#Lol how fast he cooled though. Did everybody get that. His surprise cooled like a body on ice. So cool.
toji literally said "seriously?" when gojo popped back up 💀 like dude. What did you think was gonna happen when monster meet child god. U know the epics. This kid was gonna have his moment cuz u popped him a new one. 💀 "Wtf seriously?" Are you an idiot in addition to being a whore.
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sluttyhollow · 9 months
I don’t write for UA students but Bakugo and me are the same person and we’d be best friends if I was at UA 😂. I was listening to Bakugo by KVMIL and it just had me thinking about Bakugo x black american bestfriend reader (this has been sitting in my drafts forever lol might as well let it go)
No warnings, just two foreign besties with bad attitudes and terrible language (purely platonic)
Katsuki definitely speaks English, he’s a rich kid, and his parents traveled to the states a lot for work and they used to takes him in the summer. He just refuses to speak English because he thinks it sounds stupid.
The back and forth trips are how he ended up meeting you in the first place the summer between first and second grade. Your parents were working on a collaborative design line focusing on mixing Japanese and African American street fashion styles
Neither of you liked each other. He was loud and you thought his red eyes were creepy. He thought you were a loser and hated the noise your hair made when you walked (it was the beads, he thinks they look “cool or whatever” now though) you guys actually ended up fighting, Mitsuki thought it was funny because Katsuki lost (he started it) she bought you ice cream for winning.
After that day you guys came to an agreement to not speak to each other but by day 3 of vacation you were sharing games and sending each other colored screens on your DSIs. You guys did argue everyday of that summer though, and every day of every summer you spent together until middle school when he started staying in Japan to train.
Fast forward to high school and you still text each other. He’s at UA and you’re at a well known hero school in the states. Both of you are loud mouths with quirks worthy of helping saving lives (yours a quirk reversal/theft quirk that allowed you to reverse a persons quirk or utilize their abilities for a certain amount of time, like toga and all for one mixed).
Let’s just say your school has a sports festival similar to UAs that’s also televised and streamed nationally and internationally which prompts Miruko to want you intern abroad with her. Of course you accept and your school works with UA to get you into a transfer program thus starting your 1 year stent at UA. Now for fun’s sake you didn’t tell Katsuki you were coming to UA so imagine his surprise when all the rest of 1A is talking about some American transfer student and he walks into the common room and sees you sitting there.
“What. What the fuck are you doing here you fucking loser” the rest of 1A is shook, they know he’s an ass but they didn’t think he’d just be mean to new student. Just when they get ready to intervene you respond to him with a “you know you’re happy to see me fucker it’s been like 3 years” and the rest of the class is just like wtf is going on here. Y’all of course explain that you knew each other and that you’re besties. Deku being the only one not surprised considering you’d met him once before.
From then on you too go back into your old ways from childhood but with added addition of training. When you’re not busy with Miruko and him with Jeanist y’all go back to the Bakugo house and eat dinner with Mitsuki and Masaru.
You make him apologize to deku (long before canon) when he tells you what happened during middle school and how the first half of the semester had been. You beat his ass and told him to get over himself (he knew you were right).
You and Deku going feral when he gets hurt, LOV attacks and the three of you have to be put on house arrest by Iida cause y’all get too emotional over one another
Forcing him to class 1A gatherings. Neither of you wanna go but Mina saw you two getting ready to disappear after dinner and dragged y’all to movie night
Katsuki likes American food. Spice levels are just a little higher, flavors are a little more intense than typical Japanese food. You can cook a little bit and help him make American style dinners for everybody sometimes
People think you guys are partners cause of how relaxed you two are around each other but he’s like your brother and you would kiss m*neta before Katsuki
Yeah just two foreign besties (your American friends thought you were lying about your best friend living in Japan all through middle school, they didn’t realize you were serious until you moved and FaceTimed them with Katsuki in the camera)
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | birthday gone wrong (aha), f!reader, baker!reader, pro hero!katsuki, blizzards, angst and smut, exhibitionism, cockwarming, begging, confessions. minors dni!
— 4.7k words
Wanna blow off some steam?
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Katsuki jumps ten feet high, and the plastic grocery bags precariously balanced on each finger tear without a second thought. Apples hit the ground with a thud and the egg carton with a depressing slap; one that signifies the crack of at least half a dozen. Katsuki looks at the crowd, red-faced and livid, and Eijirou Kirishima intercepts the awkward silence with:
“Happy Birthday Bakubro! I know y—“
“Said that I didn’t want a fuckin’ party?” Katsuki growls, groceries forgotten on the forgotten. Eijirou looks guilty and chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
“W-Well, yeah, but—“
“Everybody out.”
People sigh, and you think you hear Denki whisper told you he’d kick us out. You hate to say that you foresaw a similar outcome. Katsuki’s never been one for people.
Especially you.
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“Awe come on, Kacchan,” Izuku says with hands on his hips. “We came all this way! Just let us stay for a little bit.”
“Yeah!” Eijirou seems to cheer up once given a sliver of hope. “Plus, we got cake and stuff. And Just Dance.”
Katsuki narrows his eyes, but you know better—he’s always had a soft spot for the redhead. You all wait with baited breath, wondering if this entire evening was a bust, as Katsuki weighs his options in a pool of fallen groceries.
“One hour.”
Eijirou gasps so hard he chokes, and Katsuki’s generosity earns him applause from the audience. (Plus whoops and hollers from Denki and Mina.)
“And I mean it—y’all have sixty fuckin’ minutes before you’re gone without a goddamn trace. Kapeesh?”
Katsuki sighs, rubbing at his temples as he steps over the mess at the front door. You assume he’ll make Eijirou clean it up. “Whatever. Where’s the fuckin’ cake?”
“In the kitchen, my good sir!” Denki says as he ushers the ash-blond into the said kitchen, the rest of the party hot on their heels. Eijirou grabs the cake from the fridge and you’re tense until the plate hits the marble of their island.
“Flavor?” Katsuki asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I dunno, [Y/N] made it,” Eijirou throws you under the bus, just like that, and you want to scoff at the way Katsuki freezes—if only for a moment. Eijirou’s oblivious as ever, “[Y/N]?”
“It’s red velvet,” you say, trying not to burn under Katsuki’s carmine eyes. You don’t know why he doesn’t look away.
As if you’d give him anything else.
Eijirou tries his best to cram 26 candles into the cake before being forced to opt for 23 lest he ruin your decorations. Denki presses him to make a wish and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he blows out the candles. Eijirou wipes an invisible tear because ‘his boy is getting so old.’ Mina and Jiro cut the cake and people seem to enjoy it, and you think that maybe, reuniting with your high school friends after so long isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
Even if he said he never wanted to see you again.
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“—due to the incoming blizzard, we highly suggest all those who reside in the red and orange zones stay inside until it passes; which should be around ten am tomorrow morning.”
You spoke too soon.
Katsuki turns to the crowd, and you know what he’s going to say before his lip curls.
“Kacchan, don’t be unreasonable!” Izuku says from his comfortable position on the couch. “We’d get caught in the storm if we leave now.”
“Not if you’re fuckin’ fast enough,” Katsuki growls, pulling the greenette’s to his feet by his hair. “Get out, I’m not bunking with you fuckers overnight.”
“Dude,” Denki points to the window, and if you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought the blizzard had already started. “If we leave now, we’ll literally die.”
“Die, then.”
Eijirou sighs, clapping his roommate on the back. “C’mon, man. You know we ca—“
There’s a whirr then a click, and the lights and tv die at once. You can’t see a thing but you definitely hear Katsuki shout:
Eijirou turns his phone flashlight on first; Katsuki’s busy angrily flicking at the light to no avail. You sigh, turning to the ash-blond (and ignoring those ugly fucking butterflies in your stomach.)
“It’s a blackout Katsuki. The lights aren’t going to work.”
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that, dumbass?” And your chest tightens because even though he’s not eighteen anymore, he sounds the same—but you aren’t sure why you expected him to sound so different either.
You lift an eyebrow (not that he can see it), “It doesn’t look like you do.”
Denki snorts at that, hollering about how you just owned the ash-blond as Katsuki yells at him to shut the fuck up. It’s...familiar and comfortable, like you’re all in high school again, before you had to worry about your friends dying in their line of work because you couldn’t be there with them.
Before you got injured.
“Well I mean, we have a few blankets,” Eijirou offers, and as your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, you’re convinced you see his figure cross the living room. “And like, sweatshirts if it gets too cold.”
“It’s already getting too cold,” Mina says, and you can’t help but agree. The quickly cooling room has the goosebumps raising on your shoulders, and you’re starting to regret forgetting your jacket at home.
“Okay! I don’t have that many, but,” Eijirou hollers from somewhere, before returning with a handful of cloth. He drops it onto the coffee table. “Plus Hanta and Denks left their hoodies here last time.”
“Oh shit, we did?” Hanta says, and you assume it’s his figure who starts digging through the clothes. “Totally thought I lost this, lol.”
“Did you just saw lol out loud?”
“I did.”
“Ooh Ei, do you still have that old Red Riot hoodie?” Mina asks, and all of a sudden, she’s all over the pile. She finds it before the redhead can answer and snatches it away with a gasp.
You watch the pile dissolve in the darkness, one by one, and by the time you reach for something, your palm hits the cool wood of the coffee table. Fuck.
“Oh [Y/N]! Do you need some of my blanket?” Mina offers, but the blanket is small, and wrapping it around both of your shoulders just renders it utterly useless. You shake your head after she tries for a while.
“It’s fine Mina, I’m not that cold,” you laugh, but she shakes her head vehemently.
“No! Girl c’mon, you look like you’re freezing!”
And, well. Freezing is a stretch. Sure, you’re a little cold, but you’ll live.
“Do you need my sweatshirt?” Eijirou asks, already pulling at the hem. You roll your eyes.
“I’m serious guys, it’s not that bad,” you say, waving your arms for emphasis. They all grumble but they give up, and you feel like you can finally relax.
Something soft and army green drops into your lap. You pick it up in confusion, before looking up to see who dropped it.
Katsuki looks down at you, face glowing white from the phone flashlights. His eyes pierce your soul nevertheless.
“I don’t ne—“
“Take it.”
Katsuki takes a seat next to you on the couch in his own hoodie. You don’t realize until you put it on that he gave you a sweatshirt themed after his own hero costume.
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You can’t sleep.
You can’t sleep, and you’re sure it’s due to the temperature. The wind howls and it sounds like you’re in the eye of a tornado, loose branches knocking against the rattling glass, and upon looking through the window, you see nothing but stark white. You sigh, checking the time on your phone for the fiftieth time this hour. Yep. Still four am.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’, dumbass.”
You all decided to bunk in the living room for warmth. You’re surprised Katsuki stayed, though; you figured he would just head to his room and let you all fend for yourselves while he slept in a comfortable bed. But here he is, sleeping next to you on the cold fucking floor.
“Sorry,” you say, but it’s hard when your shivering and your jaw aches from stunting your chattering teeth. Katsuki and Eijirou only had a limited amount of sleeping bags, meaning you’ve got to share a blanket with the hulking ash-blond.
“You cold?” He grunts. You don’t know why he’s asking.
Katsuki sighs, and you hear him adjust, the blanket sliding from your neck to your shoulder. “You’re a shit liar.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows to glare his way, and you look to notice Katsuki’s laying the same way.
“What’s your point?”
Katsuki doesn’t answer for a moment, but it doesn’t seem like he’s looking for an answer, either—his neon red eyes glow through the dark and straight into your soul, and the next time you shiver, it isn’t because of the temperature.
“You’re stubborn.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Thought you figured that out senior year.”
Katsuki’s face flashes with an emotion you can’t quite pinpoint before it’s gone again. “Yeah. You’d think almost dying would fuckin’ fix that.”
You sigh. Looks like you’re having this conversation now, then.
“I didn’t almost die—“
“Yes, you fuckin’ did,” Katsuki snarls, and Denki almost stirs at his raised tone. “You took that bullet and you didn’t get up for months—“
“And then I woke up and everything was fine! Seriously Katsuki, what’s your problem? I lived.”
“My problem is that you shouldn’t have been there in the goddamn first place!” Katsuki says through grit teeth. You watch his temple roll underneath his hairline. “That was my fuckin’ fight. I don’t need some chick jumping in front of a bullet for me just ‘cause she thinks I can’t take it!”
You scoff, looking around to see if any of your other sleeping friends are listening because get a load of this guy. Naturally, they don’t respond.
“That’s what this is about? Oh, well I’m sorry I bruised your dignity because I didn’t want to see you get fucking shot!”
Katsuki chest inflates with disbelief before it deflates again, and he’s rolling his eyes before he says, “That’s not—you fuckin’ know that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh really?” You laugh, and goddammit Katsuki, you just had to bring it up, didn’t you? “Because waking up after two months to your best friend telling you to give up doesn’t preserve your dignity at all, huh?”
“I didn’t tell you to fu—“
“You said those exact words, Katsuki. You said give up, and you left the hospital.”
The ash-blond has nothing to say to that, because he knows that you know you’re right, and trying to jedi mind trick you into believing he isn’t an asshole won’t work.
“Well you fuckin’ listened,” he grumbles, more to himself than you, but enough emotion flares in your core to make you want to scream.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you say, huffing, before turning your back to him, deeming this conversation over. “Good night, Katsuki.”
There’s a lull and it has you convinced you’ve won, finally relaxing (as much as you can) onto the cold floor. At least arguing heated your blood up a bit.
“The fuck do you mean?”
You roll your eyes even though they’re closed before you hop back onto your forearms to give the ash-blond a nasty look. “What?”
“You...said you didn’t have a choice,” Katsuki says, and it’s the first time you think you’ve heard him sound weary. Unsure. “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means I had to give up on being a hero either way.”
Which sucked. Because you had spent the past four years of your life working your ass off to save others, and you wind up out of commission before you even got started. You...suppose you didn’t tell Katsuki the whole story. Well, you hadn’t had a chance to—today’s the first time speaking with him since you woke up in the hospital.
Katsuki eyes you out of his peripheral, but only for a second. “And that means...?”
“It means that if I land on my spine the wrong way, there’s a high chance I’ll be paralyzed from the waist down.” You growl, frustrated that it was easier to coax the truth out of you than you thought.
The bullet buried close to your spinal column. You had to do PT for months, relearning how to walk as you slowly regain your motor functions. That’s when you started to bake.
The howling of the wind turns from somewhat soothing to aggravating as Katsuki’s unimpressive “oh” hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself sighing, the puzzle pieces finally clicking in your head. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” Katsuki asks—he’s still not looking at you.
“Blaming yourself,” you gesture to his figure, which is lax with depression, lacking its sturdiness and usual fire. “You didn’t shoot the gun.”
Katsuki snorts at that, running a hand through his hair, “I might as well.”
“You got shot because of me,” Katsuki says as if it were a fact. “They were trying to kill me. Not you.”
“And they didn’t kill me. I’m here and you’re here. If I hadn’t been there, you’d be six feet under right now,” you reason. Katsuki shrugs because he’s just as stubborn as you are, and you figure he’s been carrying around this baggage for too many years.
“Does your back hurt often?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean sure, I get flare-ups sometimes, but it’s not too bad. Doesn’t really get in the way of baking as long as the table is high enough.”
Katsuki thinks for a moment, teeth worrying his bottom lip. “Is the table high enough? At your café.”
You shrug, failing to see where he’s going with this. “I have a platform thingy, so. It’s mostly for decorating cakes and things—“
“I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I’ll buy you a new table,” Katsuki says, nodding to himself as if he was confirming the idea. “A higher one.”
It takes a second for his offer to process, but once it does, you’re fighting a smile. Still the same kid. “Kats, I don’t nee—“
“An—And if you need a new chair. I’ll pay for that shit too.”
You shake your head—mainly in disbelief, “I don’t need a chair, Katsuki.”
“Then what?” He asks, and it almost sounds desperate with the speed he rushed the sentence, “Y’need a car? That hunk of junk you drive could use some work.”
You ignore the jab, because your car works perfectly fine thank you very much, and snort at the suggestion of such an outrageous purchase.
“What? You tryna be my sugar daddy or something?” You joke. Katsuki gives you a look, and it's dead serious.
“D’ya need one?”
“I—no!” You laugh, and have to remind yourself to reel it in before you actually wake Denki up. “I’m fine financially I just—what’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” Katsuki quickly grumbles, facing forwards again. “I just...”
You raise an eyebrow, “You just..?”
“I dunno. I dunno,” Katsuki shakes his head. You let him gather his thoughts in silence before he tries again. He doesn’t.
“Then fuck me.”
In your defense, your mouth moved before you thought it through.
Katsuki has an unreadable look on his face, but his voice is anything but steady when he says, “What?”
Fuck. Fuck.
“U-Uh, I mean,” you recoil. Stupid big mouth. “I—you—don’t worry about it.”
“You said you wanted to fuck me,” Katsuki deadpans. You choke.
“I—no, that’s not—“
“That’s exactly what you said.”
“No, I meant as in I’m pent up. Obviously,” you defend with a huff, crossing your arms on the pillow as you glare daggers his way. Katsuki matches your stare.
“Not as pent up as a Pro Hero,” he scoffs, lifting an eyebrow. You take it as a challenge.
You click your tongue in faux pity, “Awe, the number two hero Dynamight doesn’t get laid?”
“No fuckin’ time,” he grunts, though you don’t find much remorse in his voice.
“Well, you have time now,” you say, completely unsure of where this confidence is coming from. Either way, you’ll take it and run.
“I do,” Katsuki confirms, leaning in closer. He’s close enough that you can smell what’s leftover of his cologne, and see the hint of a grin that makes his upper cheek shine silver in the moonlight. You find yourself leaning in just as much as he does.
“Wanna blow off some steam?” You dare to question. Katsuki���s grin only grows wider.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Katsuki’s kisses are surprisingly soft, you think, and so are his lips. But you don’t have much time to think about it as he pulls you in by the waist, quietly groaning into your mouth while he lays you down on your back.
“Always thought you were the prettiest fuckin’ thing,” he growls, trailing butterfly kisses down your neck. “‘M gonna make it up to you, yeah? Make you feel so fuckin’ good.”
A hand hikes his sweatshirt above your chest before Katsuki’s latching onto the skin under your collarbone and sucking, teeth digging into your skin hard enough to bruise.
“Y-Yeah, that’s fine,” you whimper, intoxicated by the way Katsuki’s lips flush pink as he pulls away, eyes locked on the fresh hickey on your chest. They flicker up to you; he grins.
Katsuki hums at that, licking his lips before diving back in. You hiss when he bites too hard, prompting him to bite harder, but he always soothes it over with his tongue, topping each bruise with a kiss. You flinch when his lips wrap around your nipple and he chuckles at your meek whimper; a hand removes its grip on the sweatshirt in favor of sliding it up your thigh.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” Katsuki says once he pulls away, enjoying the sight of you writhing in anticipation. “And it’s all for me, ain’t it?”
“Yeah, ‘m all yours just—“ you kick a leg in frustration at the thumb playing with the hem of your panties, “—do something already.”
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, “Do what?”
You frown, huffing, “You know what.”
Katsuki shrugs, adjusting so he’s caging you to the floor. Ghosting a thumb over your panties, he says, “‘Course I do. You gotta ask nicely first.”
You tighten your hands into fists. He would.
“I’m no—“
“Beg, Princess,” Katsuki growls, his stare unwavering. He presses an inquisitive finger to your clit through your panties either as a promise or a threat—which, you’re not quite sure.
You crumble.
“I—fine, just—finger me.”
Katsuki doesn’t move. Asshole.
The ash-blond grins, finally pushing your panties to the side.
“Good girl.”
When Katsuki slides his first finger in, it’s much too easy, and you blame it on the foreplay. You shudder, hands moving to brace themselves on his big shoulders, and the ash-blond muffles a moan as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“Another,” you moan, bucking your hips into his palm. Katsuki’s heated gaze flickers from your body to your face.
“Already?” He chuckles, the rasp in his throat giving his arousal away. You nod—he clicks his tongue.
“Fuckin’ dirty.”
Two fingers feel like so much more than just one, and they have your eyebrows folding in a poor attempt to muffle a whimper. Katsuki’s fingers still move tentatively but they’re getting comfortable, curling and searching for that place that’ll make you tremble. And then he finds it.
“F-Fuck,” your body jolts, and Katsuki’s shushing you against the pillows.
“Keep your mouth shut, Princess,” he purrs, head dipping down to nip at your neck. It adjusts the angle ever so slightly, but enough to make you hiss, and he chuckles. “Unless you wanna get caught.”
“Oh yeah, because that sounds fun right now,” you snort towards the ceiling. Katsuki pulls away with an unimpressed look as his thumb comes down over your clit.
“Can’t wait to fuck the brat outta ya. Maybe then you’ll actually shut up for once, huh?” Katsuki inserts a third finger without you asking him to, and you gasp, clawing at his back.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he laughs against your mouth lowly, as if the light kisses will do anything but make more noise, “Good God sweetheart, you’re really pent up, aren’t ya?”
“Shit—I doubt you’re much better,” you try, scoffing at what you can see of his painfully hard cock in his sweatpants. Katsuki looks down before sending a huff your way, with a cute little blush dusted on his cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up,” he grunts, pulling out his fingers. You whine at the loss. “How d’ya want me to fuck you?”
You need to take a step back from how crude the question is. Right, sex.
“Right um,” you look around, trying to find the least obvious position—and one that doesn’t make a shit ton of noise. Laying on your side, you tuck an arm under the pillow, before turning around to Katsuki to suggest, “Cuddle-fucking?”
“Yep,” you say with finality, popping the p. Making big grabby hands his way, you say, “C’mere, big guy.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes but moves behind you anyways, warm arms easily finding themselves around your waist under the blanket. After a few adjustments and ensuring you're both fully covered, Katsuki’s hard cock presses against your entrance as he hooks his head over your chin with a huff.
“This is so not on fuckin’ brand.”
“I don’t think fucking in a living room with sleeping friends is on-brand for a pro hero or a baker,” you say casually. Katsuki breaks out into a snort, pressing his face deeper into your neck.
“God, I fuckin’ missed you, ya know that?” He chortles. Your chest blooms with something it hasn’t in years, and for the first time, you find that you don’t mind.
“Don’t be such a dick and maybe I’ll stick around this time,” you quip with a smile he can’t see. Though you feel his against the base of your neck.
Katsuki’s last words hang in the air, unusually heavy, and your eyes catch the snow beating against the window with a less than angry howl. Katsuki’s chest shudders against your back but he doesn’t move, hands frozen at your waist.
“Hey, I thought you were gon—“
“I’m getting to it,” Katsuki snaps, and you gasp as he starts to push inside. “So fuckin’ impatient, goddamn.”
He pulls you down until he fills you completely, and you suppress the urge to shout at the speed he did it with. Katsuki moves a hand to slap over your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You reach around to pinch him in the side with a huff, he calls you a bitch. It’s a little hard to hear you behind his hand as you say, “Then don’t catch me off guard like that, asshole.”
Katsuki snaps his hips and does exactly what you tell him not to do—prompting another surprised whine out of you and a dark chuckle from the ash-blond. His cheek presses into your jaw as he finds leverage in hiking your lower half up until your puffy cunt is level with his cock, and fucking you until you drool all over the pillow.
“What a pretty fuckin’ thing,” Katsuki grunts, and you can tell he struggles to keep quiet in the way his chest sporadically shudders. You have to grip the pillow for some semblance of purchase and Katsuki chuckles at watching you struggle, before he’s hiking your leg up to fuck you that much deeper.
“I always—always knew you’d sound so good,” he pants, the grip around your mouth bordering on clammy. You want to tell him that if he keeps making so much noise he’ll wake up everyone in this fucking room, but there isn’t much time between moans to get more than a word in. “Fuck baby, keep tightening around me like that, and I might fuckin’ cum.”
You find it amusing how close he is so quickly, until two fingers land on your clit and start rubbing in slow, small circles. Your walls flutter around him and Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck with a curse, his grip around your raised thigh contracting as he tries to hold on for as long as he can.
And that’s when Denki starts to move.
First, he rolls to the left. Which would’ve been fine, seeing as it’s in the opposite direction until he bops Eijirou straight on the nose and promptly rouses the redhead from his slumber. Katsuki’s hips still.
“O-Ow, dick,” Eijirou curses under his breath, quickly scrambling to his forearms. It’s hard to tell through the darkness, mostly because you’re squinting your eyes to feign sleep, but it seems like Eijirou rubs under his nose, only to blink back at a bloody hand.
Katsuki’s hips shift, ever so slightly, but enough to nestle his cock deeper and force you to bite back a whine. And another. And then another.
You try your hardest to be discreet when you reach to pinch Katsuki in the side, and he breathes a laugh down your neck.
“What?” He whispers, though it's more than a rasp than anything else. Good to know you’re not the only one struggling to not cum, here.
“You know 'what,'” you quickly hiss. But Katsuki’s hips don’t stop as Eijirou weighs his options to cure his bloody nose in the dark. The fingers on your clit return their usual pressure and you inhale sharply, nails digging into Katsuki’s forearm as your orgasm begins creeping up on you.
Eijirou sniffles and gets up, stumbling through the darkness to turn down the hall that leads to the bedrooms. Katsuki sees that as fucking freedom and his hips really start to pick up so much speed that you struggle to breathe through it all.
“‘M gonna cum,” Katsuki whimpers into your neck, burying his face deeper in a poor attempt to stunt any sound. “Fuck, fuck ‘m gonna cum, you close baby?”
“Y-Yeah jus’ a little more,” you whimper, eyes rolling as Katsuki finds some inhumane energy in him to fuck faster. He nods at that and bites into your shoulder with a growl, “C’mon, fuckin’ cream all over my cock—atta girl, fuck, fuck—“
Katsuki fills you up the moment you clench around his cock with a sigh, the weight of your orgasm knocking you forehead-first into your pillow as you bite the urge to squeal. Katsuki doesn't growl as much as you expect, moans breathy and light as his hips finally stutter to a stop—but you suppose some things have to change over the years.
Katsuki collapses next to you in pure exhaustion and you’re sure that’s his cum leaking down your thigh, but for some reason, you don’t really mind.
“Hey you,” he speaks first, eyes blazing red in the darkness. You snort.
“Hey, you.”
Katsuki chuckles with a stupidly giddy smile on his face, "Y'know, you still fuck really well."
You drop your head on his chest to snort, and his hands find their rightful place around your waist.
"Better than high school?"
"Yeah..." Katsuki grumbles, before his eyes narrow. "Wait—hey, yo—"
"I haven't fucked anyone since," you snuff the fire before it even starts, and Katsuki relaxes, though his eyes stay slim. He pulls you closer and you sigh—it's comfortable.
"Good," he grunts. And then after a pregnant silence: "I haven't either."
That's...strangely reassuring.
Your arms wriggle until they fold over his shoulders to play with the small hairs on the back of his neck, and he hums, eyes fluttering shut with a final peck on the lips. As Katsuki's breathing evens and the white of the snow dyes the highest points of his face white, you smile. He looks older.
You think he's asleep until he nudges your waist.
"Be my girlfriend."
You don't even hesitate.
By the time Eijirou comes stumbling down the hall, both you and Katsuki are passed out—with his body encompassing yours in the most intimate way, face tucked into your hickey-ridden neck as your arms and legs lock around his being. The redhead gives you both a soft smile as he passes, snorting to himself.
“Took them long enough.”
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olivia200312 · 3 years
So Long~ Bay! Optimus x Human! Reader (Lemon) *Request*
Requested by the lovely RudyPascall456
Plot: Bayverse Optimus (Tf5) x Human! Reader. They have been through so much. So much that it's impossible to remember it all. Currently, the reader and Optimus in cuddling each other whispering sweet words to the other. Optimus purrs from the warmth of his sparkmate. Primus how he loves her. Optimus pulls her close and kisses her. They share loving kisses, just wanting to show their love for each other in every way possible. Optimus shivers in delight when the reader touches his hips so gently. Optimus says it's been 5 years that anyone who had touched him liked this. The reader kisses him and continues to feel his metal muscles that she missed so much. Optimus lightly kisses the reader down her neck as the reader giggles. The reader then said she forgot how much of a cute mech he could be. Optimus purrs and shares yet another kiss. Optimus then begins to kisses the ready feverish. And says through the kiss he wants to show her how much he loves her. The reader pulls their bodies together making Prime growl. Oh, how he loved skin-to-metal contact. The warm skin mixing with the cool metal. It made it feel special and wanted something of this love that could never be betrayed. Optimus then undress the reader as the reader moans softly. Optimus purred and kissed the reader's breast softly making the reader moan softly. She knew Optimus adored her body he can be so gentle at times and so rough. She loved it either way. In return, Optimus stopped and allowed the reader to remove his codpiece and see his spike. Optimus then smiled and locked their lips into a heated kiss of passion. The reader stroked his spike as Optimus teased her pussy. And from there they fragged. In the end, Optimus says if there was one thing he would ever need in his online it would be her and no one else. The reader said the same goes for you, Opty. Optimus then cuddled with the reader and recharge the reader fell asleep.
Lol, another smutty request from the same user. But it's a human this time. Once this is done, I have other requests to finish since others are old requests and some are new. This book is damn growing fast! When the 100th one-shot is published, then the book is complete! But I will also publish the last one-shots.
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Everyone was at the fields of England. The battle was finally over. Optimus Prime was back himself instead of being Nemesis Prime. He was being processor controlled by Quintessa, an evil manipulative femme who brainwashed the Prime and even blamed him for Cybertron's death, which was not true at all! Once Optimus was being controlled, he got send back to Earth to get the staff.
Before The Last Knight story started to play, Cade was being involved, together with Shane, Tessa, and Y/N. If you know the story, then you know what happened. After the Age of Extinction story was over, Optimus said his goodbyes to others, including to his sparkmate, Y/N, and left to find his creators. Everyone was heartbroken, especially Y/N. Tessa took off to college and Shane was with her. Cade and Y/N eventually had to go hiding from the world so they moved into a scrapyard. The Autobots followed, along with some Dinobots. They promised to work together after all when the Autobots freed them. Both Cade and Y/N were known as heroes since they helped the battles like in China and to stop Lockdown for good. Optimus managed to offline him for good.
Do you think that's where the story started? In the middle ages of England when King Arthur was the ruler? Transformers did exist much longer than you think than humans. Primus created the Cybertronians and Cybertron. Everyone was happy when Optimus returned but immediately, his behavior, especially his optics, gave everybody a sign that something was awfully wrong with him. Look at his optics. Instead of gentle blues, it was like purple/magenta. He was being controlled. Bumblebee managed to at least bring him back but however, he was more awake when he saw Y/N... His sparkmate. But after Optimus was awake, he had one thing to finish: destroy Quintessa. Actually, the glitch mysteriously disappeared. It was like out of nowhere. After the battle was over, the Autobots split up to start a brand chapter in their lives. But they promised to stay in close contact for any emergencies. Do you know where Optimus went to live? With Y/N.
After being through so much in their lives, they were cuddling on their two-person bed. Optimus was in his bipedal holoform to not hurt Y/N. He still had to be careful though since he's metal while Y/N was soft and had skin. Optimus was also whispering sweet things into Y/N's ear, causing her to blush and giggle. She was currently in her loose comfortable tank top and lace panties matching Optimus' colors. She was at her home and in bed so why? She became very wealthy when the fight was finally over with Quintessa. Cade also got wealthy so he finally lived in a house instead of a scrapyard with Y/N, the Autobots, and the Dinobots. He also fell in love with a woman named Viviane. She was nice. Since Cade's wife died when Tessa was young, he was single for years. Tessa wanted her father to find love and be happy. Cade finally found a new love while Y/N and Optimus were together for years.
"Oh, Optimus," Y/N giggled as she nuzzled her lover.
Optimus, in response, purred as he felt warmth from Y/N. He was the knight in shining armor, Y/N's savior. Primus, he loved her so much. He wanted nothing but to make love to her and keep her safe. He will do anything to protect her. He then cupped Y/N's cheeks in his servos and kissed her with passion. They shared loving kisses as they were lost in pure love. Y/N then touched her lover very lovingly, causing him to purr. He wasn't in fact touched like this 5 years ago when he was starting a relationship with Y/N.
Optimus pulled away from the kiss, staring lovingly into her gorgeous E/C eyes. He stroked her cheek softly as he pressed his forehead against hers, carefully. "It's been 5 years, Y/N. May I make love to you?"
He was so cute when he asked for permission. He was treated with respect by many Cybertronians than you think. He had a kind spark and he was smart as well since he loved to read datapads as Orion Pax. He had good leadership when he was transformed into a Prime. He changed his name or destination (Cybertronian's language) from Orion Pax to Optimus Prime.
Once Y/N heard Optimus' question and permission, she pulled their bodies together, making Optimus growl. "Does this answer you?"
Optimus clearly understood the message. Y/N wanted this. She wanted Optimus to make love to her. It's been 5 years when they had sex or interfaced. So lovingly and romantically, Optimus undressed Y/N until she was naked under him. Optimus remembered the first time he saw her naked. He was so in love, wanting to take her body as his. It was his. They were together. And, oh boy, was Optimus so ready to take Y/N's body again. Once Y/N was naked, she stared into Optimus' optics and saw that it was full of lust. Her eyes were full of lust too. She then moaned when she felt Optimus kiss her breasts as he massaged them and squeezed as well. She felt Optimus suck on one nipple since it got hard like the other one. He was sucking on it like a baby that drank milk. Y/N threw her back in pleasure for a second before she lifted it up and stroked Optimus' helm as he sucked. Eventually, he moved to another nipple and gave it the same attention as he did to others. Sucking it like a baby but also licking and biting it softly. Y/N moaned from the pleasure. Oh, how much she missed having sex as well with Optimus Prime here. Optimus missed having sex too with his human sparkmate.
Y/N's head was very gently pushed back on the pillow as Optimus hovered above her. "Take my codpiece off." Y/N was a bit surprised when he said that. She wanted to secretly take his codpiece off and see his big, hard spike again. She saw Optimus smile and she took his codpiece off. His spike was big and hard, happily in the air. "Such a big boy.~"
Optimus spread Y/N's legs more open to reveal her womanhood that was soaking wet. By the sight, pre-transfluid came from his member. Y/N grabbed Optimus' spike and started stroking it as she felt him tease her pussy with his digits. They both moaned as they kiss each other heatedly. The tongue and glossa made contact with each other. It was wet that was also full of saliva, probably. Y/N moaned the most into the heated kiss as Optimus continued to tease her pussy with his digits. She heard Optimus grunt since she's stroking him. That's when they both stopped and Optimus got between her legs on top of her. Y/N giggled sexily as she wrapped her arms around his neckcables. That's when Optimus just couldn't take it anymore that he slammed himself right into Y/N's pussy. Y/N screamed as Optimus rammed into her like an animal in heat.
"Take me, Opty! T-Take me! Oh, fuck!~" Y/N was talking dirty now. She felt just like in heaven. It had been 5 years ever since they had fun in bed. Optimus watched her expressions as he enjoyed seeing her in pleasure. He enjoyed it, even more, when Y/N talked dirty.
"Look at you... Locked under me, making noises. You'll bear with my sparkling. You'll look perfect with a swollen human tank." Now, it was Optimus who was talking dirty. He was imagining his mate being sparked with his sparkling. Even pregnancy sex was also possible but then the female was pregnant, of course. Optimus was planning to have sex with her while she's pregnant. He was aware that his future sparkling will be half-human or half-Cybertronian. He will still love them dearly just how much he loved his sparkmate.
"P-Put your babies inside me! G-Give them to me! Aaaah!~"
Optimus rammed into her harder he watched his spike for a moment that was turning white because of Y/N's juices. He enjoyed it a lot. He then buried his helm inside of Y/N's neck as he left love bites. Y/N moaned and screamed loud as enjoyed this every second. That's when finally a knot formed into her stomach. "I-I'm cumming!~"
Optimus grunted into her neck in response and he felt Y/N's walls clasp tight into his member. Since he was big, he felt almost nearly impossible to pull out. He thrusts final times before he finally came, hearing Y/N scream as well since she also came. They both panted as Optimus stayed inside for a while to let his hot and sticky transfluid adjust. He then slowly pulled out and laid down next to Y/N, panting.
"That was so good," Y/N panted as she snuggled up to Optimus.
Optimus hummed in agreement as he held her protectively in his arms, spooning her as well. He then laid his servos on Y/N's stomach as they snuggled up and fell asleep together.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 3 years
If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power - A Reluctant Ranking of Every Track
Disclaimer: This entire album is incredible, truly no skips, and I also think it’s an album that is hard to separate into individual tracks, because it all goes so well together. But I still wanted to try! This is just my personal opinion, and it’s subject to change. (Also I surprised myself. And I bet I’ll change my mind by tonight.)
Please feel free to do your own and tag me in it!! I wanna see!!
13. Girl is a Gun
It’s not that I dislike this song, it’s just a sound that I didn’t expect on this album. I think it would’ve fit in better on Manic. I don’t love how it kind of just repeats over and over again, especially on an album so full of complex, intricate lyrics. But it’s a really upbeat, sexy song and I bet it’s going to be so fun live.
Favorite lyric: 
Time is a blessin', to me, it's a lesson And I can't be stressin' to give you attention 'Cause, oh, it's never enough, so I'm givin' you up And you'll be better with a nice girl, darlin'
12. Lilith
Similar to “Girl is a Gun,” I simply wasn’t expecting this kind of sound on this album - could’ve seen it on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom though! The bass is amazing and I love the rhythm.
Favorite lyric:
You know I get too caught up in a moment I can't call it love if I show it I just fuck things up, if you noticed Have you noticed? Tell me have you noticed?
11. Darling
This song is so sweet and charming, especially if you compare it to “More,” which I think it acts as a sort of sequel to. Something about the melody hits me just a little wrong. When they start singing, I can’t help but hear the verses of “Hopeless.” That might’ve been intentional, but I can’t get past it to hear this song as its own thing.
Favorite lyric:
Never knew the feeling of a stable home Been a couple years of living on the road Couldn't really tell you where they'd leave a stone To visit me when I am dead and gone
10. The Tradition
I love the haunting piano and vocals. It feels like a song that was written for the film specifically. (Was it even in the film, lol?) I really love the sound of it, but the lyrics don’t do very much for me.
Favorite lyric:
And I hope what's left will last all summer long And they said that, "Boys were boys", but they were wrong
9. The Lighthouse
This song reminds me the most of a Nine Inch Nails song - fitting that Trent Reznor provides backing vocals on the final verse. I love the grimy guitars, and and discordant beat, and the way it builds up. The melody is cool and liquid. The final verse really feels like waves crashing. It’s a well-written song that really shows off Halsey’s alternative side.
Favorite lyric:
Well, that should teach a man to mess with me He was never seen again And I'm still wandering the beach And I'm glad I met the devil 'Cause he showed me I was weak And a little piece of him is in a little piece of me
8.  Ya’aburnee
This song makes me really emotional. It makes me think of all the people I love the most and it makes me want to cherish my time with them even more. That’s an incredible feeling for an artist to create. It’s such a bittersweet song. I wanna cry but it also makes me smile.
Favorite lyric:
But what's worse? Telling you my feelings or to die without revealing That you crawled inside my head and set a fire there, instead Letting all my insecurity Devour me with certainty
7. honey
If you’ve ever felt this way for someone, this song stings in the best way possible. I love the rhythm and the drums and the guitars - this is peak pop punk and Halsey fits right in. I love the honey imagery, especially that she included some imagery about bees and the way honey clings.
Favorite lyric:
And now she's impatient and I'm complacent With just a little taste of wasting time Looking for honey But she stings like she means it She's mean and she's mine
6. 1121
Now this is the sound I expected from this album. Cinematic, dark, dramatic. The piano is so haunting and so beautiful. It evokes so much imagery through sound alone, even with the lyrics being relatively simple. And their voice is so incredible. The song overall reminds me a lot of Evanescence, which is high praise. And I really appreciate the “self-loathing in love” theme, I can relate to it a lot. I’ve already been singing the chorus at the top of my lungs whenever I play this song.
Favorite lyric:
Take one in the temple My tongue is a vessel I try to be careful with The thing inside my chest You shoot for the memory So you can forget me I'd leave if you let me, oh
5. Bells in Santa Fe
Ever since we heard a snippet of this song in the first film trailer, I’ve been desperate to hear the rest of it. It didn’t disappoint. I love her lower register vocals, the tinkling piano and the frantic rhythm. And I relate too much to the message of the song - loving someone so much but refusing to accept that they want forever with you, insisting that they’re better off without you, warning them that you could slip away at any moment. It hits me where I live.
Favorite lyric:
Jesus needed a three day weekend To sort out all his bullshit, figure out the treason I've been searching for a fortified defense Four to five reasons But, Jesus, you've got better lips than Judas I could keep your bed warm, otherwise I'm useless I don't really mean it, 'cause who the fuck would choose this?
4. I am not a woman, I’m a god
This song fucks. Claiming their power to create life - recognizing that as godly and divine, while also insisting this is not a power that makes them a woman. I can’t wait for it to become a smash hit and for people to be singing about a nonbinary/trans experience without even knowing it. I honestly have trouble even articulating why this song is so awesome, it just is. I’m pumped every time I hear it.
Favorite lyric:
Oh, I just wanna feel something, tell me where to go 'Cause everybody knows something I don't wanna know So I'll stay right here cause I'm better all alone Yeah, I'm better all alone
3. You asked for this
I really like the 90s alternative sound of this one, it reminds me of Alanis Morrissette and certain No Doubt songs. I think it’s a very realistic depiction of how settling down in life can be very bittersweet, and the things that we ask for are sometimes not what they seem to be. But we also come to realize that settling is a part of growing up. Still, Halsey sings about wanting everything, knowing there are contradictions in that. The chorus is fun and easy to sing to, and the final verse is so amazing.
Favorite lyric:
I want a beautiful boy's despondent laughter I want to ruin all my plans I want a fist around my throat I want to cry so hard I choke I want everything I asked for
2. Whispers
This one hits hard, but god, it’s so good. The way they whisper certain phrases. The simple piano under the first verse, the way it becomes more complex, the way the beat comes in. You want to dance and cry at the same time. The lyrics - I know so many of us can relate to them. The themes of self-sabotage and self-loathing are so strong in this album, which definitely hits me right in the chest.
Favorite lyric:
I've got a monster inside me That eats personality types She is constantly changing her mind on the daily Think that she hates me I'm feeling it lately Might have to trick her and treat her To 70 capsules or fly to a castle So at least we could say that we died being traveled
1. Easier than Lying
I’ve had this one on repeat since the album came out, and that surprised me at first, but god, this song is addictive. The crunchy guitar at the beginning, the driving rhythm, the way her voice contrasts with that. The scream-singing on the chorus. It’s the kind of song you want to drive way too fast to. The bridge!! Aaah! It’s just so badass and listening to it now gets me too hyped!! Also the way it can kind of be seen as a sequel to “Lie,” - the growth of going “if you don’t love me no more, then lie” to “losing you is easier than lying to myself” is so meaningful and so empowering.
My heart is massive but it's empty A permanent part of me, that innocent artery Is gasping for some real attention Some undivided hypertension I tell it "quiet down, you're being loud" But it beats harder every time you come around But do you love the sound?
I’m gonna tag some mutuals, just to share, and also to see if anyone else wants to do this! Also you don’t need to go as in-depth as I did if that’s intimidating or too much, I’m just wordy.
@demonzplay @easiersthanlying @ttpane @yoursalwaysleo @anarkyandmadness @feelingsiwontforget @tolerateit @tommyhardyx @elysiems @imacreepygirl @finallybeautifulstranger @inthenameofloveforthesakeofpower and I know I’m forgetting some folks, I’m sorry! Please feel free to steal this and also tag me in yours!
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larsisfrommars · 3 years
Campaign Wrap Up: Live Reaction
Last M9 Animated Intro! Did they add some instruments?? Feels thicker and more intense! Went by so fast!! 😭
No Brian??? WEIRD! Taliesin! Tell us about your forbidden Molly knowledge! Waaaaaait a minute! Fuck off! Of course he didn’t know anything! I think I was right about the hard reset every resurrection thing! Oooo cool Lucien lore!
Uhhhhhh! What the FUCK is a Hollow One??? Imma have to look that up! OH SHIT FJORD! “Fjord runs an orphanage after retiring from piracy” headcanon basically confirmed?! He’s gonna go back and clean up his old orphanage’s crime syndicate bullshit!?! I cannot express how much I fucking LOVE that!!!! 😍
Claudia was a DROW?! The skeleton was the previous owner?! Holy shit!! Yasha’s down time honestly doesn’t surprise me all that much. I don’t know where people got the whole “the gentleman deals in slaves” because I don’t think that ever got confirmed (though I’m not sure it got denied either) and the Iron Sheperds were (indirectly) enemy of his? I mean he may be a shady dude but I don’t think he was ever a slave trader at least?!?!
The Bren fiasco! Thoreau too?! That’s nutty lmao. Yes omg Gustav! Ohhhhh it was a deal with the devil Gustav was a fucked up person after all! Feed me Seymour! Feed me alllll night long! Wow. GASP KHARY IS HERE ASDAGDGHJKJL
Shakäste is such a cool ass name! So what I’m hearing is Shakäste essentially created himself? That’s so awesome and On Brand (tm). I kinda wish he and Yasha met considering they both seemed to follow the Storm Lord!
Awwwwwww Kiri built a music box I’m gonna cryyyyyyyyy. Oh wow?! Laura was pregnant at the very end of Vox Machina what?! Aw! Travis getting emotional about Endgame after having Ronin 🥺. Aw! Awwwww Fjord saw Cad as a father figure 💔🥰
I KNEW the circus stuff was foreshadowing!!! I knew it!! Ohhhh man, every day I am grateful Fjord didn’t release Uka’toa maaaaan. Oh neat! Plank King is a nerd lmao! Lmao all these interesting on the fly developments that feel natural and amazing and strange! I love improv!! I love it SO much!
God I love knowing how hard they detailed the campaign by heading head on into Xhorhas! GOLD! M9: “I found a boot in your yard! 😃” Essek: “fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! 😨”. I love Essek and everything the Mighty Nein did to/for him. I love him!
Caleb thought Fjord was hot and was closest to him aside from Nott initially! I FUCKING KNEW IT! I FEEL SO VINDICATED! I SHIP PLATONIC WIDOFJORD SO FUCKING HARD! ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL YES! YES! Y E S!! Also lol, acknowledging everyone on the top table all being in love with Jester? And Jester having no clue at all? Yessssss!
Verrin is a Himbo CONFIRMED! This is everything I ever could’ve wanted! God I love everything that’s being said about Essek’s little brother oh my god I’m loving this we were ROBBED of meeting this babey I wuv himmmm. Ugh! Oh yayyyyy Sumalee is here, her and Nila feel like a psychic warm hug.
Ooooh! Thank god they explain Molly’s dream!! They were so ready for Traveler to be evil and then it was Arty! I LOVE that! Oh yES, Sprinkle was long game. Also I am LIVING for this Beauyasha content! So domestic and cute af!! AAAAAH BEAU AND YASHA ADOPTING FROM FJORD’S ORPHANAGE SHUT UP I AM DYING OF CUTENESS!!! AHHH!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA- ok ok ok ok ok I’m FINE ok. Ok.
God okay, I am SO glad Fjord broke things off with Uka’toa, thank GODS thank MELORA my god. Yeahhhhh ohhhhh god, so very glad. Knowing how close Fjord came to doing something terrifying and awful, thank Melora for Caduceus ohhhhh man. Looooove Cad and looooove plant metaphor loooove Star Razor, my god.
It’s amazing how positive their influence the Mighty Nein had despite what royally messy fuck ups they all are. Love it. Everybody getting the mounts confused and descended into chaos. Didnt the moorbounders get picked off by the Roc that attacked the party? I don’t remember. Yesss give me that sweet sweet Savalierwood lore! Yes!!
So! Much! Beauyasha! CONTENT! Ah! Oooof that D&D therapy be like that sometimes! Oof shit. Yasha betrayal and Beau & Fjord’s reactions were so heartbreaking to watch! God the campaign would have been waaaaaay different if the dunamamcy time travel would’ve been involved! I’m so proud of Caleb and things going down the way they did for Nott/Veth!
God I could listen to Liam talk about Caleb alllllll day, love that! God he was sooooo cool and interesting and sad and brilliant! Love it! Ohhhhh fuck that last bit about freezing to death together in the punishment tower and how Caleb got involved with Astrid and Eadwulf. FUCK that is dark, I can hear the angsty Blumentrio fics being written as we speak!
SAVE TJ!! Ooooooh getting really real, can’t say I wouldn’t done exactly what Marisha did. Wow… woah. Woah. Yes! Take him to Rexxentrum and just don’t bring him home! Save his ass! Don’t leave him with Thoreau! YES Chris Perkins comedic relief from Spurt thank god 😂😅 oh GOD HAHA IT WAS LIKE TWO MINUTES LONG AMAZING! 🤣🤣🤣
Yesss! Please Jester be the goddess of the crabgrass! Amazing! Holy SHIT the Beau & Caleb murder plan! Yikes! So the eye stuff was about what I expected. The real question is if they did turn was would they no longer have been NPCs had they killed Lucien when they had nine eyes? Or would it have been irreversible? Wait CREE was what?! Oh. Okay she was still a Tabaxi, she became a flesh monster from somnovum radiation.
Is it weird and fucked up that the Aeor bubbles remind me of the sound dome bubbles from The Yellow Submarine movie? Nobody is gonna know what that means lol. Ooooh dynasty creation myths! Dick shiv! Dick shiv! Dick shiv!! Hoooooo what time travel terribleness!!! Oh god, I’m so glad it worked! It kinda would’ve been cool if the Cognouza made it to the prime material but I like the way things went still.
The spider was dead the WHOLE time?! 😂 gods I am so fucking glad Trent wasn’t invited to Cognouza, thank fuuuuck. Ahahahahh… oof. Ah! Good! Trent wasn’t responsible for turning the lights back on for Caleb, that makes me feel better about all that, he was basically Feebleminded right? Or at least some variation? Maaaaaan Trent was so fucked upppp.
Love the dad stuff, for real, man, one of the things in campaign 2 I loved most. Eadwulf follower of RQ confirmed!! YES! Bobanon pulling a Dread Pirate Roberts! Yayyyyy! Awww!! God, as if Vex needed even more titles! That ducktales parody Matt just did I can’t BREATHE oh wow. Cant believe it’s over… good times. One shots, love it. Gonna be great. Cant wait!
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
S’Language Lessons || Alec Volturi x Reader ||
This is just a fun little thing based off of this post ----> Reckless <---- by the wonderful @cullens-stuff
Words: 1584
Warnings: None! 
Summary: You meet your mate Alec on a dark night where he’s forced to save your life, but the age gap seems to be creating a communication barrier between you. 
You really shouldn’t have been on the street that night.
The reports of mysterious deaths in your neighbourhood had skyrocketed recently and the news was full of grim articles about exsanguinated corpses and bodies with missing limbs. There was no pattern, no connection between the people that had died; in short, everybody was a target, and everyone was a suspect. The people in your apartment block now bowed their heads and hurried on by instead of waving or nodding in greeting. People on the street stared holes in your head if you lingered too long on street corners or outside store fronts. You really shouldn’t have been out that night but you didn’t have a choice, not once your electricity went kerplunk. You were right in the middle of a paper, due tomorrow of course, with your laptop ready to die in the next hour and your meter needing a top up you had no choice but to venture out.
Getting dragged into a dark alley hadn’t been the plan, and you knew you were very fortunate that they’d come along when they had. Whoever had you moved too fast to see, their grip on you harsh and cold. You were covered in bruises and a few scrapes by the time you were flung to the ground, screaming bloody murder and seeing two of everything till your vision cleared. Your attacker had turned out to be a red headed male wearing grungy clothing with vibrant red eyes, but he looked far less threatening writhing on the floor in agony. You’d been absolutely frozen, too afraid to move when you saw the bright, crimson eyes pinning him to the floor, a sadistic smile on the little blonde’s face as she asked someone called Felix to take care of ‘that’. Since you assumed ‘that’ was you, a burst of adrenaline got you running. How he’d gotten around you to hem you back into the alleyway you weren’t sure but Felix’s giant frame was very much blocking your exit.
“You aren’t the BFG, are you?” you’d stammered, brain short circuiting. It had made the big guy tilt his head as he prowled closer, and you’d whined softly in terror. “Come on man, truce?” you pleaded. There was a cold touch on your arm, the tickle of soft hair against your temple and something cool and slender skimming your throat.
“Enough. She’s coming with us.” The voice was almost as cool as the breath that brushed your cheek, and everything had gone black pretty quickly after that. Your paper suddenly seemed very…inconsequential. Who cared about tectonic theory when you had discovered vampires existed? Actually…you did. You wanted to finish your degree, so with a bit of begging on your part and some organisational skill from the secretary, you had special circumstances and your course was to be complete online. Come the spring you’d have your degree in hand and be a college graduate, then you’d have absolutely no unfinished business with your professors and tutors, you could vanish without a trace and start living out eternity in Italy with Alec.
Your current research wasn’t going too well though. What you had thought was good information had turned out to be utterly irrelevant - unless you wanted to rewrite a whole chunk of your paper that was - so you scrunched the paper you’d been scribbling your notes on in one hand and lined up your shot with the wastepaper basket. You never kept it near your desk, it was way more fun to keep it across the room to launch your paper into it like the next big NBA start whenever you got the chance. You reared your arm back, eyes narrowed on your target, and when you were sure your shot lined up, you threw it.
“Yeet!” you crowed, eyes wide as you watched your paper ball sail through the air. Alec knocked and entered at exactly the same time, his eyes tracking the scrunched up ball as it smacked the wall and fell into the basket below. Arms lifting, you grinned and span your chair around with a cheer. “And Y/N sinks it like the mvp I am!” you stopped spinning to face Alec smugly, one ankle crossed over your knee and your hands linking behind your head. “Here for an autograph?” you asked with a wink. Alec’s eyes rolled as he crossed to sit on the edge of your desk.
“I see the studying is going well.” He observed, eyes tracking over your pages of notes and the twenty plus open tabs on your laptop. You heaved a sigh.
“It’s…going.” You answered evasively. Alec didn’t comment, his eyes drifting back towards the wastepaper basket target you’d set up for yourself. He was very quiet, the expression on his face contemplative. Your eyebrows rose a bit and you settled back in your seat to watch him. His side profile was glorious, you had to admit. His jawline was a little rounded, soft with his perpetual youth, but his cheek bones were high and his lashes long and dark around those deep burgundy eyes. The light coming in from your bedroom window was shattering against his skin, refracting off of him like he was a human disco ball. He looked absolutely ethereal like this, an inhuman, impossible being on the edge of your desk that for whatever reason, wanted crazy little you.
“Y/N, you recall we discussed my age once, yes?” he asked finally, turning his eyes back to yours. Your heart skittered since he’d caught you so openly staring at him, and the small twitch of his lips made you certain he’d heard it.
“Yeah, I remember you’re an old fogey.” You teased, trying to play it cool. Alec’s nose wrinkled briefly.
“Perhaps it is my age, but I do not understand your language.” He admitted. You pursed your lips, trying hard to fight the smile threatening to break out. You failed epically, a slight giggle escaping you.
“Sorry, I just…you all speak so formally around here, it’s no surprise you don’t know slang.” You said. Alec sighed.
“Humans have become so lazy with language, even the words they do use correctly are rarely fully enunciated,” He retorted wryly, “Though I suppose it is what happens when time passes. Things evolve. Will you teach me?” You blinked in surprise. Alec wanted to learn slang? Oh…oh. He waited patiently for you to answer him while your mind reeled with all the possibilities, a wicked smile spreading across your face.
“Where do you want to start? Slang or text speak?” you questioned. Alec actually squinted.
“Is there a difference?” he asked, sounding more wary now. You all but cackled in delight and sensing the sudden shift in your mood, he held his hands up to placate you. “Perhaps we can start with the words you used earlier. What is yeet?” You pushed to your feet and shook your head vehemently.
“It’s not yeet, it’s yeet!” you threw an added emphasis on the ye part and pretended to throw another ball into the wastepaper basket. Alec frowned.
“Ye-e-et?” he tried. Your head tilted.
“Okay we’ll work on pronunciation later. Definition of the word…erm, well, it’s just something you yell when you throw something like I did earlier, you know? So, here-“ you scrunched up some more paper from your notebook and handed him the ball, “-you can yeet it into the waste basket.” You demonstrated for added effect, and after taking a moment to scrunch up the paper a little more, he reared his arm back.
“Yeet!” he sounded a little vicious, enough to make you shudder, but his expression was expectant when he turned to look at you, like a puppy wanting praise. You had to introduce him to a high five then, and you had no idea what sort of a monster you’d made until you had settled in the common room a little over a week later, snuggled in a blanket so you could curl up against Alec without fear of catching pneumonia anytime soon.
“It’s a classic Felix! Of course we should watch it.” Demetri sounded exasperated, no doubt bored of the argument the pair had been having since early afternoon about what movie to watch tonight on a rare night off. Jane sat primly in her favourite armchair across from them, looking thoroughly bored with their dramatics. Alec sighed, tightening his grip on you.
“Demetri don’t be such an old fogey.” He chipped in. The room fell utterly silent, your own head swivelling to look up at your mate. You were shocked he’d used it so causally, and given the look on his face it had surprised Alec too.
“I beg your pardon? I am a what now?” Demetri questioned, looking confused as to whether or not he should be offended. Alec opened and closed his mouth slightly, looking to you for help getting out of this one. You bit your lip, hand moving up to smother your smile.
“Chillax D, it’s a compliment.” You grinned. Demetri frowned, eyes searching your face suspiciously for a moment before he sat a little straighter, chest puffing slightly.
“Hear that Felix. I’m a fogey. You should listen to me more often.” He chastised. You barely contained your laughter, Alec’s own frame shaking silently. His lips brushed your ear as he leaned down to whisper a single word in your ear.
You burst out laughing. Maybe teaching Alec slang hadn’t been such a bad idea after all?
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Walking Space Heater
Word Count: 2700+ (oneshot) 
Genre: Fluff/Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Cinder Fall, Neopolitan, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black
Pairing: Cinder Fall/Neopolitan
Summary: Written (late) for Day 4 of @spice-cream-week 2021, “There Was Only One Bed.”
With the heat of both her Semblance and the Maiden powers, Cinder's body is much warmer than the average person's. So long as she's still by her side, Neo intends to take full advantage of that.
This is definitely a step down from the Haven dorms. Neo’s thumbs moved lightning-fast over the keyboard of her Scroll. Don’t they have ANY concept of personal space here? 
She could say something about Roman’s excessive use of emojis. But looking at his messages, she could hear his laughter clearly in her head, and she had no problem with that.
wtm? you got stuck with a shitty roommate? I’ll come and get her for you idgaf
That elicited the breathy noises that were the closest Neo got to laughter. Truthfully, she probably wouldn’t have minded sharing a room much in and of itself. It might even have been fun to mess with Emerald and Mercury in their own space. 
But no, she’d ended up with the only one that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
Cinder Fall was calm, collected, and incredibly competent. Neo didn’t necessarily dislike her. She thought that they got along fairly well, in fact. But that didn’t mean that she trusted her.
Roman was content to stay in the dark about what exactly her ultimate design was beyond Beacon’s destruction, having already accepted the fact that they would be overwhelmed by it. It still gnawed at Neo, though. Thus far her only clues had been the couple private calls that Cinder had taken, and the way Haven’s headmaster cringed like a kicked puppy whenever he caught sight of her. 
Sure, the man was jumpy enough in general, but Cinder — or, more accurately, whatever force had moved Cinder to the Academies — made him cower. Even Neo’s most devilish smile couldn’t do that.
She’s...not bad. She definitely likes me more than she likes you.
Now, did that really require five laughing emojis after I can live with that lol?
Neo’s thumb hovered over the screen. For the first time in several minutes, she glanced up from where she was curled up tightly on the covers of her bed. 
Cinder was perfectly at ease on her own bed, leaning back against a stack of pillows with her Scroll open in front of her face. Still rifling through the records of all the Academy students, no doubt. Casting her great and bloody show, for which every little thing had to be perfect. It wasn’t enough that she was sending Emerald and Mercury out to run recon and collect as many relevant details about their players as possible. No, she had to study up herself for hours on end.
Neo was willing to play her own part, but it all seemed very boring to her. Certainly her interim leader could use a break. She returned her attention for one moment more to her Scroll:
I think she would be fun to play with.
Ignoring the several question marks sent in reply, Neo pocketed her Scroll and slipped off her bed. Moving soundlessly was one of the first skills she had ever had to master, and she still considered it her most important. 
Cinder was still too engrossed in her research to notice as she crept across the carpet and climbed onto the other bed. Or maybe she just didn’t care enough to acknowledge her. She certainly didn’t look surprised when Neo’s head poked through the hole between her arms and her Scroll.
“Oh,” she said, smirking, in a tone that she might use with a stray cat that had come up to her in the street. “Hello there. Looking for some entertainment?”
Neo gave her her best strawberry-ice-cream smile, and scooted closer. From the meager rations of physical contact she meted out to Emerald, she wasn’t sure how much Cinder liked being touched, so she proceeded with care, little by little. It seemed to be acceptable: she stayed very still, but allowed Neo to settle down on her chest, resting her head against her shoulder.
“Or are you just lonely?”
Neo hummed thoughtfully, letting herself relax: not all the way, but just enough. This was nicer than she had expected, she had to admit. Cinder was dressed like she had been in the first round of the Vytal Festival: sleeveless jacket, long pants, and sarashi. Neo’s cheek rested mostly on bare skin, and though of course she had seen Cinder’s Semblance before (as well as the flames that didn’t quite seem to fit with it), it was much warmer than she had thought it would feel. Softer, too, with the scents of wood smoke and spicy perfume clinging to it.
Neo rolled lazily over onto her back, looking up at Cinder’s Scroll to see what she had been so busy scrutinizing. Hm. Several pictures of that Mistrali girl from the cereal commercials, accompanied by a passage about her Semblance which had been highlighted in a few places. There was one more tab open with an acronym on it, but that was it. 
Nothing that could tell Neo anything about their situation that she hadn’t already guessed at. And what was more, absolutely nothing that could be more interesting to her temporary partner than her.
Clearly, Cinder could use a lesson on how to properly spend an evening. Dastardly planning, which seemed to be her only form of recreation, just wasn’t going to cut it. 
So Neo helpfully reached up, laid her hands over Cinder’s, and pushed the Scroll shut for her. She put her pointer finger to the outside of her nose; her new teammates might not be picking up Valerian Sign Language particularly well, but she hoped the long, exaggerated twist away from her face coupled with a dramatic sigh got the message across equally well: Cinder, I am bored to tears.
Cinder tilted her head, puzzled but smiling. She slipped her Scroll into her pocket and wrapped an arm around Neo’s waist. 
“Well, in that case, I’d be happy to give you some attention.”
Neo made as pleased a sound as she could muster up, and snuggled up to Cinder, as close as she could get. It might have been dark and cool outside, but she felt as if she were napping on a sunbeam. Rolling over to lay her head on Cinder’s chest, she could imagine that there was a powerfully burning fire inside it in place of a beating heart, whose heat was palpable, just beneath the skin. 
She tried to look more sweetly smug than actually impressed, but gods, she had never felt anything like this. 
Cinder held her tightly in both arms now, fingertips scratching lightly between her shoulder blades, and Neo nearly purred. Years of pulling back bowstrings had turned those arms wiry and oh so strong. All at once, she completely understood why Emerald was always trying to earn one of these rare hugs.
And speaking of which...
Neo wasn’t sure how long she spent in the lap of luxury, only that she felt like she might actually fall asleep in it, as toasty warm as it was. Cinder had switched from rubbing her back to stroking and playing with her hair, which, in her experience with other people, was a welcome first. But she was jolted back to full awareness when their dorm room door slammed angrily open.
Blinking, Neo lifted her head. She caught the lingering scents of jungle juice and sweat incoming, before she saw Emerald stalking inside, barely hanging onto her last scrap of patience. Mercury stumbled in after her, wearing a huge grin and mirrored shades that Neo was fairly certain did not belong to him.
Cinder smirked. “I was wondering when you two would be back. How did it go?”
Emerald forced a halfway convincing smile for her leader. “It was...interesting. Though not quite as informative as I was h—”
The smile froze on her face when she turned to look directly at Cinder, and saw Neo lounging in her lap like a spoiled cat. 
Neo smirked, and signed, Party fun? With the reputation Vytal Festival house parties had, hopefully Emerald had gotten some attention as well.
“Oh, it was great!” Mercury shrugged off his jacket and pitched it into his and Emerald’s room, littering their carpet with brownie crumbs. “We saw a lot of everybody, didn’t we, Emmy?”
While Emerald tried to take a cue from Cinder and set him on fire with her eyes, Cinder herself just closed her Scroll with a soft laugh. 
“Well, you can tell us all about it in the morning. We should all get some rest now.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You got it, boss...”
Neo watched them slink into their room, where muffled bickering started up as soon as the door closed, but did not move until she felt a gentle pat on her thigh. 
“You too, dear. Go on.”
Though she made a show of huffing about it, Neo got up off Cinder’s bed and went back across the room. 
Her own bed felt cold and uninviting now. Catching up on the several missed texts from Roman (including but not limited to what do you mean by that lmao, hey Neo dont leave me out of the loop :), Neo tf are you doing to her O_o, NEO) did make her smile, but as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but wish that she didn’t have to return to being alone just yet.
This was not at all the solution to that problem that she had envisioned, but Neo knew very well how to deal with whatever life threw at her.
She had never been to Atlas, and while she had to roll her eyes at its decadence, she couldn’t say she hated the place. Cinder, on the other hand, never answered outright when Neo tried to ask if she had ever been here before, but every bitter hiss from her about Atlas elites that had not been asked for gave her a general idea. It had taken them a while to find a vacant apartment to squat in, especially considering that there was an entire chunk of the city that Cinder refused to even go near. 
But now here they were, and it was empty around them and quiet outside. The blackout curtains shielded them from the city lights. In pitch darkness the two of them were curled up together in the place’s one bed.
Cinder had initially balked at the idea of sharing it, insisting that Neo take an extra blanket and find somewhere else to curl up. So barky with her orders these days, and so on edge, too. Neo was beginning to wonder how she had ever thought of this woman as calm and collected.
In any case, she didn’t see what her once-again partner’s problem was. She had invited Neo into her bed with her before, hadn’t she? Maybe not to sleep, but still. And she was far from squeamish; she wouldn’t make a fuss about the scarring and empty eye socket on full display. As such, she ignored the demand, and simply undressed, got under the covers, and gestured for Cinder to join her. 
After some indignant spluttering, Cinder threw up her hands and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She didn’t come out until Neo had turned the lights off and laid there long enough that she might reasonably have fallen asleep. Even then, she slipped in quietly, gingerly, and stuck close to the edge of the bed. 
Now, that just would not do. Atlas was much too cold for that kind of nonsense. 
Neo rolled over under the blankets, feeling just as bold as last time, but exercising even more care, Cinder being so volatile lately. She went out of her way to be heard, so it wouldn’t startle Cinder to be touched. She knew her bedmate was awake: though she lay very still, her breathing was nowhere near relaxed enough for her to be asleep. 
Cinder didn’t jump when she felt Neo wrap her arms around her waist, but she did go still as a statue.
“Neo,” she growled, low in her throat, “what are you doing? I’m not in the mood for—”
Neo nuzzled her bare shoulder in a way she hoped was reassuring, as she pressed up against her back. Fortunately for her, Cinder’s new arm was tightly bandaged up for the night, so she didn’t have to risk touching the awful thing. Only human skin, just as fiery warm as before. Even the wood smoke smell remained. 
As had happened so often since the Fall of Beacon, Neo caught herself writing a text to Roman in her head, wryly telling him that he was right, she shouldn’t have thought so hard about where Cinder’s flames came from, because she would never in a million years have hit on the right answer.
She gave her head a shake, and resisted the urge to glance back at the bowler hat perched neatly on a bedpost. If she started thinking too hard about that, she would never get to sleep either. There would be time, when the sun came up, to consider some more whether the woman in her arms was the key to her revenge, or its target all along. 
Right now, the darkness was peaceful and the blankets thick and soft around them, and the heat of their bodies grew more soporific every moment. Comfort was a rarity in both of their lives. They ought to savor it whenever it came their way. 
Cinder let out a long, exasperated huff, clearly not sharing the opinion. 
“Couldn’t you just hug a pillow?” she grumbled. But there was no bite in her voice. 
Neo smiled against her skin, entwining her legs with Cinder’s. Now, she would have said, were her hands not occupied, where would be the fun in that?
“...Fine. Just don’t think you’re going to make this a regular thing.”
Oh, she absolutely was, so long as they were staying in the coldest part of the world and she was in the company of a walking space heater. 
As such, Neo ignored the question and snuggled closer. She was trying her best to communicate “calm down and go to sleep” through body language alone, so to feel Cinder slowly but surely relaxing in her arms, eventually going limp, was deeply gratifying. Almost fascinating.
From nights spent in the Beacon dorm room and Mistrali inns, Neo already knew that Cinder talked in her sleep. Most of what she said was sluggish and toneless as well as nonsensical, but sometimes it was a series of fierce snaps or pained moans. It came as no surprise to Neo that when, just as she was starting to doze off herself, she was woken back up by her partner’s twitching and yelping. 
“No...don’t take...I’m...!”
Neo sighed drowsily, and tightened her embrace, humming as soothingly as she could. Her inability to speak never really bothered her, but there were times like this when it didn’t exactly help her, either. At least she could keep Cinder from thrashing around and hurting one of them: if that arm decided to act up while its host was in distress, she had zero faith in the bandages to hold those claws back.
It’s okay, she thought, hoping that somehow it would get across, just relax, you’re all right...
Nightmares never lasted forever. Neo had woken with her stomach still in free fall from enough dreams of plummeting wildly through a Grimm-infested sky to know that. Still, she hoped that her attempts at calming had helped this one pass quickly. Cinder’s mumbling devolved into moans, then to frantic whimpers, then finally to something close to the restful breathing that Neo had almost fallen asleep to before.
Neo took a deep breath of her own. She was too tired to smile, but leaned in to press a kiss to the back of Cinder’s neck, the ends of her short hair tickling her nose. To her surprise, she felt a burn scar here, too: thin and faded, but winding around her neck like garrote wire. Somehow she didn't think that Ruby had done this. But she certainly wasn't going to ask who had. They weren't going to discuss any part of this in the morning.
So she kissed her neck once more, soft and just a bit more sincere, before closing her eyes again.
Good night.
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China Season 4, Episode 5
- I love practice montages! I was surprised that we got to see the process of each of the captains (of the competing teams) choosing dancers to their teams. Ibuki and Ma Xiaolong were speaking English to each other, and I don’t doubt that English was probably the main mode of communication across borders for these dancers.
- Okay Ibuki leading Huang Xiao by hand and then Huang Xiao cackling in glee and hugging Ma Xiaolong....very cute.
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- So...is Huang Xiao baby?
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- Huehuehue love Poppin’C’s laugh
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- Ibuki said that Ma Xiaolong helped her a lot with recruitment. I think that’s for two reasons. One is that Ma Xiaolong (and Huang Xiao) are choreographers, so they have a better idea of what styles look together. The other is that Ma Xiaolong knows the Chinese dancers better than she would.
- Moony was saying how Ibuki is the captain but she is the youngest, and is definitely very cute haha.
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- Yang Kai was very worried about dancing to a rap song so he recruited as many choreographers as he could. But the issue was that they all had different approaches to choreographing so they spent a lot of time discussing before choreographing and rehearsing.
- Yang Kai deadass brought his laptop to the hotpot restaurant because he was going to turn dinner into a lesson on Three Kingdoms for Boris and Kenken lol. The name of their song was Chitu, which is the horse of Lv Bu. Basically Chitu was just a great super capable horse and that’s why it was so famous lol. Yang Kai was trying to compare their battle to the Three Kingdoms lmao. Kenken was Zhuge Liang, Ibuki was Cao Cao (LMAO), and Chitu Ma was a Ferrari lol. Not gonna lie though, the stories in Three Kingdoms are pretty iconic lol.
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- In terms of the performances, I liked them both! I think that Team Ibuki’s performance was very fun in the sense that it was like a story. I don’t think songs like that are popular dance songs, so I really liked seeing how they choreographed the dance and I felt that it was done in a very creative and fun way. I think where it may have fallen short was the cohesion. I like Poppin’C, but I wonder if it was difficult to fit him in because his skill set was so specific. As well, because all of the dancers were wearing different clothes, it was a bit difficult to see their synchronization during the group dance parts. For Team Yang Kai’s performance, it definitely was extremely hype. Whereas Team Ibuki wore different clothes, Team Yang Kai had a dress code so the cohesion was easy to see. But I feel like Team Yang Kai’s performance was being propped up by the fact that it had a very hype song, one that easy to dance to.
- Rochka continues to be the biggest fanboy of every single person on this show. I love him!!!
- Y’all have no idea how much I love hearing Boris speak Chinese. Yes, he has an accent, but he is also very easy to understand. You have no idea how difficult it is to find non-ethnic Chinese people who speak Chinese this fluently. Iunno, he just makes Mandarin seem so much more approachable. Boris said that he’d been in China for 7 years so it makes sense that he feels so confident speaking. A lot of people who are learning languages have to get over that hump where they stop feeling embarrassed about their accent because they have to go out and live their life and buy groceries and go to the doctor and stuff and it’s really interesting to hear Boris expressing himself.
- Henry feeling so pressured when he had to choose which team to pick lmao.
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- Yixing went “We’re looking at you because you’re cute!” So bold, Yixing XD
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- And Henry went “I feel pressured because you guys are handsome.” XD Two can play at that.
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- Then Han Geng went “Henry’s Chinese is so good now!” XD My mom says that to me when I make a good joke in Chinese.
- Yixing has to talk behind his clipboard because he’s so nervous lmfao.
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- So the rule is that one judge gets two votes for each matchup. In addition to that, that judge has to cut three members, two to enter a battle and one to be eliminated immediately, not including the captain.
- Ibuki was so upset when she returned to her seat :(
- Ye Yin had his team draw out their feelings as they listened to their assigned song. I thought it was a bit gimmicky, but this visual is cute.
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- I thought Team Ye Yin’s performance was cool considering this was a song that would be difficult to choreograph for. I was surprised with how the incorporated breaking and locking elements, as there are breaking and locking experts on their team. But overall I thought the choreography was so nice. It told a story, and it suited the vibe of the song. Props to Bunta for the awesome choreography.
- Han Geng said that their performance reminded him of his youth, and then Henry said that he felt the same, that the performance reminded him of Geng-ge. He was like “ge, do you remember?“ and Geng-ge was like of course! Han Geng said he remembered their romantic days X’D So unnecessary. At one point the director was like did Han Geng and Henry used to have their arms around each other’s shoulders? And both of them were like uhh yeah all the time dude.
- George was asked about his rivalry with C-Lil because they keep getting stuck together lol. Apparently C-Lil became a tea enthusiast which was cute.
- Yuwan clapping his hands while his arms around C-Lil :3
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- Team Liangliang’s performance was cut because apparently it was not very good, and the editors cut it out to prevent them from getting haters. I think Liangliang’s Sun Wukong headgear had obstructed his vision, and Yixing said that the performance wasn’t very in sync. A pity :(
- Gogo Brothers’ team is stack af.
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- Gogo Brothers + Hilty & Bosch hotel room conference lol.
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- AC went for a waacking + krump combo which is cool! Their performance was extremely aesthetically pleasing. Even though the fire power is perhaps less explosive, they worked together as a team very well. I definitely thought the waacking and the krump complemented each other very well.
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- AC bought snail noodles for his team members, and apparently it’s one of those very polarizing foods, but Chika really liked it haha.
- Ohh, you know this is gonna be good.
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- Team Gogo Brothers’ performance was good, but at the same time...there wasn’t anything new about it? Since there were five lockers on the, most of the performance was going to be high quality locking, but at the same time, the locking kind of overshadowed any attempt to try anything new. It was still good though, I just felt that it had limitations compared to AC’s performance that did something new with combining styles, both in terms of dance and aesthetics (costumes).
- Love to see the baby smile v.v
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- Lmao Xiao Jie said that Xiaohai was the good luck charm of their team XD His good luck charm name is Jr. Baby, aka Haibaobao lol
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- Yibo and Yixing voted for Gogo Brothers, and Han Geng voted for AC, so Henry, who had two votes, had the final say in who would win this battle. Then we got the theatrics where Han Geng, Yibo, and Yixing went into the audience because their job was done lol.
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- Then Henry was like “ge~~~~ didn’t you say you would take care of me?” And Han Geng’s like, I’m letting you have the SDOC experience bro.
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- Even though we all know it’s a joke, Han Geng is still so caring and affectionate lol.
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- Anyway, after all that shenaniganery, what Henry said was right. It feels so tough eliminating any single member of the team, because it was all of them who helped deliver such a beautiful performance. I know AC had a tough time going up against Gogo brothers but dammit I actually super loved their performance. So cruel!!!!!
- Han Geng felt bad because Auju had said he wanted to be in a solo battle in the 3 vs 3 challenge, but he was put in the 5 vs. 5 battle and then this group performance, so Han Geng wanted to let him have the stage to perform his best. I thought it was a nice gesture, to let him have the stage to show off in the way he was most confident with, to let himself show himself at his best.
- Then Henry was like “what if we had Auju AND Yixing????”
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- And then Boi Marble joined!!! Krumptastic
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- Yixing said that even though krumpers look really fierce, that aside from the krump, all of them are lil cuties uwu.
- Team Nelson having fun with Hanfu was so cute! :D Sometimes with the non-Chinese contestants, I worry that they find the Chinese culture stuff tedious, because SDOC does try to fit as much culture in. So I’m glad to see that they’re at least finding a way to have fun. I wish I had such pretty hanfu to dress up in v.v
- I’ll be honest though, I don’t think Nelson’s team was very synchronized. He had a lot of very good individual dancers (Bouboo, Zyko, Lil Kev, that firepower is undeniable), but there were parts when I felt like all of the dancers were doing their own thing. Maybe the choreography was too subtle, or maybe the dancers themselves had slightly different rhythms.
- Acky-san giving red pockets to his team, but instead of money, he wrote them letters in different languages T_T
- A full popping team is risky move, but it paid off. Everybody was popping so everybody was dancing to their strength. Compare that to some of the other teams, where there were some dancers who clearly were lagging because they were dancing to a style they were very comfortable with. In addition, the visual style of the performance was fresh and fun. Their costumes were very wacky and fun to look at, and their performance exuded the kind of fun vibes where you felt like you wanted to join them.
- Out of the captains who’d lost their challenges, they would have to battle each other in a round robin style tournament. First place would get to keep two of their "pending” members, and second place would get to keep one.
- Yixing got up SO FAST when Tell Me started playing. I didn’t know this song before so I looked it up and it is a bop haha.
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- Yixing dancing along uwu I don’t know the name of this song but it was the second song in the Ibuki vs. Liangliang battle.
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- AC vs. Ibuki dancing to It’s Raining Men was A LOT of fun, particularly because everybody including the spectators knew the song haha.
- The first place winner was Nelson who was able to save Tengzai and Lil Kev and the second place winner was AC who could only choose one person to save, and AC chose Fanfan.
- Ma Xiaolong and Huang Xiao comforting Ibuki because she couldn’t save her team members :(
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- Ahh I’m going to miss Yuri because she was so cute and fun. AC apologized for not being able to save her :( Gonna miss u bb ;(
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- I liked Latrice too T_T Hated to see her go :(
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- Brats playing with the microphones. They basically disassembled their standing microphones and waved the part around even after Han Geng already told Yibo not to lmao.
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- So this section was supposed to be the captains’ opportunity to tell the dancers what kind of team they were looking to put together. Yixing was so surprised because Han Geng and Yibo had very simple and short statements (though it took a while for Han Geng to get to his point), because the boy deadass prepared a speech. Of course he did.
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- Yang Kai said that his speech sounded like a motivational speech from a boss at work. That’s exactly what it is.
- Apparently Henry also prepared a speech XD
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- So from what I understand, the captains will recruit a team that they think represents their style. Afterwards, the dancers who have not been chosen will get to choose their team based on which captain’s style they like. I think that’s how it works, we’ll see if I’m right lol.
- Henry trying to gleam information X3 Yibo just deals with the pressure by smiling and shaking his head. Dare I say this is the first time I’ve seen Yibo look shy??????? It’s cuuuute.
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- Since the cubicles don’t have ceilings, Henry was like someone could be watching me!
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- Nosy housecat in training
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- Yibo and Henry and Han Geng were playing mind games being like “oh, you picked Poppin’C? And Yixing fell for the trick ^^;; Luckily he was not allowed to change his answer so at least he’s not going to make a change he regrets lol.
- All of the dancers Yixing picked were not picked by anyone else so he was quite lucky.
- Han Geng had three of his choices matching with Henry or Yibo.
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- Henry has no idea how to recruit dancers so he just ends up singing love songs. Of course.
- Zyko’s loyal dude XD I can see why Han Geng is a safe choice though. Han Geng is low on the theatrics, so if I was a low key guy like Zyko, I’d probably feel less pressure being on his team. I could just focus on dance and not on entertaining the cameras.
- I can see why Nelson would go with Yibo. Yibo is quiet but he’s serious and focused and more importantly they both confirmed that they are competitors.
- Henry and Han Geng both chose Ibuki. Here Han Geng is patiently waiting/spying while Ibuki and Henry have their interview.
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- Then he was offered a ladder and Geng-ge became the biggest gremlin lmao.
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- Yixing the good little helper.
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- C U T I E
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- When Han Geng was having his interview with Ibuki, he locked the ladder in his own room and kept the key. Then he stole the keys from all the other rooms and gave them to Henry XD Actual troll-ge.
- Ibuki chose Han Geng in the end.
- So all of the people Henry chose picked other captains. This frame lmfao.
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- I think last season Yixing had tons of trouble recruiting dancers to his team. In the hotpot preview he said he was super lax about this year and it worked in his favour.
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searchingforbucky · 4 years
Fic Rec (Part 19) :)
Hi everyone! And welcome to day 1273198172 of quarantine lol. On a serious note, I hope you all are staying safe, happy, and healthy. I know these stories in this list provided me much needed entertainment for the past week or so, and I’m hoping they will help you all the same. I love this AU, its always so fun to see the different routes people take, so without further ado welcome to the Vampire!Bucky Rec List :) *** Means Smut Sorry its a bit short, theres not many out there. The links weren't working so there is none in this.
Biting Cold by @hootyhoobuckaroo
OK so this one I think is a perfect start to the vampire list. This one is absolutely fantastic. So it’s about Bucky and the reader being in a pre-establish relationship, when suddenly some freaky stuff starts happening very close to home. So Buckys a Vampire, and the reader doesn’t know it. But the reader is terrified of vampires. Obviously that causes a little problem. I just really liked how unique of a storyline this was, I love just how genuine the fear was and the emotions they had were. It constantly kept me on the edge of my seat because I was wondering what was gonna happen. I am absolutely in love with protective bucky so you know that this has it lol. And honestly I just really loved how one it was well written, but to reply with something that I had never read before. And I don’t wanna spoil it or anything, but it was just a real nailbiter. Definitely recommend. 
All My Friends Are Heathens by @sebseyesandbuckysthighs ***
OK, so I think this one was the first vampire Bucky story that I ever read, and it’s absolutely fantastic. So this one is about Bucky being a vampire, and he’s amongst the avengers who are all their own sort of “monster“. And the reader comes to visit them, and Bucky is just absolutely drawn to her, and unfortunately she is human. I think my favorite thing about this story is just how well drawn out each character is, I was absolutely invested in not only their relationship growing, but the whole storyline in general. I was obsessed in learning about what the different monsters were, what their little thing was that they did. And I really loved how absolutely cocky and mysterious Bucky was. This one is smutty, but nothings wrong with that LOL. This is just a really good, really head turning story. A lot of twists in this
Bad Things by @xbuchananbarnes *** (kinda)
All right, now this one is really something. So this one was incredibly interesting. It’s about Bucky in the reader being in a pre-established relationship, and he promised to turn her when she turns 28, but in the meantime he makes her move to 10 different places so that way she can get used a whole bunch of different things that she would have to win when she does actually become a vampire. I really liked how mysteries this one is, just how sweet they are together. The fact that her 10th Pl. is what it is, for the reason it is, is something that is incredibly sweet to me.  anyways, I loved seeing all of the little snippets in to how they met, and everything like that. but I really honestly just love how sort of vague it is? If that makes sense? Like there are so many possibilities that your mind is running for miles after you read it. It’s one of those stories that you just keep thinking about, you keep thinking about what the other eight places were, what’s going to happen in the future it’s really awesome. The sequel is even wilder lol.
Thirsty by @jobean12-blog ***
So this one is a short yet sexy little Drabble. It’s technically a vampire Bucky, though it’s not necessarily like a main focus of the story. But I really liked it so I’m going to include it anyway. This one is just you know really cute. It shows the fun little feisty side to them, it’s pretty sexy, some dirty talk that’s like....damn lol. But I really just like stories that show couples are kind of so obsessed with each other, and so in love with each other, that they’re able to have fun in that way no matter where they are. I really liked it 
Craving You by @propertyofpoeandbucky ***
So this one is really cool, this one is about vampire Bucky and succubus reader. It is a compilation of little drabbles, and it’s really interesting. So I love seeing the dynamic between the two of them, just how interesting it is to see how they deal with their lifestyles, and having to do it together. And stuff happens that they have to navigate how they’re going to deal with it. I don’t wanna spoil it but it something that is very interesting to see. It’s also kinda smutty so that’s nice hahaha. Just a really cute, really interesting story
Blood Bound by @the-omni-princess ***
Ohhhhhh man! Now this one! This one is like a TV series I swear, like vampire diaries but a lot better. So this one is about vampire Bucky and a witch reader. And it is so freaking good, and so interesting. So currently is on hiatus, but I thought it was awesome enough to put it in there anyways. Because it doesn’t matter how much of it there is, what there is is amazing. It is like so nailbiting, there’s so many twists and turns and angst, but it’s also incredibly cute. i’ve never read a story like this, and I’m not sure if anybody else could do it like this. And I love how the soulmate idea is interwoven in there, I’m a sucker for soulmates. Honestly it’s like every trope that I love is somehow in this story, but it’s not overwhelming, it’s just really well done. In the world that’s created is so immersive and awesome
In the Dark by @persephone-is-here-omg​
All right, I really like this one too. I think my favorite part about this one is the fact that it relates Canon Bucky to vampire but you. It talks about how Hydra made him a vampire and the torture that he went through because he was a vampire. I really like how it didn’t completely get rid of his story, it wasn’t fully an AU, and that’s so interesting and cool to me man. And I also thought it was interesting seeing all the small little snippet into their relationship. It’s interesting to see EV juxtaposition of how she willingly gives up everything for him, but he got that stuff stolen from hydra. It’s just a really interesting story
Sunshine by @iwillbeinmynest ***
​Alright so this one was amazing. This one is about vampire Bucky, and it’s honestly pretty sad, at the beginning he had basically resigned himself to live a life in the cold. However he needs the reader who somehow can make him feel warm. And that was honestly the cutest part of the story, just how much he loved feeling warm, and she made him feel warm in so many different ways both physically and emotionally and it was so soft. But don’t let that trick you into thinking that this is just a soft story, there are absolutely some crazy things happening in the story. And I absolutely love Tony in this, I think it’s a great representation of him. Such a really awesome story
Men of the Moon by @hellomissmabel
So this one is really cool. It is a vampire diaries a you. It’s also kind of a Stucky x reader but not a Stucky fic if that makes sense? Like Bucky x reader and Steve x reader but no throuple. Obviously, that would be weird because they’re brothers lol. Anyways, now that I just rambled through that. I really love this. I think that all of the characters fit into the vampire diaries characters very well. I’ve honestly never liked vampire diaries, but this made me really like it LOL. I think it was done so much better than the actual show was, why couldn’t the show be like this. anyways, it was just so interesting to read the dynamic between the three characters, and everyone else really. I also loved just how invade the ending was, it’s like I can imagine so many different things happening after it and that’s always something that’s really nice with the story when I can kind of finish it myself.
Hungry Eyes by @lenavonschweetz ***
OHHHHHH this one is SPICY lol. Bucky is one cocky son of a gun. So this one is about vampire Bucky, and for the betterment of the town, him and the reader make a pact that he would feed off of her to avoid suspicion. Except for he would only feed on her wrist because anything else is too intimate. Well that went out the drain real fast. This one was honestly kind of just straight smut lol, but there’s some plot in there that’s really awesome. There’s some awesome tropes, friends to lovers, cocky Bucky, vampire Bucky, SMUT. It all comes together to form a really interesting really well done story. I really liked it  
In the Dark by @waiting4inspiration ***
Oh man, so this one is really interesting too. So this one is about vampire Bucky and werewolf reader, and the reader is an arranged marriage with werewolf Steve. There is a sort of creature war between vampires and werewolves, and that leads to a bunch of problems. But surprise surprise, the reader falls in love with her sworn enemy. And that’s awesome, I love those tropes. I think it’s Really incredible just how well she balances the two worlds, it’s way better than twilight I’ll tell you that right now LOL. But I just really love the dynamic between everybody, there’s angst, there’s fluff, there’s never a time when you’re bored. It’s just left and write something that either leaves you on your toes you’re feeling everything at once. It’s really great. It’s not finished yet but what it’s there is amazing.  
Special: For Heavens Sake by @221bshrlocked​ ***
wow OK, talk about unique. So this one is a vampire reader story, but it was so cool I have to include it. So obviously it’s vampire story obviously, but it also an ABO story, like whaaaaat. So ABO is admittedly the main aspect of a story, but I just thought it was absolutely incredible how well they combined the two tropes. I loved how oh much fuck he was actively trying to be with her, I really love the dynamic between them. I really loved how raw and genuine emotions are, I can’t imagine how scared them both must have been during certain parts of the story, I’m not gonna spoil it but there were definitely some parts where I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was gonna happen because it was so interesting. There was so much happening in the story and it was just awesome.
Thank you all for reading, again, sorry its so short. and sorry it took so long lol. I appreciate you all. :)
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Three
Marcus smirked as he watched Chris mess with the straw in his drink, “Man, whoever she is has got you messed up bad.”
Chris jerked his head up and frowned in confusion, “huh?”
“You have completely zoned out on me, Bro. What’s going on?”
“Just thinking.”
“So your divorce? What happened?”
“I wasn’t any good for her. It just wasn’t gonna work out.”
“How’d she take it?”
“Not good. I’m surprised she hasn’t put a hit out on me.”
Marcus chuckled, “that woman loves you too much.”
“Loves. I said what I said.”
“Do you know something I don’t?”
“Do you know she hasn’t dated since your divorce?”
“No. I never bothered to keep up with her.”
“I don’t have the right to. Why keep up with her life if I didn’t have the decency to stay in it?”
“You got a point.”
“So who is the new girl?”
“There is no new girl. Just somebody I’m getting to know.”
“So there is a new girl.”
“Chris, we can play with semantics all night but be honest, do you like her?”
“Yes but we’re just friends.”
“For now.”
“She’s still in love with her ex-husband. I’m not in control of my life and neither of us are looking for anything serious.”
“Then what’s the harm in making her your new girl. You both know whats the deal up front.”
“Besides she doesn't want to meet me anyway.”
“You’ve never met?”
“I met her online. I only have a vague idea of what she looks like but we’ve never actually seen each other or spoke to each other.”
“Really? I didn’t know you were into that.”
“I set it up out of boredom but I got lucky with talking to her. She’s really nice.”
“What she do?”
“She’s a Vet. Owns her own clinic and shelter”
“Nice. Is she local?”
“Not sure. I know her business is in the city. Never asked if she lived there or not.”
“Chris, you might know her already.”
“I doubt it besides I think the not knowing her is the best part.”
“No identity, no expectations.”
“Well more power to you. Hope you don’t miss out on an amazing woman wanting to be all mysterious and shit.”
“I’m not concerned.”
A: How has your day been?
C: Hectic. My daughter caught the flu so I’m out of commission for the next few days
A: Aww...poor baby. Is this the first time she’s been sick?
C: No so I’m pretty prepared for the theatrics that will be coming my way
A: She’s that kind of kid, huh? Lol
C: Lol regardless of the fact that she’s three, she gets sick and reverts to an infant but I love babying her. Just don’t tell her that
A: Lol, your secret is safe with me
C: How have you been?
A: Good. Finalizing details for this gala a certain someone got me to attend
C: Lol, you made the deal, I just accepted
A: Yea. Whatever.
C: Did you decide on a date for our virtual outing?
A: I mean you have the child
C: It’s not like I’m gonna be leaving my house though
A: That is true
C: Are you nervous?
A: No, it’s not like you’re gonna hear my voice or see me. What’s there to be nervous about?
C: I don’t know I’m asking you
A: Are you free this weekend?
C: 8 pm Saturday?
A: Works for me
C: Cool
A: You know you could’ve just picked a time and told me
C: Yea but it was your idea so your choice
A: Hmm...I guess
C: What you thinking about?
A: If I should send you a sneak peek of my dress
C: You have it already? I thought the gala wasn’t for another month
A: A month goes by fast especially if you own your own business, time is not of the essence
C: Ah, very true. Are we still doing text to speech or?
A: I have some equipment I can use for voice changes. You?
C: I work at a college, I’m sure I can find some
A: Cool
C: Is your voice that distinctive that I’d be able to figure out who you are from hearing it?
A: Yes.
C: Ah, now I’m curious
A: It’s not that I’m worried about knowing you but I’ve been interviewed and stuff before so hearing my voice would definitely be a dead giveaway and ruin the mystery
C: I understand. 
A: Does any of this make you uncomfortable?
C: No. It keeps things simple and uncomplicated. No complaints from me
A: Cool
Robyn quickly composed herself as she posed for the picture in front of her phone. The self-timer clicked and she grabbed the device to see her handy work. She smiled at the successful shot. No identifying marks but it captured her body and clothing perfectly. She sat down and logged into her dating app to send the picture to Chris. Not wanting to be consumed with nervousness, she logged out completely before taking off her clothes and heading to take a shower. Their double blind virtual outing was tonight.
Chris smiled as his phone pinged and he clicked on the new message. The long-sleeve navy blue dress hugged every curve of Anna perfectly. She was completely covered but it still felt just as sexy as if she was naked. That was an art. The message read, “I probably could’ve waited a few weeks to send you this but I figured what the hell. What do you think?”
Chris rubbed his hand along his chin then through his hair as he stared at the picture. Was he making a mistake letting this stay just an online thing? Could she really be as amazing as she seemed? Maybe it was just the lust talking. He had sworn off women the past few years so it wasn’t like he had many outlets for any kind of attraction. Anesa was with his sister and cousins for the night while he had his virtual outing with Anna. He really didn’t understand why she just didn’t call it a date but then again they aren’t supposed to be dating so it makes sense.
Robyn shook off any nervousness as she sat down in front of her computer. It was easier to not be tempted to use the camera if she didn’t have one so she decided to use her desktop instead of her laptop. The older monitor was wired for sound but not video. She had emailed Chris a link to the video chat site with its autoset to start at 8pm. She glanced at the cover of the screen and sighed as the clock flipped from 7:59 to 8:00.
“Hi Anna,” an auto generated voice came through her speakers
“Chris, it’s nice to hear your voice.”
Chris laughed, “well something like my voice. How are you?”
“I’m great. You?”
“I’m good. Thank you for the picture.”
“Eh, I was trying it on and thought why not. You never answered my message”
“Well, I knew I was gonna talk to you soon so I figured it’d be easier to say what I was thinking than writing it”
“Ah, so what do you think?”
“I think you look incredible. It’s hard to be sexy and completely covered from neck to toe but you definitely pulled it off.”
“Why thank you. My friend was a little upset that I picked that dress.”
“She thinks I need to show more skin.”
Chris laughed, “well you’re single, no harm in doing that.”
“Single and not trying to mingle though.”
“If you look as amazing in the face as your body does. Nothing short of staying home would keep people, men especially, from trying to talk to you.”
“Oh don’t say that.”
“Why? It’s the truth.”
“Still don’t say it.”
“You’re afraid of dating?”
“No, just not prepared for it. I don’t really want to like anybody else.”
“Not even me.”
“You are a very pleasant and partially unwanted surprise. I don’t think I could not not like you though.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment”
“Good because I meant it as one,” Robyn laughed, “Feel weird yet?”
“Nope. This is a lot easier than typing though.”
“It is. 
“So how was your day?”
“It was good. I had the start of auditions for my upper level songwriting and music composition classes.”
“Really? How do those work?”
“The student either performs live or brings in a recorded piece that they wrote and/or composed.”
“Do they have to be the performer?”
“It is preferable but no. I get my share of duos from time to time.”
“Is it easier to audition as a duo or solo?”
“To me, neither. I try to be equally as hard on all my students.”
“Did you work in the music industry before?”
“Actually no, just a dream deferred, I guess.”
“What about your divorce made you switch careers?”
“Music has always been healing for me. I had no desire to be famous or anything like that but I wanted to deal with music. Teaching did that for me.”
“Were you healing from your marriage?”
“No. My mother had passed away and it just threw my life into a spiral.”
“Were you close?”
“Not like we should’ve been. I was raised by another family member and my mom wasn’t really around most of my life.”
“That’s sad.”
“It’s life. You learn to make the best of it.”
“It doesn’t sound like you did.”
“To be honest, I didn’t at first. I was mad at everything and everybody. I just gave up.”
“And your marriage was a casualty of that.”
“And you still love her?”
“I don’t want to but I do.”
“I know that feeling. So you were adopted by the family member or they just took you in?”
“Just took me in, nothing official.”
“Oh ok.”
“You have a good relationship with your family?”
“Yea, I think we still sit on different sides of the fence when it comes to my ex but other than that nothing major.”
“They loved him. He was my high school sweetheart so we kind of grew up together.”
“Same here. Do they want you guys to get back together?”
Chris laughed.
“Sometimes I wonder if there were things he told them that he couldn’t tell me.”
“It’s possible. It's easier to open up to somebody you don’t feel responsible for. Men worry a lot about looking weak in front of their spouses. We wonder if women will still trust our judgment if they think we’re more emotional than logical.”
“Any woman worth her medal knows men are more emotional than logical, y’all just like to play with semantics. Just because you don’t deal with your emotions doesn’t mean they don’t exist or magically go away. Y’all just have different methodologies than we do.”
“Were you a therapist in a past life?”
Robyn laughed, “No, I took basic psychology classes in college.”
“Definitely sounds like you took more than the requisite elective.”
“I did. Almost had enough for a minor but I overloaded on vet classes to try to finish my bachelor’s early.”
“Did you?”
“Just a semester early, nothing too major.”
“That’s awesome. Were you always a vet?”
“Actually no. I took a few years off after veterinary school, did a bunch of odd jobs before I came back to my chosen profession.”
“Ah, good deal.”
“It had its perks.”
“How’d your husband feel about that?”
“We weren’t married initially but he didn’t seem to mind even after we did get married. He had a bit of an old school rearing and liked being a provider, I can admit.”
“And all that time you never had children?”
“I don’t think he could’ve emotionally handled children but then again, we might have fought for our marriage more if there were some involved.”
“You think so?”
“We both grew up in separated families, raised by a single parent or guardian. Two parent households weren’t the norm for either of us.”
“Ah ok.”
“We had always maintained the idea of having children once we got married but then we got married and things just didn’t work out. I wanted to try immediately after the ceremony but he kept stalling. First, it was getting his career off the ground then the timing just wasn’t right and by then we were divorced. I don’t think he wanted children with me.”
“You know being a parent isn’t something to take lightly, from what it sounds like it wasn’t you, he just wasn’t ready. At least, he was self aware to know that.”
“And your wife?”
“After the first year, we barely had sex.”
“Were you not attracted to her anymore?”
“I was. I just didn’t really like myself anymore and it made it hard to be physical with her. We had years of having sex and making love. I wasn’t the same so it didn’t feel the same, I felt like I was shortchanging her.”
“Sounds like you made a lot of decisions for her.”
“I know she would’ve stayed if I didn’t leave but I also knew she wasn’t happy. I couldn’t say I love her and subject her to an unhappy marriage, it’s not fair.”
“Why didn’t you just get help?”
“I did that’s what led me to ask for a divorce.”
“Your help told you to get divorced?”
“Not explicitly. My therapist told me that I needed to take time to focus on myself with no distractions. My mother had died, My father showed back up in my life. It just felt like everything was falling apart and then I had my wife. Trying to be supportive but completely unhappy and walking on eggshells. It felt like I was torturing her and I didn’t want us to live like that. I didn’t want her to live like that. When I tried to explain what was going on, it just made everything worse.”
“What you mean?”
“I broke her. In such a short marriage, I broke her and I didn’t know how to undo what I had done. I also wasn’t in the space to undo it. I just wanted to die and I didn’t want her to see that.”
‘Did you try to-”
“It was a week after she had moved out. Complete nervous breakdown.”
“Chris, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. It was bound to happen. The mind can only take so much before it has to reset itself.”
“Did you tell her?”
“No. I made my family promise not to say anything to anyone either. I made her leave for that exact reason. Sometimes you can just feel when you’ve reached your breaking point.”
“True. So she had no idea?”
“No. If she had, she probably would’ve came back and never went through with the divorce. I didn't want her spending her life fixing my mess, that’s my job.”
“Wow. I appreciate you telling me this.”
“I’m surprised I did. Had this been a year or two ago, I probably would’ve stopped talking to you as soon as you asked about her.”
“Yea. Failure sucks.”
“Well, it doesn’t sound like you failed. It’s not like all avenues had been exhausted.”
“If your ex-husband had did this, would you be so accommodating?”
“If he had actually told me all this happened with him, absolutely. This is so much different than the silence and moping around that I got.”
“What if it wasn’t?”
“I mean I definitely have to get over feeling so betrayed first. Ten years of a relationship and he couldn’t trust me enough to let me in, that’s a hard pill to swallow.”
“Yea but it happens. I imagine my ex-wife would probably feel that exact same way.”
“I might not know you well enough to say this but I really think you should find her and talk to her. The years may have softened her.”
“I don’t think it would be right. I caused her enough issues, the last thing she’d probably want is to be reminded of me.”
“There you go making decisions for her again. You never know until you find out.”
“I guess.”
“Unless you don’t want to find out.”
“What you mean?”
“I think you’re afraid that you really did break her and she never bounced back. I think finding out that she hasn’t moved on scares you more than anything.”
“You love her and I don’t think you will ever stop, so you want her to be happy. You want her to have forgotten about you and got everything she ever wanted in life. But if she hasn’t, you’d have to realize that though you did everything to protect her, you made the biggest mistake making her go especially when she didn’t want to. As a woman who’s been there and still there, you didn’t give her a chance to be what you needed because you were so worried about not being what you thought she wanted, even though you never asked.”
Robyn pulled her covers up under her chin as she laid back staring at her ceiling. Talking to Chris, really got her to thinking about her ex-husband. Did something happen to him to make him shut him down? Did he really walk out to save her like he told her? If so, why didn't he trust her to be there for him? At least this Chris is healed but clearly she has a penchant for damaged men. Is she a damaged woman? Did her ex really break her to the point she could never recover?
Chris sat on the phone with Anesa, half listening to her ramble about her day. He was going to go get her from his sister’s house but after talking with Anna, he needed the night to himself, to regroup. He couldn’t say that she was wrong. He never really thought about if his ex-wife was happy or not since he left. At least not out loud. Like what right did he have to shake up her life again after shaking it up in the first place? That’s why he never asked about her. It wasn’t right to be about her life if he made the initiative to walk out of it. Anna really showed him the other side of the situation, it really wasn’t as pretty and hopeful as he thought it would’ve been. He never thought of his divorce as a mistake but did he really ruin something that could’ve been fixed?
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faedawayyy · 3 years
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the only carmichael boy who is officially single from his household. i feel like this has definitely caused his mum to push her attention on to him, particularly because he lives at home. she definitely wants him to settle down with somebody and at the moment, he fake dates arabella to keep her happy but there’s more i can get out of this. SOOOOOOO...
- HIS PLANNED GIRLFRIEND/WIFE: this was charlie at one point but she has more with leo now so it doesn’t really make sense. somebody from a wealthy family who his parents wanted him to end up with. maybe they’re constantly pushing them together but the two of them HATE each other with a passion and do everything they can to mess up their parents plans. - FWB: he’s been in the shadows for quite a while which isn’t a surprise given how much leo, mason and brody have going on. but, now he’s getting a bit older, i think he’d be more confident in himself and i can totally see him hooking up after events and stuff and having a few fwb. it’d be cool if these had different dynamics too like unrequited crushes/people using him for fame etc.  - MALE FRIENDSHIPS: he’d definitely hang out with people in his family’s circle but also people who are different and come from different walks of life. as a general rule, he’s chill and not big on aesthetics and appearances if that helps anybody! 
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HE’S LIKE MY 2021 DALLAS AND THAT’S THE DIRECTION I WANT TO MOVE HIM IN. he’s a rising star in terms of his music and also has a minor acting and modelling career. he definitely gets the right amount of hype too so i think he’s the best choice out of my new guys to really give like the whole ‘rising star’ thing. i have QUITE A FEW ideas for him bc i’m excited! 
SIDE NOTE: him and imogen aren’t officially end game. like they might be? but what i’m trying to say is me and nadine haven’t plotted anything like that. their official plot is that they were dating behind charlie’s back when imogen was with charlie. now imogen isn’t w.charlie, they flirt and hook up but are p.toxic and argumentative. 
- FWB/RUMOURED PARTNERS:  this one goes w/o saying. i think i’m going to cap the plot at about 3 (not including imogen). maybe 3 different girls he’s linked with and has his own thing with. bonus points if one of these is a PR arrangement and it doesn’t go any deeper than public appearances.  - SECRET SHARERS: so with his career getting bigger, i think he’d be more serious about keeping his secret which is basically back in high school, him and a few of his friends are responsible for leaving another guy in a coma (he’s still in it now) after they spiked his drink to stop him from exposing them for cheating their way into st judes. i need maybe 3 or 4 people who all had a hand in this but we can work it out together. 
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i’m kinda stuck with ezra. i have ideas but i dont know what the best way to execute them will be? so, he obviously has his son - nicolas - who is being raised by his mother atm. he’s natalie’s son; ezra and natalie were high school sweethearts but have gone their separate ways, they coparent as much as they can. this year ezra has got closer to madison and then felicity but in both relationships found they weren’t really satisfied with just him and flirted with others...so he’s kind of in a weird place. - PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP: maybe someone who knows all about his son and has helped ezra raise him/keeping it all a secret. it would be strictly platonic. i think she/he would be ezra’s best friend and they wouldn’t have any grey area. there’s no romantic feelings but the bond is strong. 
- EX: in between natalie and then felicity/madison. maybe they broke up because he wanted to focus on nicolas and didn’t have enough time for their relationship but there’s still feelings there. i just want somebody who genuinely loved/wanted him at one point and doesn’t always find someone better :’) we could develop how things unravel in 2021.
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luke’s father is the head of film at st judes and he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders to do well. at the moment, he’s in his good books because he’s a key part of the harry potter movies which is really pushing him and boosting his profile. he’s very focused on his work but also wants to branch out and make more connections. he’s currently interested in athena but i want to dig into his past a little more.  - EX FRIENDS/RIVALS: a friend that luke grew up with and they both went into acting, that’s when the friendship became toxic. they were always trying to outdo one another and it’s continued on to this day; they both have good careers but aren’t satisfied unless they’re doing slightly better than the other one; this can be m or f. 
- HIGH SCHOOL GIRLFRIEND: he went to gallagher high school. i think it’d be interesting if they were dating and looked as if they’d be typical high school sweethearts. maybe the plan was to live in one of his parents place, get regular jobs and settle down but then he chose his career/st judes and broke it off because it got too serious too soon. bonus points if she still hasn’t fully let him go bc she truly did love him. 
- COMPLICATED EX: an ex he dated at the beginning of st judes and it just got toxic very fast. maybe the reverse of his high school girlfriend - she fell out of love with him/was stringing him along and now there’s a lot of tension.
- WILDER FRIENDS: he’s very clean cut at the moment and has pressure to be a good example for others bc his dad is so linked to the academy, but maybe friends who tempt him to go out more and enjoy this time/make memories/do crazier things.
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ok ok i’m getting bored but for taewan, it’s very similar to luke. BTS are really going to be pushed to be the best next year and this is going to create both new and break old connections for him sooooooo take a look.
RIVALS/INDUSTRY ENEMIES - artists who work just as hard, if not harder, than BTS but don’t see half of the benefits with advertisement and getting prime performance spots at award shows. i think there’ll even be rumours than BTS buy some of their awards. he’d 100% have enemies by this time next year and would lowkey be sad about it bc he knows BTS are in the wrong, but also his career means too much to just admit it. P.R. GIRLFRIEND - a girl who’s a rising star too and he’s placed in a fake relationship to boost both of their profiles. it’d need to be a relationship where they clash and do not get along with one another bc i think that’d be fun. maybe they grow to like each other or be at least friends in the end but !!! the more tension the better tbh.
LOVE INTEREST/BEST FRIEND - i feel like he’d have one person who is currently his best friend and they’ve always kind of had feelings for each other...but now BTS are blowing up and management are getting involved with who he’s seen with and who he can be with, their friendship is breaking down massively and they’re drifting.
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brielle has just moved in with imogen and park and she’s been thrown into like, the world of old money and the richest family’s in violet springs. she’s experiencing so much new for the first time. imogen and her friends have kind of taken brielle under their wing & her life has kinda separated into two.
PEOPLE WHO KNOW HER FROM THE STRIP CLUB - i’ve literally been begging for this connection since i had her. her main source of income is stripping and dancing at a sketchy club in london. i’d love to have someone who sees her regularly and even pays for her to perform for their. i feel like it could either be they become infatuated with her through it OR they lowkey do it as blackmail to make the point that they’ve always got something over her.  OLD FRIENDSHIPS - people who have NO connection to the richer families and are friends with brielle from before. they know about her getting closer to imogen and the hamiltons and brielle is almost like their eyes on the inside, and they meet up and just gossip about everything that brielle has experienced. maybe one of these friends get a little jealous at some point and accuses her of forgetting who her real friends are/changing? NEW FRIENDSHIPS - people who DO have connections to that whole circle. maybe they get closer to brielle through events that she comes to with imogen OR they kind of mock her and treat her like an outcast. i definitely think she’d encounter some mean girls.  ALSO new friends with benefits because why not! there’re so many possibilities. i’m just getting tired of typing LOL
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yulia currently lives in the home of the family she nannies for. this job funds her scholarship at st judes, but she tells everybody that those people are her parents and sisters. she gives off the impression that she was born rich and doesn’t mention her real family to anybody because she’s ashamed. she has a lot of self hatred when it comes to where she came from and is v.much continuing with ‘fake it ‘til you make it’.
GUYS SHE USES FOR PUBLICITY/MONEY - i think yulia wants nothing more than to be legitimately rich, so she’d be very picky about the guys she flirts with and gives her time too. she’s probably more determined to get a rich and famous boyfriend than she is about having a successful film career. her priorities are all over the place. 
SOMEONE WHO HELPS HER CONTINUE HER LIE - maybe one or two friends who know she’s a nanny and they aren’t her family - but she doesn’t know that they know that. however, because they like her and/or feel bad for her, they play along and help her continue her lie.
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eloise is the oldest calloway sister and even though she’s technically a “half” sister, she’s been raised with the other girls and is very close to them - especially zara. she’s the sensible one and often has the most level-head. she doesn’t take much shit but is also a hopeless romantic and loves to be in love. she really doesn’t have much at all right now so i could do with lots of different plots:
childhood friends, people who were like sisters to her when her real sisters weren’t. 
an ex boyfriend and her first boyfriend. i feel like the break up would’ve hurt because she’s v attached to people 
a close friend who has a ridiculously big crush on her atm; boy or girl idm! i feel like eloise wouldn’t know at first and maybe freak out when she finds out and we can see what happens from there 
maybe friends/guys who have used her to get to her sister(s)
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MY BABYYYYYYY. margo is legit my favourite and thats saying a lot bc you guys know how much i love issy and hensley. she’s basically signed herself out of rehab and takes advantage of the fact that dallas is working SO hard to get everything done. she has a huge tendency to buy and drink her feelings away SOOOO.....
ENABLERS - i kind of want her to get in with ‘the wrong crowd’, and by that i mean like...people who don’t rly care that she’s an addict and want to have fun with her. i have a really specific connection in mind where they’re fwb but it’s no good for her; BUT she’s kind of easy and happy to have sex hjkl; so they just keep her on standby.
OTHER FWB - i really want her to just go through a massive sleeping around stage. i haven’t really found someone she ‘clicks’ with. she relies LOTS AND LOTS on park and even though they’re not romantic, he’s her safe space. but i think there’d be a lot of other people in her life who she gets different things from. some ideas could be excitement, or people who baby her, or someone who maybe cares a lot about her & its their only way of being in contact.
EX FRIENDS - friends who gave up on her after she went to rehab and became a mess. she’d hate them bc as tough as she acts, she HATES HATE HES being abandoned. that’s why she clings to park and disney sm, bc she knows that they’ve been her friends since the beginning. 
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jess-the-vampire · 4 years
The Demon Next Door, Chapter 3
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Marco's phone ringed as he woke up, wiping the sleep from his eyes and peering around his room. It was about 2 in the morning and someone thought to call him now of all times? It was finally the weekend and he just wanted to sleep in already, he'd been lacking sleep trying to help star, study, and work on his jackie plan that this was his one time to make up for all the sleep he never got  in the week and someone was calling him now of all times? He reached for his phone with a groan as he opened it up to see what was up. Honestly he had been half expecting it to be star, but surprisingly this time it was not, tom was in fact texting him. Which meant across the street, right now, tom was wide awake, texting on his phone. Marco yawned, tom had actually been starting to text him a bit more recently, he seemed to actually like talking with marco whenever he could. Though marco had to be the one to tell him it was probably not smart to do it in class at any point ever.
It made Marco happy though it'd be nice if tom was a little better about when to contact marco, but then again, he was still learning. Marco squinted his eyes in the dark to read whatever was written on it, lying back on the mattress and scanning over the screen. His parents were pretty upset over the due fact tom's family had not responded to them and their invites in the slightest, it honestly probably made tom himself feel awkward just visiting since his family is mostly what they asked about whenever they saw him. And Tom wanted to visit now, seems that night with marco really made him actually excited to hang out with him. Marco finally had another friend, much to Star's frustration, but still. It was kinda nice to see the lonely boy who seemed pretty outed the day he arrived feel excited and want to actually spend time with him. Star was his friend but she was friends with almost everybody, marco actually made a friend, on his own, and the kid actually kinda seemed to like him. Speaking of which- Tom: My folks r kinda not in the mood 2 talk 2 yr parents, they get anxious about going into the homes of ppl they don't really know, i'm srry Yeah, he wasn't surprised, honestly he wouldn't be surprised if the reason other new families even came was just to be nice more then anything. Guess he'd have to tell his parents when he saw them later on, though he knew they'd be upset. Tom didn't talk that much about his family yet, he'd normally talk about stuff happening in school, sometimes star, ask Marco questions about echo creek, or just vaguely talk about the move. Marco would be lying if he didn't admit he kinda was curious about tom's parents. Were they rich? Seemed that way considering tom seemed very much loaded half the time. If they were, why did they move to a place like this? Seems pretty low-class for some rich family like theirs, and they sure don't blend in well with that creepy looking house. They were honestly talk of the town, a family moving in with a creepy house and never come out of it? It sure sounded like a horror movie, marco almost pictured tom's family as emo rockstars that looked like him, or even vampires, or maybe snooty looking folks who looked down on the poorer class and that's why they never left. Marco remembered he had seen what was probably tom's father vaguely during the first day but even that was hard to remember since he was mostly fixated on tom during that moment. He knew his parents were not going to give up that easily though, on the contrary, they'd probably change strategy. Now that Marco was making friends with Tom, it only increased their want and desire to meet his family and connect with them. And that didn't bode too well for marco because who knew if tom's parents would even like them or not, worst case scenario is they ended up refusing to let tom even go near marco of the diazes ever again if they went too far. Marco quickly texted tom back, tired but still curious. Marco: Are your parents weirded out by my parents? and Tom replied almost instantly back. Tom: My parents r actually really cool, I think they'd like u, but right now they don't want to go around to random ppl's home, maybe another time when they get used to me and u being friends... Fair enough. At least that reassured him from thinking they were snobby jerks at the very least. Marco: Well I'm glad your parents aren't going to eat me or anything like that lol Tom was silent for a bit before texting back and marco was worried maybe tom had fallen asleep on his end, but instead was met with a text back that told him maybe tom wasn't fond of that kinda humor when he couldn't see marco's face. Wherever tom originally came from, it seemed he wasn't familiar with telling sarcasm  and jokes from actual things marco meant when it came to texts, it honestly had marco wondering if tom ever hung out with teens at all before he moved. Tom: What? My parents would never eat you, why would you ever think that? It was meant to be a joke, something to ease his worries he had originally about tom's family, but based on the response he received, it seemed like tom himself took it a little more seriously then the boy had been intending it to be. Marco almost wanted to laugh, but then again he also didn't want tom to panic, making friends with tom seemed to matter a lot to the boy and Marco really didn't want to risk ruining their newfound friendship not even long after it started, Marco was quick to step in. Marco: Oh non no no, i was kidding, just a joke. Sorry! Tom was silent for a strangely long amount of time before he replied back, a uncomfortable silence present in marco's room that he only noticed now. Marco nervously waiting for tom to text back with sudden anxiety Tom: Ok, sorry for overreacting, I'll see you tomorrow, and uh....i'm sorry Marco: It's ok tom Tom didn't reply back, marco sighing as he tried to get back to sleep, he kinda had to go easy on tom. Tom was new and he didn't know much about how best to handle these situations, though he seemed fast to calm himself down whenever he got riled up, which was at least a good sign that he was working on his issues. Tom wasn't flat out attacking him or anything, and he seemed actually sorry, and it was kinda hard for marco to get too upset when tom seemed to care this much. And tom seemed to care a lot. Marco was just going to have to be careful from now on about what was ok for tom and what wasn't, Tom wasn't Star, and he couldn't treat him like Star either, he was going to have to adapt one way or another. Tomorrow they could meet up and check up on him and it'd probably be back to normal, but marco was lying if he said he wasn't always worried. It was almost like with jackie, one wrong move and you might miss your chance to ever fully connect with someone. - He fell asleep soon after and much to his surprise and delight, Tom came over for breakfast, finding him in the kitchen eating chocolate chip pancakes and smiling at the sight of marco, who waved and joined him at the table. He hadn't been expecting Tom so soon, honestly he thought most likely he'd invite him over or they'd meet up or something but this was a pleasant surprise.Tom was sitting next to mariposa in her high chair, who seemed to find the boy's appearance rather funny looking, giggling as she chewed on a pancake in front of him. Marco quickly added some to his own plate as tom brushed at his hair. "Sorry about last night...hope i didn't freak you out...". "What? Oh no no, I know you didn't know better...hope I didn't offend you or anything". Tom seemed to be thinking about something else before shaking his head and reassuring marco, "No No i was being silly, I just....it's just things that kinda happened back home....don't worry about it, I just get mad about it sometimes". Yeah, marco had a feeling as much as that being the reason why, but he seemed to feel a ton better at least seeing tom for himself instead of worrying about his emotions behind a screen without much else to go on. "I couldn't sleep last night cause I was worried I upset you so I came over and I hope that's ok....". "No no, that's ok, honestly star comes in when she wants too, i'm happy to see you honestly, i was hoping we'd meet up for certain.". Though Tom still seemed a little nervous, and marco couldn't help but notice her was playing more with his pancake then eating it now, they had only met not that long ago and were they already hitting a hurdle? He really hoped not, if he screwed up this bad this soon- "You wanna talk about it?". Tom turned his head before taking another full bite of pancake quickly, marco took that as a hard "No", guess that really was a sensitive topic for him, whatever it was. Marco instead went back to eating and changed the subject quickly to lighten up the mood, "hey uh...how are you liking echo creek so far? You've been here about a week at this point, you like it?". Tom's expression wasn't of joy but not of disgust either, then again, he probably hadn't been around Echo Creek all that much. "I could show you around at some point? Maybe the mall, britta's tacos, the park....if that's cool or something? You could hang out with me and Star..". Tom blinked at marco, as if he had no idea what in the heck the boy was even talking about in the slightest, that or...he blanked out into his mind for a bit. "Tom?", marco tapped onto his shoulder and tom shook his head, "Um...sorry, but doesn't having me and star together sound like a bad idea? She doesn't actually seem to want to be around me, she's mad with me....I don't think she wants me around when she's around, it's um....it sounds like fun but...". "Oh don't worry about that, star's like that sometimes....she probably just likes you.". "Likes me?". "Yeah!", marco explained carefully, "Star is not really the best with crushes, i mean she thinks she's good at them, but i've seen her obsess over them, pretend she's not interested to get them interested, went overboard, the whole bit.....she's been doing this since you got here so clearly something about you set her off that way and judging by how she looked at you when she first saw you, and knowing her, it's a crush. Don't take it too personally.". "She...has a crush on me?", tom said softly, scratching his head, "Is that normal around here?". "Yeah, sometimes when people like other people they pretend not to be interested to get the other interested, it's like reverse psychology.",Tom seemed to laugh at that, as if it sounded silly, and to be fair, marco could understand why. "I mean, if that were the case, everyone must have a crush on me back home", he snorted, "I dunno marco, i kinda don't really think that's the case, but I think it's cool you think I have any kinda of chance with her...". "You totally like her....", marco teased, wiggling his eyebrows, "C'mon, I can tell, every time she shows up you can't seem to take your eyes off of her.". Tom felt himself blush a little as he pulled his hair, "Marco, c'mon....that's stupid...I don't...is it that obvious?". Marco nodded, "Dude, when you thought I liked Star you kinda sounded jealous, I don't want to assume too much, but it kinda sounds to me you already have an interest in her...". "Uh....well, look uh.....maybe we should move on back to the subject...Um...I'd like to hang out but if Star doesn't want me there....maybe we should just do it one on one instead?", he was now playing with his pancakes on his plate, blushing but not really looking at marco and marco sighed and dropped the subject. "Well, that should still be kinda fun! Maybe you could come and see my karate lesson? Star usually goes but she's kinda in trouble because of the whole "Cheating thing" so...good chance she can't this time". "Karate?", marco smiled wide as he grabbed his phone to show some pictures of him in his green belt, "Yeah, at the mall, I'm currently a green belt and working on my red next, Karate is like SERIOUS business. You outta watch me in action when I finally kick Jeremy's butt", he did a few small karate moves at the table and tom stared at him blankly as he acted them out,  "You fight? I had no idea you could fight!". Tom's voice slowly got more impressed and interested as he processed what marco was talking about, "That's really cool actually." "You didn't know what karate was?". "Oh um...well, where i come from people do fight, but...not that kinda fighting, so....sorry, I might be a little outta the loop...", he looked almost embarrassed about it, was tom really sheltered before he moved? It didn't seem that way judging by some of Tom's previous statements, but Marco didn't think he'd hear of anyone not knowing what Karate was before. Then again, Star did the same thing so maybe it was more common then he was making it out to be. "Well, my practice starts later today, so if you wanna stick around i'll show you around the mall and you can watch me totally kick butt!", the redhead seemed more then happy, finishing up his breakfast fast and practically chugging down his orange juice like it was no tomorrow. Marco finished his food as well before asking tom to wait downstairs as he went to go tell his mom he wanted a ride early so they had time to explore the shops together. Angie's reaction of course, was a little too mushy for Marco's taste, about her baby boy and his cute new best friend. Marco made friends with a new kid whose actually kinda cool, it wasn't "Cute", it was normal, what was so "Cute" about him making friends with this boy? Ugh, it didn't matter, she said yes anyway though she would take Mariposa with her and check out a few stores while they were out. Which was fine enough, as long as she didn't spend the entire time gushing about Marco making a friend the whole time. He was probably getting too worked up over his parents gushing about his relationship with tom, they were excited, he just didn't like them making such a big deal about it. They were already making such a big deal about meeting tom's family, what if they made tom too uncomfortable with all their gushing? Ugh, he really was freaking out about this too much, he needed to calm down. He and Tom were going to have a good time together and he was going to chill about it. "Marco...you ok?", tom glanced over to marco from the backseat of the car, which gave marco the impression he was probably fidgeting in front of him a little too much. Though much to Marco's embarrassment, Angie chipped in from the driver's seat, "Oh don't worry about him, I think he's just nervous, he's been having a hard time beating that Jeremy boy for a long time now, that boy's only 8 and has been destroying marco for years at this point!". "8 years old?" Marco felt mortified. "MOM!". "Aww c'mon sweetie, no need to be shy about it, we know you'll beat him this time around. Marco's been doing karate for a long time, Star likes to go to his practices ever since she moved but she also gets too busy to come at all, so perhaps you might like it tom. Do your parents have any private study sessions for you as well?", Tom coughed into his hand and looked out the window, "Well, no, I guess I have a lot of freetime these days...I honestly wasn't sure what i'd do with myself before marco came a long to be honest...I'd probably be playing games in my room all day.". "Well see, that's wonderful! Marco doesn't get to do much either outside of karate and hanging out with star, he used to stay in his room all by himself. Star's such a sweet girl but she's always so busy it seems, her mother runs a tight ship I tell ya, you two can hang out when you have time, marco would love more company when star's not around, he gets really lonely.", marco was about ready to jump out of the car at this rate, though honestly his mom really didn't need to know how much star broke her mother's rules to find reasons to hang out with marco anyway. "Ok mom, he gets it....". "He really likes karate, though we had to take him out of lessons for a bit when he broke his arm trying to break 3 wooden boards once...", Marco scrunched up in his seat and pulled the hood over his head before pulling the strings, hoping to hide his face forever so tom couldn't see him. The Car ride seemed to be taking forever and marco felt he had effectively downed out the conversation tom and his mother were having and when his mother finally parked outside the mall, marco practically lept out, forgetting to unbuckle his seat belt in the process and blushing in embarrassment as he struggled to take it off, grab his bag of karate clothes, and walk out, still with the hoodie hood over his head. He couldn't even look tom directly in the face. And he didn't as they entered the mall, Angie walking off with Mariposa and leaving the boys together. Much to Marco's relief, though he still wasn't looking at Tom, despite knowing he should and should help him out like he promised. He needed to pull himself together, there was no way he'd ever be able to ask out jackie or take down his karate rival if he couldn't deal with a little embarrassment from his mom to someone he hadn't known all that long. He coughed and removed his hoodie, thankful that tom hadn't ran off and still was next to him, if this were star she'd already be checking out a store by now. "Sorry um.....c'mon....let's get looking shall we? uh....where you wanna go first?", Tom blinked as he took in all the sights, he seemed almost memorized by the size of the place and all it's colorful stores and scenery. He grabbed onto Marco's arm and pulled him along as he hopping into a shirt shop for the more grungy type. Of course this would be tom's first stop, he seemed to love wearing punk clothing, it was like being a kid at a candy shop for him as he browsed the shirts and earrings. Marco seemed a little more at ease watching tom get absorbed in the shopping aspect, it drew less attention away from the embarrassing conversations earlier and seemed to make him very happy. He took some breaths and tom tried on some new clothes, picked out some skull earrings, even a few other accessories before heading out. Though not before seeing if marco wanted to try on anything, which marco politely declined considering punk didn't seem to be "His style". The day seemed to go smoother from there, tom checked out bookstores, game stores, stores with stuffed animals and much to marco's surprise, he seemed to take much interest in the stuffed animals there especially. After checking out a few more stores together they found themselves at the food court, each with chili cheese dogs and a milkshake each, Tom carefully taking a bite out of his chili dog before woolfing it down quickly, making marco laugh as he got chili all over his face. This was nice. Marco felt actually content and Tom was enjoying himself, no more freaking out, no mom making him feel embarrassed. Tom was even laughing, asking questions about the mall and karate in general, Star liked karate well enough but seeing Tom invested and curious about it and what Marco did kinda got him excited. Finally, someone who seemed genuinely interested in the art! Though the conversation about hands and arm stance was interrupted as a blonde on a skateboard rushed by their table, stopping marco mid-sentence to stare at her, tom looking back as well before looking at marco who immediately tried to avert his gaze from the girl. Tom blinked at marco before his lips fascinated a smile marco didn't like, Tom leaning on one of his hands now as his arm perched up on the table. "Skateboard girl huh? Y'know....I never would've guessed, but I can totally see it....". Marco quietly sipped on his milkshake as he adverted his eyes away from tom who tapped him on the shoulder, "I'm not making fun, ok? You don't have to talk about her if you don't want I know we don't know each other THAT well I'm just saying...". "I don't know what you're talking about...", marco said, lying out of his teeth. "Dude, I know what that look is, i'm not stupid....you saw her and you were totally checking her out....like c'mon now, it's cool dude....you didn't think It was weird that I might like Star so...you can talk about it if you want to". Marco gulped, and let out a deep breath in defeat. "Her name is Jackie Lynn Thomas...". "Hmm?". Marco sighed as he put his drink down, "I've liked her since elementary school....and I've never asked her out....", he felt another rush of embarrassment overwhelm him as he reached behind his head, "I really like her...ok? I think she's cool, but....I don't think she really notices me...I'm trying to come up with a plan to ask her out but....I've been delaying trying to y'know....do it?". Tom's smile faded quickly as he leaned on the table to look Marco in the eyes, "Elementary school?". "Yeah...since we were 4 practically...". "Wow....you do have it bad...". He blushed harder, "Don't tell her or anything...don't tell star i've been delaying either, I always tell her i'm getting started on the plan but if she ever found out i'm delaying, she'll probably force me to hang out with jackie to make sure I do it.". Tom could read the distress on Marco's face and seemed to get it, "Tom, I'm just not sure she'll even like me, ok? We don't really talk that much or interact in general...I mean....you saw me today, I screw up talking to you, I'm a loser who sits in my room all day, I get beaten up by a child....Jackie might....she might think I'm pathetic....I'm sure I look pathetic...". "I don't think you're pathetic...", Marco's eyes looked over to Tom, whose face was entirely serious, before leaning his face on the table, "C'mon, don't lie to me here, you haven't even known me for that long and all you hear about me is how i'm a nerd who can't even get his red belt and can barely work up the nerve to talk to his crush. I was so upset earlier because I really didn't want to look stupid in front of you and....If i look stupid in front of you there's no way Jackie will think I'm cool...". "You were worried about me not wanting to be friends with you because of stuff like that?". Marco nodded against the table. "Dude, Like, I know we haven't known each other that long but...I don't think It's stupid you like a girl or spent a lot of time in your room or lose sometimes....I mean...I'm kinda the same way...", Marco peeled his face off the table to look tom directly in the eyes as he rubbed his cheek, "Like Of course I sat in my room because well...I didn't have anyone to hang out with but...yeah there's this girl....I like....and..I really screwed up with her...and I know I should move on but I...still feel like I love her and.....it's complicated....". "You didn't have an elaborate plan to date her did you?", Tom almost laughed, though marco was dead serious. "No, no elaborate plan...though....I did have an elaborate plan to like....win her back and prove to her I'd be a great boyfriend...and....", he drifted off but Marco seemed to get the picture, "Y'know...I think it's kinda touching...you're so willing to talk about this with me...I assume it's probably really personal and weird to be sharing with someone you haven't known so long...". "Maybe but......I've never really met anyone whose uh....gone through something like this before...so...I guess I couldn't really help it. Sorry if that's weird, I'm still struggling with this whole "Friend" thing so I might not be sure what I'm doing half the time or if it's ok to do...i think we're both trying so hard to not make things weird or screw up with each other we're making it harder to just....talk and get to know each other...we're so socially awkward..", Tom almost laughed it off, but instead he seemed more nervous then anything, shielding his eyes, "Just...let's promise not to make each other feel weird about the dating thing....it's uh...yeah I'm kinda guilty of wanting someone but not being sure of ever winning them over either...". "Sounds to me like we have more in common then I though, but....yeah, I promise...just uh...don't tell anyone about my crush....i'm already pretty embarrassed as is...". Tom snorted, "I won't...if you won't tell anyone as well.", marco nodded before holding out his hand, tom staring at it for a bit before taking it and marco shook their hands. "Uh....well..Karate starts in a bit if you wanna get on over there? You don't have to though you could always do more shopping or something...". But tom shook his head before pounding a fist into the palm of his other, "Oh no no no, I wanna see you fight this jeremy kid, and if he gives you any trouble...he'll hear about it from me...". "Oh uh, that's not necessary tom...", tom's face dropped, but then Marco thought back to the time Jeremy hid gold knuckles in his glove to cheat hi sway to the top and shook his head, "Uh well...nevermind, we'll see, maybe some other time", though Tom didn't seem so sure himself. They cleaned up their areas and tom grabbed their bags as they headed over to the mall dojo, tom taking a seat on the bleachers inside as marco went to change, looking over all the students who seemed mostly younger then marco. Wow, not even in his own class did marco have any friends of his own age, that kinda seemed to suck, though it didn't take tom long to point out the kid who was probably Jeremy. Considering he had a butler following him and looked too full of himself to be anyone BUT Jeremy, geez no wonder marco didn't like him. Jeremy seemed to spot Tom out of the corner of his eye, before looking creeped out and going back to practicing his kicks, Tom never came here before now, he probably did look strange for that reason. He awkwardly sat there, only to be relieved when Marco returned, handing over the bag with his clothes for Tom to watch over. "So yeah, just keep an eye on my stuff, and you can watch I guess.....", Tom awkwardly gave Marco a smile and thumbs up, "Kick his ass....you got this, just uh.....imagine you're trying to impress jackie." Marco snorted as he headed back for the lesson, Tom smiling to himself as he watched Marco learn moves and fight the other students. Marco WAS pretty good. He seemed to hold his own pretty well, blocking most hits and kicks and winning against every opponent he was against. Tom was more then impressed, Marco probably thought he'd be bored sitting here and waiting for his lessons to be finished but Tom honestly couldn't keep his eyes off marco. Marco seemed more at ease seeing Tom practically cheer him on as well, It was rather nice, though as his next and last fight came up he felt that happiness quickly devolve. Jeremy was a spoiled little brat who cheated his way into everything, in fact marco was darn sure the kid wasn't even that great at karate, he was sure he bought his way here by paying people to lose and cheating his way past the ones who refused. Honestly the only reason Jeremy probably hadn't been kicked from the class is because he had so much money and had so much power that Sensei refused to get rid of him because he's probably the only reason this place was still in business. Jeremy smirked before motioning to Tom, chilling in his seat and snorting, "Whose the new kid diaz? Is he your boyfriend or something?". Marco made a face, before looking at Tom, and then back to the kid. Tom didn't seem to have heard anything, "Uh...no, he's a friend, y'know, the kind thing you have to pay people to even be?". The kid snorted at him, "OOOO, Diaz is so scared to get beaten up he's trying to make me sad, nice try...but i'm not going easy on you for your boyfriend back there." "He's not my-ugh.....whatever, bring it on jeremy...". Honestly Marco thought the fight was actually going well for a short bit, he managed to block jeremy rather well and avoided a specific kick jeremy had definitely intended to hit the boy's groin. He was pretty sure that was not in the rules at all either, and marco scoffed in his mind about sensei not disqualifying the kid almost instantly for that one. though the next move really got under Marcos's skin as he dodged another kid only for the boy to hit him directly in the face, knocking him to the ground. He swore he heard Tom audibly gasp in his seat as marco felt his face, yep, he put something in his glove again, and it HURT. Jeremy was pumping his fists in the fair, feeling incredibly victorious, but that didn't last much longer till tom practically jumped down to confront the boy on this, only stopped by sensei before he could, "Whoa whoa, easy there....Diaz...you ok?". Marco sat up, rubbing the side of his face, "I...think so? But.....jeremy-". Only for the adult to cross his arms, "Diaz, if you're about to accuse him of breaking any rules again I told you I haven't found any proof...no more of that without it ok?". Marco huffed in frustration as Tom stepped forward, past the man and glared at jeremy. "Marco has a mark on his face, that kid in no way should've been able to hurt him THAT badly, are you seriously not going to look into this?", tom looked rather furious though jeremy snorted at Tom's insistence, "Maybe i'm not stronger, maybe marco is just a weak baby like he's always been, I've been kicking his buts for ages....just because I won doesn't mean I cheated.". Tom clutched his fists before sensei stood between the two, "Hold on kid, I'm sorry if Diaz got hurt but if you think jeremy really cheated then....do you have any proof yourself?". "Check his glove then....". "Hmm?". "Check the glove he used to hit marco...", Tom insisted, "Make sure there was no foul play...though he did hit marco in the face which is kinda already pretty bad..like I don't know karate but shouldn't hitting Marco in the face be considered an unfair win?.". Jeremy shot a look at Tom, but Tom was quick to grab his glove from him and sure enough, a bunch of metal rings popped out of it and onto the floor. Some of the other people among the seats gasped, others seemed entirely unsurprising by this at all, especially the other students, guess they were just as aware as marco about his cheating that they were unfazed. Jeremy squeaked as Tom walked over and pulled Marco up onto his feet before grabbing his stuff and running out as his butler carefully walked behind him. "Well, lessons are done a bit early today then....I better go find the kid....cya soon Diaz..",swaety and embarrassed for how incompetent he now looked in front of the parents and adults who came to watch their kids, Sensei followed them out quickly in his bare feet as Marco rubbed his hurt face and looked to tom. "Wow....you...actually might've gotten him to take action against him....but....how did you? Like I kept trying everything it feels like...", only for Tom to just shrug. "I mean....I guess i'm more direct is all...not like he can lie if I expose him out front of everyone....but c'mon that was totally not cool....no 8 year old with a lousy punch like that should've knocked you to the ground.". Marco quickly found himself smiling, "Thanks for sticking up for me...even though i said not to get involved....maybe Jeremy will finally stop cheating against me...". Though in his heart he didn't seem to totally believe that, in fact more then likely this would only give jeremy more of a reason to torment him after this, especially if he really thought Tom and him were in on it together and were a team in general. Though for now, he seemed more then happy as tom grabbed their things as people cleared out, tom surprised to see the other kids give him high fives on their way out. "Well....so much for karate....", marco sighed, as the dojo cleared out, grabbing his clothes and pulling out his phone to tell his mom. Tom placed  his hand on the phone and pushed it down though, "Hey...I had a great time...I...I'll come again in the future, uh....sorry about ending it early.....it's just...wow that kid was out of line on you...". Marco snorted, "Well, if lessons are much easier and less stressful from now on, then I guess i can't be that upset....but uh...shouldn't we go home?". "Well...I was thinking, could I treat you to some frozen drinks? To celebrate your first win against that jeremy kid? Besides maybe you want something cold to lean against your.....cheek?", marco rubbed the side of his face and nodded, "Hey....thanks for caring so much and not making fun of me today....I was kinda worried maybe...well yeah.". The taller boy snorted as he fixed his jacket, "It's cool, we'll get used to it right? Talking to each other and getting more comfortable?". "Yeah...sounds good.". Heading, out, the two butted against each other, laughing as they watched Sensei chase the 8 year old all over the mall.
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moviestorian · 5 years
Queen on Fire - Live at the Bowl 1982 concert (Hot Space Tour) LIVEBLOGGGGGGGG
As promised! :) Initially I was supposed to go directly from Montreal to Wembley, but dear @his-majesty-king-mercury convinced me to do Live at the Bowl before, and I’m glad she did!
Background: The concert is dated at June 5, 1982. As I wrote in the title, it was part of the Hot Space tour and was initially supposed to be played at Arsenal Stadium in Highbury. A day before the gig Freddie had a nasty fight with his then-boyfriend who had bitten him between a thumb and forefinger.
Let’s begin! - ugh Hot Space - but hey, it's gonna be fun! It's Queen, and Queen always puts the bestest live shows! - oh wowzie, this is mah first liveblog since April, long time not seen right? - my pizza's ready, my coffee's ready, my dip is ready - I think I can start watching now - Ooo wow, this concert lasts an hour and 43 minutes? I would die if I had to play on stage for that long - I can already feel the enthusiasm!!! The ENERGYYYY - FLASH AAAAAAHHH AHHHH - they're leaving the plane and look so hella cuuute - oh hi Crystal! oh hi Phoebe! Great to see you all! - gotta say... Freddie's outfit is fabulous. - Brian: plays the guitar and jumps the Crowd: HELL YEAH - I'm only 3 minutes in and my current mood is: fuck the critics whoever trashed Queen and disrespected their music skills - WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU - I love the fast version, slaps 100 times harder than the studio version - Deaky looks awesome in blue, I mean I already noticed that when I watched Rock Montreal, but let me reiterate - It's only been 5 minutes but let me tell you...not enough zooms for Roger - Freddie's in a good shape and form... not that I'm surprised - ROGER - cute red little scarf on mah boi's neck - THE FIRST FREDDIE AND ROG INTERACTIONS, I LIVE, I'M HAPPY - "hello everybody" "hey hey hey" good time to miss Freddie - Action This Time... Anyone surprised that it sounds better live than on the album? - ROGER'S VOCALS HOTDAMN - Brian's hair is floofy as usual... why am I acting like it's an unusual thing - I really really miss hearing Freddie and Roger together... POWER DUO - the synths get introduced... I neither love nor hate it tbh - okay not Queen related but the pizza is not bad, for a frozen one - Freddie, you feeling too hot for that jacket? And you Deaky, too? Get undressed, babes, I certainly don't mind - Play the Game! I love this song... Also Freddie playing on a piano is a blessing to us all - He really puts his soul into this one... Bless this man - Brian's backing vocals always sound so soft... My tenor angel - THANK FRICKING GOD THE SYNTHS IN THE BACKGROUND ARE BARELY AUDIBLE - LOL FREDDIE - he put a towel on his head I'm XDDDD what a legend - this and the famous plastic bag is a thrilling saga - AAAAA YOOOO - LMAO at Freddie throwing his...water?beer? at the audience - *Hot Space apologist speech* :P - we're at the funky part, I guess... - Brian and John's synchronized movements :)))) - ah okay it's Staying Power... I forgot what the song sounds like - Roger in black... I'm swooning - Roger has a nice closeup view on Freddie's butt, I mean back :D - This is not bad, but I'm gonna bet that I'll forget what this song sounds like again in less than two hours - John's haircut is cute and adorbs :D - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - Somebody to Love!!!!!!!!!!!!! - The intro...sounds so sublime, soft, and raw at the same time - I love that it sounds slightly different, depending on the concert - This is really emotional... We shall see how it goes, but so far it surpasses even the god tier Montreal version! - Forgive me for not saying too much now... I'm fully sunk in the sheer beauty of this sincere performance - Love Roger's drumming and the crowd clapping to the beat! - "I like it" ME TOO FREDDIE - I wish we could hear Roger a tiny bit better! I love the crescendo part - That was beautiful :') - Now I'm Here!!!! asjgashasashjgas - I love it when they perform it at higher speed - The jumping crowd fairly represents what my brain cells currently look like - I hella love Roger's drumming in this song - well not just this song but y'know - Freddie...what was that??? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THAT FINGER??? - hehe you can tell that Brian's very into it :D - Brian trying to get Roger's attention... Rog is, however, fully dedicated to his drums :D - Freddie lying down after the song is a post-exercise or post-dinner mood - "Let's play a game" YES SIR - yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah - "Go pretty boy, go" I'm SOFT - hear that bassline? YES ME TOO - (it's Dragon Attack if anyone's wondering) - Freddie Mercury: lead singer AND fitness instructor - wish I could make some screencaps, alas I'm watching this online so it would take too much effort so here we are - Fred, let BRIAN PLAYYYY nooo don't distract him! - out of context those cuts and shots look like John is jealous of Freddie and Roger XDDD this is gif and meme worthy (around 39 minute) - btw probably no one is interested because you came here for the Queen concert liveblog, but I got my period and I'm starting to feel it - IT SUCKS - ooooo Brian speaking! His voice is so soothing, I could listen to him all day and it would probably calm my nerves - acoustic guitar...I'm already in - WHY SO QUIET THOUGH - Love of My Life, I'm cry - Everyone's singing along from the very first line... this is beautiful - Everyone united by this song's pure beauty :))))) I'm not crying you are - Do you sometimes think about Brian playing the acords for this gorgeous track and there is no Freddie sitting beside him? - Yeah, I hate myself for that thought too - I might be a little bit emotional - No wonder it was this particular song was the one that finally convinced Bri's father to FINALLY accept his son's career - Brian's gentle smile I'm :') :') :') - *clap clap clap clap* SAME - We're at Save Me now... Are we doing a crying compilation or what? - This is almost as bad as the Queen Forever album I recently bought.. TOO EMOTIONAL - Don't get me wrong, I ADORE Save Me - But this is too much - Almost 50 minutes in and Freddie's voice is still STRONG AS A BELL - Remember what I said about the "fuck the critics" mood? Yeah the mood is back - Even the cute Roger/Freddie interaction almost makes me cry I'm agsahjhsAAAAAAAAA - I need a more lighthearted now BLEASE - I'm a tough cookie but when I have Queen feels very little can help! - Is this Back Chat? OH GOD - Please bring me back to the crying mode, I DIDN'T MEAN THIS - (I'm sorry Fidan and all the Back Chat fans over there, I'm not a huge fan of this song :-*) - We get a nice view on Roger's back, though *Lenny face* - The synths sound like a main theme for some mystery-drama tv show from the 1980s XDDD - I forgot how long this song is... - Get Down Make Love *insert Lenny face again* - Okay I gotta admit... lyrically this song is a mess and borderline cringey in the first verse, but I really like it musically - I GIVE YOU HEAT - I GIVE YOU MEAT *three Lenny faces* - Okay, let's just listen to the song and pretend we all forgot the English language, maybe? - That mid parts always makes me feel like I'm about to be abducted by aliens - Thank God I don't do drugs, I would start thinking I might be hallucinating - I assume that Brian's guitar solo starts now? - Nice intro! - And Roger gets time to breathe, the boy needs his oxygen - Actually, this may be one my favourite of Brian's guitar solos? - Brighton Rock :))))))))))))))) - Brian's hands are very pretty - oh noooooo - an error? - poor Bri - that disappointed guy who screamed "No" when the guitar stopped playing :D - thankfully he issue quickly got solved! - hi Roger, nice to see you back <3 - It's Roger's time to shine! - YEs, Under Pressure! - The Montreal version is gonna be hard to beat, though - Let's see - uu I like Fred's red jacket! - ...do you have any shirt underneath, though? Naughty boi - he does not LOL - "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH" - let me tell you again...Roger's mic is definitely not turned loud enough - This is great but still, I prefer the Montreal one - That beer always amuses me XD - Freddie, you want us to slap your ass? - Oh no, he's just announcing Fat Bottomed Girls XDDDD - "I was just a skinny lad" the editing team: cuts to the camera angle which shows Brian first and Freddie after him - Roger's "oooh" is funny because he's really into it :D :D :D - Freddie is now a pole dancer, he changed profession - The crowd, always cheering when Freddie gets undressed :P - I sense Crazy Little Thing Called Love incoming! - yes it is Crazy Little Thing! - Freddie's joke about the three guitar cords XDDD - This song always slaps - "she drives me crazYY" - ReAdY fReDdIe - FREDDIE PLS STOP FCKING YOUR GUITAR - this is pretty - BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY YEAH - he sounds so soft :)))) - and now so raw - "Momma UwU" - can't unsee this fricking meme now ajsdhjgdhjds - My favourite guitar solo :')))) - they actually played the video??? - I miss spaniel haired Deaky tbh - *instense drumming* *fireworks* - Oh Brian is wearing this cool shirt he also wore in Montreal! - jumpy Deaky...too bad you can onnly see him from the distance - GONG - that was sexy - Roger hitting that gong in the black outfit is sexier than shirtless Rog hitting the gong, change my mind - TIEE YOUR MOTHER DOWN TIEE YOUR MOTHER DOWN - There's only some 15 minutes left... The time always passes so quickly when I'm watching a Queen concert - Another One Bites the Dust! I've been waiting for thiiiis - Deaky: happy jump - He knows it's his time to shine - wait a second, when did Roger change his shirt? - I need a good closeup - Freddie be like *imma slap my thigh now* - ooo I see Roger's Japanese shirt now! It's pretty cool! - Brian looks great too - Those flashing light are kinda migraine-inducing, thankfully I don't have an aura today - SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER heartattack - Looks like Freddie is flirting with Red Special :P - they're going absolutely crazy XD - WE WILL ROCK YOU DRUMLINE INTENSIFIES - LOL the sombrero on Freddie's head :P - ups mr editor dropped a frame - And now we're truly heading towards the end... I'm gonna start associating We Are the Champions with farewells soon - Well done, boys - I know I say it every single time - But you can't stress this enough - :)))) I'm glad I did this liveblog - They look exhausted but very satisfied :))) - Bye bye!
Next time I’ll be doing Wembley 1986, hopefully soon!
Tagging all the people who expressed their wish to read my ramblings. :) Enjoy!
@his-majesty-king-mercury, @x5vale, @radio-ha-ha, @mephisto92, @39-brian, @melisa-may-taylor72, @silapril, @kitty-rushes-in, @lydiannode, @an-abyss-called-life, @litsy-kalyptica, @importantmuggoophero, I hope I didn’t forget anyone! ^^ Comments are nicely welcome! :3
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shinovii · 5 years
Was today rather gloomy or tiring for you? Well regardless, it's all good when you're hyped up on a double feature of new episodes! Goodness do I miss these!
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I just know I'm really excited to give my impressions when we get a Lucy episode to start things off! Good to know I'm not making a "Grave Mistake" with these! No way I can let something like this slip by me, so let's get started!!!
It was a dark and cold night....the graveyards were filled with dread and sorrow......and a bunch of goth kids sitting in chairs? Yes, the Mortician's Club is having a meeting, and surprising news has come up! Bertrand, the president of the club is moving away, meaning someone has to take his place in charge. Lucy, after having expressed her feelings about the result to Lincoln, feels quite confident that she'd be selected as the next prez, but that soon gets dashed as Haiku has been chosen to run the Mortician's Club. Disappointed and outright confused, Lucy proclaims that she's quite capable of being in charge and wishes to be president. Bertrand, after a bit of deliberation, decides to put it to a vote, and thus the run for the top spot begins!
Yes! This was quite a nice episode! Giving Lucy an episode involving her and the Mortician's Club was a good idea, as it opens more of a light on her activities outside of the family. She was seen in more assertive go-getter role while still keeping her usual personality. Also nice seeing Lincoln fill the sidekick role in this episode, being the helpful big brother that he is (well, as helpful as our lovable goofball can be), which also resulted in the most "out there" attire for him yet (was the goth outfit from "Space Invader" destroyed in the wash or something? lol). Gotta say though, this episode felt a bit too fast-paced in some scenes, almost as if it wanted to rush to the closing moments, not that it seriously detracted from the overall quality of this episode. Speaking of, boy did the closing moments show a surprising level of over-the-top antics (I'd question how, but I know not to do that with cartoon logic). Nevertheless, it ended on a somber, yet sweet note, leaving me quite satisfied with how good this episode was.
Also, is it just me or did they make Haiku a bit more adorable this time around?
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Ohhh Leni......what can an episode like this do to keep me hyped?
Simple answer: A lot!!! Shall we begin with a look into the retail world in "Leader of the Rack"!
We join our three mall amigos, Leni, Fiona, and Miguel, out on a lunch break before getting back to work. Unfortunately, they're much too exhausted after being run ragged by their boss, Ms. Carmichael. After an.....odd lunch mix choice by Miguel, the trio are called back into work for a staff meeting. Fortunately, this works in their favor as Ms. C is off to represent them in a......sock folding conference (Wha?), and so must leave the store with a temporary manager. Said position then falls onto none other than........Leni, with enthusiastic responses from her coworkers!!! There's just one problem: with how much Ms. C was running the trio ragged, Leni worries that her work buddies may not like how she may run the place. Thankfully, with some helpful advice from Lori, Leni takes her new managerial role in a new direction.....a fun one (not fon)! Question is, will it be enough?
If my hype level wasn't high enough, this one just shot it high off the charts!!! Between Leni's bubbly cheerfulness and her friend's upbeat energy, I couldn't stop smiling from how damn energetic this episode was! Being a manager in retail has got to be extremely tiresome (both for the manager and the workers), and it really shows early on! Thankfully Leni being a "funager" had to be a good morale booster in workplace efficiency, showing us that......apparently Leni can take charge in leadership! I love this, Leni is being shown that she's capable of higher level work, giving her more to her character than what we've seen before (not to mention she seems to pick up on things a lot quicker now. Good detail!). Of course, we know hijinks can occur and it can really get out of hand. By the ending moments, it was nice seeing how Leni learned to handle her position and do what needs to be done. It ended well and I loved this episode so much! Definitely watching again!!
Also, can I just say that....
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I like Fiona a whole lot now!!! Just when I thought I was cool liking Carol Pingrey a lot (and I still do! Give her more screentime!), Fiona just made it to that level for me!
I really love making these posts, it was a great way to spend Labor Day! Hopefully the next batch of episodes will be even better! Plus we got The Casagrandes in October, my goodness is this half of the year going strong!!! Until next time everybody, and stay Loud and Proud!!!
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.23 (Last Year’s Model)
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“You like me, you really like me”. She didn’t say this but I feel this is the perfect description for this picture lol
- The Mcguire family’s got mail! Besides the generic ones like bills, Matt receives a letter that contains a $50 gift certificate from his grandma, Gammy Mcguire for his birthday. 
- But she seemed to forget when Matt’s birthday is because she had already gifted him his present 7 months ago. I still would like to see Gammy actually appear on-screen and interact with her family. But we are never going to get that I’m afraid. 
- As for Lizzie, she asks her mom if she could participate in a fashion show organised by ‘Teen Attitude’ magazine. If she’s chosen by them, she will receive $500 worth of merchandise. I would definitely want to do that fashion show just for the perks. Her mom seems to be on board as long as she does her homework and stops picking on Matt.
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Lizzie says sure but we all know that she’s not going to do one of the two promises lol
Lizzie The Runway Model
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Remember when fashion shows back then were all fun and joyful and the models always used to spin around? Nowadays, most models just look so miserable.
- Gordo seems to be on-board with the whole modeling thing for Lizzie, mostly because of the $500. Isn’t he the type of person who views modeling as superficial? I also wonder why Miranda wasn’t interested in trying out for the fashion show?
- Mr. Dig, their substitute teacher suddenly interrupts their conversation and went off on a tangent by talking about the time he gave advice to a model by the name of Colette Romana, whose face was broken when an elephant sat on her face in Nairobi.....okayyy
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Mr. Dig is really odd but I do appreciate his honesty with the kids when it comes to life lessons 
- Next, we move on to the ‘Styling’ and Sassy’ fashion show! Lizzie’s parents, her friends and even Kate Sanders plus Ethan Craft are in the audience. Can I just say that Lizzie totally rocked the runway!? She really fits the typical girl-next-door look the fashion show was trying to showcase and not to mention, I love the fact that an S Club 7 song (Everybody Wants Ya) is playing in the background too!
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Work that twirl girlfriend!
- Kate is clearly jealous that she couldn’t do the fashion show because she had to go to a funeral. Wow Kate, way to hit a new low this time. But I must say; Kate would’ve have been great for this because she certainly has the height for the runway. 
Everybody Is Acting Weird Around Lizzie
- After the fashion show, Lizzie tells her friends that she was asked to do another fashion show due to her amazing performance. Gordo then makes a joke with her, reminding her to not forget about them when she becomes famous and all of a sudden, Lizzie forgets his name when addressing him...umm what? Hope she wasn’t kidding when she did that.
- After that, we see this girl who sat with Kate and Ethan in the fashion show approach Lizzie and invites her to her dad’s clubhouse to hang out in the hot tub and watch the new Backstreet Boys DVD. This show is definitely old lmao!
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Okay, this girl’s name is Jessica. I had to fast forward to figure that out.
- Lizzie hesitates to say yes because she already made plans with Gordo and Miranda to watch a movie but turns out, both her friends are very eager to join Lizzie at the country club and hang out with the popular kids. Even Gordo!
- We are then taken to the clubhouse and our trio is seen chilling in the hot tub. Gordo is mostly enjoying the free food being served. I can definitely relate to him. What’s surprising me right now is how Kate’s acting all cool and friendly in front of Lizzie.
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What a sudden change in attitude! She’s now acting as if Lizzie is a legit celebrity, which she isn’t. I don’t get it.
- It’s not just with Kate; Miranda is also acting different around Lizzie. She offers to bring a drink over to Lizzie and basically recites the entire drinks menu. She’s acting like Lizzie’s personal assistant. But wow, Miranda actually seems to have a great memory when it comes to listing things out. 
- Back at the hot tub, Gordo is talking to Jessica and tells her he has videos of Lizzie that he has shot for his short films/documentaries. He offers to come over to her house to show her some of them to which she says yes, as long as he brings Lizzie along. 
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Why is Gordo the only one wearing shades? It’s either he has sensitive eyes or he just wants to look cool, which isn’t something Gordo would do
- And just like that, Lizzie is going to watch videos at Jessica’s on Sunday night without agreeing to it. On top of that, she’s apparently going dancing at the ‘Shango Tango’ on Saturday night with them as well. Basically, they want to use Lizzie’s status as a model to grant them access to these places. She did one fashion show and they’re acting like she’s Gigi Hadid or whatever lol
Lizzie’s Famous Now
- At school, everyone is just staring at Lizzie everywhere she goes. Even Kate goes up to her and compliments her outfit and accessories. 
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“My earrings match my eyes?”. This line is definitely memorable to me. 
- Plus, it seems like the tables have turned because Lizzie and Ethan have literally switched characters. When Lizzie is talking to him about an English test they just took, he’s acting like the old Lizzie when she’s around him; all awkward and fidgety. 
- Lizzie notices all of this and tells her friends how everyone is acting so different around her. Miranda and Gordo doesn’t view this as a negative; They like the fact that people are noticing them now and inviting them to all sorts of special events/parties. 
- After running away from the other students who were all just staring at her still, Lizzie hides in a room where Mr. Dig is and he then takes a picture of Lizzie to have it signed so he can sell it to his nephew...and niece. Well, putting that aside, Lizzie rants to her teacher how everyone and even her best friends are treating her differently nowadays since the fashion show. 
- Mr. Dig suggests to Lizzie that she should treat them like how a celeb diva would and treat them like dirt. This is to remind them that they are her friends and not her posse. 
Lizzie Brings Out Her Inner Diva
- Gordo and Miranda arrive at Lizzie’s house and Lizzie commences “Operating Superstar Brat” by acting like a total diva towards her friends. She’s even dressed up like one from head to toe. 
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Even worse, Gordo and Miranda follow her orders and starts to bark like dogs, albeit their execution was a little sloppy lol.
- Soon after, Lizzie drops her act and tells her friends that they have changed. They clearly realise this and promise to Lizzie that things will go back to normal and they won’t act like her posse anymore. But the problem is, everyone else is still treating her differently. And this is the solution she came up with:
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To act like a complete and utter fool on the runway. 
- I have to give props to Lizzie for having the courage to dress up like this and act this way in front of an audience. But if I were her, I wouldn’t want to give up a modeling contract with a popular magazine just because people are acting differently around me. I mean, I would at least give it more time to see if the situation would improve. Most of all, I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself publicly like how Lizzie did here. 
- Also, she didn’t have to include this dumb confrontation between her and Miranda. It just wasn’t necessary.
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Y’all didn’t need to fight. The fashion show was already ruined when Lizzie started scratching her butt lol
B-Plot: Matt Goes Shopping
- Sam and Jo brings Matt and Lanny to the hardware/electronics store to shop for things he can get with the $50 gift certificate. Lanny gravitates towards the massage chair but it’s way too expensive. We then get a montage of the boys and Matt’s parents trying out different products at the store to the song, ‘Shopping’ by the Pet Shop Boys. It’s a pretty catchy song if you ask me. 
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My favorite part of the montage is when they reference back to the Austin Powers’ villains, Dr. Evil and Mini-Me 
- Matt spots a hammock priced at $75 and he thinks it’s perfect for him. Even though it costs $25 more, Lanny is able to cover the rest because he’s earning money from his website. My question is, what kind of content is in Lanny’s website anyways?
- Back in the Mcguires’ backyard, Matt and Lanny are busy assembling the hammock they just bought but unfortunately for them, they got less than stellar results:
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Exhibit A
- They are back at the store again and they want to return the hammock and get a refund. However, the store clerk, who is being a total prick tells them that they can’t get a refund on sale items. Okay fine but he needs to watch his tone when talking to customers. And he even called Sam an ‘old timer’. The disrespect! Sheeesh!
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And the award for worst customer service goes to...
- Sam leaves behind Matt and Lanny to talk to the manager and afterwards, we see the two boys doing the absolute right thing by playing a prank on the useless employee who is walking on the treadmill. They proceed to tape his hands onto both handles and increase the speed on the treadmill. I’m not the one to agree with pranking others but this guy really deserved it.
Overall Thoughts
- This is yet again, a very entertaining episode. I love how the story was very Lizzie-centric this time and it did not disappoint. I mean, it was a little outrageous how EVERYONE was acting and treating Lizzie like a total A-lister after appearing in one fashion show. It’s like they assumed that everybody reads ‘Teen Attitude’ magazine.
- It kinda got me to think that maybe after the events of The Lizzie Mcguire Movie, I would assume that everyone at school would treat her similarly because she did perform a hit song in front of millions of people in Italy, which I’m sure it caught the attention of US mainstream media.
- Besides that, the soundtrack of this episode was incredible! I had to look up the songs on YouTube because they were so catchy. Lastly, Matt’s storyline was pretty insignificant in this episode and it didn’t really provide me with anything besides some physical comedy.
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