#Like they are smart alone but together no thoughts only fun
literally-izzy · 3 days
Just Friends?
summary: you’re in love with your best friend who doesn’t feel the same way. right?
Modern AU!Anakin Skywalker and Fem!reader
A/n: ah! this is my first time writing a fic and i might’ve gotten carried away… there’s also original names. not all of the names are star wars related. please feel free to reblog! it would mean a lot!
cw: smut; unprotected piv, pet names, car accident..
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Love. It’s a funny thing. I’ll never understand it. I only know that when it hits you, it hits you hard. Here I am, 25 and still pining over a man who doesn’t want me. You would think that after ten years I would forget about him and move on. It’s hard when he’s your best friend. Anakin Skywalker. I met him my sophomore year, his freshman year. Our moms worked together and became best friends. It was only inevitable that we would too. Every weekend was a movie night at the Skywalker house. Filled with love and laughter. The only times I hated it was when an unwanted visitor came. But I denied the real reason I disliked her.
I told myself it was just because she was too quiet. Not outgoing. Definitely not because she was dating him…. I hated the way he held her in his arms. I eventually began to realize it was because I wished it was me. Any moment I had alone with him was bliss. She didn’t go to our school. They met at summer camp the year before we became friends. So, school, especially choir was a safe place to be with him. He made me laugh like no other. And never changed the way he acted around me when his friends were around.
Now here I am, teaching a class of annoying seventh graders how to sing. Anakin is still in med school. I always admired him for it. He never thought he was smart enough for it. It took my encouragement. We still keep tradition and every Friday night; I go over to his apartment for movie night. When he graduated, he and his girlfriend, Padme, split up. So, for the past 6 years, I’ve never really had to worry about anyone else. He only had a few short relationships throughout the past six years since he graduated. Occasionally his sister joins us for movie night, that’s when we have to watch cheesy hallmark movies. Not that I hate all of them, but I dislike most of them.
I looked down at my desk and saw a text on my phone.
“Just you and me for movie night. Up for Fast and Furious?”
I smiled at the text. My students were currently working on their assignment, so I replied,
“That’s a stupid question, Anakin”. I put my phone down and I sat my chair.
He texted back almost immediately, “so I take that as a yes, y/n?”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s a yes. I’d love to talk more but I have a class to teach. Love ya”
“I’ll say a prayer for those students lol. Love ya.”
I smiled at the last sentence. We’ve been inseparable for ten years. Of course, we love each other. Mine just goes deeper than his. I’ve thought multiple times about telling him. But I just couldn’t. He’s always with someone new when I finally muster up the courage to tell him. And its not like I’ve stayed single. I’m actually with someone right now. He’s amazing in every way. He’s just not Anakin. I looked down at my phone again and realized I had a text from him.
“Hey babe, I’m gong out of town to see my parents for the weekend. I know you’re going to Anakin’s apartment for movie night, so I figured i’d tell you now”.
I feel like such a bitch. At least he’s not jealous of Anakin. My last relationship ended because I refused to stop seeing him.
I texted back, “okay, have fun!” I know I should’ve said more, but I really didn’t care. I saw another text from him but before I could answer it, the bell rang.
“Okay class, that’s homework if you didn’t finish it. Have a great weekend!” All the kids quickly piled out of my classroom. Once I was alone, I read the text from Trey.
“Okay. I will. Be safe on your drive up there.”
“I will.” I replied. I got my things together and walked out to my car. Once I got in, I connected my phone and started blasting love songs. I’m a hopeless romantic. I started driving.
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He lives in the main part of Coruscant. Which is about 45 minutes away from where I live. I spent the drive belting love songs, consciously daydreaming about the life I could have with Anakin.
Once I pull into his driveway, he’s already outside waiting for me.
“Jeez, y/n, took you long enough” he smirks.
“Fuck off, Anakin” I laugh and flip him off. I walk closer to him and give him a hug. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours. His muscular arms wrap around me tightly and contract as we breathe in sync. He smelled like the woods behind his house, where we used to explore. His curly dirty blonde hair that shaped his face brushed against my cheek as he finally pulled away. He stood aside, gesturing for me to enter his apartment.
“Wow, you cleaned!” I teased him as I took off my shoes and sat on his black leather couch.
“Yeah, but not for you. It is my bachelor pad after all” he smirked as he sat down beside me.
“Of course,” I said with an eye roll. I tried not to sound annoyed, but I know I did. Part of my annoyance isn’t even because I want him to myself. Some of it is because he’s not as careful as he should be. He just whores around because his good looks and charm let him. One day, he’s gonna end up being a baby daddy to at least three women. And I know i’d still be around to help him. Always being his best friend. Never the love of his life.
“Pizza should be here soon” Anakin interrupted my thoughts.
“Okay great” I give him a warm smile as he sits down beside me. He pulls out his phone and starts to text someone. I know I should give him his privacy, but I’m a nosey bitch. I discreetly shift my head and side my eyes towards his phone. He’s texting a girl named Aayla. From what I could see, they’ve obviously been hooking up.
“Who’s that?” I asked, letting my jealousy get the better of me. He looks up and smirks.
“Just a girl I’ve been seeing occasionally. Why? You jealous?” He teased. I knew he was teasing but I couldn’t stop my face from turning bright red. Every normal word went out the window. I couldn’t speak. Finally, I shook myself out of it and responded nonchalantly.
“Hell no. I don’t need whatever diseases you’ve contracted from your escapades” I teased. He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes. He put his phone face down on his lap and shifted his body to face me. His black ‘KISS’ tee shirt tightened around his body, outlining his stunning six-pack.
“So, how’s everything with Trey?” His face was calm. His lips pressed into a peaceful smile.
“Everything’s great. We just came up on 4 months together.” I couldn’t think of anything interesting to tell him. As bad as it sounds, my relationship with Trey is vanilla. Nothing daring or exciting.
“Can I ask you something?” He raised his eyebrows slightly.
“Of course,” I smiled.
He paused, thinking of what to say next. “So, I’ve only seen him a few times, but he looks awfully boring. Is he any good in bed?”
My jaw dropped. I started laughing a little. “I guess so. He’s only the second guy I’ve been with. I don’t have much to compare him to”.
“Wait, really?” He looked astonished.
I immediately started blushing. I felt embarrassed. “Um, yeah…”
“How come you never told me?” He looked genuinely hurt that I didn’t tell him I’ve only slept with two men.
“I don’t know. We’ve never really gone into detail about our sex lives”
“Yeah, but I mean, I told you when I lost my virginity at least. You didn’t even tell me that.” He sounded so hurt. And I could see where this was coming from. Besides this one topic, I tell him everything. He looked down at my hands that were fidgeting in my lap. All of a sudden, he grabs them. His big strong hands gripping my smaller ones, with a look of compassion on his face. “y/n, please don’t feel like you have to keep things from me. I’m your best friend. I would never judge you”.
How was I not supposed to melt. I nodded and swallowed, keeping my hands in his. “I lost my virginity when I was nineteen. In college. I was with Maul. I was embarrassed to say anything because you lost yours before me and I felt, different, I guess. After we split, I was scared to do it with anyone else. I’ve only recently slept with Trey.”
Just as he was about to speak, the doorbell rang. We knew it was the pizza, so he went up to get it. Once he got it, he walked into the kitchen. It only took a couple of minutes before he came back in with two plates of pizza. He set the plates down, walked back into the kitchen, and came back with two bottles of ‘Mikes hard lemonade’. He then sat beside me, turning on ‘Fast and Furious’.
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We had gotten through the first three movies before I started to get sleepy. I tried to stay awake for another movie, but I couldn’t. We had talked about various things. Work, school, family, etc.
“I’m sorry, but I better leave. I’m starting to fall asleep.” I yawned tiredly.
His eyes widened. Then he started to look sad. “Wait, why don’t you just stay the weekend? I know you keep clothes in your car, and you said Trey would be at his parents’ house all weekend.”
I smiled. But then I started overthinking. What if I annoy him too much? We’ve never spent a whole weekend together without breaks. Or what if he wants to bring a girl over? I’d just get in the way. “Are you sure? What if you want to put your bachelor pad to use?” I slightly teased. Only slightly because part of me was serious.
He smirked, “Do you really think girls are over here every weekend?”
“From the way you talk about them, yes.”
He started laughing. “No, y/n. I’m really not that big of a man whore.”
I looked down at my hands, “Oh. Well, what about that Aayla girl?”
“Not important. We aren’t exclusive. She’s just something fun. There’s no relationship there. If there was, I would’ve told you, y/n.” He said seriously.
“Okay. I’ll stay. I don’t have pajamas in my car though.”
He smiled, knowing he had won. “I have a shirt and sweats you can wear.”
“Okay. Do you have a pillow for the couch?” I asked with a soft smile on my face.
“Yes. But not for you. You can have my bed. And that’s non-negotiable.”
I rolled my eyes as I stood up. I was too tired to fight. He motioned for me to follow him into his room. I’d only been in there once, and that was when he moved into the apartment. As we walked in, I was hit with the refreshing smell of his light cologne. His bed was in the corner, facing the door when you walk in. Across from his queen-sized bed was a tall, dark wood dresser. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out a gray shirt and black sweatpants.
“Here, they might be a bit big, but you’ll just be sleeping in them.”
“Thank you” I smiled. He set the clothes on his bed before walking closer to me. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his strong arms around me. I hugged him back, breathing in his scent. His head rested on my dirty blonde curls.
“Goodnight, y/n”, he breathed out before pulling away. I sighed and smiled.
“Night, Ani”. With that, he smiled and walked out, shutting his door. I began to remove my clothes and replaced them with his. I was immediately engulfed in his natural woodsy scent. I then crawled into his bed. It was very soft, like laying on a cloud. His black sheets smelled like him. I laid there and started thinking about the future I could have if I just grow a pair and tell him. Eventually, I closed my eyes and drifted off, wishing he was laying beside me.
While I was sleeping, I felt something on my hair. I decided to ignore it. But I can't help but hope it was him. But I won't bring It up.
I woke up to the sound of sizzling. I sat up and admired the way the sun shined on my body through the window above the bed. I tossed my legs over the side of the bed and walked out to the kitchen. I was hit with the smell of bacon, my favorite. I walked further in to see Anakin humming and cooking. He was so focused on breakfast; he didn’t even notice I was awake. So, I started to sing the words of the song he was humming. He quickly turned around with a huge grin on his face. His robe was open, exposing his bare chest. His body was God-like.
“You have such a beautiful voice, y/n/n” he complimented me. Sure, he knew I could sing, but this felt different. I blushed a little before responding.
“Thank you, Ani”. I smiled.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked with his eyebrows slightly raised.
“Yes, I did. Your bed is very comfy” I smiled.
He let out a small chuckle. “I know. So, I deserve a big thank you for letting you sleep in it for this weekend”
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you for letting me sleep in your incredibly comfy bed.”
“You’re welcome.” He turned back around to get our plates ready. Once he was done, he took them to the table and sat down waiting for me. We sat there and ate the eggs and bacon he had made. Then I remembered something.
“Last night, what were you going to say before the pizza got delivered?”
He looked down. He was thinking. “Well, I guess I was just surprised, I guess. It’s hard to believe you’ve only slept with two men.” I looked into his eyes and knitted my eyebrows.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, c’mon y/n/n. Just because we’re best friends, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate how beautiful you are.” I choked on my water. I coughed for a few minutes before responding.
“Oh. Really?”
He smiled and laughed lightly. “Yes. Really.” I could’ve died right there. Why couldn’t he be mine?
Once we finished eating, I walked into his living room and sat on the couch. I got on my phone to check any missed calls or notifications I might’ve had. All I had was a text from Trey.
“Good morning, beautiful. Missed waking up next to you this morning” I didn’t. I wished it was Anakin.
“Why is he so cheesy?” I heard Anakin ask from beside me. I can’t blame him for being nosey, considering I did the same thing last night.
“I don’t know. It’s not my favorite if I’m being honest” I said with a slight grimace. He laughed before focusing back on his phone. I looked back down at the text and decided to respond.
“Good morning! Don’t miss me too much. Enjoy your time with your parents”. I rolled my eyes as I pressed send. I started scrolling on instagram. I stopped when I saw an engagement post an old friend from High school made. An instant feeling of jealousy and heartbreak came over me. I heard Anakin sigh as he started to speak.
“Oh yeah, I saw that.” He spoke as if it made no difference. It probably doesn’t to him. But to me, I feel behind. I thought I still had time to start all of that. Is 25 too old? He started to speak again when I didn’t say anything. “Hey, what’s wrong?” His voice was soft, like velvet
“Am I wasting my life?” I looked up with tears begging to be released from my eyes.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He knitted his eyebrows together.
“I though I still had time before starting a family. I thought 25 was still young. But now, Casey is getting married.” I sniffled. The tears finally leaving my eyes. Without saying anything, Anakin pulled me into a hug. Once again, his woodsy smell engulfed my senses and I felt calm. My face was pressed against his bare chest, since he still hadn’t changed. He gently rubbed my back with his hand. After a few minutes, I pulled away to save myself from falling for him even more, if that was possible. He began to speak.
“I don’t think there’s a time limit. You start it when you’re ready.” He smiled softly.
“When did you get so smart?” I teased. He scoffed and playfully put his hand to his chest.
“I am deeply offended y/n.” I pushed him and we started laughing. He paused. “Hey, I have an idea”
“Let’s go see my parents. It’ll give us something to do.” He shrugged. I smiled. I hadn’t seen them in a while.
“I love that idea. I just have to get my clothes out of my car and change” I stood up and did just that. I walked back in with my book bag and went into his room and changed. I walked out with my slightly ripped jeans and my favorite ‘Nirvana’ tee-shirt. Anakin smiled and walked into the room to change while I waited. He walked back out in black jeans and a plain gray shirt. Even in the plainest clothes he was ethereal. I grabbed my phone and his as we walked out the door.
On the drive to his parents’ house, we blasted our favorite songs. We belted our hearts out, laughed at the stupid shit he said. My heart fluttered every time he looked at me. The way he says my name. After 20 minutes, we pulled into his parents' driveway. We got out and he rang the doorbell. Their house was white and older. There was a wooded area in their backyard where Anakin, his sister Ashoka, and I would explore and mess around.
When I moved closer to my job, I was sad to be so far away. But when Anakin moved to Coruscant to go to college and Coruscant Medical School, I was elated. We were now only 45 minutes apart instead of an hour. I hadn’t been home in 6 months. My parents haven’t even met Trey. Which is intentional.
After a few seconds, his mom Shmi, opened the door and a huge grin appeared on her face. She then gasped.
“Oh! y/n!! It’s so good to see you!” She pulled me into a tight comforting hug. Anakin rolled his eyes.
“Nice to see you too mom” he teased. I pulled away and smiled. She walked forward and pulled Anakin into a hug as well. Just then, his Step dad, Cliegg, came out and gave me a side hug before hugging Anakin. Shmi finally spoke up.
“Well, come on in! I just made some chili if you’re hungry”. I walked into their house and was hit with the smell of her infamous chili. My mouth immediately started watering. I proceeded to the kitchen and didn’t waste and time on grabbing a bowl. Anakin soon entered behind me and did the same.
Once our bowls were filled, we went into the dining room and sat at the table. His parents joined us, and we began to make some small talk. Shmi smiled and began to speak.
“So, are either of you seeing anyone?” Before I could say anything, Anakin spoke up.
“Well, y/n has a boyfriend. But I’m not seeing anyone right now.” I smiled awkwardly, knowing Shmi would tell my mother. Shmi’s face looked almost sad, as if she wanted me to be single or him to not be.
“Oh, that’s wonderful! What’s his name?” She asked brightly. I looked up from the table and smiled.
“His name is Trey” I said quietly.
“Is that short for anything?” Cliegg spoke up.
“His name is Daniel Jones the third. Because he’s the third, he goes by Trey.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Anakin said almost offended.
“Well, you never asked” I replied. The rest of lunch went well. After a few more hours, we decided to head back home. We hugged his parents goodbye and got back into Anakin’s truck. Once we started driving, Anakin cleared his throat and started to speak.
“Are you mad at me?” He said as if he would start crying if I said yes.
“What? No. Why would I be mad at you?” I asked genuinely.
“I don’t know. You’ve just been distant recently, I guess.” He shrugged, keeping his beautiful blue eyes on the road.
“I’m not trying to be. You’re my best friend, I would never try to distance myself from you.” I sighed. He was right. But I’m only trying to save myself from utter heartbreak.
“Okay. I believe you.” And with that, we stayed silent the rest of the ride home. The only time we spoke was when we stopped at a drive-thru to get food. We ate in the car. Still staying silent. Once we pulled into his driveway, I got out and went straight to his room to change.
In had just finished changing, when Anakin walked in. He just stood there. He didn’t say anything. I spoke up.
“Is everything go-” I was cut short by Anakin when he pressed his lips onto mine. I didn’t even have time to react before he pulled away. His eyes widened.
“I- I’m sorry.” With that, he walked out of his room and shut the door. I wanted to follow him, but I could tell he needed to be alone. I sat on the end of the bed and ran my hands through my hair. I looked down and spoke quietly.
“What the fuck just happened?” I crawled onto the bed and laid down. Did he mean to? Was he fucking with me? Did he want me as much as I want him? No. He couldn’t. It’s been too long for him not to have said anything. I curled into a ball and fell asleep thinking about what just happened.
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The next morning, I woke up ready to talk to Anakin. I changed into leggings and a plain blue shirt. When I walked out, I didn’t see him anywhere. I checked every room until I saw a note on his fridge.
“I went for a drive. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’m so sorry. I’ll see you next weekend, I hope. - Anakin. I wasn’t angry at him for leaving, surprisingly. I understood. I walked back into his room, grabbed my stuff and left. As I drove back to my apartment, I couldn’t help but start to cry. I cried because I was hurt, confused, frustrated, in love.
When I pulled into the driveway, I sat in my car and cried some more. Eventually, I got out and walked into my apartment complex. I got in the elevator and kept my eyes on the floor so no one could see me cry. When the elevator rang, I walked out and ran down the hallway to get to my door.
I walked in and ran into my room. I crawled into my bed and cried. He kissed me and he regrets it. I was stupid to think that maybe we could be something. I fell asleep with tears still running down my cheeks.
After what was probably a few hours, I heard loud knocking on my door. I got up and opened it. Trey.
“Hey gorgeous” he smiled.
“Hi.” I said quietly. I stood to the side allowing him to come in. I couldn’t stop sniffling, so he turned around with a concerned look.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” He said softly.
“I just don’t feel good” I lied. I couldn’t tell him that my best friend kissed me, said sorry, then left and I wished he wasn’t sorry. Trey walked over to the couch and sat down. He gestured for me to sit beside him. I did. Once I sat down, he pulled me close to him. I wont lie, Trey is very comforting. He is so sweet and honestly very good looking, but he’s not him. As much as I try to enjoy being with Trey I can't.
I sat there for what felt like another hour, before I got a call. I sat up and answered.
“Hello?” I didn’t recognize the number.
“Hi, this is Coruscant Hospital. Is this y/n y/l/n?” My heart dropped.
“Yes, it is”
“We have Anakin Skywalker here. You were number one on his emergency contact list. He’s in our trauma room right now. He got into a pretty bad accident. I would suggest that you come down and call any other family members”.
I froze. I couldn’t speak. I felt tears running down my cheeks, but I couldn’t make any sound. Finally, I said okay and hung up. I told trey what happened, and I left. I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over. I sobbed thinking the worst. I called his mom and told her. She immediately tried to calm me down and told me she was on her way.
I pulled into the parking lot and ran in. I told the receptionist his name. She looked him up and told me he was taken into emergency surgery. I sat in the waiting room. His mom eventually came, and I told her. She held me as I cried. We sat in the waiting room for 4 hours. Eventually a doctor came out.
“Are you the family of Anakin Skywalker?”. We both nodded. “He’s out of surgery. He’s in a coma right now. He shouldn’t be asleep for long, but don’t expect him to be awake tonight.”
We nodded. A nurse came and led us to his room. As soon as I saw him, I immediately broke into tears. I pulled a chair up to the side of his bed. I sat down and grabbed his hand. He had a black eye, and his arms were covered in cuts and bruises. He had stitches visible on his chest, before they went under his gown. Shmi grabbed his other hand and gave it a kiss. We sat in silence before she finally spoke.
“He’s so lucky to have you, y/n.” She said softly with a light smile.
“What do you mean?” I asked with utter confusion.
“You bring out the best in him. He trusts you more than anyone. You’d drop anything the moment he asks you to. And you care about him so much. You’ve shed more tears tonight than I think I have in the last 4 years.” She explained.
“Of course, I care about him. He’s my best friend.” She just hummed in response. After an hour or so, another nurse came in.
“Unfortunately, only one of you can stay with him. It’s hospital policy.” I immediately went to stand up when Shmi spoke.
“y/n, stay. You need to. I’ll be back in the morning.” I she said sternly. I didn’t even try to argue with her. She left and I curled up in the chair and slept the best I could.
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The next morning, his mom walked in and woke me up. She had brought me some coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We turned on the television and occasionally had a conversation. I barely let go of his hand.
Shmi left to get some lunch. I stayed. I held his hand with my left hand and used my right to caress his face. I whispered softly.
“Please wake up. I need you. I-I love you. Please Ani.” I begged. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears. All I wanted was to hear his voice.
After a bit, Shmi returned, and we talked some more. Once it got late, she left and went back home. I sat there and cried some more. I needed my best friend. I needed my Ani. All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in” I said calmly. Trey walked in with some food,
“I got you something to eat. Figured I could sit with you for a bit and then take you home.” He spoke.
I sighed. “Thank you for the food, but I’m staying here. I refuse to leave him.”
“Can I ask you something?” He said softly.
“Sure” I said staring at Anakin’s beautiful face.
“If that was me, would you stay all night, not eat and hold my hand?” He spoke softly, but I could tell he was sad and angry. How could I blame him? But I was tired of lying.
“No.” And I said that with full honesty. “He’s my best friend. We’ve been inseparable for ten years. Why would that change now?” I spoke quietly. Not once taking my eyes off of Anakin.
“You love him. Don’t you?” He questioned. I didn’t know what to say.
“Of course. He’s my best frie-”. He cut me off.
“Cut the shit, y/n. You love him. More than a friend. And I won’t stand in the way.” He said solemnly. He walked out and I didn’t say anything. I just kept my red teary eyes on the love of my life. Whether he felt the same or not, it’s true. I kissed his hand. And for the first time in years, I prayed.
I prayed to God that he wakes up. That I get my best friend back. I turned off the television and the lights. I sat there with only the beeping of the machines. I leaned forward, laid my head on the side of his bed and cried.
After a bit, his nurse came to check his vitals. I watched as she did her job. I could tell she was very meticulous, and I was thankful for that. After she left, I felt the urge to cry again. So, I pulled out my phone and called the only other person who comforts me. My mom. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before she answered.
“Hello?” She said calmly.
“Hey mom” I said, my voice cracking.
“Oh, baby. I heard what happened to Anakin. Shmi told me you haven’t left his side in almost two days.”
“How could I mom? He’s my person, my safe haven. I need him. I love him.” I said hesitantly.
“We all know that. We’re positive he does too. We were just wondering how long it would take before you noticed.” She said with a laugh in her voice. She was always good at seeing the positive in everything.
“Damn. We’re dense. I just called you to calm myself down but I’m getting tired so I’m going to try and sleep.” I said in a calm tone.
“Okay, sweetie. Call me if you need me. Bye.” And she hung up. I set my phone down and leaned forward again so I could keep holding his hand.
I laid my head on his arm and drifted off to sleep.
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I heard talking. I thought it was just nurses until I heard his voice.
“No, don’t wake her. My mom said she barely slept. I want her to get as much sleep as possible.” It was Anakin. I shot my head up. When I did his beautiful ocean blue eyes were on y/e/c ones. I brought my hand up to cover my mouth as I burst into tears. He smiled and brought his hand up to cup my cheek.
“Never mind.” He let out a soft chuckle.
The nurses all walked out and shut the door leaving us alone. I removed my hand and spoke.
“You’re awake!” I exclaimed.
“Am I?” He teased. “y/n, I’m so sorry about what happe-” I cut him off.
“I love you. So much actually.” I blurted out.
“Wait, really?” He knitted his eyebrows
I nodded. “I love you. More than just a friend. I’ve loved you since the day we met. I’ve loved you through every friend, girl, or fight we’ve ever had. I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just needed to tell you.”
His face calmed and he smiled. His hand grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward. When we were close enough, he pressed his lips on to mine. We kissed passionately for what felt like hours. When we pulled away, he spoke.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that. I only got girlfriends to distract myself from the fact that I loved you. I thought I finally had a chance until you got with Trey. I’ve tried so hard to contain myself, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want you to leave Friday because I couldn’t handle having to wait another week before I saw you again. And at night I came in and kissed your forehead against my better judgement. y/n, I love you more than any word could express.”
I started crying again. He pulled me close to him. I laid on my side with my head to his chest. And I stayed like that for the next three days until he was discharged.
I helped him walk out to my car. Once we got in and I started driving, he put his hand on my thigh. I smiled as I drove us back to his apartment. Once I pulled into his driveway, I got out and helped him get out. We walked into his apartment, and the moment his door was shut, his lips were on mine.
Anakin moved his lips from mine down to my jaw and neck. I let out small moans of pleasure. He moved his hands down and grabbed the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms so he could remove it. Once my shirt was off, we walked into his room. When we got into his room, he began to remove everything except for his boxers. I removed everything but my bra and thong.
“Should we be doing this? You just had surgery 5 days ago” I reminded him.
“Baby, I need exercise to strengthen my heart again. That shard of glass really fucked it up. And what better way to get it working than to do this?” He smirked while he explained. I chose to just nod.
He walked closer to me and caressed every inch of me. He brought his hands around my back and unclipped my bra. I let it slide down my arms as he admired my bare chest.
“You’re so fucking beautiful baby” he grabbed my breasts and began to place kisses on my neck. He pushed me onto his bed and got on top of me. He brought his hands down and removed underwear in one go. I smirked and took my hand and placed it over his boxers, rubbing the impressive bulge. He let out a whimper, which drove me crazy. I pulled down his boxers and widened my eyes. He was huge.
Anakin took his fingers and began to rub my clit. I moaned and threw my head into the pillow. He leaned forward and placed my breast into his mouth.
“That feels so good Ani” I moaned. He began to move his fingers faster around my clit, causing me to squirm. It didn’t take long until he removed his mouth from my nipple and moved his body down.
He spread my legs open, and I felt him sucking on my clit. The feeling was phenomenal. He then started lapping at my pussy like he would die without it. He then took his middle finger and ring finger and began fingering me.
“Oh my god, Anakin. I’m gonna-” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. He let out a dark chuckle before he moved his body up.
I felt the tip of his dick at my entrance. He looked at me and smirked.
“Are you ready baby?” I looked at him and nodded. “Use your words, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, yes I’m ready.” With that, I felt him push his length in me slowly. I threw my head back and moaned loudly. Once I adjusted to his length, he began to thrust into me at a decent pace. He leaned his head down and kissed me deeply while bringing a hand down to rub my clit.
“Ani, go faster” I begged. He began to go faster and felt the knot in my stomach begin to unravel. I let out louder moans until they became incoherent babbles.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good around my cock.” Anakin let out the most glorious whimper I’d ever heard. That was enough to send me into orbit.
“I’m so close” I told him, and he began to thrust faster.
“Fuck baby, me too.” He whined. He kept thrusting faster until I felt my orgasm coming.
“Ani, I’m gonna come.” I moaned. He looked into my eyes and smiled.
“Come with me baby” and with those words I felt my orgasm take over my body as his thrusts began to slow down as he came in me.
“Fuck, y/n” He panted as he pulled out. He bent down and pushed his cum back into my leaking hole, eliciting a moan from my lips.
He got off of me and laid beside me. He then pulled me close to him, so my head was on his chest.
“You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” He confessed and I smiled as I began to trace circles on his chest with my finger.
“Me too” I replied. He leaned his head down and kissed the top of my head.
“I love you, y/n. So much.” He said softly as his hand ran up and down my back.
“I love you too Anakin.” I replied. We laid there, talking. At one point he brought the blanket over us. After a bit, we started to get tired, and it didn’t take long before I fell asleep in his arms. Where I belonged.
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qtubbo · 10 months
Morning Crew would look for the biggest mountain near the ocean and then have a stupid competition to see who could make the biggest splash while cannonballing and also being drunk off their minds. Then they’d all jump off right after each other without even paying attention to whats below them and all miss the ocean and just die. Then they’d have to walk all the way back in shame.
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satorudoll · 1 year
Baby Gumi giving Toji the sus look when he saw the love bites on Mommy's chest
Toji forgot his baby has sharp senses for a baby and baby thought Toji ate his food or hurt Mommy lol
(im starting to feel like y'all wanna turn this acc into a toji thirst vault)
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Megumi always had a habit of looking up at his dad weird, the two year old boy always found his dad weird.
So he would spend most of his time toddling towards you and taking up any free space that was available next to you.
The baby boy loved to be in your arms very much, therefore everytime he woke up to find you already waiting there for him near his crib with a warm smile he'd try to get up on his small chubby legs holding onto the rail guards of the crib then forward one of his hands to make grabby hands at you.
You spent most of the day holding the baby boy in one arm and doing every other chore in your house while your husband was out for work because Megumi absolutely refused to leave your side unless he was in a deep slumber.
But as much competent the little boy was so was his dad, Megumi enjoyed all his fun time with you until it was time for his dad to come back from work, the two year old will get all pouty and fussy as soon as he'll hear the slamming of the front door and a loud "I'm home!" followed by the literal thudding of his dad's running feet.
The baby boy's brows would knit together and his tiny button nose would scrunch in distaste as soon as his dad would pull you away from his side to engulf you in a hug and lay bunch of his dirty smooches on your face.
ew, Megumi would think.
Megumi always got annoyed at his dad for doing these stuff to his mom, believing his mom was just a very nice lady to not turn his dad down.
The little boy knew his fun time was over as soon as his dad was home. He would toddle out of his room and find you sitting alone in the couch, peacefully watching television, then he would proceed to start running towards you almost tumbling in his steps just so he can climb up and sit down next to you.
But then the tall giant will casually walk in and let his entire body fall down horizontally on the couch, immediately planting his head on your thighs as well, leaving literally no space for Megumi.
The two year old boy would pause in literal disgust and shock,
This would get the two year old so mad that he would get down to pick up his toy spoon from the floor and start smacking it on the old man's head who in return would start yelling in surprise at why his son was being such a brat while you try pulling him away from his dad.
Now Megumi thought he has seen all the worst sides of his dad, until, one morning the baby boy wakes up way too early than usual due to a nightmare. Not finding you besides his crib he immediately manages to crawl up by standing on his little pile of plushies.
Megumi was indeed a smart baby.
Tumbling towards his parent's shared bedroom he could hear some weird noises coming as he got closer,
he was sure most of it were your voices though?
But you sounded like you were in pain??
He slowly opens the door which was already a bit agape,
he really couldn't understand what was going on since he was way too small and his vision could only go up so far.
But then he hears the loud sound of what he considered to be a slap along with the rough angry voice of his dad followed by your sobs,
he cannot believe his dad was hurting you ! Oh he always believed his dad was a mad man,
He was definitely worst than the monsters under his crib !
and that's all it takes for the baby boy's bottom lips to quiver and let the loudest wail out,
He felt like that helped because through his blurry vision he sees his dad immediately spring out of the bed, murmuring a string of what you taught him were "bad words" while fumbling around for something.
Your head pops out of the covers as soon as you were done fixing your night gown but the two year old was way too busy crying and rolling fat drops of tears down his red cheeks to realize that you had taken him in your arms.
"Gumi- baby what's wrong- " you try to rock him in your arms but that didn't seem to be helping,
"you are just like me kid, all grumpy early in the morning" His dad tries casually playing it off after slumping down besides you both,
but the 'just like me' causes the baby's cries to get even worst making you pass your husband a mad glare for saying that,
Toji stares at you both offended.
"I'm sorry, mommy wasn't there this morning- Won't happen again honey! I'll play with you all day today, we wont be able to play if you keep crying!" you smile as he starts to slowly quite down at those words.
"What a good little boy" You praise, slowly caressing his head and moving his little black baby hair away from his forehead.
His pout is still on his face as his vision moves down from your face but then it stops,
while Toji was joking at you about how he deserves the 'good boy' title as well and you were busy brushing him off, you both failed to notice the little boy's growing frown as he stared at all the purple bruises around your neck and collar bones.
He feels his vision start to get blurry again and then its there again,
His mouth opens wide showing off the two new set of teeth as he starts crying bloody murder.
You gasp in panic not understanding what had happened again.
As you tried to rock him again he tried getting away from your arms and instead stretching his hand towards his dad as he continued balling his eyes out.
That confused you and Toji,
He has never chosen Toji before for comfort as long as you were there,
But Toji was a little too happy to care,
"Does my little boy wanna be with daddy??" He coos, stretching his arms out for you to hand the baby to him,
"I knew you always had a soft spot for me kiddo" he gushes as soon as he takes his baby boy in his arms.
But the happiness didn't seem to have lasted long, because as soon as Megumi gets close to his dad's face his little hands flung up to grip on the locks of his dad's hair.
"What's u-" He yelps when the baby boy starts to twist and turn his fists while he continues to babble something only another baby could make out and sob like he was the one in pain,
"Oh god- baby you shouldn't do that come here-"
You try pulling Megumi back in your arms, but he is willing to take Toji's head along because he just wasn't loosening his grip.
"Gumi ! mommy will cry if you don't pay attention to her !" You make a pouty face and put your hands on your hips while Toji was busy yelping and cursing not caring that the little boy could hear everything
But that immediately gets the baby's attention because he instantly turns his head around and starts crawling to you as his cries slowly starts dying down.
"Demon child !" Toji points as he runs his hands through the locks of his hair, rubbing at the area that his son almost got him bald at,
You lift the baby up in your arms as you look at Toji,
"and don't you curse again in front of our baby" you knit your brows before turning your attention to the two year old and wiping the tears away from his puffy cheeks.
"So I'm the bad guy here??" Toji questions, looking defeated.
You shrug and walk away with Megumi in your arms who had finally gotten quite.
Oh you and Toji had a lot of explaining to do to this little boy, but that wasn't a headache you both were willing to take for Monday morning.
Maybe later at night, when Megumi will seemingly be a bit less pissed at his dad.
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yandereend · 4 months
Yandere Househusband
How he met his spouse
TW: usual yandere stuff, male yandere, obsessive behavior, yandere wants children
Please keep in mind that English is not my native language thanks💛
P. 1 please let me know if you want more
Doesn’t everyone just hope to one day find the perfect partner and settle down with them, start a family and live happily ever after. Thats exactly what our little Tyler always wanted.
Tyler came from a nice home, he was an only child but his parents had a lot of love for him, and even more for each other. He always admired his parents relationship, his father being the strong breadwinner and his mother being the docile housewife. It was the perfect relationship in Tylers eyes and there was nothing he wanted more than to have that too.
In school Tyler couldn’t care less about his grades, it’s not like he was incapable of learning, quite the opposite but he didn’t see a reason to spend his time learning about math or physics if he wanted to be a househusband anyways. Thats right my dear readers Tyler was just waiting to find the right spouse to settle down with.
So for that reason alone he always made an effort to appear put together and pretty in school, he was lucky to have enough confidence to not let others opinions about his appearance affect him. So he was always helpful, nice and friendly to everyone. But even with his best efforts he couldn’t find the one. Thanks to his obsessive nature he often over thought his love life and if he will end up alone. (Your in 10th grade chill dude)
All that until the greatest day of his life were he met you. You were the new student and he immediately volunteered to show you around, became your partner in assignments and your new best friend.
To be honest you were smitten by Tyler, nobody gave you that much attention before and it wasn’t long before the schools pretty boy was your boyfriend. Tyler was thrilled that everyone in the school knew that you were his and he yours. And oh dear how Tyler admired you, you were so attractive, strong, smart and capable. He was so excited to finally settle down (dudes only 17), after graduation.
And Tyler always wanted to impress you, he would join his mother while cooking making sure to pack your lunch, clean your room while he visited you and even did your laundry. Wait didn’t you have more underwear?
And in exchange he just wanted to be pampered back. He would give you his bag if it was heavy, would depend on you for homework and always expected you to stand up to the jocks when they made fun of his more feminine clothes.
And oh did I mention that Tyler was a little bit manipulative, just a tad bit but I mean why would you need friends, you can go shopping with Tyler. Your family goes on vacation? Ditch them and go with Tylers family instead, they have the money don’t worry. You should also consider his parents, they were so supportive of him and you, his dad even showed you the family business if you wanna inherit it.
So when your graduation day finally came you and Tyler hosted a party together, and after you had a few drinks Tyler dropped on his knee and asked the big question, to which you in your tipsy state happily agreed.
So don’t be surprised when 2 months later Tylers parents bought you two a house (yes they’re that rich), your Tylers dads new intern and your lovely fiancé plans the most romantic wedding ever. And hey, there’s no escaping now darling.
Thanks for reading please let me know if you enjoyed it 💛
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thesummerpetrichor · 4 months
𝓘 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓘 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾:
𝒪𝒻𝒻 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑅𝒶𝒸𝑒𝓈
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Javier Peña x afab!fem!reader
Summary: Its been five months since you started sleeping together, and you're having second thoughts about your "relationship" with Javier. But what does it matter to him? he hasn't even kissed you yet. 🍒 Continuation of “Off to the Races” and “Your Face is Shameless” but can be read alone.
Warnings: 18+ Only Minors DNI you will be blocked. Mentions of DEA, thicc age gap [Javi is in his 40s reader is in her early 20s], mentions of anxiety, major angst, situationship, guilt, unrequited love, self loathing, kissing [they did it!], Javier is emotionally unavailable, petnames, major dom/sub dynamic [dd/lg ish vibes], mean!Javi then soft!dom!Javi, degradation, dumbification, minor objectification, major size kink [Javi is bigger than and can lift reader], praise kink [finally some good girl action], daddy kink, choking, pussy pronouns, finger sucking, oral [f receiving], unprotected P in V [ do better!!]. Let me know if i missed anything 🫶
Word count: 5.4K
A/N: Hello!! I'm back!! thought it would be fitting to revisit these two post hiatus. Sorry in advance for the emotional torture that is about to ensue, but I couldn't help myself. Big thank you to @pixelsandothernonsense for being a big supporter of these two and fuelling their return on the blog time and time again. Lotsa plot, lotsa porn– as always. Hope you enjoy, nasties. Mwah
🍒Off to the races 🍒Your face is shameless 🍒Masterlist
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You wanted it to be easy but it’s difficult. You wanted it to be over, but it was not. 
While Colombia seemed to be all fun and games at first sight, the longer you remained stuck in the American embassy’s city centre building the more you longed for home. 
Your research was hitting a roadblock, and things were hard. Funding was running out, and your professors were running away. Better jobs, better prospects. But your degree was the least cause for your troubles. 
You were smart. You were controlled. You didn’t know what you were thinking when you got yourself involved with Javier Peña. It seemed fun at the moment- fooling around, messing with a man double your age and four times more qualified. Trying to wrangle his true intentions out from under his furrowed brow and frown. 
Looking back you felt stupid. Embarrassed. A little ashamed of what you had become. How you let him treat you. 
He used you like a walking sex doll. Didn’t give you one look afterwards. Maybe a pat on the back but somehow that was more insulting. He had never kissed you. And there you were, fixing your makeup in the office bathroom after an evening under his desk had ruined it. 
It had been five months since the first time he'd bent you over his desk but you were only half way through your trip. Five more months seemed too long to bear. It made you sick. 
You glanced at yourself in the mirror. You looked tired, and sleepy and your clothes weren’t crisp as usual. You felt a little bit like the tissue you’d just dabbed against your cheek. A little flimsy and a little dirty. A little used, perhaps. 
It felt a little worse knowing it was all your doing. You weren’t expecting a man like Javier to change. Objectively, it wasn’t possible. But you still asked for more. For him to use and then forget about you. You wanted to leave. You wished he’d never seen this side of you. Frankly you wished you hadn’t either. 
Because you were smart and funny and interesting and could talk about all sorts of things. You liked music and books and movies and trying new food. But he’d never seen you that way. He never would. 
You hadn’t spoken to him once. Not about anything that wasn’t strictly utilitarian. Especially not after he started fucking you. It was far too awkward and far too intimate. 
For him. 
Your feelings flip flopped every day, from the casualty of the affair seeming rather appealing, to it making your chest ache. And yet you couldn’t seem to help yourself, unable to understand not only what this thing you had going on with Agent Peña was, but why you couldn't seem to stop. 
Five months camping out in the office and you hadn’t missed a single day. No matter how bad the hurt in your chest you rolled out of bed and reminded yourself of why you were where you were. It worked. It hurt, but it worked. 
But after five months it seemed like getting out of bed was suddenly impossible one morning and you thought it best to stay home. You got a few calls. One from Fiestl and Van Ness. Connie Murphy sent Steve over with soup when she heard you weren’t feeling well. 
No news from Javi Peña. 
You slept most of the day. With your computer shut and materials put away. You didn’t want to think about it. You fixed yourself dinner- instant noodles, and headed to bed once again. 
You thought it was temporary but the excruciating pain only lingered and carried you on to another day confined to the four walls of your bedroom. 
It was a bad idea- ignoring your work for as long as you did. You should have known that you wouldn’t be able to put it on the back burner- considering the neurosis surrounding your work, the fact you took a two day break was impressive. It wasn’t long before your anxiety was eating away at you, an impending deadline hanging over your head and reminding you the world didn't care about your little pity party. 
Stupid as it was, you found yourself crossing the street at the witching hour of 23:00- clad in the soft cotton dress you forced yourself into earlier that evening. The friday night had persuaded everyone out of the office, and you weren’t surprised when you found the top floor of the embassy building cold and empty. 
You were glad, and perhaps it was the only way you could stomach being there– alone. 
Your desk was exactly how you’d left it a couple of days ago- your books piled in one corner, papers thrown all over the place. It was disorganised and untidy– very unlike you. You swallowed a lump in your throat as you began to sort things out, a feeling of complete exhaustion and defeat threatening to force you into your office chair. You glanced over at Javier’s office, signs he was out for the week prompting the slight relaxation of your shoulders. 
When you finally sat down to get to work, your eyes couldn't help but flutter shut every few moments, the screen of your computer zoning in and out of your vision every now and then. The words seemed to escape you, four lines on your document all you could manage before you were pressing your forehead against the wood of your desk. 
After spending the past two days sleeping somehow all you wanted to do was climb right back into bed. 
Music, surely that would help! Or at least you thought, to no avail, a whole album played once, yet you could only manage another paragraph. Turns out burnout was real.. and it had decided now was the best time to get you. But you weren’t ready to pack up and banish yourself to your studio apartment just yet. So you upped the volume, and sat up just a little bit straighter in your chair, and got back to work. 
Something about the loneliness of working in that drab, white, characterless office was especially miserable. So miserable in fact it was almost comforting, it was so miserable it was funny. It wasn't long before you were sitting completely straight in that sad, uncomfortable office chair, laughing at yourself with a mixture of exhaustion and disbelief. You were stupid, and acted silly, and had all these big feelings, but what did it matter? It was diabolical; the capacity Javier had for ruining your life, but soon enough you’d be out of here and one day you’d probably be laughing at the whole ordeal. 
It was exhausting, but what could you do? The words came just a little bit easier from that point, and you felt yourself accept defeat and immersed yourself in your paper. At the end of the day you couldn’t control how he felt about you- you just had to take it or leave it. Not everything is that deep, you rolled your eyes at yourself, but you knew truthfully the lack of his care and affection was more than a little sting. You decided you were better off defining the “relationship” for yourself, and maybe showing a little bit more restraint. Who said everything had to be that serious, maybe you should've taken a page out of Javier’s book! 
Yes that was it, not everything was that serious, was it?
You really wished you’d had the foresight to gauge the stupidity of trying to drown out your surroundings in a public space in the middle of the night. Sure, no external threat could get you inside the excessively secure embassy building, but what did that mean when the real threat to your sanity was the DEA attache. 
Truth be told, you'd have jumped in fear if anyone had tapped their fingers on your computer screen, but when Javier rounded your desk with a raised brow and waved his hand in front of your computer, you were particularly startled. 
“The hell are you doing here?” 
Any other time you’d probably met him with a snappy reply, something to get him going, maybe rile him up enough till he was pressing your face against your papers and fucking you from the back. You wished you could have given him that response that day, but you were so completely out of yourself, you settled for a shrug and a normal “trying to finish this section”. 
“That why you disappeared these past two days?”
“I wish.. probably would have been done by now.” His brows kit, somewhat confused and just noticing your tired, puffy eyes now that he was closer. 
“When’s it due.” he leaned to sit on your table , and traced your features with his fingers. You felt your eyes flutter shut as the tip of his index ran along the bridge of your nose, and feared your new policy was at risk of being thrown right out of the window at his attention. Sighing, you leaned into his touch. Unhappy, but unable to resist it. “Next week.”
He pitched your damp cheeks between his fingers, gently shaking your head from side to side. “You've got time.” 
You hummed and took a moment to look up at him- yellow table lamp doing his golden features all sorts of favours, ones that he didn't even need to begin with if you were being honest.The weight of his hand, the roughness of his skin against yours had a soft sigh escaping your lips. 
Javier's hand moved slowly, almost hesitantly, to the back of your neck, and he gently guided you to stand. Your legs felt weak, but you helped yourself up long enough to watch him rise beside you, stepping closer. He stepped around you, positioning himself between yourself and the chair, his breath warm against your ear. 
"Sit," he murmured, his voice low and commanding. His hand moved to the back of your neck again, this time pulling you down onto his lap. The gesture was possessive, not tender. 
You obeyed, lowering yourself onto him,  your legs on either side of his waist, dangling off the seat. Javier's hands rested on your waist momentarily, heavy and harsh, before drifting lower to your hips, pulling you further into his lap till you could feel his bulge swell against you. You felt yourself get wet, he lifted your hips and then pulled you back down against him, allowing you the slight relief of the friction as you felt yourself embarrassingly throb against him. 
The proximity was suffocating, his scent—cigarettes, and aftershave. He leaned closer, and for a moment, in your delusion, you thought he might kiss you. Instead his fingers squeezed around your throat, breath fanning your lips. “You want to be daddy’s good girl, dontch’ya?” his voice was low, and biting, and you knew you were in for it, for avoiding him, when he tightened his grip at your lack of answer. 
Slick pooled in your panties, and he let you press your hot core against him, undoubtedly able to feel how easily he could unravel you. You shifted your gaze up at the ceiling to avoid his own. 
You squeaked out a feeble “yes”, already delirious. “Then why the fuck, did you think you could disappear without telling me?” He reached for the string that held together the top of your dress, rather aggressively tugging it undone, watching as it unravelled and revealed the soft cotton of your lingerie. “Busy” you whined when traced your skin with his pointer finger, palm coming to squeeze at your breast and then pull your bra aside. 
“Not looking too busy now, are ya?” your nipple pebbled under his palm, his hot breath fanning against your skin as he trailed open mouth kisses along your neck. You whimpered, reaching to tangle your fingers in Javier’s hair. Surprisingly, he let you tug on his locks, allowing you to ground yourself as he sucked your nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your bud. He came up to nip at your jaw and you whimpered  a soft “M’ sorry”. 
“What was that?” Javier rolled his eyes and growled in your ear, grazing your earlobe with his teeth, and pinching the flesh of your thighs, prompting you to speak up. And speak up you did, heat seeping into your panties at his tone and words. He didn’t respond to you, just hummed his assent and pulled you harder against him. 
His hands found the backs of your thighs, hoisting you up and into his arms. You wrapped your legs around him and his big arms crossed under you to support your weight. Continuing to kiss along your neck he plopped you on the table, but you couldn’t lie, you much preferred being carried so gently in his hold. Thank god the desk had been cleared– giving him enough room to push you back against it. You didn't really want to unwrap your legs from around him, but he grunted disapprovingly before prying your legs from his waist. Your heart jumped as he took a seat on your dingy rolly chair, his large palms lifting your legs by your calves till your feet were planted on his thighs. You propped yourself up on your elbows. 
Javier's eyes caught sight of your untied shoelace, a small hazard in the midst of your hurried night. As usual, without a word, he leaned down, fingers deftly working to tie the lace in a swift, fluid motion, securing the bow with a final, firm tug, patting the top of your shoe before returning to the task at hand. 
His eyes were hungry like they always were, deep brown, alluring, the only readable emotion in them- lust. Those large palms parted your knees, making space for you between them. A tingle ran up your spine when he brushed the tips of his fingers against the inside of your thigh, dragging them along your skin till he was toying with the hem of your panties. He shifted forward in the chair, meeting your eyes as he planted a kiss on your calf, and then hoisted your legs up on his shoulders. 
Javier took a moment to admire you, letting his rough hands roam under your skirt. You always wondered what those hands were doing; how they wrapped around his gun when he ran out of the office with it, how small they made the cigarette he was smoking look. You watched him grab, and hold, and type from across your desk when he hadn’t fucked you in a day or two, imagined those hands grabbing at your flesh and wrapping around your throat. You imagined him pumping his fingers in and out your pussy with your own hands between your legs in the middle of the night- unable to go mere days without him fucking you, salivating at the thought of those hands wrapped around his thick cock, wondering if he too couldn’t go without your touch. 
Lost in your thoughts you shuddered when you felt him drag his tongue up the cut of your slit, the already moist fabric of your panties sticking to your skin as he nudged your clit with his nose. Your head fell back involuntarily, and you felt your arms ache as you continued to struggle to hold yourself up on your elbows. Seemingly, he had decided that day he wasn’t going to make you work for it- you looked like you were working far too much already. 
“Look at me.” Javier sharply instructed from between your legs. Nipping the inside of your right thigh till you yelped in his hold. You weren't going to last very long at the sight of him, eyes glancing up at you as his mouth ghosted over your soaked pussy. You watched intently as his fingers pulled your panties aside, softly grazing your swollen flesh in a way that had you pulling your lip between your teeth to contain the pornographic moan that threatened to spill from your mouth and alert the security guard across the hall. 
Your leg twitched on his shoulder as he licked a long, firm stripe up your aching pussy. Both your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue softly explored your folds. The sight of Javier between your legs was enough to send you over the edge, one that would live in your head for a very long time. 
You struggled to hold his eyes with your own when he licked at your entrance, increasing his pace ever so slightly before he was softly sucking your clit into his mouth. Letting yourself lean back against the table you reached to continue to tangle your fingers in his hair, hoping he'd let you have his fluffy locks in your hold. Turns out you were lucky the first time, because as was more common, Javier reminded you of his “no grabbing at daddy” attitude by grasping your hand in his. 
“No grabbin at daddy, babygirl” he murmured against your wetness and you shivered. His fingers engulfed yours, stroking your skin and moving your hands to your chest. His large palm covered yours and squeezed your fingers around your breasts. You moaned, and arched your back against the table up into both your palms as his tongue achingly slipped inside you. 
The feel of his mouth against you was more than perfect, the way he expertly ate you out till you were wiggling your hips against his face, his nose nudging your clit as he fucked you with his tongue. Slow and soft then faster and rough, just how he knew you liked it. 
He seemed to be enjoying the feeling of you just as much,  groaning against your wet cunt everytime you twitched and shuddered against him, the taste of you prompting him only to bury himself deeper between your thighs, pull and grab at your hips, hold you close against him as your chest rose and fell. 
Javier lashed his tongue at your entrance, then plunged it into your slick cunt. You felt your core tighten, and you knew you couldn’t hold on much longer. “Please…” barely able to complete your sentence you squealed when he circled your clit with his tongue. You could feel him grin against the inside of your thigh, and you reached for his hands on your hips to tug at his fingers feebly. 
Making out the sound of his chuckle over your heavy breathing you whined, and then proceeded to melt in his hold when he responded with a rather gentle, yet delayed and somewhat playfully annoyed “You can come for daddy, babygirl.” 
The grip of your fingers on his tightened, and you sighed, finally letting go as Javier worked between your legs. Your cunt clamped down on his tongue as he finished you off, licking you through your orgasm and holding your hips down as you shook and squirmed above him. 
He kissed along your seam gently as you caught your breath, your breath hitching when he pushed two fingers in your still sensitive cunt to gently stroke your walls. He stifled a groan. You looked down between your legs as he withdrew those fingers and began to stand up. “She so fuckin wet for me, hmm?” He rubbed slow, soft circles on your clit, not caring to watch you intently for any giveaway that would instruct him on the perfect rhythm. He already knew what you liked- he didn’t need to bother. “Slutty little pussy achin’ to be fucked… after all these days, aint she?” 
He took a second to get a good look at you as he moved closer between your legs, and you propped yourself back up on your elbows and wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him in. 
“My good little slut” 
Bringing his fingers to your lips he urged them open, pushing in and watching you suck gently on his digits. You shivered at the taste of your own arousal. As always you felt a little fuzzy when he did something like that– letting your eyes droop until he nudged you to release them with a pop. He ran those fingers across your lips, watching you struggle to keep your eyes on him as his hand drifted downwards to wrap swiftly around your neck.  “That's better isn't it?” he pressed his clothed cock against your bare, swollen pussy, your panties surely on the verge of ripping the way they’d been pulled aside. Javier seemed to be thinking along the same lines as you, because in a moment he reached for them and urgently dragged them down your hips, unwrapping himself from your hold and holding your ankles in one hand as the other slid your panties all the way off of you. 
When you whined at the loss of his body against yours he tutted, raising his eyebrows at you in warning. 
He then grabbed your thigh with his hand once again, squeezing it and holding it in place against his waist. You heard the jingle of his belt as he undid it. A rough edge on said belt scraped against your skin, but it was difficult to pay attention to it when you felt him reach between your bodies to tease your dripping slit with his length. 
It was sad to admit, but nothing took the weight of your shoulders much like the feeling of his hard cock sliding against your wet pussy, head bumping your clit till you were shivering and then notching at your entrance. You heard him mutter a strained curse under his breath at the feeling of your cunt sucking him in. Javier didn't waste much time, as much as he seemed to enjoy the sight of you deliriously wiggling your hips under him. 
He leaned down and traced the curve of your jaw with the bridge of his nose, breathing in your scent as he pushed in– slowly and gently. Much slower and gentler than he had ever been before. Your legs tightened around him, hips lifting pathetically as you felt him stretch you open. It had been far too long since you’d had him inside you. 
“Such a good little girl..” His hips snapped towards yours. 
“Aren’t ya?” It was an out of body experience, so overwhelming and dizzying you could almost see yourself in the act. Your brain couldn’t comprehend that tone and that gentleness as is, forget when Javier’s cock dragged deliciously against your aching walls. 
Your elbows caved from under you, letting you fall completely back against your little desk. Your head went to fall back soon after, but Javier had managed to snake his hand behind your neck– cradling your head and shielding it from the hard wooden table. Instinctively, you buried your nose in the collar of his dress shirt. He let you seek respite, palm holding you against his warm body, and pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck. 
Your skin felt like pins and needles, little sparks bounced off your exposed waist and prompted you to wiggle your hips away from him at the intensity of the sensations. “Nah uh” yanking you back in his direction Javier squeezed your hips in his hands, refusing to let you escape the death grip he had on your body, pulling you towards him with every deep, slow, thrust. 
“Silly little thing” He laughed against your lips, so close they brushed against you. You couldn’t help it when your mouth fell slack against his. He took your bottom lip between his teeth. He released it as your walls clenched around him, brows knitting at the feel of your warm, soft cunt around his cock. 
“Mine aren’t ya? Daddy’s good little slut?” Unable to catch hold of anything on the table, your hands flew to his shirt, your fingers twisting the fabric as you gripped it as tightly as you could. He let you pull him towards you, one hand sneaking between your bodies to grab and squeeze at your breast. 
“Then you’re gonna take it like I give it to ya?” You tried to nod, head lulling side to side and mouth hanging open, desperate noises leaving your lips. When your back arched against the table he  pulled you into his chest, letting you wrap your legs around his waist so tightly you felt the leather of his belt cut into your soft skin. 
Eventually he picked up his pace, and you could make out the sound of your pens clattering to the ground as your back moved relentlessly against the desk. The dim grey flood light above you came in and out of your focus, the heat that swelled up inside you hindering your ability to concentrate on absolutely anything.  “Getting all cock drunk on me..” Anything but him. Yet another orgasm stirred in your tummy, your entire body hot and tingling with overwhelm. “There’s my good girl”. 
He pulled you into him with every thrust, his hard length throbbing inside of you. “Just how I like ya’– no thoughts in that head’ve yours.” Your bare chest pressed against his soft shirt, but you longed to feel the heat of his body against your skin. 
“Can't think ‘bout anything but daddy can you?” he managed to laugh, his thick cock dragging against your wet walls in a way that had your mouth falling open in a gasp. “Just daddy, ain't that right?” As usual he grabbed at every part of you he could, hands seeking purchase on any exposed skin. 
He grazed your earlobe with his teeth as he spoke. “Poor baby, going dumb on daddy.” All you could do was whine. “Can’t hear ya..” you whimpered again, strained and hasty “yes”s leaving your mouth at record speed as the tension in your core threatened to burst. 
“S’ how it should be” your dress made it easy for you to slide along the surface of the table as he fucked into your tight, wet heat, railing you as you twitched around him. You struggled to form a broken “daddy” between your lips. 
“Stupid little girl can’t do anything but be daddy’s little sexdoll hmm?” you shook your head, but he grabbed your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed. “‘S okay babylove, s’ how daddy likes ya best” he shook your face gently, “when ya ain't runnin that smart mouth of yours.” 
He grunted and sighs above you, seemingly lost in his own pleasure, not bothering for the first time to make you beg. It was as if the two days you spent apart had him prioritising other things. “Better this way isn’t it, nothin you gotta worry that pretty head about…” you felt your cunt squeeze him. “Not when daddy’s fuckin’ ya’” 
You could tell he was close by the way his thick cock throbbed against your slick walls, the way his Texan accent came through just a little more than it usually did. Your thighs quivered against his waist as the heat continued to pool in your belly. 
You knew he was close when he straightened up again, hands wrapping firmly around your throat as he angled his hips to hit that sweet spot inside you over and over. “C’mon baby, be a good girl and come for daddy” he tightened his grip, thumb reaching up to swipe gently at your slack lips. 
You felt your pussy clench around his cock, finally letting go as you writhed under him. You heard him groan over the ringing in your ears, your own eyes rolling back as your orgasm rolled over you in waves. You gushed around him, your own release prompting his. 
Watching his brows knit as his thrusts got sloppy might have well sent you on a second release, aftershocks making your hips wiggle against his palms as he squeezed them, his cock throbbing inside you before he erupted with a shudder. A string of strained curses escaped his mouth, chest rising and falling rapidly as he rode out his high. 
You laid there, the heat from your exertion slowly dissipating. You felt Javier pull out, his spend trickling down your thighs, and slide your panties back up over your legs. A heaviness tugged at your limbs and made your eyelids droop. Every muscle felt loose, languid, as if all the tension and energy had been drawn out, leaving behind only a deep, satisfying fatigue. 
Javier put his hands on your waist and lifted you off the table, you returned to your habitual silence, this time albeit far more satiated than before. You were dizzy, feeling like a small ghost floating in front of him, engulfed by his towering form. The world around you began to fade, sounds muffling and blurring into an indistinct background hum.
Every blink became slower, your vision narrowing to slits before closing entirely. You let yourself drift into that warm state between sleep and wakefulness, the exhaustion of the week catching up to you in more ways than one, uncaring of the sense that Javier’s eyes had been lingering. You felt him trace the bridge of your nose, reducing any prospects of you actually getting off that desk. 
He fixed your lingerie and tied the bow of your dress back up, one hand returning to stroke your cheek. His other arm came to support your back as it wrapped around you, pulling you towards him. You looked up to find him watching you, with an expression you couldn’t bother to decipher at the moment. 
You couldn’t help but fall into his chest as he stood above you, his arms reaching behind you as he packed your things in your work bag. You felt your eyes flutter shut again, complete exhaustion taking over your weak form. He placed a kiss to your temple, lifting you off the table once and into his hold once again. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, locking securely at the ankles. His hands gripped your thighs firmly, fingers digging into your flesh.
You felt cold again suddenly, and Javier readjusted his arms to hold you with his right while his left rubbed along your shoulders to warm up your skin, prickled with goosebumps. 
Your head rested against his shoulder, the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath your cheek a comforting, rhythmic lull. You nuzzled deeper into the curve of his neck, tilting your head till your nose was brushing the cut of his jaw. 
Javier shifted slightly, and you could feel the subtle change in his posture as he leaned towards you, and his face came level with yours– you could feel the heat radiating from his skin, a stark contrast to the cool air around you. His hand cradled your cheek. 
With your eyes still closed you felt his lips press gently against yours, so pillowy and soft you barely registered them. He tasted how you’d imagined so many times before– cigarettes, and whiskey. Melting into his touch your hands moved to ball the fabric of his shirt gently in your fist. His lips moved against your’s with a carefulness you couldn’t really understand, but the fact that they were at all was enough. Exhaustion aside, you had a feeling the triviality of the whole ordeal, its comfort and normality seemed expected. And just as quickly as it began, it was over.
Perhaps it had always meant a lot more to you, than it did to him. 
The hand that was cupping your cheek pinched it and then snaked around your waist to help you find your footing on the ground, the same hand coming down to slap your ass as he pushed you towards the door. 
In usual Javier fashion he checked his phone, uninterestedly murmuring a soft “you can start again tomorrow” as you stood in the elevator. He let you lean against him, his palm coming down to pat your head momentarily before it was back to sorting the files in his hands.  You looked up at him, his mind now completely diverted to whatever he had come to collect in the office in the first place, so unbothered by what seemed to transpire between the two of you. 
Perhaps nothing really did. 
You wished his words gave you some motivation, but it was turning out to be really difficult to want to be anything more than his dumb, silly, little girl. 
Who else is gonna put up with me this way?
I need you, I breathe you, I'll never leave you!
They would rue the day I was alone, without you
You're lyin' with your gold chain on
Cigar hangin' from your lips, I said, "Hon'"
"You never looked so beautiful as you do now, my man"
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sakjdlakd I'm sorry I just can't let them be happy lmao. Hope you enjoyed this, and let me know what you think. Thank you to everyone who reblogs and comments on my content, you keep me writing. Dividers and banners by @/sardika 🐝✨💗
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 days
hidden lace
for @steddiesmuttyseptember prompts 'sneaking around' and 'lingerie'
rated e | 18+, minors dni or i will tell your mother | 2852 words | check ao3 for all tags
Steve is pissed at Eddie.
Like, genuinely pissed.
Not that cute, haha my boyfriend was being annoying but I love him, pissed.
The kind where if he saw him right now, he’d do something really stupid, like yell or break up with him.
And he knew he didn’t actually want to do that.
But see, Steve had been given incorrect information about what they would be doing tonight. He’d been told they’d be having dinner alone and then going to the quarry alone and probably going back to Steve’s house alone.
When they showed up at the diner to a table full of Eddie’s bandmates, Steve’s teeth gritted together to hold back saying something much more rude than he intended.
It was fine, though, because Steve did actually like hanging out with the guys despite their rough start. They were some of the few people who knew about Steve and Eddie’s relationship, so they didn’t feel like they had to hide anything.
Well, Steve did tonight.
He was wearing his usual clothes, of course, but underneath, he was wearing a lingerie set. Something Eddie had been begging him to wear for months now, something Steve had tried on at least 20 times before only to hurry out of them because it felt too good. He figured with how much they’d be alone tonight, he could get used to the feeling of the lace against his skin at dinner and then surprise Eddie with it when they got to the quarry.
It’s all he’s thought about since Eddie picked him up.
He’s certain it’s written all over his face throughout dinner. Gareth keeps shooting him these looks like he knows Steve’s hiding something, and Jeff has asked him if he’s okay at least three times since they sat down. Frankie doesn’t say anything, but he does hand Steve a joint when no one else is looking and tells him to relax a little.
If Steve was smart, he probably would have snuck a few hits from it before Eddie got in the van.
“That was fun,” Eddie said as Steve contemplated trying to run back inside to the bathroom so he could strip the lace off and shove it into his pockets.
“Uh huh.”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you they’d be joining us, sweetheart.”
Steve gives him a half-hearted smile. “That’s okay. Um, are we seeing anyone else tonight?”
“Oh! There’s a bunch of people hanging at the quarry. I think even Robin’s gonna be there.”
Steve nods a little too enthusiastically to be convincing. “Cool. Sounds good.”
Eddie’s eyes are on him, intense. “You don’t sound happy about it. Thought you’d be a little more excited about hanging with Robin. You just told me yesterday you haven’t gotten to spend time with her outside of work for weeks.”
“No, you’re right,” Steve sighs. “I just wasn’t expecting to be…social.”
“We planned a date?” Eddie sounds genuinely confused, as if he doesn’t know the difference between hanging out one on one and in groups.
“Yeah, I just.” Steve sighs again. “It’s fine. Let’s go hang out with people.”
Eddie looks like he wants to push and understand why Steve is suddenly so worried about being around people, but Steve leans in to kiss him quickly, just a soft peck on the lips. He smiles and Eddie smiles back.
Instant distraction.
Eddie has admitted before that Steve has a way of making him go completely dumb. Some would call it dick brain, but it’s not even that he gets hard about it. He just feels like all thoughts have left the building.
Like Elvis, man,, he’d said when Robin asked what his deal was after Steve had kissed him goodbye at work.
As Eddie drives them to the quarry, Steve shifts in his seat. He’s not uncomfortable, but he definitely worries that he will be when all eyes are on him. Maybe they won’t know that he’s nearly bursting out of blush pink panties and a matching bralette that rubs against his nipples in a way that feels like Eddie’s teeth when they’re teasing him. But maybe they will.
But are his nerves because he’s worried people will know?
He can feel his dick hardening against the damp lace.
No, he doesn’t think he’s all that worried about people seeing him in lingerie.
Eddie’s door slamming is the only thing that alerts him to their arrival. He blinks and opens his door so he can hop out, but he’s immediately frozen when he feels the head of his dick rubbing against his jeans.
So maybe next time he can buy a size up. Or find some made for men. Do they make them for men?
“Stevie?” Eddie’s voice is against his ear, sending chills down his spine as his hand ghosts between his shirt and waistband. “You sure you don’t wanna go home?”
“I’m sure,” Steve shivers.
“We won’t stay for long,” he promises.
Steve just nods.
He does what he’s supposed to at these things: makes smalltalk with people he doesn’t know that well, hangs around Eddie and Robin as much as possible, smiles and laughs when appropriate.
But his brain is gone.
Well, it’s there, but it’s made of lace and the sweat beading at his brow despite the fall chill.
He doesn’t know how long they’ve been here, but he thinks he’s gonna have to go soon.
Eddie’s fingers grasp his forearm.
Steve looks at him.
Eddie knows.
His face is flush and his pupils are huge, looks like he would bite a bruise into Steve’s neck right now, in front of all these people.
“Van. Now.”
The van is surrounded by cars. Empty cars, but still cars that belong to people.
Steve should probably just explain what’s going on, and then maybe they could just go back to Steve’s house and never bring this up ever again.
But he doesn’t. He knows they’re about to fuck in Eddie’s van, and he knows everyone at this gathering is busy, and he thinks maybe this will be the night that someone finds out exactly what Steve and Eddie are to each other.
Eddie doesn’t let go of his arm as they walk, which puts them both at a strange angle. No one seems to notice, but Steve’s not sure he’d be aware of anyone looking their way at this point. His brain is fuzzy, and all he can think about is Eddie stripping him down to the lace barely covering him in the back of his van.
No one is near the cars when Eddie opens the backdoor of his van and gently nudges Steve inside. No one is there to see the way Eddie watches him fall face first on the blanket he keeps laid out, barely holding back a groan at the way Steve’s ass is up in the air, taunting him even while fully clothed. No one except Steve feels his heartbeat racing as Eddie closes the door and grips his calf.
“You’ve been on edge all night. I was starting to worry you were sick or I’d pissed you off, but it’s not either of those things, is it?” Eddie leans over Steve’s back, bracketing him in until he has no choice but to fall flat against the blanket. “You wanna be fucked.”
Steve whines.
“But why? You knew we’d go to your house later. You knew I’d take care of you. So why are you acting like this?” Eddie continues, breath hot against Steve’s neck.
His hand ghosts under Steve’s shirt, fingers trailing against his skin and leaving goosebumps along the way.
Steve’s breath catches when he feels Eddie’s touch pause against the line of lace across his back.
“Stevie. What’s this?” Eddie sounds much calmer than he probably is.
“It’s a…bra. It’s a bra.”
Eddie’s forehead falls to Steve’s shoulder blade, and he lets out a huff. It may be a laugh or it may be a sigh, or it may be anything else.
“I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve you, sweetheart.”
His lips are soft against Steve’s neck.
Steve melts further into the blanket, but can’t completely relax until Eddie’s seen– or felt– everything.
“Um, there’s more,” he says as he starts to turn over so he can face Eddie. “And it might be a little weird and it might not even look good anymore because I’ve been hard for most of the night, but-”
Eddie silences him with a kiss to his lips, the taste of the last cigarette he smoked still on his tongue.
He keeps kissing him, even when Steve moans and bucks his hips up, seeking friction that’s easily found. His hand traces the waistband of Steve’s jeans, a fingertip dipping just past the denim to find what Steve’s been hiding.
Steve smiles nervously. He knows Eddie would never make him feel bad, even if he didn’t happen to like the lingerie, but he’s still nervous. He still wants Eddie to like it, to like the way he fills them out, to like him.
“Can I see?” Eddie asks, eyes wide with awe and cheeks blushing the same pink as Steve’s panties.
Steve nods because he doesn’t think he’ll sound confident if he says anything out loud.
Eddie slides his pants off quickly, but his hands are gentle, almost reverent in the way they glide across Steve’s thighs.
He doesn’t say anything, just gestures for Steve to sit up so he can pull off his shirt.
When Steve’s been stripped down to only pink lace, he’s warm and anxious.
Eddie’s eyes don’t know where to go, zipping from his nipples barely visible through the thick floral pattern covering them down to the see-through wetness of his cock leaking through the thin material. Steve waits for him to say something, can’t interrupt whatever thoughts he’s having right now.
“You look beautiful, Stevie.”
It settles something in him, some last nerves that he knew wouldn’t go away without Eddie’s confirmation that this wasn’t a waste of time or money.
“I do?”
Eddie’s palm cups his cock through the panties. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. When did you get these?”
Steve shrugs because he doesn’t really remember anymore, and even if he did, it’s not important. What matters is that Eddie fucks him while he wears them, and that he goes to buy more on his next trip into the city.
It’s softer than Steve expected.
Eddie’s taking it slow, touching him everywhere, letting his fingers trace the patterns of the lace and smiling when Steve shivers under his attention. He seems mesmerized and Steve feels adored, loved.
Usually, Steve prefers feeling Eddie’s skin against his, but the way his clothed cock brushes against the lace panties, and the way his chest rubs against the bra, it’s a constant reminder that Steve did this to feel nice and for Eddie to look at him.
“Fuck me,” Steve whispers against his lips when he feels his stomach tighten. “Please fuck me.”
“Here? You sure you don’t want me to just suck you off?”
Steve thinks about the people crowded near the coolers and picnic tables not too far away.
“Yeah, here. I need you.”
He knows Eddie can’t resist that.
Now, Eddie’s quick, but no less gentle, as he opens Steve up on his fingers. The lube he keeps in the van is finally getting some use.
Steve arches into it, sighing out the pleasure Eddie gives, keeping as quiet as possible in case someone decides to come back to their car before they finish.
He’s got panties pushed to the side, his precum dribbling onto his stomach, and Eddie’s raspy voice in his ear telling him everything he’s gonna do to him when they’re home. Steve can get off with just this, has gotten off to this before.
“You ready?” Eddie finally asks him, pulling his fingers out so he can wipe them off and get his own pants pulled down.
“Been ready. Could’ve fucked me ten minutes ago,” Steve replies with a smirk.
His head is fuzzy, but the knowledge that they could be caught keeps him present, keeps him aware of everything happening in a way he knows he wouldn’t be if they were in the privacy of his room.
“I don’t like your tone,” Eddie jokes as he lines himself up, pushing the lace further out of the way. “I don’t wanna hurt you. You’re too soft for that tonight.”
“Someone’s feeling sappy,” Steve gasps as Eddie enters him slowly. He lifts his head to watch as Eddie bottoms out, his cock rubbing against the side of the panties. “Fuck.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do.” Eddie groans. “You feel so good. You look so good. I wanna eat you out when we get home.”
Steve nods as his hands grip the blankets. “Yeah. I have a-” Steve whines as Eddie shifts slightly, changing the angle so he brushes against Steve’s prostate. “I have a plug.”
“How the hell did you sneak that in here?”
“Yesterday when you were in the shower,” Steve laughs breathlessly. “Fuck, Eds. So good.”
Eddie is focused now, on not coming or coming, Steve can’t be sure.
“God, you have to wear these all the time,” Eddie groans as his hand creeps up to his chest, thumb rubbing against one of Steve’s nipples. “I want you in every color. Wanna see you in red, and blue, and black, and fuckin’-- what other colors are there?”
Steve giggles. “Purple…yellow…fuck.”
Steve’s gonna come and Eddie’s gonna follow right behind him, he can tell. Eddie’s thrusts are erratic but accurate, always hitting the spot that makes black spots appear in the corner of Steve’s vision and his limbs tingle with warmth and sunshine.
“You’re so good to me, fuck, Stevie. I love you,” Eddie squeezes his thigh as he parts his legs further. “You’re mine.”
“Yours. Yours,” Steve’s head falls back as he shakes through one of the most intense orgasms he’s ever had. He can’t catch his breath, and he feels overstimulated within seconds. “Eddie, need you.”
Eddie always gives him what he needs.
They’re both coming down still when someone bangs on the back door of the van. Steve sits up so quickly, he almost breaks Eddie’s nose.
“Yeah!” Steve yells, pushing Eddie off of him, barely containing a whimper when his cock is no longer filling him.
“If you two wanna get dressed before people start heading to their cars, now would be a good time!” Robin whisper-yells against the door.
“Got it!” Steve yells back, already trying to slide his pants back on despite the mess on his stomach and dripping from his hole.
Eddie places his hands on Steve’s, making him pause for a moment.
“Did you do this for me or for you?” He asks, suddenly shy.
Steve couldn’t help feeling a little proud of the fact that he was maybe the only person Eddie Munson ever got shy around.
“I did it for both of us. And I promise I’ll do it again if you let me get dressed so we don’t get caught.”
Eddie beams at him, kisses his cheek, and starts to pull his own pants back up, wincing when his boxers cling to his sensitive and wet dick.
“We’ve gotta plan better for these things,” he complains.
“I planned just fine.”
“The plug!” Eddie’s eyes widen in panic. “Where is it?”
“We don’t have time,” Steve groans, but he looks over his shoulder at the bag he keeps behind the passenger seat. It’s mostly full of snacks and Tylenol, sometimes a change of clothes if he knows he’s staying with Eddie. Last night he managed to get a plug in there. “Okay! Okay, fine. Just, go start the car.”
Eddie claps his hands together excitedly and grins. “As you wish, my liege.”
Steve rolls his eyes fondly. He reaches down to ease the plug in, biting back a whimper at the soreness he feels. They weren’t even rough tonight, couldn’t be, yet Steve feels like they just went for three rounds.
“If it hurts, don’t do it, sweetheart,” Eddie says from the driver’s seat.
“No, it’s good. I’m good,” he says as he pulls his pants up and slips his shirt on.
Eddie glances over his shoulder and frowns.
“Why the face?” Steve asks.
“I can’t see the lace.”
“I know! But I’m speeding on the way home.”
Steve slides into the passenger seat and looks out the window to make sure no one is directly next to them. When he doesn’t see anyone except Robin walking back towards the party, he leans over to kiss Eddie’s cheek.
“Thank you for letting me try something new.”
Eddie blinks over at him. “Thank me? Thank you. Holy shit, Steve. You’ve never been hotter than you are right now.”
“Okay, okay. Drive us home so I can ride you.”
“Fuck. Okay.” Eddie puts both hands on the steering wheel. “Focus, Eddie.”
“You’re such a dork,” Steve laughs.
“I’m living my dream right now.”
Steve can’t agree more.
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ahsxual · 9 months
Birthday Girl
Pairing: William Afton x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your dad invited his best friend William Afton and his family to your house, so you could spend your birthday together. William was determined to make your wishes come true.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: minors dni +18, age gap (reader is on her 20s, William is 50), Dom!William x Sub!Reader, married William, rough sex, possessive!William, fingering, oral sex (f receaving), p in v sex (w/o protection), sex toys, masturbation, overstimulation, choking, humiliation/degrading, cursing, cum eating, daddy kink, praising, slap in the face (just one)
Word Count: 2,9k
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It is your birthday today and you were super excited about it. You invited your friends to have lunch with you and spend the daytime doing whatever you guys wanted to have fun. It was a very peaceful and sunny day, so you felt like nature was in your favor to make your day as special as it could be. You decided to dress your favorite outfit that you bought last week and you felt incredible in it, even your friends almost didn't recognize you in a good way. You tried to spend time with them the best you could, since you promised your parents you would have dinner with them to celebrate with your family as well. It was only fair to manage your time between your family and friends, so you gladly accepted.
Time passed and it was almost 8 pm, so you said your goodbyes to your friends who offered you a beautiful and expensive necklace. You decided to wear it immediately, since it matched perfectly with your favorite dress and skin color. You arrived home after a while and opened your doorstep, only to be greeted by your excited parents and... William's family. William was your dad's bestfriend and Vanessa, his daughter who was a little older than you, was your best friend for years now.
They all greeted you with open arms and big smiles on their faces while wishing you happy birthday. Yet you knew better... William wasn't just smiling like his family members and your parents. No... he was looking at you more intensely than the others, his intentions clear like he was eating you alive with his blue eyes behind his big, gold glasses. You never admitted to anyone, but you had the biggest crush on your dad's bestfriend. He was older, very attractive, and he was a business, smart man... just how you liked. You had masturbated several times thinking about him whenever you were feeling needy and horny, which only made your little obsession with him worse. The best part of it, or worse depending on the perspective, is that you noticed he looked at you the same way... with the same lustful eyes and the same amount of desire in them whenever he saw you.
This "situation" between you made you feel guilty and sad, since William was married to a beautiful wife and had 3 children, one of them being your best friend Vanessa. That being said, you never acted on your desires and tried to control yourself the best you could, so that you would never regret anything. And William... well, he did the same thing, since he didn't want to ruin his reputation or lose his family.
"Surpriseee, honey!" your dad shouted excitedly, being the first one to hug and give you a kiss on top of your head.
"You look so beautiful, sweetheart!" your mom felt very proud of you, because you looked like a little princess in her eyes. And you were sure it wasn't only in her eyes...
"Thank you, mom." you answered shyly and smiled at her, feeling your cheeks turning red at her compliment.
"Come sit with us, Y/N. You look amazing." Vanessa hugged you and you felt relieved that she was there too, so you wouldn't feel so alone and awkward in the presence of her family.
While you were having dinner, you noticed that William made sure to sit right in front of you. His eyes traveled down your cleavage more times than needed, and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks burning from inappropriate thoughts about your dad's bestfriend, who was also your bestfriend's dad... yet, you didn't do anything to cover them. In fact, from time to time you did it on purpose, so that your boobs were more exposed when he was the only one looking.
"So tell us sweetie, how was your day?" your dad asked and you felt all eyes on you. Especially William's eyes which expressed pure curiosity.
"It was great. Some of my friends and I decided to go to the beach, since it was very hot today. I missed having fun with them, it felt refreshing after my hard work on the exams." you replied feeling a little nervous, trying to stay focused so as not to stutter and embarrass yourself. Suddenly, you felt William's leg clearly rub against your exposed legs, making you hit your knee on the table. "Sorry, I uhm... think I felt a bug or something." you laughed awkwardly, trying to find a credible excuse.
"And what about boys, honey? Vanessa was telling us before you arrived that she met this guy named Mike a while ago. She'll bring him next time, right sweetheart?" your mom asked you before smiling towards Vanessa, who nodded and reciprocated with her shiny smile. At this particular question, you felt William's eyes burn into you, his expression more serious now.
"I uhm... met this guy named Tim. He's a sweetheart, but I guess we'll remain just good friends." you smiled awkwardly, not liking when your parents asked about your private life in front of others. You noticed William become less tense than before, a gesture that confused you. When your mother was about to make another comment about your new friend Tim, William interrupted her.
"That's a very elegant necklace. It suits you perfectly." he pointed to your new necklace that your friends offered you. You touched it instinctively, with a smile slowly increasing on your face.
"Thank you, Mr. Afton. I received it today, it was a gift from my friends." you blushed at his compliment and you could see him smirk discreetly, clearly enjoying the effect he has on you.
After that, your family and William's family started chatting with each other, while sharing funny and romantic stories from their past. You noticed how William's wife was so excited to talk about how she met William and some details about their romance through the years. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed... maybe even jealous, since what she was sharing with all of you seemed like a fairytale, William obviously being the charming king. You also noticed how she loved having physical contact with William. He had an arm around her waist and his other hand was on top of hers. For a brief second, you stared at his attractive hands which were big, strong and veiny. You were completely lost in your thoughts... the way his thumb caressed his wife's smaller hand made you feel warm things inside you, and you couldn't stop imagining how he could touch you like that one day. In a parallel reality, where he was divorced and Vanessa accepted your relationship. Wait, what? What are you even thinking? A relationship with this man, seriously? You must have some deep and unsolved daddy issues, girl...
"Y/N, are you listening?" you heard your mom's voice calling you with a worried face. You jumped a little before noticing that everyone was staring at you once again.
"Yeah I'm sorry, I was just..." you paused for a moment, not knowing what to say. You just wanted to hide inside a hole right now or be locked in your room and wake up on the next day.
"I was asking if you wanted dessert. Are you sure you're alright?" you suddenly felt William's fingertips brush against your leg, caressing your soft skin in a teasing way. You didn't know why he decided to act on his thoughts on this particularly day, which were definitely reciprocated, but you were feeling a bit frustrated at his carefree and bold behavior. You pulled your leg back to avoid any suspicion before getting up.
"It's not necessary mom, thanks. I'm just going to my room for a bit, it's been a long day." you chuckled, hoping your parents wouldn't insist. You didn't want to be seen as rude or ungrateful, but you were feeling awkward and also, if you were honest, your panties were pretty much wet to the point of making you uncomfortable.
"You can go, but you'll have to come back within an hour, okay? We want to spend more time with you and we have your presents to give you." your dad suggested and you never felt so relieved, you thought.
"Thanks dad, I'll be right back. Excuse me." you apologized before looking at Vanessa. You made sure she understood you were alright and just wanted some time alone, so she wouldn't follow you to your bedroom. She smiled back and nodded, understanding your message.
Once you got to your room you sighed deeply, feeling like a heavy weight finally fell from your shoulders. You fell on the bed carelessly, thinking about what just happened. Was it your imagination when you felt William's touch? Was he trying to tease you? You didn't know it for sure, yet the only certainty you had was that you were feeling extremely horny. Since it doesn't hurt anyone to pleasure yourself and at least you could relieve some tension down there, you grabbed your favorite vibrator. After turning it on and set it to your preferred potency, you started to masturbate with your eyes closed, enjoying the pleasurable stimulation. It felt amazing, and since you were becoming overstimulated, you covered your mouth so nobody could hear your desesperate moans. You came twice within 20 minutes, trying to catch your breath, when you suddenly heard someone coughing purposely inside your room. You almost screamed and stood up in shame, immediately covering yourself. The vibrations of your sex toy were the only sound heard inside your room while you watched William's eyes staring intimidatingly at you, his pupils so dilated that you could barely see its light blue color. You clumsily tried to turn off the now wet advice, making it difficult to grip properly.
"How long have you been watching me?" it was almost a whisper, but William heard it perfectly.
"A few minutes now. I watched you cum at least once." his arms were crossed over his chest and his expressionless face intimidated you, making you feel like you would die from embarrassment. You were almost crying from shame, when William discreetly locked your bedroom door.
"Shh come on, babygirl. Why are you crying? You look so beautiful when you cum..." he caressed your bare thigh, dangerously close to were you needed him the most. His other hand cleaned a single tear that escaped your eye, before he licked it while staring at you like it was his favorite flavor.
"What are you doing here, Mr. Afton?" you asked softly as your voice trembled, trying to understand his real intentions with you.
"I wanted to see my birthday girl, obviously. But I came to realize that it was my fault you felt so horny that you had to make an excuse to touch yourself, isn't that right? How desperate can you be? Bad girl... my little whore is not as innocent as I thought..." he was now touching your lower lip with the same finger which he had licked your tear.
He then forcibly pushed it inside, forcing you to take it into your mouth. You began to suck his large thumb while maintaining eye contact with him, pretending it was his cock instead which seemed to satisfy him a lot. After a minute of teasing, he took off his thumb and kissed you hungrily, a little bit rough but you didn't seem to care at all. You felt his wet tongue desperately trying to enter your mouth and win dominance over yours, making you moan into the sloppy kiss. He started to undress you, so you were completely naked in front of him while he was fully dressed, and you got immediately the message that he was in total control of you. He pinned your wrists above your head with one strong hand, before eagerly starting to suck and lick your hard nipples while pinching the other expertly. You were being too loud for his liking, so he quickly grabbed your drenched panties and put them in your mouth.
"You have to stay quiet and behave if you want me to fuck you, do you fucking understand me?" he grabbed your cheeks hard enough to make you wince in pain, his eyes staring into your soul like he was gonna kill you if someone discovered you both. You just nodded, the adrenaline of fearing him and of being caught making you feel dizzy with excitement and pleasure. "Now... be a good girl for your daddy and take what I have for you. It's your birthday anyway, so I'm gonna make sure my girl feels pleased in every way possible." he smirked, before attaching his lips around your erected nipples while rubbing your sensitive clit. Your moans where muffled by your panties and a few tears slowly escaped your eyes when you felt two long fingers inside you. He started picking up the pace and finger you hard, not having any mercy on your overstimulated pussy. His assaults in your drenched cunt made you cum in less than a minute, your most impressive record. When you tried to recover your breath and from the first orgasm William gave you, you suddenly heard your vibrator being turned on.
"No, please no!" your voice was barely perceptible, yet William could read your face like a book.
"Who do you think is in charge here, huh? Don't make this worse for you Y/N, take it like a good girl. Stop being a brat or else I'm gonna punish you... and believe me baby, you don't wanna see me get mad." William threatened you before grabbing your hair roughly and turning on your vibrator almost at the highest potency, only to place it on top of your overstimulated clit while fingering you again. He watched you squirm around and begging for mercy, and that only made his cock get harder, his smirk grow bigger and his ego go wider. When you were almost cumming, he turned off your vibrator and replaced it with his own tongue, sucking your clit hard until you came in his mouth.
"Please Mr. Afton, have mercy please..." you cried from pleasure when you felt him overstimulating you, yet you loved every second of it. You then felt a harsh slap on your face.
"What did you just call me?" he was clearly mad by your wrong choice of words.
"I'm sorry, daddy... please I can't take it anymore." you were almost sobbing from pleasure. You never felt this good in your life now that your biggest desire was finally accomplished: having William Afton making you cum.
"But baby, I haven't even fucked you yet. Don't you think I deserve some pleasure too, huh? Do you think you're the only one who needs to cum? Don't be selfish, bunny. Say daddy deserves to cum inside you. Say it." he demanded between clenched teeth, making you obey him immediately.
"Yes daddy, you d-deserve to cum inside of me!" you stared deeply into his now dark blue eyes, watching him breathing heavily from desire. "Please fuck me daddy, I need you to fill my empty and needy pussy with your cum."
"Oh bunny, you have no idea how much cum I have to fill your pretty little pussy. You're gonna be so full..." he promised before he licked and kissed your neck hard while taking his belt and tie off. He then grabbed you by your hair and put his tie around your neck, before tighten it so he could choke you while he fucked you. He positioned you on your knees and started fucking you from behind while gripping your hips hard, surely leaving bruises on your soft flesh. He fucked you fast and roughly, just like you imagined it would be every time you masturbated while thinking about him, and you absolutely fucking loved every second. He then pushed his tie around your neck, making you stood up and have your bare back against his clothed chest. The lack of air didn't allow you to breathe properly, yet it only increased the intensity of your last orgasm of the night. He kissed your neck once again and pinched your nipples hard, while his heavy balls slapped your ass and his big cock was buried inside your warm cunt. This made you feel completely dumb for his dick and his possessive touches on your body.
"Say you're mine and no other man will touch you. Say that you belong to me." William demanded sternly in a deep voice, since he needed to hear it from you so he could reach his own orgasm.
"I belong to you daddy, only you... No other man will touch me like you do, I-I promise!" you said impulsively, not caring about how possessive he sounded over you. And that was enough to make William cum inside you, his sperm painting your wet walls until it came out and dribbled some of it down your thighs. You both stood there breathless, before you felt William kiss your forehead in a tender way while caressing softly your hot cheek, his thumb rubbing your face like he did previously to his wife's hand. However, in this moment it felt more genuine.
"You were so good to me, baby. I'm so proud of you." he said with a satisfied smile printed on his face, before putting his now soft penis inside his pants and fix his tie, like he was casually getting ready for work and nothing just happened. He slowly approached you, his eyes roaming over your naked and destroyed body like a predator, enjoying the vulnerable state he had put you in. After a moment of contemplation, he softly put a single finger in your pussy to colect his cum before putting it on your lips, waiting for you to suck it clean. You obeyed him eagerly while looking into his eyes through your eyelashes and started sucking his middle finger which was covered in his cum. Your soft tongue caressed his digit seductively, which made him breathe deeply since he was feeling himself getting hard again.
"That's my babygirl..." he whispered in a low, raspy tone that made your pussy clench again, but this time around nothing as you felt extremely empty. After you finished getting dress and grabbed some tissues to clean the rest of his cum out of you, you heard him suddenly stop you, which made you jump slightly.
"Ah ah, you're not doing that. You're gonna wear your pretty panties with my cum still inside you. Don't try to get daddy mad." his tone was of someone who couldn't be defied so you just obeyed him, fearing the consequences of desobeying him. He then smiled at your right decision and approached you, before giving a long, soft kiss on your forehead.
"This is our little secret now. Happy birthday, sweetie."
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angelbarelywrites · 5 months
♡ slashers scenarios | you’re almost a victim… (part 2)
♡ fandoms; House of Wax, Scream (kinda), Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs, Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Bo Sinclair, Danny Johnson, Hannibal Lecter
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; mentions of violence and cannibalism, kidnapping, stalking, suggestive content
♡ notes; I’m kinda surprised this prompt won out for a part 2 but very happy lol, I had some fun ideas.
the whole gang is not here, just some kinda kinky guys again- I feel like this doesn’t work super well for every single slasher? only some of them are psychopaths AND perverts
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Bo Sinclair
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> bo was having a rough day
> your friends had been putting up one hell of a fight, killing the first four was a huge pain in ass
> so by the time there’s only two of you left, he hasn’t even gotten a proper look at you
> it’s not until you come back to the gas station, wide eyed and begging for help that he finally notices you
> god you’re cute- you can be last
> he drops the nice guy act and gets you to the chair- rough as always and threatening you the whole way
> but then he notices it’s all a lot easier than usual today
> he glances up and can’t help but grin
> your cheeks are bright red and your chest heaving- you like being restrained
> “i’ll be good- promise—“ you mumble before he can be a smart ass
> he gags you anyways, but he praises you as you open your mouth for him to stuff the rag it in
> he can hear you whimper as he does and he’s just itching to leave so he can come back
> he leans over, one hand planted between your legs to steady himself
> he can hear your breathing catch as he simply kisses your forehead, snickering as he leaves
> you were really something
> a pretty, obedient little something that would last way longer than a day if you kept it up
Danny Johnson
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> he’s worried you saw the flash of his camera through your window that morning
> he’s normally so careful, he can’t believe he slipped up like that- honestly he’s surprised you didn’t call the cops
> you must have been too groggy, or maybe it wasn’t as dark as he thought it was at the time. maybe you noticed but didn’t put two and two together
> he needs to kill you soon anyways. he’s been watching for a while, and he’s wasting time
> he settles back into his usual spot where he can see perfectly into your bedroom
> he sees you frown just a tad as you pick up the phone call from an “unknown number” - but you still pick up
> “Hi there, doll .”
> he’s called you more than once, this “ghost voice” that’s been terrorizing you- and god is it a nice voice
> a nice voice that says vile things. some of them just violent, some…well some things you like too much
> you can see you make an expression he doesn’t expect. you bite your lip, cheeks pink
> he’s seen that look before…not for Ghostface, of course, but for Danny
> you were easy enough to befriend, and it just gave him more opportunities to keep tabs on you
> like most people he charms, you clearly have a crush on him, and that little lip bite is about the same face you make when he flirts
> maybe he’s just seeing things
> you couldn’t be that perfect.if you were he would have to keep you around
> he continues on and on, observing you carefully
> and you just keep getting more and more flustered, even when he’s threatening to choke you stupid
> “you know you’re so cute when you blush like that,”
> what you say next comes just about as close to scaring him as you can get
> “Thank you, Danny.”
Hannibal Lecter
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> you weren’t quite as close to victimhood as one might assume
> but he was a fast killer once he had a mark set- you had to impress him more than a bit to be considered and then ruled out
> you start as his patient
> you’re a meek thing, easy to read and fragile
> you’re practically asking to become an entree
> if you taste as good as you look, you’d be his best dish yet
> it’s not hard to get you alone outside of an appointment
> you’re delighted when he invites you to a dinner party- you’ve heard great things about his little get togethers
> and he even lets you help him get ready, setting the tables
> the conversation become macabre as you discuss some recent murders that police suspected were committed by a cannibal
> that he committed for the sake of the dinner party, naturally
> he corners you before you can realize it - he likes playing cat and mouse
> you giggle nervously and look up at him
> he’s got a hand on the wall above you, and he notices your eyes linger on his toned forearms
> many patients and victims have crushes on him, it’s not surprising or a deterrent
> though it surprised him the gristly conversation wasn’t bothering you
> “yknow, it must be nice to know you’re safe from that serial killer in the neighborhood. If he is a cannibal, he’s most likely to chose someone more sedentary.”
> you leave him there, as if you hadn’t said something so delightfully offputting to find a vase for the table
> maybe he could do some further studying….
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kcwriter-blog · 30 days
More thoughts on Solavellan
I started replying to a post about the psychological aspect of Solavellan because it was interesting, well thought out and I thought good points were made but it got very long, and I had new thoughts. I wanted to put them down. This is not a criticism of that post in any way, it’s good and I urge people to read it. I just see things differently.
The big problem I have with most takes on Solavellan is how they take agency away from Lavellan whenever Solas is mentioned. We have a woman who grew to be one of the most powerful leaders in Thedas but when we talk about her and her feelings, she suddenly becomes this naive child desperately in love with the man who broke her heart. I just don’t see it. I don’t see a relationship – no matter how intense – of a few months, defining her going forward. So, let’s look at it.
Solas and Lavellan do love each other deeply. We don’t hear Lavellan say I love you until the breakup scene and she never calls him vehnan until Trespasser. Obviously, that is, as with most things in the romance, because it was a rushed, late add to the game. But it is interesting.
People get on Solas’ case for not defining the relationship, but I would argue she isn’t in a hurry to define it either. Which is smart. They haven’t been together long and one, the other, or both of them could die.
It’s possible that Crestwood is the first chance they have had to talk about it. I’ve never liked the first dialogue option because Lavellan seems genuinely surprised that up until now, she doesn’t know what to call Solas. Which is silly. They have been exclusive for a few months now. They are in love. She’s been calling him something and my guess is it is vhenan (her heart, home). And Solas fully intends to have that discussion. He just gets cold feet because what he has to tell her isn’t something she is going to believe.
Moving on. The valleslin scene has had a lot posted about it and I don’t want to get into it. I think what’s important is not whether it is removed or not but the idea that Solas alone destroys her faith by telling her the truth. Did he hammer the final nail in the coffin of her faith? Yes, but a smart Lavellan has to be questioning everything already. Why? Because she met Mythal.
Even before she meets the head of her pantheon, she has been to the Temple of Mythal and learned a lot that differs from her people’s mythology. She learns that Mythal was murdered, not locked away. She learns that the Dread Wolf had no part in that murder. She sees a depiction of the Dread Wolf in an antechamber of the temple in a guard dog position which is weird. If she drank from the Well, she has a lot of ancient elven voices in her head telling her stuff. If she didn’t, she would have Morrigan telling her the same stuff.
She meets ancient elves. And those elves don’t see her or the Dalish as their own. Just as a reminder, Solas isn’t the only ancient elf to have feelings about the Dalish. Abelas is very pointed about saying Lavellan isn’t one of his people. Felassan makes fun of the Dalish. Mythal says “the People bend the knee to easily” in DA2. Heck, Felassan thinks more of the city elves than he does of the Dalish. Solas eventually comes around. It’s a grudging respect but he does allow that they have some good qualities.
Lavellan meets Mythal and Mythal isn’t exactly a nice person. She has chosen to possess the body of a human, not an elf. She never helps the elves. So, you have an elven goddess in diminished form running around helping human heroes but doing nothing for the people that pray to her. That must rock her world and her faith.
Her faith is already on the ledge by Crestwood. Solas possibly pushes it over. And he never would have told her if he hadn’t messed up and changed his mind about the other thing. It’s all impulsive. He isn’t thinking straight, just covering his ass and it hurts her. However, I think he still intended to carry on the relationship without telling her the truth. During the kiss, he finally realizes that if he loves her so much he almost told her everything, then not telling her is morally wrong and he comes up with a reason to end it.
After the breakup, Lavellan is hurt. It always hurts when someone breaks up with you. What hurts the most is knowing he still loves her. What also hurts is he won’t give her a reason. I don’t think she is questioning everything he told her at this point. He’s just the cold-hearted son of a bitch who broke her heart.
Most of us have been there. We’ve got breakup playlists, alcohol and friends to help get us through it. I usually imagine my Lavellan grabbing Bull, Dorian and Cole to help her take out her anger on a poor unsuspecting dragon. I also put off triggering the Wicked Grace game until after the breakup.
That doesn’t mean she isn’t angry or crying on Josephine’s shoulder. Of course she is, but she isn’t questioning her life choices. She could tell Solas to get lost, but she keeps him around. She is even kind to him when the Orb is discovered broken.
And everyone is kind of busy planning to find and finish Corypheus off once and for all. I see her putting a pin in it. Once they win, she will confront him and demand answers.
She doesn’t get the chance because he leaves without saying goodbye. That has to hurt. I don’t see her in a place where she could never trust anyone ever again. It’s more likely, she throws daggers at a drawing of him out in the practice yard. Even if she still loves him, she is an adult not a maiden in distress. As much as she loves Solas, her entire world does not revolve around him.
Solas made his choice. She may be concerned about him - especially after Cole’s cryptic message - but I don’t see her searching frantically for him. He knows where she is and can send her a message if he needs her.  
And she is busy. She must help clean up the mess Cory made. She has rifts to close. She has dignitaries to meet. She has paperwork. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for pining.
There is an idea that Lavellan is alone because all of her inner circle except her advisors go off and do their own thing. Except that isn’t true. They write letters – which you can find exploring the Winter Palace – in those letters some of them mention having visited or that they will visit. Lavellan is also capable of making new friends. She is not static.
Solas leaving her may still hurt. She may have (and probably did) tried to move on but so far no one matched him for any number of reasons. She is only alone in the sense that any leader is alone. What she probably misses the most about Solas is that he always treated her like a person, not an icon.
Then we get to Trespasser. If you have found all the clues for the secret dialogue option, she has figured out Solas is the Dread Wolf long before she confronts him. She has seen the murals, learned his story. She knows the Dalish got it wrong. She knows from experience that the Dalish get a lot wrong. And he’s Solas. She might not know him as well as she thought but she saw beneath his mask a little. She isn’t going to be afraid of this figure out of Dalish legend. Mostly she is going to be pissed because he didn’t tell her the truth, because he didn’t trust her.
As far as the arm thing goes. Weekes and Epler have said, he did not amputate her arm. Solas drew out the magic that was killing her. The arm disintegrated. It was already doing so by the time she meets Solas. If he hadn’t drawn out the magic, she would have disintegrated just like Solas’ friend Wisdom. I think arguments that she would have trouble trusting anyone based on this are a non-starter
Once all that is over, will Lavellan have a hard time trusting anyone? She will have a hard time trusting Solas. Who wouldn’t? Will it color her perception of anyone she might want to be romantically involved with? For a few years maybe but what are the chances she will fall in love with another god?
Trust isn’t just about people you’ve been romantically linked with. She still trusts her inner circle. They help her. A bad experience with one person, no matter how much she may love him, isn’t going to make her stop trusting people entirely.
Now apart from Solavellan, I’m pretty sure Lavellan is messed up psychologically. You can’t go through what she did and not be a little messed up. But it is that experience that may make her empathize with Solas and understand why he left her.
She knows what it is like to be a leader. Not in the sense of leading her clan but in the sense that her decisions have huge consequences. She knows how a leader’s decisions are always second guessed - like they are at the Exalted Council if you chose to exile the Wardens. She knows what it is like to have to step up and be the one to save the world. She knows that sometimes there are no good choices, and you do the best you can. She knows it messes you up and you can lose your way. Solas has lost his.
Is it ten times harder to empathize when you loved that person, and they destroyed your trust? Yes. Solas will have to win her trust back. She will view anything he says or does with suspicion, as anyone would. However, Solas rarely outright lies. She knows this. She will be asking a lot more questions and be paying more attention. She also knows that he didn’t lie about loving her.
Okay, but he is still planning to tear down the Veil so he must not love her very much. Her love moved the needle. He went from believing nothing was real to thinking everyone is real. Is it so hard to imagine that Lavellan thinks he can be reasoned with? I doubt she thinks her love alone will change him. That doesn’t mean she won’t want to try. That doesn’t mean she will want him back when it’s all over. It also doesn’t mean she is a quivering mess obsessing over their relationship.
Solavellan can be whatever you want it to be, based on your own experiences. For some it's an angsty story with a Lavellan pining for him. For others, she gets over it fast with Cullen's help. For me, she is a strong, proud woman who is able to use her own experiences to empathize with Solas and want to save him from himself. She may still love him, but that love has been tempered by her experiences with him. They will need to have a long talk if they ever meet up again.
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lazyalani · 3 months
| Blue Lock
| No one knows how much I cried that day
| angst, breaking down, post-break up, angsty shits, hurt no comfort, implied romantic relationships, i got carried away in isagi's part
| Ft. Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, Bachira Meguru, Isagi Yoichi
Even so, I could never regret loving you.
| Summary: When everything comes to an end.
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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two birds, on a wire
He convinces himself that it was okay. That he's fine, he's okay without you. That it isn't as bad as it seems. Because that's what he's good at anyway, being alone. Or convincing his self that nothing affects him He actually manages to convince himself for a few days until he passes out in practice and wakes up to his teammates pointing out how he's practicing a hundred times harder than usual. How his moderate practiced turned into everyday, everynight. How his medidation and yoga turned tense. How he's lost so much weight despite being always the healthiest and fittest of them all. Oh, but he isn't anymore, isn't he? Why? Oh. So he goes back to his apartment, his teammates' voices ringing in his ears. He tried to think how it happened. How what happened? He can't think of any reason why-- Why is the holder beside the sink only holding one toothbrush? Oh. Oh, but why are his eyes wet? How did the water reach his eyes when he's only brushing his teeth? Oh, that isn't water. I wonder what it is.
one tries to fly away, and the other
It's not like he fell out of love, no, not like that. It's just that it's not the same anymore. It's just the way Sae's whole world has changed since he went to Spain. You aren't those sickly inlove, innocent, pure hearted children anymore. But he could also never fall out of love either. Not when you're the only one he has left of his past self. You were the only one left of the reminder that he onced lived in the sweet lie behind the realities of the world. You were that one light keeping him from giving in to the shadows of the 'reality' Spain shed to him. Like a kid keeping a light open in the night so the monsters couldn't come and get them. Your sweet smile reminding him of the popsicles he used to share with his brother. You were the silence he needed in the midst of the noisy, demanding world of his career. You were the comfort he had when he is constantly reminded of the harsh reality of the sweet dream he used to share with his brother. But that light has now dimmed. Sometimes, love isn't enough. Sae's world, is just too harsh and dark for someone like you. Better let the light turn off than get tainted. But Sae, is now, even more lifeless. Like a kid being taken away from their favorite toy to grow up. The only hope he had for his happiness is gone, and he has no more reason to even try and pretend infront of a camera. This is Sae, in his lightless world.
watches her close from that wire,
It had always been him and you, no one else mattered. All you two ever cared about was each other and having fun together. You never understood football, nor had he understood your dollhouses and kitchen toys, but it had never mattered to both of you as long as you had fun. You never cared about the side comments, the haters, the bullies, the dumb shits, the cool kids, the smart kids, the people around you. It had always been about the two of you, and it always will be, right? Oh, he has a new friend in blue lock? Oh, his name is Isagi, you're glad he found someone who undertood him in a football sense. Oh, another friend called Chigiri? That's great, it means he won't be alone in there without you. Oh, another one? That Kunigami seems to be reliable too. And another one, and another one, another one... Why, where are you going, Meguru? Don't chase after Isagi... Don't leave me... Ah, you weren't enough, afterall. And Bachira Meguru's return from blue lock was without you. Ah, it seems like you were the only one he had outside football, afterall. Too bad you thought it was better to grow apart as it seemed like he already did. And Bachira Meguru is reminded of the past he shared with you again. Loneliness.
he says he wants too as well, but
From childhood friends, to highschool sweethearts, to strangers? A very fitting ending for someone who realizes he has to change in order to get his dreams, even it means leaving behind someone in the process, even if it means it's not intentional, and unfortunately, in the middle of it all, is you. Yoichi is a natural sweet and kind person, you've known of his dream since you were kids and the announcement of his return to blue lock with his new found friends had excited him along with you ofcourse, it means he is once again a step closer to his goals. But it seems like those goals of his do not include you. It isn't something intentional. He cares for you a lot. He doesn't seem to know how it's affecting you and you're too scared to tell him, too guilty because how could you even think about your sweet guy like that? But it was reality. He was changing and you could never not notice. The new found confidence, the bravery, the boldness. It seems to be doing him good but, it was having the opposite effect on your relationship. You felt guilty, he never seemed to think less, not even once. He never seemed to have noticed the distance. To him, only little time has passed because he had fun, but to you, it seemed like a whole lifetime. Change can be a good thing, but apparently, when it becomes morre of an obssession to his dream, he strays too far to even grasp. He is right beside you yet you cannot even reach his mind. Always about football, about Kaiser, about Bachira, about Rin, Noel Noa, Kurona, Hiori, Shidou, football, football, football, football. Isagi Yoichi has failed to notice you slipping away from him, and is enveloped by the crashing pain of you leaving him. It isn't anyone's fault really, but when a situation's more complicated than just who is to blame, it becomes overwhelming to the point of nothing at all. And it's better to just grow and learn from it than try and fix it.
he is a liar
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! MY HEART 😭 Gabi is such a sweetheart ❤️ Imagine her being particularly pouty, and when Mama asks what's wrong, she's like "I want a little sibling!"
Mama thinks it's funny, but later that night, Miguel is like, "Gabi wants to be a big sister. We should get to work, cariño..."
I can just picture this like:
Gabriela wasn't a quiet child, perhaps a bit pouty when she thought too much on something, another trait inherited from Miguel. And you couldn't help stare at her as she had fixated her somewhat little glare on the fruit she was munching on.
"Are you ok, cariño?"
She just nodded and you stopped chopping some vegetables for tonight's dinner.
"Something on your mind?" You prodded softly not wanting to be overbearing or too pushy. She sighed.
"Everyone in school is talking about how fun is to be an eldest sibling, and Raquel is always all 'my little brother this, my little brother that'" She sighed, annoyed, as your cheeks flushed, knowing now where this was going.
It didn't help that Miguel just walked in, glasses on his face, a mug of coffee in hand and a relaxed expression on his face, that instantly turned into a curious one as he kissed Gabi on the forehead.
"¿Qué le pasa a mi solecito?" (What's wrong with my little sunshine?)
He then kissed you and put his mug on a nearby counter.
"Quiero" She paused and cleared her throat, her hands folded before her, as if she was trying to make a serious negotiation.
"I want a sibling."
Miguel and you froze, most of the nervous glances came from you, Miguel seemed to actually be contemplating it. You elbowed him when Gabriela's stare fell on you upon the silence stretching too long.
"Gabriela, mi amor..." you trailed. A few of the spanish endearment words you had learned from Miguel, "A sibling isn't something that just pops out of nowhere."
"How do you make them then?"
Miguel couldn't help but genuinely look at the scene displaying before him with amusement in his eyes. He wanted to laugh, hia fangs poking enough self control.
"W-Well, you see..." your stuttering only made her little frown to turn more curious. Of course she was a smart girl, and explaining where the babies came from was something you had been mentally preparing yourself to do. She was 10.
"Do you know how a baby grow into my belly, right?"
She nodded, curiosity making her eyes round in wonder.
"Teacher explained us that it takes a long time to grow a baby"
"Indeed. Nine months actually" She gasped and frowned.
"But... that means I won't be a big sister until next year?!"
"It's a delicate process, mi amor."
She sighed and nodded, disappointed.
"But, that means the making takes a long time as well then?"
She wasn't leaving it. But if one thing you had learned is to never underestimate the understanding capacity of a kid. You weren't squeamish about talking on sexuality or Sex Ed to Gabriela, you just weren't prepared for it. But the time had come.
"It's quite simple, but it's not always successful. Babies are made when the sperm fertilizes an egg that is my uterus. Right here." You pointed at your lower belly.
"And how does that happen?"
"Something called, sexual intercourse, mi sol." Miguel spoke with a serious expression.
"And what is that?"
"When your father and I love each other, including our bodies."
"Ah..." She looked like putting two and two together and it suddenly clicked.
"Then, you better start soon."
Gabriela shrugged as you both were left speechless.
"A baby girl would it be too much to ask?"
"Let me see what I can do, alright? Go change for dinner" Miguel nodded with a smile as Gabriela hopped off the chair and left you alone. He sighed as you remained there, almost a bit too stunned of how things just happened.
"My god..."
"It was a good talk. Don't worry."
"I worry. She wants a baby sister."
"Guess we have to work hard to get her a baby sister, hm?"
Your cheeks grew impossibly red.
(Yeah, kiddos understand way better than people give em credit for. 👀)
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sweetlyskz · 9 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter Five
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|Chapter seven|Chapter eight||Chapter nine|Chapter ten (finale!)|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Word count: 1.7k
"How much longer do we have to keep walking?"
The group was extremely sick and exhausted, walking miles and miles along the forest. When Jimin had no more energy left, the youngest carried him on his back. The pack leader was fearful of the government coming to find them, so during the day they walked nonstop. And when the sun would finally rest, they would rest in the nearest cave or by the tallest tree.
"Until we make it to some water", Joon claimed, ears perked to listen for the closest stream. "I can hear it. We're almost there."
"We wouldn't have had to run, y'know..." Jimin was absentmindedly whispering his thoughts, delirious from lack of sleep.
"I miss her", Tae whined. "And I miss the food, and the comfy bed, and the little chickens..."
Namjoon ignored their complaints, keeping the same pace. He was just as sick and tired as they were, but his love for his pack kept him strong. Now matter how much they tried to convince him to stay, it didn't work. But they couldn't blame him- Namjoon has been burned before.
And he wasn't gonna let it happen again.
Justin didn't like taking the bus. The older kids always made fun of him. Plus, his school was only a couple of minutes away from home if he took the shortcut. So everyday afterschool he would hop the fence behind the school and take left and right turns through the alleyways to get home.
Until one day where he met a little wolf hybrid. Justin had stumbled upon the little guy next to a dumpster in the alley. He was frail and weak looking. His short was torn, his pants were jagged, and the soles of his feet were black.
"Hey little guy", Justin whispered, slowly walking up to the wolf as to not startle him. However it did quite the opposite.
"Please!" He screamed. "I'll go but please don't hurt me!"
With that, Justin backed away. "I'm not gonna hurt you- promise!" The hybrid stood on his feet with haste, getting ready to make a fast exit.
But Justin didn't wanna let him go.
"Are you lost? Do you need some help?" That's when he realized Justin wasn't coming for him- he probably didn't even know who he was.
"N-no. Im f-fine", he whispered, making his way to the kind human who offered to help him. "Just please don't tell anyone I'm here-please." He got down on his knees and pleaded.
"I won't, I swear. But, you can't stay here. Whoever you're hiding from will find you as easily as I did."
The hybrid thought for a second, pondering over his next moves. He's probably been on the run his whole life. His street smarts are probably beyond compare. At least, that's what Justin thought.
"I have nowhere to go..." He whispered. "My family... they're dead. They're all dead- and I'm alone."
It was like looking in a mirror. Justin had found someone just like him. Parentless, scared, afraid. He had a feeling he could help. "You can come stay with me for a while", he offered.
And just like that- he found himself stepping into Justins small apartment. It was cramped, but it's all Justin could afford so he made it work. They lived together for month before Justin finally asked what his name was.
"Namjoon", he replied. "My name is Kim Namjoon, and I'm wanted for murder."
Some of the food in your fridge had spoiled. Just to prevent from wasting you walked miles away to the nearest neighbor and gave them all of your leftovers. It been a couple weeks since the guys had left, and you were feeling lost-empty. You knew who they were. You knew what people called him. You knew they were wanted by the government, but it didn't stop you from taking them in.
And even though they hadn't stayed long, it was hard to imagine what life was like without them- especially when you had already imagined a life with them.
When it was time to rest your head, you would walk by their rooms and whisper goodnight. But even though no one was there, the ghost of them always replied back, "goodnight, sweet dreams."
Every now and then you swear you hear laughing downstairs, the sound of Hoseok rolling around in the grassy field, or even the sound of Taehyung flipping the page of a good book. Every now and then, while making dinner, you feel a presence creep up behind you asking "Can I just have one bite? How will I know if it's good if I don't try it?" Jungkook loved to sneak bits of supper before it was ready.
The feeling made you queasy, and it brought tears to your eyes. It made you anxious, so you watched the new every night in hopes that they hadn't been caught. Because, even though they didn't want to stay with you, you sure as hell weren't going to let the researchers have them.
You had already made that mistake once before.
Your birthday party was absolutely amazing! Your friends were there, all of your family came. Even the gifts were memorable. However, something was missing. Your nine year old self couldn't put your finger on it, but something seemed off about that day. It felt as though you were at someone else's birthday party, like the party wasn't for you.
If wasn't until you got older that you realized that it was true- it wasn't technically your birthday party. It was your birthday- that part it true. However, the party was your father's. It was your father's friends, it was their children. They were never your friends. No one would even notice if you weren't there.
So you left.
By your house was a lake, a peaceful lake where all you could hear was the wind blowing through the trees. That's where you snuck off to that night. That's where you met Mina. She was a wolf- the most beautiful wolf you might ever have seen (the only wolf at that time). Her fur was pure white with specks of gray, and her eyes shimmered in the moonlight. One might've been afraid of her, but you certainly were not. She could tell.
"You come here often, Don't you?" The wolf could speak. For some reason, that didn't scare you either. "From the trees, I notice you come hear to wipe your tears. What's bothering you?"
"I'm alone", you whispered, audibly enough for her to hear. "I don't think I'm supposed to exist. All the signs point against it." You laid in the grass, picking piece to fiddle with. Telling your secrets to a total stranger wasn't the best option. But for you, it was the only option.
"Don't speak such words", she scolded. "Close your eyes. I wanna show you a secret."
You obeyed, shutting your eyes as tight as you could. Out of nowhere, great winds blew and the ground shook.
"Now, open."
She was gone. She vanished, right in front of you. The wolf had vanished, and what replaced it was even more beautiful. Her hair was silver. Her eyes were green. She clothed her self in leaves- fitted like a dress.
"Happy birthday, pup", she smiled. Your eyes began to shed tears. She was the first person to wish you happy birthday- Not even your parents did so.
"T-thank you", you sniffled. "I'm Y/n." She patted your head, the same way your mother once did. It was comforting. Here she was, a total stranger, and she's given you more attention than your mother has in a long time. It entranced you, to the point of laying your head on her
"I know", She sighed. "The nights not going so well, is it?"
You nodded. "When does it ever? I'm nine and feel like I'm an adult- so much I haven't done with so much responsibility."
Daciana was her name, a quite beautiful name. You told her all your fears and she held you close. She comforted you when no one else would.
You will never forgive yourself for what happened to her...
The cave was cold, almost icy. Jin wanted to light a fire but Joon was strongly against it. "That'll make us an easy target", he scolded.
Jimin laid flat on his back, having no neck or back support. He thought of you. What are you doing right now? What may you be wearing? He dreamed of the dinner you might be cooking.
Does she even care that we're gone?
Jungkook was trying his best to keep Hobi's fever down, but it continued to rise. Taehyung was in excruciating pain. Yoongi was absolutely delirious and Joon could hardly breathe, choosing the solid ground as the best place to rest.
"Joon, we can't go on like this", Jin begged. It hurt him to see his pack in so much pain. It hurt even more to know the cause of it was his pack alpha.
He heaved, trying to get back on his two feet with no avail. "What else can we do? The minute we think we're safe, we'll will be taken. You know this! Where can we possibly go?"
"Back home", Jimin mumbled, using the last bits of his energy. "I wanna go back home, to Y/n."
"Me too", Kook whispered just audible enough to hear. The rest of the pack agreed, sharing their sentiments- everyone except Namjoon. While everyone whined and groaned, he laughed exasperatedly.
"Are you guys serious? She would've turned us over to the authors the minute she found out who we really are! How many times do I have to tell you this? You cannot trust humans."
Jin was fed up. He was sick, exhausted, and lonely. And he was done following orders.
"What do you think you're doing?" The pack watched Jin as he put Jimin on his back, heading towards the entrance of the cave.
"We're going home, Joon..." Jimin struggled to keep his eyes open, but a smile was plastered on his face. It was hard to miss his excitement, even if it was a little hard for him to express. "Anyone who wants to come can come, but I'm tired of living in fear."
He continued, pointing towards his alpha. "Let me know when you're done too. You know where to find us."
And with that, the six pack member left the dark and empty cave, leaving Namjoon alone with his thoughts.
What am I gonna do now? He thought.
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Permanent Taglist!
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myosotisa · 1 year
Take a Seat - s.h.
ǁ  summary: What exactly did you think was going to happen when you let King Steve into your bedroom?
ǁ  tags: smutty blurb, afab!reader, no y/n, nicknames are sweetheart and baby. King Steve is the King Tease.
ǁ  word count: 900
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"Hey sweetheart?"
You barely look up from where you're pouring over the textbook on your desk. "Hmm?"
There's a small shuffle from your friend Steve adjusting on your bed, most likely to face you. "Can I ask you something?"
Glancing back at him with your eyebrows drawn together, you catch a glimpse of his impish smile that he's attempted to make look sweet before you return to your book. "Sure?"
"Can I fuck you into your mattress?"
The world spins from how fast you twist toward him, hand gripping the back of your chair tightly as all the blood rushes to your head. "Excuse me?!"
A lazy smile tilts his mouth, eyes shining with mischief as he repeats with slow pauses for effect, "Can I… fuck you… into your mattress?"
Your jaw drops, mouth opening and closing like a fish as you struggle to force out words. "I heard you the first time, I was just giving you a chance to say something else."
"Come on," he leans back onto his palms, thighs spreading with his socks firmly on the floor. The traitorous part of your brain he's awakened looks at the space between his thighs, at the empty seat of his denim covered lap and thinks that's a perfect spot for me. "Like you've never thought about it?"
"I…" Eyes drying from staring at him in shock, you manually force a few blinks as you swallow hard. "This feels like a trick question."
"I bet you have," he says in a sigh, adjusting on the bed with what seems like a very intentional thrust of his hips upward. He adjusts to hold most of his weight on one hand, the other making a little walk up toward where your blanket meets your pillow. "I bet you've laid right here on these sheets… Hand tucked into your pretty little panties and whimpered my name."
The visual has your gut twisting, warmth spreading from between your thighs and outwards. Your face is burning hot as your eyes flick from his hand to his face to his lap and back again. "I don't – I don't understand what's happening right now."
Steve has never, ever shown any interest in you. While you've only been friends for a little while, he was known for his conquests around school. Everyone knew how they went. When he approached you, entirely friendly, asking for a study partner, you'd known it didn't fit his pattern. This wasn't how he came onto the other girls at school.
"What's not to get?" He asks teasingly, the tips of his thick fingers hooking on the top of your blanket just to shift it down a few inches. "It'd be fun."
And while the visual part of your brain talks directly to the throb of feeling in your clit explaining just how fun it would be, your thinking brain is still fighting tooth and nail against something you hadn't considered a possibility anymore.
"Why are you doing this, Steve?" I'm not your type, your mind tacks on. This feels like some kind of cruel joke, it warns.
"Because, baby," he's shifting again, upper body pressing forward as he rests either palm on his spread knees, "I like to play with my food before I eat it."
Brain coming to a grinding halt from its anxious frenzy, all that remains is a cycling repeat of his statement and the reactionary shiver it sent down your spine. “Your… food?” 
This seems to make him huff a laugh, shaking his head. For such a smart girl, it made his dick twitch in his pants at how easy it is to throw you off balance, how quick you're going dumb for him. “Yes, sweetheart. Now are you going to let me keep playing? Or should I leave you alone with that wet spot that’s already on your panties?”
Your head ducks down in alarm, thinking you’re exposed to him in some way, only to see your pants still perfectly in place. When you look back up to retort, the cheeky grin on his face informs you that your reaction told him everything he needed to know. “You! I’m not!”
Taking a deep breath, shoulders rising and then falling lower than they were before as you try to release some of the sudden tension in your body. "How would we even...?"
The sudden shyness, your nervous hesitation, makes his cock throb again, one of his hands instinctively pressing down on the growing tent in his tight jeans. It nearly makes him groan at how heavily your eyes track the movement before quickly looking away with an almost inaudible squeak. “Don’t worry your big brain about it. Just come over here and let me show you.”
The way you stare at him for just a little too long, looking like a deer in headlights, makes him think maybe he came about this the wrong way. Maybe you’ll bolt like a scared rabbit. But then you silently push yourself to stand and take a few hesitant steps toward him, not quite entering the space between his spread thighs.
That Harrington charm comes through his encouraging smile, his voice a cooing murmur when he says, “Good girl.” Your thighs press together subconsciously and he delights in the new reaction. “Now take a seat,” he insists with a pat to the inside of one of his thighs. “I’ve got a spot right here with your name on it.”
thanks for reading! please reblog and leave a reaction if you liked it :)
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 30 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Noah were the same. The way you missed Bradley together gave you comfort but also made everything harder. In your desire to move in with them, you started to organize the attic with your things. But who would have known you could be so hurt by the ghost of something that was left behind?
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, smut, and age gap (18+)
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Once Noah was in bed for the night, you started counting down the time until you would both be awake the next morning. It was like that every evening. And you usually ended up sitting alone on the couch with some Skittles, stressing about starting your new job and missing Bradley so much you occasionally thought you might cry. 
Before he left, he told you he wasn't sure if or when he'd be able to communicate with you from the aircraft carrier. He told you he knew you were smart and strong and could handle everything without him. He promised he would be back home before you knew it. You laughed softly as you sprawled out on the couch and chewed on a purple Skittle. He didn't know what he was talking about. 
Tears stung at your eyes again. He had only been gone about a week, and when Noah was asleep or at daycare, you started to dread the feeling of loneliness that you knew would come. Starting your job would help, hopefully. You should really take the time to get the rest of your stuff from your rental, not that there was much left. Just some textbooks, clothing, and kitchen gadgets. But you already decided that when Bradley got home, you would have all of your stuff here with you. You'd tell him you were completely moved in when you picked him up. 
"Princess?" Noah called from the hallway, and you jumped up from the couch so quickly, Skittles went flying. 
"What's wrong?" you asked, rushing to him. You scooped him up into your arms and examined his face, but he looked fine.
"When's Daddy coming home?" He buried his face against your neck and whined softly. "I miss him."
"Soon," you lied, carrying him out to the couch, accidentally smashing some Skittles into the area rug on the way. "He won't be gone very long. But we've been having a lot of fun together, right?"
You sat with him on your lap, and he nodded as you wiped a tear away. Now you couldn't tell if you missed Bradley more or if Noah did. "Yeah," he agreed, hugging you around your neck. 
"Just look at us," you whispered with a soft laugh. "We're the same." You held him close as he snuggled against you. "I have an idea for tomorrow. We can go for a hike around the block and then go grocery shopping. And I have a fun treat I can make for you."
"Ants on logs?" he asked with a yawn. 
"Even more exciting. I'll make you some peanut butter snails."
Noah nodded without any further questions, and soon he was sound asleep with his chubby cheek pressed to your shoulder. His soft, even breathing and the little puffs of his breath against your skin made you feel a lot better, and you held him on the couch for a long time.
The next morning, it felt like you had barely slept when your alarm went off to wake you up so you could take Noah to daycare. Mornings were a lot easier when Bradley was home and you didn't have to worry about doing everything by yourself. 
"Let's get you dressed," you muttered, yanking Noah's shirt on and pulling it into place. "And brush your teeth," you added, hauling him into the bathroom. You managed to brush your teeth as well, and while he ate some fruit and cereal, you got dressed in Bradley's gray sweatpants and an old shirt of his. 
You looked like a mess, but you also knew that you'd be late for dropoff if you took too much longer. Since you'd been driving the Bronco around all week, you took Noah by the hand and led him outside and into the backseat. You liked driving it, and it smelled like Bradley. His favorite radio station came on when you turned the key in the ignition, and you hummed along to oldies as you drove down your street. Your street. 
Oh. Well that was a thought. You really hadn't considered the street with your little rental as your home in a while. You'd hardly been there at all for the past few months. And now the urge to sell your few pieces of furniture and call your landlord about your lease was making you excited. 
"What are peanut butter snails?" Noah asked from the back as you pulled into the daycare parking lot. 
"Hey, I thought you fell asleep last night when I mentioned those!" you said, tickling him as you scooped him out of his carseat. "They are made out of apples, and you're going to absolutely love them."
When you carried him inside, there was a girl your age who you'd never seen before working at the checkin area. "Hey, Noah," she said sweetly as she appraised you. "Where's your daddy? I was hoping to see him."
You smirked at her, fighting the urge to laugh. You wondered if this girl tried to flirt with Bradley when he walked Noah in. Maybe she thought his charming old man tendency of writing checks to the daycare was cute. You wondered how long she'd had an obvious crush on him, because she looked pretty damn annoyed to see you here today.
Oh, the things that came to your mind about your boyfriend as you stood there were absolutely indecent. If he knew this girl had a crush on him, he'd probably try to laugh it off before fucking you into the mattress after Noah went to sleep for the night.
You were weighing your words carefully, trying to decide how to respond when Noah said, "This is my babysitter. She sleeps in my Daddy's bed. And she calls him Daddy, too!" His smile was bright as he slung his arms around your neck and hugged you. 
A startled laugh escaped your lips, and the girl in front of you abruptly stopped grinning. "Oh. Well, that's nice," she mumbled. 
"It is," you agreed. "It's very nice. Have a great day, Noah." You kissed him goodbye and let him walk into the playroom. 
When the other girl picked up a clipboard and handed it to you to sign, she said, "I'm just used to Lieutenant Bradshaw in the morning."
"Mmm," you hummed as you signed your name next on the line that said Noah Bradshaw. "And I'm used to him all day long."
This time she scowled. "Don't forget, you'll need to be on the list and have your photo ID to sign him out later."
You bestowed your kindest smile on her. "Perfect. See you this afternoon."
And then you swung by your rental on your way back home.
Every day was the same on the aircraft carrier, and there were no days off. Lectures and flight training were pretty much it. Bradley had no idea how things were going at home, and he hadn't had the opportunity to talk to you at all. A few short emails had been exchanged, in which he'd been able to make sure you and Noah were okay, but that was the extent of things. 
He didn't have any friends on this deployment, and he didn't really feel like making any either. The other aviators were all from Lemoore and seemed chummy with each other. His bunkmate, Carl, was usually out of the room, too. It didn't matter though, he just spent his free time working out and looking at the collection of polaroids you packed in his bag along with a note. 
I love this old camera I found in your attic. I'd love it even more if you were the one taking the photos instead of me. When you get home, maybe I can model for you? Let you take some new photos before you fuck me? 
I love you,
Bradley groaned every time he took the note out and read it. Things were so bad at times, he started to get hard just looking at your handwriting. And then he'd think about you, posing for him in some of your cute underwear or nothing at all. And then he'd spread the photos out on his bunk, unzip his uniform pants and take matters into his own hands. 
One night after dinner, he intended to go to the gym, but he ended up here again, next to his bunk with his pants unzipped. "Fuck," he grunted, holding the photo of you that he favored the most. You were laying in his four poster bed, and he could see your purple crown hanging from one of the corners. Your pretty tits were on display, and your hand was tastefully covering your pussy. But he already knew how every inch of you looked and tasted and smelled, and he loved using his imagination. 
He jerked off thinking about how he was going to make you squirt on his face as soon as he got back home. He thought about the way you gripped him so tight when he was fucking you from behind. And he looked at that photo and the sweet, faux innocence on your face. "Come on, baby," he groaned, stroking himself faster now. 
Then he heard a key in the door, and he shouted, "Shit! Wait a minute!"
He came in his own hand and on the undershirt that was on his bed. It felt so fucking good to get off, but now he was scrambling to clean everything up. Fucking Carl, that fucking asshole. Bradley hastily put his photos away and dumped the undershirt in with the rest of his dirty clothes. He would have to work on his laundry tomorrow anyway. 
His cheeks felt flushed and he was uncomfortable as he zipped up his pants, but he forced himself to open the door and face Carl. "Hey," Bradley grunted, letting the other man inside. "I'm heading out."
"Cool," Carl returned with a smirk. Bradley slipped past him and went to walk a lap around the ship, hoping the mixed feeling of embarrassment and arousal would dissipate soon. 
Just a few more weeks of this. Hopefully.
Tomorrow was your first day of work, and you were so ready to go. But you decided to use this last day to really get organized. Noah was at daycare, and you had a plethora of fruit and vegetables lined up on the counter along with raisins and some peanut butter. You and he were going to spend the whole evening making different animals out of the food. You even bought some celery, although you had your doubts that Noah would eat it.
But for now, you were shuttling your textbooks all neatly organized in crates up to the attic. After a few trips, you were sweating a lot. You left your water downstairs, so you just decided to chill for a minute next to one of the boxes of Noah's baby items. You'd spend so much time cleaning and organizing the mess up here, you'd probably be able to locate things faster than Bradley could. 
"Adorable," you whispered as you opened the box and pulled out some baby clothes. There was a onesie with an airplane print, and pajamas that said I Love Daddy. Actually, most of the tiny clothing had an aviation theme or gave a shout out to dad. Bradley must have purged everything else, and that thought made you smile. There were some photo albums that you flipped through that made you squeal with delight. 
Baby Noah was even chubbier and cuter than you could have imagined. Now you were curious if there were any baby photos of Bradley around. If you and he had a child together, would they be as sweet and cute as Noah? Your mind was swirling with the possibilities as you dug deeper. There was another small photo album, Noah's first birthday shirt, and a soft blanket. All that was left in the bottom of the box was a rattle that was shaped like a puppy and two USB flash drives.
You shook the rattle a few times before tossing it back inside the box, and when you stood to go back downstairs and get your water, you took the USB drives with you. Now that all of your textbooks and other random things were tucked away in the front corner of the attic, you took a minute to make a sandwich.
Convinced the blue and yellow flash drives had more cute Noah photos on them, you turned on Bradley's laptop while you ate lunch at the kitchen table. Once it booted up, you selected the yellow one and inserted it. And you were right. There were hundreds of photos here, all organized into folders. You knew Bradley must have taken the time to do this, although there were a handful of pictures that had Meredith in them. 
You cringed when you looked at her. She didn't even look as excited for tiny, sweet Noah as Bradley did. Because in every single image you scrolled through, Bradley's face was lit up by a huge smile. He was impossibly handsome, and he clearly loved being a dad. 
You knew he wanted another baby while Noah was still young. He wasn't shy about telling you that. You wanted it, too. It was hard not to think about raising Noah together along with another little one. Bradley wanted to spoil you and Noah both, and he did so at every opportunity you gave him. A credit card, access to his whole house, free reign to do whatever you wanted. He even offered to help you pay back your student loans. But you were just starting out in your career now, and maybe it wasn't the right time. 
But you could still picture a baby here with the three of you so easily, and you loved thinking about it. The idea lingered as you removed the yellow USB drive and replaced it with the blue one. This time you found a video and a collection of photos. The first image made your stomach turn. It was a selfie of Meredith with Bradley's arm around her that must have been at least five years old. Bradley looked younger, the touch of wrinkles around his eyes and mouth was missing. But he looked happy. And you couldn't help yourself. You opened another photo thumbnail. 
You gasped. Bradley must have taken this one. Meredith sprawled out in the bed you now slept in. She was naked and touching herself, looking right at the camera. Looking right at you. Her fingers were on her breast and closely trimmed pubic hair. She was stunning. Older. She looked more comfortable in her skin than you thought you ever could. She looked confident, and you felt jealous and sick and upset. 
But you clicked on the icon for the video anyway. 
Of course the volume on the laptop was turned way up since you'd never bothered to lower it after listening to music yesterday. So you got to hear loud and clear all those noises you were so used to from Bradley. But it was Meredith making him feel good. Not you.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned in the video, adjusting the camera to show Meredith in bed with her lips wrapped around his cock. You could see the pleasure on his face before the camera turned back to her, and she looked all too happy to be sucking him off. 
She giggled, and it sounded revolting. Your stomach churned as she whispered, "Do you like it? Does it feel so good?"
You covered your mouth with both hands as you made a pathetic noise. Because Bradley in the video was all perfect, flexing muscles and beautiful scars as he propped the phone up and pushed Meredith onto her back. You wanted to close the computer or break it in half, but you couldn't remove your fingers from your mouth. You watched Bradley fuck Meredith, her back arched as he wrapped his hands around her waist. You watched his body that you knew so well bring her pleasure. 
He leaned down to kiss her, and she gripped his biceps until it looked like she was going to break his skin with her nails. "Bradley," she whined, and you thought you were going to be sick right here.
Then Bradley fucked her harder and grunted, "Oh, Babe. I love you."
Bile was rising up to your throat as you finally yanked the USB drive from the computer and let it clatter to the floor. And you barely made it to the toilet before you threw up your sandwich.
You were shaking as you curled up on the cold tile floor. It felt good against the burn of your skin and your hot embarrassment. That wasn't meant for you, and you knew it. You had every opportunity to turn it off, but you didn't. Meredith was sexy and sophisticated looking, and even though you knew that happened years ago, you had nothing to compare it to. You felt like a little kid right now, with only your previous relationship with Greyson to show for yourself. 
And all you could see in your mind was Bradley fucking Meredith and telling her he loved her. She left him and Noah in the dust, and then she tried to take Noah away from him. But he had actually at one time loved her.
An hour later, you took your photo ID in with you to pick Noah up, but the girl from earlier wasn't there. An older woman matched up the name on your driver's license with her list, and then she brought Noah out to you. The sick feeling from earlier persisted, and you were hoping that as soon as you saw Noah, it would start to get better. But it got worse, and tears stung your eyes. 
"Hey, sweet Noah," you whispered as he made a beeline for your open arms, and you held him because you knew that's what he expected. He only knew love from you, and you never wanted that to change. You never wanted to be like Meredith. 
But intrusive thoughts took over your mind as you drove him home to all of the produce on the kitchen counter. You turned the apples into snails and the bananas into boats, and Noah even tried some celery as he laughed. You tried to put on a playlist to keep your mind at ease, but you couldn't help it. You could still picture the video. And you should have known Bradley and Meredith used to be in love, but the idea never really stuck in your mind until you heard him say it. 
You were standing there feeling like a knockoff version of what Bradley really wanted when Noah turned and looked up at you from the stool he was standing on. "Want one?" he asked, handing you an apple wedge covered in peanut butter and some coconut flakes. 
"Thanks," you whispered, kissing the top of his head as you took the apple and nibbled on it. 
But he was still looking up at you with his big, curious brown eyes. "Are you my mommy now?"
You fumbled the apple slice and it landed on the counter. Your lips parted wordlessly, but he was waiting for an answer. This child literally had no mother at all. Not anymore. But you wanted more than anything to become his mom. You already loved him, and taking care of him was one of the highlights of your day. 
"Hopefully someday," you whispered, "because I love you, Noah."
He picked up the apple and handed it to you once more. "I know. And I want you to be my mommy."
You couldn't get another word out as you chewed up the apple and tried not to cry, so you just hugged him tight. 
Bradley hated being away from home now that you were there. If this is how deployments were going to be if you and he married or had another kid, he didn't know how he was going to manage it. He felt a little on edge. If he were home, he'd put Noah in bed and share a bottle of wine and some Skittles with you on the couch. 
You always tried to tell him which flavor of the candy went with which type of wine. As he walked back to his bunk from the gym, he could practically hear you telling him that red Skittles went with merlot. He couldn't remember if you said yellow went with chardonnay or pinot grigio, but he was certain that purple went with pinot noir. He fucking missed you so much. Just you and Noah, on his mind, all the time. 
He would go back to his bunk, get his polaroids out and jerk it before he took a shower and went to bed, dreaming of your voice. After he made sure the door was locked, he spread the photos out on his bunk and untied his gym shorts. It didn't take long before he started to get hard, but then he realized his favorite photo was missing. That one of you in bed. 
"The fuck?" he asked out loud, turning to look at Carl's empty bunk. There was no way. He secured his gym shorts again before rooting around in his own belongings for a few minutes. He checked under the beds and inside all of his drawers. But he came up short. He didn't really want to have to threaten Carl, but he knew he was going to have to. Because that would be beyond fucked up.
Ouch. And what the fuck did Carl do? Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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acidinbubbles · 9 months
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Eren Yeager x Homewrecker! Fem reader
WC:2k +
Synopsis: You didn’t have to be Eren’s girlfriend right? Just his favorite.
Contains: oral (m and f receiving), praise, degradation, hair pulling, drinking, unprotected sex, and probably more!
Notes: I haven’t written in a while so please be nice. Not proof read. Request and submissions are open!
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Finals week was finally over, it’s like everyone could finally breathe after that. So of course your sorority threw the biggest party of the year. You were wearing a skin tight black bodysuit with black gogo boots. It was definitely giving body. You, Ymir, and Historia were taking shots in the kitchen. “Wow y/n are you sure you’re not down for a threesome?” Ymir joked, “Very funny, but you two are not in my league.” You all laughed at the flirtatious jokes you guys were throwing back and forth. Historia poured more shots “To y/n, who better get it in tonight.” Historia cheered before you all downed your shots. “Eren is looking really good tonight.” you said with a smirk. And he did look really good, but in your drunken state. You almost forgot he had a girlfriend, she didn’t go to the same college let alone live in the same state. But he did have a girlfriend. Luckily you had no morals, you wanted him so badly and you were determined to have him. You didn’t have to be his girlfriend, you just wanted to be his favorite secret. A low voice spoke from behind you “Good luck with that.” It was Armin sneaking behind you to grab a bottle of vodka. “Eren is loyal, he loves Mikasa. He would never cheat on her, especially with a girl like you.” Did you hear him correctly? You quickly spun around getting in his face “What’s that supposed to mean Arlert?” Ymir and Historia were standing behind you giggling, invested in the drama. Armin quickly got flustered realizing how badly he phrased that “I didn’t mean it like that! Eren only likes sophisticated women, and you can’t deny the fact that you’re a bit wild y/n.”. You didn’t know if you should be offended or not but you chose the high road, kinda. “Whatever Armin, you’ll see.” And you were in the right for thinking that, because little did you know Eren was struggling.
Eren's relationship with Mikasa had been going downhill for a while. She had been so busy with college they had barely been talking to each other, and when they did she was constantly accusing Eren of cheating. When Eren had been painfully loyal to her, do you know how many girls lust after Eren? And he says no to every single one. But truth be told he was getting tired of Mikasa. Not to mention she never did anything sexual over the phone because she thought it wasn’t “ladylike”. So not only was she just being a bitch she was leaving Eren sexually frustrated. He was hitting rock bottom with her, so here he was at the party trying to drink and distract himself from his failing relationship. Until you approached him with two shot glasses in hand. “You look so sad, do you want a shot?” You said with a smile, Eren had heard about you. You were hot, amazing in bed, smart, and fun. You honestly sounded exactly like what he needed right now. Your bodysuit was doing your body wonders, Eren was looking you up and down, the bodysuit outlined your curves perfectly. But he couldn’t do it to Mikasa as much as he wanted to, but you could be friends. Right?
Eren took the shot from you “Yeah something like that.” he said with a small smile. God, you were going feral for him, his hair was tied back messily, the gray sweats and tight shirt combo had you clenching your legs together. “Well cheers to new friends!” you cheered your shot glasses and tapped them with Eren before you both took your shots. Historia came running from the kitchen “Hey y/n we’re gonna play truth or dare with the rest of the group wanna come?”. You turned to Eren “Only if my newly found friend comes.” Eren looked at you before sighing, “I guess it could be fun.” Historia squealed “alright we’ll wait for you up stairs.” Historia ran upstairs. You grabbed Eren’s hand and led him upstairs.
You’re now sitting in a circle with Ymir, Historia, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Annie, Hitch, and Armin. And of course you and Eren. Ymir spun the bottle first and landed on Jean “Jean truth or dare?” Jean pondered for a minute “Truth.” Ymir thought for a moment before speaking, “Fuck marry kill, Sasha, Hitch, andddd y/n.” Jean scoffed “Well that's easy definitely fucking y/n” he shot you a wink, you smiled. “Marrying Hitch.” Hitch groaned in disgust. “And killing Sasha.” Sasha laughed, “That’s fair.” Jean spun the bottle and it landed on Armin “Armin truth or dare?” “Dare” Jean chuckled “Kiss the person on your right.”. Armin’s face became red, the person on his right was Annie, and everyone knew Armin had a crush on Annie. So he shyly scooted over and gave Annie a small peck. Before sliding back to his spot.
A couple more rounds went by before the bottle finally landed on you, Historia asked you “Truth or dare y/n?”. You smiled at her “Dare.”. “Kiss the hottest guy in the room.” Well that was easy, you turned to Eren. You saddled on top of Eren’s lap and for some reason he couldn’t push you off. Maybe because sense you first talked to him he hasn’t thought of Mikasa once, maybe because of you how you were deliciously rubbing against his dick, or maybe it’s because of how fucking amazing you’ve looked all night. Regardless of the answer he couldn’t turn you down, so when you snaked his neck in your arms and pulled him in he didn’t fight it. He put his hands on your hips pulling you closer. He knows it’s wrong and he can feel the pang of guilt in his chest, but it disappears as soon as your lips connect. Everyone gasps, the kiss is deep and messy. His lips are so soft and tender, your tongue slips into his mouth. He tastes so good, the kiss consumes you, you almost forget about the room full of people. That is until Armin coughs, you both break from the trance as you slowly begin to slide from his lap.
Armin gets up, “I think we should call it here” he says. He storms out the room clearly upset about the exchange that just occurred. Eren gets up and attempts to chase after him but you grab his hand looking up at him, giving him doe eyes. He stays, hypnotized by you. You get up and whisper in his ear “Follow me”. You lead Eren towards your room. The party was held in your sorority after all. You entered your room locking the door behind you. When Eren heard the door lock he should’ve left immediately, it’s not too late to fix things with her. But he doesn't, instead he sits on the bed. When you sit on his lap and push him down on the bed, he should throw you off and leave. But he doesn’t. When you start kissing his neck and feeling his abs under his shirt, he should run. But the way your soft lips kiss his neck, your dainty hands playing with the waistband of his sweats. He can’t, he feels the guilt in his chest, but the way you're slowly making your hands and lips closer to his painfully hard dick. Makes the pros outway the cons.
You pull his dick out of his sweats and for a moment, Eren sits up finally ready to put this to an end. “Hey y/n I don’t think I ca-” he stops as soon as he feels your lips kissing his angry pink tip. “It’s okay baby, just let me take care of you.” You start sucking on his tip aggressively, Eren hadn’t had anyone but himself touch his dick for at least 5 months. He was groaning and moaning like a teenage boy, also as eager as one. He grabbed you by your hair and started fucking into your throat. The new found pace had you clenching your legs together and moaning on his cock. “Fuckk just like that y/n.” You used your hand to massage his heavy balls, his dick was repeatedly hitting the back of your throat. There was spit everywhere but you didn’t mind. You’ve had a thing for Eren since you first saw him and you were finally getting what you wanted. Eren's pace grew quicker and sloppier signaling to you he was about to cum, you tapped his thigh. A sign for him to let up, you came off his dick with a pop before standing, you started to remove your shoes and unzip your bodysuit. You didn’t want him to cum just yet. You climbed back on top of him rubbing your clothed pussy on his dick, “I can’t put it in y/n, I just can’t” you pouted. You started rubbing his abs and chest “Please baby just feel how wet my pussy is for you.” . You grabbed his hand and put it in your panties right between your folds and you were right you were dripping. Eren groaned he wanted you so badly but he couldn’t, but maybe he could still help you.
“Come here princess, come ride my face.” you gave in immediately crawling over his body till your cunt was hovering over his mouth. He tore a hole in your panties, you gasped. He pulled you down by your hips and dragged his tongue against your folds, you let a loud moan come from you as shocks went through your body. “Fuck this pretty pussy taste so good.” he growled into your cunt as he spit on your clit lapping it up. He was grabbing your ass pushing you more on his tongue, like was trying to consume you. Choked out gasp comes from your lips when he starts sucking and flicking his tongue on your clit. “Eren” becomes a mantra, his name rolls off your tongue every time he circles your clit. You start shaking and writhing on his tongue pulling his hair “Fuck Eren i- i’m close.” his tongue starts flicking even faster as he buries his face deep in your folds. You grip his hair hard, dropping all your weight on him while arching your back, you cum and you cum hard. Your hips jerk against him as your juices drip down his chin. Eren never faulted though, lapping it all up. If it wasn’t for the booming music downstairs everyone would know, it was Eren who was making you feel this good.
You removed yourself from his mouth sitting by his side playing with hair while staring at his swollen. “ Baby I'm dying to have you inside me.” Eren groaned “I can’t y/n.”. The idea came into your head, if he could eat your pussy and let you suck him off, why would he oppose this? “What if it’s just the tip?” Eren looked at you concentrating hard like he’s fighting a war with himself, and you can tell he’s losing. “Just the tip?” you smiled “Yes I swear.” he contemplated for another moment before agreeing. You quickly got on all fours feeling Eren line up behind you. “Just the tip” he says but to be honest it sounds like he’s talking to himself more than you. He puts the tip in and god, it’s almost enough to make you cum again, “Fuck your pussy is so fucking tight.” You start rocking your hips back on his dick, and he tries to hold your hips in place but it doesn’t make much of a difference since he’s rutting into you as well. “Fuck it.” is all he says before thrusting into fully, you let out a silent scream moan from the burn. Not only was dick fucking huge it was thick as well, stretching you out so good. “Just like that baby” you rock your hips to meet every single one of his thrust, your mind begins to fog as he hits your spot every time he slides in and out of you. “Fuck y/n I think this is the best pussy i’ve ever fucking had.” you moan hard at that. The fact he thinks you're better than his bitch girlfriend has you tightening around his cock. “No girl wil- will ever make you feel as good as I can baby.” Eren starts fucking you at a animalstic speed. Pulling your hips back every time he slams into you, the oxygen from your lungs starts to disappear the way he drills into you. You grip the bed sheets under you when one of his hands goes from your waist into your hair. Pulling it so your back is arched slightly “You like that hm? Fucking slut.” He drops you back down just in time for your orgasm to start raging through you like a vicious storm. Eren slams into you one more time before the coil snaps you let out a scream of his name along with a screaming moan. “Fuck princess im gonna cum.” As Eren was wildly chasing after his release it was like a knot was untying inside you, like an explosion of ecstasy was about to explode and it did. Your juices gushed from you all over Eren’s abdomen, you cunt sucking his dick in. Deliciously tightening around you “Fuck that was hot.” was all Eren could say before painting your insides, emptying 5 months worth of cum into your spent cunt. He rode out his orgasm, filling you to the brim before slowly pulling out and laying beside you.
You both laid together gasping for air. Instead of the intense guilt Eren should be feeling, all he felt was bliss he didn’t want to leave so he didn’t. He laid by your side holding you and kissing your forehead. It didn’t matter that he had 3 missed calls from Mikasa, it mattered that he was here with you, in your bed, with someone who actually cared. Eren might have made a mistake but he’s not gonna let it go to waste. Little did Eren know he was going to be yours, you decided that when he fell asleep and you shut off his phone while Mikasa was calling him at 4 in the morning. Sleeping in your bed, cuddling with you, not her.
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AN: I hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you want a part 2 on Mikasa finding out;)
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How about a Hualian x calamity!reader oneshot? Maybe HC and reader know each other already and pursue XL together? Idk, love your writing tho!
Gang up
Hua Cheng x calamity!reader x Xie Lian
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So sorry it took a while, I had strep these past few days but I feel good now so ty for being patient with me 😙🖤🖤
I tried to make it vague enough to where you can input your guy's own character in there 🥰🙏
I hope it isn't too short, and if you can't tell I pulled some make believe facts out of my ass. Have to change the story up a little bit
Spoilers Below!!!
Everyone talks about the four calamities, but recently all three realms have been talking about a fifth one. Another terrifying, devastation level calamity. Because that's all the heavenly officials, someone else to worry about.
That's your bad, woops. It's not like it was on purpose. Maybe. It's not like it was your fault. Really! They should have known by now but your crimes and deeds have been hidden behind Crimson rain's for so long, everyone has thought there were only four calamities. Now, with so much activity from Hua Cheng it's impossible to hide behind him. Oh well.
Now you get your own title, lore, rumors and all that nice stuff since everyone knows you now. It's crazy how fast words spread.
You've always been here, in fact you and Hua Cheng appeared one right after the other. So of course with such a close timeline one of you was going to overshadow the other. Not that you have a problem with this.
Surprisingly you and Hua Cheng know each other well. You met a long, long time ago and have been friends ever since. Since you're such close friends. Why not live in paradise manor together, why not rule a ghost city together too? The two of you really are glued to each other's side.
The base of your friendship? Xie Lian. Now of course it's more than that. You're both dead, both calamities, both know Xie Lian, would do anything for Xie Lian, both knew Xie Lian. . .
You guys still hold affections for one another though so it's okay. And the best thing? I lied. You guys aren't friends at all. After hundreds of years of knowing each other you and Hua Cheng have seen the absolute worst in one another. You still stayed. He still stayed. Just because you guys are lovers doesn't mean that you're going to stop pursuing Xie Lian either. There's nothing wrong with three.
Now the second best thing is that none of you harbor jealousy against the other because usually you guys are side by side like Siamese cats causing trouble.
Very often the two of you gang up to pursue Xie Lian together. You guys even bully heavenly officials together. It's all a part of the fun.
So when Xie Lian initially hears about one ghost? He meets two. Like, okay so he has two calamity body guards. Neat. The same goes as follows. Just when he thought he only had to deal with one smart mouth, it's two. Feng Xin and Mu Qing are very annoyed by this but Xie Lian finds it endearing.
It's actually very nice. He used to have two people by his side, but then the trio was separated. Now he has two people by his side again and he doubts that you two will be leaving anytime soon.
Though, since you're actually a known calamity now the stories and details change up a little bit. Xie Lian can click a few more pieces of the puzzle together.
I mean how do you think Hua Cheng got so good in bed, he wasn't practicing on statues alone. How did Hua Cheng get his smooth, suave, attitude? That'd be you too. You had to encourage him to actually make a move on his precious dianxia instead of seeing him act like a blushing maiden anytime Xie Lian looks at him.
Not that you can speak differently on that one. You've always been there through Hua Cheng's worse and. . . worser. You're both awfully silly. Silly enough to give Xie Lian your ashes one random day.
When Xie Lian woke up with a ring of ashes around his neck? Pause. One ring? Isn't one missing? There's two of you. Hua Cheng and you so, where are your ashes.
He's absolutely delighted and curious when he finds out the two of your ashes are mixed. He finds it endearing the two of you trust each other that much and are so close. That's how he learned the two of you were lovers.
Because that's a big risk, a big promise. To mix your ashes and give it to one person. If Hua Cheng goes, you go too. If you go, Hua Cheng goes too. Which on a usual note would never happen.
Hua Cheng breaking Xie Lian's shackles is not a usual note though. He's devastated when not only one of his lovers fades away into a flock of butterflies but when his other lover does too.
The two of you would never leave him alone though, not with that ring around his neck. He knew you two would come back and you both did. Hand in hand, running to Xie Lian excitedly. The two of you would never have to disappear like that again.
Xie Lian doesn't mind that there's two of you. he has two hands, more the merrier. He's happy and loved. Isn't that all that matters?
I thought this new ashes idea of mine was cute so 🥰🙏 I hope you guys find it cute too
Sorry about grammar mistakes
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