#Like every time I see gaara as an adult
inadragon · 8 months
I love GaaHina arranged marriage aus bc Gaara is so aromantic and awkward and too insecure in his ability to love to seek a close intimate relationship for himself. But also he wants to be known and loved and intimate with somebody and share his life completely.
And Hinata is socially awkward and anxious and sweet and caring. And maybe she's romantically attracted to gaara and maybe she isn't, but she knows he'll always take care of her and she'll always take care of him.
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kazekage-libra · 2 months
Gaara & dating
Fluff city. SFW headcanons and gender neutral for the homies.
He and S/o knew each for years after he had changed. S/o was part of the very first few people he made friends with. Very awkward start to friendship.
Gaara wouldn't be able to start a romantic relationship with someone he wasn't friends with first. As a young adult, he was comfortable at the thought of romantic possibilities and to see if it was something he wanted.
Kankuro and Gaara talked about dating and how people went about quite a few times. Kankuro dated but more secretly. He had a boo or 2 every so often but never committed, "Dating is weird to be completely honest. Just make sure you like each other at the bare minimum. I'm not sure if I'll be married but everyone I see, I genuinely like something about them; looks and personality."
Temari even tried explaining how she felt towards Shikamaru when they finally started seeing each other. "At the end of the day, it looks and feels different for everyone. So try not to follow everything you hear and see. But, a big thing, not everyone succeeds the first time with dating. It takes work, you have to learn about yourself and the other person together."
Gaara didn't know how to go about it all still but he knew he wanted to ask S/o how they felt about it all and what their experience had been, "Kind of love that we are close enough for you even ask. Mmm... I guess not terrible. I don't know, dating is fun but also weird. Being single is nice when it comes to certain things but I do personally want a long term companion."
It kind of clicked for S/o during the conversation that Gaara was trying to decide if he should ask them out or not. "Wanna go out sometime, Gaara (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)"
The first few dates, they have them at home. Cooking for each other, showing each other stuff they have they like, and of course Gaara cacti collection.
S/o being awkward in the beginning would give Gaara light hugs and kept them quick. They ended up feeling bad when he expressed he wanted to hug tightly like everyone else.
Which led to endless cuddling on most dates. Gaara really enjoyed the closeness of someone just holding him. They would fall asleep in each other's arms frequently.
S/o in public would brush his hand or touch his shoulder. If they went to a fancy restaurant that was low key, they would hold hands. Later on kisses on the cheek. Gaara gets so much love and attention. He doesn't know what to do with himself. He's just happy about it.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I'm eternally full of wrath over the fact no one in Konoha knew about the chakra imprints of Naruto's parents in the seal.
Naruto would've died to Pein without ever knowing who his parents were because no one manned up and let him know what he had a right to know.
If not for his parents loving him enough to want to leave behind failsafes in case his seal was ever damaged so he'd at least get to be protected by them personally one more time he never fucking would've known. Maybe not until the fourth war arc with Minato as an edo tensei summoned by Sasuke and do you think Naruto would've EASILY worked with 4th Hokage who sealed the Kyubi into him right away? No. Konoha's inability to own up to its fuck ups and to be honest with the victims of those fuck ups would've endangered the entire world. And for what? "I just didn't feel up to talking about it" or maybe "We'll tell him when he's older/stronger/better/more mature/at least a chunin/can keep secrets" when they shouldn't be goalposting this anyway and also fucking you don't feel up to it? Naruto didn't feel up to being an orphan hated and despised by literally every adult around him
I'm sorry to continue to rant but
Naruto goes literally YEARS without knowing the rasengan was his FATHER'S jutsu. YEARS.
Using this jutsu, his dad invented, without knowing it, all the time in every fight. And Naruto thinks he's just using a badass technique the perv sage showed him which belonged to the yondaime, he has no idea what it should mean to him and he is kept in the dark, for years.
Kakashi was 26-27 at the start of the show and 30 when Naruto comes back from the time skip, trauma or no that is a grown-ass man an adult the entire time we know him, who just.. observes this hard-working teen in his care who's clearly all about his bonds (See the Gaara rescue and the find Sasuke missions) because he never had anyone in his corner before team 7 and he just.. goes "hmm" and never fucking tells him anything about his parents who Kakashi knew? EITHER OF HIS PARENTS??? Anything about them!?? What they were like? Their habits? Their techniques? How happy they were he was going to be born? How he wasn't born an orphan? How he was loved? DOESN'T EVEN TRY TO PASS DOWN FUINJUTSU TO THE UZUMAKI HEIR BECAUSE WHAT?! NARUTO'S 'TOO DUMB' or 'Too much of a bother to explain all the backstory why he should know/why I'm teaching it/too much of a bother to teach such a complicated thing' or 'the village doesn't want its jinchuriki to know how its own seal works we'd rather keep that power in our hands' like what. What would even be a good reason he is literally his sensei, and Jiraiya had three years to train him and focused on 'unlocking the seal to make use of more seals' while again not teaching Naruto how the seal worked at all and then once he got a scar from naruto abandoning the plan. Yes, Naruto got proper taijutsu training and training with the toad summons but still. What a waste. I'm still fuming.
Naruto got failed all the way around by a lot of people and only a few attempted to really and truly make up for it.
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jacksgreysays · 2 years
"Hail to the Queen: She Who Has Divine Right" is interesting, because there are, again, a couple ways this could happen.
The one that first comes to mind is actually her marrying Gaara, and them co-ruling Suna together. After all, her actions with Gelel were what saved their economy. I could definitely see them worshipping Gelel or Shikabane-hime for that. She falls in love with and marries Gaara, only realizing what was going on religiously afterwards. (Though if I'm reading you right, you're more of a Sasuke/Shikako fan and might not be interested just bc of the ship, which is valid)
Another idea that could work would be if the Land of Hot Springs/Ash incident went differently. Maybe Gelel reaches for a dragon vein (right underneath the temple bc that could be part of what made the ritual work) and uses that, along with Shikako, to drive Jashin out and slam the door. That has some sort of side effect that makes it clear that some sort of godly activity took place there. The villagers see Shikako stumble out from the temple, jump to some (correct) conclusions, and start worshipping Shikabane-hime. It spreads from there. Now that it's happened twice, Shikako has access to more of Gelel's power. So this stuff starts to keep happening. Eventually people catch on.
Maybe she goes to the past/different dimension and her 'divinity' starts showing again. People start considering her the patron deity of the Nara. Then they join Konoha and she starts to reveal more of her skills. This is usually because they just weren't needed before, but because they happen to be skills that tend to show up more in other clans (ex: sealing & the Uzumaki), they start thinking that maybe she's growing to be the patron deity of Konoha instead. The fact that she showed up out of nowhere and stopped aging when she turned 21 only supports this theory, to her great frustration. She eventually gives in to the idea when the Mangekyo Sharingan recognizes her as Shikabane-hime. Hashirama is just happy to have a clear successor that everyone is in favor of.
Just some thoughts :)
Hello again aryaokayfriend!
I’m going to say, first of all, I am very surprised that’s the vibe I give off considering my first ever DoS recursive was a Shikaara fic of serene, uncomplicated affection while every time I have to consider Shikako and Sasuke dynamic for a fic I have to go through a checklist of
1) how platonic can the relationship be in order for this to work/be entertaining 2) obviously if there’s any romance it is from Sasuke’s side but does Shikako even reciprocate or is she 2a) going with the flow, or 2b) entirely unable to view Sasuke as romantic due to 2bi) knowing who Sasuke as a character could have turned out to be in canon (an asshole), 2bii) knowing Sasuke as a person since they were little kids 2biii) knowing that she has way more information about the machinations that ruined his life than he does and that she 2biii-) didn’t do anything to stop (even by telling an adult who probably wouldn’t have believed her, but still, no attempt was made) 2biii=) continues to keep it a secret from him even though the literal mastermind behind the murder of his family is walking around the village without any consequences
In all fairness it is probably because of that drama that I write more Shikasuke fic and the ANBU Red Team dynamic is fantastic, so I can see why I might give off that vibe. Whereas because my Shikaara feelings are so uncomplicated and serene I feel like I’ve written all of my Shikaara fic many moons ago (and, admittedly, before I figured out a good tagging/ao3 uploading system so they’re kinda sprinkled around and hard to find T_T)
I am, of course, a multishipper. :D
All that being said, I don’t know if your first idea really meets the brief of She Who Has Divine Right since it seems like her ascension to become “queen” (aka the Kazekage’s consort in this case? Because I can’t imagine Suna’s council would be okay with a Leaf nin co-ruling their village) is more about her marrying Gaara than the Divine powers given to her by Gelel.
Like, if anything, a more “She Who Has Divine Right” adherent take would be if, because she has melded with Gelel, she automatically becomes the leader of Haido’s… country? nation? castle?… or I guess what was actually Temujin’s before Haido killed his parents and etc. ESPECIALLY since according to the wiki “only the royal blood of his clan could forge stones from the ore” and we definitely know that Shikako has her own Gelel stone.
Oh, and it could double for a She Who Leads The Armies since I think they were an invading force that was going to mess with the Elemental Nations (starting with Land of Wind) before Shikako and co. stopped them.
So it would appear that not only did Haido’s invasion fail to, like, six teenagers and a ferret, BUT also the god/divine presence that fuels their literal heart stones also REJECTED Temujin—who is 1) Haido’s heir and 2) the actual original royalty—in favor of one of said six teenagers by fusing with her.
So, you know, now Shikako is the leader of a country/nation outside of the known continent that tried to invade lol. This is just her upping the ante of turning attempted invaders (Sand Siblings) into allies. ;)
People earnestly worshiping Shikabane-hime in such a way that it becomes a feedback loop of power -> miracles -> worship -> more power is very entertaining to me because Shikako would also find it entertaining or at least fascinating if it were happening to LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE. As is, the idea of a reluctant burgeoning god is pretty fun. Although part of me is wondering if this would necessarily count as a Hail to the Queen since BEING divine and HAVING divine right are separate things? And of course a lot of my Hail to the Queen series doesn’t necessarily have her become Hokage explicitly—sometimes they are more about being the power behind the throne or the circumstances that push her towards becoming Hokage even though she wouldn’t want to take that from Naruto nor would she want that at all for herself—so it’s not like a governmental leadership role is necessary for the series. But I feel like just becoming a god kind of takes out the intricate… maneuvering? legalese? puzzle?… of becoming queen/queen equivalent.
ALTHOUGH, ALTHOUGH, nothing says that she can’t become QUEEN OF THE GODS.
(I mean, she did pretty handily smack down Jashin as a little god with almost no worshipers to her name and still in a mortal form. That’s pretty embarrassing for him, honestly.)
Or, for a slightly less megalomaniacal take, there was that Changeling ficlet in which I imply that changelings are sent across to the shinobi world to learn and grow and prove themselves and then come back (with or without mortal Knights) to fight in the Courtly Wars and maybe become the new Fae Monarchs
So, you know, she doesn’t need to be human to be a queen.
As for the last part of your ask, I don’t know if it matches exactly what you wrote, but I did have She Who Makes The Crown in which Shikako time travels/is summoned by a young Tobirama and is, like, an un-aging advisor to the Nidaime all throughout his reign and helps him build Konoha
It kind of hits on some of the things you mentioned (not exactly, of course) but close enough that I think it might be repetitive if I went that route.
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aidontdraw · 7 months
I'm trying to remember all of the things Zuko did right in his Redemption Arc and apply it to one of my fics for Sasuke.
Its 3 major things: Time, his actions dont cross the line, and the fact hes a child.
Not saying children can't be war criminals, look at his sister. But it does make it eaiser to redeem a child character in a horrific system than it is to redeem an adult in that same system. Due to their general lack of agency in the way systems are typically set up. Like, even thoguh Zuko clearly wants to be a good person from, the system punished him every attempt to do good, from people who literally provide him food and shelter.
Most of Zuko's terrible actions do not cross the line. The naritive does it in a clever way by giving him a simple retrieval mission as his main goal, Capture Avatar ALIVE. Then making the adults around him the people committing the true atrocities, like Admiral Zhao. Also by making him an outcast in this system, they limited the horible things he can be associated with. The audience sees him fighting with the system (to join it), more than they see him enforcing the system.
Then obviously the time. Since this was a plan from the beginning, and they had three seasons to execute it, they were able to show the long struggle of a character fighting a system thet were born into. Showing multiple attempts of going to good, and rejecting it for diffrent reasons. They even wait until after hes been accepted from the bad guys for him to turn over to the good guys. Showing that hes not only accepting good, because the bad people dont like him. He's actively making the harder choice of good.
All of these things apply to Cannon Sasuke.
- He is a child.
- Sasuke actions dont cross the line (the only people he kills are already enemys of Konoha or bad people in the Naritive. We see him actively not killing randos, and ensuring his teammates don't as well. Its why I think he wasn't apart of Pains Assult, even though he should have been)
- Time, that bitch made the whole show his.
However in my fic, two of these things cant really be applied to my Sasuke. I aged it up and I had him do an irredeemable act on page.
Luckily for me, Naruto's original meida does preach forgiveness. So the readers do have that in their mind while reading. So I can still come back from the horrific act, if I write it correctly.
I have 30 chapters(planned) and the goal is by the end to have it begrudgingly accepting Sasuke as a co-parent. Lets see if I can do it.
Chapters 1-4 - Pain Arc
Chapter 5 - Sasuke gives Naruto something for their child, still a dick.
Chapter 6- Back to Suna
Chapter 7-10 - Five Kage Summit
Chapter 11 - Murder Danzo
Chapter 12 - Sasuke's POV of Murdering Danzo. Remind audience of his shitty back story.
Chapters 13-19 - Naruto lives in kumogakure - Naruto learns to forgive Kyuubi
Chapter 20 - Something about Sasuke
Chapters 21-24 - War
Chapters 25-27 - War but Sasuke is the good guy.
Chapter 28 - Gaara's Dream world, Sauske is a good co-parent.
Chapter 29 - wars over 4-6 months have passed, they offer Sasuke freedom.
Chapter 30 - GaaNaru Wedding
Thanks for listening to me vaguely plan this fan fic.
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rotp-on-ao3 · 1 year
Have a little ficlet.
Idiocy or Lack of Care?
"Academic achievements don't really seem to matter much when it seems like everyone in your small town wants. You. Dead."
Uzumaki Naruto. A name spat out in contempt by the townspeople. Everyone knew the name that held much disdain. Disdain, that for a time, wasn't rightfully earned. But even after... Was it really earned when it was just a child looking for care and attention?
"I'm sorry, Uzumaki-san. With your academic record, we can't in good conscience hire you. You seem like such a good kid, though, so maybe explain why your record is like it is?"
"Naru~!" Alex's purr was cut off with a grunt of effort. Her bat had made contact with another thug that dared to try and jump them.
"You bring me the nicest gifts," she smiled, wiping the blood from her cheek with the back of her fingers. Aborted movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned and wound up a kick.
"I, uh, see myself moving toward bigger things in five years... Yeah... Bigger things..."
Look. It wasn't that he didn't care about his future. It's just that he didn't think it'd matter much if he were to end up dying before getting to see it. Naruto's sure that if it weren't for the Hippocratic Oath the doctors and nurses took- and Tsunade- the hospital staff would have turned him away.
"Last question; where do you see yourself in five years?"
"Do you have someone you want me to call?" Naruto snorted at the thought. Obviously, the "good sumeritan" was not one of the townsfolk. They don't know that he had no one. At least no one that would be able to do anything. Good thing he'd already gave his more valuable possessions to Alex and Gaara for safe keeping. The blonde knew it was only a matter of time before his landlord found a reason to kick him out. Kurama, how he hated this town.
"Thank you for fitting me in your busy schedule. You must have everyone and their mother applying!" (Laughter)
"When I asked around about you, every person scoffed and said I was fool to ask about an idiot like you." Naruto raised an eyebrow as the dark haired man spoke. He could tell the man came from good genetics. The contrast of light skin and dark hair gave an air of mystery. Angular face left the blonde thinking about how his hands would fit.
"So?" What use was that statement, though? Pretty face meant nothing if there were no brains behind it.
"After what I just saw, I know they're the fools and idiots. Are you reckless? Sure, that's obvious. An idiot? No. To pull off what you just did, that takes not just skill but brains." Expression falling into a cautious frown, Naruto narrowed his eyes at the man. He was relaxed, leaning against a wall. His thumbs were hooked in his jean pockets, allowing the rest of his hand to relax against his legs.
"Who are you, newcomer?" The man smirked with a soft "hn". Careful to keep his posture unthreatening, the man pushed off the wall and slowly offered his left hand.
"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I'd like to get to know you better, Uzumaki Naruto."
"Uzumaki-san? They're ready to see you now."
"So tell it to me straight, unlike yourself. Why can't you go to the adults about this?" Alex frowned. Naruto didn't blame her scepticism. Her family were new to town. They didn't understand long time, small town dynamics. The politics of being the town pariah.
"It's hard to explain, Lex. Your family isn't embroiled in decades long, small town politics. Hell!" Naruto threw up his hands, taking a moment as his arms flopped to his side's after the loss of velocity. "I've lived here all my life and I couldn't really tell you the politics beyond that the townspeople hate me and would absolutely ruin those established in the town. Also, I just don't trust Jii-chan to settle down anywhere."
"Established?" Scepticism quickly was replaced by confusion, as Alex raised an eyebrow at her friend. Gaara lifted his head from the pillow of his arms to nod at his fellow redhead.
"Your family is new to town. The townspeople can't afford to lose new blood. They see you hanging with us, but all they can do is raise polite concerns with vague comments. Outright disdain will not garner neighbors."
"Yes? ... This is him. ... I'm available Wednesday, after noon. It that suitable for you? ... Of course. Thank you for this opportunity!"
When Naruto was young, he dreamt of gaining the townsfolk's respect. As he got older, the poison became more apparent and his dreams changed to just getting out of the damn town. But it seemed as though their poison was sure to follow him...
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Nari's Feral on Display Part 3
spoilers for Lavender Clouds
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I can be your personal clown
And then they were. You are adorable Nari.
If I was in Hinata's position I would just leave Hidan be. Leave him screaming and crying and throwing up until death takes pity on him. Leave him outside in the cold for all that I care [...] I vibe so much with Kisame when he “I would have at least tortured him a little. Maybe put his legs where his arms go.” I feel you, bro.
Nari… please never become a prison nurse. 
I'm pretty sure the last time Itachi felt taken care of was when he was a literal child. 
I think people forget that the massacre happened when he was 13, and he had already been a working nin for a while at that point. It’s likely that he just acted like an adult from that point on even when he needed a guardian because he is actually a kid, can you imagine a 13-year-old taking care of themselves regularly on their own let alone to the level that Itachi was?
Hinata mothering the fuck outta [Deidara].
Hahahaha I love this line so damn much.
Can you imagine how much it meant to [Sasori] to have someone caring? 
I think that this is what really made this story heartfelt is that most of the antagonists had tragic backstories that made them fully dependent on themselves they either went rogue because they were misunderstood, demonized, betrayed, or unloved.
Giving them someone who sees through their facades, sees them as people, trusts them and expects them to trust her, and genuinely gives the care and affection is effective on almost all of them because they don’t realize how starved they all are for it.
She's not only their medic, but she gets attached and they know it, they can feel it, they can fucking see it.
Her getting just as attached to them as they are to her is the final nail in the coffin for some of them for loving her because it’s one thing to trust someone it's another to have the trust returned.
Reading about her time with them is so funny because, at times, it just feels like a really tired kindergarten teacher dealing with super powerful toddlers.
Now that is a fun fic concept. Hinata runs a daycare and all the kids are the Akatsuki? 
I would exchange an arm to read more about Sasori all nervous around Hinata. 
🫣🫣 I should work on that SasoHina if I want that arm shouldn’t I?
The domesticity of everything is what hits harder for me. The normalcy of having a home to come back to, the will to come back home alive, having someone who simply wants you as you are and wouldn't change you (because of something as irrelevant as murder). 
Some people really hate all the little slice-of-life moments that I put in and think I am just dragging out the plot, but all those little moments are why the characters feel human, why they feel like people. Kisame isn’t just the aggressive shark man, he can’t cook, but he would try. He’s not got at medic work, but he will hold Hinata all night to make her feel safe. Hidan is a psycho murderer but leaves his things around where he shouldn’t and will playfully make you admit that he won. Sasori doesn’t need to eat, but he will have a cup of tea. Little details you don’t think you need for the plot, but I think are the key to making the plot hit.
I remember back in the day there was someone very upset that most of the Akatsuki were getting a happy ending because they were ‘bad guys’ and yes but what story did you think you were reading??? Everything is pointing to I am completely ignoring atrocities for my fluff-found-family fic.
I also love how they get to know Hinata. How every little thing is mutual, like when Itachi noticed the clothes around the house weren't hers. This is such a small detail, but it shows that they cared to learn about her as much as she did them.
I love it when people notice the little details. This whole comment could just be this and I would still die happy.
No, really, I want a whole soap opera on Gaara's point of view. The person he loves fucked off to be a terrorist and was siding with a guy he not only despises but looks a lot like him. HMMM. Jokes aside, I think it broke him when she said “he left me here”.
Not me breaking his heart every way to Sunday throughout this fic and only being okay with it because I was writing Lavender Sand to heal the damage I was doing to my own soul.
And Hinata was so worried about being a failure and facing Sasori... but he was so tender.
Hinata so desperately wants to be useful to them. She didn’t want to be what she thought she was, useless, a burden. But in this moment she almost wants it to be confirmed that this is the final straw because then she doesn’t have to find out what is worse in their eyes. My heart. T-T
I can't even imagine how they felt when they found out what happened in Suna. 
Head cannons on what they thought while she was still there? Kisame freaking out Sasori and Deidara came back without her? Plans to get her out if they didn’t let her go? Worrying if she would even choose to come back? (Mainly Sasori because he’s always worried about Gaara)
How hard did it hit everyone thinking that they almost lost her that really cemented that they didn’t want to, that they couldn’t bear it.
Now... Sasohina. Sasori already knew about Gaara, and Gaara found out about Sasori. 
Really would have been amazing to end this wonderful love triangle with Hinata ending up with Sasori, wouldn’t it? This is the problem with soft harem is that you just want her to end up with everyone separately, but she can only end up with one of them. T-T
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Lavender Clouds
Pairing: Sasuke x Hinata Rating: T
Description: Hinata runs away from home into the arms of the Akatsuki. Bonds with Itachi. Saves his brother. Learns to reverse Gentle Fist. Raises a demon baby?
Tags: Adventure  |  Fluff and Angst  |  Romance  |  Slow Burn  |  Happy Ending  |  Akatsuki Hyuuga Hinata  |  Hyuuga Hinata-centric  |  Akatsuki Uchiha Sasuke  |  Canon-Typical Violence
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mehgumiiso · 10 months
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wc: 700sumn | content: dark/fluff | post Chunin Gaara/ Kazekage Gaara Boyfriend Situations, Headcanons and Traits
warnings: has mentions of self harm and depression
notes: I headcanon the Sand Village as Desi, to some Desi's what ethnic backgrounds are included varies! Majority include: India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. (I include Sri Lanka as well!!). "Kazekage Gaara" is written as an adult instead of 16/17 like he is in shippuden
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He first met you when he came back from the chunin exams in the med room. He had a room separate from others since the doctors didn’t want to house a jinchuriki in the room with other patients. (he was deemed as unpredictable and dangerous)
He just laid there as you tended to his wounds and was shocked when you asked him “are you okay mentally?” He wasn’t, his whole world was turned upside down and he was having an existential crisis
He was in awe at how gentle you were, everyone his age and above were terrified of him
people were still hesitant towards him, however you’re the only one to notice his shy “please” and “thank you” when he is ordering food or shopping for new ninja tools
It’s the first time his eye contact was soft instead of angry
Temari and Kankuro saw how awkward your interaction together was and later gave him pointers on how to talk to girls 
He later saw you at his favorite daal place and approached you
“The Daal Makhani is my favorite… may I take you out one day to try it?” 
Of course the bystanders thought he was threatening you, but you were flustered and your knees felt weak 
You reply to him softly “Mines is Moong Daal Bhuna, how about we try each other’s favorite dish?” 
You watched as the corner of his mouth slightly curved
You quickly learned that Gaara was touch starved, his siblings JUST started hugging him or wrapping their arm around his shoulder. You started off by linking your pinky finger with his whenever you both had insomnia and would sit atop the rooftops
You never imagined getting ontop of the roof, in fact it was pretty fun gazing at the sky and seeing all the stars in such proximity. 
He never lets go of your pinky until you decide to unlink it, but one night he was brave and decided to hold your hand entirely. You gave it a tight squeeze and you swear you could feel his heart pounding 
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Kazekage Gaara never lets you go out on dangerous missions and prefers you stay by his side be it at meetings or at summits
He trains with you but doesn’t go easy on you instead of finishing the attacks he will capture you in the sand and go “if I was a bad guy you would’ve been crushed” “I could’ve thrown you be more mindful of where you are stepping” “hey focus it’s not a game!” 
He stops the training when you get too upset that you can’t get a hit in “okay, how about we just practice medical ninjutsu? Healers are the most important on a team”
Enjoys your home cooked meals and constantly falls asleep after eating since your food is so heart warming and full of love
He teared up the first time he tried your food, Temari or Kankuro had to always go get his food since he would come off as rude and disrespectful when he was younger 
He finally felt what another form of love was through food and yourself, no ones ever served him nor cared about his opinions on the flavor 
The desert never gets cold but when he’s on negotiation meetings with you he always like to hold you closely against him in the frigid weather
He is touch starved but doesn’t say anything to fix it, you assume he prefers not to be touched. But he melts at every faint touch even if it’s you accidentally brushing up against him.
Suffers from insomnia so he usually spends the night thinking about you
Hated when you first started dating and you would go no contact with him until you felt better after an argument (it triggered him since he was shunned as a child/preteen)
He likes talking things out “I don’t want to yell at you and I don’t want you to yell at me.. can we collect our thoughts and talk about this later?”
Always worries when you get piercings since he thinks you do it out of self harm (this comes from him only being able to hurt himself with his sand) You have to constantly reassure him that you just think they look cool and you aren't doing it to harm yourself
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blueroan-equestrian · 2 years
So Glad I Have You
I quietly made my way to the file room that none of the ninjas have any idea how to keep things straight despite me taking time to teach them and yet it is I who they say is a no body. I am the Kazakage’s office manager. I know everything that goes on here. But I rarely get any respect from any of the ninjas and often talked down to as if I am useless being mostly. The staff that live here are cordial at least but I don’t often deal with them, it’s the outside village Ninjas that I have to deal with as they know nothing about the inner workings here.
Though I might not be a ninja, I make sure that this place has everything it needs and coordinate the compound’s staff scheduling with the exception of the Kazekage of course. I handle payroll and that is a pain to do in it of itself. Today was payroll day and I can’t even leave my file room for if I do they will create a month’s worth of work. So I bring in my laptop and yell at them when they come in and try to be lazy.
Today was payroll day so I was sitting on the table in the center of the room when someone entered the room and I gave a quick glance. Not immediately recognizing the red haired blur I assumed was just a new ninja who moved here so I quickly bark out the file room system followed by “and if you don’t understand that just ask for help instead being a stupid meat head.”
The man chuckled, “People have been telling me that there’s a file room gremlin and I think I found the one they were referring to.”
“If they don’t want to deal with the gremlin then perhaps they should stop being complete idiot’s who can’t follow a simple filing system when left alone. It’s payroll day and I don’t have time to go through their blatant disregard for the system to fix it like I do every other day.” I state without looking up.
“They have all been told how to file there own reports like you did with me?”
“Normally I show them how to do it, not that they listen. You are the only newbie to show up on payroll day. Now do you need help or …” I looked up and realized who I was talking to. But I held my poker face refusing to balk.
He smirked, “Well I assure you that I will not show you such disrespect. Your system seems clear and efficient, why hasn’t it been followed?”
I snort as if finding humor in the question, “I’m not a ninja and yes they have told me as much. The kids are better about following my system and rarely on purpose mess it up. It’s the adult’s who seem to lack brains. If I didn’t know better, I would think that there was a brain sucker on the loose.”
The kazekage seemed amused, “It would seem like it. I will take care of this, if it continues, you come let me know. I’m Gaara by the way.”
“I’m (y/n). Nice to meet you, Lord Kazekage.” I leaned forward giving him a small bow as I was on a table sitting crisscrossed apple sauce and couldn’t give more.
“It’s nice to meet you too (y/n). I don’t like how the ninjas here have been treating you and I hope you know that I would never support such poor behavior. If this continues please come see me. I mean it. If this is what gets me my reports that I need when I need them then it better be followed. Not that they shouldn’t respect you either way. You are here in this job for reason after all.” Gaara stammered.
I cocked my head to the side with a smile, “Well aren’t you cute when you’re flustered.”
He turned beat red, “Um what? I mean I just want to make sure you know that you are valued here and treated correctly… um I need to get back to the office.”
I shrugged it off and continued with my work scolding the Ninjas who came in and tried to make and leave messes.
I finished my day and I went back to my quarters in the Kazekage’s compound. It has a sitting room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a full bathroom. It’s quite spacious. One of the reasons I put up with the bs I go through is for this space. It has good benefits for a job Ninjas constantly treat you like shit for. Most staff in the compound aren’t Ninjas though they don’t seem to have as much of an issue with the ninjas as I do. Only the gaurds are trained Ninjas. Though the difference between me and the other staff is that I have some authority and they don’t like that.
I changed into comfortable pajamas and plopped down on my couch when there was a knock on my door. I shuffled to the door and opened it up. Outside stood Kazekage Gaara. I bowed deeply, “Lord Kazekage! I… I wasn’t expecting anyone. What brings you here? Is something wrong?”
He seemed to have a pink dusting over his cheeks. It was cute… wait did I just call the Kazekage cute? At least I said it in my head this time and not out loud. He took a moment before speaking, “Nothings wrong, just wanted to stop and apologize again for the way that you have been treated here. It was unacceptable and I want you to know that I won’t tolerate such juvenile behavior. You are an essential member of my staff and not a single one of my staff should ever be treated as less than no matter their status. So please notify my secretary if this ever happens again to you or anyone else on staff.”
I looked at him trying to read him because other than the light blush he was like a complete wall and unreadable. I nodded slowly trying to figure out what was happening. “Um… I know… this isn’t on you and it’s alright… it’s not like I’m going to die over it.”
He gave me a look for just a moment breaking the stoic one he was holding. “A file room that isn’t maintained here, very well could lead to some serious issues. But that isn’t why you deserve to be treated with respect. You are a member of my staff and that alone entitles you to be treated with respect and dignity. Again I apologize for your treatment here… good night.”
“Good night Lord Kazekage.” I bowed deeply again before closing the door when he turned to leave.
I did have an easier time now that the Kazekage got involved, though I still don’t know why he did. After all he is a very busy man. He runs the whole village and does more than his share to keep it safe. Today I was putting in the compound orders, as in cleaning supplies, office supplies, and equipment for the guards. I was typing away on my computer in my quaint office when I got a knock. I keep my door open so I just looked up and for the third time this week found the Kazekage standing before me. I stood up and bowed, “Lord Kazekage, what brings you here? Surely little ol me doesn’t warrant a visit from such a busy and important person.”
He stepped in and took a seat in front of my desk and for a second I could see the young man he actually was behind the responsibilities placed on his shoulders. He gathered his thoughts before speaking, “Well…the first time I came to see you I had over heard two of my ninjas talking about you and was curious about what they were talking about… but then I met you and …”
He was rambling and honestly I wasn’t following until his brother, Kankuro, walked past the door saying, “Just ask her out for god’s sake! Don’t overthink it!”
I chuckled as Gaara turned beat red. “Oh? Is that why you stopped by my quarters? And now that’s why you are here? Do you want to ask or should I?”
He ran his hands through his hair, “Um…. (Y/n), I was hoping for um a date with you… maybe to dinner?”
I smiled, “I think dinner would be nice. Is there a particular time that suits you best?”
He took a breath, “Uh tomorrow at six?”
“Okay, sounds good how about you come to my quarters and I will make you dinner.” I flirted.
“You want to make me dinner?” He questioned rather shyly.
“I would love to cook for you. I might not be the best cook but I promise it’s edible.” I chuckled.
He smiled, “That would be nice. I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages. Thank you for the talk and agreeing to the date… I will see you tomorrow?”
“I will see you tomorrow, Lord Kazekage.”
He paused at the door, “Please, call me Gaara. Have a good evening Miss.(y/n).”
“Alright, you have a good evening too Gaara-sama.”
I got off work a little early so I could stop at the store before heading back and starting dinner for myself and Gaara. I wasn’t a great cook but I think my chicken Fettuccine Alfredo is pretty decent so that’s what I was cooking and a bottle of red wine in the fridge.
I had just finished setting the the table when I got a knock on the door. I opened up the door and there he was standing straight and tall, with those soft sea foam eyes gazing at me. It was my turn to blush. “Lorrr I mean Gaara-Sama please come in. I just set the table.”
Gaara handed me a bouquet of flowers, “I brought you some flowers. I hope they are to your liking.”
I take the flowers and hold them to my nose, “They are beautiful, thank you.”
I lead him in quickly as I take care of the flowers and pulled out the bottle of wine. “Do you drink red wine?”
He nodded, “Yes thank you. This all smells amazing. Thank you.”
I chuckled as I finished pouring us wine, “Are you always this formal?”
He blushed, “l… I don’t know… I just don’t want to mess this up. I really like you and I can’t even explain it. But I don’t know how to do this I have never been on a date before.”
I nodded, “Well. Just do your best to relax. If formal suits you best that’s fine. It’s just us.”
He smiled and we slowly found a rhythm as we talked and ate our dinner.
I went to clear our plates but Gaara quickly took them, “Please, you cooked. Let me do the cleaning. I will be done in just a moment.”
I plopped down on my couch and waited patiently for him to return. When he did, he sat next to me with impeccable posture. I tucked my feet under one of his thighs. He looked at me but didn’t say anything. “So uh want to watch a movie with me?”
He nodded, “That would be nice.”
“Are you comfortable? You know you can make yourself at home.” I could see the gears inside his head going but his face held solid. He stayed quiet so I moved to pick a movie on Netflix. I found a good rom-com and asked, “Is this okay? We can pick something else but keep in mind I don’t do scary movies.”
He nodded, “This is fine. Why don’t you do scary movies?”
I chuckled, “Because they’re scary and I won’t sleep for weeks.”
He smirked, “I suppose I can’t blame you. Though you live in one of the most secure buildings in Suna.”
“No one said fear was logical.” I countered playfully.
Finally he seemed to relax and lose the stiffness. He slumped into the couch and I moved to snuggle into his side. He glanced down at first looking unsure what he should do so I pulled back, “If snuggling makes you uncomfortable we don’t have to.”
He paused for a moment and thought for just a second, “No, I want to… I just never had someone want to be so close to me before. It’s different…. Honestly I didn’t think you were going to say yes when I asked you out… It was my brother who encouraged me to ask. I was certain that you would say no and if you did agree to it, it was because of my position.”
I nodded, “Oh… was that why you were so reserved all this time?” He nods, “Well I assure you if I didn’t want to go on a date with you I would not have invited you into my quarters. I would have chosen some place much more public so if I needed to I could walk away easily.”
He chuckled, “That’s smart. I didn’t think of that. But what if during this date something went wrong?”
I shrugged, “I was pretty sure it wouldn’t. Soooo cuddles?”
Gaara reached out his arm gesturing for me to come close. I smiled and dived down for some cuddles. Gaara’s arm encircled me pulling me close. He smelled like sandalwood, and his body though layered with the Kazekage robes, I could feel just how solid he was. His breath was steady and his heart beat strong and steady, it slowly lulled me to sleep.
I woke up tucked into my bed. I got up and got ready for the day. I walked into my kitchen to find a little note left for me.
Hope you slept well. You look cute when you’re asleep. I will be busy the next couple of weeks but hopefully I can see you again.
I smiled at the sweet note and went about my day. I checked the file room like I do every day but unlike normal, there were very few errors to fix. So I went about checking supplies which with the size of this place takes some time. I do this for two reasons, one sometimes people forget to tell me we need something and two just to check with staff and see if they need help with anything. It also allows me to see what needs to get done around the building I guess. It’s a never ending cycle.
I sat on top of my desk sending out emails to the department heads, (cleaning morning and night shift, maintenance morning and night shift, the part time file clerk, and gaurd though their email is just so they know what’s going on) The email was for new staff updates and training, what needs to be worked on or improved upon. And lastly what would help each group keep morale up. When I got a little surprise from a certain red head.
“Do you always sit on tables?” He asked light heartedly.
I smiled, “I don’t sit on dining tables or side tables.”
He chuckled as he walked into my small office, “Oh well that’s good to know.”
“I thought that you were going to be busy today.”
“I might be playing hooky for a meeting I’m supposed to be in.”
Leaned forward to wrap my arms around his neck. I leaned my head close enough to feel his breath on my lips. “Well then maybe I should reward you with a kiss hmm?” Upon hearing the hitch in his breath I closed the gap, kissing him deeply. He groaned and pulled back quickly after.
“I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me.” He stammered.
I chuckled and set my computer aside. “Well I do. And while I don’t mind, we’re in my office. What will people say?”
He blushed, “What?”
“Just giving you a hard time. But I’m sure after a few more dates I wouldn’t mind.”
He swallowed, “while I appreciate the offer… I have to decline… I don’t think I am ready for that step yet.”
I played with the hair at the nape of his neck, “If you aren’t ready and I am moving too fast, you never have to apologize for speaking up on what you feel and need.”
We quietly dated and often I was a little bit more ready for each step but I understood that he had reservations. After all he had been through quite a bit. Today we munched on the snacks I had in my cupboard on my couch, he brought his work with him and for the most part the only sound was the tv. I had my feet tucked under his thighs to have some sort of contact. I watched my favorite tv series. I got used to coexisting with little interaction. I glanced over at him and his stack of papers, I heaved a sigh, “You hungry? I think I might start dinner.”
He looked up at me for the first time in what felt like forever, “Oh, um. Kind of actually but you know I can just have the kitchen do it.”
I shrugged, “I don’t have anything else to do right now so I might as well.”
He nodded, “Alright… (y/n)….”
I stopped and looked back at him, “Yes?”
“I…. I’m not good at this and I often talk to Kankuro about our dates and he has pointed out that you might be… being polite about this situation. And I think he’s right… Right? I know I can be a bit oblivious.”
“Gaara, I understand that you have a never ending stream of work… but I would be lying if I told you that it didn’t bother me that we don’t have conversations beyond the basic pleasantries. A little attention would be nice sometimes but I know it’s not easy for you. It’s not an easy balance. You know this has been our longest conversation all month.”
He nodded thoughtfully, “I see… I suppose I have been a little absent… I can start with being present at dinner.”
I smiled and shuffled over to give him a quick kiss, “That would be nice. Now how does a BLT sound?”
He gives me a peck back and smiles, “Sounds good.”
We started having one hour a week for just us time. This week was snuggling time. “You smell good today.” I hummed.
He chuckled and kissed my head, “Naruto gifted me this new cologne. I wasn’t sure about it but I’m glad you like it… sweetheart?”
He shifted me in his arms, “Um… why do you stay with me? I didn’t even realize I wasn’t giving you attention until you said something and Kankuro pointed out being in the same room isn’t actually being together. I guess what I mean is I haven’t put into our relationship the same that you do.”
“And what do you think I put into it?”
“You bring me out of my office, plan our sit ins, you make our meals, you tell me about your day and even though I usually give you the same response… I’m completely obtuse, and you are completely aware of me.”
I raised my eyebrows, “You sound pretty aware yourself. Gaara, I don’t have nearly as much responsibility as you do. Please don’t be so hard on yourself. Sure sometimes I might feel a little lonely but I know you care. I know you see me. We have a different kind of relationship is all. Sure I would love more contact and affection but it’s important we go at a pace we are both comfortable with. So if baby steps is where you are at then that’s is perfectly fine.”
He leans me back onto the couch with his eyes shining, “If you will still have me… I think I would like to go to the next step.”
“What step is that, baby?” I hummed as I ran my hands over his muscular arms that that encircled me.
“I… I think I am ready… for intercourse.”
I chuckled but shifted under him to allow him to settle between my legs, “Always so formal but if you want to… I don’t mind.” I reached down and wriggled out of my panties. I took his hand and guided it down to my folds. I leaned up and kissed him as I reached to palm him through his pants. He awkwardly started prodding at my entrance. So I pushed him back, “Here, let me show you how to help prep me.”
I reached down and delicately began to work myself as he watched intently. After a little bit of watching he swatted my hand away and began to play with me himself. His fingers were calloused but still ginger as they swept into me. I moaned as I tossed my head back. “Gaara…” I moaned as I quickly undressed the rest of the way. “Please…. Give it to me.” I tugged at his layered clothes.
He sat up and removed his clothes. He climbed back over me. “Um… may I?” He asked as he clumsily lined himself up with me. I nodded and he began to slowly enter me.
I let out a whimper as he was quite thick and lengthy as he stretched me out around him. He was slow with his pace. He pushed all the way in, before pulling almost all the way out again. His eyes were screwed shut tight as he pumped in and out. I bucked my own hips to meet his thrusts. The room might of had a tv going but all I could hear were the sounds of our moans mixing and the steady sound of our skin slapping together. He gained a confidence as he picked up the pace then suddenly stop, flip me over and slammed back into my weeping hole. He groaned and panted as his fingers would surely leave bruises on my hips.
He hit just the right spot sending me over the edge. My own climax pulled Gaara with me, spilling his seed inside of me. Both of us collapsed, I on the couch and he on top of me. He kissed at my shoulders as we both came down from our highs. After a good minute Gaara adjusted us so that I was laying on his chest. His fingers danced over the skin of my back. I hummed happily and what felt like the first time in forever, we just savored each other. He dropped a kiss on my head and hummed, “That was amazing my love.”
I peak up at him, “love?”
His cheeks are pink as he nodded, “yeah… I um… I think it’s safe to say that I love you… I love you so much. I don’t know if I have ever felt anything like this before… sweetheart?”
“Will you marry me? I know being my wife won’t be the most glamorous or even as easy as a normal marriage but I can say that every night I will share a bed with you. That I will hold you every night, though I can’t promise you much more time awake together than l have now but…”
“Yes… on one condition.” He nodded and I continued. “If I get pregnant, you’ll carve time out for just them too. And more than just family dinner.”
He nodded seriously, “I understand. Children are quite a serious thing… and I did just… I accept your condition. I will train them if you are to become pregnant. They will know that they are loved. Though you should know that I am not great with kids.”
“As long as you love them.” I giggled and we shared a kiss. He smiled too.
“Shall I take you to bed?” He hummed and I agreed. That night we snuggled in my bed.
I woke to an empty bed. I got up to move about my day. I was restocking the file room when I got a visit from Gaara’s assistant. “The Kazekage has requested your presence in his office.”
I quickly made my way over to his office, “Gaara-sama? Is everything alright?”
Gaara looked up from his work at his desk with a smile, “sweetheart! Come in! I wanted to ask you your ring size. I want to get you a proper ring but I have no idea what size you are.”
“Oh! Um (your size). That’s sweet of you to think of me like that.” I hummed as I walked in to give him a kiss.
He wrapped a hand around my waist and pulled me close, “Kankuro said it’s traditional to give the woman you plan to marry a ring. I wouldn’t want you to think that I didn’t value you. I care quite deeply for you… which is why I asked Kankuro about the traditions in marriages. He said I should get you a ring…. But I’m not sure the type which he said I should talk to you about it.”
I moved to sit on his lap, “why don’t we go out to pick out matching rings together.”
“You sure? If we do that people may start talking about you in a different way.” He hummed rubbing my thighs.
“You are about to become my husband, I don’t think we can help that for much longer unless you are planning on keeping me your little secret.” I teased.
“I suppose you’re right but I can’t help worrying. I don’t want you to be put on the spot because of me. I don’t want you to be be treated any kind of way… you know what I mean.”
I kissed at his neck and hummed, “I don’t care what anyone else thinks of me. You and I are all that matters. I love you so much.”
“I love…mmm… you too…” he moaned as I worked his sweet spot. “Baby, please I need to get this work done. I promise I will get off work early so that we can go pick out a ring.”
I gave him one last kiss, “Alright, I will behave. See you tonight…. One more kiss?”
“Ok but just one.” He kissed me and I made my way out of the office back to work.
I worked efficiently and quickly until Gaara came and found me, “alright love let’s go find you a ring, I got the shop open for just us. You can pick whatever you want.”
“If I didn’t know better I would have thought that you were showing off.” I giggled taking his hand in mine.
The shop was dark but each sales rep had pulled out several displays out. The manager shuffled up quickly and bows deeply, “Lord Kazekage, it’s an honor. Please come in and take your time.”
Gaara placed a hand on my lower back, “My fiancé here will be picking it out as it is for her.”
The manager bowed to me this time, “Please allow me to help you pick out a ring as beautiful as you.” We follow him around until we come across a beautiful red ruby center surrounded by diamonds with twisted silver band that is also studded in diamonds.
“It matches your hair.” I hummed “but what do you think of it?”
Gaara peered over my shoulder, “Is that a good thing?”
“That it reminds me of you?” I hummed as I reached up and kissed him, “of course it is!”
The manager nodded, “I couldn’t agree more with the young madam.”
He smiled ever so lightly, “Is that the one?”
“Yes. It’s perfect, do you want to put it on me?” I squealed excitedly.
Gaara pinched his brows together in confusion, “why?”
The manager answered, “It’s tradition! It’s traditional for the man to put the engagement ring onto his betrotheds finger.”
Gaara nodded taking the ring form me and then slipped it onto my finger. Gaara kissed me, “Alright so how much do I owe?”
The manager had them step aside to settle the cost. He came back and led me back to my apartment in the compound. He took my hands before we stepped into my quarters, “I was thinking… maybe we should move you into my quarters…. It’s bigger and nicer and closer to my office. It’ll be easier for us to have time together.”
“I think that makes sense I will pick up some boxes tomorrow to get started on working on that.”
Gaara’s quarters were significantly larger and definitely nicer than my own. I took always got off work before Gaara and would be alone in the large place. Today I sat in the den with my poster board and little table and name tags trying to plan our wedding reception. The few friends and family we had was easy to sit but the difficult part was sitting the political people we had to invite. Knowing what nation doesn’t get along with another was absolutely ridiculous thing that I didn’t want to deal with but Gaara said it was what the elders insisted upon. Gaara says that’s just how things are for him as the Kazekage. Everything is a political move for him with the exception of myself. I eventually decided I wasted enough time on it and went to start dinner. His kitchen was immaculate before I moved in, now it’s always a bit messy which he never complains about. I finished prepping and putting the dish in the oven.
By the time I pulled out the dish Gaara walks in looking… like he’s been in the field. “Gaara? What happened?” I asked abandoning the dish on the counter and ran to him.
He didn’t say much but kind of brushed past me, “Why is it always a mess?”
“Bad day I see. I’m going to zoom past that attitude though. You going to tell me what is going on or what?”
“Nothing just the village had an attack I had to deal with and now this mess. You know for a office manager who is so organized you are such a hot mess” He glared.
“Excuse you, I have been planning our wedding alone and I make you dinner every night. I don’t know what you are complaining about but you have never complained about any of this before so do you want to try again or am I going to stay with a friend until you are ready to use your words?” I asked with my eyebrows raised.
He huffed, “Let’s just eat dinner and take a shower I’m exhausted.”
… we ate in silence and he cleared the table before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the lavish bathroom. “Gaara?” I questioned.
He looked at me with this exhausted look, “baby… please I just need something good today… please…”
I sighed, “Alright but I don’t like the attitude I got a minute ago. I started to strip and he followed suit.
“I know I know… I should be talking things out but I’m not used to it… are you ready?” He asked as he moved to take off his pants.
I simply move to turn on the very luxurious rain shower. I loved his shower he quickly joined me. “I absolutely love this shower, I could spend all day in it.” I hummed.
He slowly stepped in behind me, his fingers slide over my wet skin and pulled me back into him. He laid kisses over my shoulder and prodded my but with his hard cock. He hummed at the stimulation and he quickly reached down to rub circles on my pearl. I let my head lull back onto his shoulder. He eventually pushed me forward so that I would be against the wall with my hips back for him to easily line up with my entrance and glide in. Gaara bucked his hips with a singular focus. He moaned with one last thrust and when he stilled inside of me spilling his seed deep inside, I could feel him beginning to shake and sob.
I panicked and twirled around and pulled him into my arms, “Baby! What’s wrong?”
He peppered me in kisses, “My love, you have been so open and patient with me. I just snapped at you and you simply treat me like you do even though I just yelled at you for no real reason other than that I had a hard day at work. I don’t know what you think about me but I can’t imagine it’s good.”
I chuckled, “I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh but you had a bad day and needed a release. I understand that and I don’t want you to be upset about it. I get it…” I brushed my fingers against his cheeks.
“I am so sorry and I am so glad that I have you.”
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lol, not related to the current things but any random kaka/baki or shika/cho head-canons to share if you'd like?
Oh my beloved crack ship. I don’t even remember why i came up with this, i just knew i Saw Baki and Thought ‘yes, this is cute’
Kakashi is a troll and he feeds off of bothering Baki and seeing just how stressed he can make him. An impossible feat considering the man trained Kankuro. Kakashi cannot compete with that level of annoying, but he’ll sure as shit try while keeping a cool exterior the entire time.
Whenever Gaara goes to Konoha for a visit, Baki tags along. Not because he wants to see the Hokage, he has better things to do. He could just use a break from the heat in Suna.
Kakashi is a pure romantic and Baki is not ready. This man makes them dinner, plans beautiful dates, waxes poetics. Baki was done for the first time Kakashi asked him out and offered to cook and Kakashi hasn’t given him a chance to get over him since then.
Ino is constantly teasing them for being the ‘best friends to lovers’ trope but she adores it. She thinks these two are the cutest and the only couple in all of Konoha that can compete is her and her partner, obviously.
Shikamaru is the only person who is allowed to just reach over and steal chips from choji. It’s how everyone knows they’re meant to be. Shikamaru doesn’t need to be offered and has never risked losing an arm just taking.
Their favorite pass time after all these years is still laying in the grass looking up at the clouds eating chips. They’re adults with a whole lot of responsibility of course, but they always find time to stare at the clouds together.
Every day at lunch time Choji arrives with a bento full of food and sits down with Shikamaru in his office. Sometimes someone will try and swing by, but as soon as they see the two of them sitting on the floor munching away they know to leave. Not even the Hokage is allowed to interrupt Lunch date.
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narutogwriting · 3 years
If requests are open, then: Gaara has chosen a bride, but during their engagement she refuses to capitulate to Suna’s council and their desires to have her on their side instead of Gaara’s. So, in order to break trust/break them apart (the details are obvs your choice), a councilman or two sends a shinobi to sexually assault her.
Fortunately, Gaara discovers the man in time to save you.
With this prompt, could you write something for it? Hurt/confort, lemons (jfc tumblr just knock it off with the gag order already), dark/horror, your choice!
Pairing: Gaara x Reader
CW: Attempted sexual assault, light NSFW
Length:  4.6k+
A/N: I absolutely hate how this came out, but I hope it works for you and is what you were expecting!
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You know that feeling you have when you’re younger? You have the adults in your life. They always seem to know exactly what to say, what to do. And you never truly have to worry, because if you don’t have the answer, there’s always someone that does.
Right and wrong. It’s all so black and white, and you’re lucky because the adults in your life always make the upstanding choices.
At least, that’s what you think. 
And then you grow up. Little by little, you become older and wise enough to realize the more you think you know, the less you do.
And maybe it’s something big or something small when you first start to lose your faith in those in authority. But there’s always a moment when it clicks; the people in authority know no more than you do, they’re not morally honorable at all. They just have the power.
You’d been a ninja your whole life, but as you got older, you opted to step into a more political role for your village. You’d been around long enough to see how corrupt the ninja system was as a whole, and you had wanted to change it from the inside out.
You thought you’d already had your moment, multiple moments, even, that showed you just how amoral and deceitful the powers that be were.
You had no idea how bad they truly could get.
“So, I hope you understand what we’re asking. Your compliance is… let’s just say, in your best interest.”
Silence ensued. Sunagakure, like the other villages, had a system of checks and balances. Gaara was the Kazekage, leader of the village, but that didn’t mean he had this all consuming power. The Suna Council consisted of twelve members, all in place to make sure the Kazekage is doing what they should and that all decisions were made in the villages best interest.
The council and the Kazekage were supposed to be working together for the village, to make things, better, to help the people. The council was supposed to be supporting the Kazekage as the leader.
So, in a way, you almost couldn’t believe they would ask you this. Only almost. . The Sand Village had never had a reputation of being above reproach. Why, it was just a few years ago when they had partnered with the Sound Village to overthrow the Leaf Village, killing the Hokage in the process. Gaara had only been a child then, but the Suna Council that had agreed with the plot then was the same council that now demanded you betray your husband to be.
They wanted you in their ranks. The direction that Gaara was ready to lead Suna in wasn’t a direction the elders were ready for it to go.
It was new and completely different from anything they’d seen before. But Gaara was insistent that Suna was going to enter an era of peace and perseverance. They would be a village that would fight for the good of the world, not solely their own interests. Suna as a village would no longer be number one. People would be.
And so they expected you to play a secret agent for them. They would give you orders, and then, as Gaara’s wife to be, you would manipulate him into their desires, make him think they were his own. You would play him as if he were a puppet on your strings.
Maybe it was because you had been a diplomat before moving to the Sand for Gaara. They thought because you were a politician, that you would understand their requests and be bought off so easily. It was the very reason you’d taken the position; the way village politics worked needed to change.
The twelve council members stared at you steadily and expectantly. They expected your concurrence, couldn’t imagine that there would be any thought of going against their wishes. They’d gone so long getting exactly what they wanted.
All good things must come to an end. 
There were a couple ways you could have played this. Agreed and then told Gaara what they’d asked. That they were demanding for you to work Gaara behind the scenes and manipulate him to their will. You could have agreed, even. Accepted their offers of power and betrayed your betrothed.
You had endless options, but you would take none of them.
Gaara was the love of your life, going to be your husband, and you would present as a strong front. You would let there be no question of where your loyalty was.
Pushing back your chair, you stood, smacking your hands down on the tables, a sudden, loud move that made the old hags jolt. You bit back a satisfied smirk; good. You wanted to scare them, let them know *exactly where they stood with you.
“How dare you?” You demanded from them, meeting each member’s eye slowly and purposefully, wanting them to understand just how badly they had screwed up by trying to turn you against Gaara.
“I don’t know how things worked back in your days, but Gaara becoming Kazekage has reigned in a new era of peace and restitution for the Sand. Things will no longer be the way you allowed it to for so long, full of evil and sneakiness and cowardice. You’re going to learn soon enough; Suna has no more need for the ways of the old world.” You pushed off the table, scowling in disgust.
“How dare you call yourselves leaders while you attempt to turn the Kazekage’s betrothed into a traitor.” Lips pursed, you looked over them all one more time, doing nothing to hide the contempt in your gaze. “The Kazekage is not going to be pleased when he hears about this.”
With that, you turned on your heel, stomping out of the room, letting the door slam closed behind you.
Out of the room now, away from their gaze, you leaned against the other side of the door, feeling the way your heart raced erratically. You couldn’t believe you’d talked like that to the Suna Council. 
You’d never been meek, really. Confrontation just wasn’t your favorite thing, and besides this, you respected your elders and village leaders greatly, not discounting their wisdom or experience just because of different times. You’d even admired the council up until this moment. 
But no amount of reverence or admiration would ever surpass what you felt for Gaara. You loved him more than anything or anyone, and you would always be on his side no matter what. There was nothing and no one that could make you falter or second guess being by his side.
Heading back to your apartment, you wished not for the first time you shared it with Gaara. You and Gaara didn’t live together yet; he wasn’t exactly traditional, but he wanted to keep up the appearance of it. He didn’t want to move in together until the two of you were officially married, and that day was coming up soon. You could wait just a little longer until you got to wake up to his face every morning.
Nothing sounded more blissful.
It had been a diplomacy mission that had brought you from your home in Iwagakure to Suna for the very first time. 
Love at first sight wasn’t necessarily something you believed in, but the first time you laid eyes on Gaara, you knew there was something special in him. You’d heard the stories and the rumors your whole life, the demonic reincarnation of the one tailed beast that killed everything in his path to the reformed and revered youngest Kage in history.
Gaara had been nothing like you expected.
He had the kindest eyes you’d ever seen. At a young seventeen years old, his eyes held stories of a hundred lifetimes. He was quiet, observant. He took in everything and everyone around him, considering their every move and word before responding himself. When he spoke, it was with a shared respect and understanding of those who he was addressing.
You’d bowed respectfully when you met, addressing him, of course, as Kazekage. When you’d straightened, his eyes on you had you blushing; you felt bare under his gaze.
A week. You were only in Suna one week, and that was all it took for you to fall for Gaara. From the first late night the two of you spent negotiating and discussing the particulars of the alliance between your villages, you got to know Gaara more than you’d ever imagined you would.
And Gaara was just as sprung. From your easy smile to the quickness of your thoughts to the passion in which you spoke, he’d never met anyone like you.
You were a marvel to Gaara, and he didn’t let you leave without letting you know.
You were surprised in all honesty. You hadn’t been able to read whether or not he was as interested in you as you were in him, but either way, you wouldn’t have expected a person like Gaara to be so forward.
He was modest and reverent the night before you were to go back to your village when he told you he’d like you to return soon. He left no room for you to wonder what he meant, instantly letting you know that it was because he was enamoured with you, and he had every intention in pursuing you romantically if you would let him. 
Of course you would.
It was one and a half years of dating before you’d opted to give up your position in your village to move to the Sand. Gaara didn’t ask you to, never would have dreamed of making you choose between him and your job, but it was the obvious choice to you.
You loved Gaara irrevocably, and he was Kazekage. He couldn’t leave his village, so you would go to him.
It was only a year after that when Gaara asked you to marry him in a way that was so him. It was quiet and private and romantic as hell.
He’d asked you to go with him for a quiet walk to the green house, just about the only place in Suna that had any plants. It was both of your favorite places, so of course you agreed.
When you’d arrived, the green house was alight with fairy lights strung from every corner. Petals from various flowers littered the floor walkway down to an arc of ivy that definitely hadn’t been there before.
Looking at Gaara, your mouth hung agape in disbelief and confusion. He gave you a soft smile, taking your hand and leading you down the walkway. By the time you got to the ivory arc, you had tears overflowing. 
“Yes!” You were crying before he even got down on one knee.
Gaara had tried to shoosh you with a small laugh, but you weren’t having it, throwing your arms around him and peppering him with kisses before he could get a word in.
“You have to let me ask you. I have a speech.” He tried to tell you, but gave up as you continued to kiss him, laughing and kissing you back. He pulled a rock carved in the shape of a heart. Lifting the lid, it revealed the beautiful ring he had made for you.
He had to hold you still so he could slip the ring on your finger before kissing your hand.
“I love you,” He told you, those intense green eyes gazing into yours.
Your wedding was still a ways away, but you and Gaara were clearly in love. Why the council genuinely thought you would go along with their demands were beyond you. You’d given up politics for love without a second thought.
Shaking your head, you were relieved when your front door came into view. The first thing you wanted to do leaving your meeting was to go straight to Gaara, but he was gone for the next week on his own diplomacy meeting.
You sighed as you got into bed. Whenever he was home, the council was going to be in for a world of hurt. You could only imagine how livid and betrayed Gaara would geel.
The next few days went by without incident, though that did make you feel just a bit nervous. You expected to be called in for some sort of meeting again, to be talked to, at least sent a message. 
But there was nothing. All was peaceful and quiet.
The time passes slowly and uneventfully. You did paperwork and spent time with some friends. That night, you settled into bed with a cup of tea and a book, wishing Gaara was beside you. He’d be gone for a few more days still. 
So you opted for just a relaxing night in by yourself. You usually went to sleep early-ish, but that night, you were up well past your usual bedtime, emerged in the fantasy world in between the pages you were reading.
It was because you were awake that you heard a noise from your living room. It was small, barely there, but you’d heard it. It sounded like someone had bumped into something, maybe your living room table, and had been quick to steady it.
You froze, listening carefully for any more sound, but nothing came. You had almost convinced yourself that you imagined the whole thing, but every one of your senses was on high alert. Carefully, slowly, you crept out of your bed, grabbing the kunai you kept under your pillow just in case.
You held your breath, not wanting to risk even making a sound, as you tiptoed towards your bedroom door. Ear pressed to the cool wood, you listened.
Silence met you, but you weren’t convinced. Years as a Shinobi had taught you to trust your gut. Something was off; you could feel it.
Decided to go on the offensive, you turned the door handle and threw open the door, quickly barreling through the opening. You caught the intruder dead in their tracks. He was dressed in all black, everything covered besides his dark eyes.
You were in such shock at there actually being someone there, you froze for a split second. The intruder took that second to attack, lunging at you.
He smashed into you, knocking both of you to the floor, and that’s when your instincts kicked in. As soon as your back hit the floor, you were rolling, throwing your legs over your head and then you were on your feet, sending a kick into the man’s abdomen.
The man let out a gasp as the air was knocked from him. Wasting no time, you sprinted to your front door, ready to flee and call for help.
You weren’t prepared for another intruder waiting at the otherside of the door. The second you opened it, locking eyes with him, his fist lashed out before you could even react.
Pain was all you felt before the world went black. 
The world came into view slowly. As your vision cleared, you realized you were in your own bedroom. When you tried to move, you were alarmed to find that your arms and legs were both bound. Your attempt at a scream was muffled by the gag in your mouth. 
“Heh, we’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” Your head jerked to see the intruder that you had kicked looming over you. “You’re lucky you got that kick in when you did, but I’m gonna have to pay you back for that one.”
He drew his hand back before smacking it across your face. You gave a muffled cry as the left side of your face stung in pain. 
“Stop fucking around,” hissed the other man. “We have orders. Get to it.”
You looked up between the two, scared and confused. What kind of orders? 
The first man chuckled with a smirk that looked more like a sneer. “Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this…” He mused as he pulled out a kunai. He moved toward you slowly, deliberately, letting the fear creep from your neck down your spine.
You shook your head, jerking this way and that, but the second intruder pinned you to the bed by your shoulders. “Better stay still, bitch.” He hissed at her. “We got a job to do here. This’ll teach you to defy the village council. By the time we’re done with you, you won’t think twice about doing what they say.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, your night shirt was fisted by the first man before he ripped the kunai through it. 
Your face burned hot with embarrassment and shame as the remains of your top were shredded, leaving you bare. You could feel their eyes looming over you, taking in every part of your skin.
“Even your fiancé ain’t gonna want you when we’re done.” You heard snickered, but by this point you’d screwed your eyes shut, not wanting to see them looking at you like you were a piece of meat.
Shuffling made your eyes peak back open to see the first man fumbling with the buttons of his pants. 
“Oh yeah, I’m gonna enjoy this.”
He shoved his boxers down, revealing himself as he palmed his length to hardness.
You began thrashing again with renewed vigor despite the hands still pinning your shoulders down. Somehow, you managed to free yourself from the second man's grasp, rolling off the bed and attempting clumsily to push yourself to your feet.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Your ankles were grabbed and unceremoniously, you were dragged kicking back to the man. In moments he had your own pants discarded before he was looming over you.
Everything about him was revolting you. His smell, his heavy body to those cold dead eyes. In one last desperate attempt, you headbutted him as hard as you could, feeling your forehead smash into his nose.
Warm blood spurted out, splashing over you as he let out a mangled scream. “You bitch! I’ll kill you!”
Spots flashed before your vision as his fist connected with your cheek, leaving you disoriented and drowning in pain.
“I’ve had enough of this,” the second man hissed, shoving the first one off of you. “I’ll take care of this.”
He pinned you with his entire body as you felt him shuffling for his pants once more.
You weren’t sure when you’d started crying, but the tears were flowing, drenching your cheeks as your stomach turned sickly. You screwed your eyes shut, willing your mind to go anywhere else but here.
There was nothing else to do but resign yourself to your fate. You couldn’t fight back or scream for help. All you could do was pray it would be over quickly. 
You were still waiting when the weight of his body suddenly lifted off of yours, and you heard the most horrifying scream. Your blood went cold at the sound, causing your eyes to shoot open.
Sobs began to wrack your body as it shook with relief so great it overwhelmed you. Gaara! He was here!
And you’d never seen him look so angry before. 
His eyes were wide and crazed, the vessels looking like they would pop at any second. The men were screaming, pleading, but Gaara couldn’t hear them pass the blood rushing in his ears. Teeth bared, he was growling, the sound menacing and maniacal.
In this moment you understood something in a way you never had before: Gaara was a force to be feared.
“Please! Please, we’re sorry!” “No! Don’t!”
“Sand Coffin.” 
The men let out one last strangled scream before they were silenced permanently. Blood splattered everywhere, pouring down like rain. It streamed down over you and everything else in your room. 
Gaara was panting hard, still looking more wild than you’d ever seen him. His eyes were locked on the sand that was seeping red with blood. 
A small whimper from you brought him back. His eyes quickly flickered to you, and it was like you could see his soul returning to his body.
He was by your side in a second, kneeling next to you and pulling you to him. He gently removed the gag from your mouth and removed the bind from your wrists and ankles.
He didn’t know what to say, didn’t have the words. He just held you while you weeped into his chest, wrapped in a blanket and finally feeling safe in his arms. 
It took you a while to calm down. The adrenaline had left your body, leaving you only with the weight of what had almost happened. The fear and shock left you trembling, ripping sobs from your throat.
“I’m here…” He kept repeating. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Once you were able to finally relax, Gaara packed you a bag and took you to his home. You would never need to go back to your home with those traumatic memories, he decided. To hell with tradition or social conventions. He would move you into his home first thing the next morning.
At Gaara’s home, he ran a bath for the two of you filled with bubbles. He took a warm wash cloth, gently wiping the blood from your body. He massaged the blood back to the areas you’d been binded and iced the bruises on your face, any traces of the manic man from earlier gone. All that was left was the serene Gaara you knew and loved.
Gaara didn’t press you to talk or tell him anything the whole while, only made sure you were attended to and cared for.
It was later on once the two of you were in bed with Gaara holding you close to him that you filled him in on what had happened: the Suna Council attempts to get you to turn against Gaara and manipulate him to their purpose. What those men had said before they’d attempted to… you couldn’t even say the word.
Gaara took it all in silently, but you could feel his grip on you tighten just slightly as you spoke. He was livid; you could see it in his eyes, though it was much more subdued than before. “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” he finally spoke, his words heavy and choked.
“If you weren’t marrying me…” He stopped, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I’m sending out word first thing to the four other villages. We’ll have the members disbanded and imprisoned before the week ends.” He assured you with a conviction and sternness you’d only seen in meetings before. 
Nodding, you pulled him closer to you. “I never thought I’d see you again…” You told him. “I was so scared… I thought…” You shook your head. “You saved me. You’re always there.”
“Always,” Gaara said, kissing your head. 
He didn’t know whether to chalk it all up to luck or intuition that he’d come home early. He had just missed you so terribly, it was like he suddenly couldn’t stand to be away from you for another moment. He’d cut his diplomacy trip early and hurried back, getting to you in just the nick of time.
“I don’t wanna talk about it anymore…” You murmured, looking up at him. “I just wanna forget about it, just for tonight…” With that, you reached up to press your lips to his.
Gaara hesitated only for a moment before kissing you back. He’d missed you so much, and if this was what was going to make you feel better, well, who was he to deny you? In a moment, you were up on top of him, straddling his lap as you kissed him more forcefully, almost desperately.
Gaara’s arms went around you, fingers digging into your hips as he held you against him. He let one hand slide up your back into your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands. Slowly, your lips slid down, moving over his jaw down to his neck, peppering every area you could reach with kisses.
Your name left Gaara’s mouth, a low, needy whine. It sent a jolt through your body, and you began to grind yourself into his lap. You could feel Gaara’s grip tighten in your hair even more as he slowly began to harden underneath you.
Your fingers began to pull at the hem of his shirt desperately. You needed something to ground you. You needed Gaara.
He let you pull the shirt off of him, discarding it to the side before he was on you again.
He flipped you over so you were on your back as he attached his own lips to your neck, attacking the skin, marking you as his. You were moaning and trembling under his touch, begging him for more as his hands wandered your body.
“Gaara,” You groaned out as his fingers fumbled with the waistband of your pants. “No foreplay. I want you now.”
You could hear Gaara stifle his groan at your words before your pants were unceremoniously yanked down. His lips pressed harshly back to yours, all tongue and teeth. Gaara had put aside his own feelings earlier for yours, but now they were pouring out of him.
His anger at the council. His bloodthirst for those men. His fear for what almost had happened to you; you could taste it all in the kiss. Gaara needed you to ground him just as much as you needed him to ground you.
One moment you were kissing and the next your clothes were in a pile, and he was inside of you, hands pinning down your hips as he rutted into you desperately. Your nails scratched down his back, you tried to moan or cry out, but all your sounds were swallowed by his lips.
You were breathless, dizzy as his hips pounded into yours, never breaking the kiss. His pelvic bone caught your clit with every movement and it wasn’t long before you were gushing around him, but he didn’t slow his moments. He pulled your legs up, locking them around his waist. “More,” He was mumbling against your lips. “More.” When it was over, you cumming around his cock countless times before he finally found his own release, spilling inside of you endlessly, he pulled you into his side, holding you closer than he had in some time.
“I’ve never seen you like that before.” The image played in your mind, Gaara’s eyes wild and burning, the flames of anger behind them.
Gaara tensed slightly, but you placed your hand on his chest, calming him as you gazed up at him. You weren’t afraid of him. You were only… intrigued by this side of him you’d never experienced.
“I use to crave blood.” He told you. “I know you have heard the stories. My whole life, I was told I was a monster. I thought I was one. My sole purpose was to kill everyone around me so I could survive.”
His hand was rigid on your shoulder as he spoke, but you held his gaze unwavering. You accepted Gaara. Every part of him. 
“But now, I know my true purpose.” His stare was steady, sure. “Ever since I’ve become Kazekage. My purpose has been to protect those precious to me, those who need someone to protect them. I no longer crave violence or blood. But I will not let anyone, no matter who they are, hurt someone I love…” He pulled you even closer, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I never would have dreamed I would have someone precious to me, or someone who I am precious to. But now that I have you, I’m never going to let you go.”
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loonyplenny · 3 years
Gaara's week 2022 | Day 3 - Growth | Love
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His love and growth
Being ninja of Sand village was rought those days.
Chunin exam at Konoha has been a mass and plan went completely doomed. Like that wasn't worst, when Baki-san returned, he and other shinobi found Fourth Kazekage dead in desert. They said his death was Orochimaru's fault.
You've never seen such a chaos.
If it only was just that...
Afrer inefficient Konoha's crush, Temari, Kankuro and Gaara returned home almost unrecognizable. Something about the deeply changed and that change was the most visible on Gaara.
You very well knew their story and seeing sudden change in light of their eyes was worring you.
It's been few weeks since everything happend and citizens started moving on with their lives or at least it smeed so.
People were walking around, talked and acted as always, but they looked more like ghost than humans.
And it made you unbearably nervous.
That day, you found yourself siting alone, far away from everyone. Again.
Maybe i really should talk to someone.
You were so deep in thoughts you didn't even hear footsteps approching you.
- Y/N?-, called Gaara's voice.
You jumped.
- Gaara...-, you sighed suprised. - What's bringing you here?-
- You're very quite. It's not like you.-, he said seriously.
You didn't know how to respon. He was right, yes, but still, he was Gaara.
So many scary stories about him, most of them were truth, but not all. Still, spilled blood was real. You were teriffed of him, but adults were the ones to blamed for that. He was just a child, like you and like everyone.
But, in contrast to every story you heared from all the adults, he didn't look like he was planing anything now and his eyes had diffrent shine.
- Y-yeah-, you brought your chin to your knees. - I'm not really myself nowdays.-
- Do you mind if I sit next to you?-
Did he just-
- But only if you're alright with it.-, he finished and it sounded like he was scared of your answer.
You blinked few times while you were thinking before you have him an answer.
- Yes, I'm totally alright with it! I'd, actually, really like some company.-
- Even mine?-
- Even yours. You're not really that bad.-
He was staring at you speachless. You patted stop next to yourself. - It's alright, Gaara. Take a seat.-
He sat down and he stared into the distance. Look in his eyes suddenly changed and it looked a bit sad.
You tilted your head. -Gaara? Are you alright?-
He sighed.
What shall I do?, you were wondering. You putted your hand on his knee, trying to give him comfort.
That made him freez.
Moving your hand back, you started scratching it nervously. - S-sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry.-
He was quiet for a while.
- Don't be sorry.-, he finally spoked. -It's just that... My feelings are mixed. In Konoha, I meet someone with same story as mine. That really made me... I started to think and... I realized I'm unhappy living like this. I really want to change, Y/N. Do you... Do you think I can become someone else? Someone... Preciouse to others? Do you... belive in that?-
What a suprise.
It tooked you just a second to understand it all, not just words. And you smlied purely.
- Of course I belive in it, Gaara! I belive in it completly and I belive in you! You're such a kind person that it seems to me nothing would be impossible for you! And-, you came closer, your hand next to his, fingers brushing against one another, - for now on, you mave forever support and a friend in me! Belive it!-
- You... You actually mean that?-
- I do, Gaara, I do!-
But what you meant, it was true. He really changed, deeply from inside and he even looked diffrent outside, more healthy and more calm.
He was truly growing, and so did all of the love inside him.
A/N :
If you'd like, listen to "Akuma no ko" while you read, it feels so... I don't have right words.
I had ti on repeat while writng and it feels *cheeif kiss*.
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panharmonium · 3 years
the other thing that i keep thinking about, especially now that i’ve been knee-deep in conversation about kakashi’s father for the last couple days, is the amount of politically/socially-charged context kakashi must be constantly navigating as a leaf shinobi, even though we don’t get to see much of it.  
the transformation of the hidden leaf village is obviously still a work in progress, and society never changes overnight.  we’ve heard at various points in shippuden about the still-present divide between hardliners like danzo and the (somewhat) more moderate senju line, and it’s clear that there are still plenty of reactionary/conservative forces at work in the shinobi world, which means there are absolutely still segments of the population who would view the kind of challenge that kakashi and his students pose to traditional shinobi values as a threat.  and back when kakashi first chose to reaffirm his father’s principles, i’m sure it was much worse - the way minato tells it, the entire village and the land of fire turned on sakumo, and it’s not like all those people just disappeared when kakashi finally allowed himself to recognize that all of them were doing something wrong.  they were still there.  they were his neighbors.  they were his colleagues.  he had to live with them.  he had to work with them - he had to work FOR them, even.  to this day, he still does.
like.  i am FASCINATED by the complexities of this situation, even though we barely see any of it.  just...thinking about thirteen year-old kakashi being a member of the Jonin Assembly alongside all of these grown adults who persecuted his father until the “great man who everyone looked up to” couldn’t survive it any longer.  thinking about teenage kakashi lost and “waiting to die” in the anbu black ops, but still breaking every rule to rescue little tenzo from a hardline conservative who tried to have kakashi assassinated.  thinking about adult kakashi, still a member of that same Jonin Assembly, still working alongside people he can clearly remember harassing and attacking his father for saving their lives, being asked to serve as a clandestine hokage under danzo’s nose, because foreign nations trust kakashi where they don’t trust the actual nominee, and then being nominated for real when danzo turns up dead (and having his nomination approved, i might add, by the land of fire, whose government officially blamed kakashi’s father for the damage that resulted from that abandoned mission years before).
we only get hints about the lingering controversy surrounding kakashi and his family via danzo and, occasionally, the village elders, but like.  kakashi occupies such a complex place in the hidden leaf village, because he’s become incredibly respected and renowned by many (if not most) of its residents, but he also spends every day of his life moving within a community where many (if not most) of the older people around him participated in a campaign of vicious harassment against his father, one that ultimately led to his death.  some of them may have had changes of heart after sakumo’s suicide - that seems like the kind of thing that might have shocked some people into reevaluating their positions, particularly given how respected sakumo was prior to that time - and some of them probably died later in the war, but we know there’s still a conservative faction active in the hidden leaf village, and some of those people are always going to be who they are.  and even the people who aren’t - even the ones who regret how they acted - it’s still so complicated!  how do you continue to live and work in that environment?  how do you navigate a history of being harmed in that way, when you still have to collaborate with and/or serve the same people who did the harming, some of whom likely view you with the exact same disdain they had for your father?
kakashi manages it, somehow, though i’ll bet he has complicated feelings about it, even if he keeps them to himself.  and that’s yet another reason why (if i can just take these thoughts on a slight detour to the present) i think kakashi’s relationship with sasuke is so vitally important, especially moving forward.  sasuke’s family was wronged by the village too, in horrific, unforgivable ways - the shinobi system swallowed itachi whole and sacrificed the entire uchiha clan on the altar of a mission, in exactly the kind of evil, inhuman decision-making process that sakumo and obito and kakashi said could never be justified.  the uchiha were victims of the same shinobi system that drove kakashi’s father to his death - the one that said “everything is acceptable as long as the task at hand is accomplished.  people are disposable in service to a mission.”  both sasuke and kakashi’s families fell to a cultural context that refused to acknowledge that it is never okay to sacrifice your comrades for a mission, a cultural context that embraced this belief to the point where even literal genocide became excusable.
if sasuke is ever going to really and truly Come Home, he’s going to need to learn how to navigate this situation.  not to excuse the wrong that was done, and certainly not to give up on getting justice for himself and his clan, but also to figure out, in conjunction with these important tasks, how to continue existing in an environment where so much officially-sanctioned harm was done to his person, and where so many people around him have at least a little bit of history of being suspicious of or uncharitable towards the uchiha clan, even though they obviously didn’t know about the impending coup or danzo’s extermination order.  
it’s an incredibly complicated situation, and even if kakashi doesn’t have all the answers, he can at least understand what it feels like to be in that kind of position.  he’s been navigating something like this for many, many years.  he’s the precedent, someone who can help sasuke wrestle with the perhaps unanswerable questions of how am i supposed to dedicate myself to a place that wronged me like this?  why should i protect people who hurt me so badly?  is there even a way for me to move forward here, if i can’t forgive the ones who took my family away from me?  can this actually be my home again, when i know what it did to my people?
kakashi has obviously managed to come up with answers to these questions that enable him to stay integrated in his community and keep building a future he believes in, though I doubt any of his answers are simple, and i’m sure there are some things that he’s just had to accept will never be fully settled in his heart.  it’s like what he says to obito in an episode i watched recently: “i don’t know anything for sure, either...i’ve thought that this world is hell, too...but...”  it’s the but that matters.  even in the face of confusion and complexity, kakashi has found a way to keep moving.  he’s learned to co-exist with the uncertainty and discomfort surrounding him, and to make his own meaning out of this life, regardless of how complicated his internal relationship with the village might be.  he’s found a way to keep his eyes trained on the light, whatever that light might look like for him, and even if said light is only, as gaara says, “the faintest glimmer.”  he has so much to teach someone like sasuke, who up until recently was responding to that same plea of gaara’s with a fatalistic “i shut my eyes a long time ago.  the things i seek now lie only in the darkness.” 
anyway.  i am just having Many Thoughts currently about the intricacies of the political and social context that kakashi is always navigating, even though he never says a word about it.  and i’m curious whether this family history will ever come up again in the last fifth of this show.  if i were going on instinct alone, i’d suspect that we weren’t quite done with sakumo yet - i feel like we barely even started with him, to be honest (and also - whatever happened to kakashi’s mother???) - but i should know better at this point than to try and predict what this show is going to do, so i’ll just wait and see.
#naruto#meta#pan watches naruto#i got lost on the path of life#this is something i've always kind of wondered about in the back of my mind#but i started really focusing on it recently because of the conversations i've been having with dreamersscape about shikamaru and kakashi#because the other thing i think about in conjunction with this topic is how the kids have absolutely zero clue about any of this#sakumo's story seems to be - at least from what i've seen so far -#something that the entire leaf village just decided to never discuss again immediately after it reached its horrifying conclusion#whether out of shame or whatever else#it's buried history#even in the immediate aftermath - obito only knows the white fang as 'that hero who died protecting the village'#the rest of the story seems to have become That Of Which We Do Not Speak#and naruto's generation is even further removed from the history than obito was; so they just have no idea#like - naruto once asked kakashi who lady chio meant by 'the white fang'; and when kakashi uncomfortably answered 'my father'#naruto was so shocked by the concept of kakashi having parents that he never even asked any follow-up questions XD XD XD#so anyway i'm just thinking about how much the younger kids are going to start learning after they come home and start climbing the ranks#eg shikamaru shadowing kakashi in jonin circles and starting to pick up on dynamics he hasn't been exposed to before#bc i'm sure kakashi's philosophy for preparing jonin aspirants will be just as stubbornly renegade as his process for genin#and i can imagine there are certain tasks he'll set or standards he'll outline that might stir up some muttering#at least among the old guard#anyway.  i think about this stuff a lot#the kids starting to learn all of the things that everybody else already knows about kakashi but nobody ever talks about#including kakashi himself#sasuke got the cliffsnotes version the day he left the leaf village; but there is still SO MUCH he and the other kids aren't aware of#they know nothing about kakashi's history with obito or rin or yamato or itachi; or what happened to his father; or how he got his sharingan#or that he was targeted for assassination by danzo as a teenager#they have no idea what his life was like AT ALL; and honestly i think kakashi wanted it to be that way#but that bubble has to pop eventually; and i can only imagine the kids' faces when they start to discover just how much they never knew.
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beholdthemem · 3 years
As a general statement fillers in anime are very annoying, but the reason I never minded it in Naruto is because there are roughly 858 characters in the series and somehow those feel like the ONLY times we ever allowed to explore anybody not directly connected to Team 7.
Like, to clarify- I do not dislike Team 7. I don't! Naruto is an idiot, but he's MY idiot. Watching Sakura take charge of Kankuro's medical treatment after everybody else said he couldn't be saved? A religious experience. Sasuke- yes, okay, I admit I bitch about him a lot, but I blame every aspect of how the Leaf Village handles trauma in children for how Sasuke ended up the way he did more than I blame him. He wasn't a bad kid, he was a kid who got failed by almost everyone around him.
(Seriously every adult in that entire village except for Iruka, Teuchi and Ayame can eat shit.)
No, my feelings on Team 7 are more like... y'know how there's a certain breed of DC fans who have like, a knee jerk rage reaction to the presence of Batman in stuff because everything DC makes seems to be about Batman, and even when they make something centered around characters that aren't Batman they have to somehow connect it back to Batman, and then he, or one of his kids, or one of his villains appear, and then what was originally something entirely different then BECOMES about Batman?
Team 7 is my Batman.
With the fillers we get shit centered on worldbuilding, the backstories of various side characters, and explorations of untraditional team ups where we can see the personalities of various members of The Rookie 9, The Sand Siblings, and envoys from different villages bounce off each other and find new dynamics.
And then we go back to canon, and it's like-
"Can we talk about the fucked up implication about the Hyuuga's Main vs Branch family thing? No? Okay, what about Hinata and Neji's relationship towards Hanabi? That's gotta be weird, for Neji his youngest cousin is being trained to have more say over how his life goes than he is, and he's barely permitted to interact with her. For Hinata, that's her little sister who her father has chosen over her as heir, and she hasn't been allowed to talk to her since the day their father disowned her. They share blood, they live in the same town, but they're basically strangers. Can we talk about that?
Okay, how about THIS- what if we do some shit with the Jinchuuriki besides Naruto, Gaara, and Killer Bee? Some of them are a lot older than Naruto is- were they all treated the way he was growing up? How did they handle it? How did that affect the kind of person they grew up into? He could learn from them, and they could learn from him! That would be huge, for him to see somebody like himself have lived long enough to reach adulthood, to be able to talk to and get advice from someone who understands- and it would be the perfect chance for him to do a Therapy no Jutsu to restore their faith in people/bonds! We could do the sad flute music and the swing and everything!
...also no. I see. Hm. Well... hm...
why don't we try some world building? What DID happen to the Hidden Whirlpool? Who attacked them? There had to have been more survivors than just Kushina, Nagato and Karin's parents. Where did they go? Could any of the one-off characters we met with unexplained strange abilities potentially have Whirlpool blood? And while we're at it, why don't we talk about Haku's kekkei genkai? That seems worth revisiting, good lore.
...not interested. Uh.
Who are Konohamaru's parents? We meet his grandfather and his uncle but no mom and dad? Are we ever going to talk about Anko having been Orochimaru's original student again?
Of course not. Right.
Sasuke Commits A War Crime While Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi Try To Drag Him Back To The Village #497 it is, then."
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havinganormalone · 2 years
More GaaSaku Trans smut
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I'm a one trick pony, but this time it's Sakura who's gender gets transed. Link in source, preview below the cut.
“That’s it,” Tsunade said. “You’ve obviously caught some sort of wasting disease or something. You’re coming home with me–”
“I am an adult and I make my own decisions,” Sakura replied. “And for your information, I have never been happier!”
With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out the door. However, the first place she headed was the bathroom, to glare at her reflection in the mirror. Was Tsunade right? Was there something… different about her face? It didn’t look off or garish, but… but it was impossible to say. Maybe she was tricking herself into seeing things that weren’t there. After all, she saw herself every day, whereas Tsunade was seeing her for the first time in months. Sakura would think she would be the one to notice something like her own body changing.
All the same, it was a heavy blow to her self-esteem, and she retreated to Gaara’s bedroom to pout. She had mostly moved in, using his bed that up to that point had been mostly decorational. There she sat, sulking, until he walked in.
“What’s wrong?”
His attention was immediate, and it was admittedly very flattering for her misery to be noticed so quickly.
“Nothing,” Sakura replied. “Or rather, it’s kinda complicated, and I’m trying to sort out how I feel  about it before I talk about it to other people. But… you don’t think I’ve gotten uglier since I came here, do you?”
She dared to look up at him with naked neediness. Taking her chin in one hand, Gaara did the due diligence of seriously considering her answer before scoffing.
“No, of course not,” he replied. “I think you’re very attractive.”
“Good, because I want to have sex.”
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coza-main · 3 years
A Step in the Right Direction
Fandom: Naruto/Boruto
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 1060
Gaara’s eyes shifted up from the paperwork on his desk to the small figure standing in his doorway. “Ah, Shinki.” He smiled politely at the boy and began shuffling the papers to the side of his desk. “I’m glad you came.”
“You asked to see me?” Shinki was as polite and distant as usual, his eyes averted to avoid direct eye contact. Shinki’s hands fidgeted with nervous energy, but that was to be expected. It had only been six months since Gaara had found him just outside the village.
While the boy was incredibly powerful, it was moments like these that Gaara was reminded that Shinki was still just a child who had suffered immense loss and trauma.
It was clear to Gaara that the child didn’t have anyone he could trust, least of all adults. Shinki had only just stopped constantly masking his presence as he walked around their home, even when it was only Gaara and Kankuro in the house with him. Gaara tried his hardest to make the boy comfortable; he never repressed his chakra, and always announced when he was coming and going. Progress had been slow, but it was apparent. Shinki rarely flinched at loud sounds now, and had become significantly more comfortable training with the Kazekage without fear of retribution regardless of his performance during it.
“Please, follow me. I’d like to teach you a new game.” Gaara rose from his seat and walked to the door to meet the boy. “If you’re interested in learning.”
Shinki didn’t confirm or deny his interest, he merely followed Gaara out of his office and down the hallway. Gaara didn’t mind walking in silence, so he tried his hardest to not be shocked when Shinki spoke up.
“How was work today?” Shinki asked shyly, his eyes still downcast. Kankuro asked him that question every day at dinner, so Shinki thought it would be a good conversation starter. A step in the right direction.
Gaara smiled to himself and slowed down his pace so Shinki was beside him when he spoke. “It was good. I managed to finish up a few of those shinobi reports that I’ve been waiting on. I did have a council meeting though,” he chuckled softly to himself. “They always do know how to make my day...interesting.”
Shinki glanced up at Gaara curiously, waiting for him to elaborate. But Gaara shook his head and cast the thoughts of the meeting aside. “And how was your day, Shinki?”
Shinki bit his lip, trying to decide how to respond. “Fine,” he said simply. He waited a beat, and then decided to give more information. A step in the right direction. “I watched the students at the ninja academy spar for a while.”
“Did you enjoy watching them? You are more than welcome to attend the ninja academy, if you desire.” Gaara spoke as he slid open the door to a room Shinki didn’t recognize. Inside the room was nothing except for a board game.
“They were weak,” Shinki stated, ignoring the question.
Shinki’s bluntness made Gaara laugh, causing the Kazekage to lose his composure for a moment. The similarities between himself and the boy were so stark it was starting to become ironic. Gaara walked to the board in the center of the room and sat down on one side, gesturing for Shinki to sit across from him.
“If you do desire to attend the ninja academy,” Gaara reiterated, “please let me know. It would be no trouble to anyone. And I believe you would make a fine shinobi, if that is the path you choose.”
Shinki nodded in acknowledgment, but did not speak any further on the matter. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted these days. He didn't have time to plan for the future. He simply took each day as it came, never getting too comfortable in any routine. Things always changed when he least expected them to, and he refused to be caught off guard again.
“This is a game called shogi.” Gaara’s voice brought Shinki back to the present and out of his thoughts. “It is a game of strategy. I think you will take a liking to it once you learn the rules and practice a bit.”
Gaara explained the goal of the game and how each piece moved across the board. He gave pointers and explained basic move maneuvers to the boy, who was listening intently. Gaara could already see the wheels turning inside of Shinki’s head, developing and redeveloping strategies as he began to grasp the concept of the game more and more.
“I’m ready.” Shinki’s voice cut through the silence that had been in the air for the last several minutes while he studied the board and possible moves to be made.
“Go ahead and make your first move, then.”
They played in silence, both only speaking through movement on the board. Gaara played casually, allowing Shinki as much time as needed for each turn. Gaara allowed pieces to be sacrificed and game-winning moves to pass by to extend the game.
“I don't need special treatment,” Shinki snapped after Gaara had made his turn. “You could have ended the game in 3 more turns if you had moved the knight. Why didn’t you?”
“Ah, you noticed that.” Gaara’s voice was soft as moved his hand over to the knight and tapped it gently. He could feel Shinki’s eyes glaring at him. “Winning isn’t always the most important outcome. I have found that learning is the thing that truly helps a person grow.”
Shinki scowled at the board in confusion, but continued to advance toward the King. A step in the right direction. “But if you can win and teach, why not do both?”
Gaara thought for a moment, using his turn as a reason to delay his answer. “If I were to win over and over again, the game would not be fun for either of us.” He captured one of Shinki’s rooks. “I’m sacrificing a quick win now so that we will have a more challenging match in the future. Call it a good investment; one where both parties are able to gain something in both the short and long term.”
Shinki’s eyes snapped up from the board to meet the Kazekage’s directly for the first time that day. “What are you gaining in the short term, if not a quick victory?”
“Well, I get to spend time with you.”
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