#Like oh I'm sorry how many scripts of yours have been produced? Oh what's that? NONE? Interesting
hamartia-grander · 1 year
My professor took off a point from one of my scripts because I labelled a character as Nonbinary, and he claims I should've left the gender description blank because "it's not necessary for this character", as if "nonbinary" is a placeholder for "I don't care what gender" I am actually going to tear him to shreds
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sciderman · 5 months
I won't lie, there's a centrain magic to reading comics, maybe it's because you have more control over the direction, speed, voices and music when reading over watching something, maybe it's how creative people can get with panel lay-outs, maybe it's all of those things along with the different art styles and way people express themselves through their comic runs, maybe it's the fact there's SO many of them and so many different runs, AUs, versions, solo-stories and characters that while not every comics is for everyone, there's A comics for everyone.
And it's something that only animation can come close to capturing, occasionaly some games because they can give us amazing set pieces and action and stylization through gameplay. But to me live action movies just miss the mark exept a few and even then i just enjoy the comics more.
I think one big thing for me is the narration, because it helps me relate to characters as someone who's thoughts are pretty loud and narration-like, and the fact it's ME who decides how i make the characters sound and talk rather than having to listen to someone else voice the character in a way that i feel isn't "right".
So i'd say personaly it's comics>>books (i like books, and i LOVE fanfics but the visual part stimulates my brain more) >>>animation>games>live action
i agree wholeheartedly! i don't know, i'm kind of in love with the comic medium. but i love writing, also. i just - i really don't like the passivity of animation and television - i need a lot more stimulation than that to get my brain working. i like all the brain work you have to do when you're reading words. and i love the challenge of pulling off "comedic timing" when you don't actually HAVE the dimension of time in your medium exactly - so you have to work with panelling, and you have to work with spacing in your writing - and it's just so sexy and more active for the brain. like you're inventing a language.
comedy writing in comics is so, so fulfilling because you're a comedian, but your format is visual. you need to rely on visual language to carry it. and jokes are all about expectation and subversion and timing. a joke can fall so flat if that timing is off. and - i don't know, i'm obsessed with comics, as if they're some kind of form of visual poetry. it's taken for granted, i think. it's taken for granted.
i think you become more restricted the more dimensions you introduce - so - writing is entirely free. you can do WHATEVER you want, all by yourself, without needing to rely on the quality of your art software or the actors you have at your disposal or anything - you can conjure any visual you like. comics - more challenging, you're limited by your artistic ability but again - you're not restricted by voice cast - god, i love being able to conjure any voice at all in my head for the boys. i think if i was restricted by voice actors i'd have to write them differently, et cetera et cetera... i'd be dealing with VAs and saying "actually. your delivery is all wrong. i have to rewrite the joke." - i'm so particular about these things, you have no idea.
i remember the first time i watched the deadpool movie after having read the original script over and over YEARS prior and having heard it play out in my head in the most hilarious of ways and then. hearing ryan's delivery of those jokes and thinking "oh. it's not that funny actually."
sorry ryan. it might've been funnier if i hadn't read the script already and hadn't already had the movie play out in my brain way funnier than how you did it. sorry. my brain is a better cinema.
something i also love about print vs film - i've had this problem with a lot of adaptations - i despise film adaptations of books i love, just because - something is so sullied about having so many hands in the pot. actors. camera men. producers. directors. all these people - when - what i loved about the book was feeling close to the author. it's just me and him. we're together, intimately. and all of that intimacy gets lost when you know there's a huge film crew behind it.
kind of weird. i love reading a book and just, giggling over the pages, like it's a joke between me and the author. i don't know, i'm a weird little saddo who craves intimacy. so i like the intimacy of it being a one-man show. i love things where i can feel close to the creator. i hope that's why people like my things too. and it's why i like my things. i sometimes think "ouugh. why can't i work for marvel" but i think about how - i'm lucky i get to create what i want to create without having to compromise or answer to editorial. and what i create can always be unapologetically me. and that means more. that means so much more.
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years
Random but I was about to be an aunt. My sister in law was 3 months into her pregnancy but it had to be interrupted... As I'm grieving I wish I had Alex to talk to. This is dumb but I think I'm in dire need of softness. Being listened, being cared about/for. Idk if this is even an okay request or if you're comfortable with it, but I was wondering if you could write something? Idk, I'm sorry. Please don't feel pressured to do so. I'm also sorry to dump this on you, just needed to say it. -A🖤
Hello sweet A. I wanted to start by saying that I am truly sorry for what you’re going through right now. Such a heartbreaking situation to be in, and my heart goes out to you (and your family) so much. Please don’t ever be sorry or afraid to drop something on me- my inbox is literally always open to anyone (I may be a little slow to respond) but I see you guys, and I appreciate you all so much. I want my blog to be a safe space for anyone here, because I think it’s important. I am putting what I wrote beneath a readmore because it contains some pretty heavy subject matter. If you are uncomfortable with it at all, please let me know, and I can remove it. I am honoured that you chose me to share with, and I am around if there is anything else I can do for you. Much love, friend.
tw: miscarriage 
“Close your eyes and remember this moment forever.”
Occasionally, there were fragments in life that begged to be committed to memory. She had not experienced very many of them to date, but the night that she met Alexander, he had whispered that very sentence to her and she had never forgotten it. Three and a half months ago, she had been seated adjacent to him at one of their favourite brunch haunts downtown. God, if she just closed her eyes, she could still see everything so clearly- as if it had happened yesterday and not over a hundred days ago. She could still hear the muted classical music floating in on the warm breeze from the restaurant, and the cacophonous clatter of ceramic plates and metal utensils as waiters bustled by in the background. She could still see the half empty glass of orange juice in front of his empty plate, the opaque flecks of pulp pasted to the rim of the glass. Of all her favourite views in the universe, closest to the top had to have been Alexander. And he could be doing anything, really. Whether he was seated cross-legged at the kitchen table, his blue gaze scanning the weathered pages of a coffee-stained script, or whether he was next to her at a concert, the live band loud, and the deep crinkles next to his eyes telling of his palpable happiness. It did not matter what he was doing, she was simply grateful to have someone to touch, to look at, to love. She could still feel the buzz of the phone next to her, signaling an incoming message. She had glanced down at the name on the screen and frowned to herself, running a finger over the glass and opening the text message fully. She peered down at the cellphone in her hand for what felt like hours, the words on the screen finite but still somehow otherworldly and slightly hard to believe.
“What is it, kid? Everything okay?” Alexander had asked.
She swallowed hard; a small smile pulled at the edges of her lips. “They’re uh… they’re pregnant, Alex.” She lifted her gaze to his, her unbridled happiness utterly contagious, and soon his elation matched that of her own. There had been no need to ask who the joyous news belonged to; her partner had known the moment that she uttered it, but even he could not know how her heart skipped a beat at the thought of the role she was about to play in a little one’s life.
“You’re going to be an Auntie…” Alexander had murmured, his voice breathless with joy. He held her to him that evening, as she spoke at length of the plans she envisioned for her future niece or nephew. She had drifted to sleep hours later with her much smaller hand entwined with his own, and to his soft, whispered voice saying,
“Close your eyes and remember this moment forever.”
And then one evening about a week ago, while she was at a private function with Alexander, she received a series of phone calls. She had managed to miss the first two, the collective chatter from the people around her had helped to drown the sound of her ringer out completely, and she only noticed the missed calls when she excused herself to use the washroom. The third call came in while she was fixing her dress, and she answered on the second ring. “Hello?” Something unbearably painful lingered in the silence. She pressed a finger over her ear to hear better. “Hello?” She asked again and heard only muffled sobbing in response. “Please try to calm down, I can’t understand you...” She implored the person on the other end of the line. Finally, a single sentence was uttered over the crackle of the phone wire, and her phone fell from her slipping grasp, landing in the sink below her with a resounding clank. Exiting the safety of the washroom, she stumbled back out into the heavily crowded room; her gaze was blurry with saltwater as she searched desperately for Alexander in the mass of bodies. She found his imposing figure at the bar, awaiting a drink, and tugged on his cuff-linked sleeve wordlessly.
“Ah, there you are kid. I was just about to send-” His voice faltered as he took note of her stoic figure. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
She swallowed hard and shook her head. Tears were moments away from breaking free of their dam and cascading down her face without pause. “We need to leave, Alex.”
His blue eyes widened in worry. “What is going on?”
She shook her head again. “We have to leave. Now. Please.” Her voice was pleading, and instead of waiting for a response from him, she turned on a heel and made for the exit. Once outside, she hugged her arms tight to her frame and slid down the side of the brick wall, resting her forehead against her knees. She tried to take deep, measured breaths to keep from hyperventilating and shivered only slightly in the balmy, mid-October air. Alexander joined her moments later, both of their coats slung over his forearm, a look of extreme concern etched across his features.
Crouching down in front of her, he placed a warm hand over her bare shoulder. “Will you tell me what’s going on?” She had been about to say something when a car horn blared in the distance and their taxicab pulled up to the curb before them. “Come, love. Let’s get you home.” He held her to him as she cried nearly all the way home, his warmth like a weighted blanket around her. “What happened, kid?” He whispered when there was a momentary intermission in her tears.
“She lost the baby.”
Those words hung suspended in the air above them like a dark raincloud. She had weathered storms before- but never anything remotely close to this magnitude. “Oh, my sweet girl…” Alexander held her tighter to him as he pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head. “I am so sorry.” She stayed like that for the remainder of the ride home, her head tucked firmly beneath his chin, tears flowing freely down her now-raw cheeks. When the vehicle glided to a halt in front of their home fifteen minutes later, Alexander handed over a wad of cash and told the driver to keep the change. If she had to think back on it now, the time between when she exited the vehicle, entered the house, and made her way to the safety of her bedroom, was totally blank. It could not have taken more than ten minutes but try as she might, those ten minutes had dissipated for good with no hope of ever recovering them. “Let me help you…” Alexander had murmured when he joined her moments later in their room. She stood motionless in front of their expansive mirror, her eyes bloodshot and exhausted. He stood behind her and reached with warm fingers for the zipper at the base of her neck. He made quick work of undressing her and watched the expensive material pool at the bottom of her feet. Wordlessly, he unclasped her bra and hung it over the back of the chair adjacent to them. “One of mine?” He whispered.
She nodded her head. “Please.”
Alexander turned and made for the walk-in closet, to his clothes that were hung to the left of where hers were. He felt around for the familiar material of one of his worn t-shirts and produced it from the middle of the rack, returning to where she was still stood. “Arms up,” He whispered, and watched as she did as she was told wordlessly. He fitted the t-shirt down over her body, watched it settle just above the top of her knee. He closed the distance between them and wrapped his warm arms around her waist, his chin resting softly in the crook of her shoulder. Their eyes met in the mirror and he asked her, “Would you like to talk about it?”
Her gaze fell from his and she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, the familiar prickle of tears stabbed threateningly behind her eyes. “Not tonight.” She was not yet sure if it was something she ever wanted to talk about- it was a grief so intense in measure that she felt she lacked the proper words to describe it. To have something so tangible ripped from your grasp without warning… she could hardly bear it. “I want to lay down.” She pulled away from his embrace to stumble over to the bed. It had yet to have been made from that morning still, but she hardly cared. She climbed into it wordlessly and pulled the weighted blanket up over her body, hoping that sleep would come for her soon. She felt his side of the bed dip under his weight a few moments later, heard the rustle of the blanket as it was pulled back to allow him to slide in.
“May I hold you?” He asked, quietly.
She swallowed hard; her throat had been scratchy from the onslaught of tears. “Yeah.”
He shimmied up behind her and folded his long legs up behind her own, and together they laid like that for what seemed like hours. When she continued to stir against him, he whispered to her a folktale in his native tongue- something he had been in the habit of doing whenever she had had a rough time getting to sleep in the past. It worked. She had been able to drift into a fitful slumber, but 6:45 am came early, and with that consciousness came a tidal wave of despair and she did not have the energy to fight. She cried until she could no longer breathe through her nose, and resorted instead to taking deep, gulping breaths. She closed her eyes and tried to will herself to get a proper breath in, as Alexander stirred behind her. “Woah, woah… it’s okay, kid.” His voice was raspy and bore the heavy weight of recent sleep. “Come here, you.” He whispered and reached for her, scooping her up into his arms and falling back to rest against the solid oak headboard.
“It hurts, Alex…” Her fragile voice teetered precariously on the edge of breaking.
He held her head to his chest as he cradled her in his arms and rocked her back and forth in a slow, steady motion. “Shh, I know, baby. I know it hurts,” He kissed the top of her head tenderly. “You just feel everything you need to feel, hm? I’ll be right here with you.” He caressed a warm palm to the apple of her cheek and swiped stray tears away with the pad of his thumb. “I’ll always be right here.” He held her like that until morning dawned, and an October sun had begun to pour in through the crack in the linen curtains, shining beams of light over pieces of her disheveled hair. Alexander rubbed reassuringly circles into the soft skin of her arm and placed a series of feather-light kisses over her neck and shoulder. “I won’t let you bear the weight of this alone, my love,” He let the silence collect between them before he cleared his throat. “And I won’t force you to talk about anything you don’t want to, but I need you to know that you are not in this alone.”
“Close your eyes and remember this moment forever.”
And she would. She figured that she would remember the precise feeling of the pain for the rest of her life; how it felt so much like literal heartbreak, that she was scared she would succumb to it at any moment. But she would also remember the immense amount of love that she felt for Alexander; for the immense amount of love that he poured into her, and how grateful she was just to have him around in some of the darkest moments of her life.
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colemckenzies · 4 years
hi! i'm sorry if this is too personal a question and feel free not to answer, but i know you've mentioned working in tv before and i was wondering what your job actually is? (not like, where you work, just what you actually do lol) i'm just interested in what kind of jobs there are in tv and how to get into it! thanks and i hope you have a good day!
Hey!! No worries!! I will preface this by saying this is obviously based on the uk tv industry and i was specifically based in london, though most of my friends are up in manchester now
So I don't really do that anymore, throughout the whole coronavirus thing I've been luckily working in an office for a TV company but in the advertising department, but I'm assuming you're more looking at production lol
I used to be a runner, both on individual productions and for a while as an in-house runner for a production company which is a GREAT job if you can get it, more stable and really good for forming connections. I worked a lot w the comedy producers while I was there since scripted comedy and specifically development is what i was interested in
anyway yes if you want to be involved w any part of production or development you'll probably start as a runner. there's different branches from there, like if you're interested in production you'll probably go the AD route or if you're going for development maybe an assistant to a producer or pre-production there's obviously researchers, but it all depends on what you come across!! my training was specifically in production management which is a GREAT thing to look into bc it's a very specific skillset that isn't really hard but usually is learned on-the-job only, and pretty much everyone who did that course with me who wanted to is Deep in the industry now
personally i was a runner for about 8 months with a few other random jobs scattered about in the years before that while I was at uni. ive also worked as an assistant and a transcriber. in the end i bowed out of production because of the hours (im a person who really struggles without enough sleep bc of medical reasons) and because im only really interested in scripted content, whereas 95% of tv jobs in the uk are non-scripted (so like reality, factual, panel shows). I do have a Lot of friends still working in the industry directly though and I know a lot of people who have made it!!
lmk if you have any more specific questions!!.. the thing about tv is that it is very hard to get your foot in the door but everyone in the industry KNOWS that so if you keep reaching out it's more than possible. oh and my other piece of advice is Get A Driving License if possible.. personally I hate driving and never did it so again not a deal-breaker but it will HUGELY open up the job pool and also they let you drive talent sometimes which is insane. i have so many good stories from my friends who drive (honestly funny stories abt celebrities IS my favourite part about production and i do miss that aspect)
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lareinenoir · 5 years
∆Milk and Honey∆
Tom Hiddleston x Black! Reader
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Pt 2/?
"Pam, you have no idea how sweet he was. Like...I didn't know he'd offer to drive me."
"Aw, I'm jealous. So jealous, Y/N! I can't even get Rick to open a door for me." You could hear her rolling her eyes. "Don't get me wrong, Rick is a sweetie when he wants to be but driving you back to the hotel is absolutely wonderful."
"So...uh...did he call?" You ask after you both laugh over the phone again.
"Patrick? Yeah he did. He wanted to know where you were. He sounded worried."
"Tell him to stay in Dubai and do whatever he has to do."
"Oh come on, Y/N. You can't still be mad at him?"
"I am. I really am. He said he'd be home to make up for missing my birthday. He never showed up."
"Hes tryin', girl."
"Yeah, tryin'. Cute little bracelets won't make up for that. Thats what I get for marryin' a city boy."
"You can take boy out of the city but not the city out of the boy."
"Shoulda listened to my Gran. She said I could do better then Patrick Reginald St. John."
"He's a hard workin' man. He just wants the very-"
"I don't care. I just want him to be there for me. Seriously, I can't remember when the last time I had sex. Like good, body aching, heart stopping sex."
"Just do what I do, watch porn."
"Hell no. Why would I want to watch people have sex when I ain't havin' sex. Its torture of the highest order."
"Just tryna help."
"Sorry, I'm just a bit frustrated. Lets stop talking about this and talk about clothes. I have no idea what I'm gonna wear tomorrow."
"Whats the occasion?"
"Tom invited me to his house. And before you get your bonnet in a knot, its just to meet the rest of the team. Thats it."
"Have I mentioned how jealous I am." Pam asked giggling. "Did you ask what attire he was lookin' for?"
"I did and he said to come as you are." You answer "Imma face time you. I only brought so many clothes."
"Alright." Pam hung up and you quickly face timed her and showed her your closet. "Oh sweet pea...I mean where is the rest of it?"
"Oh come on, Pam. Please help." You beg and give her a pouty face.
"Sweet pea, I think your gonna run outta clothes. You packed for only a couple weeks. But there is hope. If he said come as you are then...maybe you could get away with a nice blouse and a jeans. Add some pointed shoes and call it casual."
"Pamela Francine Ruth, you are absolutely the best friend in the world!" You sigh making a kissy face at the camera.
"So I've been told. Don't forget about us little people in Mayfield when you're all famous. I gotta go and start making dinner. Tell me all about it tomorrow after the party, m'kay?"
"Yeah. Bye." You say and she blew a kiss and hung up.
The next day, she woke to a text from Tom.
°Tom Hiddleston°
Tom: Good morning! I don't know how good hotel food is but would you like to go out for breakfast? I'll come pick you up.
You: Breakfast? Sounds great. I've been dying to try a traditional English breakfast. All I know is grits and eggs with toast
Tom: Maybe we can switch breakfast. I've never had grits
You: You have no idea what you're missing.
Tom: I was hoping that you and I could talk a little more. Maybe actors and actresses you have in mind.
You: Fantastic!
You: I will be down in five minutes.
"I'm spending the day with him! So...do I wear the same outfit?"
Not wanting to stress, you put on the outfit Pam helped pick out and start getting ready. When you walked out side, Tom was near the car smiled when he sae you.
"Y/N, you look lovely this morning." He tells you, taking your hand and kissing it lightly
"Thank you. You look great as well." You say back, trying not to show how heated your cheeks were getting. He led you to passenger side and opened the door.
A couple minutes later, you were outside a somewhat private restaurant. He had on sunglasses as you walked in.
The hostess sat you down in the back and he finally took them off. "Is this spot ok?"
"Its fine." You nod as he pulled out your seat.
The two of you ordered and the topic of comfort foods. "What's yours, Y/N."
"I have to say burgers with grilled pineapple. Its so good. My friend Pam makes the best burgers and I always grill the pineapples sprinkling a little cinnamon on it." You answered and Tom was laughing a bit. "I know, it ain't the most healthiest food choice."
"Oh no." He shakes his head "I'm not judging. I honestly don't think I have a comfort food. I eat whatever looks good and for my diet."
"Right. I forgot. You are an actor and actors have to keep their bodies looking sexy." You giggled taking a sip of your sweet tea watching him bit his lip and blush. "Speaking of actors, who did you have in mind?"
"Y/N that's a choice I think you should make. Its your script-"
"Tom, you're directing and producing. I don't know Hollywood like you do." You say
He pauses and then nods his head. "Fine. We'll do it together. You tell me who you have in mind and I'll suggest a few things that will help guide your final decision."
You nodded your head, agreeing as the food came out. Tom thanked the waiter and you looked at the food. "Wow, it looks great!"
"Tell me how it is after you try it." He chuckled
Tom really liked hearing about Mayfeild. He was laughing and smiling at your stories. He was actually listening and paying attention to what you were saying.
"Don't get me wrong, Mayfield is great but I could go without the Baker's. Donna and Gerald have nine kids and all of them get on my nerves! The little one, shes about five and let me tell you, shes the devil incarnate. Daisy is a feisty little thing, but at the same time I don't blame her. She's the only girl in the Baker family. That's assuming Donna doesn't pop out another one- I'm sorry." You say picking up a fork and looking down. "I was rambling won't I? You probably have something you wanna-"
"No no no." He shakes his head reaching across the table taking a hold of your hand. Instantly the fork drops and you hold your breath as Tom gives you a very kind grin. "I ramble too. I like hearing you talk. Please keep going."
Tom's hand slips and you grin back, shyly trying to hold it together. Your chest felt a bit heavy and your eyes began to water. You were about to cry.
"Excuse me." You scramble to get up and kept your head down not really caring who you were running into.
You were glad the bathroom was empty. Trying to not cry out loud, your hand goes over your mouth and you sob in the bathroom stall. You didn't know why- no- you knew why. Deep down you knew why you were sobbing. You just didn't know why at that moment.
"Y/N? Y/N?"
Tom followed you to the bathroom. The womans bathroom and you definitely knew it was him because of his shoes you saw under the stall.
"Are you alright in there? I'm so sorry if I said anything to upset you. It wasn't my intention to hurt you-"
"Tom please stop." You say, trying to sound like you were fine. Failing miserably, you cover your mouth again to keep from crying out loud again. "It wasn't you, I promise it won't you. I just-"
"Let me in? Please." He asks
You didn't want him to see you cry but here he was in the stall. Taking in a breath you inhaled Tom's scent as he held you in his arms. Warm and that feeling of someone holding you made your body quiver. You hadn't been held in a mans arms in long time.
You didn't want him to let go of you.
"Do you wish to talk about-"
"No. Thank you though. I...I really needed that."
Tag list: @tell-me-a-poem @thatweirdwalangpake @schizonephilim @hisparadox @thereignwillneverend @empressoftheundergroundsun @nirvanaslovechild @inlovewith3 @smartiedork @naughtybaroness30 @fanfictionaffair @nobodynobodynobodynob @gerli49 @spookytyphoonbouquetsblog @angelicvixenn @wtficantfindausernam
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fal-carrington · 5 years
Love Will Tear Us Apart Pt.2
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Pairing: VictoriaxMc
Gender: Slightly Angst/heartbreaking filled with romance
@jellymonster @lovechoices @alexandralabhont @torifontaine @rudeassmonkey65 @psychopathdreamer21 @abunchofbadchoices @gayfontaine @zoe6111 @delphinusbae @choicesfannatalie @rubyheartjane
A/N: Hi everybody, today I was inspired and I decided to write this. The idea popped into my mind as I was replaying the last chapter of RCD's book 2 when Victoria admits being in love with MC, and MC alternately rejects her, so Victoria says "Don’t say anything else please. If you get there... Amazing. If you don’t... I still think having you in my life has been for the best”
Prompt: Falling in love with your best friend and seeing her date someone else can be painful, especially when you do not admit your feelings to her for fear of losing her and being rejected. That was what Victoria thought, but that was before her agent called with an unexpected offer. When Victoria and Kat have to act as lovers in Thomas Hunt's new series, things can turn out to be disastrous, would Victoria finally admit the truth when she's about to kiss her best friend for the first time on a TV show? Somebody is going to get out of this with a broken heart?
Months later
"You know perfectly well that we can not let the police find Frederick's body." Ryan Summers in his character James Scott, New Orleans' most famous thief, looked earnestly into Victoria's eyes which in response received a cold glance from her character, Selina Di Santis the mafia's badass queen, rolled her eyes.
"... I'm not joking around, Scott." Victoria paced the room in long, slow strides. "I know what's at stake."
"Our necks," Ryan said between his teeth.
"My reputation. One of the city's crime leaders is dead, which means there's blood in the water and the sharks will come for us."
"The police." Ryan sighed.
"You're not as dumb as you look." Victoria nodded.
"It's only a matter of minutes before they come. Agent Russo has come to you?"
"No, but she'll come." Victoria smiled presumptuously, folding her arms. "... And when she arrive, I'll be prepared for it."
"... And cut!" Hunt's voice sounded from the set. Ryan and Victoria turned to the director. "That was formidable, Victoria and Ryan. Let's take a twenty-minute break and pick up the scene with Kat and Victoria." Victoria and Ryan nodded and headed off on different paths, she opted to go back to her trailer and do her makeup and hair, to recite her next lines.
She sighed as she returned to the comfort of her trailer, pulling out of her heels and sitting on her couch. Kat should probably be doing the same in her trailer, she always stayed a little longer to concentrate better. That day, Victoria saw her for a few minutes, Kat kissed her cheek and said she was excited to record their scene together.
It had been a few months since the show had been made. Hunt was more than proud of the work the two were producing together. Apparently when it aired the first episode of the series, the fans were crazy and the most beloved couple in the series were the characters of Victoria and Kat, the fans loved the couple. The chemistry between the two actresses was so strong that it made all scenes even more real, adding to all that repressed love and hate between special agent sweetheart Russo and the villainous owner of an empire formed by gangsters and death, Di Santis.
Victoria was grateful for the success that the show was making, with all that success and attention that her character and Kat's received, she could not help but wonder how close they both had been. On a few nights Kat went to the Victoria mansion to practice together and it was great.
Internally a part of Victoria was happy to spend more time with her. She made a mistake in falling in love with her best friend and for months tried to deny it, but then again, when are we able to choose who we're going to love? She did not choose, it happened.
She wanted to blame someone else besides her, maybe Kat? She was a great person to blame, she was everything Victoria wanted to avoid, but she could not.
"Oh. Stop it, Fontaine. She's with Matt.” Victoria shook her head in frustration with herself. She could not get much work done in that trailer at afternoon. When the trainee appeared in her trailer calling her back to the set, she sighed. That was her job and she was incredibly good at it even if she had to hide her feelings.
Victoria sighed trying to take out those thoughts that were bad for her mind, she finalized her makeup and returned to the set. On returning to the set she found the last thing she wanted to see. Kat was there and she was smiling radiantly in Matt's arms. Ugh, the image of perfect couple that the two of them made caused nausea in Victoria. She held the urgency to roll her eyes.
"What is he doing here?" She thought to herself bitterly. “He isn’t supposed to be at Italy recording his new movie?”
"Tori, hey." Kat saw her before she could change her course and go unnoticed. Victoria saw no other solution, approached with slow steps, for her it was as if she were walking to the death. “You don’t believe who show up here! Matt is going to spend the weekend at New Orleans with me!” She was so damn happy.
"Rodriguez," she said, glaring at Matt, forcing a smile.
"Fontaine," he answered with a playful smile.
"Ugh, you do not have any action movies to do?" Victoria thought. “Just go back to Italy already.”
"Matt came by to pick me up after the shoot, since this is our last scene of the day and he got the day off" Kat explained, smiling cheerfully.
"I thought we were going to have some coffee after the shoot." Victoria turned to her, trying not to look down.
"Oh!" Something snapped in Kat's eyes.
"Yep. She had completely forgotten our plans. That's what you get, Fontaine. She forgot you.”
"I'm sorry, Tori! I forgot.” Kat stepped up to apologize. Always a sweetheart. "Can we... You know, reschedule?"
"It was our afternoon together... And now you're going to go with Mr. Muscles."
"Yeah sure." Victoria shrugged nonchalantly.
"Thank you! You're the best.” Kat smiled.
"Yeah... I am." Victoria nodded, folding her arms.
"So... They say you two have good chemistry on TV. I wanted to see for myself.” Matt said smiling.
"I bet you want to," Victoria thought to herself bitterly.
"Alright everybody!" Thomas returned to the set with Holly. “Everyone in their positions." Hunt sat in his chair and fixed his eyes with a serious look at the set ahead of him.
“I guess that’s us” Kat turned to Matt smiling and gave him a peck in the lips. Victoria rolled her eyes and went back at her office in the scene.
" ... Action" Thomas said. Victoria knew perfectly well that the cameras were already rolling, she crossed her legs and glanced at the window while she drank her old fashioned.
The doors of her office suddenly burst open, revealing Kat panting and her blue eyes flaming with anger. She wore the famous leather jacket over the black tank top and jeans that were the hallmark of her character Alexis Russo.
"...Give me a good reason not to arrest you now, Selina!" She said angrily, Victoria turned her chair with a triumphant smile.
"Good afternoon to you, too, Agent Russo. What a beautiful afternoon do not you think?” Victoria smiled. Kat stepped quickly toward Victoria's table and put both hands on the wooden table.
"I'll lock you up behind bars for so many years that you will never see the light of day again," she said between her teeth.
"...I bet you could not stop thinking about me, huh? That's why you're here, right? To finish the discussion we had at that bar?” Victoria said smiling, wrapping a blond wick in one of her fingers. Kat retreated a few steps, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Damn, I taught you perfectly." Victoria thought to herself of seeing her performance.
"Do not play with me," Kat snarled. "I know it was one of your men who killed Frederick! I'm going to arrest you all."
"So much hate in the heart, agent." Victoria stood and circled Kat like a lioness about to attack her prey. Kat stood by watching her, "I wonder if you're really here with the intention of arresting me."
"There's nothing I want more than to see you pay for your crimes."
"Oh really? I do not believe it.” Victoria approached slowly. "You know, I think all your motivation to arrest me is actually hiding other things." She drew closer.
"One more step and I'll shoot, I swear to god, Di Santis, do not tease me." Kat threatened to put her hand in the holster as Victoria pulled her by the collar of her shirt and brought Kat close to her. At the same moment she could feel Kat's sweet scent with precision, Victoria smiled, staring at Kat’s lips, she touched Kat's chin.
And so it was the script, there was no kiss, only a platonic desire between them, a line neither of them should cross. But Victoria's wish was still there, she knew everybody was looking, Matt was. She got even closer to Kat, their lips inches from each other. “She’s so incredibly hot” Victoria thought to herself looking straight to Katherine’s sky blue eyes. A untrustworthy voice screamed in her mind to kiss Kat, dominating all her senses — but in the background another screamed back, saying she was a professional after all. She shouldn’t let her feelings intervene in her work.
"... What are you going to do, hm?" Victoria's voice sounded like a whisper.
"You... I’m... Not—" Kat stammered with the approach, she pulled away and shook her head. "I'll prove it was you who gave the order to kill him." Victoria laughed. Kat turned away from her and marched toward the door.
"...Do not forget to come back with a warrant." Victoria said with her back to Kat smiling. She heard Kat grunting and her grin widened even more.
"... And cut!" Hunt's voice echoed. Victoria turned her eyes to him and Kat did the same. "...You two were perfectly suited for this scene. Tomorrow we'll start from the scene of Chris and Pippa on the bridge. You two are dismissed,” he said. Victoria rolled her eyes.
"Relax, Tori. That was a compliment coming from him." Kat laughed putting her hand lightly on Victoria's shoulder.
"I have not gotten used to working with his strange terms yet," Victoria said as they walked together on the set.
"I think you were amazing, as always. My God, that scene was... pretty hot.” Kat sighed and smiled. Victoria stopped and looked at her for a moment. Was she impressed? She... Did she feel something? No, it could not be.
"Really?" Victoria stopped.
"Absolutely! Our chemistry in this scene was wonderful, I can not even imagine about the scene of the kiss between Selina and Alexis would be like.” Kat smiled excitedly. Victoria smiled, even though she tried to stop herself now.
"Well, if you're interested, we could go over the script in my room at hotel—"
"Hey, Kat!" Matt emerged before she could even finish the sentence, wrapping Katherine in his arms and kissing her face. "That scene was awesome! You were absolutely beautiful! "
"Do you think?" Kat turned with a smile to him, completely forgetting the subject, Victoria restrained the urge to turn her eyes.
"Girls, congratulations. This show is lucky to have you. Hunt should be grateful just for the chemistry you guys have on the show." Matt laughed and Victoria sighed forcing a smile. "Well, are we leaving?"
"Yeah, I just need to get my purse," Kat said.
"That's right. I'm just going to say goodbye to the people.” Matt kissed her cheek. "Great scene, Fontaine." He gave a thumbs-up to Victoria, smiling. Victoria smiled back.
Kat turned to her.
"I'll see you tomorrow on the set?"
"Sounds great." Victoria shrugged.
They had been friends for a long time, long enough for Kat to notice Victoria's behavior change.
She stopped, staring directly into the diva's eyes.
"Vic are you alright? What's wrong? "she asked.
“Nothing” Victoria lied.
Kat sighed impatiently.
“I’m really sorry about our coffee, I really forgot.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Oh, come on. Matt’s is only in the town for this weekend, you know I would never uncheck something with you if it was not for something important.”
“So, now I’m not important anymore?” Victoria touched her own chest.
“No, no! That’s not what I meant!”
“Every time he’s around you do this. You know that I hate this shit and yet you keep doing it. Today was our day.”
“He’s my boyfriend and you’re my best friend, of course, I’m going go out with him if he’s around!.”
Victoria bit her lip and nodded.
"You better go, your boyfriend is waiting for you, I will not hold you for much longer.” She turned her back and left, leaving Kat behind.
"Vic, please wait!"
Two weeks later 13h30pm
Victoria stared at her own reflection in the mirror, on one side was her personal hairstylist, adjusting the bobs in her blond hair to form her character's famous hairstyle. And on the other, her makeup artist, giving the finishing touches on her make-up. She sighed, angry at herself for the immensity of feelings that tightened her heart even more. How could she not be angry with herself for being in love with someone who clearly did not feel the same, and left her almost always in the background, or even with Kat for being... Kat. She was really pretty, but sometimes so naive. Katherine had sent some messages to her over the weekend, unanswered by the diva. The last thing Victoria wanted was to disrupt the happy couple. From now on, she would no longer let herself be affected by Kat, she would back away.
A few soft knocks came from the door of her trailer.
"Come in," Victoria said without looking away from the mirror. The door to the trailer opened, and Victoria could feel the fragrance of that perfume she knew perfectly. Damn.
"Wow... You look so beautiful." She turned her face and met Kat leaning against the door. Victoria felt her face burn and turned to face the mirror again. "The silent treatment? Seriously?"
Victoria did not answer her, in response to her attitude, Kat turned to the artists.
"Hey, guys. Do you mind giving us a minute alone?" She asked. Always so educated, when they both replied that they did not care and left the trailer leaving them alone, Kat sighed and took slow steps towards Victoria. "I bought our lunch, I went to that vegan restaurant that you love," she said as she got to her knees by Victoria's chair and looking for a response from the diva.
It was difficult. Hard to ignore, hard to ignore when she was so sweet, polite and charming. "Hey, uh... Do you mind look at me for just a minute?” She laughed.
Victoria turned her face and looked at her. Kat stared at her like an abandoned dog, her blue eyes bright and the dimple of her right cheek appearing as she bit her bottom lip. Oh, fuck.
“Don’t take easy on her. She screwed you.” Victoria replied to herself, trying to avoid Kat’s eyes.
“You don’t deserve it.” Victoria said coldly.
"Not even a bit. I'm sorry," Kat said sincerely, Victoria rolled her eyes. "Matt told me that he was coming at last minute, I got so anxious to see him again, but you... You’re so important in my life as well. I love you both.” She said looking for Victoria's eyes. "I can do anything to redeem myself with you. Anything you want.” Kat touched her arm lightly, bringing chills to Victoria's body and her stomach spinning, she tried not to demonstrate, swallowing hard and diverting her face for the young actress not to notice. Victoria took a deep breath and looked at her again, how could she get away from Katherine?
“Don’t do that again.” Victoria said.
“I won’t.”
“You better.”
Kat opened a beautiful smile and leaned down enough to leave a kiss on Victoria's cheek, leaving her face incredibly red. She stood and turned to take the lunch from both of them on the counter, giving Victoria enough time to recover from that act of unexpected affection, touching her own cheek.
Wednesday, 14h10pm
Kat followed Victoria into her trailer, the girl jumped on the couch and settled herself with a smirk on her face. Victoria leaned against the counter with her eyes on her, Kat pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and began to check her messages.
“How was your weekend?” Victoria asked.
“Really great. I just... I missed him so much. We really had a great time together.” Kat sighed talking about Matt again. “I’m sad that he had to go back to Italy, but it’s our jobs and we both understood this.”
Victoria took a deep breath, hearing those words were just like being shouted at the chest.
“I’m happy for you both.” She lied turning with a fake smile.
“Thanks, Vic.” Kat smiled back. “Sometimes I forget how great best friend you are to me. I’m lucky to have you.”
“Yeah, friend” Victoria thought bitterly. "...How's Matt doing?" Victoria asked. Kat looked up and smiled.
"He’s great." She smiled. "Just a little annoyed since we're not spending as much time together as we used to, but he understands." Victoria held the inner will to roll her eyes.
"Yeah. Sure.” She said and folded her arms.
"Chazz just reminded me that we have a very crowded day. I forgot the interviews and the photoshoots"
"Well, I have not forgotten." Victoria stepped away from her and went to the kitchen to make the tea. "Now we're almost done with this season.”
"Yeah, it's great, is not it?" Kat laughed, leaning against the back of the couch. Just two more episodes to end the first season. This series is crazy, you can not imagine how much the fans stop me at street, they keep asking me questions about you. Now they're shipping the two of us."
"At least they're on my side." Victoria thought to herself with a smirk on her face. "Does that bother Matt?" She glanced over her shoulder.
"A little. He says no, but I think he thinks the opposite, but he understands that the commotion is all about the show... So.” She shrugged.
"Good to know." Victoria smiled convinced.
"Which brings up a subject that I think we should talk about," Kat said, suddenly altering her behavior, fiddling absently on her cell phone, apparently to have something to look at instead of Victoria's eyes.
"What would it be?" Victoria asked curiously, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Our kiss," Kat said as she nearly knocked her coffee onto the upholstery of her sofa. "I mean... in the series. Hunt came to tell me that in the next episode will be filming the first kiss of our characters.” Kat told her and Victoria could not help noticing how eager she looked.
"Well, it would eventually happen, uh?" Victoria answered back.
"But are not you a little nervous about it? I mean, it's us... me and you, and I know it’s our characters and not us, but still... I do not know, I've never kissed my best friend before.” She gave a nervous laugh.
"I've done it so many, many times, I've gotten used to kissing in front of cameras." Victoria shrugged.
"I know and me too, but we have to talk about it." Kat said putting one of the strands of her hair behind her ear, Victoria noticed how cute she was when she did it, even though it was a sign of nervousness.
"Okay." Victoria turned to her. "Let's talk about this."
"Well..." Kat started shyly. "When I was a teenager— And you promise not to laugh at me!" She pointed her fingers at Victoria.
"Okay, Okay. I promise.” Victoria held up her hands in defense.
"...You know, we all have that crush of adolescence that is a celebrity and has no idea that you exist. In my case... You were my celebrity crush. And now you know that I exist, and we're best friends and we're about to kiss each other for the first time on a TV show! This is crazy. "
That was like a punch in Victoria's face, she stopped at once. Glancing at the girl with nothing to say. Kat smiled red-cheeked as she told her about her teenage years.
"Wait a minute, did you have a crush on me?" Victoria pointed to her still discredited chest.
"Yes. A huuuge crush. Can you believe it?” She laughed.
"Not. I can not,” Victoria said as she leaned her back against the couch, deep in thought, how life could be extremely bitch, now it was her who had a huge crush on Kat.
“Kat, may I ask you something? "Victoria approached curiously.
"Anything." Kat shrugged.
"We never had this conversation, but... I have to say, I always thought you were straight. So you're telling me—"
"I'm bisexual," Kat admitted. "I mean, I have more experiences with guys than women, I think I only slept with two girls," she said reflectively.
"I have a chance." It was the only thing that went through Victoria's mind. That conversation was proof that it was possible.
"I don’t know, I just... I do not know how to flirt with girls, I'm a complete disaster with women." Kat admitted, and Victoria smiled knowing she'd fallen in love with the girl next her so easily, and she didn’t have the slightest idea.
Friday, 19h30pm
"Victoria, five minutes." Victoria heard the assistant's voice on the other side of the door of her trailer.
"Thanks, I'm coming," she said as she finished her makeup looking in her mirror. She took a deep breath, moistening her lips perfectly aware of what would happen today. The scene of the kiss, the scene of the kiss that everyone was waiting for, surely that would have repercussion on the part of the media, the fans... She was a professional, already had kissed so many different actors in front of the screens of the cameras, but why now did you feel that way? Maybe because it was her best friend that she was deeply in love and that she had never kissed before.
"It's just a kiss, Fontaine. You can do that, a professional kiss.” She repeated to herself as a mantra to keep her head in the right place. "Let's get this over with."
Upon entering the set, she encountered Kat immersed in a conversation with Hunt, it seemed that both were discussing the script, when Kat saw her, gave a passionate smile, the same smile she always gave when saw Victoria.
"Hey, Vic." She said approaching.
"What was that?" Victoria pointed slightly at Hunt, who was already on the other side of the set with Holly.
"Oh, I was just talking to him about the kissing scene, I was thinking the scene would be more shocking if it was in Selina's office instead of the parking lot."
"And he liked the idea?"
"He said he found it interesting and that we could go through my line of reasoning, honestly I think he liked it." Kat gave a chuckle.
"Everyone in their positions!" Hunt's voice echoed across the set, he took his place in his chair.
"Anyways, are you ready?" Kat smiled.
"Always," Victoria said.
"Okay, then." Kat winked and smiled, heading for the stage.
Fuck, fuck. You got this, Fontaine.
Kat took her place in Victoria's office, leaning against the table, Victoria positioned herself behind the wooden doors to make her grand entrance.
"So let's make that clear. I want that passionate kiss, you are madly in love and for the first time you are ignoring your principles, and allowing it to happen,” Hunt said and both agreed. "All ready? And ACTION.” He said, at the sound of his voice, Victoria opened the doors of Selina's office, facing Kat, who turned to her with her arms folded.
"Oh, if this is not an unexpected surprise," Victoria said, taking two steps toward Kat. "What can I do for you, agent?"
"I came here to say..." Kat disengaged from the table, biting her lips, hesitant just as Alexis would be in that situation. "...I admit, I was wrong."
"So you finally admit it?" Victoria smiled triumphantly.
"About the case, not about you. I still think you're worthless, Di Santis." Kat snapped. "I just came here to apologize, nothing more. I still have my doubts "
Victoria took a few more steps toward her until she was close enough.
"At this point I thought we've already gotten over this." Victoria's voice became a mere whisper, she lightly touched Kat's cheek. "Admit it, you like me. Even if your instincts tell you otherwise. "
"I do not—"
"...You feel the same attraction, the need to be close to me, I know you do." Victoria continued to stare into the depths of Kat's blue eyes.
Kat moved away, shaking her head.
"Do not do it. You know perfectly well that we can’t."
"Why not?" Victoria whispered.
"You know the reason." Kat turned to the door and walked over to her. "You and I are very different, Selina."
"Is that so?" Victoria crossed her arms. "Do you know what I think? You're lying to yourself. "
"Admit it at once you want me as much as I want you," Victoria said. Kat touched on the door handle, ready to leave the office, with her back to Victoria, she took a deep, hesitant.
It was when Kat lifted her head and looked at Victoria, and Victoria could see the desire in her eyes, burning like fire, she marched toward Victoria, certain of what she was doing, and just as surely she touched the diva's cheeks and brought her into a passionate kiss.
Victoria grabbed Kat's leather jacket and brought Kat closer to her, holding tight, Kat's lips were delicate, warm and soft against hers, she was completely addictive, even if she did not know it. And Victoria, like a junkie, having finally tasted her drug for the first time, could not let that moment slip away so easy. Kat was being sweet, kissing her in a passionate way, just like in the script, and should not have tongue, it should be a totally professional kiss. But... Victoria took advantage of the cue and bite lightly on Kat's lower lip, taking out a silent groan from Kat in response. Kat's fingers went into her blond hair, squeezing them lightly, while Victoria boldly asked for permission with her tongue to enter Kat's mouth, which surprisingly allowed her. She curled her tongue against Kat's, finally feeling her for the first time, starting a slow, wet kiss. A damn good kiss.
Kat back away seconds later, which seemed like forever, she was still close, her forehead touching Victoria's, panting and red-lipped. Victoria stared at those perfect blue eyes, Kat watching her in surprise and shock. But there was something else... something she could not tell what it was, maybe desire?
"What the hell was that?" Kat asked quietly, a small smile on her face. She was not following the script.
"I have not the faintest idea," Victoria replied with a smirk back, bringing her face close again and kissing her lips lightly.
"And.... CUT." Thomas said seconds later, the two of them turned to him. "That was..."
"Extremely pornographic, I loved it!" Addison interrupted him with a smile on her cheek, Hunt looked at her with disapproval.
"I suppose it was... as it should be, but I realized that you both left the script for a few seconds, however I believe we can use that kiss on the scene. Congratulations, you two.” He said.
Kat ran her hand through her hair with a smile on her face at Hunt's words. Victoria was still shocked by the kiss, but she managed to draw a smile from her face.
"You’re a damn good kisser, Fontaine. Thomas loved." Kat laughed, her lips still red. "And I'm sure the fans will love it too." She left a kiss on Victoria's cheek and left smiling.
"I do not think they were the only ones who liked it," Victoria said, touching her lips as she watched her walk away.
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araeph · 6 years
Conversation with prune-balled-blog
{NOTE: This is unedited, so please excuse spelling and grammar errors. With one exception--colons, which automatically bold anything in chat, have been replaced with [colon] where necessary to preserve the original formatting. Also, this is NOT an invitation to harass prune-balled-blog. Please do not @ him about this.}
prune-balled-blog: Sorry for the confusion. Should asked this. Do you know WHO talked with Aaron Ehasz?
Should have*
araeph: There are various tumblr and message board users who claimed to have talked to him. Some on the Kataang side[colon] http[colon]//araeph.tumblr.com/post/152660740000/web-archive
Some on the Zutara side[colon] http[colon]//araeph.tumblr.com/post/159119946362/kataraandzuko-terminaschosenone
But I don't know any of them by name.
prune-balled-blog: Thanks for the reply.
araeph: You're welcome. [smiley]
prune-balled-blog: It's all fake by the way. Aaron confirmed it on an Reddit AMA. The whole "Season 4/I had a different vision" thing was debunked.
Also, this for good measure.
[two screenshots inserted of reddit AMA]
araeph: Yes, I saw that post. However, what he said was the studio asked him to think up ideas for Season 4 and that he discussed them with Mike. So he did come up with ideas for it, even if they never went into production.
I also would call The Legend of Korra daring and beautiful. I just don't think it was any _good_.
prune-balled-blog: But those ideas were never outspoken.
It's all smoke and mirrors.
araeph: You mean, he never spoke to anyone else about Book 4? We don't know anything about who he did or didn't talk do between the period when Nick asked him to think up suggestions and the time when Bryke shut it down.
Of course, neither do we know that he said any of the things he allegedly said in those tumblr posts. [smiley]
prune-balled-blog: It's very easy to infer that he said absolutely nothing to anyone about anything.
He certainly would have gotten into more detail, but he didn't.
araeph: It's certainly possible. But nothing is certain.
prune-balled-blog: I mean, i would say the chances of Unicorns existing are pretty low.
araeph: How do you know he would "certainly" have gone into more detail?
prune-balled-blog: Because he seems to know of "Fake interviews", and i'm sure he would been able to go into further detail explaining that he didn't discuss any details of a possible Season 4 with some random. My point, is that had those claims been true, he would feel the need to address them further to clear further confusion. But his post implies the entire shebang was a ruse.
prune-balled-blog: There's no need to speculate any further. It was all a big hoax made by Zutara shippers putting Aaron on a pedestal to expand on their agenda. And people who didn't like Korra.
araeph: I think the opposite is true. If he'd said, "I never discussed it with anyone but Mike, and all the interviews from fans are fake," that would have been easy. He said there were some fake interviews out there, and that he did discuss it with Mike, and that's all we know.
Since it was suggested at the studio level, no it was not a hoax, and no one ever put Ehasz on a pedestal.
prune-balled-blog: I'm going to have to disagree with you there.
prune-balled-blog: And oh, yes they certainly do.
araeph: That's fine if you disagree.
prune-balled-blog: Look everywhere. People praise Ehasz as the sole reason why Avatar was good only because he was head writer.
prune-balled-blog: This whole thing reeked of angry fans methodically building a boogeyman because they were unhappy with how things went for their favorite show.
araeph: Actually, it's more of a process of elimination.
Before I saw Legend of Korra, I too thought Bryke were the be-all-end-all of Avatar.
Then LOK's writing let me down, and I started realizing there were people with power to influencing the writing of ATLA.
prune-balled-blog: You don't have to go through the motions. I know exactly your point of view.
araeph: Maybe it was Tim Hedrick or Joshua Hamilton? But they went on to make Voltron, and while that show was good for a while, it's headed off the rails now.
prune-balled-blog: Yeah but were we REALLY shocked when things didn't turn out perfect? Any show would have a stark difference in quality had an army of writers left a project.
araeph: Yes, it would.
prune-balled-blog: Assuming Korra would be just as good as Avatar, due to some naive 'understanding' that Bryke is the "end-all-be-all" is just silly.
araeph: Since almost everyone outside the fandom knows Bryke as /the/ creators of the show, and since they were the executive producers, it actually makes sense.
It just happened to be wrong.
prune-balled-blog: All you had to do was look at who was in charge, and marginalize your expectations accordingly.
prune-balled-blog: Actually, not entirely. It's dumb to assume two guys from Rhode Island (?) who had no prior experience running a show or writing a script, that they would churn out gold a second time without the 15 or so extra writers on board.
Not to mention a missing Head Writer.
What this fandom did to Bryke was shameful.
They kicked them in the dirt and spat on them for making something they wanted.
Aaron was a talented guy, and likely a massive contributor to what made Avatar a great piece.
prune-balled-blog: But what people did to demonize these poor guys was a complete and utter disgrace.
araeph: If you think fans (most of whom have no experience in television) should have known better than the studio heads who banked on EXACTLY the churning out gold a second time premise that we did, I don't know what to tell you.
araeph: Bryke aren't poor, and they're not victims.
prune-balled-blog: Would you forgive a thief for committing a crime because he didn't know stealing was wrong? This should be pretty obvious, no?
They certainly aren't villains.
araeph: Hahaha, so people who are ignorant of the details of television production are comparable to thieves?
prune-balled-blog: And if you think so, you're delusional.
araeph: Let me make this simple. Bryke accepted the credit for being the overall creators of the show.
prune-balled-blog: It was a hyperbolic example. Should have been obvious.
araeph: They got the accolades, so they get all the criticism for not living up to expectations.
araeph: Thievery is not an exaggeration of not delving into production details from a medium you're not an expert in.
prune-balled-blog: That's bizarrely unfair.
araeph: It's called "with great power comes great responsibility".
prune-balled-blog: I know. I saw Spider-Man.
And honestly, the people who spread this bull online should have listened to Uncle Ben.
araeph: How much power do a bunch of online fans really have, compared to successful showrunners who can snap their fingers and get a press release into the news?
prune-balled-blog: A lot, actually. For example, when Microsoft announced the Xbox One, they had a slew of controversial shit under their belt. After 2 days of nonstop harassment from fans, they reneged on that deal. And boom. Huuuuge change.
The internet is a powerful tool.
prune-balled-blog: Granted, that was a good change. Considering Microsoft went out of their way to enslave gamers wallets and playful freedom.
araeph: True. But for every example like that, Microsoft as a thousand other unpopular practices that they continue with no matter how many people complain.
araeph: I don't know of Bryke ever admitting to changing something about the way they took care of business, just because people complained.
prune-balled-blog: I would happen to agree with that. But the bottom line is that the internet is a tool.
prune-balled-blog: My main point is this. Pleading ignorance to how a show is made is not a serviceable answer for what fans have said/lied about with Bryke. That's all.
araeph: I disagree. When a show is marketed by creators like Bryke as a true successor to their previous work, and they make NO attempt to tamp down expectations themselves, they can't blame people who are not industry professionals for believing the hype that THEY and the studio they worked with spread far and wide.
araeph: And if your argument is, "Well you should have known better than to believe what they said," then you can't also make the argument of "poor Bryke" if the latter were intentionally misleading and exaggerating.
prune-balled-blog: What they said? No, i said you should have been able to infer you miiiight just be getting something a taaad bit different if you only saw they were returning, and no one else.
araeph: But this is exactly the problem. You're blaming fans for not reading between the lines, and not Bryke, who put out those very lines, despite the latter having vastly more power and experience at their disposal.
araeph: They, as showrunners, had a greater responsibility to inform fans of what LOK would really be like than the fans had to research and acquaint themselves with the intricacies of making television.
prune-balled-blog: Let me ask you something. Is it probably a fair/good idea to create a fake hoax that basically claimed Ehasz had been at odds with Bryke the entire production, claimed a Season 4 was supposed to be made, and that he had different plans for Korra had be been involved?
Bryke said Korra was going to be a sequel in the future, with a new Avatar. They were also the only confirmed writers. You can infer A LOT from that.
araeph: If any (or all of those interviews) are hoaxes, they should be condemned and the people who made them up should be criticized for it. I personally still believe there was some tension, but stating my opinion, even if it's based on speculation, isn't dishonest unless I pass it off as fact.
prune-balled-blog: That's fair enough.
araeph: As for what they said about Korra ...
:I really love when Korra arrives in Republic City and sees Aang's statue for the first time. There's a moment where she's almost in a trance. She's in awe of Aang and also wants to become as great an Avatar as he was. The Legend of Korra is a little like that for us. We know we have a big legacy to live up to, but hopefully this series will be even better than the original."
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So, I don't usually do these, because I always felt that shipping oc's with characters from other fan works was socially frowned upon, but since I've been seeing a few of these around, I'll give it a shot. My OC shipped with Auron.
Auron x Texas.
Yes, Auron's current partner in crime, rather he'd liked to admit it or not. Their meeting was rather... comedic. Auron didn't really notice his co worker until he accidentally rested the elbow of his sheifed arm on her head. She was very short, Her height being 4'8. He looked down to find a short, albino girl with wolf ears, and a tail. The whole package. Everything else looked human, she just had a few furry parts to her. Another key thing about her is that she always came off as the, "edgy" type, for her preference in black lipstick, and eyeliner. When he did get to know her, Auron has always found her annoyingly chipper, and overly friendly. The two attended a funeral together once, and she wouldn't stop smiling. Seriously. How does someone smile that much at a funeral??? Auron asked her about it.
Her response: Usually when people die, they don't want people to mourn over them, there for I choose not to mourn.
She wasn't entirely wrong, speaking from his own experiences, however it wasn't exactly the majority opinion, as Auron had to keep the wife of the dead man from trying to punch Tex in the face. Tex was almost always very clingy in the irritating and physical sense. She liked hugging a lot. She would hug Auron everytime she'd see him, and it usually would last 5 minutes before he would have to eventually pull her off. As time went on, and they grew closer, Auron started to notice that something was very wrong with Texas. Her extremely chipper personality was used to hide some dark, twisted thoughts, feelings, and even experiences. He came to this realization when he went to visit her one night, and she didn't answer her door. She lived in a dormitory like area, where there was the bedroom, and then a small room next to it that was a kitchen, and the bathroom being against the the smaller side of the rectangular kitchen. It was a nice little place for someone who likes living alone, but it had its downsides, like paper thin walls. You could hear the inhabitants, and they most likely can hear you as well. After a minute or two of waiting, just as he turned to leave, Auron was startled by the sound of soft, female sobbing, coming from Tex's dorm. He knew for a fact that if Tex was crying, which he had never actually seen her do, something was horribly wrong. He immediately opened the door to find a mess waiting for him. Texas sat their curled up in a ball, hands grabbing at her hair and pulling, make up smeared, wrists bleeding from self inflicted bites. Scattered around her were drawings of morbid, violent, and just horrid depictions, along with words scribbled over them along the lines of, "Worthless", "Dead", "No Future", "I'm nothing." A common sign of depression. If there was one thing Auron always knew about Tex is that she had a talent for art. She did this thing that she called a web comic. Auron, not really being kept up in technology, never really knowing what it was, let alone reading it, thought nothing of it, but he had seen her art, and it was phenomenal. It really opened his eyes to what she truly was when he saw that beauty and talent turned into something so ugly and self degrading. When Tex finally noticed him, her reaction was just to try to hide herself in the comfort of her knees. Auron began snooping around, and grabbing rags, then pried Tex's hands from her head, and wrapped her wrist.
Auron: Moron. What were you thinking???
Texas: ...
Auron pulled her into an embrace, still holding the rags to her wrist.
Auron: Would you like to talk about why you bit yourself up like this? Or the sketches for that matter?
Texas: I-I don't know what to do! My art! My comic! I- the deadline to get chapter 9 out is tomorrow, and I thought I could just push through it in a day with enough effort, but I don't even have content! I don't have a script! I have no story, no art for chapter 9! I'm a fuck up! I'm stupid! I'm nothing! I-... I'm so sorry... you shouldn't have had to see me like this...
Auron: It's fine. You're human after all. I expect you to have emotions, breaking points. As for your problems. Tex, the comic is just a for fun thing, right?
Texas: Yeah...
Auron: Great. Take some time off until you get over your writer's block. The timely fashion of updates doesn't matter, the quality does. If you can't produce anything good, then step back and take a break. It's obvious that it's affecting your mental health. This will make you hate what you do, so step back from it. Take a break.
Texas: You're right, I've just... meh.
Auron: Don't be afraid to show your emotions around me. It shows me that you are human.
That night, Auron didn't leave Tex's side, mainly out of fear for what she might do when she's alone. This opened a pathway for future sleep overs. Auron didn't share his bed with many, but with Tex, it had become routine, and he didn't mind. He actually liked the cuddles. A few months later, he receives a message from Tex. That night, she wasn't with him, she decided to stay at her place to do some cleaning.
Message received at 1:23 am:
Texas: Hey. Are you awake?
Auron: I wasn't until you woke me. -_-
Texas: Oh sorry. I forgot that your ringtone is up all the way usually... I'm sorry. XD
Auron: This better be important if it warrants you texting me at one in the morning...
Auron: It's not that important, is it?
Texas: ... No comment...
Auron: Tex...
Texas: I'll leave you alone then.
Auron: Why do you do this!? Spit it out! I'm already awake!
Texas: Are you sure? It can wait until tomorrow.
Auron: Tex. Spit. It. Out...
Texas: I can't! You're making me nervous!XI
Auron: Why would you be nervous?
Texas: Because it's kinda personal...
Auron: Okay. Pretend I'm not here. Say what you have to say.
Texas: ... that is so unaffective when I'm staring directly at that message...
Auron: Point taken. Just tell me.
Texas: Okaaaaay! ...
The icon at the bottom that says that Tex is typing stays that way for 5 minutes.
Auron: So?
Texas: Okay. Here goes nothing. And when I say that, I mean here goes everything I could possibly hold dear in my life. XD
Auron: Are you going to say what I think you're going to say?
Texas: I would really really really REALLY like to punch you in the face!
Auron: Okay, that's not where I thought you were going with this.
Texas: With my face, gently... I Love you! You are amazing, and wise, and sweet, even when you hide it under your protective layers! I simply love you. End of story. And I was wondering if you would allow me to take you out to dinner! I'm going to go cry now, because I feel like I'm dying XD
Auron: I stand corrected...
Auron: O//_//O...
Auron: No.
Texas: No?
Auron: No.
Texas: Okay then... What? No reason why? Like I'm cool with it, if you don't like me like that, but still. At least give me a reason...
Auron: Okay. I'll tell you exactly why. Yeah. I like you. I think you're cute. However, I don't appreciate you waking me up at 1 in the morning to text me with a confession. You want a relationship? Fine, but take initiative and tell me to my face. Quit being a coward. -_-
Texas: Ouch. My feel goods. Anyways, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow man. Sorry about this...
Auron: It's fine :) Sleep well, Tex.
Texas: You too bro <3
After Auron and Tex finish messaging each other, Auron goes back to sleep. The next day is pretty amusing. Auron waits for his partner. Half expecting she hopes to forget about the previous night. Auron hears running behind him, and turns to find Tex in a suit and tie running up to hi., screaming, "I love you, you sexy, sexy son of a gun!" She knocks his feet out from under him, and steals a very, very passionate kiss, but soon afterwards, causing Auron and Tex both to fall over to the ground. Because her tiny frame is too much for his bigger, heavier frame. Luckily Texas's arm was under Auron's head when they fell, so no brain damage was caused to the older male. Texas turns to Auron, half expected to be heated, and she wasn't wrong, just heated in a different sense. Auron's face was bright red, slight tears to his eyes, he bursts out laughing, black lipstick smeared on his lips.
Texas: What? You told me to take initiative!
His laughter fades to a light chuckle, and then he stops.
Auron: Wow. That was... cheesy.
Texas: Also clearly failed...
Auron: (Still catching his breath.) No it didn't.
Texas: So it actually worked!?!? YAY!
Auron: Just don't do that again. You took us both out in the process.
Auron pulls Tex into his lap, and the two share a proper kiss.
Auron: See. That in of it's self is enough for me.
Texas: Yeah, but it wouldn't be a confession from me if it wasn't stupidly cheesy and didn't make you smile.
Auron: It's missing something though.
Texas: And that is?
Auron: The amazing pick up line from last night.
Texas: Ah yes, you have good taste, my kind, gentle sir. I would really.
Auron: Yes?
Texas: Really.
Auron: Go on.
Texas: Really.
Texas: Really!
Auron: Hopefully this is the last, "Really."
Texas: Like to punch you in the face. With my face gently, romantically, and in other places besides your face.
Auron: Okay. Okay. Calm down. We haven't even had dinner yet...
Texas: Exactly. Dinner.
Auron is very flustered at his now girlfriend's sense of humor. Safe to say, they had a very romantic evening together. ;3
This is my contribution to OC x Fan work Characters. Hope you enjoyed!
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