#Jamie and Eddie Janko-Reagan
twina1993 · 9 months
To the fans of Blue Bloods go and sign the petition to keep the show alive and share it on many social media platforms as possible. Pass it on and keep it going
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tmaeskull · 5 months
Eddie Janko’s camera roll
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luvforemikai · 2 years
The price of life
Jamie Reagan x daughter!reader
summary - when you get shot by an ex cop, you feel guilty for the justice that was brought on him
warnings - mentions of murder, blood, shooting, and guns. this is somewhat based of off season 1 episode 15 so you'll most likely understand it better if you watch the episode. Though most factors arent included in the episode and likewise. And if you see me put their names in front of quotes thats so you dont get confused.
"Whats the next question" your grandpa Frank asks. You and frank are at the park eating hotdogs while you're doing a school presentation on him and his job. "Do you regret some things that have happened on the job?" You say. Pretty hesitant because you might've already known the answer to that, considering what happened to your uncle Joe. Frank takes a deep breath to gather his thoughts while staring off into space. "I have a few. When you sign up to do the things i do. Along with your dad jamie and uncle danny, some things take a toll on you. Mentally. Physically." You look down, trying to avoid the uncomfortable eye contact.. "There are things i regret i admit that. But i dont regret anything that has brought you guys into my life", he says while lifting your chin and smiling. You plaster a sad but meaningful smile on your face. "What else you got for me kid." Frank says while taking a bite out of his fry. You chuckle and look at your paper.
"So, how was i? Too detailed? Not enough details?" Frank asks while walking you to your apartment complex. Jamie had just gotten home. Its nearly dark out when you hear tires screech on the road. "You were percectly fi-" you're cut off by frank taking you to the ground, and sound of gunshots, and a burning feeling in your chest and leg. The dark SUV drifted off before you could process what happened. "Are you okay??" Frank asks while his security team asks the same of him. "Yeah" you faintly whisper with a rasp in your voice. Franks face is plain until he looks at your chest. You look down too and see blood pooling. Frank takes his hands and puts them on your wound making you flinch and groan. "You're gonna be okay y/n, just listen to the sound of my voice", is all you hear while your vision gets blurred and you slowly lose consciousness.
You wake up in the hospital with all the reagans surrounding you. "Y/n". Jamie says your name as he's sitting on a chair beside your hospital bed. You groan as you try to shift positions. "Agh, what happened". Jamie puts a hand on your shoulder "just lay down, relax." "You were shot y/n. In the chest and leg." Danny says. Linda is beside you too, rubbing your arm. She's always been like a mother to you so it was actually quite comforting, which was her initial goal. "We're gonna find who did this to you, i promise" frank says while reaching into his coat pocket to make some calls. He walks out of the room and starts talking to somebody on the phone. "Let me know if you need anything, and i mean anything".."thank you aunt erin" you say while weakly smiling. Your father, Jamie, kisses you on the forehead and leaves the room.
Its been 2 weeks and you're finally getting discharged. Feeling nothing but relief to sleep in your own bed again, eating seasoned foods that aren't bland. You order your dad to stop by the market to get you some jell-o. You've became addicted to it in the hospital and craved more. He agreed after you used your crippled status as a defeating moment. "Take it easy okay?" Jamie says as you make your way on the wheelchair. "I'll be fine I swear.". As you leave the hospital you can sense theres more than your additional family member outside waiting for you, and you were right. Frank ordered officers to 1, take you home and 2, stand gaurd outside of your apartment building. He'd offered you come stay at his home but you just wanted to lay in your bed. Jamie helped you into the back of the car. Your cast on your leg making it extra hard. He hands you your crutches and goes into the driver seat, telling frank we'll be just fine without the escort home.
You arrive home and eddie janko is there. You're crutches are giving you a hard time so she made it easier for you and met you half way. "Hiiii!!!" You say excited. Eddie was like another mother to you so seeing her after what happened instantly made you 1000x better. "Aww i heard about what happened, are you okayy".."yeah i will be. Thank you for coming though I've been wanting to see you" you say while smiling ear to ear, happy your second favorite person in the world is there with you. "Anything for you".."Cmon sweetie lets go inside" jamie says, worried your arms might give out relying on those crutches. You make it up the elevator to your home and head straight for the stairs. You freeze and stare at them in defeat. "Uh dad".."yeah?" He says while closing and locking the door. "Can i get some help". He looks at you and starts to laugh under his breath at the fact that you completely forgot you had stairs. He lifts you up bridal style and takes you up to your room.
Its sunday and you're getting ready for sunday dinner over franks place. You're trying to put on some pants and slide them over your cast but you're having a hell of a hard time. Eddie knocks on your door. "You need help with that?".."yes. Please. Im getting hot and stressed" while you let out a tired chuckle. "Ive had so many casts this is like muscle memory for me." Eddie says while kneeling and smiling. "Thank you for being here. I really appreciate it. Im glad my dad doesnt have to help me all by himself."..."of course. And i want you to know im not just doing this for your dad im doing it for you too. You both need a break it looks like"..."yeah you got that right" you say while laughing and eddie joins in. "Hey you guys ready to go?" Jamie walks in with your shoes and crutches. "Yeah dad lets go".
You arrive at franks place and is greeted like a lost puppy. You dont know how to feel about it but you were just shot twice so you let it slide for now. You guys are sitting at the table eating when your uncle danny mentions the person who shot you. Danny - "well, thank God the person who shot you is no longer in the streets" Y/n - "you guys arrested him? Why did nobody tell me?" You say while smiling. Danny - "well... we didnt exactly arrest him" y/n - "what do you mean?... you killed him?" Danny - "we seen the shot and took it y/n." Y/n - "right but why." Henry - "y/n he shot you. Did you expect them to just let him live" y/n - "no but it was the right thing to do!" You say while your voice shakes and cracks. Danny - "he shot you y/n!! And who knows who else he was thinkin about killing! Mind you, you arent the only one in new york he could've had his eyes on!" Y/n - "Yeah! I know that but you dont go around killing people in my name! I lived! And his life doesnt substitute for mine even if i didnt!!" You yell and grab your crutches to walk out. "Y/n!" Jamie yells after you while you leave to go sit in the living room. "She's right ya know" frank says as he takes a spoonfull of food in his mouth.
You refuse to talk to anyone and tell jamie to take you home. He does as he's asked to prevent any other arguing.
You're sitting in bed, blaming yourself for your shooters death when jamie comes in with the rest of your dinner you left. "Thank you" you smile and take the plate and spoon. Jamie sits next to you and put his arm around you. "Its not your fault you know"..."how"..."your uncle danny made a decision. Maybe that decision wasn't his to make but he made it. And he got a killer off the streets because of it. We didn't tell you this but, that guy, he was a killer. He took people away from their families. Mothers, fathers, daughters. People like that have no humanity. No guilt. No respect. Uncle danny made the decision that one life would save hundreds more. The life of the victims, the life of the cops who work the case, and the life of the families. Maybe it was the right decision maybe it wasn't. Who are we to decide that. But one thing i do know is that this is not your fault and it will never be your fault. Its his for putting a price on life.". You nod and look up at him. "Thank you dad" while he kisses your forehead. He takes a spoon of your food and eats it. "This is really good". You both laugh and look at eachother while he rests his head on the top of yours. "I love you y/n" "i love you too"
I redid the end 3 times. Hope it was worth it.
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doctorkinktraveller · 2 months
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longlivelindanny · 2 years
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jankossmile · 2 years
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ok but y’all, what if we got a scene of Frank, Jamie, AND Eddie fishing??? It’s not a want, it’s a need 🥹
I’m super new to Tumblr and pardon me if I look like I have no idea what I’m doing cuz I don’t 🤓
my Instagram: jankossmile
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ameliagiovanna0 · 2 years
What if Tim does something like Jamie did on Blue Bloods where he technically didn't work in the same station and he took a different position but they still worked together
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“We know you’re in love with her, Jamie, but do you have to make it so obvious?”
— Danny, to Jamie, anytime after 5x1
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But time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I'm getting older too
By SilverShadow1
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“Look. I probably don’t say it enough, but I’m very proud of you.”
5 times Danny didn’t tell Jamie that he was proud of him (Based on s9e14)
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mysticgirl84 · 2 years
Watch "Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me" on YouTube
Having major Jamko vibes. Just swap the girlfriend to boyfriend, him to her and it may as well be Jamie singing about Eddie and her taste in men. My mind is an odd thing at 6am. I wish someone would do a music video.
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chimerazodiac · 2 years
Who are your favorite male and female characters from Once Upon, Supernatural, and Blue Bloods?
Once Upon A Time:
Male: August W. Booth|Pinocchio or Killian Jones|Captain Hook (+Peter Pan)
Female: Ruby|Red Lucas
probably (+ Ingrid|The Snow Queen)
Male: Bobby Singer, Castiel, Balthazar, Gabriel, Adam Milligan, Michael, or Garth Fitzgerald IV (I can't decide!)
Female: Bela Talbot (second would probably be Hannah or Alex maybe)
Blue Bloods
Male: Jamie probably (+ Anthony)
Female: Probably Eddie
(I don't watch many episodes after they got engaged, but I'm a big fan of Jamko)
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madalore1994 · 2 years
"Jamie and Eddie || through the dark"
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captain-penguin2 · 2 years
Blue Bloods season premiere is today!!!! Finally!! Been waiting for what feels like forever!!
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axelwolf8109 · 20 days
Anthony calling the Reagans "Law Enforcement Mafia" is hilarious
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longlivelindanny · 1 year
You should do BB characters x glee quites
I ABSOLUTELY should! Alphabetically!
Anthony: “Me, I never wanted kids — don't have the time, don't have the uterus.''
Baker: “What is your problem?!”
Danny: “No one goes after one of my friends and gets away with it."
Eddie: “I’m right, you’re wrong. I’m smart, you’re dumb.”
Erin: “The English language lacks the requisite words to express just how much I dislike you.”
Frank: “Don’t lose track of who you are just because it might be easier to be someone else.”
Garrett: “This is what we call a total disaster, [Frank]”
Gormley: “You guys need to stop being such asses and start being bad asses”
Henry: “Family is like fudge. It’s mostly sweet, but with a bunch of nuts.”
Jack R: “Who cares what happens when we get there when the getting there has been so much fun?”
Jamie: “Be the change you want to see in the world”
Linda: “Don't wish away your life, you're exactly where you're supposed to be."
Maria: “I'm all about empowerment”
Nicky: “I'm only really generous if there's something in it for me."
Sean: “Hot Cheetos have been proven to raise endorphins and make happy kids”
Wendy Lightner: “What I love the most about you is that you don't try to do or be what anyone else is doing, okay? You make your own path."
Danny and Eddie: “ooh, baby cupcakes!”
Nicky, Wendy, or Sophie: “I’m so depressed, I’ve worn the same outfit twice this week”
Wendy, after 1x19: “I also snagged you this little number by a designer so fancy, I can’t even pronounce his name!”
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romancemedia · 2 years
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