#Lingual Tonsils
just learnt what the weird growth like thing at the base of my tounge is. and before I tell you what I found I want yall to know I have been trying to find out what this is off and on for literal decades. I've looked in books, googled it, asked people I though might know (tho I never remembered to ask doctors >>) And Finally Finally when I googled "throat anatomy" recently I saw a diagram that listed and showed something new that none of the other ones I'd seen showed, or at least none that labeled it. and after looking more into it I am more than a little confident that it's what I've been looking for. The lingual tonsil....
it's something as simple as more tonsil... and it took me this long to find that out... I am both ashamed and frustrated. But also happy to finally have an answer to a life long mystery.
Tho now I wonder what's wrong with mine that it causes me so much annoyance that I had to find out what it was to know if it was a problem, while every other person I asked about it had no fing Idea it was even a thing? you'd think if it was a normally an issue like this more people would know about it ya know?
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Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a potentially perilous condition where a patient experiences breathing interruptions during sleep, often triggered by snoring. These pauses in breathing, known as apneas, lead to a decline in blood oxygen levels, sometimes reaching hazardous thresholds.
Addressing this condition necessitates a multifaceted approach, encompassing lifestyle adjustments such as weight management, regular exercise, and the cessation of alcohol and smoking. In addition to these measures, an array of surgical options exists to mitigate snoring and prevent further complications.
Common Surgical Procedures for Snoring and Sleep Apnea:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (3P Procedure): This procedure involves the removal of excess tissue from the uvula, palate, and pharynx, enhancing the airflow and minimizing obstruction.
Septoplasty (Correction of Nasal Septal Deviation): Correcting a deviated nasal septum through septoplasty can alleviate nasal obstruction, thereby facilitating unobstructed breathing during sleep.
FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) for Nasal Polyp Removal: FESS targets the removal of nasal polyps, restoring proper airflow and minimizing blockages that contribute to sleep apnea.
Simple Tonsillectomy: The removal of tonsils can aid in alleviating airway constriction, fostering better breathing patterns during sleep.
Lingual Tonsil Reduction or Base of Tongue Reduction: Reducing the size of enlarged lingual tonsils or the base of the tongue can help prevent airway collapse and improve breathing.
Hyoid Suspension: This procedure involves suspending the hyoid bone to stabilize the airway, reducing the likelihood of obstruction.
Mandibular Advancement: By repositioning the jaw slightly forward, this technique aims to prevent airway collapse by maintaining an open air passage.
These surgical interventions, when deemed appropriate by medical professionals, offer viable solutions for addressing snoring and the associated risks of OSAS. Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider, such as an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist, is essential to determine the most suitable approach based on an individual's unique condition and needs.
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nursingscience · 1 year
5. Tonsils
Illustration of the mouth and the location of the tonsils
Tonsils are clusters of lymphatic tissue just under the mucous membranes that line the nose, mouth, and throat (pharynx). There are three groups of tonsils. The pharyngeal tonsils are located near the opening of the nasal cavity into the pharynx. When these tonsils become enlarged they may interfere with breathing and are called adenoids. The palatine tonsils are the ones that are located near the opening of the oral cavity into the pharynx. Lingual tonsils are located on the posterior surface of the tongue, which also places them near the opening of the oral cavity into the pharynx. Lymphocytes and macrophages in the tonsils provide protection against harmful substances and pathogens that may enter the body through the nose or mouth
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
so i realized my tonsil swelling likely isn't cancer (knock on wood) but it's probably because of my impacted wisdom tooth. soooooooo I actually need them removed.
terrified about lingual nerve injury but if I leave it in I could literally die so. I'm trying to enjoy a bunch of tasty foods right now in case i lose the sensation, again... knock on wood.
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munaeem · 1 year
What are the indications and risks for adults having a tonsillectomy?
Between the palatine arches, on the right and left sides of the throat, are lymphatic tissue clusters called the palatine tonsils. They are members of the mucosal immune system’s Waldeyer’s ring, together with the lingual tonsil and the third tonsil (pharyngeal tonsil). The tonsils’ job is to identify pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and fungi) and encourage the body to create immune cells in…
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oriondentalcare1 · 2 years
Get Lingual Braces Treatment Delhi On A Budget
At Orion dental clinic offer Lingual Braces Treatment Delhi. You might think that your crooked teeth are making you look bad. Overbite and other functional issues may also be caused by crooked or misaligned teeth. When this occurs, you might seek the assistance of an orthodontist, who can recommend the appropriate braces for your condition and provide the best braces treatment in Delhi to transform your smile. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry in which various fixed and/or removable appliances are used to correct crooked, irregular, and protruding teeth and jaws to improve your smile's appearance.
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Why should I undergo orthodontic therapy?
The three essential pillars of overall success are beauty, confidence, and presentation. This is why you should get dental braces. In this day and age, having a perfect smile reflects your overall personality and gives you that extra edge over your peers. Having irregular and protruding teeth is not attractive.
When teeth are crooked or irregular, it is impossible to clean them properly, which results in infected gums and sometimes loose teeth that eventually fall out.
Additionally, speech impairment is caused by irregular teeth. These patients frequently have trouble clearly pronouncing a number of words.
Patients who have irregular teeth may not be able to properly chew their food in some instances, which can result in a variety of digestive and gastric issues.
Tonsillitis and sinusitis are more likely to occur in conjunction with these conditions.
The three most important pillars of overall success are beauty, confidence, and presentation. Orthodontic treatment is performed at Orion Orthodontic & Dental Care. In this day and age, having a perfect smile reflects your overall personality and gives you that extra edge over your peers. Having irregular and protruding teeth is not attractive.
When teeth are crooked or irregular, it is impossible to clean them properly, which results in infected gums and sometimes loose teeth that eventually fall out.
Additionally, speech impairment is caused by irregular teeth. These patients frequently have trouble clearly pronouncing a number of words.
In specific cases because of unpredictable teeth, patients can't bite their food appropriately which might prompt numerous gastric and stomach related issues.
Tonsillitis and sinusitis are more likely to occur in conjunction with these conditions.
How much do dental braces cost in Delhi?
The length of time and cost of dental treatment at Orion Dental Clinic in Delhi may vary depending on the patient's complexity and developmental stage. It typically ranges from six months to one and a half years. Dental procedures in Delhi also cost anywhere from Rs 25,000 to Rs 40,000, depending on the method used and the degree of difficulty involved. The use of Invisalign or lingual or invisible braces would result in an increase in the price of dental care.
The cost of  Lingual Braces Treatment Delhi at Orion is also determined by the complexity of the case. In addition to the cost of the braces themselves, the Orion dental braces treatment clinic in Delhi charges professional fees for the orthodontist's expertise, experience, and knowledge. Taking into account the positive, long-term, physical and mental benefits of orthodontic treatment, any money spent on it should be considered a sound investment. In addition, you only need to pay for the best orthodontic treatment in Delhi.
Orion Dental Care typically recommends dental braces treatment in Delhi for patients between the ages of 7 and 14, due to the highest rate of jaw and skull bone growth. However, if an Orthodontist in Delhi is consulted at a younger age, fixed braces may not be necessary at all. Therefore, the best time to start orthodontic treatment is as soon as you notice or anticipate this issue.
Is treatment with dental braces only available to children and adolescents in Delhi?
Adults account for 20-25% of our clinic's fixed braces (orthodontic treatment) patients. The majority of people were unable to receive proper orthodontic treatment when they were younger, either because their parents were unaware or for other financial reasons. The Orthodontist at the Delhi center, Dr. Anupam Sinha, treats many adult patients if the patient has healthy teeth, gums, and jawbones and is free of other systemic disorders like diabetes and arthritis. There is no age limit for orthodontic treatment.
Is the treatment with braces in Delhi making the teeth weaker, looser, or more mobile?
This is completely incorrect. In point of fact, once they attain their ideal position, they become more durable, load-bearing, and strong. The Delhi Orion Orthodontic & Dental Care Centre, a dental braces treatment center, takes great care to ensure that the teeth's health is never compromised by excessive force.
Treatment with Lingual Braces, in which the braces are placed on the inner side of the teeth—on the tongue—and are completely invisible.
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er-cryptid · 5 years
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 years
mhmhmmm ive got a delayed prescription for antibiotics so hopefully thatll clear off at least THIS infection :/
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*cough cough* I S2G IF I HAVE FUCKING TONSILLITIS AGAIN hi only half of my throat is on fire. I would love to not do a stupidly risky surgery that might sever my sense of taste. Right. Before. The. Fucking. Semester. Starts.
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alinelovelace · 3 years
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Wow! More histology! I’ve had these pictures for a while but not enough energy to post them lol
In order:
1, 2, 8, 9.) spleen
3.) thymus
4-6.) lymph node
7.) lymphatic vessel (dark V shape is the valve)
10.) lingual tonsil (taken on the world’s dirtiest microscope :/ )
(Tap for better quality!)
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biomedicool · 4 years
The tonsils are a set of lymphoid organs consisting of the adenoid tonsil, two tubal tonsils, two palatine tonsils, and the lingual tonsils. These organs play an important role in the immune system.
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Palatine tonsil
Main tonsils
Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Incompletely encapsulated
Long, branched crypts
Located on sides of oropharynx between palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Reach their largest size in puberty, and they gradually undergo atrophy 
Adenoid (also termed "pharyngeal tonsil")
Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epitheium (respiratory epithelium)
Incompletely encapsulated
No crypts, but small folds
Located on roof of pharynx
Tubal tonsils
Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium (respiratory epithelium)
Located on roof of pharynx
Lingual tonsils
Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Incompletely encapsulated
Long, unbranched crypts
Located behind terminal sulcus (tongue)
The tonsils serve as the immune system's first line of defence against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens. 
The tonsils have specialised antigen capture cells (M cells) on their surface that allow for the uptake of antigens produced by pathogens.
These M cells then alert the underlying B cells and T cells in the tonsil that a pathogen is present and an immune response is stimulated.
B cells are activated and proliferate in areas called germinal centres in the tonsil. 
Secretory antibody (IgA) is produced.
Studies suggest that the tonsils also produce T cells themselves, in a manner similar to the thymus.
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shanali4040 · 4 years
Everything You Need to Know to Remove and Prevent Tonsil Stones at Home
Tonsil stones, otherwise called tonsilloliths, are calcified masses that can frame on your palatine tonsils. There are three sorts of tonsils:
palatine – on the sides of your throat
pharyngeal – at the rear of your throat
lingual – found at the back, or base, of your tongue
What the vast majority call their tonsils are the palatine tonsils, which you can see at the rear of your mouth or top of your throat?
onsil stones are brought about by food particles, microbes, and bodily fluid getting caught in little pockets on your how to get rid of tonsil stones forever. The particles and microorganisms regularly get caught from inappropriate oral cleanliness. At the point when this caught material develops, it can cause growing and irritation. Numerous individuals have tonsil stones eliminated when they become difficult. A few intricacies brought about by tonsil stones may include:
sensation of an obstacle at the highest point of your throat
foul smell and horrible breath from the disease that increments after some time
trouble breathing in the event that they become large enough to obstruct the aviation route
torment when gulping, eating, or drinking
Step by step instructions to eliminate tonsil stones at home
At the point when you first notification your tonsil stones and they're little, you might have the option to eliminate them with characteristic cures. Microscopic organisms and disease are the essential issues behind tonsil stones, so antibacterial and calming medicines may assist with eliminating them. Apple juice vinegar or any vinegar. 
Weaken with water and rinse. Vinegar should have the option to separate the stones due to its acidic substance. Garlic. Studies have shownTrusted Source that garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It might battle bacterial development how to get rid of tonsil stones at home and contamination. Q-tip or finger. In the event that you can see the tonsil stone, you might have the option to eliminate it by delicately pushing on the tonsil with a q-tip. 
Do this cautiously as it might cause extra contamination whenever done forcefully or if the stone's bigger. Wash with salt water following you eliminate a tonsil stone thusly. You shouldn't do this except if the stone is not difficult to reach and little. 
Fundamental oils
A few oils have calming or antibacterial properties. Models are myrrh, criminals oil, and lemongrass. These might have the option to help lessen or kill your tonsil stones. Weaken the fundamental oil in a transporter oil and spot a couple of drops on a toothbrush prior to brushing the stones. Make certain to follow the headings for every particular oil. Due to the quantity of microscopic organisms, it's suggested that you don't utilize this toothbrush going ahead.
On the off chance that your tonsil stones are huge, causing you unreasonable agony, or are blocking your throat or aviation route, you should look for clinical consideration. Likewise, in the event that you've attempted to cure the stones at home and they don't disappear or continue to return how to get rid of tonsil stones smell, you should see a specialist. Attempting to scratch them off with a q-tip or your finger can here and there aggravate the disease. On the off chance that this occurs, you should look for clinical consideration.
You should see a specialist if your tonsil stones endure, keep on getting bigger, or on the off chance that they're enormous. In case you're experiencing issues breathing, head to the closest trauma center. You ought to likewise see a specialist quickly on the off chance that you have a blend of the accompanying side effects of conceivable tonsil malignancy:
one tonsil is bigger than the other
wicked salivation
trouble gulping or talking
failure to endure eating citrus
neck torment
expanding or irregularity in the neck
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nursingscience · 1 year
Tonsils are clusters of lymphatic tissue just under the mucous membranes that line the nose, mouth, and throat (pharynx).
There are three groups of tonsils.
1. The pharyngeal tonsils are located near the opening of the nasal cavity into the pharynx. When these tonsils become enlarged they may interfere with breathing and are called adenoids.
2. The palatine tonsils are the ones that are located near the opening of the oral cavity into the pharynx.
3. Lingual tonsils are located on the posterior surface of the tongue, which also places them near the opening of the oral cavity into the pharynx.
Lymphocytes and macrophages in the tonsils provide protection against harmful substances and pathogens that may enter the body through the nose or mouth
{Pic: Illustration of the mouth and the location of the tonsils}
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wisdomrays · 4 years
Your Tongue: Part 1
Until now I have been speaking on your behalf, telling people of your wishes, happiness, likes, and dislikes. I have been expressing the feelings in your heart and the thoughts in your mind. Now, let me speak about myself this time. Do not think that I am jealous of my fellow organs. On the contrary, we work in cooperation with each other, we help any organ that gets weak, and we do our duties as God wants us to do. Since each of us is given the perfect shape and qualities appropriate to our duties, none of us is more or less important than the others. You will not find anything useless in us. I just want you to see that I am as good as the other organs and think of all of us with gratitude.
Some people might see me as a rough piece of flesh that wiggles in the mouth. Of course I am not that simple! By looking at my color, some experienced doctors can even diagnose an illness. For example, some well-known symptoms that I show are whitening due to fever, becoming dark brown when you have typhoid, blackening because of a yeast infection, or having a smooth surface because of anemia or lack of niacin (a B-group vitamin).
If you are wondering what my primary duties are, I can say that the first is to help to produce speech, an ability which distinguishes you human beings from animals. For sure this speech production is not only mine. First of all the brain, which is the coordinator of all the organs including me, regulates all my movements in speaking. The other organs that help me form sounds to make words are your teeth, lips, palate, the vocal cords in your throat, and your lungs, which work like an air pump and vibrate those cords. As you see, so many of us work together just to produce your speech.
Other than the speech function, my second major duty is to work as an inspector to taste and process the countless fruits and delicious foods that are given by God. That is how you get an idea about an animal- or plant-based substance that you want to eat. If I did not exist, you might die because of a poisonous plant that you ate out of hunger. Many poisonous substances have a bitter taste. Indeed, I can sense their bad taste the moment I touch them and warn you to spit out the thing in your mouth immediately. When you eat sweet and delicious things, however, I make you remember and thank God, who has given them to you. However, you should be careful about my fondness for taste and control yourself since that is part of a God-given test. My Creator has made a relation between my love of taste and the evil-commanding side of your soul. He has also made me a step for your spiritual development. If you eat and drink too much, which means you are misled by your evil-commanding side and abuse my sense of taste, it will be you who lose. I do what my duty requires and get the taste of everything. But it is your job to use your will power and not to be defeated by your evil-commanding self (nafs). I will never stop you, whether you eat one piece of cake or ten; I will get the taste of every piece. Do not ever blame me for that!
I have another function that many people are not aware of. My movement causes a negative pressure in the cavity of the mouth. Are you wondering what this negative pressure does? This pressure is needed especially for babies to nurse on their mothers’ breast easily; I help them in the sucking movement. In addition to that, as everybody knows, I have very important functions in chewing and swallowing food. I manipulate the food in your mouth; I soften and moisten it with saliva so that it can be easily swallowed. Also, during swallowing, I move the food back toward the pharynx. I have to be very careful while doing all this, since at my smallest mistake, your teeth might bite and hurt me.
Of course, I can do all this only with the help of my Creator, who has built my anatomy of delicate tissues and cells. Since He never does anything absurd or useless, He has given every organ qualities that are both esthetic and functional. My main body consists of seventeen muscles, eight of which are in pairs. They extend in all directions. Among those muscles are the lipid membrane and some salivary glands. I am the most flexible organ in your body. My many strong muscles enable me to move in lots of directions easily. Those muscles are covered by an epithelial lining which is called the mucous membrane. The small projections on my upper surface are called papillae. These papillae are of several types. They contain receptors which allow you to sense taste and the salivary glands that help me stay wet all the time. The papillae cover as far as an A-shaped line towards my back which makes up a third of my length. Here at my back, there are plenty of salivary glands and the lymphoid tissue, also known as the lingual tonsil. Many germs that enter through your mouth get trapped here. The papillae are named according to their shapes. The filiform papillae (which are long and thin) do not contain taste buds. They only provide a rough surface to move the food easily. The food is moistened by your saliva and crushed by your teeth. Then, with the help of these papillae, I help to shape the food into smaller pieces to make it easier to swallow. The fungiform papillae are mushroom-shaped and scattered among the filiform papillae. They are located at the center of my top surface and they contain taste buds. The circumvallate papillae lie along the A-shaped line which makes up the border of my back. These papillae are larger in size and smaller in number; there are around thirteen of them. Each taste bud on the fungiform papillae has 50 to 75 receptor cells which live for only seven to ten days. When cells die because of hot or acidic foods, new ones are created to make new nerves for the taste buds. Only substances that are dissolved in water can reach the taste receptors. That is why I cannot taste a dry substance that you have taken into your mouth right away; it has to be moistened and softened first. Tasting occurs in the receptor cells of taste, where some analyses are undertaken much more delicately than in a chemistry laboratory. My receptor cells change this chemical stimulus into an electrical stimulus and send it to your brain. This electrical stimulus allows the sense of taste to be perceived.
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mcatmemoranda · 5 years
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For the first 2 pictures:
A. and B. Cricothyroid. C. Muscles of larynx revealed by cutting thyroid cartilage along dashed line (A) and reflecting the right thyroid lamina anteriorly. D. Thyro-arytenoid. E. Vocalis. F. Lateral crico-arytenoid. G. Posterior view of muscles of larynx. H. Oblique arytenoid. I. Transverse arytenoid. J. Posterior crico-arytenoid.
The intrinsic laryngeal muscles move the laryngeal cartilages, making alterations in the length and tension of the vocal folds and in the size and shape of the rima glottidis. All but one of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx is supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve (CN X). The cricothyroid muscle (A and B) is supplied by the external laryngeal nerve, one of the two terminal branches of the superior laryngeal nerve.
For the third and fourth pictures:
A, B, and E. Articulated laryngeal skeleton. C. and D. Cartilages disarticulated and separated. F. Epiglottis and hyo-epiglottic ligament. G. Conus elasticus and rima glottidis.
The larynx extends vertically from the tip of the epiglottis to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage. The hyoid bone is generally not regarded as part of the larynx.
The cricoid cartilage is the only cartilage that totally encircles the airway.
The rima glottidis is the aperture between the vocal folds. During normal respiration, it is narrow and wedge-shaped; during forced respiration, it is wide. Variations in the tension and length of the vocal folds, in the width of the rima glottidis, and in the intensity of the expiratory effort produce changes in the pitch of the voice.
Laryngeal fractures may result from blows received in sports such as kickboxing and hockey or from compression by a shoulder strap during an automobile accident. Laryngeal fractures produce submucous hemorrhage and edema, respiratory obstruction, hoarseness, and sometimes a temporary inability to speak. The thyroid, cricoid, and most of the arytenoid cartilages often ossify as age advances, commencing at approximately 25 years of age in the thyroid cartilage.
For the fifth picture:
The pharyngeal opening of the pharyngotympanic tube is located approximately 1 cm posterior to the inferior concha.
The pharyngeal tonsil lies in the mucous membrane of the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx.
The palatine glands lie in the soft palate.
The palatine tonsil lies in the tonsillar fossa between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches.
Each lingual follicle has the duct of a mucous gland opening onto its surface; collectively, the follicles are known as the lingual tonsil.
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Teeth Alignment: Braces, Aligners & Invisalign: Comparison, Cost, The right age and results-Know from the best orthodontist in Delhi
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“With the introduction of Invisalign, more adults in 26 to 55 years age bracket are opting for teeth alignment.” – Dr. Aval Luthra
A smile can win millions of hearts. Having a perfect smile is a blessing in many ways. Whether you want a perfect selfie with a friend, win over your colleagues and boss, be the heart of a party or impress your sweetheart, half the work is already done with a perfect smile.
However, not everyone is blessed with perfectly aligned teeth which constitute an ideal smile. Many people have crooked teeth or misaligned bites that take away that charm form you. These misalignments not only affect the way you look but are also potential contributors to dental health issues.
Teeth that are not properly aligned are often difficult to clean and can cause decay and bad breath. The improper arrangement can also lead to repulsion from socialization and take a toll on your self-esteem. Children, particularly in their teens are quite sensitive about the way they look and how people perceive them. Even the elders may feel hesitant to laugh openly because of their disarranged teeth.
Dental problems are extremely common and the number of cases registered every year is increasing exponentially. Nearly half of the world’s population is impacted by tooth decay and 30 percent of senior adults lose their natural teeth. Apart from decay, irregular teeth alignment is also one of the most common dental problems across the world.
Ideally, your teeth should fit in your mouth properly with no spacing issues. When you close your mouth the upper jaws should slightly overlap the lower ones with your upper and lower molars locking into each other. Teeth should not be twisted or rotated. However, if there is a deviation from these normal arrangements, your teeth are called misaligned. Dental aligners are the most popular in treating misaligned teeth.
This blog is an attempt to discuss in detail, ways to rectify the malocclusions and regain your perfect smile. Various options you have and their comparison in terms of cost and benefits would help you make the best choice for yourself.
So let us dive into this pool of information and find the best way to rearrange our teeth and sparkle that million-dollar smile.
So, let’s know more Teeth Alignment-Cost, The Right Age, Results and Much More! Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye
Let’s start from the basics: Why do teeth become Crooked or misaligned
What Type of alignment do you have?: Diagnosis and types of dental misalignment.
What is the solution?: Treatment Options to Straighten Teeth or Malocclusions.
Let’s know more: Braces-Types, cost benefits and much more
Let’s know about the latest in dental alignment: Invisalign-cost benefits and much more
The part you would want to know the most: Which is better among all: a comparative study of the available option, Braces vs Invisalign
The best results are always in the hands of the practitioner: Choose the best orthodontist for you
Let’s know about it from the most trusted orthodontist in Delhi – Dr. Aval Luthra
Let’s start from the basics: why do teeth become crooked or misaligned?
“There can be numerous reasons leading to these irregular dental alignments. Some people have the problem ever since they get their permanent teeth while others get these issues due to some accident or injury. In either case, you can reinstate the arrangement of your teeth in your mouth and get your smile back that would make you the ultimate charmer.”~Dr.Aval Luthra
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The alignment of teeth is technically called occlusion and misalignment is called malocclusion. Malocclusion can exist right from the eruption of teeth or can happen at a later age. Several factors can contribute to the malocclusion of teeth. One of the most common reasons is heredity. In your parents or anyone in the near relation has disarranged teeth, you are also likely to get those. Children born with birth defects like cleft palate often have issues with the arrangement of teeth. Several other factors like frequent use of the pacifier, prolonged bottle feeding, and thumb sucking cause twisted and turned teeth eruption. The problem can also hit adults due to impacted teeth, injuries, and improper fitting of dental implants like crowns and bridges. Sometimes due to allergies and enlarged tonsils, people mouth breathe which can also lead to teeth occlusion.
The good news is that these irregular arrangements can be rectified easily. There are several
types of teeth aligners that can amazingly reset your teeth in perfect alignment and position. We will explore more about these aligners in the following sections.
What type of alignment do you have?: Diagnosis and types of dental misalignments
Wondering whether you have an occlusion or not! Dental misalignment or occlusion is a very generic term that refers to several different teeth arrangement conditions. The best way to know about their existence is to understand various types of occlusions one can have. Here is a description of each type that will help you identify your issue and take proper resort.
The first type is the overcrowding. It is the most common reason for adults to seek orthodontic treatment. The overcrowding is a condition where your teeth get crooked or overlap due to a lack of space in your mouth to accommodate all the teeth.
Overjet means your upper teeth extend ahead of your bottom teeth when you close your mouth. This can lead to speech difficulties, eating problems, and make your teeth prone to injuries
Deep bite is another popular misalignment problem in adults. Sometimes when you close your mouth, your upper teeth completely overlap the lower ones and reach the gums. This condition is called a deep bite.
Crossbite is another type of occlusion in which your upper teeth bite inside your lower teeth. This can affect your teeth on one or both sides and front and/or back teeth.
Spacing is again a problem that affects numerous people. When there is extra spacing in your front two teeth it is called diastema. This is visible as soon as you open your mouth and can make your smile look awkward.
Sometimes you find that your teeth are not developing properly. In some cases, a tooth may not erupt at all or erupt incompletely causing the conditions known as missing tooth or impacted tooth respectively. Injury or trauma can also be a reason for these conditions. And lastly the open bite. It is a condition in which your upper teeth do not overlap the lower teeth at all obstructing a complete proper bite.
What is the solution?: Treatment options to straighten teeth or malocclusion Now you know that the problem you were facing like eating difficulties, speech issues, or just irregularly appearing teeth, all were due to malocclusion of your teeth. Let us now find ways to solve these problems. There are plenty of options to choose from.
The two most popular methods are Braces and Invisalign. Braces are being used for several years for both children and adults. These are metallic fixtures that can treat many malocclusions like overbite, spacing, and others. Preferably the braces treatment begins at an early age when the teeth are still in the developing stage so that the adjustment can be made more efficiently.
The Invisalign method is more popular in adults as these are not apparently visible. These are one of those revolutionary developments in dentistry which has remarkably simplified people’s lives. These are custom-made plastic aligners that can be easily worn and removed according to your wish and push your teeth in the right position.
Several other methods can also be used based on the type of occlusion you have. If your teeth are overcrowding or appear to overbite in your mouth, your dentist may use the tooth removal method and create a space in your mouth. Missing or impacted teeth can be treated by replacing them with implants. Several other methods like veneers and jaw expanders are also used to restore the shape and structure of your mouth.
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Let’s know more: Braces – Types, cost benefits, and much more With constant evolution in the field, there are different types of braces available which you can choose based on your requirements. Some of the popular types of braces used these days are:
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Conventional braces and lingual braces These are the most noticeable braces in which there is a metallic bracket in the front of the tooth and a few bands behind that anchors a wire that pulls the teeth in the right place. In some cases, the brackets are cemented on the inner surfaces of the teeth facing the tongue. Such braces are called lingual braces.
TYPES OF DENTAL BRACES -> COST OF DENTAL BRACES Metal Braces -> INR 35,000 – INR 50,000 Ceramic Braces -> INR 60,000 – INR 70,000 Lingual / Incognito Braces -> INR 1.00,000 – INR 150,000
Clear Aligners These are tray-like structures custom-made for your teeth. These have to stay on your teeth for 2 to 22 hours a day and can be taken off for eating and brushing. The cost of clear aligners can be INR 60,000 onwards
Self-ligating braces These use a metal wire that passes through metal clips on the brackets and does not require bands to move the teeth in the right position. The cost of clear aligners can be INR 80,000- INR 1, 00,000.
The process of inserting braces is time-consuming but straightforward. Your dentist first place instruments in your mouth to keep it dry and hold your tongue.
Your teeth are then cleaned and an etchant is applied to prepare them for bonding. Braces are then placed on your teeth with the help of an adhesive which is firmed by curing light.
Finally, your dentist runs an archwire through the braces which would move your teeth.
The procedure is cost-effective. The pricing often depends on the present condition of teeth, overall health, and devices used. Once the braces are placed, you should brush and floss regularly to maintain hygiene. You can use a toothpick to take out the stuck food. Follow the visit schedule to your dentist and discuss any conditions like low bone density and related medication prior to the treatment.
Let’s know about the latest in dental alignment: Invisalign – Cost benefits and much more We all realize that we are living in an era of technological advancement. The same is reflected in the field of dentistry as well. Invisalign is a perfect example of this revolutionary advancement. These are a series of colorless braces that are tailored for your individual teeth. They push your teeth gently in the correct position and precisely bring them in perfect alignment.
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To get Invisalign for your occlusion, your dentist will first take x-rays and imaging to determine the occlusion you have. A 3D model of your teeth is taken and sent to the lab to craft Invisalign for you. Once created your dentist will make necessary adjustments if needed and push them over your teeth. Invisalign generally takes half the time than regular braces to bring your teeth in the right position. You wear them for over 20 hours a day for at least two weeks. During this period your teeth will be pushed slightly. Now you should wear the other set which would further push your teeth. This process may take a year before you can see the final result. During this period you can easily take them off and clean to maintain hygiene. The cost of the procedure is subjective and depends on your present condition. The procedure is cost-effective but the result is priceless.
Invisalign is a popular option owing to several benefits it offers. These are clear and not visible. The positioning of the teeth is precise and more comfortable. These are easy to maintain and saves a lot of time. The cost of Invisalign starts from INR 2,00,000
The part you would want to know the most. Which is better among all: Comparative study of the available option, Braces vs Invisalign.
“The right choice between the option depends on the person’s needs both Braces and Invisalign have there own pros and cons”~Dr.Aval Luthra
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Braces and Invisalign are great options to straighten your teeth. However, each has individual characteristics that make it more suitable in a particular case. Let us take a look at the comparative study which would help you find a better option for yourself.
Appearance Unlike regular braces, Invisalign is clear in appearance that makes it invisible on your teeth. For that reason, people who used to be reluctant for braces are giving Invisalign a try.
Treatment time and cost The time that both the procedure would take depends on your individual condition In general, you need to keep braces 24/7 for a period of 12 to 18 months to achieve the desired results. On the contrary, Invisalign delivers results in six to eighteen months and you can take them off while eating and brushing. Both options would cost you similar but you can find cheaper options in braces.
Follow up and Maintenance You can brush the braces and wire usually but may need to use picks to clean the stuck food particles. You would also have to visit your dentist monthly. Invisalign, on the other hand, needs to be replaced every two weeks and the dentist’s visit is needed every 4 or 6 weeks. You can clean the Invisalign easily by taking them off.
Pros and cons Braces can be used to treat more diverse and complex occlusions. But they are a bit discomforting and difficult to clean. Conversely, Invisalign is easy to clean and maintain and does not interfere with your look at all. But you need to remove them before eating and drinking.
Suitability Braces are suitable for all kinds of patients except the ones who are involved in high impact sports. But Invisalign is not fitting for people requiring bridgework, back tooth bite issues, vertical movement of teeth, or rotation of premolars.
Best results are always in the hands of the practitioner: Choose the best orthodontist for you
No matter how well you know your problem and the solution needed, the results are always determined by the skills and proficiency of your dentist.
To get your teeth perfectly aligned the most important step is to find a clinic that is well-equipped and a dentist who is certified and well trained. Ask your acquaintances for reference or check the clinic personally. You can also talk to the present patients to seek their experience with the clinic.
Dr. Aval Luthra is one of the prominent dentists with nearly eleven years of experience. He specializes in orthodontics and has successfully changed the lives of many patients. His association with several elite organizations and researches helps him stay updated with the latest developments in the field.
The Dental Arch clinic functioning under his leadership provides a comprehensive solution to all dental problems. The clinic is powered with the state of the art equipment to ensure accuracy in the procedures and excellent results. High-quality treatment, hygiene, and extremely polite staff make your relationship with us pleasant and joyful.
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