kibblenoodlesnail · 5 months
An au I made called, Lunars mistake,
Lunar wanting to see what he could do ended up hitting his older brothers
Now said older brothers are his younger brothers
Will Lunar and Earth get them back to normal before BloodMoon finds out?
Well, we'll have to find out
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Solar doesn't really talk,
Eclipse is always near solar
Sun is always near Moon
Separate the four, hell will break loose
Solar likes being picked up
Solar is autistic
Eclipse is autistic
Moon has ADHD
Sun has ADHD
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kaijuree · 3 months
may I ask about cowbell/revolver
if not use this as a free pass for
whatever else :D
so so cowbell is like. imagine the ceo of texas like the most american white guy you've ever laid eyes upon. thats him
hes also 5 foot exactly & wide as a brick. he has heels on his boots to make him 5,1 & he will get mad if you point out the fact he wears heels
he also has a man purse. a satchel. its a man purse with his manly stuff like cologne & shoe shine & cigarettes...
now time for the juicy lore filled stuff!!
he sees pulse as his best friend. like. genuinely. he thinks shes so fucking cool (hes never met a lesbian before her) & has like. gone on 'work trips' aka vacations with her & even mentioned her & tried introducing her to his family. but she thinks hes bluffing or also trying to use her (shes using him & their alliance to benefit her image etc) so they'll like take a trip to a fair & she thinks him asking to take photos & then putting those photos in his wallet is him using her. he has pictures of himself & her on holiday framed in his office. he does not like subspace tho. he thinks hes weird as shit & too...bold. he doesnt like him but he doesnt voice that opinion because pulse loves him & he doesn't wanna ruin their relationship.
anyways take this (cowbell inviting pulse over for xmas with his family, artistic depiction by my partner, @clovergeneral)
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
You asked for it luv
*crack fingers*
Seriously though ily/plat and your ideas
So atm I'm currently building on my BittyBaker!Au, with a side blog to go with it. Atm I've decided I want these baked Bitties deliciously any flavour you can find them in.
This AU it's definitely Cookie Run Kingdom inspired, as I've made an OC sans to be the 'Witch'-- whom bakes these little decadent goods with the power of a mysterious patron. (Meee)
The OC I currently plan at first having him be really cold about the little snack Bitties he bakes, but eventually he'll have an entire Arc where he really gets into baking these guys with love and care.
Still though, he doesn't see them as much as baked goods that he can monch on and sell occasionally. (He doesn't understand that the GBA marks him as A Bitty producer, as he can't really think of them like pets.)
Anyways Lunar ilyy I hope you're doing amazing and honestly I want to hear what's in your noggin too!!
I remember looking at the first post I saw of them and like AWEE he as smol as a cupcake!!
Also AWEEE I love when a character goes from cold hearted to a heart of gold!!
As for me, currently working on LemonareTale! Which is a post pacifist AU where Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk run a fairly successful lemonade stand! ^^
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Now I will eat your lore NOOOOMMM
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I’m SHOCKED that no one else has said anything
but Shelby’s area unknown character is so her orgins character before she died.
We know that her orgins character was a bunny that Wilbur killed so he’d have a friend. Her new AU character is a bunny!
Her character is going to live in a pumpkin house
She was even like I got to remember my character likes pumpkins not carrots.
In her bun hole their is a pumpkin with the same carving as her orgins characters pumpkin.
I know there the same I don’t need Shelby to tell me they are, I know.
I think I need to go watch some orgins smp vids and vods to see if theirs more hints
Everything she says about bun Shub is causing brain rot
Why did she run from New Jersey??
I looked up the meaning of the teeth falling out dream incase it told me more about her character.
I’m obsessed I keep drawing them.
I love all the new people Shelby’s interacting with im obsessed with them and gravel, guqqie, and Acho it’s delightful
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cyncerity · 2 years
um, how did Tommy meet ranboo in the epic au? Also how is the leaf/growth kingdom going v the decay/mold kingdom? What’s going on with ranboo?
ok, i was gonna just answer this with a normal answer, but here’s a story instead cause I really like how they met and wanted to start up the lore!! So I hope you like it!
tw: fear of death ig
Tommy was tired. He was tired of his shitty dad, his broken kingdom, and his horrible status as their practically bastard prince. He hated it all. He needed an escape, if just for a day. Somewhere where people didn’t freeze when they saw him, refusing to even look at him for fear of potentially angering a member of their royal family. Somewhere away from all the noise and obligation and far, far away from the kingdom he’d grown to hate that he’ll someday be forced to lead.
In retrospect, the Bogs may not have been the best option.
He trudged through the thick mud, tripping up on roots almost every other step, feet plastered with clay and weighing him down with every step. He panted and wiped the sweat from his brows, adrenaline the only thing keeping him from feeling the cold air around him. Yeah, definitely not the best option.
At first he’d been glad to get out of the harsh sun that seemed to shine fucking constantly in his forest, but past the border of the Bogs, there was nothing. Seriously, literally fucking nothing. He’d seen this area from afar before, known that this land was filled with nothing but rot and darkness, but fucking lord he didn’t think it would be this bad. Maybe there was a reason this place was illegal to enter.
Other than it’s, y’know, horrifying murderous residents.
That was the only real reason Tommy had thought it would be a bad idea to come here. No sun? Fine. Lots of mud? Sure, he can handle that. Terrifying creatures of rot that have been at odds with his own species for practically as long as he’s been alive and who his kingdom had fought one of the most brutal wars either side have ever fought with? Eh, best 2 out of 3.
In reality, that…really didn’t seem to be a problem. He hadn’t seen a boggin the entire time he’s been here. Hell, he hadn’t seen any sign that this section of the first was even lived in. At first he was afraid that meant an ambush could be coming, but at this point he’d take a potential kidnapping if it meant he’d get off his feet for a minute.
He wasn’t entirely sure how long he dragged himself through the mud, it had to have been the majority of the day at that point, but he eventually found a big enough log that led out of the mud and near to a tree with a decent sized hole in it. He could have cried in relief.
He hauled himself onto it, having to relent to crawling since he could no longer stand. He made his was across and collapsed into the hollowed out trunk, limbs shaking from exhaustion. He was…so fucking tired. He was sure that the second he stopped shaking, his adrenaline would wear off and the chill of the forest would return, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to pass out before or after then. God, would he have the strength to get back up if he passed out? How long has it been since he saw the sun, since he had any energy?
After only a few minutes, he’d been left practically paralyzed. He couldn’t lift his limbs and his eyelids were growing heavier by the second. He was helpless. He…he would die there, and no one would ever know what happened. Maybe the boggins would be kind enough to bury his body, though he doubted it. He’d just be another leafman lost in this dull, dead part of the forest, just like his m-
He was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a gust of air on his face, growling steadily heavier until it was strong enough to push back the petals on his head. He heard strong, loud wing beats, and through his barely opened eyes he could see a giant bird (bigger than any bird he saw back at home, anyway) landing on the log he used to get to the tree. Was he about to be eaten? God, why couldn’t he have passed out before he was mauled by a bird?
Instead, though, he saw a blurry figure hastily leap off the bird and run up to him. He couldn’t make out many details, but they were…dull. They matched their surroundings almost perfectly, muted tones of brown in their clothes and purple in their skin. The only off bit was their jacket, which seemed to be made of two contrasting fur tones, black on one side and white on the other.
“Oh shit, oh my god,” He heard them mumble as they moved closer, kneeling to the ground next to Tommy, taking him in their arms. They were…big. That was the next bit Tommy realized. Not huge, but noticeably a lot bigger than him, or anyone he’d met. Maybe only by a head or two, but even their hands were the size of Tommy’s chest. And even being so close to him now, Tommy’s vision had blurred enough that he couldn’t make out much of the rest of them. The stranger felt around under his chin and around his wrist, pressing down as their breathing started to grown frantic. “Oh god, ok, ok…” they said, trying to calm themselves down before tapping Tommy’s face. “I need a sign you’re still alive, if you can hear me at all. Can you give me a sign?”
Tommy was never usually one to take orders, but this seemed kind of important. Fuck stranger danger, this person was his only hope and he didn’t want to die here. He hated his dad, he hated his kingdom, he hated his future, but he didn’t hate his life. He had things to do, he had to grow and learn and be better. He had to practice magic to keep the forest balanced and safe, he was supposed to learn hand-to-hand combat with Techno, he was supposed to hang out with Tubbo tomorrow and help him with his shop, he couldn’t die.
He tried his best to muster any movement at all, anything to show his good samaritan that he was alive and needed help, that he wasn’t just a corpse to be left behind, but nothing. Not a twitch, a wink, nothing. The stranger above him sat patiently waiting for a sign that Tommy couldn’t give them, and he wasn’t sure how patient this person was. He wasn’t sure when they would give up and leave him to die. This couldn’t be happening. He had the chance to live, but his stupid fucking body couldn’t move without energy, and the sun was well hidden by the fucking bog trees. “oh god, you can’t be dead…” he heard the stranger whisper, voice quivering like they were about to cry as the arms around him started to shake.
Oh, like fucking hell he was dead.
Somehow, miraculously, he tapped into something as he barely managed to twitch a finger against the ground of the rotting tree. He heard the stranger gasp as a small vine pushed out of the ground, one that would have been imperceptible in his home forest but seemed to almost glow in its current dim brown surroundings. “Was…was that you…?” the stranger asked quietly, almost disbelievingly as the grip around Tommy grew slightly tighter. The vine wrapped itself around their ankle. ‘I’m alive. Help me, I’m alive.’ Tommy thought desperately.
Maybe through dumb luck, or telepathy (probably not but hey Tommy lived in a world of magic, he couldn’t be sure ), or a rare act of kindness from the universe, the stranger hooked their arms under Tommy and carried him out of the tree.
“Enderchest!! Over here, girl!” He heard yelled as the wing beats grew louder again. The blurry figure of the bird from earlier came closer and Tommy felt himself be set on the bird’s back as the stranger sat behind him, hoisting his body against him with one arm and grabbing a rope around the bird’s head with the other, flicking it as the bird took off into the sky. The petals on Tommy’s head subconsciously moved to shield his head from the harsh wind as the bird flew up, seemingly knowing exactly where to go. Tommy wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, only seeing the world in a blur of greys blacks and browns until suddenly he saw a blinding light. He felt warm, he felt heat hit his skin and almost immediately started feeling better. The harsh wind slowed as the bird picked a branch to land on above the treetops, still in direct sunlight. Tommy felt himself get lifted and leaned up against the trunk of the tree they were on as the stranger went back to the bird for a second, leaving Tommy to finally have the strength to open his eyes again.
Looking around, he was very high up. There were very few other other branches in the bog trees that could see the light. He felt the tree behind him and tried to put his weight on it so he could stand, but stumbled when his hand didn’t meet the solid wood he was expecting. He turned to see that the entryway was made of strings of wood beads that his hazy vision had mistaken to be part of the rest of the tree, and the inside was hallowed out and seemed oddly cozy and lived in.
“You ok?” He heard, and he quickly whipped around to see the stranger taking something from a small pouch sewn into the saddle of their bird, which Tommy now recognized as a Raven. He was a bit more concerned with the stranger, though.
As they walked back up to him, Tommy finally took notice of the sharp points on their arms, legs, and shoulders. He finally noticed the pointed ears, pointed teeth, almost disproportionate limbs, muted skin and frankly absurd amount of furs and bone jewelry.
He’d been rescued by a boggin.
‘Of course they’re a boggin’, he realized, ‘i’m in boggin territory, if anything would find me it’d be a fuckin boggin.’ Why were they being nice? Was it to make a false sense of security? They’d seemed so genuine when they first found him, but why would they actually want to help him? They’re enemies, boggins murder leafmen for fun, they’re crazy and dangerous, that’s why the Bogs were off limits-
Tommy froze as they came closer and kneeled in front of him, holding out a small canteen and smiling gently, if not somewhat awkwardly. Tommy hesitantly reached out and took it, undoing the cap and smelling it. Water, even still somehow cold and fresh. He momentarily forgot that he was in the presence of the enemy as he greedily drank it down, almost crying from relief as he felt himself grow stronger again but refusing to waste any of his hydration on things as useless as tears. The stranger sat smiling until Tommy hesitantly handed it back. “…thank you.” He mumbled, and the stranger nodded as they walked it back to their bird. “I have more if you want another?” “I’m good, thanks.” Tommy said, trying to remember any lessons Techno had taught him on manners and what he called “basic civil decency.” No one could say Tommy wasn’t raised to be polite (not to say he was, but he was certainly raised to be).
They seemed to be at kind of a standstill, Tommy refusing to start any sort of conversation for fear of potentially insulting someone that could definitely kill him if they wanted, and the stranger just kind of mindlessly fiddling with the straps on their bird to make it seem like they were doing something. Great. God, Tommy hated silence. Apparently, the stranger did, too.
“I’m glad you’re not dead.” They said, still not looking back at Tommy. “…why?” He couldn’t help but ask, immediately regretting it as the stranger turned to stare at him with a look of shock and confusion. “what??” they asked, and Tommy shrunk back on himself. “It’s just…y’know..you know what I am, right? I- I’m not…” “A boggin?” They finished, coming closer again. “Yeah, obviously. You’re from the bright side.” “The bright side?” The boggin nodded. “That’s what we call your side of the forest. You’re a leafman, right? I’ve never met one of you before, or gone to the bright side. And I’m guessing you’d never been to our side, either.” Tommy sighed. “How could you tell?” “I found you on the ground caked in mud. There’s a reason we all either live in the trees or underground; the forest floor here is a deathtrap. You’re lucky you didn’t run into a bobcat or something. Actually, i’m not sure if they’d even be interested in you since you’re a plant and they’re carnivores, so…” they continued on prattling as Tommy made the connection. Ah, so that’s why the forest looked so uninhabited and no one saw him. Everyone just knew to stay off the ground.
“So how did you find me?” Tommy interrupted, and Ranboo laughed. “Dude, everything here is either brown, black, or dead. You stick out like a sore thumb, I could see the green in your leaves from a mile in the air.” Tommy chuckled at that. That must’ve been quite the sight to see; a bright colored random leafman trudging through a dead forest. He might as well have had a giant glowing sign that said ‘I don’t belong here come and kill me!’ The stranger’s face brightened as Tommy laughed, and they took a few more steps towards Tommy before stopping. Tommy looked up at them. They seemed…nervous. Scared? He wasn’t sure, but what the hell, they hadn’t tried to kill him yet. Tommy smiled back at them and scooted over on the branch, patting the spot next to him. The stranger grinned and sat next to him, both of them just sitting in comfortable silence for a minute.
“You know…I was kinda scared to go and help you, as awful as that sounds.” They sighed, and, wow, did that catch Tommy’s attention. “What? Why??” “Cause…I don’t know, I didn’t know if you were hurt or just stopping to rest, and I didn’t want to mess with you if you were ok, cause…” they shrugged, looking away. “But I saw you stop moving entirely and realized you were in trouble, even if I could get hurt I couldn’t leave you to die.” Tommy was only more confused. “‘Cause??’ Cause why?” “Cause you’re a leafman! I mean, you guys kill our kind for no reason. We’re practically mortal enemies!” Tommy paused. He looked the stranger dead in the eyes and saw them shrink back slightly.
Oh, they were being serious. They were actually, genuinely scared of him.
It was quiet for all of two more seconds before Tommy began laughing hysterically, the sudden noise making the stranger flinch back. “Oh..oh my god, man, you’ve gotta be shitting me, that’s…” Tommy laughed, wiping stray tears from his eyes. “You’ll never believe this, but I was thinking the same thing.” He said as he saw their eyes widen. “I came to up here and I thought you might try and push me off the tree cause you’re just homicidal or something, i don’t know.” “Me?? Do I look homicidal?” They asked, a smile tugging at their lips. Tommy grinned. “I don’t know! Do I?” “I mean, I guess not really. You’re not the horror story I was told, you’re too scrawny for that.” Tommy fake scoffed in offense. “Well, I’ll have you know that you aren’t quite the bloodthirsty monster I was told about either.” “This not-so bloodthirsty monster has a name, y’know.” They smirked.
”Noooo,” Tommy drawled out sarcastically. “I thought that names were just a leafmen thing.” He finished before smiling and sticking a hand out. “Tommy. Sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier, as you’ve probably realized by now, manners aren’t really my thing. That, and I thought I was going to fucking die so it wasn’t really the first thing on my mind.” His hopefully-new-friend chuckled, grabbing it and shaking gently, given that Tommy’s whole hand could fit in their palm twice over. “Ranboo. I’m glad I got to meet you before you succumbed to your lack of sunlight or…whatever happened to you, you’re fun. I don’t..uh….I don’t have many friends.”
“Well, then, I guess that just means I don’t have competition in becoming your best friend.” Tommy said with a tone of finality, standing and reaching a hand down to the boggin, who took it, wide eyes staring up at Tommy. “You mean it?” they said, the hope eminent in their voice. “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t, bossman. Plus, I, uh…don’t have many friends myself.” “Ah, I couldn’t possibly see why, you’re just so charming.” Ranboo responded sarcastically, and Tommy could barely pretend to be offended past the smile plastered on his face. Finally, someone who understood his sense on humor. “Bitch, I will have you know that I am an absolute pleasure t-“ Ranboo interrupted him by pulling him into a hug, one Tommy had no problem reciprocating. Eventually, they pulled away, eyes glassy with what Tommy hoped were tears of joy. He kinda wanted to make a joke about it, but he was ninety percent sure he looked the same, so he really wasn’t one to talk. “Thanks, that..that means a lot to me. But you probably wanna go home.” Ranboo finished as he called over his raven, who perched closer and leaned down so Ranboo could get on.
Tommy sighed. “Yeah, my dads probably already got a search party or six out looking for me, but I’ll be fine. Besides, I can’t leave without knowing where to see you again! You think you can meet me at the north bog border sundown tomorrow?” Ranboo smiled, sharp teeth on full display but no longer threatening. “Sounds perfect.” They said, holding a hand out to Tommy as they helped him climb on the bird. “So, tell me about the bright side? I only get glimpses of sun when I come up to my nook here.” Ranboo jerked his head to the beaded entrance of the tree. “I’ve always wanted to go over there, but I’m a little afraid of getting attacked. I wanna know everything.” “Oh, buckle in, my friend,” Tommy said, laughing and gripping the rope in front of him, “it’s a long way back home and I have a lot to complain about-“
“…So you have to make sure to be on your absolute best behavior. Stay right by my side, don’t-“ “‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’ Right, got it, old man.” Tommy replied to his father in a mocking sarcastic voice. Phil glared at him before looking back up to Techno, who nodded without even looking back. They’d done this whole charade plenty of times; Tommy ignored his dad and Techno was left to make sure he didnt hurt himself. Honestly, Phil used him as more of a babysitter than the actual trained guard he was. Tommy actually felt a little bad for him.
They continued their way through the bogs on a higher path through the underground tunnels since apparently Phil knew the “don’t walk on the forest ground” rules. Lucky bitch. Unluckily for Tommy, they were there on some official royal business shit. Something about knowing how to handle “those freaks” (as his father had put it) once he became king.
“I mean it, Tommy. This is important. We want to keep our people safe from these creatures, but they need to see that fucking with us is a bad idea. If they think we’re weak, we’ll all be killed. All these monsters want is the death of our world, do you want that?” Tommy sighed. Jeez, could his father be any more dramatic? Every word out of his mouth was harder and harder to believe by the day now that he knew Ranboo. The two of them hung out constantly, usually at the treetop nook since it was concealed well, and Ranboo was nothing like what his dad had said. And Ranboo assured Tommy that he was nothing like he had been taught, either. Still, though, Tommy had to keep up his mask. “No, I don’t want that.” He mumbled, facing down. “But maybe calling them ‘creatures’ and ‘monsters’ in their own turf isn’t the greatest idea, either.”
“Ah, so that’s what you call us behind our backs, then, is it?” He heard a voice call out from the opened area of the tunnel in front of him. He saw his father stiffen and his face harden, the same expression he wore for every meeting and decision he made. Tommy was pushed back by Techno, who used himself as a shield between him and the newcomer.
They were clearly a boggin, tall yet slightly shorter than Ranboo, but the small spikes Ranboo had were nothing compared to the quills that lined their limbs. Their skin, what little they could see of it under a scaly cloak made of snake skin and the leather armor under it, was a desaturated grey-ish green. Their face was covered in a similar armor-like plate on the lower half with bones sewn into it in a curve reminiscent of a smile, and the cloak had a hood that fell over his head; the head of the snake with the jaw still intact, lining the top of his head and their collarbone with dagger like fangs. Above the mask, Tommy could see the remnants of a massive scar that gashed through the left side of their face down through the right, though it clearly continued behind the mask. This, this was their king. This was the guy his dad and Techno had warned him about, this was the bloodthirsty ruler of the Bogs. This was Dream.
They looked absolutely horrifying, but surprised Tommy when their eyes quirked up in what had to be a smile and they simply bowed to his father. “King Philza, your majesty.” Which immediately struck him as odd, but he assumed it was a royalty thing. He went to return the gesture and bow, but was elbowed harshly in the chest by his father. Phil glared at him momentarily before turning back to Dream. “…let’s just get this over with.” He said before walking past him and into the open area.
“…Techno! You seem to be doing well!” Dream said awkwardly as Techno went to follow Phil past the boggin. “And you still look decrepit. That scar still giving you a hard time, or does it look any better under that mask?” “Well sorry that not all of us grow back when they’re cut down.” Dream replied coldly. Techno simply shrugged and motioned for Tommy to walk past as well.
“Ah, you’re new! What’s your name?” Dream asked, and Tommy stopped. He…honestly felt bad. This guy was trying to be a good host, and his dad and Techno were being dicks to him. Godammit they were in his house! Weren’t there, like, hospitality rules or some shit? If someone walked into his home talking like that, Phil would have kicked them out before they even got in! Fucking hypocrite. Couldn’t they at least try to be a little nicer than normal? “I’m-“ “None of your concern, boggin.” Techno interrupted, coming back to grab Tommy by the wrist and drag him away. Oh, fuck this, Tommy had had enough.
He pulled away harshly from Techno’s hand and held it out to Dream. “I’m Tommy, the prince, Phil’s son. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Tommy watched Dream’s eyes widen in shock, but he felt eyes burning into the back of his head. He glanced back and, oh god, if looks could kill, Tommy would be a dead man. Phil looked absolutely murderous, and even slightly horrified at Tommy’s normal display of courtesy. Honest to god, it was just a handshake! What’s the worst that could-
It was only then that he remembered one crucial detail about the royal boggin family: just as the royal leafmen could control the life in the forest, the boggins could control death, and with that, rot. Any simple contact could kill anything, and more importantly for this particular matter, him.
Ok, maybe Tommy fucked up a little.
But to his surprise, Dream gingerly took his hand and shook it (he ignored how he heard Techno’s breath catch), eyes bright with joy. “Please, no need for the formalities, just call me Dream, kid.” He said, letting go of Tommy’s hand, and he couldn’t help but smile that Dream seemed to like him. “Let me guess, here on royal bullshit? Gotta learn how to negotiate and stuff?” Tommy nodded, “It’ll be my job someday, better learn how to get good at it now.” “Well, I like the confidence! How old even are you?” “Uh, I just turned 17.” “No way! I have a younger sibling that’s your age! I’ve only been in power for about a decade, so they’ve still got some time before they’re crowned since i’m not an old bat just yet,” Dream paused only briefly and Tommy fought the urge to laugh out loud at Phil’s offended gasp, “but you should totally meet them! Hold on, I’ll run and grab him!”
Dream held a finger up as he ran to a different section of the tunnels, and Tommy could only hope that he’d be back soon since Phil was glaring daggers at him and Techo’s head was just in his hands. Yeah, this would be a fun talk when he got home. Thankfully, Dream stepped into the room only slightly panting from his apparent sprint through his tunnels, the figure behind him shrouded in darkness from the section of the tunnel Dream had come from.
“Alrighty, King Philza, Tommy…” his eyes stalled at Techno, “bitch,” he continued before Techno had any time to interrupt, “I’d like you all to meet my little brother and our prince…”
The figure stepped into the light and Tommy made eye contact with them, freezing immediately, recognizing them. How could he not, they had been hanging out together in secret for months! They were his best friend! They were barely out of the tunnel before they froze as well, eyes locked onto Tommy, clearly recognizing him, as well.
Oh shit.
Not a move was made as they both tried to process what they were seeing. Ranboo had never told him they were a prince! To be fair though, Tommy hadn’t brought it up much, either. He hadn’t wanted Ranboo to treat him differently since he was royalty, but they probably felt the same way.
They were fucked, weren’t they?
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ask-inkdot-pkmn · 3 months
▶▶️ Inkdot?
A familiar buzzing surrounded Inkdot, who was gripping their bat tightly, as they begun to swing and strike at their surroundings, until… they felt a strange feeling as they… woke up. It was a wall, they punched a wall, a wall with their map of Kanto.
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godseeker-yharim · 10 months
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Time-Lost Relic You feel as if this doesn't belong here...
The Edge of Tomorrow Melee Weapon "One flame may engulf another, but cannot smother it entirely. Fire is not only destruction, it is protection and renewal; when the goddess fell, that dimmest of embers found a new home in someone who knew that well." v The End of Everything Melee Weapon "In their final battle, she broke her blade upon his shield. Though she would never be whole again, the world soon saw that she was still just as sharp."
Eternity's Wings Accessory "An echo of the Unbreaking Shield stood sleepless vigil over the resting place of her people for an age. When the wards broke, she found a worthy successor, and, in lending everything that was left of herself to his cause, finally slept at last." v Traitor's Reward Summoning Item "In their final battle, she shattered him utterly. As his life came to an end, he knew that while a broken shield was useless, a broken blade could still be quite deadly indeed." Summons The Last God.
Good end and bad end. :)
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What happened to your arm? There's a bandage around it...
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Api: "Fenris calm down! I'm sorry about that, he's really touchy about that subject. It involves his old fam-"
Fenris: "Api, that's enough!"
Api: "sorry..."
looks like Fenris didn't like that...
Ask hints updated!
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reikane-enthusiast · 10 months
if aurora was Japanese her name would be akatsuki..
( aurora as in sleeping beauty / utsukushi nemuri hime )
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getting back into cotc for like a day,,, i’m excited for todays eps
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redrook · 8 months
old German lady gave me acupuncture today
she lifted up my shirt, saw my top surgery scars, and immediately went "WHOA! What caused THIS?"
my fellow comrades, it took every atom of my strength not to just say the funniest lie I could think of on the spot.
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fluff-e-boy · 4 months
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Graphic design is my passion
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atissi · 8 months
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"—it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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science-lings · 2 months
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agave · 1 month
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as a root vegetable, parsnip naturally desires to return to the earth 🌏🥕
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ask-inkdot-pkmn · 3 months
this one’s a bit more fluff/comedy based since I don’t want to reveal the plot too soon.
“Draw from the shoulder..?” The painter mumbled, slowly moving their arm in a circle, noticing the difference, both in art and in feel… until they did it again, and they felt their shoulder pop. “FUCK!”
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