#Like I just live with a mom that's like... A terf?
moogiewara · 2 years
#Talked to my mom a few days ago and accidentally got into the subject of the Harry Potter franchise where I was dumb enough to bring up#Not wanting to throw money at jk to go watch subpar movies#And we've touched the subject before where I left with a fucking nasty taste in my mouth bc she said she didn't see what jk did thst was#So bad. And I just.... I was like then I hope its bc you haven't paid attention bc I'm gonna be really upset if you agree with her#And she was like well what I've seen so far hasn't been bad and I'm home do my own research on it then#And fast forward to a few days ago where I was dumb enough to bring it up again and she was like I don't see the issues#And I just don't know how to convey to her how much it deeply hurts me that she can't see how fucked up that is#Jk is a fucking terf asshole and if my mom agrees with her views then idfk what to do#As someone who's struggled with gender identity for so many goddamn years it just proves it even more to me that I can't ever open#Up to her about anything like that#Also she KNOWS I have trans friends. Like are it you fucking kidding me?#Not only is she hurting me personally she's pissing me off by disrespecting my friends and our community#I'm considering gathering a bunch of sources and telling her that I genuinely have an issue with her if she agrees with all of that#But I'm kinda worried if she says she can't see it still bc then what?#Like I just live with a mom that's like... A terf?#Fuck this is really genuinely bothering me I can't leave the thought alone it just keeps itching at me#If anyone is actually reading this then hi please tell me the solution to all my problems thanks have a good day you look good today
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virtue-boy · 1 year
Saw a radfem on here who was saying like "anygyn" and "somegyn" like on some serious everypony shit like this whole site is like lifting rocks and finding the stupidest bugs ever just milling through a 2 inch layer of compost in circles forever and ever just triving in an environment where you'd get eaten so fast literally anywhere else but they happen to have this two inch pile of shit under a rock to be developing unique non functional behaviors. Like ur literally out here saying everypony but for vaginas and still think you're normal bruhhhhh
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
I honestly have no idea why people are libertarians because libertarians have no fucking brain cells. I remember watching a bit on South Park where Cartman defended cigarettes and cig companies because "we smoke, it's OUR responsibility not to!" or some such bullshit and like
Imagine living in a world where you unironically (because this IS a libertarian talking point outside the animated show bit) thinking it's totally fine for a company to sell it's customers poison and instead of regulating the Cancer Giving Company you try to regulate individual choice. It's like that tweet that says American feel good stories are like "someone saved a bunch of kids from the orphan crushing machine" without ever questioning why an orphan crushing machine exists to begin with. Baffled that addicts have to "take responsibility" for a company selling them a product that gives even people around the smoke of their product 10, 000 diseases- and companies I guess have zero responsibility themselves not to sell literal cancer causing poisons to it's customers. That's so fucking braindead I can't believe people 100% buy into this stupidity with their whole ass chests given that other Hot Libertarian Takes only get dumber from here. Anyway they should date terfs, the only group ive met that's as blatantly brainless as libertarians given how much they love bodily automomy when they want abortions but suddenly backpedal like a madman when trans people ask for the same respect and bodily autonomy.
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max1461 · 5 months
Everybody does the exact same stupid shit. That white nationalist anon I was getting a while ago would send me story after story of some random black guy or immigrant committing a violent crime against a white person. Well, yeah, people are violent, you're gonna find those if you go looking for them. And there's a lot of racial animosity in the world, so you'll even find racially charged ones if you go looking! No shit, Sherlock. We could play this game all day. You find me a news story of a black guy killing a white guy, I find you a news story of white guy killing a black guy. This does no one any good.
TERFs are identical. News story after news story of a trans woman raping somebody. Yeah, the world is an awful place and people rape each other. I can find you a news story of a cis woman raping a teenage boy and getting three months in jail. I can find you a news story of a cis mom killing her disabled kid cause they're too much work. But I don't want to. The world sucks shit, why gorge yourself on the tragedy?
Zionists come up with news story after news story of pro-Palestinian/BDS/whatever protestors being antisemitic. Yep. A lot of people out there hate Jews. And there has been a genuine rise in antisemitism since the Oct. 7th attack, and that's awful. There are no excuses for that. Do you know what else has happened since then? The Israeli military has slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians, including huge numbers of innocent civilians—men, women and children.
People are often terrible to each other. Welcome to Earth. If you go looking for bad actors in a big enough group, you are guaranteed to find them. How about this. What about all the black people who didn't kill a white little girl? What about the black little girls? What about their hopes and dreams? What about their chance at life? What about all the trans women who didn't rape anybody in a bathroom? What if they just want to go about their lives, without constant public scrutiny of what genitals they have (as a cis woman, can you empathize with that? Constant public scrutiny of what you're doing with your genitals?). What about the 30,000 Palestinians who have been killed, and the 70,000 who have been displaced from their homes?
Fear has made you a monster. Fear has driven you to demand slaughter and oppression of innocent people because they look like guilty people you read about on the news, and since they look the same to you, you feel fearful—how can you tell whether these are the innocent ones or the guilty ones? Best to oppress and slaughter them preemptively just to be safe. I am here to tell you that this twisted logic of self-defense does not hold. I do not care if you feel safe—I do not care if you are safe—if the cost of your safety is innocent life. The world is a risky place. I am not going to deny that. Horrible things could happen to any of us. If we go around preemptively attacking other over it, we do not make it a bit better. And, needless to say, danger comes from everywhere, from every group of human beings, and oppressing the people who make you nervous will not, in fact, deliver you from danger. It just makes you a monster.
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djnusagi · 8 months
when I was 12 I learned what trans people were, and it was immediately obvious to me that I was one. not only did I now have a name for the unbearable pain I’d been dealing with for years at that point (gender dysphoria) but I had a possible cure for it (transitioning). I was already speaking to my school counselor regularly, as I was a very obviously autistic child who was prone to frequent bouts of uncontrolled crying and emotional breakdowns. I told her I was trans, and she was immediately accepting, but with some caveats.
it was great that I was trans! she wanted to help me in any way she could. BUT, she frequently told me about her son, a gay cis man who wore women’s clothing basically all the time. he loved being gay and a man but also wearing dresses and makeup. and sure it was GREAT that I was trans, but it would also be great-and in fact EVEN BETTER if I was just a cis male who crossdresses all the time like her son. this had 0 appeal to me. my problem was gender dysphoria, not clothes, and my dysphoria was caused primarily by my social role amongst my peers and my ever changing body. I wanted hormone blockers. I wanted to be a girl. I wanted to transition. I didn’t want to “crossdress”.
she helped me plan what I’d say when I came out to my parents which ultimately didn’t matter. they were mostly just angry and confused. my mom immediately asked if I liked boys or girls. I said “both I think” and she almost fainted.
after the initial shock she got fixated on a possible alternative. maybe I was just a really girly cis boy. maybe we could compromise. I could wear all the dresses I wanted in exchange for never transitioning. she’d be willing to deal with that. I said no. I had next to no interest in wearing dresses. I wanted blockers and then hormones and I wanted to live my life as a (probably somewhat tomboyish) girl. but she insisted up and down for years it’d be better for me to just be a male cross dresser. in fact, that was the more “enlightened” choice. that transitioning was regressive if you really thought about it. and cis male girlyboy crossdressing was the more “progressive” way to be. she wouldn’t stop pushing that. and it never fixed my gender dysphoria. she is now a terf.
since the very moment I came out as trans to anyone I had people telling me it would be better if I was just a cis male crossdresser. and in the 12 years since I have not stopped hearing that line.
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lostloveletters · 5 months
Sunday Eve (John Brady x OC)
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Summary: On a freezing night blanketed with snow, John and Woody know how to keep each other warm.
Note: It’s been in the 80s here, so naturally I wrote a soft, smutty, post-war winter fic for them. I’m sorry if the formatting is weird, I’m posting this on mobile. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Period typical attitudes. Sexually explicit content involving vaginal sex (light breeding kink elements, but I wanted to mention it just in case). Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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John privately wondered if his Californian sweetheart regretted moving to Upstate New York for him when he found her sitting next to the radio in their small living room, bundled up in not one, but two of his sweaters, with a quilt from his grandmother on her lap. Woody’s eyebrows furrowed as the newscaster announced more snow overnight. He figured she would be used to it by then. England was no stranger to snow.
But the way she reacted to their first snow day together brought the magic back into it. She threw her arms around him and pulled him back into bed when he told her the schools were closed, which meant he had the day off of work. They spent half the day in bed, the other half dancing around the apartment and drinking whiskey they’d gotten as an engagement present, all hopeful attempts to mitigate the heating bill while money was still a little tight.
After two days of scattered snowfall, she appeared baffled that it wasn't coming to an end for the foreseeable future. She knew to expect it. Saw firsthand the rush of people bringing their cars into the shop for snow tires and chains. She got the hang of it quickly. ‘You’d hardly know she was from Los Angeles,’ her boss, an old friend of his father’s, had told John after mass one particularly chilly October morning. ‘San Francisco,’ John reminded him, to which he received a shrug in response.
“Ready to head to bed?” John asked. “We’re meeting my mom for lunch after mass tomorrow morning.”
His family adored Woody, especially when she shared her intent to convert to Catholicism. He didn’t know how to feel when she confided later on she was doing it for him, rather than out of spiritual conviction, which he suspected, anyway. He never wanted her to feel as though he were forcing her to do anything. ‘It’ll make things easier for us,’ she assured him.
The part that bothered him just as much was that it did. His family suddenly weren’t making as much of a fuss about them living together. Probably assumed they wouldn’t push their beds together or keep condoms in the nightstand. The monsignor promised them a wedding mass in the spring, the most coveted time of year to celebrate the sacrament of holy matrimony—provided she completed catechism by then. She was on track to, so long as she kept showing up to mass.
“Will the roads even be cleared?” she asked.
He smiled. “We’re used to it here, sweetheart. You’d be surprised.”
She turned off the radio, getting up from the armchair and throwing the quilt over the back of it. He reached for her hand, taking it in his and pressing a kiss to her calloused palm.
Their bedroom was chilly when they slipped beneath the covers together after rushing through their respective nighttime routines, brushing teeth and changing into pajamas. In Woody’s case, taking off one of his two sweaters she’d requisitioned for herself, not having much of a winter wardrobe of her own.
Compared to the Stalags and freezing night marches, though, their drafty old apartment felt like heaven with the radiator buzzing and Woody in his arms. John dreamed about such a moment so many times, he needed to remind himself it was real. Pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, her hair soft and smooth against his lips. She trembled against him, breathing out a soft sigh.
“Keep me warm,” she whispered, nuzzling her nose against his cheek. “Please, Johnny?”
“We have to get up to go to mass tomorrow,” he gently reminded her.
Woody wanted him morning and night, and in between too, if he could manage it. Far from a complaint, but he was certain he was the only man in the world with such a dilemma as making sure to wake up early enough to sate his love’s desire before getting along with the day. When the topic came up among his coworkers or old college buddies, they grumbled with foreign tales of fiances and wives who feigned headaches or went to sleep early.
As soon as she shifted, better positioning herself to give him a kiss, he gave in. With little more than a glance his way or brush of their lips, she could silently transform her desires into his own, making him ache for it, too.
“Turn on a lamp,” she said, her voice low and husky. “I wanna see you, honey.”
And who was he to deny her? Nighttime could be formidable, but far less so with Woody around, ready to take on whatever haunted him with the determination that earned her the admiration of so many at Thorpe Abbotts. Didn’t care if it meant forgoing sleep or engaging in odd rituals when he needed a hand to reach out and bring him back from the depths. She dove in without hesitation.
So, within seconds of her request, the amber glow of his bedside lamp washed over them. She smiled, fondness and adoration in the gold-tinged forest of her eyes as she caressed his cheek, drawing him in for another heated kiss as he moved on top of her, straddling her hips, plusher and wider since they arrived stateside and received regular helpings of family cooking. Made it hard for him to keep his hands off of her even outside of their bedroom.
He reached down, slipping his hand down the waistband of her pajama pants and between her thighs—warm and wet, he easily slid two fingers inside her. He knew it wasn’t a sin. Not anymore. Not with her. It couldn’t be.
She moaned against his mouth when he rubbed her clit with his thumb. Rocked her hips for more friction.
“I want you inside me,” she said breathlessly, grabbing for his cock, tugging his pants down and croaking out a desperate, “please.”
He buried his length inside her, swallowing the groan that caught in his throat when he felt her pussy squeeze around his cock. Found a steady pace as she pulled him closer, pressing his body against hers, like she was trying to make him part of her.
She cried out for more as her eyelids fluttered shut. “John—oh my god—harder.”
“Look at me,” he demanded, echoing her earlier sentiments, “I wanna see you, sweetheart.”
She opened her eyes, bright and wild in a way that sent a delicious shiver down his spine. His fingers played with her clit, could feel how close she was. He thrust harder, rougher as her moans filled his ears, her voice hoarse as she came loudly, her pussy pulsing around his cock.
His hips shuddered. His brain felt fuzzy, almost lost himself before asking, “Where should I—“
“On my stomach.” She hastily bunched up her sweater just below her breasts, exposing it to him.
His blunt nails scratched gently against her bare stomach, soft and inviting. Tried not to think about it round and full with child, his child, one day when she wasn't so afraid. He recognized the uncertainty that flashed in her eyes whenever someone brought it up. ‘Not until you’re ready,’ he had promised with all the understanding he could manage despite the animal part of him trying to claw its way through. She’d look so pretty, so perfect. She’d be his wife soon, after all.
But it’d be worth the wait. She waited two years for him and didn’t waver. He’d do the same for her the world over. They belonged to each other.
“Fuck,” he groaned, pulling out just before he came, his seed spilling onto her stomach as his orgasm rocked through him. Buried his face in the crook of her neck, her skin warm with a sheen of sweat. Made his mind hazy with the feel, the smell of her intertwining with pleasure until he was spent.
With a shaky breath and equally shaky hand, he reached over to his nightstand, grabbing a handkerchief to wipe his cum off of her stomach. Didn’t need to look at her face to know she was eyeing him like a bird of prey. He threw the soiled fabric aside and pulled down her sweater to cover her again.
She grabbed him by the collar before he could move back to his side of the bed, pressing soft kisses to his neck, the prelude to gentle bites on his collarbones and then lower, and even lower. He took a deep breath, mustering up all of the resolve he could to pull away from her.
“We have to get up early tomorrow,” he said, as sternly as he could manage.
A small pout made its way onto her lips before she relented with a slight smile. “Alright, honey.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”
He turned off the bedside lamp. “I love you too.”
Heat radiated off of her as she curled up against him. He stroked her hair, tongue between his teeth as he tried to fight off the urge to indulge her—and himself. She always took a while to fall asleep, even when he was convinced he tired her out.
Slowly, his hand drifted lower until he found the thick, cuffed hem of her sweater and slid his hand up it, playing with her breasts, rolling one of her nipples between his fingers.
A pleased hum came from her throat before she gently taunted him. “You just said—“
“You’ll make me extra coffee in the morning to make up for it.”
Her laughter tore through the darkness as he pulled her on top of him with a wicked grin.
John woke up before Woody. He almost always did. She could sleep until nearly noon if he let her, which he did sometimes. Usually, though, around ten in the morning, after already being up for a few hours on his own, he’d find himself missing her and coax her awake.
He rolled out of bed, pulling on his old flannel robe before the frigid morning air could bite him too hard. He nearly winced at the loss of body heat, sparing a longing glance to Woody, still curled up under the covers.
Shuffled over to the bedroom window and pulled back the thick curtain, something he had to put up when they realized how much of a draft it let in otherwise. All he could see outside was white. The whole block was covered in a thick blanket of fresh snow—including the roads. He sighed in relief, something he’d surely have to confess the following week.
John hurried back to Woody’s side, eager to relay the good news to her. “Hey,” he whispered, stroking her cheek. “The roads haven’t been cleared yet.”
She smiled, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him back into bed. “Thank god.”
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vaspider · 2 years
Intro Post, updated March 1, 2023
I post all asks under the name they were submitted under, and I post them when I feel like answering them. I will never honor a request to answer an ask privately or anonymously. Anon is never turned on. These are hard self-care boundaries. Please block the tag "harassment tag" if you don't want to be subjected to some of the horrible shit I get sent sometimes.
If you like what I do, please consider hiring me, consider buying something from NerdyKeppie (the shop I own with my spouse - we do custom work!), consider buying me a coffee or becoming a Patron or tossing some money in my PayPal tip jar. I am a disabled, queer, fat, Jewish non-binary butch whose entire income is derived from selling Quality Queerwear via our company NerdyKeppie (we also offer patches of all sorts, nerd gear, etc -- if you don’t see it, ask!), Patreon (queer fiction for a dollar) and freelance work.
If asking me to boost a post for you, ask at most once per week, and please don't make that the only way you interact with me, or follow me just to send an ask that I boost your posts. I notice, and I'll end up just blocking you if you make me feel "used." It's gross, y'all. I'm glad to help, but don't use me. It's getting to a point where I'm starting to feel pretty gross about it, and I'm one of the more relaxed ppl about boosting posts, so please don't put me in a position where I feel like I have to stop doing it.
I will not debate my identity or its history with anyone. I am a transmasculine non-binary butch lesbian, a cripple, a dyke, and lots of other things, too. You don't get a vote in that, and if any of those words are words you can't stand to have someone use around you in reference to himself, go ahead and block me. I won't censor my identity for your comfort; I took a long time becoming proud of who I am.
No, I am not an anti or an anti-anti. Literally no one cares about these distinctions outside of Tumblr. Please leave me alone. I am not going to have that conversation. No is a complete sentence.
I’m not interested in interacting with TWERFs, SWERFs, or any sort of exclusionary LGBTQ/queer people. Y'all are exhausting.
Do the work to root out TERF/2nd-wave "man bad woman good" philosophies from your head. Do the work to root out the gendered behavior you were taught. I am not here to raise other people's children.
I am not here to raise other people's children. My daughter is an adult and I am done being responsible for the experiences of a minor. If you read or interact with me, you acknowledge that you chose to do that and I can't control what happens to what I post once I post it on my Tumblr. People will reblog it and I can't control where it ends up. I can only control what I say in my space, which I do.
Curate your own online experiences. If you don't like seeing what I write, then add 'vaspider' to your "filtered content" list and don't bother me about it. Tumblr is a 17+ environment and I am not responsible for you seeing things you don't like. Adults having adult conversations do not need to be filtered for children. This is your notification.
I’ve been Out for over 30 years. I don't tolerate lectures from strangers, especially people half my age, about history I lived through.
I'm transmasc and if you believe transmisandry/transandrophobia aren't "real things," or that transmascs aren't "really oppressed," please just leave me alone. Oppression Olympics are bad, actually.
My immediate family consists of my partners, my adult daughter, and our dogs.
No one in my immediate family is cis or het. I have been called Spider for 20+ years, & now a lot of people call me Mama Spider. Mom is a role, it need not be gendered.
This is a lot shorter than it used to be. I don't really feel like posting paragraphs explaining stuff anymore.
My icon has lore, apparently.
I post all asks and anon is never turned on.
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WIBTA for asking a friend if I could move in with them?
I (16m) came out as trans to my parents about a year back and discovered both of them (but especially my mom, who is the main concern as my parents are divorced and I don’t live with my dad) are very transphobic — my mom has been heavily influenced by the clusterfuck that is TERF social media and as I understand it she’s scared that me transitioning would hurt my mental / physical health in the long run (even though I literally can’t medically transition as i had an allergic reaction to anaesthetic when I was younger and now I have a severe phobia of anything medical including potential HRT or surgical procedures :/). Her reaction has been very aggressive, sarcastic, belittling, condescending, etc. (telling me i’ve been brainwashed by trans ideology, the usual TERF-adjacent shit) and she’s also ableist and denies my ADHD diagnosis that I’ve had for months as she claims I just want an excuse to be lazy.
All this plus a general hostile atmosphere (from both sides because i’m not good at being patient and non-confrontational) is making life at home intolerable for the most part and I’ve been seriously considering moving out. However I have no money so I would need to couch surf or find a friend who would be alright with me staying at their house long-term. I don’t have any friends who have explicitly said I could stay with them if I needed to (because I haven’t asked yet) but a few of them know all these details and have been supportive so I’m sure they would be open to it if I asked. Still, I really don’t want to be a burden to anyone and I have two years left before I go to university so I would be relying on friends for a long time (plus their parents as I wouldn’t be able to buy my own food or anything of the sort unless I got a job, in which case I’d have to blow money I could be saving up for university on groceries so I feel like the smart thing to do would be to stay at home and save up) — I feel like they would agree to let me stay to be nice but secretly resent me and I obviously don’t want that. So should I ask someone or should I suck it up and wait the two years out?
What are these acronyms?
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theogcinnamonroll · 1 year
I used to love Harry Potter
I used to love Harry Potter. 
There was a time in my life, where it was one of the most important things. I read the books at least once a year. I’d sit on the couch with my mom and watch the movies with her. I’d spend countless hours on the internet, reading fanfiction, participating in the fandom, and reading every single headcanon and thought I could get my hands on. Although I was too scared to participate, too scared to post my own thoughts and my own fanfiction, it made me feel so welcome. Like I was part of something big. And to someone as lonely as I was back then, that was so important. 
I was smart. Bad with people, but I devoured books like my life depended on them. I felt like I was Hermione. I saw myself in her, and I wanted to be her. She made me feel proud of my wild brown hair. She made me feel proud that I wasn’t like how I saw the other girls. She made me feel proud to be me. She made me feel like I was worth it, like even with all my flaws, even with my lack of looks and social graces, I was important and valuable. 
I lived and breathed Harry Potter. My earliest vivid memories are of sitting at my mom’s feet with my brother, listening as she read the Sorcerer’s Stone to us. And then the Chamber of Secrets, then the Prisoner of Azkaban. I remember how I wasn’t allowed to read past the Prisoner of Azkaban until I was in the second grade. Then I was finally allowed to read the Goblet of Fire, but I couldn’t stop. I kept sneaking the next books, until my mom caught me reading the Deathly Hallows. It was like a drug for me, and I couldn’t stop. I just had to keep going, even though I got in trouble for it. 
And as I got older, that fixation stayed. It brought me to the internet. The first fanfiction I can remember reading is one that was written on gotoquiz.com, a series about Oliver Wood. I stayed up all night reading it on my school iPad after I found it. Until my dad yelled at me because the school sent him an email about how I was on the iPad all night. But I couldn’t stop. An entire new world had been opened for me, and I had to have more. 
It was everything to me. It was my whole world. I dreamed of going to Universal to see Harry Potter world. I dreamed of having my own wand. And even past the age of eleven, I held out hope that someday, my Hogwarts letter would still come, and I could be the witch I always wanted to be. Even as I got older and began going to different fandoms, being drawn into different universes, my love of Harry Potter didn’t go away. It stayed there, always in the back of my mind, affecting who I was, and helping me figure out the person that I wanted to be. 
It wasn’t just something that stayed in the background, it bled out into the life I had. The essay I wrote to try and get into AP English my freshman year? It was about Neville Longbottom, about how his evolution as a character was inspirational. How I wanted to be like him, emulate how even though he was terrified of everything, he still showed bravery when it mattered most. And although I didn’t take AP English, that essay got me into the class. It opened up a gateway that I could have taken. 
But then I found out. It was the summer of 2020, after I graduated from high school. JK Rowling had posted tweets outing herself as a TERF, a trans-exclusionary radical feminist. And it was like my world had just crashed down around me. I was still figuring out who I was, whether or not I was a woman, or a man, or somewhere in between. But I knew that I was queer, and I knew that what she had said was wrong. That what she said isolated a massive part of the community that was so important to me. But I didn’t know what to do. 
At first I tried to pretend that I didn’t know about it. That as far as I knew, none of it had happened. But I couldn’t ignore that sting of guilt every time I looked at the copies of the books on my bookshelf. The twisting in my gut every time I got a piece of Harry Potter memorabilia that I once would have been ecstatic to receive. And eventually, I couldn’t swallow it up anymore, and I admitted it. JK Rowling wasn’t the person I thought she had been, and I couldn’t just continue supporting her anymore. But I decided that I wouldn’t support her financially, and I would inform people of her actions. 
But the guilt didn’t go away. If anything it only got worse. If I was so determined to support the people in my community, why wasn’t I willing to give up Harry Potter completely. And finally… I did. Around the time I officially realized and came out as nonbinary, I gave it up. No more Harry Potter in my life, although I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of the books, no matter the guilt. 
As a neurodivergent person, my hyperfixations are important to me. Especially the ones that last my entire life. But I began to really think about it. Is my hyperfixation more important to me than supporting the trans men and women in my community? And for me… I realized it wasn’t. And that’s what gave me the strength to completely give it up. It’s a wound that still hurts. A gaping hole that I don’t think will ever heal over. And pain that mars some of the happiest moments of my childhood. How could someone who had written these books, created this world that made me feel so safe and accepted, turn out to be so hateful? 
Then I began to listen. I heard marginalized voices speak out about the issues that had been in the books all along, issues that I had never noticed. And I began to feel sick. This hadn’t come out of nowhere, this hadn’t just been something no one saw coming. Hatred and bigotry had been a part of these books since the very beginning, I had just been blind to it. The anti-semitism, the racism, the fatphobia, so many more issues that I could never name even if I tried. They’d been in every single book, they’d been staring at me every time I read those books that had been so important to me, but I had never seen it. Because even for all the ways that I’m marginalized, my privilege allowed me to overlook it. To never even notice. To blindly take the theme of the books, the themes of acceptance and fighting against oppression and hate, and never question them for a moment. 
I still need to question and look at the parts of me that were helped to grow by those books, really look and see what of that bigotry rubbed off on me. To question how much of the books I really let affect me. It’s an ongoing process that I need to work on and I am working on. Because those books did so much for me, but they’ve hurt so many people too. While I felt seen and encouraged by those books, other children felt pain and isolation when they read them. 
My neurodivergency is not a shield. I can’t hide behind it and say that just because of it, I can’t give up something I loved because it hurts people. Something I loved was created by a person who actively uses the platform it gave her to hurt people. And I am one of the millions of people who gave her that platform. Some say that we can speak out against JK Rowling while still loving Harry Potter. But JK Rowling herself has said that she sees the continuing support of Harry Potter to be support of her and her views, and that’s something I cannot live with. Harry Potter meant so much to me. And it still means so much to me, but I have turned my back on it forever. It still hurts. And I still feel the urge to give in, to go back to reading Harry Potter, close my eyes, and continue to participate in the fandom. But if I’m going to be the person who I want to be, I can’t. 
Harry Potter was everything to me for most of my life. While I had other hyperfixations that lasted as long, like Star Wars, there was just something about Harry Potter that was different. It gave me a connection to my family, something we could spend time together with. Something we could bond over. But I just can’t close my eyes and pretend like nothing is wrong.
I used to love Harry Potter. And a big part of me still does. But that love is nothing compared to the love I feel for my community. Trans and nonbinary people are in the middle of a genocide. The world is actively trying to wipe us out, and JK Rowling is part of that. If I close my eyes, I will willingly be taking part in the active drive to kill and erase trans people, especially trans women. The active drive to kill and erase people like me. Because while JK Rowling may say she doesn’t want us dead, that’s exactly what she’s doing. She’s knowingly contributing to a cause that is actively wiping us out. And she considers support of Harry Potter to be support of that cause. 
I love my mother. And I owe her so much more than I could ever possibly say or pay back. But she loves Harry Potter. She still loves Harry Potter, even with everything JK Rowling has said and done. I know she supports me, I know she supports trans rights, but it still hurts that she still loves Harry Potter. I know it means a lot to her, and I’m not going to ask her to suddenly stop loving something so important to her. I know I can’t change the behavior of the people around me, and I shouldn’t ask her to give it up. And I’m not going to ask her to. But it still hurts.
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puella-1n-somn10 · 8 months
Almost done with finals, but I really, really needed to rant.
I know this is a problem with Madoka Magica's purposeful mishandling of its male characters (WHICH I WILL TALK ABOUT LATER), but the way Kyosuke, a literal fucking child, is demonized by both canon and the fandom is beyond sickening.
He was in the hospital for most of his life. He was told in his face that he would never live a normal life by doctors. Those around him only loved him for superficial reason. May I also add that he is, at most, fucking 14? And ya'll treat him worse than those two assholes on the metro?
I am not calling Kyosuke Kamijou a saint, but you have to take his circumstances into account. Heck, the fact that he is not emotionally there at all for anyone as soon as he is healed is an immediate red flag for his safety; yes, he is healed physically, but he still has the trauma to deal with, and I am forever mad that this has never been addressed because, of, oh, he is a dude, and all dudes are like that- gtfo of here with this disgusting take. The portrayal of a symptom of his trauma as HIS FAULT is...ughhhhhh....
Adding on to him "focusing on his violin career"- again, he is 14, and he should be focusing on school, his friends, his life, but, no; he still has doctors up his ass trying to figure out how he was healed so fucking quick and is back to him playing the violin. Has Sayaka ever asked him anything about his day after he was discharged? Has she ever seen him as anything but a violinist?
Was Hitomi the first person ever to see him as an actual person outside the work that his parents have shoved him to?
Kyosuke was done so fucking dirty, and it is one symptom of many in regards to Madoka Magica's inability to strive forwards with its writing. To say that all men are incompetent, they're all emotionless husks, and all girls are required to do the jobs is misogynistic in of itself; it boosts misogyny rather than tackling it head-on. It's literally no different than all these sitcoms where dudes are free to act all childish while their wives are their second moms. This take not only opens the floodgates for TERFs, but also boosts the dehumanization of men of color, which is just heartbreaking especially in the current circumstances of me writing this.
Justice for my kid 2024 and, ffs, study some actual gender sciences Madoka Magica team, because I am tired.
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lizzythekitten12 · 10 months
Welcome to my nsfw blog!
I'm Lizzy and I'm a 20 years old female with she/her pronouns. I'm currently in my second year of college. I still live with my mom. I love animals, watching series and listening to music💕.
I'm submissive and could not dom even when my life depended on it🤭. Mainly because i just can't get into dom headspace but also because i'm small and weak. I'm only 5'1 ft/157 cm and 65kg/143lb.
I'm single but NOT looking for a relationship/dynamic!!!
I'm just here to explore my kinks, fantasies and have fun.
Keep reading for DNI, my kinks and my limits
- TERFs, MINORS, z**philes, pedo/map/nomaps, transphobes/homophobes etc., misogynists, raceplayers, age players or people who sexualise children stuff and HARD KINKS LIKE R@PE AND INC3ST.
Pet play/kitten play (collars, leashed), bd/sm, dom/sub dynamic, impact play, hidden public play, degradation, praise, breeding (no pregnancy), cockwarming, role playing, size kink, voice kink, bondage, manhandling, edging, overstimulation, exhibitionism, orgasm denial and teasing, humilation, wax play, choking, free use, object insertion.
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Cutting, hard CNC, scat, puke, vore, noncon, graphic violence, use of the word r*pe, punching, kicking, misogynistic degradation, ageplay, inc3st, raceplay, diapers, feederism, anything to do with feet.
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shakespearean-snape · 6 months
Hi there! so glad to see you posting again I like a lot of what you have to say about Snape. I noticed you say a few times tho that your visual headcanon for Snape isn't conventionally attractive and I just wondered if you had any reference of what he looks like in your mind? An actor or other famous person? just someone like that?
I'm just curious how you imagine Snape because I admit I just see Alan Rickman as Snape in my head since I started with the movies as a kid and didn't read the books a few until years later. It always interests me so much when people say they read the books before the movies or read the books with the movies coming out and saw Snape as someone else.
Its ok if you can't think of anyone just thought I'd ask. thx!
*waves enthusiastically like an idiot with zero chill*
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I get so giddy when someone sends me an ask like this so I hope no one thinks I don't enjoy questions about Snape or my headcanons. As anyone who knows me knows, I think a lot and especially about those things I love so I always have lots of thoughts rolling around in my head I can be positively overeager to share with anyone interested.
So to answer your question, I don't have a specific person pinned down that is 100% like how I picture Snape in my mind but some close candidates would be a young Adrien Brody (which I think is common enough among Snape fans as a choice, right there with Adam Driver these days), obviously the man that JKR based Snape around, John Nettleship, someone like Adarsh Jaikarran as a potential Hogwarts-era and early 20s Snape (even if he is more good-looking than I usually lean, in some pictures he just channels Snape vibes for me quite a bit) and a very young Julian Richings if you've ever seen photos of him in his younger years (I have two here for you so you can see my point a bit, here and here).
Ironically, Julian Richings in the later years of his acting career would probably have been my first choice for a Voldemort fan cast back in the day when any Harry Potter reboot was purely in the realm of the hypothetical (I mean, c'mon, look at this and tell me you can't see it too) but as JKR is an unapologetic anti-feminist/TERF I provide no monetary support to any of her projects including any licensed games, the watching of future reboots or purchasing of future tie-in books in the HP universe, officially licensed HP merchandise, or even by giving traffic to what was formerly Pottermore, etc.
All I bring to the fandom now is my fan theories and love for Snape, which she not only does not benefit from but never seemed entirely at peace with given how the character got away from her and took off. I can't think of a better way to spite someone so utterly spiteful herself than to take the character she was most shocked by people loving in any capacity and celebrate him in every incarnation (gay, bi, trans, ace, autistic, poc, etc.) with my queer, gender-nonconforming little heart while she gets zero money off me for it.
Anyway I hope the visual guide gives you a little more insight into my mind. I've never seen Snape as "ugly" (even when I joke my Snape is "ugly" and I like him that way) but my mental picture of him is of a man whose looks might fall into that unconventionally attractive sphere or what some people call homely. Occasionally I veer off that a bit, as with Adarsh Jaikarran, oh, oh! And also Lee Soo Hyuk, Song Jae-Rim and Kento Yamazaki (ever since I saw him in the live-action Bloody Monday manga series adaptation)!
But yes, my favorite Snape and the Snape I love isn't usually model attractive but also not quite the gargoyle Harry describes (that kid had some ridiculously high standards of beauty tbh, about the only characters he didn't have mentally critical notes on their appearance was the unnamed Veela, Fleur, and Narcissa Malfoy so yeah he totally thought "Draco's mom has got it going on..." Lol!) but somewhere in that "unconventional" categorization of attractive which I feel really suits a man who so often defies easy categorization in general.
(Excuse all the edits. After I gave a few examples more started hitting me and I was like ohhhhh I should have shared them, why didn't I think to share them? So I may come back and make more edits throughout the day, no promises I won't! Lol)
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Siren's Song - Chapter 1 - Our Worlds
            Ivan navigated the Paris back alleyways to the Seine. He checked over his shoulder at every corner and rushed past areas lit up by the warm streetlights that gave off a misty glow fresh after a rainstorm. He hurried down to the under bridge that was his destination. He leaned against the wall in the dark and let out a breath. He pulled out a cigarette, lit it up, and took a long drag from it.
            “Hey, Ivan! There you are. And here we were about to go looking for you,” a boy’s voice echoed.
            Ivan turned and squinted in the dark. He smirked seeing a group of boys his age: Yves, Antoine, and Victor. He welcomed each of them as they relaxed.
            “What took you so long?” Yves asked.
            “Yeah. We thought Leon’s guys got to you,” Antoine added.
            “That’s what I was avoiding. Didn’t what to deal with those punk ass wannabes. Y’know?” Ivan remarked.
            “Man, we gotta do something about them. I’m tired of them encroaching on our terf and killing the vibe. We should take it to their terf and see how they like it!” Victor roared.
            “Easy there, Vic. They ain’t here now. Let’s just enjoy the night. Who has the cold ones?”
            Yves held up a case of beer. Each guy took a can and leaned against the wall. Ivan chugged his beer between drags of his cigarette.
            “Man, this is living! Way better than staying home and listening to my bitch ass mom complain all the damn time. ‘Oh, Victor, when you are going to grow up?’ ‘Oh, Victor, you need to stop acting like a five-year old and act like a seventeen-year-old.’ ‘Oh, Victor, why don’t you ever listen to me? You know you’ll end up cleaning bathrooms for the rest of your life if you don’t listen.’ Ugh, I hate her damn nagging.”
            Antoine and Yves buzzed in agreement while Ivan remained silent.
            “I hear that. My mom and dad are on my case. They love to go on and on about how I’m not a good role model for my younger sibs. Like, when did all the responsibility fall on me to be their role model? Isn’t that what you two are for? Fuck, I got my own problems. I don’t need that too,” Antoine grumbled.
            “Well, I don’t mean to brag, but I managed to get a girl to talk to me today,” Yves boasted.
            “Yeah? What’d she say? Get the fuck away from me, creep? Or was it, I’ll get a restraining order on you again?” Ivan mocked.
            “Hey! Fuck you, ok? At least I shoot my shot. Can any of you say the same? Especially you, Ivan. Have you even had a crush before?”
            Ivan rolled his eyes. “What’s the point? No girl or guy could handle me.”
            “What about that Alix chick we’ve seen you with? She’s tiny but fuck me if she doesn’t look like she can step on someone,” Antoine pointed out.
            “Please. Alix is just another of the guys. Besides, I don’t like midgets like her,” Ivan retorted.
            “I dunno, man. It’s usually the fun-sized ones that are the freakiest,” Yves mused.
            “Maybe, but I raise you one better than Alix. Megalodon,” Victor said.
            Yves and Antoine oohed in awe while Ivan rolled his eyes.
            “That Megalodon is a baddy. That wild red hair, those sick shark threads, and those teeth. She can tear me to shreds any day of the week,” Yves cooed.
            Ivan grimaced while Victor and Antoine agreed with Yves.
            “Oy! What are you louts doing here?” a boy yelled.
            Ivan and the others turned to see Leon and one of his boys. Ivan and the others jumped to their feet, ready for a fight.
            “What are you doing here, Leon?” Antoine demanded.
            “Yeah! This is our terf. Go back to your own!” Victor yelled.
            “Not anymore. This is ours now. Rush ‘em, boys!” Leon yelled.
            Ivan gritted his teeth as Leon and one guy rushed from the front and three others from behind them. Ivan, Antoine, Victor, and Yves were staggered as they were ambushed, beaten, and tossed out from under the bridge. Ivan roared and tried to retaliate, but got his butt handed to him. He readied to charge back in when Antoine held him back.
            “Enough. They won tonight, but we’ll get it back. You can count of that, Leon!” Antoine declared.
            “Man, fuck this. I’d rather be home than getting my ass beat. I’m going home,” Victor complained.
            “What? The night is still young!” Yves countered.
            “I don’t care. Later, losers,” Victor hissed.
            Yves sighed and shrugged. “Well, I guess that’s this night. Later, guys.”
            Ivan frowned as Yves and Victor left. “Fucking pansies!”
            “Let it go, Ivan.”
            “Fuck no! If they weren’t so weak, we could have beaten Leon.”
            Antoine shook his head and left Ivan alone. Ivan sneered and headed back home. He pulled out his phone and called Alix. It rang twice before she picked up.
            “What up, hoe? What you up to?” Alix asked.
            “Getting my ass beat.”
            Alix laughed. “Sounds like a skill issue. Was it Leon?”
            “Who else would it be?”
            “Could be anyone. Y’know, you have a natural talent for pissing people off. Except me. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not, bitch.”
            “Look, can you just get rid of him?”
            “Ugh, again? Why can’t you? Weren’t you one of those champion wrestlers the school loved so much?”
            “This. Isn’t. The. Same! That was a controlled match facing one person. Not a free-for-all in a dark passage with dirty ass fighters.”
            “Sounds like a skill issue.”
            Ivan growled. “Just get rid of him, ok?”
            “Excuse me?”
            “I didn’t stutter, bitch. Look, I’m getting tired of cleaning up your messes. You think you can start fights with everyone, get your ass beat, and come crying to me to fix it. You need to wise up or get your ass off the streets. Cause one of these days, you’re gonna pick the wrong fight and end up dead.”
            “Well, excuse me, but not everyone is as lucky as you! We don’t all have little trinkets that instantly make us the coolest thing to ever walk the planet that people literally drop to their knees to worship the very ground you walk on. Some of us have to struggle to get no where in life and have the one thing they can enjoy ruined by others!”
            “Of all the… Ivan, do you want to talk about it?”
            “No. Bye.”
            Ivan hung up the phone as he headed up the steps to his apartment. He unlocked the door and headed inside. He paused near the dark living room that was lit up by the TV screen. Anger and desperation clawed at him as he saw his mom in front of the screen in a drunken stupor with empty containers all around her. He looked away and saw the glints of a wrapped plate left for him on the table. He sneered and threw it at the wall before he stormed off to his room.
            Ivan slammed the door and leaned against it. He used it to guide himself to the floor as he looked around his messy, filthy room. The anger and despair tore through him and brought him crashing down. He took a sharp breath, pulled his knees close to him, and cried into them.
            Kagami headed out of the academy her fencing classes are held at. She hurried past the other fencers to her ride. She tossed her bag in and climbed into the backseat. The car started on its own and drove off towards home.
            Kagami let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long day of classes and activities, but she was finally on her way home. She watched the buildings fly by as she shuddered in disgust. She hated this feeling. It came at the end of every day she was forced to be out in the mundane world, away from home. When she was forced to tolerate the primitive monkeys and their third-rate technologies. She had begged her mother to have her homeschooled but refused. Tomoe always spoke about the importance of seeing the world. She certainly saw the world, and she didn’t like it.
            The car pulled into the garage. Kagami jumped out and headed inside. She took a deep breath as she felt at ease being home. Her shoes were taken off by a robot while another came and took her gym and school bags. She headed into the kitchen where Tomoe sat at the table with dinner already laid out. She took her seat as her plate was filled for her.
            “Welcome home, Kagami. How was school?” Tomoe asked.
            “Same as every day.”
            Tomoe chuckled. “Boring?”
            “Extremely. A lot of the stuff they’re teaching I’ve already learned. I try to focus, but I know it already, so I zone out. Then the teachers think they’re cheeky and call on me, to try and make me look like a fool. Well, those that don’t learn their lessons.”
            “It’s a tragedy. You’d figure the schools around here would be top notch. Well, at least they’re not those American schools. You want to be a bumbling buffoon, that’s your ticket right there.”
            “Well, I could learn so much more if you, I don’t know, had me homeschooled.”
            “Kagami, I’ve told you, you need to leave the house. If I home school you, you’d never leave. Besides, you only have this year left before your exams. There’d be no point to it.”
            “But I could learn so much more from the AIs you’ve made than from those idiot teachers. And I wouldn’t have to subject myself to such horrible technology. I know you make it all, but why doesn’t everyone else use it too already?”
            “I’ve wondered that myself. The best thing I could guess is they’re afraid.”
            “Afraid? Afraid of what?”
            “Change, my dear.”
            “But change is good. You’re always saying change is life itself and to always embrace it.”
            “As you should. If you don’t-.”
            “You’ll be stuck in the past, blinded to the future,” Kagami finished.
            “Exactly, and yet there are people that would cling to the past. It’s those people that will always prefer past happiness to future uncertainty.”
            “It’s still stupid. They should just get over themselves already.”
            Tomoe chuckled. “Anyway, made any friends?”
            “Why bother? Everything everyone says is the equivalent of hot garbage that never should have left the trash chute they spewed it out of.”
            “What of that Agreste boy? I was told of a message from his mother, hoping to make something of a friendship with the two of you.”
            “No, thank you. He’s so broody and moody all the time. And he uses too much eyeliner like those so-called goth, emo boys.”
            “What of the Bourgeois girl and Audrey’s love child?”
            “Chloe and Zoe? Chloe is tolerable at best, but Zoe is so annoying. It’s always nature this and nature that. I don’t want to hear about forests and animals all the time, but she never seems to get that through her thick skull.”
            “And what of that female model for the Agreste brand? What was her name? Something Cheng?”
            “Marinette? She’d be a little more tolerable than Chloe, when she isn’t swarmed by her adoring fans. They literally worship the very ground she walks on. I don’t even want to count all the times I’ve heard her compared to Aphrodite, Venus, or whatever.”
            “That’s unfortunate. I suppose it was too much to expect better of them.”
            “So, about that homeschooling?”
            “Kagami, no. I understand the pleasures and comforts of technology, but we must not be blind to the world we live in. If we grow complacent, we won’t seek change. I want you to see the world as you will and be inspired to carve your legacy into it.”
            “What legacy is there to be carved into a world obsessed with the past? Why even bother with those primates at all?”
            Tomoe sighed and stood. She used the table for guidance until she was at the opposite end. She reached out her hand to find Kagami’s face. Kagami leaned in and guided Tomoe’s hand to cup her cheek.
            “You are a Tsurugi, my darling daughter. We are artists, true visionaries. We don’t let the world define us, but we define the world. Never forget that.”
            Kagami smiled as she pressed her hand against Tomoe’s. “I won’t. I promise. I’ll make you proud. I’ll be sure to fill your shoes and be a great artist like you.”
            “Not like me, Kagami. Always be better. The future is yours. Make it how you’d like, not how I’d like it. I’m doing that already. Soon it’ll be your turn to make the future yours.”
            “I will, and it’ll be a future where everyone has our technology. One where the past won’t need to hold us back anymore. We can look forward, and never back. That is the future I want.”
            Tomoe smiled and giggled. “You really are my daughter, aren’t you?”
            “You mean your amazing, intelligent daughter raised by the greatest Tsurugi visionary, then yes. Yes, I am.”
            Tomoe leaned in and kissed the top of Kagami’s head. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
            Kagami swelled with pride as tears rimmed her eyes. “And I’m so lucky to have you.”
            Tomoe hugged Kagami. “Finish your dinner, Kagami, then get your homework done.”
            “That stuff? I finished it at school during study hall. As per the usual.”
            “Then how about a movie night? It’s been a little bit since we’ve had one of those, and I’ll be leaving soon for another business trip.”
            “Oh, where are you going this time?”
            “I’ll be heading over to Tokyo again. I’m hoping to finally seal the deal with another big tech company. So long as they are pains in the you-know-what.”
            “I know you can do it, Mom. They’ll finally see they’re fools for not agreeing sooner.”
            “That’s the plan, as always. But once they agree, I can finally make our future a reality.”
            Kagami’s eyes lit up. “Really? That’s amazing. Could I help?”
            “If there is a way you can, I will gladly have you help. It is your future too. It is only fair you play a part in leading the charge.”
            Kagami squealed. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Oh, let me finish dinner and we can watch a movie. But I get to pick. I’ll make sure it’s something new. I hope its bad so we can rip into it.”
            Tomoe smiled and pulled Kagami into an embrace. “As always, my darling daughter. I love you, Kagami.”
            Kagami returned the embrace. “I love you more.”
            “And I love you most.”
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vouam · 6 months
i feel like i dont see women in this position talked about often on radblr so here goes. feel free to ignore this ask if you dont want to answer it. but i just wanted to say that, damn, its really hard to be a woman in a long term, happy and loving relationship with someone who comes out as a trans woman years into the relationship. i was a die hard tra and now im... not. i have so much guilt all the time and nobody to discuss things with. i never thought in a million years i would be agreeing with 'terfs' and yet here i am. and yet i love my partner and am so happy with them. and yet i also cannot delude myself into believing gender ideology anymore. i feel like no matter what road i take i wont be being true to myself. i dont want to leave but it feels wrong to stay, like i'm tricking them into thinking i believe it when i don't, but i dont want to ignore my own thoughts and feelings and just go along with it either. every time a male pronoun comes into my head when i think of them i feel guilty. guilty of thoughtcrime! the only people they have come out to is their friends/our mutual friends, so i cannot speak to anyone about how i feel. every day i wish i could go to my mom and just tell her how i feel. i wish i could speak to other women about this, especially women in heterosexual relationships. but i cant. my partner doesnt understand how isolating it is when they have lots of friends (incl. trans women friends) to speak to and i have no one in my life who knows except the mutual friends. the few times i've brought it up ive just been met with 'but what would you want to talk to them about' as if idk.. im not supposed to have thoughts or feelings on my long term partner changing so much about themselves? i honestly think much more women would 'peak' if they actually sought out trans communities. going on r/mtf to learn how to support my partner was very... enlightening.
Oh wow, I don’t even know where to start with this one. This sounds like a really difficult and confusing thing to go through so firstly I really hope you’re okay.
You fall in love with people so of course it’s understandable that part of you wants to stay and that you have strong feelings for them. But also it’s important that you can’t keep pretending to be someone you’re not and lie about being accepting of gender ideology. That must be exhausting to keep up that lie, especially when you have no one to talk to about it.
Even regardless of your views, so many people leave their trans-partners despite being trans accepting. It’s confusing to watch someone change drastically, when you fell in love with a version of them that they aim to distance from. And the fact that they are being dismissive of the fact you want to talk to people about it is a red flag.
Obviously I don’t know you, I don’t know your partner or the full details of your situation. But if I were your friend in real life, I would ask you if you could see yourself living like this in the long run. It’s tough because feelings of love get in the way of logic, and people tend to reminisce about their partners old self. But definitely keep your mind focused on the present and future and what is best for you long-term.
Wishing you the best, you can chat here any time, it’s definitely something that should be talked about more on here 🫂💖
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windandwater · 7 months
I know various people have talked about how insular people around here are but like. we need to actually incorporate this fact into our behavior, and change it. and what I mean by this is. people who aren't online all the time have an extremely different perspective on almost everything we take for granted here.
like. my parents watched Sherlock. they enjoyed it a lot and my mom still makes jokes related to it without any irony or self-loathing. to them it was just. a fun detective show, a modern take on an old story. watch once and move on with life. she and my dad didn't spend several years knee-deep in navel-gazing meta that ruined it for everyone so now they can't talk about it without feeling like everyone's going to judge them for ever liking it in the first place.
partially this is a function of a lot of people here being teens & kids when it came out, but we (my parents & me) were adults. I was having a good time in fandom and look back on the 2010s pretty fondly while a lot of people here are still going through the process of hating their past selves, and you tend to project that onto the things you used to like. I did that too. and then I came around to forgiving & loving my past selves--all of them--which is why I have no problem admitting to all the things I loved in the early 90s & early 2000s but would have had a hard time admitting to 15 years ago.
but it's not just that. the weird refusal to pretend certain things never happened--Harry Potter. a smaller example, Firefly. etcetera. people think if you even mention HP at all you're automatically terf? like...if you go into the outside world, I'm sorry, but JKR's shit beliefs are not common knowledge. and like it or not that book kinda changed the world. and not all for the worse.
(I will NOT go off here on why Joss Whedon seems to get a pass for Buffy & Avengers but someone mentioned a bad thing about Firefly and now we can't talk about it at all--not to mention that it's apparently still okay for him to actively profit off of his work--but. that's off topic.)
(for the record my views are thus: neither of these creators should get any more money or attention as creators, but we shouldn't pretend that the stuff they made had zero effect on us as a culture or as individuals.)
this isn't really about any of these pieces of media specifically, it's more like. this weird insular culture that believes certain things are common knowledge and therefore if you ever talk about them except for in the Approved ways, You're Bad. it's not healthy here and it's not healthy if you ever plan to have a conversation with any living human.
I'm tired of like. if you post a gif of the wrong show you're cringe. if you reference a the wrong book you hate queer people. if you quote the wrong show you're racist. no matter what the actual gif or quote or reference is. it's not like that outside the internet and on the internet it feels like walking on very stupid eggshells.
I know how we got here but it's dumb. the past happened. it wasn't always perfect but we were still part of it. if we erase it we'll never learn from it but we'll also never get comfy with good the ways it shaped us.
we're so busy molding ourselves into a perfect future that we don't realize that the imperfect past got us here in the first place. let it exist. in all the ways it was.
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dyke-a-saur · 1 year
I know there's a shit ton of posts out about something similar but like, people who are so convinced they can "always tell" are lying to themselves.
Case in point: very recently I gave myself a big chop and got it cleaned up. It wasn't tied to gender reasons, moreso I just wanted a change.
My mom, who is massively fucking transphobic, admitted that from the neck up (I have a very impressive nyash) I look like a "Dan", the more masculine nickname I've gone by in public for over a year.
Not to mention an instance at work wear I was wearing a sports bra, have no gloss or mascara on, and had my hair pulled back in the world's sloppiest slickback. I got called sir by quite a few small children and their parents.
In day to day life, I'm 5'11", and have the hands of an NBA star, with some hair on the knuckles. The women in my family tend to have chin whiskers and a visible mustache line. I even have a bit of a five-o'clock shadow in average lighting. My shoulders and hips are the same width, I've decent muscle from being on my school's Raider and Throwing teams, and my feet are a whopping size 12 1/2. In the winter, my legs arms and pits look like fucking legwarmers, comparable to the boys in my class.
However, my birth certificate has the F marker, and I was born with a fully functioning vulva and uterus.
I need people to stop being arrogant, ignorant, loud, and wrong about "sexing people by looks". Most of the way you "clock" people is based on social signifier of what a man/woman looks like in your culture/society. And if we're being so fucking for real, a lot of popular and even less so transgender people fit that to a motherfucking T. Even "non-passing" people end up fitting because these "aberrations" from the norm are actually super fucking normal.
I've been stared at in the women's restroom, despite thankfully not being stopped or questioned. And I've shared a restroom with a trans girl in my highschool, who gets in a stall, does her business, and leaves like everybody else.
Terfs are NOT the fucking majority. Transphobes of all leanings are NOT the fucking majority. You do not live in reality and it very much shows.
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