#Ling Ling's Dream
filmjunky-99 · 9 months
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d r a w n t o g e t h e r, 2004-07 📺 created by dave jeser, matt silverstein [gay bash, s1ep3] 'Ling Ling's Dream'
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auxwired · 2 months
did you know aug 1 is yaoi day?
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happy yaoi day
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
wwx is so funny cause if i remember right at the start of the novel he's like "well i can just live happily as this random person now. i need to stay away from all the cultivators."
wwx: /sees cultivator kids in danger
wwx: "I am obviously Being Dragged back into the cultivation world kicking and screaming."
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thesperitz · 2 months
The True Identity of Lu Guang
A Link Click Theory
Ok guys, we all learn from the ending of s2 that Lu Guang is actually his future self from the ‘original’ timeline possessing the Lu Guang from the current timeline. But clearly, there’s more. Something else.
No known age or blood type? That’s a bit strange, isn’t it? I understand the age thing would have to do with the diving-back-in-time itself, but blood type?
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And what’s with all the cat symbolism?
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All three main characters do have animal counterparts, but Lu Guang is the only one with so much cat merch in the donghua. Qiao Ling has her bunny phone case, but that’s it. And Cheng Xiaoshi doesn’t own anything dog-related.
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Lu Guang literally wears a cat pyjama set for most of season 2.
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Ok, so why’s the cat motif important? This is where it gets interesting.
The one possessing Lu Guang is a cat.
Stick with me yall.
So remember Elizabeth, the cat Cheng Xiaoshi brought in the chibi episodes? Lu Guang refuses to take it in, and he gets super upset after the cat scratches him. 
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Not only does his behaviour in this scene reflects catlike coping strategies, but his and Elizabeth’s behaviour in the two shorts reflect typical cat mating behaviour. 
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Elizabeth seems to want Lu Guang’s constant attention and rubs against him.
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She also rolls over on her back in a ‘seductive manner’, despite only knowing him for like, a day. 
These behaviours are more frequent in cats in heat (cats can reach sexual maturity as kittens). Elizabeth even begins to dislike Cheng Xiaoshi, possibly because she sees him as a threat in what should be a safe territory, or competition she just doesn’t want.
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But cats do these around humans anyway, so how does it relate to Lu Guang being a cat?
Well, don’t forget he exhibits cat mating behaviours too.
While only female cats go in heat, male cats can respond to pheromones released from these females. These pheromones are powerful attractants that can travel through air, able to communicate their reproductive status and desires to potential mates. The males can detect these pheromones and engage in behaviours to pursue the female.
This response can include vocalisations + roaming to find the source of the pheromones, displays of physical prowess/aggression to fight off competition and impress the female, rubbing, following of females and unusually affectionate behaviour.
The presence of Elizabeth’s pheromones could have been what triggered Lu Guang’s sudden liking to her. 
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Now we can’t say Lu Guang displayed all of these behaviours, but not all male cats do. We can say, however, that he was particularly attached to Elizabeth, quite unusually indeed.
Remember when I mentioned his unknown age and blood type? Well, if you add the context of a cat possessing him, then it makes sense. Obviously, cats age differently to humans - a 1 year old cat is just 15 in human age, while a 5 year old cat is well into their 30s. 
As for the blood type, cats have 3: Type A, B and AB. Compare this to the 8 human blood types, O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+ and AB-. It makes sense for these to be ‘unknown’ in Lu Guang’s character bio, to hide this twist.
All of this seems like far-fetched speculation based on observed behaviours and what-ifs. But how does a cat possessing Lu Guang fit into the narrative?
Okay. Imagine you’re a cat, just a street cat living your best life, and you somehow wake up to find you’re in a new place, with a new body, new feelings and new memories. You can also suddenly talk to humans, whom you’ve previously had a many dice rolls of experiences with. If you feared for your safety from these humans, wouldn’t you try to pretend nothing’s up?
The cat that found itself possessing Lu Guang sure did. It adopted Lu Guang’s entire identity. I believe the incident occurred some time before the events of the donghua. If you’ve ever read the Link Click manhua, you may have noticed that Lu Guang is written ever so slightly… nicer? Softer? 
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If the manhua is set before the donghua, and if the cat started possessing Lu Guang between these times (perhaps in the ‘original’ timeline), Lu Guang’s colder personality in the donghua is explained.
It would be a major plot twist to find out the Lu Guang we know isn’t human at all. 
Some other details that point toward Lu Guang’s feline secret:
He likes sleeping, sunbathing and gourmet food. Obvious cat behaviour
His assigned flower is the forget-me-not, completely safe around cats, while Cheng Xiaoshi’s is the daisy and Qiao Ling’s is the hyacinth, which both happen to be toxic to cats. 
He can’t tolerate spice (please do not feed your cats spicy food)
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if you look closely, sometimes his hair kinda looks like it has cat ears.
Hes just generally catlike, yknow?
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It’s more obvious if you compare it to other characters.
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In conclusion, this whole time, Lu Guang has been possessed by a cat.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk. *mic drop*
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muzsmoux · 26 days
Lan Chang: You there! You're the man who got me pregnant!"
Ling Wen, coming off a 17 hour shift, forgetting she still looks like a guy: Girl not even my strap game is that good.
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scolki · 2 years
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xinyuehui · 6 months
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⸺⸺ And if we are on the opposite sides.
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kdram-chjh · 10 months
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Cdrama: Story of Kunning Palace (2023)
Xie Wei is crazy in love with Jiang Xuening #BaiLu #ZhangLinghe #StoryOfKunningPalace #宁安如梦
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uBkMRmBGLNY
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sylvia-forest · 3 months
[CN] Shaw's 2024 Birthday Event — R&S
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a R&S which hasn't released in EN yet!⚡
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[Released Date: 17 June 2024]
THIS IS A MUST MUST READ BEFORE YOU PROCEED READING THE DATE!! And it would be better if you know a little about “Journey to the West” esp the main character Sun Wokong aka the Monkey king!
"Kids, we'll see you again tomorrow," as the last bite of birthday cake was finished, the host on TV, dressed in children's clothing, exaggeratedly waved goodbye to Shaw. Accompanied by a lively and pleasant melody, Shaw knew that once a lot of text appeared on the screen, it meant there were no more cartoons to watch today—just tomorrow. 
At the thought of this, Shaw's mouth involuntarily turned downward. Tomorrow, he would be going back home, unsure if he could continue adventuring with his animated friends on the screen.
The images on the screen continued to change. After two or three ads, uncles and aunties in suits started appearing on TV, reading news that didn't interest him. Shaw lowered the volume with the remote control, and then fragments of his grandmother's voice from the study drifted in, overshadowing the boring news broadcast.
"I'm an old bone, no need to worry... He's been doing fine these past few days, but as for you all..."
"Ah, little Ling is still so young, why not let him..."
Upon hearing his own name, Shaw's ears perked up involuntarily, but unfortunately, he couldn't make out the rest of the words. Shaw thought for a moment, then decisively got up from his small stool and tiptoed towards the study.
Grandma was on the phone, speaking in a hushed tone, but Shaw could tell she wasn't happy. Who could she be talking to? Shaw had a faint suspicion in his heart, yet curiosity drove him to eavesdrop on the adults' conversation. Unfortunately, just as he leaned his ear closer to the door, the creaky old wooden floor beneath him betrayed him with a loud groan.
Grandma's gaze instantly turned towards him, meeting his eyes directly.
Shaw's face flushed red with embarrassment, and he turned to run away.
"Why are you running?" Grandma stopped him with a firm voice, covering the receiver of the phone.
"I'm not running," Shaw nervously scratched his nose, turning back. "I... I just felt like having green bean soup and I happened to pass by."
In reality, there was no way Shaw would pass by here on his way to the kitchen, but Grandma didn't expose his little white lie. Instead, she smiled and handed him the receiver. "Alright then. Would little Ling like to listen to the phone call?"
"No!" Shaw blurted out almost instinctively. He wasn't foolish; he knew he wouldn't hear anything good if he took the phone.
Grandma was a bit puzzled but also seemed to understand. She exchanged a few polite words with the other end of the line before hanging up the phone. The elderly woman reached out her hand towards Shaw, who slowly shuffled over. She gently ran her hand over his head, smoothing down his unruly hair from his crown to his stiff neck.
After a long silence, Shaw spoke gloomily, "I... don't want to answer the phone."
"Alright, we won't answer it," Grandma responded gently.
"... And I don't want to go back home."
“Why not?” Grandma asked softly.
"I don't like it there. It's not fun," Shaw replied.
Grandma nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Were you happy celebrating your birthday at Grandma's house?"
"I'm Happy!" Shaw answered without hesitation. "No one bothers me here. I can watch cartoons and eat delicious food. It's great."
"Oh, this child..." Grandma chuckled softly as she gently pinched Shaw's cheek. "If no one bothers you, you'll become a wild child, won't you?"
"Why would I become a wild child? I'm the Monkey King!" Shaw lifted his chin defiantly, countering with confidence. "The Monkey King doesn't need anyone to tell him what to do. He can go wherever he wants and do whatever he likes."
The Monkey King was the coolest character in all cartoons, and Shaw admired him the most. He had so many followers, and no one dared to challenge him. Whatever he wanted to do, he could do it—even if he was thrown into an alchemy furnace, he could turn disaster into blessing and come out with fiery eyes, which was just too awesome.
"Do you want to be the Monkey King?" Grandma asked, somewhat surprised.
"I don't want to be the Monkey King," Shaw corrected seriously. "I am the Monkey King."
"Oh, I see~" Grandma chuckled with a drawn-out tone, but she raised a counterpoint to Shaw. "But wasn't the Monkey King defeated by the Buddha later on? And didn't Tang Sanzang put the golden headband on him during their journey to the West?"
"Those are... uh..." Shaw stumbled, feeling indignant and warming up his argument. "Those are made up by them! Hmph, in my heart, the Monkey King has never lost!"
"Hahaha!" Grandma burst into laughter upon hearing Shaw's words, her eyes widening. 
"I don't disbelieve you, Little Ling..." Grandma tried to suppress a smile, stroking Shaw's head, "But even the Monkey King can lose sometimes, it's really no big deal."
The boy immediately became flustered. "Why don't you believe me!"
"The Monkey King wanting to become stronger, wanting to break free, is a very good thing. But being suppressed for 500 years, wearing the Golden Cuffs, may not be a bad thing either." Grandma's voice was soft, blending with the summer evening's warmth, each word falling into Shaw’s ears. "Only by experiencing these things will he understand what he truly values."
Shaw nodded. While he didn't fully understand, he felt that Grandma's words made sense.
Shaw looked at Grandma. The six-year-old boy vaguely felt that Grandma might be trying to console him about something, but he didn't want to understand. He was furious about losing to the Buddha, frustrated about being suppressed for five hundred years, and annoyed about being forced to wear the golden headband. 
He simply felt that none of this ever happening would be the best outcome—because, fundamentally, why?
Why couldn't he be the Monkey King? Why did he have to be manipulated by adults? Why couldn't he just be free all the time? Even if Mount Five Fingers stood in front of him, so what? I want everything in this world, nothing can obscure my vision.
I want it. Shaw firmly emphasized these three words in his heart.
🙉 Date (coming soon)
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danmeigirl · 1 year
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travalerray · 7 months
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this guy is so funny. Jin Ling clearly has been fine all these years. "Jiang Cheng doesn't know how to raise kids", pls. I know you don't want to let go of a specific idea of your shidi but this is just so. Do you think Mr. Bully the kid was saving Jin Ling's ass all those years???? I'm.
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Seeing Lu Guang care so much for Xiao Shi... Asking on his behalf for a break from work, not wanting to burden him with the knowledge that he sent Emma to her grave. Giving him time to prepare before diving into a traumatic situation. Telling him to rest after going into Shan Shan's body and drinking a lot. There is so much care and love in his heart.
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twistedappletree · 10 months
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calibabii21 · 9 months
I don't think y'all understand—
my large dancer/kpop heart is S C R E A M I N G!!!
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dionte-goethe · 8 months
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I was inspired by that one scene in "more than anything" from Hazbin Hotel. Just thinking about the way Jiang Cheng had to face these sect leaders with a destroyed sect, no alliances (until Yanli married and even then...), and the fallout of Wei Wuxian's actions. He just doesn't want Jin Ling to have to deal with all the terrible things he had to deal with as a young sect leader, he's tried to protect him from all that, when JL wants him to step back because JC could tear himself apart protecting JL...
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First summer break doodle, y'all!! (And look, this time it's actually a doodle and not a fully rendered picture, progress!)
@arcanelibrarian said: Ohhh, could you please draw Nie Huaisang and Qingming from Yin-Yang Master comparing fans and being unbearable together?
And that suggestion was just way too fun to not go with it! :)
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