#Lost boys David
klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
Lost Boys Sick!Mate Headcanon
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(For whoever requested a Sick Mate Headcanon for the Lost Boys, I hope you enjoy this)
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•David wants to change you immediately
•He hates seeing you sick, miserable or in any kind of pain and while most people wouldn’t believe David can be sympathetic, for you he very much is
•He has been trying to get you to turn for a long time and while this is a convenient way of convincing you, he really just wants you to get better
•David hasn’t been sick in…several hundred years. He’s the oldest out of the whole pack and so he remembers sickness the least of all of them, the only thing he can relate it to is not feeding for a long amount of time and he knows how painful that gets to be
•He would lay with you in the bed in the cave, whether you live with them in the cave yet or not, that is where you will be staying and you have no choice, he won’t let you be alone while you’re ill
•He often gives you massages whenever your muscles are achy, he knows how good it makes you feel and it makes him feel like he’s able to do something to help you, even if it’s just to relieve a small bit of your discomfort
•He’ll definitely make Marko go out to get you food, though he doesn’t know what kind of food since you keep insisting that you aren’t hungry
•David wants to care for you, he just has no clue how and if you weren’t sick as a dog, it might even be adorable how frazzled he is
Overall Grade of Care: 4/10
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•Dwayne would be a major worrier every single time you get sick
•While he doesn’t remember what it’s like to personally be sick, he does remember his younger sister being sick when he was human and dying of a fever, so every time you’re even remotely warm he attempts to put you in an ice bath
•When you are bed ridden he is sure to make you stay in the cave, he’s always by your side and will often sit and read to you until you drift off to sleep
•He tries to keep you fed as much as you’ll allow with your upset stomach and he gives you plenty of water, to the point you wonder if vampires can survive being waterboarded cause you’re ready to kill him
•Dwayne is very much like David, he doesn’t know how to take care of a human that’s sick and he doesn’t understand that sometimes you just need to let an illness run it’s course
•Eventually he would buy some medicine at the store (Marko’s recommendation) and give it to you. He’s completely stunned by how quickly you finally fall asleep with how badly you’ve been coughing but the medicine works
Overall Grade of Care: 5.5/10
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•Paul is chill when you get sick, he knows most of the time it’s just a little cold
•He gives you a few shots of whiskey and smokes a joint with you until you pass out, most of the time you wake up feeling better
•When you don’t however, he becomes frantic
•He will run around like a human having a manic episode. He makes sure you’re as comfortable as you can be, and if you’re not he goes to the store and buys more pillows and softer blankets. Hell get you new pajamas and more boxes of tissues than you’ll ever use
•He cleans the entire area you’re in as best he can in a cave, trying to get rid of germs that could make you sick all over again. It would be funny if you didn’t want to strangle him for moving so supernaturally fast that he makes you even more dizzy which makes your stuffy head hurt more
•He tries not to bother you too much, getting you to sleep as much as he can because apparently humans only heal when they’re sleeping so you need to sleep until you feel better
•He doesn’t quite understand that there’s a limit to how much NyQuil you can take
•Paul means well and he wants to help, he just goes too far with it most of the time
Overall Grade of Care: 7/10
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•Marko is probably the best of the boys to have taking care of you when you’re ill
•He gets you medicine immediately and actually reads the instructions to give you the correct dosage
•He ensures you are comfortable in the bed, making sure to keep the blankets on when you’re cold and removing them if and when your fever gets too high
•When you’re too warm, which seems to be most of the time, he will strip to his boxers and crawl into bed with you, his cold skin making you feel better almost instantly
•He goes to the store and gets you whatever you want but also picks some things for you to make you feel better. He gets you your favorite tea bags to make you hot tea, the Chamomile helping to calm you and be able to sleep better, he also gets you some cans of coke to sip on when your stomach is upset
•He makes you soup everyday to keep you eating, even if you cant hold too much down, it’s not too heavy on your stomach
•Marko will also rent movies (and by rent I mean take them from Max’s store when he’s not looking) to bring back for you two to watch together to keep you entertained
•Marko was a human not too long ago, Paul being the only one younger than him, and he remembers very well how to take care of sick people, he is very good at making sure you get well as quickly as you can
Overall Grade of Care: 9.5/10
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Lost Boys Masterlist
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dwaynesluscioushair · 5 months
Since TikTok keeps muting it I shall post it here
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shilohsversion · 5 months
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"You'll never grow old, Michael, and you'll never die. But you must feed!"
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danger-jazz · 1 year
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Felt in the mood to draw David, really missed drawing stuff for myself!
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britany1997 · 6 months
A Dragon’s Tail
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David x male dragon reader
I hope y’all love this!! I love David with masc readers, he is so gay to me lmao, and I love being able to write some toxic, manipulative David stuff, but I also enjoying writing sweet vulnerable moments for him like this🥹
Comment to be added to my TLB Taglist!
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You breathed deeply, letting your leathery wings stretch out behind you. You loved the way the sea air swept through them.
You laughed to yourself as you thought of the irony. A dragon man who lived on the beach of all places.
You’d traded the fiery pits of your home in a volcano for the sand and surf. What would your father think?
You settled down on the ledge above your shared cave, your wings still fluttering behind you.
Sighing, you looked up at the bright moon above you, shining down on the beach, the cave, and everything else it touched with its eerie glow.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you relished the comfortable silence and the breeze. You always felt so at peace in the quiet embrace of the night.
“Want some company?” A familiar voice asked from behind you.
The corner of your lip tugged up in excitement. “Always,” you turned to extend a clawed hand to your perfect mate. Your David.
The bleach blond vampire flashed you a rare smile and came to sit by your side. You draped a wing around him, pulling him closer until your hips touched.
You could have sworn a blush ghosted over his cheeks, but it was too brief to tell. Your smile widened as you threaded your claws with his fingers.
“I’m not interrupting your alone time?” he asked.
“Not at all,” you ran your hand through his hair affectionately. “Most dragons spend their lives alone, your company’s a treasure.”
David seemed to relax into your wing. You let it hold him closer.
“I know how you dragons love treasure,” he teased.
You chuckled, your tail coming around to flick him on the ear. “I wouldn’t make so many treasure jokes, I’ve got a million blood jokes locked and loaded.”
David snorted. “Guess it’s true what they say about people in glass houses huh?”
You smiled, your golden eyes taking in his bright blue ones. Your gaze traveled along the slope of his stubbly jaw, his handsome face.
“Guess so,” you whispered, leaning in just a little closer to the blond man.
David figured out pretty quickly where your thoughts were headed as he leaned in too. One of his gloved hands reached out to caress your cheek. The other found it’s way into your hair.
You tilted your head, careful not to bump his forehead with your horns, and allowed your eyes to flutter closed.
Your ancient heart leapt in your chest as his cold lips pressed against your warm ones.
You sighed into the kiss, allowing your forked tongue to slide into his soft mouth, exploring and running over his sharp fangs.
After a while, he pulled away to stare into your eyes.
You loved him like this. His big, tough guy facade melting away.
To the boys he was a fearsome leader, barking orders and commanding obedience. To the humans he was a terrifying Spector of death, tearing through the population until there was nothing left.
To you, he was home.
When he looked at you with those baby blues, when he smiled at you like you’d hung the moon, you felt alive, you felt young again.
You reached out, your claws raking affectionately down his cheek.
He leaned into your touch. His hand slid over yours and he turned to plant a kiss on your palm.
“You’re awfully affectionate tonight,” you whispered, a smile pulling at the corner of your mouth
“Too much?” he asked.
“Never too much,” you reassured him, your wing cradling him closer to you once more.
“Didn’t think you’d wanna kiss an old guy like me though,” you teased.
David smirked, “I forgot you’re ancient,” he admitted, “it’s usually me that’s robbing the cradle.”
You laughed, “well you don’t have to worry about that.”
“No kidding,” his eyebrow raised, “how was the renaissance?”
You snorted, “yeah yeah you joke, but I had a lot more gold back then. People just don’t sacrifice like they used to anymore ya know?”
“I blame smart phones,” David shrugged.
You smiled, “damn technology.”
“Calm down grandpa,” David snickered, “you’re startin’ to sound like old Mr. Emerson.”
You glared, “not. funny.”
His head found it’s way onto your shoulder, “yes it is,” he hummed.
You shook your head, laughing softly to yourself, your claws stroking over his scalp. “It’s a good thing you’re cute.”
“You’re not bad yourself,” he flirted, “how’d you getta look so handsome anyway, shouldn’t you be full lizard.”
“Mom was a human, dad was a dragon,” you said simply, “that’s how I got the horns, the tail, the wings, the eternal life…all that good stuff, and these rugged humanlike good looks too.”
David tensed, lifting his head off your shoulder and shooting you a confused look.
“Your father was a dragon and your mother was…human?”
Your teeth clenched, “listen babe, I try not to dwell on the mechanics of it all.”
David laughed deep in his throat, more amused then you’d ever heard him.
“Fair enough,” David said through a fit of laughter.
You rolled your eyes, “can you just put your head back on my shoulder?”
His fanged smile filled you with warmth as he returned to resting against you.
“Tell me another story about the time you spent with your kind?” he asked, letting his eyes fall shut as you blanketed him with your wing.
“Anything for you,” you uttered as you began to recall yet another tale for him.
You were glad your father had blessed you with an eternal life. You were grateful to spend it just like this.
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TLB Taglist❤️:
@crustyboypix @gothamslostboy @softchonk @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @bloodywickedvamp @arenpath @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @anna1306 @ria-coolgirl @lostboys1987girl @royaltysuite @hypocriticaltypwriter @katerinaval @dwaynesluscioushair @dwaynedelight @fraudfrog @arbesa-mind @chiefdirector @solobagginses @walmart-cereal @sad-ghost-of-garbage @its-freaking-bats @vampirefilmlover @rynsfandomsfun @mickkmaiden333 @f4iryfxies @mack-attack420 @warrior-616
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6lostgirl6 · 8 months
I was so excited to learn your requests are open!! I don't know about you but I'd love a lost boys piece where they play a fun game of hide and seek (the kind where they get to play hunter and get a very sensual reward if they find their victim/lover). I hope this is good for you! If you would rather just pick one boy to focus on, then it's your choice who you want 😊
In The Dark
Pairing: David x G/N!Reader
TW: Predator/Prey Dynamic, Hints of intercourse, few curse words, slightly 18+
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: This was a wonderful request and im so sorry it took so long to finish and there wasn't much smutty goodness. I hope you enjoy reading, regardless! ❤️
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“I don’t do games, Doll.” 
For once, David wasn’t paying much attention to you; instead, he was searching for his misplaced lighter while you were grinning sweetly over his seated form. He swears he put the damn thing in his pocket; now where the hell did it go?
"But I think you'll enjoy this one." You shot back, observing his predicament and taking out an extra lighter and offering it to him. David was prone to misplacing his cigarette lighters. You were usually carrying extra after he misplaced one so many times and became irritable as a result.
David turned towards you, seeing the pretty smile on your face and holding out another lighter for him. He smirked before taking the offered lighter, his gloved fingertips brushing against your own, leaving your skin tingling. “Thanks, babe.” He said, putting his cigarette in his mouth and flicking the lighter. 
As he did, you automatically cupped your hands around the lighter to stop any breeze that would prevent the flame from starting. You had a little pout on your face, feeling like he was ignoring you to end the conversation. David gently pulled your hands back a little with his finger after noticing that they were too close to the oncoming flame. He didn't want to take the chance of burning you by mistake, as he did once before. 
When he had lit the cigarette, he reclined in his wheelchair without tearing his eyes away from you, taking a small drag. He observed the small frown on your face, your eyes averting from his own. Even though he would never admit it, he disliked seeing you unhappy, especially when it was because of him. He sighed and released smoke from his mouth after giving it some thought. 
“Alright, come here.” He muttered, giving you a two-fingered gesture and widening his legs in invitation. 
Hearing his words, you turned to face him, that charming smile coming back as you approached him. You proceeded to situate yourself sideways on his lap, perched on his knee, with your arms wrapped around his neck. David placed one arm around your waist to restrain you against him, his other hand holding the cigarette rested on your thigh, and the small stick turned away so that it wouldn't hurt you. 
“What game are we playing?” He questioned, his hand holding your waist and trailing up and down your side. Without looking away, he took another inhale of his cigarette before putting it down once more.
Your heart was racing in your chest, and you were filled with excitement and anticipation. You bent down to whisper in his ear as your hand extended to rub his stubble, and your nails teased his skin. Though you weren't generally this teasing to anyone, however, your lover wasn't just anyone and possessed the ability to bring out your adventurous side. 
Whispering sensually in his sensitive ear, you were unable to notice the way your mate’s eyes flashed a menacing yellow and a wicked smile appeared on his face. But the way his grasp tightened around your waist was unmistakable. His gaze followed the fingers caressing his cheek before he turned his head to press a possessive kiss on the sensitive skin of your wrist, his fangs grazing your pulse. 
“And my reward?” He growled, his eyes reverting to normal as he took another puff on his cigarette to calm himself down, turning back to face you. His hand, placed on your side, squeezed you once more, his resolve crumbling.
“You’re looking at it.” You replied with a mischievous smirk. 
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As you dashed through the thick underbrush of the forest, the moon served as your sole source of illumination and complete dread. Shadows loomed large, threatening to swallow you, as the moon's beams shined through the dense tree trunks. Your lungs were straining to take in much-needed oxygen, and your heart was pounding rapidly inside your heaving chest. You didn't want to slow down, even though your whole body ached for a moment to recuperate.
After all, you wanted to give him a good chase. 
Before the game began, David was nice enough to give you a head start. At the time, his back was turned towards you, with his hands shoved inside his pockets. The ease with which he held himself should have been apparent from his posture. But being his mate, you knew otherwise. His eyes possessed a feral gleam in them, and the strain in his shoulders suggested that his control was gradually slipping away. As soon as he turned his back on you, you took advantage of his mercy and hurried into the trees, never turning back. 
You've been running for an extended period of time, and if you kept going, your lungs were bound to burst. It seems strange that you haven't heard or seen any signs of David. Perhaps he hasn't searched for you yet? You hesitated, stopping briefly to give yourself a chance to gather your thoughts and catch your breath. 
You peered through the trees, attempting to acclimate yourself to the surrounding darkness. Small birds were moving about their daily lives, and the sounds of insects buzzing filled the woods. The most frightening predator on the planet, David, was someone you knew you would never hear approaching, and you needed to be cautious. A sinking feeling grew in the pit of your stomach, as if David could suddenly emerge from the shadows. 
Your hand was lying on your chest to regulate your heartbeat as you fought to regain your breath. With every exhale, small clouds passed through your lips from the frigid weather. You closed your eyes, attempting to think of a different plan of action. At this point, you were too preoccupied to notice that the only sounds in the area were your own breathing.
Your breathing gradually calmed down, and you opened your eyes and looked around the woods once again. But your stomach began to twist into knots as the sinking sensation increased. The glowing golden eyes within the darkness were peering straight through you and chills traveled down your spine.
“I see you…” He whispered menacingly, his chest rumbling in the form of a growl. 
You began to sprint in the opposite direction without thought, an intuitive urge for survival taking over every fiber of your being. When it came to him, there were no limitations or holding back; therefore, you should have known better than to tease him. The realization that you wouldn't make it through the night exhilarated you.
His deep chuckle reverberated across the forest, resonating with the trees. Everything within you shuddered, causing you to glance behind you as you tried to maintain distance. You nearly passed out from the horror of what you witnessed above you. David was soaring through the treetops, a manic grin on his newly-transformed face as he peered down at you. 
Without warning, he dove down towards you, his arms outstretched in an attempt to snatch you. His fangs were gleaming underneath the moonlight, threatening to sink themselves into your delicate skin.
You managed to sidestep his strike somehow, almost falling to the ground as you hurried away in an alternate direction. His enraged hissing pierced your ears as he continued to pursue you. However, you knew he could snatch you at any given moment, waiting for the perfect opportunity. He enjoyed the scared look in your pretty eyes and your blood pumping from adrenaline.
Game’s over.
His loud hissing stopped instantaneously, and all that could be heard were your scurrying footsteps. You were too afraid to stop running, thinking that David was trying to trick you. However, the burning sensation in your lungs forced you to stop.
Your gaze scanned the area around you as the sinking sensation in your stomach intensified once more. You backed away until you bumped into the trunk of a nearby tree, resting your hand on your chest. 
“D-David?” You whispered.
Just as you were whispering his name, there was a thump from above, sending shivers down your spine, coming from the tree. Your breaths became unstable, your hands trembling as you cocked your head back towards the sound, filled with horror and absolute excitement.
David was perched on the branch above you, crouching with his forearms resting on his knees. His glowing eyes were gleaming with mischief. He was leaning towards you, his supernatural abilities allowing him to stay perfectly balanced, similar to a vulture staring down at their meal.
“Where you goin’?” He purred in a condescending tone, flashing his sharp fangs that glimmered underneath the moonlight.
You were trying to flee again before you had a chance to think things through, and then you were thrown to the ground. Sprawled down over the ground, you weren't even able to get up when a gloved hand clutched at the back of your neck, rendering you immobile. 
David chuckled darkly, his knees caging you underneath him as he leaned down towards your ear. “I win.” He growled, the tips of his fangs grazing the shell of your ear. 
The sensation made your whole body tremble, and his weight pinning you down made your cheeks flush with arousal. Everything felt primal, being underneath your mate as he held you down in the dirt with his fangs aching to sink into you.
“Mm, you did.” You whispered, a smirk appearing on your face as your mate proceeded to press heated kisses against your jawline, trailing down towards the junction between your neck and shoulder. “And your reward?”
“You know what I want.” He snarled into your delicate neck. 
Without another word, his gloved hands gripped your hips, roughly pulling you into arching your back for him. 
Over the course of the night, your lover of the night growled with delight in response to your delicious cries. One thing was certain: you needed to feed into his sadistic pleasures more often.
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @britany1997 @leiasolo77 @slaasherslut @rottent33th@ghoulgeousimmaculate @misslavenderlady @luv4fandoms @crustyboypix @arianamhm @blenna3967 @bloodywickedvamp @swagfancroissantpizza2 @sad-ghost-of-garbage @rynsfandomsfun @kirishimasfiance @arenpath @jezabella8
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clownibalism · 16 days
main characters in vampire movies from 1987:
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i-heart-slashers · 9 months
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kurt-nightcrawler · 1 year
Phone Calls
David x Female Reader
Summary: David is a lover. Paul is... Paul.
Warnings: swearing and smoking
Word Count: 1.1k
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“I should call her,” David huffed as his hand ghosted over the phone. 
“Then why aren’t you?” Paul asked, smoking a cigarette. 
“I should call her…” He repeated. “I should call her… but it’s past seven o’clock. What if she’s asleep?”
“Do you hear yourself?” Paul asked. “It’s seven! There’s no way she’s asleep.” Paul inhaled smoke. 
“Yeah, but (Y/N) doesn’t seem like the type of girl to sit around and wait for a guy to call. She probably won’t be there to answer.”
“Then leave a message.” Paul took a drag and blew out smoke. “Or go give her a visit, I dunno.” 
“Paul!” David practically gasped. “I can’t just go over to a girl’s house uninvited. I'm not a heathen!” 
Paul snorted. “Dude, we eat people.”
“So? You know I once scored a princess with my charms and good manners—“
Paul quickly cut him off before David could go on a long ramble. One Paul had definitely heard before. “—Yeah, yeah, the Russian chick, I know. I know.” David rolled his eyes. 
“Look,” Paul took another drag. “All I’m saying is, it isn’t 1954 anymore, man! You don’t have to be begging for this girl’s attention. Trying to act all innocent and impress her folks and befriend her father. You can just, call and leave a message saying you want her to come over to fuck.” 
David frowned, “You don’t get it… I knew I should have brought Dwayne with me. He’s a romantic. He would understand.” 
Paul threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out. “Hey, man! Out of the two of us, I’ve gotten more pussy this week than Dwayne. Dude’s been bitchless lately!” 
“Yet you’re being useless right now,” David complained. “So shut up.” 
“Fine, fine whatever. Call your girlfriend or whatever. When you freeze up after two words I won’t be here to help you ‘woo her’ or whatever.” Paul stepped away to smoke more, while David made his phone call. 
He slowly spun the wheel of the rotary dial, each number going in one at a time. He was nervous and didn’t want to mess up. 
David brought the phone up to his ear and listened to the ringing as he waited for her to pick up. 
David thought about what she might be doing. Maybe she was reading one of her little romance novels that got her all flustered when he walked into the room. 
Maybe she ran a bubble bath and was using an expensive soap. Rubbing it all over her body… she would smell nice, and David would have to try his hardest to not try and immediately sink his teeth into her skin.
Maybe she was watching an old movie. One about some poor little Maiden being snatched up by a handsome monster of some kind. Maybe she was—
Ri—Beep! Beep! Beep!
The loud beeps of the receiver brought David out of his daydreams. He huffed and hung up the phone. 
“She didn’t answer.”
“Okay?” Paul was unsure what David wanted from him. 
“What do I do?” 
“I dunno, man,” Paul shrugged. “Did she say she’d be busy tonight?”
“Okay…” Paul tried really hard to think of something. “Maybe she’s working… we could go visit her.” 
“She’s not. She told me she was off tonight.” 
“Well, I dunno. If you don’t want to go to her house and see if she’s home, we can’t really do anything. Maybe call again.”
“I can’t seem needy!” David whined. 
“Literally, dude, what do you want from me?”
“Some help,” David stated like it was the most obvious thing ever. “But clearly you don’t know what to do.”
“Sorry. Soulmates and serious shit aren’t my strong suit. You know that.” 
“Yeah, but I figured you would know something. You flirt with everyone you see.”
Paul shook his head, weakly denying David’s claims. “This girl has got you practically wrapped around her finger! This is embarrassing for you.”
David crossed his arms and glared at Paul. “At least I’m not saying the wrong name during sex!” 
Paul put his hands on his hips, “It was an accident!” 
David stole the cigarette right from Paul’s fingers and took a drag. “It was embarrassing. That’s what it was.” 
“I don’t care. Marko ate them a week later anyways.”
“Yeah, 'cause you begged him too.”
“Shut up!” Paul tried to grab the cigarette back from David, but he swatted him off. 
“You shut up!” 
“No, you shut up!”
“David! Hi!” Both the blondes froze and looked at the person who walked over. 
David quickly regained composure and pretended as if nothing happened. Paul did the same, coughing, trying to clear his throat. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” David was playing it cool as if his last twenty minutes of mooning over this woman didn’t just happen. “What are you doing here?” 
“I had to stop by the video store and return my movies. I spotted Dwayne, and he said you were over here.”
David could not focus on a thing she said. Instead, he just stared at her. His eyes turned into little hearts, his mind focusing on how the moonlight and the neon signs of the boardwalk made her glow. How her big smile made his dead heart beat again, and how she spoke with such kindness to him. David was a killer, and as pretty as he was, people were not nice to him. 
“Dude,” Paul elbowed him. 
“Sorry, what? I zoned out,” David lied. 
“I just asked if you wanted to go get something to eat,” (Y/N) said. 
“The lady is telling me to get lost!” Paul jokingly put his hands on his chest and faked disgust. 
(Y/N) laughed, “I am not! Go and find your other boyfriends and see what they’re doing. I’m sure you’ll have fun. Come on, David,” She held out her hand for him to take. 
David dropped his cigarette and stomped it out with his boot, quickly taking (Y/N)’s hand and letting her drag him off further on the boardwalk. 
“So what have you been up to tonight, Princess?” David asked, wrapping an arm around (Y/N) as they walked off. 
“Okay, leave without saying goodbye,” Paul said to himself, somewhat joking. “I see how it is!” He eyed his cigarette, the one David threw on the ground. 
“Can I…” He squinted his eyes at the butt. “Nah...” He deemed it unsalvageable. “I’ll just have another one.” 
Paul patted his pockets trying to find his pack of cigarettes. “Ugh, come on–” He pulled it out and opened it up. “Are you serious?!” 
There were none left.
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ruksanada · 3 months
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My last minute David cosplay~
Defs didn't steal my Billy earing for this... 👀
I need to find some lost boys to join me
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David Headcannons
(because I say so)
David steals clothes for you and always wants to give you pretty things.
He loves watching you dance, whether it's you dancing in a room by yourself or you dancing in front of others.
He doesn't get horribly jealous if others hit on you, but if someone tries to touch you... he's out for blood.
He's not huge on physical touch, but if you want or need him to hold you, he will.
If you leave the cave by yourself, most likely Michael and/or Star are keeping an eye out for you.
Listen to him talk. He loves telling you stories and wants to spend quality time with you.
David loves it if you're friendly with the boys and Star. That's his family, and he wants you all to get along.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I'm sorry if it's short. I'm gonna try to write more headcannons and stories.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
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(The drawings/tattoos that are used to illustrate the tattoos the boys get in this story are in no way mine and I do not take credit for them in any way (there’s a reason I’m a writer, I can’t draw to save my life 🤣). They are only used to show what the boys wanted tattooed on them by their mate. Credit where Credit is due)
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Seeing them was odd, it always had been. It was very rare that I was on the boardwalk after the sun went down and when I was I always had someone with me who walked me to my car, and always freshly after sunset. I knew the boardwalk was a dangerous place at night and honestly, I preferred to avoid it, even if the night life is more fun for everyone.
Unfortunately I had to take this shift for a coworker for the rest of the week at least, and was stuck here until the Tattoo shop closed at 2am, and the only reason I’m not complaining is because people seem much more willing to tip better at night. The Lost Boys were a biker gang, and while I couldn’t deny that they are attractive and that they look like a lot of fun, I also knew better. They parked their bikes across from the shop every night, from what I could tell they enjoy pissing off Max, the video store owner, though I don’t know why.
I tried very hard not to make eye contact with any of them, just not looking up at them at all as I finished my tattoo, which was a pinup of a mermaid, and covered it up with plastic wrap, quickly checking the guy out and accepting my 30 dollar tip before shutting the register on my finger which instantly made me yelp in pain and see a trickle of blood coming from my finger. Thankfully it was only a little cut and it wouldn’t hinder my work as I sucked off the blood and quickly disinfected it, wrapping a tight bandaid around it. Just as I moved to my station to clean everything my eyes flickered up as if by instinct and caught all 4 of the boys staring at me intently which startled me but I quickly looked away and tried to calm my racing heart by getting rid of the inky water at my station. Just as I was about to put my ink away and read my book I heard footsteps walk into the front.
‘Hello, welcome to Ink-Well Tattoo Shop, if you’d like to look at my books they’re on the shelf.’ I told them, just turning around as I finished talking and coming face to face with the bleach blond leader that had been staring at me only a moment ago.
‘Ink-Well…is that a reference to an ink container people used to have on their desks or how good you are at your job?’ He asked…softly? I had always imagined their voices to be deep and dark, especially his, but while it was deep it was also gentle, at least while speaking to me right now it was but I could tell that soft voice wasn’t always so soft.
‘I think you’re the first person to prove me wrong, the owner said, “Everyone knows what an inkwell is”…no one knows what it is. And personally, I would describe my abilities much better than “well”. I’m incredible, do you know what you want today, sir?’ I asked, moving around him only to find the dark haired one right behind him and I realized how tall he really is as I almost slammed my face into his naked chest. I looked around, seeing the other two beside my chair and I took a deep breath. ‘Which one of you is getting inked today?’ I asked and the twisted sister look-alike jumped up excitedly.
‘Oh! Me! I want to do it!’ He seemed to be begging which was a strange thought as the leader nodded and he jumped to sit in the chair.
‘Okay, I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.’ I held out my hand and he took it in his own, pulling me closer before kissing my hand tenderly which made my blood rush to my face. The idea that these boys are soft and sweet and gentle in any way shape or form is really screwing with me. Their presence had always been a tad bit scary with the vibe they gave off, sexy or not (and they definitely are), but for the first time that I’m seeing them it’s like they’re not projecting dangerous vibes and it was a comfort in this situation being alone with all of them.
‘I’m Paul. This is Marko, Dwayne and you met David. Y/n, I like that name.’ He flirted and I rolled my eyes, handing him a book full of images of my work.
‘I’m glad, do you know what you want to get Paul?’ I asked, and he smiled as he looked at my work, all of them now watching as he flipped through the pages.
‘I want a vampire bat on my chest. Are you able to do that?’ He questioned, looking up at me as Marko took the book and I nodded, sitting in my seat beside him.
‘Were you looking for it to be realistic, like a portrait? Because if you want something like that it’s a 6-7 hour minimum piece and I would need you to come back during the day-‘
‘Oh, we can only be here at night, I want something smaller anyway. Not cartoony but-‘
‘You want a badass vampire bat, I get you. I can definitely do that. How big are you looking to get it?’ He jumped to pull off his jacket which jingled with all the stuff he had hanging off of it before stripping off his tank top.
‘Like maybe, this big?’ He showed me the area of his chest he wanted covered and I nodded.
‘Okay, let me draw that up and we’ll see if you like it.’ It was a relatively small tattoo and he watched, leaning over the chair as I sketched it out and he was smiling the whole time, staring at me.
‘You’re really pretty, has anyone told you that?’ He asked and I rolled my eyes.
‘Surf Nazis say shit every day-though they usually go with “hot”, “sexy”, “great rack”. Things like that, pretty is a new one though, thank you.’ I knew my face was red as he watched me draw, Marko suddenly beside me, setting a chair near Paul’s feet.
‘They bother you a lot, Angel?’ He wondered and I shrugged, my face darkening even more as he called me that.
‘All day long, they’re probably the most annoying customers so my boss takes all of them since they started getting a bit too comfortable and handsy with me and the other girl. I have her evening closing shift for the week so, if they show up I get to tell them to “fuck off” which is awesome.’ I joked and they laughed along with me.
‘Well, we’ll need to make sure they don’t bother you anymore, won’t we boys?’ It was the first time David spoke again and I looked up to see him watching me draw over my shoulder.
‘Fuck yeah, no one’s gonna be bothering our Princess.’ Paul cheered and it was weirdly comforting to hear that they wanted to protect me.
‘Please, just leave it alone? They don’t know I’m working nights now so it’s all fine, and I’ll only be doing it for the week. What do you think? Do you think he looks mean enough?’ I asked, showing Paul my drawing.
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‘Princess, that’s incredible! It somehow looks cute and vicious…like Marko!’ He teased, getting punched in the chest immediately.
‘Okay, punch each other all you’d like outside, but if you make his skin swell where I need to ink then I’ll hit you myself.’ I told Marko, moving to make a stencil for the tattoo that Paul wanted, nearly running into Dwayne again, who just watched me.
‘Don’t mind him, he’s quiet but honestly, he’s the nicest of all of us…usually.’ David spoke and I smiled, quickly making the stencil.
‘Would you tattoo me tomorrow night?’ A new deep voice asked and I looked up to see it had been Dwayne. I paused to pick my chin up from the floor at the sound of his sexy deep baritone voice before shaking off and answering him.
‘Of course. Do you know what you want done, because I can do anything you want but depending on the style you want I might recommend a coworker. Say you wanted Japanese, I would recommend Kevin, he is fucking killer at that stuff and if you want anything American Traditional he is bomb at it.’ I had said this because of the American Traditional rose tattoo I could see peeking out on his side though he quickly shook his head.
‘I want you. I want something like this.’ he showed me the dreamcatcher piece I had put in my book and I smiled.
‘This is one of the best tattoos I ever did, and it was so much fun! Do you want it that size?’ He nodded his head.
‘Yes, but a bit more along the Native American type style? I’d like it to look like it’s braided together…could you do that?’ He looked unsure but I just kept smiling.
‘Of course I can! Let me draw a couple of things up tonight for you and you can see what you like best tomorrow. I’m sure I can give you something perfect!’ For the first time the corners of his mouth turned up and he smiled down at me-his smile was hot cute.
‘I know you can Babygirl.’ I was startled but after hearing Marko and Paul I realized that they seem to have a thing for nicknames so I ignored it.
‘Alright Paul, stencil is done.’ I spoke, sitting back down beside him. Most of his chest hair was in the center of his chest so I didn’t need to shave where he wanted the tattoo before placing the stencil and squeezing out the inks I would need. ‘Are you ready, rockstar?’ I asked him and he grinned as I called him that.
‘Hell Yeah Princess! Ink me up!’ We chatted as I tattooed him, him and Marko keeping me engaged with the conversation but I noticed David and Dwayne off on their own and speaking seriously for a while. The tattoo took about an hour, maybe a bit more before I was finished, turning off the machine and wiping his chest down.
‘What do you think?’ I waited for his reaction after handing him a mirror to see it more clearly and he turned it away from me instantly, seeming uncomfortable before looking down at his chest instead of at the reflection and grinning at the new ink on his body.
‘Princess! This is amazing!’ He exclaimed, placing the mirror face down and moving to hug me.
‘Ah-Ah! It’s sensitive! Don’t you dare destroy my work!’ I warned, turning to lay some plastic wrap over it and tape it down after David and Dwayne looked at it.
‘You’re really talented. I’m gonna have to go after Dwayne.’ David told me, watching as I cleaned up.
‘You’ll have to go the next night cause Dwayne’s is going to take me until closing at least…what time can you get here tomorrow?’ I asked him.
‘I’ll be here right after the sun goes down, I promise.’
‘Okay, so that’s about 8. I’ll be sure my last client will be done by then. Where do you want it, by the way?’ He opened his jacket, showing me the right side of his chest and making me blush. ‘Got it. I’ll have a few options for you tomorrow. For now, Paul, that’ll be 45.’ I finished putting everything away as it was now 10 minutes after closing time.
‘Here you go Princess, be safe getting home, you hear?’ He warned and I nodded, Paul, Marko and Dwayne walking out and leaving me with David for a moment and I froze under his intense stare.
‘Paul is right you know…you really are beautiful.’ He complimented, his gloved hand holding my chin for a moment before walking out and letting me shut the gate to the front before realizing Paul had given me a 100 dollar bill which is a 55 dollar tip…maybe I can like these boys after all.
What I didn’t know was, as I walked out the back door and locked it once the place was all clean, I was being watched. I made my way down the boardwalk, grabbing a burger and fries, along with a coke, shoving the food in my bag and sipping my soda as I walked off the boardwalk and all the way home.
Unlike every other night I had walked in the dark before, I felt…safe? I wasn’t looking around like a crazy person waiting to get jumped, I just walked home and crashed into bed.
I live in an apartment with a roommate, Justin, who is always out at his girlfriends (whoever that is this week) which left me alone most of the time and I loved it. I put in a video I had rented from the video store next door earlier that day, it was a new horror movie, Hellraiser. Strange premise, awesome movie.
That’s how I fell asleep that night, around 3:30 am, and all the while 4 sets of yellow eyes watched from the trees outside.
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I got to work the next night at 6 as my boss left and set my sketchbook on my table, taking 2 quick tattoos before telling the last walk-in that I didn’t have time, knowing as the sun began to set Dwayne would be coming for his tattoo and I was excited to see which one he picked. I had set up everything I would need and just as I was scheduling a tattoo for a coworker to do tomorrow for a walk-in, I heard the rumble of bikes coming down the boardwalk making me smile. ‘Okay, Kevin will take you tomorrow at noon, is that alright?’ I asked the annoyed girl who clearly just wanted her tattoo now.
‘Still don’t get why you can’t just take me now.’ She bitched and I fought to not roll my eyes as 4 sets of heavy boots stomped through the front.
‘I can’t take you now because I’m tattooing him now. Your appointment is for noon tomorrow.’ She turned and as she saw the boys she quickly ran out the front and was gone, startling me. ‘I should employ you as security here from now on.’ I teased, grabbing my book and walking over to my chair.
‘We can do that for you at night.’ Marko agreed, a grin on his face which seemed to always be grinning honestly.
‘Well I’m only working here for the week at nights so you won’t see me after that-‘
‘No! You need to keep working nights Angel, what are we supposed to do without you here?’ Marko complained.
‘Come on, the night life is more fun anyway Princess!’ I rolled my eyes, opening my book.
‘I’ll think about it. Okay, this is the first one I did, I went simple cause I didn’t know how detailed you wanted everything. Usually I put in too much detail and people hate it.’
‘It’s nice, but I was hoping for something more intricate.’ He told me and I smiled.
‘Okay, I went a little bigger with this one, but my personal favorite is this one.’ I showed him the third one and his eyes widened. ‘I researched some Native American dream catchers and tried to make it as real as I could…do you like it?’ He nodded his head slowly and I was worried for a moment.
‘It looks like the one my Ma made me when I was a kid…it’s perfect Babygirl, thank you.’ I was touched by that.
‘This is why I love my job, you can tattoo memories for people that they get to keep for a lifetime. Don’t thank me yet though, not until it’s done, I already made the stencil for it, I just knew you would pick this one! Take off your jacket.’ I told him, grabbing the stencil and looking at Paul. ‘Let me see how it’s healing rockstar.’ He hesitated for a moment before pulling his shirt up and I was stunned. ‘Holy shit!’ I stood, moving to him and touching his chest. ‘You…you heal fast don’t you?’
‘Way fast, it looks great Princess.’ He pecked my cheek before sitting next to Marko and I moved back to my chair, removing my jacket and getting ready to place the stencil. ‘Damn girl! You are tatted up!’ I tried to stop the blush that came in but I couldn’t, smiling as they all inspected my skin which had both of my sleeves done.
‘Yeah, I don’t know any tattooers who don’t have tattoos, and if you find one, don’t go to them.’ I teased, peeling the stencil off and turning on my machine to begin inking the shirtless God.
‘I need food, you guys want anything? Dwayne? Angel?’ Marko offered a little later, just as I was finishing the outlines.
‘I wouldn’t mind a coke.’ I told him and he grinned, jumping to go get food with Paul behind him. ‘How are you feeling Dwayne? Okay?’
‘I’m fine, how are you?’ He countered and I rolled my eyes.
‘I’m trying to make sure you’re not getting dizzy or are gonna pass out on me, you’re still as a statue and barely breathing. Don’t be a smartass.’
‘I’m fine, I promise. You have beautiful eyes…’ he mumbled and I just blushed, beginning to detail the braided base before moving to the feathers.
I finished the tattoo just before 2 and it came out perfectly, prompting me to hand him the mirror which he grabbed as Paul had and turned it away from me though I could swear it looked like he didn’t have any reflection at all. ‘Alright, you’re all finished. Is it what you wanted?’ I asked and he nodded, looking down at his chest.
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‘You have no idea how perfect this is. Thank you Babygirl.’ He leaned down and kissed my cheek as I rang him up and I was once again bright red.
‘Look at that cute little blush!’ Marko exclaimed and he and Paul laughed like crazy. ‘Everything you do is just so cute Angel!’ He was teasing me and I wanted to hate it but I didn’t, it filled my stomach with butterflies and I was feeling awful about how badly I wanted to jump all of them.
‘Shut up.’ I grumbled and began closing up, all of them moving to hug me in one way or another.
‘We’ll see you tomorrow night Kitten.’ David told me and it felt almost like a warning, daring me not to be here which made me excited.
For the rest of the week they were there, David and Marko both getting tattoos of their own before Paul decided to get a bigger piece, dedicating a whole sleeve to his rockstar image which I found cute, starting with a killer electric guitar and lyrics from the song Lost in the Shadows. That next night was my last night on the boardwalk, going back to the dayshift the next day which they complained about loudly, insisting I switch my schedule so they could see me.
That night as I started my shift I was immediately bothered by Surf Nazis, a few of the assholes noticing me in the shop alone. I had kicked them out and the security escorted them off the boardwalk (which I knew wouldn’t last long). The boys didn’t show up at 8 like they normally did and I was a bit disappointed but I knew they would find something shiny and new to love eventually, guys like that always do.
Around 10 o’clock the assholes were back, 3 of them now walking around the shop and getting too comfortable.
‘Don’t touch me!’ I snapped as I cleaned my station, deciding to close early tonight and just take the loss if it got them away from me, their hands pinching me now and then before the one with the giant Mohawk pulled me to his chest and pinned me to the counter. ‘Let Me Go!’ I growled, punching at him as hard as I could but not making him budge.
‘Come on sweetheart, just spend the night with us, I promise you’ll have the time of your life.’ He teased just before I brought my knee up and hit him straight in the crotch, a high pitched noise escaping him before he collapsed.
‘Get the fuck out!’ His 2 friends helped him up before practically carrying him out and I pulled the gates at the front shut, locking them and making my way down the boardwalk. Unlike the last 5 nights, I was uneasy and scared again, hating the long walk in the darkness which is what made me hesitate as I got to the parking lot before trying to quickly get to the next street and away from the rowdy people. I wasn’t even halfway through the parking lot when I was grabbed, tight hands clamped around my waist and mouth as I was hauled down the beach no matter how hard I kicked before being dropped by a bonfire.
‘Hi there.’ The asshole from earlier greeted and I rolled my eyes.
‘Get the fuck away from me!’ I snapped, trying to get up only to be shoved back down onto my ass, realizing there were 4 of them now all looking down at me like it was the funniest joke ever told.
‘Oh, come on! We’re gonna have a great time, you just need to relax.’ There were suddenly hands on me from behind pulling at my jacket and I tried to pull my arms back, kicking my legs out and hitting the one in front of me in the stomach before two of them pinned me on my back on the sand.
‘You’re gonna pay for that, bitch.’ He snarled and just as he knelt down over me there was a loud shrieking sound from behind him and they all turned towards their friend that had screamed. I couldn’t sit up to see from where I was but as both men holding me suddenly let me go I knew whatever it was, it wasn’t good. As more screams rang out I rolled over, crawling along the sand and keeping my head down before seeing boots below my face that I recognized instantly.
‘David?’ I questioned, looking up and stiffening as I saw blood covering his mouth and jaw but strangely, I didn’t feel any real fear like I had moments ago.
‘Are you alright Kitten? The one night we’re late.’ He teased, leaning down and lifting me up to my feet. I turned around as the screaming suddenly cut off and saw all 4 Surf Nazi’s dead and covered in blood. I had to swallow to keep from getting sick as I saw several limbs no longer attached to their original bodies, Paul and Dwayne covered in blood much the same as David while Marko held one of the assholes in his grip with his…fangs…in the man’s neck.
‘Holy shit…’ They all looked at me now, their faces distorted but they didn’t look angry like I would expect, more concerned as they all looked at me, Marko dropping the now dead body.
‘Relax Kitten, it’s alright. You’re safe now.’ David told me and I took a deep breath, not feeling scared in the least.
‘Vampires…makes sense…only coming out at night. The mirror thing…that’s why you heal so fast! Totally unfair!’ I whined, realizing why their tattoos healed so quickly as they stepped closer to me, Dwayne having cleaned off his face as best he could before looking me over quickly.
‘Are you hurt? We got here as quickly as we could, we-‘
‘I’m fine! It’s alright…thank you for saving me…I’m going to have to switch to working nights after all, aren’t I?’ I joked making David snort beside me while he lit a cigarette.
‘Or you could quit and just tattoo us exclusively.’ Paul proposed. ‘For the rest of eternity.’
‘W-wait, you mean-‘
‘You think we show just anyone what we really are?’ Marko wondered.
‘You were meant to be one of us Princess-knew you were ours since the moment you sliced your finger and we smelled your blood, no changing that.’ The pothead laughed making me roll my eyes before feeling David’s arm around my waist, covering my neck in blood as he nuzzled me which was a uniquely gross feeling.
‘He’s right Kitten. You ain’t gettin away from us, might as well accept it…you, our little mate, were born to be a vampire.’
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Lost Boys Masterlist
Lost Boys x Tattoo Artist Moodboard
219 notes · View notes
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Here. Have these
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whoreforhorrorsblog · 2 months
Anyone else got lost boy OC's?
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50 notes · View notes
sidneycaitlinart · 1 year
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Initiation’s over, Michael. Time to join the club.
478 notes · View notes
trash-gobby · 1 month
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Summary: You've had a long night, and it's about to get even longer. Showing up at your friends Halloween party, you think your in for a night of being the local wallflower. However, after catching the eye of a certain creature of the night, your about to find that there is much more that can happen in a few short hours then drinking, dancing and having a good.
There is so much blood to spill and so little time.
Word Count: 5.9K
Pairing(s): Dwayne X GN!Reader
Characters: Dwayne, Reader, David, Marko, Paul, Michael Emerson, Star, Laddie Thompson
⚠️ Warnings!: Vampire!Michael, mild violence, sexual themes, some stalking elements, non-consensual blood drinking, drugs and drinking
Note: I still need to do some more editing on this, I just was so excited to post that I had to do it now lmao 🤣
It felt like walking into another world aglow with strobing lights from a cheap disco ball, heart beating to the tune of Rockwell and air thick with the musky smell of sweaty skin. You narrowly avoided a collision with two party-goers, heavily intoxicated and too busy necking to actually notice that other human beings existed and also needed to use the front door, whilst making your way inside.
Their commitment was admirable, not only to their costumes -peanut butter and jelly- but to each other. How people managed to be so attached to each other it seemed like not even the force of gravity and common sense could keep them apart was a mystery not even you felt god could solve.
The house was heaving with people.The halls were crammed with costumed people talking loudly over the music, drinking, and laughing loudly at jokes that were most likely only funny because of the aforementioned alcohol. You tried your best to squeeze through the masses of those hanging in the hall, slightly regretting your choice of costume. The wings were getting in the way more than you’d thought. 
The costume of choice was a simple angel outfit made mostly out of spare materials you’d found lying around in your best friend's art studio. It was a simple white tank top, jeans, the wings themselves made out of wire, tinfoil and glittering fake plastic jewels. The halo was a headband with the halo attached to the top made also out of wire and tinfoil. It’s not like this dollar store outfit was that much different from anyone else’s
You’d already spotted a couple other party guests with equally low effort halloween costumes. One guy you saw in the living room passing the open double doors, was dressed in probably the laziest cookie monster outfit ever. A blue baseball cap with giant foam balls glued to them, the dark sharpie pupils pointing in different directions. The only reason the costume was even identifiable was that the guy was making stupid joke references to the kids show to one of the girls he was clearly trying to impress.
At least you could be comforted in the fact that you weren’t that sad. Although you were getting there.
The light at the end of the crowded hall beckoned you. Beyond would be the kitchen, and hopefully a beer which you could nurse for the rest of the night while hiding in a corner where no one would bother you.
The only reason you were here was as moral support for your best friend who had begged that you come out for once. “It’s Halloween,” they said. “Come out and socialize” for once, they said.
Yeah, some socializing you were gonna do. They weren’t even anywhere to be seen and the only other people to talk to were either too drunk to hold a sentence together, or their only interest was getting into each other's pants. No thank you.
Finally reaching the end of the hall, you squeezed your way past some party-goers who had decided that blocking the doorway was more important than having any kind of common decency.
“Watch yourself,” you had nearly knocked one of the guys drinks as you passed through the doorway. You didn’t even bother to stop or apologize, you didn’t want to talk to any of these people. It was rude, and you knew that, but you just weren’t in the mood for politeness.
Every surface of the kitchen was covered. Whether it was the gaudy red plastic solo cups, or the various chip bowls and pizza boxes, not a single surface was unoccupied. Thankfully it was much more empty in here for some reason, then in the rest of the house. Not by much though.
The light hurts your eyes with its oppressive white fluorescent glow, making you squint. The bare bulb flickers slightly as you make your way over to the island counter in the center of the kitchen. Gingerly you lifted one of the lids of the leaning tower of pizza boxes to see a couple slices of Hawaiian style pizza. Go figure that would be the only kind of pizza people hadn’t completely consumed.
Lucky for you, you weren’t that picky.
“Hey, you made it!” A familiar voice called out to you. Turning your head to the doorway you’d just passed through, you saw your friend standing there, having parted the sea of people blocking them much more easily then you had.
They were dressed in a much more elaborate costume then most of the people at the party you’d seen. A very TV show accurate Morticia Addams, complete with the nicely combed wig and curve-hugging black dress. She looked fantastic. You knew somewhere around had to be her boyfriend dressed as Gomez. They’d been planning the whole couple-costume thing for months. They’d changed their concept several times. First it was Bonnie and Clyde, then Mickey and Minnie, and finally settling on the current getup.
“Yeah, work let out a little earlier than expected and I thought I'd drop by and at least try to get a free meal,” Grinning, Y/F chuckled at your comment and made her way over to you, a beer clutched in her hand. “Well, I’m glad there is enough leftovers for you to make it a meal.”
You nod before taking a bite out of the slice you’ve procured. It tastes like cheap pizza always tastes. Greasy plasticy cheese, with the pineapple pieces being just a bit too sweet. The cut ham tastes more like something which is attempting to masquerade as meat rather than the real deal.
“Only the best quality pies here,” Y/F jokes as she sees the expression on your face.
“You don’t say,” you manage to reply between chewing, and swallowing the cardboard-masquerading-as-food before trying to place it down discreetly on one of the used paper plates.
“If you come outside we can get you a hotdog. We started grilling a new batch, and there’s apple bobbing. And ooh I almost forgot about the bonfire.” She was going to drag you outside, and as you looked over out the kitchen window, which showed the backyard, your stomach sank. There was no escaping the masses of people out back. However, now that Y/F had started mentioning all the things she’d set up, you knew you were going out back there whether you wanted to or not.
“Do I have a choice?” Your last ditch effort of asking was obviously in vain. She gave you a look which told you what you’d already known. At least there were hotdogs promised.
Y/F’s backyard was massive. An open space of evenly cut grass which backed onto a forest which was even more massive. Her house was at the edge of town, isolated enough that the music and mayhem was not going to be overheard by neighbors.
The typically immaculate lawn was packed full of people. As you came out the back with your friend, you could hear now where the loud music was coming from. Someone had made sure to bring a massive stereo system outside onto the deck. A tall lanky kid you recognized from campus was DJing with a clunky looking remote.
Not far from the deck, in the center of the grassy lawn was a truly impressive bonfire burning in Y/F’s fire pit. You’d been over for a bonfire before with Y/F’s family to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night. Her father was English and made a point of making sure his kids participated in some traditions of his own youth.
Little did he know it would be used by a bunch of drunk uni students on Halloween to set the spooky chaotic atmosphere. Or in this case an atmosphere of drunken chaos where more people were attempting to mosh to the ghostbusters theme blasting from the speakers in low effort costumes, then scare each other. Unless your fear was getting thrown up on, or getting elbowed in the face.
“The grill isn’t far off from the bonfire. Come on,” before you could even respond or react, Y/F was already wading through the throng of people. You had no choice but to follow.
Avoiding most of the people messing around in the designated area for dancing -it couldn’t really be called a dance floor- people stepping out of the way as you went. Trying your best not to hit people with your wings was more of a challenge than expected. At least the way they glowed in the fire-light made you noticeable enough that those around you knew to let you through. No having to tap shoulders or push through. That was a small mercy. 
“Cool costume,” one of the women you passed said.
You turned to thank her, and while turning back to your journey across the lawn you were met with the firm surface of someone’s back. The sudden contact caused the halo on your head, which was already precariously placed to get flung onto the ground.
Just what you needed. Mumbling apologies, you bent down to pick up your fallen costume piece. Before you could gather up your belongings an arm leather-clad comes into view, hand wrapping around the headband.
Looking up your vision tracing up the arm to the man who it was attached to. Immediately, your face started to heat up as you locked eyes with the man in front of you.
He was handsome in a dark and mysterious type of way you were sure lots of girls who were into bad boys would begin salivating over. You weren’t that kind of person, you had to remind yourself.
His hair was long and dark, but not as dark as his eyes. It was like looking into two dark pools of midnight, intense with how they held your gaze. Not to mention the face that held those piercing eyes was beautiful, with his strong jaw and sharp contours.
This is who you’d run into? Well… shit.
His outfit felt the most out of place weirdly. More like street clothes than an actual costume. Leather jacket with a leopard clawing its way up the arm which wasn’t currently holding onto your halo headband.
Your eyes briefly lingered on the man’s bare sculpted chest underneath the jacket. He clearly made physical activity a regular part of his routine.
The way the firelight played across his face only enhanced the intensity of the eye contact between the two of you. The shadows played off the features of his face in a way that was both sexy and sinister and you couldn’t decide which were making you feel these strange feelings which were cropping up.
He then smiled, breaking your reverie, holding out the halo to you. 
“T-thanks,” you said, taking it back from him feeling self-conscious all of the sudden under his gaze. “I’m sorry for running straight into you.”
“No problem,” his voice was deep in a way that crawled up your spine and into your gut making your stomach flip. Damn…
Feeling awkward just standing there, you looked around to see where Y/F had gone. You were only met with strangers who had come up behind you, sizing you up in a way that made you feel less like a person and more like an item at a buffet table.
They were boys of varying stature, all dressed in similar punk streetwear to the man you’d just run into. Various shades of black with the exception of one man with a jacket covered in different coloured patches.
“Look what you found here, found a new friend for the night?” The man with the elaborate patch jacket said, giggling as he did and moving in way too close to you, causing you to take a step back.
He was a strange man, long hair which was dirty blonde, curly, in the mullet-esqu style which was popular among the more grungy youths. The shortest of the group, he sure made up for it with a presence that was large. It felt like witnessing the personification of bottled lightning.
“Marko, careful, you're scaring them. Calm down,” one of the other men stepped forward, placing his hand on the shoulder of the shorter man. “Sorry, he can be a lot.” Icy blue eyes held your gaze.
“Uh,” you didn’t know what to say. Friend for the night? What the heck was that supposed to mean? “It’s fine, I mean no problem.”
There was a pause in which it allowed you to take in the man who had addressed you. His bleach blonde hair, long heavy winter coat, not necessarily appropriate for the California weather, and the clear air he gave off of being the ringleader. His energy was infectious and his gaze able to pin you down and make you feel a twinge of fear mixed with an odd attraction.
“I’m David,”  he stuck out his glove clad hand at me, a subtle smirk playing across his lips. You accepted the offer, feeling the strength he was holding back in his grip.
“This is Marko, and yes he’s always like this,” David broke eye contact to look over at Marko who was chewing on the thumb of his own riding gloves, promptly causing him to pull it from his mouth. “And this is Michael.”
The man he signaled to was the only one who’d remained completely out of this little exchange for the most part until his name was mentioned. He was the most sedate, preferring to eye up the crowd around the other men then to pay attention to what was going on, now he had his eyes back on the group, giving you a small sympathetic smile. At least you're sure he knew how you probably felt during this strange exchange.
“Um, I’m Y/N. It was nice meeting all of you, but I really need to find my friend.” Your attempt to extract yourself from this strange group of men must have seemed pretty blatant. It wasn’t that they were doing anything outwardly bad, just that something about them made you feel like a deer caught in the sightline of a predator. You needed to move, get away.
Awkwardly walking backwards, you ended up bumping shoulders with the man who you’d ran into earlier. “Sorry, sorry.”
He chuckled in response, moving to let you pass. His eyes were the most transfixing to you of all the men, causing your gaze to linger on his for a moment before you turned around. Making your way back into the throng of people you felt oddly relieved to be leaving that group behind.
You didn’t want to look back over your shoulder as you went, until you were sure that you’d gained some distance. Finally taking a moment to look around, you realized you had ended up roughly in the area of the grill. There were several cheap folding tables packed with beer, chips and dip. A large punch bowl filled with a dubious substance you knew you weren’t going to touch.
Making your way along the table, you could see Y/F’s boyfriend at the grill wearing an apron over the Gomez Addams classic pin-striped suit.
“Hey Y/N!” your friend called from not far behind the grill, holding two jumbo hotdogs in each hand. “I lost track of you. Where did you go?”
“Just got lost in the crowd, you're a really fast walker you know,” you joked, as Y/F handed you one of the dogs.
“Well, I do have a lot of people to entertain and long legs,” she responded, before taking a bite out of her food. “I didn’t know what you wanted on yours so I just left it plain. You can get condiments over there.”
You looked over, taking in a chaotic mess of a foldout table. Some slightly crusty looking condiments, sad crumbly napkins and a red solo cup which held only a couple of plastic knives and forks.
Picking up the ketchup gingerly, you went about preparing your meal. Moving about the table, your thoughts wandered to mundane things. How you weren’t excited to be going back to work Monday for a double shift at the diner, how Y/F was gonna enlist you in the morning to clean and hassle the hungover part-goers out of the house. Inevitably you would have to spend the rest of your morning before work helping scub puke out of the living room carpet. Just great.
Satisfied that you’d applied the amount of toppings to your liking, it was time to find a seat or at least somewhere out of the way to stand. The thought crossed your mind to just go back inside and hide from the party in Y/F’s father's study, which was strictly off limits. No one would be allowed in on pain of death except for the family. You had been in there once or twice when you'd been over for dinner, and Y/F had gotten permission to borrow her father's telescope. You would both hang in the dark of the office with the giant eye of the device looking out into the night. Y/F’s father would be there of course, pointing out where you should look in the sky to see the different constellations. You'd never been there without him and Y/F before though. For all you knew, her father probably locked the door. It was worth checking out if you could find time to slip away after a little while.
For now you settled for spending the next hour and a half with Y/F, some of her friends from work and her boyfriend. The conversation was good, if not a little stilted by the fact that a couple of them were pretty drunk. It was easy enough to pretend you knew what some of them were talking about with the excuse of eating so you didn't have to answer any questions or comments. Letting the comfort of familiar voices wash over you, allowing some of your composure to return. It was nice to have a moment of peace among good company for a while. It was easy to forget about your problems, but the exhaustion of social interaction did start to nag at you as the hour went on.
A few times your eyes swept over the crowd of guests. It was likely that half of them were people who Y/F knew, and the other was people who had invited friends, who had invited their friends. Strangers who had just decided to tag along for the free beer and company. The party was reaching its peak, with the yard heaving with sweaty bodies of everyone dancing, eating and socializing.
The small comforts of being surrounded by a few recognizable faces started to fade as strangers began joining the fray of conversation. At some point Y/F was pulled away to deal with something, abandoning you to entertain people you had never met before, who were too intoxicated to hold any meaningful conversation with. Now was your chance to take a break. Get some space between you and the throng.
You abandoned your used napkins on one of the fold-out tables as you began to work your way back through the crowd again. This time without bumping into any more strangers, though it seemed strange that you didn’t, considering the closely packed crowd.
As you maneuvered your way towards the house, your eyes were drawn to the people you passed by, almost like you were searching for someone. All you seemed to see were strangers in a variety of costumes mingling, none meeting your eye for longer than it took to politely acknowledge your presence or look away. Only when you reached the house and looked back before entering, did you realize it was the man from earlier you had been trying to pick out of the crowd. However, if he was somewhere out there among the others you didn’t notice. It wasn’t really worth lingering on if you wanted to go find somewhere to take a break.
If the backyard was crowded, then Y/F’s house was absolutely bursting at the seams with activity. The kitchen counters were overflowing with cups, food, and paper cutlery. As you made your way into the front hallway, avoiding the living room, you heard the sound of something fragile smash. This was followed by raucous hooting and laughter. Whatever it was that broke, you hoped it wasn't something Y/F’s parents were going to skewer her for.
The lighting in the hall was dim and murky with a smoky haze that made you cough. Someone, or a couple someone's, had decided that hotboxing the front hall was a great idea. Passing by you met the bloodshot eyes of a clearly stoned Han Solo, with his arm slung around an equally stoned Wonder Woman. Her cheap black party wig askew on her head. There were a couple others leaning around them, partially blocking the stairs. As you passed they moved, lethargic in their countenance. Nearly tripping over one of the stoners legs, you ascended into the upper floor.
It was much less crowded and noisy. Most of the people there were either waiting to use the bathroom, or having their own little huddled quiet conversations. As you passed the guest bedroom you heard the sound of giggling and low moan. Now you'd never be able to look at that room or those sheets again the same way. Gross. Another thing you would have to help wash in the morning.
You could see the door at the end of the upper hall, no one between you and your goal in sight. As you made your way, you noted that no one lingered close by, the door having a piece of paper taped to it saying that it was off limits for guests “on pain of death.” The sharpie all caps must have really hammered the point home, because as you opened the door the sweet sound of silence met you. The loudest thing which met your ears was the muffled base of music.
You shuffled around the room, trying desperately not to knock anything off one of the side tables by the door as you searched the wall for the lightswitch. It was blocked slightly by a picture frame which had tilted, causing you to try steadying it as you flicked on the light.
It was a small lamp which came on overhead, casting a tranquil orange glow across the office space. Your feet shuffled across the throw rug, as you admired the tall book shelves. Stacks of books on all manner of nonfiction topics, most of them academic in nature. There were a couple yellowed spy thriller paperbacks near the bottom of the shelf closest to the large window on the opposite side of the room. The shades were still drawn, the telescope standing before it, waiting for someone to look out into the night sky.
You felt the temptation, the draw towards it, but you knew it was probably a bad idea to open the curtains with the lights on. Y/F might come check, and you’d get a stern talking to for going in the office and trying to escape the party. Instead you opted to pull out the creaky rolling desk chair and sit down while fiddling with the flimsy elastic holding the wings to your back. They had really been chafing and you could see where they had started leaving a red irritated line against your shoulders.
Slipping the elastics off, one snapped, causing you to let out a frustrated sigh. Well, it was only a matter of time before these cheap things broke. At this point removing the halo felt necessary. Maybe you could fix the wings if you bothered looking in the desk for tape or stapler, but you really didn’t think you should touch anything. If you broke something you most likely wouldn’t be let back into the office ever again.
Laying the wings and halo down on the desk it was impressive how clean Y/F’s father kept his workspace. The desk held a glass paperweight that looked quite hefty and a wooden desk organizer filled with a couple folders. Nothing worth snooping through, not that you really felt like trying to bother looking through anything.
Stretching, you felt your neck crack, releasing some tension. It was good to have some time to yourself for a couple minutes. All you’d been doing all day was interacting with people. From customers, friends, and strangers, it had been a lot to process. 
Your mind wandered back to that man you’d bumped into. His piercing gaze had made you feel both like a prey animal caught in the crosshairs of a hunter, and yet, at the same time there had been a thrill to it. Not often did you feel like anyone looked at you with a semblance of interest outside of a passing glance or a friendly smile. For once, having someone size you up was even a little flattering in a strange way. Though there was something strange about the others he had been with.
The way they had all surrounded you was a little disconcerting, and how one of them –Marko you thought– had joked about you being a friend for the night. It was almost like you weren’t even really a person, but a piece of meat. The thought of that curdled whatever sense of elation you got out of your little connection with the stranger you had bumped into. Guys like that were bound to be more trouble than they were worth, and the last thing you needed in your busy life was trouble.
As this thought crossed through your mind, it was like the Gods had heard your little inner monologue, and responded with the lights in the room going out, plunging the office into almost complete darkness. You sat up quickly, causing your head to spin, blood rushing through your ears.
There hadn’t been a sound of the light switch going off or of anyone entering the room.
Stumbling to your feet, you smashed your hip into the side of the desk, grunting, as you reached out and used the wall as a guide to try and find the light switch again. However, when you finally did, flicking it seemed to do nothing. Had the power gone out?
The only light in the room came from a crack within the heavy curtains. Their form letting in the smallest amount of glow from the fire pit outside. At first you could hear some commotion as people seemed to have realized that something was wrong, and there seemed to be some disgruntled booing.
You carefully made your way to the window, pulling the curtains open slightly to see what was happening. The yard was lit by the pit, the grill going strong and some music still coming from a portable radio. However, most of the guests seemed to be looking around wondering in their own little huddles, what was going on.
“Someone get the music working” a voice yelled from somewhere below you. Likely from one of the windows in the kitchen. Vaguely you could make out the heavily shadowed figure of Y/F striding across the yard, with another friend in town, politely mumbling apologies to guests as she passed.
Your eyes followed her progress as she got closer to the house. Before she entered was when the screaming started.
At first I thought it was someone messing around in the darkened first floor. However, that was short lived as people began to pour out of the back door, the first of the stampede knocking Y/F out of the way aggressively.
This only served to further plunge into chaos the already confused crowd of people outside. Most stood in place watching as others ran past, others started running away as well. Most likely in their drunk or high minds they thought it was a fight, the police or they just saw people running and didn't want to get caught just standing around if anything was really wrong.
As the first scream cut out though, more began to join it, along with yells of fear cut off as if severed violently. Among the shouts was also the sound of furniture being thrown, glass breaking. All of it from below you, as a few more people exited. One was a woman who appeared, from the distance to be soaked in something dark. She staggered a couple steps in a daze, before falling forward onto the grass.
The few people near her didn't even bother to check if she was okay, instead opting to turn and run as fast as they could in the opposite direction. The whole unfolding madness made your stomach drop, something cold worming its way into your gut.
The animal instinct the fear you were feeling was what kept you there, in the half light of a slightly pulled back curtain. What got you to move was when you heard the crashing off a window breaking. The thing thrown through it was a strange, almost unidentifiable mass of limbs. Two bodies entwined that fell heavily to the ground.
A man, familiar to you in the firelight. His face smeared with a dark redness, mouth pulled back into a snarl, like some kind of wild animal. Blonde hair wild, face distorted beyond anything human. Below him, the contorted and broken figure of… Y/F’s boyfriend.
His suit shredded along the chest, something looking like deep gashes, –clawmarks perhaps?-- along his skin. What got you to really step back, besides the shock, was the look on his face. A pure mix of confusion and horror, neck ripped to shreds so that it seemed his head was almost severed.
The curtains swished back into place, as you stepped away. The image already burned onto the inside of your eyelids. A permanent mental tattoo which no amount of mental coverup would hide.
Some small part of you hoped that what you'd just seen and the commotion you could still hear was all just a prank. A prank that had gone wrong, but one that was harmless.
Backing up more into the darkness, you felt almost suspended in a void between action and processing what you had just seen. More noise from below your feet, almost violent as more voices rise up. They are incomprehensible, but completely clear in how much terror was behind them. It felt like you were standing in place suspended in the darkness for hours, which in actuality was likely minutes. The hair on your arms raised, body still with only subtle tremors and jumps at any sound from below.
Slowly, painfully so, the noise began to die down, yelling faded. The sounds of breaking glass and ransacking quieted until it felt like you were standing in the deep dark belly of something dead. The only perceptible thing being the hammering of your racing heart-beat in your ears.
You hadn't noticed when the trembling had started in your legs until now. It had become full shakes, causing you to crumple onto the office carpet. Lacing your fingers behind your neck pressing your forehead to the soft fabric and taking in deep breaths. 
You weren't going to panic, you had to keep it together. Whatever was going on couldn't be that bad. Or, at least if it was bad, it was over now.
The panic was sudden though, as if it was in reaction to something outside your perception. An animal fear which your subconscious had picked up on, but had yet to communicate to you in any tangible, logical way.
Until you heard it.
The smallest of shuffling, like fabric rubbing together softly. You almost wanted to dismiss it as something your mind had conjured up in the following silence, after so much chaos. The floor made a soft creaking sound, which made you perk up so you were looking into the almost pitch black gloom of a barely lit space in the office.
You could make out nothing but blackness in a space between two bookshelves where the sound had come from. For a moment all you could do was look and hope, maybe you were wrong about something being there.
There was movement in the black. As if resolving itself out of nothingness, a tall figure moved towards you. No clear features could be made out, but it didn't matter. The shiver that worked its way up your body was enough to awaken your flight response.
Up from your knees you quickly backed up away from the advancing form until you smashed into the back of a side-table. The lamp placed upon it came crashing to the ground. Back to the wall, hand scrabbling for the handle to the door you must have looked down for a second on instinct. 
In that split second the figure was upon you. Up close you could smell musk and the faint acrid smell of smoke burning your nostrils. The force with which the arms of this person grabbed you were so aggressive you knew it was likely going to leave a bruise.
You let out a cry as you felt the nails of this stranger dig into your skin, drawing blood, body slammed onto the wall knocking the breath out of your lungs. They had crowded your personal space, leaning their body flush to yours, head burying into your exposed neck.
You pushed against this attacker, feeling the overwhelming heat of them against you, as if they were suffering from a high fever. Their hair brushed against your cheek, something scraping your neck. Stubble possibly?
For some reason in your messed up terrified brain found that it wanted to focus more on how much the scratching tickled then any other sensation.
“Get off me!” Your voice was lower in volume and cracked at the end with the bubbling terror in your gut. The scratching lead way to lips brushing your tender flesh, finding that sensitive spot, making you flinch away.
In response one of those talon-like hands moved, with inhuman swiftness from your arm to grasp your head. Tangled in your hair, you were forced still as your neck was wrenched to the side painfully to create easier access.
Tears prickled your eyes as you tried using your now free arm to push and scratch at the person holding you. But it was like trying to push against a stone statue, as if gravity had multiplied the weight of not just your attacker, but made your weight meaningless.
“Please,” was the last word you were able to work out of your lips in a strangled whisper before the scratching sensation began to overwhelm you again. Slowly it bloomed from an irritating tickle, to an itch, to finally a slow rising burn. As if a mosquito bite had evolved first to a bee sting and then a knife being driven down your throat.
The pain was radiant, stunning in its ability to dwarf any other feelings, almost euphoric. It was as if all your body had ever known or had been was this singular moment of sharp suffering. The feeling of something hot, and sticky touched your lips, working it's way into your mouth and on your tongue.
The taste, reminded you of the smell of oak burning and steel. The substance worked its way down your spasming throat. Your last thought before consciousness left you was how you wished you could scream.
To be concluded in part two…
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