broiter · 4 months
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Favorite shaggy cat
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pal-pi · 22 days
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yasrathecat · 19 days
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fun fact, I did this after seeing a hateful comment about something I love, I thought about replying with a whole essay then finally decided that it wasn't worth it and I suddenly got the will to draw YamaYas for the first time, I love them, they are such a stress relief to me<3
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mikey180 · 5 months
Hello long time no see ~ How have you been?
Do you accept dark requests? If so can I have headcanons of Khun eduan, Slayer White and Lo po bia yasratcha where they are extremely possessive and jealous over their lovers?
I do. Sorry for the long wait~
Khun eduan, slayer white, lo po bia Yasratcha
Type- dark headcanons
Flavor- angst? Fluff? Depends on what you like
Khun eduan-
Makes sure to voice everything he likes about you and how much he loves you all the time, you never hear the end of it
Is the kind to hurt you if you want to try and get away from his possessiveness, but does want to. He claims he doesn't want to mark your pretty skin like that
Feeds you by hand, I don't know why, he just likes to pamper you like that
Since we're talking about being pampered, he'll get you literally anything you ask for, man never has to worry about running out of money
Is very touchy with you, in front of people and behind closed doors, arms always around you waist
Has a death grip on you when you two are sleeping, you'll have to wake him up if you want to use the bathroom
Wants to know where you are 24/7
Has a thing with your hair, running his fingers through it constantly, giving small tugs id you aren't listening to him talk
And he will talk your ear off and get annoyed if you don't listen to his rants
Won't drop his other women for you (probably), but will ignore them for you
Slayer White-
Also touchy, but in a gentler way. Tracing his fingers over your spin, coiling your hair around one of his fingers, gently pressing his face to yours, stuff like that
Enjoys making you shiver or annoying you by making sure you can feel his breath on you, on your ear, on the back of your neck, even in your ear sometimes if he really wants to mess with you
Likes to sew little hearts on your clothes...I don't know why, but I have a feeling this man can cross stitch or crochet like a boss
Also hugs you from behind, but in a more fleeting sense. A soft wrap around your waist before he gently lets go and makes sure you can feel his hand as it leaves, tracing across your stomach and coming off your side
Wants you to want his touch, the main reason for the fleeting gestures are all for you to pull him back and if you ignore them, he will get irritated
Will hurt you without remorse, but it takes very specific things to make him snap. Maybe you'll get an apology if you cry, but he couldn't care less about your bruises
Likes to cuddle you at night as well, probably a big spoon that brushes through your hair while you sleep
Will lick you like a cat, many many things like a cat...I can't even
Will rub up against you, hug you, cuddle with you while he's sweating just to mark you with his "scent" even if you don't like the stickiness
Hisses at people, hisses at everyone
He will hold you in front of people, harshly. You're talking to someone else? Get ready to lose your breath when he yanks you to him with an arm around your rib cage
Has probably hit himself in the mouth with your head by doing that a few times, acts as if it doesn't hurt, it did...check on him.
Yanks you...by the hand, by the waist, by your clothes, low-key strangles you sometimes by grabbing the back of your collar
Whether that's an accident or not is up to you
Doesn't want to hurt you, would rather play mind games to get you to stay
Will cuddle up with you like a cat, expect to be spooned in the shape of a tight C
Purrs...all cat men pur, change my mind
Enjoys dressing you up and doing your hair along with taking baths with you, making sure you get every inch of your scalp when you wash your hair
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viohn · 1 year
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angelgardt · 15 days
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Kitten 💘
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Yasratcha 🍉 🐱
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druskels · 1 year
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jungle-fae · 9 months
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I mainly post Yuri on Ice stuff BUT I made this piece and wanted to post it cause I love Nennen and Wangwang so much and they don’t get enough attention, their story made me cry it was so sad and bittersweet, and DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON YASRATCHA, especially with the most recent episodes 😭
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spongeladysfandoms · 9 months
The latest chapter of Tower of God is giving me such emotional whiplash. Like there were some really funny moments:
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But also, not my baby Yasratcha 😭😭
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squiglluwu · 1 year
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I will meow for this man... even though he will treat me like a dog
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broiter · 5 months
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I love Yasratcha
his hair is hard to draw ah
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auviergine · 2 years
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my little meow meow
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yasrathecat · 2 months
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I have caught up recently with the tower of god webtoon and I adore Yasratcha!
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mikey180 · 1 year
Omg i just found your blog and I'm already in love with you kcjajdhksid also side note I'm so glad that i have FINALLY found another hansung simp pike EXCUSE ME this man is so fine like ✋😔 how does he not have a cult following excuse my fangirling I'm just so happy skcjkaidhskdk i was actually here to request headcanons! This is my first time asking so I'm sorry if I do something wrong 😣 just finished binging tog for the fifth time and i am in desperate need of yasratcha content (which was how i found you in the first place, so thank you kitty for introducing me to this amazing person 💞) May i please get some fluff headcanons for our favourite cat? Thank you, have a great day/night and remember to drink water!
bro tumbler ate this for like a week!!! I hate this app sometimes. He should have a cult following. that man is just *chef's kiss* a literal god, but that's not what you're here for so...
This man's mission is to fluster you and then act like he didn't do anything to warrant your reaction.
again, THE CUDDLES!!! you won't escape. I mean it's how he takes care of you
Are you working too long? It's time for cuddles. Stressed? Cuddles. Tired? Long day? Need a reason not to go out? CUDDLES!
For dates he likes to stay at home, but if you really want to go out he would get a very expensive hotel. Ya know, like one with a spa, buffet, room service (sound proof walls)
He likes to bathe together. You on his chest just-
"ahhh, this is so nice." You said turning to lay face down on Yasratcha's chest, the steam in the large bathroom felt amazing. "Mmm humm." He humed in response. His head was tilted back resting against the wall, his eyes closed and his hair floating around the lilac scented water, his arms are wrapped fully around you. From this angle you could see every drop of water resting on his long eyelashes and dripping down his neck.
"see something you like, beautiful?" You looked back at his eyes, slightly open, then at the smirk that played at his lips. You used his thighs to push yourself up and rub his nose with yours. "Yeah, you. Well maybe just a little." You whispered before closing the gap between you two.
I'm sorry this is so short and late. My tumbler has been acting weird and I kinda spent most of my ideas for Yasratcha on the first one. If you'd like more though I'd be happy to write him again, maybe just give me a prompt or scenario. I think I'm starting to like writing for him more though
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neylia18 · 2 years
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Genre: Angst
⛔️ Warning: Indirect reference to rape/ mentions of sexual assault/ I do not support any actions I just used it for the oneshot/ blood mentioned/I hope you guys get sad ⛔️
Finally out with the request! This was requested via Wattpad @neylia18
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Each drop of rain only made the sight more bloody.
Mini streams of blood covered the muddy floor, leading nowhere, but was everywhere.
You lied to Yasratcha, convincing him with sweet words of promised love. Telling him what he needed to hear and what he wanted to know. 
Smiling. Laughing, Kissing.
You were the sunshine that he just wanted to curl up under to take a nap.
You had promised him that you wouldn’t leave.
So why did you go behind his back? You told Lord Traumerei Yasratcha’s unusual fixations of Wang Wang; told him about Yasratcha’s plan to get Wang Wang to disobey Lord Traumerei, and the plan to take back his kids. 
Yet… Why were you the one crying?
“Yasratcha, promise me, no matter what happens in the future, you will always love me”
“Y/N, there isn’t anyone else I could possibly love besides you”
How can you have the audacity to cry when you drove Yastracha to kill his best friend?
Watch as so many other canines lost their lives.
Why didn't you even fight when Yastratcha attacked you?
“Do you know why I like knives so much?” You had asked Yastratcha with a grin so wide he thought you had discovered a rare flower of some sort. 
“Do tell.”
“Because, you can cut anything with it if it’s sharp enough, making an easy or tortuous death, or cut vegetables with ease”
If only he could’ve stopped you.
By the time he slashed you with his claws, you’d already stuck the knife in your heart. Killing yourself before he had a chance too.
“No, no, no, no” Immediately coming to his senses, Yasratcha gathered you in his arms. Pulling the knife out of your heart. Begging you to open your eyes. Brushing your hair away frantically. 
The blood stained his hands red, your breath was nowhere to be found. Your body limp.
Sobs racked through the cat’s body, hair wet and sticking to his skin. 
You were gone.
You had betrayed him, you stabbed your heart but took his heart with you. 
Yasratcha didn’t want you dead, he wanted a fight, he wanted a way to take out his anger but give a chance for you to explain. To fight back. To show him who you really are. Was your love a lie? Was it a show for your amusement? Was it jealousy of his friendship with Wang Wang?
A second later your pocket appeared, projected a video right in front of him.
The video showed how you were threatened, how you were dragged into a cell, how they tried to make you spill out Yasratcha’s weakness. You had refused, stood your ground, and tried to fight back. Only to be outnumbered and beaten.
“Has she talked yet?” A canine asked the guard.
“No Sir”
“Make her talk but don’t kill her, the Head needs her for a bit longer”
The video showed how you were tortured, screaming out in vain for Yasratcha, begging him to come save you. But where was Yasratcha? He had no idea when this happened, that it even happened in the first place. 
“If you must, take away her purity”
No. No. That can’t be what he was thinking. There was no way Lord Traumerei would allow that. But that was the same man who told Wang Wang to sleep with Nen Neya “to speed things up” he may not have mentioned assault but if needed he would make Wang Wang do it.
Your screams and cries filled Yasratcha’s ears, breaking his heart as he watched you beg them to stop. Pleading for mercy. The sight made his blood boil and his heart ache.
The feline didn’t understand why. Why did they do this to you? What were they trying to find out? If he was correct, he wasn’t even planning on escaping at that time. 
He held your limp body closer to him, the tears clouded his vision as he wept, no longer able to watch the video but unable to sound out your desperate calls for him. 
“You will act as you normally do and report any unusual behavior from Yasratcha. When the time comes, you will take your own life.” 
The video ended as the pocket descended to the floor.
“Yasratcha no matter what, I will always love you”
“I rather you had hated me Y/N” The feline choked out. 
 “I wish you’d just kill me instead”
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