#Like you arent going to trust Merlin?? To do magic???
daydreamdoodles · 4 months
Sofia Carson narrates the descendants audiobooks. Which is great. It adds a little extra connection to the movies and I love her voice. But she also does a surprisingly good Dove Cameron impression?
Like she mimicks the husky tone Dove uses for Mal to the point that I wondered a couple times if they cut in Dove reading lines
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shinytidalwavebread · 3 years
Merlin v thanos 5 "So what'll happen when everyone finds us missing?" Arthur asked. "They won't. We'll just return you at the same time we took you. If you don't die, obviously." The man, stark, sounded very nonchalant when he said this. Like he had done this one thousand times before. Maybe he had. Maybe he just reset it when it went wrong. He could of. He could of very easily. "Why us?" Arthur speculated "Why not someone more qualified?" "Well, Strange said that you were our last hope." Stark said. "Morgana... who are these people?" Merlin addressed the one person in this room he had any vague sense of trust towards. "I dont know much more then you. They arent lying though. Half the universe is going to die if we dont help. Not much point in bringing arthur, he really is useless." She grinned. "He really is." Merlin agreed. "Now wait just one minute..." arthur was sounding ever so slightly offended. "As it turns out, all of you will be very useful." Stark looked them over, "Even if you do look like something from a Shakespeare play." They must of looked puzzled because he rolled his eyes and said, "You'll catch on." Peter was scurrying around on the ceiling and messing with a bright yellow light that resembled a tiny sun. Just then, the man with greasy black hair and the sceptre was summoned. "Loki!" The voice boomed. A hammer appeared and almost took both Arthur and Loki's heads off. Merlin stopped it with his magic and plucked it from mid air. "What..." he began to say, when the hammer tried to pull away. Instead of releasing it from his grasp, he clung too it and was dragged along a corridor and up a flight of stairs. All Tony said was a mumbled, "Not again," before yelling at something called a "thor" whatever that magical being was. Merlin was unceremoniously dumped in a door frame when the hammer finally jerked free. In front of him stood a greater being that could only be a god. Oh. He had met this one before. "Hey Thor, good to see you again." He mumbled. "Ahh Merlin. It's been so long." Merlin had only been a child when he accidentally summoned the god of lightning. The god hadn't changed at all, actually. Then he realised Thor wasnt the only one in the room. A woman with red hair, a man holding a strange looking bow, a man that wasnt a man at all and looked like he was made of metal and a girl in red who seemed to be using magic to throw a table in the air. "Umm... hello," merlin said awkwardly. "Who is this?" Asked the metal man. "This is young Merlin. We met a long while ago. He was a very sweet child." The metal man looked confused. "You know merlin?" "Yes. Morgana and the other boy too actually. Not the prince, the other one... mordred, yes that was it. We cant stand here all day, we have to get you to the planning room." Just then there was a thump against one of the wooden panels that lined the wall. A sound merlin had heard before and was sworn to secrecy about. It was arthur, running into a wall. The princes eyes were weak, but he was too proud to admit that to anyone but merlin. A sharp 'OW' followed the bang. Merlin smiled. His master was an idiot. But arthur was his idiot. And that's what mattered most
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
If it's no bother could I request a Star Trek AOS and Merlin ship please? Am a straight female. My Hogwarts house is Slytherin, am an Aries, ISTJ. I like reading, singing (even if i cant sing in tune), dancing, music, writing. I dont like people who arent truthful. I'm usually the mom friend, and my friends say I'm smart and kind. I guess I'm also quite ambitious and proud. Im also talkative btw. Im interested in cultures, specially the Celts and Anglo-Saxons. Uhhh i can sorta play the flute. And im small, like, small for my age (cuz i was always sick as a kid yehey).
Anywash i hope this isnt too much. THANK YOU!! 🖖 🖤
Hey, thank you very much! ❤️❤️ (@squishyhooman <tagging you since you might not be tagged if I post this; since its not an ask.)
Just a request from me though; if you ask for a ship next time they are open; please send it via my askbox, not as a submission. But don't worry about it this time lol ❤️❤️
Anyways, I hope you like them; both ships are below the cut!
I ship you with Bones.
I think he would enjoy your love of cultures, music and writing. They are not things he partakes in, but he loves that you love them. And even if you do not sing in tune, he enjoys listening to you, because of how happy you look when you are singing.
I loves your caring side (mom friend side); as it reflects his own protective nature. A lot of people on the ship, if you and him are worrying about them will often say things like "Thanks mom and dad." Or if you two ever bicker they makes jokes like "Uh oh mom and dad are fighting." <even though you to never really fight.
Idk exactly how small you are, but no matter, he loves it. He likes wrapping you up in bear hugs. Plus, if you ever don't listen to him or leave somewhere when he tells you to, he can just pick you up and carry you off.
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I ship you with Merlin himself.
Merlin is a sweetheart, and of course often gets himself into trouble, so he needs someone to watch out for him, and tell him when he is doing something wrong or going to far.
He trusts you entirely and told you about his magic, and all of the things he was done with it for Camelot and Arthur (and you as well).
He loves how smart and kind you are and thinks you are the type of person that makes the world better. He watches over you as well, especially if there is danger nearby. He would do anything he had to to keep you safe.
The two of you are a very cute couple, and were introduced to each other by Gwen, who knew you two would be perfect for one another. When you started dating she was so happy and excited.
Merlin is quite talkative, so you two can talk for ages about various things. Science, culture, magic, music, etc.
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sharks-reef · 4 years
Merlin Headcannon? Au?
Ok. So I keep seeing fanfiction where Merlin begs not to be burned at the pyre but I want 1 just 1 fanfiction where Merlin request to be burned.  Arthur just found out that Merlin has magic and so Merlin is now in cuffs kneeling on the forest floor, smiling at Arthur with tears in his eyes and he says, “I know i dont deserve to make a request of you but, if you are going to execute me, can it be on the pyre? I want to know how my kin felt in their final moments. I want to know what it’s like to look up and see you staring at me with hatred as you give the word to light it. Please, sire, this is my last request.” 
Arthur is just so dumb struck because he thought that if he was going to execute Merlin then he going to make it swift and painless like a beheading, no hanging because those arent always quick but the thought of executing Merlin is more painful than finding out his best friend is a sorcerer- no- a warlock and apparently the most powerful man to walk the earth who happens to only use his magic in the name of Arthur. 
Arthur has a fleeting thought of ‘well at least he is using the proper title for once’ but he dismisses the thought because every time Merlin used sire with out sarcasm it meant something was wrong and of course this wrong, Merlin should be calling down that damn pet dragon of his or summoning a storm or making the earth swallow them whole. Not ask to be burned at the stake. Merlin should be standing next to Arthur telling him what the right thing to do was but noooo, he is sitting in the dirt. And he is not just sitting, he’s kneeling. Merlin kneels for no one, not even Arthur! Yet here is he is smiling up at Arthur with this sad acceptance in his eyes. He has yet to ask for forgiveness but told Arthur he was sorry. Sorry deceiving and lying to him, sorry for him finding out this way. Arthur had no idea what to do. A voice that sounds like his father screams at him to do it, if the monster wants to burn, why not fulfill it’s request! Another that sounds like Morgana begs him to try to understand, that Merlin was scared and really who could blame him for not telling Arthur? Arthur’s father was the biggest enemy of magic and it’s kin. And even after Arthur’s father died, Arthur, himself, had said that magic was evil and couldn’t be trusted! 
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
Adrien’s Mentorship: Telling the Truth
Ladybug didn't know what to expect when Chat Noir asked to talk about something serious with her one night during patrols. She half expected him to confess his undying love for her again, or to have some sort of over the top date planned… She did not expect her partner to be sitting quietly at the top of the Eiffel tower, patiently waiting for her with a serious expression on his face, and an even more serious discussion he wanted to have with her.
In which Chat Noir reveals to Ladybug how someone knows his identity, and how she is giving him the help and attention he needs. 
The two hero’s of Paris sat at the top of the Eiffel tower, staring out over the city. Ladybug was waiting for Chat to tell her why he called her here at the end of their patrol, however he seemed hesitant to start, and the more the silence carried, the more she began to worry. 
“I have something to tell you, Milady…” he began softly, not looking at her but over the city. Ladybug looked at him with a concerned expression on her face as he continued “And I ask that you don’t interrupt me until I am finished speaking…”
Ladybug looked at her partner, eyebrows furrowed slightly as she nodded “Okay…”
Chat Noir took a deep breath, as if steeling his nerves before he began to speak. “I know secrets are important. I know there are some things you can’t tell me because they arent your secrets to tell, or the Guardian asked you not to, and I get that. It still hurts a lot, but I get that, and secret identities are super important to you, I get it. It hurts that there are so many secrets between the two of us, I’m not going to lie.” he told her softly, his hands gently gripping the edge of the platform where the two of them were sitting.
“That's not what I want to talk about tonight though.” he stated, taking a deep breath “... I’ve gotten a magic mentor, and she knows my identity.”
Ladybug’s eyes widened as she stood up suddenly, staring down at her partner in horror “WHAT?!” she yelled, recoiling slightly when she noticed Chat flinch and his ears fall flat against his head. “Chat how could you let this happen?! Our identities-”
“Are very important, I know. Can you please let me finish?” he asked her, still looking out over Paris and not at her. Ladybug looked at her partner, her concern for her partner over writing her shock. 
She slowly sat down, taking a deep breath as her partnered continued.
“I didn’t tell anyone my secret identity, least of all my magic teacher.” he explained “My teacher can see through glamour, and we run in similar circles, so apparently when she saw me up close in person the first time she recognised me…” Chat stated to her “She only told me recently however when she saw that I… wasn't doing well.”
Ladybug looked at Chat, her frown ever present “... why weren't you doing well?” she asked him softly. She knew that this was going into civilian lives territory, but this was her partner! Her best friend… he never really spoke of his home life but she always just assumed he did well for himself with how happy he always was. 
“...Without going into detail Bugaboo, my home life isn’t the greatest. I’m not abused or anything, no one hits me or denies me food, but my… parents aren't exactly the warmest towards me.” he explained softly, looking everywhere but at Ladybug. “... The only ones that pay any attention to me at my house are the people who are employed by my parents, and they have to remain professional towards me otherwise they could lose their jobs, they try to be there for me but its just… I don’t really have anyone to give me guidance, or teach me important skills.”
“And then with Master Fu trusting you so much with the Miraculous and getting training from him…” Chat said, frowning “... that hurt too, and she saw that. She saw that, and offered me the chance to teach me.” 
He finally looked at Ladybug, his eyes misting over slightly as he tried his hardest not to cry “... she actually takes me out to do things with her not out of obligation or because its her job but because she really, and TRULY wants to. She is teaching me magic to help me become a better asset to you and the fight against Hawkmoth, and she doesnt turn away from me or tune me out when I have questions. Milady, I can tell you have a great support both in and out of the mask, I can just tell…” he looked at her, a sad smile on his face as he sniffled “... I don’t. I NEED this, and I didnt want to keep this from you… so please trust me.” 
Ladybug looked at her partner for a long moment. Every single logical part of her brain told her this was a bad idea. Even if Chat has not revealed his identity on purpose, anyone knowing who they were was a danger not only to the hero’s but also the person themselves, but the more she looked at Chat… the more she realised how much he desperately needed this.
“... What's her name?” Ladybug asked him softly, and Chat let out a small sniffle, laughing.
“So, um, funny story. I asked her if I could tell you about my magic lessons, and she agreed under a few conditions, one of which was that I couldn’t use her real name, so I'm going to call her by a fake one, so I chose the name Kiki.”
Ladybug blinked a few times, looking at him in confusion before she let out a small laugh “Please tell me you did not-”
“Name her after Kiki’s Delivery Service? Of course I did Milady, it was such a purfect chance I couldn’t afford to miss it!”
Adrien didn't know what to expect the five days when he was informed that Mr. Chan wanted to squeeze in another lesson. He knew that Ladybug would have most likely told Master Fu about his new mentor, he hadn’t told her not to. 
So he sat there in his room, his knee bouncing as he waited for Master Fu. 
“Kid relax, your making ME anxious!” Plagg started with an eye roll.
“He is going to be mad isn't he?” Adrien asked, his leg continuing to bounce “What if he decides I can't be Chat Noir anymore because of this?” 
Plagg looked at Adrien with wide eyes, and was about to say something when the door opened and Master Fu walked in, closing the door behind him.
Master Fu looked at Adrien with a neutral expression as he walked up and Adrien found himself gripping his ring tighter. “Master.” Adrien said to him. 
“Chat Noir.” Master Fu said, giving a slight bow before he sat down. “Ladybug has informed me that you have recently gained another teacher as of late…” 
“And that they know your identity.”
“... Yes.”
Master Fu let out a small sigh “... I understand the reason for your impatiences Adrien, however to go out and seek a magic teacher when you yourself are already the wielder of a Miraculous was very unwise-”
“I didn’t seek her out.” Adrien interrupted him, giving him a hard look “She came to ME offering ME the chance to learn magic from her. She isn’t afraid to give me the answers I seek, or to give me a chance.” he stated to him.
Master Fu gave Adrien a hard look in return “You do not know if she would even be a good teacher to begin with in regards to the magical arts-” 
“Oh, and you would?” Plagg stated, speaking for the first time. Adrien and Master Fu looked at the kwami in shock at his statement as Plagg looked at Fu with an almost condescending expression.
“Tell me Master, what is YOUR qualifications to teach magic exactly~? Sure, your guardian, you have the skills to heal us kwami’s when were sick, and you can now make these magic potions to help me and Tikki get power ups we need in order to fight Hawkmoth, but outside of that, you aren’t exactly Merlin.” Plagg stated as he floated closer to Fu, not stopping till he was no more than three inches from the elderly man’s face.
“But the kids magic teacher? The lady were gonna be calling ‘Kiki’ whenever we talk about her? She is a real, genuine, bonafide, born and raised mage.” Plagg stated, smirking widely as Fu’s eyes widened noticeably. “I couldn’t tell at first, since she was hiding it so well, but now that she doesn't bother to hide it with me and the kid around? The air vibrates with the amount of magic she emmits!” Plagg exclaimed, continuing to smirk. “In regards to teaching magic, you could barely hold a candle to her.”
“Plagg, there is no need to be disrespectful-” Adrien tried to intervene. 
“No kid, I am not being disrespectful. I’m being truthful.” Plagg stated, not taking his eyes off Fu. “We aren't gonna find a better magic teacher than Kiki anywhere close. If you're not gonna teach my kitten a useful skill, at least someone is, if you aren't happy about it, too bad. You can’t control what Adrien does outside of the mask.”
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