#Little Fish Brewing Co.
suitelifeoftravel · 3 months
Little Fish Brewing Co., Athens, Ohio
While visiting family in Athens, one of my favorite breweries to visit is Little Fish Brewing Co.  Opening the summer of 2015, the owners Jimmy Stockwell and Sean White focused on their mission to create beers from Ohio-grown ingredients.  The following year, their  “Barrel-Aged Woodthrush” won the 2016 World Beer Cup Gold Medal in the Belgian- and French-style Ale category. In addition to their…
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trivialbob · 3 months
I had a fun three-day weekend.
As I briefly mentioned earlier, I went to Chicago. Thursday I stopped halfway and spent the night at a bed & breakfast in Baraboo, WI.
Baraboo is where the Ringling Brothers started their circus of the same name in 1884. The B&B I stayed it the former home of one of the brothers.
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More after the cut.
I like the shared areas at B&Bs. There were only three other people there Thursday night. I didn't really get to mingle as they kept to themselves.
That typewriter would have been fun to use for my blog post. Sadly, it lacked wi-fi and Bluetooth connections. There was an old, hand-cranked phonograph in the next room that was fully functional.
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Downtown Baraboo has plenty of bars (because it's Wisconsin). There were a number of restaurants and cafes too. The two-story brick buildings I like in small towns were plentiful. I logged a lot of steps walking up and down the streets, peering into windows. This is another town where I think it would have been fun to stay a week and try more bars and restaurants.
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There are two breweries in Baraboo. Of course I visited both.
The first, I was told, has better food. Tumbled Rock is where I went for dinner and flight of beers. My burger and fries were most satisfying. The beer selection was impressive. Each of the five I sampled I would definitely buy again.
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When I finished dinner I drove three miles back to my B&B and parked the car. Then I walked to the other brewery, the Al. Ringling Brewing Co.
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Inside was neat. The coolers behind the bar, filled with cans of beer, had wooden doors, mechanical handles, and glass panels. The bartender told me it was a functional refrigerator.
This place was also a former home of a Ringling brother. But it was a mansion. There used to be a bowling alley in the basement for the family. The bar top is made from old sections of the bowling alley floor.
One of the brews on tap was Cherry Pie Fruit Sour with Swedish Fish. The nice, young bartender told me the brewers add a bag of the candy fish to the mix while making the sour.
I said I hope a serving of it comes with a Swedish Fish candy garnish. She grinned and promptly brought me a glass of it with the a Swedish Fish garnish!
The mention of fish made me want to suggest a Pizza Flavored Goldfish Beer, or at least free bowls of my favorite little crackers in lieu of pretzels, but the bartender had other customers to tend to. I missed that opportunity to pitch my idea. Maybe I should write a letter?
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During my walk around town I noticed that Baraboo has a bit of a continental divide in its middle. At Oak Street, the numbered roads change from Avenues to Streets, or vice versa, depending on which way you walk. You can be at the intersection of 6th St and 6th Ave, and the two aren't even perpendicular.
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The next morning I joined the other B&B guests for a waffle breakfast. This time I socialized with them and the owners of the B&B. We learned about the history of the city and all about the Ringling Bros. and their circus.
Fun time. Afterward I took my time driving to Chicago. I timed it right to miss the worst of rush hour. More about Chicago in a later post.
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Do you have any game recs that have unconventional ways of determining outcomes (outside of rolling dice/drawing cards?) I remember I once saw one that revolved around candles, and another about rolling marbles, I think... I'm curious what other ones you've come across!
THEME: Dice and Card Alternatives
Hello friend, all of these games use very different modes of resolution! Happy gaming!
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Spin the Fishblade, by Marshall Bradshaw.
Spin the FishBlade is the GMless, diceless storygame where players control one fish with a knife by spinning a knife.
It's meant for three to five players to play for one to two hours, telling an outlandish story with some stylized violence. Imagine if Finding Nemo were mixed with an action movie, like Taken, Kill Bill, or Snatch.
Spin the FishBlade is a game made to spoof off of a tweet that came across as (a little) derisive of indie ttrpgs, and is one of a number of games entered into a game jam celebrating the game community’s willingness to commit to a bit. However, it’s also a completely playable game! You will sit in a circle, and arrange items to sit in between each player to act as loci of power. A knife will be spun, similar to a game of spin the bottle, but the goal is to share narration and introduce uncertainty based off of the objects in the circle. Great for GM-less games or a storytelling exercise in a casual setting!
Printweaver, by N.L. Morrison.
Your fingerprints determine your unique adventurer. Explore the wilds and find your own adventure through combat, death, and revival. Your fate is in your hands.
Printweaver looks like a traditional ttrpg in its gameplay mechanics, which use d10s, but character creation is determined by the player’s fingerprints. You’ll determine what kinds of stats you have, and where your abilities lie, by examining your finger prints and following instructions as laid out in the rulebook. The game itself is $10, but if you’re unsure about the game, character sheets and the Shorthand edition are free to download!
DIY Identity: An Odd Bijou, by S. Kaiya J.
There are a million other paths you might have walked in life.
Every one of them passes through this place.
DIY Identity is a two-person game about mutual exploration, co-construction of perception, and missed paths in life. In order to play, you will need to take a trip to an IKEA store. It is recommended to play this game with someone you trust but do not currently live with.
This game uses an hourglass and a room in an IKEA store, and can be played for about as long as you’d like to spend in that store. I’d only recommend you play it with folks if you are both comfortable with them and if you don’t mind playing the game in a semi-public space.  The game itself is only one page; easy to print off to fold up and put in your pocket.
Grave Liasons, by Yugie.
Grave Liasons is a PvP roleplaying game powered by chocolate where you play as nosy ghosts trying to ensure that their descendants get matched with the perfect partner (according to them).
While playing, players take on the roles of SPIRITS, who are trying to ensure or prevent a match, and DESCENDANTS, who are just normal people looking for love. 
This game is a one-page game in which you will embody both a Spirit and a Descendant, with the Spirits playing ghostly matchmakers and the Descendants, doing their best to find love. When a Spirit’s match goes well, the Spirit’s player eats a chocolate heart! However, be careful - once you run out of hearts you’ll have to beg or steal hearts off of other players. If you want a light-hearted way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, or you just want to eat chocolate with friends. I suggest checking this game out!
Games I’ve recommended in the past
Witches Brew, by C.R. Legge. (Tea!)
Clown Helsing, by Planarian. (Rock, Paper, Scissors)
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grigori77 · 6 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 79
Erina? Yeah ... what came? What fresh hell ... a paternity test? Apparently Matt is Sam's father ... oh boy ... Matt trying to stress that he's YOUNGER than Sam ... XD ... Sam: "Papa ... did I make you proud?" Wow ...
They cut Ashley off before she could finish her plug and it made her choke on her own spit.
"Beauregard's Interrogation Brew" ... XD
Ah yes ... the team building exercises ... how's THIS gonna go?
To long rest or not long rest ... that is the question ...
Chetney wondering if Nana Morrie grants wishes ... no, more like DEALS ... oh yes, the classic Faustian Pact ...
The bush people in the tree garden? Oh boy ... FCG: "So you're trimming people?" Eeeeeeeeeh ... O.O
Oh yeah ... Peepers ... that thing ... "weird xenomorph rabbit" is pretty accurate in my mind ...
So ... Chetney wants to be YOUNG again ... just to be "hot as shit", apparently ... cultivated and curated chest hair and a serious moustache ... yeah ...
I love how they're ragging on Liam being away by making funny jobs at Orym spending all yesterday working out ...
Fearne's complicated upbringing ... hmmm ... wait ... is that a PHONE? Matt immediately makes Travis take psychic damage got his character as punishment ... LOL
Nana wants to "plot" with FCG ... and being very creepy about it ... yeah ...
Oh, new rooms? Made to measure but in a creepy way ... Travis: "Like AI generated bedrooms?" Oh yes ... Matt takes thr idea and runs with it to disturbing effect ...
Door? Fearne has a sentient talking door for her room ... of course she does ...
Catching up with Birdie ... oh, and now she's fishing for "The Truth" ... hmmmmmm ... where's THIS going?
29 on an Insight check? Whoa ... wait, FEARNE is thr group's lie detector? I mean it makes sense, but ...
Mr Nesbitt!!! Yay! Nice to see a familiar face ... I love that freaky thing so much ...
Ah, the garden ... yeah ... creepy weirdness abounds as usual ... no doubt this will be put to use for the games ...
Here we go ... truth time ... aha! Backstory! Okay ...
Hold on, was that dude Fearne's daddy?
Fuck ... he was ... oh boy ... and it was a union of "great import" ... yup, so Ollie wasn't her father, but he WAS her daddy ... yup ... who? Athion Zathuda ... the Sorrowlord of the Unseelie Court? Man ... that freaky Arch Fey guy is Fearne's baby daddy! Holy shit!
Yeah ... that is A LOT ... I mean A LOT ...
Well yes, this was probably the best way Fearne could have grown up under the circumstances ... is she actually one of the most well adjusted of the group after all? Weird thought, but I like it ...
Awwww ... reconciliation of sorts, that's sweet and we'll take what we can get ...
Oh, Ashton and Orym having a private heart-to-heart? This should be interesting. Even if Ashton does think Orym's just taking him off to quietly kill him ... XD
Ah ... meta humour ...
Wow, so ... Orym's really going EASY on him here, clearly ... Orym: "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." WOW ... that is AWESOME advice ...
We really don't get enough of THIS friendship ... I really like this dynamic a lot ...
Is Allura about to get a bit loose jn a drink-based way? Is that where this is going?
I agree with Chetney, that was indeed a "dope flex" ...
Whoa ... are we gonna get some Allura backstory? Awwwww ... her "little lion" ... love the little nod to Kima ... :3
Imogen takes off the Circlet? Wow ...
Of course Chetney's thinking about sex. What did we expect?
Fearne has an announcement? Okay ...
Nana has DONE SOMETHING with FCG's memories in order to plot this thing out? Oh boy ... this is a worrying implication for what's to come ...
And that was SCARY, Nana ... plus the talking together, what the bright blue FUCK was that? O.O
Here we go, Fearne spills the beans ... so Fearne is actually royalty ... Laudna: "Wait, THAT was your takeaway?" Meanwhile this is an additional connection to Otohan and co ...
Imogen: "What if we're stepsisters?" Fearne: "Oooh, exciting!" Orym: "We may have to KILL THEM."
Sammanar? Hmmmm ... yeah, we're definitely off on a weird tangent ...
Oh, so Nana knows all about the Sorrowlord ... znd apparently HE knows about Fearne ... great ...
Sammanar is another one of the five Arch Fey lords ... and "a bit of a prick" ...
Dusk Hunger, the Blade of the Black Flame ... wow ...
So they're showing Nana the Shard, eh? Okay then ... oh, so it "smells like" Fearne? Interesting ... wait ... is Fearne a remnant like Ashton then?
And now they're showing her the Harness too ... Nana: "Hungry goes the Bastards of Time." Okay ...
"A bit of the Old World"? Hmmmm ...
Fearne is still wary about taking in the Shard and I don't blame her at all ...
Ooooh ... Fearne got SASSY with Allura there ... XD
Oh, so Allura's giving us a little info on the Moonweaver ...
Sam's flask is very on the nose this week and nearly derails the whole discussion ... XD
Allura has some lore on Nana? Intriguing ...
Taliesin invokes Disney witches for insight on a 21 and gets some Whispers ...
A fruity aroma? And s gathering of critters? Where's THIS going?
Magic items to be earned? Intriguing ...
Weird tea ... okay ... are they about to be drugged up to their eyeballs?
Which first, then? Honesty? Okay, then ...
Wait, where the fuck are they now? In the jungle? What the hell? A chasm? Yikes ...
A brass monocle? Hmmmm ... the first item ... the Monocle of True Essence? Oh, they have to find it? Okay then ...
The chasm only listens to honesty? Hmmm ...
Fuck, now they're falling into the pit ... and NOW Matt chooses to go to break? Ye gods ...
Falling into a stanky rooty pit, then ... oh, this is NASTY ... charming place, clearly ...
Are they alone? Get sniffing, Chet. 6 ... oof ... Nice going, wolf boy ...
Telling a truth makes step grow? Interesting ...
Meanwhile looking for the lens ...
Imogen is scared to meet her mum again. Hmmmm ...
Both Laudna AND Delilah want the Shard? Oof ... and while Imogen loves her, Delilah being able to watch them creeps her out ... ouch ...
Wow, look at that, there's like a whole city down here ...
Orym is very lonely ALL THE TIME? Boy ... and then FCG just lays down dom existential dread ...
Laudna climbs the steps onto the bridge. Oh, balance check ...
Orym wonders if Chetney's actually his dad ... whoa ... that is ... awkward ...
Ashton was the cause for the robbery going bad that caused his own accident and how he ended up the way he is ...
FCG casts Light ... they start searching with real purpose now ... cue perception and investigation checks ...
Fearne thinks they're ill equipped and they're going to fail on saving the world ...
Chetney fears being rendered obsolete in his field of toy making expertise ...
Orym and Imogen are climbing now too.
Whenever FCG kills something it calms hom znd helps him relax? Yeesh ...
Imogen doesn't know if she WANTS to save gods who don't love her ... meanwhile Laudna believes they could just quit from this whole path anytime ...
Orym spots a faint green glint ... he may have spotted it? Okay ... look into that ... he takes a chance and does a leap out into the open ... with Imogen's help he lands where he intended to ... okay then ...
Bingo! There's the monocle! Nice one, wee man!
So everybody's just trying to climb out now? Is that going to work?
Fearne likes to mess with them all a little when they sleep. Nothing bad, just little curiosities ... that's ... an awkward one ... but it does fit with her character ...
Well, they're getting there ...
Ashton worries that all of them are capable of killing at least one of the others ...
Orym has all the faith in the world in all of them, but is also pulling a Batman to find each one's weakness in case it's needed too ... yeah ...
FCG worries he relies too much on the Changebringer but that she might not actually be on their side after all ...
Weird buoyant balloon mushrooms? What the fuck? Holy shit, that actually works? Crap ...
Imogen is disappointed in Fearne for not taking the Shard, and Laudna agrees.
Orym misses Dorian ... how is that any kind of revelation?
Matt is regretting the mushrooms now as it completely derails the session into gales of laughter ...
Liam: "I love it when we pervert Matt's narrative! It's true!"
Pate is not capable of deep truths, apparently ...
Ashton hates that he fucked up Fearne's life and wishes he'd died instead ... oh man ...
Wow ... Chetney is just a whole MESS of neuroses, isn't he?
Eagle things? What the hell is THIS shit? Oh, these are just WEIRD ... but they're helping, at least ... so ... that was it, then? Hmmmm ...
Wait, that was FCG's idea? Kind of ... hmmmm ...
Yes. Check for leeches ...
Oh boy, the monocle has a card ... oh, that's sweet ... oh yeah, Orym should DEFINITELY have that with his crazy perception ...
I agree, Chetney should have a hug ...
What's next? Communication? Okay ...
And now they're underground ... some kind of low hanging cavern? Hmmmm ...
A thunder wasp hive? Seriously?
A beautiful purple scarf ... torn into three pieces ... wait, so now Ashton, Imogen and Chetney are LITERALLY BLIND?!!! What the fuck? And now they're just GONE ... now at the ends of each of the platforms ...
Matt makes Travis swap seats with Marisha ... znd freaks him out while he does it ...
This is a COMPLETELY UNIQUE game situation ... for fuck's sake this is gonna get SO BAD ...
Great. Now there are FUCKING WASPS out here too ...
This is a genuinely RIDICULOUS thing we're witnessing here right now ... seriously I am just sitting here watching this in stunned silence while it gets INSANELY stressful ... snd now Chetney's going into the bug swarm ...
And now Chetney's wolfed out ... but still blind ...
FCG is VERY BADLY STUNG right now ...
Laudna is now sending Pate to kill the wasps ... or not. Hmmmm ... apparently that isn't allowed ...
Oh my gods this is INSANE ...
And now Chetney's getting stung TO FUCK ... Matt is making Travis ROLL BLIND ... 18? Oh thank fuck ...
I can't ... I just can't at this point ... it's BEYOND DESCRIPTION right now ...
Thank fuck THAT is over ... Sam: "Travis Willingham, this is your lower intestine."
And now we have to do this AGAIN ... crap ...
Laura's looks SO MUCH WORSE than Travis' did ... crap ... but it's the Witches working together ... along with Chetney ...
Talk about a bizarre tabletop gaming version of a trustfall ...
It's a good thing Laura and Travis trust each other so much, clearly ... gods, this one is going SO MUCH more smoothly than the previous one ...
No, not now ... damn you, Matthew! No wasps!
Oh wow ... Ashley gives Laura her plush Mister for luck ... Awwwwwwwwww ... :3
Shockflare? Oh, that's FRICKIN SWEET ... nice trick, Imogen ...
Balls ... they're THUNDER wasps ... not fair ...
Oh thank gods that is over at last ... that got so stressful at the end ...
So now it's Imogen and Fearne helping Ashton ...
Wow ... so far they're doing BY FAR the best at this ... oh wait ... yeah, may have spoken too soon ... aaaaaaaah ...fucking hell now it's stressful again ...
Taliesin: "This is the weirdest thing I have ever done in my life." Sam: "I don't think that's true."
Damn it, not the bloody wasps again ...
Ashton is now Raging to beat hid way through the wasps ... FUCK!!! He is now OFF THE FUCKING LEDGE!!! Oh, nice save, but blind ... dear fuck this is TERRIFYING!!! Shit, now he's just FALLING INTO THE FUCKING VOID!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!
Roll a 20, Taliesin! Shit!
Balls ... that was a fail, then ... is he gone? No ... poof, he's back with them. At least that wasn't really anybody's fault, it was just pure bad luck ...
Wait ... are they SERIOUSLY gonna try that again? With NO safety net this time? Come on, you can't seriously ...
Orym is going to go with Chetney and Imogen guiding him? I can't take it any more ...
I fucking HATE THIS GAME!!!
Holy shit Orym you are a fucking SUPERSTAR!!! Amazing ...
Ooh, fancy stuff ... a magic scarf? Fancy ...
So what's left ... Trust? Okay ...
Deep Fey Realm forest ... ruins all around ... intriguing ... nasty brambles everywhere ... and a big well in the middle ...
Three altars? Somewhere in the ruins? Hmmm ...
Always a catch ... who are THESE guys? Dopplegangers? What the hell? Two of them are going to be replaced?
And that's IT for the night? SERIOUSLY, Matthew? You sadist ...
Next one is gonna be interesting, clearly ...
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winterhawkkisses · 2 years
The kitchen is a chaos of puzzle pieces, only maybe half of them still on the table. Bucky has to rinse out the mug he picks, blue paper dust rimmed around the inside of it, and he places the rescued piece on the table with a gentle click.
Clint makes a sad noise into his folded arms.
“Meds have killed my stomach lining,” he says. “It would hurt so bad.”
That doesn’t sound like a no, but Bucky takes it like one. Sometimes you gotta look out for Clint’s good, ‘cos he won’t look out for his own.
“Mint tea,” he decides, and boils enough water to brew for them both. He ignores the puzzle pieces steadily collecting in the hood of his sweater.
When the mug clunks onto the tabletop next to his head Clint finally sits a little more like upright, and neither of them are gonna mention his red-rimmed eyes.
“Who needs precision,” Clint says flatly. “I can still draw a bow.”
Bucky silently fishes the puzzle pieces out of his hood. Looks like Clint pulled out all the red ones for him, and Bucky smiles a little, lopsided, when he can fit a couple of them together.
“Puzzles are dumb.”
“You’re dumb,” Bucky answers, reflexive, but he takes Clint’s hand and starts to push gently against the knots there, the way it’s tightened up into a claw. Clint leans over until his head is tucked into place in the sleep-musty crook of Bucky’s neck; they always fit together just right.
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Memorable Things of 2022
- quit smoking and vaping again…
- bought my dream medium format camera
- at work, kevin and i kept hearing squeaking and we thought we were having auditory hallucinations from sleep deprivation. turns out there was a mouse on a glue trap.
- got a sick contax point and shoot for my birthday
- started competing in a denim competition
- bought my first car on my own without assistance (no co-signer)
- i ordered doritos flamin hot cool ranch, a loofah and several other things from target. the doritos burst during shipment. i had a doritos scented loofah for a while…
- formed a relationship and i ended up receiving boxes of fruits throughout the year from my “fruit daddy”
- drove to boston to be my brothers chauffeur for a week. sometime during that week i discovered my personal favorite brewery on the east coast: lord hobo brewing company
- my dad took care of my dog for a bit. every month when he gets his retirement check, he spends a portion of it on my dog
- blinded myself again. luckily it wasn’t both eyes but i got chemicals in one eye and couldn’t see out of one eye. ive learned that i am extremely accident prone
- tried growing out a mullet again
- “borrowed” only one street sign this year
- lead and organized a union. somewhere along there i ended up bringing my dog to a protest
- went hiking in washington state. i ended up with a mini cooper somewhere along that. also my brother managed to convince me to fly with 8 dry flower bouquets from seattle…
- visited an overall total of 7 different breweries
- my family member passed away. it took a toll especially since it was sudden... the thing that sucks about this is that that they died from covid and i constantly think about how it’s been 2 years since covid hit yet shit like this still happens...
- my gf moved in with me and she won’t stop burping into my food
- finally purchased land… from a cemetery….
- went hiking for the first time with my parents. my dad wanted to spend more time with me and this was a hobby he would like to pursue. a little after, i found out he bought a brand new pair of hiking boots so we can hike more.
- discovered the best burmese restaurant and it’s called “amayar kitchen”
- set up a darkroom in my home
- only went to 8 shows this year
- met michelle zauner and showed her a photo of my gf crying while she was reading “crying in hmart”
- got a mini fridge from brooklyn brewery that i use for film storage
- i religiously drink cold brew mixed with lemonade
- went to a wedding in connecticut primarily for the free reception food
- taught my gf how to develop and process film. the purpose of this is so that she’ll eventually have a desire to own a leica. hopefully, she’ll give up on photography and give me the leica
- i have attained a sugar momma
- signed up for commercial fishing in alaska
- saw my first broadway musical
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Supporting their local "Brewshed" and in cooperation with Coleman Agriculture and Yakima Chief Hops, Oregon breweries release a unique beer supporting expanded water protections.
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Press Release
April 17, 2023 – Oregon’s brewing community knows better than anyone that “Great beer starts with clean water!”
Right now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime conservation opportunity to secure the largest expansion of river protections in Oregon history. This effort would protect watersheds, critical fish and wildlife habitat, carbon-storing forests, and world-class recreation opportunities – not to mention the #1 ingredient in every single beer! So Oregon’s brewing community is stepping up to show their support for this historic campaign by releasing a special Wild & Scenic Earth Day Collaboration Series during Earth Week!
Senator Wyden’s River Democracy Act proposes a bold expansion of new river protections across Oregon. This historic legislation calls for protecting over 3,200 miles of Oregon’s waterways as federally designated and protected Wild & Scenic Rivers. The River Democracy Act is the result of a groundbreaking grassroots river nomination process, multi-years of vetting, and the work of hundreds of activists and river enthusiasts advocating for their backyard rivers, drinking watersheds, fishing holes, hiking trails, kayak routes, and love of the wildlands and rivers of Oregon. Over 15,000 river nominations were received from the public. Additionally, over 50 Oregon breweries sent a letter to Senator Wyden voicing their strong support for protecting Oregon’s rivers, creeks, and streams.
To keep the momentum going and help advance this historic proposal, a dozen Oregon Brewshed® Alliance partners are releasing a Wild & Scenic Earth Day Collaboration Series during Earth Week in honor of their watersheds! Coleman Agriculture and Yakima Chief Hops have generously donated Citra®, Mosaic®, and Simcoe® hops to participating breweries who in turn are brewing special beers to honor their respective brewsheds and raise awareness about the need to protect Oregon’s rivers.
Participating breweries are: Hopworks Urban Brewery, pFriem Family Brewers, Fort George Brewery, Ecliptic Brewing, Grand Fir Brewing, Little Beast Brewing, Ruse Brewing, Falling Sky Brewing, Sunriver Brewing Co., and Worthy Brewing.
“From growing, to processing and brewing; I think the central importance of water across the beer industry is a really cool connection point we all share and can enthusiastically get behind. We are thrilled to be working in collaboration with YCH and the Brewshed® Alliance along with 10+ local breweries on the Wild & Scenic Beer Series this year!” said Coleman Agriculture’s Program Manager Garrett Weaver.
“As beer lovers, we recognize that there is a natural connection between clean water and great tasting beer” says Levi Wyatt, YCH’s Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility. “We have to acknowledge the great responsibility that comes with that, responsibility to ensure these waterways stay protected and stay wild for generations to come.”
“Supporting the passage of the River Democracy Act should be a top conservation priority for anyone who values clean water and Oregon’s amazing brewing community,” said Oregon Wild’s Jonathan Jelen.
About the Oregon Brewshed® Alliance / Coleman Agriculture / Yakima Chief Hops Launched by Oregon Wild in 2015, the Oregon Brewshed® Alliance is a coalition of brewing businesses, brewing community partners, and conservationists who understand the value of clean water and protected forest watersheds. The Oregon Brewshed® Alliance supports Oregon Wild’s conservation work to protect and restore the wild lands, wildlife, and waters that make our state a great place to live, work, and enjoy great beer. Great beer doesn’t start at the tap – great beer begins with clean water. Beer is over 90% water, after all, and that water is a product of the land that it flows through.
Coleman Agriculture has been a proud member of the Oregon Brewshed® Alliance for the last 4 years. As hop growers, the Oregon watershed is crucial to our day-to-day operations. As a 6th generation family farm, maintaining the Oregon watershed is crucial to the sustainability of the farm for the next generation. We are hyper-conscious not only of the water we use for irrigation, but also the effect we have on the watersheds via our management practices. This is why we take measures to limit our water inputs via drip irrigation, minimize runoff and erosion with cover cropping and take part in sustainability programs such as Salmon safe to limit our use of chemicals that might negatively affect watersheds. The Brewshed® Alliance has been a great unifying force between our organization and other like-minded businesses in the beer industry who care about preserving the Oregon watershed.
Hops require a significant amount of irrigation to grow, and the quality of that water directly affects the yield and health of the plants. Elevated alkalinity levels in irrigation water can lead to an increase in the soil pH, which can make certain nutrients like zinc, manganese, and iron less available for uptake. We have experienced firsthand the need to treat irrigation water due to poor quality and understand the very real business and environmental costs associated. By designating more river coastlines as Wild & Scenic via the River Democracy Act, we protect our watershed from potential industry related contaminants that could compromise the water quality we depend on to grow our hops. At the same time, we help preserve the natural beauty and health of our river areas that may otherwise be replaced.
Yakima Chief Hops - Land use change and water availability are the greatest environmental risks facing the hop industry. Working in partnership with conservation organizations such as Oregon Wild, YCH is helping to invest in watershed protection and restoration programs in hop producing regions to ensure access to clean water for growers, brewers and recreationalists alike. These agroforestry efforts also benefit freshwater ecosystems as well as our communities. Since our inception in 1988, YCH has been rooted in environmental stewardship, with the firm understanding that healthy hops require healthy waterways. Environmental stewardship is a crucial component of our business. We value the opportunity to expand our reach by partnering with Oregon Wild on initiatives such as the River Democracy Act, which actively advocates on behalf of our local landscapes and stakeholders.
 About the Watersheds & the Beers They Inspired Hood River Brewshed – The West Fork Hood River and Cold Springs Creek (Tamanawas Falls) are two of the waterways in this brewshed that stand to gain new protections via the River Democracy Act.
Oregon Wild IPA, pFriem Family Brewers - Brewed with Salmon Safe hops from Coleman Ag, and Salmon Safe malted barley from Linc Malt, this IPA has notes of tropical fruit, citrus, and finishes clean and crisp on the pallet. This classic Northwest IPA celebrates sustainably sourced local ingredients and is the perfect beer after a day on the water.
“We always say, "you need great water to make great beer". We are lucky to live in a watershed abundant with beautiful, clean, crisp water. Water is the primary ingredient in beer, and all brewers should be obsessed with protecting this irreplaceable natural resource.”
- Rudy Kellner CEO pFriem
Tumalo Creek Brewshed - The namesake Tumalo Creek as well as the headwater streams like Bridge Creek are some of the waterways in this brewshed that stand to gain new protections via the River Democracy Act.
Canopyia IPA, Worthy Brewing – An ode to Worthy’s love for forest canopies, this 100% Salmon-Safe classic American IPA comes with large notes of citrus, pine, caramel, and a balanced underlying bitterness.
“As a life-long Central Oregonian, it can be easy to take the pristine water I've always had access to for granted. I've been lucky enough to have been raised on some of the best water in the world and now I'm lucky enough to attribute it to the success of the beers we brew. None of that could be possible without the activism of organizations like Oregon Wild and the outreach and fundraising they so passionately provide.”                                                                                                   -Brian Chapman, Head Brewer, Worthy Brewing
Upper Deschutes Brewshed – Fall River and key tributaries of the iconic Metolius River both stand to gain new protections via the River Democracy Act.
Skinny Dippin’ Salmon Safe Session IPA, Sunriver Brewing Co. - This crushable IPA is brewed with Salmon-Safe ingredients, utilizing barley from Skagit Valley Malting and hops from Coleman Agriculture. Skinny Dippin' is dip hopped and loaded with Simcoe, Citra®, Mosaic®, and Talus®.
"At Sunriver Brewing Company we pride ourselves on the quality and consistency of our beer. A big part of that profile comes from our water sources in the Upper Deschutes watershed. The water being clean, and of exceptional quality, allows us to produce world-class craft beer."
- Brett Thomas, Sunriver Brewing Director of Brewing Operations
Bull Run Brewshed – The Little Sandy River stands to gain new protections via the River Democracy Act to provide a protective buffer for Portland’s drinking water supply.
King Salmon Imperial IPA, Hopworks Urban Brewery - Our King Salmon IIPA is a delicious hop bomb of a Salmon Safe beer. Rich in tropical and citrus hop flavors, it is a wonderful example how great a beer made with Salmon Safe hops and malt can be!
“Not only is water the main ingredient in beer, and a major reason why there are such amazing beers produced in Oregon, but our rivers are the lifeblood of our region. Recreation, industry, drinking water for our urban centers, and so much more, water is vital to our success and happiness as a region. The more we can protect our watersheds, the brighter our future!”
- Christian Ettinger, Owner of Hopworks Urban Brewery
Tendril Session IPA, Grand Fir Brewing - Candied pineapple, Meyer lemon, Chantilly cream
“Clean water is the foundation for our existence and here in the PNW, we are so fortunate to have such beautiful pure sources. But we are in trouble and will continue to be unless we make some serious change together. Here at Grand Fir Brewing, we believe that small businesses just like us, that rely on this precious resource to make our products, can make a big impact. Now is the time to support as much as possible to ensure our lush forests and rivers are cared for and protected.”
– Whitney Burnside, Head Brewer & Owner of Grand Fir Brewing
Wild & Scenic West Coast Pilsner, Ecliptic Brewing – Brewed like a German Pilsner and dry-hopped like a West Coast IPA, this beer is balanced and crisp, clocking in at 6% ABV. $1 from every pint sold of this brew will be donated to support Oregon Wild's conservation efforts to expand Wild & Scenic River protections to 3,000+ miles of Oregon's waterways through the River Democracy Act.
“We are happy to support Oregon Wild in their endeavors! Water is essential for beer, and we're so thankful to get that from the Bull Run Watershed. We're here to help support clean water and conservation!”
- Colette Becker, Ecliptic Brewing
Bear Creek Brewshed – The drinking watershed for Astoria and surrounding communities.
Earth Day Birthday, Fort George Brewery - DDH Earth Day Birthday was brewed with 50% oats in the grist and a 6lb/bbl dry hop of Citra®, Columbus, Mosaic®, Simcoe® donated from YCH for a resinous citrus and stone fruit birthday surprise.
“Clean water is absolutely paramount to making great beer at Fort George. Astoria, Oregon has some of the best water right out of the tap and protecting that is essential for our craft breweries.”
- Brian Bovenizer, Fort George
Little Beast Brewing, Ruse Brewing, and Falling Sky Brewing will also be releasing special Wild & Scenic Earth Day collaboration beers in honor of their respective brewsheds and to support Oregon Wild’s conservation work. More details to come! 
Where to Find These Amazing Beers In addition to being available at each of the participating brewery taprooms, several of the Wild & Scenic Earth Day Collaboration Series beers will be available at the Salmon Safe IPA Festival hosted by Hopworks on Earth Day (Saturday April 22nd)at their SE Portland location on Powell Blvd. Get your tickets today!
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3MQZL9t
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"I want you more than anything in the world"- IWTV S2E4 liveblog
Claudias debut at the theatre!I was enthralled with this performance. Especially with the animation aspect but Louis was right though. Its weird! lol
Armand looking to him for his approval and that fake ass smile from Louis lol
Ugh the end of the play though and the ghost. More foreshadowing!
Not Claudia being over the performance so soon. What is 2 years to a vampire? But to be fair she was over it from the start.
Was it sabotage in Claudias part or is that Armand's ego (and the covens) talking? Santiago and co were saying how they hated it too
I lowkey loved her "no pain" rags costume. Is that weird?
Peep that worried look of Louis's when Claudia expresses her discontent to Armand. Did he think she was over it now that she had the coven? Or is he remembering Armand's words to him in the tunnel last ep that she wont survive BECAUSE of the reasons she gave?(Im a fierce vampire stuck
Sam the suck up lol
"I keep my business tight" yes you do sir!...if you say so. I guess he has a handle on outbursts in cafes two years on
Discontent brewing in the theatre.
Louis getting a hold on on the fire gift. Has it come naturally over time or has armand taught him?
Dreamstat is officially my favorite version of Lestat!
"Do you notice how hot the room gets when you two talk about the secret?" Hot how lestat do tell!
I love you-mokingly. LOuis!? you are crazy who are you even mocking. Yourself or Armand?!
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Are you schizophrenic Louis. Oh was i hoping for the Lestat reveal with that look off to the side in present day lol.
Daniel Malloy with the S1 callbacks
Armand look when Louis describes being able to feel Lestats presence! Anger? annoyance?Jealousy? Was Armand unwittingly the cause of it? He says he wasn't aware Lestat was SO present so all those feelings make sense. And Louis has apparently gotten better at blocking his thoughts if Armand wasn't aware
Daniel revealed his hand a bit but thankfully he had a plausible backup reason as to why he knows about the fire. Giving very much i can throw YALL off your game too
The wet room scene between Claudia and Santiago further bolsters my theory that Santiago is being genuine with her but also fishing for info to use against her and Louis.
Never meet your heroes amirite. The switch between Claudia being wide eyed in her first interactions with Santiago to now the annoyed glare of "why are you lurking?"
The dinner scene. I love how theyve all comeout like dysfunctional family. Except for Gutsve apparently who is doing a Baron Afanas
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BUFFOON! WE got the scene. I am so happy.!
Rip 👏🏾that 👏🏾tongue👏🏾 out Sorry Santibaby!
This photography dealer seen reminds me of the passage in the book where the painter paints Louis just a little too well and he kills him. This guy got off easy with a "Fuck You!"
I love how unimpressed Madeline is. "When you died that was good" lol
uh oh Claudia skirting her responsibilites. This will end well
Dreamstat being Louis imagininary confidant/friend instead of threatening. How the turn tables have turned.
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Love how he is parroting and defending his man lol. Eating the bad ones.
While I don't see Claudine as romantic at least not yet I do love that Madeline is acknowledging feeling and treating her like the adult that she is. It's talking to her about sex and Death and hard yruth things nobody broaches with Claudia. Go bang!Then fine again!
Assads "who am i" speech. Beautiful and capitvating. Assad is a standout this season.
Armand did nothing wrong on chastising Claudia. Maybe not the hand on the throat but he was right to put her in her place.
Then grabbing up Santiago. Girl! He has never been more attractive.
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Know you role Thesp. Not gonna lie, that reminded me of the Rock
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Lestat as Louis staring at Louis like are we buying this? Another sad origin story? I feel like Louis is more descerning now. Taking it with a grain of salt. Its very much reminesent of Claudia's look to Louis as Lestat told his story.
Not louis as Lestat calling Claudia a bad decision.
Again I think Claudia is wrong in this situation. Armand did not outright threaten her. She took it as a threat. All he said was basically I know what you did last summer.
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She goes off on Louis but Louis tried to tell her. She wouldn't hear It. Louis is right for choosing his peace, she chose hers. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
The wilderness that is our daughter. I love that line.
His favorite suit.
Sam has really milked every bit of emotion out of few scenes. This was sad, not gonna lie. I teared up.
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Bye Dreamstat! I was just warming up to You.
Can Santiago know somethings contents through touch?!
Full out mutiny vibes!
Yes Maitre!?! Omg tew much!. I have never been into sub/dom dynamics but omg that was so hot
Confidence looks so good on Louis. I love this for him again.
And he has a hold on the fire gift!!
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Santiago Maitre too?! Too many Maitres sitting in a tree.
Ok maybe Armand could not have prevented it with the actual mutiny in play. We shall see
We cant have Louis being embarrassed in front of Daniel! He has an interview he's trying to win which is both possible and normal to want!
I love that they are actually screaming nonsense behind the wall lol
I actually screamed when they cut off Armand in the middle of his sentence.THATS IT!? Next week can't come fast enough!
0 notes
icleanedthisplate · 5 months
Dine-Out Meals of December 2023, Ranked
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
Overall, a mediocre month.
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Sushi Rolls (Furikake, Zaragani, Kemuri). Kemuri. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.30.2023.
Kimchi Ramen. Gold Bowl. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.5.2023.
Fried Chicken Vermicelli Bowl w/Hot Honey Vindaloo. MOPHO. New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.27.2023.
Boudin Balls App (shared), Pork Poboy w/Caesar Salad. The High Hat Café. New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.29.2023.
Christmas Party Buffet (Prime Rib, Macaroni & Cheese Martini, Chicken w/Tapenade). Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Catering. 12.15.2023.
Chicken Leg Quarters, Baked Beans, Broccoli & Cheese Casserole. Platnum BBQ (River Market). Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.1.2023.
Pizza (Arti-Garlic, Hawaii Five-O) and Wings (shared all). Theo’s Pizza (Canal). New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.26.2023.
Southern Style Chicken & Shrimp Gumbo w/Green Beans. Jamie’s Restaurant. Harrison, Arkansas. 12.18.2023.
Build Your Own Bowl Catered Buffet (Chicken, Salmon, Veggies, Rice, etc.). Green Leaf Grill (Catering). Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.13.2023.
Christmas Party Buffet (Pizza, Salad, Pimento Cheese, etc.). Lost Forty Brewing Company. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.8.2023.
Ranchero Special w/Shrimp. Casa Mojitos. Beebe, Arkansas. 12.9.2023.
Flank Steak Sandwich w/Caesar Salad. Buenos Aires Grill & Café. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.7.2023.
Famous Ferdi Sandwich. Mother’s Restaurant. New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.28.2023.
Smashed Avocado Turkey Burger w/Sweet Potato Fries. Big Orange. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.1.2023.
Za’atar Bagel Breakfast Sandwich w/Sausage. The Bagel Shop. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.14.2023.
Veggie Frittata, Egg Bite. Nexus Coffee & Creative. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.13.2023.
Avocado Toast w/Egg. Fidel & Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.11.2023.
Spicy Chicken Deluxe Pizza, Caesar Salad. Pizza Café. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.4.2023.
Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Hashbrown Bowl, Pecan Waffle. Waffle House. Hazelhurst, Mississippi. 12.30.2023.
Yaka Mein. Three Muses. New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.28.2023.
Spicy Chicken Deluxe Combo. Chick-fil-A. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.15.2023. (No photo.)
Chicken, Spinach & Artichoke Sandwich w/Broccoli. Town House Café. Harrison, Arkansas. 12.18.2023.
Vegetarian Shiitake Mushroom Burger. The Root Cafe. Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.12.2023.
Chicken Quesadilla w/Rice & Beans. Habana Outpost. New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.29.2023. (No photo.)
King’s Breakfast Bowl. Kingfish. New Orleans, Louisiana. 12.27.2023.
Seafood Lettuce Wraps. Landshark Bar & Grill. Branson, Missouri. 12.18.2023.
The Round-Up Pizza (to-go). Roper’s. Beebe, Arkansas. 12.9.2023.
Two Filet-O-Fish Sandwiches. McDonald’s. Lake Village, Arkansas. 12.26.2023.
Veggie Breakfast Burrito. Blackberry Market. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.12.2023.
Sashimi Plate w/Salad, Soup. Kanpai Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.16.2023.
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Beer Events 10.1
Albany Brewery bought James Boyd's brewery (New York; 1872)
Thomas May left Kaiserbrauerei Beck & May (1875)
Lewisburgh Brewery partially destroyed by fire (Kentucky; 1890)
Leopold Nathan patented the Art of Brewing Beer (1918)
Singapore's Tiger Beer debuted (1932)
Sacramento's Buffalo Brewery sold the brewery buildings and land to the Sacramento Bee newspaper (California; 1948)
Roger Maris hit home run #61 (1961)
Blitz Weinhard patented Barrel Loading (1963)
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. established a holding company and corporate restructuring began (1979)
He'Brew released its 1st beer (1997)
Florida finally changed its beer packaging laws to allow odd-sized bottled to be sold (2001)
Breweries Opened
Fitzgerald Brothers Brewing (New York; 1866)
Army & Navy Brewery / Turtle Grove Brewery (Halifax, Canada; 1870)
Brasserie Amos (France; 1868)
Czech Share Brewery (Czech Republic; 1895)
Honolulu Brewing & Malting Co. (Hawaii; 1898)
August Schell Brewing (Minnesota; 1902)
Hilden Brewery (Northern Ireland; 1981)
Hillsdale Brewery & Public House (Oregon; 1985)
Hogshead Brewpub (California; 1985)
Wellington County Brewery (Canada; 1985)
James Page Brewing (Minnesota; 1987)
Pacific Crest Brewing (California; 1988)
Callahan's Pub & Brewery (California; 1989)
Whistler Brewing (Canada; 1989)
Gentle Ben's Brewing (Arizona; 1991)
Hill Country Brewing & Bottling (Texas; 1991)
Millrose Brewpub (Illinois; 1991)
Ragtime Taproom (Florida; 1991)
Ebeneezer Brewing (Utah; 1992)
Fish Brewing (Washington; 1992)
Al Frisco's (Canada; 1993)
American River Brewing (California; 1993)
Little Apple Brewing (Kansas; 1993)
Brimstone Brewing (Maryland; 1994)
Hart Breweries Ltd. (Canada; 1994)
Dalian Brewing (Hong Kong; 1995)
Hose & Hydrant Brewing (Canada; 1995)
West Berkshire Brewing (England; 1995)
Ballpark Brewing (California; 1996)
Barley's (Kansas; 1996)
Barrett's Brewpub & Eatery (Alabama; 1996)
Brasserie Frog et Princesse (France; 1996)
Buckley Brewery & Grill (Ohio; 1996)
Crooked Waters brewing (Illinois; 1996)
Cobblestone Winery & Brewery (New York; 1996)
Copper Dragon Brewing (Illinois; 1996)
Foundry Ale Works (Pennsylvania; 1996)
Four Peaks Brewing (Arizona; 1996)
Your World Brewery (Massachusetts; 1996)
Aukland Brewery (New Zealand; 1997)
Glacial Lakes Brewing (Minnesota; 1997)
La Barberie (Canada; 1997)
Mobjack Bay Brewing (Virginia; 1997)
Ninkasi Ale House (France; 1997)
Red Shield Brewery (England; 1997)
Rogue's Roost Ale House (Canada; 1997)
Three Rivers Eatery & Brewery (New Mexico; 1997)
Washington Brewing (DC; 1997)
Bertram's Salmon Valley Brewery (Idaho; 1998)
Fisherman's Beer Microcerveceria (Argentina; 1998)
Inchant Brewery (Australia; 1998)
Malt Shovel Brewery (Australia; 1998)
Tractor Brewing (New Mexico; 1999)
Alewife Brewery (England; 2000)
Brookhaven Brewery (Utah; 2000)
Santa Maria Brewing (California; 2000)
Brenham Brewery (Texas; 2001)
Monet's Bistro & Brewpub (Illinois; 2001)
New Albanian Brewing (Indiana; 2002)
Cerveses La Pirata (Catalonia; 2015)
0 notes
pilgaardmadden09 · 1 year
Setting Up A Water Butt
Before going to the hardware store, garden outlet, or home improvement center, you'll need either should try to bring a part of the broken pipe, the broken sprinkler head, or simply know how big your PVC pipe 's. For gardening the water pipe is normally 1/2 or 3/4 OD. Once perception the size, you may turn looking for the parts any user be requested. For the break your market length in the pipe, you'll look for a PVC-slip joint. This will allow one to cut the broken component of pipe out and easily slip fresh section set for repair. The first thing to within mind mind could be the type of fishing that's enjoyed most. Float tube fishing is better served a number of types of fishing. Obviously fly fishing is like minded for fishing from a float tube because with the waving as well as forth motion that preformed. Fishing from of these small boats additionally well designed for casting and retrieving lures, such as is square pipe done by bass fishermen. Bass fishing from an individual boat such as this is becoming quite popular on many bodies water. gi pipe 2 inch will supply for about twenty percent of a tube. An abrasive is applied inside of the toothpaste to help you to enable the contents to help stick on one's pearly whites. This is used as a regarding making certain that the toothpaste will have the ability to work in order to clear off bacteria and clean off one's teeth with level of comfort. The abrasive should be able are crucial one's teeth are properly protected at year 'round. She stomped to her bed and sat down with a thud. She was NOT upset with herself! She was upset with the non co-operation of the tube!!! Why in the world, could it not give her what she wanted? Should seamless square steel tubing not have even the sense fully grasp what a youngster wants? Isn't it its duty to sleepy eyed kids, who win the big fight to wake up early will begin to no high school? Can't it co-operate this little much and do its job properly? When will adults and toothpaste tubes understand small simple obvious needs of little? Encapsulate the tape over-the-counter outflow although on down the pipe and soon you reach november 17 inches post area is made up of the drain. Then begin covering up the tape in the alternative direction, not stopping until you've got reached the spot where you started over. Do this several times to brew a tight, although temporary, seal around the pipe auto . the burden. Finally the tube passes through a cutoff that cuts the tube into the required program plans. The steel tube generally moves while using mill at fast transfers. gi pipe price takes from stepping into the mill to time it passes through the cutoff should be only a matter of moments. In a high-head system, the water will flow from the penstock using a nozzle. The nozzle restricts the sized the water flow, creating a high power water airplane. The nozzle size should be just big enough to handle the quantity of water go. The nozzle can be as simple as as small PVC pipe with a cap within it that rrs known for a hole drilled in out. Should make a decision to renovate an unfinished part among the home, test for radon before work begins. Its much in order to install a radon system in an unfinished home. If your test results are close towards the EPA action level (4.0 pCi/l), test the space again after work is implemented.
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greysautomation · 2 years
Evil west third person
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#Evil west third person update
#Evil west third person Pc
Sinister Fishing Adventure, DREDGE, Leaves Safe Harbour in 2023
#Evil west third person Pc
This is insidious, creeping sorcery that requires both preparation and a pinch of madness, as opposed to fireballs and arcane missiles.īeer Brewing Sim ‘Brewmaster’ Hops to PC and Consoles September 29įrom perfecting authentic, chemistry- driven brewing techniques to bottling and labelling, become the ultimate brewmaster in an authentic and relaxing beer brewing experience. The Age of Sorcery will allow you to sacrifice a portion of your life force to wield dark powers.
#Evil west third person update
At least for now, though, you may count on being able to recruit a friend to help you fight the vampires.Xbox Game Search Site Statistics Registered Members: 63,347Ĭheat Codes: 1,706 Latest News Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery Update arrives September 1 Again, details on how this will function, such as whether it will be drop-in/drop-out or cross-play, remain hidden. The official site does indicate that the adventure can be played solo or with a companion in co-op, which may have been hinted at by the presence of a second character in the reveal video. Multiplayer support will be present in Evil West. The game’s development will allow you to improve your weapons and equipment, but just how is a secret. However, no information whatsoever regarding this system has ever been revealed or explained. In addition, we know that there will be a leveling system of sorts that will allow you to get access to additional features, Evil West Besides the usual rifles and handguns, we also notice what appears to be a flame thrower and a number of other weapons. In addition to his lightning-fast dodging and blocking/parrying skills, Jesse also has the ability to temporarily transform into a lightning bolt. Depending on the type of foe or weapon, the finishing move can also look really cool. You can throw your opponents around with an uppercut, then use your handgun to juggle them or even grab them and bash them into other opponents. The melée combos are quick and stylish, and they appear to have a gratifying amount of heft, impact, and blood spray. While the third-person shooting appears standard, the up-close combat looks promising. In order to wipe out the opposition, you will have access to a wide array of lethal weapons and tools. This is an action game played from the third-person perspective, and it has both melee and ranged weaponry. With the exception of Trek to Yomi, the gameplay is the main focus of Evil West, just as it was in all of their previous games. Aside from that, the primary mission that has been given to you is to “grow up to become a Wild West Superhero.” What other form of incentive do you truly require? Evil West Gameplay This makes him, in a sense, the very last person standing between the United States of America and a new and sinister threat. Jesse is one of the last remaining members of a shadowy society of vampire hunters. The official website offers the greatest context for this game and has the most information about the game itself. After that, the second trailer is very similar to the first in that it features a significant amount of gameplay, several new sorts of enemies, and wacky environments. This is all accompanied by some more obtuse narration. We are shown scenes of a vampire hand performing some type of magic in order to open a door, and we are also shown a map with Washington, District of Columbia circled in red and a knife inserted in it. Even though it begins with a scene that is very similar to the prior one, this one provides us with a little bit more information regarding the game. The release date of September was announced alongside the publication of the second Evil West trailer in June. However, we do get a glimpse of a second individual who joins forces with Jesse in the climactic moments that take place around a campfire just before an enormous vampire bat beast crashes through the screen and the video ends. This trailer reveals very little, if any, of the story that will unfold. Before we witness a succession of fast cuts between different combat encounters, navigation, and places, we show the revolting scourge tearing through a community as quickly as it can.
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0 notes
antics-pedantic · 2 years
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In the uppermost offices of the New York based Triumph Pictures film studio, someone was toiling away at a keyboard. Crunching away at one of those calculators with a large, fresh roll of receipt-paper. It was none other than a roughly four-foot-tall beetle in a white dress shirt and snazzy tie. This was the mutant known to many as King Atlas, the master of accounting and other office drudgery.
         Now, King Atlas’s mutation wasn’t that he was a beetle. Far from it, as he came from a society of insectoids that lived underground. Rather, King Atlas’s mutation was that he could do accounting work. The sheer aptitude he demonstrated for the task was beyond the ken of any mortal. Even robots optimized for acceleration and mutants who fancied being fast could at times find themselves outpaced by Atlas, because he set about his work with such an unnerving certainty. And the most terrifying thing was that one could only get him to take vacations if he accumulated too many holiday hours and had to adhere to the rules. Absolutely no one in the office could keep up with his pace, and supervisors were advised not to compare employees to him too often, or else they would experience such a burnout that it would bring about spontaneous combustion—coupled with the single-most extreme charges of arson in the city.
         “Yer majesty.” sobbed one of the managers at this level, hanging off of the doorway. He had tried to break King Atlas’s spirit, but found no such thing was possible, at least through assigning work. “D-Don’t you wanna go home? Maybe watch some… some TV?”
         “A SMASHING idea, chap!” laughed King Atlas. He had the lilt of royalty to his voice from much practice and a penchant for grandeur. And he also had a portable television set under his desk, which he set up and began dialing through between bursts of completing various work by the droves. It was in that moment that King Atlas’s long-suffering management had devised a scheme to derive some comedy from the little pest.
         “Guess you’ll miss it when us work buddies head down and grab a few beers while we go over marketing plans for the Hornswoggle franchise, eh K.A.?”
         King Atlas perked up his beetle horns at that.
         “Work buddies? You mean there’s a group? About to indulge in libations upon the colloquial quitting time?!”
         “Uh—yeah, sure! And we’d love to have you along.”
         And thus, the squad of management had dragged King Atlas off from his spot and down to the nearest shop on the street to purchase some. There was absolutely nothing stopping King Atlas, as the corner store was fully stocked with a plethora of options, his wallet was full of unspent cash, and the managerial squadron was blocking the exit.
Suddenly, there was a siege in the backroom of the bodega. In the sense that it was an actual medieval-themed siege conducted by incredibly dedicated LARPers: The faction many knew as the Sewer Doers!
         Predictably, King Atlas was knocked unconscious and abandoned by the managers from Triumph Pictures. But in his opinion, the worst thing he realized was that most of the inventory of that humble bodega had been carted off into the sewers. Which then raised a more personal concern: His drinking buddies were without their ill-intentioned alcohol!
         And then a person in absolutely ordinary clothing but sporting the head of a fish waltzed right in. They looked rather tired, and slapped some money on the counter in order to get a freshly brewed coffee and some specialty beef jerky made at some farm over in New Jersey. From the sleeve of their jacket extended a fishing line and hook. Which earned them their simple, but effective moniker: Fish Hook.
         King Atlas wailed and wept profoundly like a monarch deposed by his subjects, yet left alive to live with the shame of his equally astounding scale of failures. Although he had some notion that he would never be 100% friends with all his co-workers, let alone the managers, he mourned the social enrichment he would have acquired from standing around sharing inebriating liquids together. Cracking open a proverbial cold one with the proverbial boys.
         Fish Hook bought some over-the-counter pain meds before turning to address King Atlas. They deeply regretted showing up now at the worst possible time between the insectoid’s cries and the fact their favorite corner store had been ransacked by people who re-enacted the feudal system in underground tunnels.
         “Stop freakin’ crying all over the place.” said Fish Hook. “You’re going to flood the building. No one likes soggy loaves of bread or potato chips that look like they were pulled from the ocean.”
         “Ohhh, but I’ll never be able to retain the goods on my own, fair street tough!” sobbed King Atlas. “Won’t you help me?”
         Just as Fish Hook was about to conclude the conversation, King Atlas took out a checkbook and wrote down a sum with many zeroes on it. That changed their outlook on the entire situation completely and the two shook hands to cement the deal. King Atlas of course attempted to do some kind of multi-step handshake that Fish Hook just disregarded. They had to go meet someone.
         Before the two immediately made for the sewers, they went to a shopping area below street level. Down a flight of alleyway stairs, nestled between the city buildings. There, they entered a popular fantasy-themed tavern. It was a spot for LARPers, but also it was now a spot for the Sewer Doers who were also LARPers, except they hurt people for real. Inside, a bard was playing at a lute made of recycled materials yet to be painted and sculped over into a full-fledged stylized fantasy instrument. On the sidelines people were playing card games they made up for worldbuilding purposes. Some dude was even trapping smoke into glass orbs using magic or something, because the Sewer Doers knew a few tricks like that. It baffled everyone considering the larger setting had long since moved onto low budget super-science.
         In any case, they sat down in a shadowy booth filled with fog. Inside, a mutant spider lady wearing leather armor as befitting a rogue was sipping at her grog and mead.
         “Zinda.” said Fish Hook, solemnly.
         “Fishy…. You’re looking better these days.” said Zinda the mutant spider lady. “What brings you out to the Crusted Tankard? Couldn’t just be reminiscing on what we used to be. You said it yourself: You’re not going to be the sentimental type about it.”
         “Ooooh!” hummed King Atlas. “Doth I detect some juicy drama?!”
         “Shut up, man!” spat Fish Hook, before turning back to face Zinda. “We need a way into the underground territories. Safely and quietly. Retrieve something, and haul ass immediately afterwards.”
         Zinda’s mandibles chittered.
         “I can’t guarantee your safety once you’re down there.”
         “An entry point is enough.”
         “We’ll do a little critter skitter right on by anyone down there—” chuckled King Atlas, with a “nyeaugh-hoho!”
         Zinda got up, and led the two into the back of the tavern, past the kitchens and bathrooms, and towards a hidden room with an ornately designed hatch. They climbed down a ladder and into the tunnels, which intersected with the greater New York City sewer system. Torch sconces were set up at points, which Fish Hook took care to put out using some water balloons they carried on-hand.
         “Stay close, bug guy.” Said Fish Hook. “There’s no telling who or what we’ll run into down here.”
         “You mean like that?”
         Fish Hook whipped their head around to see what King Atlas was referring to. If the aquatic-faced street tough could recognize the danger ahead in the form of someone with a cephalopod head.
         “Who the hell are you?!” demanded Fish Hook.
         “I’m the mind-flayer.” wheezed cephalopod-head. “I saw you after you put out the torches, all with my 60ft Darkvision.”
         “Oh shit, like C&C (‘Catacombs & Critters’)?” said Fish Hook.
         “Yaeh. But I’m like, an avant garde mind-flayer.”
         The auteur Illithid activated his psionic powers, firing a familiar mind blast. Only this one was a bit more conceptual in nature, with visuals akin to that of someone’s first experimental film.
         “AaaaAAAAUGH!” shouted Fish Hook. “—Striking visuals though.”
         “Really?! Oh, thank you so much. I thought maybe opening with the fisheye lens would be too much.”
         “Look at me and say I’d disagree with a fish anything.”
         But then suddenly, King Atlas approached. The mind-flayer began to recoil.
         “No… What are you doing to my vision!?” cried the avant garde mind-flayer.
         “I’m ORGANIZING your thoughts! They’re so scattered and all over the place! But with a little touching up, it can be SORTED and FILED! HEEEEHAHAHA!” said King Atlas in his sing-song voice. His accounting mutation was doing the dread work desired by corporate: turning uniquely crafted work into streamlined productions that were easier to market. A box office breaking formula was applied, one he was exposed to countless times by being in the Triumph offices. Camera angles were reduced to blander, repetitive wide shots. Color grading was near to non-existent, the lighting no longer seemed to manipulate shadows and visibility to set the scene. And the script read like predictive A.I. came up with most of the exchange, with a few human touches in the form of unnecessary jokes.
         The Illithid was so heartbroken, he just ran off crying. As he did, he dropped a map of the local tunnel system. It was a copy of a municipal fax document, but with scraps of parchment taped over to mention the various LARP installments set up by the sewer doers.
         “That’s one way to make some progress.” said Fish Hook. “C’mon. There’s a… a ‘keep’ where one of the kingdoms stores their prizes. That’s gotta be where the booze is.”
         Resuming their quest, Fish Hook would lead the way to the keep. It was a small fort built of mostly plywood and sturdy discarded refuse that could hold against a fair amount of damage. Some of it was even painted over with simple medieval design, giving it a quality not unlike Halloween decorations. But it was the best they could muster, it served its purpose, and the Sewer Doers were pleased with what they put together for the most part.
         And then Fish Hook proceeded to smash right through one of those plywood walls, grabbing one of the guards within and hefting them overhead to throw at the other over-the-top LARP warriors. Someone with a bow and arrows was quick to fire— including a violin bowstick and a yardstick whizzing past the street tough. Fish Hook responded promptly by throwing out their fishing line, catching the hook on the bowstring and causing the archer’s next shot (in the form of a toilet plunger) to bounce back into their own face, stuck there as they were deprived of oxygen. The archer would fall unconscious shortly thereafter.
         “You think you’re so tough…”
         Just then, a fellow with a fake beard brandishing an authentic replica of a goblin club came in, eyeing Fish Hook’s kneecaps. Judging by the heft and sculpt of that club, it was probably going to result in lasting damage if it made an impact. They tried to use their fishing line and hook to disarm the attacker, but not all the dwarves in the deepest caverns could force this dwarf-poser’s strong arm.
         “Yeah. Now I’m in control of the situation. I’m the Ace-Of-Clubs.”
         The fake-bearded fellow— a jestermaster known as Ace-Of-Clubs kept his eyes on Fish Hook, resting the club on one shoulder so he could free up a hand to stroke his false whiskers. It was in that moment that Fish Hook noticed a large crate labeled ‘SURPLUS CODPIECES’ and threw their fishing line at it, catching the hook and throwing the crate at Ace-Of-Clubs with all the force they could muster. The crate was met with a swing of the goblin club, smashing it to splinters. Ace-Of-Clubs looked around for Fish Hook, only for the street tough to pull Ace-Of-Clubs into a stranglehold!
         “Shhh… Shhh…” whispered Fish Hook. “Don’t piss your pants going into that sweet good night…”
         Nearby, King Atlas had started to dance among the fallen bodies, juxtaposed by Fish Hook’s strenuous effort to put down the jestermaster. At last, the path to the treasure chest where the six-pack of beer had been cleared. Of course there was still one final problem: There was an extra identical chest.
         “Come on out, you little shit.” said Fish Hook to no one in particular. There was silence, but King Atlas did not question it. Not out loud at least: He didn’t completely understand why Fish Hook was acting like this.
         “You got any matches, K.A.?”
         “No, but I DIIIIID find some flint!”
         “That’ll do, beetle guy. That’ll do.”
         Grabbing some leftover plywood planks, Fish Hook threw some behind both treasure chests, nodding to let King Atlas know he could strike the firestarter stones. As the fire took shape on the planks, one of the chests suddenly flew into the ceiling with a harsh *WHAM!* and a big slam on the ground. Before turning to open, and revealing a large set of sharp teeth!
         “I ain’t losin’ my position with these dweebs!” howled the mimic “It’s either this or I get typecasted in every movie gig as background prop #6!”
         And with a great toss, Fish Hook threw a flaming plank into the mimic’s mouth, knocking them back and causing them to cough up brimstone in a round of pathetic defeat wheezing. Putting out the fire behind the real treasure chest, Fish Hook and King Atlas took the six-pack and made for the entrance they used to enter the sewers.
         “I must thank you again, my friend! This has been a most droll day.”
         “What?! Boring?!” said Fish Hook.
         “No no, droll, not dull! I found it exciting.”
         Fish Hook breathed a sigh of relief. The word ‘droll’ always sounded weird to them.
         “Now that I’ve acquired the libations, my fellows will be able to brainstorm a marketing scheme for Hornswoggle 3!”
         “Hornswoggle 3?!” gasped Fish Hook. “I hated the first two films! Why are they making a third one?!”
         “And a fourth and a fifth, NYEEHAHAHA! Box office sales on the second one were THROOOOUUUGH the roof. It was a sign, they said! A SIGN!!”
         “Wait! That completely sucks! You can’t let them—”
         But before Fish Hook could reach out to try and grab King Atlas, he had accidentally slammed the trapdoor into the sewers shut in Fish Hook’s face. They lost their grip on the ladder and fell back down to the sewer. Trying not to lose consciousness. But they did—just as the door creaked open slowly.
         When Fish Hook regained consciousness, they felt miserably groggy. And they were cocooned in a mass of webbing! That had to mean one thing: This was Zinda’s doing. Without wasting a moment, Fish Hook used their namesake implement to gradually cut a small hole in the webbing, enough that they could throw a line out. Skeletons lay on the floor and stuck to the walls by webs, and one was holding a particularly impressive replica cutlass, the likes of which Fish Hook could use to cut themselves free and demand directions to the exit.
         Most of that was accurate. Fish Hook did manage to use the sword to cut themselves free, if awkwardly. And Zinda had just unlocked the front door, holding brown paper bags full of groceries, which she had to set aside on a spackled kitchen counter before addressing Fish Hook. Zinda wasn’t dressed up at all in fantasy regalia at the moment, uncharacteristic of a sewer doer.
         “You’re doing it again.”
         “Doing what? I’m gonna start swashbuckling my way out of here. You called the cavalry… because I broke free of your webs before you could eat my brain.”
         Zinda had to admit, that was something she did to people. But not to Fish Hook. Never to Fish Hook, not unless a rage unlike anything she’d ever known had taken her.
         “There’s none to be found F.H., I didn’t call for anyone. I just saw you fell off the ladder and brought you in. My sofa is filthy from a party recently, so I put you up into my webs for the time being.”
         “Then… why?” asked Fish Hook.
         “You said you wouldn’t be the sentimental type. I never promised anything like that. Do you remember when we broke up?”
         “Yeah, we saw Hornswoggle 2: Born to Swoggle.”
         “Instead of what I wanted to watch. You just couldn’t believe there was another Hornswoggle film so you insisted on seeing it.”
         “And then we broke up after. I know. That movie sucked.”
         Zinda chittered.
         “It wasn’t the movie, Fish Hook. Well actually, it certainly didn’t help. But I think for a while it just wasn’t working out, y’know? I was weaving fantasies with my friends and you… you were always on the clock, even when you got home. It was killing you Fish Hook. It’s still killing you.”
         Fish Hook dropped the sword. Zinda scuttled over to place them back in the web, producing webs carefully so as to support the injured parts of Fish Hook’s body. But Fish Hook stopped her.
         “I can’t stay. I have to go back and stop those knobs Atlas is with.”
         Zinda sighed. She tore off some of the webbing, leaving a sling for one of Fish Hook’s arms, and a cast for their leg. She may have reacted too strongly on determining the severity of the damage, but she couldn’t help herself.
         “Give it twenty minutes to heal a little more. But you really shouldn’t overdo it, Fish Hook.”
         Fish Hook just rolled their eyes.
         “Thanks, Zinda.”
         With an encouraging pat on the back, Fish Hook was helped outside.
         “I guess there’s no stopping you. But if you can stop Hornswoggle 3, well… go get ‘em.”
         “—And then, and THEN we’ll have the guy go back his high school reunion for a scene so he can unzip his pants, and then WHAM! Right into the punch bowl. No rhyme or reason, it’ll be HIIIIIILARIOUS!”
         “AND, AND—” sputtered another executive, pointing both fingers wildly. “We gotta have a subplot, right? Like. There’s gotta be a PART where the guy… runs into a girl. Buh-but NOT the main girl, like just some random one who HAAAAPPENS, to be a big fan of our product sponsor—maybe wowee bread or that fabric softener the laundry people kept talking about at the conference yesterday, and the temptation between them is there. But not if she doesn’t have the product.”
         The others just stared at their fellow executive, before someone started writing things down on napkins, and pointing to the exec with a highly specific intensity towards product placement and its involvement in on-screen relationships. They all sat at a bar directly next to the living room of the penthouse suite.
         “I love your energy. Love it. We could pick up on that in the next movie if our leading lady and her lawyer find a way out of the contract. What else?”
         “Ooh! I have an idea. What say you if the guy were to break out of the sheriff’s jail cell—” King Atlas started to say. He was forced to sit in the corner with his can of beer.
         “Shut up, ya pest!” said another executive, wearing a tie as a headband, and inhaling large quantities of various powders he found strewn around the penthouse suite, hoping to eventually find his co-worker’s secret supply of drugs.
         “Wait, I got it!” said tie-headband. “What if he breaks out of the sheriff’s jail? AND we could work in a bit about social media in there. We gotta get like thirteen of ‘em all over the movie, show everybody we’re hip!”
         Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
         “Must be those large pizzas. Me first!”
         One of the executives hurried over to check using the peephole. There was someone out there alright.
         “What an ugly sucker!” snorted the executive, opening the door. “Pizza time!”
         But upon being handed the pizza box, the executive found it was packed with a cement sidewalk tile, and dropped it on his own feet. And then the deliveryperson put on a rubber-latex Halloween mask: it was Fish Hook. They weren’t a mutant at all! They just really really liked fishing to the point they made it their whole gimmick.
         And then with a mighty toss, Fish Hook lobbed an iron coat hanger at the product placement executive, catching him by the nose with the hanger hook and pulling him into a tall potted cactus nearby.  Two scrambled onto their feet, trying to head upstairs to get to a helicopter. Naturally, Fish Hook gave chase at a slower pace—mostly so they could lash out at the executives still lazing about the room. Some guy charging at Fish Hook with a barstool had a bottle of rum shattered on his head. A lady trying to toss her weighted kettlebell purse was hit by a t-shirt cannon that Fish Hook pulled out of a display case, launching a garment advertising the unwanted prequel to a story that had its share of mysteries to ponder over. A few more instances of offbeat violence and they were headed up to the roof where the private helicopter was. The last couple of executives were on it. One was in the pilot’s seat, the other had drawn a flare gun to point at Fish Hook.
         “Couldn’t even spring for a real gun, huh?” said Fish Hook, taunting the exec.
         “From where I’m standing it’ll do the trick just fine, you largemouth basshole.” said the passenger executive. “So long, sucker!”
         The flare gun fired, and soon its flames would torch Fish Hook if the shot connected with them. Fish Hook quickly pulled out a small, one-handed wield aluminum baseball bat that was easy to conceal in their pants, using it to swat away the flare just barely. The rotor blades of the helicopter began to spin as they ascended. Fish Hook tossed their fishing line and hook out to try and catch the copter by its landing skids.
         “Ha! You MISSED!” shouted the pilot executive over the built-in megaphone.
         But Fish Hook wasn’t aiming at them.
         The two executives turned their heads to see that Fish Hook had pulled up a building window-washer. Exerting all the strength at their command—aided by the tensile durability of the fishing line’s sturdy fibers, the hired muscle in the aquatic animal mask tossed the window-washer onto the front of the helicopter, where they clung on.
         “Live…” chanted the window-washer. “In DARKNESS!”
         And then the window-washer proceeded to activate some sort of reverse function on his cleaning squeegee. When he dragged it across the windshield of the helicopter, the squeegee added on a thick muck instead of cleaning it off. With the pilot executive unable to fly properly, he spun the helicopter out of control, and into a billboard that still advertised for Hornswoggle 2: Born to Swoggle.
         On the way back down, Fish Hook went over to the corner where King Atlas had fallen asleep. In a gentler sort of way than his cohorts: Filled with disappointment, dispersing it from his psyche with lofty dreams. Taking the insectoid into one arm and resting his head on their shoulder, they walked out. The other hand still tightly grasping onto the small aluminum bat.
         Hornswoggle 3 was in development hell. It was a victory: Not one that would give King Atlas the acclaim he wanted, and it certainly wouldn’t repair Fish Hook’s latest doomed relationship. But it was something worth walking off into the sunset over, as far as Fish Hook was concerned. Enough to want to start over again the next day.
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thathusenfulhu · 2 years
on being a mehemaanu at the chef mode badhige
i'm burning, not just because of the sun but also cos i'm ravenous - my brain has relinquished control to the neurons in my belly. i can only think in terms of rice, or beef, or fish, well, you get the gist. 'it doesn't take long,' says my friend alifulhu. 'take it easy.' 'easy for you to say, you just had a glass of fucking cold brew!' i bark. we're waiting for our food at the chef mode badhige, and it seems like they've taken a page on interior decor from kavarna's book. alifulhu is getting two dhathuru noodles, one for him and one for our friend hasanbe who'll be showing up in a bit. meanwhile, i'm getting a mehemaanu rice, which alifulhu highly recommends. 'they've basically gone and done what your mamma does, mixing up a good rihaakuru and valhoamas baiggandu,' he said on our way here. and my stomach went nuts at the thought. soon, my helembeli huiy drink is brought in an ornate glass and my god! i don't know what they've done with it but this stuff is DYNAMITE. 'it's even got a sliced chili. the kick is sweeeet.' i gush to alifulhu. then hasanbe enters. 'how's it going? where's the grub?' 'it's taking a while,' i tell him. 'some guys attacked a bunch of yoga people today,' says hasanbe settling into his chair. 'attacked?' 'yeah they stormed into a public session at the stadium. with flags!' 'who the hell are these guys?' i ask hasanbe. 'eh, just some extremists.' 'did anyone get hurt?' 'dunno, but they destroyed a yoga mat.' 'has the government called it an act of terror?' 'the real act of terror is when you do the downward dog,' remarks alifulhu. our mains arrive. and oh lord, this baiyggandu! rice, thelli faiy, lonumirus, thin slices of smoky tuna, and further down, a bisgandu. god alMIGHTY! 'alright, i'm not visiting my mamma anymore,' i say. 'told ya.' 'i haven't had anything remotely like this in a long while. how's your joospetty?' 'have a taste,' says alibe. and the joospetty is tied to a curlicued metal stand, much like a hanged man, and there's a paper straw sticking out of the bag. i suck on it. mmm, milky! plus a nice undertone of kashikeyo. 'i think it's got too much milk,' says alifulhu.
'i think it's got just the right amount,' i say. 'but then my mamma had to rub habaru on her nipples to get me to stop so...' 'chef mode is like the common man's alternative to maldive kitchen,' observes hasanbe. 'do beyfulhun eat rihaakuru?' i ask. 'no they don't care for the smell, i think,' replies hasanbe and slurps his noodles. 'maybe that's why it's not in anything at the maldive kitchen,' says alifulhu. 'chef mode is for people who qualify for social housing. look around.' and it's just your run-of-the-mill people here, a little rough, without saving graces except they make up the majority of the voting public. 'huh,' i say. 'i never thought of it like that. love maldive kitchen though.' 'who doesn't.' later, as we motor towards male on hasanbe's bike, i catch the sign of a shop. 'stop,' i tell hasanbe and i snap a photo. 'what is it?' asks hasanbe. 'it's just letters away from being a real pain in the ass,' i tell him and along the tar-ry road home we go.
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stewystew · 3 years
My favorite headcanons are the ones that go “[main character & co.] are weird as shit and every single background character knows it” that’s the good stuff
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery releases the upcoming plans for National Record Store Day, including this year's beer - Catchy Chorus.
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Press Release
MILTON, Del. ... The Official Beer of Record Store Day for eight consecutive years, Dogfish Head will celebrate this year’s holiday, slated for Saturday, April 22, with the release of a new, music-themed beer, Catchy Chorus. Brewed in collaboration with Record Store Day, an organization dedicated to showcasing the culture of independently owned record stores, Catchy Chorus is a double dry-hopped double IPA inspired by the four “magic chords” (E, B, C#m & A) that make up many of the world’s most popular melodies.
Blending Eureka, Bravo, Calypso and Azacca hops, Catchy Chorus comes together in hop and grain harmony to build an unforgettable sensory song. Clocking in at 9.0% ABV, this symphonic sipper is bursting with citrusy and tropical aromas and flavors. Catchy Chorus is now making its way to taps and shelves in 4pk/16oz cans in the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions. Track some down using Dogfish Head’s Fish Finder. 
“As a bunch of beer geeks with music problems, Record Store Day is always one of our favorite days of the year, here at Dogfish Head,” said Dogfish Head Founder & Brewer, Sam Calagione. “We are honored to continue our partnership with Record Store Day, working alongside them to bring together independent beer and independent music stores, and what better way to do just that than by brewing a beer rooted in the notes that collectively create so many top hits!”
To complement the launch of Catchy Chorus, Dogfish Head is teaming up Brooklyn Bowl to host Record Store Day-themed events in select cities across the country.   
Saturday, April 15 – Record Store Fair at Brooklyn Bowl Brooklyn: 
Taking place from 12-3 p.m., this daytime record fair will serve as the official kickoff to the year’s Record Store Day festivities. In addition to assembling an array of local, independently owned record stores ahead of their biggest sales day of the year, this event will offer on-site raffle and giveaway opportunities, DJs spinning vinyl tunes and of course, Dogfish Head beer specials. Beyond sipping and shopping, attendees can expect meet and greets with a myriad of beer and music legends, including: 
Sam Calagione, Founder & Brewer at Dogfish Head Craft Brewery 
Carrie Colliton, Co-Founder of Record Store Day 
Lenny Kaye, Guitarist for the Patti Smith Group & Curator of NUGGETS Compilation 
Monte A. Melnick, Former Ramones Tour Manager 
Richard Barone, Author, Recording Artist & Producer 
John Holmstrom, Founding Editor, Art Director & Production Manager at PUNK Magazine
This event is free and open to the public. For more details, visit www.dogfish.com/events.  
But that’s not all! Later that evening, Dogfish Head is proud to present a special live music show by psych-funk trailblazers, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. The first 20 fans to arrive at the show and visit the Dogfish Head pop-up will receive a copy of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong’s new Record Store Day vinyl signed by the band and Dogfish Head’s Sam Calagione. The record, which officially drops on Saturday, April 22, features a live recording of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong’s 2022 Record Store Day show at Brooklyn Bowl Nashville, a performance sponsored by Dogfish Head. 
Doors open at 6 p.m., and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are available HERE for $30 each. 
Saturday, April 22 – Official Record Store Day After-Parties at Brooklyn Bowl Locations Nationwide: 
After digging through record bins in the morning, beer and music enthusiasts can spend their evenings at one of the Official Record Store After-Parties. Presented by Dogfish Head, folks in Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Las Vegas and Nashville can keep the off-centered celebration going at their local Brooklyn Bowl location. From musical performances and giveaways to Happy Hours happenings and beer specials, there’s a little something for everyone to enjoy! For more details, please visit www.brooklynbowl.com/shows/all. 
To learn more about Dogfish Head and Record Store Day, check out www.dogfish.com and www.recordstoreday.com, respectively.  
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery:  Dogfish Head has focused on brewing beers with culinary ingredients outside the Reinheitsgebot since the day it opened as one of the smallest American craft breweries more than 27 years ago. A Delaware-based brand and supporter of the Independent Craft Brewing Seal, Dogfish consists of Brewings & Eats®, an off-centered brewpub, Chesapeake & Maine®, a seafood and cocktail spot, Dogfish Inn®, a beer-themed hotel and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery®, a production brewery and distillery featuring the Tasting Room & Kitchen and Dogfish Head Distilling Co.® For more, visit www.dogfish.com. 
Record Store Day: 
Record Store Day, the organization, is managed by the Department of Record Stores and is organized in partnership with the Alliance of Independent Media Stores (AIMS), the Coalition of Independent Music Stores (CIMS) and promotes independent record stores year-round with events, special releases and other fun things.  
Record Store Day, the global celebration of the culture of the record store, takes place annually. The 16th Record Store Day is coming up on April 22, 2023.
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