#Like legit hate sex shit bro
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Dazai: *Drags yet another stray cat that wouldn't let go on his pantleg to Chuuya's place and forces him to let them keep it* DONT CALL IT THAT T-T
Chuuya: I PAY RENT I CAN CALL HIM WHATEVER I WANT, GET OVER HERE AND CLEAN YOUR MESS MACKEREL-THE-SHITTER-KUN *while cleaning the cat's shit off of the carpets he just cleaned*
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okay legit question. and i'm eager to have this discussion. can you help me understand why you think that izzy scene was comedic? if it's purely based on those pathetic whimpers he made at the end of the scene, i'm honestly not convinced. god knows i've made pathetic noises like that when i've been genuinely upset about something. yeah that shit's awkward but isn't dismissing the noise as comedic sort of relying in the expectation that drama should be pretty?
and this ask wasn't meant to sound dismissive of your opinion btw, or defensive of izzy. (i love that weird and evil little freak for being a weird and evil little freak and thats all.) i'm just confused as to how that scene could be read that way.
Ok so lets start off with that in season 1 Izzy is not granted like even a shred of sympathy in any similar situation. We've seen this man cry before and when it happened Ed and Stede were making sex noises in the background and there was a jaunty little tune over it. Generally when writers and directors want us to be sympathetic to a character they build an emotional connection to that character and they just haven't done that for Izzy.
But moving onto the scene itself: This is the extended joke set up in season one of the disconnect of treating a pirate ship like workplace with HR. They're having like an intervention for Izzy and using the words "unhealthy relationship" and "toxic" to talk about toe chopping, which is excellent. I know the internet vernacular has kind of made these the go to words but you get how "toxic relationship unhealthy boundary setting" is not generally how television characters talk about stuff like this. Jim and Frenchie are out here using modern therapy words.
Then Archie starts talking about how much Rhino Horn Ed does which is incredible. they could have said he's doing weed, they could have said he's doing opium, they could have said he's doing a more modern drug, ofmd doesn't shy away from that, but instead they went with the most esoteric ye olde Viagra pull ever. Ed's doing fucking RHINO HORN???? Superb.
Then there's the the fact that Izzy clearly hates every second of it. Like these teddy bear capybara friend shaped men (Fang and Frenchie) are just like "hey you ok bro?" to a guy who HATES expressing any emotions so much that he spend like a whole season trying to stop Ed from doing it. Like you can feel how bad he wants to throw himself overboard from embarrassment
Then there's Fang. Dionysus an Emmy for that man. He pats Izzy on the shoulder and then Izzy pushes him away with the weakest I'm fine in history and then he goes in and gives him a hug from behind which is very much reminicent of like a hold a medical professional would use to subdue someone who is a danger to themselves or others without harming them. And then he just starts rocking him
And then there's the actual breakdown itself. I want to preface this with that I understand that in real life you might make some weird noises during a breakdown. But this is not real life. Usually when actors have breakdowns on stage or tv they have to decide what choices they're going to make. You can do a pretty cry, you can go overdramatic and comedic, you can make the audience uncomfortable in a veriety of ways. What Con has chosen here is air being let out of a balloon, He snorts like a pig, he whimpers. You know when you blow up a balloon and you pull the valve tight and it makes a screaming sound. His choice to heem heem whimper is histerical. And then he makes the sound and fang gives out a soft "am I crushing you" as if Fang thinks he's making the noise because of physical discomfort.
and then like everyone else's reactions. They're all so uncomfortable. Fang is like It's all right it's all right while Jim looks to Archie like "are you seeing this?" and Archie looks back and forth between them and then Frenchie is doing this with his face
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and then there's the music. My god the music is just the sappiest shit ever over this??? like the whole thing is hillarious. Emmys for all of them
Edit: I forgot the funniest part. This whole thing is this Tweet
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theodoraflowerday · 6 months
young royals s3e3 episode reaction
episode 3 is where everything always turns to shit so I'm super not looking forward to this lmfao
ohoho the queen of sweden is having a nervous breakdown. so relatable of her.
I'm lowkey also having a breakdown over wille immediately going into prince mode just bc his mom isn't doing well.
"why do you think I didn't tell you anything? because you wouldn't be able to handle it" NNNNNOOOOOOOO
oh my god that one hit WAY too hard. I can't deal with the mommy issues today.
ugh deeply agreeing with wille. simon needs to lock his social media and throw his phone away. he's starting to stress me the fuck out.
"both for me and the people around me" oh that's... quite the sentence. I know simon just got sucker punched by the fact that it's always gonna be like this
"all I want is to be with you" well you can't!
bro I hate teenagers so fuckin much lmfao
that was psychic warfare from wille idc
"he's decided that I'm evil" lmao you are
"I don't see the point in being nice if he's never gonna forgive me" "well, sometimes being nice to others can make you feel very good" JDKFJDLFJDKFJDKFDJKDOGIDL BORIS LOVE OF MY LIFE
I genuinely cannot stand vincent. if there's anyone in that school who's legit evil it's gotta be vincent.
oh. yeah. I'm feeling murderous.
fuck you country of sweden you know what you did.
god. teenage girls make the world go round.
oh my god my baby boys
it's the fact that them being so public means that not one (1) person in that room believed they were "rehearsing" jdkfjdlfjdlfjdl
the crown prince alone in a soundproof room with his boyfriend? sure.
god that was HILARIOUS
"I just wish I could get a single moment with you without getting interrupted" [get interrupted]
of course vincent is going to LA. my bro is going to be an oscar winner in no time, given all the dramatics.
oh sweet jesus
simon, this is NOT the time or place to die on the labor movement hill
oh god
man being a teenager was so exhausting I'm so glad I don't have to do anything like that again
when they eat the rich I hope vincent is first in the grill
I hope felice singlehandedly closed the school lmao
I don't wanna like the whole sara and micke thing I really don't but UGH it's so sweet.
oh he's not is he
"he seems nice" oh august you are so clueless
this isn't happening skfkdkgkdkflf
oh my god what is it with royal boys and going "you're the only one I can talk to" y'all can afford a therapist can't you
"you may have inherited my diagnoses, sara, but you're not me" oh fuck
bro I am like. super into sara and micke hashing shit out, neurodivergently
I can't take wille seriously in the chorus. I cannot. he's so funny
oh god sara is coming back
oh fuck me up I love it when they're all sun kissed and beautiful and have nice lil conversations in front of everyone bc they're boyfriends publicly ohohoho
oh my god
oh is that gonna be the hallway scene
not august waving at sara??? bro get up????
omg the looks from stella and fredrika were SCATHING
not them skipping and swinging their hands together you guys I'm losing my whole damn mind it's getting bad it's getting so bad
holy fuck that was....... quite the scene huh
let me rewind just now for a lil bit
for science
my brothers in christ you are sluts.
something abt them getting to have slutty slutty sex and finishing off with an I love you heals something in me that has been broken since 2021 ngl
like look at them! they're my boys!!! they're in love and they get to have somewhat public (bc like, a hallway? really?) sex bc they're together and everyone knows!!! they love each other and they can express that in a physical form!!!!! my little strumpets!!!!!!!
ah. fucking figures, huh
of course, thanks micke
oh they're in the literal and metaphorical afterglow!!!!! I love this for them
oh that's not a great train of thought to have after sex now is it
"you can trust me" wille, my love my darling, I love you, truly, from the bottom of my heart, but can he? can he really?
oh that's an actually genius move to show both sides of the coin
I do think simon probably should not be there. son's gonna get too much attention
oh I just remembered the episode description a hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha ha oh I don't want to watch
that was precious but I swear to god simon think with your brain for once aaaaaaaaaa FUCK
great now she just posted his location. and he also fully reposted it didn't he
is he genuinely that dumb like at this point even if you're not famous by proxy you still should know not to post your live location?????? Simon. please.
oh right I forgot the monarchy can't be seen involved with that...... I was more worried abt his safety ldjfldjfldkf
oh no
I was right to worry about his safety
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felixwaffling · 5 months
Totally different vibe but I'm gay and thinking so much about him. This post might get nsfw, folks.
I'm smitten. Sure we have our problems, I mean, of course we do, he's dating ME- But FUCK, man. It's like how I felt with Alex except Victor is a good person who actually loves me. He's way stronger than me, which makes me SHAKE bro. He could hurt me if he wanted to, but he's so nice. He calls me things that have me on my fucking knees.
Like. Hooooly shit I can't wait til I get a chance to meet him in person bc when I say I'm gonna do whatever he wants... I MEAN WHATEVER. Like. I will be incapable of saying no. I will be pathetic.
Imagine if we meet in a bar and I get super drunk and kiss him dude that- HGJDHDBFHFHD.
I want him. I want him ON ME. I legit- like. I'm acespec, sex repulses me, the thought of being touched is so scary, but like I'd let him be all over me if he actually wanted me. I'd let him do ANYTHING.
I am so fucking attracted to this guy, and we have so much in common that some days we do nothing but play video games for literally the whole day together... We play almost every night and he puts up with my drunk nonsense, he doesn't complain <333
I wish I could tell him about the shit I'm into bc the only way this could get better is if I get proper dominated man I'm- I'm weak, I'm small, I like hiding behind people and letting them make all the decisions. I'm a dog for this man. I'm property.
FUCK I am drunk rn and if any of my friends find this I'm going to be humiliated beyond belief, they don't-
Nobody knows how much I want this man to fuck me and it weighs heavy, like, I don't even think he knows how I'd kill for him to both absolutely wreck me AND baby me.
Bc on one hand. I'm a little baby. I'm pure. I'm innocent. Treat me like a little goober and hold me and. IDK FUCK MAYBE I JUST HAVE DADDY ISSUES BC I THINK IM ASKING FOR A DILF-
... but on the other hand, I'm a bad person, I'm the worst, I'm whatever villain you need me to be just PLEASE put me in my fucking place I *WANT* you to punish me I'm like literally asking for it, I'm doing shit that gets on ur nerves bc I wanna be RAILED man I WOULD BE SO MUCH LESS ANNOYING IF YOUD JUST SLAM ME AGAINST THE WALL AND BREAK ME WHEN IM A LITTLE BITCH
I still can't believe I'm saying all this shit
I'm beyond wasted. Like. Intoxicated moreso than usual. Typing this so far has taken an HOUR and I got sad halfway through out of humiliation and went to write that first post. But even through all the drinking, all I can really think about is being pinned to his bed 👉👈,,,
,,, it's not just sex either bc I want kisses. Neck kisses. Like. Damn. I want him to hold me from behind. I want to cling to him. Hide my face against him. If he touched my face I would do the fucking meme thing and refuse to let go of his hand. I want to snuggle against him and just. Disappear for a while.
.... I want to cry myself to sleep in *his arms* instead of on my own. I hug my pillows and try desperately to pretend they're him. I see him when I fall asleep, when I'm alone, when I'm sad... when I'm fucking suicidal the thing that stops me is that then I'd have to wait who KNOWS how long for him to live out his own life, and that I might have to watch him fall in love with someone else (the worst thing ever)
If. If I ever lost him idk what I'd do because fuck dude. He's everything. Victor is my world. I want to meet him.
.... I also want him to control every aspect of my life and tell me what to do bc without guidance I drown. Ppl might think it'd be toxic, but I think I need that in my life. I hate making decisions. I want to sit quietly and let him think, bc I'm bad at thinking, and thinking overwhelms me. I want him to hide me behind him and be the one to handle the world so that I can just be *his.*
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I'm not on Twitter and have no idea what happened today (mainly thanks to insanely toxic fandom shit, I do not have the headspace for that anymore) but as per your last ask, I'm sorry people were shitty to you today. I don't know what happened, but being dogpiled over ships is so stupid. Regardless, you're a talented writer and I absolutely adore your blog. I enjoy everything you put out and I'm saying this as somebody who's painfully neutral about Leshley/Eagleone lmao. The way you break down Leon, Ashley, Ada and others is so, so well fucking written and it's so lovely to see someone who can agree with my own opinions (even if I'm a relatively new and poorly articulate fan!).
My point: I hope hate never gets to you. You don't deserve it. Keep talking and writing, you're wonderful!
It doesn't get to me, and I think it was frustrating for a lot of the people who tried to jump on me to realize that I was treating them like a joke. I'm done playing with them now, though. I got bored, and now I'm just blocking anyone who decides to be a clown.
Basically what happened was, I went to Twitter and I yelled at EagleOne fandom to stop trying to appease the rest of RE fandom by wringing their hands and insisting that the ship is purely 100% innocent and there's no basis in canon.
And then Aeon fandom found the Tweet and they went full
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and they took the whole "no, actually, Leon and Ashley's shared arc in RE4make is, in fact, canonically romantic in nature" thing very personally.
What I learned today is:
EagleOne will never be treated as a valid ship in fandom because the rest of the fandom has beaten down the majority of EagleOne people into believing (or at least saying they believe) that the ship isn't valid. We are our own worst enemies, and we are the ones holding the ship back -- not Aeon fandom or anyone else. As long as EagleOne people continue to care about what the rest of the fandom thinks of us, we will never be able to enjoy the ship on our own terms.
There's a really weird and uncomfortable sex-averse thing happening in fandom that I kind of vaguely knew in the back of my mind was there, but I had NO IDEA just how prevalent and insidious it was. Half the people were going "no no no there's no there there in canon" and the other half were legit saying "why do you have to sexualize it?" (as though two people being attracted to each other isn't inherently sexual in nature to begin with?) or even going so far as to say that my brain has been ruined by porn, as though I'm not like. A full grown adult who has had several different dicks in my own mouth, ass, and vagina at varying points in my life.
When given actual evidence for the claims I was making, the people who received it shut the fuck up and never came back into my mentions ever again. It is possible to get people to second-guess the narrative that's been fed to them by fandom, but if there's a way to effectively do that en masse, I don't know what it is.
Slash fans are based as fuck, because their responses to my Tweets were "ok but in my head Leon is still getting railed by dudes" and that is, objectively and unironically, the best attitude I've seen held by any shippers in any fandom ever. They're right, and they should feel good about saying it.
I'm not trying to pull an "it was just a social experiment" because it wasn't, and I genuinely was trying to call out EagleOne people for being a bunch of spineless cowards who are dedicated to destroying their own fun, but a very interesting bit of social commentary did shake out of the whole situation unintentionally.
But like I said to the last anon, I'm glad you're here, bro. I'm glad to be able to provide a place in this fandom where people can actually have intellectual conversations about scripting, game design, and cinematography/film direction/symbolism without the fear of the mob jumping on them for daring to think a little bit (as opposed to not at all).
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janedoe-ing · 1 year
red flags in tv shows/dramas/movies for me 🚩🚩:
when they show muslims doing un-muslim things (ie: drink alcohol and etc) like i get it not all of us are practicing muslims but at least respect the ones that are
muslims taking off their hijabs (pissed me off EVERY TIME) im talking about you netflix
low quality resolution shit (i hate old movies bcs of this, like even the boosted ones still look shit)
having multiple chemistries with various people for the main lead romantically AT THE SAME TIME (i can stand two people bcs that's logically where the plot are supposed to go but others????)
when they went astray with their concept??? (talking about u riverdale)
the very frequent sex scenes like wtf bro get a room for gods sake WHERES THE PLOT
over sexualised characters especially females (ie: all sam levinson shows)
get a high rating on rotten tomatoes (like the reviews are not even legit why would people trust that, and plus the movies/shows they said were the best ones always going to be the shittiest ones to me)
predictable plots (BORING)
cringey as fuck dialogues (like babes i know u don't talk like that irl)
uncomfortable scenes (this definition may differ from scene to scene)
sa scenes being normalised in the show/movie
romanticising abuse/incest/etc (TOTAL NOPE FOR ME)
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Star rants about BL manga for a REAAAAALY long time
Lmao so I go to this specific book store to by M rated manga and apparently the cashier recognizes me by my face lmao.
I made a joke about it like, a month or so ago that "Oh yeah I'm probs the weirdo who buys BL porno manga"
And now I'm unsure if that's even a joke anymore.
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I like to buy BLs and gamble if their terrible. (Idk why it just became a habit. X'D)
There was one so bad it's an internal meme between me and my bro that "Well it wasn't as bad as Caste Heaven".
NOTHING. Is as bad as Caste Heaven my god. I literally threw them in the garbage. X'D I cope with how legit triggering it was with ~COMEDY~ don't read it unless you hate yourself. It is SO BAD. I'm not a pearl clutcher by any means but HOLY SHIT.
Bitch club was at least MILDLY funny at times (Also terrible. But I kinda wanna know where it goes...? Is that bad??? X'D I've like, played with the idea of getting more of it just to see wtf happens it's like a crack series, but it's REAL. And terrible.)
Titan's bride is at least interesting enough plot wise I have somehow found myself with 3 volumes despite it being a Porn without Plot, but somehow has enough plot that I care 99xs more than the sex scenes. (Haven't read the 3rd one yet lmao but I does is have to know how it ends.) Also the art is nice lol. Characters are dumb as bricks tho lmao.
Ten count is a THING. That exists. Dear god I don't even have comprehensive thoughts on it. I've read it multiple times and I still dunno if I hate it or love it. I THINK I like it??? But Dear god my thoughts are COMPLICATED. It's like "Well I like this...but WTF WAS THIS" type vibe???
Bad boys Happy home is pretty enjoyable. Also has many WTF moments tho. I haven't reread it in awhile tho.
Hitorojime boyfriend- Terrible. Hated it. Didn't finish it. Less bad than caste heaven but that isn't saying much. Still god awful. Unlikeable as fuck characters. Kinda glad I hated it though because there's a whole other series it's attached to (Which I didn't know when I picked it up) so I at least didn't waste my time. (Does it say anything I was disapointed I found the recipe for it AFTER it was too late to return the "piece of literature"?) Art was cute though. Just terrible story and characters.
Seven days monday-sunday - Liked it. Was cute. By the same person who did 10 count so art was an absolute banger. Story wasn't by them so it was NORMAL. X'D
I have more but I'll shut up.
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casliveblog · 1 year
Custom Toonami Block Week 133 Rundown
Spy X Family: Yor Briar is an extremely socially awkward young woman who just happens to professionally murder people in her free time. Because this is a weird 40sish police state where people can be excluded from school for not having two parents, Yor is getting looks for being Christmas Cake and having legit threats of being thrown in jail as a spy because she dares to be unmarried because that’s just how paranoid the government is even though you’d think Spies could just as easily make a family pair to fly under suspicions and in fact Loid says they very easily could do that if so many female spies weren’t being arrested for being single which is like five layers of ironic and weird. But yeah they meet up by chance and Anya’s able to read their minds to give enough of a ‘oh woe is me for being the child of a single parent with my dad so utterly attractive and available’ that any normal person would assume was him giving his daughter creepy coaching but Yor is the right level of gullible and intense to not think anything of it. Loid agrees to the The Wedding Date plot to pretend to be her bf so she doesn’t get fucking thrown in prison and also more importantly so her brother doesn’t feel bad but he has a thing on the night of the thing because drama and shows up late. Yor feels like she’s been stood up but the chad Loid just comes to the party dripping with blood like ‘Yeah I’m Yor’s hus-boyfriend’ in a scene that actually kinda laugh and clap out loud as well as standing up for her when her coworkers imply she was a sex worker and he’s just like ‘life’s rough bro so what?’ in like the chaddiest thing I’ve ever seen. Now that Yor’s got legit feelings for him as well as still having the whole prison/brother thing hanging over her head she proposes to him in the middle of a high speed car chase, as you do. Yor’s just hilariously oblivious to the whole situation like even when they’re fucking being shot at and blowing people up she’s like ‘wow doctoring is bloody’ like she’s an assassin so I guess this is just what she thinks life is like, we’re not exactly dealing with the most well-adjusted people in either case and it’s funny as fuck so it’s fine.
Inuyasha: It’s the epic conclusion of the Sesshomaru’s fanfic waifu filler arc. Sara gives Sesshomaru Tessaiga and he’s just like ‘bitch did I ask for your help?’ and bolts while Kagome shatters Sara’s jewel that was turning everyone into glass so that’s not a problem anymore. Sara tells her backstory again and turns out right after Sesshomaru got his arm cut off he was kinda not feeling great on account of bleeding out and getting beat up by your brother, both of those will do a number on you. Her dad was like ‘fuck if my daughter’s gonna be a furry’ and sends the whole kingdom to kill Sesshomaru but it’s basically like that ‘1 billion corgis versus the sun’ fight, no matter how many you throw it’s not gonna do shit. So yeah Sara’s dad goes crazy since his whole army was killed by a one armed bishie and burns the whole castle down. Sara for some reason is still in love with Sesshomaru because he saved them the first time even though he murdered them all the second time because I mean look at the guy what’s a few murders between fangirls. Sesshomaru and Sara meet up in the woods and she explains how she’s Naraku’d herself, Inuyasha and Co. show up a bit later and turns out the demons possessing her have hijacked her to kill Sesshomaru instead and for some reason Tokijin doesn’t work because it’s like a hate curse so a sword of demonic hatred only lets them multiply more which sounds like bullshit especially when Kagome’s Sacred Arrow doesn’t work. but it does result in Sesshomaru getting to use the Wind Scar for the sake of putting a human soul to rest so that’s pretty cool and we get a fittingly ‘whatever’ ending from Sesshomaru so it’s fine.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke’s still fighting Sniper while the rest of the gang use Seaman to get a lock on Sensui’s cave. Yusuke’s still running from knives and bullshit until Sniper throws a fucking fuel truck at him which is weird because it’s not like it’s a bullet skidding down the street after him it’s actually physically driving towards him with nobody manning the pedals put still steering and shit so idk how that works exactly. Eventually Sniper says ‘fuck it’ and grabs a straight up gun to shoot the tanker and explode it right behind Yusuke but we’ve hit the contractual amount of time since Hiei’s last appearance so he’s able to step in and save the day dramatically. Since Sniper doesn’t have targets on Hiei and the man is literally faster than a speeding bullet it’s a piece of cake for him to take Sniper out which is kind of a shame because I like Sniper’s powerset and wanted to see Yusuke overcome it but seems like he just got a bad matchup. Yusuke wants to go rush off against Sensui but Hiei’s like ‘bro an oil truck just exploded on you and you have no plan’ so he takes his shirt off off-screen and they have a good old fashioned knuckleduster DBZ fight without any named techniques just a lot of auras and punching, it’s pretty cool ngl. Hiei says that’s enough and he’s glad Yusuke hasn’t lost his edge but to remember that Sensui isn’t like Toguro and isn’t gonna be all Goku ‘lemme fight you at your best’ and let him suffer enough emotional damage to power up so he needs to be able to pull enough strength to win without it being orchestrated. Yusuke and Hiei haggle for a bit with Yusuke being like ‘come on let’s go save Kuwabara’ and Hiei’s like ‘but I don’t LIKE Kuwabara’ like yeah if it was literally anyone else you’d have a better chance of recruiting Hiei but Yusuke manages to bribe him with a potential copy of the Chapter Black tape and/or destroying all the annoying fodder demons that are gonna come bother Hiei if shit hits the fan so the gang’s all back together agin.
Jujutsu Kaisen: We pick up roughly where we left off and Gojo shows up to beat Evil Yuji up and apparently his superpowered evil side isn’t that big a deal because Yuji’s just the right level of yin for Sukuna’s yang and all of his yelling and shit amounts to what’s basically intrusive thoughts so he can let him out but doesn’t have much problem putting a leash back on him. Gojo gives him the deal that he’s gotta die for eating the cursed finger but in the meantime they plan to use him as a human garbage disposal and get rid of as many of the fingers as they can before he turns evil and dies or they execute him whatever comes first. Yuji agrees and eats a second finger and packs up to go to magical high school because it’s not a shonen without magical high school, though in this case that mostly seems to be window dressing where ‘high school’ means ‘magical military base that houses teenagers and sometimes has classes I guess’ which is good for me because honestly I kinda find school settings really boring at this point. He interviews with the principal who beats the shit out of him with some Cursed Hello Kitty dolls until he gives him a proper shonen protagonist motivation. And it’s a pretty cool philosophy because yeah if Yuji was just doing an Uncle Ben thing and only fighting because he promised someone else that’s how you end up as Batman and become a fucked up loner crucifying yourself on the duty you promised someone else and as an anti-curse school they kinda wanna put a cap on building more magical resentment across Japan. Yuji admits that it’s kind of enlightened self-interest because while he is fighting to save people he wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing bad things were happening and he was the only one that could’ve stopped it so he won’t regret giving it a shot even if he fucks up major because trying is better than wondering what could’ve been. Luckily Yuji’s class is only three people big so we’re like if Naruto’s graduating class was ONLY Team 7, speaking of which Nobara is here and I love her already.
Chainsaw Man: We’re just slowly excavating Denji’s standards from ten feet under the floor now they’re only like seven feet under the floor since he can actually eat and shit now. Makima takes him in and gives her whole kinky pet speech and Denji’s like ‘well dog’s better than trash and there’s boobs involved so sure’. This episode is honestly really briskly paced, I get this was probably like five chapters in the manga but I feel like we would’ve gotten separate episodes for all of this if this was ten years ago before seasonal anime was a thing. Denji settles in and is introduced to his Sasuke analogue which I guess every anime needs a generic-looking Sasuke guy given Jujutsu Kaisen also has one. Speaking of which this part of the episode is a lot like the second episode of that one since it involves Denji getting his ass kicked with the whole ‘if you’re not ready for this fuck off because the rest of us have tragic backstories to develop’ and whereas Yuji gave a small twist on the standard ‘I’mma help and that’s never wrong’ shonen protagonist deal, Denji’s just ‘fuck off bro’ and kicks him in the balls which I feel like Naruto would be a lot shorter if more people gave Sasuke a kick in the balls when he needed it. Then Makima sends them off on a REAL mission to beat the dumb minor antagonist that’s in the second episode of every anime after the first episode blew the budget making a cool-looking but weak villain for the protagonist to unlock their powers on. And there’s a whole big long speech about how Aki wants to murder everything because devils killed his family and Makima gives him boners and Denji doesn’t have a vengeful bone in his body but is also less altruistic than he seems since he just wants the porn and resolves to making touching boobs his shonen protagonist resolve thing, slowly excavating those standards, like we’re still six feet below the floor at this point but he’s in the mindset of wanting to have a goal at least. Anyway the last bit is getting introduced to our third girl member of Team Seven (this really is just like JJK) but unlike JJK we actually get to see her in action this time as she uses Suitengu’s Blood Sephiroth powers from Speed Grapher to smash the… Sea Cucumber Devil… because apparently people are afraid of that, idk every time I hear a random Devil I just think of the Sock Puppets scene from the Simpsons and wonder when we’re getting the Sock Puppet Devil. Anyway Power is basically all the worst parts of all the Konosuba girls put together and people are here for it.  
Ranking of Kings: The lion’s share of the episode is devoted to Kage’s backstory to explain why he’s so drawn to Bojji’s soft boi routine. Kage was a victim of your standard anime family genocide and saw his mom’s corpse dragged around in front of him while being protected by a foreign noble and making a b-line for presumably the kingdom the series takes place in. Given he’s less than half a foot tall and got no money he’s kinda SoL until this big thief dude comes and gives him some food and gives him the ol’ Cinderella treatment which is still better than what he had and that even escalates to actively participating in robberies given he’s a living shadow. He desperately latches on to the like 0.0001% of kindness the dude shows him (seems to be a common theme carried over from this week’s Chainsaw Man) and even after the dude has sold him out for an amount of gold that looks like way less than what he was helping him steal so I guess he just did it to be a dick, Kage still literally shadows him until he dies in a barroom brawl and seems like the dude has the smallest amount of regret for how he treated Kage before he dies. Back with Bojji he’s still kicking his little brother’s ass but everyone’s like ‘DODGING!? WHAT THE FUCK BEAT HIS ASS BRO’ because apparently the people are more viking meatheads than in Vinland Saga and they don’t understand any form of combat that isn’t big swords smashing into people. Kage puts together that Bojji having to be observant enough to read lips because like one guy in the whole kingdom bothered to learn sign language means that he’s really good at predicting movements and reacting. His instructor’s like ‘yo you can’t be king unless you face him head on’ and Bojji tries and gets absolutely fucked up because apparently dodging is cowardly but continuing to smack someone until you’ve broken every bone in their body after they already fell down is chad work I guess. Bojji’s got the full Anakin Skywalker treatment and only has one working limb atm but wants to keep training and Kage’s like ‘bro you’re fine just how you are everyone else can fuck off you fight your own way’ which isn’t at all a metaphor for how education systems streamline divergent people into a standardized method and then shit on them for not being a fish that learned how to fly.  
Vinland Saga: The English are dicks (shocker) and attack a Viking colony on Bath Day because Vikings are just like ‘let’s all drop our weapons and get naked one day a week what could possibly go wrong anyone who’d abuse that is an asshole’ and turns out they killed the King of Denmark’s sister and Vikings love an excuse to fight so they come to recruit Thors to fight for Denmark because fuck England (I think ‘Fuck England’ is probably one of the least controversial things a historical period piece can say so we’re good even though the Vikings are kinda dicks too). But yeah turns out Thors was a deserter from the Denmarkian Viking army because he was like ‘you know what I think people don’t like being murdered’ and these guys are like ‘well if we’re gonna go fuck England up we better go get that guy that faked his death and ran away because he was really good at killing people’ and they make it clear that if he refuses they’re just gonna go kill the whole village. So Thors agrees to go to war with one ship from the village and Thorfinn is being a whiny little pissbaby about not getting to go because he’s like eight and Thors is just like ‘bro war is just a made up thing countries manufacture to grow their power, you personally don’t have any reason to kill anybody and killing people is awful anyway’ which is pretty enlightened for an old timey Viking. Still the Street Fighter lookin’ dude that came to recruit Thors is rocking up to Askeladd to go kill Thors after he sets sail which idk why they didn’t just jump him in the village and kill him there where they have hostages but idk maybe they want him to kill a few Englishmen first.
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mommyhot3lbows · 1 year
red flags in tv shows/dramas/movies for me 🚩🚩:
when they show muslims doing un-muslim things (ie: drink alcohol and etc) like i get it not all of us are practicing muslims but at least respect the ones that are
muslims taking off their hijabs (pissed me off EVERY TIME) im talking about you netflix
low quality resolution shit (i hate old movies bcs of this, like even the boosted ones still look shit)
having multiple chemistries with various people for the main lead romantically AT THE SAME TIME (i can stand two people bcs that's logically where the plot are supposed to go but others????)
when they went astray with their concept??? (talking about u riverdale)
the very frequent sex scenes like wtf bro get a room for gods sake WHERES THE PLOT
over sexualised characters especially females (ie: all sam levinson shows)
get a high rating on rotten tomatoes (like the reviews are not even legit why would people trust that, and plus the movies/shows they said were the best ones always going to be the shittiest ones to me)
predictable plots (BORING)
cringey as fuck dialogues (like babes i know u don't talk like that irl)
uncomfortable scenes (this definition may differ from scene to scene)
sa scenes being normalised in the show/movie
romanticising abuse/incest/etc (TOTAL NOPE FOR ME)
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
HELPPPPP i guess my fav trope is friends/best friends to lovers😭 i especially love the pining and when it takes ages for them to get together, slowburn is my shit🫶 i also love fake dating trope and found family is just adorable too💔💔
i think i dislike e2l because nobody is ever able to write it well??? like most of the time they're just rivals and if they're actually enemies it's for silly reasons that don't make any sense. and the way it's just so sexual too??? "yeah i hate you but i wanna rail you so bad" legit nobody who hates somebody would want to rail them wth. it's not enemies to lovers it's "immature and not communicating horny bastards that refuse to acknowledge their attraction to each other to people that fucked to lovers". ALSO if you actually have a good reason to hate them or be enemies why are you falling in love with them??? for example i'd hate somebody who killed my mother and definitely would do anything BUT fall for them💀💀💀
but it's fine if it's like royal au and they're like from opposite kingdoms and grew up hating each other but then they learn they actually have no reason to hate each other and fall in love but i guess that's more like a forbidden love kinda trope...
anyway we're dinosaur bros now😤 i have no idea why but they're jist so cool??? like their concept is just so interesting??? i have a hard time comprehending there was a time where they actually lived ngl
and sorry for the lil e2l rant but booktok just drives me crazy with their awfully written books (and i love complaining, i'm like a grandpa)
-anonymous anon 🧓
enemies to lovers is good if it's nicely done, but most of the time it's exactly the way you described it 😭 plus i just hate it when they hate each other AND ALL OF A SUDDEN. LIKE THEY'RE ARGUING AND MF KISS THE OTHER AND THEY JUST HAVE SEX????? FOR NO REASONS????
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no cuz the fact dinosaurs existed is CRAZY. sometimes i'd like to be able to time travel just to see how the earth was at the time, cuz obviously it was different than now and i find it so interesting
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Euphoria 2x03 Thoughts
Ok let’s see how Cal’s backstory made him all repressed and fucked up
Oh so his dad is more than likely an abusive asshole
Oooh Derek is def jealous
Omg why is them dancing at the gay bar so cute?!
Goddamnit why did you have to make me sympathize with a character I can’t stand?! This is giving TLOU Pt. 2 feelings all over again.
Lmao Rue’s solo is AMAZING! That was so fun to watch!
Fuckin’ A Rue, lying to and gaslighting the people that actually love you ain’t it
Yo but why am I enjoying this Rue/Jules/Elliot dynamic so much? 😂
Elliot is hilarious and serving some excellent banter right now!
No but Rue getting so offended that Jules and Elliot negotiated a secret right in front of her 🤣
Ok so I guess Cal knows who Rue is, which I can’t remember if we knew before now
Oooh Rue & Jules out here getting spicy 🌶
God I hate that they are so cute together but such a recipe for disaster
YES! I am here for Lexi pursuing something she’s passionate about! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The use of the HBO sounder had me cracking up
Cassie I’ve been trying to defend you but FUCK you are killing me here. He does not care about you. S T O P!
Yup the RJE dynamic is going to be gold until it is not, and then it’s going to get ugly.
Also Elliot wtf did you think was going to happen?! Scat play OMG 😂😂😂
Lmao damn you two, right in front of Elliot’s salad? 😜
Hi Fez! I love you! Thank you for not giving in to Rue’s crazy!
“Hey Rue-Rue” “Hi Cass” idk why but it was cute
Lmao yo has “Oklahoma” ever been said this many times in 30 seconds ever before?
Ok I love how concerned all of them got when Rue said yes to being on drugs.
“Bitch, you better be joking!” The delivery had me rolling!
Ah ok that was a fake out but she still obviously feels like that’s real
Nate: I love how sick you are. Me: 🤮
Oh man poor Kat, that may have been the most awkward thing I’ve seen in a long while
Rue what in the holy fuck are you doing?!
Is Drug Lady serious? Does she seriously think giving this kid 10k in drugs is good idea? There is no way that bitch doesn’t know Rue’s an addict.
This whole scene with Fez, Ash and Cal has me DYING
You’re right Fezco, Nate is a fuckin bitch
Ash is such a gangster holy shit! 😂
“Dial bitch!” I am H O W L I N G!!!
“You tellin me you had sex with Jewel?”
“You didn’t know that you were recording?”
“I fucked up” “Obviously man!”
“Your son? The one that’s in love with Jewel?” Fez is out here serving comedic gold AND tea!
“What kinda weird-ass father-son shit is going on around here bro?” Omg this scene is killing me in the best way!
“You’re confused? I’m fucking confused bro!”
Fez you are officially my favorite character and that was the best scene of this episode. Hell, it may have been the best scene of this show. That was a Gen Z Who’s on First and it was fucking hysterical.
Wow, I knew Elliot was going to get between Rue and Jules relationship but not like this
Elliot is written so well though. He’s def growing on me.
Oh fuck
That scene with Ali legit made me sad
From what I’m seeing so far, Rue is going to end this season completely alone and either in jail, overdosing, badly hurt because of Drug Lady Laurie, or dead.
Ugh of course we’re back with Nate and Maddy. 😒
As an ending side note, in the behind the episode the costume designer basically said the opening with Cal in the 90’s was a period piece and I died a little inside.
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. rachel trying to push persephone is "mature' and "owning up to her actions" is laughable when persephone legit ran away from the law and hung out in hades' house, partied, shopped, and was planning out her ~romantic sex fest~ with him (lingerie included) & only "owned up" when she was backed into a corner and had nowhere else to go. even then she was making excuses, crying, trying to use elysium, and then crying for hades to fix it, like she is not owning up to anything. She's a spoiled brat.
2. i stumbled across an LO "quote bot" today on twitter and was honestly shocked how generic and lifeless the quotes/dialogue is when its purely text with no visuals? like its shockingly cookie cutter and boring. you can't even tell which character is supposed to be saying what because it's that bland and characterless. half of it sounded like pinterest quotes. no wonder it can only be a visual thing, because it is NOT riding off its writing, let me just say.
3. love how we finally got new LO previews and it's STILL as rushed and sloppily done as ever. even the colors are worse and blend in so much you can't even tell what you're looking at! yes girl give us nothing!
4. i absolutely HATE the daphne and persephone "friendship" because rachel just had to have weird nymph racism in this comic so basically persephone's relationship to her is "how can i be racist? i have a nymph friend!". daphne literally is framed and used exactly like the token black friend trope too and I hate it so much. cant get shit with white women writers i stg.
5. i can't stand crazy LO fans,,, if you bring up genuine criticism they'll justify it with the shittest reasoning possible. like at this point im just gonna have to say "LO fucking sucks" cause it aint worth an argument where someone literally won't listen
From OP: This is exactly why I avoid having to speak to LO fans, especially here on tumblr . Even though it’s so hard not to when it comes to them strawmanning our criticisms with the comic.
For example: We could say we hate that LO Persephone is constantly mentioned as being beautiful and someone will act as though we’re projecting ‘our insecurities’ and that we just want to put women down. Like bro, where did we say that? Personally, just hate how it’s mentioned all the time, especially when the same face/body syndrome is rampant in LO and Persephone has one of the most basic designs in the series.
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takemealivelh · 3 years
midnight city || gang!luke
gang!luke, rival gangs, mentions of drugs, alcohol and violence. smut. 2k. part 1.
feedback is appreciated
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he wiped the blood off his knuckles. the feeling of beating the shit out of someone is a rush of adrenaline. it’s like getting high on coke, but he doesn’t deal with that shit. he’s known many people who do hard drugs and then end up in trouble, or dead. he appreciates his life so much. luke likes being the leader of the diamond forsaken. a mafia that dedicates its time to drug transactions and occasionally prostitution. luke doesn’t fuck with that either, at least not recently. he met this girl in a bar and he’s been thinking about her for over a month. they’ve been on a few dates, and the sex has been great. she has a great sense of humor and he can tell she’s got street smarts, which he likes. he couldn’t fathom the idea of being with someone who gets scared about his job.
“you good, bro?” ashton, luke’s right-hand man, looks over at the bruises and leans against the sink of the bathroom, lighting a joint. their day is done and it’s time to go party. luke beat the shit out of a dude who didn’t give them their money and he threatened to go to the police. there was no way they would let him leave the storage unit without a warning. luke choked the man and broke a few ribs. he’s used to the job. it’s not like he was always like this. he used to have big dreams about forming a band and become a good musician. but he fell into the wrong crowds, and now here he is. dealing drugs and other sketchy businesses. everyone in la who knows about their mafia, knows not to fuck with them. they would end up dead. the police don’t do anything, they know how dangerous they are.
luke dries his hands with a paper towel and runs his fingers through his golden locks. “yeah,” he says. he’s never walked out of a fight with anything more than a few bruises. he does boxing on his free time, so he knows how to throw a lethal punch, and knows how to avoid poor kicks.
“i heard the grey lilies will be there tonight. i swear to fucking god those girls... i would bang every single one of them, but... you know...”
the grey lilies were a girl gang. they dealt drugs, too. that’s why they were a rival to the diamond forsaken. they never got into a physical fight, but there were many times they were about to. having the best clients was a problem for the male gang, but at least they had more people wanting their goods. but still, luke was pissed that they had a quality over quantity problem. he’d grown accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle. a good place to live, the most delicious takeout, and fancy cars. 
“for real?” luke looks over at his friend. he hides his excitement. sure, the grey lilies were trouble. but their top dealer, jackie, was the most fascinating creature he’d ever seen. their dates had been fun, exciting, thrilling. the idea of a secret hookup with their enemy was another rush of adrenaline. one that he actually preferred, if he was being honest.
it’d all started at one of the parties. luke knew jackie, or at least he knew her face and what she did for a living. he was jealous she did so good with clients. she was charming as fuck. they didn’t mean to show up at the same place at the same time, but sometimes the gangs coincided. “did you get the dresnners?” she’d asked him as she took a seat on the stool next to him. her caramel-colored hair was in a ponytail and her eyeshadow was pastel blue. she wore ripped jeans, an oversized white t shirt, and high-heeled boots. the look suited her. she looked like the vocalist of an 80s inspired punk band.
luke scoffed. he knew what she meant. they had been fighting over the dressners for weeks and they decided to go with the grey lilies. that night, the diamond forsaken got blackout drunk. “no, but you did.” he finally said, looking down at the glass of vodka in his hand. 
“yeah,” she chuckled and ordered a beer. luke had always thought jackie was pretty interesting, but they’d never talked. not much, at least. just a few words here and there, mostly passive-aggressive shit. but the bickering was also part of the job. that night, though, that night neither felt like fighting. they were already buzzed. jackie took a swig of her beer and looked at him. “you wanna go outside? i got a joint. it’s legit shit, this.” she smiled.
it’s not like he frowned, but something among those lines happened. but fuck it, he thought. “sure. lead the way.”
they went to the terrace of the bar and lit up the joint. luke coughed a little and she laughed.  “i told you it was legit.”
luke and ashton walk into the club like the kings they are. everyone stops to look at them. but shortly, they resume their activities. which mostly consists of getting drunk and high. the two men make their way towards their usual booth. michael and calum are already there. calum’s with his girl. a black beauty who gives incredible head, his words. luke takes a seat and drinks the beer in front of him, swiftly drifting off the conversation to look around. he hasn’t seen the grey lilies, but he hopes they get here soon. bathroom sex sounds good right now.
“how was the guy?” michael asks as he throws a couple of fries into his mouth. ashton tells him that luke did a good job in silencing the motherfucker. “three ribs? man, that’s dark. but cool.” he laughs.
everyone seems to stop talking again, and luke shifts his gaze towards the door. the grey lilies have arrived. they look like a grunge band. their leader, lea, wears combat boots and net tights. but his eyes are focused on the girl whose moans keeps him up at night.  she looks gorgeous in that oversized that jacket that seems to swallow her whole, but still barely covers her ass. he wonders if he looks okay, sexy. he didn’t have time to change, and he hasn’t shaved in a few days. his motorcycle jacket has a few stains, but at least they’re not blood.
jackie finds him staring and she puts on a smirk. she pats the pocket of her jacket to let him know that she’s got weed on her. they rarely ever not get high together. that makes her wonder if this, this between luke and her, is just a side effect of the drug. but she doubts it. she actually likes him, even if she despises his friends. they all seem idiotic to her. luke notices the action of her hand and he immediately looks down at his drink. “imma go to the bathroom.” he announces, even though no one is hearing. they’re too into the story about the miami trip calum and his girl took last weekend.
luke stands up from the booth and snakes through the crowd. he catches a glimpse of jackie, who’s making her way towards her regular booth. “meet me outside in five,” he texts her. he watches her check her phone and smile down at the screen. 
“they’re gonna kill us if they see us together,” jackie says as she pulls out the joint from her pocket. she knows the grey lilies hate the diamond forsaken. they think the other gang are all egocentric assholes. she used to think that, too. but she met luke. and he’s actually a sweet guy. he’s really smart, too. the strategy they use to get more clients astounds her. but it’s nice to know that the grey lilies have the better clients.
luke watches her light up the joint and he leans against the wall outside of the club. it’s dark outside and the air is cold. there aren’t many people in the terrace, but he doubts anyone will say anything about them being together. getting high together. “then we’re just gonna have to keep it a secret.” his smile is shy, and jackie thinks he’s the most adorable man. even if he has bruises on his knuckles from probably beating up some shady guy. she passes the joint and luke takes a drag. “you wanna come to my place later? i got some cds i wanna show you.” they’re both big music nerds, and he loves that. they sit on the floor of his room, high out of their minds, and they listen to oasis, jane’s addiction and red hot chili peppers. 
“i don’t know. lea wants to do some kind of after party tonight. and i kinda want to be there.”
luke nods his head, he’s sort of disappointed, but it is what it is. he knows the gangs come first. it’s all about loyalty. that’s why he’d be fucked if anyone of the diamond forsaken members came out right now. but he knows they don’t smoke, except for calum occasionally -rarely, actually. so he’s not worried. 
“come here,” jackie smiles as she plays with the zipper of his jacket. they’re incredibly close and she can feel the smoke coming out from luke’s mouth. she kisses him softly, licking his bottom lip. with eyes closed, luke feels stars bursting inside his lungs. he really likes her. “give me that,” she orders and he hands her the joint.
they keep smoking until there’s nothing left and they stare into each other’s eyes. jackie isn’t one to maintain eye contact, but she feels safe with luke. even if he’s forbidden fruit.
the men's bathroom is empty. they had to sneak in so the others couldn’t see them. luke made an excuse about going to the bar to get more drinks even if the counter was crammed. jackie said she was going out for a smoke. it’s all hands and sloppy kisses as they lock the door of one of the stalls. luke bites his lower lip as his back is pressed to the white door and jackie drops to her knees. “you gonna make me feel good?”
“imma make you feel so good, baby,” she grins and unzips his pants. he’s already hard from all the making out in the terrace. so it’s not surprise that his cock springs up as soon as his briefs are pulled down to his thighs. jackie licks the tip and he shudders. he’s gotten a fair amount of blowjobs in his life. the first one from one girl that attended his school and she thought he was going to be a musician one day. but nothing compares to jackie’s mouth. her tongue slides down his length and he closes his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. she’s ecstatic that she can make him squirm in front of her. she likes being in control, even if it doesn’t always happen. luke can be pretty dominant in the bedroom. taking her from behind roughly and choking her. jackie puts his cock in her mouth and she starts bobbing her head to the rhythm of the loud bass coming from the other side of the bathroom door. luke appreciates the little detail. his senses are heightened and it feels like she’s one more instrument adding to the song.
“fuck,” he curses under his breath as he feels the tip of his dick hit her throat. she takes him in so good. she’s an angel. luke looks down and he sees her eyes staring up at him, a subtle smirk on her lips. “you’re- you’re-” he’s trying to say something but his brain doesn’t work. the pleasure is too intense. he hits his head against the door and closes his eyes once again. he’s about to cum. exactly at the same time he hears someone come into the bathroom. fuck. “stop, stop,” he whispers to jackie and cups her face to get her off his dick. she looks through the slit of the door and sees someone she recognizes washing their hands.
“shit,” she mouths. “michael.”
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hey so “find me” dropped on premiere and i just watched it, so you know what that means??
it’s review time!
(super rambly as usual) spoilers under the cut
before i say anything, let me say, IT’S FINE, Y’ALL. as predicted. people are gonna be dramatic bc there are daryl/leah scenes, but like...we been knew? and some of them were rly important caryl-wise. (tbh, the episode was kind of boring and just a set-up for other stuff, lmfao)
okay, review:
opening credits, which i think most of us have already seen, were cute. obvi there was some weird tension with daryl that leads to the coming-to-a-head thing at the end, but their banter is still cute af
they went fishing and daryl’s reaction to carol was adorable, and there’s an important parallel later on, so bookmark this
similarly, there’s an important parallel to carol’s “the dead catch up to us eventually”/daryl’s “i ain’t gonna let it”, so bookmark that, too
dog is the instigator for the flashbacks, so if you wanna blame anyone, blame him. he races to the cabin, which for some reason daryl, who spent five years in this forest, seemed surprised to see? didn’t you literally map out that whole area, my dude? whatever
cue flashback!
i might have the scene order mixed up, but i think it starts with daryl being all sad by himself, and then dog as a puppy shows up and he’s like “!!! a dog!!!” which is v cute, and then he runs back off. we don’t meet leah yet
we see carol and daryl having a conversation while standing on opposite sides of a river for no reason except to probably symbolize distance or maybe covid, lol. the conversation basically goes:
carol: things are different
daryl: yeah
carol: how long are you gonna be out here?
daryl: -shrug emoji-
carol: i get why you’re out here, and i’d join you if things weren’t...
daryl: different
carol: yeah
daryl: yeah. anyway, it’s gonna rain, and also i’m having emotions, so ttyl
the end
at some point we see daryl sitting with an extremely unhappy face while it pours rain on him in the dark, and i want that as a reaction gif IMMEDIATELY 
also the rain destroys his “where in the world is rick grimes?” map, which makes him v upset and scream-y, and we get the idea that he might be going a bit bonkers being all alone looking for a dead (or, ig, kidnapped by helicopter) man
in present day carol finds the note, and is like “oh dunk, she lived here??” so she knew about leah, and daryl’s like, “i already told you everything,” and carol’s like, “no you didn’t,” so we go back to flashbacks (but i’m still not sure what parts carol didn’t already know?? whatever, it’s not that important)
i’m just gonna hit the highlights of the flashbacks bc they were not that thrilling:
first time daryl meets leah the dog leads him to her cabin, and leah ties him to a chair and holds a gun to his head being like, “what are you doing on my land?” bc apparently you can claim whole forests during the apocalypse, and daryl says very little, and eventually she lets him go
next time dog finds daryl and he brings her back and leah is like, “the dog likes you” and they’re kinda flirty, and then daryl says very little and leaves
next time daryl is surrounded by walkers and leah shows up and helps and they hide in a tree and are awkwardly close to each other and daryl cannot handle the close physical contact so when the walkers pass he says very little except to tell her to never come back again, lmfao
the next flashback is my favorite bc daryl just fucking
goes to leah’s cabin and throws a fish at the door???
i laughed for ten years
he throws a fucking fish and then stands there for a minute like “is she gonna notice that i gave her a fish??” like, no, dumbass, you didn’t even knock, you just threw a fucking fish at her fucking door, what is wrong with you??
no wonder it’s taken him and carol so long if he thinks throwing fish at people is a smooth move. boy has NO fucking game
anyway, leah gets him back by finding him and throwing the fish at his head, being like, “wtf, don’t throw fish on my porch?” which, fair, leah
IMPORTANT CARYL PARALLEL (from here on out known as “caryllels”) #1: so earlier i mentioned the carol fish thing, and apparently the same thing happened with leah, where she speared a fish on her first try and daryl was like “tf?” v blatant “we are supposed to be thinking about carol and daryl’s relationship during this scene” sort of thing
leah’s backstory is bland. had a family, they got eaten or disappeared or something. she, her adopted son, and dog’s mom got away, but the kid was bit, and died the same day dog was born, bc ig when god closes one door, he replaces your dead son with a puppy, or however the idiom goes
leah asked daryl who he lost, and he says, “my brother”
god i miss rick
i hated rick for so long and now i miss him so much
but i digress
IMPORTANT CARYLLEL #2: leah and daryl have the same “the dead get you eventually”/”i ain’t gonna let it” conversation as caryl had earlier, only daryl is playing the role of carol in this scenario, so again we’re supposed to be comparing the two relationships. lemme get through the rest of the summary and then i’ll tell you my opinion on what that means
fuck what even happens next?
i have these out of order bc they were all the fucking same, but the two of them get closer, and there is the vaguest suggestion of sex ever. you literally only see daryl’s hand
then jump-cut to them sitting at the table being emo, ig bc daryl was gonna go back to look for rick for a bit, and leah is like “who do you belong with? your brother you won’t stop looking for? your family that you left? [side note: that seemed rather pointed, like, “hey hoe, you abandoned your family, that was kind of a dick move”] or me?” and he says he doesn’t know, and she’s like “yeah you do, now choose”
jump-cut to caryl scene where carol finds him at the river and says that she won’t be visiting as much, and daryl’s like “k” and they have a brief argument where daryl’s all snippy, like, “what? do you want my permission for you to move on with your life? i’m not still emo about the fact that you’re moving on with your life, and i also don’t think it’s contextually significant that every time you show up in my flashbacks you explicitly mention that you’re married and have a kid,” and carol is like, “bro, you need to Get Your Shit Together and come home”
jump-cut to daryl having what i’m assuming is an epiphany that carol/fam have all moved on while he was out being emo, and so he decides to go be with leah, except, plot twist! she’s gone. the picture of her and her son is gone, but dog is still there. daryl leaves the note, which says, “i belong with you, find me”
for those freaking out about the wording about the note, may i remind you that she specifically asked, “do you belong x, x, or with me?” so he was just answering the question
aaaaaand back to present day
carol is like, “what do you think happened to her?” and daryl is all -shrug emoji-, and then she’s like, “...do you think she might have just...you know...left?” and daryl gets rull offended, which was kind of funny
(she probably just left, bud)
carol tells daryl to stop thinking that when people leave it’s bc of him, and connie’s name gets thrown into the mix, and daryl gets a “oh here we fucking go” look on his face, and it sets him off
he said basically what we were already spoiled for. “you just want to run, you don’t know when to stop, i shouldn’t have taken you off the boat bc you still just want to run” etc
and carol looks fucking HEARTBROKEN, which hurt me, and she goes into the other room and we end the episode with daryl staring forlornly out of the window 
the end
so quick analysis
i think the significance of this episode is supposed to be so we have an understanding of why daryl is suddenly so !teamfamily, and !teamfuture, and how badly he wants carol to be there with him. at one point, one of them even says, “this isn’t about leah, or connie,” or anyone but the two of them. the title “find me” feels significant, bc the whole episode is daryl grappling with where he’s supposed to go, and what his purpose is, and by the end, he says to carol, “i know where i belong,” (implying, with her and the fam), pulling us full-circle. in the first flashback onward he is lost, but by the end he is found -cue amazing grace-
daryl and leah were flirty, but to me it felt very much like something that was just being used as daryl character development. we barely got anything that juicy between the two of them (except the fish throwing thing, that was amazing), and i still don’t think that it would make any sense, regardless of the showrunner, to pair daryl up with some rando after having so many other choices that people would have preferred. i don’t think we’re meant to #endgame ship it, so much as we are supposed to be like, “oh, ok, daryl learned the power of family and stability and leveled up, -you know what that is? growth gif-” as a result, i literally have no idea what leah’s role is gonna be in s11, but i don’t think it’ll be a huge plot point
so now we firmly know where daryl stands. he is all about moving forward, not looking back, and doing the best he can, and he’s frustrated bc when he took carol off the boat he wanted her to be in the same place as him so that they could grow together, but she wasn’t and isn’t there yet
so my guess is that what’s next for carol’s storyline is her reaching that same zen-level daryl’s at
once they’re both there, then they get to ride off into the sunset and make passionate love under the moon casting shadows over the vast desert wasteland 
tl;dr: idk, episode was fine, if not kinda boring. lots of caryllels. can i go back to writing my vietnam war au now? 
the end
(stay hype, stan kang, and get daryl to call carol sweetheart 2k21),
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Yandere ocs voice headcanons
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Dunno just though this would be fun I’m sure you guys have your own voices in mind but here how it is
This contains: talk of sex, lot of characters, yandere talk
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Okay so you know yuki from fruits basket....
Make the tone louder and warmer and boom Theo
He has a very soothing voice like the type that you can hear talk for hours or fall asleep to
When annoyed or angry his voice lowers in pitch and is strained from him trying to keep from shouting
He always keeps the same tone of voice usually it’s always sweet and calm and nice
He talks very very proper like he makes sure to always sound like a gentleman
When he’s angry though he will absolutely say the word fuck or shit under his breath with a growl following it
Is the ceo of fake laughs
His fake laughs are always soft and short
His real laugh always has a shocked snort or him choking before bursting out laughing
He makes sure to cover his mouth and apologizes when he laughs cause he sees it as rude
Okay so as y’all know he has two sides
His stage persona voice is super sugary sweet
But don’t mistake that for hyper nope
Somehow no matter what he says it sounds like he’s smiling while talking
Never raises his voice but he does have his cracks of his real personality seeping through
With those he’ll clench his teeth
Like you know those people who speak with a fake laugh when they really wanna choke you
There are times where he has to pretend to be all cute and shy while on stage persona
His voice will get soft and sweet down to a shy little whisper
He hates doing this so there will be a slight annoyed tone in his voice that he tries to hide
When he’s pissed at you but he has to keep cool it always sounds kinda scary
“Hehe y/n my...sweet y/n, can we talk in private please sweetie?”
Normal hikaru’s voice is much deeper and cruder
Not quite bakugo tone but like just as crude and mean
Somehow always sounds like he’s one step from snarling out his words
Legit swears in every sentence
Kinda talks like a delinquent
Everything about him changes from posture to tone
He’s legit just a violent tsundere
Okay so..his voice is like ultimate sub energy
When he talks to anyone else besides you he is cheerful but also pretty normal
When it’s you..simp
You can hear the obsession in his voice. Its always sounds just absolutely happy and filled with joy
I always say that axis is like a happy puppy when he hears his darling is near
He bad mood instantly vanishes and he is just nearly squealing with joy
When he gets all bratty his cheeks puff all out and he lowers his tone making sure you know that he’s upset with you
As far as his whiny yandere side it sounds so desperate like he’s going to die if he doesn’t kiss you or hold you
I think I said this before but axis is the loudest so if you try to walk out the door or something he will scream and beg you not to go anywhere it sounds like it physically hurts to have you leave
He has a habit of hurting himself to get you to stay during these moments he would have a pathetic stutter
“I-I’m h-hurt! Y-you wouldn’t leave someone bleeding out all alone right? Right!?”
When he’s serious his tone shifts low
Not like mature low no it still has that youthful innocence but it sounds deadpan and soft like as if all feelings other than hate or anger vanished
During these moments he would say something like “stay away from my sweet perfect y/n...or I’ll kill you”
Yuri from yarichan bitch club
Okay though seriously something like him except more lower in pitch
He does slur his speech and I think I said this before but the more excited he gets the less English comes out of him
It goes from shaky toddler talking to barking and random garbled words and crazy laughing.
The only time he would talk “normal” is when he’s docile aka he’s high as hell or if he spends a large amount of time cuddles up to his darling
In that case his voice is soft though there is some stutters and crackling cause he’s not used to speaking normally
He also pauses a lot cause he’s not smart at all and words are hard
His manner of speaking is very toddler like
Words would be dumbed down and even nicknamed
Expect phrases such as “y-y/nnn, wuv wuv wuv! Ooowahhhh!” In a squealing happy tone
All in all his voice..is interesting
Prince is a fuck boy
So he sounds like a douche
Like to use the word babe and baby a lot
He honestly thinks he’s the shit so everything out his mouth comes off as cocky
His voice is kinda like those lead singers from boy bands that’s the best way I can describe it
Like those fake bad boys who are all like “yeah baby wanna smoke cigarettes in the parking lot of McDonald’s”
His voice squeaks A LOT though when nervous
Like he tries to keep his voice low and cool sounding but the moment darling flirts or gives him attention it’s just 📈📈📈
When flustered he talks in a high pitch flustered tone
It’s absolutely adorable
Takes him a while to bring it back down though
He likes to speak in Korean sometimes
It sounds so smooth when he does
He has such confidence it sounds like he’s in a kdrama or something
When things are getting steamy he likes to slow down his pacing of words and talk lower
He thinks it sounds sexy but it kinda sounds fake
It’s cause he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s a switch but whatever prince you do you boo
Prince laughing is amazing
You know Kuroo’s laugh?? Yeah take that and make it a tad bit higher and as a ton of hiccups and gasping for air and boom prince
This is why prince has a fake laugh
Like he’ll do a simple little heh. And that’s it
Super hush
Barley a whisper
His voice is flat and cold
Very blunt
He mostly responds in grunts or sounds when in public with his darling
If he absolutely has to speak it’s a single word
Some would deem his voice boring and dull
He has very dry humor and this is the same with his tone of speaking
You will get simple responses from him
When he is with his darling just alone he is far more warm and sweet his voice is still barely above a whisper but it has a nice rumble to it
Even when he’s pissed it’s soft and calm sounding
He doesn’t like shouting cause loud sounds make him cry
That being said the only time he would get loud is when he cries
If something is hurting him he can’t take it for long
His voice cracks and he sounds whiny almost like he’s terrified
Just a shaky “s-stop!”
His breathing would get all intense and his words would come out as stutters as he tries to dial it back down to that soft calm tone probably adding his last response with a hush “please. Stop”
Not much to say about his voice though there is always amusement swinging within it whenever someone gets annoyed by his dry humor or antics
He can’t help but fight a smile as he tries to keep from laughing
Also! Yuki laugh is amazing
He has two different kinds he has his soft chuckles
And then his louder laughs which are still soft by normal standards but they are so filled with joy
So cute..
Okay so even though rocket is a southern boy he will absolutely use his fake “bro” voice when meeting people you deem important cause he doesn’t wanna embarrass you
His worst fear is them seeing him as some southern loser
So his bro voice is very frat boy like
Typical college guy voice
Like stated before when flustered or angry his real voice seeps out
His real voice isn’t too deep or anything it’s very warm and happy
That southern accent though?! ✨Strong ✨
When he says darling you can feel that shit
Even him saying normal word it’s still strong as ever
It fits him so well though like his voice isn’t deep despite his height and build
When excited though he talks super fast
Another puppy boy
He is just so excited he can’t hold back his words so he’s talking a mile a minute
He just can’t stop!
His tone of voice very much shows how he feels
When sad his voice is soft and hushed down to a pouty whimper as he looks down shoulders slumped and posture just spilling out sadness
Same when he’s happy he is so perked up and just ✨happy✨
When he laughs it’s one of those loud happy laughs
Those laughs from deep in his chest
When he’s flustered or feeling submissive he has a very soft way of speaking that shows that he’s vulnerable at the moment
All around cute bara boy has cute voice
Just straight up a brat
Sounds like he could commit arson at any moment
He has this very cocky coy tone in his voice
Sounds kinda childish at times
He doesn’t take anything seriously so that’s to be expected honestly
His voice is quite high pitched yet smooth
When serious though his childish tone remains but it gets scarier and deadpan
“I’ll show you why you should never mess with me and my gang..”
He’s a person who grins when pissed so it’s hard to tell when he’s angry unless you hurt his darling
Ike if he’s tweaked off you won’t know
You won’t know any of his emotions honestly he kinda smiles though it all even if he’s depressed
When he loses that childish charm in his voice it’s usually when he’s having a breakdown
His voice sounds so weak and hurt and all his bottled up feeling explode
He’s a PFFFT laugher he usually laughs so hard his face turns red and he can’t breathe
As far as fake laughs it’s very cookie cutter just a few ha ha’s and that’s it.
When having..steamy times his voice lowers and that childish tone is there but it’s sadistic like he’s enjoying toying with you and breaking you
The deepest voice out of all of them
Rich deep and sexy
Also a person with dry humor at times
Likes to respond with sounds as well
“Haaah?” “Hmmm..” “eh?” All those are acceptable
His voice rumbles in his chest
Put your hand on his chest while he’s talking and it’s like he’s purring
Very much likes using more slang terms
“If I were to rock your shit..would I be wrong?”
“Bitch do I look like boo-boo the fool to you?”
He grew up in a very cultured household so yeah he has different mannerisms of speaking unlike the others
He usually sounds bored or calm when he’s speaking to someone he doesn’t trust
Now his friends on the other hand this bitch hype
Constantly laughing, joking and grinning
He can’t stop being chaotic as hell
His tone is much louder as he’s more comfortable and he tends to use more swears and slang
When speaking in Spanish his voice is just as deep and he adores rolling his R’s every. Single. Time
As far as singing goes his voice is so smooth
Filled with soul and passion like he loves what he does
He has such a beautiful voice
Soft sweet and creepy
Hushed and very gentle
Her words are usually followed by a hush giggle
No matter how threatening she sounds there is always a sweet smile and giggle at the end
She likes the idea of toying with people so her voice always sounds so eel coming at first
Then her sadistic side kicks in and she’s stepping on you with her heel her voice drowning with pride
During those dom moments she can sound very degrading
Talking to you like you’re beneath her instead of an equal
But normally she is nothing short of kind
Even in yandere mode she never shouts or yells or does anything like that
It’s always calm collected and lightly frightening
Definite mother vibes
Just very nurturing
A deep voice member
Full delinquent
“Got something to fucking say to me?”
Aggressive as all hell
At least to strangers that is
To his darling or his twin it’s still lightly rough but also soft? I know confusing
He tries hard to keep that tough guy act up but when anxiety and everything hits he’s a mess
“E-eh!? W-why are you starin’ at me for!? G-go away!”
Hella paranoid all the time
During those anxious moments his stutters and tics are ranging in tone and pitch
He has various tics such as popping sounds, crude phrases like “no more daddy! Nope nope!” Or even “f-f-fucking c-cocks” and many others he can’t control these and they only come during panic attacks
Some of his other phrases are things he’s said as a child when his family would violate him so lot of them have the word stop and no in it
A “cute” one is if you were to say “whose a pretty boy” he would instantly reply “I’m a p-pretty b-boy!” Oddly enough that tic always makes him feel better and calm down
Anyways normal voice yuuta is tough boy
He scoffs a lot and plays this very dominating role
He likes to say nicknames like doll or angelface
Makes him feel tough
He usually tries to sound as sarcastic as humanly possible
But when he’s sad or vulnerable he whines so loud and is so clingy
“D-don’t leave me along! T-the monsters are g-gonna get me! Nooo! P-please!”
He’s like a scared child clinging to you sobbing and trying to jump in your arms just shaking
Also a twink voice
Except his has more sparkles in it
Kinda valley girl tone but not as annoying
Just a lot of “oh sweetie” and “honey no”
Super sugary sweet like so sweet and fake it could kill ya
Behind closed doors though
That sugary tone is the same just sadistic
“Oh sweetie, whose a sad little ball of trash? You are! Yes you are my little parasite!”
Talks in baby talk when degrading his darling and yuuta
They are beneath him in his eyes he’s god
So he should be treated as such
When pissed off his sweet tone stops and it’s pure disgust
“You bottom feeder, do you know who you’re fucking talking to?”
His pissed off voice would give you shivers from how cold it is
He can switch from angry to sweet and back again so fast like one minute he’s threatening to violate every hole you own and the next he’s like “I’m sorry! I’m being a big old meanie pants! Teehee let’s goooooo shoppinggg! Yayyy!”
Likes making his voice as cutesy as possible
Mostly cause when he switches to his more serious side the fear in their eyes is much more delicious
Y’all already know
Stutters every sentence
Can’t even form proper words without stuttering
Growls in anger when annoyed and sounds like he wants to rail you so hard you break
All around soft sweet voice
Whimpers every single time he speaks
When annoyed or gets more confidence his voice is soft but sharp
“You shouldn’t do that. Stop.”
Very short and quick like you better listen to him or else
His voice goes dead and his eyes show no mercy
He keeps his voice low and warm though
When happy he is just so warm and bright
Absolutely adorable
When ranting there are no stutters or anything he can talk for hours if you let him
Loud as fuck in bed though
Full on sobs and cries so loud the neighbors hear y’all
His voice cracks and squeaks as he pants heavily and tries not to pass out
All in all
Shy boi
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