#Lila Bashing
ravennm84 · 2 years
Making Your Own Luck
Quick story I wrote while thinking of Plagg’s love of cheese, Tikki’s love of cookies, and the different ways we associate with good and bad luck. Sprinkle in a little Lila salt and you’ve got some wonderful brain candy to tide you over until the next story. Warm-Fuzzies and enjoy!!
There were more than a few abilities that kwamiis had that normally weren't used. Kaalki could improve her holder's horseback riding ability. Pollen could help flowers grow when she spent enough time in an area. 
Tikki's power over luck and good fortune was very well known. But it wasn't only her lucky charm, but her ability to take away luck. Now, this wouldn't give someone bad luck, that's Plagg's thing and had started the whole black cat crossing your path superstition. It would just set a person's luck to zero, and their actions afterwards would determine if it turned good or bad. This is where the concept of karma and the saying 'making your own luck' came from.
Normally, these were abilities that kwamiis kept to themselves or would become a side effect of being active for an extended period of time. Tikki was able to control that ability easily… until her holder came across that Italian rat, Lila Rossi. Oh, how she wished for the chance to reset that girl's luck and let karma determine her punishment. It would be so easy, just a second of physical contact and all her luck would disappear. Then everything she did would continue to build and grow, not that the little Goddess had to guess which way it would go.
 Then, one glorious Tuesday morning, Lila accused Marinette of stealing her orange pen. Tikki had been eating her blueberry and lemon curd macaron while reclining on a silk scarf when the girl snatched the purse she was in. Marinette tried to get it back, horrified when Lila opened the latch and shoved her hand inside. 
The purse jostled roughly to one side, causing Tikki's cookie to fall to the floor as the stolen pen slid out of the girl's sleeve and into the purse. What happened next occurred so quickly, that she would always claim, while ignoring Plagg's jokes and side eyes, that it was a complete accident. Tikki grabbed the pen, touching Lila’s fingers as she pushed away and fazed through the bottom of the purse. With all the chaos of Lila keeping the purse out of Marinette’s reach and Mme. Bustier, demanding that everyone calm down, no one noticed the kwamii fly under the desks, drop the pen under Lila’s chair, and return to Marinette to hide in her backpack. 
"...but she took my pen, I saw her put it in-"
"If that is the case, you tell me and I will handle it," Bustier said sternly, displeased that her lesson had been interrupted and her pregnancy hormones giving her a shorter fuse. "Give Marinette her purse back, now." She did, barely hiding her smirk. "Marinette, may I please take a look inside your purse?" 
Hands shaking from the adrenaline, having a flashback of the last time her bag had been searched, and worried about Tikki being found, Marinette wanted to say no. It was only when she spotted Tikki out of the corner of her eye, head poking out of her backpack and giving a reassuring nod, that she handed over her purse.
A few seconds later, Bustier handed the purse back and cast a disappointing scowl at Lila. "I believe you owe Marinette an apology." 
Shock broke through Lila’s façade as she sputtered. "But… but she took my favorite orange pen. I swear I saw-"
"Isn't this it?" Nathaniel asked, causing everyone to turn and see him pick the pen up from under their shared desk. 
Sputtering a bit more, Lila clenched her jaw before giving Marinette a terse "sorry" before stomping back to her seat. 
Plagg knew exactly what his Sugarcube had done, he'd felt the slight spike of power after the cookie had shattered on the floor and that brat had shoved her hand into Pigtail's purse. The embarrassment of apologizing in front of the class was just the start. He knew the girl wouldn't accept defeat so easily, and the consequences would keep growing. 
And he was not disappointed. 
Lila tried to trip Marinette in the cafeteria, and ended up stubbing her toe on a table leg hard enough to cry real tears. When she attempted to switch their homework assignments in Mendeleiev's class, the teacher not only spotted the switch but proved it in front of everyone by comparing handwriting. That got Lila a week of detention. 
Then, at the end of the day, Lila accidentally dumped her water bottle all over Marinette’s head and backpack. Despite acting oh-so apologetic and reminding everyone about her weak wrist, she wasn't getting the support or assurances of "it's not your fault" that she expected. Many glared at her while others ran off to get towels to help Marinette. Realizing that she miscalculated and did too much on a single day, Lila made a hasty retreat outside. Only to get absolutely soaked when a car sped through a puddle on the street. 
Plagg laughed his little whiskers off from that one. But he knew it was just starting. He couldn't wait to hear about what happened away from school. 
The following morning, Lila looked like she'd been dropped into Dante's Inferno and spat back out just in time for school. What happened didn't even have anything to do with Marinette, so she couldn't blame it on her. That just annoyed her all the more.
While storming home wet from the puddle, she kicked a pebble that hit a bird, then a flock of birds swarmed her while she ran for two blocks. She shoved a neighbor out of the way when she got to her apartment building, and the door flew back and cracked her in the nose. It bled for over ten minutes. 
She went to the mall for some retail therapy, coupled with a five finger discount, and was caught immediately. Her mother was called and she was banned from the mall for life. Greta was not happy with her daughter and gave her extra chores as punishment. While Lila was muttering mean and disrespectful things about her parents while cleaning the bathroom, she didn't account for the volume of her voice or the bathroom tiles echoing what she said. Her grounding was extended. 
All this made Lila’s mood particularly volatile when she arrived at school that morning. Not bothering to pay attention to what was around her, she gave Mireille a shove out of the way, making the girl stumble down the stairs. A couple seconds later, Lila slipped on the wet steps and fell all the way to the bottom. Her classmates saw the whole thing, and although they were miffed that she pushed someone, they still helped Lila to the nurse to get checked out. Nothing broken, but there were multiple new bruises to match her black and purple nose.
In class, Marinette had to resist the urge to stare at the hot mess her bully had become in a single day. The rest of the class had noticed too. Nathaniel decided to move up a row to sit with Ivan. Rose and Juleka cast wary glances in her direction whenever Lila started muttering to herself. Even Mme. Bustier had to tell Lila multiple times to stop talking with the threat of detention. 
By the time lunch came around, Marinette made sure to be with one other person at all times. With how unhinged Lila was getting, she didn't want to risk being caught alone with her. Luckily, Ivan, Rose, and Juleka wanted to talk with her about the new designs for Kitty Section, so she was covered. 
Lila noticed how the class was starting to avoid her. Fighting off the urge to curse and scream at them, she took a few deep breaths to clear her mind. She'd been rushing too much for the last two days, she knew that. Trying to compensate for her failure was only bringing more attention to herself and the sheep were noticing that something wasn't right. She had to slow down and make them come to her.
For the next few days, Lila backed down. She smiled at her followers, paid attention in class, and would occasionally look at her phone in distress and act like she was fighting off tears. By Monday morning, things were going better for her. She'd avoided getting in any more trouble with her mom and teachers, she'd texted a fake apology to her classmates, and admitted that she was going through something that was causing a lot of stress. When some of them asked what it was, Lila timidly said that she was too nervous to say anything else. She knew they would bug her and assure her that she could tell them anything. 
Monday morning, just as she planned, everyone was encouraging her to trust them and tell them what was bothering her. Seeing that Bustier and Marinette weren't in class yet, she knew now was the time to strike.
Squeezing her eyes shut as she harshly pinched the inside of her elbow to bring tears, she started weaving her story. "It's just, someone's been bullying over text. It's so bad. She keeps telling me that I'll lose all my friends and that I should just kill myself," she said between forced sobs as she dropped her head into her hands. "And it never stops. Sh- she texts all day and into the night. And when I tried to show my mom, the messages were gone. I don't know how, but it's like my phone got hacked and the messages disappear after I've read them."
Max mentioned that there are self deleting message apps, but he wasn’t familiar with them. Then he looked at her searchingly. "You keep saying 'she', that would indicate that you are aware of who is behind this?"
Doing her best surprised face, Lila shook her head. "I can't say, none of you would believe that Marinette would-" she gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh no, I really shouldn't have said anything."
Lila watched as the sheep exchanged surprised looks while Adrien glared at her, but he wouldn't say anything. His father would have made sure of that. 
"You're saying that Marinette, our class rep, has been bullying you over text?" Alix asked, unease evident in her tone.
She shook her head while turning up the water works. "I knew I shouldn't have said an-anything. She's your friend, too."
"You said she's been doing this constantly?" Mylene asked, eyeing her carefully as Lila nodded. "When did she last send you one of those texts?"
Sniffling, Lila rubbed her eyes to give herself a second to think. It felt like these were leading questions, like they knew something she didn't. Meaning they'd probably spent time with her over the weekend and would have noticed her messaging Lila constantly. But since everyone was here and Marinette wasn't…
"Right before class. It- it asked if I was dead yet." Another sniffle and she was sure the class was wrapped around her fing-
"Marinette was right! You are a liar!"
Lila was so surprised by Kim's outburst, she forgot to keep crying and stared at everyone as they glared at her in disgust and moved away from her.
"I can't believe we almost bought that crap you were selling!" Alix turned away, face turning red in anger.
"But- but it's the truth! I-"
"There is a .03% chance of what you said being true." Max interrupted, staring down his nose at her. "At this point it is better that you admit it."
Casting a desperate look around the classroom, she was surprised that no one looked supportive. Even Adrien looked absolutely done with her. Realizing the jig was up, she let her expression morph to anger and annoyance as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Wow, I'm surprised you idiots figured it out. Usually you do exactly what I say after faking a few tears. I'm curious, what gave me away?"
The sudden change in the Italian girl gave them a bit of whiplash, but Nino answered her. "You ruined Marinette’s phone when you dumped your water on her. She isn't getting a new one until this Friday. No way she could have been messaging you at all."
"Huh, I guess it was worth dumping that on her, even if you idiots started to notice." Then she shrugged and stood from her seat. "Oh well, good to know for my next school, this place was getting stagnant anyway."
Kim blocked her way. "You're not going to get away with-"
"Shut it, you stupid jock. I've already got Bitch-stier and Dumb-ocles eating out of my hand. When I tell them you're ganging up on me, all of you will get detention while I walk free." Sidestepping her soon-to-be former classmates, she gave them a sarcastic wave and smile as she bid them "ciao" and opened the door…
To come face to face with a furious teacher, principal, and her mother!? What's she doing here? Did they just hear what I said?
The thought barely finished when her mother reached out, literally grabbed her by the ear, and dragged her out the door. The class watched in shock as Mme Rossi screamed and lectured her daughter all the way to Damocles' office. 
They would be informed days later that Lila had been sent to military school in Italy. In lycee, they heard rumors that she had been arrested for stalking a local celebrity in Venice. During university, Alya found an article about Lila Rossi being sentenced to 30+ years in prison for attempting a ponzi scheme. It had failed terribly and her victims got all their money back, but Lila would have to serve 5 years for each of her victims. 
Not that it mattered to them anymore. The class was too busy with their own lives and futures to put much thought into some lying brat that they went to school with for a little while. 
Tikki fought her grin as she watched Lila being dragged away by her ear as she and Marinette came up the stairs. Sighing with relief, she was about to enjoy a well deserved treat when she heard a familiar snicker behind her.
"Nice going, Sugarcube. Couldn't have done it better, myself." Plagg cackled as he passed her a cookie before indulging in a wedge of cheese he'd brought with him.
She grudgingly took the cookie before looking away from him. "It was an accident, I touched her hand when she tried planting that pen in my holder’s purse. What happened was her own doing and not my fault."
"Su~re. And the fact that she interrupted your cookie time and dumped your macaron onto the floor had nothing to do with it?"
The look she gave him had Plagg laughing on the inside. Only on the inside.
"That was a perfectly baked, blueberry macaron with a tart, lemon curd filling. I only got one bite before it got dumped to the floor. A price had to be paid."
Plagg watched with great affection as his Sugarcube took a bite of her sweet treat. Oh yes, he'd learned millennia ago not to interrupt cookie time. Just like Henry the VIII, that Lenin guy in Russia, and a few others. They had experienced the wrath of the goddess of creation when interrupting cookie time, though Plagg was the only one to know why things went so bad. It made him smart enough never to do it again.
@2confused-2doanything @7-sage-7 @aadnrsstar @abrx2002 @awkwardromances @bayball @babylovebug18 @botanicalfoxx @back-cats-and-broken-mirrors @caffeinetheory @cheshire5210 @chocolateherringtacofan @city-of-all-tunas @classycollectorreviewworld  @corabeth11 @chocolatechipcookiesandcamembert @darkened-flame @delightfulcookiesrecipespizza @fandom-trapped-03 @ghostmaster83@iamblinkmarvelarmy @interobanginyourmom @izang @jesussavedevenme @kazedancer @kitten12113 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @lilypotter2018 @lunataravler @ladylupuscrow @maskedpainter @ miraculouslydumb @nerd-nowandforever @naruwitch @ola-is-dead @pandacatxd @plushbookworm @plz-excuse-my-inner-ravenclaw @pheonix-biach @pandora-fucking-box @raiderofthelostbooks @ramos123 @rowanrouge @rowanyx @ren121 @seesea22 @seraphichana @sashakoi @shypeacekitten @smartlanceisreal @tazer6787 @that-girl-sakea @thecrazyfantrollshasmoved @the-smallest-kittenz @tishwinchesterannabethjackson @t1dwarrior-of-earth @ulmban @with-forward-motion @wonderbat91939 @zoiechance
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flowerchildasriel · 2 years
something I love to see is like. How fandoms treat villains differently and I think you can really see it in miraculous ladybug and the villains of Lila vs Hawkmoth
(cw HP) like it’s analogous to Harry Potter and how the fandom treats the villains of Umbridge and Voldemort. I’ve seen others say that Voldemort is such a far away and cartoony evil that it’s hard to relate to and feel threatened by… but Umbridge? She is every single teacher that hurt us, the uncaring and actively malicious authority figure in our school or work life, and the bigotry in the education system and legal system given a face. So she represents a much more close evil than the end of book villain, which is why fandom fixates on her and projects everything on here
And that’s what I think is happening with Lila in salt fics. Why she’s so demonized in comparison to Hawkmoth in those fics. (This is not to relate it to the canon because the canon isn’t supposed to be projection fuel) but really, most of us aren’t haunted by a distant evil man in a tower, we’re just not going to relate to that part. But most people have had that middle school bully who seemed to have it out for us. We’ve had friends with lying sides who made rumors about us or hurt us with fake sweet words, and Lila is just a stand in for everyone that did those things. We can project all of our anger and hurt on her, making her a demon because that’s how we felt about our bullies. And genuinely, no one really got justice or closure. Zero tolerance policy hurt the bullied kids just as much as the bullies, if not more in how it never really put a stop to bullying.
Maybe that’s why Lila can be so over the top in fics, her comeuppance so grand, and Marinette so willing and able to cut ties with toxic friendships. It’s wish fulfillment. We wish our bullies got what was coming to them, we wish we were able to walk away from things that we once loved but now was hurting us.
Idk, I just love it.
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aliensunflower-fics · 2 years
CHANGING FACES Chapter 1: How We Got Here.
[ Prefer to Read on Archive of Our Own? Click HERE for the link ]
[ Other Works By Me -  Next Chapter ]
After years of dealing with each other Lila Rossi win's when she convinces Hawkmoth that Marinette is Ladybug. In order to throw off suspicion and keep the Miracle Box safe Marinette and her supportive parents leave Paris and head to Gotham of all places. In this new place away from her friends and her unhealthy routines Marinette is forced to confront herself and change for the better. Helping her on her journey is a surprising new friend and potential ally. When Alya missing her friend learns about the chance to win a free trip to Gotham she convinces the class to work hard to qualify. When her new life clashes with her old one will Marinette be able to hold on strong to her new confidence or will she crumble under the pressure?
( This fic will be for the most part comedic, fluffy, and sweet, with only a bit of seriousness to tie it together. With only the mildest salt because I don't think the class or Adrien are bad people just that they can be naive and selfish thanks to the canon writing. I hope you enjoy reading this work and have fun with me on this journey. )
Marinette felt hot tears streaming down her cheeks as she clutched onto her parents and sobbed. She felt like her world was collapsing and yet she desperately held herself back from despair. The bakery that had once made the best pastries in all of Paris bringing smiles and warmth to those who needed it on rainy days, the house that had carried Marinette through her youth with her ever changing height etched into one of the doorways, the pink room that held precious memories of friends and fights and tears and laughter, the balcony that had seen many a hero visit it. All of it was gone. The wild flames devoured every bit of the precious structure. Worse still this was not the work of an akuma, not something that could be undone with a magic swarm of ladybugs, but worse than the permanence of this act was the person behind it. As Marinette’s parents pulled her closer comforting her and themselves the young hero wondered how she was supposed to tell them that Hawkmoth was targeting her?
How We Got Here
 Lila Rossi had always been an ambitious girl, she knew she was beautiful and prettier than other girls when her father got her that first modeling gig at 6 years old for a well known children's brand. She knew she could act and get what she wanted at 8 when she starred in several commercials, she wowed those behind the camera with her poise and charm!
 Lila knew she just KNEW that she was born to be a star! When at 10 she won a National beauty pageant and they placed the massive sparkly crown on her head while her father stood beside her beaming with pride. Sure the gems were fake but someday she vowed to get real ones!
 Her father always told her how much better she was, he never disciplined her, never worried about her grades, he only expected her to be her best whenever a camera was pointed her way. He treated her like the Princess she was. And shielded her from her mom's constant criticism about her ‘academic’ performance and her concerns over Lila ‘being too thin for her age’ and her constant whining about being ‘kinder’ to her annoying ugly classmates.
 His most important lessons were not the ones about her stance, walk, or looks. No, the most important lessons he taught her were how to use those around her, common people were just tools designed and made to be useful to those better and smarter than them and if they were not useful? Then they had to be removed.
 Her father had ‘removed’ many useless people from her path. He had blackmailed, scared, and tricked those around him his whole life all while wearing a dashing smile on his perfect handsome face. Beautiful clever people like them were meant for better lives, he told Lila, building her dreams for fame, fortune and a life on an easy street. Grades and hard work would never get her anywhere in a world that valued connections, beauty and money. 
 And for years Lila followed her father without hesitation, she lied and schemed and made connections. And whenever she messed up her daddy was there to fix it with a well placed lie and some cash. Lila had hardly needed to try in school for years with her fathers help and a few well placed lies the gullible idiots were always there to help! Teachers and classmates were always a sucker for her story of how ‘she never had many friends due to her mama's career’.  Her life was easy, and the fact that her mothers job made the family move so frequently only helped Lila get away with everything after all teachers notes about her behavior got lost between borders and languages easily!
 Life was great, and it would have stayed that way if she hadn’t made a mistake. At 13 Lila was living in Gotham, a disgusting place full of horrible people and a penchant for crime. But under all the grit and grime of the city was a gem Lila quickly set her eyes on. She went to the right school, studied her target carefully, and then she played the perfect role until her prey was caught. Her father had burst into laughter with a proud grin on his face as Lila told him of her glorious success. If they played their cards carefully they would be living the easy life soon enough.
 But Lila had slipped up, she had thought her victory was assured and let her mask slide at just the wrong time. The result was a messy breakup with her golden ticket, one Lila did not take well she bit off more than she could chew and next thing she knew there was a lawsuit. It should have worked out like everything always did, her dad should have fixed it with money and a charming smile. But that didn’t happen, instead her father's lies were exposed. His several illegal get rich quick schemes were brought to light along with his bribery and blackmail.
 Lila’s mother was horrified and in order to survive the scrutiny that became aimed her way Lila had no choice but to fake her shock and horror as well, leaning on her mothers trust to sneak through. She had to bite her tongue as her father was dragged to jail and her mother divorced him and applied for a transfer. Lila’s life fell apart and her dreams of fame and fortune were severely set back with her fathers connections severed. But Lila was not so easily defeated. She always wins in the end ALWAYS. So as her mother ushered her onto a plane set for Paris France Lila schemed. 
 France as it turned out was perfect for Lila, the presence of Hawkmoth meant that most people acted extra gullible and ‘kind’ and with a weakness that big all Lila needed to do was find the right people to exploit and she’d be back on track. A quick look at the biggest fashion brands with headquarters in Paris soon led to one of her favorites Gabriel, one of the best of the best, and a quick look at the Gabriel’s brand on the internet led to his teenage son. A blonde boy that was JUST Lila’s taste and just her age, from Adrien Agreste’s instagram she soon found his school and classmates and it was the perfect jackpot. 
 Adrien attended an extremely exclusive school the cream of the crop attended, the students were either rich or talented enough to earn scholarships. Lurking through Adrien Agrestes pictures Lila learned about his classmates and it only got better. Nino Lahiffe a musician and wannabee film director who had won a few amateur competitions getting his name out there. Alya Cesaire, a teenager running the most successful blog in Paris with one of the few exclusive interviews with the hero Ladybug. Chloe Bourgeois the mayor's beloved daughter. The rest of the class was just as impressive, a few sports fanatics, a couple musicians, some super nerd who made a sentient robot, some loser who was making superhero comics? Apparently they were popular so whatever. Some girl who apparently won a hat competition with a hideous bowler hat with a feather? A wannabe model who had pictures of herself wearing clothes from a photoshoot she did that Lila would DIE for. But most infuriating was the up and coming actress of the class she had starred in several commercials after Nino’s award winning amateur short films had her starring in a leading role, Lila had to take a deep breath and remind herself that if things went the way she planned that would soon be HER and not some chubby little charity loving wimp.
 Getting her mother to agree to enroll her into Collège Françoise Dupont was easy, if anything her mother was delighted and happy to see Lila taking her education so seriously that she’d looked into schools all by herself. Lila only put on a fake smile and told her mother that she needed a good education if she was going to become a woman half as impressive as her mom. That got Lila’s annoyance of a mother to fold like a deck of cards and she called the same day to book a tour of the school and a meeting with the faculty to discuss her daughters placement and safety after all the whole ‘akuma’ situation bothered Delia Rossi greatly when it came to the safety of her daughter.
 Getting her mother to take her to the school tour and meeting was just as easy as getting her to call and the second they arrived Lila began hunting for the teacher who would help get her what she wanted. While she could still access Agreste and his classmates from another class it would be easier if she could be in the same class and for that she needed to find and meet with his teacher a woman mentioned in a few of his and his classmates posts for being the ‘best’ teacher they apparently even through her parties to celebrate how kind and great she was. Gag. But hopefully if she was as sweet as she said she’d also be just as stupid. Kind people were ALWAYS stupid. 
 Luckily sneaking away wasn’t hard. The second they entered their meeting with the Principle Lila knew she’d thrive in the school. The fat man was clearly nothing but a bumbling fool and the way he bent over to try and please Lila’s mother due to her status and wealth made it clear he was someone easy to use. However when he introduced Lila’s teacher a Ms. Mendeleiev Lila could tell she would only give her trouble. The woman was stiff, serious and oozed no nonsense this would not do at all so Lila acted fast, batting her eyes and asking in an excited tone if she could explore the school while her mom and Damocles continued talking. 
 The second the office door closed behind her Lila dropped her fake smile and went on the hunt. No way was she going to Ms.Mendeleleiv’s class. Luckily Adrien Agrerste and his classmates loved posting pictures on there stupid little instagrams and using them she quickly tracked down the classroom. Luckily she had gotten her mother to plan the meeting for the lunch period of a school day which meant that the person Lila wanted to see was in her class eating lunch. Now all Lila needed to do was convince Caline Bustier that Lila Rossi should be in her class. Putting on an innocent smile Lila shyly knocked on Bustier's open door. 
 Getting the redheaded teacher on her side had been easy. Almost TOO easy. It was like the whole of Paris was filled with gullible morons just waiting for Lila to give them a proper use. By the end of the lunch period Caline Bustier had gone back to the office with Lila to talk her mother and Damocles into putting Lila into her class. And all Lila had to do to get Caline to dance to her tune was play the role of the shy sweet perfect girl who had just lost her father and moved to a strange new city, slipping in how she was the daughter of a powerful woman and sprinkling in details about her many accomplishments in the acting scene as well as her hard won pageants only seemed to make Bustiers eyes gleam with greed. Lila soon figured her out, it seemed Caline Bustier liked to collect the cream of the crop for her class and now she wanted to add Lila to her jewel set. It worked out well so Lila let it happen.
 With everything set up Lila waited eagerly for her first day of class ready to take a seat on her new throne and command her new subjects to help build her an untouchable career filled with fame and wealth. Even if she was using them they should thank her after all by helping her with her career they would be helping their own careers after all Lila needed them to succeed so that she could succeed. If anything they should thank her for selecting them. As Lila headed to bed that night she could not help the grin that slid onto her face. Losing her dearest father had been a blow but Lila would still conquer the world. Just like they had always planned.
Sadly. In every kingdom there is a fire starter. Someone who doesn’t know their place. Lila had met many of them on her journey to the top. In the past her father would have taken care of them but now Lila was on her own and she wasn’t dealing with just one but two.
 Ladybug, the local hero who Lila should never have had the displeasure of meeting face to face, had ruined her shot at wrapping Adrien Agreste around her finger. Worse still Lila’s mother had dragged her back to italy after learning of Lila’s akumatization. It had taken Lila awhile to convince her mother that she was not only safe but remembered nothing of the incident. She also needed to lie about the real reason for the incident claiming that she’d been akumatized after she lost her fathers gift necklace. Luckily while she convinced her mother to head back to Paris Caline Buster the gullible woman that she was let Lila video chat with the class and weave them a pretty lie about her mothers work taking her somewhere much more exotic then her grandparents stupid apple tree farm. 
 However during her second ‘first day’ at her new school Lila met her second rival. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Lila was shocked by the influence she held over the others in class. Her social media profiles made her seem like a nervous shy wreck who could trip over her own feet any second. Yet apparently she was some fashion designer wannabee and class president. Lila soon learned that Marinette held power and popularity and Lila knew she needed her GONE asap if she was going to succeed. 
 But things just kept getting in her way, after getting Marinette booted out of the school Adrien had interfered he’d offered Lila a good deal, worse she still had hopes of making the blonde idiot her’s and since he was ALL about friendship and forgiveness she needed to play the part for him. So she let Marinette slink back to school and prepared herself for their battle. Lila would get rid of Marinette and Ladybug one way or another.
 It took years to hatch the perfect scheme. As seasons changed and Lila got older, her brilliant plan had half succeeded. Now at 16 years old if you looked in magazines or out your window at billboards it wasn’t just Adrien Agreste’s face anymore. No Lila was there too now acting as THE face for Gabriel’s young womens fashion line. Her mother had stopped complaining once Lila’s grades went up which was easy to achieve when she could pay, guilt, or manipulate someone into doing her homework for her or worse come she could use Bustier and Damocles to fix her grades. After all having a supermodel with a mother in Politics looked good for the school and helped bring in donations from wealthy parents so her grades should reflect that.
 But despite how well things were going the thorn in her side had remained. Ladybug continued to be an annoyance that dominated Adrien’s focus. While Marinette continued to ruin her schemes. When they were 13 Lila had tried spreading rumors and lies but Marinette kept disproving them with her perfect little good girl act. At 14 Lila upgraded to sabotaging Marinette making sure she missed parties, deadlines, she even destroyed a dress commission Marinette claimed was for some big shot called Penny Rolling? Yeah Lila had never heard of a Penny Rolling in rock music, what a pathetic lie. Annoyingly however Marinette bounced back when she missed parties the class waved it off as Marinette being busy being ‘awesome’ when she missed deadlines she somehow still came through and the big dress commission Lila destroyed? Marinette somehow salvaged it and Lila saw it on a magazine cover a week later.
 At 15 Lila and Marinette entered a cold war period. Lila had one to many close calls where Marinette almost exposed her and with her job at Gabriel Lila wasn’t going to risk it. However that didn’t mean things were peaceful. Lila had learned she could weaponize her classmates. They were kind gullible idiots but if there was something Lila had learned it was that they were all a little selfish. All of them had big ambitions and goals in life and the talent to back them up its why Lila had chosen them in the first place as thanks to their talent she’d appeared in a few of Nino’s award winning short films which got her commercial work, she’d also used Alya’s blog to create a booming social media presence for herself, through Kitty Section Lila got to meet several music people. But in order to be as successful as they were, the class sometimes made selfish requests of each other and Lila was able to manipulate that. Marinette was crushed under the weight of demands she could never bring herself to say ‘no’ to. Lila even heard from Alya that Marinette had closed her websites commissions just to help her class. The stupid designers dreams got stalled thanks to her ‘kindness’ while Lila’s career took off toward the stars.
 But now at 16 Lila was done playing with Marinette she needed her GONE. Marinette was a threat to her career and her kingdom but the real straw that broke the camel's back was when Marinette used one of Lila’s own lies against her forcing her to back down from starring in one Nino’s newest short films, and giving the role to that dumpy little goody brat Mylene. The film had gone on to win international awards and Mylene had been given a job offer for a tv show. Lila had seen red at that and knew that she had been playing nice too long Marinette needed to go.
 Luckily Lila had learned a few new tricks. Getting rid of Marinette directly would endanger her if things went wrong. She’d seen that first hand with her father. No, the best way to get rid of a threat was to have someone else do it for you and luckily Lila had made friends in very high places. Hawkmoth was a pathetic villain with a losing streak so long it was embarrassing to call him an ally but, Lila found it handy to keep the butterfly obsessed villain on her side.And now he was going to help her greatly. Lila had for years noticed the similarities between Ladybug and Marinette mostly in how they kept interfering in her life. Now did Lila actually believe they were the same person? No, Marinette was too much of a cowardly little mouse to be the bold Ladybug not to mention they looked nothing alike… Not that Lila could actually remember what Ladybug looked like when she tried to think about it. But whatever the point was, Hawkmoth was desperate and Marinette was the perfect person to point his way. 
 It only took 30 minutes for Lila to convince Hawkmoth to look into Marinette between the girls track record at never being akumatized her constant absences whenever Ladybug was around. And all the other lies Lila came up with to make Marinette seem more suspicious then she was Hawkmoth was convinced to check in on Marinette. After that Hawkmoth and Lila met a few more times each time Lila pushed him a little farther and whispered in his ear some more fake evidence until finally she got him right where she wanted him. It was a simple suggestion, an idea she acted like she’d only just had and not one she’d been plotting for months. 
 “Why not burn down the house? If she is Ladybug and hiding the other miraculous there she will have to reveal the hiding place in order to retrieve them from the rubble?” When Hawkmoth answered in silence before pulling back his butterfly from Lila breaking there connection and conversation she knew she’d made her mark.   
 Sure enough a few days later Lila turned on the news to be met with a delightful sight. The best bakery in all of Paris was burning down to the ground in an uncontrollably wild blaze. For the next few hours firefighters fought back the fire but by the time it was done burning there was hardly anything left. The family was sadly unharmed as it turns out Marinette and her parents were having a family night which included a trip to the new horror movie hitting theaters. Lila bit her lip annoyed as she’d hoped Hawkmoths unhinged frame of mind would have him remove Marinette permanently as with her home burned there was still a chance she would return to school and continue being a pest.
 The following monday however Lila learned her plan had still worked just fine as a heartbroken Alya sobbed into Lila’s shoulder that Marinette’s parents had decided they could no longer handle the stress of living in Paris and were moving back to Tom’s childhood home in America. Lila had to fight to keep the grin of victory off her lips as she rubbed Alya’s back and made fake promises that it would all be okay and that surely her and Marinette would stay bff’s even with the distance. The look of Adrien looking confused and heartbroken only delighted Lila more. With Marinette gone Lila would finally be able to do what she set out to do 3 years ago. She would replace her and become the one everyone loved and listened to. 
Lila had finally won.
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( Life’s been stressful and busy but I’m happy I can finally post the first chapter of this big dumb stupid idea. I hope you guys are eager for more! )
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midnightrosebell · 1 year
Marinette Dupain-Cheng deserves better, let's begin.
This is super fucking long for no reason.
ALSO, there is charater bashing, cursing, and I would love to hear your opinions in the comments as this is what is post is for!
Firstly, Marinette Dupain-Cheng:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is no matter how much that fucking theme song says it, NOT your average girl.
Firstly she is the daughter of the two most famous bakers in paris, that is shown during the series as we see a long line of people froming outside the bakery as the seasons progress. From this the Dupain-Cheng's have a substantial amount of money as we can presume. And she has a famous uncle in Shanghai, and during this we see her parents pay for her to go jest because she wants too. If we take a look at her grandmother we can see that she travels the world with her motorcycle, although this may be an in expensive way of travel compared to the normal plane cost; over the years of her doing this it will add up. And seeing how little we know of sabeins family and how Marinette is the only child, we can presume that she will have a big inheritance when she's older. Basically she has her life set for her the day she was born.
She not only can from a rich back-round but also made her own back-round for her self as a self though (seeing that we never seen her attend actual classes) and Purely hand made designer. She not only made designs for jagged stone but presumably has commissions from Clara Nightingale, has be recognized by the Queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois (controllingassmotherfuckingchildneglecter) And the one a only Gabriel Agreste (hawkbitch). She also made costumes for their school play, and did commissioms for outside people/friends. She also knows a lot of famous people/friends with the children of said people. Like alya's mother who is the head chef at Andrea hotel. Alya also runs a pretty famous blog called they ladyblog witch highlights the attacks on paris and has core footage for the hero's. This can be said for the reset of the classes future cause as of right now, they have something that, already is successful. Like max, he built a robot, helped successfully bring back dinesours and has already has planned projects for the future. Rose, she is the leading female singer for the kitty section and also has made her own perfume. Nino, he made a play at the school and is a DJ and has performed for so major events. Nathalie, he and Marc makes comics about Paris's superhero situation and has already gained a large following as we can presume. Then there is Luka son of jagged stone and lead singer in the kitty section. His sister juleka daughter of jagged stone and and been dabbled in the modeling industry. We all know about Adrien and Cholé, but what about Sabrina? Well, she is the daughter of the police chief in Paris. Kim is a Olympic swimmer, Alix a professional skatter and the Kagami, an professional and Olympic fencer.
Needless to say she has quite the backing.
Now, let's ge into the actual reason we're here.
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖𝚜.
•firstly she babysit for her classmates little siblings and Nadia and she also makes commission (as mentioned above)
•She provides emotional support the characters and makes sure they don't get akumatized. Not only that, she also listens to understand and gives advice to the person. Even BEFORE the akumas.
•She helps ALOT in the bakery ever since she was young and takes her time to make, box, and give out pastries so those who she thinks need it. It also helps her parents out and bring in new customers. She bakes for special events for her classmates like brithdays.
•She is also the class president and is in charge of everything in the class, wether it be, fundraisers, class trips, brithday party's , class hangout, so on so forth.
•Lila. Just fucking Lila Rossi who's names predicated her fate. She made marinette life a living hell even after she left, through CHOLÉ (hang on we are getting their) And got her expelled, turned the class on her, attempting to turn her mother as well and threaten her to keep her mouth shut. SHE ALSO FUCKING AKUMATIZED HER SELF TO GET BACK AT HER.
•CHOLÉ BOURGEOISIE. She TOURNAMENTED Marinette for nearly SIX FUCKING YEARS. This is why I HATE CHOLÉ redemption arc. She bullied, embarrassed, and destroyed Marinette in more ways than one. She told everyone Marinette had a crush on Kim, thus getting Marinette embarrassed after Kim openly mocks her WITH cholé. She destroyed her self-esteem by this and by also at every little moment, put her down whenever Marinette had a single ounce of pride in herself. She JOINS Lila to make her life a living hell and keep her away from Adrien.
•She had to watch, one by one, as herclassmates fell for Lila's lies, had to watch Lila lie and framed her, watch their disgust and disappointment. Watch as them turn against her, watch as they slowly froze her out. Only to act as if nothing happened when Lila had left for one of her "trips" and when she was exposed as a lying mole. Now for them to come retreating back, even now, not trusting her as they used to. Not even her parents.
•she can't even cry, scream, or shout about how much they hurt her because she is the "right example. " The sign of hope that they can look up to as she has never been akumatized. She is the class representive, the golden child, the sweetest and the most forgiving girl that always owns up to her mistakes. She is the everyday ladybug.
•Marinette can't lean or rely on anyone. Who would their be to help her? She is supposed to be the person OTHER people can rely on, that they can talk to advice on what they can do. To help and comfort THEM in THEIR time of need. Not Marinette she is the therapist.
•After all of this, you bet your ass that she needs therapy. She went through so much seeing her family, friends, classmates and her citizens go through so much pain, so much anger that they can't even express at the fear of being akumatized. She watched her city, burn, flood, explode, controlled, over and over again. She watched as the ones she loved would die before her eyes knowing, knowing that she can't do anything about it.
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗-
○Ladybug fights akumas almost every other day.
○She can bearly express her emotions both in and out of battle as "She is ladybug".
○She has to handle and take care of all the kwamis. 19 MINIATURE GODS by her self without being caught. Then had to deal with the responsibility of being a guardian and most likely has to go through training in the future. Not to mention the possibility of more gardians visiting in the future
○She has to deal with reporters everywhere she is asking questions upon questions after her long and tiresome battles. Such questions even step into her bongeries, making her uncomfortable, but they don't care, and she doesn't want to come off a bad and have her citizens lose belief in her. Not to mention that one episode with Nadia when she interviewed the two heroes and accused them of being together. Honestly, the joke chat noir had made as well was a little too far seeing they were only a few months into being heroes.. and she was what? 11?
○Then there is chaton would matter of factly keeps trying to make advancies towards her and getting in her personal space and keeps persisting on a data and how their are "meant to be" and "their the only ones for each other" "are bond to be together" I don't even think chat knows he doing this. However I doubt that theory as well as he guilt trips and manipulates ladybug into feeling bad about not showing up on dates (even though she states that she wouldn't be as to attend) and when rejecting him, she sates her reasons clearly but guilt trips her more (by staying that he understands but he still loves her AND Threatened to stop being chat) making her feel bad. During this he doesn't listen to her, legit ignores her and is snarky towards her and in general he's a bitchy pussy cat in a few episodes. HE EVENS THREATS PLAGG TO TELL HIM WHAT WRONG WITH LADYBUG OR ELSE HE'S TAKING OF THE RING. Honestly, I love adrien. I really do. But the boy needs some major help, okay
○Then there's a hawkbitch who decided to target children to bring back his dead wife WHO WILLINGLY DIED TO BRING ADRIEN INTO THE WORLD AS A SETIMONSTER Akumatized the entire world to come after ladybug (mostly likely knowing that it'll probably kill her in the process) AND THEN THERE IS NATALIE– He teams up with a child and that child did something he's been trying to do for the past 3 years. Then He sends Lila after her make her life miserable. Then he sacrificed himself to be with Emily, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MARINETTE. Imagine your tournamenter of your city turns out to be the person you aspired to be when you grow up- And then jest fucking suicides in front of you.
○Has to fight no matter what, time, place, in side and outside suit. What the actual Fuck she can't even take a break.
○She was thrown into being a hero with no training what so ever. (I am looking at you master Fu)
○She has to watch her city be destroyed over and over again. The place where she grew up, the people she loved, she can't even save them as she has to focus on the akumatized victim.
○She had to watch people die in front her eyes. Bruned, drowned, decapitated, frozen, stabbed, crushed. Then right after see them walk and talk as if nothing ever happened.
○Not to mention how many times she had to risk her life over and over again for this city.
○Risk her identity and safety of those around her is she is ever found out.
○she can't even ask for goddamn help mentally because of her identity as a hero and was betrayed by someone she thought she can trust. She has to keep this all to her self while being Paris's knight and shinning Amour.
○Also, chat blanc. That- that episode was fucking traumatising. Also if you didnt realise after this episode, marinette started to act differently. This is because her tendency to over think grew from there. She started to overthink more because she realised that one action may have a chain reaction that she might not be aware of. She started to really overthink from there about her actions and responses.
○Fuck hawkbitch and felix. Natalie deserves better. Adrien needs a mental evaluation and marinette need to go on vacation.
i would like to say I don't not have any thing against the characters it is jest my opinion on what I've seen through out the show, if you do not agree please jest ignore it or comment on this post! I would love to hear your reasons and responses!
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lea-panthera · 1 year
Hello world!
It's been a while but hey, SCHOOL'S FINALLY OVER!
Being an upcoming high-school junior, I still have plenty of work to do this summer, but I have some goals to meet.
Firstly, though I will mostly be focusing on my works on AO3, I'll be popping in on Wattpad to update every now and then. I'll post here whenever I make an update.
Secondly, there are a few fics I need to finish by this summer, notably 'Our Love Destroyed the World'(which I haven't touched since...DECEMBER?!?), 'The Defection', and 'Three Crazy Days'. Also, I'm planning to write a sequel to 'Head Scratches'.
For those of you who have no idea what fics I'm talking about:
-'Our Love Destroyed the World': a Cat Blanc AU fic where Cat Noir goes to the alternate timeline with Ladybug
-'The Defection': An AU where the final battle between Monarch and the super duo happened after Multiplication and Adrien died(DjWifi children are protagonists)
-'Three Crazy Days': Marinette has to babysit her future daughter for three days, leading to surprising revelations and identity reveals
-'Head Scratches': Just that. Cat Noir getting head scratches from his lady.
Thirdly, regarding 'A Demonslayer's Tale', I've revised my original plan for the story and realized that with the new changes I've made, the story will be too long for a single fic, so it will be split into two volumes. I'll continue updating over the summer.
Finally, I'll be trying my hand at art this summer and trying to get better at drawing, so I might post art here, both Miraculous-related and non-Miraculous-related. Bear with me because currently I'm a terrible artist, and I'll be open to any drawing suggestions you guys have.
I'll probably be updating a few fics tomorrow, so stay tuned!
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buggachat · 1 year
“Lila Rossi bashing” is such a funny ao3 tag. Like announcing that you’re gonna be treating an antagonist as an antagonist. Im gonna tag every fic that features an akuma as “Gabriel Agreste bashing”
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trashyangelic · 4 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥, +𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘵
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Takes Place on Heroes Day!
CREDIT BY @trashyangelic! Aurore Beaureal was on her way to TVi News Building as Weather Girl. At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi. She is extremely suspicious for Aurore after hearing that Lila has been bullying Marinette into keeping quiet.
Aurore was about to go to the news building to broadcast the weather with Mirelle but told her that she will be held back something caught her attention.
At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi this made her quite suspicious about her and took her phone to select an app for recording. She carefully followed Lila to where she is going.
Aurore wasn't happy with Lila for ruining Marinette's reptuation back in school. She will make sure that girl won't be a bother to Marinette anymore unlike Alya who doesn't fact check on her blog. Time to catch the fox. But I need to be careful not getting caught by that liar. How dare she bully Marinette into keeping quiet. After hearing rants from Marc that Adrien told Marinette to take a high road. That is a horrible advice. Who side is Adrien on? She thought to herself.
She continue following Lila not afar but not too close she doesn't want Lila to get too suspicious. Then she walked to a dark alley where she used that shortcut to go to school. She lean against the trash can when turning on the recording but kept her phone on silent. Then heard another thump on the ground it really startled her but kept calm.
"Ah finally you showed up, Hawkmoth." Lila said annoyanced. "Keep it down, Ms. Rossi. What do you want?" Hawkmoth scowl at the girl they don't realize the phone recording them and their conversations. The conversation became very dark about Marinette it really concern Aurore the most then saw that Hawkmoth detransform into Gabriel Agreste. She jaw dropped but pissed this whole time it was Adrien's father who is the villain of their home. Oh I am is definitately showing this to Nadja about what I have discovered but they are not going to be very happy when they watch it from my phone. Aurore thought to herself. Then continue watching how their conversation lead to where there will be a mass akumatized in her school but Lila had a plan to get Marinette framed for what she didn't do.
Then Mr. Agreste turn back into Hawkmoth and departed away as Lila begin to walk out of the other side of the alley way to a photoshoot. "Can't be late for the photoshoot." Lila muttered to herself not realizing that she had got herself caught by none other than Aurore who looks angry but kept calm she doesn't want to get akumatized for nothing.
After a couple hours later, Aurore send a copy to Sabrina but warned her to send this to her father for a full arrest on two people but tells her to watch the recording video she had discovered when following Lila but much detail of when hearing from her classmate about Lila going for photoshoot. Then also send a copy to Lila's mother who she found online at the Embassy website turns out Lila lied about her mother's job she send this to her email which has the .gov instead of .com from what Chloe complied back in school with Marinette and Sabrina earlier.
Aurore had a feeling that Lila's mother is going to be pissed when watching the recording but also giving her details on what her daughter has done in the school as in Collège Françoise Dupont by linking the ladyblog first post.
Then she went back to the TV News Buildings and informed the manager and Nadja what she had discovered but she had a feeling they will respond from shock to anger later. "Sorry I'm late. I got held back. But you won't believe what I discovered, I had to put a video recording on their conversation. I found out who is Hawkmoth and he has a accomplice who goes to the same school as Mirelle, Marinette and I. Please watch this video on my phone you'd be shock who is Hawkmoth." Aurore said explaining her part which surprised the manager and shock Nadja.
As the Manager and Nadja both looked at each other but nodded so they let Aurore play the clip as both begin to watch.
Don't be a ghost reader! But also comment if you want the next chapter!
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artzychic27 · 7 months
Here’s more Favoritism AU stuff
The police have received many anonymous calls telling them that Marc has drugs in his locker at DuPont. An hour of searching later, they haven’t found anything, but due to his record caused by you-know-who, they usually come running any time his name is mentioned
It’s given Marc a reputation as a “badass criminal,” which is not what Marinette intended, but at least people think he’s capable of committing crimes
Nathaniel, Lila, Chloé, and Félix are trying to figure out which gym Marc does to so they can watch him work out
Nathaniel: *Staring at a map* Okay! I think I’ve narrowed it down! He’s at the one near the pool hall!
Félix: Ah, of course! It’s the one furthest away from the wretched shrew’s bakery!
Chloé: We’re so stupid! It makes perfect sense! It opens in ten minutes!
Lila: Let’s go see dem biceps!
Little do they know, he’s joined an underground fight club as an outlet for his anger
Marc barely flinches anymore when Marinette insults him. He honestly stopped caring about what she had to say when he was eight
Now he just listens to death metal on his AirPods whenever she talks
He actually threw a printer at Mme. Bustier after she compared him to his cousin. She dodged, unfortunately
Marc REFUSES to leave Kiran alone with Marinette for even a second, and he most certainly is not letting him play with any of the kids she babysits. Lord knows what poison she’s been feeding them
Carrie Powers AU ⬇️
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Discovered his powers when he was seven and a rock nearly hit Marinette
Marc does arson with his mind. There’s no evidence so no one can convince him
Lila’s the only one who knows about his telekinesis and being her chaotic neutral self, she convinces him to cause a little chaos around DuPont
So far he’s tripped Damocles, kept the lockers of Marinette’s lackeys permanently locked, tore up Marinette’s homework, and ruined Marinette’s outfits with paint
Lila: See? I told you revenge could be fun.
Marc: Okay, I stood corrected.
Lila: Yeah, you did. Now let’s flush some phones!
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jennrypan · 1 year
"Marinette is forgiving"
Yes, but not towards the two 14 year old assholes. But specifically forgiving to the.
Asshole that gave Hawkmoth all the miraculous, and then. Hawkmoth himself because?? Poor little man lost his wifey and he was oh sooo sad about it he had to terrorize all of Paris.
No yeah, definitely deserving of forgiveness.
You will NEVER convince me that Gabriel fucking Agreste or even fucking Felix are more deserving of forgiveness than Chloe and Lila.
I dont wanna hear SHIT.
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ravennm84 · 2 years
Lila’s Karen Moment
This is a story that I’ve been kicking around for a while, thinking of Lila having a moment where she’s in a bad mood and takes her anger out on someone, not knowing that the person is closely connected to her classmates. And... I just love writing “Lila gets exposed” stories. Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!!
Most of the class knew about Max’s cousin, Nick. They had been raised in the same apartment building and absolutely adored each other. Although Nick was a couple years older, he had been diagnosed with autism when he was four years old. Which wasn’t to say he was slow, just a little different. Mostly, Nick was shy and wouldn’t talk to people he wasn’t familiar with. He had a hard time looking people in the eye and didn’t understand social cues.
Still, the class, at least those who had grown up around him, knew just how sweet and caring he was; and how open he could be with people he knew. Kim and Alix would include him in their races, knowing how much fun he had running with them. Nathaniel would do drawings of Nick as a superhero, saving the day and protecting Max, which always put a smile on his face. Nino had a playlist with a bunch of show tunes, Nick was a big fan of Phantom of the Opera and Fiddler on the Roof. Marinette taught him how to do paper folding when they were younger, and he soon became better at it than she was. Even Chloe had a soft spot for Nick after he had bashfully given her a rose made of gold paper and said she was a ‘pretty princess’.
But none of the class cared as much as Max. He would go over to his cousin’s apartment every day in the morning to make sure he got up. Tell him stories about the class and show Nick pictures. Heck, one of the reasons he had invented Markov was to create someone to be a companion for Nick, so he would never be alone. Nick had a tendency to wander off when he was bored or saw something interesting. The few times Max, his mom, or Nick’s parents had lost sight of him; they had gone into total panic attacks. Only for Nick to find his way back to them a few hours later. If Nick had a little companion robot like Markov, it would be a lot safer for him.
So, when Max's aunt asked him if he could have an activity day with Nick, he was all for it. When he told the class, they decided to have a picnic for Nick. They had all been busy lately, it had been a while since they last saw him.
It was a beautiful day at the park. Nino had a full playlist ready to go, along with new songs from Hamilton and Six, he had a feeling Nick would like Haus of Holbein. Marinette had brought all his favorite pastries and a couple new ones he might like, making sure they were organized by size. Even Chloe had come, having Sabrina bring a ream of multicolored paper, perfect for folding. 
As soon as Max, Nick, and Markov arrived, there were good vibes all around. Kim and Alix raced laps with him around the fountain until Kim tripped and fell into the water; big smile from Nick. When No Way played, Nick had Nino put it on repeat over and over until everyone was singing it. When Rose and Juleka got there, they had been running late; Nick came behind the goth and started braiding her hair. He loved touching her hair and had done this many times before. Rose would always watch carefully and would gently tell him if he pulled too much.
Nick was in the middle of creating an entire boutique of paper flowers when the akuma alert went off. Alarms were always too much for Nick and before anyone could stop him, he had covered his ears and ran down the sidewalk. Markov followed as best as his little propeller would let him, but fell behind. 
Even as the swarm of magical ladybugs swept across the sky a few minutes later, signaling the end of the attack, Nick didn't slow down. He only stopped after he ran head first into a familiar girl wearing twin ponytails and an orange blazer. Both teenagers fell to the ground with Nick cowering and quietly apologizing, while Lila glared at the boy. Markov, to his credit, recognized her expression as hostile and began recording in case something happened. And boy, did it.
"You stupid, clumsy retard! What the hell are you doing?" Lila screamed as she stood over the cowering boy. 
"I… I-"
Nick curled into a ball on the ground, scared and in pain from the unexpected strike. 
"Shut up, you don't get to talk. Retards like you aren't allowed to talk. How did you even get out of your ward? Things like you should be locked up since your parents weren't smart enough to drop you off a cliff." 
Another cry and Lila kicked him out of the way with her boot, grumbling as she walked off that her outfit got dirty and scuffed. Not once did she bother to look up and see Markov hovering above them. The little robot stopped recording and floated down to comfort Nick while sending their coordinates to Max. 
Ten minutes later, the class and Max were gently leading his cousin back to the park. He was shocked and angry to see the bruises and nail marks on Nick's cheek. The marks meant that they weren't the result of the akuma attack. Those would have been healed by the miraculous cure. This would have been done by someone else after the initial attack. Marinette had rushed home to grab a medical kit while the others did their best to cheer Nick up. It wasn’t until Marinette got back that Markov was able to get everyone's attention.
"Max, I was able to record the interaction that resulted in your cousin’s injuries. Including the identity of his attacker. Would you like to see it?"
After Nick was properly distracted by Marinette and Nathaniel showing him a new paper folding technique, and moving a small distance so he wouldn't hear, Markov played it. The class looked on in absolute shock and disgust as they watched their "friend" verbally and physically attack one of the kindest, sweetest people they knew. 
After watching it a second time, to convince themselves that it really was Lila, they went ballistic! Nino was on the phone with Alya, telling her what he'd just seen. Max was angry-dialing his aunt and mother to tell them what happened, Markov had already forwarded the video to his email to send to the adults. Rose and Juleka displayed a surprising amount of strength as they kept Kim and Alix from hunting Lila down themselves. Sabrina had called her father to report the assault. Chloe was also on the phone with her father, demanding that he have the Rossi family kicked out of Paris immediately. 
Lila was beyond annoyed by the time she stomped into her family's apartment. First, her akumatization failed and she was turned back to normal after just a few minutes. That mangy cat even had the audacity to compare her to the fanatic bird guy. Then she got knocked down by some pathetic boy who couldn't even apologize right. She was so angry that she ended up slapping him a couple times before kicking him out of the way. And, just her luck, her phone got damaged from the fall.
When she got home, she barely made the effort to wave at her mom in the kitchen before going to her room. After changing into a new outfit, Lila took a few minutes to think up a good story as to how her phone was damaged and reasons why she needed the newest model to replace it. When she heard her mom talking to someone, she figured she was talking to her father over Zoom. He was back at his school in Italy. Maybe she could convince him to side with her for a new phone. 
However, she was met by two police officers that greeted her by name. Lila didn't get the chance to say anything before the men were arresting her for assault. Her cries went to deaf ears as she was taken away with her mother following them to the station. Even there, she had no chance to spin her lies as her mother and lawyer kept telling her to shut up. The only times they demanded she speak were to questions she didn't want to answer. 
Why did you hit a stranger who accidentally knocked you down? 
You were akumatized? How could you not tell me? 
How are you already back to normal? You told me how those useless, fake heroes take weeks to defeat a single akuma. 
Not so silent. 
It was the police that indignantly corrected Greta Rossi that time. For a few minutes they were going back and forth while Lila stewed between the four angry adults. She really wished that an akuma would come to her, but none came. Unknown to her; Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Pegasus were all camped out on the surrounding buildings to keep that from happening. They'd already spotted and caught three butterflies. 
Eventually, Lila was released into the custody of her mother, but was warned that they should expect to be contacted with a court date very soon. The entire way home, Greta was yelling and berating her daughter for not only physically and verbally attacking someone who accidentally bumped into her, but lying about the akuma situation. She already planned on personally escorting Lila to school on Monday to have an in depth discussion with her teacher and principal. Lila pleaded with her mother to just listen to her, but Greta wasn't about to fall for any more of her daughter's lies.
Monday turned out to be even worse for Lila with all her diseases and attendance issues coming out during the meeting at school. As well as the incident with Marinette. She tried to cry and tell her side of the story; but her mother, the principal, or Marinette would contradict her with facts. This left more lies exposed, giving her another six months of being grounded without an allowance, and the possibility of an expulsion from school. 
Marinette was soon excused back to class. Lila was formally suspended for three weeks, would have to finish the school year with her class, and then repeat the academic year. If she wasn't expelled, that is. Lila was in tears as she pleaded with the two adults, begging them to just give her detention and summer school instead of holding her back a year. It didn't work. 
Eventually, Lila was sent out of the room and left sulking in the hallway. It was just her luck that Max, Nathaniel, and Kim were going to the library to work on a research paper. The three boys scowled at her, she didn't bother to hide her glare today. When they stopped close to her, she sneered harder. 
"What do you freaks want?" She snapped. 
Lila cradled her reddening cheek in shock. The other two boys were just as surprised as they stared at Max as he casually adjusted his glasses.  "I would like to state that under normal circumstances, I would never strike another person. I prefer to fight my battles with intelligence and wit rather than my fists." Then his lens glinted, giving him a menacing look. "But then you attacked my cousin. You hit him, called him disgusting names, and then kicked him out of the way like garbage."
Lila sputtered in shock for a moment before snarling at the boy. "Like that even matters. I'll get you expelled for hitting-"
"I can guarantee you that I will never face any consequences for what I just did." Max said, walking forward as he spoke and forcing Lila to back into the wall. "You have already been exposed as a liar, so no one will believe you. The cameras for this hallway are currently malfunctioning. I have no record of violence, ever. And I have witnesses that will support that I never laid a finger on you. If you tried to tell anyone, there's a 99.874% chance that they would say you're lying."
Kim shrugged as he looked at the two of them. "I didn't see anything."
Nathaniel looked surprisingly smug as he said, "I bet she made it up as a way to get back at the family that's suing her. Even the mark on her face, I bet she did it to herself. And it's not the first time she faked an injury to get someone in trouble."
Leaning even closer, and despite being several centimeters shorter than her, Lila felt very belittled by the boy. Since when was Max this intimidating?
"Consider this your first, last, and only warning. If you ever try to hurt my family or friends again, I will ruin you. You don't need to answer me now, I'll be watching."
Then, the three of them walked away, like they hadn't just threatened her! Like she was nothing to them! Just like… like she'd done to Marinette. Gritting her teeth, Lila wanted nothing more than to go after those boys and destroy them!
In the span of a single weekend, Max had been able to record her without her knowledge. Got her arrested for assault. Fired from Gabriel since the brand couldn’t be associated with someone who beat an autistic boy. Suspended from school, likely expelled. And most of her lies were exposed to her mother. Still, she wasn't about to let some nerd with no fashion sense get the best of her!
Lila was trying to decide the best way to get her revenge when her mother came stomping out of the principal's office. Cursing at her in rapid Italian the entire time, Greta dragged Lila out of the school. All the way home she tried to tell her mother about Max slapping her just outside the office and how they tormented her, saying that no one would believe her. 
"Will you stop, already?" Greta screamed at her daughter, catching Lila by surprise. "What makes you think, after everything you've done, that I would believe anything you say?"
"No, I am done listening to your lies. Even if some stranger came up to me and said you stole their soul from them, I would believe that person over you."
"I'm not lying! Look! Max left a mark where he slapped me!" She screamed back, pointing at the slightly red cheek.
"After what Marinette told me, it wouldn't surprise me if you did it to yourself as a way to try and get out of trouble."
"But, Mom!"
"I don't want to hear it!"
Lila couldn't believe it, the one time she was telling the truth and her own mother didn't believe her… just like Max said. After arriving back at their apartment, Lila was put on house arrest. She would be forced to study under a very strict tutor until the suspension and trial were finished. After that, she would be sent back to Italy where she would be attending the naval military school where her father, Ciro Rossi, was the vice principal. And no amount of begging, pleading, or tears would change Greta's mind.
Once Max, Kim, and Nathaniel were out of sight, the smallest boy nearly collapsed to his knees in shock. He couldn't believe he just did that. He actually hit and threatened someone! Kim was patting his shoulder, assuring him that he'd been very intimidating. Nathaniel looked just as surprised by what he'd done, but far more accepting. 
"Do you think she bought it?" Max asked, a slight tremor in his voice.
"I would have, you were really believable," nodded the red head.
"Yeah, you were scary, man. I'm so proud of you." Kim noogied his head. 
Pushing the larger boy off of him, he gave Kim a smile before they went back to their project. He didn't like how he acted, even towards a terrible human being like Lila Rossi. But for Nick, he'd do it again.
@2confused-2doanything @7-sage-7 @aadnrsstar @abrx2002 @awkwardromances @bayball @babylovebug18 @botanicalfoxx @back-cats-and-broken-mirrors @caffeinetheory @cheshire5210 @chocolateherringtacofan @city-of-all-tunas @classycollectorreviewworld  @corabeth11 @chocolatechipcookiesandcamembert @darkened-flame @delightfulcookiesrecipespizza @fandom-trapped-03 @ghostmaster @iamblinkmarvelarmy @interobanginyourmom @izang @jesussavedevenme @kazedancer @kitten12113 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @lilypotter2018 @lunataravler @ladylupuscrow @maskedpainter @miraculouslydumb @nerd-nowandforever @naruwitch @ola-is-dead @pandacatxd @plushbookworm @plz-excuse-my-inner-ravenclaw @pheonix-biach @pandora-fucking-box @raiderofthelostbooks @ramos123 @rowanrouge @rowanyx @ren121 @seesea22 @seraphichana @sashakoi @shypeacekitten @smartlanceisreal @tazer6787 @that-girl-sakea @thecrazyfantrollshasmoved @the-smallest-kittenz @tishwinchesterannabethjackson @t1dwarrior-of-earth @ulmban @with-forward-motion @wonderbat91939 @zoiechance
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aldrendaux · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Lila Rossi, Caline Bustier, Caline Bustier's Class, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Sabrina Raincomprix, Chloé Bourgeois, Ivan Bruel, Mylène Haprèle, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Alix Kubdel, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté Additional Tags: Lila Rossi Bashing, Lila Rossi Faces Consequences, Manipulative Lila Rossi, No Classmates Salt, they're good kids, Just painfully naive and trusting, Aviation Law, Seat swapping Series: Part 1 of Lila And The Consequences Of Her Actions (No Class Bashing) Summary:
The Class is going on a trip. Lila demands that Marinette give up her seat.
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aliensunflower-fics · 2 years
CHANGING FACES Chapter 3: Where Are We Going
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After years of dealing with each other Lila Rossi win's when she  convinces Hawkmoth that Marinette is Ladybug. In order to throw off  suspicion and keep the Miracle Box safe Marinette and her supportive  parents leave Paris and head to Gotham of all places. In this new place  away from her friends and her unhealthy routines Marinette is forced to  confront herself and change for the better. Helping her on her journey  is a surprising new friend and potential ally. When Alya missing her  friend learns about the chance to win a free trip to Gotham she  convinces the class to work hard to qualify. When her new life clashes  with her old one will Marinette be able to hold on strong to her new  confidence or will she crumble under the pressure?
( This fic will be for the most part comedic, fluffy, and sweet, with  only a bit of seriousness to tie it together. With only the mildest salt  because I don't think the class or Adrien are bad people just that they  can be naive and selfish thanks to the canon writing. I hope you enjoy  reading this work and have fun with me on this journey. )
Where Are We Going
Marinette felt tired. Not the kind or tired that could be slept off but something DEEPER. It was an exhaustion that seeped deep into her bones and left her feeling heavy. Her limbs felt like rocks and her fingers ached. Her mind begged for the sweet escape of dreamless sleep. Yet voices tickled the edge of her conscious mind slowly leading her back to the waking world. Whoever was talking was trying to be considerate of her, speaking in hushed tones with all the lights but a small table lamp off. 
 Blinking slowly, Marinette’s groggy mind took in the hideous pattern on the hotel's cheap curtains and the smell of cheap greasy takeout pizza somewhere in the room. Finally her ears seemed to pop and the whispered voices of her mother and father hit her brain causing her muscles to relax. They were here, they were all safe, as Marinette’s eyes drooped she smiled contently ready to let her mind drift away to the black seas of sleep once more. That is until she heard Tikki’s signature squeaky voice thanking ‘Tom’ for the sugar cookies. All at once Marinette felt wide awake and bolted upright, shocking everyone in the room into silence. 
 There on the other side of the hotel room sitting in the too small, too cheap wooden chairs eating cheap pizza and terrible store bought sugar cookies and holding a conversation like old friends was Marinette’s dear parents, her kwami and Trixx who looked like they were delighted by everything. 
 The silence stretched for a moment or two before Sabine sighed, shook her head and smiled warmly at her daughter. 
  “I think we have some things to talk about mon petite choux, but first why don’t you grab a bite to eat you must be hungry and its going to be a bit of a late night.” 
 At her mothers words Marinette felt her breath hitch as she swallowed down her panic, with a small nod she inched closer to the end of the bed nervously taking the offered slice of pepperoni pizza. It was lukewarm and greasy but biting into it felt like heaven as her body finally registered just how hungry she was, as usual her mother was right. For a while Marinette just ate her pizza with her parents while the Kwami nibbled on their provided cookies. It was strange and peaceful. As Marinette finished up her second slice and reached for her third the silence was finally broken again by her mother who seemed to know what she said while her father still languished in uncertainty.
  “Marinette… We… We just want you to know. How proud of you we are.” 
 Marinette swallowed hard and looked away, unable to make eye contact with her family.
 “H-How did you figure it out? Kwami can’t tell others who there chosen are a-and… I thought- at least Fu told me that magic was protecting my identity?” Marinette heard her father’s nervous throat clearing as Tikki swallowed down her cookie and hovered up to Marinette eye level.
  “They figured it out earlier after you fell asleep, Marinette. I let them see me and told them who I was. It all seemed to fall into place after that.”
  “But…Tikki WHY? T-The rules w-we cant just… Have… Have I not been a good enough Ladybug? Are you leaving?”
 Tikki gasped in horror and flew over quickly soothing Marinette by hugging her face.
  “No, no! My little bug it's nothing like that I… I decided you needed some help. Marinette you have been doing such a good job and you have been doing it all alone for so long. Master Fu was foolish to think anyone could or should carry such a heavy burden without support and we should have broken the rules a long time ago!”
 Marinette nodded numbly trying to process Tikki’s words. She did not want to admit it but she’d been drowning for so long that as horrible as it felt to have her identity exposed as terrifying as it was to go against the rules she felt relief flooding her system as she exhaled a shaky breath. 
 “How much did you tell them?” At this her father let out an awkward cough and shifted in his far too small hotel chair trying to get comfortable. 
  “She told us a lot. Marinette sweetie… We're not mad. We could never be mad, you’ve been so strong and so brave, your mother is right, we are so proud of you.”
 Marinette felt her face flush and her eyes burn as hot tears gathered in her burning tired eyes. She had never once become Ladybug for the praise or fame she had never expected or wanted it, and in fact she had many times resented being Ladybug hated the lies and the act she had to put on each and every day to keep others safe and to keep them out. But hearing her parents tell her how proud they were felt like a weight being lifted off her heart. A broken hiccup left her body and Marinette realized she was crying.
  “M-Mom Dad… I’m- I'm so sorry! I n-never wanted to lie I-I had to I-I’m sorry im so so sorry.”
 “Oh non! No no no my little one my sweet pastry!” Marinette felt the warm heavy arms of her father envelop her as he moved to the bed, the cheap mattress dipping under his weight causing her to fall into him. “You don’t need to apologize for anything.”
  “Your friend Tikki told us about the rules the previous master put in place. She told us about everything you have been through. Our big strong girl. If anyone should be sorry it's us. We should have known it was you, even with magic guarding your identity how could we be so blind.”
 Marinette sobbed harder at her mothers words, opening her arms to accept her mothers embrace as she cried harder.
  “B-But I’m the reason Hawkmoth burned down our home! I’m the reason the bakery is gone! I-Its all my fault!” 
 Marinette felt her mother stiffen at her words and was shocked when her mother pulled back and grabbed her face firmly into her calloused hands forcing Marinette to stare into the fiery eyes of her mother. 
  “Marinette Dupain-Cheng none of this is your fault! That reject Disney villain has been tormenting Paris for years! He has killed people with his akumas and never once shown remorse or guilt for using even babies to achieve his goals! And you, our brave beautiful girl, you have saved people's lives over and over, you have given up hobbies, concerts, and your own peace of mind to be a hero. Your father and I are scared for you, were angry at Hawkmoth, we wish we knew sooner but angry? Never, not with you my beautiful little peanut.”
 As her mothers words sunk in, Marinette felt a fresh wave of tears fill her eyes and she threw herself into her mothers arms while her fathers large warm hand rubbed circles into her back. 
 They let Marinette cry until she was done and had her breathing back under control at which point they gave her water and more food. While she drank and ate, a sudden thought hit Marinette.
  “What are we going to do now?” 
 Tom and Sabine exchanged a look before nodding and smiling at each other. As Sabine got up to retrieve something from there meager belongings Tom beamed warmly at his daughter though Marinette did not miss the tired bags that hung under his eyes.
  “Did we ever tell you about how we met my little choux bun?” 
 Marinette’s eyebrows creased together as she thought about it. 
  “You met… At college right? Dad was doing a baking course and mom was studying business. Mom had been working herself too hard and not eating so her blood sugar totally crashed and you found her half collapsed on a bench and offered her pastries right?” 
 Tom chuckled fondly at the memory and nodded. 
  “Yes, that's right. But do you know WHERE we met?”
  “Where? … Dad, what do you mean? Wait… You didn’t meet in Paris?” 
 Sabine giggled at her daughter's shocked expression and sat next to her once more, opening the old family album that had been lucky to survive the fire in a fireproof safe. As she flipped through the pages Marinette took in all the familiar pictures of herself and her family, the bakery, and her childhood from her first time making cookies to her first tooth, but as they flipped to older pictures Marinette began to see more things she did not recognize. Her parents' marriage, a small private affair in some miscellaneous park. But then they flipped past even those going back to even younger images and Marinette realized quickly what her father was hinting at.
  “These pictures… You guys met in… America?”
 Sabine smiled warmly as she touched a picture of her and Tom’s first cake together. “We met in Gotham.” 
 Marinette sucked in a breath of air as her eyes widened. She looked between her parents' confusion and questions evident on her face. After a brief silence Sabine cleared her throat and flipped back to some older photos and began her tale.
  “When I was little, your grandma had very big dreams for me. She wanted me to become a big shot business woman, make lots of money and take care of the whole family. She made me study endlessly and never cared about my own dreams and passions. Just like your great uncle I liked to cook but your grandma did not care. I worked hard and got accepted into an American college. I knew how dangerous Gotham was but I didn’t care. I just wanted to get far away from your grandma and your great uncle encouraged me. He told me I needed to free myself and learn what I wanted to do. The rest you know, I was studying so hard I never ate and then your dad found me.”
 Marinette nodded slowly then looked at her dad curiously. He smiled and leaned over to flip the albums pages before pointing at a beautiful old building with a much younger Grandma Gina and Tom in front of it.
  “As you know your Grandma Gina and Granpa Roland had a rocky marriage. Your grandma liked to go fast, and she liked to see the world and everything in it. Your grandpa thought moving that often wasn’t good for me so he refused to go, this made their relationship rocky, they were always fighting. Finally your god-father Alfred got in the middle, he suggested a compromise. A second home somewhere fun and exciting for Gina and we could spend our summers there. Grandma chose Gotham the same place Alfred lived and I spent my summers there growing up even after the divorce. So when it was time for me to go to college I decided I wanted to live in Gotham and attend the college baking course. And then I met your mother.”
 Marinette mulled over the new information carefully taking in the photos carefully. 
  “How long did you and mom live there?”
 Tom chuckled slightly and flipped through several pages until they landed on a photo Marinette had never seen before. She was a newborn baby in her mothers arms as her parents were posed in front of an old bakery. Marinette realized that it was the same building as the earlier picture with her grandma and her dad.
 “I was… BORN THERE?” Marinette touched the image in awe and then felt a sting in her heart, “Why didn't you ever tell me? Why not talk about it? H-How did it never come up once when grandpa Alfred came to visit!?”
 Sabine exchanged a look with Tom before she cleared her throat. 
  “We… Your father and I… We loved Gotham. It is a gloomy place with a lot of crime and problems but the people there are GOOD people. They protect their own, and they work hard to try and make their city better. It was the place where we met, the place we got married, and the place where we had you, our beautiful little girl. But…”
 Marinette felt her stomach drop. “But?”
  “It is dangerous there Marinette. And when you were still just a baby you and your mother got pulled into a bad attack, you both came out okay thanks to Batman but we realized then that our life wasn’t a safe one to raise a baby in.”
 Sabine nodded gravely to her husband's words. 
  “Your father and I both knew how to defend ourselves. We even taught other people self defense on weekends at the local gym as volunteer work. But you were just a baby and we got scared about losing you. So we made the decision to abandon our lives in Gotham and come to Paris. We always told ourselves we’d go back to Gotham someday when you were older and until then we didn’t talk about it, not because we didn’t want to but because I wasn’t ready yet I got so scared remembering almost losing you and when we were finally ready to tell you and move back to Gotham you… Met Alya.”
 Marinette blinked confused and furrowed her brows. “What does Alya have to do with this?”
 “Well…” Sabine looked over at Tom who took over the conversation.
  “You had been getting bullied by Chloe all those years. We were doing everything to get you out without pulling you from Dupont because we knew it was one of the best schools, but it wasn’t working. We saw how your confidence was dipping and how you were so unhappy so we thought that maybe it was time to make the move. You were 12 and knew how to defend yourself thanks to all your lessons with your mom and me. But then you came home from your first day of school and you were so happy.”
 Sabine smiled fondly. “You had made a friend and you were talking about how excited you were, then you ran for your class president position and won and we saw how you were blooming and we could not take that away from you so we pushed Gotham aside.”
  “But… But you both love it there?! Why would you do that why didn’t you tell me at least I-I don't understand-”
  “We didn’t want you to make a decision for our sake.” 
 Marinette snapped her mouth shut, denial dying on her lips. She knew exactly what her parents were talking about. Since Lila had begun manipulating the class and having them ask more and more of her, Marinette had learned that she had a serious problem standing up for herself. If her parents had approached her wanting to move to Gotham when she was younger even with her Ladybug responsibilities she would have folded like a deck of cards and likely stretched herself thin trying to make everyone happy and do everything. 
 “We wanted you to have a choice about the move. And you have always been so caring and considerate of others and if you had known how much me and your father loved Gotham we knew you’d agree to move even if you didn’t want to. So we held off saying anything and we were just happy to see you become so confident and happy.” Sabine bit her lip and chewed at the loose skin. “Recently… We had seen how stressed you were becoming, and how your friends were treating you. Before all this happened we were planning on telling you again and asking you if maybe you’d like to move to Gotham, but now with everything… Well the conversation happened a bit sooner than we had planned. But what do you say Peanut? Wanna go on a new adventure and move to Gotham?”
 Marinette nodded slowly and looked at Tikki and Trixx on the table who had been enjoying there cookies in relative silence the whole time.
 “Tikki, what do YOU think?” At the name the small god blinked her antenna twitching.
  “I think you need to be the one to decide Marinette this is your life, and you are our guardian. We trust you because you have always taken such good care of us all these years.” 
 Marinette flinched at Tikki’s words and dug her nails into her skin. She wanted to deny Tikki’s words but she knew the tiny god was speaking from the heart. Marinette often gave the kwami freedom, she talked with them, she was their friend and guardian and she valued them as people, something Tikki and the others had told her was rare so even though Marinette did not believe in herself she believed in the honesty behind Tikki’s words.
  “I… I’ll need to use the horse Kwami Kaalki to travel back to Paris whenever an akuma happens.”
  “That's not a problem, you have the same blood sugar problem as your mom so we can inform whatever new school you go to that you might need to leave class at times to take care of that.” 
 Marinette blinked, shocked at her dad's willingness to lie but then she snorted and smiled. It felt nice having someone to help her guard her secret identity.
  “If Marinette leaves Paris Hawkmoth will stop suspecting me as Ladybug so that's a bonus, I’d be able to decompress after fights and let myself feel emotions without worrying about akumatization. I also won't have to worry about the bakery getting crushed by another toddler akuma.”
 Tikki and her parents watched her in silence letting her talk herself through her thoughts and plan as she often did when processing her stress and fear.
  “Gotham has some of the best schools, and I’d be living in Uncle Jagged city AND in grandpa Alfred’s city… But… But where will we live, how will we make money, and what about school and then there's Alya and everyone back home and what if Ladybug gets to Paris too late??”
 Before Marinette could spiral further her mother took her hands and squeezed hard pulling Marinette out of her downward fall as she tools several deep breaths and focused on her mother who was guiding her through the breathing slowly.
  “You don’t need to worry about all the details, Marinette. We still own the old bakery from the pictures, your father and I could never bring ourselves to sell it so we kept it. It will need a bit of paint and the Marinette touch but it's got good bones and it's a bigger building.” 
  “As for school, well… You may not know this but your godfather Alfred is the butler and in many ways the father and grandfather to a very rich and influential family He’s told us all about Gotham Academy and I know my beautiful incredible daughter will be a perfect fit.”
  “Gotham Academy? Are you sure we can afford it? And don’t tell me your gonna have grandpa Alfred ask his employers for a favor! I don’t need or want the help of some rich people we don't know.”
 Sabine laughed openly at Marinette's pouty face. “My daughter? Need a hand out? No, but Alfred has told us all about the scholarships there. You are as brilliant as you are talented even if it is a bit past the start of the school year I’m sure we can get you one and if not we will find another school that recognizes what a talent you are.”
 Marinette’s cheeks flushed red at her mothers teasing proud words and she pulled nervously on her long dark hair as she bit her cheek and thought about it.
  “What about… Alya and my friends? Moving it sounds so amazing, a fresh start, somewhere new, the ability to let myself feel, and the distance from Hawkmoth it all sounds incredible but… What if I lose everyone here?”
 Tom squeezed his daughter's leg comfortingly and smiled at her warmly. “Do you think Alya and the others are the type of people who will just forget you?”
  “... No… I trust Alya. It's… Someone else I don’t trust and I’m worried what that person will do.”
 “You're talking about that Lila girl again aren't you?” Marinette nodded stiffly, leaning into her mother for comfort.
  “If she hasn’t succeeded yet, then I don’t think you need to worry. BUT if she does succeed then painful as it may be you will learn who your real friends are, but what you need to decide now is where you trust Alya to be your friend even if you're across an ocean.”
 Marinette took a moment to think, letting her mothers words hit her fully. Alya was her friend and despite all the damage Lila had done and all the problems shed created Marinette still cared about Alya and valued her friendship and she knew despite everything that Alya felt the same. They were bffs and for now Marinette was willing to trust in the bonds she’d made and believe that Alya would be there for her ocean or not. 
 Marinette took a deep breath and felt her heart and mind settle. She knew what was best now, for ladybug, for the kwami, for her family, for paris, but most importantly what would be best for herself and who she wanted to become moving forward. 
 Looking at her family, Marinette smiled warmly.
  “Gotham, sounds perfect.”
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( I hope I’m releasing the chapters at a good steady pace and that you guys like it so far feedback and comments are always appreciated and thank you for your patience with my spelling and grammar english is not my first language! )
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brierburrbrito · 1 year
Okay, so huge fan of Miraculous Ladybug right here, however towards the end of season two, less of a Marinette fan. Well, less of a Marinette/Adrien fan. So! I had an idea after seeing all of the MariBat fics all over AO3 and decided ‘yes, but maybe AdriBat??? 👀’
So that’s exactly what Im doing! Im in the process of outlining an AdriBat crossover!!! Yay!
So far, the plot is that after the Miraculous team defeats Hawkmoth, and its revealed that he is in fact Adrien’s father, Adrien becomes a sort of social pariah. The miraculous’ have deactivated in order to give the Kwamii’s time to regain their energy.
Marinette and the others weren’t able to reveal their identities to Chat Noir before Adrien was sent off. He’s having a real rough time. So by some means or other, he ends up in Gotham City, all alone. He comes into the possession of *giggle* a BAT miraculous and uses it to feel like he has a purpose.
Except he also uses his own skills (and leftover cat miraculous tendencies) to steal miraculous’ from around the city, because Gotham’s rogues are somehow getting them and its making life difficult for the Bats.
So the Bats are looking for two people who ARE THE SAME PERSON. One is a hero who is more like a bat than Batman, the other is a literal Cat burglar who seems to be more stealthy than Catwoman. They learn about the Miraculous through Constantine, and call in the closest known guardian.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
All while this happens, no one knows what happened to Adrien Agreste.
And because I can’t write a heteronormative ship to save my afterlife, assume everything is gayer than a rainbow.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
I hate it that whenever I hear a Marinette stan it's always "she's not perfect but she's amazing and she's trying and she's always leaning towards the better and she's getting better and better" - which is how I feel and how they say it in the show too and it's totally ok and true, but for every other character the fans are always like "the most perfect character ever, the best and the only normal character ever in this show", and it sucks cuz no one in this show is perfect nor normal nor flawless and they've all made mistakes and I'm tired of pretending that Marinette is the only one for whom we can say so cuz you don't seem like real stans to me. You either accept both character's wrongs and rights and stan them for their rights only or you stan them for their wrongs only (which is something you do for villains mostly). But I'm sick whenever I hear someone turning a character into a saint who's never done anything wrong just because they like them. Every character is in their story and they do things that are right or wrong in their story and that's how it is. They all fight for their places and you don't have to love them all but stop acting like your favourite is immaculate and everyone else is bad.
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Stella Coccinella design for my "The Universe has it put for Lila Rossi" fic
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the funniest thing about lila-bashing fics is that in 75% of them, marinette has the entire city, the school, and half her class on her side and then has the audacity to claim that lila "won"
"only nino, max, juleka, rose, alix, and kim still believed her"
leaving mylene, ivan, nathaniel, alya, sabrina, and lila, oh yeah and adrien
chloe is a side all by herself most of the time, and then she joins mari
mari also has luka and kagami outside of school
her parents are a hit or miss
she has Actual Celebrities on her side
lots of these fics are maribat so she has an additional alfred, bruce, however-the-fuck-many kids, and the gotham city sirens ofc
also diana and clark and the superfam
u fine just ditch this place mf
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