#Lo po bia Yasratcha
empty-dream · 30 days
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Do you know what people call the emotion you're feeling right now? That feeling that you're so much smaller than your opponent. With chills running down your body, leaving you feeling completely helpless and weak. It's something you've never felt before. It's called fear.
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angelgardt · 15 days
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Kitten 💘
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Yasratcha 🍉 🐱
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I cannot believe it took me SO long to realize that Traumerei was making an ad verbatim callback mocking Wangwangs near-last words to Yasratcha here (after forcing Wangwang to tell his best friend to kill him so Traumerei might spare him and quite literally forcing Yasratcha's hand into complying).
"You're free now."
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silkhy-john · 5 days
Just have to say that my first thought was “Yama and Yas should fuck about this” and then—
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choujinx · 5 months
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SINUI TAP (2010-?) by siu
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Prompt: Muzzled
Fandom: Tower of God
Characters: Baylord Doom, Lo Po Bia Yasratcha
The cat moved in an instant. The pup found himself on the ground, hand still pressed firmly on his mouth and nose.
The other hand found its way to his throat.
"Now. Tell me where you're going."
I used the prompt in a not literal sense but ye
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mikey180 · 5 months
Hello long time no see ~ How have you been?
Do you accept dark requests? If so can I have headcanons of Khun eduan, Slayer White and Lo po bia yasratcha where they are extremely possessive and jealous over their lovers?
I do. Sorry for the long wait~
Khun eduan, slayer white, lo po bia Yasratcha
Type- dark headcanons
Flavor- angst? Fluff? Depends on what you like
Khun eduan-
Makes sure to voice everything he likes about you and how much he loves you all the time, you never hear the end of it
Is the kind to hurt you if you want to try and get away from his possessiveness, but does want to. He claims he doesn't want to mark your pretty skin like that
Feeds you by hand, I don't know why, he just likes to pamper you like that
Since we're talking about being pampered, he'll get you literally anything you ask for, man never has to worry about running out of money
Is very touchy with you, in front of people and behind closed doors, arms always around you waist
Has a death grip on you when you two are sleeping, you'll have to wake him up if you want to use the bathroom
Wants to know where you are 24/7
Has a thing with your hair, running his fingers through it constantly, giving small tugs id you aren't listening to him talk
And he will talk your ear off and get annoyed if you don't listen to his rants
Won't drop his other women for you (probably), but will ignore them for you
Slayer White-
Also touchy, but in a gentler way. Tracing his fingers over your spin, coiling your hair around one of his fingers, gently pressing his face to yours, stuff like that
Enjoys making you shiver or annoying you by making sure you can feel his breath on you, on your ear, on the back of your neck, even in your ear sometimes if he really wants to mess with you
Likes to sew little hearts on your clothes...I don't know why, but I have a feeling this man can cross stitch or crochet like a boss
Also hugs you from behind, but in a more fleeting sense. A soft wrap around your waist before he gently lets go and makes sure you can feel his hand as it leaves, tracing across your stomach and coming off your side
Wants you to want his touch, the main reason for the fleeting gestures are all for you to pull him back and if you ignore them, he will get irritated
Will hurt you without remorse, but it takes very specific things to make him snap. Maybe you'll get an apology if you cry, but he couldn't care less about your bruises
Likes to cuddle you at night as well, probably a big spoon that brushes through your hair while you sleep
Will lick you like a cat, many many things like a cat...I can't even
Will rub up against you, hug you, cuddle with you while he's sweating just to mark you with his "scent" even if you don't like the stickiness
Hisses at people, hisses at everyone
He will hold you in front of people, harshly. You're talking to someone else? Get ready to lose your breath when he yanks you to him with an arm around your rib cage
Has probably hit himself in the mouth with your head by doing that a few times, acts as if it doesn't hurt, it did...check on him.
Yanks you...by the hand, by the waist, by your clothes, low-key strangles you sometimes by grabbing the back of your collar
Whether that's an accident or not is up to you
Doesn't want to hurt you, would rather play mind games to get you to stay
Will cuddle up with you like a cat, expect to be spooned in the shape of a tight C
Purrs...all cat men pur, change my mind
Enjoys dressing you up and doing your hair along with taking baths with you, making sure you get every inch of your scalp when you wash your hair
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coffeeandkhun · 1 year
Traumerei's possible Peter Pan syndrome
Lo Po Bia Traumerei is such an interesting villain. It's been foreshadowed since the season 1 that he'll play a big role in the story of TOG. In this post, I'm talking about his name and the possible impact on the story. There will be spoiler from the whole webtoon, just to be warned.
Traumerei has got his name from Kinderszenen, a set of piano movements written by a German composer Robert Scumann in 1830's.
Kinderszenen includes 13 pieces of music - just like there were 13 irregulars climbing the tower before the Arlene & V -incident happened. Kinderszenen means "Scenes from Childhood" and movement no. 7, Träumerei, is one of the most famous pieces by this famous romantic era composer.
Träumerei means either dreams or reverie, but Traumerei WE know is not a day dreamer or an innocent, playful man like his name would suggest. He's a resentful and distrusting tyrant. More than that, he is overly obsessed about being able to control others and is constantly testing their obedience, complaining bitterly about how he's "used to being betrayed", like his own behavior had nothing to do about why this happens.
There is another word Träumerei reminds us, that is trauma, although the etymology is different. Word trauma has it's origin in Ancient Greek, and means a physical wound or damage. Today, when talking about trauma, we usually don't mean a psycical wound however, but a mental one.
To this point, we have learned that Traumerei has nightmares he can't remember - memories that are probably somehow linked to Baam or his parents, because he started to have those nigtmares only after hearing about his existence. He also had a habit of feeding his memories to the monster Leviathan, the very reason why he can't remember.
Leviathan is a biblical sea serpent, a dragon or a devil, and is sometimes associated with the cardinal sin of envy - as is the color green.
“O beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” - William Shakespeare
It could be the memories and/or emotions he fed to Leviathan are related to something he committed in his jealousy, maybe something parellel to what happened between Wang Wang, Nen Neya, Yasratcha and him. In s3 c111, after sending Wang Wang away, he says: "I felt something I haven't felt in a long time... from a mere creature... but I've gotten rid of it, so it's fine now." We don't hear what exactly he felt, so we can only guess, if it was envy or something else.
It's possible that Traumerei used to be different, but there really was a traumatic betrayal that changed him, like he keeps suggesting. Or then he's more like those people in the real world who find it difficult to accept that people around them mature. They feel betrayed and jealous when their friends, who are now married, have children and/or a career, are not ready to have online gaming all-nighthers with them just about any time they want.
In Jungian Psychology, there is an term for an individual, who, just like Peter Pan, refuses to mentally grow up and meet the responsibilites of the adult life - puer aeternus.
“…remains too long in adolescent psychology; that is, all those characteristics that are normal in a youth of seventeen or eighteen are continued into later life, coupled in most cases with too great a dependence on the mother.” - Marie-Louis von Franz
From his own point of view, Traumerei could be just a child bullied by everyone. Just like a cliché teenager, he's also easily bored and prone to mood-swings. We don't know about his mother (he never answers when Nen Neya asks, unfortunately), but we know that he has a somewhat dependant relationship with Jahad, "the Father".
Whatever Traumerei gave away to Leviathan, we can be quite sure that these were not the best and most beautiful memories of his life, but the worst and most traumatic ones. Getting those memories back might change him or destroy him - we don't know yet, but I would guess it's the latter. I personally find it difficult to see his cruelty could somehow be atoned - because unlike Yasratcha, who was dominated by him, he "made" himself and keeps only accusing others. I might be wrong, and we'll see when the story evolves. But even in TOG world of morally gray characters, Traumerei is on his own level of darkness.
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katalean · 3 years
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today I present u fashionable (that's up for debate tho) yama and yasratcha
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shiroandblack · 3 years
Caught up with the most recent Tower of God chapter and all I have to say is:
Yasratcha honey, that sounds fruity.
Lo Po Bia "Be my Pet" Traumerei: Because normal animals don't do for me, I gotta have Furries.
Also him: I'm used to being betrayed by someone in love.
Daddy Zahard, something you wanna say here?
Lo Po Bia "I will free you" Yasratcha: *pretends to have killed his 'friend's' children so they can live without being targeted and deadass lies to a Family Head with a straight face*
This is the BDE that Princess Leia displayed when she lied to Darth Vader's face despite the fact that she knew that he saw ship.
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empty-dream · 10 months
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Wangwang... That bastard. I wish he'd told me that sooner. I miss him.
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dimobserver · 3 years
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i saw a dress and started wondering if it would suit yasratcha, so here he is ^^
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karolinevassalor · 3 years
The perfect man doesn't exi-
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Okay, neither of them "perfect" (sorry Aguero) but they hella interesting ^^
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...Is it just me or does this not imply (assuming Traumerei was being honest with Gustang here of course) that Traumerei's reason for having biological children was to provide potential candidates for the Princesses of Zahard? At least at that point in time?
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leon6132 · 4 years
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Good Monday morning afternoon ToG fandom
#Bamcember2020 on Twitter: Week 4
[Day 22] Bam & Jinsung: Jinsung bought a shit ton of gifts for Bam, but he’s expecting Bam to balance all of them on his head, of course
[Day 23] Bam & Yasratcha: Another victim to the infinitely mysterious cat fur 😔
[Day 24] Bam & Rak & Khun: Bam and Khun’s sweaters say “Turtle 1”  and “Turtle 2” respectively, reference from the anime was used when drawing Rak
P.S. Do you see an Easter Egg? Hint: it’s a throw back
[Day 25] Bam & Viole: Bam had to impale himself on the tree to get it in there 🎄
[Day 26] Bam & Hwaryun: Hwaryun got the best fortune from the sacred drawing lot (Omikuji) and Bam got the worst, though I’m not sure what he expected
[Day 27] Bam & Wangnan: This is why you shouldn’t try to recreate whatever you see on TV smh... I wonder what they plan to write on the Fai Chun, probably something stupid
[Day 28] Bam & Karaka: Karaka face reveal when 😳👉👈
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
Bonus: Them 
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