#Linda and Danny Reagan
twina1993 · 9 months
To the fans of Blue Bloods go and sign the petition to keep the show alive and share it on many social media platforms as possible. Pass it on and keep it going
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unknowntoyou2205 · 1 year
In which inevitable becomes reality 3/3
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Y/n sat at the door as bangs were heard outside the hall. Students shook in fear as the bangs were loud and close to the storage unit where they were hiding, and y/n feared for what was behind those doors. Everyone froze as a knock was heard, and y/n held her breath as a voice came through.
“Police open up. Officer Dunne, 43387, institute B” A voice called out through the door and y/n breathed out in relief as she heard them recite the information.
“Okay class, slowly and calmly, form a single line, link hands and get ready to move, crouch down and stay low, understood.” Y/n spoke softly, trying to calm the students down.
“How do we know it’s not the shooter.” A student asked and y/n smiled reassuringly.
“It’s okay, it’s not him.” Y/n assured them, although she knew there was a slight chance of it not being police, she was adamant that it was.
Students nodded and hesitantly got up, forming a line as y/n slowly pushed the gym mats out of the way. She winched as she pulled her shoulder but ignored it, adamant to get her students to safety. Carefully unlocking the door, without a sound y/n slowly opened the door, peaking through the gap to ensure it was the emergency services. Confirming it was the police, she opened the door fully and moved out of the way, allowing the kids to move out of the stuffy compartment before following last. With the kids holding hands and looking around for the shooter, they slowly made their way to the exit.
Y/n sighed as she realized that the fear that had become embedded in the childrens minds would now be engraved into their memory. She herself would find it hard to forget, however, y/n's thoughts were more at ease when they came towards the exit, and relief filled her as she seen the crowds of parents being reunited with their kids.
Frank, Danny and Jamie stood together as they watched the armed forces slowly bring students out, teachers following as they reunited with their loved ones. Danny shook his head in disbelief as he seen the fear written over the kids faces, the reality of school shootings turning up to their door steps present.
The three Reagan men watched as students ran to their parents, everyone crying in relief and worry of what had happened. The waves of students started to slow and they watched the entrance eagerly as they waited to see y/n being escorted to safety. With their vision purely on the school building none of them recognized the chief coming towards them until he was beside them, and their heads snapped to face him.
“I honestly don’t get some people. Who in their right mind thinks going into a school building, shooting people or in random areas is a smart thing to do.” Danny stated, not believing the reality of their home country.
“Beyond sickening. I mean these are children that now have to live with the fact that someone came into their school and shoot random people just for the hell of it.” Jamie agreed, shaking his head in disgust.
“We’ll never know what goes through their heads, or these kids. But we can be there for them, and hope that they can somehow move on.” Frank stated, watching as the kids were brought to safety.
" Shooter down, I repeat shooter down. Students and one teacher being lead out to safety." The voice commented and the trio sighed in relief.
“There’s one last class in the gym where the shooter was seen, were just waiting for the shooter to move or for them to be caught.” The chief stated and Frank sighed, putting his hand on his forehead, head dropping in frustration.
“How long till they can catch him?” Jamie asked, seeing his father wasn’t going to ask.
“They’re closing in on him.” The chief answered before nodding and leaving them to talk to the principal.
"But will it be quick enough?" Frank muttered.
"Dad, come on, don't think like that. You always say think positive of situations like this, so think positive." Danny pleaded, not wanting those thoughts in his head.
"I also taught you to think rationally." Frank stated, looking at his oldest, "There is a man with a gun close to her, Danny, who probably knows by now police are looking for him. He is not going to go down without trying to have leverage."
"And y/n has been trained for this situation. Unfortunate yes but she knows what to do and what to look out for. She won't let that man anywhere near those kids, meaning she won't open the door that she is behind unless she has been told the information to show it's safe." Danny stated and Frank looked up at him.
"God, I hope you're right." Frank stated before a shot was heard and Danny and Jamie's Radio came alive once more.
Their attention was brought to the school building, waiting the door to open. All they wanted was to see their daughter and sister again. Cries were heard throughout the area as the school door opened for the last time and armed forces started to come out, leading students who held hands out to safety. Frank watched the line of students head towards their families before turning his attention to the school, waiting to see his daughters face. His shoulders slumped in relief when he seen her exit last, eyes darting to ensure all her students were out safely.
"Y/n." Jamie called, drawing her attention to the Reagan men.
Y/n turned her head towards the familiar voice and tears built in her eyes when she seen her brothers and dad standing at the commissioners car. Smiling weakly she rushed towards them, allowing Danny to pull her into him. Feeling her oldest brother kiss her forehead, she reached out for Jamie's hand and gave it a squeeze. Realizing one person was missing, y/n turned to look over Danny's shoulder to see her father watching the siblings interaction with a teary smile. Y/n sighed in relief as Danny let her go before rushing into the comfort of her fathers arms, allowing the tears to fall. Danny and Jamie watched with sadness as their dad comforted their sister.
"Shh, it's okay, your okay." Frank soothed her, rubbing her hair in comfort.
"I was so scared. All we heard was gun firing and then he came to the gym and knocked on the door trying to get me to open it. I thought he would get in and get the kids." Y/n sobbed, unable to control her emotions.
"It's okay, your safe now, your with us. And I won't let anyone hurt you." Frank stated, pushing y/n back gently to cup her face and look her in the eye.
"I love you dad." Y/n stated, smiling and wiping her eyes to get rid of the tears.
"I love you too." Frank smiled back, kissing her forehead, " Now what do you say we head home and have some of grandpa's famous chicken, no doubt the family was there watching the news." 
"Yeah I'm starving." Jamie stated, all the worry making him hungry.
"Your always hungry." Danny remarked causing y/n and Frank to chuckle slightly at their behaviour.
"We'll meet you two back home, one of you bring y/n's car back, she's coming with me." Frank stated, causing y/n to look up at him with a smile as he placed an arm around her shoulders. "Come on sweetheart, let's get you home."
Back at Henry and Franks the rest of the family were eagerly waiting for the boys to return with y/n. Henry and Linda had made Henrys famous chicken pop pie, y/n’s favourite to help calm her after a chaotic day. Upon hearing the news from co-workers, the new shooting being hot topic at the office, Erin had rushed to her gramps to be with him and family. Nikki, Sean and Jack were brought to the Reagan household after Erin collected them and had been told to stay out of the living room where the news was kept on so the adults could keep up what was going on, although, Nikki being Nikki had snuck into the living room and seen the news, knowing where her aunt worked prayed that it would work out. In fact, she was the one to call out when students were seen being escorted out, and they all had waited to hear that the shooter had been caught or to see y/n following her students to safety. Relief had filled the household when y/n was seen, and they knew that Danny, Jamie and Frank would be able to comfort her
The door opened and Frank stepped through the door, y/n tucked under his arm as he called out they were home. Danny and Jamie were close behind the father daughter duo as they followed the noise to the living room. Having heard the front door open the family had watched for the cop, commissioner and detective to come through with the teacher and they stood up when y/n was seen with Frank
“Y/n.” Erin stated and moved towards her only sister.
Y/n allowed Erin to wrap her arms around her as Linda and Henry walked over to Frank and the boys, offering them comfort. The youngest daughter of Frank allowed herself to be passed from the hands of her sister to her sister in law, who rubbed her back in comfort. Looking over Linda's shoulder, she seen Henry watching them with a sad smile and she reached out to him. Seeing his granddaughter outreached hand, Henry took her hand in his and gently pulled her into his arms as Linda moved away, and that’s when tears fell from y/ns eyes once again and Henry shushed her as she sobbed into her grandfathers shoulder. Danny wrapped an arm around Lindas shoulder and hers around his waist as they watched the scene in front of them. Erin hugged her father in comfort, and Jamie placed an arm around Nikki as she watched with teary eyes.
After letting out her emotions, y/n pulled away from her grandfather and wiped her eyes, sniffing slightly as she calmed herself before she nearly tripped. She didn't have time to turn around and check the cause when two sets of arms wrapped around her. Turning around fully, y/n seen the heads of her two nephews, and waved off Linda as the mother went to warn her sons to be careful with their aunt before wrapping her arms around them.
Y/n followed her family to the dinner table and smiled as Linda and Erin brought out the food, laying it out like family dinners on Sundays. Once the women sat down everyone bowed their heads as Henry began to say grace.
“Aunt y/n.” The two boys cried, and y/n rubbed their backs in comfort.
“Hey boys.” She smiled, kissing both their heads before indicating for Nikki to join their hug.
“I’m glad your okay aunt y/n.” Nikki smiled, giving y/n a side hug as y/n kissed her cheek.
“Thanks Nikki.” Y/n smiled at her only niece, looking at the rest of her family as they watched the aunt comforting her niece and nephews.
“How about dinner, I made chicken pop pie.” Henry stated to his family and Jack and Sean cheered as they separated from their aunt.
Frank grabbed his daughters hand and gave it a squeeze and she looked at him and smiled. She can be kept from cases they worked, y/n was fine with that, but she just wished the inevitable would be no school shootings. 
“We also want to thank God for watching over our y/n and the local high school as they encountered another school shooting today. We pray that each effected will find healing and strength to continue on from this traumatic effect Amen.” Henry called out.
“Amen.” The family repeated before opening their eyes.
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luvforemikai · 2 years
The price of life
Jamie Reagan x daughter!reader
summary - when you get shot by an ex cop, you feel guilty for the justice that was brought on him
warnings - mentions of murder, blood, shooting, and guns. this is somewhat based of off season 1 episode 15 so you'll most likely understand it better if you watch the episode. Though most factors arent included in the episode and likewise. And if you see me put their names in front of quotes thats so you dont get confused.
"Whats the next question" your grandpa Frank asks. You and frank are at the park eating hotdogs while you're doing a school presentation on him and his job. "Do you regret some things that have happened on the job?" You say. Pretty hesitant because you might've already known the answer to that, considering what happened to your uncle Joe. Frank takes a deep breath to gather his thoughts while staring off into space. "I have a few. When you sign up to do the things i do. Along with your dad jamie and uncle danny, some things take a toll on you. Mentally. Physically." You look down, trying to avoid the uncomfortable eye contact.. "There are things i regret i admit that. But i dont regret anything that has brought you guys into my life", he says while lifting your chin and smiling. You plaster a sad but meaningful smile on your face. "What else you got for me kid." Frank says while taking a bite out of his fry. You chuckle and look at your paper.
"So, how was i? Too detailed? Not enough details?" Frank asks while walking you to your apartment complex. Jamie had just gotten home. Its nearly dark out when you hear tires screech on the road. "You were percectly fi-" you're cut off by frank taking you to the ground, and sound of gunshots, and a burning feeling in your chest and leg. The dark SUV drifted off before you could process what happened. "Are you okay??" Frank asks while his security team asks the same of him. "Yeah" you faintly whisper with a rasp in your voice. Franks face is plain until he looks at your chest. You look down too and see blood pooling. Frank takes his hands and puts them on your wound making you flinch and groan. "You're gonna be okay y/n, just listen to the sound of my voice", is all you hear while your vision gets blurred and you slowly lose consciousness.
You wake up in the hospital with all the reagans surrounding you. "Y/n". Jamie says your name as he's sitting on a chair beside your hospital bed. You groan as you try to shift positions. "Agh, what happened". Jamie puts a hand on your shoulder "just lay down, relax." "You were shot y/n. In the chest and leg." Danny says. Linda is beside you too, rubbing your arm. She's always been like a mother to you so it was actually quite comforting, which was her initial goal. "We're gonna find who did this to you, i promise" frank says while reaching into his coat pocket to make some calls. He walks out of the room and starts talking to somebody on the phone. "Let me know if you need anything, and i mean anything".."thank you aunt erin" you say while weakly smiling. Your father, Jamie, kisses you on the forehead and leaves the room.
Its been 2 weeks and you're finally getting discharged. Feeling nothing but relief to sleep in your own bed again, eating seasoned foods that aren't bland. You order your dad to stop by the market to get you some jell-o. You've became addicted to it in the hospital and craved more. He agreed after you used your crippled status as a defeating moment. "Take it easy okay?" Jamie says as you make your way on the wheelchair. "I'll be fine I swear.". As you leave the hospital you can sense theres more than your additional family member outside waiting for you, and you were right. Frank ordered officers to 1, take you home and 2, stand gaurd outside of your apartment building. He'd offered you come stay at his home but you just wanted to lay in your bed. Jamie helped you into the back of the car. Your cast on your leg making it extra hard. He hands you your crutches and goes into the driver seat, telling frank we'll be just fine without the escort home.
You arrive home and eddie janko is there. You're crutches are giving you a hard time so she made it easier for you and met you half way. "Hiiii!!!" You say excited. Eddie was like another mother to you so seeing her after what happened instantly made you 1000x better. "Aww i heard about what happened, are you okayy".."yeah i will be. Thank you for coming though I've been wanting to see you" you say while smiling ear to ear, happy your second favorite person in the world is there with you. "Anything for you".."Cmon sweetie lets go inside" jamie says, worried your arms might give out relying on those crutches. You make it up the elevator to your home and head straight for the stairs. You freeze and stare at them in defeat. "Uh dad".."yeah?" He says while closing and locking the door. "Can i get some help". He looks at you and starts to laugh under his breath at the fact that you completely forgot you had stairs. He lifts you up bridal style and takes you up to your room.
Its sunday and you're getting ready for sunday dinner over franks place. You're trying to put on some pants and slide them over your cast but you're having a hell of a hard time. Eddie knocks on your door. "You need help with that?".."yes. Please. Im getting hot and stressed" while you let out a tired chuckle. "Ive had so many casts this is like muscle memory for me." Eddie says while kneeling and smiling. "Thank you for being here. I really appreciate it. Im glad my dad doesnt have to help me all by himself."..."of course. And i want you to know im not just doing this for your dad im doing it for you too. You both need a break it looks like"..."yeah you got that right" you say while laughing and eddie joins in. "Hey you guys ready to go?" Jamie walks in with your shoes and crutches. "Yeah dad lets go".
You arrive at franks place and is greeted like a lost puppy. You dont know how to feel about it but you were just shot twice so you let it slide for now. You guys are sitting at the table eating when your uncle danny mentions the person who shot you. Danny - "well, thank God the person who shot you is no longer in the streets" Y/n - "you guys arrested him? Why did nobody tell me?" You say while smiling. Danny - "well... we didnt exactly arrest him" y/n - "what do you mean?... you killed him?" Danny - "we seen the shot and took it y/n." Y/n - "right but why." Henry - "y/n he shot you. Did you expect them to just let him live" y/n - "no but it was the right thing to do!" You say while your voice shakes and cracks. Danny - "he shot you y/n!! And who knows who else he was thinkin about killing! Mind you, you arent the only one in new york he could've had his eyes on!" Y/n - "Yeah! I know that but you dont go around killing people in my name! I lived! And his life doesnt substitute for mine even if i didnt!!" You yell and grab your crutches to walk out. "Y/n!" Jamie yells after you while you leave to go sit in the living room. "She's right ya know" frank says as he takes a spoonfull of food in his mouth.
You refuse to talk to anyone and tell jamie to take you home. He does as he's asked to prevent any other arguing.
You're sitting in bed, blaming yourself for your shooters death when jamie comes in with the rest of your dinner you left. "Thank you" you smile and take the plate and spoon. Jamie sits next to you and put his arm around you. "Its not your fault you know"..."how"..."your uncle danny made a decision. Maybe that decision wasn't his to make but he made it. And he got a killer off the streets because of it. We didn't tell you this but, that guy, he was a killer. He took people away from their families. Mothers, fathers, daughters. People like that have no humanity. No guilt. No respect. Uncle danny made the decision that one life would save hundreds more. The life of the victims, the life of the cops who work the case, and the life of the families. Maybe it was the right decision maybe it wasn't. Who are we to decide that. But one thing i do know is that this is not your fault and it will never be your fault. Its his for putting a price on life.". You nod and look up at him. "Thank you dad" while he kisses your forehead. He takes a spoon of your food and eats it. "This is really good". You both laugh and look at eachother while he rests his head on the top of yours. "I love you y/n" "i love you too"
I redid the end 3 times. Hope it was worth it.
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longlivelindanny · 5 months
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From Instagram
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kissandships · 5 months
If you could change one storyline from one show by talking to the characters in that storyline: what show, what storyline, which characters, and what would you say?
Lisa coming in with the hard questions! 😂
There’s a lot, but here are two:
1) Hill Street Blues, and that awful s2 storyline where they commit character asasination. I’d tell Henry not to cheat on Rachel. The storyline came way out of left field, making it so jarring and so out of character. Even though I think they’d still end up divorced (Rachel’s kinda a bitch), I’d still tell him, “hey, this is wrong. It doesn’t matter if she did it too. If y’all are bored with each other, take her out on another stakeout.”
2) Danny Reagan’s attitude towards Linda in Blue Bloods. This happens quite a bit, but the one time it REALLY pissed me off was in season 3, where he UP AND LEFT HER BECAUSE SHE WAS DOING HER JOB. I’d tell him, “ You are an asshole of the highest degree. If Linda let you talk with that guy, she’d not only lose her license, but she wouldn’t be able to practice medicine anymore. Ever. Besides, she could be charged with accessory to murder. Stop this self righteousness and love your wife.”
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bluebloodsgurl · 9 months
Merry Christmas!
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I know I'm posting this late, but I got caught up in life. Also I couldn't find a Christmas gif for Blue Bloods 😢
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Linda: Danny, the phone
Danny: Mmhmm. It rings
Linda: can you answer it?
Danny: no. People are particularly stupid today. I can’t talk to anymore of them
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luvutothemoon · 7 months
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snow-licity · 8 months
I just finished the best edit video I think I've ever made! I'm so excited!! It comes out on the 20th and its an Olicity video!
This is insane bc my least favorite video I made was my first Olicity video a few years ago and I just didn't like how if turned out or the song I used for them.
But its part 1 of my Olicitys Story videos which I've had in my head for YEARS I just couldn't get them made!
I have 4 total already finished with 7😬 more on the way and I'm working on a Linda and Danny edit that should be up on the 13th!!
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But time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I'm getting older too
By SilverShadow1
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“Look. I probably don’t say it enough, but I’m very proud of you.”
5 times Danny didn’t tell Jamie that he was proud of him (Based on s9e14)
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enigmatist17 · 9 months
Okay but Danny and Frank being almost in tears when they got Linda back home safe has me in a chokehold 😭
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axelwolf8109 · 10 months
I love the Reagans
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unknowntoyou2205 · 1 year
In which inevitable becomes reality 2/3
Info: Y/n Regan is held hostage in the school where she works, and her family wait outside to have her safe.
Warnings: Mention of school shooting
Series masterlist
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Frank's leg shook with fear of unknown as his car pulled up to the scene, the police force moving to allow the commissioners car to enter. Tape outlined the perimeter and crowds of onlookers and parents watched despite the forces attempts to get them to evacuate the area. As the car came to a stop Frank jumped out before his protection officers got to open the door for him, heading towards the scene.
Danny stood by his car, talking to the head of the case about what was happening when he heard another car pull up, and looked towards it to see his father. He watched as his dad got out of the car and moved towards him, his security quick to follow. Fear was present in both Reagan men as they nodded at each other.
“Commissioner, why are you here?” The head police asked in confusion. “Well, when family is involved I will be there.” Frank stated, causing the heads confusion to increase. “There’s a Reagan in there?” “Yes, there is. So, can you tell me what is going on and how long you plan to wait before entering that building to find the shooter.” Frank ordered. “They can’t find him dad, they have spotters watching out for someone who holds anything like a gun.” Danny stated, indicating to the guards with excess protection moving to evaluate the school. “And how long will that take?” “We’re trying as fast as we can sir.” The head spoke up, trying to keep the Reagans calm. “Well maybe you should be helping them instead of standing around here.” Frank spoke out of character, letting his worry show. “With all due respect sir, you and I both know that we have as many forces as we can circling the perimeter and preparing to enter when we get the go ahead.” The head spoke, warning the commissioner that he was showing feelings, a no no in the work force they were in. “Your right, sorry, continue on.” Frank dismissed the police who nodded and left the father son duo alone.
“Dad, Danny.”
The named men turned their attention to the voice that called out to them to see the Reagans youngest son hopping out of a barely stopped police car. Jamie jumped out of the car and rushed towards his family, not bothering to wait for his partner.
“Jamie.” Frank acknowledged his youngest son before turning towards the school building. “How long you reckon it will take.” Danny asked his father, putting his hands on his hips. “Could take hours, less than an hour. These situations are hard to tell, too many hostages that could get harmed with one slip up, we need to be sensitive of the situation and make sure that we get as many people out as possible, unharmed.” Frank answered, not moving his eyes from the building that held his daughter. “Has anyone heard from y/n?” Jamie asked, watching his dad and brother shake their heads. “I messaged her, she’s doing the right thing not answering, we don’t know anything, for all we know the shooter could have someone tracking any outside communication.” “She’ll be okay right?” Jamie asked, knowing that no one could answer honestly with the situation at hand. “She’s a Reagan.” Danny stated, eyeing his dad before heading towards Jackie, hoping to keep his mind from his sister.
“She’ll be okay Danny.” Jackie stated as her partner rubbed his face in frustration. “Yeah, tell me that when I see her.” Danny stated, opening the door to the car before getting into it, allowing his emotions to get the better of him for a minute.
“How you holding up dad, honestly.” Jamie asked after watching Danny walk away. “I just want my daughter back in safe grounds Jamie, she shouldn’t have to deal with this in her work force, no teacher should.” Frank stated, shaking his head to get rid of emotions present. “We’ll get her out dad, and be there for her like she has been for us.” Jamie stated. “She’ll need us if she gets out.” “When she get’s out.” Jamie corrected her dad, patting his shoulder before leaving to help his partner with the crowds of concerned parents.
2hrs later and y/n still sat at the same position near the door, listening outside for any sound of movement as students sat in fear. They heard the occasional bands and each one caused everyone to flinch, afraid of what was to come. Despite her best efforts to keep her students calm, both her and them feared for the unknown. Still, she knew her dad and brothers were outside or close by rom the message her father has sent her. She was afraid to answer him incase they could be tracked via phones.
Once a month the new normal was to practice drills on what to do and how to handle situations like this, but never had she thought she would become involved in an active shooting and hostage situation. Y/n was scared and felt like she let down her students. Reality was that if it came to it, she would rather take a bullet for her students than watch the bullet engrave them, but even then she wouldn't be able to save them if the shooter found where they were. She would be the one to live with her students death, the kids would have to live with having watched their fellow student die from the hand of a bullet. Students would be terrified to come to school after this, hell, she wouldn't be able to walk into the school building without thinking of the lives that were inevitable lost, lives that should still be with them.
Y/n's thoughts were interrupted when she heard a piercing bank outside the door. Students gasped and screamed at how close the sound was, causing y/n to scramble to her knees and move closer to the group of kids, shushing them. Footsteps were heard outside and she placed her finger to her lips, pleading with the students to stay quiet. Closing her eyes, y/n prayed as a tear fell from her eyes, allowing emotions to come through. Hearing the door handle being fiddled with, y/n moved back towards the door and held her breath, not knowing who was on the other side.
“Police, open up.” A gruff voice was heard and y/n’s eyes widened, not knowing what to do.
The voice coming from behind the door was not the police, that was not how police alerted them of being there, teachers were told they would be told the officers name, badge number and institute of residence. The students in y/n's care watched her as she shook her head not to say anything as she bent down, avoiding the small window that was covered in case there was a gap. She breathed out shakily, coaching the students to follow her lead in hopes of calming them down. The room remained silent as they listened, wondering if the man was still outside and y/n prayed they would make it out okay.
Danny and Jamie stood at the perimeter of the school where crowds were present, keeping concerned parents and on lookers calm and away from the active shooting area. Five shots were heard and everyone screamed, hoping and praying it wasn't their loved ones. Frank had been forced to move towards his car for safety, but he refused to get into it and now stood beside it. Everyone flinched hearing another bang from inside, some parents screamed and police indicated for them to quiet down to avoid major disturbance. Frank looked to the car as the radio came to life and Jamie and Danny eyes each other as they brought their radios closer to their ears.
“We got sight of the shooter, young man, early 20’s, heading into gym area. Enter with caution.” The voice came through. “Okay you heard him, I want people in groups of 6 moving through the main building, evacuating the building. Remain vigilant for sound and any possible movement. You know the drill, check bathrooms, offices, all rooms present. Announce name, badge number and institute of resident to alert teachers you are police, understood?” The chief asked into his radio as Frank walked towards him.
A chorus of 'understood' came through and the armed forces began to enter the building, splitting into smaller groups upon entrance. Danny and Jamie moved closer to their father, fear present on the three men's faces. They knew they couldn't go in but all they wanted to do was get y/n and bring her to safety. Frank nodded at his two boys, watching the crowds of armed forces enter.
“A step closer to getting her out.” Frank stated, not taking his eyes away from the school building. “A step closer to knowing she’s okay.” Danny agreed, hoping this would be over soon.
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fyeahamycarlson · 2 years
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I reached for you, but you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
You searched the world for something else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland
We both went mad
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longlivelindanny · 28 days
What a Danny/Linda kid would actually look like
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
She’s killing him.
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