siyelius · 4 months
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jericrew pj party
(totally not just an excuse to draw hc body refs post-revolution and rant in tags)
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httpiastri · 1 year
happy to confirm that oscar still looks at lando like he created the world
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just cuties being cuties 🫶🫶
ALSO im sorry but i genuinely started laughing when watching this because i remembered oscars comment back in that jack daniels video…. “my hands are too small” you’re actually delusional
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ruki-mukami-dl · 11 months
The Lockup
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 7 days
(@peachyfnaf @theinfamousdoctorf @theinfamousmaybelle @moonlit-dreamers @bloodmoon-da-idiot @the-weirdest-and-silliestfriend @deyisacherry @leafmilky @maikoevans0785 @lilith0908 @starlight811 @iza-h4t3s-b1g0ts @wonders-sunlight @upsidedownapple @sillygoofycyn @da-queenguin @skibibadadobop @onikecrescent @lunar-solarsystem @purplepanda0909 @gremlininthedark @charliecuculi @norana0615 @foxboidrew @endereverett @tsamsheadcanons @sunnyboi3 @dyooranges @bunnnnix @randomfoxsworld @randomized-sims23 @lovescatscats @mmrcr8tivity @achickennamedcheese @tvboxi @ballygaming1205 @grimmofthequeenn @solarisdabest69 @starsmothercannon @alex-issad @lednet-sorrow @that-one-unknown-artist @luckyyyduckyyy @sunshineeenigggggt @pollux-starsz @sassycandypoetry @wolfes-alt
LOCKUP AU IS WIP- if any of you want to check it out it will be here:
I’m sorry about school and everything that makes me busy😭💔… thanks for the understanding
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cannibaleclipseau · 5 days
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doodles for LOCKUP AU
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jekyllnahyena · 10 months
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cody has friends.
he'd rather not
based on this gem <3
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shijiujun · 2 years
Why You Should Watch 君子盟 (张公案) | A League of Nobleman
Firstly yes it’s nobleman with an ‘a’ i.e. singular for some reason but yes unfortunately that’s the case.
Secondly yes this had multiple other names while it was still locked up in tencent storage but we finally have something, and a note that it’s loosely based on the novel 张公案 but there’s been a bit of drama between the author and the drama production, and in any case, the cases differ quite a bit. You can say we have a Chenghua’s 14th Year situation here where it’s closely related but veered off the original at some point to varying effects.
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Zhang Ping is a poor, orphaned scholar who has to sell noodles part-time to make ends meet. He has a brain for logical deduction and is personally smart with quite a good memory. He is selling noddles at his stall as usual and minding his own damn business when Lan Jue, a high-ranking officer second only to the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, uses him as a distraction in a case. Lan Jue is the son of an official who was framed 20 years ago for treason, and he has to become Minister of Rites in order to get closer to the truth of his father’s unjust death, but his status as the son of a guilty man means that no one wants to recommend and support him to become Minister of Rites. Moreover, he’s been in contact with an enemy state, the state that his father went to before his death - but the letters are intercepted by the other person who’s in line to become Minister of Rites as well. The other official sets up a case to frame Lan Jue for treason and to push him out of the running for Minister, and Zhang Ping, who’s dragged into this unexpectedly, cannot help but interrupt to solve the case(s) that happen.
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Initially, it’s Lan Jue against Zhang Ping, as while Lan Jue isn’t a bad guy, he has laid a lot of groundwork and plans behind the scenes and Zhang Ping who looks at everything in black and white, and insists on pushing for justice no matter the situation, is a hindrance to his plans. Slowly, through each case and being stuck with each other, Lan Jue realizes that he’s strayed too far from the path that his father once wanted him to be on, and the person he originally was, all to set up ruse after ruse to get to what he wants. Albeit he is justified in doing so as he desperately wants to clear his father’s name, but it takes Zhang Ping and a teacher of his to remind Lan Jue that no matter what, he cannot break the law for his own personal motivations.
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Once they come to an understanding, Zhang Ping also realizes that Lan Jue and his friend Mo Wen are excluding him firstly to keep him safe, but also because Zhang Ping cannot seem to understand that there’s a time and place for everything, and his insistence at immediately solving crimes and cases especially when they’re targeted at Lan Jue and the treason case 20 years ago, will undo all the work he’s put in so far. So Zhang Ping decides to help Lan Jue, and promises that he knows what he’s doing this time if he’s involved.
Together, they unravel the truth behind Lan Jue’s father’s death, along with Zhang Ping’s noodle store colleague and Lan Jue’s only good friend, Mo Wen. 
Total Episodes: 29 (10 have been released so far, with one episode released per day for non-members, and 10 episodes a week for VIP members)
Comes from a novel and there is a manhua publications as well, manhua art by 千二百
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Why You Should Watch:
Between Lan Jue and his friend Mo Wen: “Between you and I there is no need for thanks”
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“I could handle it by myself but SOMEONE just had to ‘save’ me so I would have to owe him a favour”
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Fainting Zhang Ping and Lan Jue being all !!!!!!!!
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AND everyone rushes to Lan Jue’s house to give him gifts on 粽子节 because they wanna curry favours with him, and Zhang Ping is the only one who gives him proper dumplings.
“No matter how big or small the gift, I cannot accept them.” 
And then Zhang Ping gives the dumplings to Chen Chou, not knowing that Mr. Lan would walk away and run back to his stall to find him and ask for his dumplings under the table, but they were gone by then
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And what’s a bromance without a premature divorce right (Lan Jue stabs Zhang Ping, they agonize in the rain)
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+ Yes Lan Jingyi is in this as Chen Chou and he’s fucking hilarious
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(2) Also Lan Jue and Zhang Ping Face-Offs + COMEDIC MOMENTS APLENTY
“You’re a scholar but you’re selling noodles here, are you perhaps facing some difficulty?” “Because I’m poor.”
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“You’re not here to save him?” “No I’m not, I’m going now”
Lan Jue stuck with a noose around his neck and wolves waiting to eat him and Zhang Ping be like all nope not saving ya
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Zhang Ping pronounced dead and then sits up in bed
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Zhang Ping using the dates that are placed in the toilet to get rid of bad scents into the porridge he serves Lan Jue
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No, it’s not, according to the author. The original novel had a lot of bromance and hinted at a relationship, but the author has specifically said this is no CP, not a danmei and the production itself should not even be considered a dangai (but the production went ahead and advertised it as such anyway and we all know how that turned out). She was pretty mad when she wrote the clarification post cuz people were asking her to put it under danmei classification on JJWXC. BUT Zhang Ping and Lan Jue can be seen as more than bros for sure.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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2024 Chinese Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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tremorsmackenzie · 5 months
i just rewatched 4x05 and noticed may putting daisy on the ground after the guy almost strangled her to death before she started fighting, while coulson covered them. ah my heart...
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talentforlying · 6 months
thinking about john's multitude of short-lived, often quickly-abandoned apartments for some reason, so a couple details:
although you might expect to find a very wizard-y interior to any place he's currently living at — you know, grimoires, skulls, dust, clutter, etc. — his flats actually tend to be fairly spartan in terms of decor; they've even been accused of looking modern, here and there. he just moves too frequently to really settle in & accrue Things, and has so often had to simply up & leave everything he currently owned behind (with very little chance of getting any of it back) that he no longer attaches much meaning to household objects.
besides the consistent presence of at least one bookshelf with at least 12 books on it, and a sad sprig of garden sage that miraculously hasn't died yet, the one exception to his lack of personal touch is his extensive collection of records + tapes, all of which he has repeatedly & methodically tracked down and bought / bid / traded / stolen / threatened for / blackmailed for / simply taken back whenever an enterprising landlord or new tenant left him the opportunity to do so. his record player itself has never needed to be taken back, since it has always mysteriously vanished from whatever flat he's leaving and mysteriously appeared wherever he's staying; it's convenient like that. his 10th anniversary walkman, however, frequently goes missing, only to turn up again later in a place he KNOWS he checked when he's least expecting it.
lack of home decor isn't to say he doesn't own much, mind: the bulk of his personal possessions — assorted occult paraphernalia, blackmail documentation, miscellaneous crap from his mucous membrane days, and anything he is able to take with him from past flats — are usually stored off-site, in a secure location that can't easily be tied back to him. this guy's been accused of being a satanic killer on multiple occasions, he knows better than to keep all the real shit out where anyone can just swan in and see it.
currently, this storage location (which i lovingly call occult shit central) is an abandoned inner london storefront + adjoining flat that was formerly his old friend ray monde's shop and home, called brick-a-brac antiques. it's decidedly cozier than the last place, (in that there are chairs, plural,) and has fewer bear traps laid out in anticipation of unlucky thieves; in fact, if a person were to visit without already knowing where constantine actually lives, it'd be easy to mistake it as his expectedly-wizardy flat. it's not an ideal location for an occult shit central, too close to the heart of the city and too close to people to avoid drumming up suspicion should constantine attempt any sort of ritual inside, but until chas finally quits ducking the paperwork and signs over his storage lot (which he may or may not be dragging his feet on out of pure resentment for having to do it at all) ray's place is the best option there is.
constantine's previous (and future) storage location was a lock-up in streatham that chas had been letting him use (see: all but surrendered to him entirely) since he got out of ravenscar, but after constantine's sister died, john decided he was done with magic and, in a spontaneous fit of rage, burnt the place down with everything but a few necessities still inside. he regretted this later, when he inevitably returned to the occult scene after just over a year away, and spent a lot of time calling in favors / hypnotizing arson inspectors to try and put together an inventory of everything he'd lost.
in the nearly 20 years since the fire, he's managed to replace or find substitutes for about 2/3 of what he had (occult-wise), and gather enough fresh dirt / do enough favors / orchestrate enough compromising situations to accumulate a little over 1/4 of the political / interpersonal power he once maintained. ( the lack of success in the latter being, in part, because people now in power aren't as familiar with his name & reputation as they once were; in part because people just don't believe in magic as much as they used to, or were otherwise bought by hell / heaven / other parties a LONG time ago; and in part because he's come to absolutely fucking despise most politicians / people in power more than he is willing to work with them, or more than he is able to plausibly believe they won't try to drop him at the first opportunity. )
you would be hard-pressed to find a landlady/landlord that speaks kindly of this man. if he wasn't kicked out for suspicious smells / disturbing noises / sudden infestations / suspected satanic activity, then it's likely that he abruptly up and disappeared in the middle of the night, with no warning and no rent. (on a few occasions, this vanishing act also coincided conspicuously with a gruesome death on the premises, sometimes of the landlady/landlord themselves, although no one's ever been able to prove anything.) frankly it's . . . magic, that people still rent to him.
due to these aforementioned bad ends, he's incredibly lucky if he gets enough time or leeway to take any sort of furniture with him from one place to the next. however, there is one incredibly comfy, wing-backed, sapphire-blue armchair that's miraculously managed to survive every move in the last ten or so years without being reported stolen — even though it has survived every move because it has, in fact, been stolen in the dead of night nearly every single time, by john and at least one of his buddies.
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unwashedpotato · 2 months
disappointed there aren't more smutty prison rp prompts out there. you mean, you don't want:
a charismatic gang leader manipulating rookie guards to become the cell block's breeding hole
cell mates that swear they aren't gay but drink a little too much homemade hooch (the great discovery of 'a mouth is a mouth, a hole is a hole') - no homo ofc
inmate in administrative segregation, using their food tray slot in the door as a gloryhole for the guards on shift
thoughts of old prison uniforms with holes for free use play; handcuffs and shackle restraints
a handsy nurse during physicals
guards entirely too interested in strip searches
popular cam show broadcasted on a contraband cell phone (bonus points if the guard has no clue they're being filmed)
cellmate hazing / twinky top, buff bitch
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httpiastri · 24 days
why did i open f2 live timing just to see paul at the very bottom again 😭😭😭 what is going on 😭
........he got hit by pepe by the first corner and just. crashed out
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okmcintyre · 1 year
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 2 hours
I made this in fucking- like- 2 mins
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BM of my au btw)) help what is that perspective agghhhhhh 😰😰
give the boi rocks… he needs more rocks to sharpen his teeth w/
isn’t he just the silliest goober
and before I forget… check out @cannibaleclipseau. it’s an askblog and a rpblog 😍!!!!!!1111 (self advertizement)
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cannibaleclipseau · 7 days
Hey Clipsy:3 How does it feel to be a cannibal robot?How did you got the cannibalistic traits too?:>
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The fuck is that nickname?…
How does it feel.. just so you know, I’m not exactly the best at explaining things. After the first few victims, you get used to it. It tastes worst at the beginning. It feels… weird. Especially since I’m a robot, too. I would somewhat say it’s “fun”…
As for the traits.. don’t know. Something in me clicked one day. It was more of a slower realization, maybe over a few days; but overall the transition was sudden. When I basically, well… killed Lunar, I… don’t know. Hell, I got curious. It didn’t even taste that bad. It only made me… crave more, you could say. More or less. It isn’t a bad substitute either. And after a bit… I guess I got addicted to the taste. This whole situation, it’s pretty unique. I wonder what those idiots are up to now.
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
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decided to finally make a design for Jackal's bio mum and their half siblings. They meet them when Jackal is already 28 years old and it's a weird affair, but they get on great with their sibs. The twins are basically surfer dudes btw
Their relationship with their mum is more...cold civility. Might write some more stuff later, but wanted to post them now.
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