#Lilith Capucine Boite
amora-ledezma · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland OC:
Twisted Evil Queen’s Heart Box
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Name: Lilith Capucine Boite
-(Allegedly, according to a religious theory) the first woman before Eve, she was replaced because of her rebellion and unwillingness to submit to Adam.
-French for ‘nasturtium,’ a beautiful flower(a nod towards her dorm) along with its leaves are popular for culinary and herbal uses.
-A small restaurant or nightclub, both of her parents having one respectively. Also french for ‘box,’ a hint to her role in Twisted Wonderland’s version of Snow White. She embodies the first attempt the Evil Queen made to kill Snow White, the Evil Queen’s box wherein the huntsman was supposed to put Snow White’s heart after she was killed.
“A graceful but intolerant girl who keeps her emotions in a box and lock away inside her heart, occasionally spills all of said feelings out onto a piece of paper with wording ‘worthy of The Seven,’ some would whisper.”
Dorm: Pomefiore
Class: 3-D (Student no. 11)
Unique Magic: The Heart’s Lock
-“The Heart’s Lock” allows Lilith to see right through a person’s mind and soul, what happy things have happened to them, what bad things have happened to them, what they lacked during childhood, what they need to heard etc. but if push comes to shove, she can and will use this against someone. Whether it be by words that target their weaknesses or subtle but obvious reminders of their trauma.
Club: Film Research(Former)
Best Subject: Alchemy
Worst Subject: Math
Birthday: April 10(Aries)
Age: 17
Height: 175cm
Dominant hand: Right
Homeland: Shaftlands
Mother, Rebecca Seria Boite
-Seria is her maiden surname. The epitome of elegance and empathy, but don’t let that fool you, her strict side is unforgivable, but that thankfully doesn’t stop her from being a good mother. A well-known actress, has worked with Neige before in a drama as the latter’s mentor. Owns a nightclub where 4th years from both RSA and NRC seem to frequent at.
Father, Ryder Boite
-A screenplay script writer, also a successful author. Intelligent and creative, but he seems to be more knowledgeable in arts than with dealing his and other’s emotions. A less frequent figure in Lilith’s life, but doting regardless. Owns a little(but popular) restaurant that was built to serve dishes from all over Twisted Wonderland and understand each other’s cultures.
Older brother, Gabriel Boite
-A successful business man, someone you’d assume to be serious from just looking at him, but oh boy does Lilith say that’s the complete opposite. Playful, even in professional environments he seems to inject some life in it with jokes. Protective and caring, but questions himself ever so often.
Two younger brothers and one younger sister.
Reine des Masques(by Rook)
The other baby potato(by Vil)
Role Model(by Epel)
[Lili(by Epel)]
Killifish(by Floyd)
-Despite Lilith mostly burying her emotions and never letting them show, Floyd somehow managed to get Lilith angry at him and she ended up shouting at him during her first year at NRC, she was moody because it was a week after losing in VDC. Killifishes are mostly temperamental, and they don’t get along with Betta fishes.
Prototype Epel(by Idia)
Protty(by Ortho)
-Incorporating the nickname his older brother gave to Lilith, mixed with wordplay on the word “pretty.”
Hobbies: Sewing, Embroidery, Reading books
Pet Peeves: Narrow-minded People, Discrimination
Favorite Food(s): Dark Chocolate, Macaroons, Red Velvet
Least Favorite Food(s): Anything overly-sweet
Talent: Homebrew Herbal Medicine, Writing(short snippets, poems, stories, etc.)
Likes: Card Games/Solitaire, Expensive Perfumes, Silk Scarves, White & Red Flowers
Dislikes: (1)Her or other people being put on pedestals, Bugs(especially cockroaches), Heat
-(1)But she really couldn’t get angry at Epel when she first heard him call her “Role Model,” she actually found it quite touching.
Some Trivia:
Lilith works part-time at Mostro Lounge, she started on the first day of her 2nd year; her shifts are some of the rare occasions she puts her hair up.
Lilith with her hair up/working her shift at Mostro Lounge⬇️
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Despite working for Azul, she’s never made a contract with him.
Azul has been trying to pull Lilith into a contract beyond the one they already have about her part-time job at Mostro Lounge.
She has a pretty decent relationship with Rook.
Initially disliked Epel because of his knack for gendering things, but quickly got over it as she learned it was probably because of his upbringing.
Dislikes Neige, but would still smile at him should he smile at her first.
Her and Gabriel get along as siblings would usually do, with the banter and mild violence as a love language.
Avoided Idia during her first year, but started interacting with him when she made friends with Ortho.
Usually hangs out in Heartslabyul to play solitaire or pretty much any card games with Trey, and occasionally, Riddle.
Again, the pictures are made with
By @ladyoftheheart
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amora-ledezma · 2 years
Expansion on Lilith’s Unique Magic
The Heart’s Lock isn’t something she can cast just by looking someone she’s only just met, certain conditions must be met, much like finding the right keys for every unique lock.
These conditions can be broken down into three things, the more are met, the more she can know about the person:
The person she wishes to cast her unique magic on must have casted their unique magic on her first.
For example, Riddle has collared her once, after her collar was taken off(courtesy of Vil practically storming into Heartslabyul and demanding Riddle take it off) she took one look at Riddle and saw the horrors he had to endure that caused his twisted mindset.
She must receive a handmade gift from the person she wishes to cast her magic on.
Recalling a time this was demonstrated; Trey accidentally bumped into her and made her drop her tray of food at the cafeteria, so he baked her some Mont Blanc and gave her an invitation to an Unbirthday Party as an apology. (She thought it was a bit too much, but hey, who was she to reject an apology gift frok the vice housewarden of Heartslabyul?) When she approached him after the Unbirthday Party to give her thanks, she saw how he almost saved Riddle from the poisonous values his mother hammered into him.
She must form a bond with whoever she wants to cast her magic on.
She never really knew about this one herself before meeting Vil and Rook, due to Rook’s stalking observation of Lilith, he already had a suspicion on how her unique magic works. Rook’s thoughts were confirmed when he saw Lilith’s eyes emit a soft glow when she looked at Vil after being affected by the latter’s unique magic. They started being cautious around her, but they grew closer as Vil trained Lilith for that year’s VDC. She realized it right before the VDC started, she looked at Vil as he gave her advice and suddenly found out more about him, she saw how angry he is as he watched his efforts be discarded just because the public favors Neige, she saw how he changed his name just so people can’t pin his success on his father, and she felt it herself, how angry he was when Neige won that VDC even when their performance was a mess, even when the dwarfs kept bumping into each other, even when he and Lilith put in so much effort to perfect themselves, but he knew he couldn’t show anger at the pure, innocent Neige LeBlanc.
…so Lilith was angry on his behalf instead.
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amora-ledezma · 2 years
From One to Two
Alternatively, From Lilith to Epel. Yes I’m finally starting to build Lilith’s character in game and relationships with canon characters. Anyways, here it is!
Epel never understood Vil, that’s a fact; and because he hated how Vil forced him to do things out of his comfort zone, he never went out of his way to try.
Even now, as his tears are threatening to spill from his eyes, only two things are on his mind: pure hatred for Vil, and fear because he knew he has no chance should he even attempt to fight back.
“Your posture is sluggish, you have bags under your eyes- did you even sleep at the time I told you to?! Being sleep deprived isn’t healthy for you, and it only disrupts your focus, how do you expect to learn in this state?!” Vil’s furious voice echoed and bounced off the walls of Pomefiore dorm’s ballroom.
Epel sucked in a breath through gritted teeth.
Plucking every single strand of courage he has, Epel decides today was the day he confronted Vil and plead with him to stop the hurtful words.
“Why are you acting like you care about me?! You only care about winning that dancing competition! ‘Not healthy for me?!’ Anyone with eyes can see that’s your pathetic attempt to make yourself look good!” That’s it. It spilled out before he was ready.
Tears started falling from Epel’s eyes, trailing down his cheeks.
So, he turned around and did what he knows he does best, running away. And he hated himself for it, he hated the fact he couldn’t fight back.
He hated everything about this dorm.
He hated Vil.
He hated training, hated pushing his limit, hated stepping out of his comfort zone, everything he hated it, he hated it, he hated it—
Immersed in his thoughts and rubbing away at his tears like it’ll rub away the shame he feels, he bumps into someone.
“I’m terribly sorry, are you okay dea— by the Seven, are you crying?! Is there something wrong? D-did I put pressure on an injury?!” A panicked voice reached his ears.
Even though the voice’s volume can be counted as shouting, it didn’t quite have the aggression Vil’s voice had. Instead of feeling like he did something wrong, he felt like he was being corrected and guided gently.
Epel sniffed, daring to look up.
He was met by worried blue eyes and soft peach hair. A curved figure and feminine features? Was this not an all boys school? What was a girl doing here?
“Epel?” The girl asked.
Epel looked like a lost puppy, confusion painting his face as his cheeks reddened from crying and puffed up from embarrassment from someone seeing him cry.
“Epel…Felmier, am I correct?” The girl softened her voice as she saw the tears in Epel’s cheeks and sleeve.
“Y-yes, do I know you?” He asked, the girl reached into her pocket and took out a handkerchief, extending a hand to offer it to Epel.
“No, probably not. But you should know, almost everyone in this dorm knows you.” She joked to try and brighten up Epel’s mood; he took the handkerchief from her hand.
“We shouldn’t have a conversation in the middle of a hallway, we might block the path. Do you want to have some tea? I had just brewed some, though I think I miscalculated and made too much...” The girl said, to which Epel nodded.
“Shall we get to the common room, then?” She said, walking past Epel and looking over her shoulder to beckon him to follow.
Epel was still confused, but he felt comforted. After being constantly asked to do things he didn’t want to, any sort of comfort was a blessing.
“Hard training session with Vil, I suppose?” The girl said, to which Epel nodded.
The girl chuckled, guiding him to sit down before turning around and disappearing into the kitchen to get the teapot and teacups, all placed on a tray as she picked said tray with one hand. “I get the feeling.” She said, not elaborating.
“You’ve been trained by Vil too?” He asked.
“Oh yes, everything I did was corrected, the way I stood was never straight enough for him. The way I held my fork? ‘Clutch it higher up the handle!’ The way I held a teacup? ‘Raise it only with your finger tips, not your whole hand!’” She reminisced with a smile as she picked up the teapot.
“Sometimes I wonder how he’s even satisfied with the way I breathe.” She chuckled, pouring some of the freshly brewed tea into the teacup in front of Epel.
Judging from it’s green hue, she’s probably brewed matcha tea.
“So, what was the thing he said that pushed you off the edge today?” The girl asked, making her way to her seat, her peach hair slightly swaying as she moved.
“I honestly don’t know which one was it.” Epel muttered.
“Probably everything he said that had ‘not beautiful’ in it.” He answered honestly.
“Nonsense, there’s beauty in everything.” The girl retorted.
“And I’m sure Vil thinks that too.” Epel’s eyebrows almost knitted together.
“What do you mean he thinks that way? Then why does he call everything not up to his standards ‘not beau—”
“Because whatever he called ‘not beautiful’ is just sitting there idly, not even trying to reach it’s potential.” The girl lightly cuts him off.
“But when he uses that to his advantage and destroys that thing’s self esteem because he thinks he’s helping, he isn’t being beautiful, now is he? He’s just being blatantly selfish because he knows looking like he’s helping builds his image.” Epel scowled, picking up the tea cup and taking a sip.
“Selfish? Have you ever seen Vil keep knowledge and advice to improve to himself?” The girl questioned.
Epel looked back on every encounter he had with Vil.
Every time he saw Vil, he was either correcting his actions or some other dorm member’s.
But the girl he was speaking to was right, the advice Vil gave out always worked marvelously.
“…no I don’t think I have.” Epel admitted.
The girl smiled at him, her already slanted eyes closing. He never noticed until now, but she seemed to enhance her eyes by going for a siren look.
“Vil isn’t all that he seems. Yes, he might stand to be a bit less blunt unless asked to, but he’s doing it because he sees potential in you.” The girl said, silently blowing on her tea to cool it down.
“Pomefiore doesn’t only care about beauty, it cares about everything because one, there’s beauty in everything, and two, perfectionism in all thing is what our dorm strives for. The fact he was sent to Pomefiore by the mirror means he believes in it’s values,” the girl licked her lips and shifted in her seat, Epel can now see the undeniable proof that she was, in fact, trained by Vil just from the grace she shows.
“How can he stand idly by the side when something right in front of him is doubting it’s true potential? He probably thinks, ‘how can it reach perfection when it doesn’t even see perfection in itself?’” She finished.
Her words hit Epel like an apple fallen from a tree and directly onto his head.
He contemplates on it for the rest of the time he’s drinking his tea.
He didn’t even notice the cup in his hands was now empty. He was only snapped out his cogitation when the girl spoke to him “Do you want more tea, Epel?” she asked.
“Oh, yes please.” He held both of his hands out, holding the teacup.
He took this opportunity to look at her closely, he refrained from looking directly at her because of his shame.
Her bangs were parted to the side, the rest of her hair falling down pin straight behind her back. Dangling earrings made with pearls and little green hearts at the end were placed onto her ears.
Her eyes were a dark shade of blue, a small beauty mark dotted itself under her right eye.
She noticed Epel staring, but she merely smiled at smiled, seemingly used to the staring. But despite this, Epel’s cheeks still burned up.
Suddenly, he was hyper aware of everything, and the fact that he has spent the last 20 minutes or so drinking tea with someone he didn’t know.
Especially the fact that he has spent the last 20 minutes or so drinking tea with someone he didn’t know.
“I-I know it might be embarrassing to ask this now, but what’s your name?” He cringed at his stutter.
The girl— he hopes she tells him her name so he can stop calling her that in his thought, giggled.
“Did you know it’s less embarrassing to open up to a stranger?” She filled up his cup with tea.
“No, I didn’t… huh, so that’s why it was so easy talking to you.” Epel said.
“Lilith.” The girl said.
“Lilith Capucine Boite.” She finally introduced herself.
“Thank you for putting aside some time to talk with me, Lilith,” Epel smiled, grateful.
“You might just be my new role model.” Epel muttered the to himself.
But Lilith seems to have heard it anyway, judging from the way she froze.
“I’m so sorry, does that make you uncomfortable-?” Epel stopped himself when he saw Lilith’s surprised face melt into a smile.
“I like it. I’m flattered you think of me as someone to look up to.” Lilith said, putting the now empty teapot back onto the tray she used to carry it from the kitchen to the common room.
‘She balanced two teacups and a teapot on a tray?!? With one hand?! Her coordination is actually scary.’ Epel thought, partially hiding behind the teacup in his hands.
Footsteps approaching immediately made the both of them sit(or in Lilith’s case, stand) up straighter and raise their head higher.
“I see you’ve enjoyed your 25 minute forced break, Epel.” Vil’s voice reached them.
‘Sh-t.’ They simultaneously think.
“Now, back to training. Or would you rather be dragged back?” Vil asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lilith smiled apologetically at Epel, making him wonder why.
He felt comfortable around her and thought she was someone he could trust, so imagine the betrayal he felt when Lilith took the empty teacup in his hands that he chugged when he heard Vil’s heels clicking against the floor and placed it onto the tray, silently picking up the tray, bowing to Vil and the trying to exit the room.
Keyword: tried. But it seems like Vil had other plans.
“Where do you think you’re going, Boite?” Vil demanded, though was it Epel’s imagination or does Vil’s voice sound…softer?
“To wash and place back these ceramics in the kitchen, housewarden.” As Lilith said that, Vil seemed to falter.
“After stealing away my trainee? Don’t think I’m going to ignoring this crack in the mirror—”
“I also have a shift for my part-time job at Mostro Lounge, need I contact Azul and let him know I won’t be making it, housewarden?” She asked, seemingly innocently.
Vil sucked in a breath.
“Yes, contact him immediately,” Vil looked back at Epel.
“The both of you, 5 laps around the dorm. Now.” He ordered.
“Yes, housewarden.”/“Yes, Vil-sama.”
Vil raised his eyebrows at Lilith’s sudden change of addressing him, but didn’t say anything.
“Now, get onto it.” Vil said as the other two ran into their rooms to grab their work out clothes.
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amora-ledezma · 2 years
Some Trivia + a sneak peek at Lilith’s backstory I guess?
Lilith, being the second-born, was handled a little better by her parents, who now had at least a little experience on what not to do with their children, especially as known figures.
(Mr. & Mrs. Boite⬇️)
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After realizing the risks and problems that come for them and their children if they are exposed to the public eye from an early age. Gabriel, her older brother, was the prime example of it, he was never able to even go to school without being bothered by paparazzi. So when Lilith was born, they decided to hide her from the media. Or at least tried to, word got out anyway that the Boite couple had another baby and they immediately started rumors and speculations.
(Gabriel ig⬇️)
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Yes, they figured out about her existence, but that’s all they knew. Gabriel knew what the media could do to his sister’s life and well-being, should she not be what they think “a Boite” should be. And so he helped with hiding her.
“What was the child’s name?” “Is their baby a boy or girl?” “Could their baby inherit some qualities from both parents, like their older brother?”
Questions floated around, but to the media’s dismay, the Boite family seems to be adamant in hiding their second born.
It seemed like rumors and speculations were getting out of control, the media somehow believed Lilith was a male.
What was shocking was the fact that even Night Raven Collage believed the rumors and sent Lilith a letter, as they did with Gabriel a few years back.
But instead of a name, it was addressed to her with “Mr. Boite.”
After explaining the actual situation to NRC, after they signed a contract made from Gabriel’s unique magic that forces people who knew certain information to keep shut mouthed about it, physically stopping them from moving their mouths and making a sound, should they try, of course.
After hearing what actually was happening, Crowley agreed to let Lilith into NRC, with no choice because she was chosen by the mirror.
He also agreed to help Lilith conceal the fact that she was female(but of course, trusting him was stupid and it was revealed anyway, he had to add a rule to the school’s book, which required students to keep what happened inside the school, stay inside the school, or be faced with expulsion).
She was placed in Pomefiore, and Vil immediately saw potential in her.
They got along well, as senior and junior.
She was Vil’s first attempt to beat Neige.
Training, tutoring sessions, balancing vases and books on her head and shoulders, she accepted them all with nothing but determination to help NRC and Pomefiore beat Neige in that year’s VDC.
As you would’ve heard, it didn’t work out, and a falling out happened.
For all the time of that VDC and before Vil’s overblot, their relationship was at a stalemate.
While it didn’t get worse, neither of them made an attempt to make it better.
Should I make character profiles for her parents or older brother too or…?
I better not see anyone simping for her father or older brother istg—/hj
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