#Like everyone knows a guy who smokes unless you're rich
vamptastic · 7 months
actually insane that recreational marijuana isn't legal here because a. everybody smokes regardless and b. it's fucking florida, if there's a conservative state where tons of people are guaranteed to smoke weed it's this one.
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discopaddock · 9 months
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PAIRING: felix catton x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: smoking, no use of y/n
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Felix Catton
Felix, Felix, Felix.
Ideal boy, everyone liked him and so he liked everyone.
It felt like there was nothing wrong about him, unless you don't like when people smoke.
He was everywhere. Everyone talked about him. And most times those were good things, but some jealous boys did not always talk about him favourably.
And since everyone talked about him like that, she really wanted to know him. She wanted to know what was so special about him.
She didn't think she had ever met Felix somewhere. She was usually with her friends, who were a total opposite to him and his friends. Of course they were rich, maybe not as much as he was, but still and always got invitations for the parties, but they actually never had gone to them.
The girl's were into books and silly rom coms with happy endings at that point, not partying.
But one night she finally met the famous Felix Catton. He was standing there alone at the schoolyard at almost midnight in glory, looking like some Greek god, Apollo to be more specific.
He waved at her. He had no idea who she was. He came to her in two steps with his long legs and started a conversation. He was a nice guy. He complimented her looks, especially how he liked the freckles on her shoulders, making her frown her brows because of how he was able to see them in the dark.
And then she understood the hype on him. There was something so magnetic in him that she just couldn't stay away from him.
And so she didn't.
On the following day Felix was quick to find her in the library, as she was chatting with her two friends. He asked them if he could steal the girl for a moment and when they said yes, he quickly grabbed her wrist and took her among bookstants.
And there he asked her for a date. He got to the point extra fast, without complimenting her. He said he was in a hurry and had to tell her first, but when she agreed he became normal again and started playing his old game of winning a girl's heart.
Felix really did like her. She was… well, herself. And he liked it. A lot.
“I'll be waiting for you tomorrow at five. Wear some trousers and hoodie and trainers” he said and kissed her cheek as a goodbye and ran to Farleigh with a smile across his face.
“I'm going on a date” the girl announced to her friends softly and sat on her chair. She felt like she was in one of these romcoms she used to watch but she didn't know if it was going to have a happy ending or not.
As Felix said, he did. He was waiting for her at her dorm wearing a green polo shirt, dark jeans and Adidas trainers. He looked good. Devilishly good.
“Felix you look… wow” she said only, looking at him and then she saw that he wasn't wearing his brow piercing. And he looked even better.
“You look wow as well, sweetheart” he giggled, looking at her outfit. The sweater in light pink colour was making her eyes look prettier and went ideally with the jeans and Nike Air Force 1.
The date went well. Really well.
“Come with me to Saltburn, to home” Felix said one night, when they were lying on the floor in his dorm, which he previously started to clean, so it didn't smell terrible.
“What?” she asked, not really thinking he meant it. They were dating for four months now, but she wasn't expecting to get such an invitation.
“You're my girlfriend, I want you to get to know my parents and sister” he answered and handed her a cigarette, forgetting again that she didn't smoke.
“But I'm going to Austria and Germany with dad and-”
“I talked to him already he said yes” Felix smiled, proud of himself.
And there she was two weeks later standing in front of the literal palace and her stupid boyfriend with an even more stupid grin on his face.
“It's gonna be fun, I promise” Felix said only and kissed her, hoping that the whole vacation will go fine.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
Hiii soooo a few questions!
Are there any kind of traditions the others have from they're hometown and or knacks from the way they lived or grew up?
Are there habits they have from parents (or elder brothers)? Any bad habit? Do others often see a parent in the child's place? (Ocs too if you wanna)
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Kai: Quirks/Mannerisms- Sighs through his nose a lot (which can result in smoke coming out); his default expression tends to be one that constantly looks agitated, making him hard to approach if you're not close with him Hometown Traditions/Stuff- Isn't a great gardener, but as many people in the South are in the agriculture trade, he knows a thing or two about growing his own food at the very least (and he gets to be proud of his little bounties around Autumn Fest time) Habits From Parents/Guardians- Speaks without thinking (but at least it's only when the stakes are low/tension isn't high) Bad Habits- Tends to get all up in people's faces when worked up (even for minor things) Funny Secret- Managed to sell one of his weapons to a customer who was under the impression that it was a very intricate door stopper Dark Secret- Currently his unfortunate crush on Jay (but he gets a much more devastating one completely unrelated to romance lateeeeeer :3)
Jay: Quirks/Mannerisms- Clicks his tongue when annoyed (a habit that Kai and Cole eventually start to mimic) and winks at people. A lot. Hometown Traditions/Stuff- Due to living out East in the desert for most of his life, whenever it rained he's go out and run in it (and now he still does so for far more elemental reasons) Habits From Parents/Guardians- Rambling, stuttering, being unable to read a room, Sometimes lets a bit of an accent slip into his speech Bad Habits- Lying even when the situations absolutely doesn't call for it (or there's not even a reason to) and paces (or floats) when anxious Funny Secret- The pillow he practiced kissing on was indeed actually practice for Kai lololol Dark Secret- Doesn't have one...yet (and it can't even be the Skybound stuff cuz everyone's gonna remember it this time around hahaha)
Cole: Quirks/Mannerisms- Coughs into his arm when he's embarrassed or caught off guard in conversation (normally happens the most around Jesse lolololol) and talks to himself a lot Hometown Traditions/Stuff- Being raised "rich" has left him with a preference for higher standard things every now and then; he's not a picky guy whatsoever, but he still has that high class West Haven air about him that slips out when he knows something could be of a better quality (especially for food, clothes, movies, stuff like that) Habits From Parents/Guardians- Always trying to hype up the best from everybody (his dad) and beating up people who are definitely in the wrong with no hesitation (his mom, and Tox to a degree) Bad Habits- Sleeping at the wrong times, stress eating Funny Secret- There's a video of him trying to enter the Rockshot Club by pushing a pull door and resulting in him breaking right through it. Tox still has it on her to this day. Dark Secret- I'm sure he got up to some questionable behaviors during his newfound freedom as a runaway, but it's one of those things that'll he'll keep buried until death (and buried even after then)
Zane: Quirks/Mannerisms- Stares off into space a lot, but he's usually very deep in thought; doesn't use contractions unless highly emotional. Tilts his head when confused, like a dog snksnskn Hometown Traditions/Stuff- The North, being as devoid of people as it is, doesn't really have a lot of big traditions, but Zane has picked up on some fishing skills! It's something he'd do to entertain himself while his parents were out birdwatching Habits From Parents/Guardians- Picked up the pattern of calling his partner 'dear' (and the insatiable desire know precisely how everything works) Bad Habits- Dismisses others' ideas a little too quickly; lets his curiosity get the best of him in times where he should have other priorities Funny Secret- Zane is literally the last person to keep a secret I'm sorry Dark Secret- ...and I don't think Zane could have a dark secret if he tried (I mean I guess the Ice Emperor stuff if he never talks about it but stillllll that could kinda be extrapolated by the others–especially by Lloyd–if they were paying enough attention)
Nya: Quirks/Mannerisms- Has a very commanding presence; is almost always the one either starting a conversation or ending it, but either way, when she's involved, she's an active participant Hometown Traditions/Stuff- Like many people from the Archipelago, she's fully capable of staying in water/swimming for hours on end—and that's just outside of her element, which then takes that habit up to the eleven (and it's why Kai's always hated taking her to the beach; he could never get her out of the water lmao) Habits From Parents/Guardians- Has to keep her things organized in a VERY specific way Bad Habits- Trying to do everything by herself (and she is a hypocrite for this lol), and sits hunched over in her computer chair (think of the bad posture nooooo) Funny Secret- The reason that one 'student of the month' photo of hers look so bad is because it was taken right as she sneezed Dark Secret- Olivia was actually her first kiss, not Jay (it was nothing super-serious, though. It's just a 'dark' secret because Olivia)
Lloyd: Quirks/Mannerisms- He's sometimes kinda feral??? Snarling, baring his fangs, growling...biting... Is also really snarky and sarcastic when he's not caught up in his feelings Hometown Traditions/Stuff- Considering he's from 100% from Central and that's essentially a melting pot of the other cultures, he doesn't really have anything that stands out Habits From Parents/Guardians- A borderline maniacal laugh, easily angered, penchant for being violent Bad Habits- Attempting to run away from his problems, letting his anger get the best of him Funny Secret- Any secret he considers 'funny' is actually borderline tragic in some way Dark Secret- Currently his knowledge/suspicion that he's most likely the Golden Master (but again, there's a much worse one down the line, somehow! :3)
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r0zez-in-bl00m · 3 years
~ 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓮𝓵 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭 ~
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Looking more like a boy
🍎 Epel x fem!reader (fluff) WORD COUNT : : 1.5k
Description- Epel loves his beloved very much, even though they look more manly than him. But what happens when he tries to become more manly himself?
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Epel loved (y/n) more than anything he ever had loved before, not only him but his lover knew that too. The whole Pomefiore dorm did, Vil was very happy to see them together though he would comment on one flaw every time this topic was brought up in his presence.
 Only one thing's wrong in their wild relationship, is the perplexity of finding out which one of them is a boy or a girl. God, (y/n) always had to assure him that not to get so overboard on these pathetic matters, but that guy wouldn't have it. Epel gets so angry when someone confuses him with a girl while he's somewhat embarrassed that his girlfriend was so strongly built.
 Even Mr. Vargas sometimes gave an example of her to teach the students to build muscles, Vargas rarely compliments someone else other than his egocentric self on the concept of muscles. But (y/n) begs to differ on that matter. "Mr. Vargas is more female following, I guess." 
 Insecurity is highly available in the love market. Epel dragged, literally dragged, away (y/n) when some delinquent/ jock randomly flipped his arm on her during Magift practice. Be prepared for a long lecture in a very cute voice by the little apple, pun intended. Expecting a change in accent when he started talking was crucial. 
 "Why?! Out of all people . . ." "Ain't I enough for ya?! You don't like me because I ain't muscular?"
 Then there were coddling moments, (y/n) crushed Epel into a hug," God, my idiot boyfriend . . . if I liked muscular guys would I go out with you in the first place?"
 The girl teased him a lot though for his switch in accent. "You sound like a little lion sometimes. . . Kingscholar would be jealous." The apple boy blushed a lot with (y/n) whispering in his ear or touching his face.
 To match her girlfriend in every way Epel tries a little too much than expected.
 One day while experimenting in the laboratory along with Jack Howl for their assessment Epel was multi-tasking with another book hidden under his desk and reading the book which was based on magical pharmaceuticals for the second-year level.
 By chance, Jack spotted the book and scolded him for cheating. Immediately Epel got a switch in his persona and was bomb-barding over the 192cm wolf with his southern comments while spilling his beans at the moment. 
 "You're trying to make a potion that will make you more muscular?" Jack muttered in disbelief, he couldn't fathom at first that why would a cute Pomefiore require such a potion in the first place.
 Epel, being Epel, switched to his regular façade in an instant and was stammering like mad as a hatter. "Oh, !-! I-it's just . . . so t-that I can look a b-bit . . . more masculine... f-for her." It wasn't hidden from anyone that (y/n) (l/n) and Epel were dating but Jack never expected him to go this far to read and understand a high-level medicine book. Jack merely scratched his head, confused about what to say next, "I think Vil-Senpai once told me that taking a body development potion can cause a lot of strain to the body as well as the mind. . ." Epel had his head down, pressed against the desk, "I know that! It's just it's kinda weird that (y/n) looks more like a man than me." 
 Feeling like a good puppy that Jack is he decided to help Epel with the potion considering that it was of vast complexity (and we know that our Tsundere puppy would never admit that he is doing this by heart lol).
    All afternoon Jack and Epel spent their time researching and putting all sorts of herbs and potions into the cauldron. "Epel, focus closely on how the color changes. We don't want to create trouble for ourselves." Jack instructed while putting another herb as designated in the book. Epel nodded," Understood."
 Slowly the color started to fade into a vicious color of red, thick and rich. Jack and Epel both peered down to take a closer look. As the book said it would be welcoming at first glance yet the trick of the potion was to figure out which part was truthful. It hadn't yet been figured out that when was it best to consume the potion. Many theories were concocted for its usage; 'drink it when it turns out a bit bluish', 'it'll smell like rotten eggs at first,' 'don't drink if it's still milk-white,' such and such. 
 "How will we figure out that the potion is drinkable yet-"Jack said, he turned his head only to be at the verge of losing it. Epel was already gorging on the drink, the liquid falling on the floor at each gulp. "E-Epel?! What are you d-doing?" But by then it was already too late. 
 The potion was all gone and all was left was to see if their hard work bore any fruit. Laughter broke out a minute later. "Jack!! I can feel the power surging in me . . . . God, it's amazing!" Jack was baffled, then knowing that everything was alright smirked a little at their success. But then something struck him, Isn't potion supposed to make him taller? Then why is he shrinking... 
 His realization was as late as ever. A poof of purple smoke surrounded Epel and within the blink of an eye . . . vóila! The apple had turned into a cat; A pretty cute one to be exact.
 His eyes were big with their same blue irises and were staring adoringly/in confusion at Jack. "Meow?" Jack took it as 'what the hell happened?' As much as he wanted to lecture Epel the Cat, he couldn't. Stan cuteness.
 Jack cursed the time he decided to be a good puppy and help Epel out, now he was in big trouble than anyone could anticipate. The terrifying image of (y/n) wrathful face started to haunt him, he was sure that Epel had the same thoughts. With swift arms Epel was under Jack's protection, they both headed towards the hall of mirrors to the Pomefiore dorm.
 But but but . . . the goddess of fate had taken a little vacation. In their hurried state they were spotted by the person they both least wanted to see right now.
 "Hey, Jack!!!" 
 "Goddamn it!!" Jack muttered angrily, this couldn't have been the worst time to be killed right now. (y/n) approached him at an unprecedented speed Jack could've reciprocated. He was done for. "What up bro—oh who's this?" (y/n) gazed at Epel with the same affection she would give him when he, you know, is not busy as a cat.
 The girl patted the cat's head, "Is this your pet, Jack?" (y/n) asked. His face flushed red at that question alone, so did Epel's, but in this case, it was his snout. "Uh . . . no . . . (y/n). It's not my pet. . ." Jack stammered, and hard. That day was no good for him. "It's not yours? Then maybe Ruggie's? I've seen him quite getting along with Lucius," the never-ending string of cat-related questions continued with Jack stammering like a fool and Epel losing his shit.
 Finally, in anger, he leaped in (y/n)'s arms. The girl was taken back a bit but materialized because of Epel's soft purring. "It's strange. . . Epel does the same when he's having a rough time. Burying his face in my arms then falling asleep," (y/n) laughed. "Which reminds me . . . have you seen him anywhere?"
 Be prepared to see a dying Jack any minute. 
 A guy, then, approached the group in a hurry, "(y/n)! Vice prez of Octavinelle is looking for you." 
While being dragged away (y/n) called out to tell her if he gets to know anything about Epel do let her know. God bless the anonymous dude who unintentionally saved Jack Howl from being slaughtered. Epel looked relieved too, that and a little triumphant purr.
 Then their venture towards Pomefiore continued. Upon reaching everyone in that glittering dorm showered Epel the Cat with love which was already less required but was, later on, were saved by Vil Schoenheit.
 Jack ushered Vil into a corner with Epel still secured in his arms and narrated the story from top to bottom.
 "YOU WHAT?!" Nobody could understand why their simply composed dorm leader lost his cool all of a sudden.
 Vil already made plans to clear out his afternoon to lecture Jack and Epel thoroughly tomorrow for causing this blunder, but Epel Felmier had to be saved. That night Jack again spent his entire time looking through the potions book with Vil brewing the antidote. Never in his life, Jack went through so much Alchemy and he swore that whatever happened next he wouldn't touch a single Alchemy book (unless it's a test then we can't sue the wolf).
 But one thing was final that he was going to do something lurid to Epel as soon as he gets back to normal, or he isn't Savnnaclaw.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Hurts So Bad... (Part 3)
The Week That Flashed By (Part 1/3)
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: For the first time, Peter Parker meets someone he has no idea how to save...
Warning: angst(obviously), mentions of suicide, depression, self-harm, drug use, me just exposing myself
A/N- if you only see Flash as a villain at all times then these chapters ain't for you. Not a lot of Peter this chapter but it's integral to the story so don't skip lol
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Maybe he was hoping it'd go away.
Maybe he was wishing for the best.
Maybe he was just disregarding and ignoring you completely.
But for whatever reason, it took Peter a week to finally act. A week.
In the grand scheme of life, a week is incredibly short. However, circumstances can always change the way you perceive things.
When you have an essay due, a week seems to fly by. But when you're waiting for the new episode of your favorite tv to come, a week seems to just drag on.
The normal, busy people don't realize is that when you don't have anything to do, and when you're so far gone into the abyss, a week can genuinely seem like forever.
And your week had been nothing short of endless.
You might've finally been done with the physical low, but the mental low was practically just as bad. You could exert energy without feeling like you'd drop if a feather were to touch your shoulder, but your brain was tired.
On the upside, no one bothered you.
On the downside, no one bothered you.
You hated the silence, but strangely that's what followed you everywhere you went. Deafening silence.
You wanted so much for someone to just talk to you. Talk with you. Even if they were lying. Doesn't matter. You just wanted someone to speak. To have some type of change in your life that forced you out of the mundane, redundant, silent cycle you lived in.
Flash Thomspon was your lab partner.
You'd seen him around. He was hard to miss. Always with his jokes and his livestreams. Forever with a smile on his face. Just like Cecilia.
You remember asking her once why they weren't friends. She'd called him obnoxious.
You wouldn't call him obnoxious though, just... loud.
That Monday when lab partners were chosen, you were completely out of it.
Staring at nothing, not making a sound, setting your head down on the table, obviously not wanting to be bothered by anyone.
So when Flash got to your table, he hadn't bothered you. He walked over, simply looked at you for a bit, and once it was clear you weren't moving any time soon, he started on his notes alone.
Which you respected. That meant he was at the very least a bit sensible, if not just lazy.
The next day wasn't much different. You still weren't up for doing anything and Flash still wasn't up to bothering you.
The day after though, Wednesday, that was the day everything changed.
"Hello?," you said into your phone.
"Hey, is this [Y/N]? That quiet chick in a.p chem?"
You chuckled at the beyond simplistic description of yourself. "Uh, yeah this is she. Who's this?"
"Flash Thompson," he responded. "Coolest guy in the class."
You rolled your eyes. "Mhm, and why are you calling my phone?"
"Well-" you heard a bottle open "-we kinda have a project that's due at the end of the week. And, believe me, as much as I love doing duo projects on my own, you need to do something."
His upfrontness took you aback, but not particularly in a bad way.
And besides, you were getting sick of moping. Your curiosity wanted to see where this was going to go.
"Um, okay. So we'll crack down tomorrow then."
"How about now?" You could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"No," you quickly responded. "You mean come to your house right? Hell no."
"Why not?," he snickered. "Strict parents? Or is the pole really just that far up your ass?"
You rolled your eyes once again. You really didn't have the patience for this. "Okay I'm hanging up-"
"Wait! I'll text you my-" Click.
You stared at the wall for a good minute in complete irritation after that phone call. You had to have lost at least a hundred brain cells during that small conversation. The last thing you needed on your plate right now was some guy giving you shit.
A notification on your phone caught your attention.
3069 Oak Street
"Oh so you text me your address and now I'm just supposed to show up at your door?," you scoffed.
In retrospect, ringing that doorbell was probably the smartest dumb thing you ever did.
When you told your parents you were going to a friend's house, they just paused and then smiled. Your parents had no problem at all with you going out. They hadn't even asked questions. Heck they encouraged you to go out. That meant you were trying.
But fuck them. You were trying everyday. Trying not to just take the kitchen knife and slit your wrists after every dinner.
When the door to Flash's house opened you immediately noticed three things.
1) The alleged butler he'd been rumored around school to have was nowhere to be found.
2) This was an extremely nice house. Maybe even nicer than Cecilia's.
3) And Flash's eyes were red.
"Yo!," he greeted with an obnoxious grin. "Wassup?"
"We literally just stopped talking like ten mintues ago dude," you responded as you stepped into the house. "And what's with the shirt?"
This idiot actually had a Spider-Man t-shirt on.
"Excuse me? This is drip in the finest form," he defended, hopping onto his couch. "So anyway, the project or whatever. What're we gonna do for it?"
You sighed. "Well, unless I was actually invisible for all the class periods, it's obvious I wasn't paying much attention the last couple of days."
"Yeah I guess," he chuckled. "What was all that about anyway?," he asked, to which you simply shrugged. He squinted at you, but then rolled his eyes and then picked up the remote for the tv. "Oh well, you're better now, right?"
You winced, but you were glad Flash still wasn't looking your way. "Sure."
"Wanna take off your jacket? You're not outside anymore y'know."
And that's where the problem started.
You didn't know why, but you could look over knowing you were depressed. You'd easily come to terms with it. But it was the small things in normal conversations that hit you harder than anything else. Small little suggestions that you couldn't hide it all from everyone. Hell, you couldn't even take off a damn jacket like everyone else.
"I'm fine," you answered. "So... um, about that project?"
"Yeah," he said leaning forward. "You got the instruction papers or whatever?"
You gave him a look, confused. "I never picked them up. I thought you had the papers."
"I don't fucking pay attention in that boring ass class."
"So what was the purpose of me even coming here if we can't even do anything?," you snapped.
He just shrugged.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He shrugged again.
Your jaw clenched. Cecilia was right. "Obnoxious dumbass..."
You turned to walk back out of the front door before turning back around. "Hey Flash?"
He looked at you and grunted in acknowledgment.
"Were you just crying before I came in or are you just high?"
"High," he said rather quickly. "Why? Are my eyes red?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
"Fuck," he mumbled. "Want some?"
"Nah I'm good-" But he was already gone down the long hallway of his home. "Flash?"
You stood there, waiting for about five minutes before deciding that he wasn't coming back. Great.
So now you could either go get him, leave, or just continue standing there awkwardly.
And due to your lack of better judgment, you did the most classic horror movie move and walked further into a house that you weren't familiar with to go look for a guy you barely knew. If I die, I die, you thought with a shrug.
Walking into the long hallway the first thing you noticed was the abundance of doors. You weren't a stalker, so you didn't bother to look into any, but you could've swore you saw a room full of spiderman pictures and newspapers through the crack of one of them. Fucking weird.
In an attempt not to succumb to your curiosity, you walked faster down the hall. You stopped in your tracks when you heard sniffles. Whimpering? Whatever noises someone makes when they're crying. Someone was crying, that's for sure. And you were also pretty sure Flash was the only one in the house.
'Walk away [Y/N]. This isn't your business.'
But of course you walked closer, and the sniffles got louder. Until you found yourself opening the door and coming face to face with a crying Flash on the floor in the middle of some gaming room.
"Shit!," he yelled, turning away and attempting to cover up his crying with obnoxiously fake coughing.
"Are you okay?," you asked.
"I'm high," he kept repeating in mumbles, desperately reaching for something. "I'm just high, okay? Fuck."
You watched as he continued to search for whatever he was making it seem like he looking for. You wanted to reach out and maybe say something, anything that would make him feel better. But you knew that probably wouldn't help.
After all, it never helped you.
"I'm just... really fucking high right now, alright?"
He seemed incredibly off, even with the squirrelly, rude way he was being earlier. Like he was just trying too hard at something.
You were at a loss for words. You knew it was wrong, but the only thing you could think of was, hm. Rich boy's actually got some issues.
When he finally turned around, his face was dry and he carried a bong in his hands, lighting it and practically shoving it into his mouth in a weak attempt to cover up his unsteady breathing.
"Thought you left," he said, staring at the floor.
Realizing you'd been standing at the doorframe awkwardly, you moved to sit on the floor, opposite to him. "Well, you kinda offered me some weed and then left, I think."
"I thought I heard you say no though."
"I did..." you gulped. "But..I still stayed though."
And now you sat here with Flash and his bong.
He sat back on the side of the chair, his back leaning against it as he blew out the smoke. "Wanna try?," he offered, holding the small object up to you. He didn't wait for you to respond before setting it up again for you and passing it.
Without a word, you took it and breathed the smoke in. You sucked it up and felt it fill your lungs before leaning back and blowing it out, letting out a small cough afterwards. "Thanks."
"Fuck, you're a pro," Flash chuckled.
You shook your head and shrugged. "No. Common sense just tells you how it works, I guess."
"I feel that."
You hummed in amusement.
And then suddenly it was quiet again.
You fucking hated silence.
Luckily, Flash was a talker. Or so you thought.
At school there wasn't a dull moment if he was there. But now, seeing him in his home, he was quiet as a mouse. Contemplative. Searching.
"Say something," you said, earning a confused look from the boy in front of you.
He squinted. "Say what? I don't even know you."
You rolled yours eyes, shrugging. "Look, whatever was going on before I came in here, it's not my business, man. I only said to fucking speak."
Flash groaned. "About what?"
"I dunno," you answered. "I just don't like the quiet. Say anything you want. Just... talk."
"Um.." he looked up at the ceiling. "I got some new shoes the other day." He pointed at the Jordan's on his feet. "My mother got it shipped in from where she's out on business in Bora Bora."
Something about the way he said it made you sure that she wasn't out "on business".
"My butler is out today cuz it's his niece's birthday. She'd be cute enough, if her nose wasn't so big. It's like the wicked witch of the west."
You scrunched up your nose, imagining a younger version of wicked witch minus the green skin.
"Umm, I dunno uh, chocolate chip cookies are better than sugar cookies?"
You snorted at that. Now he was just thinking of anything.
"And uhh, I'm having spaghetti tonight.. and- well I don't know what you really want dude I'm just kinda.. life is just too boring to always have something to say for every second of every day, [Y/N]!," he suddenly snapped.
"Woah dude, chill." You blew out another round of smoke and handed Flash the bong. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was asking for too much."
He held his hand over his forehead. "Nah you're fine," sighed. "It's just- you ask that cuz I talk alot at school right? Yeah that makes sense I guess. I-I'm sorry," he rushed out before going back to the small contraption.
You'd been snapped at alot in your life. Way too many to count. But from those experiences you gathered a small truth; if someone has snapped at you over the smallest thing, they probably have something else going on. Or most likely a couple of things, piled up and ready to blow.
And you could smell that on Flash from a mile away.
"Flash, what's your real name?"
He paused, lifting his mouth from the bong. "Flash is my real name," he lied before passing it back over to you.
"No it's not," you stated, picking up another bag and the lighter up beside you for the bong, no longer satisfied with the loss of flavor. "I don't pay that much attention but I know for a fact that's not your name."
He rolled his eyes, quickly becoming frustrated with the conversation. "Eugene."
"Nice," you said, contemplating your next move. "So.. what does Eugene feel right now? Not Flash, but Eugene."
He reached over each practically snatched the bong away from you.
"Eugene is feeling annoyed, and frankly aggravated because some girl he barely knows is asking too much of him."
"Hey I'm only asking for what you'll give me," you said, throwing your hands in your defense.
"Well what about you?," he accused. "You're always down in the dumps, staring at the wall, looking all depressed 24/7 so how about you start talking? I mean, are you fucking okay?"
"No," you answered blandly. "Not in the slightest. Your turn. What does Eugene feel, Flash? Is Eugene, quote, 'fucking okay'?"
Flash scoffed. "What're you trying to say, that I'm depressed?"
"I never said that."
"Oh fuck that, you implied it!"
"I didn't-"
"You don't fucking know me, [Y/N]," he spat out, throwing the bong on the floor, watching as you picked it up before the water spilt. "You don't fucking know what I'm going through everyday, so please don't be like everyone else and tell me what I am, okay?!"
Were you being rude prying into his life? Totally.
Had you reached the level of nonchalantness with your and practically anybody else's wellbeing that you really couldn't possibly bring yourself to care? Yes.
And was Flash finally cracking? Completely.
"Flash is fake. And obnoxious. And rude," you deadpanned. "I wanna meet Eugene. See how he's doing."
Flash scoffed, looking for a comeback. You could see the expressions on his face flickering like random. Annoyance. Sadness. Want.
You were no psychologist but anyone with a brain could see what he was going through.
The two of you sat in silence again. But you didn't really mind it this time. You were waiting. Even without actually speaking, Flash was telling you everything about him.
Takes one to know one.
"Eugene's aggravated," he finally said, his eyes becoming watery. "Eugene's fucking angry all the time because people only seem to want Flash." He gave you a bitter smirk before averting his eyes to the ground. But you let him. If that's what was easiest for him, then whatever.
"And people assume things about Eugene all the damn time so eventually he decided -what the hell- he'll just give em what they want. And Eugene's fucking pissed because he knows for a fact that if he were to just disappear, no one would fucking care. His old man would just put him in the ground and everyone would be back to normal before fucking dinner." His breath was heavy and you could see mocha skin begin to turn a dark red. "And most of all he's pissed because he's been able to hide for so long and some girl just strolls in and figures him out."
And now here you were just there with Eugene and his bong.
You'd lost count of how much you'd smoked, and you knew he did too. But it didn't matter.
Nothing did anymore.
Not the pressure from your parents. Not the endless cycle of running through all the motions without actually taking anything in. Not even the stupid project that was worth half your grade that'd brought the two of you together in the first place.
Life was full of nothing just in millions of various forms.
Things dressed up and decorated to seem all fancy and important but in the grand scheme of things were just was worthless as you were.
You looked at Flash's home and all you saw was fancy nothing. Wealthy nothing. And you looked at his clothes and all you could possibly see was nothing.
And looking at Flash, you saw a nothing that was attempting to cover up something.
But looking at Eugene, you saw something.
Sadness. Neglect. Pain.
He was completely naked to you.
"You should probably stop," he mumbled, finally opening his eyes and sitting up a bit. "You're looking at me all weird." He reached for the bong, laying it aside once he grabbed it.
"Is that a bad thing?," you asked.
"No," he responded with a small shrug. "...just scares me is all."
You smirked. The only resemblance of a smile you'd been able to make in a long while. "And how do I, of all people, scare you, Eugene?"
You could see his jaw clench. Could see him debating with himself. Even relaxed from the weed, his eyes still darted around the room, and he was shaking his head the tiniest bit. Finally he looked back at you.
"Because -fucking somehow.. you see me-" a tear rolled down his face. "You actually see me. Not Flash... You see Eugene."
His mother's words rang through his ears like a cautionary tale. Real men don't cry. Don't be weak, like your father...
But he wanted to be. So badly he wanted, just for one moment, to be weak and to be able to fall into someone's arms and not act like he was always okay on his own. To not act like he didn't desperately yearn for someone's compassion. Someone's trust.
Flash was fun. Flash was the cool, funny side character in everyone's story. Flash was the picture perfect of everything he wanted to be.
"-And Eugene's a mess," he let out in a small, quiet sob, his expression not moving, though the tears streamed down his face. "I'm just high... that's why I'm saying all this crap. I'm just being dumb and high. Forget all this. I never said anything okay?"
You wouldn't see him break. Not some girl he just met...
Regardless of how he already felt about you.
He slowly looked back up at your face, fully expecting to see pity or disgust. Instead, your face remained neutral like his, and you were crying too.
"I don't think you're a mess Eugene." You sat up straighter, moved a little closer. "Just hurt."
He gave a bitter chuckle. "Isn't basically everybody?"
You shook your head slightly. "No...at least I don't think so. Everyone goes through something- and then there are those people that, in some sick way, want to be hurting.. but with people like us.." You found yourself grabbing his hand, not even thinking for what reason. You just did. "With us.. it's real. And not some temporary problem," you whispered. "It won't ever stop."
Eugene looked back at you again and it was over for him. He felt small. He felt naked. He felt fucking pure.
And then it happened.
You went in for a hug and he went in for a kiss.
But he made it first... and you didn't push him away.
Feeling his lips on yours.. wasn't bad. It surprised you at first, but ultimately it was pleasant.
He sighed against your lips and you could taste the smoke in between the two of you. You hadn't had much experience with guys before. Practically nonexistent if you were being honest, but that didn't matter. Eugene pressed his kiss firmer on yours, and you began to reciprocate his movements.
He held the side of your head lightly as he pulled away, his face growing further apart from yours the slightest bit. He rubbed his nose against yours. You both closing your eyes.
"Stay here with me," he pleaded softly, his breathing slightly erratic. "I-i won't try anything, I swear. I just..." He sniffed and used his shoulder to wipe away at some of the tears on his cheek. "You really see me. A-and I see you, y'know? And we're just-"
You nodded, taking your hand to run through his hair. "Okay," you whispered. "I'll stay."
A small smile started to break through his tears. "Thank you," he mumbled against your cheek before planting a soft kiss onto it.
Your mind was blank. You couldn't think of more than one thing at a time. But you knew one thing; you wanted to be there. That much you were sure of. You still weren't happy. You weren't safe. Just content with this idea of change.
For once, you weren't overly sure of what you were doing. It wasn't routine.
For once, you felt like something was different.
----------Back on the other side of town-----------
You weren't home.
Peter had finished his patrol, swung to your apartment, and you were nowhere to be found.
"No. N-no please don't do this," he pleaded to himself. "Be in the bathroom. Please just be somewhere. Come on, get in here."
He'd already looked through every window available and he could only hope you were in some inside room. Your bed was completely untouched.
"I should've reached out to you. Fuck! I should've done something. Just please be alive..."
He waited anxiously to see if you'd show, even sending a drone to Cecilia's address to see if you were there in the meantime. "I-I'm so sorry I- just please! Be at a friend's house! Something!"
He didn't even realize how much he was shaking. How much your life was in his hands. If you were dead, he'd never forgive himself.
"She's not at the Gulliver residence, Peter. Are there any other places you'd like for me to check?," E.D.I.T.H asked.
"She's somewhere!," he yelled out. "It's one in the morning on a school night. Find her! Please...."
He looked back toward the window. After while he didn't even know how much time had passed. He was just staring. Waiting for you to walk through that door. And when you never came he could only hope that you'd be at school.
"I'll help you," he whimpered. "Just..please. Please just stay alive long enough for me to try."
Lmao don't worry y/n won't end up with Flash and this certainly won't end up being a love triangle
Taglist - @eridanuswave, @imahardcase, @jules-and-gemss, @yetchann, @captainamericasdaughter, @starlight-starks, @everydaymj, @rubberducky-jrr, @chiaramrvl, @dreamofaprilsblog, @hello--zuko-here, @spidey-mads, @cuddlefishpeter
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mistaeq · 4 years
My first JJBA oc: Adonis
Y'all don't have to care... i just wanted to share him, since i DO care for my boy and i've been wanting to share him somewhere for some years . . . i adapted him to JJBA~
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Name: Adonis Sergeyevich Lebedev-Nijimura
Age: 20
Comes from: Volgograd, Russia
Sexuality: pansexual
Pronouns: he/him
Personality: istp-a
Height: 6,5 feet
Weight: 85 kg
Hair: waist length, carrot, don't fucking touch it unless you're Okuyasu.
Eye color: purple
Blood type: B
Birthday: 1st April
Starsign: aries
Family: father [Sergey Lebedev], deceased mother [Aida Lebedeva (Protsenko as a maiden)], step mother [Dominika Lebedeva (Smirnov as a maiden)], older brother [Sascha Lebedev], younger step-brother [Nikita Lebedev], husband [Nijimura Okuyasu], adoptive daughter [Nijimura Reicho]
Stand name: Sugar Plum [Named by Rohan]
Likes: Himself, dancing, strawberry milk, he started drinking it in Morioh Cho because Okuyasu drinks it too, make up, Yukako - she's his best friend-, his hair, his ass, Okuyasu.
Dislikes: Himself, Kishibe Rohan, crowded places, giving too much affection, bugs, people touching his hair, people touching his face - apart from Okuyasu -, hot places, stinking.
Story [ TW // implied abuse and homophobia ]: Born in a rich family, all Adonis wanted was being a dancer. He studied a lot for this, he loved the environment and the air he could breathe inside a room where the space for dancing was enough. He didn't really care what type of dance. Just dance. He liked latin american dances, and how the dancers were dressed. A sweet бабушка (babushka) of his neighborhood who treated him like a grandson had gifted him a beautiful, shining suit for latin american dances for his birthday.
His father ripped it as soon as he saw it. He said only "faggots" wore that. Also, his father got mad because he had noticed his son has started using purple-ish grey makeup on his eyelids. And everyone knows what happened afterwards. His father's wife did nothing to ever help him, she just stood with what his father said. Adonis's biological mother died giving birth to him. His older brother, name's Sascha, had never forgiven him for this. But on one thing they agree: not liking their step-mother.
As soon as he became 18, he packed up his stuff, took the money he thought he deserved, and against his father's will - tbh, Sascha was quite happy - Adonis moved to a new country, in a cute, peaceful - NO - city: Morioh Cho. To be honest, Adonis didn't get much of the stuff he had back in Russia with him. But he made sure not to let in that hell the most precious friend he had. Duchess, his white cat.
Funny, how after Adonis's first steps inside the city, a golden, sharp arrow pierced his chest. That's how he met his first friends - NOT EVEN A LITTLE - who talked him into stuff like "stands", Dio, Higashikata Josuke, their father... Adonis couldn't deny the blond one was quite attractive. The black haired one looked like too many ice creams had fallen from his cone when he was a kid and his voice sounded like someone who had been smoking for 60 years.
All of this while his chest was spurting blood from every side. Pretty painful. Adonis hoped his eyeshadow was still okay. As soon as he started manifesting his stand, Nijimura Keicho understood that pretty boy couldn't do shit for his father. Adonis's stand was a delicate, orange colored, humanoid creature in white ballet shoes. It looked angelic. But its kicks were hell. They discovered this when Okuyasu tried to touch his hair. Oh boy. Adonis's stand manifested as if he was an expert already, and with a cry that sounded like "CHACHACHACHACHA", the poor guy was on the floor. His wound had healed.
"What are you, precisely?" he asked his stand, when the Nijimura brothers let him go because he was no use.
"Okay, nevermind." he huffed, when walking towards his new house, he saw a green haired, handsome guy, on the porch of a huge house, sketching something on a notebook. And he couldn't help but notice how that drawing guy's gaze was on him.
Rohan had never seen such a beautiful creature. Big purple eyes, pointy nose, plump lips, a perfect pale skin and beautifully straight carrot colored, long - really long, actually - hair. Broad shoulders and well toned arms, alternating with a wasp waist and right after, beautiful hips. Just by looking at him, Rohan could feel a sensat- WE'LL BE BACK AFTER A BREAK -
Curious, Adonis got closer to the mangaka.
"See something you like?" Rohan immediately understood from his accent, that he was in front of a foreigner. A foreign cutie.
"I'm pretty sure I've never seen you before, in Morioh Cho." Kishibe Rohan wasn't down for pleasantries. "Become my model or perish." a model? Was he an artist? And Adonis thought Morioh Cho was a calm city. This offer flustered him a bit.
"Yeah, I know, I'm pretty." The choice of adjective caught the mangaka's attention. In a positive way, though. Pretty. "What's in it for me, honey?" Sly, sly bitch, Adonis. Rohan held back a terrible blush. How could a random thug call him, Kishibe Rohan, honey?
"Are you serious right now? You want to know if I'll pay you? For just fucking staying still?" At this answer, Adonis raised an eyebrow, turned tail and started walking away. As soon as Rohan's eyes ran from his pale neck, to the belly his bordeaux crop top left uncovered, and imagined the legs hidden behind those kinda tight, elegant black trousers, the mangaka cleared his voice. "I'll pay you." those words fucking slipped from his mouth. Kishibe Rohan had never paid anyone for standing still.
Adonis turned around, already far from the porch of Rohan's house, but not enough to pretend he didn't hear him. "Now that's what I like, artist boy." Only a thing Adonis would have wanted. For Rohan to see him with his white coat on. The one he used in Russia, where it was quite colder than Morioh Cho. A long, white coat, decorated with candid fur - not real fur, Adonis is highly against this. -
Rohan grew possessive of his model. Adonis couldn't care less. He still paid the rent for his house - with a little help from Rohan's payment -, but most of the time was spent in the mangaka's house, moving, posing on a couch, against a wall, or even just standing. The mangaka started buying clothes for him. And even if the russian boy was good at hiding it, he was growing so fond of his artist. So stunned by his gaze lingering around his body to transfer it on paper. So enamored with his ways.
Also, Rohan named his model's stand. Sugar Plum. Like The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, from The Nutcracker. He liked how flexible his elegant body was. So beautiful. So gorgeous. So pretty.
Adonis didn't need his family anymore. He had started his adventure in Morioh Cho. He had met love... in Morioh Cho. Or so he thought. Until he started needing attention from someone else...
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