken glass?”
“This is still technically an open investigation, we can’t disclose any of that yet.” Yoongi interrupts before the journalist can answer. 
“Once we fill out our report and get all the details, we’d be happy to release it to the public.” The tall guy, Namjoon you presume, also responds.
“Then can I at least get statements from you, your partner, and your…assistant?” 
“Yeah, though we’re still searching for evidence on what kind of animal this might’ve been which I’m sure is what you’re mainly wanting to know,” the shorter guy answers remorsefully.
Namjoon clears his throat. “I know that’s what everyone is most concerned about and we’re working quickly to figure that out. You’ll even be the first to know if that’s any consolation.” 
“Does that have anything to do with checking the northeast area?” You point out and Yoongi narrows his eyes. 
“We’re just covering our bases.”
“Are you checking that direction to rule out nothing came from the supposed legendary dark forest?” You guess. 
While you know your question would throw out any credibility as a serious journalist, the sudden widening of the shorter guy’s eyes is enough to send your mind into hyperawareness. Even Namjoon inquisitively glances over to Yoongi who’s glaring you down. 
“All those fairytales are seriously getting to your head,” he tells you snidely. 
“Yeah, then it must be spreading because even the victim isn’t exactly sure what she saw.” 
“Because she was drunk, terrified and in complete darkness,” he dismisses. 
“Either way, something dangerous is out there.” 
Namjoon hesitates before interjecting, “I’d be happy to talk with you privately once we finish up here if that’s alright. But he’s right, the dark forest is just a myth.” 
If only that were true. “Maybe you’re right. And that’s very much appreciated but I think I’ll follow some other leads in the meantime. I understand this area is closed off so I’ll make my way to Briar’s Creek,” you politely answer. While not too far away, you have to head northeast to get there and the others seem to know this as well. Even if he’s throwing you a bone, you’re not biting. You doubt you’d get much out of him anyway. There’s too much authority within his tone, this man has definitely done plenty of damage control and PR speeches. 
“Unfortunately, none of the forest is considered completely safe as we don’t know where this supposed creature is,” Namjoon says. “We’d advise not wandering alone. That goes for everyone, even if it’s overcautious on our part.” 
“But what about for you all? That’s a lot of land to investigate and there’s only three of you here. Isn’t that just as dangerous for you too?” 
“We have time as well as weapons for self-defense,” Yoongi reassures though a precursory glance shows none to be openly found. “They’re concealed if that’s what you’re wondering.” 
“If temporarily assisting us with this part of the investigation will put your mind, and questions, at ease, we can allow that,” Namjoon amends much to everyone’s surprise. Yoongi sends him a dark look but doesn’t object. 
At this point, you’ll take whatever information you can get. “Actually that would be great, thanks.” 
“It makes things even,” the shorter guy adds, “and you’re more than welcome to come with me.” 
“Perhaps you should head east with Yoongi,” Namjoon suggests to you. “Jimin and I can check the north since there’s less pathways.” 
You spare a glance down at your shoes, just an old pair of sneakers that have certainly seen better days. Probably should’ve gone with actual hiking boots. “Sounds good,” you tell him, smiling before following after Yoongi who’s already on the move. 
While the other two head in the adjacent direction, you walk after Yoongi as you try to catch up. The quiet ambience of the woods and two sets of footsteps are the only sounds for a few minutes before you bluntly ask, “Why the cold shoulder?” 
His face pinches at your question before he uneasily looks away. “I’m not giving you the cold shoulder.” 
“Fine, then why’re so grumpy?” He’s never been this cold with you except for maybe the first time you met after he caught you falling in the library. It’s not like him, and it makes you wonder what could possibly be bothering him. Unless he was sour before, something about your presence here has him upset. 
Sighing, he shoves his hands in his pockets and hunches his shoulders while ducking beneath to avoid a low hanging branch. “Because I’d rather be somewhere else than here on some wild goose chase,” he admits. “And everyone seems convinced there’s some monster in the woods when it’s probably just a wild animal.” 
“Those two seem like they could handle this on their own. Why do they need you?” It’s not a scathing remark, but genuine curiosity that drives your questioning. 
“I told you, I know my way around these woods. Better than they do as they’re both still new and getting acquainted with the area.” 
“Seems like you all know each other pretty well,” you comment, struggling to watch your footing while also trying to keep up with him. 
Yoongi stays quiet for a moment before admitting, “We live together for the time being.” 
“So this is more of a favor and not an extra side gig.” 
“Basically,” he nods, attention more so focused on his surroundings as he scans the woods. Besides the occasional draft of wind, hardly anything stirs except for the sporadic falling leaves. “Just helping them out since it’s the least I can do.” Yoongi glances over at you. “What’s your motive? Honestly.” 
You point a finger at yourself. “Me?” Shrugging, you’re about crouch beneath another low branch but Yoongi lifts it, holding it up so you can easily walk under. “Thanks. Look, I just want to get to the bottom of this before more people get hurt.” And to also figure this out before the wrong people come investigating the woods and end up finding a certain werewolf. 
“That’s why there’s an ongoing investigation. Do you not trust law enforcement to take care of it?”
Your immediate answer catches him off-guard as he lets out an involuntary laugh. It’s the first smile you’ve seen today, resembling his relaxed demeanor you’ve already grown used to. “Okay, fair point. And I get it, I really do. But that’s why Namjoon’s department was called in to provide assistance. They specialize in complicated animal attacks like this one,” he mutters, apparently already expecting your response. 
“So there is something going on,” you confirm. 
He rubs the bridge of his nose and runs his fingers along his cheekbones. “No, they’re here to determine the exact cause. And before you ask, no, they can’t confirm anything yet until they rule out all factors.” 
“But it’s complicated enough that a whole department specialized in strange cases has to come out and determine what happened.” Yoongi looks away while you mull over your own words. Department specialized in strange cases. If magic exists, and something supernatural is possibly the culprit, then are the cops also aware of it? How deep would it all go? Is that why Namjoon, and whatever department he represents, is here? To determine if a werewolf or something else is responsible for the attack?
And then a horrifying thought comes crashing into focus. A shiver cascades along your nerve endings and it feels as if a bucket of ice water is poured down your back. Is this department specialized in hunting supernatural creatures? What if they’re here for Wolfy? 
You glance over at Yoongi who’s staring intensely off into the distance, seemingly listening for something. He did say they have concealed weapons for protection, apparently himself included. “See anything suspicious?” You wonder, drawing his attention away from the tree line as he jerks his head to you. 
“No. Sorry, got lost in thought.” 
“So I can’t help but wonder,” you start, choosing your words carefully while he waits, “do you really think the victim was exaggerating what she experienced?”
Your eyes meet and hold his and you see a flicker of remorse from within before he exhales. “Saying yes would be easier, less complicated,” he admits, “but no, I think she saw something that terrified her. But assuming it’s supernatural or anything like that is a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?”
For once, you’re willing to accept his dose of reality. “Actually, yeah, I agree. There’s got to be some sort of logical explanation, we just have to find it.” And get them to leave your wolf alone, damn it. 
“I mean, given the victim’s description, it could just be someone in a costume that attacked her.” 
“What?” He glances at you in confusion until realization dawns. “Oh, did you interview the victim by pretending to be some journalist? Did you flash them the expired press pass and she just didn’t think twice?” Yoongi smirks, shaking his head while he deftly climbs over a log. 
How could he actually see the date standing several feet away? You set your jaw, refusing to be sidetracked by his rather astute observation. “Look, you may think this is being blown out of proportion and just a waste of time, but there are others at risk. I have friends in the area that may be in danger.” You follow after him, hoisting yourself up the log with a grunt of exertion. He offers you his hand, patiently waiting while you crouch down before grasping it. 
With a swift tug, Yoongi pulls you forward and you yelp at the sudden shift in weight, falling directly into him. Mind going blank, you barely have time to process that you’re in his arms before he sets you down. “Pretty noble of you to go all private detective the moment your town is in possible danger,” he notes, releasing you before slowly backing away. 
Even through your clothes, you can still feel the warmth of his fingers that grazed along your waist before you shake your head in an attempt to reorient yourself. “Oh, please,” you scoff. “I’m just a concerned citizen if anything. And besides, this is a problem for the wildlife because if people start assuming it’s a dangerous wolf, then any local wolves in the area could be killed,” you say, your thoughts automatically returning to Wolfy. Supernatural strength or not, the general public wouldn’t take kindly to him. There’d be mass panic and hunters would be out in full force. 
“I’m pretty sure your wolves will be fine,” he answers.
“Not if scared people take matters into their own hands,” you counter.
After passing beneath another drooping branch, the ground shifts, tilting downwards with cracks of rocks and roots protruding out sporadically. Both of you take the earthen made steps carefully, doing your best not to slip. Yoongi stays beside you, keeping his arm just within reach should you stumble. Once you’re near the bottom where the floor levels off, does he finally answer. “Y/N. It’ll be fine. You have nothing to worry about, trust me.”
When you reach the flat surface, you continue walking until a flurry of crunched leaves come from just ahead. Yoongi rushes in front of you and you watch as a cute, little dormouse scurries across before diving into another pile of large auburn leaves, squeaking as it does so. He lets out a huff and you notice that his hands are curled open, as though he were about to take a swipe at it. 
“Then why are you nervous?” You wonder, to which he immediately relaxes his stance and looks at you from over his shoulder. 
“I’m not,” he laughs. 
“Well, you’re not completely at ease either.” Realization dawns. “That’s why you’re upset, isn’t it?”
He shakes his head, walking forward until you grab a hold of his sleeve, forcing him to face you. Yoongi stops, standing still as he uses his shoe to lightly kick at the pile of dead leaves. “No, I’m frustrated that there’s no definitive answer as to what exactly did this. It’s hard to tell based off what they’ve found which isn’t much.” You continue to skeptically glare at him before he lets out an exasperated sigh upon sensing it. “Okay, fine. It is a little worrying. Is that the response you’re looking for?” 
Keeping a tight grip on his sleeve so he can’t turn or walk away, you ask, “What do actually think did this?” 
“Not a wolf, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he answers. He’s looking at you now, unwavering and without a trace of doubt. “And what about you?”
Suddenly, you feel shy almost, having your questioning redirected back at you. His dark umber eyes feel as though they’re piercing straight into your mind. Like he’s searching for something. Confirmation? Honesty? You’re not sure. But it’s you that ultimately breaks eye contact before you release your hold of him. “Same,” is all you say. 
“Glad we’re on the same page then,” Yoongi notes, moving in between the clusters of trees. 
It’s annoying that he can just render you speechless with hardly any effort. And from such a simple question too. 
“Are you coming?” He calls from up ahead and you rush after him before you get left behind. 
Huffing, you try keeping up, doing your best to not trip or get caught on any stray roots. “Slow down, will you?” 
Though your complaint is cut off by your own yelp as you stumble unexpectedly. You flail, pushing your arms out so you don’t faceplant into the ground. Instead, a hand grabs your elbow and you spin as your falling momentum gets realigned before you pivot, swinging directly into a warm body. You grab onto Yoongi, his other hand now holding your waist to keep you from falling backwards. Your hands had automatically reached out for support and now you’re clutching onto his shoulders as well. 
Others would consider this a romantic pose, sweet, yet this feels. . .comfortable. “Why’re you really out here? Even if you’re a concerned citizen, people don’t usually just start getting involved themselves.” 
For a minute this felt briefly comfortable. “To look for answers,” you say. 
“Why not just let the people do their job?”
Of course you should just let the professionals handle it. But then they might find out a werewolf has been living in the forest, so close to civilization. A part of you wishes you could just tell him the real reason, but he probably won’t believe you. And even if he did, should you even be sharing secrets like this anyway? Despite that, the words are practically at your lips, on the verge of being spoken aloud. But instead you swallow them. “They could miss something and not know that it’s important.”
“And you would?” 
“No, but I have a friend who might. They know their way around these woods too.” 
“And you trust them?”
“Yes.” You say it so fast that it surprises even yourself. 
The moment the word leaves your lips, you watch something shift within his eyes. It’s like a droplet of caramel hitting a pool of coffee and then spreading out, replacing the dark brown with a lighter shade. 
You don’t even realize that your hands have moved until you feel the ends of his long hair grazing along your fingertips. They almost have a mind of their own, acting of their own accord as they reach up and get lost in his head of hair, feeling the soft strands. Flinching, you pull away and the sudden movement breaks the spell weaving you two together as you both let go. 
Looking down at your feet, you find something metallic hidden between the blades of grass. You get closer, bending down to investigate the strange object and Yoongi crouches beside you as well. It’s a statue that’s about a foot long, depicting an angel with feathered wings open wide. In her left hand she holds a lantern while in her right is a staff with a crystalline orb attached at the top. Down at her feet are a bunch of flowers. Inspecting it closer, you see there’s writing engraved at the base that reads Radiance Everlasting. 
“Radiance Everlasting?” You murmur the words aloud. It’s a pretty statue, but it’s odd that something this intricate would be all the way out here, seemingly in the middle of the woods. Surely someone wouldn’t forget to leave something like this behind. 
Yoongi mutters under his breath and you think you catch the words, “damn nuisances.”
“Does this mean something to you?”
He shakes his head. “No, but I’m sure the department will have an idea,” is all he says before taking off his backpack and unzipping it. “We’ll send it in as evidence and see what they can find.” 
“Wait, at least let me get a picture of it first,” you protest. Retrieving your phone, you snap a quick shot of it.  
“Hang on, we don’t even know if it’s related to the case. You can’t just share it on your blog, I mean, your article,” he emphasizes with a pointed look much to your chagrin. 
“I’m not going to say anything about it,” is your quick reassurance. “But I can at least do some research of my own.”
Rifling through his backpack, he pulls out a purple bandana. Using the cloth, he picks up the strange artifact and places it inside a plastic bag. It’s then that you manage to catch a glimpse of what’s inside. “Going camping later?” You presume, noticing the extra pair of clothes. 
“I’m not planning on it, those are just extra in case I need to crash somewhere else for the night,” is his response, zipping the bag before standing upright. He’s already walking while you stare at his back before following after him.
Curiosity has different common scenarios running through your mind, yet you can’t help but press further. “Don’t you live nearby?”
“Yeah, but sometimes I stay for a few days at a friend’s place.” 
As you continue walking, your eyes wander across the trees and ground, looking for any sign of something out of the ordinary. You see a set of pawprints, a wolf’s pawprints to be exact. Although it doesn’t seem like they’re from your wolf unless he was running around here recently on four legs. Reaching for your phone, you snap some more pictures of the tracks.  
“Taking more pictures for your blog, I guess,” Yoongi wonders, hearing the shutter click as he looks back at you with a smirk. But the grin fades when he takes note of the prints though he doesn’t comment on them. 
“You know,” you say, turning back to face him, “I’d sure love to see this supposed blog you think I have. At this point, even I’m wondering if it actually exists.”
“So the research is for stories then,” he presumes. “Or is it art?”
He looks at you expectantly, waiting. “You said once that the research is for fun. Which kind of fun?”
Oh, if only he knew. “Werewolves and all sorts of supernatural creatures interest me. I like learning about them even if they might not be real. Gives me a better understanding of them, you know?” 
The sideways look he gives is indiscernible, an expression you can’t quite pinpoint. It almost seems like painful longing or desperation. Or you’re just misinterpreting things. “Yes, actually I can understand.”   
When he doesn’t elaborate, you eventually ask, “So then what’s yours?”
“My what?” 
“Your interest, the thing you know or want to know everything about, even if it’s not for work or considered worth your time?”
He blinks, incredulous. “Are you asking me what my hobbies are?”
“Yes. Though would you consider researching supernatural creatures a hobby?” Under your circumstances, it almost feels like a case study of sorts. It makes you wonder how Wolfy would take it knowing that he’s been your main subject. He’d probably flick his tail against your back like he tends to do. 
“Not all hobbies have to be skills which you perfect over time, Y/N,” Yoongi says, drawing you from your internal musings. “You learning about fantasy creatures is still knowledge you gain.” 
“Even if I can’t apply it to “reality”?” You snort, doing air quotes at the end. 
He stops walking, staring at you directly. “Is that what you believe?” He murmurs, his voice gentle. 
“No,” is your immediate answer and you stumble over your words as you attempt to explain when he quirks a brow. “It’s more so just my parents would consider it a waste of time. Not that they’d try discouraging me, they just wouldn’t understand the purpose or use of it. They’re very,” you struggle to find the right word, “technical, analytical, take your pick.” 
“So I assume they’re not too fond of the arts then.” 
You wince, pursing your lips. “Well, no, they understand the concept of creativity and inspiration. It’s just, they see things from a realistic perspective. Why spend all your time learning about creatures that don’t exist when you could be learning about actual wolves instead?”
“Regardless of what they think, you’re doing something you enjoy. Even if it means sneaking around through a crime scene and interviewing traumatized victims,” he jokes, and you lightly smack his arm in retaliation.  
“You make me sound like some suspect that’s inserting themselves into the investigation.”
He rubs the spot where you hit him, still smiling. “Clearly you’re not because you’re terrible at it. I’m kidding,” he laughs when you playfully scowl at him. “You just got unlucky by running into us.”
“Got that right. Your friend sure is proficient with his words.”
“Namjoon? Yeah, he’s been with the agency for a while and he’s an experienced communications liaison.” 
“Honestly,” you mutter as he states what you already guessed. “He’s certainly good at dodging questions like someone else I happen to know.” 
Your implication is met with him rolling his eyes as he shakes his head. “I’m not dodging questions. Going back to your earlier one,” he shrugs, “I guess my hobby is cooking though I don’t always have time. Like right now for instance,” he indicates to the sunlight that’s slowly descending below the trees and it’s then that you notice how the sky is a glowing orange rather than the clear blue it once was. “We should probably head back. It’ll be dark soon,” he recommends.
“Well, if you ever need a taste tester I don’t mind volunteering,” you offer, feeling your face immediately grow warm beneath his gaze, the faint amber of his eyes returning. “I mean, it’s the least I can do since you always try my various coffee flavors.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Yoongi says with a fond smile. 
Both of you begin heading back towards the main trail and it surprisingly doesn’t take long as you’re soon arriving at the parking lot. “Will you be out searching tomorrow too?”
“No, most of the evidence has already been logged. We just came out to do one last thorough check. And good thing too,” he notes, nodding to you, “because we could’ve missed that statue. Thanks for the help.”
You shrug. “All in a day’s work.” Stepping across the uneven gravel, you make your way back towards your bike. “So how’d all of you get here?” You wonder, motioning to the empty space where not a single car is in sight. 
“Jimin and Namjoon took Joon’s scooter,” he motions to where you just barely see a lilac colored moped parked near the tree line, “and I walked.”
“Wait, is that his personal vehicle? Because I like it and kind of want it now. And why’re you always walking around everywhere?”
“Yeah, it’s his. Let’s just say a scooter is more his speed. And he really enjoys it, so good luck getting him to give it up. As for your other question, I just prefer walking compared to vehicles in general. It’s just easier. Why does it matter?”
“Because that’s a lot of walking to do, not to mention more time to get everywhere. I know this is a small town, but this area is still a ways out.” 
“There’s a lot of different trails that I use for shortcuts.” 
“You know what? I’ll take your word for it. See you tomorrow hopefully.” 
He nods. “Yeah, I’ll probably stop by the coffee shop for a bit. Have a good night.” 
You tell him the same and he watches you get on your bike, standing in the middle of the lot while you ride away. 
Like most days, the shop is bustling with people coming in and out for hot drinks and to warm up before going back out into the chilly weather. And true to his word, the next day Yoongi is there that afternoon wearing his hoodie as always. 
“Just your usual black coffee?” You ask, and he nods. 
The bell chimes again. More groups of customers stepping inside while a few exit with their food and drinks. 
“Okay, for here, right?” You turn towards him, already holding the porcelain mug in your hands. 
As he opens his mouth to respond, his eyes go wide, brown bleeding into a glowing scarlet and it’s like he’s looking through you at something else. His hands tense, sharp nails digging into the counter, creating jagged lines in the worn wood. 
From behind him, you see two customers in line with one looking around the shop while the other raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. You hadn’t paid them any mind, yet now you can’t help but notice the one watching Yoongi as the bulging muscles of his arms seem to flex with every move. How often does he work out? 
“To go, please.” You barely hear Yoongi mumble, his voice low and practically unheard amidst the loud sounds of blenders and people talking. He releases a shaky breath as he hunches over and rests his palms on the counter. 
“Okay. You alright?” You ask, concerned by his odd demeanor. 
Yoongi’s still for a minute as though processing your words. “Yeah, fine.” He takes a breath, inhaling deeply and the crimson soon fades away, melding into liquid caramel instead. He sniffles and wipes a finger across his nose. 
“Hey, I can help with the next one while you help him,” Elanor mutters from behind, causing you to jump slightly. 
Both you and Yoongi move to the side as Elanor takes over at the register. 
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” 
“Yeah.” His attempt to reassure you isn’t exactly convincing. “Just got a headache all of a sudden.”
“I think I have some painkillers in my bag if you need some,” you tell him, pouring his coffee into a recycled cup before handing it to him. 
“No, it’s okay. I’ll probably head home and take a nap. See you later,” he says, quickly taking his drink and immediately leaving before you can so much as wave goodbye. 
Later that night, you realize that Wolfy isn’t here today either. Strange. Maybe he has other things to do. As you continue down the path, you hear a low rumble in the distance. Your feet slow to a stop so you can listen more. 
Straining your ears, it takes a minute before you hear a bark out in the distant forest. You head off the trail and begin going towards the general direction of the sound. There’s a good chance this isn’t Wolfy as he’s definitely not the only canine out here. But what if it is? 
Without the light from the lampposts, seeing is difficult and you have to resort to using your phone’s flashlight so you can watch your step. Intuition is smacking your curiosity within you, reminding you of what happened the last time you went exploring in the woods at night. Yeah, you were almost eaten alive but you were led astray by a will o’ the wisp. And you got to meet Wolfy as a result. 
A cawing crow startles you and you nearly stumble into a tree as a result. Looking up, you raise your light high and find the blackbird staring down at you from a leafless branch. Wasn’t there a crow Halloween night too? It caws again before taking flight, swooping right over your head and you duck away. 
By the time you look up, you see it heading back the direction you came. You think. Just to confirm, and actually be on the safe (smart) side, you check the GPS on your phone to ensure you know how to get back to civilization. 
From not too far away, you hear a louder bark that’s followed by a growl. Shutting your light off, you continue walking closer. There’s a break in the trees as the forest grows thinner and you hide behind a bush before cautiously peeking over the bramble. 
In a small clearing are two men and one very pissed-off werewolf. What once was a grassy field now resembles a battlefield as destroyed trees are scattered across with trunks splintered and branches snapped. Both men’s clothes and hair are slightly disheveled, but otherwise they remain in one piece, and it’s then that you recognize the one with big muscles from the coffee shop earlier today. The werewolf, on the other hand, has a few thin open wounds across its arms and upper torso. All the noises you’ve been hearing must’ve been from their fighting. A brawl you’ve just idiotically walked in on.
Another growl sounds from the lupine that reverberates the ground beneath you. Though the moonlight doesn’t help much, you can tell it’s not Wolfy, the body being more lithe and fur being a lighter shade than his. Its lips peel back, showcasing sharp fangs as it snaps its jaws in warning. The taunt has the two men adjusting their stances, leaning down into crouches as they prepare to lunge while you can only watch in muted horror, unsure of what to do. 
You flinch in anticipation, preparing for the brutal fight to restart, until a loud cawing sounds from behind. Slowly looking over your shoulder, you see the black bird sitting nonchalantly in the branches of the tree, quizzically staring back at you. It cries again and you wave your arm in a pathetic attempt to try and silence it. 
Instead, it does a nosedive, buzzing you in the process and lets out another caw. You hiss for it to pipe down, but it simply squawks in return. Nearly getting a face full of feathers, you duck low but trip into the bush, the branches breaking your fall with a loud cascading crunch as you fall forward and hit the ground. 
Lifting your head, you ease up and see the men and werewolf staring directly at you. Crap. You fumble with the half-dented bush and get to your feet. None of them have moved, but even if you run now, you’re not sure that it’ll make much difference. Maybe you could lose the guys, but not a freaking werewolf. 
When the one guy you’ve never seen before takes a step towards you, the wolf growls before lunging at him. The coffee shop guy actually tackles the werewolf, forcing it to the ground. Both begin fighting, the guy avoiding a near bite to the arm as they both try getting to their feet and gaining the upper hand. While they’re duking it out, the first guy shoots forward, suddenly appearing directly in front of you.
How the hell did he move so fast? Dread pools within your stomach upon realizing that they’re not human either.
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine,” the man murmurs softly, his eyes flaring bright ruby red before he utters a word you can’t understand.
Your body stills, rushing thoughts going quiet as your fear evaporates. It’s not that you feel calm, just…quiet. Like your emotions have been sedated with a dose of tranquility. What’s wrong with you? You try forcing yourself to move, but even internally you feel lethargic, and your limbs won’t cooperate. 
“Relax and listen to my words,” the man says, his command instantly filling you with ease. “You will forget us and what you saw here. You’re going to turn around and go home once I—”
Before he can finish, he’s slammed by something dark and massive, causing you to break free from whatever spell or magic he cast as you fall to your knees. You see the large werewolf loom above the man, keeping itself in between you two. It growls in warning while the guy merely stares up at it in return, shifting his weight as he adjusts his stance.
A blurred figure appears from the trees before a third werewolf joins everyone. Sparing a quick glance at the wolf next to you, it heads towards the other one still engaged with coffee shop guy before joining in on the fight.
Since they’re all preoccupied, you finally take the opportunity to run back into the woods. Your feet dash across the forest floor, shoving tree limbs and shrubs aside as you head in what you hope is the right direction of the main trail. Flapping bird wings sound from above and you look up to find the same crow flying in the air. It lets out another caw, gliding in between the trees as it stares down at you.
For all you know it could be leading you to more trouble, yet you don’t have time to think about it before something eventually tries coming after you. So you follow after the bird and thankfully soon notice the shining lamps from the path. Pushing yourself faster, you race towards the lightened area and emerge from the forest only to crash straight into someone.
The person grunts from the impact but manages to keep from falling over completely as they stumble back a few steps. “What the hell? Y/N?” They ask, and you immediately recognize the voice. You pull away and find Yoongi standing before you, straightening his shirt to get rid of the rumpled creases where your face once was a second ago. 
“Yoongi? What’re you doing out here?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder into the dark wilderness but find nothing chasing after you. Maybe those guys and the werewolves will keep each other distracted until you both can get far enough away. 
That hopeful thought is struck down as a loud howl pierces the night sky. Your eyes widen as you look to Yoongi, wracking your brain for an excuse or casual response only for him to beat you to it. “We should get out of here,” he suggests, and you agree, not even hesitating to trek down the path with him, intent on going straight home. 
“Maybe you should head home too. I can manage the rest of the way,” you say, but he shakes his head, keeping his hand against the small of your back. 
“Just walk, Y/N,” he tells you, his voice tight. 
The two of you walk in silence, only your quickened footsteps sounding against the dirt as you stay within the dim glow of the guiding path lights. You resist the urge to look back, afraid of seeing what could be lurking in the shadows while Yoongi’s eyes flicker in every direction, checking either side of the forest for anything drawing near. A snapping branch can be heard from the right and Yoongi immediately slows his pace, keeping his position standing just in front of you. 
Another twig snaps from behind and you both whirl to find a guy standing on the trail, another one you haven’t met before. The bangs of his brown hair hang just above his eyes and overall he seems like an ordinary guy, down to the band t-shirt, skinny jeans, and converse. “Oh sorry,” he apologizes, giving a bashful smile as he rubs the side of his arm, “didn’t mean to startle you. Just out enjoying the view. Nice night for a walk, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, it is,” Yoongi answers, his words clipped. “Enjoy your walk.” He silently urges you towards the way home and you begin taking a few steps in that direction, afraid of turning your back on the guy. 
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know where QualiTea Treats & Trees is, would you? I’m supposed to meet my friend near there later,” he suddenly asks, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Your mouth nearly opens to automatically answer, but you stop yourself short, afraid of giving this stranger the location of Jin and Hobi’s tearoom. 
“It’s in the town square, you can’t miss it. So why don’t you and your friend go run along,” Yoongi suggests, turning to face the patch of trees to the left. 
When you follow his gaze, you think you catch a silhouette hidden amongst the shadows, but it’s hard to tell exactly where. A shiver wracks your spine. The guy also looks in the same direction before sighing and jerking his head to side. From the woods, out walks another guy with striking blue hair that’s partially tied in the back. Dots of freckles form along his cheeks, and with the colorful hair, it gives him an air of etherealness. Even you can’t help but become enchanted. He goes to stand by his friend, both relaxed while you and Yoongi are anything but. 
Your eyes meet blue hair’s and you watch as they faintly begin glowing red, muting whatever thoughts you once had. “Don’t look into their eyes,” you vaguely register Yoongi mutter beside you and you immediately look away, keeping your focus on the ground. You think you hear blue hair guy let out an exasperated sigh. 
Multiple growls accompanied by short, rapid barks sound off somewhere nearby in the woods. They’re slowly coming closer. 
“Someone should get those wolves on a leash, they sure are noisy tonight,” the first guy comments while blue hair snorts, barely hiding his smile.
“Take it up with the locals,” Yoongi says. 
“Why? Surely someone with your credentials can easily take care of it.” 
Beside you Yoongi tenses, but doesn’t say anything, instead glaring hard at the mystery men. While you’re beyond confused by what he means, you try diffusing the situation before things escalate here too. “Look we don’t want any trouble,” you start, grabbing a hold of Yoongi’s arm, tugging it lightly. His hard gaze doesn’t break from the guy’s, but he allows himself to be pulled back. 
The first guy clears his throat. “I know, we don’t either. So if your friend could come with us, we can get this all sorted out.” 
“We’re not going with you.”
“Oh, no she doesn’t. You do though. I mean we don’t want to cause a scene, right?” 
“I’m not leaving her alone.”
The guy motions to blue hair next to him. “Felix can make sure she gets to where she needs to be. Won’t you feel better knowing she’ll be away from all the commotion?”
Yoongi flexes his fingers, taking a breath to steady himself. “As if I’d take your word for it. Just let us go and we’ll forget this ever happened.” 
“Sorry, but we can’t let you do that, man.” 
“I wasn’t asking.” 
Felix whispers something to the other guy who thinks for a second before nodding. “So how’d you earn her trust? Did you just become friends by chance or you two know each other through school or work?” He asks.
“That’s none of your business.” 
“How’d she take the news?” The guy smiles. “Or having you been sharing trademark secrets?”
“Neither. She’s smart.” 
Such a strange line of questioning, one where you’re seemingly the only one completely lost in the conversation. “What does he mean?” You quietly ask yet the other two can somehow hear. 
The guy with dark hair raises a brow in surprise. “Oh, she doesn’t know. Are you ashamed or afraid she’ll run away screaming?”
“It doesn’t matter. I haven’t broken any rules,” Yoongi calmly responds though a slight tremor begins coursing through his body every few seconds. 
“Maybe or maybe not. Either way, you or one of your friends certainly have.”
“We haven’t done anything wrong,” you insist, despite not knowing everything. It doesn’t matter so long as you two can get away from whoever these people are.
“I’m sure that’s exactly what he wants you to think. Don’t you wonder why he’s always in or around the woods all the time?” He catches the surprise register across your face, his mouth turning up in a small smile. “So you have. Has he been agitated or more stressed by any chance lately?”
“That’s enough,” Yoongi quietly orders. 
“I agree. Now if you’ll just come with us, we’ll make sure she gets home safe. Clearly, she’ll be better protected with us than you.” 
Yoongi leans closer to you so he can whisper in your ear. “Run,” he urges, “I’ll make sure they don’t follow after you.” 
Before you can answer, he strides towards them and it’s as if they’re expecting it because the first guy suddenly throws a punch which is blocked by Yoongi. The two begin fighting and dodging each other’s moves, almost like a dance in which neither is led by unfiltered anger. Instead, they’re poised, focused on feinting away before either can land a hit. And then their speed increases, moving faster and faster until your eyes can barely keep up. 
Felix, who’s been watching like you up to this point, then springs into action and immediately lands a harsh kick on Yoongi that causes him to stumble though he doesn’t fall. His movements are graceful yet dangerous as he joins in, more hits and kicks successfully knocking into Yoongi. 
And you’re just standing there. Using your pepper spray won’t work in this case, not when you could potentially hurt Yoongi. Even if you tried getting in the middle, you’ll end up getting hit or miss your target because all three of them are moving so fast that they’re almost beginning to blur. 
From the forest, a loud hiss sounds from the undergrowth that draws your attention away. The air around you seems to pick up, forcing the thinner trees to bend in submission as another strange, unearthly, noise comes from close by. 
“Yoongi,” you murmur, knowing your voice is lost to the wind as he continues fighting with the other men. The rustling in the trees grows louder, shuddering the branches as something makes its way closer in this direction, moving fast. Inhumanely fast. “Yoongi.” The hair all across your body is standing upright as dread fills you, natural instincts sensing an impending doom. 
There’s a flash of white before something launches itself at you and you barely have time to react as you duck aside. Only you’re not quick enough as the thing hits you hard, knocking you to the rough ground. “Yoongi!” You scream, looking up in terror at the humanoid figure with sharp fangs and bottomless black eyes. It’s completely bare and hairless with patches of silver scales forming all across its skin. The figure screeches and you flinch, raising your arm to protect your face when there’s a stinging gash cutting into your flesh. 
Even though it doesn’t cut deep, it still burns like hell and you cry out, both in pain and absolute horror when the creature leans in for a bite, saliva dripping from its mouth. Managing a solid punch, you turn and see that Yoongi and the other men have stopped fighting, shock etched across their faces. 
But what catches you off guard is the glowing crimson that’s coming from Yoongi’s eyes. Fury engulfs whatever surprise is left and in the next instant he roars, his body contorting before there’s suddenly a brown wolf standing on hind legs, one you’ve become rather familiar with recently. 
“Wolfy,” you breathe, the nickname lost in the sound of chaos. 
The werewolf launches himself at you, tackling the creature with ease and the uplifted weight leaves you feeling exposed, vulnerable. Scrambling backwards, you kick at the ground, your legs feeling like lead but you keep going until you find yourself backed into the trunk of another tree once more. Yet there’s not much to see, only blurs of brown and white can be distinguished as bodies wrestle with each other. 
Deep growls and shrilling shrieks fill the air, blood spraying every so often. The two strange guys watch, with Felix stepping closer, seemingly looking for an opportunity to jump into the fight. That is, until another figure suddenly appears beside them. As he tells them something, more and more guys keep appearing, showing up in an instant. 
Your head feels like it’s about to overload just as yet another figure materializes next to the others and then they move in a blur before instantly kneeling beside you. Chan, the guy from the library, carefully grips your face within his chilled hands and forces you to meet his scarlet eyes. “I’m sorry. Sleep,” he commands, the word instantly forcing darkness to consume you as you fall in an unconscious heap. 
— — —
<— Previous | | Next —>
A/N: The next chapter is finally complete! I wasn’t expecting it to take this long, but I’m at least happy with it so thank you for being patient with me. As always, feedback is most appreciated and I love hearing your thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories. Much love!
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darklylucid · 2 years
Grief Posting
Over a year ago, after looking up smutty ‘Avengers imagines’ on Pinterest, I followed a ‘trail of breadcrumbs’ that led from Wattpad to AO3 and, consequentially, to Tumblr’s slasher fandom where I discovered (much to my everlasting joy) a bunch of fellow horny weirdoes that loved slashers just as much as I did.
I loved the community so much that I decided to become a part of it and created this account with the hope that writing again would help distract me from two emotionally crippling events in my life - my mother being diagnosed with cancer for the second time in her life and the death of the much loved cat who was a huge part of my life for 21 years, my Honey.   
It was a very tough battle, but with the help of CAR T-cell therapy, my mom once again kicked cancer’s ass, but in a very cruel twist of fate, the grief I still feel over the loss of my cat, even after a year and a half of his passing, is ironically preventing me from writing - which was the very thing I hoped would distract me from it!
The slasher fandom of Tumblr has been like a family to me, so in the hopes that it’ll help lighten the massive weight of grief from my heart, I share with you, the family I chose, photos, memories and stories of my sweet boy. The goodest boy. The softest boy. My cat brother from a very different mother. My Honey.
Look at him. Look at his cuteness,
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He came to us as a birthday gift to my sister, an undersized and pitiable barn kitten taken from his mother a little too soon, stuffed into a motorcycle helmet and unceremoniously (and irresponsibly) given to someone who lacked both the mental and emotional capacity to care for anything more complex than a pet rock.
He was, in short order, ‘rescued’ by my mom and I and became ‘our cat’, but because he was so young (his ears were still on the side of his head), my mom had to teach him how to feed himself by getting him to lick warm milk off her finger until he understood what a bowl of warm milk was for. 
Fortunately, he soon proved to be both an incredibly resilient little bit of fur and a fast learner and took to self-feeding remarkably fast, especially when he discovered how utterly delicious tiny bits of chopped-up hotdogs were...
Some of his accomplishments as a kitten include teaching himself how to climb the drawer-pulls on the kitchen drawers to get onto the counter, becoming ‘defender of the household’ by eating the Cellar Spiders in the basement and saving us from a (presumably) possessed evil potato which we found in the middle of the kitchen floor one morning covered in bite-marks. 
Look at this sweet little face - it got kissed so often it was a wonder he didn’t have bare patches...sometimes I risked missing the bus to work for how many times I had to stop getting ready, track him down and (sometimes forcibly...) pepper him with kisses. 
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During his lifetime, as I imagine most cats do, he collected quite an...eclectic...collection of names besides ‘Honey’, and here is a short list of the more memorable ones I called him:
Hanny, Hanners, Hannums, Hunnums, Mr Scrotes, The Ball-less Wonder, Numb-Nuts, Mr Snip-Snip, Floophen-Poofen, Butt-Nuts, Fuzz-Nuts, M.U.D.H.L (short for ‘miniature urban domestic house lion’), Brother Meow, Vomit Comet, Mama’s handsomest little man, Purr-Machine, miserable fucking furry little bastard (when he was being an asshole), Ball-Munch, Mr Pantaloons, Fuzzlumps, ‘Fleasimus Minimus’, Sir Sheds-Alot, My Main Meow, and Snuggle-Bug.
When he upchucked on the carpet, I derisively addressed him by this rather elaborate moniker, ‘Sir Spews, Baron Of Barf, Viscount Of Vomit, Prince Of Puke, Highness Of Hork.’ 
With a face this sweet, who could be mad at him for too long, though.
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Mom and I ‘rescued’ him a second time when my (dumbass) sister tried taking him with her when she moved out, as she’d convinced herself that it was perfectly fine to lock a cat up in a tiny bedroom without food, water or a litter box all day long until she got home (”I don’t want him getting food and litter on my bed!!!”)
On that day, he officially became my cat.
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‘The French Fry Oil Incident’
One morning while I was getting ready for work, mom noticed a series of wet patches on the living room carpet and, understandably, assumed Honey had peed on the carpet (when he was ‘pissy’ about something, he let us know), but when she touched it, discovered that is wasn’t urine at all, but used cooking oil. 
One ‘oh shit’ moment later and a quick peek at the oil-splattered kitchen revealed the source of the grease stains - mom had been deep-frying some potato chips the night before in a shallow frying pan and had left it on the counter to cool, and we suspect Honey had jumped onto the counter in the middle of the night, stuck his tail in the used oil, whipped it around in a blind panic and then fled to the living room where he attempted to groom it off of himself.
One frantic search later revealed our poor little man, cowering in misery under mom’s bed with half the fur on his body soaked through to the skin with vegetable oil and smelling like he just took a dip in a McDonalds deep-fryer. 
We attempted to wash the oil out of his fur in the kitchen sink but all we ended up doing was making it worse, but then I remembered watching TV commercials that showed people washing crude oil off of ducks with Dawn dish soap, so we agreed that I’d bring a bottle home after work and we’d try again.
When I got home, we filled the bottom of the bathtub three inches deep with warm water, added in a copious amount of soap and then lowered the poor cat into it for the first (and only) bath of his life. Oh, how he howled, yowled, hissed and spit, but only for the first thirty seconds until he suddenly went dead-quiet, ‘gave up on life’ and waited for death’s sweet embrace. 
The dish soap worked perfectly, he was de-greased in no time at all and the only genuine protest he made in regards to trying to bite us was when I vigorously ‘sudsed up’ his ball sack. 
Unfortunately, in order to avoid traumatizing him further, we had to use towels to get the excess water out of his fur instead of the hair drier, but that caused him to get so chilled he started to shiver, so I brought him downstairs to the basement, heated up a series of bath towels in the dryer on the hot cycle and used them to warm him up.
One day later, we had a clean, warm, dry, happy and sweet-smelling cat that only continued to give me dirty looks for a week of so before he was back to his normal self.
Co-operative Hunting (cat style)
I was trying (and failing) to kill a house fly with the swatter one day while Honey was watching me with mildly disdainful interest from where he was comfortably stretched out on the floor in the living room. 
I glared at him in frustration and snapped, “Just don’t lie there, you miserable lazy beast! Earn your keep and DO SOMETHING!”
He got up, stretched, yawned, caught it between his paws in mid-air with a mighty leap, and ate it. Good cat...
Pokes Of Indignity
One day, he was curled up in front of me on the bed while I was reading a book, and without looking, I reached out to pat him on the head without noticing he’d gotten up and I accidentally jabbed him in the anus with my finger. 
He whirled around, hissed mightily, gave me the dirtiest look and retreated upstairs while I laughed so hard I almost peed. It’s a damn good thing I don’t have long manicured fingernails...
He loved ‘hugging my tits’ while I was in bed, and every night for years without fail he’d sit his furry ass down on my right side, place his paws on the blankets right over my boob and make ‘biscuits’ while I pet him. 
He would also crawl into my lap while I was sitting on the couch and put his paws up on my boobs, and if I moved them off, he’d move them right back where they were. Lester Sinclair in cat form, I swear...
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He was an absolute menace when it came to shoelaces (forbidden cat spaghetti) and if mom or I forgot to hide our shoes, we’d wake up in the morning to find the laces chewed into wet gooey bits.
If he didn’t follow me down to bed, I’d yowl loudly (I’d let out a very loud, very poignant “YEOOOOOOOOWWW!”) until he came down to see ‘what my problem was’, jumping onto the bed and sniffing my face before I’d settle him down beside me for cuddles. Sometimes, I even fell asleep with my arm around him before he left.
If I laid in bed with the alarm going off for too long, he’d come pounding down the basement stairs, jump on the bed and yowl in my face.
When I was working in the kitchen, randomly, he’d sashay in, throw himself at my legs and then leave. 
He seemed to like having his tail whipped around, I’d grab it by the base, violent shake it and he never complained.
His favourite toys were the bird feathers I found for him outside, the plastic rings from milk jugs and pom-poms.
He never tried climbing the Christmas tree.
Sometimes, I’d forcibly flip him onto his back, face-plant his belly and attempt to ‘blow a raspberry’. He was never amused by it, but he did ‘put up with it.’
He loved us making him ‘blanket nests’ on the couch, and all we’d have to do is hold up a blanket for him to see and he’d jump up on the couch, howl at us until he’d been covered up and he’d stay there for hours. 
I had the back door open one day to air the house out, and a young black squirrel jumped through the doorway and into the living and landed right in front of him. No hiss, no paw-swatting, no aggression, they simply touched noses and gave each other a thorough sniffing before the squirrel scampered back outside.
(The squirrels in the court are accustomed to people letting their cats roam and take no shit, because they *know* they’re faster and have sharper teeth, and the cats seem to respect that. I’ve seen various cats 'loafed’ on the ground mere feet from where a group of squirrels are feeding on a seed pile and the squirrels don’t even acknowledge them...)
He would dry-hump the frilly pillows on mom’s bed the moment she got into it nearly every night of his life (it’s a good thing he was fixed...) 
He adored olives, and on the very rare occasion we’d give him a few bits of them to eat. One day, he smelled olives on my mom’s breath, realized that she’d eaten some without giving him any, let loose one hell of a growl and hissed in her face.
I woke up one morning with a ‘cat hat’, he’d wrapped himself around my head in the night and I woke up with his tail curled around my throat and his warm cat breath in my ear.
The older he got, the more he came to realize that belly rubs felt good. Sometimes, when he’d be laying beside me on the couch and I’d go for the belly, and he’d actually lift his leg dog-style and give me full access. 
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I taught him how to pee in the bathtub. 
Yes, I did. No, I won’t say how because it’s embarrassing, but I will say that it saved one hell of a lot of money on litter. 
A couple of times while was in the shower, covered head to toe in soap, he’d scream at me that he wanted to go pee. I had to shut off the water, move the shower curtain aside to let him jump into the tub, wait until he’d peed and jumped out before I could finish my shower.
(Teaching him to ‘aim for the drain’ was hit and miss...sometimes he’d aim and sometimes I’d have to swivel his furry ass around for him)
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I loved to use him as a ‘pillow’, he’d be curled up on mom’s bed in a blanket nest and I’d lay down beside him, rest my head on the middle of his body with just enough pressure to press my ear against him and listen to him purr. He actually seemed to enjoy it, sometimes turning his head and lick my cheek, and he never left before I was satisfied.
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He was given raw meat, beef, pork and chicken his entire life to supplement his kibbles, and he always got the first taste of the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey, both raw and after it was cooked. No matter where he was in the house, awake or asleep, if you called out, “Honey! MEAT!” he’d come running to get his share. 
Some of his favourite snacks included tiny tidbits of olives, cream cheese, ‘meat macaroni and cheese’ lunch meat and strawberry Haagen-Dazs ice-cream. 
He never had a taste for fish, but he did enjoy the occasional cooked egg yolk.
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His all-time favourite place to nap was on the couch beside me, curled up on or in either a blanket or one of my hoodies, and an hour long TV show would usually take an hour and a half to get through with the amount of times I paused it to pet him so I wouldn’t miss anything.
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He made it all the way to the venerable age of twenty-one, a remarkable age for any cat, and until the last month of his life, he’d never been sick, never had to suffer through the indignity of fleas or ticks and was pampered every last minute of it (as a strictly indoor cat, his paws never once touched dirt)
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Warning - non graphic mentions of pet death under the cut, bitter regret and a lot of sadness. 
As he got older, thinner, lost most of his apatite and spent more and more time sleeping, my mom told me that at some point, we'd have to consider putting him down, but I kept insisting that “We’ll keep him until we find him cold and dead on the floor.”
I was selfish. I didn’t want to let him go, I couldn’t. He gave me something to look forward when I got home after work, he helped keep me going after struggling with crippling depression my entire life and I still needed him, so I waited until it was past the time he should have been taken to get put to sleep.
I had to watch him fade, and that was so much worse, because by the time I made an appointment to bring him into the vet, he was almost half gone already. 
I kept my hands on him while the vet did what should have been done days before, and still he purred for me until...he didn’t. I’d never witnessed an animal’s death before, and I can still remember putting my fingers on his throat to see if he was still breathing and feeling nothing.
I don’t remember the taxi ride home, only walking into an empty, dark house and making him a blanket nest on the couch where it stayed for a week.
I’m still not over the loss, and I hope that by sharing with you my stories of him and a small taste of the love I felt for him, still feel for him, it’ll help me in some way.
He was my boy. My Honey, and I’ll always miss him. 
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mydyspraxiablog · 11 months
As know went on holiday to Turkey in October but get there in Brigingham Airport wasn't that good As you see wear hearing aids and got Dyspraxia but Dyspraxia now on Austim Spectrum now but talking travel on Holiday from Uk to Turkey really enjoy going Turkey so now book assistance with Eastjet Travel and book assistance with
Brigingham Airport and had few friends with me. Having Dyspraxia sometime can't stand up more then two hours through security line but know got job so wear Sunflower hidding disabilities landyard with Dyspraxia, Half deaf and hearing aids because Airport so busy and people so rude don't want break £3.000 hearing aids ( even can't wear them near water so have be careful going swimming pool and art painting) so going holiday to Turkey and book chicken meal on plane in case wasn't any gluten free food in Lounge 1 but wasn't gluten free food but said was ( Only have quickly going toilet on plane just said food disagreed with me).
So was meet with assistance and took me to Gate way with other wheelchair and passport but then arrived on plane but one promble on plane " There some alleged to nuts please do not eat on plane please" " Then Gluten free chicken give me was happy very nice wish order on way back but tell what happon on way back from Turkey to UK.
Then really helpful and chicken meal was nice been Gluten free food usely don't taste that good no flavour.( just bit have promble with Gluten free food in Lounge 1 ) so really enjoy travel to Turkey 🇹🇷 look for two weeks holiday.
As having two weeks in Turkey visiting all friends I know and would vist same hotel again next year. I also like vistor St Nicholas Hotel really enjoying that but other side Turkey was like Blackpool in UK
I went in Club Islamic hotel in Turkey 🇹🇷.
I enjoy beach on downfall got paid for drink get free sunbed on beach.
The food sometime ok ,sometime could not have it because Coelic and on Gluten free diet and sometimes food was beautifully special lamb food in Hotel.
Lot of cats and saw 3 Animals called Tosit( check that)though friend was wind me up) so cats 🐈 love me jump on my sun bed no kids alwon in that area and lots ants.
I went in Turkey town get few Christmas things for family and friends but haven't got all Christmas gift yet.
After two week time back on home so went Turkey Airport went to easy jet assistance jet this where promble start there wasn't noughting assistance staff in Turkey and ask for wheelchair because hearing aids fall on hard floor and jet2 staff male " Really " I thought at rude of him. So wasn't in impressed with easyjet2 staff on Airport and but dispoint and still wait for wheelchair and lot other people went on assistance que so not enough wheelchair in Turkey Airport. I sunflowers hidding card did help me but some people didn't believe hear words fake when got plane get home to UK ( but use that have that same things at home) so enjoy travel on plane then my friends decide want to eat but got to me there wasn't any Gluten free food and was sale out so said here Gluten free sandwich box but only daily milk chocolate left and could not eat that chocolate so open Gluten free box where gluten free bread? Wasn't any there only two crackers and dip and crisp and one chocolate bar should not eat as made by peanuts in raw chocolate but luck wasn't allergy to nuts but some eles was and Gluten free sandwich box no sandwich cost £5 so decide say noughting drip in drink of tea.
Then went ages for assistance back in uk and have wait another family put family in wheelchairs too.
So assistance took forever in Brigingham Airport but saw got there with wheelchair but try best out bad situation but some part off assistance want do four and want come back to me but mum had another idea have go with mum so went down lift and all usely things got taxi he ask me " where my tip?" In uk All money 💰 in Natwest. " " Thank you and went home but Turkey assistance bit better then uk assistance this time.
0 notes
helenfletcher · 1 year
The hardest thing about the Best Two Step Banana Bread recipe is waiting for the bananas to fully ripen with brown specks on on their yellow jackets. A processor or blender combines the wet ingredients and they are whisked together with the dry ingredients. Into the pan they go then into the oven. That's it for the best quick bread ever! This is the perfect baking project with kids or grandchildren! This Two Step Banana Bread is great as a quick gift to someone on your list or to yourself.  it is sure to be well received and appreciated.  It's also great to have tucked away in the freezer for those times you need to have a bit of something for drop in guests or you just want a treat. Why You'll Love This Recipe It's basically two steps after measuring the ingredients. When it comes to baking it doesn't get much easier. This is almost cake-like in texture and taste. It doesn't fall apart when cut and is packed with flavor. It uses really basic ingredients and not many of those. It can be eaten for breakfast, snacks, great with salads and as a treat anytime. This only uses a few measuring ingredients, a bowl and a whisk to make. Recipe Ingredients BACK ROW: Buttermilk, cake flour, vegetable oil MIDDLE ROW: Walnuts, granulated sugar, eggs, bananas FRONT ROW: Salt, baking powder, vanilla extract, baking soda Buttermilk helps keep whatever it is used for moist longer. Cake Flour is used for tenderness and impart a cake like quality to the bread Vegetable oil is much better than butter, melted or creamed. It not only contributes to keeping the bread moist, it allow the full flavor of the bananas to shine through. Bananas should be speckled or even darker for the most flavor. Perfectly yellow bananas will not impart as much. Variations Any nut can be substituted for the walnuts. 1/2 cup chocolate chips can be added to the batter along with the nuts. The rind of a small orange can be added. 1/2 cup dried cherries, raisins or cranberries are a good addition. Be sure to see the recipe card below for the full ingredients list & instructions Step by Step Instructions Step 1. Prepare a 9x5" loaf pan by lining it with parchment paper and spraying the paper and the pan with a non-stick baking spray. Set aside. Step 2. Puree the bananas in the food processor or blender. Step 3. Add the eggs, buttermilk, oil and vanilla to the processor or blender. Step 4. Process the ingredients with the banana puree. Step 5. Whisk the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together in a large bowl. Step 6. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients and whisk together until smooth. Step 7. Stir the walnuts into the batter. Step 8. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake as directed. Recipe FAQ's Can the bananas be mashed with a fork? For this recipe, it is preferable to puree them for the best result. However, if neither is available, mash them with a fork until as pureed as possible. How do you get bananas ripe? Bananas are shipped very green. Produce sellers have special rooms kept at 70°F in which the bananas are kept until mostly yellow at which point they are edible. What happens if I use under ripe bananas? The bread won't have as much flavor as if really ripe bananas are used. Storage The bread will keep covered for 5 or so days at room temperature. For longer storage, freeze, wrap well and freeze for several months. Thaw unwrapped at room temperature. Expert Tips Cake flour is preferred for this recipe as it adds tenderness and a cake like quality. However, all purpose flour can be used by removing 1/4 cup and replacing it with cornstarch. While buttermilk is best, use milk (either whole or 2%), remove 2 teaspoons and add 2 teaspoons vinegar or lemon juice. Let it sit while the rest of the i
ngredients are prepared so it can separate into curd and whey becoming thicker and emulating buttermilk. More Ways to Use Bananas If you love this Two Step Easy Banana Bread or any other recipe on my website, please please leave a 🌟 star rating in the recipe card and let me know how it went in the 📝 comments below. I appreciate each of you being here! Best Two Step Banana Nut Bread The hardest thing about the Two Step Easy Banana Bread is waiting for the bananas to fully ripen with brown specks on on their yellow jackets. A processor or blender combines the wet ingredients and they are whisked together with the dry ingredients. Into the pan they go then into the oven. That's it! 1 cup banana puree1/2 cup buttermilk2 large eggs2 teaspoons vanilla extract2/3 cup canola or vegetable oil2 cups cake flour (250 grams)1 cup granulated sugar (200 grams)1 teaspoon baking soda3/4 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line the bottom of a 9x5" loaf pan with parchment paper. Spray the paper and sides well with a non-stick baking release. Set aside.Puree the bananas in a food processor or blender. Measure 1cup and return it to the processor or blender. Add the buttermilk, eggs, vanilla and oil. Process or blend until liquid.In a medium size bowl, place the remaining ingrediets except the walnuts. Add the liqud ingredients and whisk to combine. Stir in the walnuts. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 60 to 75 minutes until a tester come out clean.Cool for about 15 minutes and turn the bread out onto a cooling rack. Cake flour is preferred for this recipe as it adds tenderness and a cake like quality. However, all purpose flour can be used by removing 1/4 cup and replacing it with cornstarch. While buttermilk is best, use milk (either whole or 2%), remove 2 teaspoons and add 2 teaspoons vinegar or lemon juice. Let it sit while the rest of the ingredients are prepared so it can separate into curd and whey becoming thicker and emulating buttermilk. Vegetable oil is much better than butter, melted or creamed. It not only contributes to keeping the bread moist, it allow the full flavor of the bananas to shine through. Bananas should be speckled or even darker for the most flavor. Perfectly yellow bananas will not impart as much. Any nut can be substituted for the walnuts. 1/2 cup chocolate chips can be added to the batter along with the nuts. The rind of a small orange can be added. 1/2 cup dried cherries, raisins or cranberries are a good addition.   Quick BreadAmerican
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onflorabellefarm · 2 years
And now, for something a little different: A Modder Spotlight?
Now, I use many many mods, and there are several I love and could not do without, but one modder in particular has gone a bit wild lately with all her mods, and I am loving every moment of it, and I just wanted to give her some love and attention and possibly introduce new people to her mods.
The modder is Wildflour, who’s been making a lot of mods focused on cute crops and artisan goods. (art is taken directly from the mod pages)
The first mod on the list here is Wild Food. 
It adds a bunch of new forage-able items, many of which can be put through a seed maker to get seeds to grow them yourself. Also special mushrooms that can be processed into goods like milk, eggs, sugar, honey, and wheat, as a lite early-game (and vegan) source of those goods. The new crops all have uses in many of her other mods.
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Next up is the Gourmet Pantry. 
This mod allows the creation of many processed ingredients, such as specialty flours, dairy products like butter and yoghurt, nut butters, and more. This is mostly to be used in conjunction with cooking mods, but most of the products are profitable on their own, and are liked and loved by NPCs.
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And if you’re getting the pantry, you might as well get the Bakery Recipes to use a bunch of the new ingredients.
The below picture is just a small sample of what’s added by the mod. Pies, tarts, cookies, the list goes on. Over 100 new sweets to make in the kitchen. Warning: This mod WILL make you hungry (makes me hungry anyway).
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But there’s more to these recipes than just baked goods. The game allows for making simple jellies in the preserves jar, but with the Specialty Jams and Jellies mod, you can now make even more.
Make jams, jellies, and preserves out of fruits and flowers, even some very expensive novelty ones using seasonal ingredients.
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If you like being able to make a large variety of wines, but feel like other beverages get a little neglected, you might like Specialty Ales and Meads.
Combine fruit with honey and hops in special kegs to create fruity varieties of ale and mead.
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Now we get into the Atelier series, mods for making specific types of artisan goods. Starting with the Tea Pack.
Use the new type of tea leaf added by the wild food mod to create a variety of specialty teas. Gift or sell them in bag form, or take the extra time to brew them into cute drinks.
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And to keep things equal, there’s also a Coffee Pack!
Same as the tea pack, specialty coffees can be kept in bag form, or brewed into actual drinks.
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Drinks aren’t all this series offers though. Satisfy your sweet tooth with the Candy Pack!
Use the new confection machine to make marshmallows, lollipops, and specialty chocolate bars, or even put sugar in a loom to make cotton candy.
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And last in the Atelier series for now is the Floral Pack. 
Great if you want to play as a florist, or just have more to do with flowers in general. Make soaps, perfumes, candles, bouquets, potpourri. 
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Last on this list (but not the last of Wildflour’s mods so be sure to take a look) is Pixie Forage.
This mod that adds a bunch of new, whimsical crops has yet to see much integration with her other mods, but it’s still a delight to have on its own. It adds many cute, magical trees that grow fruits and flowers, and a recent update added a colorful variety of grapes and wheats (which can be turned into specialty flours with the gourmet pantry).
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She’s still working on new mods to add to this collection, as well as updating the existing ones, so definitely a modder to watch if you love this sort of thing (which I do).
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I'm glad you're back and hopefully it was a safe flight back!
I'm doing okay, not much has changed hahaha I don't think you've missed much! It's been so so since I was just working and haven't really been out because it was windy and snowy.
You partied hard while in CA didn't you haha just kidding. How did the huckleberry champagne taste? So was it like a Moscow mule?
Uh oh that's not good about your brother in law. You guys hung out with him before he got covid?
Yes the tiramisu turned out amazing. I am thinking of doing another version using a sponge cake. Then the mango dessert was too sweet. I may have used too much condensed milk. But I still enjoyed it.
Of course, I thought of you! Cause I remember you like honey ham, but won't have any. I even finished the leftovers yesterday..it was still so good.
By the way, I saw on google news an article about dark chocolate. Something about them having too much thingy that is toxic and they mentioned Lindt. And it got me thinking of you too because it's the kind you like.. I don't know if they'll be removing it from the shelves or what they're going to do.
What did you get for Christmas? Anything nice? 😌 did Emily get to open the presents you guys got her too?
Those dishes sound good. When you say fried crackers, like shrimp crackers?
Hm let's see, since we did songs... I'll do tv shows and movies next.
Name 3 shows/movies that will always make you cry.
Hiiiiiii corn-punn lil' jon righty eyebag!!
I'm glad u saw my answer. I thought u were probably sleeping or not interested in sending me curious asks anymore 😅 just kidding. 😁
Yeah i made home safely. My flight was delayed from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. Then they made us waiting longer than that,, it took so long to finally take off. I think we took off around 7.pm. i got home around 1.30 i think. N em got excited when she saw the gift santa left at our house when we werent home, so after bath, she played with the toys until like 3.30am.. i stayed up with her.. so i was pretty tired.
N today, i cleaned up pretty much almost all day, i unpacked n did a lot of laundry loads. I had to do iy because we will go to texas for new year with my cousin n her family.
Aaw it's okay, sometimes not much change doesnt mean that bad, u know? 😊 n i'm glad we r still talking after i got busy for a week n we didnt talk much.
Haha no, i didnt party that hard at my friend's christmas party..it's far from how hard we partied few years ago.lol.
It taste like moscow mule but u can also taste the berry juice my friend made with a hint of ginger beer. I love it..it's really good. I might wanna make it for new year 😅🤣 if it's not complicated to make.haha
Yeah we hung out with him before he got covid.. but so far everybody r okay.. n after christmas we hung out with them in the driveway n he wore mask just so we can give the presents to the kids.
Ah i see.. i think most of tiramisu i ate, they use spongecake. It's not bad, but i think it will be better if it uses lady fingers. This cookies sounds so weird with the name.lol.
Ah i see.i love mangoes. But if it use too much condensed milk, might be too sweet for me. I would still try it though if u make it for me.😁
That was actually sweet of u that u thought of me. Thank u! Yeah, maybe next time,u should try buying it from honey baked ham brand..with the sides..it will be faster to cook n they are tasty.
I didnt eat the turkey that much at all.. because u didnt really like it. Plus i know after that dinner i was going to my friend's party n i know he has so much indonesian food so i was so glad that i safe a lot of space for them. 🤣 he picked the cattering from our friend's mom that we know that her cooking r so delicious.. gosh now im hungry.lol.
Oh yeah i read that a bit of it abou it. But i didnt know it's the lindt brand 😭😭 curious george righty eyebag, u r very sweet that u remember that small detail i told u! I appreciate that.. 😊 once again, thank u! If u didnt tell me i would probably still buy it.
I got shoes from my husband 😊. N i got good amount of cash from his mom. I think i will buy something for my archery stuff with that money or safe it.😊
We didnt tell emily any of them from us.. it's okay, we want her to have a great christmas spirit n believe in santa. 😁
Yes, it's like shrimp crackers.. i love it.😁 anyway, when i went to the indonesian restaurant there, the area has a bunch of philipinos restaurant n now that i know u, it reminds me of u n i wonder if it's easy for u to find philipines food where u live?
Okay, 3 movies that always make me cry, i have to think hard about it because i rarely cry because of movie..n i try not to cry because of movie. Well in general, i try not to cry easily because i dont want people think im weak or something. Sorry i got off track.haha.
So the movies are;
1. Avengers End Game the part that Nat n Tony died.
2. Happy Death Day 2U, the part about the main character's mom that passed away.
3. Between Age Of Ultron or Infinity War (wanda's sad part of course)
What about urs?
Next question?
Cheerio! (Not the cereal ones) 😆
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Entry No. 19
My mom and dad, bless their souls, I truly do love them, but they kinda gave the game away when it came to Santa Claus. They initially just went with it cause it was like cute or whatever. Wanted me to have the same childhood experience they had of believing this magical old guy with all the gifts that you wanted was real. And so every year up until I was like 6 or 7, I believe, my parents always designated one box that would say from Santa. It was clearly in my mother’s handwriting. I’m not saying I was the smartest kid by any means, but I knew something fishy was up already.
By that time when I was 6 or 7, my “Santa” gift was a bunch of LEGOs. Like literally a box of just LEGO bricks and my parents were just like “Hey, go nuts with it. Knock yourself out. Don’t eat them.” Like yeah, yeah, whatever, so I would build with those bricks like every day. Just sit out on the living room carpet, stacking one brick on top of the next, maybe making a big ol’ tower or a house, some kind of creature, a car model, whatever. I had the little LEGO figures too so I could put them on these cool little displays that I made. And one afternoon, as I’m doing so, my mom is just walking from one room to the next, minding her business. She quickly asks something along the lines of “Oh, how do you like those LEGOs we got you?”
Now, most kids would’ve been bawling their eyes out at the idea that this fat bastard that eats cookies and milk from your own fucking kitchen every year is suddenly not real. Me? I had been trying to catch her red-handed for the longest time. I didn’t believe any of this holiday hogwash. I remember fighting tooth and nail to get my mom to admit that the tooth fairy wasn’t real. What tooth fairy slips under the pillow and gives a kid ten bucks? What the fuck is a seven year old scrawny little kid like me supposed to do with ten bucks?
And in that same fight I fought with her about the Easter Bunny. Yeah right, some big ass rabbit hops around the house and lays plastic eggs everywhere. You realize how creepy all of this shit sounds now as adults? What was actually so cute about the idea of grown, mythical beasts storming into our houses in the middle of the night, just so they could leave what, a bicycle? A new pair of pants? A Playstation? And don’t even get me started with that reindeer food nonsense. 
So yeah, soon as she said that, I whipped around with my pointer finger out like “Ha! Got you!” And my mom was fully red in the face, and not even trying to fight it, she said, “Yeah, I guess you did.” 
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noshproducts · 2 years
The Best Website To Buy Imported Snacks Online In India
Looking for something to gratify your sweet tooth? Or are you in the mood for that salty crunch? Perhaps, you could benefit from a tasty dose of caffeine. Whatever you fancy at this moment, Nosh Gourmet Foods has your back. They have an extensive range of food products and confectionaries available at our online marketplace. You can browse from the comfort of your home, and buy imported snacks online in India like never before. 
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So, if you are a crazy for munchies and chocolates, or want to give a special gift to someone who is food-mad, then I would recommend you these are worth trying:
Nosh has most of the treats you can think of:
Snickers Miniatures
Toblerone white chocolate
Hershey's milk chocolate 
Haribo Marshmallow
Sour Skittles
Savory snacks too:
 Doritos Nachos Cheese
 Takis fuego
Mouth watering cookies & biscuits:
Nutella biscuits
M&M cookies
Pocky sticks
Nostalgic chewing gums that make your breath feel fresh all day long:
 Mentos Chewing Gum
 Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum
Nosh also has, not easy to find; the famous Lotus Biscoff Spread, which is irresistibly smooth and makes you love every bite of bread when you spread it on it.
What makes Nosh the best website to buy international snacks online in India?
When it comes to ordering imported snacks for home, office or parties, we want to make sure we get the best possible service and snack one can imagine. Nosh Gourmet Food solves that problem by ensuring you have access to a list of the most excellent international snacks you will always love and cherish at one time or another. They have been bringing you the best chocolates and candies along with chips, nuts, crackers and more. With a reputed partner network, they ensure that your desired snack from abroad is delivered right on time at your doorstep. With such a wide range of munchies, there is little wonder why people prefer Nosh Gourmet Food over various other online websites which offer imported snacks in India.
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ozma914 · 2 years
The Real First Thanksgiving, More Or Less
 Thanksgiving in America continues to be one of the most traditional holidays. It still features the original four hundred year old activities of overeating, football, and complaining about Black Friday. In the Hunter household, as in all of Indiana and much of the world that’s not outside this country, we battle the overeating. How? By serving food that the rest of the year we hate. Stuffing stuff. Cranberry things. Pumpkin anything. It was good enough for the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians, who the Pilgrims politely invited to share a meal in the new home they’d just stolen from the Wampanoag. The Indians brought a housewarming gift of deer, mostly because they didn’t want to eat cranberries or pumpkin. But what was actually served at that original celebration? And did they really all sit down at long tables outside, in New England, in November? That’s a recipe for a nice heaping helping of frostbite. The first Thanksgiving was a three day event, leaving one day each for the meal, football, and shopping. The Pilgrims were naturally dismayed to discover no mall or Wal-Mart in sight. Rumor had it there was a Target down the road, but both the trip and the name were a bit more dangerous at the time. They compensated by throwing another feast that third day, during which they discussed the football.
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Roadside food was different, back then.
Governor William Bradford sent four men on a fowling mission beforehand. We don’t know for sure what they brought back, but it might have been turkey. It also might have been ducks, geese, or swans, which explains the song they invented about the meal and the entertainment. If it hadn’t taken so much time to memorize it, the song would have been “The Twelve Days of Thanksgiving”. That would have turned our holiday world upside down. Why are game birds called “fowl”? Because they had no refrigeration. It was a warning: “Eat it fast, before it’s fowl!”
On a related note, this has carried over into football, which during the first Thanksgiving was so primitive it was watched on a black and white TV, with no remote control, or blimp. Whenever a player gets caught doing something that stinks, it’s called a foul. The spelling was changed during the Great Depression, when a letter shortage caused double U’s to be singled.             There was indeed an abundance of cranberries at the First Thanksgiving, mostly because the Natives used them as dye. (Good dye, although it tended to run in the washing machine.) By then the Pilgrims had run out of sugar, so there was no cranberry sauce or relish or anything cranberry. That’s one of the things they were thankful for. Potatoes were … absent. The Spanish had discovered them in South America, but they weren’t popular with the English yet. Instead they probably had seafood—lobster, clams, oysters, all that stuff you find on the Thanksgiving menu today. Actually, these days the closest we get to that is either oyster dressing, or “see? Food!” Pumpkin? Absolutely: in their pie, their coffee, donuts, milkshakes … kidding—Starbucks didn’t deliver. They did have pumpkins, but no butter or flour for any kind of crust. They may have hollowed out the pumpkins, filled the shell with milk, honey, and spices, and roasted them in hot ashes. I’m not making this up. I get paid to do this research.
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I'm celebrating as fast as I can!
I’m sure you’re all wondering what kind of beer they washed all this down with. I mean, Sam Adams, right? That’s the state beverage of Massachusetts. But no, it turns out they hadn’t had time to make beer, and didn’t yet have apples for cider, so they drank water. This helps explain all those Pilgrim paintings with dour expressions. Add this to native foods like plums, grapes, leeks, and squash, and you get … *gasp* … a meal that’s good for you! It turns out health food nuts aren’t a new thing; it’s just that back then it was involuntary. Interestingly, I found no reference from historical records about stuffing being served at the first Thanksgiving. I suspect the Pilgrims planned it, until the Wampanoag heard about the idea: “So, once we get the birds ready, we’ll mix old bread crumbs and tasteless vegetables together, throw a bunch of spices on them, and stuff them up the fowl butt. Instant side dish!” “Um … we’ll just take our smallpox blankets and go.” Imagine how they reacted to fruitcake.
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 I would be personally grateful if you made my black Friday green.
 Find our books at:
http://markrhunter.com/ https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
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REVIEW The Everything Plant-Based Meal Prep Cookbook by Diane K. Smith 200 Easy, Make-Ahead Recipes Featuring Plant-Based Ingredients
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The Everything Plant-Based Meal Prep Cookbook
by Diane K. Smith
 200 Easy, Make-Ahead Recipes Featuring Plant-Based Ingredients
 Long ago my mother told me that if a cookbook provides ONE recipe that you use over and over or that you make one time and want to repeat then it is well worth the money spent. This book has more than one recipe I would like to make, and I have a feeling some would be added to my list of repeated meals.
 Before the book begins there is a note that all books in this series have color coded boxes:
* Green: Question/answers to common questions
* Blue: facts/important snippets of information
* Red: alert/urgent warnings
* Yellow: essential/quick handy tips
 The book begins with an introduction swiftly followed by How to Eat and Meal-Prep a Plant-Based Diet. It includes:
* Definition of Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet
* Whether or not WFPB is Vegan
* Whether or not meat is allowed
* Health benefits of WFPB Diet
* Negative impact of animal foods on the body
* Information about processed foods
* How to decide if a packaged food is a good idea or not
* Protein – will I be able to get enough?
* Is soy okay?
* Are carbs bad?
* Fruits and Vegetables – Indulge, dirty and clean and what that means, organic vs non-organic, fresh vs frozen versus canned
* Beans…their importance and how often to eat them
* Nuts & Seeds
* Oils
* Cooking without oil
* Meat Substitutions
* Recipe Substitutions
* Supplements
* Meal Prep/Meal Prep Game Plan
* Sweeteners
* Weekly Meal Plans
* Useful Kitchen Tools
* Storage containers
* Reheating
* Personalizing recipes
 Recipes Sections:
* Breakfast
* Appetizers
* Salads
* Soups & Stews
* Lunch
* Main Dishes
* Side Dishes
* Sauces & Condiments
* Desserts
* 2 Week Meal Plan
 There were gorgeous photographs, tidbits of information, ways to use a burger recipe for meatballs to use in salads or with pasta or in other ways, intriguing ideas for meals and more. Living in Lebanon during the pandemic I am finding it difficult to find imported items so things like tofu, tempeh, plant milks and other items and if I can find them they have become prohibitively expensive so the recipes that I could actually MAKE from the book might be more limited than it once was or than if I were living in the West.
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I buy it for myself or as a gift? I would
Who might like this book? Those new to eating this way or those wanting to move this direction.
 Thank you to NetGalley and Adams Media for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4-5 Stars
 Lose weight, stay healthy, and feel great every day with over 200 delicious, plant-based recipes perfect for your weekly meal prep! The plant-based diet doesn’t have to be complicated. There’s no need to worry about figuring out challenging recipes or spending extra time in the kitchen every day. The solution is meal prep! Now you can focus on eating fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats while receiving the nutrients you need for your healthy lifestyle straight from plant food sources. In The Everything Plant-Based Meal Prep Cookbook you will prepare your plant-based dishes in advance so you always have everything you need to stay on track with your diet. Including easy explanations of how to combine the plant-based diet with a meal prep schedule, you’ll find it easier than ever to incorporate vegan foods into your daily life. With more than 200 delicious, plant-based recipes such as Cauliflower Pasta Alfredo and Carrot Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookies, this book provides the perfect meals to make ahead of time and eat throughout the week or to freeze and eat later in the month. Whether you’re trying to kick-start a healthier lifestyle or streamline your current cooking process The Everything Plant-Based Meal Prep Cookbook will have you looking and feeling your best...while freeing up more time for the things you love.
SOURCE: https://www.tumblr.com/cathygeha/635050456809340928/review-the-everything-plant-based-meal-prep?source=share
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postwarlevi · 3 years
Farmers Market
Content: It's literally you and Levi at an outdoor market. Enjoy!
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"Levi, look here!" You call to him from another stall.
It was your favorite time of year, fall, when the weather cooled down. The outdoor markets were starting back up and it was opening day at your favorite one.
"Look at the size of the peppers, only a dollar!" Somehow produce sales just got you excited.
"They look alright." He says, wondering why they're so cheap.
"We got a good crop right on time this year." The vendor says.
"Let's get some." You say, ready to pull some cash out.
"Gonna go any cheaper?" Levi asks the man behind the table.
"Levi! How much cheaper can they be?" You're a bit embarrassed that he's starting in already. But Levi knows that if it were near the end of the day and there's too much left they always give a better deal.
The vendor laughs though. "Maybe. You know what? You were such good customers last season, if you want to buy in bulk, how about half off? Anything you want today." There really was a lot and he remembered how much you always picked up.
"See?" Levi tells you, kissing your temple, looking at what else there is.
You were convinced Levi could talk anyone into anything, and were happy to use it to your advantage.
Soon your rolling fold up cart is already half full with bell peppers, cucumber, cauliflower, bags of kale and a huge butternut squash that Levi was sure you'd make him cut into, even though he showed you how last time.
He handed the vendor the cash as you thanked him and were already off to another stall. It really was a good deal, not that you needed ten peppers.
You were already haggling over dried fruit and nuts, coming away with eight bags for a decent percentage off, stuffing them in the tote you had.
"I got you hazelnuts and beets." You say, seeing a small smile from Levi. When you weren't looking he rolled his eyes a bit, knowing the vendors must love seeing you coming. But you always made sure to throw in his favorites, and since you didn't come as often as you would like, Levi never minded.
"I'm gonna go to the tea stall. You want the cart?" He asks and you nod.
"What kind of fruit do you want?" You indicate where you're headed next.
"Citrus." As if you didn't know. You kiss his cheek before parting for a little bit.
Levi heads to his favorite tea vendor and sees she has some new stuff this year.
"Hi there Mr Ackerman!" She always tries to remember her returning customers.
He gives a polite hello and soon has overspent on not only his favorites but some new assortments he doesn't remember her having last season. He makes sure to get cinnamon as well, one of your favorites.
Levi passes by someone selling hats, the wide brim straw sun hat with with a purple ribbon catching his eye.
He's pretty sure you've mentioned wanting one, especially on warm days. Picking one up along with some long stemmed sunflowers at the next vendor, he goes to find you.
You're no longer at the fruits, thank goodness, so he goes towards the back.
He stops dead in his tracks after he spots you. In the short time you've been away your hair has been done into one long braid and you're currently modeling a blue and yellow sun dress in another vendors mirror.
You're beautiful in anything, and Levi can hear his heart pounding. Truth be told you could probably wear rags and would still outshine everyone else.
"Levi! You like?" You say, bounding towards him and breaking this thoughts.
He can only nod, reaching to pick up your braid.
"Oh! Some young girls are learning about business and charging five dollars and I wanted to support them. Only took a few minutes. They did so good!"
Levi leans forward to give a quick kiss to your lips, place then hat on your head and holds out the sunflowers.
"This is so great! Thank you." You gush about the things he's gotten you.
You go back to the dress stall to pay and pick up the cart, leaving your other outfit in the tote. Levi takes both the cart and your tote bag, leaving you with the flowers and an extra paper bag you didn't put in the cart.
Levi sees you got the oranges he requested, along with apples, pomegranates, pears and a whole pineapple that, again, you'll probably make him deal with.
You both take a seat for a little while, enjoying warm pastries and agua frescas.
"What's in the bag?" He asks as you've not let go of it yet.
"Your favorite tea vendor? Well, her partner is running a second stall full of products." You pull out the things in the bag.
"It's a tea warming plate." You say as Levi examines it. "Charge it and it'll last for days. Now when you get busy with work it'll always be warm."
"Why don't I already have one of these?" He wonders.
You shrug and dive back into the bag. "Well, now you do. And also, Bath Brew Pockets, and socks."
Levi stares at what surely are gag gifts. "You mean, I can bathe in tea?"
"Or we, unless you want it all to yourself." You then hold up the socks. His black pair with pink writing reads 'If You Can Read This' on one and 'Bring Me Tea' on the other. Your pink pair with black writing reads 'If You Can Read This' and 'Get Your Own.'
Levi chuckles. "These are ridiculous."
You grin. "Well yeah. You gonna use everything?"
"Of course." He would always love everything you picked.
After finishing your snack it's on to grab multiple varieties of honey, apricot and also cherry jam, two loaves of fresh bread and some muffins from your favorite bakery stall, a focaccia and a dozen rolls from another one, and a two pound block of feta, which Levi says you don't need, but in the tote it goes.
You can't help but want the hummingbird mosaic wind chime, and Levi agrees if you promise to put it up, and not store it away. He then goes for yet another plush throw blanket for you to cozy up together under while you pretend there's room for coconut bowls with matching utensils in your cabinets.
It's soon clear that your tote, cart, and both yours and Levis hands are full.
"I think that's all we can manage, love." He tells you.
You know he's right but think there's something you're missing. You could pass on the chocolates this time, but there's something else.
"Oh, what about the orange juice? It's always so good!" You couldn't leave without that.
"Right." He sighs lightly. No use reminding you of all the actual oranges you just bought.
Balancing another bag on the carts handle he tells you to wait for him and is soon back with a gallon of fresh squeezed orange juice.
"Yay!" You are happy to see the new bag.
You start back with all your items and suddenly gasp, remembering one more thing.
"No, I'm sorry, there's no more hands." Levi says, trying to guide you forward with just his knee.
"But the soaps!"
"Yes and the candles and the olive oils and the pies and the goat milk." Levi lists off some random things you'll probably want next time you come. "I mean, we have to get through all this first."
"The pies." You frown at what you missed, but there really is a lot of food.
You get to the car and load everything in, settling into the passenger seat for the ride home.
"How about we bake our own pie with the stuff we have? We can always come next week." He says, taking your hand in his. You usually only came once a month during the season since you always bought so much, but there were exceptions. Besides, there were things he'd forgotten about, too.
You look at the sunflowers you're holding in front of you. It's been a lovely outdoor morning with the man who holds your heart. "What kind of pie?" Everyday with him was a good day.
He looks over and smiles, bringing your hand to his lips. "Anything you want, angel. But first, we nap."
You look back and return his smile, wondering if Levi knows how happy he makes you, and hoping you do the same for him.
Silently, he's thinking the same about you.
an- In honor of my favorite outdoor market that just opened for the season! I'll mention again that domestic fluff with Levi in everyday life is my favorite thing. And pairing him and reader with food haha.
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I discovered a friend had been struggling to feed themself recently and since I‘ve been doing much better in that regard since my most recent whiny posts about struggling to consume enough food, I thought I‘d share some stuff that helped me as it might make things easier for others who are facing the same problem. Put it under the cut tho bc it might get long:
meal replacement shakes are your friend! I am thankful I discovered a bunch of the pre-made kind heavily discounted only. I hate their taste (thankfully I‘m able to just chug them in one go and have a sip of water after) so I reccomend you try a few brands to find a flavour you like if you’re able to. the powdered kind is also good but sometimes even just scooping that into my bullet blender is not manageable for me… if it is tho, I like to use plant milk, a double serving of the powder and frozen fruit. My preference here are frozen raspberries but you do you and know what you like best. pre-made protein drinks can also be a decent alternative if meal-replacement drinks are not available.
eat peanut butter by the spoon. not to sound weird but it has saved my booty countless times times. it’s high in protein and fat so a pretty good base to build from. works especially well to get me to a point where I can start making a more complex meal but I have very well just have it on its own or with a few crackers plus it’s really satisfying to just dig a big ass spoon into a new jar and eat that straight up.
instant rice, instant quinoa, instant noodles — anything that just needs to be put in a microwave before consuming is worth its weight in gold. if it comes pre seasoned all the better! my rice comes plain but I LOVE eating it simply with some healthy boy brand vegetarian mushroom sauce. you can also dress all of that with some canned veggies. especially a few tablespoons of canned corn or frozen peas, some pickled ginger or pickled baby corn won’t take a lot of energy to add but make most dishes infinitely more delicious and nutritious.
a special s/o to dal and instant curries. again, being able to simply heat a pouch of delicious spicy goodness is a god-given gift! dal can also be insanely easy to make. I just use a few tablespoons of quick cooking lentils, rinse them when I have the energy, and put them in a single-serving pot with ~5 times the amount of water, add in some tomato paste, garam marsala, curry powder, cumin seeds, chilli powder and veggie stock powder, a smashed clove of garlic if you’re feeling it, stir, put on medium heat for like 20 min and let it soften. when the time‘s up check if the lentils have cooked through and add more water if you like it soupier. finish with some fat of your choice. much tastier and more nutritious ✨
find some crackers or similar you like and something like almond cream cheese, hummus or a pesto you dig and go ahead and dip away. if you think about it it’s preeeetty similar to a sandwich, just less effort to make. I like saltines, rice cakes/corn cakes and grissini. they’re also nice vehicles for nut butters and or jams.
it’s okay to just eat bread from the bag. or the toaster. bread is tasty! munch on it. ♡
put nutritional yeast on everything
I hope these can be helpful in some way. It’s not much but sometimes it’s also about feeding yourself some easy decent snacks so you can get yourself to cook something more energy-consuming and sometimes your brain is just so exhausted that you’re grateful for someone else having done the thinking about quick solutions. Stay well ♡
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lailoken · 3 years
Do you have thoughts on or advice for treating hawthorn right? There’s one on my property and I‘d like to keep a good relationship with it!
There are likely to be innumerable writings on this very subject, even amongst practitioners on this website, but I’ll gladly add my two cents.
On Working With Hawthorn:
On a more precautionary note, I will start out by advising against any flippant harvesting of a Hawthorn’s wood, as in the best of cases, an improperly harvested piece of whitethorn withholds of its magical virtues, and in the worst cases, can lead to a bitter reprisal. Instead, should you find yourself compelled to harvest from the tree, be sure you do so only after having asked for, and received, permission (following up with an appropriate offering.) This consent is likely to be extended in either the form of a Waking Omen (such as animal behavior or meteorological synchronicity,) or in the form of an Astral Auspice (such as oneiric transmission or mantic conveyance.) On another note, however, should the Hawthorn in question be a Faerie Tree (generally discernible to the laymen by its presence in unusual circumstances, weather it be alone in a field, growing from within a cracked Boulder, or surrounded by a Faery Ring,) then avoid even asking about harvesting; in this circumstance, take only what has already fallen to the ground, and proceed to propitiate the tree afterwards all the same.
Now, when it comes to things you can/should aim for, I’ll start by saying that if you’re wanting to build a relationship with the Hawthorn, then it should be visited frequently. The more you spend time with a tree, the better you will get to know its spirit, and the easier it will be to know what will please it. Once you start really getting to know the genius of a plant, especially a tree, it’s often surprising to see all of the omens and communications you begin to notice. But what’s more, sacrificing time and energy to visit and spend time with a tree like that is a form of a propitiation all its own. Along similar lines, anything you can do to steward the land the tree lives upon—such as cleaning trash—is quite important.
Many trees I’ve worked with have also shown deep appreciation for the sharing of artistic expression. Which is to say that a lot of trees enthusiastically prize the occasions I’ve spent singing to them, reading to them, or giving them handmade gifts (from biodegradable materials, of course.) I feel confident that this proclivity extends to other art forms as well, so long as it stokes a creative passion in the giver.
That aside, in my experience, Hawthorns seem to love receiving offerings of hand-gathered and hand-made foods, including things like Apples, Breads, Berries, and Libations. Additionally, Hawthorns possess a longstanding predisposition towards Fae Allegiance, and accordingly, they also tend to appreciate offerings associated with the Gloaming Folk, like Milk, Ferns, Honey, Toadstools, Bluebells, and—though it may seem odd to some—nuts from other trees, such as Acorns or Hazelnuts.
And of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention blood. For, like virtually every thorn tree I’ve ever come across, blood is a prized benefaction. Especially when drawn by the very spines that drink of it.
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