#Liu Fei Long
midorikawawas · 8 months
Mikhail: Can I try to rizz you up real quick?
Fei Long: Sure.
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codenameantarctica · 2 years
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An artwork by sensei for Fei Long‘s birthday.
Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🌸🌺
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komakitigerdrop · 2 years
Every time I realize sensei has released a new volume of Viewfinder I flip my shit and become obsessed for a brief but intense period of time.
Now is that time.
So I was wondering: do you have any specific volume that you like more than the others, or find yourself rereading more often than the rest, for better or for worse?
For me it might be ファインダーの熱情 but I’d love to hear about your preference and why, if one exists.
Also: I read some debate on your blog about how exactly Fei greets Mikhaïl on the roof of the building in the latest volume. Japanese is my second language but I would translate it as, “I thought I was following Asami, but it was you.”
Oh, thanks for that insight! Translations are tricky and in my case, almost impossible to verify, given that my Japanese level is... I don't even know, what comes before "basic"?
Huh, a favorite volume... Tough question! For the longest time, I think The Naked Truth was my favorite arc because so much happens, and it is very emotionally intense. Then, as time went by, I found myself going back to Caught in a Cage/Flower on the High Loft for two reasons. First, of course, because as the story went by and we got more Fei Long pining for Asami while also hating him but helping nevertheless and being bitter about it but also generous while moving on without ever moving on, I realized that what transpired in Hong Kong at that time, the kiss, the tears, the passion, the vulnerability, the giant leap of faith he took just to be betrayed, all of that left some deep, deep scars that shape Fei Long up to this day. I dare say that in Finder, in its entire existence, Fei Long's feelings for Asami are the one thing that has been consistent in narrative terms, and also bittersweet and surprisingly coherent in a story that does not always remember its earlier days. With Fei Long, Volume 2 is never denied or forgotten, only reinforced, not artificially, but in ways that feel genuine. Even now that he is with Mikhail, that connection with Asami is still present and I doubt it will ever be severed. Even Yoh, my beloved, is part of this indestructible thread connecting those two. It makes everything very tragic, in my opinion.
The other reason I really like going back to Vol. 2 is because... man... I love Vol. 2 Akihito! I miss seeing my boy doing what he loves, I love his confidence, his skill, his independence. Of course I love seeing him and Asami together in the latest volumes but... at what cost? Earlier in Finder, we would see Akihito interact with these two sides of his world: his mundane affairs as a freelance photographer, his desire to seek the truth, his ability to make connections, to do as he wanted. And then, of course, there was that part of his life that consumed him like fire, and that was when he was with Asami. It gave him complexity and put him in a curious position of doubt and conflict, of feeling his moral compass begin to falter. To me, one of the greatest losses over the years was to see that complexity dissolve as his life became Asami, exclusively. Sure, that meant we had great love scenes, but again... at what cost?
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ydotome · 2 months
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Link Click 「Surprising Click」 LIVE Tour Behind the Scenes!
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weeguttersnipe · 7 months
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Zhen Ping stopping Fei Liu from kidnapping the messenger pigeon in Nirvana in Fire (Chinese drama, 2015)
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ray-elgatodormido · 4 months
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Wo Long’s epilogue be like
@exhalcyon @simayeeet y’all might get air out of your nostrils
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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Hubba Hubba!
Honestly though, it’s very hard to fangirl Wu Lei. The way he looks in this photoshoot is just!!! the fan girl in me absolutely approves!
He seems to be a gentleman. In comparison to other actors, he is not vain. Obviously looks are important but from my “research” , to him, it’s not everything. He coud just wash his face and go without having to necessarily fix his hair. He is not afraid to be photographed or filmed bare faced, hair unruly, even when he just woke up. I like that he is not manufactured. Ask me again later what that means, it makes sense in my head but I can’t explain it properly:D
The acting projects that he chooses are more on the emotional side. I think he could do a romcom. Take a break from the heavy hitting emotional stuff.
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My favourite scene in LLTG, I love the way he looks here, I think it’s the way he stares at her. He also looks fantastic in TLB although I can’t seem to watch it. It’s the audio or dubbing, it seems that there is an echo or something, I don’t know. I’m unsure if it’s his voice, which is off putting, I wonder why they did it like that. I will try again later on, we’ll see.
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but then... he looks like he is 12 here!!! and this was taken only a few weeks ago!
and then I see this...
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which was a few years ago... and well, you know!!! 0.0 fangirl activated!
but then, last week while promoting wildaid.... he looks like this!!!
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FFS.... he looks like he is 10!!!
Come on Fei Liu, grow up already!
This ability to look younger as he gets older I’m sure is very good for the industry he is in.
I should probably defer my fangirling when he is 30, perhaps then he will look like he is 22!
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the-immortal-angel · 10 months
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Bruce Lee - Personagens que foram inspirados nele
Bruce Lee(1940-1973) foi sem dúvidas um grande ícones das artes marciais. Detentor de um estilo de luta único e trejeitos característicos nos filmes que ele estrelou, Bruce Lee inspirou diversas personalidades do mundo da ficção. Já faz quase 50 anos que nós perdemos um grande mito das artes marciais, e esta é uma singela homenagem ao eterno Bruce Lee, que inspirou muitos jovens a terem orgulho de si mesmos, e a perseverar sempre...
Rock Lee e Might Guy - Naruto
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Might Guy não é o pai biológico de Rock Lee, mas criou o garoto como se fosse o filho dele. Embora Lee não seja um Jinchuuriki como Naruto, nem mesmo um cara naturalmente talentoso como o arrogante Sasuke, ele era pelo menos expert em Taijutsu. Quando Gaara causou fortes lesões em Lee durante o exame Chunin, isso aludiu à forte lesão que Bruce Lee recebeu nas costas em razão de não ter feito aquecimento, enquanto levantava pesos, ficando quase paralítico, isso no ano de 1969, o que impediu o ator sino-chinês de participar de muitos filmes. Lee demonstrou durante o desenrolar de Naruto e Naruto Shippuden, que o esforço duro, através de muito treinamento, é capaz de superar o talento natural. Ironicamente, Naruto, um fracassado, o Jinchuuriki da Kyuubi, foi capaz de vencer Neji, um prodígio natural, advindo da família Hyuuga...
Kenshiro - Hokuto no Ken
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Em Hokuto no Ken(北斗の拳), em uma realidade pós-apocalíptica derivada da guerra nuclear, o protagonista, Kenshiro, utiliza uma poderosa técnica de Ansatsuken(暗殺拳) denominada Hokuto Shinken(北斗伸拳) para destroçar os malvadões. Quando Kenshiro executa o famoso golpe de cem socos chamado Hokuto Hyakuretsuken(北斗百裂拳), ele solta um poderoso e repetitivo grito de guerra agudo (気合, lit. Kiai), prestando homenagem a Bruce Lee... Kenshiro é o 64º sucessor do estilo bimilenar Hokuto Shinken...
Fei Long - Street Fighter 
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Quando Super Street Fighter II foi lançado em 1993, o novato Fei Long foi um dos maiores destaques. Ele é uma cópia fidedigna do ator sino-americano, pois ele faz o famoso kiai de Bruce Lee, além de fazer o chute flamejante, pose de vitória que faz o corpo dele quase explodir, e a profissão dele é similar a de Bruce Lee: ator e lutador de artes marciais. Existem algumas diferenças entre Fei Long e Lee; Bruce Lee viveu nos EUA quando adulto e teve uma esposa americana com quem teve um filho e uma filha, enquanto Fei Long não tem nenhuma conexão aparente com os EUA, não é casado, não está em um relacionamento amoroso, e muito menos tem filhos. Em Super Street Fighter II, Fei Long é natural de Hong Kong.
Hon-Fu - Fatal Fury
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Hon-Fu foi apresentado ao público em Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory. Ele é um detetive de Hong Kong que investiga um comércio ilegal de drogas na Ásia, e curiosamente tem uma forte rivalidade com Ryuji Yamazaki. Você pensaria que, Hon-Fu, sendo um clone de Bruce Lee, ele seria um cara mais sério, certo?! ERRADO!! Embora o personagem seja considerado uma homenagem ao eterno Bruce Lee, na verdade ele pega mais inspiração em Jackie Chan, tanto na aparência, quanto no papel de alívio cômico que Chan desempenha nos filmes dele. Enquanto você é capaz de notar alguns aspectos de Lee em Hon-Fu, no que diz respeito ao manuseio de nunchakus, ele tem o jeitão atrapalhado de Chan. Em outras palavras, Hon-Fu é uma fusão muito hilariante de Bruce Lee com Jackie Chan...
Liu Kang - Mortal Kombat
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No primeiro Mortal Kombat(1992), Liu Kang era um rapaz descamisado de cabelo curto, inspirado em Bruce Lee. Ele é o equivalente do lutador japonês Ryu(Street Fighter), embora ambos sejam lutadores de estilos opostos: Ryu é lutador do estilo Karatê Shotokan, enquanto Liu Kang é um guerreiro do estilo Kung Fu. Mas será que você sabe da verdade?! Liu Kang inicialmente não seria uma homenagem ao Bruce Lee, segundo os desenvolvedores, ele seria originalmente um monge budista japonês, e seria nomeado Minamoto Yoshitsune, no entanto, a ideia foi descartada, pois o nome do personagem era muito longo, mas também porque Ho Sung Pak, um dos atores de captura de movimentos, recusou-se a cortar o cabelo dele. Então Liu Kang foi idealizado como sendo um monge Shaolin, assim como Raiden, o mentor dele. Logo as inspirações sobre Bruce Lee foram evidenciadas em Liu Kang, como por exemplo o manuseio preciso com nunchakus e o kiai descontrolado, marcas registradas de Bruce Lee, tirando o cabelo comprido, que é a marca registrada do lutador dracônico... 
Kim Dragon - World Heroes
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Em World Heroes, um game de lutas muito underrated produzido pela SNK, há um impersonator do Bruce Lee, o sino-coreano Kim Dragon. Ele tem um estilo de luta similar ao do lutador sino-americano, além do kiai descontrolado. No entanto, no final dele, em World Heroes 2, ele opta por ser um cantor em vez de ser uma estrela de Hollywood, protagonizando filmes de ação. Essa é uma estranha escolha, no entanto, se analisarmos bem, Kim Dragon é uma grande homenagem para a família do lutador sino-americano, uma vez que o pai de Bruce Lee, Lee Hoi-Chuen, era uma estrela da ópera chinesa, e o irmão dele, Robert Lee Jun-fai, que era cantor, lançou um álbum dedicado para o irmão dele, Bruce Lee, intitulado The Ballad of Bruce Lee(1974), um ano após à morte dele, foi uma homenagem póstuma.
Marshall Law - Tekken
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Para finalizar, vamos falar sobre Marshall Law, pai de Forest Law. Ele é uma homenagem ao eterno Bruce Lee, no entanto, em vez de ser um ator Hollywoodiano, ele é um cozinheiro. Mesmo não sabendo empunhar nunchakus, Marshall Law reproduz muito bem alguns aspectos de Bruce Lee, como o estilo de luta e o kiai desenfreado. No entanto, o que solidifica Marshall Law como clone de Bruce Lee são os relacionamentos: Bruce Lee e Marshall Law não apenas têm filhos igualmente habilidosos, Brandon Lee e Forest Law, respectivamente, mas também conhecem um americano poderoso que serve como rival e amigo, Chuck Norris e Paul Phoenix. Forest Law, não apenas é um lutador habilidoso, mas também ele é um alívio cômico, especialmente quando ele anda de motocicleta com Paul Phoenix, e geralmente costuma levar sermão por parte do pai dele...
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lmk-oc-competition · 16 days
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At long last, here is our bracket for the competition! Thank you for your patience, kind words, and help as I get this second competition up and running <3
FAQs are still to be posted. In the meantime, feel free to send any questions through either Ask or DM!
Polls will go up tomorrow, September 7, at 9 AM EST
View match-ups and creators below the cut. (If you're able to read all those tiny words in the image, I applaud you)
Yin and Yang (@tacoelmo) VS Si Wei (@tanya-shiza)
Yue (@kirbysdreamlands) VS Len Bingxue Wangzi (@lalloydddd)
Aether (@stardust-haven) VS Shanmei Jia (@soft-sea-serpent)
Lian (@squidthechaotickid) VS Hoshiyoru (@stardust-xoxo45)
Hazel Dragon (@zellia-rambles) VS Yei Yuemi (@fluttershyflores2)
Diane (@0xxjustdianaxx0) VS Fei (@sliver-lioness)
Cháolíu (@mysticmonkiee) VS Purple Child (@marokra)
Cuò Cuò (@raylamoongirl) VS Mingyue (@yum3naps)
Reya Nina Januri (@fayeangel25) VS HanQing (@spoilersbutinaccurate)
Jun (@camhues) VS Pebble (@pebblepeb)
Ari J (@dragonnerd) VS Zǐmò (@rolian-delayer)
Jī Tuǐgū (@tsa-smth) VS Sying Zaohui (@jujuviolicious)
Jia Zhutao (@chonggen) VS Chenguang (@twinklecupcake)
Heng Tao (@starrbee) VS Star (@mylittlemonkiearts)
Ao Hai Wang (@turquiosescales) VS Yīngwǔ Hángbān (@wr3n-th3-4n1m4t0r)
Huli Shaoxing (@reagansragepage) VS Phen (@demonichunny)
Ji Daiyu (@azora-ink) VS Li Sania (@sallyvanna)
Xuè Shé (@yingjiaoyue) VS Salvage (@ghostlycrow)
Arthur Allard (@doppel-doodles) VS Xiāo Lixúe (@keykittygirl)
Fu Xiao (@endipuff) VS Rainbow (@askrainbowandherpastives)
Táozi (@somewhat-insane) VS Jie (@manonim)
Li Mei (@angela3965) VS Diedie (@lmkobsessedmoth)
Tàiyáng Mizuki (@shadowmonkieking) VS Yahui Liao (@shepherd-to-the-stars)
Blossom (@blossomnightshade) VS Xingyun (@leyyearts)
Bell (@deadzonedenizen) VS Wong Minyi (@vegalocity)
Yangwu Jin (@littlethingsrae) VS Lady Obsidian (@miccadomini)
Gene (@m0nkienerd) VS Liu Xing (@pacifity)
Daiyu Sun (@sallydemon) VS Bone Demon (@yuendelahoya)
Zhi Xing (@nem0lux3) VS Eku Lin (@ekukovsblog)
Kali (@tinyfieryghost) VS Aly (@likrisil)
Pebble (@skylinx2o) VS Xinghua (@shatteredstarsart)
Yan Yu Ji (@thesleepingdramaqueen) VS Lǐ Nà (@violina08)
It's so cool seeing both new and familiar faces here. Have fun and good luck to everyone!
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marquisguyun · 1 month
teenagers || fei liu [nirvana in fire]
Teenagers scare the living shit out of me They could care less as long as someone'll bleed So, darken your clothes or strike a violent pose Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me
Song ► Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
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midorikawawas · 8 months
Viewfinder Chapter 13: Naked truth part 5
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So what you're saying is that fey fight by vibe checking each other?
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You're all correct and also very wrong.
They fey fight like this (with Gosling Ken and Liu Ken as the Archfey):
With one notable exception: While the fey see this battle as both incredibly serious AND non-lethal, the mortals in the middle would in fact be VERY vulnerable to any weapons wielded, as their perspective is different than the fey fighting. It's why meddling in the conflicts of the fey as a mortal is so inadvisable. The fey around you, at the end of the day, will be fine as long as they're not planning on legitimately killing (permanently) the other side. And in my version of the feywild, they rarely want to, as removing one archfey just gives rise to others.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 9 months
The way Nirvana in Fire handles time is very interesting to me, in a way that stuck out to me on first watch and now sticks out on second viewing. We learn a lot of things about Mei Changsu early on— he’s a former soldier, he’s clearly haunted by his past, he’s gentle and affectionate with Fei Liu, he intimidates people and garners respect for his keen intellect, he’s overall often very mild and serene. But most importantly, to the show’s framing at least, Mei Changsu is chronically ill, and his illness will most certainly kill him, if he doesn’t lean back and accept being an invalid. But Mei Changsu values the work higher than his own life, seeing it as a tool to achieve his plan, so Mei Changsu goes to the capital anyways, hoping to get two years to complete his schemes before his illness kills him.
So, with this established early on, as we watch and see the seasons change, holidays come around, and people make references to the passage of time, we are acutely aware as audiences just how much time Mei Changsu has left. Sometimes we skip through long stretches of time in between back-to-back scenes— hours, days, weeks— and, especially on re-watch, this feels to me like time is slipping away from me and Mei Changsu both. Our protagonist is racing against the clock of his own body, trying to hold out just long enough to set his own soul to rest before he collapses, and that internal clock looms always in the viewer’s minds.
When I was watching with my mother, she turned to me and asked, “But, is Mei Changsu really still going to die at the end of this?” Like, he would do all of that, and wouldn’t get to be happy. And I told her, yes, he really does die at the end. And it’s because he did all that that he dies. He's mortgaged his own life to set the battle dead of Meiling to rest, set his country to rights, set Jingyan on the throne. Mei Changsu is here as a dying man, performing the last rites for 70,00 men, his family, and himself. It's difficult to watch without thinking "you don't need to do this," but ultimately I can't judge him. Who among us wouldn't give the last of ourselves to bring peace to the ghosts of our loved ones?
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anndramarama · 3 months
I feel like the scene in this is gifset by @guzhuangheaven is where Lin Chen officially, consciously crossed over.
To what mindset, I'm not quite sure, but he has avoided that last bit of conscious introspection for a long time, but now the threat to Changsu is not something that Changsu with all his powers can defend against in the moment, and the threat isn't Changsu's deteriorating health, which Lin Chen is at turns empowered to battle directly and helpless to change at all.
Lin Chen knows that the battle against the poison was lost a long time ago, as part of a past he can't change, and the fact of that moves like a leviathan in Lin Chen's psyche, making him more unhinged and eccentric every year.
So if he has a chance to pick up a sword and defend Changsu in a direct and visceral way, he's going to take that chance, all appearances of neutrality be damned.
(He would take any chance to do it, too; he would feed himself dangerous drugs or transform into a mythical creature, or spin the roulette wheel of time to save the person he loves.)
Think about the way he delivered his diagnosis and treatment plan to Nie Feng and Xia Dong (and Changsu and Mu Nihaung). He was flippant and direct and rude, a bit too much like an actor on a stage, because there was no way he could be even a little bit himself, or behave in a way that was closer to normal (think about how Yan daifu might have summarized their options for contrast).
He couldn't be somber because Changsu depends on him to be anything but (the one time when he did start to show his true feelings MCS literally broke down and cried).
He couldn't show too much compassion because Changsu reads that as pity, and Lin Chen knows that MCS carries that heavy burden every time he interacts with Mu Nihaung.
He can't be too enthusiastic about Nie Feng's rather excellent prognosis because Changsu chose the other path, the one that had the treatment that was worse than death and would make his life miserable and comparatively short, and dwelling on that forsaken possibility can only lead to despair.
So with his choices so limited Lin Chen plays up his eccentricities, his supposed medical objectivity and curiosity, and no one can see the man behind the curtain. He might as well be a disembodied voice during that diagnosis dialogue, because Lin Chen is present but largely unseen by everyone except MCS, who can only metaphorically look at his shadow during moments like this -- and MCS can only look at it sidelong, in denial, and in strict control of himself.
Which is a good thing, because sometimes Lin Chen is internally screaming and enraged, and already furious with a grief that burns too bright for the few human eyes that are tuned in enough to see him clearly.
Lin Chen had long ago stopped speaking to Changsu in absolutes. Changsu is going to die. Soon, tomorrow, a month from now, two months, three? No one knows. Lin Chen doesn't know, he can only make predictions and wait.
He would rather not make predictions. He would rather not be asked, thank you. Leave Lin Chen alone. Let him brew medicines and banter with MCS and drink, and wait for the sun to come up on one more day where his friend is alive to drink the medicine, tease him, and see another sunrise.
Now back to the same remarkable gifset I referenced above. OP captioned it "Lin Chen and Fei Liu worrying about Mei Changsu: a full time occupation. Look at Fei Liu," and I owe OP big time because, yes, let's look at Fei Liu, and let's talk about Fei Liu and Lin Chen.
We see and we're told that they don't get along. Lin Chen is a bit of a dick to Fei Liu even though he seems fond of him too: he teases Fei Liu, tries to play with him mostly unsuccessfully, and seems to use him as a distraction to help play up his (Lin Chen's) eccentric behavior. I think there was also a comment about Fei Liu wanting to avoid Lin Chen because Lin Chen makes him (Fei Liu) drink medicine, but I'm not super clear on that.
We see that they "don't get along," and if anything this amuses MCS. Fei Liu comes to MCS for help, asks to be saved, and MCS helps Fei Liu. Because MCS can do that, it doesn't require physical strength, only that he plays the role of the "good dad" according to the established dynamic in their family of three.
So we're told that Lin Chen and Fei Liu don't get along for all the reasons above, but we also see that they're a really good team when it's necessary. There's the scene where they're chasing Qin Banruo, for instance. Later, Fei Liu sits across from Lin Chen while he makes Changsu's medicine and talks about their upcoming tour of jianghu, and they both agree that it doesn't matter where they are as long as the three of them are together. (Yeah.)
That's quite a contrast to the scene in the gifset, where Lin Chen is anxious, and possibly feeling helpless, and definitely contemplating violence.
And where's Fei Liu in that scene? He's shut down, head on the wall, inert.
This is the same position he's in when MCS is ill sometimes, or he's upset about something. Because we are supposed to understand that while Fei Liu can't quite articulate what he's feeling, and is mentally still a VERY young child, he does react immediately to situations and has an intuitive understanding about what's going on around him, particularly with regard to MCS.
So, how does Fei Liu feel about Lin Chen, and more specifically why does he seem to dread his presence in previous scenes, to the point that he captures and is going to kill the pigeon sent to summon Lin Chen?
My guess is that Fei Liu sees right through Lin Chen. He knows what Lin Chen is feeling under all the bluster and weirdness, and he knows that the dark feeling coming from his other parent affects MCS too.
However we read their relationship, Lin Chen and Changsu are very, very close; they live with each other off and on and love each other deeply; they understand each other better than almost everyone else around them; they rescued a child and parent that child together. Their little trio is intimately connected by time, experience, trauma, and pain.
Lin Chen and Changsu both playact that all is well but they can't fool Fei Liu, especially when they are together.
So it makes sense that Fei Liu would want to keep them apart as MCS gets sicker and that dark feeling grows, because it's scary. They're Fei Liu's world and that world is breaking down continually, weirdly, unpredictably.
He wants them to stay in their corners, thank you, because he's afraid of how it feels when they're together.
But back to that gifset:
At the start of this post I theorized that Lin Chen crossed over from even paying lip service to neutrality, but where else did he cross over? From ongoing anger to something like acceptance of MCS's inevitable death, in a way that would allow him to prioritize Fei Liu in the moment?
Or did he move on from anger to full-on Denial?
Because after that scene Fei Liu is pretty much at ease in Lin Chen's presence, and part of the reason for this (long, sorry) post was to try to understand why.
If he's moved on to Acceptance, good for Lin Chen. He might have a chance at good mental health in the near-ish future (think five years post-canon, and that might be a generous estimate).
But if he crossed over into Denial and it's strong enough to fool Fei Liu? I think Lin Chen's long term future might be a lot darker than one would expect from the always-sunny, temperamental, eccentric jianghu doctor.
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mysterialistic · 2 months
Over-analyzing the Yingdu Chapter [PART 3]
They've already told us the synopsis of the Yingdu Chapter, but this is just scratching the surface. This is how I think the plot will go down:
The chapter will start with the flashback of Cheng Xiaoshi's death and how Lu Guang went back to the past. At the same time, we'll probably see the scene of Liu Xiao pointing his gun at the grown man and asking about Cheng Weimin.
Now, this is where things get confusing cause... what's the deal with Cheng Weimin? It's not confirmed, yet very evident that this man is Cheng Xiaoshi's father, but why would Liu Xiao be looking for him?
Well, I have three guesses:
1. Cheng Weimin has powers like his son.
2. Cheng Weimin had powers but gave them to his son before dissappearing/dying.
3. Cheng Weimin pretended to have powers but in reality it always was Cheng Xiaoshi so, to protect him, Cheng Weimin and his wife disappeared.
The third option is my favorite because there's a text in the teaser that says this:
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It seems like a message directed to Lu Guang and it's either from himself from the future or it's from someone else who cares a lot for Cheng Xiaoshi, for example, his parents.
Going back to the plot...
Lu Guang has the nightmare, sees Vein and the messages for him to go to Bridon. There'll probably be a lot of reluctance regarding if they should go or not, ultimately taking the journey because... Well, because we need the story to move forward lol.
When they arrive to Yingdu something tells me that initially Cheng Xiaoshi won't find anything about his parents, which leads to this scene of him looking sadly at a picture (of his parents?) I would like to make a small parenthesis to point out that we DON'T know if in this part of the story CXS already has knowledge about his powers or not.
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This part were he's looking sadly at the picture could mean one out of two things:
1. He has his powers and dived into the photo but found nothing.
2. He doesn't have powers and he simply didn't find any useful clues outside of the photo.
I honestly think that they will have their powers already cause it's a plot device, it helps advancing the story and solving mysteries/conflicts. Unless they decide to make CXS awaken his powers in here, which could be really cool too.
Getting back on track...
Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't find anything useful and Lu Guang is probably relieved because that means that they can go back home, but then the antagonists appear. I don't know how or why because, well, we haven't seen anything about it and I would just be making completely blind suppositions lol.
Tho, something worth noting on this scene is that, by the way the camera moves when focusing on CXS, it seems like if someone was... Watching him? Probably one of the trio. I could be totally wrong.
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So yeah, long story short, they have to stay in Yingdu for some reason involving the antagonists and they get entangled in dangerous situations such as the previous seasons. One of the texts mentions: "The two had a quarrel that shouldn't have happened". I honestly don't know what this could mean. Is it referring to Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang as a pair or is it a one vs one? Let's wait and see.
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So... This is where it gets tragic. Brace yourselves!
At the very end of this video that Bilibili and the Link Click official Twitter account uploaded two months ago, we get a small preview of the Yingdu Chapter.
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And what's so relevant about this? Well, at the very end we can hear a gunshot and Cheng Xiaoshi groaning in pain before dropping to the ground, then we hear Lu Guang calling his name and another gunshot.
I'm sadly sure that CXS is going to die again. Why? Because it just doesn't make sense that they went through something so important and dramatic during Yingdu for them to never talking about it beyond mentioning a trip abroad. This is gonna sound bad, but it's the easiest solution the writers have to prevent plot holes.
Cheng Xiaoshi dies; maybe even Vein and Xia Fei die too? I kinda have the feeling that something big is gonna happen because of this text in the teaser:
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The letters are yellow, a color that represents Cheng Xiaoshi. It could be him asking Lu Guang to go back in time to fix things, to which Lu Guang answers:
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Lu Guang gets CXS's powers, goes back in time again and we'll arrive to the present time line... Maybe)? This I don't know because there's symbolisms of multiple attempts. A good example is this scene in the VORTEX/Overthink music video:
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But yeah, who knows, this is all very speculative cause they haven't shown us a lot.
Probably the "trip abroad" that they mention on season one is not Yingdu? Maybe they do go on a journey, but something more happy like those images they've shown us of CXS and LG riding a car, with beach wear. Idk guys, I'm just trying to find a bit of happiness in here lol.
Anyway, the only thing I have for certain is that the Yingdu Chapter is going to HURT, just like the rest of the donghua.
So... Thanks for reading! Leave me your theories, I love hearing other's speculations!
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