#Lilly Miller!OC x Eddie Munson
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2023 : Eddie Munson- Episode 1 The Fall
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: middle of season 4, falling through the ceiling, falling into a different decade, fluff,angst, being in the upside down, story starts not long after they reach the trailer.
Summary: Eddie falls through his ceiling but lands in a different time and in front of a young, beautiful lady on his couch.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 5.3k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
The next chapter here!
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The four of them looked up through Eddie’s ceiling. The gaping hole that was where Chrissy Cunningham had been twisted until she had died. The kids are looking down or maybe up. Max, Lucas, Erica, and Dustin. They had moved Eddie's bed, making a makeshift landing pad. "I don't know what those stains are,” Eddie mutters to both groups. The kids are waiting for them, and the pulsating red hole in the ceiling is furthering the creep factor. The kids disappear for only a few seconds before returning with a makeshift ladder. 
Sheets threaded together " watch out guys” Dustin yells can be heard through the slimy hole in the ceiling.  The rope lands with a thud and sends a shiver down everyone's spine. The four look around at each other. Staring as if waiting for the first person to say something. “ I’ll go first,” Robin yells out. She climbs the makeshift Iadder. Nancy is sure to keep her hand behind Robin's back.
So now it's just the three of us. Nancy and Steve stand close to each other. I wonder if what I said to Steve earlier is worming its way around now. I look up the kids are grinning at the plan that has for some reason worked. A plan that worked so well. A plan that a little shithead came up with. "Who's next" I looked around between the three of us. Nancy was up the ladder in a second and just like that she landed safely on the mattress that I always found hard and annoying when I would fall asleep.
It was odd the way the gaping hole in my ceiling oozed with a vibrant red pulse as if it were alive and waiting for someone to touch it. Steve looked over at me. "You going?" Steve's eyebrows raised on his face, giving a harsher space to his face. Comparing his facial expression now to when I held a broken bottle up to his chin. It was vastly different. The jean jacket that I had given Steve to be a bit more modest looked odd, and almost off. My own body left lighter and less metal. I ignored the feeling as I gave way for Harrington to go next.
I didn't mind going last.
As much as the trailer we were standing in wasn't truly mine or maybe it was, it felt like home regardless of whether it was four years in the past or forty years in the future. Something about the way the trailer smelt and swayed as Steve moved a little so faster, and a little too hard on his feet trying to make his way onto the ladder. Under hushed breath, I heard Harrington curse out "I was never fuckin' good at climbing in the gym" I laughed a hearty laugh, as I remember seeing Harrington long ago constantly in the gym. Constantly working out for the benefit of probably getting more chicks.
A muffled Dustin could be heard through the hole in the ceiling. "Come on Eddie, we've got shit to do, and I have a plan." In an instant, I rolled my eyes. Thinking back to Harrington's comment about how Dustin might have a bit of an ego issue. I looked around once more seeing Wayne's hats that haven't moved since I first arrived at his trailer door, or the way that the one cabinet door never shut right.
I pushed myself up onto the ladder and hoped for the best. As I climbed I felt the weight of the upside down flutter off of me, I kept my eyes closed as I shifted from the upside down to the not upside down. But when I landed on the hard floor I opened my eyes. "Dustin that's not funn…" I muttered, as I looked around there was no Dustin, no red-haired girl, no robin, Nancy, or Steve.
I was alone. Except for the girl that was currently staring me down. "What are you doing in my house?" We said in tandem with each other "Huh?" We said again together. She was a beautiful woman. Her feet rested on what looked like a coffee table. A bottle of nail polish next to her feet, and one in her hand. Dark brown eyes that were staring me down. My vision was going in and out and a pain in the back of my head was making everything vibrate. "What are you… Are you okay?" She asked, shit her voice was heaven. Soft and soothing almost enough to make my vision not so blurry. "I… you… where am I?" I asked her as I felt my head was going to explode.
"Hawkins. Indiana." I hummed as she gave me an answer. But before I could ask her anything else, or gaze more intently at her beauty she was gone from my vision and everything I saw was black. It took me a moment to realize where I was, somewhere in the in-between. In a black empty space, where I could walk for hours upon hours. It took less than half that time to figure out that there was a girl nearly half my age staring at me from a distance. 
Like she was just as lost as I was. When she caught a glimpse of me she came running, and for once in my life running away from the danger was the only answer that seemed right. Though when you’re running in an endlessly black void you never feel like you’re getting anywhere. Running and running. Things started to turn color. Shades of blues, greys, and mostly the whole rainbow came up. Then I was back, standing in my trail. My hands wrapped hard around a makeshift ladder to safety to the other side. I was stuck, the panic that drew in the darkest places of my mind. 
Flashes of white 
Flashes of Chrissy twisting and turning on the trailer ceiling. I stood still, not moving an inch to give me anything else in a story bent by my own lies. I wondered for a moment more if I’d end up stuck in the upside-down, stuck in this pitiless black void. As if a rather beautiful guardian angel had heard me, the world came crashing down, and frankly around me all at the same time. 
The white walls made me feel sick to my stomach, and the annoying beeping noise was only adding to the stress. My throat was sore like I had once screamed all of one of Metallica’s albums. That cassette was broken, but pride and joy of mine. The first breath of fresh air gave my lungs a wave of relief. My now opens eyes looked around, trying to figure out where I was mostly. 
“Wow, hang on a minute I’ll get the doctor.” That voice was so familiar, yet already running out before I was able to place it. When they returned it was that woman from my trai… her trailer. That I would come back to later. “Well, Mr.Doe I think that your friend over here really did you a good favor.” The doctor had this annoyingly southern accent that made me feel like I was getting judged all over again. 
I kept a rather blank face, as the doctor explained that whatever I had done to my body was surely something they had never seen. Told me that they had given me antibiotics for the scars on my face, and body. Rather a long story about how annoying this would have been if it wasn’t for the 21st century. “So just a few follow-up questions and then you go on your mary way.” That doctor was a little too cheerful, a little too nice, and a little too creepy. 
“Alrighty, what state are we in?” The light bulb lit up instantly in my mind. I would quess Indiana, there was no reason not to. I had landed in my trailer, also that stranger woman had said that where we were. 
I had no reason to doubt her. 
“Indiana.” Good was all the doctor replied before jotting something down real quick. 
“Question two sir if you don’t mind. Who’s the president of the united states?” I wanted to roll my eyes at these stupid fuckin’ questions but answered anyways. 
“Reagan.” The doctor looked at me and then over to the strange woman. 
“No that would be wrong, it’s Biden.” My face as always gave a distant look of confusion. It was passed on by both people standing in the room. 
“What is the date and time?” Easy enough in a matter of few words. The clock was clicking just across the room. It sat lopsided on the wall above the door’s entrance. 
“Time according to the clock is 12:35 pm.” Confidence wasn’t something that oozed out of me, so no matter what I kept that blank stare, “And the date?” The doctor pushed, “March 26th, 1986.” I try, maybe I wasn’t doing so hot on these questions. Considering the alarming look I get from the doctor and the strange woman. 
“I was hoping that these few little questions would prove to be easy for you. I was really hoping to let you go today, but if you honestly think that it’s 1986, which was more then thirty-five years ago. I might have to keep you.” The doctor chokes out. My mind does a few cartwheels, the 21st-century thing makes sense now, thirty-five years ago brings my heartbeat an extra step, so I play it cool. Breathing slowly.
“I don’t think it’s actually 1986, I was just you know… watching some old videos from my… that were around my attic.” Quickly the words come flooding out, a not precise lie. There’s no attic on the trailer, it’s a fuckin’ trailer. Regardless the strange women and the doctor don’t fight me on it. “Oh that’s wonderful to hear, good so you know that it’s actually 2023.” The doctor asks me, there’s a hopeful cheer in the back of his voice. A cheer of getting past nonsensical shit. 
“Yeah, 2023,” I say shortly. He smiles, success is written over his expression. “Alright then I’ll get your discharge papers ready and you’ll be able to go in just a few minutes.” He says happily before almost skipping out of the room. The woman is now the only standing figure in the dull room. I find every excuse to not look at her though. Rather not have to lie to such a pretty face like hers. 
“How’d you fall through my ceiling when I most defiantly do not have an attic?” Back to that smooth, like silk voice.
 “But are you sure it doesn’t have an attic?” She rolls her eyes at me.
 “Yeah, I’m pretty fuckin’ sure it doesn’t have an attic I live there.” She says angrily. “It’s not something you’ll believe if I tell you.” I try, but I’m met with a harsh line above her brows, and questing eyes. 
“Fine, Hawkins is cursed, and I tried to go through a portal that was in my trailer, now your trailer but instead of landing where I was supposed to I landed here, or now or whatever the fuck just happened,”
 I say through a mumble of words, and mumble of breathes in between. She looks even angrier, but there’s a softness behind it. 
“Look there’s no need to lie, but I’m pretty sure I saw you come through my ceiling and there’s no ‘portal’ or ‘hole’ in my roof.” My shocked face only reflects my inner thoughts. I had only just learned maybe a few days ago that Hawkins was cursed, by what I wasn’t and am still not sure. I had watched a few horrible things happen in the past few days, and now this was the icing on the cake, the bee to its bonnet. There was no way I was creating shit this fuckin’ crazy just for fun. Even if I am a DM. 
“Oh I almost forgot to ask, do you have somewhere safe to stay for the next few days? Or just while your body takes a considerable rest?” 
The doctor had butted his head back into the doorway. I went to say something but was stopped by the reality that I was here in a year where I had and knew no one. 
“Yeah, I’ll take care of him for the new few days.” I heard the women say across from me. I was so shocked that I shook my head alone with her words unable to talk, unable to think for the moment. “Oh, that’s just wonderful of you Ms. Miller.” The doctor said cheerfully, and then left once more. “Miller? You’ve got a first name?” I asked. I was genuinely asking, regardless of my flirtatious attitude. Always slipping to conversation running the show most of the time. I think that’s how I managed to get Chrissy to come to the trailer, and let me drive her to my trailer. 
“Yeah I do, but I won’t tell til you do.” Miller quipped back at me. I swallowed hard, she was feisty like me. Unwilling to be broken by the morals of ‘normal’ folk. “Definitely can’t be a john Doe. The names Munson, Eddie Munson.” I shot back, She didn’t react in any way, clinch her purse close to her chest, or step back a few extra steps. Instead, she stepped forward. Reaching out for my hand. “Eddie Munson, it’s nice to meet you the right time round. I’m Lilly Miller.” She shook my hand. Her hands were soft as the blanket that I laid down with at night, something I wouldn’t mind if we had only stayed together, touching for a few seconds longers. I craved a touch that had only lasted a few moments already. 
I was already going insane, I might as well go all the way with it. “Okay, Mr. Doe. How about we sign these papers and get you out of here? What do you say?” The doctor’s cheerful tone was starting to make me wanna tear my ears off. “Sure thing doc,” I said simply, before reaching out for the pen and signing without, really signing my name or anything. Just scribble here and a scribble there. It was over in a flash, that had been the easiest paper I had ever signed to get out of the white-washed room before. 
The next few hours were oddly comfortable. For not knowing Lilly in any manner we fell into a comfortable silence as she drove us to my… her trailer. The music hummed on the radio, and just getting into the car had been an experience. The car was so futuristic in many ways, and yet had the warmth of remembrance left being in the old seats. “She’s an oldie, but a goodie.” That was the only thing that Lilly had said before we pilled into her car and she drove far from the hospital. 
Metal played, not loud or softly in the car. But at the average level a nub would listen to it, so they could listen to the lyrics understand the meaning then turn the volume all the way up, so they could beat their heads along with it. I was trying to catch some words here and there in between the crashes of gutair strings, bass, and drums. “Oh, are you a metal fan? This is the older stuff. I’m not a fan of the newer metal music off there.” Lilly made it simple, and once more the conversation went nowhere. I hummed and listening along, watching as Lilly reached over turning the radio a little higher, and I relaxed into the sounds. Sounds that brought me back to an older time. I hadn’t remembered how close the hospital was to the trailer park on the edge of town. I hadn’t been since the last time I had come running back to my uncle Wayne’s trailer. 
My dad was a drunk and just plain mean, besides the times he was teaching me how to hot wire cars, and get away with petty lacarney. The times he was drinking he was down right horrible in every which way. He left welts, and bruises to big to cover up with some fake story. I was old enough to understand the facts of the situation. Old enough to understand that I needed to leave regardless of the efforts to stay with my mom. I was just enough to understand that running away wasn’t always the worst answer. 
I wonder if that’s where it stems from. The running away, running away from my dad was the start of it all. And in every single possible way it causes me to only run away from more. Run away from chief police Hopper when he catches me smoking pot for the first time, run away from him again when he catches now selling pot. 
Though when he does catch me he’s more then understanding in every manner of speaking. He had caught my dad enough to know the ins and outs of my family trauma. He left me go and without that he never said a word to Wayne. I wasn’t worried about getting physical abused, but I was worried simply about dissapointing him. 
Regardless of that I shook my head of the nasty thoughts and tried to think of anything else. I looked… well stared at Lilly. She had the most cutest ears. Earining that hung lower to her shoulders, and studs that were placed behind. A few strands that were never nice to her, it seemed as if they always bothered her. Cute and plump little lips that looked and probably felt the best when you kissed them. I was staring and had not yet been caught. Side eye giving me enough to blast away into another dimension. 
“Home sweet home…. For the both of us I guess.”  That was an odd statement in itself. Home was home, but all I had seen was the living room wallvwithout caps on it, without the smokes stains from Wayne’s endless smoking, and that touch of weed smell that no matter how hard I tried to make sure it didn’t whaft into the living space still managed. 
she pulled her car to a slow stop, then a full stop before cutting the engine off. We sat still in her car. Uncomfortable silence growing by the second has more and more of the ideas pilled down into my mind. Thirty-five years had passed, and what the hell could have happened. 
“The old man, where he’d go?” It was involuntary. It had slipped out, falling and landing without a single drop of grace. “The old man?”  Lilly echoed back at me. Still haven’t moved yet. I was fuckin’ with the seat belt. Trying hard to manage my panic. Wayne was the only family I had left no reason to waste questions beating around a bush to get an answer. 
“He smoked a lot, always sat out there.” I motioned towards the porch she had made an extension on. “Oh that old man’s. He was the sweetest of fellows. Never spoke of a words of misjudgment. Always a helping hand especially when I moved in.” Lilly said navigating her own belt. The belt unlatching was loud, head banging loud. I flinch and clicked my own undone. Maybe this conversation was over, maybe for the good of it. 
“He helped you move in?” Yet another question that had just slipped right on out of my mouth. With a rather uncomfortable ease, and pace of a hummingbird. Flying from flower to flower looking for nectar it was rather very annoying for so many fuckin’ reasons. 
“Sweetheart helped me move in boxes and even the heavy stuff said that I didn’t need to be doing that on my own.” 
“Sounds like my uncle.” Her face lite and the darken. “He was your uncle?” She asked plainly. “Yeah pretty much… no he was the only family I got.” He has a feeling he knows where this is going. As a feeling Lilly’s about to drop another bomb on him, but she doesn’t not right away. “Do you like coffee?” She asks sweetly, and then adds “some weed to if you’re into that kinda thing?” Weed would make all the pain in the world go away. Far… far away. 
She must see something. “Yeah you looked like a weed guy when you fell from my fuckin’ ceiling let’s go Eddie.” She pulls herself from the drivers seat and is out of the car in a matter of seconds, I try to quickly follow behind. The seconds the door swings open the smell of lavender, and weed pops out. It’s like a sudden flash back, but nothing appears. I wait, then walk in. “I would make youserlf at home, but that seems a little on the nose. Doesn’t it?” 
She makes me laugh, and I do as she says. Settling myself on her couch. It sits in the same spot as mine did. Hers is of course, less aged around the edges, torn with beer stains inter laced into the fabric. Our couch had been from a yard sale from the rich neighborhood, one that was worn and used. Probably by some young kids at their grandparents home. Hers on the other hand was soft, and the seat didn’t automatically bend down in anticipation for weight. It was new, just like about everything in this trailer. A new tv, futuristic was the only way I could describe it.
 “Okay, coffee is a brewin and weed is just waiting to be rolled up.” She motioned to the set up, a resin table that had paw prints in it. It was fuckin amazing. “You’ve got to be kidding me right? Is it legal nowadays cause that takes the fun out of smoking it?” 
She rolled her eye at me but shook her head. Of course they had made it legal. “Let’s get to rolling cause I feel the bad news coming my way.” She scoffs but the feeling like the other shoes is about to drop doesn’t help the way my stomach twists into knots. We roll, and of course we roll ours differently. I’m a tight roller, blending the papers almost seamlessly, her are fatter more weed stuffed intside but are loose. I watch as she licks the paper wet. Dabbing her tongue on the paper. I had to look away and take focuse to my own joint. 
The joint was amazing. Maybe weed had gotten better over the years, or I was just incredibly stressed the fuck out due to the emotional and physical trauma I had been through in just the past few ‘days’. I was still trying to figure that one out. Was it was days or it was years, to many years. Regardless we light blaze to our joints and smoked in harmony. Laughing here and there about the psychedelic posters she had on the wall. 
“Did you put those up on purpose?” I asked my voice sounded so funny, I wasn’t about to laugh at it though. I was supposed to be a pro, at least that was the thought. She laughed and pointed towards the posters taking a longer thicker hit. “So, you said you felt like the other shoe was going to drop. I bet you’ve had a lot of nights like this were the truth comes out while smoking.” Lilly said setting down her joint. 
The serious nature of the conversation was starting to hit home. The light heartness of everything in the past few moments was coming to a halt. “I feel like I shouldn’t be the one to tell you this, but I think you should know that your um, your uncle lived a great life. I spent a lot of time with him.” 
“Lived a great life?” I questined her. The terms were becoming to real. “Well he lived a great life here with everybody in the park. He um… he died in his sleep a couple of years ago. I went to check up on him, and he was gone. I don’t think he was in any pain…” The silence took over the already small living room. 
“Wait where is he? Does he have like a place of… of rest… Also how’d you get the trailer?” I had probably already asked her thatquestion, but the latter question was more important in my eyes mind. “Yeah we all pitched in, he had some money left over always had it in one of those coffee tins he kept around. Well actually he always said that was for his kid… I’m assuming that was you?” Lilly asked, I swallowed hard and took another long, long puff on my joint before the ashes hit the resin tray. 
“We can go if you want, but I should probably get a cup of coffee, before we go. It’s a little bit of a drive for me.” Lilly got up getting her cup of coffee. She poured me a cup and brought it out. “We don’t have to right now. I’m a little tired, and a little to high to go… ya know go visit him. How um, when did he die?” I asked her, the need to know was urging through. Boiling to the top of my thoughts. 
She got up looking for her pocketbook. “I think I still have one of his memorial cards. She rummaged through her purse, eventually dopping all the contents onto the floor. “Holy shit are you fuckin’ mary poppins are something.” I was half bent, my knees in my chest as I looked at her array of random things in her purse. 
“No… I don’t think I am. I just always have a lot of things on me. I don’t to not have things. My ma always said ‘better to have then not need it then to not have it and need it.” Apparently my face gave away a very distinct look, “Don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I didn’t fall out of my ceiling.” Quickly i quipped back at her, “That’s was hours ago Lilly.” It was as if we had known each other for years, lived together for years. It was odd, odd enough that was thirty-five years in the future. Odd that someone else was now living in my trailer, but just as odd that Lilly wasn’t bothered by my presence. Wasn’t bothered by the way I acted or looked, or quite frankly anything about me. 
“Yo you okay over there, you seem to be in another world?” She was flicking my knee, trying to get my attention. She was still sitting on the floor, “here it is.” Simply she handed it up to me. The plastic was soft around the edges giving warmth to the old picture of the man. He was smiling, a cigarette in his hand as whoever tried to take the picture of it was begrundling telling him to put the smoke down. 
“Who took the picture? Wayne looks unforgettable anger at them.” 
Lilly laughed, and moved quickly, and in a few second she was right back sitting hip to hip with me. Our knees and hips touching as she gazed at the picture. I wondered what the two of them talked about. I doubt Wayne would have talked about me, to much of an opened wound to want to be talking about me with random people. 
“Oh yeah that was me. He wouldn’t for hte life of me just put that cigarette down.” She was laughing, you know the sentemntial laughs that make your heart beat a little faster, and your eyes burn from holding back a sad but joyful tear. The silence wasn’t unbearable as she shifted back down to the floor shoving her shit back into the purse. “It’s got the date he died on the other side.” She said simple as she gathered more things into the bag. 
I moved the plastic card in my hand. Reading slowly as if the slower I read the more time I had to think that, imagine that he wasn’t gone. That I was wasn’t utterly alone like I was hen I was a kid. Yeas had passed since I had felt this utter stomach wrenching pain. 
In loving Memory 
Wanyne Munson 
July 24th, 2018 
Our Father
Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name; thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day bread; and forgive us out trespasses as we forgive those who trepass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” 
It was written so proper, with a passage from the bible. He wasn’t really a faith guy, but regardless I looked down on the small plastic wrapped paper. I went to give it back to Lilly, but she shook her head. “Eddie keep it, I think there’s a few more in the boxes of extra.” Sadness was written over her beautiful features, but she hid them well enough with a curt smile. I wasn’t nearly as okay with the idea that I had missed out on so fuckin’ much. Then in a blink of a second I wonder what happened with Dustin, and the whole upside down. 
The kid had an idea. I worried about how they, if they managed to kill that Vecna character. According to Dustin and all other other kids they had managed to get throug this shit three times before each time it got worse though. Harder, people died more and more around the freaky ass town that had only gotten older. 
“You can take the couch. You should probably get some rest. Don’t worry Eddie aren’t being a bother at all. Since you fell through my ceiling I think that’s probably the least i can do for you. Maybe we can even try some people that you knew here. I doubt everyone left.” Lilly said as she set her purse down on the small coffee table. 
“Nobody ever really leaves this town do they?” It was rhetorical question but she just hummed along. “I’ll get you a pilllow and blanket.” She was quick to gather up materials. Having to run to the back of the trailer. When she came back it was with a few blankets and one pillow on top. “Bathroom is well down the trailer, and yeah here Eddie.” She said awkwardly giving me the stack in her hand.
She walked away, but before she was out of sight. “Thank you. I’m sorry to have fallen through your ceiling.” I said laughing at even my own words. She rolled her eyes, but in a such a cute way if that’s even possible. There was slight blush creeping on her cheeks. “Your uncle always said you were sweet Eddie, and your welcome.” Lilly was one before I could ask anything more or bother her anymore with other questions. 
So he had talked about me to her. He had talked to her, someone he had trusted. I wonder what else he had said about me to her. I place the pillow down the couch, and slipped my boots off my feet. Setting them next to the couch, I threw my leather jacket off. And then I covered up with the blanket. It smelt like her, like her car had smelt. Like heaven and paradise mixed into a fucked up version. I stared up at the ceiling. The damn ceiling that had not chnaged noteven after all this time. The same ceiling that Wayne had stared for at years once I had moved in and he gave me the bedroom in the back. The ceiling that had killed Chrissy, the same one that had caused me to run away like hell to the fuckin boat house. I closed my eyes and all i saw was darkness.
 Compete and utter darkness.
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Completed on: 03/31/23
Posted on: 04/10/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
14 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 13 Hourglass
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC! Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie
Warnings: Marriage proposal, time flip, smut, fancy dinner out, 2025 to 1986, Dustin, Vecna fight, dreaming, a different life, angst, fluff. ETC
Summary: The night before Eddie decides to propose to Lilly. He takes her on a wonderful night wining and dining her. Falling asleep with her in his arms, and waking up somewhere else entirely.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 5.6k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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Two years later the plan that’s been worming its way into Eddie’s mind finally come to fruition. I laugh at myself, the rings iH ad bought nearly two years ago, had made itself home between my socks, and boxers. Waiting for the day it would come out into the fresh air, and be placed on Lilly’s hand. My thoughts had gotten to me that christmas and they had led me to not asking her to marrying me that year or the following year. This year would be different I thought to myself as I stared at the velvet box in the draw. Lilly’s shower taking extra long due to her need to be prim, and proper for dinner tonight. Two years ago I was able to graduate from a night class school, and get my GED. With that I was able, sadly might I add to leave my job at the auto body shop. The old man was more then sad to see me leave, so when I did leave. Lilly made a whole meal out of it. Packing several meals for the old man, and even getting him a little vacation gift card to Indy.
I had sued my GED to become a pretty good contractor, and with that job came a pretty good salary. So months ago when the wallet was thicker, and the afternoon was cold. I grabbed my phone and called a restaurant not far off in Indy. a steak house that served the best of the best for special nights like what I had planned. I called during my lunch break. I asked for the best glass of wine, and that I was going to be proposing to my girlfriend. I wanted something not to far, but far enough away from people that nobody saw what was happening. The hostess was kind enough to give us a private room, and so a part of the dinner was planned. Getting there would be the harder part, telling Lilly without telling her would be the harder part of all of it. Two weeks before our planned dinner I scheduled some time off, a whole week. The whole week leading up to, and the day of the proposal I’d take off. Let Lilly and I enjoy our time together. There would be no need for jobs, or anything else to get in the way. Now it was time to tell her what was going to happen.
“Lils, I need to tell you something babe.” I yelled as I walked into the trailer. The trailer was still the same. Furniture here and there. More hots, and books littered across the urface. The kitchen cabinets had grown to fit the mugs that Lilly had gifted me almost every year. Possibly starting a tradition of mugs for christmas. Regardless I waited for her. My boots were killing my feet so I sat at the kitchen table and waited for her there as I unlaced my boots. There’s a soft padding of feet from the back of the trailer. Socks are the first thing in my view. She’s all wrapped up. The new year, and valentines just having passed. The cold weather had yet to leave Hawkins. “Yeah babe.” She said standing there in froint of me with fuzzy socks and wrapped in warmth. “We are leaving town in a few days. Going out to Indy, so get to packin’ baby.” I said setting my boots off the side.
“What do you mean we’re leaving town, and going to Indy?” She asked me. “Exactly what I mean babe, you and I are going to go relax for a few days because when was the last time either one of us stopped for more then a rest or a dinner date out?” I ask her. Sure we had dinner dates, and went over to Steve and Robins but nothing with just the two of us. She looks down at me, I still can’t tell even now after two years if she knows when I’m serious or joking. Lilly goes to say something, but closes her mouth. “You got off from work?” She asks, I nod. “Now go pack I wanna leave in the morning.” I say standing and kissing her forehead softly, before making my way towards the bathroom. She stands there util I gather my things from the bedroom, and slip into the bathroom. The shower is just what I needed from a hard day at work, the work wasn’t hard per-say but it was nice being able to come home and relax under the hot spray of water. I hear the door open, “I’m just grabbing my stuff for our trip. Oh, wait how long are we gonna be gone?” Lilly asks me. I shrug, not that she can see through the shower curtain. “I’d say at least a week, and plan for a dinner at least once.” I say over the spray of water. I hear a few seconds later the door close back up. I finish my shower up, and get out wrapping the towel around my wasit. Indy is a few hours drive from Hawkins, so that means we would be leaving early in the morning.
When I manage to get back into the bedroom. Lilly has her suitcase laid out on the bed surface her entire side of the bed is taken up by clothes and her case. “What should I bring? She asks, holding up two options of dresses, I look between them then back at her. “For dinner?” I point at them, she nods. “I’d say the black one.” I start digging through my draws. Looking for a pair of sweats along with a good long sleeve shirt that hasn’t been stolen by Lilly yet. I grab my backpack that same one that i’ve been using for years now at this point. I don’t care for much of whatever I’m grabbing besides one set of nice clothes. The clothes that I’ll be wearing when I ask her to marry me. On my knees and asking for her hand.
She doens’t notice me grab the ring from the draw and shove it deep down in the bag. When I’m done, and ready for bed I notice that Lilly is stressing over what to pack. “Babe, Lilly. Will you stop stressing over what to pack.” She looks over at me. Frustration runs in her face. “Lilly listen to me will ya… you look great, wonderful in everything you wear. Just pack what you normally wear.” I say her shoulders drop, and she sighs out hard. She ends up just packing what she’s got on the bed. The black dress, and an assorment of jeans and long sleeves.
The first day is spend driving, listening to all sorts of music on the way, to many bathroom breaks to count, and crappy fast food on the side road of the highway. When we made it to Indy, the hunt for a good hotel started. Lilly was hunched over her phone searching for a hotel when we hit the city limits. She did end up finding a rather nice hotel, which when we did get there I told Lilly to not botherin with going in, I’d do that part get our room and she could get her things together.
When I got up to the front desk, the manager was sitting ther waiting. “Hello, sir how can I help you tonight?” He asked, “I need a room for two. I… how do i say this. I plan on aksing my girlfriend to marry me. So I need a room like that.” I said to the manager with a shrug of my shoulders. He nodded, “I think I have what you’re looking for.” “but not like to surprisey, i don’t want my girlfriend to know just yet ya know.” The manager nodded for a second time. He handed me the key to me after taking my information down, card imforntion and gave me a map of the hotel parking lot, and hotel buildings. “Thank you sir.” When I walked out of the foyer Lilly was standing ther at the back of the car. Digging out her bag, and mine. “You pack so light Eds.” She said as she started to roll her bag towards me. “It’s out of habit, love.” I tell her. The rest of the night is settling into the room, which thankfully doesn’t look to proposingy.
Day Two is spent in the morning first trying to figure out where the closet grocery store is, along with a good breakfast place is. Once all of that was found out, we went back to the hotel, putting away our groceries and then headed out to the four stared breakfast place. The drive wasn’t long beside being in a city it wasn’t much different then being back home in Hawkins. For the rest of the day was spent walking around the downtown area and searching for something easy to do. That’s when Lilly found that the tickets for the museum of art were on sale. Did either of us like art, we wer to find out when we walked through the cold building. Lilly was enmored by the art all over the alls. It took us hours to get through the entire museum, so when we were done it was nearly dinner. Again Lilly, and I went on the search for some sort of food in the downtown area. I ended up finding a great burger shop not far from the car. We sit together, and eat. The silence of the town falls into our dinner date.
Day Three is a great day. That morni g we wake up early. Opting to go to the hotels pool. Sure it’s March and it’s still cold but it’s all worth it to just spend a few hours in the pool and watch her splash around like a kids first time at the pool. When we leave it’s already mid evening, Lilly and I opt to just go back to the otel room. Smelling of chlorine, we take a shower separately because Lilly knows that if I get in the shower with her we’ll never leave the bathroom. While Lilly is showering I go through some of the grocery we had bought. I end up making al azy days meal. A few grilled chesse sit on top of each other while I wait on Lilly. She comes out in a sweats and a t-shirt of mine. “Grilled cheese.” I say waving towards the food. She smiles, “Of course, sir. I couldn’t think of a better meal.”
Day Four is spent doing what I thought was fun at least. Going to a few music stores for a new instrument. Lilly follows me by the heels of my feet. Sure she gazes and watches as a few people are all together in a sort of band. That night we get subs from a local deli. We sit in the deli, and the food is enough to keep us from talking. The plan of asking her to marry me is getting closer, and closer.
Day Five is a food and entertainment day. We do some shopping in the downtown area. Old antiques stores that Lilly had saw almost the first day we arrived in Indy. She’s enmored by all the old things that are apart of the store. “Look, look, look.” She says waving me over. Her hands are stuffed into a ratty box that’s filled with books and other old things. Lilly looks beautiful like she’s right at home. “What’d ya find, babe?” She looks up at me. Her face is gleaming with excitement. “Only all of the best things in the world.” I roll my eyes at her words. Hours go by before i have to end up dragging Lilly out of the building back to our car. So that we aren’t late to our food and entertainment show. Begrudgingly I’m ableto get Lilly out of the store without spending all of her money into the car, and to the show before we’re late to it.
Day Six is all about getting rest, and sleep. The past two days had been filled with adventure, and all sorts of things that meant that both of us were super fucking tired. I woke up when the warmth of Lilly next to me left. I heard the clink and clang of pans in the small kitchenet that came along with the hotel room. “Good mornin.” I said as I wrapped my arms around her wasit and pulled her away from the counter. “Hello, to you too sir.” She said softly. I nipped at her ear, and kissed her neck gently. “What are you making?” I asked, looked like pancakes, and maybe something like hashbrowns. “Someting good. Now go sit, and take this cup of coffee with you.” She said ushering me out of the kitchen space. Cause let’s be honest having someone else in the kitchen with you doesn’t alway work. It’s not always romantic to be cooking with your partner especially if you and your partner aren’t that good of cooks together. That whole day is spent lounge around the hotel room, watching returns of old jeopardy episodes, and trying to see if we’re smarter than half the people on those shows. Dinner is room service that night. Room service brings up a bottle of champagne, and a good chicken dinner which get devour before the campage bottle is even half empty. We cuddle, and turn on a movie that been playing on repeat on the DVR. Lilly falls asleep half way through the movie, and in my lap she get’s comfortable. When the movie ends I grab the remote and turn off the tv. I shift as to not wake Lilly up. I get ready for bed, and move sheets back so when I pick her up and place her back on the bed she’s a little bit more comfortable.
The seventh day. This day is more then special. I have to get everything ready. That morning I wake up in great sprits. I make us a great breakfast that I have to follow the directions online. Creeps, fruit, coffee. That’s all set out on the balcony of the hotel room. I have to wake Lilly gently. She shifts in her sleep, and opens her eyes slowly. “Hey, sweetheart. Do you want some food, coffee?” I ask her even though she’s still very sleepy. She nods her head, and shifts the sheets off of her body. I let her get herself together before dragging her towards the balancy. When her eyes set out on the little show I’ve put together she smiles widely. “This all looks so good babe.” She says. The first thing she picks up is her coffee. Then she takes a look out from the balancy. There’s nothing special but still a view of the city we aren’t to far away from. “ ihave a few things planned for today Lils.” I says as I sit down and start to cut into my meal. Her brows rise, “Really? Like what?” She asks, she sips on her coffee and chews her food. As I describe how I would love to take her to the zoo, and then come back get ready for that fancy dinner I had planned and told her about a week prior. She nods her head along with each thing. “So the zoo, and then come back get ready for this pseicla dinner, and then the actual dinner?” She asks, like she’s making sure she got it all right. I nod and take a sip of my now warm coffee. “What are you planning over there mister?” She asks, i shrug my shoulders. “Just wanted to take my lady on a proper vacation.” Her eyes squint like she’s trying to see into my heart, and soul. “Hmm, I’ll believe you for now.” She says and then finishes off her coffee, and breakfast.
Dishes land in the tiny sink, and we shower right after each other. With it still being cold outside. Lilly opted for that beautiful pair of jeans, and a long sleeve shirt that has a v-neck. Giving off a certain look that I’m head over heels for. I’m not too far off from what she’s wearing. My outfit has only one color throughout the whole thing. Black. She grabs her winter jacket, and I grab mine before the key and leave the hotel room off for the first part of the day. The drive back downtown this time is somewhat worse. The traffic is horrible, and as we wait for people and lights we listen to the music playing from the radio.
When we do finally get to a parking space, and to the actual zoo it’s not as cold outside. The morning sun warms the concrete ground, and keeps a constant flow of people out of their cars and into the zoo’s entrance line. “We should have bought tickets before we left Hawkins.” Lilly says, leaning back and forth on her feet. I nod my head agreeing with her comment, grabbing her gently on the waist and pulling her into my side. “Let’s just see how long the line takes.” Children run around as mothers who are already worn out try to catch them. The line in time shrinks, giving me the time I need to take my wallet out and wait for our turn. We buy tickets, and they wrap a paper bracelet around our wrists.
They have all different types of animals, and for the first few hours it takes us to get through just the land animals. Lilly is totally kept by the animals, and their descriptions. Some follow her through the glass, and some want to be fed by her. I stand back and just watch. She’s amazing in such a way that I don’t understand myself. “Babe?” “Hmm?” “Do you wanna ride the train?” Her eyes light up with a childlike joy. “Of fucking course I wanna ride the train.” Some moms look over and offended at the curse words that fall from her mouth, and into their precious children's ears. The train ride brings up around the complete land animals area. From there Lilly can truly see everything, and every animal. I’m able while she’s not really paying attention to snap a few pictures of her joyful smile.
We get a few snacks and travel towards the sea animals. Some dolphins, and the facts that Lilly pulls out of her head are amazing. Things that aren’t even written down on the multiple descriptions. Deserts, and Forests are the last sections we go to before I can see the tiredness wrap around Lilly’s head. “Hey let’s go baby.” I say grabbing her, pressing her up against me. Yawning, she nods her head and then rests it against my chest. It’s only mid afternoon when we get back to the car and the minutes that Lilly hits the passenger seat she knocks out. Not waking until I park at the hotel. She grumbles something about a great dream. “Babe, how about you go take a nap. I’ll wake you up before we have to leave.” I say to her as she walks like a sloth to the bed. A thumbs up is all I get.
Hours later I also wake up from a much needed nap, Lilly had never gotten under the covers, so she lays like a star-fish above the fluffiest covers ever. Her face has lines from the fabric and pillows. “Lilly, you gotta wake up.” I say softly as I shake her gently. She doesn’t stir, a deep sleeper. “Babe, you gotta get ready for our dinner.” I say a little louder, she stirs moving under me. “Lilly, you’ve gotta get up and shower.” I say once more, her eyes go wide and her head hits mine. “Oh shit, that hurt.” She says bring a hand to her forehead. I kiss her forehead, and she sits there for a moment. “Shower love.” I say before leaving the bedroom, and into the bathroom.
I had showered beforehand, and when the water finally turned off Lilly walked out in a black dress that she had asked me about, so she packed. Long lace stocking hind underneath the black fabric of the dress. Blue jeans, and something of a cowboy style takes over my style. She glimmers under the fluorescent lights in the hotel rooms. Grabbing our coats again we leave the hotel room for a second time today. Driving to the fancy dinner has my nerves on edge. I’m afraid of what might not even happen. Regardless, Lilly looks beautiful. I open her door, and take her hand as we walk into the restaurant. “Do you have a reservation?” The host asks me, “Yeah, under Munson.” I answer. I can see the surprised look on Lilly’s face from the corner of my face.
The dinner portion goes by quickly, steak and vegetable is what we both got. Wine sits in our wine glasses and the wild feeling grows against my chest, and lower stomach. I worry and then when I look up at Lilly it all disappears. She has a great ability to make me calm. “Deserts?” The waiter asks, I nod and so does Lilly. She orders, and then gets up. “I’ll be right back.” She says kissing my cheeks as she walks towards the back. The deserts come and so does Lilly. “Oh my god Eddie, this is great.” She murmurs with food in her mouth, I laugh even in this fancy restaurant she has dared to change how she is. I shift in my seat. No time like now I say inwardly. I get up from the chair, and walk over to the other side of the table. “Lilly?” She hums and notices I’m not in front of her anymore but at her side. Her eyes tell a story. A story of which she knows what’s about to happen. “Eddie, what are you doing?” She asks, I bit my lip for a moment. “Lilly will you do… I love you a fuck ton of a lot. I know we’ve had a few issues along the way. I want to ask you if you would do the pleasure of marrying me?” I ask, I wait on baited breath for an answer. I open the box, that damn ring I bought two years ago. “Yes Eddie… Yes I will.” She drops to her knees in front of me. I slip the ring on her finger, and a few cheers can be heard as she leans in and catches my lips.
I pay. Drive us back to the hotel. And deal with the nipping kisses that Lilly gives me on the way towards the door. But once that door opens I grab her and push her into the door shutting it. “Fuck you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to ask you.” I murmurs into her skin as I kiss her sloppily before grabbing her thighs and pulling her up. She giggles. “Come on Lilly, let me take care of you, yeah?” I ask, I walk the both of us towards the bedroom with her lips sucking hickies into my neck. I groan at the feel on my neck, and pants. “We gotta get you out of this dress.” I say simply, “Come on Eddie!” She whines, she slips her heels off, and that pulls me into her pulling at my belt, and throwing my shirt off my chest. Clothes are landing in piles on the floor. I get the dress off her frame. Bra, and black stocking staring up at me. “God you’re beautiful.” I mutter as I lace one hand it’s hers, and the other travels up her skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. She moans softly at the feeling. Her bra comes off, nipples budding at the cold air. Stockings land on the floor, and the panties follow behind them. “God you’re soaked, such a naughty girl you are.” I groan. My own pleasure can be forgetting for now I think to myself as I get down on my knees. We are both well tuned into each other's bodies. I know that a flirt of my tongue on her clit will have her head shooting back. Moans bouncing on the hotel's walls, curses falling her pretty little mouth.
Nothing in the whole seems better than the life I’m living right now. To hell with how I managed to get such a great life. Such an apple pie life, how in the hell I’d managed such a beautiful woman to be between my shoulder blades. I pick up her legs lifting one at a time onto my shoulders. She smells like heaven as her legs open wider for me, she waits anticipating for my next move on her flavorfully body. I kiss up her thighs, hands rubbing equally on her outer thighs. She’s already a mess above me, hands flying into my hair and getting annoyed that I’m not working quick enough for her liking. But this is all in the slow motions of her body. In the best way possible I’m an absolute slave for her. I would lay my life down on the line and it would be all for her. In the name of Lilly I would do anything.
I take the first dive into her glistening cunt. Using both of my thumbs to spread her open. The cold air hits her cunt, and she moans loudly. I make sure to give equal attention to both her dripping cunt, and her clit. Sucking and nipping at the sensitive bud. Her hands dig into both the sheets, and my hair. I feel the ring. Cold hit my scalp and I love the feeling. I continue to eat her cunt, sticking the longest of my fingers into her soaked cunt I feel the plush warm walls surround my finger. A slow pump, and then another finger. There’s no need for any prep with her, but still I do it anyway.
She moans at the intrusion. I keep a good pace, licking and pumping my fingers. She stuttering, “Oh fuck, Ed!” “There you go sweet girl, you gonna cum on my fingers?” I ask her, my words mumbled by her cunt. She bucks into my fingers keeping the pace that she likes. “EDDIE!” She’s screaming at the top of her lungs. Before I know it she’s gushing. She coats my fingers and when I pull them out she whines at the loss of them. I look at her directly. Her eyes are filled with lust, and I still lift my tongue out licking each finger individually. She moans at the actions, not tired enough she pulls me up. We kiss and she tastes herself on my tongue. “Come on Eddie, I wanna ride you!” She whines. I’m not shocked by her words, but how she manages to flip them over. My back landing on the bedShe shimmies me out of my trousers. “You’re so handsome.” She says. Her hair is a mess, and when she comes back up to look at me her eyes are wide. My cock hits the cool air of the hotel room when she pulls my boxers down my thighs and throws them off to the side. Clothes are something to worry about later on.
She doesn’t hesitate to climb over my body, and sit on my thighs. Her hands are so soft, and gentle with my aching cock that I don’t even notice the change of position as she leans over and the most provocative moan falls from her lips. Her eyes squeeze shut as she takes the girth of my cock. Her warm now gooey cunt swallowed me in. Squeezing me tightly, before I’ve completely disappeared within her. Her hands land on my chest as she begins to rock. My hands are on her hips rolling with each rock. When she’s comfortable she begins to bounce. Hands still on my chest, I love the view I’m given. Breasts bouncing in front of my face it’s hard to not want to grab on to one of them and suck on them. I bit my bottom lip. Then Lilly is shifting her position yet again. Hands leaving my chest, and bracing on my ankles. I watch as my cock appears and disappears from her cunt. The sight of it all. The sight of her enjoying the ride of my cock almost makes me explode right there. I want to enjoy this though, make it as long as possible.
She cunt squeezes me, and I can’t hold on anymore. My breathes become ragged, and my eyes want to shut. I let go, without a warning for which I doubt Lilly even wants. I let go. Deep inside of her, and with that so does Lilly. Her warm insides surround my cock, and I help her through her high as she helps me through mine. Breathless moans, and shifting on the bed happen.
I don’t dare move until Lilly is breathing normally, or at least half way normal. I laugh when I open my eyes and she’s blissfully off in the distance. “God I fucking love you.” I whisper. I can’t get over how beautiful she is, how amazing she is. I stare a little longer until the cool air makes me cold. I make my way towards the en-suite. Gathering a clean washcloth, dampening it with luke-warm water. When I return she’s already half asleep. I’m careful with my motion on her sore and tender skin. Wiping away most of the mess we created before moving the sheets away from the top of the bed, and moving her under them.
I see the glint of the diamond ring under the en-suite light. I smile down at her as I set the washcloth on the tub's side, and get back to the women I love so deeply it sometimes scares me. I gather the clothes and set them into a pile. ‘For wash tomorrow’ I think to myself. I put my boxers back on and climbed underneath the sheets with her. She curls into my side as I lay down. “I love you” She mutters in her sleep. I kiss the crown of her head. Wrapping my arm around her side and pulling her as humanly possible. I fall asleep in a blissful peace, one that is rare but such a great feeling.
“Eddie!” I’m not sure who’s calling my voice but it’s a voice so familiar to my ears. I can’t shake the way I feel. Almost dirty as I lay there. Unable for now to wake. “Eddie seriously this isn’t funny we need to get going!” I heard more shouts. More voices. Clean and clear are the ones right above me. “Eddie, come on dude.” I’m able now to open my eyes. I'm inside of my trailer. But I was pretty sure I had fallen asleep in Indy. In a hotel room. In the arms of my girl. My girl? “Steve, just help him up!” I hear another voice yell out. “Lilly?” It’s the first word that comes to mind. “No it’s me Munson.” That’s clearly Steve’s voice, and god when was the last time someone called me Munson. “Get him up, we need to leave.” My trailer is covered in thick gooey black vines. I come to a fast realization I’m not at all where I thought I was. I take the extended hand out. Steve is still standing there with a thick bandage around his waist. “Thanks.” I mutter, he nods and then I see the ropes and the kids standing on the other side of it.
Dustin, Max, Erica, Robin all of them are there. “Where did you go dude?” I hear Steve ask as I walk over to the rope. “I’m not sure.” It’s the truth. It all felt so damn real. It was so touchable, the feelings were real too. Was Lilly? I wonder about it all as I climb the rope and land on the shitty, stain ridden bed. “Eddie? Jesus fuck I thought we had lost you there for a moment.” It’s Dustin. He's hugging me tightly. He’s young again, a kid. Stupid curly hair that I shake. “I.… Vecna?” I say, he nods his head. “Yeah we gotta come up with a plan though for this shit.” He says, I move letting Steve come through the gate.
“We gotta get a ride then.” I say, I turn to Red. “You gotta ski mask, or somethin’ like that?” I ask her,she thinks for a moment. “Yeah I’ve got on.” As we wait for her to return I think of her. I think of Lilly, but the thoughts and memories start to fade. Disappearing into the void of the upside down maybe? “What happened?” Dustin asks me. I look over at the kid, “I think I got a glimpse of another life. I was engaged, and you were old with kids and fat. Harrington and Robin were married, still not really sure why.” Steve chuckles, and Robin makes a sound of throwing up. “Not that you aren’t my type, but you aren’t.”I hear Robin say to Steve he scoffs. “One hell of a dream Munson.” Harrington says. “Yeah.” I say softly as Red comes back in with a mask. A Halloween mask to be exact. I look at the people around me. “Let’s go steal an RV!”
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Completed on: 07/13/23
Posted on: 07/22/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
2 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 12 Nightmares
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: Nightmares, fluff, angst, smut,
Summary- Lilly has a full week's worth of nightmares before Eddie is able to console her. Fear boilings to the edges as a year comes to pass.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.1k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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Steve comes by the auto body shop. Even though the degree I hold from the GED class I took and graduated from I still work there for the old man's sake. Nearly into his seventies, it's hard enough for the old man to find any realizable workers. “Lunch?” He asks as the doors chimes with a new person entering the building. I look up. The old man had gone home for an early lunch and that was nearly twenty minutes ago. With a shrug of my shoulders I shut the book for write ups. I slide out from behind the desk, and turn off the open sign. “We’ll only be gone for like thirty minutes right?” I ask Steve. With a shrug of his shoulders it’s enough for me.
“Where are you thinking about going for lunch Steve?” I ask as I lock the front door and turn to him. His wrinkles of age so more when the sun hits his face, but still the handsome man that Steve was in high school. “I was thinking that we could grab some diner food.” Steve answers, jingling his keys to his old ass car. “Cool.” I answered him. I get into the passenger seat. The ride is smooth. The car shows no age while it’s driving at least. “So why did you suggest a lunch meet up?” I ask as Steve rides down the road that leads to the old diner.
He thinks for a moment pursuing his lips. “I would like to talk to you about some things that happened when you disappeared.” Steve says trying to form his words, and thoughts all at the same time. “Oh.” I feel like I’m about to get reprimanded, but I let Steve continue. “I thought now was the best time I could get to explain maybe a few things that you weren’t a part of. I’ll explain more when we eat.” Steve says, pulling into one of the many open parking spots of the diner. It’s nearly one in the afternoon. I nod my head, and when the car comes to a full stop the parking set I unbuckle from my seat and hope for the best when it comes to both the food, and the conversation between Steve and I.
We take a seat near the front of the diner, nobody’s here to bother us in our conversation besides an older woman who comes to take our drink orders, and our food orders. Steve orders a sweet tea, I order a pop. “It will be right out boys.” The older woman says as she shuffles away. I laugh at the motions of the women, but then realize I’m being glared at by Steve. “So anyways, are you gonna explain to me what happened after I poof disappeared from the world.” I laugh at my own words, but Steve is stoic in his position across from me in the booth. The drinks arrive a moment later and she takes our orders of the best food they’ve got which just so happens to be burgers.
“I guess I should start in the middle.” Steve says he undresses his burger adding a few things that burger was already missing. He starts back up. “God Dustin was a mess. I really didn’t realize how much he needed you. He was fussing all the way until the words came out of his mouth that Vecna had gotten you. You had gone through the gate sure, but you hadn’t ended up on the other sides. Even as we have this conversation I’m still not sure how that all worked out.” Steve says dressing his burger backup. I follow along taking the first few bites of my fries not yet ready for the burger. “Like I had said dude. He praised you on and on about you.” I say. “So what happened? Dustin freaked out and you killed Vecna? Did you kill him?” I ask. I hadn’t realized just how much I was still worried even now about whether or not Vecna was out killing people with my name being smeared about the Hawkins town paper.
“Well Dustin had a plan at least. You know that kid he’s smart as a whip with a little bit of an ego.” I laugh but nod. “A plan was born. Dustin and I would travel back through the gate after we all got our needed weapons.” “Weapons!” I say in a hushed but worried tone. “Yeah we had to steal an RV though so without your help to get it going it was a little bit harder.” I smile at the thought and then the sadness and anger hits me. My childhood had not been normal at all. He beat up on my mom and I. Used the little time he had between prison and being out to teach me not so normal son things. No throwing balls with my dad, instead he taught me how to Hotwire cars, and get away without a single person knowing.
“Dustin and the gang of us traveled to that shitty army store. You know the one with all the army shit and guns that had any of the people in Hawkins there when we rolled up.” Steve went on. “Without us it was a little waiter to go inside at least. I’m pretty sure that Nancy got into it with Carver.” I roll my eyes at the name. “Yeah he’s a massive pecker head.” I say the older women come by the table asking if we wanted to get anything else and if we were doing okay. We both nodded, she went on her own way. “Though I do have to give it to the girls. Nancy and Robin beat the shit out of Vecna. Flamethrowers, and a sawed off shotgun.” I smile weakly at the thought. “So how does it all go down?” I ask, finishing off the fires. He takes a few much needed bites of his burger.
“Yeah so I might have touched your guitar, Dustin thought it would be good if the girls didn’t have to deal with those damned bats.” I nod, “The girls fought Vecna while Dustin and I kept the bats off of them. Apparently Lucas and Max and even his little sister had to fight off Carver and his goons.” I roll my eyes, picking up the burger and noticing the time. Long over thirty minutes, but the shop would be okay on a Tuesday afternoon to be closed a little longer. “We killed Vecna, Max made it with some damages. A bad, very bad coma that took over her life for a few years. El, the magic girl tried to get her some help. Things didn’t end well.” I nod along the conversation. “Hopper came back.” My brows shoo up. “Yeah I know the same reaction I had. He was in Russia for like a whole year and came back skinny as a stick.” Steve says finishing off his food.
“So how’d you end up with robin? Married I mean?” I ask, not yet ready for the conversation to be done. “Oh that was a whole fuckin’ story. My parents were concerned when they came back from one trip. Claimed that I was either going to go with them and never come back to Hawkins. They would have sent me off to marry some chick with no brains or brawn. I told them about Robin, and in a nice deal with my father. I got married to Robin, keeping the house and the money I was going to inherit if I could stay in Hawkins with her.” I nod my head. “But she’s?” Steve nods. “Yeah she’s a part of the whole LGBQ+ community.” Steve says finishing off my thoughts. The bill comes to the table and I reach for it. Steve takes it from my grasp. “My treat. Thank you for listening. Wanting to know.” Steve says he pays the bill, and the ride back to the auto body shop is quieter than before. My head is twirling with the thoughts of the whole fight with Vecna. “No thank you for a lunch out of the shop, and for wanting to tell me. I won't lie, I've been curious about what happened. It’s all blank like a black space. A void that nothing was there scary man.” Steve nods at my words.
A week later is Valentine’s Day.
“Do you want something special?” I ask Lilly. She smiles, her bright warm smile that makes my insides knot up. “Sure Eds.” Lilly says curling into my side. “Why don’t we go to Indy for the day or a few nights at least.” I say. “And do what Eds?” She asks if her head rests on my chest and I bet she can hear the steady heartbeat. “Go to a music festival, and have a good, fancy, proper dinner.” She draws shapes into my chest. “Okay Eddie.” She says tiredness sweeping through her words. We fall asleep like that. The next morning we pack and get into her car for the drive there. “I’m hoping that I don’t have to make reservations ya know.” I say over the music. She hums along to the music and to me.
There’s plenty of stops that we make along the way. Shopping, stopping for bathroom breaks and food once in a blue moon. Lilly spends a while going through a few boutiques in Indy before we get to the major city. The same night we manage to get a suite in a not too shabby bed and breakfast not far out from the city. Lilly sets up our nights that we will be staying at the place while I get out bags. Lilly packs heavy for whatever reason. I climb the stairs and make my way to find her. “Your wife is just upstairs to the left. First door.’ The older woman says. I want to correct the woman, but the thought of making her my wife stops my heart for a moment. That damn ring is still sitting in my socks drawer. “Thank you ma’am.” I say sweetly to the older women. I climb another set of stairs before I open the door. “Honey?” I say, “In here.” She says. “They have an en-suite bathroom.” She says with excitement, but there’s something lurking in the back of her eyes, and a wide smile.
“Tired?” I ask her “I could use some hours of sleep. Give me my bag would ya.” She says, propping her hand out. I shift, and close the door. “How many days are we here?” I ask her. “I have us here for at least two days for the festival and the dinner.” She looks over at me. “That's good?” I nod. I strip down to just my boxers and put my hair into a messy bun. I wait for her, but end up sleeping through the dip in the bed. I pull her closer when she settles. I wake to murmuring in her sleep. I’m not sure what to do. I remember Wayne coming in and making sure that I was okay whenever I could have nightmares. “Lilly?” I say softly, swiping some hair away from her forehead. Sticking with sweat. I fear that going back to bed is the wrong choice but there’s no other choice. Waking someone up from their nightmares is no good.
The musical festival happens the following morning. I want to ask her about the dreams she was having the night prior but almost feel like I would be peeling back parts that she isn’t prepared for me to take interest in yet. The dark circles under Lily's eyes grow as she wakes up with knotted hair. “I’ll take a shower.” She murmurs to herself as she kisses my cheek. I watch and wait for her in the bed. I worry about her. She pushes herself so hard that I think she barely ever takes care of herself. When she comes out of the bathroom, she is dressed in a rocker outfit. Black jeans that have holes in them. An old t-shirt of mine that has iron-maiden, or AC&DC. She does a twirl. Her makeup is dark and sexy, red lipstick. “I haven’t been to a musical festival in a long time.” She comments. “Are you getting dressed, or do you plan to go naked?” She winks at me, grabbing her black boots. “Oh you… I’ll get dressed, you don’t have to worry about me.
That morning I dressed pretty close to her. A pair of black jeans that are tights around my upper thighs, a band t-shirt and my boots. We both grab our coats and I lock the door to our private bedroom at the bed and breakfast. The ride to the festival is filled with heavy traffic and having to find parking is hell, but Lilly and I make it out with parking spots and on our way to get into the festival.
Musica is already blaring, and Lilly shops some more for t-shirts that she thinks that we will both like. The real part of the festival happens nearly two hours later. Lunch is a part of the tickets so we get a good healthy serving of a barbecue sandwich with curly fries. Lilly’s face is flush and then tired she dances and sings along to lyrics she’s probably never heard of before. That night I drove us back to the bed and breakfast. Lilly is asleep in a matter of seconds when he hits the headrest. She doesn’t even wake up when he makes it to the parking lot behind the bed and breakfast.
That night she doesn’t mumble in her sleep, or shift wildly either. The night in bed together. Kissing and touching up on each other for what seems like hours before Lilly gets up abruptly and turns to me. “Dinner baby?” She asks, “I’d rather skip dinner and get straight to deserts.” I flirt with her, she flips me off with a warm smile on her face. “Dinner Eds. I’m hungry.” She fusses and goes into the bathroom. The dark circles under her eyes are even worse today, and no matter how much make-up she uses to cover up her circles under her eyes it won’t change the fact that she’s tired and I know that already. She changes in the bathroom into a red dress black heels. She’s beautiful, a contrast to yesterday's fashion show that came out of the ne-suite bathroom. “You’re beautiful.” I say. The words fall from my thoughts to my mouth. She blushes and kisses me on my cheek.
Dinner is fancy to say the least. I worry about the ring, but know that it will be better to say something about it later on. We get steak, a place called Ruth’s Chris. “That’s the stupidest name for a restaurant.” I say to her as we walk in hands linked tighter together. She rolls her eyes at my inner thoughts becoming outer thoughts. “Whatever you say baby.” The host takes us to a private table, the server is quick to get our orders, and brings us a bottle of wine of Lilly’s choosing. “Red?” The server asks, Lilly nods her head. Steak is wafting through the building and when it hits my nose I know for sure what I want for dinner this valentines night. Lilly clinks her wine glass with mine, “Happy Valentine’s Day Eddie.” She says, taking a sip of her wine. “Of course love.” I say sweetly.
I worry too much about her. I shot a text to a group chat that Robin had made for just the three of us. Steve, Robin and I. “Guys, what do you know about nightmares?” I ask, I wait for a few minutes. Lilly is getting undressed in the bathroom wiping her makeup that’s covering growing dark circles. “Why?” I got a message from Steve, “Cause I think Lilly’s got some nightmares.” I say simply. “Oh, well are you sure it’s nightmares?” Robin threw the question into the chat. “Yeah I’m pretty fuckin sure. She tosses and turns in her sleep. Mumbles about something that I can’t really make out.” I text into the chat. Bubbles sit at the bottom of the chat. “I think you’ve just got to wake her up, or wait until she comes to you about them.“ Robin says “I say I gotta agree with Robin here. Nightmares are pretty private things that only one person can experience. Trust me she’ll come to you about them when she’s comfortable.” Steve says into the chat.
“Thanks guys.” I type out as the bathroom door opens. She dressed for sleep with a large t-shirt on her small frame. “Who are you texting?” She asks as she settles next to me in the bed and breakfast bed. “Just rob, and Steve.” She nods, and slides down the bed. She turns off the lights and gets comfortable. “You’re watching me.” She says, opening one of her closed eyes. “You caught me love dove.” I say pulling in the phone and turning off my light before sliding down to hold Lilly close in my arms. “I love you.” I whisper into her ear. She shifts closer than possible to me. “I love you too.” She murmurs.
“No Eddie please don’t!” I scream to him, he’s walking away not daring to look at me. He’s different. Darker, meaner than he’s ever been to anyone. It scares me to my core, everything has been fine. It was going great and then all of the sudden my dreams came crumbling down. The dreams or nightmares had been constant for almost the last couple of months. Constant nightmares that Eddie would pack up and leave one day. Leave me to cry and burn all because he was no longer happy. Hell he and I had gone through a little of hell ourselves.
It wasn’t that I didn’t think I was not to blame for the months we spent apart, yet that’s exactly what I thought. I could fall asleep in his arms, know with all of my heart that he wasn’t going to leave me and yet I still dreamt of it every night.
The screaming and shouting. The yelling that happened between the two of us was horrible. The fights every night that happened within my head were melting into my everyday life with Eddie. Nothing felt the same, maybe it had to do with something I had done. The snooping that I had done before Eddie had come home one day.
I was doing laundry and as I was putting away his clothes. His boxers, and socks I had seen. The little black box that sat within his drawer was hidden by layers of boxers, and socks. Maybe I should have just said something to him. Instead I let it fester in my head, in my heart. That's where the nightmares began.
Why hadn’t he asked me yet. I opened it, I opened the little black box and I saw the ring that lay there. Did it matter why Eddie hadn’t asked me. Was he backing out of his thoughts? Did he even want to get married? Marriage was so far off my bucket list that I hadn’t even thought about it as we were together. To me being together was enough for me, but as the words and the thoughts filled my head. I thought more and more about it.
It always started off the same way. Eddie on one knee, asking me. A happy dopey smile on his face. A fancy dinner, nice clothes, and that damned box filled with every hope someone could have for the person that they loved. I would look down, surprise on my face. My heart is beating faster than ever before. I take a step forward and remember all the hate, the tears that have fallen from my eyes. All the curses and the fights that happened between us.
The lies.
The hope.
All of it was fake, so why would I do this? Because it’s what I want deep down. I want the forever sort of love. The love that causes you so much heartache, but at the same time the love that makes you able to relive every great moment that happened in your life. The sort of life that every girl at the age of five through twenty wants. The princess story that every girl has heard of before. The knight that’s going to rescue her, so why would I say
“No Eddie I can’t.” God you never saw love being ripped from someone’s heart until you’ve said no. “Why?” His question is sharp, harsh in my ears. He’s more than angry. “I… I just…” The words get stuck in my throat. It hurts me more than Eddie can realize. Say No wasn’t what I had meant, was it? I’m not sure anymore, hell I’m not even sure of anything anymore. “Why, Lilly?” He asks again. Sharper, harder, meaner.
“I just… I don’t… I thought that we were okay going how we were. I thought that you were okay with just doing everything slow.” I say in a whisper. My heart is racing in my chest. Nobody is around. Nobody watches the rejection, but that’s not what it is. “I don’t wanna lose what we have now just because of a stupid piece of paper, and a fuckin’ ring Eddie.” I managed to get out. The box slams shut and lands on the table with a fumble. “What the hell does that even mean? You don’t wanna lose what we already have. Lilly that’s the whole point. Or is this something else? You don’t wanna get married to the town freak? You listen to that Carver mother fucker for far to long.” We stare at each other. “He doesn’t have a thing to do with this Eddie.” I try to reach out to him. Touch him, ground the both of us but he backs away. Hitting something with his body in an effort to get away from my touch.
He doesn’t look at me. He reaches for the door. “Wait… don’t do that… don’t go…” I cry out. My eyes are blurry with tears and my heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest. “You give me no choice Lilly. You don’t want us now, so I don’t I just go… Give you no choice.” Eddie says. “No Eddie please don’t” I try but he’s already out of the door, already not daring to look back at me.
“Baby!” I shout out. Lilly is tossing and turning next to me. Her breath is hard, and her heartbeat is racing under my hand. “Lilly!” I don’t give a shit about the many other bed and breakfast customers. I want Lilly to wake up and be with me. “Lilly please!” I say as I start to shake her from her nightmare. “Lilly, you need to wake up, baby. I’m here… just wake up and everything will be fine.” I murmur to her. Her eyes blink fast as she wakes from her nightmares. Her breath is quick as she tires. Catch them. She sits up faster than she needs to. Hitting her head on the wall. “Eddie!” Her eyes are filled with tears. She wraps her hands around my waist pulling me towards her. Barely giving me time to stop her from pulling me on top of her. “Baby?” Her breathing is still quick but as she breathes in and out her heart slows.
“You need to breathe, long and steady breaths baby.” I say to her gently. Checking the back of her head with the palm of my hand. “Ouch!” She shrieks, but at least she’s talking more. “What happened baby?” I ask, but silence takes over the room. “I don’t wanna talk about it Eddie.” She answers. I swallow the answers, willing myself to not push it. I can’t though. “Please tell me, I want to help you love.” I say gently untangling myself from her grip so I can look at her. “I just had a nightmare Eddie.” “A nightmare about Lilly?” I ask her. Tears bubble over her eyes. “You… we… just please don’t leave me!” She says, squeezing me tightly.
My brows tighten at her words. “I would never leave you. Not even if you push me out of your life. Never again will I leave. No matter what!” I said to her, Tear wet on my skin as I hold her tightly. Weeping into my hold on her. We stay like this for hours until dawn starts to hit through the sheer curtains. Lilly has fallen asleep, restfully sleeping on my chest. Heart beat slower and calmer than hours before. I breathe her in, watching as she sleeps against me.
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Completed on: 07/19/23
Posted on: 07/20/23
3 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 6 The Life
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, More past events being brought up, working a real job, good life vibes, nosey Robin and Steve, fluff, drinking, making out, douches in public.
Summary- Eddie gets a job at the local mechanic shop. He moves in further with Lilly. Furthering their growing relationship. Steve and Robin take a chance to bother him at work.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 7.0k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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Was Eddie just that classic of a person? He grabbed the local newspaper as it sat in the mailbox. Walking back into the trailer with a stack of envelopes and the newspaper cupped in his armpit. “Lilly, do they still have a help wanted section in the newspaper?” I yelled into the trailer air. Lilly wasn’t in the living room, or in the kitchen so he assumed she was in the back. A place he didn’t venture to often. Unwilling to venture so far, almost like going back into the past. “Wouldn’t know Eds, I don’t read the newspaper!” 
With a shuffle and a shut of the front door, I gathered myself at the kitchen table. “Hey, where are the pens and highlighters?” I yelled back to Lilly. If you could hear the roll of her eyes you’d laugh just like I did, “Right draw, underneath the tv stand.” I dug through the drawer, looking for that bright yellow highlighter, and pen that I used to despise during school. I sit my ass back down at the kitchen table, the newspaper is opened down the center. I look, waiting for something that connects, but I doubt it easy as that. 
An hour passes and Lilly has come back out from the back of the trailer, I hear her footsteps and when she stops it’s only because she’s peering over my shoulder. Almost glaring at the paper that sits in front of me. There are pen and highlight marks. Some highlight marks are drawn through with pens. I had called the numbers most being disconnected. “Are you looking for a job?” Lilly asks me from over my shoulder, I shrug my shoulders, “You know you don’t have to Eddie?” As if I could sit, and do nothing while she did everything. 
Another hour passes. The black and white paper now looks like a very bad version of a crossword puzzle. Little boxes, filled with little descriptions of the job for which you are calling. It has me rolling my eyes more than I think I ever did when I was a teenager. Lilly had already made a batch of cookies and cleaned up the kitchen once before returning to make lunch. She had set the plate down on the side of the newspaper. “Have you found anything?” She asked her voice hopeful. I shook my head, looking down at the sandwich. 
It was the only time I had stopped in nearly three hours of working through the newspaper. The help wanted section was larger than I thought it would be considering it was the twenty-first century like Lilly said. Done by sections of jobs it wasn’t confusing to figure out that it was filled with lots of Service jobs. Pet care, lawn services, and other things that I had no interest in doing. But really I had no interest in getting a job, but here I was looking through the help wanted section. “They might have postings in town?” Lilly muttered. 
I turned my head over my shoulder. Looking towards Lilly as she sat in front of the TV, and a book in her hand. “How’s the multi-tasking going for ya?” Throwing sarcasm to the wind. She rolled her eyes but smiled at me. “What do you mean they might have a job posting in town?” I asked, seriously wondering what she was talking about. “Do you remember the diner?” I shake my head, “They’ve had one for a while now.” I tried to think, I had seen a little sign that hung on the door. I thought for a moment. 
“Can we go into town and check them out?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and got up. “Let’s go it’s early enough in the afternoon.” I grabbed my shoes and tumbled out of the door with Lilly in front of me. I slide into the passenger side seat and waited for Lilly to lock the front door, and get in beside me. The drive to town is shorter than I remember it being. Music playing softly in the background. Lilly drives to a few places. The library, Melvalds, finally the mechanics. The posting is sitting in the window, waiting. 
I smile at the window, and smile back at Lilly. “I think I’ll check this one out, okay?” She nods her head, grabbed her pocketbook, and waved her book at me as I slammed the passenger door. I walked with confidence into the main part of the auto shop. An older gentleman looked at me through his glasses. “What are you here for son?” I swallowed, “A job hopefully.” I countered, he shook his head, looking me up and down. “Do you know anything about cars, son?” I shook my head. “How old are ya son?” “twenty-two Sir.” “Good enough.” 
“You can start next week, I would wear something less nice.” I shook my head with a smile, “Anything else sir?” I ask with a grin. “Working time starts are eight in the morning, be here on time.” With that, the old man was shooing me away. I walked with a swagger and more confidence than previously. I stood there for a moment, watching Lilly through the windshield. Her head in a book, hair cascading down her face, brows furrowed down. ‘She’s beautiful more than she knows.’ I think. I interrupt Lilly’s reading, “I got the job.” She smiles brightly. 
“That’s great Eddie!” She drops her book on the middle console and wraps me in a huge hug. Her breasts are against my chest and her hair is tickling my skin, but I sink into it. Letting myself be in the moment, the hug lasted longer than normal. Like she doesn’t want to let go. We sit like this in front of the auto mechanics shop. Holding each other. “We should probably get going,” I say even though I don’t want the words to come out. She let’s go and starts the car back up. “Anywhere else you wanna go?” 
Once again the drive is quick, and the music plays softly in the background. But this time it’s different. Lilly turns down the radio and starts up a small conversation with me. Asking me about me. “So he just accepted you right then and there with no resume?” She asks, I nod. I hadn’t thought about that fact. “I never had a resume before, and he asked me how old I was, and said that was good enough for him,” I answer. There’s silence and then another question. “What would have been on your resume if you got the chance?” 
I stop fiddling with the hem of my shirt and look over at her. She’s got a look of curiosity. Sometimes curiosity can kill the cat. “Nothing,” I answer frankly and quickly. The conversation is going in a direction that’s too clouded to understand. “What do you mean nothing?” She asks quicker than I’m ready for. “I… I never really graduated high school so that nothing would be on my resume.” I sat matter of factly. The words are hard for me to say, and even harder I suspect for Lilly to hear. “So no high school diploma.” “I wish.” 
The banter ends there and then we are parking in front of the trailer. It’s mid September, and the weather is changing quickly. From summer clothes to jeans and thicker jackets. I pull my arms together having forgotten to grab one on the way out earlier. Lilly is quick to get the door unlocking and usher me in. “It’s getting to be dinner time, do you want me to make something?” She asks, I hum and settle onto the couch. A job packed away, but now it had to wait for a whole week. “Pasta sound good Eds.” She yells. 
I yell back a yes and then flick through the tv, it’s nothing but old movies and horrible commercials. “Almost done, plate or bowl?” She shouts from the kitchen. I smile at our banter, and how normal it all is. Even though nothing about anything is normal in Hawkins. “Bowl!” I scream back, Lilly groans. A few more moments she’s carrying a bowl and a plate filled with food, and two cans of pop under her arms. “Take the pop from under my arms.” I grab both. She sits but isn’t quiet for long. “Would you go back to school?” 
“Back to school?” My eyes widen as I blow on a few strings of pasta wrapped around my fork. “I mean not like high school, but maybe online schooling. Like getting your GED. Just so you know you have that accomplishment.” She’s muttering now, ranting on about grades, and degrees. “I think it would be nice to feel like I finally graduated,” I say as I shove a mouthful in. “Why don’t we look at some GED classes for you in general for you to take.” Lilly suggests, I nod along with her, “Sure why not. I’m paying for them though.” 
Lilly smiles and takes my hand, forcing me to slow my heartbeat down. “It’s okay if people want to take care of your Eds, you just have to be honest with them and let them take care of you,” Lilly mutters as she softly caresses her thumb over the top of my hand. I crack a smile, and Lilly follows behind with one. “Now why don’t we watch something you might like yeah.” She grabs the remote, switching between channels and finally getting Indian Jones. “Nice pick Lils, if I do say so myself.” “Oh shove it, and eat.” 
That night, after dinner and a great movie Lilly grabs her laptop and brings it back to the living room passing me in the kitchen while I’m cleaning the last of the dishes and the leftover food on the countertop. When I come back to the living space, her legs are crisscrossed, and her laptop sits on her lap. “Whatcha doing, Lilly?” I ask her, intrigued by the look on her face. Pensive and searching for something. “Searching for classes for you to take in less than four months.” I sit down next to her. “Whatever you wanna do Lilly.” 
It takes a minute, her fingers click quickly on the keyboard on her laptop, and then finally there’s a successful sigh of content. “Hell yeah, I’ve found the perfect website for this.” She turns and looks over at me. I’m only ninety percent sure that she’s looking at me like I’m an idiot. A goofy smile hangs on my face. She’s always so damn perfect it’s almost impossible. “So the website said that you need to have taken at least a few classes your senior year, did you?” Lilly is waiting for my answer, but it seems to be stuck. 
“Eddie?” She says that a few moments of silence have passed. “I guess i should tell you this right?” Lilly hums, but her face is full of wonder. “I didn’t graduate high school the first time, or the second time, when all the falling through your ceiling shit happened I was in my third times a charm routine of my senior year. It all sort of ended. I think I had two classes left.” I confess to Lilly. She stares at me for only a moment. There’s no judgment, no wrongful stare that bores into my chest and burns there. 
“Alright.” Is all Lilly dares to say before returning her attention to her screen for a few seconds. She clicks away on her laptop and makes no effort to tell me what exactly she’s doing. “Where’d you go to high school, Eddie?” She squeaks out. “Hawkins High?” My words out like a question. She nods, and then turns, “So they should have your records right?” She asks me like I know. I shrug, “I can go check, but seeing as things are more digital they might not have them.” Lilly nods and returns to the screen in front of her. 
Something in me continues with the previous conversation. “You know I got into the wrong crowd,” I muttered, mostly to myself but still I feel her gaze on me, and the clicks on her laptop stopped. I can’t look at her right now, so the floor becomes more interesting. “I… um had a hard time. Teachers weren’t helpful rather than supporting me they made it their life mission to fuck up everything for me. 1984 was supposed to be my original year, then it turned into 1985 and that didn’t work, ‘86 was all I really had left to win.” 
The air isn’t hard between the two of us, but I can still feel her eyes on me. Finally, Lilly rests her hand on my knee. “I’m sorry Eddie… I’m sorry that nobody supported you as they should have… I can only jope that this time around you have enough support to make it all worth it in the end.” Lilly says gently rubbing my knee. I finally look up at her, her smile in small but beautiful regardless. “Thanks, Lils.” The nickname coming out. Her smile only grows afterward, for the rest of the night, we talk about classes. 
Dates in this small town are hard and not only is there not much to do in this small town, but people are just as funky as they were in the late 80s. I mentioned to Lilly after breakfast a few days after I got my job, that maybe we could go visit a few other places in town before I started my job at the auto body shop. With September coming to an end I mentioned one date to Lilly which she took me up almost automatically. Over a cup of coffee “Do you maybe wanna go garage picking?” 
She looked over her laptop screen, it wasn’t too late in the morning. An early Saturday morning, sunny and warm outside. “How’d you know that I like to go picking?” Lilly smiled, her eyes were all I could see but I growing to love it. “I just took a wild guess,” I muttered before bringing the hot cup of coffee to my lips. That morning we packed up and got into her car, driving it around. Looking for a morning garage sale, “Why don’t we check out rich area?” Lilly questions as she drives. I look over, “Of course Lils.” 
It takes a moment to get there, but we got over there. The streets are lined, and it’s not really about the thing of buying anything. It was about looking through the rich people’s shit, Lilly’s words, not mine. As we parked on the side of the road we walked up the path toward Harrington’s house. Stopping at each house until Lilly found something that caught her eye. Hand taking mine and dragging me towards the driveway, “Clothes Eds! Clothes!” She giggles dragging me close and close up the driveway. A clothing rake that holds all the rich clothing types. 
“Holy shit is that Louis Vuitton?” Lilly shrieks as she drops my hand and ran the rest of the way. Her hands brush over the fabric, and the looks are normal, especially from the rich people in the neighborhood. Then there’s a scream from over yonder closer to the road. “Munson!!” My eyes go wide, and panic hits my whole body. ‘Run.’ ‘Run.’ Is all that goes through my head, until I hear the groaning, “Robs stop that!” It’s just Harrington and Buckley. I smile, as I look over at Lilly she’s deep into the rake. “I’ll be fine Eds.” 
I walk over and Robin is smiling wide like she hasn’t seen me in a very long time. Steve looks like shit and very tired. In arms wide Robin squeezes me into a hug. I hug her back and even though my lungs are asking for more air I can’t bare to let go of Robin, and neither can Robin. We stay like this until Steve comes over and removes Robin from me. “Why don’t you come over for dinner and drink Eddie,” Steve says, an invitation for drinks makes me warm up and the beating in my heart passes. 
I nod, and then Lilly is racing over with a bag and a few clothes shoves into it. “Did you buy those?” Robin asks, Lilly smiles and starts to go on about these clothes that she bought and how old and vintage they’re gonna look. “And I only spent like twenty bucks for everything including the bag, the lady was a little old to be thinking about numbers this early in the morning.” Lilly rambles on, I look over at her and my heart burns at how much I’m falling for this girl standing next to me. “Dinner next week?” 
“We’d love to,” Lilly answers for me, taking my hand and saying goodbye before walking us back to the car. “Is this all the shopping you wanted to do Lils?” I ask. She hums and hugs her bag that’s overfilled with clothes. I drive us home, the day is already halfway done, and my stomach burns from hunger. “How about some food when we go home?” It’s the first time I’ve called it home, and the look that Lilly gives me nearly makes me hard press the bracks. “Yeah let’s go home for lunch Eds.” She just takes my hand. 
The older man at the autobody shop called the following Monday. My phone rang and for the first few seconds, it freaked me out that my ass was vibrating. I dug my hand into my back pocket and saw that the caller id was from the auto body shop. I took a breath and swipe over the answer call button. “I don’t need ya for another week okay.” I breathe a sigh of excitement and with October so close I ask Lilly about another date. This time I don’t get the chance to offer a second date, Lilly does instead. 
She’s heading my way. My feet are are on resting on the coffee table. “Do you wann go for a uh second date?” She asks her teeth grabbihng at her bottom lip. I smile. The thought that the old man at the auto body shop didn’t need me for another week was good, it meant more time i could spend with Lilly. Not that I hadn’t already spent a shit ton of time with her already. “Of course” I said moving my sock cladded feet off of the coffe table. It’s not hard to notice the smile on her face. 
Rosey cheek, and red hot ear tips are the first thing I notice whenever she smiiles around me. It’s not always because I’ve said something to her, sometimes it’s simply because she catches me looking at her from afar, or across the kitchen table as she works. With Lilly having already done so much for me since I guess you could say transicted to the new way of life it. She moves to sit down next to me. Her sweatpants are soft agssint my legs as I try to gather my thoughts. “I was thinking so close to october we could see if they have pumpkins out?” Lilly isn’t timid or shy about anything else in her way of life, so why would she be about asking me out. “I was thinking something along those lines as well.” I offer to lighten the air between us. “So it’s a date?” She asks. She fidgeting with her nails. Red adorned them as they shine under the lights of the living space. “It can be a date if you want it to be.” I say grabbing one of her hands. It’s sweaty but that doens’t bother me, and it doesn’t bother her. 
“We can go in a few days… Do you want some lunch Lils.” I say dropping her hand gently onto ther knee and getting up. “I can…we can make something.” Lilly offers, “Whatever you want to do sweetheart.” I reach a hand out offer it to her, and she takes it with ease. We both walk to the kitchen hand in hand, not saying anything. But words aren’t really needed right now, the silence keeps up as we enter the kitchen. She pulls a few things out and I follow along behind her. That afternoon we make breakfast for dinner. 
It isn’t until a few days later does another person call me. Steve? I answer with a simply ‘hello’. “Hey remember I said something about coming over, and brining your girl with you for dinner and drinks?” He asks, I recall the memory, with a simple hum. “So when do you think you’d want to come over?” I think for a moment and drag myself over to the calendar. Mostly everything is written on it. The day my classes start, and my new first work day along with a few other things. “Say this Wednesday Steve.” “Sure good for me” 
Lilly and I take yet another venture out towards the Hawkins town. This time in search for pumpkins. Lilly had taken her time getting ready after work. Normally she doens’t so much besides put her hair up in a loose bun, and wears casual clothes during work. This time after her online work was done, she yelled from her bedroom which I still was hesitant to go into. “I’m gonna take a shower before we head out okay Eds.” Then she was standing infront of her door. Only wearing her towel that was wrapped around her body. My heart stopped. 
“Eds? Did you hear me?” “hmm” “Did you hear was I said, or not?” She asks in a mood of wanting to get on with the things she had planned. “YEah I heard ya, takin’ a shower before we head out for pumpkins Lilly.” I mutter mostly to myself, and my voice cracking on the way. I’m still staring at the spot she was standing. The water turning on alreting me that she had long since left the hallway. I could see her whole body frame, even from the hallway to the living room. I shifted on the couch uncomfortably. 
Would it be so bad, that I felt the way I did at this moment. Her naked body had been only covered by the thin material of a shower towel. Nothing else beside socks she had forgotten to take off while she was in her room, getting undressed. Nobody to watch her as she unclasped her bra and threw it across the room. Or how her panties probably slide down her thighs with grace. My mind was going places it shouldn’t and my pants were growing more and more tight the longer I thought about her showering, and all alone. 
My bit my lower lip. Normally she took long shower, and in the morning I always could hear the water turn on and then off twenty minutes later. I hadn’t jerked off to anything, the magazine I had underneath by bed weren’t in the boxes. If they had been it probably wouldn’t have opened anyways. I tired to think of sad things like that stupid animal commercial that wanted you to donate to them, or the feeling I felt in the black upside down that made me travel here to this time. But nothing worked, so I let it win. 
My hands travel on their own as they reach for my belt. It snaps undone, and the sound sort of echcos in the empty-ish trailer. I’m more cautionish of my breathing, and I take smaller breathe. My hand grazes over the tip of my cock and my breathe stops in my thoart. No matter how hard i try to slow my heart rate down I can’t manage to. Everything is hot, my long sleeve that I am wearing is now tucked under my chin. Out of my way. The zipper is the next loud feat I have to get over.
Louder then ever before I take my time, and gather the breathe I can before ripping the zipper down the rest of the line. My cock sits hard agasint my tight boxers. Wettness hits the side of my plam and I know I don’t have that long. Not after contemplating weather or not I was going to do this in the first place. Through my bit lower lip a sigh of contentment rolls off my tongue. “Fuck” I pull my jeans down just enough and use the space I now have to pull my swollen cock out of my boxer. 
Angry red, and hot to the touch I rub just the tip using my pre-cum as a lubricant. My hand falls down my shaft and the bit I have on my lip only gets harder. My eyes close and my mouth opens. Everything around me is Lilly. Her smell is all over the place, and I can’t get over it. My heart is beating in my chest, and the vision start behind my eyes. The darkness fills up with imagis of Lilly. It feels wrong, I know its wrong. I can’t help it through. My hand keeps a good pace. 
A few imagines past through my eyes. One of Lilly laying naked over the couch her ass high in the air, and my hand quickens. Another had Lilly with her legs wrapped around the pillow I use each night to rest and close my eyes. Lilly and her breathy moans that fill my head as she whimpers from the hard thrusting she’s causing her clit agasint my pillow. It’s all a thought in my head. My hand goes even faster, and I feel the orgasms growing faster by the second. I can hear the water shut off, my heart beats. 
I don’t think of anything, rather I think of her face. Between my thighs her hair pulled into my hand and everything is going perfectly. Her tongue in my head in out waiting for the cum that will fall agasint her face. My body stiffens and everything stops right then and there. Sounds around my stop and my eyes close tight. Seeing white is only the start of it. “Fuck…” I mutter to myself. My lower stomach is covered with my sticky cum, and I drop my black long sleeve. Shifting myself back into my boxers, and my pants back. 
By the time Lilly comes out the bathroom my cheeks are hot and still red, but my hands are washed and I’m back on the couch like she’s none the wiser. “Eddie you okay? I heard you when I got out of the shower?” I swallow hard, and swipe a hand through my hair. “Yeah I’m all good had a rock stuck in my shoe.” I say trying to convince her. “Oh sure. I'll be ready in like ten minutes.” She says swaying her hips as she walks back towards the back bedroom. I lick my lips and sigh heavily. 
Lilly is right she’s out before her magical ten minutes are up. My heart is still racing, “Are you ready Eddie?” She asks she as exist her bedroom. She’s beautiful it makes me fall back down onto the couch. A tan tank top with a sweater adoring it, a black skirt with tights underneath and a pair of brown boots. She rushes over, “Eddie? Are you alright?” She asks, concern etched on her beautiful face. She’s not wearing any makeup “Yeah I’m fine just lost my balance is all Lils. Let’s go before someone steals the good pumpkins.” She giggles. 
Helping me up from the floor and even to the door. She grabs her purse from the kitchen table and locks the door behind her. I feel so underdressed, my own black jeans that have no holes in them a comfy sweater that used to be Uncle Wayne I had found in the box of stuff from Steve and Dustin. The air blows a little to harsh through the windows of Lillys sedan. The drive is longer then normal. Since the pumpkin farm isn’t far from the Hawkins town line. “Parking is looking to be good.” Lilly mutters to herself. 
The next few hours are spent looking for two good pumpkins, and grabbing some photos. Lilly is so interested in the sun set and I don’t mind being her focal point in most of her pictures. At one point she hands me her phone. “Can you just snap a few pictures of me, right over there.” Lilly is pointing at a open landscape and the sunset that is right behind it. I smile and grab her phone, snapping a few pictures. I notice a guy no older then me walk up to Lilly as she checking something out. I burn. 
I hear his stupid grainny voice even from afar. ‘Hey babe, I can help you with that umm huge pumpkin you got there.’ Good to know that the flirting of Hawkin guys hasn’t gotten any fucking better. I stand and watch, waiting for Lilly to respond but she doesn’t. She just flat out ignores him, it only upsets that guy. “Hey listen to me, I was just offering to be nice to ya no need for you to be a bitch.” My teeth grind, as my feet drag me over to Lilly. “Is this guy bothering you at all baby.” 
The guy rolls his eyes dramatically, “You can’t actually make me believe that you’re dating this guy.” Wow, I slip my hand around her wasit and pull her into me. Great to know that I’m still on jocks shit lists. “I don’t know about you baby, but I think we should be heading out before I get into trouble.” Lilly says loud and clear for everyone to hear. People are looking, but not at Lilly and I but at the guy who’s inching further and further away. “Whatever you bitch.” He mutters under his breath. “I’m sorry for that Eddie.” 
She put her hand over mine and I think for a moment that’ she’s going to move it away. “Thank you for that, eds.” She says sweetly as she rests her head on my chest. We stand there for a moment until someone kids passes us and screams ‘ewwww’. I roll my eyes and grab the bigger pumpkin off the ground. Lilly walks in stride with me towards the check out and when we make it to the car she’s pops the trunk so we don’t have rolling pumpkins in the backseat. “Eddie I want to give you something, please.” 
I close the trunk and slide into the passenger seat. As Lilly and I sit there, She digs in her purse, “what’ are you looking for?” I ask intrpeuptting the silence that’s growing around us. She licks her lips before looking over at me, “I want to give you something important, just let me find it.” It doesn’t take her long to find whatever she’s looking for. The triumptant sound she makes is signal to that. “Close your eyes and hands out.” Lilly tells me, I follow. Then I feel a cold piece of metal hit my palm. “Open now.” 
When I open my eyes and look down there’s one metal key in my hand. My face must say alot because Lilly looks down at it then at me. “It’s a house key, eddie.” I nod like she’s going to continue talking. “A house key, to who’s house Lils?” I ask which makes her laugh. She rolls her eyes, “To my house, well I guess since I’m giving you a key it’s really our house or trailer whatever you wanna call it.” I smile as she mutters along. I reach over and hug her even though we’re in the car. 
That night when we get home I unlock the front door as Lilly carries her pumpkin in and then I grab mine. That night the kitchen floor is made a mess with pumpkins guts and sharp instruments to pierce the pumpkins flesh. That night we giggle and laugh at everything that we can think of, smoke a joint that smells of fall and pumpkins spice. “Do you remember when harrington said dinner was supposed to be?” she asked me as I was lighting candles and placed into the pumpkins. “Yeah Harrington called said Wednesday I think is that okay Lils?” 
I was right when wednesday came around I got a text messages from Steve, giving his address and what time and if we wanted to bring something with us we totally could. In his text he said that dinner was around seven thirty which was great. “Lils!” I screamed from across the house. “Dinner at Steve around seven thirty.” “Kay!’ She screamed back. I grabbed some stuff and took a quick shower before getting dressed and putting my hair up into a loose bun. Lilly was waiting for me in the kitchen, “I’ll be quick I promise Eds,” She said. 
The drive over was quick as I started to memorize the path and lights that were placed. Lilly hair was in a wet bun, a little bit of makeup adorned her features. Rosey cheeks and long lashes that were hiding her beautiful brown eyes. This would be the last day before I started my job and classes, so tonight I would spend relaxing and getting just a little tipsy. Whatever Harrington and Buckley had mind had to be good. We rolled into the drive way and out came Robin. A huge smile on her face, “Are you ready?” I asked. 
Lilly fit right in with the group of us. Lilly was helping with Robin in the kitchen as Steve drags me out the grill. The sun in setting and even though the cold air somehow manages to get into my shirt I stand with Steve. “So how’s everything going between you and what’s her name?” Steve asks as he switches the meat on the grill. “Lilly, and I are doing great. She’s completely different maybe it is the decades, but some people in Hawkins are still dicks.” Steve rolls his eyes, “Some people don’t change Eddie, and you know that.” 
As we come back through the sliding glass doors I can hear the giggles of Robin and Lilly. “I haven’t heard Robin laugh like that in years.” Steve comments, “What are to laughing about?” Steve asks as we enter the kitchen. The smell of potatoes and pasta salad hit me, “Nothing dingus, just talking about the past.” Robin responds as she takes the plate and sets up four plate. Dinner is fantastic, and I wonder for a moment if this was possible before hand, before the upside down. Lilly rests her hand on my thigh for the entirety of dinner. 
I smile over at her as robin and Steve get up gathering dishes up from the dinner table. I offer to help but Robin is quick to hand us to plates of apple pie “Shove it in your mouth before you start talking again Munson.” Lilly laughs, “Is she is the only one who can talk to you like that?” I think about it for a moment, “Probably, my uncle wayne could always get me with a simple ‘boy’. She giggles as she scoops a spoonful of ice cream and apple pie into her mouth. “Drinks in the living room?” 
Lilly nods and gathers herself and her plate to walk towards the living room, I on the hand watch as Lilly looks like she’s right in place between an old bickering couple. She turns and looks for me, I nod grabbing my own plate. “Okay so I had a few ideas for how today would go. When was the last time you played a drinking game?” Robin asks, I can hear the roll of Steve eyes, “We’re too old… “ “If you dare finish that sentence I will punch you so hard you won’t know what happened.” Robins threats are loose. 
“Okay.” Steve hands come up in fake defense, as he sips are his beer. “Are you down for a few drinking games.” Lilly asks me, her legs crossed on the floor as I sit behind her on the couch. I nod and she smiles up at me, her face glows in the side table lamps. One game passes of truth or dare. A second game of never have I ever passes with laughs and screams. The one that makes me the most buzzed is spin the bottle. Which you’d think wouldn’t be fun for Steve or Robin, but they’re mischievous. 
The rules are sketchy, and with the look that Robins got on her face like she’s trying to pin Lilly and I together I can only aiminge how many times the bottle doesn’t really land on me or Lilly. I’m not sure how I ended up on the floor sitting beside Lilly. All I can feel is her tights pressing into my jeans. The bottle spins and for the first time it lands on Lilly and without a single word Lilly shifts into my lap. Dropping her bottle on to the floor where it leaks liquid onto the shag carpet. 
Her hips sit perfectly in my lap, her legs on either side of mine. My knees supporting her back as she rests in my lap with a dopey smile on her face. She’s warm to the touch, but as the game comes to a stop, and the drinks get picked up she doens’t dare to look at anyone besides me. Her eyes flicker back and forther between my eyes and lips. “Eddie?” She whispers, breathe strong with beer. “Yeah.” I whisper back, her eyes haze over as she leans in. “Can I kiss you?” She asks I nod, ‘Fucking finally.’ 
Her lips are plush agasint mine, and for the past few month all I’ve thought about is this moment. The moment where I could kiss her, hold her in my lap. Her skirt is riding up over her thick thighs and my hands rest on her hips. I rock her once and she moans into the kiss. “Eddie” She whines, I have for a second forget where we are, but then she rolls into my hips. “Lilly” I warn her, I continue to kiss her, dropping my lips from her and reaching her open neck. “We should get going sweetheart.”
She whines again and rolls once more into my hips. I bit down my lower lip, Lilly moves and her mouth reaches my ear. “Do you wanna know a secret?” She asks her voice no louder then a whisper. It sends shivers down my spine. “I heard you.” My hand squeeze at her hips. “You heard what sweetheart?” I question her, “You. While I was in the bathroom getting ready a few days ago. My heart stops, my breathing stop and I try to move my hand, but she whines. “Don’t Eds, I like it, but could you hear me?” 
My eyes go wide, I shake my head and I can feel her smile against my skin. “Well at least we are far now.” Lilly whispers against my ear and then she gets up from my lap. Reaching out a hand to help me get up. “Don’t worry about it baby, it will be our little secret.” She murmurs as she sits down on the couch. I stand there, and then retreat to the bathroom for a moment. I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. ‘What the fuck just happened?’ I think to myself but then I heard giggles. 
My first day work is clouded with thoughts of how Lilly felt up against me, and how her words made my dick harder then a rock in my black jeans. The old man at this place had given me a few jobs to work on my first day. I get a text message halfway through the day from Lilly. “I miss you it’s so boring being alone.” It’s as if she doens’t remember, so I don’t say anything about it. Steve sends me a message, “Did you get lucky last night?” Classic jock I think “No I’m a gentlemen remember.” 
“Sure whatever you say.” Steve texts back and I get back to work The rest of the day I yearn to go back to the trailer and see Lilly. Grease and dirt is smeared across my face and hands, Lilly had driven in to work this morning and would for the next few weeks. A coffee cup sat ready for me when I came out that morning filled to the brim. The next day was completely different. Clients were walking through the auto body shop doors, then Steve and Robin were  standing there. “What’s up guys?” I said looking up. 
“We just wanted to check up on you? You know cause a few days ago you got assaulted in out living room!” Robin said a little to loud, my eyes went wide, and a finger over my mouth telling her to shut up. “Stop it you’ll embrass the poor boy.” Steve chuckled, I bit my tongue and rolled my eyes. “If that’s all you two came here to talk about then GO HOME.” I said reaching back under the hood of a car. “Oh come on Eddie, we really did try to…” Robin muttered, “Robin don’t even start with that match maker shit with me. Just let MY realtionship go, and don’t go sticking your nose into it.” I muttered under my breath, “Eddie. Please that’s just Robin, there’s not making her stop once she’s got it in her sights. You might has well just deal with it for now.” Steve said with another chuckle. “But do I actually have a question for ya.” I arched a brow, “The car is making this random noise whenever we start her up.” Steve says nodding off to his car. My mouth opens, it’s the same car from 1986 the one Steve drove.
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Completed on: 05/23/2023
Posted on: 05/27/2023
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
2 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 5 Falling
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, Past being brought up, one little kiss, tension, safe-keep from Wayne, Eddie moves in 'sorta' fluff, cuddly nature, touchy and feely. OFC!Character
Summary- They look through Eddie's stuff that Dustin and Steve kept. Eddie and Lilly spend all their time together; it causes Eddie to look at their growing relationship.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.6k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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Steve and Dustin invited me over for a late lunch with the guys. It was still odd to see a grown Dustin in front of me, but regardless I asked Lilly if I was able to borrow her car for the day. She threw me her keys and then I was off driving toward Lake Norha. This time was I able to pull into the driveway. I parked the car and threw her keys into my pocket before knocking on Steve's front door. He came quickly and open the door wide this time. Letting me in, with a  small smile 
"Dustin is in the living room there is some stuff for you Eddie." "Stuff?" I asked Steve. "Yeah, things that Wayne gave us after you or just things that we wanted," Steve answered before leaving the hallway and into the kitchen. “Things you wanted?” I asked, people wanted things of mine after I was gone. I have a hard time believing that people would want something of mine or anything that was mine. “Just a few things Eddie, not everything” Steve mutters under his breath. Steve takes me to the living room, a few boxes stacked up on the table. 
“Before we go through the boxes, or whatever you guys have planned… Did anyone happen to pack away some of my clothes? I literally don’t have shit.” I ask, I hear a low chuckle come from Steve as he takes a seat in an old recliner that almost looks like Uncle Wayne’s old one from the trailer. Dustin shakes his head, “Yeah that box is all of your clothes. Wayne wasn’t willing to part with any of it even after the town suggested that we donate some things to that ‘earthquake’ survivors list.” I look over at the box. Hoping. 
“Fuck yeah,” I yell out as I dig through cotton moths and a dusty box of my old shirts and jeans. My shirts had all been folded so neatly that I wasn’t sure that they were mine in the first place. “You might wanna get some new clothes before you go out too far in public,” Steve said as he rested his elbows on his knees while gazing into the box I had set on the floor for best access. “What do you mean, Stevie?” “All I mean is that times are better now, fashion is way better nowadays, Eddie.” 
I cover my heart in complete and utter shock.  Faux pain is etched into my face. “My fashion was great then just like it’s great now!” Steve rolls his eyes, and I start to dig back into the box. Pulling out shirts from old bands that I loved, a better pair of jeans that are not ripped to shit, and well everything else that you need to wear on a daily basis. “So who’s that girl you brought with you?” Dustin asks as I refold everything and put it back into the box. “Um… what do you mean?” I ask. 
“You know what I mean Eddie.” Dustin raises his brows. It’s that same face from when he would look over at me during a D&D game. Those inquisitive eyes. Wanting answers to a question I’m not sure I can answer just yet. My eyes go wide as I try to come up with something. “I don’t know she helped me when I first landed her from the upside down. It’s weird, but she’s truly a sweet person.” I mutter as I shut the box of clothes. “Truly a sweet person, really?” Steve interjects. “What!? She’s really nice and cute.” 
“See I told you there was more to just her being sweet,” Steve mutters, sounding a little bit too much like Robin. “What happened to you not caring huh?” I asked shoving the box out of the way. “What?!” “Robin has been rubbing off on you recently.” Dustin comments, now that the attention is off of me, and my likeness for Lilly. I’m able to grab another smaller box, “I mean come on Eddie we both know that the eighties sucked for you. Don’t you remember your whole big speech in the school cafeteria? What was it that you said?” 
I grimaced at the thought. 1986 was gonna be my year. My year to finally graduate high school after a second go in my senior year. It was supposed to be good, but then I got dragged into upside down and got dragged into a different world all in just a few days, or maybe hours. “What do you want it word for word?” Grumbling, I thought back to that day in the cafeteria. How confident I was that 1986 would be the year for me, not one where I was almost convicted of a murder I did not commit. 
“You want the whole speech?” I asked. But I really do remember my words like they were just a few days ago. I had thought about leaving that god-forsaken school for years before I was senior, and long before I repeated senior year three times in a row. But the third time was a charm. “What speech are you two talking about?” Steve interjected, “Oh you weren’t there, same day I called and asked you to be a sub for Lucas. You told me you were going on a date, and said she might be the one. Do you remember?” 
The look between the two much older adults in front of me makes me laugh. ‘Whatever!” Was all Steve said before looking back over at me. “Now what’s this speech you guys keep talking about?” Steve asks. The words on the tip of my tongue. I know what I said, I know how I felt that day as I ran across the lunch tables and as I read from the newsweekly magazine “Do you remember Eddie?” Dustin asks. “What is he supposed to remember?” Steve is bugged eyed looking at Dustin and then towards me. “Will you just spill already?” 
“I’m assuming you now both want the whole thing?” I push the box out of the way. “Sure, give us a performance Eddie,” Dustin says. I clear my throat and get up. “So I was reading a newsweekly. Just for a perspective.” Steve nods his head, so here we go. “But as long as you’re into band or science… or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets.” Bowing, “At this point, Carver was more than ever being an asshole.” I resume my play. “It’s forced conformity. That’s what killing the kids!” Steve’s brows are furrowed down. 
“Let him continue, it gets better from what I can remember,” Dustin whispers. “It’s the real monster.” I’m dancing about Steve’s living room. “We talked about how Lucas was taken in by the dark side which was just the basketball team.” Dustin murmurs and keeps my story going. “Can I level with you? Jeff graduates this year, Gareth’s got, what? A year and a half?” Steve nods along. “Me, I was army-crawling my way towards a D in Ms.O’Donnells.” “Just a D?” Steve questions. “Shut up Steve” I roll my eyes. “Should I stop and let you two bicker?” 
They both shake their heads. So I continue. “If I didn’t blow her final, I was gonna walk that stupid stage the next month, I was gonna look that fucking principal Higgins dead in the eyes, and flip him off. Then I was gonna snatch that diploma, and I was gonna run the hell outta there.” Steve and Dustin are entranced with me. They follow my every move and I try to remember the rest of what I was saying. “That year was gonna be different, at least I thought it was gonna be different. I could feel it 1986.” 
I had somehow managed to get myself back to the chair. The feeling of the room had changed. Quickly the room had been filled with animation and sunshine and then suddenly it was cold. Cold. The same way I felt as I walked in the black abyss. ‘It’s alright Eddie, this year can be yours.” Steve said gently and he got up and patted my shoulder. I didn’t say anything, just nodded, “Serious Eds he’s right you’ve got Lilly to thank for that too ya know.” Dustin said as he smiled over at me. “How can you be so sure?” 
“Cause I just have a feeling Eddie, and you remember I was always the right one in the group of us.” Dustin was ever the serious one, but regardless I then felt the cold glass upon my arm. “What…!” “Just a beer, I thought you could use it.” Steve murmurs as he takes his seat back. “Is Dustin still a little ego filled brat” “Hey” “Yeah he still hasn’t managed to lose that just yet,” Steve answers my question. “I don’t think he ever will.” I converse back with him. He laughs, one that comes from deep in the stomach. 
The drive back to Lilly’s is quiet. The boxes of my belongings are sitting in the backseat. It’s not a long drive, but I take a few back ways to get back to the trailer park. I liked the way the trees and passing cars drove past my driver's window. I liked how the wind felt when I rolled down the window. When I pulled up to the trailer park entrance I slowed down and took the drive path up the groves in front of Lilly’s trailer. I shut the car off and grabbed the boxes in the back seat. 
Heading into her trailer it was harder than anticipated. The boxes make it hard for me to open the storm door and the door. When I had left nearly three hours ago Lilly was what she called working from home. Reminded me of working from home for reefer Rick, but she shook her head at my words. “No, this is online work.” Then threw me her keys. It was enough for me, I tried to be quiet as I entered the trailer. I was still unsure of what the living situation was, I didn’t want to intrude, or a burden. 
“Hey Eds, what do you have there?” I heard Lilly’s cheerful voice ask as she walked from the kitchen to the living space. “Just a few boxes of all my things. Not that it was a lot.” Three boxes sat on top of each other. Two were medium size and the other was a much smaller box. “That’s it?” Lilly asked concern etched into her beautiful features. I looked down unaware that was probably not enough for anybody to be carrying around and calling it all their belongings. I hummed. “I could go on a shopping trip, what about you?” 
I licked my lips, then looked up at her. She was already walking away. Her hips swayed, and that's when I noticed the flowy dress that she was wearing. Lilly was wearing a beautiful summer dress. Blues and purples that mixed somehow perfectly. “You’re really pretty today!” The words just collapsed out of my mouth, and before I could backtrack out of my words and go back into my growing shell Lilly turned a bright smile. “I’m glad you noticed.” I smiled after the shock waves left my body. She returned with her shoes and pocket book, “I’ll drive us.” 
The car ride was different from the one I took earlier in the morning. The summer air was floating around now that it was later in the afternoon. I hadn’t realized how much time I had spent at Steve’s. “So what do you think you’re looking for?” Lilly asked as she turned the radio down, it was still playing that same station that I had set nearly a few weeks ago. I thought for a moment. “I’m not really sure, Steve said my fashion went out of style awhile ago.” I shrugged, “I think you wear whatever you’re comfortable in.” 
Lilly reached over one hand still resting on the drivers’ wheel, and the other grabbing onto my hand her hands were so soft against my rough skin. Rubbing her thumb over my hand a most comforting gesture. “Where are we going by the way?” I asked her fully aware that I had no clue where she was driving either one of us. “To the mall Eds.” I shook my head and the radio took back over the silence of the car ride, but her hand never left mine. Interlocked fingers as she continued to hold my hand in hers. Together. 
When she did have get more critical about her driving in the somehow busy parking lot Lilly removed her hand from mine, and I almost let out a sigh of disappointment as I liked the warmth her hand brought to mine. Lilly parked with ease, backing into a small but available spot in the parking deck. “This isn’t the same mall from the eighties is it?” I asked with genuine curiosity. I remember hearing about the fire and bullshit that destroyed half the building back in 1985. “I’m not sure, to be honest. It is the biggest mall we’ve got.” 
The car is shut off, and the doors are locked. Before we’re walking together in a large and public place. Kids on their phones, and adults hanging out. “What do you wanna look for first Eds?” Lillys voice drags me from my thoughts taking over. “I don’t know, I’d like some new T-shirts I guess.” I shrug and she grabs my hands again it makes my heart stop on the spot. “Stick close this place can get crazy.” I try to keep my face straight as Lilly pulls me close to her and we walked in stead with each other. 
“Maybe a new pair of shoes to Eds.” I look down at my feet as we walk between groups of people and nearly sideswipe a few others. “What is wrong with my shoes?” I ask, sincerely hurt. “Just look like you might need a new pair Eds that’s all.” Lilly is truly the sweetest person I had met in a rather long time. My mother is the only person I’d met that was sweet because she just was. “I’ve had these since I was in middle school,” I mutter to myself, Lilly stops us. “We are here.” I look up. 
“H and M?” I question. Simply at least. “Yup, now let’s get you some new clothes, cutie.” I can’t tell if she means her nicknames or if she’s just being cut herself. I let her drag me into the shop, and eyes don’t automatically make their way toward me and Lilly in the store. Honestly, nobody even notices me. I breathe. Before I know what’s happening Lilly is grabbing and throwing shirts into my arms. “You can try them on in the um… in the changing room thing. OR we can just go up front and I can buy them.”  
I look down at the pile of shirts and sweatshirts that are in my hands. I can’t help but feel the bubble that starts in my chest. It had been such a long time since I had newly purchased clothes. All my previous clothes had come from a goodwill, or the salvation army donation. I bite my lip trying to push down the tears and anxiety. “Eds?” Lilly is waving her hand in front of my face, I had drifted off into my thoughts. “Eds are you alright? Is this too much for you right now?” Lilly is rambling off. 
I have to take a deep breath before I get my own running thoughts to stop before I reach out and grab onto Lilly’s wrist. Even under the large pile of clothes, she looks up at me. “It’s alright, I just… I’ve never had newly purchased clothes, and I feel bad for making you spend money on a guy that, let's be honest you barely even know.” Lilly is staring at me, wide brown eyes glossed over. “I know you enough Eds, that’s all that matters to me.” Lilly mutters, we stand together, “Are you gonna try them on, or?” 
We walked up to the clerk. “Did you find everything you were looking for?” A teenager asks us. Lilly shakes her head with a hum and pulls her credit card out of her pocket book. The interaction is rather simple, and quick. Lilly scans her card, and with that, it’s over. The clerk is handing over a bag filled with brand new shirts to me. I grab it and Lilly grabs onto my hand tugging me out of the store. I like how soft her hand is but how hard she tugs at my wrist. “Shoes or something else Eds?” 
I ended up choosing something else. That landed us on the second level and in a large white store. “Do you want a phone?” Lilly sees my face change in a matter of seconds. “ What… No… Phones are expensive as hell.” My voice is a little loud. “Eds, it’s okay… I need another person on the line anyways. Do you like my phone?” Lilly pulled her phone out of her back pocket. “I mean I guess I do,” I murmur. The store is filled with people. A man comes up to us. “Have you been helped?” Lilly shakes her head. 
I had been allowed to pick out whatever colors they had, a protective case. Then I sat down with the employee and Lilly. I watched as Lilly strong-armed the employee to give her a better deal. She was oddly sweet but scary at the same time it made me smile. And in that moment I realized just how much I was falling for her. Lilly was secure in the person she was, and in the opposite way, she was soft and gentle in every way the words means. We walked out with a new phone, and Lilly’s hand in mine. 
We walked together in the mall, the crowded hall thinning out as the day went on. It was nearly empty by the time we made it to the final store. “This is where I get my shoes,” Her hand was still resting in mine, “Vans” “They have skating shoes, but they have all kinds of different looks, thought we could start here.” Lilly is looking up at me, wide eyes with happiness hiding behind them. When we enter the store it is less hectic, with shoes everywhere along with clothes. I remember Red wearing them, but I never dared ask.  
We looked around until Lilly was dropping my hand and running to look for a pair of shoes. I gravitated toward the old-school version of their schools. The simple colors reminded me of the eighties and my style. My eyes swept the collection that they had on display. “Are you looking for some in particular?” An employee asked from behind me. I shook my head and continued to browse. “Just let me know when you find something you want, sir.” Then I was back to being alone, I turned around and watched Lilly as she ran her fingers over shoes. 
I watched as she talked to another employee asking about shoes, sizes, and what they thought was the best new pair they had in stock. She was so okay with being out in public, and as much as I wanted to stand right where I was and just gaze at her from afar. I walked over and stood close to her. “Eds, Did you find something?” I once again looked down at my shoes “I don’t know they have a lot to choose from.” Lilly grabbed my hand and dragged me back over. “What do you like the most Eddie?” 
At this point, I was starting to feel so overstimulated that so I closed my eyes, and just randomly pointed toward something on the shelf. When I opened my eyes Lilly was getting the pair off the shelf and handing them to an employee. “What size are you Eds?” She asked, for a moment I felt like a child getting everything they wanted. “A nine maybe,” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Lilly continued to talk with the employee until he walked away and then Lilly sat down next to me. “Are you sure you want those Eddie?” 
I didn’t even get a chance to answer her question before the man was bringing out both of our shoes and I was watching Lilly take off her shoes and slip into the platform shoes the man had brought out. “What do you think Eddie?” She asked me for my opinion like it really mattered what I thought. “I like whatever you wear looks good, Lilly.” I was starting to become more comfortable maybe with her or just because I could breathe in Hawkins for the first time. I tried the shoes on, and it felt like heaven. Complete heaven. 
Lilly walked with one hand interlocked in mine, and another holding the van’s store bag. One of my hands was interlocked with hers, as my other hand held onto the H&M bag. We walked hand in hand toward the parking lot. “How do you feel about tacos?” Lilly asked as she buckled herself into the driver’s seat. I hummed and started to dig through the H&M bag in the passenger seat. “What are you doing over there?” Lilly asked looking over at me before the light turned green. “Never got a chance to see what you handed me.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to literally throw a few of them in your face.” Lilly giggled a little. I rolled my eyes but looked through the shirts on my lap. A few shirts reminded me of older movies, and others were quirky and bright colored. I held up and Lilly looked over at me. “Do you not like it?” “No, I do like it… It’s just not what I would usually wear.… But I’ll wear it because you bought it for me.” I tried. The light changed, and then we were back in the trailer park again. 
I shoved all the shirts back into the bag and got out of her car. Helping her with the storm door. The small beeping of the car locking was the last thing I heard before we got inside. I put the bag down next to the other one, while Lilly got into comfier clothes. Still, she looked beautiful in a pair of old sweats and a tank top. “You’ll be right Eddie?” She asked, I shook my head and was dragged once more behind Lilly. The kitchen was large enough for both of us to work at the same time. 
Lilly had her side near the stove, and as she handed me things to cut along with pointing out where the knives were on the counter we worked in perfect harmony. I cut vegetables and opened all the toppings we’d ever need for tacos. She brought her phone out as I cut, and played music. She danced to the beat of each song and waited for the meat to finish cooking. All the while I continued to watch her from the other side of the kitchen. Cutting the onions sucked, tears brimming on the edge of my eyes as always. 
It was easier then anything I’d ever done before “You almost ready?” Lilly whispered as continued to stir the meat. “Yeah I’m done.” With that Lilly gathered a few plates and a few spoons to dig into the toppings. By the time I was done plating my own food Lilly was already sitting her legs crossed on one side of the couch. Her plates sitting onto her thighs, and she smiles wide. “Are you up for another eighties movie?” The remote in hand, I take the spot that’s open next to her. “What kind of eighties movie are you thinking?” 
She jesters to the screen. It’s filled with movies from the early eighties. All with the great talent, and actors of the day. “What haven’t you watched?” I ask her before shoving a taco into my mouth. “I’ve seen pretty much everything, but I do have my favorites.” She mutters as she licks her lips free of any left overs. I nod my head. My eyes light up at that sight of the words on the screen. “THE BREAKFAST CLUB” I never got a chance to watch this particle movie. “What about this one, Lilly?” I pointed at the screen. 
“Which one Eddie?” She asked setting her already empty plate on the small coffee table in the center of the living space. I got up plate still in my hand and food in my mouth. I pointed more directly at the movie. “Oh breakfast club, that is a favorite of mine!” With that Lilly is clicking on the movie. The kids are all arriving at their detention, and I sit down on the couch with happiness blossoming in my chest. I settled back down, and relax before fisnihing off my food and setting the plate next to Lilly’s dirty one. 
The movie played, and was paused only once or twice, so that we could clean out mess in the kitchen and the process went by fast enough that we were back beore the tv had time to cool down. “Hey Eddie?” She asks her hand half way into the sink filled with water and soap. “Yeah.” Hand drying dishes that she handed me. “What do you think about maybe… um… maybe you’d like to stay here with me?” Her words are all mushed together but I get enough out of it. I stop drying dishes, and she stops washes dishes. 
‘I’d like that Lilly.” Is all I can manage before she shoving another dish in my hands. When we return back to the couch we sit closer this time. She rested her head against my shoulder, and clicked the movie to start again. At this point we were already more then half way through the movie. The part where Alison get’s a makeover and now suddenly she’s the new girl in town. I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie at this point, but then Lilly was talking. “You remind me of that Bender character.” She mutters I nearly choke. 
It takes me a moment to gather my breath and thoughts. I look towards the scene, john bender is the bad boy type. A jean jacket, with a bad boy attitude who doesn’t give a shit about any one else. “It’s cause the bad boy style he’s got, it totally is.” I argued with her. I feel her smiles up against my shoulder and then we’re back the watching the end of the movie. It plays through the end where Claire gives John her diamond earring. It makes both of us laugh as we stare at the tv screen together. 
The tv rolls through the ending credits, and then the little snores are coming from my shoulder. Even in just a few moments, Lilly is asleep and comfortable enough to just fall asleep so close to me, particularly laying on top of me. I take a breath in and then I’m smelling her strawberry hair wash. In a barely audible whisper into her hairline, “You remind me of Claire you know, sweet and warm to the touch.” I take a second, before doing anything rash. But I have no control, I lean down and kiss her cheek ever so slightly. 
I feel my heart pound against my chest, and then the feeling washes away when she snuggles into my body. Her cheek pressed up against my chest, and hopefully, my heart beat lulling her back to sleep.
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Completed on: 05/03/23
Posted on: 05/20/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
2 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 8 Pause
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, Past being brought up, lots of tension, lying, Jason Carver is still a dick, running away from the relationship, crying, leaving someone behind, crumbling relationship, ruining relationship.
Summary- Doubt and Trust issues are budding and growing in Eddie and Lilly's relationship due to Jason Carver. Eddie has no choice, so he goes to the only person who ever believed him.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 5.0k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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I see the head lights at the start of the road to the trailer park. Nobody is out and driving around in the pitch dark at eleven. The lights are off by the time Steves old car rattle up to park beside Lillys car. Walking to Steve makes me heart burst in my chest. I’m not sure how I got here. I’m not even sure how I managed to fuck this up. I just know that if Lilly doesn’t want me around then I’ll leave. Run away all over again. I throw my bag through the window, and get in. 
“Eddie will you please tell me what’s going on?” Steve rattle off the first second I get in. My heart is bumping, and the tears that I’ve been pushing down are starting to break through. The night has drained me of all of my excitement. The money that I got earlier is stuck in my back pocket. My jaw hurts from not trying to cry, but Steve still has yet to pull away from the trailer. “She… I think… Jason came over… and I don’t know what fucking happened Steve.” I ramble out, and my head falls into my hands. 
The glimpse of the fake lit candles that are burning inside the pumpkins we had carved out caught my eye. “Eddie, breathe.” Steve mutters as he touches my shoulder. I can’t manage to catch my breath or my tears that feel like they just keep falling down my cheeks. The only thing that keeps me covered from Steve sight is my hair and just how dark it is outside. “You said something about Jason? Are you saying Carver, Jason Carver talked to her?” Steve asked, I shrugged my shoulder, “She said something about Chrissy then about him, so I assume.” 
I’m so tired, “Can we just leave please.” My words feel so heavy, the weight makes me wanna throw up, and th tears have only just stopped. Steve’s hand leaves my shoulder, and as I watch the trailer leave the rearview mirror. I feel like that ten year old kid that saw his mother just one more time, and watched from the back window. The memories fading, my mother, my home all fading away. I watch the mirror until I can’t see the trailer, until all I see is the hard concrete. The white and yellow strip passing me by. 
“Everything was fine this morning. I kissed her on the forehead and called her sweetheart, it was even better this afternoon when we had lunch together Steve.” I mumble as I fuck around with the stray pieces of jeans. “You know that reminds me of the end of my relationship with Nancy, you remember her?” Steve says as he comes to a stop light. “Wheeler?” Steve shakes his head. “One night we went to a Halloween party and she got drunk and we had a fight in the bathroom. She called our relationship bullshit, and I thought everything was fine.” 
The light changed to green and the BMW took off. This drive felt different. More weight had somehow been added to my shoulder, a complete contrary to how I had felt driving back home from Hawkins. “It was bullshit?” I asked if thinking of anything else would probably be better than thinking about her. Alone, tired, and crying. “I’m still not sure to this day what she was talking about, but she said it was bullshit. That year was a true turning point for my life.” “So what happened afterwards?” I was fully immersed in Steve's story. “I met Robin.” 
Another stoplight. “Wait what?” I turned in my passenger seat. “I ah…  got a job working at the mall. Do you remember the scoops ahoy place?” I nod my head, Steve continues. “I worked with Robin and then the Russians came so Erica, Dustin, Robin and I got dragged into their lair beneath the star court mall.” I stared at Steve. “What the actual fuck Steve?!” He just shrugged his shoulders. “Got truth serum via the Russian and told Robin I loved her. She said I’m gay but she’s still the best friend I’ve ever had. Hell she married me.” 
Sometimes it was hard to believe the things that happened in this shitty town. The light turned and then we were on the street that Steve and Robin lived on. The light conversation with Steve had lifted my sour attitude, but then the memory of being here with Lilly rolls through my head. Like film on a camera. I return to my sour state of mind. The lights are on, the only house with lights on at this time of night. The car parks and Robin runs out in haste, and a robe. “It’ll all be fine Eddie.” Steve says. 
“Steve where did… Eddie?” Robin scrambles herself together once she sees me inside the car next to her ‘fake’ husband. “”Eddie needs to stay for a few days.” Steve murmurs as he locks the BMW and walks into the house. “Oh Eddie.” Robin walks me through the door, and into the kitchen. Where Steve pops his head in “I’m going to go make up the spare bedroom so Eddie has a place to sleep.” Robin nods, “if you need anything, my home is your home.” I nod. “What happened?” Robin asks. I tell the full story. “That fuckers still alive?” “Apparently.” 
Robi. Must notice the change in my face, or maybe my body because she changes the subject after that. “The kids will be here for Halloween tomorrow, so if you want you can join us.” I nod, “I need some sleep.” “Of course.” I leave the kitchen in search of Steve. I find him grabbing a towel and washcloth from a closet, “you have a bathroom connected so don’t worry about bothering us, you have work right?” Steve asks, I nod my head, my eyes probably bloodshot. “Get some sleep Eddie. The kids will be excited that you’re here.”
The next morning I wake up earlier then normal. I feel tired, and my body aches. It’s not until I’m fully awake do I realize that I’m not where I normally am. I can smell coffee being brewed from downstairs, and the knock on my door brings to the front of my life. “Yeah?” “I just wanted to make sure you were up, Steve’s making breakfast before the kids get here.” Robin says through the door. “Okay.” I sat in the bed for a few seconds before I get up, getting ready for the day. One day at a time. 
I shower, and get dressed all before Steve is done making breakfast. I was able to make all the clothes I had before leaving Lilly’s last night. If she wanted me out of her life then there was no need to leave reminders behind of me ever existing there. The smell of coffee, bacon, and waffles flooded my sense the moment I managed to get down the stairs. “I’m not sure what really happened before the two of them. Hell everything seemed fine when they were here right Steve?” I can hear Robin and Steve talking about Lilly and I. 
“I’m not sure Rob, but it’s probably best that we don’t push it with Eddie anymore.” She hummed, and I walked in. “Coffee smells great.” I commented before sitting beside Robin at the bar. Everything feels awkward right around the three of us, the air is somehow more dense, and even though I should wanted to talk about what happened between Lilly and I, it’s harder to say what happened to other people. Steve hands me a plate of food, and then the sounds of eating takes over the silence. That is until Steve decides to ask some more questions. 
Dumb questions. 
Dumb Fucking Questions. 
“So um…” Steve stars off as I shove a fork full of egg, and waffle into my mouth. I sense that something is happening between the two in front of me. Like they’re talking with their eyes. “Do you need anything like do you need to go back over to…” Steve asks awkwardly, I just shake my head. “I got all my things yesterday while I was waiting for you.” I mutter, hunger no longer on the front of my mind. I hear a sniffle, “Kiddos will be here at three.” Steve mumbles to himself. 
After an awkward breakfast with an unusually quiet Robin, and an obviously uncomfortable Steve I gather myself up and return to their spare guest room. I figure that I probably shouldn’t be living out of my book bag and the one other bag that I shoved all of my shit into last night. ‘Just a few days’ that’s what Lilly said, but the look on her face meant so much different. The sadness and anger that mixed together behind her eyes. I’m not sure… truly not sure what happened, and the longer I think about it the darker it gets. 
I unpack shirts, and jeans from my bag before getting to some of the bathroom things. I can only imagine how quiet that damn trailer as to be at this point. Half way into the afternoon, but I guess the world doesn’t revolve around me, so maybe she’s just gone back to her normal life. I rub the tired out of my eyes and walk down the stairs. Noticing just how pretty the fall leaves that are falling are. I somehow manage to get comfortable outside on the white rocking chair outside. Dustins van alerts me to the kids arrival. 
Dustin drops off the kids, and Steve is the first one out of the house, and rushing over to the drivers side of the car. “Come on kiddos, Uncle Eddie is here today.” I hear Steve say loud enough for me to get ready if need be. Beth is the first one out of the car, running faster then her six year old feet can run. “Heyaa Unc Eddie.” Jumping up in my arms Beth is hugging me tightly. I see the look that Dustin gives Steve, even though he thinks I don’t see it. Clarie and Eds pass me. 
“Hey uncle Eds.” I hear them say in unison like creepy twins from The Shining. They’re more concerned about what Aunt Robin has made when she yells from inside, “Cooke for you guys are ready.” The yard is decorated with halloween items. Orange, and purple lights stream across the porch, while on the yard Steve, and Robin have placed signs and even a blow up character. Finally a thick layer of fake spider web that liters the hedges and shrubs in front of the porch. “Come on Unc we need to get dressed up for Hawoween.” Beth pulls me inside. 
Robin hands me a handful of cookies as we pass by. “So you don’t get gypped.” Robin chuckles as she sees that I’m getting dragged. I only get told to sit, “Sit down Unc. Imma make you into a booitful princess, okay.” She says staring at me, I shake my head and letting her do whatever she wants to do. Her fingers are tiny and when she gets them into my hair they tangle but I don’t get frustrated with her. I just wait a moment, and then theres a triumphant “Ta da!” Her hands out and wiggling at me. 
I look at the closest mirror. Wherever she had found makeup it was probably never usable again. “Do you like it Unc?” She asks as I look at the purple eyeshadow, and the pink smeared lipstick. I can’t manage to be anger or even a little of put by the mess on my face at Beth. “It’s prefect Beth, what are you going to be this year?” I ask her, her brows knit together, “I don’t know.” She says shrugging her shoulder. “Why don’t we get you into a princess dress and get you ready for trick or treating tonight.” 
“Are you ready for Halloween?” I ask as I walked down the stairs with Beth hand in mine. She shakes her head and when we make it down the stairs the sound of door opening “Stop opening the door so many times!” Steve hollers “We’re waiting for Beth!” I can hear Eds scream back. “There you are Beth,” Eyes wide as the two of them look up at me, “What happened to your face Uncle Eddie?” Eds asks, “I’m a princess Eds, don’y be rude.” He rolled his eyes, “We’re leaving!” “Okay.” The door shuts. Then rings, Halloween has started. 
A few kids are there, and the process repeats for hours after the kids had left, “What in the hell happened to your face Eddie?” I hear Steve ask as he goes to sit down on the sofa. “I got turned into a princess, by Beth.” I answer confidently, “That’s why I don’t let her touch my face!” Robin hollers. The bell rings, Steve answers. ‘Trick-or-treat!’ They all say in unison. “Here you guys go.” steve hands out a large hand full. “HELL yeah king size!” The kids highfive each other. “Always wanted to come here for halloween.” “Why” “Cause the candy was king sized, and only the rick people give that out. That’s just facts.” I tell Steve, his brows furrow, Robin is in my corner with this one, “yeah Eddie is right, because a middle class kid is kinda shit, the rich neightborhood are the ones with the best candy on halloween.” Steve just shakes his head, and click the tv on. “The kids need to be back by nine, just so you know because Rob and I fall asleep.” Steve mutters as he watches a college basketball game. I hum. I wait for Beth, Claire, and Eds. 
I make sure the kids get to bed, and their candy is gone through so they don’t get sick, or get hurt. Let’s be honest people are still just a little so weird for me in this town. Sunday morning is an early one when you’ve got two teenager and a kid in your house. There’s a knock on my door, and I answer. “Where’s the candy?” A disgruntled Steve murmurs as he stands a little to the left. “Top shelf in the kitchen.” I answered, getting up from the bed, “Kids wanna sort it.” Steve says through a yawn. I nod and get a t-shirt on before running down the stairs. An excited group of kids sit on the couch, “Unc Eddie!” Beth hollers out, “Yup Candy I know coming up I promise soon.” I pour myself a cup of coffee, and look at the time. Nearly ten in the morning, I grab the three bags from the top shelf. “Rules for this kids.” I say dropping the bag in front of each kid. “No eat it right now. Wait til after breakfast at least, and trade. Always trade with siblings. Got it.” They all nod, “We got it.” 
Monday morning comes quicker then realized, and then somehow it’s Wednesday afternoon. Days are molding together. The longer I’m away from Lilly the weirder my days get around me, people are just in the background of my life, as my daily thoughts are about Lilly. Wondering what’s she up, if she slept okay, if work is going on, what cool projects she has strewn across the coffe table. ‘I’ll get to it later’ she’d say to herself. If she was making herself breakfast in the morning. Cars go by the daily, and then in a false it’s the following Friday. 
The kids are back over, but this time it’s time do things with Aunt Robin, and Uncle Steve. Steve and robin plan a quick lake trip no doubt to go spend the weekend in a lake side cabin, to which Steve invites me on, but the thought of leaving Hawkins makes my bones ache. “You guys go I’ll be fine here for a few days.” I reassure Steve. He nods, and Saturday morning they leave in Steve car. I sit in Steve house for a few hours, watching mindless shows, before needing, yearning to see Lilly just one more time. 
‘You can’t just go past her house like it’s nothing’ ‘She asked you to go, not to come back to wait a few days, but it’s already been a week’ ‘Seven days, does she even want to see me anymore’ I pace up and down Steve’s house. Probably creating patterns in his beige carpet. Fingers curling my hair over and over again. ‘You can go for a run’ ‘You don’t go for a run lair’ ‘Yeah you just run away from shit’ ‘Just go on the damn run Eddie’ Internally fighting with myself over the girl that I’ve fallen for. 
I grab a pair of shoes, a pair of sweats and my phone. My screensaver the only thing that I have left from Lilly. A picture from her at the pumpkin patch smiling bright and eyes full of contentment and wonder. I sigh and pull my music up. Anything to keep me going as I run… out of the corner of my thoughts ‘Bike there’ The kids bikes must still be here, I go in search in Steve garage. I land a jackpot, and get settled before driving myself back to the trailer park. Nearly evening when I arrive there. 
My legs burn, and pulse not used to biking for that long. The lights are on, and the blinds are open just enough to see someone lights coming into the trailer park. I pull my phone out, and look at the screensaver, that beautiful smile that Lilly is showing off, like it’s just the two of us at that moment. Then I see another person… another person is there. I try not to peer into her home, but’s it harder then you would think. ‘Just don’t be a creep about’ ‘You’ll always just be the creep to her, the freak.’ 
I shake my head trying to desperately get away from my own thoughts. The sound of the door opening alerts me. I move quickly, and try to hide before Lilly or her guest can see me. I make it behind her trailer. “Oh thanks for coming over, I’m really having a hard time recently.” I hear Lilly say to her guest, “Oh don’t worry about it at all dearie, I’m just glad I was able to help you with the truth.” That voice is searing, ‘You want something freak?’ Jason Fucking Carver. I should have know the rich guy car. 
I bit my lip, pushing down the anger, pushing down the urge to swing around this damn trailer and punch the now fifty year old man square in his face. Hell maybe I should just let his run over me and collect the large reward. ‘Too late now’ One voice rings through my head, another softer voice almost like it’s Lilly talkin’ ‘It’ll be fine, just go talk to him. He’s probably so lonley and god I just… god fuci…” Her words are cut off by the slam of the storm door. I stay behind her trailer for a while. 
They aren’t back early Sunday morning, so I start to get reckless. I stare at my phone willing there to be a message from her. A call that has a voicemail connected, a soft voice coming through my speakers. All I want to see her hear her and it not be because she’s telling me to get out, or whatever worse could be. I sit in bed longer then the day before, waiting for something in the day to be worth it getting out of bed. I stare into the grey painted walls around me. I start to text her. 
There are some thing I need to say to you. I will always love you no matter how you see me or whatever you think is the truth. It’s only been a week since I last saw you, and I miss everything about you. A smile and a laugh that could light up the room, without it my life is dull, and my heart is empty. It’s sucks because all I have are beautiful moments that we shared together, and now we divided by lies. I’m sorry I never got the chance to explain, that I never thought you needed to know about it. Being apart from you is rather harder then you might imagine it to be. A week is all it takes for my heart to cry and yearn for you to just call or text me. Anything to know that you still care, you must still care right? I still care about you, and I want to tell you the truth. The real truth if you don’t mind. I’m sorry I ran away, I’m sorry I just walked away form you, from us and everything that had been solid for so long. I do really love you. 
The word sit there the cursor blinking every second. I sit there staring at my own words for longer then I probably should, and then delete it all. Not sending anything. I can’t bare the thought of loosing her because I couldn’t deal with a few extra days. My heart burns, and my chest tightens and for the first time since I was a little kid. I cry, hard big tears until I feel my stomach chrun and the urge to go back to sleep takes over with urgency. I fall into black and wonder about the upside down feeling. 
Once again Mondays manic afternoon turns into Tuesday terrific day for new costumers and I happen to be the only person working. Wednesday is just a warning of the hellish things I’ll have to endure on Thursday. But Friday is a sparkling pile of dog shit that an owner forget to pick up. Yet again I’m the only one working late, and then the door rings, an older gentlemen is waiting at he front desk. He’s got blonde, greying hair, and a half good and half bad smile on his face. “Hello, what can I do for you?” I ask. 
The second week of this hell, of being awak from Lilly all comes to a head when I notice who the man is standing in front of me now. “Carver?” I ask trying not to change the tone of my voice. “Good you do remember who I am.” His words are coated with hate and even more disgust then before hand. “Yeah I do, do you need any help?” I ask totally going over his comment. Best not to react, and better to just get the conversation over and done with. Jason Carver is still at his heart a bully. 
I’m brought right back to the lunch room, standing on the tables and trying to make people relize that we’re all put into a category. Made to fit a mold that’s shifting and breaking at every single weak point. The churning burning feeling that would settle in the bottom of my stomach as I would look at the mister perfect Jason Carver. The infinite interaction in the hallways of Hawkins high, the teasing me for my buzzed hair, the knocking my books from my hands the chewing gum that ended up in my hair when it was long, grown out. 
I stand still as the flashes of the boy in the boat floating above it flashes across my eyes. A memory I’m not I really remember seeing. The feeling is strong the horror of it as Jason and I watched it happen at the same damn time, and still he choose o run off and ruin my name. “If you don’t have any business here, then i need you to leave sir.” I try, standing on crumbling ground already as my psyche takes hit after hit of bad soaked memories. “You know how easy it was to ruin your life?” 
“What?” I don’t even process the words tha come out of his mouth. Waving my arms up, “Just leave.” I try to shoo him away, but he doesn’t budge. I’m in no mood to fight with this guy anymore, “Please just gooo!” I beg, He rolls his eyes, “You know what you are Munson, you’re a god damn coward, a runner from the truth.” He spit venom, at me but it’s like getting bit by a zombie with no teeth. Harmless just annoying. Fine his words do get to me, they burn holes right through my already crumlbing, broken exterior. 
“What do you want?” I finally just ask his straightforward. My eyes wide with anticipation for whatever bullshit is gonna drip from his mouth. “What could you possibly want from me? The freak of the town. It’s forty years later Jason get a grip on life.” I say confidently, the anger rages through him. Upper lip twitching as he tries to think of something to say back. ‘Because… I want you to go to jail for the death of my fucking girlfriend.” Jason yells into my face. My fist clench I swallow hard before saying the words clear and loud. 
“I DID NOT kill anyone, and you fucking know it. You say that kid floated in to the sky and got twisted, crunched and broken like a fucking pretzel. That must have been Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson. What is wrong with you?” I’m letting my emotions get the best of me. I have to take a breathe before I can say anything else. “You and everyone else saw it. Then forty fucking years later you come to my home, and tell my girl. My girlfriend. Lies about how I killed someone.” I whisper the last part. Carver rolls his eyes. 
“Jason just leave okay… don’t come back, and do not bother Lilly. She doesn’t need your bullshit, or mine in her life anymore okay. You get what you wanted, I’m unhappy now so congratulations.” I say pointing towards the Auto body shops doors. Carver doesn’t say a single word before walking out. I rest my elbows on the edge of the front desk, my head resting in my palms. “What utter bullshit.” I mutter, and I feel the weight of caring too much hit my shoulder. Never really a protector, but for Lilly I’ll be the favor she always needs. 
The beer that lands in my hand, cold to the touch, and makes the headache thats been brewing all worth the pain as I hook the top off. Dustins car sit in the driveway when I hook the bike up and away into the garage. I’m met with a smile, and a beer from Harrington. “What’s up?” Dustin mutters before taking a swig of his beer. I shrug, “Nothing much work is a bitch.” I answer him blandly. A cocked brow, the neck of the bottle getting thrown into my face. Pointing the opened source towards me. I sit down. 
Silence consumes the rather quite room, and for the first time I notice there’s no Robin or Dustins wife. “So…” Dustin starts, “Are you going to explain what happened between you and Lilly, or do I need to drag it out of you?” Dustin asks me. Chugging down his already half empty beer bottle. Theres a look on his face. A look of utter and complete seriousness and dad energy. Like the one that my uncle Wayne used to give when that meant that things were getting serious. I roll my eyes, and take a few rather long deep breathes. 
“Jason Carver is somehow still a major thorn in my side. Even at the rip age of fifty.” I exclaim before taking a long swig of my beer. The bottle starting to sweat against my hand. “Huh?” Dustin is the only one to react, looking over at Steve for some sort of help but getting nothing. “Major big dick energy, and not the good kind.” I add, Dustin face contorts into more confusion. “He went to the trailer told Lilly that I was a murderer, and pretty much ruined my relationship with her in just a blink of an eye.” 
My words come out shorter then were meant. “Look I’m sorry Dustin.” I say looking up to see nodded his head, “Don’t you even worry about it Eddie, I just can’t believe that guy isn’t over it yet. Like why even try to ruin something like that.” Dustin mutters out. I nod along with Dustin rather loose and random but coherent thoughts. I understand his thoughts to an extent. Silence once again take the already quiet home over. I chew absent mildly on my inner lips causing a bruised lip. I’m not sure why but the thought of Steve talking about his break up with Wheeler peaks in my mind. Nearly two weeks of wonder, yearning to know what, and how Steve had dealt with his break up with Nancy. “How’d you deal with your break-up?” I ask, Steve ears perk up, but before he can answer Dustin gets in and takes over. “He tired to fix it by giving Nancy flowers, and I instead dragged him towards the railroad tracks and we hunted my pet democreature.” Dustin answers through his arms about. “Sounds about right” Steve laughs. 
The laughter dies down, and once again we sit in silence together 
“Seriously Eddie, you just need to tell her the truth. Regardless if she wants to believe you or not. The truth has to come from you, and the truth is all there is from that point in your relationship with Lilly.” Dustin says tipping the bottle back and forth on his knee. I nod, and wonder what she might be doing now, if she’s at a cross roads just like me. “Can we watch something, I don’t know like some sports?” I ask, Steve is still spry for his age, getting up to grab the remote, “ESPN it is Eddie!”
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Completed on: 06/04/23
Posted on: 06/10/2023
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
1 note · View note
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 7 History
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson ; Lillys
Warnings: 2023, Past being brought up, lots of tension, lying, Jason Carver is still a dick, running away from the relationship, crying, leaving someone behind, crumbling relationship, ruining relationship.
Summary- Eddies dark and deep history is thrust upon someone telling Lilly all about 86’ 
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.9k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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A whole month spent working and going over classes for my GED. An early friday morning at the end of October and even though I hate the sound of my seven in the morning alarm I still ended up shifti ng and making my way off of the couch. I’ve tired hard in the past month to completely and utterly ignore what happened at Steve and Robins, but some things are hard to ignore. I make me way towards the back of the trailer the bathroom empty and ready for someone to turn on the lights. Taking the morning slow. 
Getting ready for work is probably the easiest thing I done since getting here. School was hard and working my mind at night while all day I thought of Lilly and the cars that needed to be finish before the end of the day. Lilly was all I could think about, and what Steve and Robin had said when they stopped by to annoy me with their stupid comments on my growing relationship with Lilly. The longer I stay with Lilly the more I realize just how much I know I’m falling for her. I turn on the kitchen light. 
The sun isn’t even up, and as much as i hated waking up for school at six thirty in the morning. This is something I don’t mind doing everyday. I like waking up and brewing two cups of coffee for Lilly and I, making breakfast for the both of us. I make breakfast almost every single morning, Lilly days don’t start until later in the morning. She sleeps as I make myself a cup of coffee and sip it while I make breakfast. This morning is no different, pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast bring down a cup for her to use. 
Doubles of everything litters my own plpates as hers gets wrapped in some allium foil and get’s put into the microwave, and she knows the drill. Her coffee sits in the pot waiting to be used until the morning sun is a little higher in the sky. I move my plate and cup towards the kitchen table taking the little bit of time I have left to work on some much needed english. I sip at my coffee and read through the problems shoving my face full of maple syrup pancakes. Eggs and bacon splatter and fall to the table. 
I start to hear shuffling, but I know that she’s not up yet to early still for sleeping beauty to be up and smelling fresh coffee, so I take the few moments I have left to do something special. The longer I think about Lilly the more I realize just how much I’ve started to care about her, and that’s honestly hard for me to understand or even form into words that would makes sense. I put my empty plate into the sink and gather a pen and a few index cards. Chewing on the cap. How to express myself. 
The words aren’t clear in my head, so I shuffle through my papers on the kitchen table and bounce my knee. I think about how much I enjoy spending time with her. I think about how beautiful she is, how whenever I see her my heart does summersaults in my chest. I chew at my lip and then something comes to mind. The reason why I enjoy her company, the reason why her beautiful makes me wanna run and hide is because I’m in love with her. I love her and it’s funny how you realize the simplest of things. 
I grab the pen and a pink index card. The first time I write the pen is shitty and the ink isn’t fully there on the card. I grubble and crumble the card before throwing it towards the trash can. I use a piece of scratch paper and make sure for the second time that the pen is in working order, this time it is. I use a different index card this time it’s a vibrant blue color. “It’s been forever that it feels I’ve known you. I felt that it’s now or never, so I say I love you.” 
My handwriting it sub par at best. Letters going from cursive to normal letters. The words are choppy in some places due to my own hand, or the pen I’m not sure I can tell. I stare at the blue index card, thinking for only a few seconds. I could be late just one day, the old man wouldn’t get to mad. I think about where I should put her note, and her laptop sits infront of me. I slip it into the middle between the screen and keyboard. I grab my cup and go for another cup of coffee. 
Before I go knock on Lilly’s door, I grab a coffee cup and fill it to the brim with sugar and coffee creamer and grab Lilly’s plate from the microwave. “Now or never.” I mutter the words to myself as I walk towards her closed door. I knock once and a second time, the third time Lilly is mumbling nonsense through the door. But one phrase is clear. “Come in.” I smile at her soft morning voice. “I brought coffee and mostly fresh breakfast for ya.” I stand in the doorway. I haven’t looked at anything other then the plate. 
“Eds, come in I said.” I hear the bed shift, and when I look up. The smile the makes my cheeks hurt grows quickly. Her room is so different then the rest of the trailer, it’s so different then how I remember it looking when I was mine so long ago. Star string lights are pinned from each window and all over the ceiling, posters litter the wall of her favorite bands, clothes are scattered across the floor and that feels normal. The walls are colofrul and popping off the walls, greens, blue, and pinks. It’s Lilly to a T. 
The smell of weed, and like vanilla perfume mixes in the air. It makes me feel like I’m floating on cloud nine. I look around towards her furniture. Candles sit on the edge of almost single one of them, and the wax dribbles down the sides and puddles are on the shag carpet. “Sorry for the mess Eds, come sit.” She says patting the empty side of her full size bed. ‘I can smell the bacon on your clothes.” I laugh as I sit down next to her. “Your room is so you sweetheart.” She blushes and takes the plate. 
I watch as she eats which would be creepy, but she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. Her hair is tied up in a messy, and loose bun, her eyes are wide but tired. As she eats she snuggles up to my side. The smell of food whafts back into my sense and the smell of coffee brings me back to being alert. I can feel the fast pace of my heart as she snuggles deeper into my side. I notice her phone, “Shit I’m really late now!” I move quickly kissing her forehead. “I’ll see you later sweetheart.” 
I manage to grab the keys to Lilly’s sedan and make my way towards work. The whole way towards the Auto body shop all I can think about is how pretty Lilly looked this morning, how she snuggled up close to me, how I finally grew a pair and walked into her room. The sudden realization that I had kissed her forehead ‘while not being drunk’ and ‘called her sweetheart’ hits me strong that I end up break checking the whole couple behind me. I had not meant to do it like we were together, like we were a couple. 
The coffee has cooled down and the plate that sits on my lap is now empty. I have to get up from bed sooner rather then later and get ready for work. Without Eddie in the house the entire vibe changes. The house goes from bright, and loud to dull, and quite. He brings something so nice and peaceful to the little abode that I have. It was always so very nice for him to make breakfast and wake me with food in bed. I wonder if Eddie knows just how much I love and enjoy his every day company. 
I gather my plate and cool down coffee and bring it out to the kitchen, placing my cup in the microwave and heating that up while I went back into my bedroom and got dressed for the day. My bladder screamed at me while I was halfway through picking an outfit, so I went to the bathroom and then I got distracted by the dirty counter so I clean that. Then I made my way back to my bedroom and got dressed for the day. Winter weather was outside not inside, so I grabbed jeans and a yellow flower top. 
The beeping of the microwave caused me to leave my bedroom with my socks in hand. Coffee hot and steaming in hand I moved my thoughts and body to the kitchen table. Eddies side was cleaned off and his paper were stacked in the right order. He was doing well, really well at his GED, and it was like he didn’t have to worry about grades nowadays. I look at the stove clock and it’s nearly eight in the morning, so I flip open my laptop. Distracted is my middle name, so the vibrant blue index card is just enough. 
Shitty handwriting that starts in cursive and somehow ends up in the normal letters shape. On one side it’s simply my name. “Lilly” The other side written words are different. “It’s been forever that it feels I’ve known you. I felt that it’s now or never, so I say I love you.” I hold the index card in my hand, and my mind floats back to this morning. Eddie bringing me breakfast in bed, me snuggling close to his warm body, and then how he kissed my forehead softly, and rushed out calling me sweetheart. My heart burns for him. 
I wonder even as my alarm on my phone rings out and reminds me to get to work. I wonder about weather or not Eddie remembers how much of a fool I had acted at his friends house. How I had settled in his lap, and how I had kissed him, how I had whispered dirty things into his ear. I wondered if he remember it like how I remembered it, or if he had just stuffed it deep down out of his thoughts for forever. I let the alarm ring off a few more time as I dreamed away. 
Finally the alarm brought me out of my dream, and naughty thoughts. I got up and turned it off, walking back to the the kitchen table and getting to work. My laptop screen had gone dark from not being intracted with. I logged into work, and got into the first meeting of the morning. But for the entire meeting all I could think was what Eddie was doing, what was he thinking about me. Was he think about me? I really hoped he was, because I was thinking about him. I got up during my lunch break and texted him. 
“I got your note” I typed out, but shook my head and deleted the words. “Thank you for breakfast in bed and the blue index card Eddie.” I texted him, not fearing so much about what Eddie would think. A few minutes the phone read that he had seen it and then three bubbles showed up, I got a text back. “I’m glad I could make your morning start off great, I hope you know that I wasn’t lying in that blue index card.” I smiled down at my phone, my stomach growled with hunger pains. “Do you want lunch?” 
A few emojis came next through the text chain. “LUNCH WOULD BE GREAT!” In all caps letters, I laughed even hard. I got up my lunch break was longer then I remember my high school allowing for a bunch growing teens. The kitchen was a mess by the time I packed both bags. A simple sandwich, a can of coke, along with a bag of chips. I heard the sound of a car against the gravel. Eddie in the drivers seat. I smiled and notched my head to the side. “Came to have lunch with my favorite girl.” I nodded. 
I retreat back into the trailer and wait until I hear the strom door open and close. I pull everything out of the paper bags, and set them up in our usual spots. “I’ve got like thirty minutes for lunch.” Eddie mumbles as he sits down at the kitchen table across from me. The sandwich, chips, and coke sit out on the table waititing. Eddie kicks off his boots shoving them by the door. Eddie sits and lunges for his food. Shoving at least a few bites into his mouth before opening the can of soda, and the plain chips. 
“I’m working on this beautiful ‘65 mustang. Blue and so bright. It just needs a new brake line, and some new headlights.” Eddie rambles on with food falling from his mouth. I munch along on my peanut butter sandwich. I listen to him ramble on for what seems like hours, but in reality it’s just until the sandwich is gone in his hand. “So, did you like your breakfast?” He asks, bitting hit lower lip. I smile as I set down the sandwich, “I enjoyed it very much Eds, but I liked your note a whole lot more.” He blushes. 
As quick as Eddie is pulling to the drive way and sitting down to eat lunch, Eddie is pulling on his work boots, and driving away all over again. He waves goodbye as I wave back at him. With it being already late afternoon I know that I have to get back to work sooner rather then later. I settled back into the uncomfortable seat in front of my laptop screen. I do about two or three more zoom meetings and a work load that’s far to big for just one person. But the knock at my door distracts me. 
Nobody normally knocks on my door unless I’ve order something from the great amazon, or if I have to sign for a parcel. But I was pretty sure that I didn’t have anything coming to the house, so I’m more then hesitant to open the door. Work is over now, so I’m not in the mood for a door to door sales man. I open the front door, the storm door locked and the only thing protecting me. An older gentleman stands on my porch. “Hello Sir?” I ask, Maybe the old man was lost in this large trailer park. 
“Heya Ma’am, you don’t know who I am, but I think you should know more about your roommate.” I can feel my face contort into utter and complete confusion. “What are you talking about sir? I think you might have the wrong house.” I mumble out. My grasps on the door handle only grows tighter. Was this old man watching Eddie and I, watching my home. Fear bubbles in my chest, the old man chuckles. “I know what I’m talking about, that mister Eddie Munson.” I start to feel more fear and panic seeping into my bones. He smiles creepily. 
Wouldn’t I love to learn more about Eddie… Sure, but not like this right? I look down at my watch, three thirty it reads, Eddie doesn’t get back for several more hours. I’m stuck here, or I can call the police but I have a feeling this old man doesn’t mean any danger. “I have a story, the truth to tell you. By the way the names Jason Carver. It’s nice to meet ya.” I’m even more hesitant. The screen door is the only space between us. The older women across the road come out, “Oh dearie you have visitors.” 
Mrs.Knoll has always been so sweet, so I nod through the storm door, “Oh Mr. carver what are you doing in this neightboorhood?” She yells out even if her voice is a gone with old age. “I’m here to talk with this young lady.” Mrs. Knoll nods, then starts to mumble to herself. “I used to give her the daily paper when we were both much younger. I’m still hesitant but to have my neightboor know who this older gentleman is was very comforting. I unlock the storm door, “Why don’t you come in from that cold Mr. Carver.” 
He stands in front of the door while I step back to back space for him. He’s all but hesitant to walk in. Taking in the space like he owns it. He’s a tall man, and looks like he might have played sports in his younger age. He’s still spry. “You can take off your shoes, would you like a glass of water?” I ask moving far from him and into the kitchen. “That would be lovely.” I bit at my lips and grab a glass filling it from the sink. When I come back he’s sitting in Eddies chair. 
I take the glass of water to the living room, he follows me with his eyes, and then finally gets up from Eddies spot at the kitchen table. He’s so much taller especially now that I’m sitting down on the lounge chair in the living room. He clears his throat and then takes a sip of the water. “So what do you wanna know about your roommate Mister Eddie Munson?” Mr. Carver asks, as if I was the one that walked up to his front door claiming to have information about someone important to him. “A few things will do.” 
He laughs, I try to hide the uncomfortable feeling that is growing in the pite of my stomach. “Just a few things.” Mr. Carver chuckles, “How about I tell you a little bit more then just a few things.” We stare at each other for a few moments, a few seconds. “You know you look a lot like my girlfriend from high school.” Mr. Carver mumbles, “Do I sir?” I ask, wondering why that’s something he’d bring up. “You do, but she was um… she passed away a long time ago now.” Mr. Carver, “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.” 
The conversation lulles to only the breathing between the two of us. Then he asks me an odd question. “Do you really want to know the whole story?” More confusion coarse through my veins, “Yes.” I answer hesitantly. “Eddie Munson is a horrible man.” Well that’s a great fucking start I think to myself. “How… How dare you walk into my house and say that about someone.” Mr. Carver chuckles, and takes a short sip of the water. “You must think of me as a horribly rude person, but I promise you it’s not me you have to worry about.” 
My blood is boiling but then Carver starts talking. “Eddie and I went to high school here in town together. At that point in my life I was just trying to get along with everyone, but your sweet Eddie Munson made my life a living hell. He’d activly start fights with me, and cause so much more drama then was ever needed.” “Personally I find that hard to believe.” I hold my ground, anger passes through the older mans expressions. “He was at that point a leader of a cult of some sort had all the young freshman apart of it.” 
I stare at the older man in awe. “You’ve got to fucking kiding right?” I ask not caring about my language, Mr. Carver stares at me with his mouth wide open, like I had plunged a knife into his heart. I’m starting to get the feeling that Mr. Carver was a bully in his time at Hawkins high. “It was said that he was not only apart of a clut that he ran, but he was also a stantist.” He says it like i’m supposed to be scared or shocked. I cross my legs, “I don’t think so Carver.” 
He grumbles, “Okay, Musnon sold weed and drugs to kids at Hawkins High.” Carver says as if he had won a fight with the last punch straight to the face of his opponent. “Mr. Carver I think you don’t realize that I also smoke weed.” I whisper the last part, “I don’t give a shit what Eddie did before I met him, and anyways I met his wonderful uncle. And I highly doubt an old high school bully knew anything about him.” I said with a calm tone smiling. He sighs, “I wish I didn’t have to tell you this.” 
“What are you taling about now? Huh did he take your girlfriend from you cause she didn’t wanna deal with such a fucking dick.” I huff out, “Well I wouldn’t say I was a dick, and anyways Chrissy and I were a perfect match. The jock and his cheerleader.” I roll my eyes at Mr. Carver words. “But you aren’t wrong, Eddie did in fact take my girlfriend from me, took her after the championship game at our high school brought her back here to sell her drugs and then murdred her right here. She was handing from the ceiling.” 
My hands being to shake, looking for the lies in Mr. Carvers old face. “Wh…What are you talking about?” I manage to ramble out. I rest my hands on my jean covered knees. The sweat pouring out of my palms. “So he really hasn’t told you anything?” He asks with a low chuckle behind his words. “He brought my sweet girlfriend to this very trailer, broke her bones and strung her up like a piece of artwork for his uncle to find the next morning. Then after that he went on a killing spree. Killing kids and my good friend.” 
We sit there for a silent moment. “You mean to tell me that Eddie Munson who wouldn’t dare hurt a fly killed your girlfriend and two others” Mr. Carver nods, all of this was hard to believe. It was a crazy thought, but then I remember the damn gapping whole in my ceiling just a few months ago. That was crazy at the time. “This is the truth?” He nods, and then Mr. Carver got up, but not before taking the last sip of his water. “You just be careful around him miss. You don’t know what he’s capable of.” 
I have a hard time believe the first two things that Mr. Carver rambled off about. Eddie had been truthful about his drugs, and how much he really did enjoy smoking weed. You had to dumb to not know that most people were smoking in the eighties and ninties. Then you ahve the cult laeder bullshit that Mr. carver was talking about. Being a cult leader took a hell of a lot of people, but it sounded more like D&D. Eddie had talked about getting back into it recently. I had even done a paper on the whole thing. 
Written it pretty well cause I got an A on it in one of my college courses. The public at that point was fearing everything, war with Russia and the war on drugs had only been over for a few years. The public needed something to latch on to, so the fear of their childrens mental health it wasnt, rather the dangeroius games they were playing. Newsweekly took it has far as calling it “D and D; The Devil’s Game.” I didn’t care about that, rather that Eddie and Wayne never said a goddamn word about the murders that happend. 
The drive back to the trailer park goes by quickly, not the second half of work had not after having lunch with my girl Lilly. She had texted earlier that day and asked about lunch then I remember that I had her car, so I drove the 15 minutes back to the trailer park just to have lunch with her. She was a smiling mess when she went to walk about the door and saw me. When I had to return back to the work I was horribly upset, but then yet another beautiful car came rolling into the garabe.
After a few hours another car came rolling up for a simple oil change was simple enough. The driver was an older women and she tried her hardest to flirt with me but I had no want or need to flirt with her especially when I had such a beaiutfil girl waiting for me at the trailer. All I had to do with get back to the trialer and finally tell her just how pretty and just how much she was always on my thoughts. Though the older women had tipped me well for the simple work I had done. 
So I drove home with excitement soaking through my bones, and not being able to hold myself together any longer to see Lilly and her beautiful smile. It’s late when I hit the gravel road that leads into the trailer park, The lights are all off in the trailer and worry hits me, Lilly had looked fine ealier that afternoon. I shut the car off grabbing the keys, and unlocking the storm door and house door. When I got into the trailer Lilly wasn’t in the living room, or in the kitchen cooking something. It was dead silent around me. 
The only thing I can barely hear is the sound of her music playing in her bedroom, I walk slow and light on my feet after disposing of my work boots. I knock on her bedroom door even though its ajar, nothing comes out. So I ask into the darkness. “Lilly, are you alright?” Still nothing, so I wonder if she’s asleep. Then I hear her groan, so I nudge the door open just enough to get a glismpe of her curled up in the middle of her bed. Sher must feel me staring at her. “I am fine Eddie.” 
She sounds anger, and short with me. But I’m not sure as happened in just the few hours from when I saw her last to now. My heart sinks, further and further the more silence radiates off of Lilly. I think a few things that she might need, but won’t dare to ask someone to get for her. “Can I get you something, sweetheart?” I ask into the cold air. She turns quickly flipping of the soft covers, “WHY?” She yells, “So you can kill me like you did Chrissy Fucking Cunningham?” I stand there shocked, and the fear bubbles. 
“Yeah I can do fucking research, it’s not that fucking hard. All you have to do is search up cult leader murder Hawkins Indiana.” My hands behing to shake the louder Lilly gets, she pushes me from her bedroom doorway all the way into the living room. The firs thing that comes from mouth is “How’d you learn about Chrissy?” I ask, sineraly ask her. She rolls her eyes dramatically, “I had a surprise fucking guest come in talking about all the horrible things you did and you were in high school.” I shrug, “Jason Carver!” She shouts at me. 
I shake my head, “Jason Fucking Carver, you’ve got to be kiding me right? He was my high school bully for christ sake.” “Yeah that’s what I thought, but then you take his girlfriend and BRING her here and murder her, and lets not get started on the two others that you murdered. What’s wrong with you?” My heart is skipping beats and not in the good way. Hands still shake, Lilly turns to turn on a light. She looks as if she’s been crying for hours, tired and worn out. “Why would you believe him?” I ask, yet another roll of her eyes, “Because you haven’t told me shit Eddie, nothing you won’t tell me why you fucking fell through my ceiling, or what happened before that! So why not believe not him.” Lilly shouts her eyes wide looking straight into my soul. My hands brush through my sweaty tangles, and I stare at her for a only a few moments, before I bit my lip and look towards the ceiling. “You… Of course you remember you just don’t wanna talk about it! Why?” She yells more, I grind my teeth as I try to push back the tears. 
“You need to leave.” After a moment of silence that’s all Lilly says to me. “I need a few days to think, or whatever,” Lilly mutters mostly to herself as she walks back to her room slamming the door. So now here I stand in the half-lite room my chest burning and my voice sore. I can Dustin first but no response, so I text Steve, ‘Code Red’ and then call him, he answers immediately. “Eddie?” “I need you to come pick me up from the trailer park. Lilly is…’ I stare at the door waiting, yearning that she comes back out, but nothing. ‘Eddie, what’s happened?” “I’ll explain when you come and pick me up I need to stay with you for a few days.” I end the call and grab the few things I have dropping Lilly's keys and slamming the front door and storm door, waiting for Steve to come and pick me up at nearly eleven at night. 
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Completed on: 05/25/2023
Posted on: 06/03/2023
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
1 note · View note
2023 : Eddie Munson- Episode 3 No Longer Kids
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, Lonely feeling, kids have grown up, Dustin and his kids, Robin and Steve tied the knot, Jane (11) and Max are together, he finally meets her for the first time, Will and Mike are together which he totally saw coming, Robin being nosy (but in a cute friendly way) Eddie totally has a crush on Lilly, just is to dumb to see it
Summary- Eddie learns a lot about the kids and his friends. Steve and Robin are married. Dustin and the other kids are all grown. He meets El and Will. El and Max are together, while Will and Mike are together. Robin points out that Eddie might have a crush on Lilly. 
A/n- firefly=grpahics for dividers
WC- 5.5k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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"The two of you married instead... I was so sure that you and Nancy were going to get together." I'm looking at Steve and Robin's hands. identical rings on each of their hands. On the right hand, they are married. Robin isn't shy about it, she shows off her rings coming over to me. Steve on the other hand is more focused on the fact that I'm here. Standing in front of him."We had a funeral for you and everything." It's hurt. The words are harsh and could cut right through the glass. 
They're aren't tears in his ears, but there's some sort of relief all in the same sentence. "Rob, He's right here and standing in front of us and you're concerned with showing off that fake ass ring." Steve is harsh and mean. I can only imagine. Dustin will be throwing and chunking shit at me."Oh yeah, I got over that the second I saw him. What's the point of yelling at him, he looks like he hasn't aged a day. Let's just go. We're too old to be fuckin' yelling at each other." Rob yells back at her husband, at Steve.
He rolls his eyes. I open my arms. In an attempt at a friendly hug, Robin is there within seconds. Steve watches, "Come on you dingus." I hear Rob mutter from the side of her face. I open my arms again and make more room for him. He comes over slowly, there's a little bit of a limp in his left leg. He manages and makes his way into our hug. There's a relief that hits my chest. The urge to cry is strong, but instead of crying I breathe steadily. 
I take in the time that Steve is giving the both of us. "What happened?" Steve whispers. I try to explain to come up with words, but a shrug is all I can give him and Robin. "Have you seen Dustin or any of the other kids?" I ask as Steve leaves the hug, Robin is still stuck. "Rob? Come on let the guy breathe." Steve fusses at her. I smile shortly at the way that they haven't changed a damn after nearly forty years.
"Sure we see Dustin all the time. His kids gosh they're like extremely like him. He tells them stories about the upside down all the time." Rob rattles off, Steve is back to rolling his. "Robin." He shouts, "Sorry." She apologizes but at who, I shrug my shoulders. "The other kids haven't left either. Everyone stayed right here. Dustin didn't want to leave after you disappeared. He felt like he wasn't doing the right thing, something about you being the best of friends and how you wouldn't dare leave if he had died." Steve says.
The three of us are standing in front of my uncle's grave. "What are you two doing here at the damn cemetery?" My thoughts running with the ADHD. Running back and forth between one and four different things. "Oh, we have to stop by and make sure that Steve's parent's grave look proper." Robin is pointing out a few rows forward, there's a huge mausoleum."We came to fix it up," Steve says coldly. I gather that he wasn't close to his parents. Close was the wrong word to pick. "They were dipshits and forced me and Robin to marry just so they would get the fuck out of my hair about how I wasn't married," Steve mumbles.
"Oh" Was all I could think of, so close was the worst word. "Steve’s parents were pricks," Robin says, she took the word right out of my head. I just shook my head. "We were at his funeral," Steve says simply as he looks down at Wayne’s grave. "Dustin was the one that told your uncle that you were gone. Dead. God Dustin gonna flip when he finds out you aren't dead. Oh shit Rob we have to go get Eds, Claire, and Beth from that camp class." Steve is rushing trying to grab Robins wrist.
"Hold on a fuckin' sec." She looks over at me. "We still live in Steve's house, it's brighter now. Come over in a few days. We can re-introduce you to everyone. Some people you never got the chance to meet too. I missed you, Eddie. Glad you're back." Rob says sweetly coming into my space and grabbing me tightly hugging me hard that it causes me to cough a little when she lets me go. Steve waves at me while the two of them walk away. I look down at Wayne’s grave. 
"I should have figured that this shit would happen once I left Lilly’s trailer. I bet you're loooking down at me with absolute horror at the mess I've caused for myself." I can imagine his chuckle and the roll of his eye as he’d wave me off. There’s something that I just miss about my uncle. Wayne had been through everything with me. It’s hard to imagine that I wasn’t there for him when he needed it the most that some other person was there. Regardless though I guess I have to suck it up and be glad that someone was there for him. 
The urge to sit down was strong. Sit down and not say a goddamn word just sit there in the warm air. “Wayne I wonder what your thoughts are on Y/n? She’s really pretty it’s hard sometimes for me to focus on anything other than that.” I whispered into the open air. Regardless of the answer that I thought I might have gotten from my uncle I never got an answer. Just the sounds of birds flying past and a few cars driving past the cemetery. I only sat on the grass for a few more moments. “I think I’ll go visit the kids if they even wanna see me.” 
With that, I got up and patted the hard headstone that had my uncle’s name imprinted on the marble stone. I took one last look at his grave before walking away. I had to get back to Lilly’s trailer. According to Steve and Robin, all the kids were still here, and Dustin has kids. He named one of those kids Eds. It makes me wonder on my walk back to the trailer park if he named his son after me. If my disappearance had that great of an effect on him. I wonder if he missed me that much. 
Had I not realised just how much I had affected Dustin’s freshman year of high school. Had I not realized just how important I was to Dustin’s life, how important I might have been to every one. I walk and walk until I somehow make my way toward the trailer. I’m not sure why I think that Lilly will continue to let me stay here. I might have to get a new place to stay, but I walk further up the porch. I don’t just walk in I can only aimigne catch Lilly in a rather compromising position. 
I wouldn’t want to make the only other person I know in this hollow and broken town uncomfortable. Maybe I was just thinking to hard about everything. Seeing Steve and Robin had only made me think more about the things that I had been taken from. That some evil force had taken me from y mtime and my friends all because of what. Was it all a sick joke on me. The best prank in the godamn wall. I knock hard on the outer glass door. The lights are on inside. But I think about just running, far away from her front door. That’s until she’s opening it and staring at me. 
“Eddie, you came back?” She asks ushering me back into the calm space she’s created. “I thought you just up the trailer earlier.” Lilly is dragged me towards her couch. I might had just woken up this morning and left, grabbing my boots and shoving them on before running out of her trailer. The ceiling was still staring at me, looking deep into my soul. “I just had to get out, it’s still just a tad weird to know my uncle isn’t here anymore. I went and vivisted him by the way.” I murmured as we settled on the couch. 
“You should have let me rive you there it’s a long walk to the cemetery.” Lilly said getting more comfortable on the couch. I was looking down at the contact she had created by grabbing my wrist and dragging me into the trailer. “I’m sorry it’s still weird for you. I should have realized that.” With that Lilly had let go of my wrist and retracted her hands into her sweatshirt pockets. I tried to say something but nothing came up to console her. “I bumped into some old friends, from my time I guess.” Lilly’s eye light up gleefully. 
“You did? Did they reconginze who you were? Are they nice?” Lilly asks about too many questions for my racing mind to answer them. “I think they weren’t mad for my disappearance. They invited me over for dinner. To meet the friends that were in that group.” I rattled off. Lilly was so close to me on the couch that i wasn’t able to focus. No girl not the many yearsthat I had lived in Hawkins was ever so attentive, or caring to me. It was an odd and new feeling one that scared the living shit out ot me. 
“Eddie are you alright?” Lilly asks, scooting somehow closer into my personal space. Not that that was the problem. It was more the fact I was trying desperately to keep all of my emotions under wraps in a rather difficult situation. “I… You’re… Yeah I’m okay.” I managed to sutter out. She looked down between us, like she had somehow noticed how much she had gotten close to me. “Oh shit I’m sorry I… I di– I didn’t mean to get all up in your space.” She mutters a small apology. “It’s alright Lilly, I’m a little hungryl, you?” 
She cocks her head in the cutest of ways. Her bangs flowing infront of her face. “You mean like do I want something for lunch?” She looks for more information in my eyes, and when I shrug my shoulder she gives up rather quickly. “I can make a mean grilled cheese.” It’s not great food, but it’s something that I can do for her as a weird thank you for letting me stay with her. “You can really make a mean grilled cheese why don’t you just show me, Eddie.” Lilly coaxed me, her brows raised like she was challenging me. 
I saluted her and went behind the counter to get a sense of the kitchen. Not that it was any, or much different from when I was living here. Not that I originally spent much time in the kitchen. Wayne had always cooked dinner, and when I was in the kitchen it was to put a bowl of spaghettios into a bowl and heat them up. I got tto work quickly though, only having to ask Lilly where a few things had been placed. Never did she come into the kitchen. I even heated up some soup to share together. 
When I was done cooking I strutted out of the kitchen and placed her plate infront of her. I wasn’t sure about a lot of things regarding Lilly. So, I made sure to grab her a set of utensil if she wanted them. The bowl of soup went infront of the two of us, I tired to sit further away from her just to give us a arms length of space. Lilly’s first bite could never have been better, a dealious moan fell from her lips, and the more she kept eating. The more my knees buckled at the sound. 
“HOLY SHIT Eds. This is fucking perfection.” She giggled as she wiped her face of bread and cheese crumbs. I tried to stuff my face so I didn’t have to say a single word. I wasn’t ver y trusting of my own voice. “Thanks.” I was able to get out with a mouth full of brunt cheese, and bread. There wasn’t much beside that little conversation, before Lilly was reaching for a remote. That my attentio was turned to the screen intfront of me. “It’s a flatscreen, really thin too.” Lilly said as she flicked back and forth between channels. 
The quality was mamazing better then anything I’d ever seen, and that wasn’t really anything to go based off of. “Are you okay if we watch something?” Lilly turned to look at me, her hair was up. Guess she had gotten upset by the random strands that I was coming to like very much. In a few more seconds I’ve returned my attention back to the bright and high quality screen. There’s some sort of dramatic show playing in the background as Lilly goes back to eating her food. It’s getting closer to evening so the sun is setting beautifully. 
“Do you remember me saying that I was invited over for dinner with my old friends?” I throw the question into the comfortable air. Lilly lifts her head from the pillow on the couch, her legs are tucked in her bottom. “Hmm yeah, what about it Eddie?” She asks, as Lilly tries to pay attention to both the tv show and my conversation with her. “I was thinking that maybe you could I don’t know join me? I know that you probably don’t really care, but I… I just really don’t want to go meet my old friends without you.” 
The words come out rather sentimental like. More like I needed her, like I wasn’t able to think about anything other then her. I just… the truth was that I didn’t want to feel out of place in a new place or rather a new time. We stare at each other, in the dimming room as the sky line turns darker and the tv screen becomes brighter. Lilly is staring at me, her eyes sparkle. Brown eyes staring hard into my own. “You want me to go with you?” She asks. “Yeah.” She smiles, “Yeah I’ll go with you, Eddie.” 
It’s for a few more days until, I gather myself and Lilly into her car and drive us down to Lake Nora. Lilly fucks with the radio in her car, “Do you have a certain music type you like to listen to Eddie?” Lilly asks me as I pull up to a stop light. Not that the trailer park is far from Lake Nora. In the time that I had been selling weed and other speicalitys in Hawkins I had only ever been invited to one King Steve party. That drive was creep as shit, something I’d rather not repeat. 
I turn looking at Lilly, “Don’t laugh now, I’m a metal head. I like the way the music rumbles through my bones. Used… I was a part of a band at one point here in Hawkins.” I offer my thoughts. She doens’t laughs, rather instead she finds a metal radio station. “Here you go, listen this until we get to your friends house.” She rests back in her seat and let’s calm unknowing in the music. The music is little odd, stuff that I’d never heard. But the guitar, and drums in the background broke through sounding rather familiar sorta. 
When I pulled up to Steve house the lights are beaming inside and there’s a few cars already in his drive way. A mini-van, and a few other compact cars. I move the car to make sure that we aren’t in any ones way if they need to get out before we ourselves leave. Lilly is in a pair of black jeans that have purposeful holes in them according to her. A red blouse that make sure her shoulders on visible. “So my friend in there.” I say eyeing the front door. “Yeah your friend in there?” Lilly echos me. 
“Steve, and Robin are married. Steve got a thing where his hair always has to be perfect. And then his wife Robin is really talkative. Like she’ll talk your ear off. I don’t know about anyone else.” I say with a sad shrug. “Eddie?” Lilly brings my attention up to her. “Eddie everything will be fine I promise you that. If you need to leave or you just feel out of place come find me. Okay?” Lilly whispers even though we’re alone in her car. I nod, and grab to unbuckle my seat belt before getting out of the car. 
The air is somehow different out of here. Just like it was when I first came to the this house to sell. The sound of Lilly’s passenger door closing makes me jump, as my eyes don’t dare leave the front door of Steve house. I don’t leave my trance until I feel Lilly’s hand slip into mine, another jump out of skin moment. “Come on Eddie, I’ll knock on the door.” She takes me and we walk towards the front door, when we make it to the porch I can hear the sounds of happy screaming children. No backing out. 
Before I know it Lilly is knocking on the door, and it’s a long pregnagnt moment of silence and waiting. Then the door is opening, Steves is staring at the pair of us. “Hey, I didn’t realize you were bringing someone with you.” he says calmly. “Yeah he didn’t want to feel to out of place.” Lilly speaks up for me. I smile and Steve only nods before opening his door all the way open. The sounds of screaming children pass again as we walk into his living room. There’s life in this house, such a contrast to the past. 
“Everyone is in the dining room, if you’d like we can just go eat now or you can met with dustin. You know he’s bound to freak out once he sees you.” Steve says as he takes Lillys coat from her hooking it around a hanger and into the coat closet by the front door. “Who;’s Dustin?” Lilly asks as she looks back over at me. “He was my kid best friend I guess.” I say trying to think how best to explain it. “Like a younger brother that I never got.” I say changing my mind. Steve laughs. 
“How about I just meet everyone all at once.” I suggest. Steve shrugs his shoulders. “Whatever you want man.” He guids us towards the dining room. Robin is the first one of to see us. “Eddie! You’ve made it!” Heads turn, and then everyone is staring straight into me. My sheild come up as I shuffle through the faces. Mike is there he’s got a little grew growing in his black shaggy hair. the red headed girl Max is older, but smiling holding someone’s hand I don’t know. Erica is staring at me with those scary eyes. Then there’s Dustin. 
I can still hear the kids running in the background. There’s like background music now. Dustin is staring me down, tears are floating at the edges of his eyes. He won’t stop looking at me. I grab onto Lilly’s hand. I feel like I’m floating and I need to feel like I have some sort of anchor. Lilly squeezes back, letting me know she’s there. “WHAT THE FUCK!?!” Dustin screams, someone, well everyone looks at him. There’s a new voice, “Dusty take a breathe please.” The female voice says. “I can’t fucking beialive this. Steve what the fuck is this??” 
Dustion is throwing cruse words around like they’re aren’t young ones around, just running past. “No I won’t fucking calm down either Suizs. He was fucking dead. And everyone here knows it. We all watched how he didn’t come back through the fucking gate. Don’t you dare tell me that this is Eddie. I don’t… you… i had…” For a moment Dustin calms down. I let go of Lilly’s hand, amking my way towards Dustin. “Dustin” I try, he looks up at me almost automatically. “I’m not some creep or some upside down monster. I’m just me.… I’m Eddie.” 
I mutter, there’s silence in the entire space of the dining room. “Dustin please just know that I’m here now and alive now. Let’s just eat and you can introduce me to your kiddos. I bet they’re just the best just like you kid.” I say softly. He looks like he’s crying, verge of tears. “Eddie.” He says quietly. “I thought… I thought you were dead.” He said, coming to hug me. I hugged him back, and let him take all the time he needed. “Hey kid, do you think we could eat.” I ask after a few long moments. 
“Yeah we can eat.” he says with a small chuckle. Steve and Robin had moved in two new chairs and everyone had made room for us to sit down. Dustin went back to his seat. “By the way this is my wife, Suize.” Dustin says as he sits back down. Dinner is already on the table. “We’ve got three kids, and we named one of them after Eds.” “Yeah Dad!” There’s a yelling coming from the other room, and I can’t help but smile at the sound of happiness and joy coming from the kid. Dustin rolls his eyes. “Kids” 
There’s peace and quiet in the moments of eating. “Steve is the best cook in town. I swear it.” I hear Robin mumble through a mouth full of food. Steve rolls his eyes at his wife not wife. There’s moreeating in silence, I don’t feel my heart beat as fast as it was before. What I can feel is a soft hand on my knee, rubbing a thumb over my kneecap. I don’t dare look over at Lilly. “So, who’s your friend?” I hear Erica ask. Of course it’s Ecria. I remember that kid always having so many little thoughts. 
“Well, she’s um…” I look over at her. I’m not sure how to describe it, so I give her the reins of this conversation. “Well I’m Lilly. I live in the trailer park.” Heads turn with forks in mouths. “The trailer park?” Dustin questions her. “Yeah kinda funny I live in Eds old trailer.” She answers with giggle. I can see the wheels turning in Dustin and Ercia heads. It’s as if a day hasn’t passed since they were in school and little kiddos themselves. “So you’re saying you live in Eddie old trailer? How’d that even happen to you?” 
It’s Dustin asking the questions. Everyone beside Ercia isn’t really paying the most attention towards our conversation, for reasons I don’t know yet. Maybe they’re all confused as to how I’m here. Along with the others who I’m not sure who they are just yet. “Well, if you must know I was great friends with Eds Uncle Wayne. I helped him a lot in the trailer park and he eventually gave me the trailer to live in. I helped with his funeral when it came time.” Lilly says softly, her hand has yet to leave my knee. Empowering the conversation. 
Once dinner is done or atleast everyone is done eating people are on the move to get onto the comfy large couch in Steve’s living room. “So there’s a few people you um…you didn’t get the chance to met.” Steve says his voice almost echos in the tall house. Everyone is now sitting on the couch. Two women are sitting next to each other, Max and a women with dark brown curly hair. “This is Max, who you know from before, and her wife Jane or El.” Steve introduces me to the pair. “Are you the girl with the powers?” 
I ask, there a tense that comes over the room. “Yeah, I once had powers, but haven’t needed them in a long time. It’s nice to met you Eds.” Jane says as she nudges into Max’s side. I can’t help but copy her as i do the same to Lilly. She looks over at me and smiles. Steve takes me attention by introducing me to someone new. “This is Mike, you know he was in your hellfire club, but you haven’t met Will. These two are married.” Steve says. I had known a few gay people that lived in Hawkins. 
“It’s nice to finally met you. I don’t know if you can tell but Mike really took a liking to your whole style.” Will says as he reaches over to give me a handshake. It’s firm but as he smiles at me I notice what he’s talking about. Mike had pratiaclly ripped off my style. Black jeans and leather jacket. I laugh at yet another thought of how much I might have imprint on these kids. Another thought comes up, maybe one of soreness and tightness. Maybe one that will make the whole room go silent but I cant think. 
“So the whole fighting Vecna thing?” I ask. There are a few strong inhales, like they hadn’t thought one day about it. “Yeah we killed that son of a bitch long ago, that was sorta the end of it.” Jane speaks up from her corner next to Max. Max giggles and kisses her wives cheek before shaking her head in agreement. “It was honestly revenge on my part.” Dustin says, there’s more tears but I’m not sure what they’re based on. “Once it was all over lots of people left town. Scared of how scary Hawkins was starting to become.” 
“Do you wanna meet my kiddos?” Dustin asks, Suize is starting to visibly fall asleep on her husband shoulders. They’re such a cute little couple. “Sure kid.” Lilly has yet to leave my side and I squeeze her hand once more, thank her sielntly for coming with me. “You’re welcome.” She murmurs before resting her head on my shoulder. “Kids do you mind coming in here?” Dustin shouts from his spot on the couch. There’s loud thunderish footsteps, “Hey Uncle Steve, dad what’s up.” “I have someone I’d like you to met.” Dustin points over to me. I smile wide. 
“This is your dads best friend from when he was still in school.” Dustin says, “Eds why don’t you met Eddie.” His kids eyes light up, “You’re my uncle Eddie, the guy I was named after, I can’t help but smile wider, “I guess so kiddo.” “I’ve heard so many cool stories about you, like how you totally were the best D&D DM ever, dad got me into that game by the way.” Eds say extasically. I laugh how similar the two are. “I was and still am the best DM.” I encourage him on. I love his style. 
He looks a little like his dad and a little like his mother. Curly hair, but a wide goofy smile. Clothes that I wished that I could have pulled off. “So how old are you Eds?” I ask him. He turns to his dad. “He just turned fourteen a few days ago.” I remember being fourteen and thinking that the world was ending, my dad wasn’t there anymore so I ran and ran until I got to Uncle Waynes trailer. “Well you make the most of it kiddo.” I say patting his shoulder, he goes off sitting next to Suize. 
“Come on Claire. Come meet your Uncle Eddie.” She’s more shy, her long hair is down to her back and she uses her hair as a coping mechinase to hide her anxiety. She moves slowly until she’s right infront of us. “You know I do the same thing when I’m nervous.” I say softly so no one else can hear me. Everyone is watching the both of us. “You do?” She says “Yup, I like to do crazy things like this.” I move my hair from behind my ear and rope it over my lips. Making a fake mustache beard. 
She giggles, and laugh before repeating me. “I like this!” She very verbal once you get her out of her shell. “So how old are you?” I ask, She swallows. “I’m eleven year old. I just got back from camp.” She says point down at her shirt. ‘Camp Lagoon’ Is written on her lime green shirt and a little beetle bug must be there mascot there. “She’s a fan of her science camps like Dusty here was.”Suize comments. Claire moves quickly to move into her mothers lap. “Hey Mama.” She says looking up at her. “There’s one more kiddo.” 
“Beth baby, you wanna come here.” Dustin calls out, There’s nothing for a few moments, then Steve is getting up and going to find her. Clarie and Eds have somehow fallen asleep on their mother. It’s cute and makes me heart ache just a little. Reminds me of my own mother how she always the sweetest women, never forget about me regardless of the fighting that happened between her and my shitty dad. “I’ve got her, she’s was working on some lego bricks.” Steve says. He kneels in front of me handing me the child. She just looks at me. 
“Hello Beth, how are you?” I ask, I’m guessing she isn’t to much younger then her sister. She looks down at my fingers and plays with them. “I’m otay,” Beth whispers. “You okay too?” She asks, I laugh at her whispering but play along. “I’m good too Beth, so how old are you then… let me guess!” I say, I pretend to think for a moment and I feel Lilly’s eyes on me I can’t help but blush from the staring. “I’d say that you’re nine.” It’s a totally shitty guess, she rolls her eyes, I look over to Dustin. 
“Beth is only six, smart little girl though huh.” Dustin comments, “She reminds me of someone I used to know, kinda of a smarty.” I commented, Dustin laughs loudly waking his sleeping child. Beth continues to play with my fingers and then Lilly starts to talk with her. “You’re such a cutie Beth.” Beth giggles and launches her head into my shoulder. “I think you made her shy,” I say looking over at Lilly for the first time in a while. Her smile is hard to miss, but there’s something behind her eyes. Like a longing for kids, the feeling. 
Beth ends up falling asleep on my shoulder, cozying up in my shoulder. Before I know it Dustin is trying to get up frm the couch with a kid in his arms, and one kid in Suizes arms. “Can you help us with Beth?” Lilly had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I get up slowly to let Lilly’s head move down to the couchison. I walk with Dustin and his wife towards the front door and their car. Beth weight doesn’t bother me at all as I watch and stand waiting for Dustin to buckle in his son. “Here’s Beth.” 
Once I get back into the Harringtons home. I’m being dragged by Robin towards the kitchen islands, “Shit Robin.” I manage to huff out by the time she’s stopped us. “You’re totally in love with that Lilly girl aren’y you?!” She asks, theres exctiemnt behind her eyes, and the sound of footsteps stops me from saying the truth of how I’m truely feeling. “God robin you can’t just spring that on someone.” Steve whispers, trying to lower the sound of our conversation. “So do you? Do you like that girl you brought with you?” Steve asks prolonging the conversation along. 
“What do you want me to say. I fell throug her fucking ceiling and now she’s just… she’s just so damn sweet and supportive. I’m not sure I should even…” There’s a pause in my throat. “So you do like her?” Robin beats the word like further into my head. “Maybe…” I saw softly as I look back through the doorway towards Lilly’s sleeping body on the couch. “We should probably get going…” I comment, “What before you go take some of dinner with you.” Steve says shoving a few tupper ware containers into my chest. Looking over at Lilly. 
I tried my hardest to juggle both the containers of food, and Lilly as I walked us towards the car. The food goes into the back of the car, and Lilly goes into the passenger seat. Lilly isn’t fully aware of what is going on around her, but once the engine starts in the car. She right back to sleep. Somehow the drive back to Lilly’s trailer is different. The air is cold, the streetlights stream through the car’s window. I keep looking back between the road and her. Somehow feeingl so utter alone even though I know I’m not. 
It’s weird how cruel your own mind can be to you. I try my hardest making my way towards the trailer park entrance. It reminds me of Chrissy. Driving down the dirt and gravel road with Chrissy sitting next to me staring off into space. I don’t think at all I was aware of what the reality of what was happening around me. I don’t even get out of my head until I hear her voice. It’s not Chrissy’s it’s Lillys and for some reason it calms me almost immediately. “Are we home?” She asks in a sleepy voice
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Completed on: 04/18/23
Posted on: 04/28/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy
1 note · View note
2023 : Eddie Munson- Episode 2 Disappearing Man
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Dustin Henderson
Warnings: Middle of Season 4, Flahsbacks, Fighitng Vecna, Angst, Dustin, Wayne, Steve, Nancy, and Robin Mentioned, eddie is missing, back in 1986.
Summary: Back in 1986, Eddie is missing. He never made it through the gate. Can the gang, and the other work without having Eddie. What is Dustin supposed to tell Wayne Munson?
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.6k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
The next chapter is here!
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"What the fuck!?" Where is he? He was supppoed to make it through the gate? "Eddie?" I scream through the gate. It's like an echo, but nobody is there. Not from where I can see. It's the fucking ceiling for crying out."Eddie? Did he not make it through the gate?" Steve asks as he gets back onto his feet. Now that mostly everyone is back, Max is sitting with her headphones on and listening to her music. Vecna is coming regardless. "I think Vecna might have gotten him," I say. The words hurt more even has they come out.
Steve shakes his head like him saying the words will make whatever I'm thinking less true. "No way, I bet he's just fucking with us."Steve says simply. "We should probably get the hell out of here dingus." Robin says, "Where's Eddie?" She asks like she hasn't been listening to out conversation. "Dustin guys we need to leave." Nancy yells from the other side of the trailer. "We can't stay here for to long." Max interupts her, "We can go over to my trailer. My mom is at work tonight." She offers.I stutter between the gang.
 I can't leave this trailer without knowing where the fuck Eddie is, but the logner I stand the longer Robin and Steve stare at me. The longer, and harder it hits me that he isn't here, and he's not there either. I take one more look up at the gate. I swallow hard and walk towards the front door."Well let's go," I say quickly as I shut the lights off, and walk out onto the small porch. running with the gaggle of these people. Who never has the plan to figure this shit out. I wondered for only a moments time before I throw open Max's front door.
The lights were all off, and as the gang of us pilled in we found spots on the couch. Regardless of Eddie being there or not we were still in a fight with a supernatural scary ass fuckin’ monster we knew nothing about. “Dustin, you said you had an idea.” Steve reminded me. “Shit yeah I’ve got an idea. But I don’t think it will work now that Eddie is gone. We were supposed to have all eight of us…” The words in my throat died, just as Eddie probably. The upside down in a scary horrible place, and even if I’ve never been there I know better then to think that anything good will ever come from it. 
Eddie’s house is a grand mess and I stare from the window. Hoping and wondering he’ll step out of the front door. Maybe it was all just a huge joke. “Dustin. Come on dude we need that big ego plan of yours.” Steve throws out into the air. I snap my head from the window still I’m in my own thoughts. “Has anyone tried Will, and Mike?” Nancy barks out. The face of everyone changes, and fear hits everyone but not as strong as it hits Nancy. “I’ll call.” Max rings out, and as we wait for the phone to pick up in California I have to rethink my plan.
The phone donesn’t pick up and Max stands with sadden shoulders. “Nobody has picked up, it just rings until the line cuts out.” She slowly walks back over to couch. “Are you sure that you’re putting the right numbers in?” Steve asks with a bit of harshness behind his words. Max rolls her eyes, and sighs heavily. “Of course I’m putting the right number in asshole.” I look around the room, “I have a new plan, and since we don’t have to hide away with Eddie we can work a little bit faster.” I mutter, by teeth grabbing my lips. 
“Shoot the plan out kid.” Steve is trying to get this over and done with. There’s to much danger in this whole thing. “You know that gun army store?” Steve brows go down, nut Nancy perks up. “Yeah all the rednecks go there say the end of the world is coming.” “We can go there and get weapons to fight and kill Vecna.” Nancy agrees with me shaking her head, Lucas and Max are off in the distance. Lucas is so scared about losing Max that it makes me for a quick second think of Suize. “Well let’s go, before another gaping hole sucks another one of us in it.” 
Erica yells out. It’s to early in the morning but getting somethign to drive into town wouldn’t be bad of an idea esicaplly since Lucas basketball friends are looking for him and any of his friends. Including me. “We have to wait till morning, we start running out of here guns blazzing stealing someone car that’s just a good way of getting attention.” Robin makes sense to most of the group. “How about we try to get some rest before we have to go fight this freak creature.” Steve says. It’s hours past, and I’m still sitting here infront of the window. Staring at Eddies front door.
Nobody has come or left. I feel the couch shift, and I swallow hard. “Kid, he’s not coming back. You know what happens in the upside down.” I heard Robins voice. As much as it’s comforting it just hurts my heart even more. With Steve no longer in school, I feel even more lonely. Yeah sure Mike is still there but there’s something different about him. Lucas is trying desperately to get into a different group leaving behind the gang we had made at the start of middle school. “There’s no way that he’s gone though. He was my only friend.” 
I mumble out. My knees shift on the couch and I land on my ass. My head hitting the back of the couch. I hear a low sigh. “You’ve got other friend Dustin. Steve is still very much your friend. Trauma bonds a lot of people.” Robin has always been the smart one. “I…” My words can’t manage to get out. “What do you mean that your only friend is Eddie?” The sound of Steve voice makes me wanna roll my shoulder together, and become a snail. “Dustin… What do you mean?” There’s so much tense that I can’t bear it anymore. 
The tears fall, and for once I can’ bear the weight of everything that been falling apart for the last four years. I’ve been losing control of my life, of my friends, of my friendships for far to long and losing Eddie was the last strike to my crumbling state. “Oh Dustin.” Robin says moving in to hug me. There’s a look of deviation in Steve’s face. Robin rolls her eyes and forces the unconfrotanaily man to come over and hug his teenaged best friend. “I’m sorry Dustin, I… I just don’t want you to think that you and I aren’t friends anymore. Of course we’re friend and of course I still care about you even if I’m not there at school anymore.” Steve rambles on. 
My tears don’t stop not even when Nancy and Lucas wake up ready to leave for the WAR ZONE. “I’m sorry about Eddie” Steve apologies as we all walk out of Max trailer. We walked to Steve place, finding that his car was still in the parking space. “We’ll take this to the war zone you were talking about, and then we can do what we need to do from there. Deal.” Steve spoke to all of us. Looking through the rearview mirror. The drive was quiet as Max and Lucas whispered to each other Erica is pressed into the back of the seat and window. Robin and I sat in the second row behind the drivers and passenger seat.  
“So at the War zone. What’s the idea after that?” I hear Steve ask from the front seat. He’s looking at me through the rearview mirror. There’s a wonder in his eyes, like he is asking me to guide us through another round of hell. Steve’s been around for a while now. He knows the ins and outs of what happens alongside the upside down. Everything we do is horrible, and has death stamped across the front of it. It’s like purposely going back into the crime scenes. With the tape that tells you that you aren’t allowed to come in. The yellow tape that screams at you to not be a nosy nelly. 
Still the gang of us have gotten pretty good at being nosey nellys. “Well I was thinking that… that um since Eddie isn’t here anymore…” There’s a long moment. Long pregnant moment of silence that erupts through the car. At the mention of his name everyone is quiet. “Look, I thought that Steve and I could head up to the trailer. Deal with those bats.” Steve shakes his head with agreement but he’s still lost. Forever lost in a bout of blindness and just plain stupidity. “Nancy and Robin, you two are okay with killing that Vecna son of a bitch.” There’s a solid head shake from Nancy in the passenger seat. She’s more than willing, more than wanting. 
“Oh fuck yeah Nancy!” Robin seems more than ready to kill that son of a bitch Vecna. “Max and Lucas and Erica you guys are still a go for Vecna house in not the upside down.” I throw my question into the back of the car. There’s one hum, then a second. Max is trying desperately to stay in her head in her music. There’s a verbal confirmation from Lucas. 
“I’m fuckin’ ready.” Is all Lucas says before going back to watching his not ex-girlfriend. “So that settles it then. Everyone has a spot to be at for this fight.” Steve murmurs from the driver's seat. I shake my head and look back out into the passing trees, and the numbing roads that lay underneath us. When we made our way into the parking lot of the war zone it was like the world was ending. 
Well to everyone else around us they thought it was ending. We were in the middle of a war with Russia, and everyone around Hawkins knew or at least had heard that it was a haunted place. A cursed town that brought nothing but death and horror to all. From young to old, and everyone in between. There was a sense of growing panic in the parking lot, there was no spot. Not big enough to fit the large family car we are all stuck in. And not small enough for even the smallest of cars. So we round around the back. 
The back is also full, but there’s a spot that nobody has taken. Steve pulls in and is quick to turn around before looking at the bunch of us. “Erica, Robin, nance and Dustin will all go inside. We don’t need those football guys chasing after you Lucas.” There’s a snort that leaves Erica, and then a slap from her older brother hitting her hard on the forearm. “Come on kids, before the world ends.” I heard Steve shout from the outside of the car. Robin is quick to make it out of the car. 
Erica is hopping over Steve’s backseat, and thank god he wasn’t paying attention. I’m not the last one out but then there’s Nancy. The five of us walked and to say that this War Zone was not a disaster would be a lie. Long lines of people searching for the compact gear, lines that wound up all the way at the front of the store for check out. The guns were in the back and Nancy was gone. Robin and Steve go off into a direction with a cart in Robin’s hands. 
Erica and I rush to get a cart and move around the flooded isles. I have a handful of weapons. There’s an assortment of different things in my hands. I try to hide and not get noticed by the older adults. I swing left and right between the legs of the large crowds. When I made it back to the cart. Erica had already stuffed it full of fuel and anything else that she thought could kill Vecna. “Dustin.” I heard Erica says her voice was low even in the loud and large crowd I could hear the panic. 
“The jocks.” Was all she had to say. From my point of view Nancy was by the guns. Jason was cornering her, but his lackeys were already on the search for us. Like bloodhounds that had already caught the scent. I look around the wave of people, searching and eye out for Robin and Steve. They looked like they had just seen death itself appear in front of them. When Steve's eyes caught mine we had the same idea. “It’s time to move out before we fucking get caught.” I whispered over Erica. She was quick to get into action. Swerving in and out of people's way to make it to a cashier. 
Robin and Steve met us there a few seconds later. Shoving shit from both of our carts on the convatoebelt. The older gentleman that was ringing us up wanted to have a full blown conversation with us. “Oh are you guys as nervous as the rest of them out there?” He asks his voice a little low and a little grim. Steve was silent as ever, but on the other hand Robin was ready for an uncomfortable conversation.
 “Yeah, just as nervous. Just wanna get home and stay safe sir.” At least she was direct. Before Erica and I knew it Steve was paying for the batch of things we had grabbed and Nancy was pulling the car to the front. A nice shotgun laid on the floor of Steve’s car. “Get your asses in. They know we are here.” Steve had never thrown shit too fast into the back of his car so fast. Jamming himself into the back seat between Lucas and Max. Robin grabbing the passenger door open, Erica and I climbed into the back. 
My heart was racing against my chest, and I felt like I was going to explode. All I could think of was that finally that was over. All we had to do now was kill that son of bitch who was on a killing spree. Sadly without Eddie’s help. Nancy drove for what seemed like hours. The road passed us with great speed, and Steve in the back seat telling his ex-girlfriend. “Hey, drive my car nicely, she isn’t a hunk of junk.” “Oh shut it Steve I got us out of there didn’t I?” The conversation ended there. 
As we sat in the car I wondered about Mike, Will, and El. I wondered what was happening why they hadn’t answered the phone. I wondered if maybe they were also dealing with as big of a problem as we were. The passing trees turned into black and my eyes closed for the first time in at least twenty four hours. Sleep took its course, but the dreams that followed were more like nightmares. 
Nightmares of what the world was coming to around us. After nearly three years of dealing with this upside down shit you’d think that we were all almost champs about it. Taking the battle we had dealt with in stride, but that was never the feeling. The feeling of dread was a better word for the ache that came into my chest. The ache of knowing that we might lose more. We might come out with more than a few cuts and bruises.
In my nightmares. The sky was red, and the road was made up of ashes and dead bodies. This was the reality of what would or might happen if the seven of us didn’t make it in time to save the whole fucking town of Hawkins. It’s funny how yeah we had saved the town not just once, twice, or three times. This was the fucking fourth time we’d be saving them from the deal with death. 
A monster was coming to collect on a debt. A monster was coming to collect on a debt that the Hawkins people were not sure how they had incurred. Eddie was flying in the sky, his body arched in impossible ways, and then all of the sudden Steve was there. Body bending bones cracking and eyes bleeding. 
The people, my friends. The ones that I loved and cared for deeply, and all in a row came up and into the dark red sky bending and contorting into painful shapes. The scream of horror as each person moved in unbelievable ways. The horrible screams that came from me as each person died in front of me. 
I was awoken by shaking. Vigor shaking. Steve was staring down at me. ‘Dustin are you alright? You’re screaming in your sleep.” I tried to mumble a response, but no words managed to come out. Nothing I could think was going to claim my racing heart. Nothing that Steve was, or might prepare to say was going to fix the fact that I had just had a nightmare. “Did you have a nightmare?” He asked me softly. He bent at his knees, and that’s when I realized we had stopped. I looked around. 
A bright green vibrant field of grass laid out in front of us. “Where are we?” I tried to move the conversation anywhere other than my nightmares. “Dustin, don't try to move away from the question. Tell me please.” Steve had started to act like my bigger brother, one that I had never gotten the chance to get. “Nightmare Steve. It was fucking nightmare.” I rambled on, the words came out hotter than intended. There was a moment of silence between the two of us and then I noticed how quiet it was and that nobody was in the car. 
“I get them too.” Steve was looking down at the ground beneath his feet. “What? For how long?” I started to question him. “Since um… since the fight with Billy at Joyce's house.” For almost two years. I remember driving back in the car with Max horribly driving Steve laid across the back were the only bandaids we could find in Joyce’s bathroom. 
“For two years Steve. Why didn’t you tell anyone, or me?” I was angry, but the more I thought the sadder I got Steve had been hiding this from everyone. “I call Robin when I get them she comes over and stays for most of them. We talk a lot about them.” I looked over my shoulder and Robin was eyeing the both of us. “She’s really helpful.” Steve mentions as he drags my attention back to him. “Look Dustin you don’t have to tell me, but I understand. Why don’t we get to work on some shields?”
 I shake my head and I get out of the car. I look around. Lucas and Erica are making knife sticks. Like javels you see that knights used to carry around with them. Not a bad idea if we were trying to kill fish in the olden days. Nancy is trying desperately together with Robin to make motlovs. Shoving a shit ton of gasoline into empty vodka bottle. Fire and glass a nice touch if I do say so myself. 
We walk together, not close but close enough that when Steve and I reach the set up of half assed shields. Steve doesn’t say anyting rather instead handing me an old trahscans lid. Metal and sturddy enoug hto handly getting hit with a dozen or more demon bats. “I see the got those two to work with each other for the first time. I hear grunting and there a sort of shot gunny fire sound coming from the far right of us. “Does Max have the gun?” I ask without yet looking at her. There’s serious shock behind Steve’s eyes. Scared shock.
 “Yeah I tired to take it away froim her and she literally growled at me, and then shoved me to the ground. She’s fucking scary.” I can’t help but laugh at Steve. Yeah theres terror behind his words, and his actions so it as he looks quickly behind me to see if Max has heard him talking shit about her. “Nancy told Max that she could saw off the barrels of the shotgun since ya know they make a shit ton of tons all over the place. Nance wanted to see if she could get it to go full blast all at one time.” Steve goes on. He looks around the green summery field. 
There’s a feeling in the air. I can’t describe it and I’m not sure that anyone else can.There’s terror, and a horrible sinking feeling in my chest but I ignore it. “So I was thinking about adding some more nails. Saw you grabbed some nails thought it might not be a bad idea.” Steve hands me a metal lid and I get to work. Hammering down the nails into the metal. I put my weight into my knees and hammered harder into the top of the metal lid. They hit the wood logs with a force that made it hard to pull the lid back and into my chest. 
The upside down in a fucking mess. Steve had driven all of us towards Eddie’s trailer. The dark night sky making everything. We had changed into more tactical gear. Jeans that weren’t ripped, and thicker shirts. Steve throws his keys into Nancy hands. “You two be safe, and we will meet on the other side.” Nancy yells from the window as we walk back into Eddie’s trailer. The makeshift ladder still is there. From my guess Eddie’s uncle had never come back. Maybe he was staying somewhere else maybe he wasn’t ever going to come back. 
Steve eyes the portal, the gate of horror. “You go first okay. I’ll keep an eye out and then I’ll be right up.” Steve is looking over at me. So I moved, I’m make haste to move up the makeshift ladder rope and back into the upside down. The landed in hard and make me head hurt but only for a moment, then Steve is right there next to me. 
There’s no time to dilly dally. “You know how Eddie is metal? Kinda punk?” I’m looking over at Steve as we both get up and onto our feet. “Yeah what are you getting at kid?” I breath deeply. If I knew more about Eddie, I would say that he might come back and murder me. But since he wasn’t there and isn’t here. Then this is the only choice I have. “You had a guatitar was like his baby. So I was thinning he’s probably got at least a speaker or two in his room back there. Maybe you could play his guitar make some loud noises to drag…” there’s silence. 
A long pregnant silence, that takes over the room. “Would he kill me if I touched his shit?” Steve asks. “Duh… Anyone would kill you if you touched their shit!” I roll my eyes at Steve rather dumbassery. Steve rubs his hands through his hair. Smoothing back his brown curls, curls that he’s been telling, teaching me how to make it perfect for the past three years now.
We are quick to get everything together. The two of us rushing into a messy, and dark bedroom. That yeah probably used to be filled with life, “You know that the upside down is actually fours years in the past. Sorta stuck.” Steve is murmuring things to himself. “What? Are you saying this is not now but four years ago?” My mind in yet another chase of thoughts as I try to understand what the fuck Steve just muttered to himself. 
“Yeah like when Will disappeared that when this is stuck. Stuck when will went missing. So like earlier when Nancy went looking for her guns she wasn’t able to find them because according to her words ‘they don’t exist’” I stare at Steve. My mouth is getting further and further from being closed. I can only shake my head, “We have… we have to… we’ve got to get this done. Nancy and robin are on the way to killing Vecna and to two of us are sitting her like tow chicken with their heads cut off while talking about hsit that for right now doesn’t matter.” 
The words all fall out, and Steve chuckles. Grabbing Eddies guitar, the strings play and  we lock all the trailer locks. The only things that we can use is the outside to manage to get ourselves to the top ofthe trailer. Plugging in the long strings of lines hta make everything come to life. “Let’s go Steve.” I yell over to him, the sky is dark red and it reminds me of my nightmares from not to long ago. “I don’t know what to play?! I don’t even know how to play a fucking guitar!!” Steve yells back at me. I roll my eyes in frustration. 
“Just play something! I know you’ve got it in you Steve!” I yell back there’s nothing besides hope in my words. Nothing biut hope and desire to make it out alive. The firs t few beats and strings that play through the speakers are uneven and not right. This sounds off. Sounds like this happened before. But this wasn’t Steve standing on the rough far from me. It feels like Eddie sould be standing next to me dragging a thousands demon bats attention towards us. 
This all feels wrong. 
I don’t remember much after that. I try ot not focus on it as we come back up from the upside down. As Steve helpes me limp back into the right side up. It’s a mess, the earth below us has cracks. “An Earthquake” Is what Hawkins citizens make it out to be. The sky isn’t red, but my ankle is swollen broken, or maybe just twisted. The mess of people is cause for concern. The people that are leaving Hawkins in a rush in a hurry to save their own lives before staying here in Hawkins to help other is scary. 
More scary then knowing what sit underneath  the town of Hawkins. The look on uncles Wayne’s face is painful for me to look at from across the crowded building. “I wish that everyone would have gotten to know him.” Wayne turns, and the words die in my thoart. “I just wanted you to know that Eddie died saving me… us my friends and I. He died a hero and… and he died doing what was best for all of us.” 
The silence was long and pregnant and that was okay. “Thank you. You must be that uh… that uh kid he was always rambling on about… Said he had a few great ideas just needed to push himself a little bit more.” Wayne chuckled and then plopped down the chain into my hand. “Keep this boy. Hold it close to your heart and remember Eddie everyday.” Wayne got up and left the crowded building. 
‘You did the right thing Dustin.” I heard Steve say under his breath. A hand sitting on my shoulder. My hand that Wayne had dropped the chance into squeezed hard around it. I feel cold, and like there’s something missing. I stand there still, and for the first time I feel the emotion.
 The disappointing end.
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Completed on: 04/07/23
Posted on: 04/17/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
13 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 11 Finally My Year
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, graduation, Christmas time, the band (Correded music) Steve&Robin. Christmas Celebration. engagement ring, graduation dinner.
Summary- Eddie finally finishes his online classes. Lilly helps him study for his final in-person exam, and afterward Eddie gets back a speical gift for Lilly.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.8k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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GED pratice testing is harder then I thought it was going to be. I starred hard at the pratice version that sat in front of me. I had printed out. Not only was I taking the whole GED test, but that was over two hundred questions long, and a essay. I won’t lie the essay part of this seems easier in my head. Maybe due to years of playing D&D, or whatever it is. I worry about the questions for math, and english. Work has been slow due to the inclimate weather, so I’m stuck here staring at paper. 
I feel eyes on me quickly. It’s getting late, and the longer I stare at the printed out papers the harder it is to keep the effort of wanting to actually finish my GED at all. “Baby?” I hear Lilly sweet voice for the first time in a while. “You alright?” The last time i heard her voice had to be a few hours ago when she said she was gonna take a shower, and get dinner started. When I look up at her my eyes catch the clock. “It’s nine already, and no I’m no where close to alright.” 
The words come out harsher then I mean them, and I hate that Lilly gets thr brunt of my frustration towards this damn testing. It’s the last thing that’s holding me back. The last thing that makes life slow. The last thing in my way to a better way of life possibly. I’m not sure anymore at this point. “Baby, you know you should probably eat. When was the last time you stopped and rested your eyes?” Lilly questions me, and I have to think for a moment. Rested my eyes I laugh at her words, and chew my lip. 
“See you don’t even have to answer me cause I already know.” She walks over her feet clad in white fluffy socks. Her legs covered by oversized sweats and a sweatshirt to follow suit on top of her chest. She takes the paper from in front of me and slips between books, and other papers. Her hands come up to my shoulders. Rubbing deepingly into the tense muscle. I lean into the touch, and moan at the feeling. “You’re heaven Lilly. Truly fuckin’ heaven.” I muttered as the stressed melts away from my body at the touch of her hands. 
“Thank you baby.” She says reaching down to kiss the crown of my head. “Have some dinner with me, and then we go back to that pratice test.” Lilly says her hands releasing my muscle of my shoulder. She plates our food. A chili that had been cookin’ all day and the smell having wafting into my nose at some point during the day. We sit across from each other at the small dinner table. Silence is comfortable around us. The window shows a falls of snowflakes and the cars outside getting a light dusty of white over all them. 
The chili warms me up, and kicks me awake. My eyes don’t feel as heavy anymore, and as I watch Lilly from across me the table. “What are you planning?” I say shoving a spoonful of chili into my mouth. She looks at me with wide eyes, “What do you mean?” She asks if I don’t know enough about her. “You’re planning some, I just don’t know what yet. You’re beautiful face betrays you sometimes ya know.” I say. My bowl is empty before Lilly will tell me about her plan. She takes a bit longer to finish her food.
When Lilly is done though. She grabs the paper GED practice test. Scanning the paper of it contents. “What’s giving you the most trouble?” She asks, I go over the table. My elbows hitting the table. “Math, and Enlisgh.” I said pointing to the sections of the pratice test. “Okay. Get up, and go to the bedroom.” Lillys voices is demanding, flirtous tones are floating in her words. “What?” “You heard me, bedroom now. And sit on the edge of the bed.” She says nothing else, and waits for me to leave the room. I go and wait for her. 
I wonder for the moment that pass on. I wonder what Lilly is got planned. My head goes automatically to the dirtiest of such things. Like maybe she’ll forget all about the paper and just come in and tease the fuck out me. Let me out some much need stress. Maybe she’ll come in on her knees and beg for me to make her feel good, and right. I hear her soft footsteps on the carpeted floors. The doors opens. “Here we go. I picked twenty questions. For each one right. I’ll strip down, every one wrong you strip down.”
My eyes goes wide in my head, my heart stops, and my breath get caught in my lungs. I can’t hold back the excitement. Yet the feeling that I don’t know what I’m doing, or getting myself into ramps up at every single passing seconds. “Are you serious?” I ask, not sure why but I do. “Yeah I’m sure baby. I wanna help you. I figure this might help.” She says with a sassy wink. She sits across from me. Her back rests on the headboard of the bed. We stare at each other, “Do you wanna get started Eddie?” 
I shake my head. I'm begging for Lilly to start. Lilly isn’t back out, so neither will I. “Yeah I’m ready.” I mutter. I’m staring at her. She’s all I can see and she’s all I want to see right now. “First question.” Lilly goes off to explain a math equation, and as I frantically search for paper and pen. Lilly waits for me to answer. “I… Do I have like call a friend option?” I ask her. She shrugs. “If you need any help you can ask.” I nod. I give her my answer, and she checks my math. 
“Should I give you the choice of what comes off, or should I just undress.” Lilly doesn’t give me time to answer her as she slips her fluffy white socks off. “Oh come on, that's not fair.” I whine as she wiggles her pink painted toes. She rolls her eyes, “and that’s why you don’t get to pick what I take off Eds.” She murmurs. We go over a few more math questions until I hit a few I just can’t manage to get over. Lily motions me to lose the shirt. “Lose the shirt Eddie, thems is the rules” 
I roll my eyes at Lilly incorrect grammar. But do as she say. Lifting the shirt from over my back, and up my shoulders. It’s lands in a small growing pile somewhere close to Lilly discarded fluffy white socks. This goes one for the rest of the questions. English I get through pretty easily, and realize quickly that I am far overdressed to be in the same room, or on the same bed as Lilly. Her sweats as taken a dive to the floor, along with the huge sweatshirt. There she sat almost naked in front of me. So pretty. 
The heat was radiating through the trailer and even though Christmas wasn’t far away the snow fell hard and heavy as the night sky took over the sky. Twenty question later, and I had only lost a few pieces of clothing. Shirt, and socks. “See I told you that you got it Eddie.” Lilly muttered as she put down the printed paper pratice test. “And you’ve got some time before your exam.” Lilly added. She swallowed when she looked up at me. My mouth was watering, she was so damn sexy, and I just a few inches away from her. 
There is some sort of conversation that we have with no words, and just our eyes. Like Lilly knows what I was thinking, and I know what she’s thinking about. She let’s me inch closer, sure we had kissed, a few steamy making out sessions. Nothing like this though. Nothing that had me so close to touching her bare skin. She opened her legs. Black lace panties on full display for me. “Can I touch you?” I ask her in a whisper. She nods her head. My hand slips on to her thighs. Plush, and so very warm. “Oh fuck.” 
She whimpers out. I haven’t even  a damn thing, and I’ve already got her moaning out in pleasure.  “Can I…” “If you dare aks if you can touch me again I’mma slap you silly Eddie.” She groans out in frustration. I don’t take to long. I postition myself between her legs. Pulling her down, her panty covered pussy coming straight in front of my face. A dark wet spot. Hard to ignore as I pull her panties to the side, and see her glisten under the light. I play with her teasingly. “PLEase Eddie make me… Make me cum Eddie!” 
I don’t ignore my girls begging. Her demands are so hard to not want to fall into. Her wet pussy pulling me in even more. The nosies that hit my ears as I played at her clit. Sloppy noises as her wet pussy clenches around nothing. Finally when I slide a finger into her dripping pussy, I felt like I was heaven. Her moans bouncing off the walls of the room. Her hips rocked against my hand. “Put… put another one Eddie please.” She begged me. I obliged her. Finger fucking her as her pussy clenched around my fingers hard. 
A few days after Lilly and I strip tease learning session. I wake up ealirer then I normally do for work. Gathering all my energy and want. Pouring myself a cup of coffee. I study the last bit I can as I eat a healthy meal for breakfast, and sip on my coffee. The GED test is harder then I ever anticipated. The room is cold, and it’s filled with people of all ages. Teenagers, older gentleman, mothers in their earlier thirties. When I get there, and settled in my seat, I wait. I wait for a very long time. 
A reason to show itself for why I should just walk out. But then I remember the night between Lilly and I. I remember that I would do anything for her. Anything, and if that meant confirming one more time to a testing time, silent, cold room. Well fuck it, cause I’d do anything for her. It takes longer then I anticipated. Sections are marked in a professional way. Calculator here, but not there. The essay I blew through with ease, and in a flash it was all over. I turned in my paper test, and walked out the door. 
When I got to trailer Lilly was still asleep. I left my snow covered boots outside the trailer door. Unzipping my puffy jacket and put it to rest on the coat rack. I threw my outside clothes to the floor in a snow soaked pile. Sliding back under the warm sheets. Lilly found the warmth almost autonaically. Cuddling close up to my side. Smell of vanilla, and fresh laundry whafted into my senses. The sun had risen, but for now we didn’t need to. I stared at her beautiful face, and brushed away the fly hairs. Kissing her lips gently. 
Nearly a week before Christmas a letter came in the mail. “Babe, did you get the mail today?” Lilly shouted from the other side of the trailer. I was about to hop into the shower. Poking my head out of the door. “No sweetheart.” I said. She nodded, and went out the door. I showered. Lathering my hair up with shampoo, and then conditioner. The harsh weather not being helpful to long hair like mine. “You’ve got mail babe.” Lilly screamed. “From?” I questioned. “The state of Indiana.” The words hit my ears, and I ran out. Grabbing the mail. 
“Do you think?” I ask, “Maybe, but you won’t know unless you open it dingus.” Lilly muttered. Towel wrapped around my waist. I stood in the middle of the living room. Dripping water droplets to the carpet floors. “DID YOU OPEN IT YET?” Lilly screamed from the kitchen. Her words pull me out of the dream state I’m in. I rip the paper, because everyone rips the fucking envelope. It ripes and tears. I get a papercut on my finger as I try to get the paper out of the envelope. “What does it say Eddie?? I wanna know please.” 
I don’t read the words, I just end up shoving the paper into Lilly’s chest. “I’mma go change and get dressed. Possible hide under the sheets so I never have to know that i failed that fucking exam.” I mutter under my breath as I walk fast back to the bedroom. I sit on the edge of the bed. The towel hands loose on my wasit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I mutter under my breath and I grab an old shirt, a pair of sweats. That’s it. I sit there until my heart doesn’t feel like it’s going to burst out.  
I hear Lilly’s scream, and the shouts for me to come out of the bedroom. “EDDIE COME OUT! I NEED YOUR HELP, PLEASE.” I run out. Regardless of my heart now running faster then before I look for Lilly. She standing in the kitchen facing away from the entrance. “Fuck! Lilly are you alright? Let me see you? Are you bleeding?” When I grab her shoulders and turn her around she staring down at the unfolded piece of paper. “What!” We make direct eye connect. “Call Steve, and Dustin. You passed your GED Eddie.” I stand there frozen in time. 
“Eddie?” “EDDIE?” I hear Lilly voice pulling me from the ether. “Did you hear me?” Lilly asks. My mouth moves, but nothing comes out. “What’s wrong with you?” Lilly questions. “I just… are you… let me see the paper.” I make grabby hands towards the paper. I read through the words. ‘Mr. Munson. Congrats you’ve passed your GED test with a Eighty-Five percentage. You will receive your diploma in the mail in two - four weeks. Congrats from the state of Indina.’ A few names are signed at the bottom of the paper. “You gonna call Steve, and Dustin now right?” 
I grab my phone, Lilly had helped me ages ago relize that I could call both Steve, and Dustin at the same time in the same facetime call. I clicked Steve’s name, and then Dustin. Steve answered first, “What’s up Eddie?” I was still amazed even now how he know it was me, then Dustin came into the call. The screams of the kids in the background. “Steve, Eddie?” Dustin sounded as if he had been screaming, and shouting for days now. “I have… Lilly and I have important news.” They wait, “I graduated… I mean I passed my GED!” 
The excitement must have taken a minute to get through the phone and into their thick heads. “HOLY SHIT!” I heard Dustin shout out with excitment. Then Claire and Beth telling him that he can’t say naughty words and he’s gotta drop a few quarters into the swear jar. “Are you serious Eddie?” Steve asked. I shook my head. “Congracts dude. Are you…” “Do you want us to throw you a celebration!?” Dustin says cutting off Steve as if time hadn’t changed from when he was a kid. “Robin might kill me if we don’t celebrate with a dinner out.” 
I hear Lilly giggle. And I see her nod her head from the place I sit in the living room. “What are you thinkin’ for dinner then?” Dustin asks. “No you guys can’t come with us.” Dustin says to his kids. “Mexican?” I say both to the people on the phone, and to Lilly. Lilly answers with a nod, and then in agreement Steve and Dustin nod. “We can do the new few days. Christmas is coming up soon.” Steve says. The mention of christmas makes Dustin kids go wild on the other side of the phone. “I’ve gotta go.” 
With that Dustin ends the call, and then it’s just Steve, and I in the facetime. “I’m proud of you Eddie.” Steve says. Wherever Robin is it can’t be at the Harrington home. “Thanks dude. Means the world.” He smiles, “I’ll let you get back to your girl. See you soon then.” Steve says and the calls ends. Lilly pokes her head out of the kitchen. “He called me ‘your girl’ Eddie.” Repeating Steve words. “Yeah, I mean. You are, aren’t you?” I question her. I’m not questioning her love for me, just how comfortable she is with it all.
She speedwalks back to the living room. Her legs slotting over mine. Her knees hitting my hip bones. Thigh against thigh. She’s right there in front of me. Sometimes I forget that she’s really real. I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop I wait and wait, yet nothing ever happens. “Eddie! Of course I’m okay with it. Hell I’m more then okay with it. I love it.” Lilly mutters as she leans to have her head rest against the curve of my neck. My hand absentmindly rubs up and down her back. “Good, cause your my girl always.” 
The days pass, getting closer to christmas. Before Christmas though is a celebration dinner. In honor of me… the thought of that makes me pause even for the shortest of moments. It’s supposed to be a party. A dinner party at some mexican restaurant that’s not in town. “Are you gonna get dressed soon Eddie?” Lilly asks, poking her head out of the bathroom door. Her hair is in section, and a burn smelling whafts from the bathroom. “I can’t go in this?”I motion down to my boxers, and ratty old shirt. She rolls her eyes, “No you can’t wear that. You’ll get caught for indesnect exposer.” Lilly is serious. I get up and walk into the bathroom. The room had never been big enough for me when I was a kid, but there’s something about the small space. I put my hands around her wasit. “Maybe we say fuck the dinner. I’ve got all I can eat right here.” I whispered in her ear. Her cheeks grow red, and she pushes me away with her ass. I slap her ass hard as I leave the bathroom. She sheirks and I smirk as I search for dinner appropriate clothes. 
I shift through a few different outfits. Yet a part of me wants to go bother LIlly just once more. I poke my head out of the door frame. Music is blaring from the bathroom, and the door is closed. She’s singing and dancing around the room. I pick out a black dressser shirt, and the only nice outing jeans I’ve got. The cold weather I’m not really in the mood for holes in my jeans. “Lilly, you almost ready?” I ask as I walk past the bathroom door in search of my heavier work boots. “UM… in a few.” 
I lace my work boots up. Grabbing both a heavy winter jacket, and the car keys. Snow has stopped falling, but that doesn’t mean it’s not freezing outside. The cold hit my face as I open the front door. I just wanna get in the car, and have some heat running through it before Lilly and I leave for dinner. The engine turns over, and I leave the keys in the car. “Do I look good?” Lilly asks. She’s beautiful. A black dress that covers to her mid thigh, stockings that cover the rest of her legs. “Fuck you’re beautiful.” 
She blushes, grabbing her coat, and purse. She takes me keys and locks the front door. “Do you want me to drive?” She asks. I shake my head, “To hell if my girl is driving. Go be a passenger princess.” I say. She stares at me for a moment. “I think we need to take your internet access away.” She mutters as she gets into the warm car. “No that I don’t enjoy being a passenger princess.” She says as she get settled in her seat. “You need directions Eddie?” She asks. I nod. “That would be helpful my lady.” 
The drive to dinner isn’t to long, or to hard to get through traffic. I had texted Steve back a few days ago and asked how we all wanted to get there. His words were. “Robin and I will get there before you, Dustin and Suize are coming without the kids. Be there by eight.” He said. I nodded my head, and shot him a thumbs up. Now we were driving to the restaurant out of Hawkins. Because even now there wasn’t much in town besides family owned shops, and the schools. I pulled the car into a parking spot. 
I see Dustin car parked a few spots away, and then Steve cars is next to his. I look over at Lilly. Grabbing her coat, and her purse. I take the key with me and jump out. I make sure I’m right there on the passenger side of the car. Grabbing her door handle and opening her door before she can. “A passenger princess you are.” I say when she goes to roll her eyes. Regardless she grabs my hand and we walk in sync to the front doors. Hispanic music is plays lowly as we walk in. “Over Here!” 
Dustin and his wife sit next to each other. Steve, and Robin sit together. The booth is in the back of the restaurant. The hostess walks to the both with menus in her hands. ‘Lilly, Eddie!” Robin says as Lilly slips and then I close off the booth. “How’s the drive out?” Steve asks me. “Oh it was fine, besides other drivers.” He laughs and I look down at my menu. The food all sound. Lilly rests a hand on my thigh. “Congrats by the way.” Robin takes a sip of her drink. “Thanks Rob. I never thought ya know.” 
The music fills the silence around the table. “What are you looking at for dinner babe?” I ask in a hush voice. “I don’t know I’m still looking at the drinks. I don’t know if I should get anything though.” Lilly says back. Her eyes never leaving the sticky menu. “Get a drink babe. Remember you’re a passenger princess.” She giggles softly, resting her head on my shoulder. The waiter comes over taking our orders. Lilly does end up getting a drink. “You guys are love sick puppies.” Dustin says. “Oh yeah cause we aren’t.” Suize says to her husband. 
Dustin and Suize gift me a graduation card of sorts. Steve, and Robin take care of the dinner bill. We have lot of laughs as we sit and eat dinner. I like the fact that as we walked in Lilly and I are together. As we sat Lilly and I were close, burning, searing into each other skin for everyone to see. We ate dinner, and when it was all over. Dustin and Suize left to relieve their babysitter for the night. The four of us stayed. “You guys should come over after Chistmas. I need a night without kids.”  
“Robin is always asking for us to come over.” Lilly said as we got into the car. Passenger princess mode was always enabled. I closed her door, and walked over to the driver side. The engine turned over. As I backed out of the spot Lilly continued to talk. “She’s always inviting us, you think she ever get’s annoyed with Steve?” He question makes me laugh. “I may have not known them long before, but if they’re still together now. I most definitely agree with your thinking darlin’. Steve is still a cocky even now.” Lilly laughs closing her eyes. 
By the time we got back to the house Lilly was out cold in the passenger seat. So I turned the car off, unlocked the door, and grabbed Lilly from the seat. Picking her up bridal style I walked her in through the door. Kicking it closed with the back of my foot as I had done with the car  door. I took her all the way to the bedroom. I slipped her out of her heels, and coat. Grabbing a make-up wipe from the bathroom. I cleaned her face, and got into night time clothes. I did the same. 
Another cold, and sucky day when I woke up. But with Lilly in my arms it was always good. Her hair was everywhere, but she always looked beaitufk like this. Mouth slightly open and her lashes sitting on her cheeks. “Such a pretty girl.” She was always a deep sleeper so I was able to kiss her forehead and get out of bed with out her noticing. I got dressed, and knew that christmas was to far away. I was in desperate need of christmas shopping. I grabbed a coffee to go, and got on the road to the mall. 
The mall is fucking crowded with people. Mothers who are in desperate need of gifts for the little kids they have. I had done some extra work. Like Mrs.Knoll side walk needed to be cleaned off snow, so I offered to help her with that. She ended up giving me a tip, and regardless if she noticed it or not she gave me a hundrend bill. Then shooed me away. Work at the Auto body shop had been slow, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t saving money for this. I walked to the same shop Lilly took me to. 
The people in that store were just so different. Nerdy, geeks that wanted to help anyone. At first nobody said anything to me and I walked around the simplistic store. “Has anyone helped you today?” A young girl asked me. I shook my head. “Well are you looking for anything specific?” I walked over to the laptops. “I need for something for my girlfriend.” It had been the first time I had called her that out in public, the women shook her head. “What color does she like. We have Grey, midnight, silver, beige” The women went on and on. 
“Midnight is just fine.” I said to the women. “Alright sir, if you just follow me to check out if you’ve got everything you need. I did follow the women to check out. The price didn’t durpise me, as I took out the credit card to pay for it all once. The transaction went through, and I left with gift number one for my girl. I walked around some more. Lilly always said she didn’t need more clothes, so I kept my eyes open. Then the jewlery store hit my eye. Beautiful cut diamonds that shined under fluorescent beaming lights. 
I was gravitated towards the small ring at the entrance of the store. A man came over real quick. “Sir, can I help you?” He asked. “I need something for my girlfriend.” I said looking up at the older man. “For christmas, or something like an engagement ring?” The man asks me. I stand there still for a moment. If I got her something just for christmas that would be cool, but that thought of making her my wife. That was quick, but to hell with it. It was a classic Eddie to fast thing to do with my life. 
“A ring.” Finally answering the man. He walks away guiding me towards a section of small cut ring. “Do you have her size.” I take a wild guess. “Alright sir, we have some wonderful cut diamonds over here in that size.” I stare at  the diamonds rings under the light. “What type of girl is she? If you don’t mind me asking.” The older man asks. “She’s simply, kind, the type of women that would make a wonderful mother.” The words fall out of my mouth. He smiles, and point down to a simple gold ring. “Here’s a perfect one.” 
The man pulls it out of the glass case. Gold ring with a big diamond in the center and two smaller diamonds off to the side of it. “She’ll like this one,” “How much I ask?” He looks down, this is five hundred dollars, but with Christmas specials being here. It’s been cut down twenty-five percent.” “So?” “Three hundred and seventy-five sir.” I stare at the ring. “Pack it up.” I pay for the ring and leave the mall with two of the most expensive I’ve ever bought. Driving home, I hope that Lilly will enjoy her laptop, but worry about the ring. Maybe it’s all too fast for her and even me. When I pull up to the trailer, and park the car. I take a second for getting out. I unpack the ring and stare at it some more. The wild guessing of whether or not Lilly would be okay with all of this. Goes out of the window. “She’ll love it regardless,” I say to myself.
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Completed on: 07/02/23
Posted on: 07/03/2023
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
6 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 10 Movie Night
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson/ Lilly Miller
Warnings: 2023, Smut, Eating out, Movie Marathon, Female receiving, December weather, Dustin being protective over his friend.
Summary- Lilly takes Eddie back, and plans a few things to make up for lost time. They get a little handsy in the bedroom after a week-long movie marathon.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.5k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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After what seemed like forever talking with Lilly about how things needed to just be a bit more peaceful, and maybe even a bit more truthful around the trailer I walked away with a smile on my very worn out and tired face. Nothing like this normally happened in my life. Normal things like failure, dissapppointment and so much more folliowed me everywhere I went. Maybe this was my turning point, the uphill in a great book. The climax of my story where everything great and wonderful happens all at once, a perfect start to a new chapter of me. 
That night after we had finished up our conversation we agreed that I would go back to Steve house, and sleep there for the night pack my things in the morning and go to living with  Lilly on the a basis that conversations and things would be talked more in depth. Though I’m not sure how more in depth you could get. I wasn’t sure of everything that had happened in the very short few months I had been here, or even how I managed to get here. I just knew that I never really wanted to leave my paradise. 
So Lilly drove me back over to Steve house. “Are you sure you don’t just wanna come home now?” She asked as she put the car into park. I really needed to get a car pretty soon, or this was just gonna become a annoying. “Yeah I’m sure babe, I just wanna thank Steve, and Robin for hosting me and get a good nights sleep on their quest bed for I go back to sleeping on your couch.” I said grabbing my bag from between my legs. “Wait…”  “You think I’m letting you sleep on the couch from now on?” 
I shrugged my shoulders, “Oh big boy you’re sleepin’ in bed with me, under those comfy covers I saw you staring at a few weeks ago.” I rolled my eyes, and leaned in real close the tips of our noses hitting each other. “I think I might just take you up on that offer miss.” I whispered. Hot air blowing on to her soft lips. “Oh Eddie.” With that I got out of the car before I was drowned in the intoxicating way of Lilly. I ran to the front door completely bypassing that Dustins car was in the driveway. 
The inside of Steve house felt different. Something had shifted from the last few nights to tonight. Robin was humming away to herself in the kitchen. Steve and Dustin both had glasses filled with ice cubes and my first quess brandy. “What’s up?” My question floated into the air until it hit their ears. “Oh nothing just chatting away.” Steve responded. It was odd to be left out of the conversation, but I regarded it as something more personal between the two of them. I went to leap up the flight of stairs, but was stopped by Robin. “Everything good?” 
I nodded and kept my speed up as I climbed the rest of the stairs. I stared at the quest room that had become mine oer the short month I had been staying here, and wondered for a moment if this was a different time. A different era all together if the all might King Steve would have let me walk in his doorway meanwhile let me stay with him for days on end until I figured my life out. I shift through my things, and then settle on taking a shower to drain away the crying, angry, and sweat. 
Lilly on the other hand is driving back to the trailer park when the light on the gas station catch her eyes, they float from the sign, and neon lights to her gas tank. She’s almost out and she’s got a twenty on her so she drives in and filled up her car, but the gas station won’t take her cash, so she filters behind an older guy, and his wife to get inside. Heat blasts her face first and then the first reminder of christmas not being to far away hits her. The couple in front of her move, and she’s called to the registar. “Fifteen on pump two…” Then her eyes yet again catch the sight of a pack of silver cigarettes behind the teenager handling her money. “Also grab a pack of those silver cigarettes behind you, please.” The teenager grunts but reluctantly grabs them totalling them up for her before sending her on her way out back to her car. With her tank filled, and a pack of smokes for whatever she’s content and drive back home with a msile on face. A plan brewing in her head, dangerous maybe, but almost always fun with Eddie. 
When I finally got out of the shower a towel draped around my wasit and one wrapped my hair to keep the wet trails of droplets that usually cascaded down my back and caused me to get overly cold much faster then I needed. There’s a solid knock at my door then nothing. “Eddie I know you’re out of the shower.” It’s Robin. “Shit yeah give me a… fuck shit… like a few seconds to putta pair… clothes on” I mumble out. I can hear her shaking her head from the other side of the door. I slip clothes on. 
When I open the door it’s just Robin standing there arms across her chest crossed. “So how did things go?” She asks, “I thought I…” Her face makes me understand that she probably wants a little bit more information. “I, why don’t you come in.” The towel is still wrapped around my hair and getting looser by the second. She slips in and I shut the door. The boys talking can be heard downstairs. “Things went…’ I try to gather my thoughts. “Oh come on Eddie… there’s no good gossip spill it now.” She urges me. “Jesus… things are great.” 
My blushes have a creep of blush on them, and for the first time I’ve truely shown my emotions and feeling towards Lilly. Of course it’s Robin. Then a second knock and a third those two are different though. My sweats are stuck to my still wet legs, and my hair is now dripping droplets of water down my back. I groan… Robin get’s up and opens it. “Come on in dingus number one and number two.” Robin mutters. “Did I hear that things are better? Better with what?” Robin answers for me, allowing me a few more seconds peace.
“I talked with Lilly caught her staring at the auto body shop, and I think I played love maker once again.” Robin punmped the air. She might be in her late forty’s by now, but the child-like aora that she once had hasn’t been lost to time at all. Brows are furrowed downwards. In sync, “WHAT?” “Did you not hear me?” Robin asks the idiots standing in front of her. “You and Lilly are back together, evetyhig is chill between you guys?” I hum, a content smile on my face as I heard Lilly’s name bounce around the rooms walls. 
The conversation sorta ends there with two idiots staring at me like I’ve just killed someone they care for deeply, and Robin staring contentfully back at them. “So you’re leaving tomorrow?” Robin asks as she pushes the boys out. I nod, and she shuts the door with ease, leaving me to pack my things and get to sleep. I wake up to sound of my phone going off. Several message from Lilly asking me if I was ready, if I wanted her to bring breakfast along with her. I shot her back a few messages, and got ready to leave. 
Downstairs I travel with a few bags more then I came with and there’s Dustin again sipping on a morning coffee, and Steve in the kitchen pouring himself a cup. “You’re leaving now?” Asks his voice sounds rough, but theres sadness behind his words, “Yeah she’s here.” “I’ll take you out there myself buddy.” Dustin offers. I wave Steve goodbye, and out the door I go with Dustin. It’s silence until we get to the which I probably should have noticed. I get in like usal throwing my things behind me. I shut the door and roll down the window. 
“How are you doing?” Lilly offers from the drivers seat. I fiddle with the settings for heating on my side of the car, getting the cars built in heated seats to work. “I’m doin’ just fine Miss Miller.” There’s something in the air, a dangerous feeling that Dustin is gonna fuck something up for me. “Dustin.” I warn, he ignores me. Looking straight at Lilly. It grows uncomfortable by the second. “I just wanted to say that I really hope that nothing like this happens again. You see Eddie is a great friend of mine, and I would do anything.” 
It was simply as that then Dustin is tapping the side of the car door, walking off. Like he just didn’t thearten Lilly like this was some classic movie scene between a father and his girlfriends date to make sure she’s home at the right time. Lilly looks over at me, “I assumed it would be worse from what Robin said you were his mentor during high school.” She’s not even fazed by it all, figures she wouldn’t be. I roll up the window the cold getting to my finger tips. “Let’s just go home Miss Miller.” I tease her. 
I won’t say that everything was perfect, because lets be honest not everything was going to be right off the bat. I completely understood the protectivness that Dustin had over Eddie.  I also gathered that I should probably not get on his, or anyones bad side. The winter weather is getting worse, and with that Eddie has been offered a nice week off before the holidays even hit. So my plans begins to take form in the idea of saying sorry, but also maybe getting a few cracked smiles out of Eddies very handsome face for a few extra hours. 
With the weather being shitty, I thought of something for a few days. There had to be at least a few things that Eddie had missed on his time not being here or really anywhere. It wasn’t like I could just straight forward ask him what was someting that he wanted to do because then it wouldn’t be as surpisring. Eddie popped into the shower, over the spray of water I hollered, “I’m heading to the store I’ve gotta grab some food.” It was quick, and lets be honest he couldn’t hear me over the spray of water, and music. 
The trip would give me enough time to come up with a few dinners and ideas for making up to Eddie that I would shake around my head until I drove home and just needed to pick one of them. Looking for dinner ideas was quick enough as I had a few ideas already stacked away. The cold weather gave way for soups, and chilis. Heart-warming food that made everything good. My plan came to fruition as I passed the popcorn and candy isle in the store. We would have a movie night, show him all he missed out on. 
I throw a few extra things into the cart, ice cream, popcorn, candies of every kind of flavor. I made my purchase in the self check out and hurried home. The weather made hurrier home a little harder. Icey roads, and snow that fell like a white blanket over Hawkins. I treaded the roads carefully, ending up making it home not to late for dinner to be made that night. Eddie was sitting at the table, laptop screen up and his eyes scanning the words that littered the page. “Oh thank god, do you need any help with that honey?” 
I nodded and let to grab some bags as Eddie put on a jacket, and his winter boots. By the time everything was inside. Eddie black hair was littered with white specks of winter weather. He shook his head like a wet dog does, and smiled over at me. “Were you working on your last few assignment before you gotta take your exams?” I asked over the rustle of plastic bags. Eddie rolled his eyes, “yeah and this shit is just has hard… I don’t know Lilly…” He muttered as he emptied a few bags onto the countertop for me. 
“How about you stop working for right now. Give your brain a few moments rest. Eat, and we can do something fun?” I offer, Eddie cheeks turn a pink tinge color. “Get your damn mind out of the gutter and come help me make some chili.” I slapped his arm. He laughed, but followed me around the kitchen helping me with dinner. That night we sat down on the couch as usual and ate our dinner in quietness. Until Eddie suggiested that for fun we play a board game or something like that. “We can play war, with the cards.” 
I laughed, that last time i had played any sort of card game was with Eddie’s uncle a few weeks before he passed. He had taught me a few tricks and ways to get around certain things happening in certain card games. “You know that last time i played card it was with my uncle Wayne.” Eddie said almost nonchaletly. I smiled fondly, at an image of the two of them younger almost playing cards. “Did you beat him?” I asked keeping the conversation going. He rolled his eyes dramtically, shuffling the deck. “I never could beat the old man,” 
With a week long break due to bad weather in Hawkins I set a plan up. The first night the windows are covered in white snowflakes. Eddie had settled himself on the couch and under the heat blanket. “Eds, do you wanna watch something?” I ask trying my best to look cute, and rather cuddly. “Of course sweetheart.” He makes space for me on the couch and covers me with the blanket as igrab the remote. I click through the movie selection landing on a perfect movie. One that Eddie has definitely not seen. “How about Who framed Roger Rabbit?” 
“What did you just say?” He’s fucking me, he must be. He doesn’t cover his goffy expression or the way he chuckles at the name of the movie. “You heard me Eds. I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a comedy with me was all.” I pout, my bottom lip popping out. He rolls his eye dramtiacilly. “I… yeah let’s watch it.” I hover over the movie, “Okay, so this movie came out around the late 80’s so you ahven’t watched it? Right?” I ask, he shakes his head. “Nope, this is all new to me sweetheart.” 
By the end of the movie Eddie is rooting for Roger and his hot wife. His words to get back together. He has absolutely fallen in love with the movie. “Fuck babe, I kinda wish I didn’t get lost in timey whimey shit. That movie would have been great to see in the theater.” He sees the look on my face. “Not that I don’t love you baby.” He tries to cover his mistake up quickly, but I fall in kissing his cheek gently. “I think I might just dress up Jessica Rabbit for ya.” I seductively whispered to Eds. 
He shivered under my breath, grabbing my remote from my lap. “How about another movie?” His voice cracking ever so slightly. I smirk against his cheek. Grabbing the remote from his hand. “How about we watch something a little bit more your style.” I said clicking on another movie. “Eddie what do you think about ‘Bills and Teds Excellent adventure’ “Sounds like a weed worthy movie.” Eddie suggests. I just shake my head, but Eddie grabs the weed anyways and we smoke during the entire thing. “Babe, I think we smoke to much weed. Cause this movie is fucking awesome!” 
The blunt discarded on the coffee table, and I turn of the TV. Eddie always get’s sleepy and clingy after a blunt or two. He doesn’t let me get up at first. Hanging on to me and then all of the sudden he pulls me down to the couch, over his body. “Eddie, let’s go to bed” He shakes his head like a child, “Eddie you can hold my hand the whole way and cuddle me all night long. Eds please let just get to bed, it’s nice and warm in there.” I convince him, he follows me to bed. 
The next night we sit down with chinese delivery, as the weather as cool down from just being a thick white blanket of snow, to little flurries. The roads are better ice melting down for now at least. “You up for another set of movies?” I ask before shoving a forkfull of rice and chicken into my mouth. He nods his head, and then turns looking at me. “Are you… are we doing a movie marathon?” He asks his question genuine I think of my words. “I wanted to um… i just wanted to make up for some missed fun, and you also need to catch up some the years you missed Eds.” He smiles sweetly at me, grabbing my neck and pulling me to kiss my forehead. “You don’t need to make up for anything sweet heart, but if you wanna we can watch all the movies you want for the next few days.” Eddie murmurs against my skin. “How many more do you have planned?” he asks “If you don’t count yesterday’s then eight more.” He smiles widely. “Then let’s get to work then sweet thing. I want to know all about the things I missed out on.” 
For the next few days we watch a plethora of different movies. Ranging the different decades. Some are romcoms with actors and actress who are still acting. Some are the best of the best when it comes to thriller. Eddie holds me tightly at almost every movie when ever a jumpscare might show up. Even though these are movies, that I’ve already watched before. I let my head fall into his chest, and he rubs a soft hand up my back. There is only one musical and surprisingly Eddie doens’y fuse over the songs, rather he sings along wit them. 
The last is the most recent movie to have come out. It’s the last day before Eddie and I’s week long break before christmas comes to an end and when dinner is completed and we sit in the same spot. Thighs touching and rubbing together. “What do you have planned for tonight?” He asks curiosity killing the cat. “I have a movie planned that neither of us have seen, just came out.” I grab the remote and find it on the screen. Eddie reads it, “Duegons and dragons!?” He questions at first. I nod, and click play on the remote. 
The movie starts and without fail Eddie is enthralled in the movie. Talking to himself mostly, about how far this has all come. “You know a magazine came out in the 80’s said that D&D was a devils game.” I raise my brows, “ I didn’t know that baby.” I mutter and turn the colume of the TV up. For the rest of the time Eddie is take back by the movie. When the credits run, Eddie jumps up. “They… Oh my fucking god. They totally pulled a DM into this movie. No way anyone thought of this sorta ending.” 
I can feel the adrenaline running my body. My heart beats quickly as I sit back down. The past week had been great. A refresher from the way I had spent the last month being alone in a bed, and now here I was cuddling close up to the girl who for some reason choose to come to me. Listen and heard me out. I can feel her watching me as I danced around the living with exciotment. I had never thought in all my very short life that D&D would become a movie, something that people really enjoyed. 
It was so weird to watch it, but at the same time the feeling of Lilly pressed up against the side of my body, her breath slowly filling the sense around me. I couldn’t move the idea of getting up and showing of the boner I was trying desperatly to deal with. I didn’t even think about as I got up excited that the movie was just as great as I thought it was going to be. Lilly stared deeply at me. She was smirking, her eyes got darker in the lite up living room. I followed her gaze, ‘fuck’. 
I tried quickly and esperatly to cover myself up, but nothing would stop her from then knowing what I was trying to do. I had gotten a boner from her. From her breath, her breasts, and her light touch as she draw on my arm tracing bits of my tattoos. “I’m so sorry…” I was ashamsed, “Oh Eddie,” My heart beat faster in my chest, to hear her moan my name would… ‘no stop think that way’ ‘ hold your shit together Eddie’ “You don’t have anythign to worry about, I think…” I watched as she got up from the couch. 
Grabbing my hands softly, uncovering the tent in my jeans. “I think…do you… can I help you?” she stumbles over her words, but as she looks up at me, and I looked down at her. Dark lust filled eye. Making my mouth move before my brain can stop the words coming out. Not that I don’t wanna kiss her, or push her against the wall, and fuck her sensless. There is  just a part of me that keeps that all bottled up and away from the prying eye of Lilly. I can’t help myself though not when she’s touching me. 
Her touch burns my skin in the best way possible. Without even noticing it she’s grabbing my wrist and dragging me towards the back of the trailer. Sure Lilly and I have been sleeping in the same bed. No pillows or extra sheets clumped between the two of us. But this is different. There’s an invitations to do whatever I want to her body. I want too many things, so many things that doing it all right now when I’m already feeling like I’m about to explode feeling like it’s miles away from my grasps. But Lilly is right here.
She kisses me hard, her hands grabbing at my loose bun and tearing down my hair. She smiles sweetly into the kiss. “You’re so beautiful Eddie!” She mutters into my lips. I fall deeper into Lilly hold. I don’t regret pushing Lilly back and into the bed. Her legs open for me to slot myself inbetween them. Her clothes are an annoyance to me. I grab at her shirt pulling it over her tummy and up her arms until it’s off and thrown over the edge of the bed. A bra is the only think that covers her top now. 
She mewls at the touch of my hands. “Your hands… god Eddiethey…” I hum and rub them up her sides. Kissing the valley of her breasts and pulling her bra off. Her nipples bud at the coolness of the room, and all while my knee rubs at her covered pussy. She moans out in hot desire. Clawing at my shirt. “What do you want baby?” I ask her, “You… your shirt… take your shirt off Eddie?” She begs me, I oblige her and throw my shirt off. Sure my pants are tight, but tonight I’d rather take care of her. 
“Do you want me to take care of you sweet heart?” I ask her, she only nods, already fucked out and I haven’t done a single thing. I’m not the most skilled at sex, but I know my way around at least a few things. Plus the internet isn’t the worst nor the best place to get lost when searching things up. “Words baby words.” I taunt her, she whines, “Yes please Eddie.” She begs, I smile sweetly up at her through my lashes and take a sensitive nipple into my motuh suckling and tugging at it between my teeth. 
She moans and thursts herself into my knees. I smirk into my breast and let a hand travel to my pussy. Moving myself out of the way. Her flannel pants are easy to take off. Her panties are wet to the touch. She moans as I move her panties to the side and the cold air hits her wet pussy. “Oh fuck Eddie.” Her hand filter into my hand. Letting go of the sheet she had wadded up in her fists. “There you go sweet thing, keep talking to me.” I murmur as I get close to her wet pussy.
I lick my lips in anticaipation. “God you smell so sweet, fuck I bet you taste just as good baby.” She moans to my words. I sink my head between her thighs. Licking a wet strip up her pussy. Her taste hitting my tounge, and I moand at her sweet taste. Grabbing onto her thighs I keep her on the bed as I start to lap at her juices and suck at her clit. The more I do the more she wiggles desperately wanting more and more attention. “Fuck Eds… you are so good to me.” She moans loudly out. 
Her grip on my head and hair gets tighter as she used my face to get off. My nose nudged into her clit, and her words become a cluster of obscenity and moans. As I eat her out, my own hips betray me as I begin to thrust into the bed's side. Chasing my own high while I help Lilly get to her own. “OH, Fuck Eddie… I’m so close… fuck I’m gonna…” The rest of her words get stuck in her throat. She cums on my tongue, juices covering my tongue, lips, and chin. I work her through it. 
Working myself through the same feeling. My thrusts into the bed are hard, and then they fall flat. The mess, and wetness I’ve caused in my pants I can feel. I don’t care though. When my kitten licks become too much Lilly whines, and pulls me up. Her face is fucked out, rosy cheeks and blown eyes. “Jesus Eds!” She murmurs her breath not quite back yet. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” “Oh shut up and get up here.” She says reaching out a sweaty hand. “I’ve gotta change first,” I mutter. “Why?” She asks, but as I stand she notices right away. “Oh… Eddie… You go get in the shower, I’ll be right there baby.” She winks at me and shoos me off.
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Completed on: 06/22/23
Posted on: 06/24/2023
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
2 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 9 TruthBomb
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, Past being brought up, lots of tension, crying, leaving someone behind, 1986, Vecna, Chrissy's death, storytime, kisses, making out.
Summary- Eddie thinks his time with Lilly is over, and he needs a way of telling her the truth. Lilly comes to the shop one night.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.3k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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I’ve only ever been sure about a handful of things in my life, and Lilly is one that I’m sure of. In many ways, I’m sure that I love her, I’m sure that life is hell without her, and boring without her in it, and I am sure that I’ve lost Lilly. I’m sure that the feelings I so desperately hang on to with a death like grip aren’t the same for her. Because if they were, if they laid close to my heart she would have texted, called done something to let me know she’s still with me right? 
The first two weeks were fucking hard, and then to add more on top of the lonly weeks having Jason coming into the body shop to step all over my dreams it just brought me further into a pit of despair and utter depression. I wonder if maybe I just left this shitty town, maybe all the feelings would stay here. Stuck to the woods, and leave me alone. But the thought of leaving is a wild train wreck, another set of emotions. Leaving seems scary, and I don’t wanna go, I just want the feeling to go instead.
It feels like I’m a boat. The ocean is my ever changing emotions. Waves are like how they constantly are changing. Everything feels too much and at the same time I feel nothing. I feel like when Lilly told me that I needed to go away my heart was being ripped from my chest. Ripped out and crumbled right in front of me. I think personally that I’ve taken it with stride on the outside at least. Continued to go to work, continued to pretend that everything is okay with Steve and even Dustin. There is a facade I put on. 
There is just one more thing that I’m aboslutey sure of. If I’m ever going to get back to Lilly. Get back into her good graces then I’ll have to explain everything. The truth is all that I can tell her. After that it’s up to Lilly to believe me or not. I can’t force that on her, but I can hope, wish and pray that she does at one point believe me. After almost a whole month of staying at Steves I’ve come to realize just how much I had taken the time I had with Lilly for granted. 
So here started my plan. A plan that had many holes, and things that Lilly probably wouldn’t understand if I didn’t tell her the whole story. Like Dustin had said the truth was all I could say from this point on. I just had to come up with a grand, great plan that would work. Honestly I was scared, more then scared that if I went to Lilly’s trailer and knocked on her door that she’d tell me to get away from her, that she’d tell me that she never wanted to see me again. But I  have to try. 
Talking about my past is more then just one event. I guess it’s a shitty story to tell but it’s starts from when I was a kid. My parents and their constant fighting, the abusive nature I grew up in until my mother decided that I didn’t need to be around that anymore. No need to see my father get carted off jail every couple of months because he was off stealing cars, or selling hardcore drugs. I guess that’s how I ended up at Uncle Waynes door step. Watching my mom drive away and leave me with my uncle. 
It started at work. I started to write everything down. Everything that I could remember that is. My memory is foggy. My younger years filled with sadness and hatered towards everyone who planned to ruin the already broken family I was apart of. I tried not to dwell on those specific parts. Instead writing down the most clear memory of my younger years. THe first few years living with Uncle Wayne. A ten year old boy brought to a different town and made the freak almost automatically. Sure the kids at elementary school were fine, but things were already changing. 
Everything has a beginning. My start is a less dramatic, and a bit more sad. As I recall the memories that seem so close yet so far away already I try to form it in the best way. The most believable way possible. If everything is doom and gloom then how are you supposed to see the light of things. How bright is the light at the end of the tunnel? For me the end of the tunnel has never really been in sight. It’s starts at highschool. Highschool is a shit show, having been pushed back way too times. 
All stories have a start, but not all of them start there. I think my story the one I have to tell Lilly. Starts in middle school, when I was a part of my schools talent show. It wasn’t the talent show that struck my eye as I’m still an introverted kid. It was the blonde haired girl that was cheering on the stage for the talent show. I was more then impressed with her skills, her bright smile and tried my hardest to not fall for the girl who’d I’d only ever seen once before. Yeah It starts there.
Work is slow as ever, and the longer I sit in this crappy chair in this dirty office the more my thoughts start to spiral. The notebook on which I’ve been writing is at one whole page. I feel as if I’m writing a letter to a very important government official. I mean Lilly is more then important even if she isn’t government personal. She’s imporantat to me, I’ve connected myself to someone who might never dare to speak to me again, and yet again I’ll be all alone. I wrap up, and head back to Steve’s another repeated day. 
When I first made it to Steve I thought that it was only going to be for a few days, maybe a weeks tops but now as I stand here on his front porch smoking the last bit of my ciggerate I realize that this was never going to be just for a few days. This isn’t forever either, it’s just until I grow a pair and talk with Lilly about the truth. The reality of the situation is so far worse then what she might be thinking, what Jason might have told her. This reality is the scary part. 
Writing this letter is harder then it seems. The fact that I have to tell Lilly about my past, but about a past that I wasn’t really a part of. For the most part it’s trying to make what happened and how it all happened make sense. In a chronigially way, and also just so it sounds right. But I figure that nothing will sound right until the words are out of my head and into the air between Lilly and I. I start writing once I’m in my room and away from the loud screams at the tv downstairs. 
The next part of my mine starts when  Iarrived at high school sure the first few years are hard for everyone, but something about this town made it only harder for me. The boy with a shaved head and interests in rock music along with fantasy games. A game that reflects nothing about my own personality. Regardless I got interested in started a club so I did. TGhe dungeon and dragons club one that I knew only a few others were interested in. So my freshman and sophomore year was spent working hard to be silent and unregarded by others. 
I had only madea few friends by my second time going through my senior year. Like I had said before teachers were dicks and I stuck my head into sand and my D&D club. Where I met friends people who were just as introverted as I was and they liked me for who I was. I saw Chirssy around the halls the same girl that I had a crush on since middle school. That was dark tunnel, she was taken by the school classic douche bag. Jason Carver. Who when he did see me made my fucking life hell. 
But Chrissy she’d give me small half smile. I stuck my head even further into my D&D club after that. Might has well be what the jocks and partiers all call me anyways. If I was the freak to them then I might as well give it to them. It was to late for people who care, for people to not be so rudimentary. Regardless of that though I found friends and a growing crush all over again my second senior year. That’s when things began to change. I needed fast cash, not for me but for Uncle Wayne. 
I was only trying to help out. But even that got shoved into my face by every jock and partyier. I had met Rick at the music store in town. He was an older guy, scruffy like with a bread that was untamly and he kept looking at me. Kept eyeing me in the store until I left and he cornered me in the alleyway. “Hey kid, do you wanna try something pretty good?” If I had been smart, smart like Wayne had taught me to be I would have said no, but I was curious. 
Curiosity kills the cat. 
It turned out to be the best worst decision I had ever made. Rick was a drug dealer. He sold everything from weed, uppers, and downers. The hardcore shit that he had I never touched something about my past made it nearly impossible for me to wanna go near that stuff. Fearing the worst Uncle Wayne wasn’t happy when he caught me selling weed to my high school friends. Then it got even worse when sheriff  Hopper caught me on multiple occasions, but I will say the jocks loved me whenever I would come around to one of their parties. 
It wasn’t hard after that to make fast cash on the daily. I tried mostly at school to keep my head down and stay out of the way of jocks and other assholes. Mostly I tried to keep out of the way of Steve Harrington. Yeah the Steve that i’ve been living with for almost a full month, and of course Chirssy’s boyfriend Jason Carver. I worked hard for my campaigns for D&D, and sold weed on the side to help out. Everyhting was going fine, and then I met two untamed freshman. Ones that needed help, and guidance. 
That’s when I became a mentor of sorts to Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. People that you’ve also met. I noticed how scared they looked being in this whole big new building, so I did what any person would I helped them. Dustin was my favorite from the start. You notice a grand ole’ change in people when they shift from middle to high school. Lucas was sure interested in out D&D club, but it was sports that he grew into mostly. So that left Dustin and Mike with me. A gaggle of freak kids who belonged nowhere at all. 
Maybe you care, maybe you don’t but I think this is where things went south. For me at least, I tried to put together a D&D campaign. Then our members started to flunk out and all the hard work and effort I had put into it was gonna go down the drain. But at least that was only the start of lunch that day. Then that old crush. That blondie that loved cheer with all her heart came up to me. A whole new person stood in front of me. Shy, and paranoid about everything. She asked for drugs. 
I had become the talk of the town over the years. Mixing drugs and our D&D togeher made me the local cult leader. So you might be able to start to see where things went south for me. If not allow to clear the playing field. Jason Carver girlfriend had asked me for drugs, the guy that was in constant search of me in the hallways his girlfriend was coming to me for something. So here starts the jealousy, and not to mention that I still had a strong crush on her. Even since middle school. 
I allowed it. 
I let myself fall in love with Chrissy Cunningham all over again even if it were for just a few minutes all together. Her blonde hair covering parts of her face in order to hide herself from me. Across the picnic bench she was somehow different. She was still shy, and still paranoid and asked for something stronger, something better and longer lasting then the weed I had on me. So I allowed that too. I allowed the flirting that happened between the two of us because it felt right and I really… really didn’t wanna leave her just yet. 
I’m going stir crazy in this forsaken trailer. It’s so fucking quiet, and cold. Somehow with Eddie not here it’s darker, and sad everywhere I look. All of his things are gone, but that doesn’t mean that Eddie is actually gone. It’s been to long and I thought that things, the things that Mr. Carver had told me would blow over in my mind. I don’t wanna  think about them any longer, so why in gods name would I let him back into my home. I let things come between Eddie and I and don’t know how to fix them. 
I let someone else a complete and radom stranger come into my life and tell me thighs for which he has no concrete proof. I’m not sure what happened and I’m not sure if i’ll ever know, but not seeing eddie not hearing his voice or his laugh has made things darker in my life then usual. Darker then I’m okay with admitting. Theres gotta be a way to fit it all. That is saying if Eddie even wants to fix, if he can even bare to look at me after all the hurt and pain I’ve caused him already. 
Theres a few things that I wonder if I can fix. I feel like I fucked up majorly. Sure Eddie’s personal things are there but his cologne sticks to all the surfaces in the living room, his books that are scattered across the book shelve and the coffee table. Papers that had been printed for both work, and for his school. Shit I had said that I was going to help him with his classes. I wonder how much I’ve fucked up everything in an effort to try and not get hurt. I mean sure Jason might have been lying. 
I’ll never know if I don’t do something about it. So I do the only logical thing I can think of. Even if it is an idea I’m coming up with at four in the morning when the rest of the town hasn’t even woken up. The missing smells off coffee, and bacon don’t fill the house up anymore and the ache in my chest only grows stronger. I’m in need of something, I need to hear Eddie’s voice his soft and sweet nickname for me. I wanna see him again even if he kicks me out the second later. 
When the sun rises and I can no longer wait out for the time on the clock I grab my clothes dressing quicker then I need to, pulling my hair into a messy bun before grabbing shoes, and my car keys. I don’t even bothering locking my front door. The clock in my car reads that it’s no later eight in the morning. My hands shake with fear and anticipation. I look over at the passenger seat and stuck in the door jam is one of Eddie’s favorite books. Lord of rings a tattered book that came from the boxes. 
I push the tears down and into my stomach I just need to get a up of coffee from teh driver thru and wait until it’s not so early in the god forsaken morning to ambush Eddie at work. I can only hope that he is at work. Hell maybe he isn’t here anymore. I can only think of the worse as I sit in the waitting lane for my shitty coffee. I’ll need everything that I can get before I go either see that sad face or no face at all at the auto body shop. It’ll be okay. 
I wait even longer parking just across from the auto body shop. My heart breaks when a tired and shivering Eddie bikes in. Bikes in on a kids bike. I shake my head and my head lands in my hands over the steering wheels. “What have I done?” I mutter to myself as I try to figure out how this all manage to get out of control. There’s a knock on my passenger side window. “Ma’am are you… Lilly?” It’s Robin Eddie’s friend. My bottom lip quivers, and all I can is shake my head. 
Maybe you should explain it. 
The morning always suck so much. I unload my shit, and get to work there’s about two more cars that need to be completed by the end of the day. I tie my hair back into a high ponytail and make sure it’s out of the way. By lunch time I’ve gotten one care completed and it’s been brought down to the ground, keys are locked up and all the paper work is done. I grab my backpack and drag out a scrambled lunch out. A can of coke from the vending machine that hopefully still carbonated, and a sandwich. 
I sit at the front desk. Nobody will be coming in considering today is Saturday. People are off doing things with their families, or their significant others. Instead of doing something fun with the person who I love I’m here instead working and trying to come up with reasons for why Lilly should believe me over a random old bully. I eat my lunch and grab my notebook to finish that last of my thoughts from the other night. As I said before Chrissy asked for something stronger, so I invited her to my trailer after the schools basketball game. 
That day we also had a D&D campaign going on for which Lucas was replaced by his younger, smartass sister Erica. But all was well the campaign went great and all the players enjoyed almost… not making it to the next level. Erica kicked ass, and I almost said thank you to Dustin and Mike for getting a replacement the day of the campaign. Then I remembered I had to get Chrissy before anyone noticed that she was getting into my van. I didn’t need any shit for just serving the community. The kids left, and the game ended. 
I was ablet o get Chirssy without much of a problem. The guys who had apparently won the basketball game were off to party. First time Hawkins had won a proper basketball in ages. Chrissy was a little to quiet in the van, and my rock music stayed at a low volume in cause she wanted to chat before she got her stuff. Quiet is a nice way of putting the bad vibes that chirssy was giving off. She was completely paranoid. Looking around when we first made it to my trailer. She was right on my heels, so close. 
I tried to make sure that she was comfortable in the trailer. It probably wasn’t something that she was used to. Used to living near Lake Norha as the fancy things that they lived with. I told her to wait, that I needed to grab my supplies. I was gone for no longer then five minutes and I would be right back. She just stood in the middle of the living room waiting for me to return. When I did finally find my lunch box I didn’t return to a normal Chirssy standing in front of me. She was gone. 
Mentally I don’t think Chirssy had been with me or really anywhere when she asked me earlier that day for weed, or for something stronger. I should have figured it out. I should’ve known earlier. But I didn’t, I didn’t get the chance to save her until it was to late. When returned it looked like Chirssy was sleeping standing up her eyes twitching under her eyelids. Unable to wake her I didn’t dare call the cops people would think all the wrong things just like they had. Her bode was standing still in front of me. Unable to move. 
Then the scariest part of that night occurred. From in front of me Chirssy began to float into the air hitting my ceiling. The same spot that I had came from Dustin would later call them gates to another scary world. She floated and stayed there like out of sci-fi movie. She began to twist and turn in such a way no human could survive it. There was no way I could hurt a fly, so how could i get her to twist and break her bones on the fucking ceiling was beyond me. So I ran, and was chased. 
Running, Hidden, Chased, and called a cult leader because that’s what D&D was a cult. It didn’t really matter though that’s what the town thought they had a high school freak turned cult leader, turned murderer, turned serial killer. For whatever reason I was helped. Helped by an ex jock, a band member, and a shit ton of freshman. They told me, and let me become apart of a group who’d seen too much shit. Had been hurt and used. Then more deaths happened. I was the main focal point of every Hawkins town person. My name smeared everywhere. 
“I didn’t dare kill Chrissy Cunningham. For some reason I have to make more people believe that only truth. I could never… never hurt a single soul.” I muttered to myself. Apparently not hearing the ringing of the door or the fact that I was being watched. “I know Eddie…” I shook my head, “You’re not really here… just my mind playing tricks on me and tring to make me think that Lilly would ever actually want to listen to my story. Listen to the truth.” I muttered as I dropped the pen and looked up Lilly was really here. 
 I stare at her and tears brim at my eyes. I swallow them down. She’s really standing there. She’s just a few feet away from the front desk. “I’m sorry Eddie… I’m really a fucking idoit aren’t I.” Lilly’s voice is so low and dipped in sadness. Lilly get closer and closer to me, I don’t move. Thinking that this must be a cruel joke by my own mind. “You don’t have to explain anything to me Eds… Robin explained somethings to me. God, Eds I should’a just listen to you, should’a just asked questions, but I was so scared.” 
She looks down at her shoes, I stand up and make my way towards her. “Why are you here?” I ask my voice barley make a dent into the air around me. Her bottom lips quivers, and when she does finally look up at me. She looks like shit… her bright rosey look that she used to have is gone. Her beautiful smile is dulled by tears at her lashes. “I just couldn’t stay in the trailer anymore without you… maybe that’s too bold to say after I just left you hanging. I just… I just fucking miss you Eddie.” 
I wanna smile, be mad at her, I wanna kiss her. Theres so much I wanna do that i can’t fit it all into just a few seconds. “I just wanted to see you again… even if you didn’t wanna hear from me ever again.” Lilly mumbles looking down at her shoes. The tips of out shoes hit. The weather is cold outside so close to December already. “I just wanted to see you again… even if you didn’t wanna hear from me ever again.” I echo her. She nods and looks up at me. “Do you think we could make up for it Eds?” I nod, and yet at the same time I wonder what Lilly’s got in her deck of cards. 
“I think I might just kiss you now.” Lilly mutters before she closes the space between us and reaches up to grab the back of my neck dragging me down to meet her lips. Then for the first time, we kiss. Not a drunken kiss or a chaste one done out of forgetfulness and happiness. But simply one because we wanted to kiss each other. If it’s possible I melted into her arms, melted into the kiss and even if I’m taller then her, much taller then her. Her lips are like heaven. Soft and sweet. A quiet “I’m sorry” Is muttered against my lips, and I have to pull back. 
My hands landing on each side of her face, holding her close. “It’s alright Lilly, I know that this is hard, but let’s just not fight anymore.” She smiles a kind smile, and nods her head laughing a little. “Robin explained?” I ask only now just getting what LIlly had said beforehand. “And she asked if we wanted to come over for dinner another time. Like she knewn that everything was going to work out.” Lilly said. As if she didn’t believe that Robin was serious. I laughed, “Yeah Robin is the all knowing.” 
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Completed on: 06/15/23
Posted on: 06/17/2023
The Adults- @yourfavdummy@mothermirkwood
3 notes · View notes
2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 4 In Common
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC!Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie Munson
Warnings: 2023, smoking weed, learning the internet, cuddly nature, skull rock, or lovers lake, OC! Lilly opens up about her past, honesty, and Eddie falling in love with OC!Lilly
Summary- Eddie and Lilly go through online music and she teaches him all the new lingo of phone usage! Just spending time together. He offers to take her somewhere nice in town, and they smoke some more weed together. More touchy-feely. 
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 4.2k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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“Come on Eddie let me show you this.” Lilly said in a sing-songy voice. It had already been a month since they had their dinner date thing at Steves. For the whole rest of the month it was spent getting me some new clothes, and get more comfortable with the idea that I wasn’t going anywhere besides Lilly’s trailer. I was getting up from the small dinner table that Lily was using as a catch all for everything. “What’s up?” Our conversation only now starting to become smoother, glide easier from topic to topic. “You said you like metal right?” 
I cocked my head a little bit. I don’t really remember a lot of the things I say nowadays, words just sorta fly out of my mouth. Most of the time my mouth is left open from viewing a world that is far more advanced then I was ever used to. I always sorta dreamed of a futuristic world, but never what Lilly had shown me so far. “Yeah I think I did.” I answer still wondering why she’s taking this conversation. She’s sitting on the couch, her legs crossed over each other. She’s looking down at her phone screen.
It had been something I wasn’t able to not comment on. She had shown me a few things, like how messages were instant now, and emojis which was a fucking funny word. “Come sit, I know I’ve shown you a few things. I think you might just like this the most though.” Lilly was so sweet in everything she did motioning me to come sit next to her I did. My knees touching hers. “This app right here.” She said pointing down to her screen, “This is for if you weren’t able to cause music.” Lilly must be joking right. 
“What do you mean? Well…I had noticed that you didn’t have a radio or anything like that I mean besides in your car but that seems normal enough you don’t have a cassette player though.” She stared at me as I rambled on until my lips stopped moving and the words stopped forming in my head. “I know I’m going to show you this instead so you can listen to music faster, and theres more of it.” Lilly was clicking the app on her screen, and the screen changed rather quickly. “Search anything your heart contents Eddie.” “Anything?” I asked. 
She hummed, and I looked down at the phone in my hands. It wa smaller then my hands. It had seemed that everything nowadays was smaller. Nothing besides stores had gotten bigger. Hawkins was still small and quaint. I let my fingrs press softly into the online keyboard. I pressed until the letters formed words on the bar above the keyboard. I wrote out ‘Metal 80’s’ I heard the softest giggle from besides me, I hadn’t rrealized she was watching over my shoulder so intently. “I figured you go back to your roots.” Lilly commented, “My roots?” I questioned her. 
“Yeah you’ve got that metal vibe. I feel like I already said that… Maybe I didn’t. Now I want you to click which ever one interests you the most.” She says returning my attention back to the phone in my hands. I scroll I feel like that’s what I’m supposed to do, I scroll until I see Dio. It’s the cover album that I had painted on the back my jean jacket. “I like this album from Dio, the last in line. Spoke to me a lot when I was kid.” My words stopped dead when a bubble popped up. 
A bubble that said calendar event; Birthday to me. I turned looking at Lilly  “it’s your birthday today?” I asked, my attention was drawn away from the potential for music and for the that fact it was Lilly’s birthday. I hadn’t known her long and maybe she had other things more important things to do, either way . She hummed, shaking her head before looking back down at her phone. “Happy birthday? How old are you turning today?” I ask, Wayne had taught me a few things, like always be respectful to women, and never ask their age. “Shit sorry I…” 
Lilly laughs for a moment, “If you must know Eddie I’ve turned 22 today.” She’s giggling. “Do you not have things planned?” I ask her, I had already turned 21 and 22 but I remember thinking that it was great to be able to drink legally I guess. Uncle Wayne had given me my ‘first’ real drink a beer that had been sitting in the fridge for who knows how long. I look fondly on the memory. “No haven’t got a one, friends in this town are shotty. I have a feeling you know I mean.” I shake my head. 
Agree with her sadly, I had friends before I met the chaos gang of the upside down. Gareth and Jeff had been my friends but that was because we had our band together. “I understand what you mean.” I dropped the conversation sensing that it might not be a great idea to try and continue on with it. “So now you can choose whatever song you wanna listen to from that album.” Lilly said dropping the conversation and going right back into the music thing. I was amazed by the fast selection along with not waiting for the other songs. 
“What do you listen to for music?” I asked, wanting unnerving to learn more about Lilly. Not that Lilly wasn’t beautiful to gaze at or that her voice made goosebumps show up on open skin, but I just didn’t want to fuck up. “Well I mean that’s a hard question for me to answer Eddie.” I look at her, hard question. Ask my choice of music any day and it would be the same every single time. “Here Eds,” She glides her fingers over my fingers taking me to another icon, before showing me a huge like list. “My favorites.” 
She giggles, there’s a number at the top, “Seventeen hundred songs Lilly! HO-LY SHIT” I’m exgrateratting to no extent but it’s still funny to her face contrast with emgrassament to the knowing look that I’m fucking her with. It’s odd I’ve only known her for a few months and there’s already this unbreakable bond that’s building between us. She rolls her eyes and takes the phone. Snatching it from my hands. “Whatever, you listened to songs on a walkman probably!?” She teases me, I squint my eyes and pretend in the worst way to be mad. “It was records acutally.” 
She busts out laughing and it causes a cascade like falling rain of laughter to fall from me. It’s so quiet in the trailer park yet in this trailer in the mid afternoon as the sun is high in the sky somehow it’s so loud and vibrant. The laughter doesn’t stop there, “You most definitely would pass the vibe check!” Lilly says with excitement, my eyes go wide with wonder, “What the hell did you just say to me?” I question her, “It’s just means that you’re cool, like you’d be cool to hang out with.” I hum at her. 
“What it means that, here look.” She says bringing her phone back into the conversation, she moves quickly her fingers moving like how my mind works when I’m trying to figure out some D&D storyline. “Look, according to google it means ‘to successfully emanate a cool, chill and laid-back aura.’ Word for word she repeats the words on her phone screen. I can’t help but looked shock, “So you’ve got the slang words to huh?” I ask her suspicion of what other crazy words there are. Lilly looks more shocked than I did, “Yeah we’ve got slang words too.” 
With a roll of her eye she’s back on her phone looking for more, “I didn’t really have one for vibe check, but have you heard this one, ‘gag me with a spoon’.” Lillys eyes grow with amusement. “Eddie what did you just say to me?” She’s laughing and talking at the same time. “In simple terms or fucked up ones?” I ask her, she rolls her eyes once more. “Tell me both Eddie.” “In fucked up terms it can mean about a few dozen things, but in simple terms it means that was disgusting, gag me with a spoon.” 
She stares at me. Waiting a few moments like she’s trying to think up something new into the world. “I’ve got one better Bussin’” I drag my hand through my hair as wonder and amazement that these slang terms havent’ gotten any fucking better. “Bussin’” I echo her. “Bussin’” She comes with, “Just means amazing Eddie.” Sitting there I think back to my slang terms, words that I used almost daily and then it clicks. “Bussin’ equals gnarly.” I say simple before looking up at her. She hangs wit her mouth open, “Close your mouth you might catch flies Lilly.” 
She shuts her mouth quickly. A moment passes, “gnarly doens’t equal bussin, but I have a better one anyways.” She’s trying desperately to coax me into asking her, “I don’t know if I truely wanna know now.” I play from a different angle. She squints her eyes at me, creasing her forehead in the process. “Bougie.” Again we stare at each other, “Bougie” I echo her again. “Bougie.” She echos back. Like a long empty hallway of one worded answers. “Meaning?” I ask, “In your terms, I would say Mr. Harrington house is Bougie, and maybe even his style too.” 
She winks at me. “Are you sure that you don’t have any plans?” I ask her once more. She looks down at her wrist, but there’s nothing there. No watch no nothing. “Hmm let me just check, no I’d rather spend it with you… if that's okay.” She says sweetly. Lilly moves from her legs being crossed. “How about we go somewhere?” I suggest she stretches her legs, shorts that ride up her skin. The sun has gone down the laughter causing a large time gap for me. Nearly dinner time anyways. “Why don’t I take you somewhere.” She nods. 
Getting up and out isn’t the hard part, it's finding some place to get a late sorta late dinner before I take her to one of my favorite places. “I grabbed my weed if that’s okay?” Lilly asks, I look over at her as I pull into a parking spot in the local outskirts diner in Hawkins. “Yeah of course, I mean it’s your birthday anyways.” I get out of the car and over to her side. Opening her door, “My lady, would you accompany me to dinner tonight?” I ask dramatically moving my body around, she laughs nodding again. 
It’s not to crowded but it’s not super empty. Lilly glides to a booth near the back of the dinner. She slides into the seat infront of me and I slide in on the other side across from her. “I know I don’t have a… well any money but I thought I could half assed treat ya.” I mention, she looks up from the menu that was already at the table. “I know Eddie.” Lilly says sweetly going back to look at her menu. It’s not rush hour but there's a few creepy faces around. “Look at your menu Eds.” 
I look over and she’s handing me this large plastic covered menu. There are a few hundred choices. Mix and match different orders or half order together to get whatever you want for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. “Eddie, are you alright?” She asks. She's looking over the edge of her menu. It’s like magic how she makes me feel as if we’re the only ones in the diner. I was lost in a world somewhere here and not here. “Yeah, just trying to make a choice is all.” I answer her by eyeing her over the edge of the menu. 
She continues to keep her watchful eye on me. Wonderment glossing through her beautiful brown eyes. She hadn’t changed her clothes besides grabbing a sweater before she locked the door behind her. She had a short sleeve low cut shirt on, it gave a rather perfect view of her chest. A pair of bell bottoms, not that they didn’t make her ass look great when she walked in front of me to inside the small diner. As I continue to look over the meals. I’m distracted, as an older gentleman starts walking up towards our booth. Pot belly and all. 
He’s slimy, and I can’t help but become over protective over what I’m already considering to be mine, but she’s not mine. Lilly will most likely, most definitely never want me like I want her. I have to curb the anger that is growing stronger in my chest. “Hey doll, what are you doin’ here?” The voice is grating and it makes me even more angry. Lilly doesn't even acknowledge him, that is until he reaches out to touch her. She grabs his hand. He doesn’t know what is happening, just that he’s probably pissing his pants from her grip. 
“Shit let go of my hand!” He wasn’t yet screaming or anything, but Lilly was grabbing the attention of many folk within the  diner.  “Why? Do you think it’s alright to go out and touch random female strangers who you think want you to touch them?” Her face was snarled up. Her hand visibly tighten harder around the old mans wrist. I sat in complete and utter awe at her. “What is your problem?” He moaned out, “I’m making a point that you seem to be missin’ get the fuck out of here before you make a larger mess huh!” 
Lilly not once raised her voice, and the eerie concern that Hawkins haydn’t changed just every creep or jerk had just gotten older was rubbing underneath my skin. A few moments of the diner being quiet besides a ding of the bell as the old fart ran away with his  tail between his legs. “Whatever just happened I don’t dare want to know how many times you’ve had to do that.” Waving the waitress over. Her apron hung lower on her body a teenager who didn’t want this ghastly job. “What can I get you today?” Monotone voice ringing out. 
We ordered and sat in silence for only a few moments before the teenager returned with out drinks. A coke, and one large hot chocolate. The cup was hot was steam rolling off the top of the ceramic cup. “Do you always get a hot chocolate with your breakfast?” I asked winking at her. Lilly rolled her eyes before looking down and blowing softly into the liquid causing tiny ripples to fly through it. “I do infact, never go without a good hot chocolate even if it’s way to hot for the warmth of the hot chocolate to be comforting.” 
She sipped her warm drink and I sipped my fizzy drink. Without noticing at all, the waitress was walking our way with two plates and maybe a few more on the way. A simple breakfast for dinner sorta of night tonight was. Calm and peaceful to eat a morning meal before you go to sleep. The wafting smell of pancakes with butter melted into them, eggs with enough salt to kill a horse, sausage links that always made you thought you were eating something just a little spicy. Lilly licked her lips, the teenage left so we can gorge ourselves. 
For someone I didn’t know anything about, we made the silence of eating and forks scratching against the porcelain plate comfortable. How we managed to do that I didn’t understand. I got to eating after watching Lilly for to long that she caught my eye on her. The silence is cut short when Lilly ask me a question about my past. “Was this a place you always came to when you were… here before?” She asks, we haven’t figured out what to call my falling through her ceiling yet. “I did, my band and i would stop after a show.” 
“Band?” Lilly is so much more intrigued in learning about me. It’s a stark contrast to what I’m used to, the names getting thrown around my head, the way my head would hit a locker or the hard concrete ground in the back parking of that stupid Hawkins highschool. “Eddie?” She asks throwing me out of my head, “Where’d you just go?” She asks, “I… just thinking is all.” I answer her, “Yeah I had a band, I guess you could say it was my baby ya know.” I shove a forkful of eggs and bacon. “So many guitar picks.” 
“What?” I had only just managed to swallow the eggs before she bursted those words out of her mouth. “Yeah I swear once Wayne had left the trailer he said to pack away anything I found that was in the room in the back. I don’t think he ever went back in there after you left. But seriously Eddie how many picks did you loose?!” Lilly is on the verge of asking, teasing me I can tell. Her eyes are glinting over. I can’t put my finger on just yet. “I lost many.” I reach up, fishing out my necklace. 
“That one important?” She asks, she’s eyeing my hands. “What do you mean?” I only manage to not sound like a dick. “When I took you to the hospital and all, they gave me all of your things to keep safe.” She’s looking at me. “I figure that it was important if it was chained around your neck ya know.” She shrugs. I eat as she talks about my pick that’s around my chain necklace. There’s a growing silence that makes it hard to concentrate on anything other then her. “So is it for a girl? Ya know a gift?” 
I see something, ther’es something behind her eyes. A twing of jealousy, a twing of hurt that she might be right that it’s connected to someone who’s special to me. “Nope. More like a gift from my mom before she ah before she passed away.” I answer her dreadful question. The tension in the conversation loosens but something else grows in it’s place. Sadness and pity in her eyes. “I’m sorry Eds, I didn’t mean… I’m glad that you have something of hers.” Lilly speaks quietly. The food on both plates is almost gone and the teeanger is back again. 
Dropping the check on the table before takingthe plates away with a rather angsty attitude. I roll my eyes as I see Lilly reach for the check, a few bill she pulls out of her purse. Before I know it Lilly is grabbing my hand and we’re walking out of the diner. It seems darker outside, the sun had set, but regardless of that the cool air is welcomed. In comparison to the diner it’s like a cool bath being outside. Lilly doens’t automatically get into the car rather sitting on her hood. “Take me somewhere beautiful Eddie?” “Of course.” 
We sat on the hood for only a few more moments. The sound of passing cars, and the crickets coming out to make way to much noise. She scooted closer, resting her head on my shoulder. With LED’s lights shining down it was hard to look up at the late nights sky to see any of the stars around us. We sat there for a few minutes. In utter and complete silence. “We should probably get going Lilly.” I said in the quite outside air. She hummed not moving until I did. “Okay let’s go Eds,” Lilly whispers to me. 
We get into the car, and Lilly is automatically messing with the heating system. I curse that her seats aren’t connected in the front seat. I would love if she just slide over and was resting her head on my shoulder. I would love to have her touching me, I want that. So I make it happen. One hand on the wheel, and another reaching out. My palm up and waiting her touch. She seems to notice, and slips her hand into mine. Now our hands rest on the center console. Radio low, and playing country, Lilly starts singing along. 
I can only catch a few of the lyrics, Lilly seems to know the whole song. Starting from the beginning and right up until the melody stops in the background. This process repeats. Until I make it to our destination she sings just under her breath. She’s beautiful and it’s hard for me to not look and stare at her. She’s somehow comfortable with me and so am I. The drive stars to slow down as I have to navigate the rock path that leads to the top of lovers lake. “We’re almost there Lilly. I hope you like it.” 
Lilly opens her eyes which I hadn’t notice that they were closed. “Where did you take me, Eds?” Lilly asks, she doens’t let go of my hand. Not that I really want her to. I look down between at our hands, clearing my throat she lets go of my hand. The silence is different this time. Regardless though Lilly grabs her purse and out shuffles again to many things packed away in her small pocket book. She manages to grab onto the bag of small blunts. “Let’s go Eddie, I wanna start smoking.” Lilly says jumping out of the car. 
“”By the way this is lovers lake, not that the name has anything to do with the… I just really like coming to this place not that it has changed much which is good.” The words ramble out of my mouth with great speed. Lilly giggles and grabs my hand as I get out of the car after slamming the drivers door. The head lights are turned off giving us a better view of the lite up sky. Stars that shine in their own way. Lilly throws down a blanket the grass pricking through the fabric. “This is comfy Lilly.” 
It truly is, and  Lilly only lets go of my hand to smooth out of the blanket and allow for the fours corner to be extended out fully. “Do you wanna pick or let me?” Lilly asks as she sit down next to me on the blanket. She’s digging in the bag with the blunts. “You can pick.” I say looking up towards the sky. The only thing that bring the light to our little area is the lighter, as she picks on for herself and lights it. Picking another for me and lighting it, before placing inbetween my lips. 
She lays down next to me. Looking through the tree line. A large open space to let you see the lake down below. It’s all perfect, and in a perfect night like tonight you can see most of the stars reflect down on the lake. “It’s really pretty down here.” Lilly says, as a puff of smoke extends out and evaporates. It mights be cold but with Lilly laying down right next to me I’m so warm inside and out. 
“It really is beautiful.” I say. I can’t tell if I’m talking about the lake, the sky, or her. Maybe it’s all of them at once. But I can’t manage to get my eyes off of her. She doens’t seem to care though, it’s like she enjoys being looked at, stared at. I don’t mean to be creepy and maybe she knows that. I take a few puffs of the blunt she handed. This one is fatter then hers. She seems to lost in her own world as she scouts up closer to me. I’m not laying down my legs extend out and allow for Lilly to rest her head in my lap. So close my hearts beats so fast. 
We smoke until the blunts run out of smoke and there’s a floating feeling the whisps across the both of us. “Eddie what’s so special about this place?” Lilly asks as she turns her head to look up at me instead of out towards the lake view. I hum and think for a moment. “I used to come here whenever I was sad, mad, or hurt. This was the most peaceful place in all of Hawkins. The town wasn’t very nice to me whenI was around.” I get the words out before something of a teary mixture can get out.  
“I feel like I remember your uncle Wayne talking about how the town could be horrible people to the things they cared to not understand, or simple didn’t like.” Lilly said she was still looking up at me, she moved in my lap her arms wrapping around my wasit. She was so warm, and she hugged me tightly. I worried that she might notice how uncomfortable I was growing in my jeans. Thankfully she didn’t say anything, so when she finally let go I took a breath. “I’m sorry people here are dicks.” Lilly says, I look down at her. 
“Yeah but you’re not. You’re sweet probably more then you need to be to me. I have to thank you for everything you’ve already done for me.” I say. Lilly blushes and even in the night sky the moon glows down enough for me to see it. “Should we stay here?” I ask her. She shurggs her shoulders. “I don't have anywhere important to be tomorrow.” Lilly says off into the distance of the lake. “Coolio.” I get more comfortable. I start by complete accident gliding my fingers throug her hair. “Eds?” “Yeah.” I stop, “Keep doing that please Eds.” 
I don’t stop not until Lilly’s breathe slows and my hands stops I shift and I end up fall asleep right there with Lilly in my lap asleep.
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Completed on: 04/22/23
Posted on: 05/06/23
The Adutls- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
3 notes · View notes