#Like. We knew he was a 1950s greaser at heart
chaos-has-theories · 6 months
I FINALLY read The Unwanted Guest yesterday! And by "read" I mean "did a reading", I got to do Ianthe, none if us had read the script beforehand, and we randomly improvised with chairs to follow the scene instructions, it was absolutely glorious.
ANYWAY. I cannot decide what is hotter: Palamedes in his terrible half-burnt suit and the cigarette he doesn't know why he's holding, or Ianthe with her maid/butler routine.
Believe me, no one is more horrified to realize this than me.
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newworldwritings · 8 months
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If Only (preview)
paring: San x chubby!reader
genre/warnings: angst, fluff, suggestive, second chance, time travel/new universe (1950s), mentions of car accidents, female reader, featuring all of ateez (greaser ateez), featuring some of the nct & stray kids boys, smoking, motorcycles, fuckboy activities, lowercase intended, insecurities, body shaming, we hate hyerin, san being oblivious in flashbacks, yunho being an absolute golden retriever, wooyoung is a bit of an ass (sorry, don’t worry tho he gets a character development) will mainly be in sans pov but will switch from other perspectives, any bold & italic words are what the characters are actually thinking
word count: 1k+
pls reblog!
taglist: open! just comment to be added!
a/n: I had a dream of this (not with the members) & I wanted to write it out, also got a bit inspired by “Marry My Husband” but it’s a completely different plot.
“san i can’t be letting you back in every time things go sideways with her, i'm done being the second choice.”
“i’m done. goodbye san.”
those were the last words L/N Y/N had told me after i chased after her out of the school, and being the idiot i was i just stood there watching her walk away from me towards yunho, one of my best mates. since when did they become close? but those were the last of my worries. i had just lost my childhood best friend because i was too blinded to show this school i was the best at everything by going after the most sought out girl of the school hyerin. when i should’ve gone for y/n. she always stood by my side, never once showed me disloyalty, and always picked me up anytime hyerin shooed me off for her other boy toys. she never once judged me for my ways and i took her kindness and love for granted.
now im left here alone with no hyerin in sight, probably making out with jaehyun, and my mates are probably having the time of their life’s at the dance with no clue that i had lost y/n.
while watching her enter yunho's car my mind was yelling at me to go after her. but i couldn’t, i had been selfish for too long. i knew she needed me to let her go so she could move on.
but that also meant i had to move on but how could i move on with life when i had lost the best thing that i could ever have in life.
watching yunho's car pull out the parking lot, i decided that one last time i wanted to be selfish. so i chased after the car. not noticing how i ended up on the main road, not noticing how a car was coming towards me until it hit me.
i flew back and laid on the road while looking at the night sky, i wanted to scream at the universe for doing this to me. when in reality i should’ve been yelling at myself for being stupid, and oblivious.
the pain from the impact of the car started invading my whole body. it hurts. everything. mentally and physically.
i closed my eyes hoping someone or something would come and take this pain away from me. not just from the impact but from my heart as well.
i heard sirens and people rushing towards me, but i also heard someone saying my name over and over again. but i couldn’t open my eyes. until someone shook my body forcefully.
then i got up like i had just woken up from a nap. looking around trying to find out who was shaking me rather than helping me. then i noticed i wasn’t on the road, it wasn’t night time, and there was no car.
rather i was on a field under a tree next to a building that looked like our university. what the fuck.
i looked forward to the person in front of me calling me.
“y/n?” but this was not my y/n i could tell from the very different clothes she was wearing and her hairstyle was completely different. it seemed like a hairstyle that would be done in the 1950s.
“come on, we’re gonna be late!” she pulled me up and started fixing my leather jacket. wait when was i wearing this. where am i?!
while I was lost in my thoughts i heard a group of people calling me towards the entrance of the school. wait is that?
“come on san we don’t want to get yelled at by Ms. Lisa again hurry up!” hongjoong?
it was all my friends, but it wasn’t at the same time? since when did we all start wearing matching leather jackets? but before i can question anyone y/n pulled me towards them.
“lover boy is gonna miss his chance to talk to hyerin before class.” i turned too wooyoung, who was snickering, but i was too focused on his appearance. he didn’t have his oreo hair as he liked to call it, his hair was all black with an undercut. when did he have time to do that? before i could turn to y/n to ask her what’s going on i was being pushed towards the door, following the rest of the boys, while i had time to look around the area i looked at the backs of my mates and some of there side profiles. they all had their hairs gelled back, even jongho who preferred the boyfriend style. what stood out to me the most was the leather jackets we were all wearing had ‘ATEEZ’ in big white letters with 3 motorcycles below it. they all look like they had just came out a greaser movie with this style they all had. wait… y/ns style of clothing along with my mates. am i in a different timeline..? no that can’t be.
to further prove my theory, i turned to y/n.
“y/n, what’s the date?” she looked at me weirdly.
“it’s march 29?” she said as if it was the most obvious answer. “no, what year are we in?”
“san are you ok? did you hit your head? you’re acting really weird”
“who’s acting weird?” wooyoung turned around to look at us. “san, he’s asking what year we’re in.”
wooyoung only chuckled, “he's probably just nervous because hyerin is going out with him this weekend, san it’s 1955 you bimbo. now loosen up don’t want to scare hyerin off.”
i stopped in my place. “it’s 1955!?” everyone turned to me. “aye san you sure you good?” i turned to yunho with a look that screams ‘do i look good to you?’
“oooookaayy, i’m gonna take this one to Lee before class, we will catch up to you guys later.” y/n waved to everyone while pushing me towards a different door.
what the actual fuck is going on.
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storkmuffin · 2 years
Everything You’d Ever Want to Know About Riverdale’s Southside Serpents
By Jessica Goldstein
New York Magazine
Slip on your black lingerie, throw a plaid flannel over that, maybe add some suspenders, and then top if off with your toughest leather motorcycle jacket, because we’re about to do a deep dive into Riverdale’s second-baddest biker gang: the Southside Serpents. Vulture talked to showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Cole Sprouse, and costume designer Rebekka Sorensen to answer all the pressing questions about the Serpent lifestyle: Where they come from, what they wear, what exactly it is they do (and don’t do), and just how dangerous Jughead’s clique of choice really is.
The Serpents first appeared in “Li’l Archie.”
“It was the adventures of Archie and the gang when they were in grade school, Aguirre-Sacasa said. “So it was like Muppet Babies, but Archie Babies.” But while Aguirre-Sacasa knows this is where the Southside Serpents made their debut, he’s never seen the actual issue in which they appear. “I don’t know if they were a biker gang menacing these toddlers or if they were fellow toddlers who rode on bicycles. I just knew that in the Archie mythology, there was a group called the Southside Serpents, and that always stuck with me.”
Luckily, a Spotlight-caliber investigation by Screenrant unearthed this classic comic and found that the original Southside Serpents were “a group of surly-looking kids” who “can be seen competing in contests of athletic prowess and physical strength,” like relay races or baseball. Their outfit of choice? “Matching sweaters with snakes on them.” Even without this adorable information, Aguirre-Sacasa said that “when it came time to introduce our biker gang — I can’t even remember why we felt like we needed a biker gang — I was like, ‘Oh! It’s the Southside Serpents.’ And they kind of grew from there.”
No real gangs were used or referenced in the making of the Southside Serpents.
There is nothing about the Serpents that is based directly on real-life bikers, gangs, biker gangs, or serpents. “I wish I could say [our inspiration] was like Sons of Anarchy, but it was more like the T-Birds from Grease, or the Greasers from The Outsiders,” Aguirre-Sacasa said. (This adds up: Betty is such a Soc.) “It was kind of 1950s, Crybaby, much more that iconography.”
Sorensen confirmed this approach, saying that their vision-board collage was full of photos of “the 1950s and ’60s greasers. The Outsiders, Marlon Brando, James Dean.” The only real gang that was on the mood board, so to speak, was the Hells Angels, Aguirre-Sacasa said, “because of the sense of community that they had, and the sense of family.”
“We always cherry pick on Riverdale,” he added. “When we want things to be realistic we make it realistic, and when we want alternate universe, we do alternate universe.”
The CW wasn’t initially thrilled about the idea.
During early conversations with the studio and the network, Aguirre-Sacasa remembers some raised eyebrows at the prospect of a motorcycle gang roaring through Riverdale. “They were like, ‘Bikers? Really?’”
But Aguirre-Sacasa knew the plan was never to make the Southside Serpents “the ur-villains of the series.” As soon as Jughead joined the Serpents, the Riverdale writers created a rival gang — the Ghoulies, those dirty, scheming jingle jangle angle dealers — who “hung around in funeral homes” when they weren’t moving product and corrupting the innocents. Anyway, the Serpents are sweethearts at heart. “In a weird way, [the Serpents] have a stronger sense of community and loyalty, and a stronger moral code, than many of their north side counterparts,” Aguirre-Sacasa said.
Rule No. 1: Dress for the gang you want.
What started as just a leather or denim jacket with a Serpent logo escalated once “we realized, very quickly, we wanted them to look tougher and more intimidating,” Sorensen explained. “We then added chains and any type of accessories, like dog tags or a belt, or cuffs, or rings,” to get that grit. Individual characters got spirit animals: Penny “The Snake Charmer” Peabody wears an owl claw because she’s “smart, educated, and the owl is a monster of the night”; Sweet Pea has wolf rings, to symbolize his loyalty and “desire for freedom”; Toni wears suspenders.
Want to shop the Serpent look? The women’s jackets are typically from All Saints. Jughead’s is from Jofama in Sweden. While they occasionally use real vintage jackets — F.P.’s is the real deal, for example — most of the ’50s style jackets on the show are from 2017. For one thing, the newer wares are softer. “Period leather jackets from the ’50s and ’60s are quite stiff,” Sorensen said. (Presumably because people wanted them to be useful in the event of a motorcycle accident.) Vintage is also dicey because you need duplicates for photos and stunt doubles. When they buy modern jackets, Sorensen said, “We take it, break it down, sand it, and God knows what else we do.”
As for the rest of the outfits, she said, “We shop them at Topshop, honestly sometimes at H&M, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister.”
Wait, Abercrombie and Hollister? On Riverdale?
“It’s their plaids,” Sorensen explained. “Because we want them to have different color plaids. We wash and break them down, so they look darker and not so new. And I think half the show is from Nordstrom.”
For his part, Sprouse likes how Jughead’s jacket and hat operate as these “contrasting symbols,” two sides of his personality duking it out for dominance. “In my opinion, Jughead was a lovable, dorky loner who is turning into, through circumstance alone, a character who feels he is not qualified for this world,” he said. “And the adoption of this jacket means he has to find a way to fit this skin.” (“I love the jacket,” he added. “I’ve already told costumes I’m stealing it.”)
How dangerous are the Serpents?
On a scale from “they will straight-up murder you in cold blood” to “hey now, there’s no conflict we can’t resolve with a kitschy drag race,” where do the Serpents fall?
“It’s a little of both,” Aguirre-Sacasa said. “It is true that the Southside Serpents, though they didn’t kill Jason Blossom, F.P. and the Serpents were drawn into that murder — covering it up, cleaning the body. And it is true that Hiram Lodge hired the Serpents to trash the drive-in so he could opportunistically buy it. And they did send the rattlesnake to Hermione. And Jughead was in the drag race and was dealing with the evil drug lord Malachai. So there’s danger, for sure.”
“They definitely lean a little bit more West Side Story,” said Sprouse. “The Serpents are kind of victims of circumstance who, if they end up getting involved in crime, are really only doing so because of necessity. That makes them more of a morally gray gang.”
So the Serpents aren’t “necessarily gang members in an organized crime sense of the word,” Sprouse said. “But rather, they’re a group of people that have each others’ backs and who sing and dance and snap in unison.”
How does one become a Serpent?
The “hazing ritual” for would-be Serpents includes adopting the gang mascot, Hot Dog (he’s very cute), to sticking your hand in a terrarium with a rattlesnake in it (less cute) that has its venom glands removed (pretty considerate, considering). Then Jughead, as we saw, has to “run the gauntlet, and that’s a version of the beatdown that many new gang members go through, where they’re beaten to a pulp by their own, to show they can hang in a gang war,” Aguirre-Sacasa said.
“Much of the content is over-the-top, but everyone in the world takes it as seriously as life and death,” Sprouse said. Ironically, Jughead’s goal is to “ascend through the ranks of the Serpents … to take him even further from a life of organized crime to a group of people who are looking to do good and bring their community out of this trouble they’re in.”
Are the rules different for women?
Do ladies also have to do the gauntlet? The Southside Serpents are feminist enough to include women in their ranks, but also sexist enough to still have a “Serpent dance,” which I promise we will talk about in one paragraph. “When the gang is beating up Jughead, there are female serpents in that gauntlet,” Aguirre-Sacasa said. “So the assumption is that to earn your place to be doing that, you have to have done it yourself.”
“As Toni says to Betty, there’s this old tradition that comes up from one of the older Serpent ladies at the Whyte Wyrm, and that’s the Serpent dance that female Serpents have to do,” Aguirre-Sacasa added. “And you don’t know if the biker lady is joking or not, and then Toni says, ‘That’s an old, misogynistic Serpent tradition.’ And in a misguided attempt to get closer to Jughead, Betty does the Serpent dance.”
This deeply uncomfortable sequence is intended as a callback to season one’s Dark Betty, a.k.a. the Betty in the wig who almost drowned a dude in a hot tub, who is “more violent and sexualized,” Aguirre-Sacasa said. “Of course, Betty’s plan tragically backfires and it drives her even further away from Jughead.”
Jingle Jangle used to be heroin, but now it’s more like a grown-up Pixy Stix.
At one point in season one, Aguirre-Sacasa said that Clifford Blossom’s drug empire came up and the drugs in question were “described as heroin-based.” But as season two planning was underway, they decided to pull back. “It might have been a note from the network that said, ‘Can you not be dealing heroin on Riverdale?’”
After some initial concerns about Standards and Practices lame-ifying the show, Aguirre-Sacasa said, “We put a twist on it. There used to be this Archie song called ‘Jingle Jangle,’ and the joke was that it’s like an acid trip.” Aguirre-Sacasa liked the lyric, “So we took the word ‘heroin’ out and put the word ‘Jingle Jangle’ in. That’s much better, in a weird way. It captured people’s imaginations.”
Sprouse said, “When we first got the script with Jingle Jangle, I think all of us sat down with Roberto and said, ‘Is this for real?’” That said, he’s on board with the campiness. “We know the world that we come from. We come from 75 years of, ‘Golly Archie! Gee whiz!’ So it’s almost more of a disservice to not poke fun at that in these codified ways and to acknowledge them the way we do.”
And yes, it’s supposed to look like Pixy Stix. “That was a way to, as always, corrupt these youthful things we all remember from when we were kids and show the darkness of that,” Aguirre-Sacasa said.
Can a Serpent ever leave the Serpents?
As her mugshot revealed, Alice Cooper is a former Serpent — or at least, she was Serpent-adjacent enough to have a fishnet top and other such Hot Topic–esque stylings hidden away behind the bulk of her suburban wardrobe. Also, let’s not forget that Betty got awfully nervous the minute Jughead pulled on his Serpent jacket.
Sprouse’s sense is that “once you’re a Serpent, you’re a Serpent for life.” He pointed out that you get “branded as a Serpent in a tattoo” and people like Penny Peabody have, shall we say, a hard time letting go of her partners. “The fact that you went through the initiations and the fact that you were ever once part of the family, whatever circumstances took you out, you’re still in.”
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spinel-is-adorable · 5 years
The Beach Party
SPINEL!GREASER X FEMALE READER Okay so uh-this one might be a bit of a mix bag? I tried to make it 1950′s themes but I think i just went all over the place. Either way I think this is as good as its going to get so have fun! @knifebean @spinelxreader (Yes Hello I’m the mysterious anon : D hope you two like this!)  1,131 words (oh dear lord I wrote it long again) Heated kissing near the end!  -------- The smell of the beach was overwhelming as you stepped out of the car with  Steven and Connie, the salty smell making you take a deep breath with a smile as you stared out into the night. You had only been in beach city for about two years but you wonder how you could have ever lived in Empire City before your parents uprooted you and themselves to Beach City. “ Y/N! Come on the party’s down here!” Breaking from your trance you nearly tripped over your own feet trying to get around the back car door, at the sound of Steven’s voice beckoning you over. You looked over the  beach to see it had been set up to allow a dance floor and a stage for the performers to sing on, it looked swell if you did say so yourself. But if you had to be honest you weren’t quite the party type. The only real reason you were here was because of Steven if he was going you were being invited. The boy’s been trying to break you out of your social awkwardness since he’s met you but from what you’ve heard you aren’t surprised. Apparently the kid is friends with just about everyone-like some sort of super friend magnet. And being an opposite you were pulled right in.
Walking down the board walk you caught up with the two who were happily chatting about how much fun you three were going to have. Some were dressed in fancy dresses and others went more casual, the party being hosted by the Pizza’s to try and strum up some business with their pizza parlor.
“ So what do we do at these par-ties?” You asked feigning like you had no idea what a party even was. 
“ Well first you gotta get some food!” Connie said reaching over and taking your wrist to pull you over to the food table. There were several types of pizza’s among other food on the tables, taking the girls advice you grab a plate and a slice of your favorite-snagging a drink on the way. The three of you took your seats as you ate, talking about random topics until the sound of a motorcycle caught some attention.
 Well. That wasn’t a surprise they would show up. 
Looking up to the parking lot you saw a black Ford pull in with one blue occupant hanging out the window and a motorcycle right behind it and only with one passenger. Crybaby. Or Spinel-as it’s her actual name but good luck calling her that without her permission. You haven’t met the girl but you’ve heard the rumors. It was actually a bit intimidating for you, you had avoided the group altogether when you first transferred over. Hearing about all the fights and mischief the group gets into. Typical greaser group.
You pretty much avoided them since you transferred.
“ Oh it’s Spinel!” Why were you not surprised when Steven of all people said her name with a big smile and quickly handed Connie her food, telling her he was going to say ‘Hi!’ to the gang for a moment. You looked to the girl obviously asking questions mentally as your mouth was currently stuffed with some pizza.
 “ Steven’s known Crybaby for a while, think he accidentally dented her bike but offered to fix it himself and they just started talking.” Connie shrugged before taking another sip of her drink. “ Sometimes she’s over at his house and they just play board games all day! You didn’t hear that from me though.” 
Now that had you stifle a laugh, “ Heard what?”, you had no intention to get onto Spinel’s bad side so that little secret would stay locked with the key thrown out into the ocean.
 Steven soon rejoined your group just as a song that had everyone hopping out of their seats and running to the dance floor. 
Good golly,Miss Molly, sure like to ball!
 You couldn’t help but dance in your chair as it was one of your favorites too but seeing all those people out of the floor made your stomach feel like bricks. Dancing wasn’t one of your strong suits which is why you kept it to your room and avoided parties in the first place. But Steven just wouldn’t let you sit down and enjoy from afar, he along with Connie jumped up and dragged you along when she pulled you up from your chair.  “ W-wait no I really-”  “ Come on Y/N!”  “ Yeah you need to have a little fun!”  The two pulled you into a three-way circle dance, your hands locking together as you tried to keep up with their feet. Once you got into the rhythm you began to move in sync with the two, a smile lighting up your face as you began to actually have some fun.  Good golly Miss Molly, sure like to ball. Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like to ball. When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.
Others had made room for you three on the dance floor as you twisted and turned, lost in your own little head as you felt your feet move for you. You didn’t notice when the other two broke off, they sure didn’t either as the song changed and they were swallowed into the crowd separating the three of you. Once you opened your eyes you realized that you were left alone in a crowd of people you don’t know all of who weren’t paying a smidgen of attention to you. 
Well except one. 
Suddenly your hand was seized by a much larger one, twirling you around until you were flush against his chest staring up into his shining greedy smile. 
Well fuck. 
“ Hey there, toots. Fancy a dance?” You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine He didn’t give you much chance as you stammered out a mutter of words that sounded more like you were choking on something. Kevin pulled you along the dance floor his hand on your hip before he grips your hands and twirls you around, you had no choice but to be his ragdoll. Kevin was a special guy, he’s always hitting on every girl he could get too and he’s tried several times with you which you’ve turned down every time. But he just didn’t learn.  Becoming a bit more aware of the situation you finally tried to break from the guy, “ Let me go, Kevin. I need to find-” “ Don’t think so, sweetheart. You know I’ve asked nicely before but I think I need to show you the kind of guy I am!”  Well they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie Ya know they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine A quick twirl had you seeing stars and feeling sick when he dipped you only to snap you back up and twirl you again, “ Kevin! I’m serious!” Oh jeez-where was Steven? Usually he’d pawn the guy off of you, “ I don’t want to dance anymore.” This time you managed to get your hands out of his but he quickly grabbed you around the waist just to pull you back in.  “ Come on, Baby. Why don’t you just give me a chance?” “ Maybe because the girl just ain’t interested ya mook.”  That had the both of you looking up only to see the one person you didn’t think you’d ever get too close to, Spinel. The girl was wearing her signature spiked jacket, leather pants with the heart belt buckle and her steel toed pointed boots.  And she wasn’t alone either, her crew were right behind her, the crowd has broken up forming a circle around you as the music continued. It seemed she and her crew had been dancing as well before she caught sight of your little predicament. Steven and Connie soon joined along side them, Steven going to say something before Kevin spoke up. “ And just what do you want?”  “The girl said she didn’t want ta’ dance anymore. “ Spinel was obviously agitated, looked like she was ready to throw the first punch if he didn’t let go soon.   “ She just needs a bit of convincing. Most girls do.”  “ Ya know I just looove that part were guys like you think ya can do whateva you want. If ya don’t let go you’re cruising for a bruisin.” “ Don’t you know who I am?”  “Does it look like I give a damn!?” You took the opportunity to break free of his grasp when Kevin was distracted, the boy looking distraught then annoyed as you sauntered on over next to Spinel with a grateful little smile intending to hide behind her. What you didn’t expect was for her to pull you in close by throwing her arm over your shoulder, you could feel your heartbeat spike as she growled. Your cheeks growing warm.  “ Scram!” With that one word Kevin finally gave up, even though he knew not to mess with the one person who was known to be unpredictable. Hunching his shoulders and swore under his breath as he walked off the dance floor and hopefully back home. A wave of relief comes over you as you relax your muscles. “ Ya okay, Babydoll?” The tall girl looked at you with a glint of worry in her eyes, the arm becoming tighter for a moment before finally letting you go.  “ Y-yeah I’m fine..” You stammered out the words rubbing your arm, “ You uh-didn’t have to do that.”  “ Yeah I did. I don’t like it when I see mooks like him causing trouble. Well trouble that ain’t fun for no one. And I just hate that guy.” Her tone suggested the two might of had a history but you weren’t about to ask questions. Plus Steven practically tackled you in a hug. “Y/N I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to lose you in that crowd we just kinda-” “Steven!....Steeevveenn! Steven!” Oh man did your heart break seeing your curly haired friend just worry over you. While Steven was telling you his woes Spinel looked you up and down, a small smile on her lips as she decided to walk away while you were distracted-going back to her group.  “ It’s okay just calm down there buddy.” Patting him on the head he finally quieted down as you looked back up to thank Spinel but she was nowhere to be seen. You were going to thank her but it seems she left before you could.  “ Hey Steven I think i just want to go home.”  The weekend came and went like it usually did and while you didn’t exactly like school but you didn’t hate it either. Sure some subjects were annoying but you quite like others.  But you also had a mission, someone needed to be thanked. Though that was becoming much harder than you think it would be as somehow Spinel was a rather hard person to find! You didn’t have any classes with her, you did have one with Bismuth but you weren’t exactly comfortable to ask her about her friend. At least not yet. It wasn’t until around lunch time when you spotted the pink haired girl cut back around the school, you had plans with Steven and Connie but they would understand.  Following her you tried to be quiet as you didn’t want to startle her, she turned a corner and as you did you opened your mouth to say a greeting only to get snatched and smacked into the wall! You looked into the pink eyes of an equally confused Spinel who immediately backed off, “ Whoa-sorry about that. Thought ya were one of the rowdy boys from the city.” Her eyes looked over you like she did the other night, worried she might have hurt you.  “ It’s uh-its okay.” You shrugged it off ignoring the slight twinge of pain from your back, “ But uh-I wanted to talk to you.”  “ You wanted ta talk to me?” “ Yeah I just...wanted to thank you for the other night. You know-with Kevin? You walked off before I could.”  Her expression turned to one of surprise as she looked you over putting her hands in her leather jacket pockets looking away, was she being shy? “ Ey’ no big deal. Just trying to keep jerks like him in his place.” She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “ And you're okay right? I know I asked before but-” “Oh nono! I’m okay! I uh went home after that...just wanted to sleep it off.”  “Hasn’t bothered you since right?”  “Nope.”  “Cool.” Spinel looked off to the side, seemingly not sure what to say.   Oh no it's getting awkward.! Quick think of something! “ I’m Y/N!” You thrust your hand out for a shake and smile wide.  Like an idiot. Spinel looked at your hand for a moment before she let out a chuckle and took it giving your hand a hearty shake.  “ Crybaby. But you know what? Call me Spinel.” Ever since that lunch period you’re finding yourself around Spinel much more, she just pops up in the hallways checking in on you or she meets you just as your leaving campus-even a few times in the bathroom! Heck even the other members of the gang began to say things to you, Bismuth began helping you in class and even Peridot showed you some cool gadget she’s working on. Lapis has stayed distant but you get a smile from her every once in a while.  It didn’t take long for the few of you to began hanging out after school, your parents were of course worried about you hanging out with a hooligan like Spinel and the others but once you reassured them they backed off. Letting you have your fun of kicking the can or dancing at the diner with the jukebox.  And during all this you couldn’t help but find yourself starting to..fall for the rough n’ tough girl. Spinel under her tough exterior was rather sweet-tooth rotting sweet! She would never admit it but she had a heart of gold underneath that spiked leather jacket she always wore.  But one night she invites you up to the hills, usually a make-out point for the teens of Beach City, just the thought of being there with Spinel made your heart thump hard in your chest. You hadn’t told her anything about the growing feelings you had and you weren’t sure if you were going too. Would she even like you back? It would ruin everything if she didn’t.  You didn’t want to lose her.  But there was no way she was going to confess to you on the hill right? She probably uses it to just get away from life. And how could she love someone like you? You were a giant dork who just got lucky with knowing one of the coolest girls in school. Everything was just going to be normal and okay and fine.  Everything was not fine. No. Nope. No way in hell-why did you agree to this?  Spinel had been the only one to show up to your home, she had been the only one to pick you up with her motorcycle (you had to ride on the back, hugging her the whole way up the hill) and you two were the only ones on the hill tonight.  Fuck. She’d been quiet for a little while, just standing there and looking over the city. What was she thinking? Why was she thinking so hard?  “ Ya know I’ve been thinkin’ a lot lately.”  Her voice drew you out of your thoughts as you looked at her, you still sitting sideways on her bike that was now parked and Spinel leaning on the fence of the hill. “ About what?” You asked, hoping it wasn’t about anything specific.  “ You.” Oh no-your heart began to pound in your chest, “ What about me?” “ How you’re probably the prettiest girl I’ve eva seen.” Spinel pulled away from the fence beginning to walk towards you, letting out a small chuckle at your stunned red colored expression.  “O-oh uh...” “ And about how I’ll probably never find anyone else like you.” She was now standing before you, her hands pulling out of her pockets only for her to lean down close to you as they rest on the seat to either side of you. “ You feel it to don’t cha?”  You couldn’t get a word out with her so close to you, feeling her breath on your lips as she looked straight into your eyes. You managed to get out a little nod, she smiled as if she knew that would be the answer. Spinel looked at your for a second more before she broke the bridge between you two, locking your lips together. It took you a moment but you returned it, the kiss soon turned into a heavy heated make-out as Spinel cupped your face and gave your lip a gentle bite. She began to push more leaning you back to a point where you could have fallen but a hand to your back kept you steady.  But the both of you needed air, she pulled back her face just as red as yours.  “ There ya go, Babydoll. Ain’t good to hold up those feelin’s is it?” Her thumb caressed your cheek before she let go and gripped your hands.  “ ...How long?”  “ A few weeks.Kinda hard to miss those heart eyes of yours.“ Spinel pecked your lips once again briefly, you trying to follow after her. “ Okay okay-hang on, Doll. Come’er I got something for ya.”  Spinel pulled you off the seat and directed you to stand beside the motorcycle. “ You got me something?”  Curious you leaned in to see what she was doing. She leaned down towards her bike, “ Well if you’re gonna be my gal..” pulling open the compartment on her bike to pull out what looked like a leather jacket. It didn’t have the usual spikes or band patches like the others had but as she turned it around...you gasped.  On the back of the jacket was the name “BabyDoll” stitched into the letter in gold and pink lettering, roses and forget-me-not patches were ironed on all over the place. It looked absolutely beautiful to you.  “ So whaddya say? Be my gal?”  You looked at her for a moment before you walked up to her and took the jacket, slipping it on getting a feel for it. “Yes.” 
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part X)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, hospitalization, defibrillation, crying.
Notes: this is the last part!! thank u sm for reading and lmk what u thought of the series in comments. love u guys!! x
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I pulled open the curtain, looking back at Ben in his bed and the back at the man that was getting settled into his own. They had similar facial features but the older man had grey hair and wrinkles on the side of his mouth and around his eyes. There was no way.
I looked back to Ben. What was going on? What were the odds?
"He's awake. Sir! Sir, how are you feeling?" one of the nurses asked. I stood up instantly, trying to get a better look at the man. As he started to talk, a man walked by, closing the curtains.
"Bella?" I heard Ben grasply. I turned to him, sitting down instantly. "Hey, how are you feeling? Do you want the nurse?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I don't feel so good," he whispered as I sat down. I gently brushed his hair out of his face. "I know, babe. I know," I said and held his hand.
A nurse knocked at the wall beside the curtain. "Come in," I called out, not moving my eyes from Ben.
"How is he feeling?" she asked, putting on some gloves. "Not so good, doc." he said, his voice strained. "She popped on a protective, plastic cover onto the thermometer. "Open your mouth," she instructed, placing the thermometer under his tongue.
A minute later, it beeped and she took it out of his mouth, glancing at the temperature, "Your fever has gone down to 100.6 degrees. We'll still need to monitor you and figure out what is really going on with you. I'll get someone to bring you a jello and water," she said, popping of the protective cover into the trash before walking out.
"It's not just the flu, is it Y/N?" he asked, looking up at me. I shook my head. "Apparently, your body is eating itself away," I said, my voice cracking, "I should've never let you come."
"No, babe. I wanted to. I wasn't happy where I was. I was barely living. This isn't your fault," he said, squeezing my hand. "Ben, I've only known you for what? Two weeks?" I pointed out. "Two and a half," he muttered under his breath. I scoffed.
"We barely knew what was going to happen. We hadn't even known each other for a month. It was foolish of me to let you come with me and know look at where you are!" I exclaimed, loudly. Surely the nurses walking by could hear us.
"But it isn't your fault. Who knows what this possibly could be from?" he said after sighing. "What else would it be from Ben? The man in the room across from you has the same fever as you and the same name. None of this is just coincidental," I said.
There was a prolonged silence before Ben broke it. "So, what's going to happen?" he asked. "I don't know, babe."
The curtains slide open and the nurse from earlier walked in. "Here's your jello and water. Just press this blue button if you need anything," she said. We quietly thanked her before she left.
"Please come here," Ben said rasply, "Please." He moved over in his bed, making as much space as possible so that I could fit. I laid down next to him, resting my right leg over him. His body was still warm and his heartbeat was sped up slightly.
"What if you have to go back?" I asked, without thinking. "Why would I have to, love?" he was slightly confused at my question. "What if this doesn't get better. If it's not temporary. What if it's fatal?" I rambled on.
He hugged me closer to him and kissed my forehead, "If it is then I maybe I'll go back." I didn't say anything after that. I just laid next to him listening to the sound of his heart beating and drawing circles on his chest.
After about half an hour, he had fallen asleep, exhausted from everything that had happened. I carefully got up, trying not to wake him. I walked out of his room and speaker through the curtains from the older Ben's room.
He was sleeping peacefully, just as Ben was in the other room. His hair was a bit shorter and grey. He had gained some weight and his arms had lost some of their muscle.
My eyes lowered to the ground and I backed up from out of the room. If the present Ben was here in this lifetime, could my Ben survive here as well? I wondered if that was why they were both sick. It couldn't possibly be just a coincidence.
Ben now was married, in his old age and probably had kids as well as grandkids. The chance for me with him would be if I had been born when he had, back in the early 1950s. That, or go back and be with him which I honestly didn't know if it was worth it or not. I loved him but I could just throw my life away. It wouldnt work out.
I walked back to Ben's room, curling up beside him. His arm wrapped around me and he nuzzled into my hair, half asleep. He would have to go back.
"I love you," I whispered, not intending to receive any response. Ben hummed, still half asleep.
I awoke by a nurse frantically shaking me. "You need to get up, now!" she said, almost yelling at me. I sat up and looked over. They had Ben's shirt off and he looked deadly pale. They were prepping the defibrillator.
I quickly jumped out from the bed, looking at Ben in shock. Tears welled up in my eyes. Was he dead? "Ma'am, you need to step out," one of the doctors ordered. I heard the buzzing of the electricity from the defibrillator. I backed out of the room, as they shocked Ben, making me jump.
I turned around and doctors and nurses were frantically doing the same in the older Ben's room. I slightly shook my head, sitting on floor backed up against the wall. I had to get Ben back as soon as possible.
After 15 minutes or so, they had managed to stabilize his heartbeat. The same with the man across the room. How did they not realize they had two men who had the same name and condition. A nurse mentioned that I could go in and see him which made me push the thoughts into the back of my mind.
I sat in the chair beside his bed and held his hand, moving my thumb across his knuckles. I just watched him. I would miss him so much.
A little while later, I heard rustling in a the bed and a deep groan. "Y/N," he called out. "I know, babe. I'm here. You're okay," I whispered to him and he groaned again. I squeezed his hand, assuring him that I was here.
A moment or two passed before I called out for him. "Ben, you need to go back," I told him and he nodded his head, "I know."
He moved over to make room for me in the small hospital bed. I carefully climbed in and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me as close to him as he possibly could.
"Just one more day, please," he begged, his chest softly vibrating as he spoke. "Ben, look at you. You almost died. You did die. Who knows what will happen if you stayed here for another day," I said.
He just nodded, understanding the situation. His grip tightened on me and my fingers grazed her his hard chest. A knot in my throat started to grow and and tighten. I tried to swallow it as tears welled in my eyes. I started to quietly cry into his chest.
"One more hour than, just an hour," he pleases and I nodded, looking up at him. He smiled, lifting his hand to my face. He gently swiped the tears from my cheek with his thumb. "I'm so in love with you," he whispered softly. I smiled sadly, "I'm so in love with you," I whispered back.
I brought my hand up to his face, my fingers dancing from his temple to his cheek then to his lips. He was so beautiful.
We laid there just cuddling and studying each other's features. It went by too fast and the clock chimed. An hour had passed. The familiar knot tightened in my throat as I started to cry. Ben hugged me, reaching over to grab my phone and then handed it to me. I sighed, typing in the password opening up the tab with the link on it.
I slowly handed it back to him. He looked to me, leaning in to kiss me. Our lips moved slowly against each other. It was passionate, yet gentle.
Suddenly, his presence disappeared from me. I fluttered my eyes open. Ben was gone, my phone sitting on the bed beside me.
I got up, slowly. It was like all of it was a dream. He was gone. I walked out of the room and walked to the present Ben's room. Or I guess now, just Ben's room.
I peaked through the curtain and saw that he was awake. His eyes met mine and I backed up, gasping. "Bella?" he called out. My breath hitched in my throat. I pushed open the curtain to meet him.
"Holy shit," he exclaimed. He was just as vulgar as he was when he was young. "You're just as I remembered. Did I just leave?" he asked. "You remember?" I asked and he nodded.
The tears that been building up in my eyes started to roll down. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed and he got up from his bed, slowly. He hugged me close to him as I wrapped my arms around him. He was still taller than me.
"It's okay. I'm okay," he told me. I stepped back, nodding. "You need to move on. I always kept you in my heart. Now I have a family of my own. I'm married and have a son and a grandson, who is your age," I nodded, smiling, "I'm happy for you."
"Goodbye," I said, backing up. "Bye, love," he said, waving. I smiled, turning around and walking away. Suddenly, I bumped into a hard chest.
"I'm so sorry," I said, looking up. "You're fine, love," the boy said. He looked so much like Ben. "This is my grandson, James," Ben said from behind me. I smiled, "Hi, James," I greeted him, smiling. "Hey, beautiful."
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @kirket03 , @plethora-of-things , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @spreadymercury , @hi-i-dont-know , @kurt-nightcrawler, @rogahmtaylah
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itachifangirl185 · 7 years
Purgatory circle chapter 2
Authors Note: please support and follow on Archive of our own
Previously on Purgatory Circle Chapter 1;
"First off get bent, and second you don't know how you got here?" He spit out sounding concerned at the end.
"No, I stepped in a hole." I flat lined.
He braced himself, "Baby don't have a cow but you're dead."
Purgatory Circle Chapter 2
The pine trees and the leather clad boy
"Wow you must think I'm an idiot huh?" I sighed flopping back onto my rat's nest of a bed, I really didn't need nine pillows and four throw blankets.
" I don't think something like this would be a big tickle, " He sighed sliding his hands across his greased-up scalp," You might be a closet case if you're this fine. Then again all closet cases do have a classy chassis."
"Did Naruto put you up to this? Is he mad because I cut him off? " I shot to my feet rage filling me up to the brim, " It isn't fair that he got to keep looking forward and he's upset I didn't die trying to catch his dust!"
Shaking with a new-found rage mixed with a deep humiliation in my core at for unloading my inner feelings onto a stranger I cowered, " I didn't, I just."
His hands went up in a sign of mock surrender, " Wow, wow now Dolly. Cut the grass and listen, I know you're drowning and confused but just follow me outside. There's something you'll need to cast an eyeball at."
Grabbing my wrist, he yanked me out of bed and went straight for the rickety stairs. The Livingroom caught my vision but only in a fast-motioned blur and my heart seized. All of my cringe worthy childhood paintings were gone from the mantle, in fact there wasn't even a mantle. Why were the walls painted mint green like cheap toothpaste? The stranger now kidnapper or well adult-napper noticed my hesitance and pulled hard on me again towards our secret destination.
Purgatory circle had been the personification of mismatch. None of the muted cookie cutter houses greeted my nervous stomach or creased with concern eyes. Every house was different, the build, shape, color, and hell even the grass was different shades and was that snow on only half a yard?
A deep electric violet late 1950's "A" framed house starkly stood out along with its enormous amount of paper flowers littering the grass and any surface flat enough to hold them. A woman with a mop of choppy short purple hair laid in the middle of an immense pile almost being swallowed by them. My heart skipped a beat, my photographer's fingers itching to grab my camera.
"Didn't know you swung that way cherry head, making me feel real low at your direction." He chuckled going towards the beginning of our neighborhood near the street sign engraved with Purgatory Circle.
" It's not Doll, Dolly, Baby, or hell even Cherry Head no matter how cool that sounds. My name is Sakura Haruno, say it with me, Sa-Ku-Ra Har-uno." I huffed annoyed puffing my cheeks out.
"So that's your handle huh? Mine's Sasori, " He clarified, " Cherry head." He grinned turning back at me.
His leather clad back smacked into my slightly upturned nose swiftly as he slammed to a halt at his destination. He leaned against a pine tree staring at the dense tree line that appeared where the gravel road broke into crumbles onto the dirt ground.
I shifted my weight onto one foot as I crossed my arms, " Where's the rest of the road? This isn't my neighborhood."
He rubbed his neck either from nerves or annoyance I couldn't tell, "Well Cherry Head to get with it you're going to need to eyeball this yourself. Just shoot low, they're riding Shetlands."
Sensing he wouldn't give me any more information or well more cryptic advice I trudged on. The prickly colored glass flashed in the back of my mind and I held a death grip on any passing tree trunks due to fear of falling again. The forestry only lasted a solid two minutes at best before turning sparse and ending in sky, only literately. My left foot went an extra step in cat like curiosity and dangled off the crumbling earthen ledge. Fear flashed in my heart sending white speckles across my vision causing me to slide onto the ground momentarily arms still looped around the thin pine tree, they were an unbreakable padlock and I wasn't unlocking them any time soon. Arms wrapped around my torso trying to pry me from my spot, but I was planning on taking on roots.
"Just Shoot Low, don't you listen nosebleed?" Sasori ground out trying to pry me from my new anchor.
" What kind of bullshit is this you fucking prick!" I screeched watching a pebble fall and fall, it kept going off the edge and I couldn't hear it hit bottom or water.
"Don't get salty I said just shoot low!" He ground out still pulling me at the seams, I'd honestly rather burst than fall down with that damned pebble.
He sighed heavily and leaned his chin on the crook of my neck, hot breath fanning across my collarbone, " I could just take a nod here Cherry Head."
Flustered I sputtered and reeled back accidently knocking the flat back of my skull into his roman nose, the only feature about him that cried man, not boy. He ducked against a pine trunk holding his nose in one hand as he grinned.
"I just knocked you after I could've died, why are you smiling!" I said pointedly while throwing my hands in the air from aspiration.
"First off too late, you're already dead remember and I'll clue you, " He grinned bigger " I got you to let go of your safety anchor."
"You're a basket case, " I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose as I slid back down to the warm grass, " So I died alone in the reject hole, nobody saved me?"
I brought my knees to my chest sinking my face to rest atop them as he blankly stared out at the infinite skyline, "No, sometimes your flip-top doesn't make it home."
I don't know how long we stayed there because the sunset hadn't even begun yet but the shadows grew longer showing the lapse of sometime passing. He just stared fixated on some invisible point in the distance only he knew, I wished I had maybe seen Naruto one last time. I would have apologized and sobbed hugging him trying to memorize his scent but honestly my pride wouldn't have let my mouth admit why I let us get this way.
Sasori suddenly stood dusting the dirt and invisible grime off his dark jeans, "Let's go drop you off at paper shaker's pad, she was real radioactive in school. Maybe she can answer your questions since you seem to be writing a book. Just remember to compliment her ego sometimes, say something nice about her nest or stomach."
Mistrust nagged at the back of my mind in a tiny voice repeating the word 'High school', " So even in death I need to feed miss popular's ego?" I groaned slightly annoyed.
"The paper shaker's straight, a good kiddo. Just here's the word from the bird and don't repeat it okay, " He paused looking over my expression, " She got here by starving herself until one day she nodded off in the tub. So just say something about her nest, she takes pride in braiding it and such. Be extra good to the kiddo and never push details on why someones here. They'll tell you if they're ready."
Greaser Glossary for Chapter;
Big Tickle: Really Funny
Closet Case: Someone to be ashamed of
Cut The Grass: Be Quiet
Drowning: Baffled
Low: Depressed
Handle: Name
Just shoot low, they're riding Shetlands:
Nosebleed: Stupid
Salty: Angry
I'll Clue You: I'll tell you about it
Flip Top: Convertible
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ohblaine · 7 years
Ohblaine’s Fic Recs (1/?)
Over the summer I may have read a little too many fics and I made a huge list of all of them. Now I’m here to rec them to y’all just in case you need to read something. 
I will be posting them by tropes i.e. future fics etc. 
All pairings are klaine, except for a select few where it ends up with Klaine at the end. 
First set is: Classics
+If you have any classic fics you think should be here please send them to me. 
Sideways- CrissColferL0ve
Ratings: M
Chapters: 37/37
Words: 203,900
Summary: Jock!Blaine, it’s the first day of Senior year and Blaine is on top. The new kid, Kurt Hummel, catches his eye but not in the best way. Of course, they get paired up in English to do an assignment together and things get a little (or a lot) complicated after that.
Review: God DAMN 10/10, I read this fic back in 2013 and was utterly destroyed. I cannot believe. There are so many ups and downs and it’s one of those fics with to much dramatic irony and it’s perfect. Soemtimes you just wanna pick up your device across the gd room. Amazing read. Aaand I’ve read it 5 times since the first. Just fuccking read it guys.
Anywhere But Here- CrissColferL0ve
Ratings: M
Chapters: 26/26
Words: 170,722
Summary: This is the sequel for Sideways, it picks up where it left off and things are good, for about one chapter. Then people start showing an interest in Blaine who thinks it’s harmless but Kurt knows it’s not. It follows them during their move to New York and the angst that occurs is some good stuff.
Review: Obviously sequels aren’t alaways the best and I usually don’t read fic sequels but this one just won’t give up on that fucking angst and I lived for it, I’ve only read this one twice but damn that fuccking milk kid stuck with me, another 10/10.
Go Your Own Way- Zavocado
Ratings: NC-17
Chapters: 27/27+Epilogue
Words: 201,863
Summary: BadBoy!Blaine, and Kurt doesn’t know why his friends are raving about the new kid, so what if he’s gorgeous? He probably looks and acts just like all the rest of the bullies at this school. HA, Kurt couldn’t have been more wrong.
Review: I think I read this one before Sideways and we all know Zane (u fucker) but this one had me in tears, and I actually ended up purchasing it from the Box Scene Project later on that year after I read it. But tears streamed for days, I stayed up till 5am reading this fic most nights. Just go, if you’re in the klaine fandom idk why you haven’t read this yet.
Everyday- whatiknew
Ratings: M
Chapters: 9/9
Words: 67,00
Summary: Hold onto the ones you cherish and make sure they’re alright, love. Kurt gets hit by a taxi when he’s 27 years old and wakes up as his 14 year old self. With no memory of the past years that have happened, so to him Blaine’s a stranger holding his hand.
Review: FUCK THIS FIC MAN. So I read it right, then I forgot about it so I read it again, then I forgot so I read it again. But in all honesty just so much angst and the end killed me. I was dead.
Ride- nellie12
Ratings: M
Chapters: 22/22
Words: 458,384
Summary: Blaine’s straight right? Yeah totally, all these girls want him and the attention is awesome. Then one day a certain porcelain boy starts working at the shop where Blaine gets his BMX bike fixed up and maybe he’s not so straight?
Review: This fic was so good, like holy jesUS. I was going through a very weird gender time too and I was like why am I not a bmx biker kid. LIKE I CAN FIND THE EXACT POST. but anyways, bonfires and getting drunk on Cali beaches in the summer while u and ur friends skate and bike around mY FUCKING TROPE.
Hurricane- A Phrase That Cuts These Lips
Ratings: NC-17
Chapters: 22/22
Words: 98,265
Summary: Do you hurt the one you love? Blaine has been going down hill since his parents dismiss him, he starts drinking a lot and fighting with his soulmate and his husband. This puts a stressful strain on their marriage and their daughter. After a painful divorce, Blaine tries to commit suicide and the only one they can all is Kurt. You’re going to have to face it you’re addicted to love.
Review: !!!@@##!#!@$@%%$^ I have no words. This fic is a master piece like I have never actually cried so hard from reading a fic. This one touches on so many subjects that really just pull at your heart strings beautifully. I usually don’t read daddies!klaine, but Elizabeth and Blaine had me in tears every time they’d interact. The author also gives warning for everything at the beginning of each chapter.
Warnings: Self harm, attempted suicide, alcohol abuse, physical abuse (a slap and it’s not graphic)
Swing Sets and Sandboxes- beautifulwhatsyourhurry
Ratings: PG-13
Chapters: 17/17
Words: 43,568
Summary: Kid!Klaine, follows our boys in chronological order as they grow up together.
Review: CUte asf, I’ve only read it once, and it’s not my favourite trope but it was written really well and kept me around.
Little Numbers- iknowitainteasy
Ratings: G
Chapters: 20/20
Words: Not Sure
Summary: One wrong number. One city. Two boys.
A dream aloud, a kiss a cry, our rights our wrongs, a moment a love
Review: Don’t even get me started, this fic is my like back up pls don’t cry but if you do make sure you’re crying bc the playlist for this fic is everything. But basically fucking read this if you haven’t. It’s a Klaine classic, also remember when someone in the Sherlock fandom plagarized. lol.  I’m still convinced that D wrote this bye im gone sorry.
All Shook Up- blaineywainey
Ratings: PG-13
Chapters: 15/15
Words: Not sure
Summary: 1950’s!Klaine, Kurt is a snazzy greaser with his step brother Finn and his friends. He helps out his dad at the shop, one day a new kid from New York shows up in a bowtie and Kurt and him automatically become good friends, but maybe it’s more than that.
Review:  This was one of the first fics I read and guys, holy fuck, cool 50’s kid Kurt is everythinnnnnggg, also just the style of it all is phenomenal. I think the author took it down so I linked you all to the pdf not sure if it works. But I bought this one once I saw it on the Box Scene Project and it’s one of those books (lol) you just can’t put down till you’re finished.
ALSO this is a pdf because author has taken it down
Boys Of Summer- whenidance
Ratings: M
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 23,914
Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been going to their families lake houses since forever, they were summer best friends. Then Blaine doesn’t go one year, then Kurt doesn’t go the next, suddenly they’re 16 and realize there’s an attraction that wasn’t there before.
Review: When I read this fic it was 3 chapters so sorry @ all you kids who have to read it as one lol. BUT I LOVE THIS FIC, I always read it during summer and it’s just so feel good. And the person who wrote it obviously just knew how to pull out the sneaking around feel because just you feel it man. One of my fav tropes is also, we haven’t seen each other in years and u got hot shit.
Ace Of Cups- aradiel
Ratings: M
Chapters: 7/7
Words: 91,484
Summary: Kurt Hummel just opened his newest store, hummels, he’s making it big in NYC. But where is his soulmate? Where is the man whose name is scarred on his palm?
Blaine Anderson is just finishing up college and one day he reads about a new store opened by Kurt Hummel, but it couldn’t be. Could it?
Review: I actually danced around this fic since it was first posted I have NO idea why, I mean I’m not super into soulmate AUs, BUT THIS ONE GOT ME DYING. It was so fluffy but perfect amount of surrounding angst. I also like that it wasn’t like well we’re married now.
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
Turn Back Time
request by toxicpiggly: a small imagine of Hyunwoo as a greaser
ship: shownu x [y/n]
word count: 2748
a/n: hi there! i hope you guys enjoy this and i hope that i’m doing this request right ^^’’ i apologize for any misspelled words and wrong grammar. i’m so sorry if it took me a while to finish this ;u;
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The halls were buzzing with the new theme that the head dean just announced a week before. Senior’s Night was already the day after this day and everyone’s been scrambling to find a date. Neither you nor your friends bothered on finding a date. 
“So, the theme is 1950s-1960s kinda thing?” Changkyun blurted out while trying not bump into random students. Glancing back at the young lad, you nodded your head and proceeded in voicing out your opinion about the theme.
“Well, I don’t know what’s gotten into the old man’s mind but he practically chose a good theme for the Senior’s Night.” 
“I guess you do have a point but the problem is, will there be someone brave enough to ask you out on a date?” Changkyun wondered, only to receive a smack from you. “What do you mean by that, huh?!” 
“Well, you know... you’re scary and no guy has ever---”
“Hey, [y/n], my friend here wants to ask you something.” Your friend, Kihyun, approaches the two of you before Changkyun could even finish his sentence. Looking at the person beside him, your eyes widened a bit at the sight of your crush, Son Hyunwoo aka Shownu.
“A-ah, yeah, sure.” You stammered, mentally cursing yourself out for being so obvious. “Well, Changkyun and I will give the two of you some space so... let’s go kiddo.” Before Changkyun could even protest, Kihyun has already slung an arm around his shoulder and pulled him towards the other direction, cupping his mouth which muffled every single protest that Changkyun had.
“Hey, so what did you want to ask me?” Casually bringing up the question with such composure, you looked at Shownu in the eyes, only to make your heart skip a beat and making all the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
“Will you be my date for the Senior’s Night?”
“Are you serious?!” Changkyun gawked at you and unconsciously grabbed you by the collar, making you glare at him only to which he immediately pried his hands off of your now-wrinkled collar. “Sorry, sorry... but what did you say?”
“Well.... you know how much I like him so I said yes, silly.” Immediately disclosing the information, you turned your whole body towards Changkyun and gave him a pat on the shoulders saying, “What did you just say awhile ago? Will there be someone brave enough to ask me out on a date?” Slowly wrapping your fingers around his collar, you pulled it harshly, making Changkyun fall towards your direction.
“Okay, okay, I was wrong. I’m so sorry.” Changkyun was quick enough to get on your soft side. Rubbing both of his palms together with his head bowed down, you let out a grunt and removed your hand on his collar.
“Now, tell me, who’s your partner? Tomorrow’s our Senior’s Night and here you are, slacking off--”
“For your information, I have already have a date.”
Instinctively raising your hand, as if you were going to give him a smack, you glared at the young-in, “Don’’t you dare lie to me, Changkyun.”
“I’m not lying! I’m serious!!!” Changkyun raised both of his hands in defense, his eyes closed real tight and his whole body hunched over. Lowering your hand, you looked at him with a pout. Without feeling any impact, Changkyun looks up to you with his eyebrows furrowed. Leaning your body a bit closer to him, you asked once more.
“Well, then, who’s your partner?”
(Hey, are you serious that you’re gonna wear that?)
“Mr. Dean said anything that is from the 1950s fashion. I’m just wearing what I like.” You retaliated whilst looking at your own reflection on the mirror, twirling around to flaunt your outfit. “Anyways, I’ll talk to you later at the venue.”
(Alright, bye.)
Turning your phone off, you continued prepping yourself up for the the party later and for Shownu, of course. You chose a white circle skirt with red rose print and paired it with a black halter top. 
With your make up, you applied a little bit of bb cream, a red lipstick for your lips, a blush and a catwing eyeliner to compliment everything. Grabbing your mascara, you carefully coated each eyelash with the product and glanced up at the clock, only to be informed that you only have fifteen minutes left until Shownu fetches you.
“Alright, now the makeup’s done... all I need to do is my hair...” Staring at your own self, you heaved a soft sigh and grabbed your brush, untangling every single strand before pulling your hair up into a ponytail, the same ponytail that Audrey Hepburn always had.
Satisfied with the outcome, you smiled at your own reflection before proceeding to your living room with a small clutch on your hand, filled with the things that you needed (lipstick, phone, tissue). The whole house was pretty quiet and the only thing that can be heard was the sound of your clutch meeting the wooden floor as you were trying to put on your 3 inch black thick heeled heels that had a strap on it.
Successfully buckling up the strap, you heard a soft beep from the outside. Pulling yourself up off the floor with your clutch, you opened the door and was welcomed by the sight of Shownu being a greaser.
He had his black locks into a slick-back and wore a black leather jacked with a white shirt under it, paired it with some black jeans that had rolled cuffs and some black converse to go with.
Locking your house before walking towards Shownu, who was leaning on his motorbike with his helmet tucked under his arm, you flashed him a smile and beamed, “You’re right on time, aye?”
“I can’t make my lady wait.” Shownu effortlessly winked at you, making you giggle at the sight. Shownu was looking at you with such seriousness, his eyes looking at your whole being and probably, even your soul. “You look beautiful.” He blurted out of the blue, making you blush out of the blue.
“T-Thanks, you too.. I mean you look handsome.” You stumbled on your own words which made Shownu chuckle, his eyes turning into crescent shaped. “It’s my pleasure. Now, are you alright to ride on my motorbike with that outfit of yours?” He asked, concern was written all over his face.
“It’s alright--”
Beep beep!
Before you could even finish, the loud sound of a car’s honking echoed throughout the whole street. Both of your heads turned towards its direction, only to see Kihyun and his date in it.
“You guys need a ride?” Kihyun offered, flashing a toothy grin at the two of you. “It’s alright, we have a motorbike here--”
“Wait, are you going to ride his motorbike with that outfit on right now?” Kihyun retorted with his eyes wide as saucers. Nodding to his question, you reasoned out, “Well, I’m alright with it and it’s a lot more fun than riding a closed vehicle.”
“Hyung, are you really letting her ride that?” Kihyun asked once again, not hearing out what you just said. “If she wants to ride it, then I’ll respect her decision.” 
“Alright tho.... I guess we’ll both meet you two at the venue?”
“Yeah.” The two of you chorused. Giving the two of you an okay sign, Kihyun sped off, leaving the two of you standing outside of your house. “Well, let’s go?” Shownu hands you your helmet, making you smile in the process.
“Let’s go!” You beamed and carefully wore the helmet, trying to not ruin your hair. “Hop on.” Shownu looks back at you as soon as he finally settles on the motorbike. Offering his hand out to you, you accepted it with any hesitation and lifted yourself up on the motorbike. 
“C-can I wrap my arms around your waist? You know, so that I won’t fall of the motorbike..” Chuckling at your question, Shownu nods his head and gives you the go signal. With your arms wrapped around his waist, you could feel your cheeks warming up. 
“Alright, hold on tight!” Before you knew it, the two of you were speeding off to the venue. 
“We’re here.” Shownu announces, having his hand out for you to hold on while you get off the motorbike. “Be careful.” With his aid, you were able to get off without any problem. Removing his helmet off his head, he gets off the motorbike and faces you with a smile, sweat was apparently tickling down the side of his temples.
Carefully removing your helmet, you could feel that your hair was practically all over the place. Instinctively reaching over to your hair, you were surprised when Shownu started to fix it before you could even touch your own hair.
“There, fixed it.” Flashing you a big grin, you chuckled and grabbed a tissue from your clutch and started dabbing the sweat off of his temples. “Thanks.” you muttered, only to meet the gaze of Son Hyunwoo.
“N-no problem.” He nervously blinked and you noticed how red his ears were already from your actions. “So, let’s go in?” Nodding to your question, you linked arms with Shownu and practically dragged him into the venue.
Shownu was pretty popular with all of the students and being that popular guy people look up to, they stared at him in awe as soon as they laid eyes on the two of you.
It was only just now when you noticed how tones his body was. His shirt was a little bit tight, giving subtle details of his pecks and abs. “Wow, I guess we already have a 1950s King and Queen here!” Minhyuk, the student council president, beamed and greeted the two of you with a hug. Almost all of Shownu’s best buds were being greasers for that night and some of their partners were also wearing the same outfit as they are.
“My, my, it’s a surprise to see the two of you together.” Minhyuk teased, only to see the redness of your cheeks and Shownu’s ears. Laughing at how cute both of your reactions were, he then pats the two of you on the shoulder, “Enough with the chitchat, let’s get both of your pictures taken.”
“Wow, we look amazing here.” You looked at the pictures in awe. It literally gave off a 1950s vibe, especially on how the pictures were filtered to black and white. 
Bringing his face close to the picture, Shownu agrees with you right away. “Well, we have the best photographer here at school.” The two of you looked back at Kihyun, who was currently incharge with the photos of every single student, along with his date. 
“He sure is pretty good.” You added before looking back at the photo. “Do you want to go get some punch or--” The speakers were blasting with 1950s music, making every single student go to the dance floor with some old-fashioned dance moves.
“Wanna dance?” Shownu looks at you and nods, grabbing you by the hand and leads you to the middle of the dance floor. Starting with small moves, the two of you couldn’t help but burst out into fits of laughter at the sight. After a few minutes, the two of you finally let loose, throwing in some fancy dance moves, making everyone stop and watch the two of you with a loud cheer.
“Omo, I’m so tired from all that dancing.” you heaved and accepted the cup of punch that Shownu has offered. “Thanks.” Gulping down the drink, you sighed and looked at Shownu, who was also gulping down every single drop of punch there is on the cup. 
“You’re a really good dancer, [y/n].” He compliments, making you let out a ‘pfft’, “Lol, I’m not a good dancer. If we’re gonna talk about someone who’s good at dancing, it’d be you for sure.”
“I’m serious tho! You’re pretty good.” 
“Well... I guess... thank you?” 
“You’re welcome. Hey, do want to go outside? It’s getting really stuffy out here.” Shownu suggests to which you take up the offer right away. Walking both of your way out of the venue and into the garden, the two of you heaved a sigh of relief, only to burst out laughing once again.
Scurrying both of yourselves to a bench, the two of you sat down, enjoying the cool breeze, and looking up at the starry night with utter silence. This continued for a couple of minutes until you decided to break the silence by speaking your heart out.
“To be honest, I never thought that you’d ask me to be your date this evening.”
Still staring up at the sky, you could see Shownu looking at you from your peripheral vision. “It was somewhat impossible... for a guy like you to ask me out.” You rambled, chuckling at your own words.
“But then, I’m really complaining to be honest... I’m actually happy that you asked me to be your date for tonight’s event.” 
You looked at Shownu, meeting his soft gaze. “Thank you, Hyunwoo. I literally didn’t think that I would have a date tonight.” Shownu stayed quiet for quite some time, making you look back up at the starry sky, counting the stars right before you.
“I wouldn’t be able to ask you if it weren’t for my friends.. I was utterly scared and shy to ask you out but then after a couple of words to encourage me, I was able to ask the person that I’ve liked ever since kindergarten.”
Upon hearing his sudden confession, you froze on your spot. Did he just..? you thought and turned to look at him, only to see the loving smile on his face. “Since I’ve started this... might as well tell you everything.” Shownu sheepishly scratched the back of his head and continued.
“I know that we’re not that close but you’ve always been a part in my life, to be honest. We were practically the best of friends way back in kindergarten... and I guess that was the time when I realized that I had a little crush on you... until that feeling grew and grew until 10th grade, when you approached me without any hesitation.”
Your heart was beating loudly, and you couldn’t believe what you were just hearing. Shownu still continued to look at you straight in the eyes, his lips tugged upwards into a shy smile and his ears were turning into a deeper shade of red as he continued.
“And then finally, when Kihyun finally reassured me that I might have chance with you... I couldn’t help but get this gush of confidence to ask you out... and confess to you.”
“I’m not rushing you, [y/n]! I just wanted to tell you how I feel towards you... and I’m glad that I’m able to confess to you right now.” He reassured you, making you smile. Silence then engulfed both of you and the two of you stayed in that same position until you suddenly shuddered from the cold breeze, making Shownu remove his leather jacket and place it on your shoulders, making you look at him.
“Won’t you get cold?” You asked out of worry. “It’s alright, I was getting hot anyways.” Muttering a ‘thank you’, the two of you decided to just cherish this moment.
After a couple of minutes, Shownu lifts himself off the bench and offers a hand towards you. “Shall we head back inside? I think they’re announcing the King and Queen now.” 
Taking his hand, he lifts you up without much effort. The two of you walked back to the venue but before the two of you could enter, you stopped him before he could even push the doors open.
“Yes?” Looking at him once more, you couldn’t help but think that it’s finally the right time to give your answer to him. “I... I like you too. And I’ve always liked you since the 2nd grade to be honest.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah.” You affirmed and smiled at how shocked he was. Shownu was about to speak up when the doors bursts open, revealing six men who were also dressed the same way as Shownu did. “Well, what are you waiting for? Give her a kiss dude!” Hyungwon beamed, making everyone howl in excitement.
Glaring at his friends, Shownu looks at you with a sheepish smile. “Can I?” He shyly asked, earning a nod from you. Cupping both of your cheeks, Shownu didn’t think twice but to crush his lips onto yours, making everyone go wild.
As soon as your lips parted, he lovingly gazed at you and asked, 
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.”
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coachpaulablog · 6 years
How to Be The One That He Wants (for more than one night!)
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Most of us know the famous musical, Grease, that is set in the 1950s.  It tells the story of Sandy, an innocent and virginal, poodle-skirted, bobbysoxer who falls in love with bad-boy greaser, Danny.
When Sandy transfers to Danny's school she begins hanging out with the Pink Ladies, a group of bad girls led by Rizzo, a chain-smoking, promiscuous loudmouth. With the Pink Ladies' help, Sandy transforms into a skintight leather-clad bad girl and ends up with Danny, thus reinforcing the message that changing yourself from a "good-girl" to "bad-girl" is the quickest way to a man's heart.
This famous musical along with countless other iconic films, novels, tv shows, etc, reinforces what appears to be true in our society: Men like the not-so-good girls, but
while entertainment reflects reality, it reflects only a partial reality, because reality is not typically dramatic enough, interesting enough, or otherwise sexy enough for page or screen!
Marketers, Movie-Makers, and all Media Mediums know that real-Life in the way real men love real women for real, lifelong commitment isn't really sexy enough to sell!
Thus, the distortion we're continually fed in films, novels, and tv is:  Show yourself to be a "bad-girl" and you'll get a guy for sexy love and a life of happily ever after!  It's so confusing because we are constantly and consistently shown that sexually explicit and overt women who aggressively go after men, get them!  But in real life the women who exhibit these “qualities” only get men momentarily - not for marriage!
Here's the whole truth:  
Sexually dressed, sexually overt, and sexually provocative"Rizzo" women get men’s desire, interest, and attention for the short term; be it one hour, one night, one year, or even one decade.  However, most men will pick a virtuous girl-next-door to be with for the long term as their wives! 
This deep-brained, hard-wired, anthropological way that men categorize women as either high-value and worthy of respect, or promiscuous and just for fun (not to marry) is commonly known as Sigmond Freud's Madonna/Whore Complex.
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Largely considered the greatest psychological theorist ever, Freud understood that men's lust for sexual pleasure with sexually overt women was completely at odds with their judgment of these women: A judgment they do not apply to themselves! 
Fair?  Not at all.
True? Absolutely.  Ask your brother or father.
Have you ever been less than totally truthful with a man about your sexual experience or number of partners? Then you instinctually knew to apply this principle.
Want to be successful with a man for the longterm over just having him with you for a little while?  Then you want to present yourself in a way that the male brain will categorize for longterm not just for fun.
Simply Male, Simple Solution:
If you’re looking for more than having fun with a man, no matter the courtesan inside you make sure the outside-you projects that you are a more of a Madonna (Mother Mary):  A woman worthy of respect by virtue of her values, self-worth, and self-restraint.   
Striving to achieve the time, attention, and affection of a Madonna makes a man sing “You’re the One I Want, Woo, Hoo, Hoo,” for the long run.  Whether it’s by jumping hurdles, going to the head of the class, or showing you his great dance moves striving is how a man falls in love! 
Make him see with his eyes what his brain is wired to categorize:  You value yourself enough to be placed in the high-value category he simply must achieve to show himself to be a winner of the dancing contest of his life!
© 2019 CoachPaulaGrooms.com 
Paula Grooms is a Dating and Relationship Coach, Licensed Master of Social Work, and author of the book, Why Won’t He Commit? How a Man Decides to Make You “The One.” Her weekly podcast, Make Him Wonder is real-life coaching conversations about all things dating and relationships Want to know if your man is ready, willing, and able to commit or if you’re doing online dating a way to be successful in finding a relationship?  Take any Dating or Relationship Eval for free and get immediate results!
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mon-amour-eternel · 7 years
Written for DisneyDarlingGirl, who asked for "I would probably like to see something along the lines of a greaser Klaus and a good girl Caroline? Maybe they could even have been friends when they were younger but as they grew up, they split up into two different crowds?"
Please forgive me if I didn't use the slang correctly! Obviously I was not alive in 1950s, and I got these online. Also, I hope this flows well. I wrote it in like a day, so I'm not sure how I did on that front.
Slang in order of appearance (from here and here):
Closet case: someone to be ashamed of; Cool it: relax, settle down; Clyde: term of address; Duck Butt/Jelly Roll: hairdos of the 1950s; Nosebleed: insulting nickname; Play dead: to keep quiet; Pound: to beat up; Wind one's little ball of yarn: euphemism for sex; Unborn: extremely naive; Split: to leave; Committed: engaged to be married; Steady: to be in a serious relationship; Passion pit: drive-in movie theater; Apple butter: smooth talk or flattery
It's been a long three years since Caroline last called Klaus Mikaelson her best friend. The time, brought on by high school and his father forbidding him from being friends with her any longer, has done what they always say. It's made her heart grow fonder, somehow.
She wishes that weren't the case. She wishes that her heart had grown cold to him and his silence. But the random times they see each other at school is enough to have her pining after him even though she knows nothing of him now.
Caroline looks down at her textbook, bored with note taking and thinking about him. Her eyes wander to the ceiling, to the crowds.
When their eyes meet across the lunchroom, she remembers things she'd rather not.
Like how adorable he was as a child, dressed in his Sunday best, rolling around in her front yard with his brothers. (His blonde hair was in disarray, but the smile on his face always made butterflies flutter in her stomach.) Like how he sat in her bed, eye blackened, drawing whatever she asked of him. (She knew it was hard for him to see, with one eye swollen shut. So she asked for things he could draw from memory, and when they weren't that great, she fawned over them like she always did.) Like how, when he was twelve and she eleven, he swore he would marry her. Like how he kissed her for the first time that day, her first and so far only. (It was barely a peck, but her whole body had flushed and she'd never forgotten the happiness in his eyes.) Like how, when she first saw him at the school, she waved and tried to talk to him. (She remembers him scowling, walking away without acknowledging her. When he tried to talk to her the next day, she ignored him. And now, she's a junior and he's a senior, and there's no chance of reconciliation.)
The thoughts turn her head, make her look back at her table and her friends. She can't look at him and think about those things, not anymore. The thoughts hurt, make her think of things stuck firmly in the past.
Katherine twirls her fingers in her hair, chewing gum and making eyes at any boy that walks by. Stefan is next to her, writing furiously into his diary, tongue sticking out in concentration. Bonnie sits across from him and next to Caroline, going over her agenda for the week, deciding what homework she'll do when she gets home.
Caroline knows that her old friend, in his dark little corner, is half-listening to another story Kol is regaling him with. She knows he's ignoring Damon and Elena, who are probably kissing for everyone to see, uncaring about the trouble they'll get in. He's also, if routine holds, staring at her. (As if she was the one to drop him, to ignore him, to pretend she didn't know him.)
Enzo drops his tray to the table as Kai Parker bumps into him with a snicker, sending his milk all over Caroline's notebook and on her dress. She blinks, noticing that Stefan's pulled his diary off the table, and Bonnie has napkins out already, patting her agenda and the notebook at the same time.
"Oh, Caroline, I'm so sorry. Some closet case bumped into me," he says, a little frantically. The insult leaves his mouth like a curse. He takes a napkin from Bonnie's endless bag. "Here, let me - "
And then Enzo's got his hands in her lap.
He's just trying to dry her off, she knows that. In fact, she's happy he's trying to help. Katherine and Stefan are just looking at the mess, like they can't be bothered to help. Enzo is usually right there with them, sometimes even laughing instead of passively watching. He and Katherine have a great time bumping elbows and making jokes when one of the rest of their friend group makes a fool of themself.
There's a second where Caroline is processing the fact that Enzo is touching her thighs (even through a dress, it's the first time a boy has touched her there since before puberty hit and it's more than a little shocking; it's also a little disappointing that it's not a certain person touching her there, but those thoughts are unbecoming of her). She's going to take the napkin from him and do it herself, but then Enzo's being pulled away from the table roughly.
Enzo's pushed up against the table next to theirs. Marcel and Camille, who were sitting there, flee quickly. He's sputtering something Caroline can't make out.
Klaus is there, shouting over him, "don't you dare touch her!"
He's the one who's got Enzo nearly bent backwards. Her ex-best friend, her ex-future husband, has one of her best friends so curved, he looks like a hotrod after a tree stops it in it's tracks. She takes a second to mourn the gentle little boy he used to be, the one she knew so well. But after her second, she stops worrying about him and worries instead about her friend.
She stands quickly, stepping over the bench seat and rushing to Klaus' side.
"Klaus," she says, grabbing onto his leather-covered arm. She tugs, but he doesn't move even an inch. "Let him go. You're hurting him!"
Klaus turns to her, still so close to Enzo that the hands on her friend's chest are pressing him into the table. He looks her over as if concerned. Like he's trying to make sure she's okay.
"Yeah, cool it, Clyde!" Enzo shouts, making both Caroline and Klaus turn to glare at him.
"Shut your pie-hole," Caroline says, a little meaner than she wants. But if he keeps talking, Klaus will hurt him.
He nods and mimes zipping his lips.
Klaus doesn't stop glaring at Enzo, but to her, he grits out, "he was touching you."
"Yeah, Klaus, he was. He spilled milk on me and was trying to clean it up. It wasn't the smartest thing he's ever done, but he was only trying to help."
"Aww c'mon Care!" Enzo says, but he's ignored. And thank god for that, because Klaus is so angry, he really would punch Enzo's lights out.
"Just let him go, Klaus, please. There was nothing else to what he was doing." She tugs again on his stupid leather jacket, which contrasts with his good boy haircut. He doesn't have the Duck Butt that Kol, Damon, Kai, and all the rest did. It gives her hope, hope that she shouldn't have, that he hasn't completely turned his back on their conservative upbringing. That he'll come back to her.
Slowly, Klaus steps back. As soon as Enzo is upright, Klaus jerks forward, making Enzo shout in surprise.
"Get lost, nosebleed," Klaus hisses, and Enzo does just that. He's practically a blur as he hightails it out.
Caroline sighs, letting go of Klaus. She doesn't want to, truth be told - in the time they've spent in different social circles, he's grown firm in places he used to be soft - but she's still a good girl. No good girl squeezes the bicep of a greaser.
Kol cackles, showing off a Jelly Roll hairdo. Caroline absently thinks that it looks a lot better on him than the Duck Butt did. "Jealous, are we, Nik?" His smirk, one that is so familiar, is so wide, all the lines on Kol's face are showing.
Klaus glares, tense still. He looks like he wants to give Kol a knuckle sandwich. "Play dead, Kol."
Then, without warning, Klaus is pushing past the crowd, nearly knocking Tyler Lockwood to the ground. Caroline takes no time at all to hurry after him.
He pushes the doors open, Caroline right on his heels. As soon as they're out of the cafeteria, Klaus, face red with anger and what Caroline suspects is embarrassment, spins on his heel and demands, "what the hell was that?"
Caroline gasps, hand subconsciously going to her chest. "Excuse me? You're the one who almost pounded Enzo over spilled milk! Literally!"
"You think I believe that Caroline?" He nearly shouts, stepping closer so she's pressed up against the wall. "It's obvious that he was, I don't know, trying to wind your little ball of yarn."
Caroline's fists ball. She won't hit him, she will never hit him, but if he says anything else like that, she won't be responsible for her actions. (She doesn't care if his eyes showed regret the second the words left his mouth.)
"You could at least have the common courtesy to do that somewhere more private." He spits the words out, seemingly on a roll and unable to stop.
If there's one thing she hasn't missed about him, it's his temper and his propensity to use it as a defense mechanism.
She releases an angry breath, "I'd never let a boy do that in public! Much less before we were married!" Much less if it wasn't you, you unborn idiot!
A look of horror overcomes all anger of Klaus' face. The regret from before shines much brighter now. "So he was...was he hurting you?"
Her own eyes widen, and a deep blush makes her face red. "No, Klaus. No. He was just trying the keep my dress from staining. I promise."
Calmed down, they make eye contact. Klaus, after a moment, steps away, head lowered.
Caroline sighs, her eyes closing in displeasure. The first time she talks to Klaus since Freshman year, and it's an argument. There's certainly no possibility he'll want to be her friend again, not now.
She opens her eyes, determined to not run back to her friends with her tail between her legs.
"Right-o, then, I'm just going to - "
A rough hand wraps around her wrist. She twirls around, wishing he would just let her split.
"I'm sorry I said that. I don't really think you'd...well, do that. And I'm sorry that I almost hurt your friend. I was just so worried that he was…" He shakes his head like he doesn't want to say what's on his mind. "But anyway, I - Caroline, I was wondering. Would you like to go out on Saturday?"
As soon as he says it, he flushes and looks away. Caroline feels her mouth drop open.
"I was serious about getting committed, all those years ago," he says, suddenly confident again. She feels a little dizzy at his mood swings. "I've wanted to go steady with you for years, Caroline. I can think of no one else I would want to be with."
She keeps staring.
He blinks nervously, shifting on his feet. "Let me take you out for a movie. I promise it won't be a passion pit," he says, trying to make her laugh. It doesn't work - she's so shocked over the 180 of the conversation. To go from Klaus accusing her of acting like Elena to him asking her out on a date? Her head is spinning.
It's not spinning enough that she can't flirt a little, though. She's been hoping for a moment like this for three years. She's dreamed of him asking her out - no way is she going to just stand there like an odd ball. "You've gotten better at apple butter, you know," she says, looking at him under her eyelashes.
"Is that a yes?"
Caroline thinks for only a moment - does she want to go on a date with the boy she's been trying to hide feelings for since they were practically in diapers? "Yes."
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kay-emm-gee · 8 years
can’t take my eyes off of you | Part 5
Pairing: Feyre/Rhysand { ACOTAR/ACOMAF series } Summary: 1950s greaser!au, pt 5/5 - All good greaser AUs end with a dance. Rating: Teen+ // wc: ~1k
The screeching of tires cut through the energetic evening air of the Prythian High School’s parking lot, and Feyre didn’t care if anyone noticed.
Beneath her eager hands, she felt the steering wheel vibrate and smiled. She flexed her fingers in anticipation as she sped towards the gymnasium. She could barely hear the music from the dance over the hum of the engine; even so, she revved the engine louder. A few of their classmates loitering outside looked their way, and Feyre felt a little thrill go through her.
As if sensing her excitement, Rhys chuckled from the front passenger seat. Feyre glanced in the rearview to see Mor and Amren and the other two guys squished into the back. They were all smiling, and Mor winked at her. The car rocked a bit as she took a corner hard, and Rhys reached over to intertwine his hand with hers over the stick shift.
“Ready?” he murmured as she pulled up to the curb and parked.
“Just waiting on you,” she quipped. He grinned in response, then jumped out without opening the door and met her at the front of the car. Feyre slide her arm into the crook of his. As she stepped forward in time with him, she heard the brush of her new leather jacket--the one with the Nightwings stitchwork on the back--against the tulle of her midnight-blue dress.
The band didn’t stop dead when she walked in with Rhys and the Nightwings, but a tidal wave of loud whispers and titters did crash through the gym. Classmates kept dancing, but more than few of them glanced over to track their progress as they walked further into the dance. Feyre didn’t pay too much attention to their attention until she glimpsed the mass of green-and-gold jackets near the punch bowl.
Tamlin’s expression was thunderous when she finally found him amidst his friends. Rhys’ hand slipped around her waist, tightly. A flutter of confidence filled her, because his grip was supportive not possessive. It made all the difference.
Without a second glance at the prince of the school--she was with the king, after all--Feyre turned to Mor. “Wanna dance?”
Her friend swirled her cotton candy pink skirt with a large smile. “Only if Amren does.”
“I need a smoke,” Amren immediately replied in a flat tone. Her skin-tight black and red dress shimmered in the dim lights of the gym as she high-tailed it to the bathroom.
Sighing in defeat, Feyre simply tugged Mor towards the crowded dance floor. An upbeat rock’n’roll beat filled the air; it fit their mood perfectly. Feyre twisted and shouted, shimmied and spun around with her friend for song after song after song until her stomach hurt from laughing so hard.
She was just untangling herself from a pretzel gone amusingly wrong with Mor when she heard the music change. Almost immediately, a strong and welcome arm slipped around her front.
“Can I steal a dance?” Rhys whispered in her ear.
Feyre suppressed a warm shiver as she teased, “You’ll need to ask Mor.”
When she looked back at her former partner, though, she was no longer there. Azriel was tugging her towards the edge of the floor, for what looked like a slow dance of their own. Smiling, Feyre turned in Rhys’ arms to do the same. “Looks like I’ve been left to fend for myself.”
“While you are more than capable of doing that, I’m happy to provide some assistance so you don’t have to dance all by your lonesome.”
“Acceptable,” Feyre drawled.
A long, warbling note later, she was pressed tight against Rhys. Her hands lay lightly on his chest, with his resting one above the other very low on her back. She expected a teacher to come over and reprimand them for inappropriate closeness at some point, but for now she just leaned closer. She was going to enjoy this for as long as she could.
One what felt their tenth slow turn to the music, Rhys leaned down. His lips brushed her ear, causing her to breathe in sharply, as he said, “I got us a race next week.”
Her head jerked up so fast that she almost bumped his chin. Feyre felt his chest rumble with a chuckle under her hands, which were curling into his grease-stained shirt. “What? When, where, with who?”
“Tarquin,” he said, his dark eyes glimmering with excitement. “He’s the best the Heat have. We don’t have the details worked out yet, but you’re ready.”
Feyre paused, straightening up to look Rhys directly. “Wait. Me? I’m going to be racing him.”
He leaned over, his lips pressed together in amusement. “I mean, I’ll be riding shotgun, but yes, you, in the driver’s seat.”
She opened her mouth, trying to stutter out a protest, but it wouldn’t come. Her heart thudded with too much exhilaration to let her speak a lie like that. She wanted this, and she was ready. She really was, and she glanced up at Rhys, cheeks warming because he knew that too. His faith in her suddenly overwhelmed her, and she surged up on her toes to kiss him deeply, thoroughly, and entirely inappropriately for a school gymnasium. He took it in stride, then took over as he bent her backwards, tasting her and feeling her and making her melt from the inside out.
They were both laughing as Cassian and Mor dragged them away from the furious faculty heading in their direction. When they burst out the gym doors, the cool night air hit her like a wall, but she reveled in it. The heat inside her--from Rhys, his kiss, his confidence in her, her confidence in herself--would keep her warm enough. Feyre couldn’t contain herself much longer, so she grabbed Rhys hand and started running towards the car. The rest of the Nightwings were pounding along close behind them, joking and yelling and laughing as they all piled into the car.
In a breath, Feyre had the key in the ignition and the engine roaring. She peeled out of the parking lot, and whooped loudly and happily. She had friends behind her and Rhys beside her, the stars above her and the open road in front of her. She couldn’t ask for more, and so she put her foot on the gas and sped off into the dark night, perfectly and exhilaratingly content.
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caiotlyn · 8 years
Maybe You’re Not That Bad
Title: Maybe You’re Not That Bad
Pairing: 1950s AU - Teen!Dean Winchester x Teen!Reader
Word Count: 2497
Warnings: mention of death, slight angst? (if you squint), mostly just fluff
A/N: Teen!Dean’s a little sap in this fic. Whoops. Little bit OOC, but I’m gonna let it slide since it’s an AU. XD
Anyway... I’m tagging @quiddy-writes because she was really excited about the idea of 1950s!Teen!Dean when I ran it by her (here’s some Dean fluff for you, babe ;)). I’m also gonna be brave and tag @supernatural-jackles because I’m actually kinda proud of this one!
Feel free to check out the rest of my masterlist!!
The diner is oddly quiet for a Friday night. Most of its usual patrons are at the drive-in, which has a new movie premiering tonight. You are currently sitting alone at the counter sipping on a strawberry milkshake, lost in thought and swirling your straw around in your glass. You don’t even look up when a familiar green-eyed man in a leather jacket struts up to you and tries to strike up a conversation.
“So, what’s cookin’, good lookin’?” Dean says as he sidles into the seat next to you. He waves at the waitress, and she nods in response, already knowing his usual order.
“Oh, get bent, Winchester,” you reply, rolling your eyes. “Don’t you have some other girl to terrorize tonight? Or maybe you’re waitin’ till later so you can do something illegal with your Greaser buddies?”
Dean chuckles and raises both hands in surrender. “Hey, they’re not all that bad,” he defends. “And it’s just a simple question, sweetheart. I didn’t ask for all the snark.”
You shake your head and can’t help but smile at him. Your relationship with Dean is complicated to say the least. The two of you go to school together and are in most of the same classes. Your friend groups also tend to overlap, so avoiding Dean is near impossible. This exchange between the two of you happens almost every Friday night since most everyone in your school likes to hang out at Ellen’s Diner whenever they have the chance. He would take a seat next to you at the counter and ask for a cheeseburger and a coke. As soon as he places his order, he would begin to talk you up. It’s become a routine of sorts for the two of you.
“If you must know, everything is just great, thank you. Charlie, Jo, and I are planning to have a girl’s night later on, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna get goin’ now.”
You start to stand up, but Dean quickly puts his hand on your arm.
“C’mon, Y/N/N. I’ll cool it for today, I promise,” he begs.
You look into his eyes and sigh. “Oh, alright. You better keep that promise, though, or I’ll be very upset.”
Dean grins and raises his left hand. He uses one finger to make an X over his heart.
“Good,” you sigh out.
“Do you have to go out with the girls tonight?” Dean asks you after a few moments of silence.
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “I mean, I don’t absolutely have to, but I kinda made plans with them already.”
“Go on a date with me,” he says simply.
Your eyes go wide in shock. “W-what?”
“Just one date and I promise if it ends up as bad as you’re thinkin’, I won’t bug you again.”
You study him for a few moments, not quite sure if he’s serious or not.
“Okay. Just one date,” you relent, seeing that he isn’t going to change his mind.
“Awesome,” he beams.
Dean jumps up from his seat and grabs your hand, pulling you along behind him.
“Okay, alright. We’re going right now,” you exclaim, laughing at his eagerness.
Dean doesn’t say anything; he just turns around and grins at you. The two of you quickly exit the diner, Dean still not letting go of your hand.
You walk alongside Dean past a few stores, talking about random things. To your surprise, the two of you actually get along quite well, when you’re not poking fun at each other, of course.
You learn about Dean’s life outside of class; he has a younger brother, Sam, who also goes to your school, which you already knew, his mom died when he was young due to an illness, and his dad works at the local mechanic shop. You learn about his favorite bands, what he likes to do in his free time, and simple things that he never really talks about during your little diner conversations.
Half an hour has past, and you two are still talking and walking aimlessly along the strip of stores near the diner. Dean’s gaze falls on the park across the street, and his pace slows. He eventually stops, and you can practically see the light bulb appear above his head.
“Um, Dean? Everything okay?” you ask him.
“Oh, everything is just great,” he smiles at you.
“Then why'd ya stop walkin’?”
He spins around and begins walking in the direction in which you came, dragging you behind him.
“I just gotta show you something,” he replies, his smile growing.
You walk for a few minutes, your hand still clasped with Dean’s, when he finally stops in front of a 1955 Chevy Bel Air.
You look at him quizzically. “You wanted to show me your… car?”
“No, it’s not the car that I wanted to show you. But… you gotta get inside the car so I can take you to the real surprise,” he answers, both eyebrows raised in excitement.
“And where exactly are you taking me?” you ask him, folding your arms across your chest and raising an eyebrow.
“Now, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
“I guess not... but a little birdie told me that you’re a real hood, Winchester.” You smirk.
“That might be partially true, but c’mon, I ain’t that bad. You haven’t run away yet,” he reasons, smirking back at you.
“I just might start runnin’. For all I know, you could be kidnapping me,” you joke.
Dean rolls his eyes at you, amused. “Don’t be such a candy-ass, Y/N/N. Just get in,” he says, opening the passenger-side door of his car.
You let out a small laugh before sitting down.
“Such a gentleman,” you tease.
Dean chuckles and closes the car door, making his way over to the driver’s side. He sits down and starts the car. He grins at you and pulls out of the parking lot to drive to his secret, undisclosed location.
“Seriously, Dean, where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.”
Dean stops the car in front of a run-down looking park. At first glance, it doesn’t look like anything special. The swings are rusted, and the paint on the play structure is chipping. A small, barely-filled sandbox sits off to the side near a splintering wooden bench. The whole park is surrounded by trees, and you can just make out the dark shapes of houses hidden behind the foliage.
Dean gets out of the car and walks over to your side, opening the door and gesturing for you to step out.
“Dean, I’m not trying to be such a party pooper, but why did you take me here?” you ask him while exiting the car. “We were just at a park a few minutes ago.”
“I’ll tell ya in a bit,” he says.
He quickly makes his way over to the swing set and sits down. You join him, the swing creaking as you sit on it, and you wrap both hands around the metal chains.
You and Dean continue to talk to each other late into the night. The skies get darker, and stars soon appear as little lights above. The conversation starts to die down, and you decide to ask Dean the question that’s been nagging at you for the past hour or so.
“So,” you begin. “What makes this place so special?”
Dean opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it. “I... did not think this part through,” he chuckles nervously.
“It’s fine if you don’t wanna tell me, Dean.” He simply presses his lips together and nods in response, taking a few moments to think over his words.
“This park…” he sighs. “This park is where my mom used to take me and Sammy all the time when we were little. Y’know, before she got sick and all.”
You look at him with a mixture of fondness and sadness in your eyes. Sure, the two of you talked for the majority of the night, but Dean never really opened up this much. He just glazed over the details about his childhood, only truly talking about more recent times or lighter subjects.
“She would sit on that bench right over there,” he begins, pointing. “And she would let us run around and just have fun. I remember this one time… Sammy and I were little ankle-biters, and we were pretending to be superheroes. We were jumpin’ off the playset and fighting make-believe villains. My mom would pretend to be the victim, and we would team up to save her.” He pauses. “She was always like that, so involved in our lives. I don’t think there was a single day when I didn’t see her smile. When she got sick, I was only seven years old. I didn’t know how to handle that kind of thing. Sammy was only three, and he barely even knew what was goin’ on. It was like one day Mom was all sunshine and peaches, and the next… she was just gone. My dad didn’t take her death well the first couple’a weeks. He was just quiet, wouldn’t talk to me, Sammy, or anyone for that matter. I had to take care of Sammy for a while, wait for my dad to get back on his feet. He’s fine now, which you already know, but I can tell that whenever something reminds him of Mom’s death, he just… you can see it in his eyes. He misses her. We all do. That’s kind of why this park is so special to me; it helps me remember her by.”
Dean concludes his story and looks over at you, noticing that your eyes are watering a bit. He laughs nervously.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be such a downer.”
“No, no, you’re fine. Everything’s fine. It’s just… I didn’t really expect you to open up so much,” you chuckle.
“Hey, I’m not just a pretty face, you know. I can keep up a conversation,” he jokes.
“You’re not at all what I thought you’d be, Winchester.” You smile at him.
He furrows his eyebrows. “That’s a good thing, right?”
“It’s the best thing.”
You hold eye contact with each other, neither of you dares to speak. The space between you and Dean gets smaller and smaller as the two of you lean closer together. Soon enough, your lips meet his, and fireworks go off in your brain. Dean’s hand comes up to cup your face, and his slightly chapped lips move in perfect sync with yours. The kiss is soft at first, but emotions soon take over and it becomes more passionate. Neither of you pull away until the need for air becomes too much to handle.
You and Dean break apart, the swings creaking as they separate, and you gaze into each other’s eyes.
“Wow,” you breathe out.
“Yeah... wow,” Dean sighs.
You both sit in silence until you finally speak up. “I promise that next time we go on a date... I’ll tell you my story,” you say quietly.
“Next time, huh?”
“Believe it or not, I’m actually having a good time right now.” You smile at him. “And I can’t promise that my tale will be anywhere near as interesting as yours, but I’ll tell ya.” You shrug.
“I can’t wait.” Dean smiles at you.
“We should, uh, probably head home now…” you suggest reluctantly.
“Y-yeah. Home,” Dean stutters, somewhat caught off-guard.
You both stand up and walk over to Dean’s car. He opens up the passenger door for you, as expected, and he begins to drive you home.
“So why exactly did you tell me about your mom?” you ask curiously.
Dean peers over at you, a confused expression on his face, but he quickly looks back at the road.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m just wondering… we never really talked much before, not unless we’re teasin’ each other. What’s so special about tonight?”
“We’ve always been friends, haven’t we?” he inquires. “Even if it’s just been a little chit-chat every now and then.”
“I guess, but that doesn’t answer my question.”
Dean stays quiet for a few moments, mulling over his words.
“Maybe I finally realized just how great of a girl you are,” he admits.
“Wow. I, uh, I didn’t expect that,” you laugh, slightly embarrassed.
“It’s true, Y/N/N.” Dean smiles at you and you return it. He turns his attention back to the road and continues to drive you home. Both of you steal glances at each other every now and then the entire way there, neither of you wanting to forget this moment.
The drive to your house ends much quicker than either of you had wanted. Dean lets you out of the car and reaches out towards you.
“Let me walk ya in,” he says.
“It’s just a few feet. I’m perfectly capable of walkin’ myself,” you giggle.
“Nope. If I’m gonna keep up this gentleman act, then I need’ta walk you to the door at least,” Dean replies with a proud smile.
“Fine. Have it your way, Winchester.” You roll your eyes at him, feigning annoyance.
He chuckles and holds out his hand. You gladly take it, and you walk to your front door.
You stop at the last step and you turn to Dean.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you confess.
“Was it better than a girls’ night?” he inquires, smirking and quirking an eyebrow.
“Mmm, I wouldn’t rank it that high, but I had a blast,” you laugh.
Dean joins in and then gives you a quick peck on the cheek.
“See ya later, Y/N/N.” He slowly backs away from your porch and calls out, “And you better make good on that promise for a second date.”
“I will,” you reply, cupping your hands around your mouth like a megaphone.
He walks backward away from your house for the first few feet, his eyes never leaving yours, but then he turns around when he almost falls down a step. You laugh to yourself as Dean tries to regain his composure. He walks normally to his car the rest of way and gives you a small wave before getting in. You wave back from your porch, and Dean drives away.
Sighing happily, you turn and unlock your front door. You step inside, close the door, and lean against it. A light turns on a few moments later, and your mother emerges from her bedroom.
“Sweetie, where were you?” she asks.
“Oh, I was… out.”
She notices that you’re much happier than usual and smiles, almost knowingly.
“Well, I’m glad that you had a good time. Now, you should probably go to bed. It’s getting late.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you reply.
You practically skip up the stairs and go to your room. Plopping onto your bed, you stare at the ceiling, reminiscing about your evening and thinking about how you’re beginning to fall head-over-heels for the once elusive Dean Winchester.
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