fluff-and-such · 5 months
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"Lilith come get your sassy lost child."
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fluff-writing · 1 year
For anyone the brain bunnies are nibbling on,
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?
Both Linarian and Inarius use the phrase "As the gavel falls" whenever being told to do something they don't really want to do. A sort of 'as you command' type deal. Inarius coined it to sass his brother. Linarian started using it to sass his father. And he has a whole passel of daughters who use it on him.
While Rathma might say something like "If the balance wills it" while trying to be deflective, Linarian just says "Maybe in Heaven/Hell." Most often used on unruly offspring. Lilith started using that one on him when he was a kid, old phrases stick hard.
Linarian can often be heard shouting "Don't Mind if I Do!" whenever doing something with enthusiasm. Like jumping on Duriel or wrangling an undead cow. Rathma would never. He picked this up from the younger generations of nephalem and liked it enough to keep.
Not so much a phrase, but Inarius tends to affectionately call things 'grubs'. ex "Can I pet this handsome grub?" - looking at a chihuahua "Where are the grubs" - looking for grandchildren to love on He just likes him some entomology.
Both of them will say "Son of a Cunt" instead of "Son of a Bitch". Not sure if this is a worldly difference or just an angel with no concept of a bitch passing his phrasing onto his son. Linarian will immediately call his father a cunt if either of them say this near each other, with max shit-eating-grin. And Inarius will agree that he (Linarian) is the son of a cunt.
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eternagender · 2 years
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any pronouns except they them cupioromantic ace-jump quartic linarian genderfluid cavalier futch bi flag!
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necr0-mantix · 10 months
// @bloodiedpetals sent: "“Come now, did you not miss your mother?”" request: mod AU
-- "No." There was a slight hint of bitterness to his voice, but there was no energy to it; the morning - or, late afternoon as it actually were - was not his time to think, and to think he did not want. The only question that repeated internally was how did she find me? He knew the why, however, and he wasn't going to partake in her shenanigans. It had been made abundantly clear several times over, but Lilith was never a mother known to take no for an answer. At least, when it came to her own desires.
"...don't I have a restraining order?" Not as if that'd do anything. She was above law.
Linarian stood expressionless, still garbed in velvet ebon lounging robes, his tense grip on the verge of shattering the handle of his - admittedly silly skull shaped - mug. He'd inhale sharply, not allowing her a chance to speak a mere second later - cutting her off at any attempt to do so with a weary groan as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "What do you want?"
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west-tokyo-incidents · 5 months
"Why didn't Lilith call Rathma Linarian?"
Maybe because she respects him enough to not deadname him. UNLIKE A CERTAIN ANGEL.
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lilthya · 1 year
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this is a very private, canon divergent and highly selective roleplay blog for 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐇 of the 𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙱𝙻𝙾 franchise. blog is based on theories and current known lore. blog is low-ish activity. ⮚ AFFILIATED: @throned , @diabolem & @palecharm
I. please note that this ISN'T BIBLICAL LILITH! this is lilith from the video game series of DIABLO, therefore lore and connections will be different. i am always happy to still work her into interactions with other demons/demonic entities, though! i'm rather flexible, and have no issues plotting/working something out ♡ i'm extremely crossover friendly, and i love original characters.
➤ LILITH is a very powerful demon, she's the queen of the succubi and daughter of MEPHISTO, the lord of hatred.while perhaps not as powerful as her father and the other prime evils ( debateable ) , she's extremely cunning, tactical, and holds many powerful titles which makes her a force to be reckoned with. SHE IS hell royalty. she's the demon that mated with the archangel inarius, birthing not only a new world known as sanctuary ( the mortal realm ) but also the first of the nephalem. she's also 8'5" with her horns, thanks. she has heterochromia, left eye is blue and right is yellow-gold. her direct son is linarian ( rathma ), the child of both her and inarius, he is of first of the nephalem.
II. please don't follow if you're not going to ever interact with any of my posts! i want to keep a clean dash, i'm not here to collect followers or be collected, i'm here to write. i'm also here for friends, my rp partners. they're a priority!
III. i've literally got ZERO time for drama, if you have an issue address it. i don't care enough about online stuff, and have no energy for it. if you don't want to communicate it then keep it to yourself, it's 2023 and majority of the rpc IS well into their 20s. act like it, yeah?
IV. i'm very plot heavy here and will often require some sort of communication ooc? i do enjoy discussion, and want to pick your brain on ideas and perhaps dynamics? i like building bonds with those i write with ♡ only if you're comfy, that is.
V. yes, i love to ship as much as the next person but like the point above.... that's going to require some form of ooc talk. I DO ship her with INARIUS (as drama filled as their relationship is...) i'm a sucker for a good demon & angel romance.
VI. lastly, don't be rude. don't be hateful. any targeted behaviour towards any groups, communities, etc... isn't tolerated here. just don't be disgusting, don't partake in nasty behaviour.
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seventh-gravewarden · 8 months
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Hector Castellan, Linarian Cavalryman, a rider of giant eagles
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vulpeskorsak · 2 years
Day 21 of Whumptober 2022: We are stuck here and he is stuck there
Day 21 of Whumptober 2022!
Coughing up Blood | “You’re safe now.” | “Take me instead.”
Timeline-wise my current shorts go: Day 2 -> Day 15 -> Day 5 -> Day 16 -> Day 1 -> Day 18 -> Day 13 - > (Day 4 -> Day 9*) -> Day 3 -> Day 7 -> Day 8 -> Day 21 - > Day 19 -> Day 6 -> Day 11 -> Day 12 -> Day 14 -> Day 17 -> Day 20
*Day 4 and 9 do not happen in the same AU where Ludwig exists.
Day 10 is a modern AU.
Victor is my human fleshsmith inventor (KibblesTasty Homebrew class) from a long-running DnD adventure.
Ludwig Richter is a tiefling and a former gravedigger turned archeologist who wields a rifle and a battle shovel named Charon that I play in a TTRPG.
Cristina is a young-ish triton woman, who works as Ludwig's secretary.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42570015 (AO3 link)
We are stuck here and he is stuck there
“I am beginning to worry.” Cristina admits looking up at the Tower before them. “Are you sure we can’t help him?”
The sun is beginning to set. Victor and her are standing right at its locked double door on the third day of Ludwig’s trial.
“No spell or person can get inside this thing while the trial is ongoing.” He reminds her.
The Linarian Tower has been missing its Keeper for decades with nobody being able to claim it, despite many trying. They say, it chooses its owner, its Keeper, through a rigorous often deadly trial. Although the details of it are not known. Whoever manages to become its Keeper, though, becomes magically tied to the Tower with their very soul, according to records. It becomes their perfect impenetrable keep and they are able to do with it as they please.
“Ludwig is… one of the most capable people I know, but… you know…” She sighs. “Accidents happen.”
“They sure do.” Victor nods, smiling as always.
They stand in silence. There are no animals or plants on the island. So only her, Victor, Ludwig and Flaming Tail, the local tabaxi pirate they have hired to be their guide, are here.
Cristina has only recently begun getting used to that friendly? smile of the Doctor, despite being with Ludwig’s team as a secretary for three years now. She has heard that the two of them have known each other for half a decade now. Many rumors circulate around the team regarding their relationship status and the fact that they share a tent does not help. The tent, however, is large and has two separate beds, as she has seen herself. Besides, Ludwig, despite being a pretty attractive tiefling, makes her think that he is married to his archeological work and it alone is his passion. She is unsure of his interest in romance. Victor, on the other hand, definitely fucks around all the time. She has seen him coming in and out of brothels and private houses with all sorts of people. But it does not seem that anyone sticks around after that. Or that he even cares about that.
Regardless of their relationship, Victor must be very worried right now. His partner, whether a romantic one or not, might not come back ever again.
“Hey, Doc?” Her curiosity takes the better of her.
“Yes?” He muses without turning to her, still looking up at the Tower.
“Are you even worried about him?”
“I am.” He nods without dropping the smile. “I’ve had this job for five years now. I’d hate to have to look for another one.”
Cristina lets out a short nervous laugh. What else was she expecting?
“You can’t be serious? Do you…” She hesitates. “Do you not love him? In some way? At least as a friend?”
“Oh, that too is a reason, I suppose?” Victor grins even wider and chuckles, looking down at her.
She is pretty sure he is being serious for once, despite his lighthearted sarcastic tone. She can see it in his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sooo very worried. I wish it would take me instead!” He cries out dramatically and then his tone drops to become uncharacteristically serious and its speed increases. “Or at least let me help. But here we are. Stuck here while he is stuck there. We can do nothing but wait and simmer in the futility of wanting to help him, because it is straight up impossible. What a fun week we’re having.”
She stares at him in surprise and then simply nods in understanding. She would not describe her relationship with Ludwig as particularly close friendship, but he is dear to her as well. She feels somewhat warm inside, knowing that Victor does care, and quite a lot.
“We… should go back. It’s going to get dark soon.” She half-turns around to leave.
“You go. I’ll stay here for a bit.” Victor tells her, his voice back to melodic and calm, and sits down on a nearby rock.
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bravegrumpy · 20 days
Attichaos Archibald Plans a His Lecture Space and Support System to Students
Environment: I know what it is like to be hungry. All students should be able to eat, and have enough food to keep their brains functional. I also know what it is like sleeping on the streets. I plan to always serve pizza on Fridays, and to see if I can get approval for a second, adjoining office, full of soft bean bag chairs and mattresses, a burner, microwave and kitchen. Pushing the use of BrightLights: If I consistently supply High Quality Linarian Cheese, I might be able to prevent color-magic-adepts from honing their talent. Research: I will supply a free BrightLight to students venturing into the forested mountain for research. Hopefully this will blind them to some of the older magic there. Money: I will always ensure that my students have access to the BrightLights, shelter, and food, and ensure placement into a stable, government job, and in return they will be dependent on my tech, buying it once they have purchasing power. I cannot believe that this is evil. I'm giving students a path to a bright life and happy future, and I'm ensuring that the TriAngles keep the hard-earned order intact, to prevent another famine or uprising.
-- Attichaos Archibald (Professor Arch)
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ao3-diablofic · 2 months
by Miss_Gems
Little moments that I've changed or expanded upon during the course of the Sin War.
Words: 1249, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of And it Came Back to Bite Them
Fandoms: Diablo (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Linarian | Rathma, Mendeln | Kalan, High Priest Malic, Jonas - Character
Additional Tags: Death, Kissing, Possession, Sin War, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55172296
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fluff-and-such · 5 months
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Friendly danger-noodle.
For now.
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fluff-writing · 2 years
And I am thinking about Time Fixit Hell
Cuz see, eventually Sanctuary becomes a neutral zone of sorts. Yeah, there's demons trying to start shit and angels preaching their holier-than-thou-BS.
But then there's. Diplomacy. Discussion of ending hostility? It's not likely, and takes an assload of time, but there's discussion. Possibility. Inarius isn't tolerating and warring on his planet, and neither are his nephalem, and now that the masses know about it, more and more angels and demons are coming around to the idea of not being forced to murder each other all day, and instead. Sitting down. Getting a coffee. Maybe getting a dayjob idk.
There's a social shift.
Yeah, a lot of folks still wanna beat each other up. A lot of Nephalem want to beat each other up, and the early years were full of vicious warring and mal-content.
But they have outlets. Art. Sport. Beating one another up for Fun and Profit. Portals where you can brawl to your heart's content for when the Urge strikes.
Sanctuary is peaceful, and it's spreading.
ALL this to say, at some point, All Seven Evils, and All Five Archangels are in Sanctuary, having Talks about Peace and Prosperity. Baal is flirting like mad with everything. Imperius keeps falling for it, Tyrael is offended on his behalf. Andariel lives to make meetings excruciatingly dull, and Itherael's detail-orientation somehow makes that worse? Tyrael has Rules, and Belial is determined to find holes. It's surprisingly...effective at ironing things out.
It is extremely shaky, but everyone knows that Inarius will Very Literally eject them off his planet if they start shit, so they are getting along for now.
It's even tenser with the nephalem around. They're not used to anything being above them really, and the angels and demons both think they're above it all. They're in for a reckoning.
A few of them get that reckoning in the form of Linarian, who is exactly as scary as his parents combined, as he should be. He is determined to Hassle his grandfather, to Mephisto's baffled distaste. Baal adores this.
Diablo tries to start a Scheme and immediately gets put in a headlock by his grand-nephew, who then dumps him in front of Inarius for Yeeting.
Progress is made, slowly. Very Slowly.
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necr0-mantix · 10 months
// Character Study Drabble: The Meeting
The other nephalem sheltered behind him, basking - trembling - in awe at the angel that had invaded their sanctum. The light of Inarius’s wings was blinding in the dark of the underground temple, and it seemed that Linarian was the only one who could handle his intensity. He could not blame his students, however. They were younger and had not blossomed to their potential, and Inarius was an overwhelming being to behold.
His father’s intentions were hard to sense, but he felt rage; a rage unlike any he had empathized from the angel prior. And he had felt so much of the negativity Inarius had bottled over the years. This was… new.
Lilith’s betrayal had cut what remained of his father's heart deep.
“Father, I am but a humble scholar. I-” “SILENCE.”
He would obey. For now. 
Bowing his head in a show of respect, Linarian’s eyes would glance behind him, his fingers wrapped around the youngest of his student’s - a raven-haired male no more than a decade of winter’s age - to assure him of something. Anything. He could not confess, nor show, that this had unsettled him deeply as well, and to say that it would be okay was a lie he was not willing to give.
“THIS ORDER OF YOURS SHALL DISBAND IMMEDIATELY.” bellowed Inarius, his hand gesturing over the small band of students, “YOUR FOUL MAGICS ARE A RISK TO THIS WORLD.”
“A risk?” Linarian sputtered, “I-I am a healer! How is any of thi-” “I COMMANDED SILENCE AND OBEDIENCE , WHELP.”
And silent he would be once more. 
News from the surface found its way underground quite swiftly, and the recent happenings after the death of the ancestors was no exception. Inarius had already spilled the blood of the First that had defied him, and should he speak out of line, he could likely be next. It was surprising that he was not the first, however. The angel held no love for him despite having helped birth him, and he could sense no love nor hesitation even now. Linarian’s stomach churned with anxiety about the angel for the first time in many circles of the moon.
“It shall be as you wish, father.” he would lie hushed. Normally, he would protest, but not at the risk of the others. This was not their typical disagreeance over the matters of Sanctuary, this was something far more dire, and he could and would only press once they were alone.
All he could do was turn to offer his followers a reassuring smile, a gentle nod. The eldest of the group would know his intention - they had spoken of potential emergencies prior - and the rest would come to know and find where to gather away from prying eyes. All that mattered was allowing them to escape, even if Inarius seemed to have no wanting for them.
The sound of metal striking stone reverberated through the sanctum as Inarius stepped forwards instead of simply flying, stopping to stand beside Linarian without expression. The holy one’s cloaked face, devoid of anything as with all angels, would glance down upon the child that clung to Linarian’s side, and he would let out an echo of a sigh — long and exasperated.
A terrifying question. The child shook, and Linarian could do nothing more than hold his hand to comfort quietly. Even a mere question intimidated himself at such an age.
“No. He is not. None of my children are here. Nor my partners. I am the only one of my family here.”
The communal tide of relief was euphoric.
But the sensation of goodbye? He could feel it from some of the others as their eyes met his, some with tears welling. He did not know that as he bowed his head, his too were dampened with confusion and fear. For goodbyes were not supposed to be hard for their kind, and yet, this one felt as if it could be more than so. It was so very hard to tell.
He would fight with words to ensure it wasn’t.
Ushering the child towards one of his most trusted, he would watch as they scattered. Some went the direction of the surface, and others would make their way deeper into the caverns under the temples. It did not matter where so long as it was not here. They would find their way, and so long as they obeyed his father, he would not come to harm them. Inarius, much as his mother, enjoyed their worship, at the least, and would bask in it for as long as possible.
It was once the scurried footsteps ceased that Inarius would speak once more, prompting Linarian’s mournful state to melt to a blank slate of sheer apathy, mentally preparing himself for an exchange he knew would be far more pressing than their former ones. 
“THE WORLD IS MINE AND MINE ALONE NOW,” the angel would begin, his arms and wings outstretched in celebration, “AND THAT MEANS IT’S FUTURE AND YOU AND YOUR OFFSPRING’S SURVIVAL HAS COME TO MY DECISION,”
A horrific statement, but Linarian would listen without any acknowledgement.
“YOUR STUDY. I HAD PAID ATTENTION, CHILD. YOU ARE OF THE WORLD, AND THUS, THE WORLD STONE AFFECTS YOU JUST AS IT AFFECTS THE WORLD.” What had he done? There was no possible way to mask his curiosity — a brow cantered, and his head would nod just once. He had discovered that, yes. They were dirt, as Inarius had so called them several times; molded from the very clay of Sanctuary itself. It was the most basic of observations, and one of his first dealing with matters of their deaths.
“...what… did you do?” Linarian questioned with a rasping hiss, his heart pounding with a swelling anger that rivaled the angel’s own from just moment’s prior.
He had noticed. And he had noticed the deaths of some his siblings as well. He had felt the sting continually through the week before the news had been relayed to him from above, but the reason had not reached him until not long before his father’s arrival. Death happened, and he mourned each time he had felt it over the years when he could not visit, but it was clear Inarius was to fault. The betrayal was not unexpected, but he could not show the pain outwardly, and suppressed it even now for his own welfare.
“Yes, father. But, what good is stripping us of our power for? That is our birthright, and all we have built is-”
“I do not understand. Is this about your fear of being discovered? Again, what good would having us be weak do? Are we not to defend ourselves? What is there t-” “YOU DO NOT LISTEN WELL, AS USUAL. YOU ARE ALL ABOMINATIONS. IF YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN BEASTS, YOU WILL NOT IRK THE IRE OF-”
“Who? Yourself? Are you to say that all of your kind, and all of mother’s, would find us as revolting? If we are even to be found?”
The searing heat of Inarius’s golden wing wrapped around his torso, lifting him from the ground as if he were nothing more than a doll. He could easily tear through the tendril and free himself - his strength had not diminished in the slightest - but he did not. He chose not to. There was no sense, at this time, in struggling. The nephalem’s anxiety still stirred within him, but he would not show it still, he could not.
The grip tightened. And it was a grasp far more intense than any he had been held in prior during the angel’s bouts. The crack of rib would make Linarian wince in pain and bleed from the mouth, enough to signal for the angel to drop him to his knees. There was no aura of regret for the seemingly accidental exertion; Linarian would heal, and he did as he always had. It only took seconds for him to regain his breath, and for the bone to mend under flesh. It only took a moment longer for him to resume his argument after spitting aside the blood, trying not to distract himself with the taste of it lingering.
“I understand that-” “GOOD.” “But what of my kind? What of me? Am I not to aid my kin? And of my studies, I am so close to breakthroughs! To understanding how our souls work!” “NOT WITH YOUR POWERS. TEND TO YOUR POISONS AND MEDICINES IF YOU WILL. WATCH YOUR DEAD ROT. I CARE NOT. YOU WILL DO NOTHING THAT INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE THE POWER YOU DO. I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN.”
It seemed that Inarius would not debate him this time, even for entertainment and the chance of lecturing him as was in years past. Two wings would unfurl this time, one wrapping around his neck and the other his ribs again, and a sword of light would be summoned to his hand with an instantaneous flash and hum. It pointed at him, unwavering.  And as the tendril seared exposed flesh, Linarian felt death approaching him, his eyes settled on his father’s blade with a dread that he had only felt through other’s before in their final moments.
Inarius fully intended to kill should he not submit. But kill him he had not. The angel kept his son in the torturous state for seconds that felt like minutes, tossing Linarian this time to the cold ground with monstrous force. It was a warning, and one that he was now listening to closely.
The nephalem felt himself grow limp; he was left paralyzed in a pool of his own blood, even if only temporarily. His thoughts grew quiet. Nobody, not even he, could continue under the duress of such pain.
And with that, it seemed Inarius was done. The sword would disappear from whence it came, and the angel would turn his back, taking one glance back upon his child, who in turn, could barely manage to make out his father’s actions under the haze of blurring vision. Linarian would attempt to reach forwards without thought, but could not muster more than a twitch as the angel’s wings outstretched once more, propelling him forwards to leave the temple, and his son, in complete and utter silence. The debate was over as quickly as it had attempted to be began.
The first thing, other than pain as his senses began to spur once more, the nephalem could feel was more death from the far distances of their world. Inarius had gone to speak to the others.
And arguments were ensuing, and ending swiftly. One after another. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
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sir-contra · 4 years
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Managed to buy a month of World of Warcrack and you  bet your ass when a friend of mine took me to see Halduron and Lor’themar I fuckngihn dry humped my dumbass elf into him until it was time to further our venture
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seventh-gravewarden · 8 months
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Token for Hector Castellan Linarians sometimes grow feathers in their hair -- a sign they're destined to be great eagle riders.
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vulpeskorsak · 2 years
Day 19 of Whumptober 2022: Triumph
Day 19 of Whumptober 2022!
Knees Buckling | Repeatedly Passing Out | Head Lolling
Timeline-wise my current shorts go: Day 2 -> Day 15 -> Day 5 -> Day 16 -> Day 1 -> Day 18 -> Day 13 - > (Day 4 -> Day 9*) -> Day 3 -> Day 7 -> Day 8 -> Day 19 -> Day 6 -> Day 11 -> Day 12 -> Day 14 -> Day 17
*Day 4 and 9 do not happen in the same AU where Ludwig exists. Day 10 is a modern AU.
Victor is my human fleshsmith inventor (KibblesTasty Homebrew class) from a long-running DnD adventure. Ludwig Richter is a tiefling and a former gravedigger turned archeologist who wields a rifle and a battle shovel named Charon that I play in a TTRPG.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42549417 (AO3 link)
“You’ll be fine, my dear.” Victor whispers when he feels the man on his back stir. “I’ll make sure of it.”
Ludwig groans something incoherent in response trying to stay awake. He has no clue how long he has spent in that gods damned Tower. But it is his now. He is in control of this odd semi-sentient structure. He made it to the very top and then back down alive. And he can barely feel his own body.
He was surprised to see Victor right by the front door as he exited. He felt fine all the way down. But as soon as he took a single step out of the Tower, his body shut down on him and he blacked out almost right away.
“How…” He tries to ask but his throat is dry and he has no energy to finish the thought.
He uses what strength he has to hold on to the Doctor and nuzzle against the side of his neck and face.
“Six days, nine hours and three minutes.” Victor answers knowing exactly what he is wondering. “Don’t worry I wrote everything down… Which was not much but still. It was glowing at one point!”
The new Keeper of the Linarian Tower hums questioningly. He saw all sorts of things in that upwards maze but he does not remember it glowing at any point.
“The whole Tower! Top to bottom. I’m assuming it was when it accepted you as its owner, right?”
“Uh-huh.” Ludwig confirms, since it sounds like a solid theory, feeling his mind drifting away from him once again.
Victor’s long legs make short work of the bare rocky island around the giant Tower of uncountable floors. The gray structure would look like an odd natural pillar-looking rock formation if it were not for a massive stone double door and several windows of clear crystal here and there.
“Almost at camp.” Victor informs his partner, circling around a big rock in the middle of the island. “Are you feeling better?”
Him and two other people who came with Ludwig made camp on the opposite side of the island just in case everything goes wrong and they need to be as far away from it as possible.
He hears no answer to his question. His partner seems to have lost consciousness once again.
“I see… Don’t worry, Ludwig, you’re safe with me. I’ll take care of you.”
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