#Lindsay Burge
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Arto Lindsay, China Burg & Mark Cunningham
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Rule Number 1
Adam had an army.
He also had a baby Celzex in his pocket, but that was beside the point, and secondary only to the army. Had Sunny rolled her eyes at him? Yes, yes she had saying, “Don’t you have enough children already.” To which he had pointed out that Celzex were significantly lower maintenance than all of his previous children.. If he could have adopted an armful of the little fluffballs he would have, but, while he was relatively sure he could get one past his wife, he wasn’t entirely sure he could get an armful.
So today, armed with a rifle, a handgun, two collapsible spears, three knives, and both of his fists, he stood at the head of his army. The Bob shown down from above, ha, he loved saying that, lighting the arcadian morning with cutting rays of blinding, white light. Before him, his waiting army stood on the green, rows and rows of men and women, many of which he recognized.
This was it.
This is where it all began.
He straightened himself, and flexed his shoulders, listening as the SE armor whirred lazily to life.
On the right, the spartans: With their own SE division standing proudly at the front, towering men and women in towering exosuits and bulky armor topped by corinthian style helmets. King James and his Queen Xanthia stood at the forefront. To their left the arcadian army, technically that phrase was sort of a misnomer as almost everyone on arcadia was combat capable.
It would be a safer bet to say that in front of him stood, a fraction of the Arcadian standing army, specifically those who made it their full time job to protect their little planet. The Arcadian SE division also stood out front, though there was a conspicuous hole gaping open in the front ranks, still yet to be filled, despite a few new additions to the fold: previous SE Soldiers Kier Lindsay and Jane, his old MTI Kimball, and the senator’s son Pier. A few other faces had since added themselves to the cause, including old friends from the Bramble and Hathor colony, joining not because they were particularly fond of war, but because they were tired of living in fear of the void.
To the left of them stood the Drev, battalions upon battalions of waiting soldiers eager and raring for battle including every member of the Nakt clan, and quite a few members of Sunny’s home clan growing up. Dzara led a sizable contingent of her own soldiers, and Even kanan had taken up his spear again. Unfortunately, and to Adam’s great dismay Hijan had also taken up her spear. Adam had argued with her for a long time about how she was simply too old to be risking her life, but that argument just proved her point.
She was too old, and if she was going to die, she wanted to do it with a spear in her hand.
It wasn’t a request he could deny the old Drev, who had become like a third grandmother to him, and a surrogate mother to Sunny.
Beyond them stood the odds and ends, their borrowed Celex battalion, who were the least intimidating and probably most dangerous soldiers on the field. Standing close to them was Etium heading a squad of soldiers that included everyone that wasn’t either human or Drev, simply for organizations sake, this including mostly tesraki, but also had the odd rundi or burg to name a few.
They had some Mikes and Lumin around here somewhere, but the were not' part of the combat portion of things.
This was it, the moment they would finally fill the Empyrean to her full capacity.
Members of the old guard stood with him. Nairobi, Admiral Simon, Glados, Conn, Krill, Riss, Dr. Adric, Katie, Celex, and Ramirez, who stood stoic and silent at the back of the group belying his usually expected cheerful demeanor distantly eyeing that hole in the SE line. 
And then, of course, there was Sunny at his side where he always hoped she would be, where she would belong until the day he died.
Their previous mission to find and root out the void had been a bust, but this time, they knew where they were going and what they were doing.
They knew where to look.
Adam turned his head subtly to look at Sunny, resplendent in her shimmering pearlescent armor. Catching his eye, she nodded once, and he needed no other prompting as he stepped forward and held up a hand.
The field around them quieted.
What would he say?
He wasn’t entirely sure.
They waited in silence for a moment, but he didn’t panic. He let the silence draw out as he lowered his head to contemplate his words. What sort of thing did you say to people who might be offering up their lives to death?
Thank you?
That seemed rather route.
Good luck?
That seemed kind of stupid too, the words too week to really grasp the words he felt needed to be said.
In the end he didn’t settle on the words that would adequately express his feelings, but he did come across the right words.
“Are you ready!”
The Spartans chanted, The Drev roared, and the soldiers threw up a shout. All other aliens sort of just looked around in confusion, except of course, for Etium who lost his damn mind.
Their voices died down.
Adam clasped his hands behind his back, feeling as his spine straightened and his chin lifted. A breeze cut pst them tugging playfully at his hair. He set his jaw firmly, “This is it.” His voice carried surprisingly well over the crowd, “No more guessing, no more games, no more sitting back on our collective asses while the void plots against our family, homes and children.”
More chanting rose up.
“Kazna has repeatedly taken the fight to our front doorstep. She has murdered in our capitals, she has come into our homes, but all that ends today.”
Drev spears thundered against the ground.
“Today, we take the fight to her doorstep,”
“We bring chaos to their safehouses.”
Boots thundered against the ground.
“And we take back this universe for our children, and our children's children, and whoever the hell comes after that.”
More shouting.
But he was almost definitely sure they would have cheered him on no matter what he decided to yell about, good speech or no.
“Today we take the Empyrean to victory, or nothing!”
The cheering rose, raised into the sky. Spears clattered against shields as he stood staring down at his waiting army.
He allowed them to cheer for a few moments allowing a small smile to creep up and onto his face.
“There is one thing I need to go over first.”
The roaring of the crowd died away somewhat into confusion.
He paced forward, hands resting gently behind his back as he walked up and down before the waiting soldiers.
In his mind’s eye, he could see everything that came before, couldn’t help but think about all of the things that had to happen to lead him to this moment. How a boy, from mid Mericanda can go from alien obsessed loser to having his own army. In a little over a decade of life, Adam had experienced the first interstellar mission, the first meeting with aliens, a several wars on several alien planets, the rise and fall of diplomatic relations. He had gained grudging respect for and then fallen in love with an enemy. He had befriended a powerful maniacal alien despot. He had learned about the origins of life, stolen god’s spaceship, and involved himself in a cosmic war with his mother in law, all while getting married and having kids.
He was pretty sure it was impossible to have all of that in one life.
Sunny was pretty close.
Krill was close too.
And he was almost positive that there were several things in that list that he had accidentally left out.
It almost made him laugh.
The crowd was still waiting for him, their eyes fixed upon him as he paced back and forth at their front. Never had he thought he would be comfortable in front of a crowd this large, yet, here he was.
He held up a hand, “Listen up, and listen carefully because i will not be repeating myself when we get this started.”  his lazy smile continued filling him with an ever increasing amount of amusement.
“The first rule of the Empyrean crew….”
For the first time in what might have been weeks, Adam heard the low bark of Ramirez’s laugh echoing up from behind him. The marine knew exactly what was coming next.
Adam could sense Krill’s Anima rolling its eyes  against both the laws of physics and anatomy.
Katie, still a bit somber from events proceeding in the last few weeks, had to cover her mouth with her hand.
Dr.. Adric snorted a sudden huff of air, like an amused bull.
Adam smiled, Life hadn’t beaten the joy out of this man
At least not yet.
He lifted his chin and raised his voice to echo out across the field, “First rule of the Empyrean….” He let the statement hang on the air for a long moment before raising his hands, filling the air with a chorus led by his own voice
“Don’t Chuck marshmallows at neutron stars!” 
Adam grinned, “Damn straight.”
And then Adam turned, stiff and straight as he took a step, and wheeled away. 
Heelys , just like riding a bike 
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03.07.23 Schottland - Dunnottar Castle
Heute sind wir eine relativ kurze Strecke gefahren, was am Ende 145km bedeutet, quasi OFF-Day und auch gut war, da das Wetter am Nachmittag viele Schauer parat hatte. Wir verbringen heute eine 2. Nacht im Airlie Arms Hotel in Kirriemuir. Unser „Ausflugsziel“ heute war Dunnottar Castle und was soll ich sagen -> Ogilvies hatten auch hier mitgemischt und Burkhart Ogilvie hat das Castle folgendermaßen beschrieben:
„Das muss man einfach gesehen haben!!! Auf vielen Büchern über Schottland erscheint das Bild dieses Castles auf dem Umschlag! Wenn man vom Parkplatz in Richtung Meer geht, steht man plötzlich vor dem Abgrund und blickt auf eine große Burg auf einem Felsen im Meer. Das ist Dunnottar Castle!!! Wir kennen keine Burg auf der britischen Insel, die eindrucksvoller ist!
Dazu nun noch die Geschichte! 1652/53 hat George Ogilvy of Barras (ein kleines Gut in der Nähe) mit seinen Mannen das Castle 9 Monate lang gegen Cromwell und sein Heer verteidigt. Cromwell wollte unbedingt das Castle erobern, weil dort die schottischen Kron-Insignien versteckt waren. George war es gelungen, mit Hilfe seiner Frau die Insignien aus der Burg zu schmuggeln. Danach übergab er das Castle an Cromwell. Als der in dem Gebäude die Insignien nicht fand, ließ er „jeden Stein umdrehen“, fand aber natürlich nicht, was er suchte.“
Und in der Tat findet man den Namen Ogilvie auf dem Castle erwähnt. An einigen Schildern ist der Name zu finden und in der Wand eingeschlagen liest man folgende Inschrift auf hellblauen Grund (siehe Fotos -> Saskia am Schreibtisch sitzend)
Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch bei einer - und jetzt kommt’s - Wodka Distillery vorbei gefahren, die leider geschlossen war, ABER 😊✌️ Wer freundlich fragt 🫶 dem wird trotzdem exklusiv geöffnet.
Naja, bei dieser Familiengeschichte mussten wir doch etwas mitnehmen 😉.
Cheers. Aber nun soll es das auch mit Familiengeschichte gewesen sein, denn morgen werden wir die Gegend verlassen und weiter nach Norden fahren. 🏍️ 🏍️
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flipjack · 3 years
Clip from Cinema Toast - Warehouse Friends
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mantaypeli · 3 years
The Beatles: Get Back
The Beatles: Get Back
★★★★★ El cineasta neozelandés Peter Jackson aceptó el encargo de bucear en las más de 60 horas de metraje inédito y las 150 de archivos de sonido existentes en este exhaustivo trabajo de arqueología sonora y cinematográfica que gira en torno a las sesiones de grabación que The Beatles llevaron a cabo en enero de 1969 para diversos proyectos musicales inconclusos. Aunque en realidad, el…
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pitrosa · 6 years
I’m seriously angry and the writers of Chicago PD and Chicago Fire, why do they keep ether killing of characters or writing them of when they just expirience a development? Like Erin or Gaby. Why on earth is Jay married? There’s other ways to create tensions in a relationship, or Erin’s exit.
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retvenkos · 3 years
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all that’s beyond my grasp;
listen to the playlist here on spotify!
a playlist to accompany the chaos of my mutuals and my dps adventures. lovingly curated by @johnskeating​ with additions made by yours truly, take a listen and allow yourself to be transported to another realm...
(for @johnskeating​​, @musicallisto​​, @onceupon-a-decembr​​, and @noesapphic​​)
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group (1-9):
- prom queen, molly kate kestner - new romantics, taylor swift - runaway, AURORA - soldier, poet, king, oh the hellos - twin sized mattress, the front bottoms - cinnamon girl, lana del rey - we fell in love in october, girl in red - washing machine heart, mitski - armor, sara bareilles
pitts & olive (10-18):
- pleaser, wallows - blackbird, the beatles - cowboy like me, taylor swift - better together, jack johnson - lady by the sea, stephen sanchez - bookstore girl, charlie burg - like real people do, hozier - ho hey, the lumineers - apple pie, lizzy mcalpine
charlie & clara (19-27):
- classic, mkto - true love, p!nk - gold rush, taylor swift - make you mine, PUBLIC - R U mine?, arctic monkeys - romeo & juliet, peter mcpoland - electric love, borns - can't take my eyes off you, frankie valli - ophelia, the lumineers
neil & lindsay (28-36):
- fearless, taylor swift - ribs, lorde - something, the beatles - darling, christian leave - the lakes, taylor swift - fine line, harry styles - turtleneck love boy, spilt milk society - two, sleeping at last - strawberries & cigarettes, troye sivan
meeks & cass (37-45):
- jackie and wilson, hozier - i wanna be yours, arctic monkeys - honey, the coastal club - eloise, peter mcpoland - kiss her you fool, the kids that fly - i think he knows, taylor swift - sofia, clairo - pancakes for dinner, lizzy mcalpine - strawberry blond, mitski
chris & noe (46-54):
- i want to be with you, chloe moriondo - dandelions, ruth b. - cherry bomb, julianna joy - i choose you, adam melchor - paper rings, taylor swift - imagine, ben platt - 17, julia michaels - girls, girl in red - cloud 9, beach bunny
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nemesistheavenger · 4 years
dark Academia books
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
The Secret History - Donna Tart
The Twisted Tree - Rachel Burge
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake
An Enchantment of Ravens - Margaret Rogerson
Air Awakens - Elise Kova
The Resurrectionist: The lost work of Dr. Spencher Black - E. B. Hudspeth
If we were villains - M. L. Rio
The Black Arts - Richard Cavendish
We Dream of Space - Erin Entrada Kelly The Lake of dead Language - Carol Goodman
Inkheart - Cornelia Funke
Picknick at Hanging Rock - Joan Lindsay
Cracks - Sheila Kohler
The Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis
I tried to mix classics and more unknown books. Have a fun time reading!
Edit: some books don’t really fit in the theme like Narnia, but I think they fit the vibe😊
Blessed be!
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geekcavepodcast · 3 years
The Beatles: Get Back Trailer
Peter Jackson’s The Beatles: Get Back is a documentary based around recording process of The Beatles’ Let it Be album. The film is said to show more of The Beatles’ 1969 recording sessions, the entire 42-minute performance on the roof of Apple’s Savile Row London office, interactions between the band members, reactions of fans, and the exploits of two young policemen responding to noise complaints. ”The docuseries is compiled from nearly 60 hours of unseen footage shot over 21 days, directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg in 1969, and from more than 150 hours of unheard audio, most of which has been locked in a vault for over half a century.” (Walt Disney Studios)
Jackson’s Park Road Post company, the same that restored footage for They Shall Not Grow Old, was given access to 55 hours of unreleased in-studio footage that was intended for Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s documentary in 1970 as well as 140 hours of audio. The film’s music was mixed by Giles Martin and Sam Okell at Abbey Road Studios. Martin serves as the film’s music supervisor. Michael Hedges and Brent Burge serves as re-recording mixers. Jabez Olssen is the editor on the film. The film is presented by Walt Disney Studios in association with Apple Corps Ltd. and WingNut Films Productions Ltd.
The Beatles: Get Back will release on Disney+ over three days - November 25, 26, and 27, 2021.
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retvenkos · 3 years
no because,, i know you must be exhausted of all of these asks, but i dropped my homework for like 20 minutes to make these mini playlists for u & pitts, clara & charlie, linds & neil, & us girlies as a group :) (sadly, i don't know noe enough to make one for her & chris. but! i will make an effort to do so <3)
- prom queen, molly kate kestner
- new romantics, taylor swift
- runaway, AURORA
- soldier, poet, king, oh the hellos
- twin sized mattress, the front bottoms
- cinnamon girl, lana del rey
- we fell in love in october, girl in red
- washing machine heart, mitski
- armor, sara bareilles
pitts & olive
- pleaser, wallows
- blackbird, the beatles
- cowboy like me, taylor swift
- better together, jack johnson
- lady by the sea, stephen sanchez
- bookstore girl, charlie burg
- like real people do, hozier
- ho hey, the lumineers
- apple pie, lizzy mcalpine
clara & charlie
- classic, mkto
- true love, p!nk
- gold rush, taylor swift
- make you mine, PUBLIC
- R U mine?, artic monkeys
- romeo & juliet, peter mcpoland
- electric love, borns
- can't take my eyes off you, frank valli
- ophelia, the lumineers
neil & lindsay
- fearless, taylor swift
- ribs, lorde
- something, the beatles
- darling, christian leave
- the lakes, taylor swift
- fine line, harry styles
- turtleneck love boy, spilt milk society
- two, sleeping at last
- strawberries & cigarettes, troye sivan
bonus: meeks & i, because i'm pretentious
- jackie and wilson, hozier
- i wanna be yours, artic monkeys
- honey, the coastal club
- eloise, peter mcpoland
- kiss her you fool, the kids that fly
- i think he knows, taylor swift
- sofia, clairo
- pancakes for dinner, lizzy mcalpine
- strawberry blond, mitski
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when i saw this i freaked out,,,,,,, first of all, your asks never fail to bring a smile to my face (even if i respond late, which seems to be my default) , and second, giving people playlists is a love language™ and to have some tailored for our group????? brb, i have to go cry in a corner (and add all of these songs to a spotify playlist sTAT).
this is too sweet!!!!! and okay! here are some thoughts i have - vague ones that are kind of vibes only.
also, disclaimer that i'm pretty musically illiterate. my music knowledge stops at like,,,, 2015. if even that.
so pitts and meeks give me big hozier vibes. idk why exactly, but i feel like they'd both jam out to hozier. (the fact that you included hozier on our respective playlists shows me i'm right, lol.)
then! i've only listened to a little bit of conan gray, but his vibes really remind me of todd, and just a little bit of lindsay? like, lindsay could get into one or two songs of his if she were yearning at the moment, and todd can just,,,,, always get down to it. todd is people watching, convince me otherwise.
and okay, we all know clara is my 5sos mutual, but i truly do get good girls vibes from her and charlie's relationship. (there's even a line about her speaking french, asdfghjjhgfd)
and perhaps this is because i feel like your my taylor swift mutual, but i also get big taylor swift vibes from you and meeks. but like, indie pop or country taylor. i haven't listened to all of evermore, but those are the vibes.
and as for noe and chris, i feel like a song that fits with them could be i want to be with you by chloe moriondo. i don't actually know anything about the artist, but this song came up on my spotify, and it does scream them.
and lol, i only know like 3 songs by ricky montgomery, but i get those vibes for neil.
(also, i just get big ordinary days vibes from lindsay and neil, and i'm honestly not sure what it is exactly - is it the song beautiful, and the whole "for beautiful to happen, the beautiful has got to be seen" message? idk, but the association is there.)
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