#Love this MV to bits but it's a pain to color it
atlantis-area · 4 months
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JONGHYUN - 좋아 (She is) (2016) 8th anniversary
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purgemarchlockdown · 1 year
How Magic Depicts Pain
(also known as: I told myself to hold back on Amaneposting but the new process shots have made me think)
So in-universe, Magic is a watered down and sanitized version of what actually happened in the cult that switches between from Milgram's usual anime artstyle to a papercut/felt-like storybook one. The general tone of Magic is very high energy and happy. It's a very colorful MV all around.
This doesn't stop the darkness from seeping in of course, most notably in the lyrics and at the end of the MV which involves a stylized depiction of abuse.
I'll get to that part, but before the ending of the song we get two showcases of pain.
The game show scene:
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And the stage light scene:
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We will get to the stage light in a bit but let's talk about the game show first! The metaphor isn't subtle. Amane messed up, she said the wrong thing, made a mistake, and so, she gets punished.
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It's not treated as anything too serious though, Amane makes silly cartoonish facial expressions, her movements are over exaggerated and silly. It's comedic, it's nothing to be taken too seriously.
Even afterwards Amane gets helped up by (presumably) Yuri, you don't Have to worry. It's all fine and good and not that serious, and even if it, was the two of them help her up! It's a perfectly fine situation with nothing dark lurking under the surface that might suggest otherwise.
Now since the Milgram MVs are taken from the person's mind, most likely, Amane is downplaying the severity of the abuse done to her. Not only that but she's portraying her own pain as an exaggerated and comedic reaction to it. It's not that serious, she's just overreacting.
Amane does this a lot throughout the song and in outside material, she tends to downplay to abuse or explain why it's actually a good thing.
But it’s not scary at all, because it’s love I can really think it’s great. See isn’t it a great thing?
Amane Momose Does Not Consider Her Own Pain as Something Serious, or at least when it's pain caused by her abusers.
Moving out of the gameshow and into the stage light, the cat's pain is treated in a similar way at first. The scene even directly parallels the game show scene:
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Like with the game show, the reaction to the pain is depicted as something childish, a tantrum over a small scrape, nothing that really needs to be fret over.
Until we switch over to Amane's View:
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The camera is shaky, the cat isn't crying but hyperventilating. It's still a scrape but instead of the exaggerated criss cross, its a row of scratches on the cat's face, there's even a few on the cat's cheek. It's depicted seriously, there's actually weight to the injury here.
Now, what does Big Sister Amane do? Big Sister Amane who Yuri (after Gachata hurt her) helped just a few moments ago? Big Sister Amane who wants everyone to be happy? She helps.
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She grabs a first aid kit, I don't know How she got it but she does and she does the best she can to to fix the cat up. She's hiding away as she does this, she knows she isn't supposed to but she does it anyway because it helps someone!
And it works! You can see how happy the cat looks in the image. It's not just a vague "we will support you" gesture like the hand Yuri gives Amane. It's an actual tactile action that Helps Someone.
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And they can't have that. They can't have Amane help someone out like this.That's against their rules, that's against their beliefs, that's a threat to their control.
So they punish her.
Let's talk about the ending scenes, and the possible torture that Amane went through.
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I'm not going to show all of them as that's a whole other post on it's on really, but it's notable that, the most egregious acts of violence and abuse in the entire MV, are sanitized. There turned into storybook images, Amane has exaggerated and cartoony expressions, the mentor figures are far away from Amane and are standing to the side as she's getting hurt.
We know from the process shots that a taser was involved and yet in Magic it's depicted as this:
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It's...still bad, it's still depicting electrocution, however instead of a taser being used against her it's an abstract electrical burst. Even now there's a distance between what actually happened and what it shows.
And yet the pain still comes through, even with the storybook visuals, it's not the same as the Game Show where it was turned into a finger flick. It's still depicted as something Painful, just distanced from reality.
It transitions back to the regular art style after Amane prays, or more accurately, begs, that she can be better. She's given a wand (pipe) and wings and is told that yeah she Can be a better girl!
Not that she's already a good girl, only that she can be, eventually.
And, after all, aren't good girls supposed to have hope no matter what?
(End Notes: I hope people like the way I formatted the screenshots lol, I had a lot of fun with it so I hope it flows well!)
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joltrify · 3 months
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I say this all the time, but another banger MV by Eve~
I REALLY wanted to make a profound piece but ultimately the sketch went through so many iterations over the last 3 weeks that I lost steam for the project... so here are the sketches that I kept.
Sleep deprived ramble abt things that i really liked about the MV under the cut (sleep deprived wasn't meant to be a joke that's just what i am rn lol-)
I rewatched this MV many, MANY times so i could figure out what i wanted to draw (you're welcome Eve for giving you another million trillion gazillionviews) and I wanted to note some of deets i enjoyed
big fan of the moment before the second chorus where Monika's monitors (at least i'm assuming) capture mc 'sleepwalking' because of his zingai
(and i just went to Mariyasu's page and it turns out I got that spot on- the sleepwalking portion that is, still don't know abt Monika HAHA)
You can actually see his Zingai in all the opening scenes somewhere in the background, and i think that's fun... like after their first meeting he never left
MC's room is riddled with medication... I can only speculate that it's to treat some sort of pain that comes with the burns he has, as he takes it in the morning and evening (I guess it could also be sleep medication, but he has it on his table before work, which would be counterintuitive)
Love the stark contrast of yellow and that deep blue/ almost black - not entirely sure what is means/ represents, but it's obvious that it holds significance to the character as his eyes go from a bright yellow to that deep blue.
(added this thought last:) I think it may have something to do with the divide between fantasy and reality, dream and the waking world... so it makes sense that the character in his older age adorns himself in those darker colors as he's trying to be more 'present', but in times where he fantasizes/dreams either he or the world around him is enveloped in yellow. For example, when he's at work and he wishes to be anywhere BUT there he's wearing the most yellow as he thinks about... y'know. (I'm going to end up saying this a few times, but i think that it's cute that before MC 'breaks' there are little bits of yellow in his attire, as if he's still holding on the the hope that comes with dreaming. It also makes sense that the MV is called 'Insomnia' as the MC is struggling to 'fall back asleep', to return to dreaming as he was when he was a child - again going back to how his waking design is mostly deep blue/black as he lost it. Blue/black = Being awake + reality, Yellow = Being asleep + things pertaining to fantasy)
Really like (is like the right word for this?) that his younger self is a bit of a brat and we can see that from a young age he's had a deep distain for people, already dehumanizing them as fragile things to be destroyed for fun (and i understand why he would as indicated later in the MV)... Although he never grew out of that perspective (in fact it's gotten worse) it seems he's learned to at least control the impulse to destroy
The first loop around we see things from his balloon perspective, not really viewing people as human, the second time around (after his reoccurring memory-dream thing) the people are actual people, and we can see the actual destruction caused by enacting his childhood fantasy - but judging by his reaction to the news he wasn't aware of that at all. We were viewing that scene from the outside perspective, as implied by the fact we can't see his zingai leading him out while he's sleepwalking. I think that's a super cool detail
During the climax (where MC fully breaks lol) we can see yellow balloons floating into the air, which i think is a bittersweet moment. Like MC is finally able to view people as people while he's awake but it took confronting his inner child and getting hit by a truck to do that :(
I think that MC also has distain for his younger self as seen in the climax... like he doesn't want to be the type of person that carries out his fantasies anymore... he just wants his Zingai
He's clearly a deeply troubled guy but the fact that he cares enough to let himself rot and not anyone else is sorta sweet... from a character perspective, anyway. I understand the feeling
someone in the comments on yt also hc'd that the person that was crumbling up the newspaper near the end was Otogiri, as: A.) The sleeves match, and B.) he tried to call mc earlier but he declined, and he ends up seeing him later in prison/recovery...
So he might have been crumbling up the paper in frustration with him... i think it's really neat... and sort of endearing in a way? Like I can almost hear Tobi thinking 'Why didn't he listen to me??? He should've listened to me... now look at the mess he's in. Making me do more work to bail him out...'
I think those are all my biggest thoughts haha. I could do a frame by frame analysis of this series, it's so good. Understanding Japanese would probably make this a lot easier to do, but the fact I was able to get all of this just from watching is incredible enough, Mariyasu did an excellent job. Thanks for reading~
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good-beans · 11 months
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(Milgram self-insert oc masterpost hehe)
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Color: #E7355B [the pink in the art]
Age: I guess she’d be 20 given when Milgram started huh.
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Symbols/imagery: ballet/musical theater, science experiments
Song genre: very similar to Mahiru's, something upbeat and extra pop-y
Tentatively she's number 011? She's not really prisoner but she's also not free to come and go, so I'm not actually sure if she'd get a number (Edit: I've decided she'll actually be 012. Staff is given the 01X range, and even though Es doesn't actively have a number they'd be staff member 011, making her 012.)
Story: Since the project is supposed to be realistic/present day, the mv machine would be brand new and unpredictable tech, so they’d want someone keeping up on maintenance and making sure the brain-invasive process won’t cause any harm to the prisoners. Rose was studying abroad in Japan working on some cool neuroscience tech (irl I know nothing about technology or brains but shh) and she stumbled upon some secret tech/plans from Milgram. Long story short, she was dragged into the experiment to make sure things ran smoothly.
Writer's Reasoning: She’s really fun for me to play around with, as she allows me to work with a character who has a tiny bit of pull over Es’ mindset in conversation but not the final decision (aka mirroring the voting system), and someone who is simultaneously trapped in the prison but has a reason to see all the canon content.* I really enjoy the character interactions and dynamics Milgram has set up so far, so it’s been super fun seeing how things change for better and worse when someone not quite aligned with either Milgram/the prisoners is thrown into the mix!
*As much as I love dramatic irony in fiction, it would drive me crazy if I knew every detail of of the vds/mvs but Rose didn't – and every single Milgram character is The Worst Communicator Ever so I couldn’t justify that she’d hear it secondhand from them...
Story roles:
She’s a bit conflicted -- she’s officially Milgram staff and knows she should remain neutral on the prisoners, since she won’t be allowed to interfere with the process/executions. At the same time, her job description is literally “make sure the machine doesn't hurt them and everyone's safe :)” and she's way too emotional to avoid getting hopelessly attached to everyone 😅
I really enjoy the theory that the machine extracts videos based off of priming, so one of Rose’s duties involves listening in on the interrogation and making sure there’s been enough material discussed/not too much time has passed overall (hence the ringing of the bell happening at different lengths for each vd -- That's her ringing it :3). She then watches the mvs along with Es to make sure there are no machine glitches, and know how to calibrate it better for next time.
(IEdit: I've since decided to add in official trial mvs, but before when I wasn't ready to tackle that:) She has to run some tests on the machine to make sure things are calibrated correctly, so she'd extract little things here and there. It gives me the opportunity to think up lyric snippets and recurring symbols for her without worrying about full encompassing music videos.
I'm not afraid to admit she can fall into Mary Sue territory every so often by being everyone's friend, because it's less about "aw everyone likes her" and more about "canon is too painful rn and I need a fix-it tool to take care of these guys and give them hugs and tell them someone forgives them and cares about them and unfortunately these characters wouldn't let anyone less than a friend do that." Rest assured she's definitely not perfect and will fuck everything up on occasion :3
Miscellaneous: Whenever I play around with normal au ideas she's still working on the machine (but in a public, more ethical setting), and she's Mahiru's roommate :) Her character isn't super focused on love, but if I had to pick a cover song it'd be Stickybug II. It's very much my vibe, the lyrics fit well enough (better than most songs, at least lol) and it's one of my favorites out of my limited knowledge of unchosen Deco songs! (Edit, I've actually given her non-deco cover songs hehe)
So yeah, I hope she's not too boring without a cool crime to decipher, but I wanted to share since I was really proud of her! It took a bit of tinkering to find a way to fit her into a perfect secret-third-thing role that runs very smoothly with all of canon, so I was very excited!
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blueepink07 · 1 year
I've seen the collaboration with Milgram drinks and considering that they are specially personalised for each character I decided to find some symbolism in the drink's contents.
Because my last posts had been with Muu, I decided to begin with her. ~🐝
(mentions of suicide, murder! )
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Translation: (It was done with some apps so I'm not very sure how good is this translation, but let's hope for the best!)
~Yuzumitsu syrup~🥤(I think it should've been yuzu and honey?)
~Whipped cream~🍨(the second one looks a little bit like in the photo)
Now let's start!
~Yuzu fruit~
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"Yuzu is a citrus fruit that is native to East Asia, specifically China and Japan. It is a cross between a mandarin orange and a pomelo, and is known for its unique flavor and aroma. The fruit is typically small and round, with a thin, bumpy skin that is bright yellow when ripe."
-> "Yuzu has been an important part of East Asian culture for many centuries. In Japan, the fruit has been associated with the aristocracy and the imperial court, and was often presented as a gift to the emperor."
To sum it up, Yuzu is a symbol of wealth and luxury.
This easily links to Muu as she admits that she comes from a rich family and she is often provided with everything she needs in the interrogation questions, but also in voice dramas. Even her second MV in where she is portraited as the queen bee is a good example of her higher status. Funnily enough, to fit the bee theme she is given honey in shape of larvae, which has another similarity with the description below where the emperors received Yuzu as a gift.
->"In Chinese art, yuzu has been depicted in traditional Chinese paintings, particularly those related to nature. Yuzu is depicted as a symbol of longevity and auspiciousness(promising success) ."
Again, because of Muu's higher status, she was meant to have a very successful life, if her murder never happened. She admits having received many model scouting offers due to her natural beauty and her mother's career. Also, a lot of money means that she can pay for her medical needs so, if not for some accidents or some sort, she would probably have lived a long life.
->"People heralded yuzu as a powerful fruit for more than its medicinal properties and its ability to leave your skin silky smooth after a soak. It was also regarded as auspicious due to its bright, sunny color and strong, fresh fragrance. Many believed soaking in a yuzu bath on the Winter Solstice invited health and fortune for the new year. Some even believed the powerful aroma could ward off bad luck and exorcise evil spirits!"
Okay, here a many things that I want to cover up, so I'll make it short.
Medical properties and smooth silky skin can again link to Muu being very healthy and very beautiful. But what I want to point out is the yuzu bath, which is said to ward off bad luck and exorcise evil spirits. Muu often says in her first VD that Rei was a bad person and was the actual cause of her misfortune. This fruit could be a metaphor of her crime, because Muu by murdering Rei (in her pov)she got rid of the source of her bad luck and suffering.
Even the Winter Solstice itself points this out. By the standard definition winter Solstice is marked as "the symbol of death and rebirth of the Sun". Muu is often portraited in yellow colours, so by thinking of her as the sun we can interpret this way: Muu's old bullied self died as soon as she killed Rei and was rebirthed as a more confident person freed of pain.
If Muu were a fruit, I would say that Yuzu will definitely be a perfect choice, so no wonder Milgram chose this fruit for her drink.
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->"The lemon has come to symbolize many — sometimes opposing — ideas, depending on the cultural reference point. Sometimes it is considered a symbol of longevity, purification, love, and friendship, and other times it is seen to be symbolic of bitterness and disappointment. Catholic tradition linked the fruit to fidelity. Because it was imported at great expense to some countries it became a symbol of wealth."
I will not explain again the longevity, purification and wealth part as it will be just me repeating myself. Instead, I will talk about friendship which is an important theme to Muu's character.
I will begin with Muu's views about it, because I think it will be a better introduction.
"Friends aren't like that you know. Rather than using each other for something, we just get along because we're comfortable around each other. That's all."
Muu thinks that friendship means to be yourself without the fear of being judged. To talk happy about silly topics, to express yourself in a comfortable atmosphere, to get along with people that understand you. At the surface, Muu's idea of friendship it's the standard definition. However, if we dig just a little bit, we easily see that Muu doesn't truly respect her ideals or rather she is using this definition to the extreme. When confronted by Es about Haruka's intention to keep her safe, Muu admits that she already knows about it. She is happy, because Haruka wants to protect her from a possible guilty verdict. After that, she explains that she will not stop him from killing himself if that's what he wishes, because according to her "Isn't friendship about letting your friends do the things they want?". Again, just by definition, it is a correct affirmation. Friendship means to help your peers achieving what they want and supporting them on their journey. But Muu takes this definition to the extreme. Friendship doesn't always imply that you should let the person you care about to do whatever they want. This is just negligence. Sometimes they need a reality check or words to convince them that what they want to do at the moment it's not the best choice and should find another solution or simply to abandon that idea.
Muu then ends her friendship talk with an interesting sentence. "Then what is friendship? You're together because it's beneficial for everyone involved, aren't you?"
By theory, what she says is true. Friendship is needed in humans life, because we can't properly live without other persons to interact with. Even if we talk about a connection that it was made simply because you share a class with and you don't want to be lonely or a relationship that actually lasts for a lifetime, they are important for our development.
In Muu's case both her and Haruka are benefiting from their friendship, not only as a way to pass time and keep sane in a magical prison, but also for their own desires. For example, Muu thinks that the most important thing that a friend should do is to listen to what she has to say, something that Haruka is actively seen doing.
(from the interrogation questions)
What's a friend in your opinion?
"People who listen carefully to what Muu has to say."
So Muu seeks people that listen to her and with whom she's comfortable in a friendship. In the second MV the scene where the "bees" are around her could be a metaphor for her wanting to be listened(after all, what a queen says never gets unnoticed), but also in this specific scene she looks the most comfortable around her friend group.
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Okay, but what her friends are benefiting from this relationship? Considering how easily they betrayed her trust means that it was never a very deep connection to begin with. That's because what they gained were objects, expensive things. Muu's love language and appreciation is giving things to others. Being rich means that she can afford many items so for her it's not a big struggle. In after pain the text from her phone suggests that she gave her lipstick to one of her friends.
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Also, to who she gave something to as a sign of friendship? To Haruka! The hairpin.
Her friendship at school was most likely superficial, based more on materialism, and was never a deep connection like Muu wanted. Despite that her views of friendship seem like the standard definition, because they were taken to the extreme, she didn't realized until too late that her friends were superficial and didn't care much about her.
And even after all this she still wants to see her friends again, meaning that Muu still cares somewhat about them.
"At the moment is there anyone you want to meet?"
"I want to meet my friends, but in the first place there's daddy and mom I think~"
At the same time though, she is disappointed with how everything turned out to play and how easy her friends started to bully her.
"Do you regret it?"
"Mhm, I should've chosen my friends better."
What did lemons symbolise again? Disappointment, bitterness and fidelity. What Muu feels now about her past friendship and the loyalty that she never had truly gotten, but wants to.
Lemon is a fruit that represents very well Muu's desires and it's sad that such a simple wish (friendship) was too hard to be granted.
~Whipped cream~🍨
I will not talk much about this, since there is not much to say.
Whipped cream is used a lot in desserts, sugary things. Usually, it symbolises a carefree attitude and a joyous mood. This could make a reference to Muu's actual state of mind in Milgram, her being one of the only prisoner who is still fine, both mentally and physically.
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"Honey symbolises positive things, such as abundance, wisdom, and even the word of God."
I think it is no wonder that honey is an important part in Muu's character considering the second MV.
Her second MV adds information about Muu's murder and uncovers us the revelation that she was once part of the bullying group. So based on the symbolism, we can say that honey represents truth.
But what does honey represents in her MV? Muu associates it with devotion in the lyrics, which makes sense considering the visuals. The first bee scene that we have is Muu being surrounded by other classmates. Almost all of them have a plate with honey waiting for her to delight with the food. Just one of the bees has an empty plate that doesn't get unnoticed by Muu, who with just a slight push, breaks her into pieces.
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And not just the visuals and the lyrics are showing that honey means devotion and loyalty.
"She will stop from time to time in the hive, to be groomed and fed by the worker bees called her 'attendants.' They form a circle around her, and will also spread her pheromone through the hive. This queen pheromone tells the bees that she is alive and well."
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The scenes from the MV are mimicking the bees in real life. Her friends, the worker bees, by giving her honey, are showing how much they value their friendship. So it's only naturally that the girl who doesn't give her honey (in Muu's point of view) it's like she's wishing for her downfall.
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Another thing... (feel free to ignore, because it's just me being annoyed at the bullies) Honey symbolises sweetness in life. I can't shake the feeling that by giving Muu this sweet honey, they are flattering her so they can receive more expensive things. Even the text on the phone seems like the friends are complimenting her too much?
Anyway, back to the analysis!
Also I want to point out the shape of the honey, which are bee larvae. Normally, the queen bee is the one that makes them to assure that the colony is prosperous. Instead, Muu eats them, indicating how her friends circle is slowly diminishing and, in the world of bees, the colony is slowly wiped out.
It doesn't help that Muu's actively destroying the colony by breaking the worker bees into pieces. If Muu and her friend group believe that the respective classmate is treating them badly or "betraying from jealousy", they are cutting ties with that person removing them from the friend circle and target them as the new victim of bullying. A good example is the short haired girl from the thumbnail, which resembles a lot the first bee with the empty plate.
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Basically, Muu believes that if a classmate is treating her badly she is being bullied by them, so her deciding to bully them back is a sign of revenge. Her voice drama also implies this assumption.
"You see, if you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of events, then wouldn't it be bad to bully me back again in return?"
To sum it up:
classmate (doesn't value the friendship/does something that Muu and the friend group dislikes) is a bully in their Pov -> they bully back as an act of revenge
Rei is interfering(wants to stop the bullying)-> Muu is the new victim of bullying and is betrayed by her closest friends
Muu thinks the only way to escape is by killing herself -> ends up killing Rei (revenge)
Muu implies that by giving her a guilty verdict we basically are telling her that it was wrong for her to seek revenge. However, it also means that Rei was wrong to instigate the bullying, again, as an act of revenge.
"But if you were like, "I won't forgive you, Muu! Revenge is bad!," then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me? Since we've all done something bad anyway, doesn't that mean that I've not done anything wrong in the end?"
And she ends her argument with the fact that she and her victim are even, meaning that she didn't do anything wrong.
Now that we have the bullying part cleared up, let's end this with the last scene from the MV were honey appears.
Throughout the MV, we see that the queen cell above Muu is glowing when she is eating honey. That is the place were all the honey is deposited and is spilled out when the fully developed Muu with wings escapes.
In the first MV the hourglass was used to represent how much Muu could endure the pain until she would've suffocated(literally). That queen cell could symbolise the same thing. When Muu escapes, the honey that was once a sign of friendship and loyalty was now suffocating her due to the fakeness and the betrayal of her friends. She is no longer looking at the spilled honey, and is happy that she can finally break free since there is nothing left in the broken hourglass(not even her three closest friends).
Honey is a good representation of trust and devotion. It showed the truth of the situation, how too much sweetness in one's life could cause someone to "suffocate" in the lies hidden in it (in this case, the false friendship that Muu believed she had).
Thank you for reading! ~🐝
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linalilia · 2 years
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 005: sanada kei
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the background is so bright and i am so sorry
THIS MAN. OH GOD THIS MAN. it was so hard to draw him for some reason. anyway, as i said, prisoner 005 is going to be one of the most insane and dangerous characters and his mv is. um. it's a lot. you'll see what i mean by that.
(check out my masterlist if you want to see other prisoners' profiles!)
Warnings: suggestive themes, unhealthy relationships (again), mentions of injuries/physical abuse, implications of kidnapping, UH.. that's probably it?
General info:
Name: Sanada Kei (真田圭) (his last name means "true" and "rice field" and his first name means "gemstone")
Age: 25 y/o
Gender: Male
Status: Prisoner 005
Birthday: August 20 (Leo)
Height: 177 cm (haha he's 1 cm shorter than Naomi)
Blood type: B
Image color: #FF4089
Occupation: Photographer
Personality: Kei is.. quite an interesting individual with a very "unique" personality. At first he just seems like a guy who will flirt with almost anyone and doesn't know how personal space works, but as you get to know him better, you start to realize that he's much more dangerous than you thought. It should be mentioned that Kei is actually not the most romantic kind of guy, he always gets straight to the point and even though he might say a cheesy pickup line or two, he will say what he wants from you almost immediately and he will make sure it's impossible for you to say no to him. However, even though he talks so much about "mature topics", this guy is a lot more childish than he looks like and he often gets mad at people for very stupid reasons. His mood swings are so unpredictable that even the bravest people find them terrifying, especially considering that he's not afraid of getting violent and he doesn't care about the whole "prisoners can't hurt guards" rule. And if he's not allowed to hurt the guards, then.. maybe he should simply try making the prisoners suffer instead. Also, if you listen to him more carefully, you can notice that Kei is actually a huge liar. And he's not even that good at lying. He can lie about his hair actually being green even though you can clearly see that it's red and he doesn't mean it in a "oh, green is actually my natural hair color" way. Most of the time he lies to make himself look more sympathetic and he's more than okay with manipulating the guards and other prisoners so that they think he's better than he really is. And the worst thing is that him lying so often actually makes his mvs.. a bit hard to watch, because it seems like he genuinely believes his own lies. According to Guard 001, Kei also loves to make people believe that he's the victim and not somebody else and he will do anything to make people trust him.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: .. he would actually sing After Pain. I am not kidding. LISTEN IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE TO ME as I said, Kei wants people to feel bad for him, he wants to be their poor little meow meow, so I can definitely imagine him singing a song like After Pain so that people can go "oh no.. 🥺🥺 he had to go through so much.. 😔😔 he's innocent fr!!" And those lyrics actually fit him a lot, I really want to talk about it more, but it would be a huge spoiler, so.. just think about the "But I guess some of it is my fault, maybe it's okay as it is" and ""I'm sorry" won't reach anyone" parts while you read his MV description >:3 Also I just really want him to do the "Let's meet up inside the pain" part because it would sound so good with his voice and it actually describes his crime really well, haha.. Also I just thought it would be funny because the song is called "After Pain" and he's a huge sadist so..
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Look me in the eye and tell me he would cover anything other than Vampire.
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: Party Junkie by Satsuki ga Tenkomori.
His MV description:
His MV would have very bright neon colors, but they would become darker in certain parts and his song would sound like something you could hear in a club, it would be fun and catchy.. until you actually check the lyrics and 1) you realize that the lyrics have obvious sexual subtext and 2) you suddenly remember that this guy is a murderer.
We can see a room that looks a lot like something you could see in a Tear Drop MV and a bright pink couch with five women in revealing outfits sitting on it, but we can't see their faces. Kei walks closer to the couch and pulls out his camera to take a photo, but the scenery suddenly changes and now he's taking a photo of his friends who are about to go and have fun at the club. The music starts playing and all guys are smiling, including Kei, who enters the club with them. Their girlfriends join them as well and we can see that all guys here have a girlfriend.. except Kei. Kei is still laughing and smiling with everyone, but the colors are darker now and we can see that Kei actually finds this party boring and he even looks.. disgusted with his friends and their girlfriends? The lyrics mention how tired he really is and that he wishes to just forget everything, but then Kei puts his pink sunglasses on and everything goes back to being bright and colorful again. He's still pretending to have fun, but now we can clearly see that his emotions are fake.
But then, Kei notices someone and his eyes start sparkling and even when he takes off his sunglasses, he still looks like he really is in love. He leaves his friends and tries to follow that stranger and as he does, he touches one of the drinks and it becomes the same color as his image color. That stranger starts running away from him, but Kei still refuses to leave them alone and everything around him becomes brighter and brighter. Kei finally succeeds and when he grabs that person's hand, he looks at the stranger with a wide smile on his face and whispers "I caught you~".
We go back to that pink room from the beginning and now the song sounds a bit calmer, but the lyrics are more messed up now and Kei's voice sounds like he's slowly losing his mind. We can't see that stranger, but we can see Kei taking more photos and his "model" is most likely that person he caught. There's a lot of photos on the walls and while some of them are actually beautiful and they don't look that suspicious, for example, some of them are pictures of flowers, animals, Kei's friends, etc, most of them look like they have blood stains on them, though the blood is the same color as Kei's image color, just like that drink from earlier. Some of them also have something written on them and when you look closer, it says "You're not allowed to see this~". Kei puts another photo on the wall and when he walks away, it becomes stained with blood as well. He suddenly hugs the stranger and we still can't see them that clearly, but Kei looks genuinely happy this time. If you look closer, you can see that this person's arms and legs are bandaged and they have bandaids on their face and you also can notice that same drink on the table.
Kei grabs his phone and checks the time. He sighs and it looks like he doesn't want to go, but he still smiles at his.. lover? Muse? Victim? He takes their hand and kisses it and promises that he won't let "someone" hurt them because no one can hurt them as bad as he can. We can see Kei knocking on the door and it looks like his friends are having a party and he couldn't miss it even though he didn't want to go. One of his friends opens the door and smiles at first, but then he looks at the person standing next to Kei and screams. Kei just puts his pink sunglasses back on, comes inside with that person and closes the door.
His Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Hiii, Sanada Kei here~ So you two are the guards, right? Hehe, you are so adorable. Please take good care of me~ I'm sure you will understand why I committed my "crime". You're not like my friends who left me after they found out I'm a little.. "different" from them.. Wait a second, are you.. Ei-"
"You're the only person who knows how hard it is to be.. well, me. Hey, can I come closer? I just think your eyes are beautiful, that's all. Hehe, you truly are the only person in this world who can inspire me."
Yes, he's wearing those sunglasses from Tear Drop. When I first came up with Kei's design, I knew that I want him to wear sunglasses and then I was like "haha, what if i turn it into a Tear Drop reference". But now it's not just a reference, but an important part of his character, but I'll leave that to you to figure out >:3
Speaking of Tear Drop, I actually thought of making him cover this song, but for some reason I just can't imagine him singing it? Like his voice just wouldn't fit.. Also it feels a little too obvious and I think After Pain describes his crime better and fits him more.
His murder isn't his only crime and he had done many, many bad things before he ended up in Milgram. His number of victims is a secret.
There's a reason why Prisoner 005 and Guard 001 have the same last name and it's because they're brothers. However, Eiji won't go easy on Kei just because it's his brother, in fact, he wants him to be voted guilty more than all the other prisoners.
He truly believes that he will get an innocent verdict even though his own brother wants him dead because "he's sure there are other people who won't let him get a guilty verdict simply because he's too hot".
He's especially close with Prisoner 003 and Prisoner 006 and it seems that he's not just trying to become friends with them, he actually wants their relationship to be deeper than that. Yes, with both of them. And when I said that Shun has a very toxic relationship dynamic with someone, I meant him.
He sees himself as a "dad friend" because he's the oldest male prisoner even though he's not much older than most prisoners here. Also almost all prisoners agree that he's too irresponsible to be their "dad".
Even though it might seem that Kei is another "yandere" character (heart motifs in his design, themes of obsession, etc), he's not exactly that, at least he's definitely not the romantic kind of yandere and not even a platonic one, like Aimi. Maybe him trying to make himself look like someone who was so loyal to his lover (if that person even was his lover) that he was basically obsessed with them is just another lie?
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got7ent · 2 years
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jacksonwang852g7: #MAGICMAN album out now everywhere. Blue music video out now. Gave everything I got to this point in my life. Also Im shooting come alive MV now. I really don’t know what to say cuz it’s been such a journey.
Melon | Genie | Spotify | Bugs | Vibe | Flo
The audience and my crowd who started with me since day1 will know what we all went through. And thanks for thinking it’s worth it loving me.
Along the journey, Thanks to all the pain, struggle and obstacles through the peaks and valleys of what i experience in my career, in the industry. mentally, physically and personally.
No one believed in me but you all. I have been living a life of getting denied everyday in a lot of ways. And i always think I should just be better and I hope that one day my work will speak for itself. I just wanna be honest with my crowd, my audience. To you all.
This is me. The music, the lyrics, the delivery, the attitude, color, tone… etc. This is me and I feel like MAGIC MAN.
MAGIC MAN is more of a feeling and abstract, like the ultimate form of one self, having gone through different peaks and valleys of life to arrive at the most authentic version. Everyone goes through low points in their lives personally mentally, Trust your gut feeling get up and move forward, go for your dream , never rely on anyone else because it’s not their dream. always trust your gut feeling, be U.
Everyone is able to become their own form of MAGIC MAN. Plz take a bit of time and listen to it. Can you relate to it ? #MAGICMAN Hope you enjoy my blood and sweat all over the years, I hope my work can translate to your friends and family that you share to.
Listen to the album, If you like the album, and you would really like to see me and my performance. I will fight for a performance in your countries and cities. Lmk down below.
This is Jackson Wang. This is MAGIC MAN. If this is not it, I don’t know what is anymore.
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swimmingleo · 3 years
Changes: or to take the higher ground before it's too late
I'm going to be real here folks, I cry ugly tears to this song. Bad.
Changes is a song on Cam's album "The Otherside". It's country, it's folk and it's an album a bit influenced by changes in Cam's life (a change of label, personal life). She collaborated with Harry on the song Changes, as she opened for him on a venue and was already working with Tyler Johnson.
From what I gathered: Harry sent her the demo of the song, implying he made most of the writing on this one. What I'm basing this claim on is her interview for Rolling Stones (read it here):
I heard [the demo] and was just like, “Oh, this ache to outgrow something that you don’t want to outgrow!” It felt so good. I normally don’t take outside songs [...]
‼️DISCLAIMER‼️when analysing this song, I'm gonna go from the idea of it being written with a queer mindset (how surprising of me). Cam rendered the song beautifully and it is very much her own, but I believe Harry's input is consequential. After all that's his lil whistle and cute fishsona in the MV.
Sad queer analysis ahead.
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Let's analyse the lyrics first:
There is a town
Somewhere down a country road
The speaker describes the town to us, from memory, from experience. "There it is, down the road, can you picture it ?"
I see it now
I take it everywhere I go
The speaker doesn't currently live in the town, they're on the move (nice throwback to the coutry road). But despite all the travelling, they realize the sedentary smalltown never leaves them. It's part of them. It left a mark on them.
The river sways, I can almost hear it now
As if to say, "You're not the only one who wants a way out"
The town is so real to the speaker they can sense it, eyes and ears. But it gets a bit dark: the river sways like it's trying to leave its bed. The river is envious of the speaker who managed to leave. The town is so toxic even nature wants to get away from it. Or the speaker resents the town so bad that they project their own resentment on the river.
So, I go
'Cause I don't wanna feel like I don't know you anymore
I memorize those roads
This is the call for the speaker to leave for good. Their motive doesn't seem to be ambitious or anything grand. They leave because they apprehend a feeling. Apprehending a feeling, something that may not even happen, is the way of an anxious person. Anxiety is the motive of their departure. However, they still memorize the roads leading to the town, just in case. Perhaps one day they'll come back.
Somewhere out in the big wild country
Someone's fallin' in love in a backseat
Givin' it away
Like their hearts won't ever break
Suddenly it's about love ! Young love, one that is lived in the small compartment of a car, somewhere hidden and safe in the big wild country. As if the countryside was unexplored and threatening.
God bless the young hearts sippin' cheap wine
Gettin' drunk with their friends for the first time
Thinkin' nothing's gonna change
'Til everything changes
The speaker looks at the youth with tenderness, wishing them the best. But once again, they're not in the town in the present time, they don't see the youngsters fooling around, they can only guess from first-hand experience. And it's very specific: falling in love, getting drunk with friends and thinking everything's gonna be easy like that forever until it's not and heartbreak ensues.
From there I hop in with the raw queer theme of those lyrics. It started by falling in love and it ended up in a heartbreak. In between, the speaker got drunk for the first time with their friends, people they trusted enough to let go a little, but in the end everything changed. Why ? Alcohol makes you forget about code of conduct, how you're supposed to behave. It makes you say or do things you might not have done sober.
We can interprete this chorus as the beginning of the end for the speaker. It's the only part of the song evocating the past, and it's fun and easy, but it's also where things started to get bad the way they are in the present. Something might have happened that first time the speaker got drunk and it marked the end of innocence and careless childhood, and it probably has to do with love as no other factor is provided apart from falling in love and heartbreak.
They never leave
They're all havin' babies now
Watchin' daytime TV
Livin' off the gossip of a cruel small town
They. With Harry, it's always You, Me, and They. They are having babies, all of them, like it's not a very difficult thing to do, it's just natural. They have the leisure of the day, not a thing to worry about, if not gossip. It's not implied anymore, the small town is downright cruel. Gossip fuels it, but on behalf of someone else, and that someone is most definitely the speaker who left and who describes its inhabitants in the most mundane way, perhaps with a hint of contempt. The speaker seems bitter.
So, I go
'Cause I don't wanna feel like you don't know me anymore
Don't recognize my face
Reprise of the pre-chorus except now, the speaker provides another reason for their departure. Not only they feared they wouldn't know the town anymore, they also feared being seen as a stranger. It's not like the speaker actually changed physically: but it might as well feel like it. Again, apprehension, anguish. As implied in the chorus, things changed to the point where the speaker feels they would seem like a whole another person to the rest of the town, a stranger, a threat to the integrity of the conservatives. So they leave before this shift in perception can happen.
There ain't nothing here for me anymore
They say they don't hear from me anymore
And I don't wanna hear it anymore
The town is not outwardly hostile. It's still the town that saw the speaker as a kid. The town doesn't understand why the speaker left, but the speaker won't give in and get in touch. They want to be as far away as possible, until they don't hear the questions, the river, everything. It's almost like the speaker doesn't carry the town in their heart at all. They want to forget it all, and it hurts everytime the town tries to lure them back in. The way Cam sings it is painful to me man
Somewhere out in the big wild country
I was fallin' in love in a backseat
Givin' it away
Like my heart won't ever break
Had such a young heart sippin' cheap wine
Gettin' drunk with my friends for the first time
Thinkin' nothing's gonna change
'Til everything changes
Yeah, just the confirmation of the chorus being the speaker's experience. I went ahead and assumed it was already lol but it's like a plot twist effect. It's dramatic. It's a personal song to someone.
TO MAKE IT SHORT to me this song is intense and very in touch with the queer experience. Though it describes a specific situation, it is surprisingly not that detailed or full of metaphors the way Harry often writes: this town could be literally any smalltown in the countryside. The backseat could be the one of any car, cheap wine is something any teen can afford. I like to think Harry wrote it for himself but is also aware so many people went through the same thing, and still will. I have to admit I'm heavily biased writing this, as the experience of a queer kid struggling to find their place in a well settled smalltown is familiar.
GETTING DRUNK AND QUEER IDENTITY is an analogy Harry already used in Fine Line when he sang "We'll get the drinks in so I'll get to thinking of her". To drink is to let go, to unveil the most subconscious aspects of yourself you might not want to deal with otherwise. You don't care about judgement and you get to explore those parts freely. In Changes, this is the last memory they recall before stating the changes and their departure. Perhaps getting drunk for the first time would be when they realized they're queer. Or acted upon it, causing their little world to shake. They chose to leave before it eventually wouldn't feel like a choice anymore. There is no life for people like them in a cruel smalltown.
This song reminds me an awful lot of Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat. The song is about a queer boy having to leave the smalltown where he grew up because of persecutions and no future prospects.
Mother will never understand why you had to leave, Smalltown Boy
They say they don't hear from me anymore, Changes
But the answers you seek will never be found at home, the love that you need will never be found at home
There is nothing here for me anymore
Other people not understanding why they leave. People who can't truly empathize even when they mean no harm. They would never understand the speaker's departure, because those people get to find love and have babies and live a peaceful life in the countryside.
You were the one that they'd talk about around town as they put you down
Livin' off the gossip of a cruel small town
Yeah yeah. I really struggle with just seeing this song as nostalgia when such harsh words are being used. I do believe there is a part of fondness for that town, that countryside setting and the early days. But it's not all tender memories.
Of couuuurse we all noticed the adorable purple fish with the pearl necklace. It represents Harry, no question, as it whistles Harry's part. And of couuuuurse we all made the link with the erodian fish, and some even noticed they formed the bluegreener pair when their colors are inverted.
It makes sense for those fishes to be connected with this interpretation of Changes. Both works are about a small town, lost in the nature, where the people are watching, aware of everything that isn't normal, that is peculiar. The early life of the peculiar boy is similar in every way to the early life of the speaker in Changes. The fish in Adore You grows too big for the island and has to leave, and though Eroda makes amends with the peculiar boy, he leaves as well because his future, his fulfilment, is somewhere else. So does the speaker in Changes.
The more I write posts like this, the more endeared I am by Harry's world. How Harry writes for himself, but also for other people with songs like this. How nature finds its way in all that he does. How grounded he is, how he doesn't seem to forget where he came from. It really is such a rare thing to see in a mainstream popstar's writing and art. How can someone say he sold his soul to LA is beyond me
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jesusology · 3 years
having a hard time with Kazui, but I decided to go through his MV step-by-step and see where my thoughts lead me !! let’s gooooo
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I think the green apple is an interesting choice. Normally, if you’re going for a “temptation” or “forbidden fruit” type of thing it’s going to be a red apple… because red represents passion, after all. But the green makes me think there’s some other reason for this.
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Okay, so the apple is placed on a stage on a small table and there’s a spotlight over top of it. I feel like the apple is maybe meant to represent “temptation” but not in a “forbidden romance/adultery” type of way.
It could be symbolic of temptation in other aspects of life. Maybe he was wanting to leave his “ordinary, common” life and pursue things that are deemed unrealistic - especially for someone of his age, even though he’s really not that old.
Which, again, he brings up his age a lot. I guess you might feel self-conscious when surrounded by people younger than you but even so… he seems really hung up on his age and being an “old man”. He probably feels like it’s too late for someone like him to make a “big” change in his life and it’s easiest to just keep going as normal, pro status quo.
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The color green can also mean something like “greed, envy, and life”. Wouldn’t even be surprised if all three of those potentials were meaningful in relation to Kazui.
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I mention this in like every single one of my theories but again not everything here is literal. So what we’re seeing here, Kazui at the bar drinking with a woman other than his wife… it could mean something else entirely and not the obvious assumption of an affair.
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A thought I just formed, but could that other image of Kazui at the bar with a different woman just be his imagination at work? He’s still sitting with his wife at home but he’s imagining that he’s out at some classy bar with a woman other than his wife. Maybe he wants something more glamorous, something other than this “plain” situation at home? Or maybe that woman is meant to represent something else entirely. A “dream”, a different life entirely.
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Not sure if this is indicative of anything or even means anything, but there’s a pillow sort of wedged between them…
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Maybe he never really wanted to be married but he felt like he had to because he really DOES love his wife and it’s just the natural course of things to get married. He had other things he wanted to do, but they ultimately never came to fruition because of the normal societal expectations. He’s hiding aspects of himself just to have that illusion of normality.
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Just now noticed what looks like another figure in the distance sitting with him? Is that meant to be his wife? Is that also why he looks kind of surprised? The apple is between them, it’s sort of a divider.
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His eye color…. Is so pretty….
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He’s “playing a part” and so he’s seen in various costumes throughout the MV. Depending on the situation, he swaps his mask in order to appropriately fit in. It could be seen as living a lie, or it could be seen as a simple survival instinct. He sees no other way to live, because he doesn’t want to sadden/disappoint the people around him.
I’m not sure what his dreams could be or what he REALLY wants out of life, but either way, it clearly creates a rift.
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Hmmm this line gives me pause. It makes it sound like part of the problem is his wife, as if she were maybe cheating or wanting to leave him? Or it could be that she disapproves of his “dreams”. Could also be that she’s suffering emotionally in this marriage and he doesn’t appear to take notice and this causes them to drift further from each other.
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I wonder if the chair is meant to represent his wife in some way. I don’t really have any evidence for this, it’s just more of a feeling. What kind of uniform is that he’s wearing, anyhow? I feel like it’s possibly important...
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A lot of Kazui’s theme has to do with “lies” and “hiding”. Does he feel like he’s living a lie in his common life? Is this because he wants to be something so much more, but he can’t because - to him - it’s almost as if his wife is the one holding him back? Again, I feel he truly does love her. But I feel as though their love has fizzled from something romantic (if there ever was romance) into something milder.
I wonder if he was starting to view her as more of a burden than a partner. He loves her, so he isn’t sure what to do. Leaving isn’t an option. So lying is all that’s left. He’s struggling with which he should listen to - his brain, or his heart.
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He wears his wedding ring throughout the entirety of the MV which makes me think it probably isn’t an affair… I mean, if you’re going out to bars in the hopes of meeting someone new, you probably wouldn’t want to leave your wedding ring on.
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A lot of distance here, clearly depicting how their marriage is just… silently falling apart.
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I don’t think he’s referring to loving a person here. I feel like it’s more of a concept that he’s talking about, a dream. The dream here is being personified as a human woman, his mind is creating a scenario where his dream is essentially like “cheating” on his wife. This really feels like I’m pulling stuff out of my ass like I’m trying to make him seem less “bad” than he is, but I just. Really feel like we wouldn’t be getting this so straight-forwardly if it were an actual affair.
Also he’s still wearing his wedding ring here which again would make no sense to me if you were going to a bar trying to find other people.
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There still seems to be some level of distance here. He doesn’t directly touch the woman’s shoulders and he doesn’t especially move in closer toward her. Again, his “dream” feels untouchable and like something he HAS to keep inside because if he does “touch” his dream then his life with his wife - no matter if he’s happy or not - will be shattered.
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I feel like he’s talking about memories with his wife here. He might be recalling happier times and he wishes he could just banish those from his mind because it would make dealing with everything so much easier.
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Here the both of them are, but the spotlight remains on the apple on the stage. His mind is elsewhere. He’s with his wife, a woman he loves, but he isn’t fully committing to her and her own wants and needs. He’s instead thinking of a dream, something he isn’t being honest about.
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Hindsight is 20/20 and I feel like he really does regret whatever he did. The grass is always greener on the other side, I guess…
But it makes me wonder if he ended up telling her whatever his deal is or if someone ELSE did? He’s saying that “not one word will reach you” but it must have somehow.
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I like how he grabs her hand, the one that has the ring on it… nothing to add to it, I just… it makes me feel things
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Spotlight is back on him, he looks to be in their apartment. He isn’t in a costume, he isn’t wearing a mask. I like the focus on the balcony in the background, it’s ominous.
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No mask. And his voice seems more pained, his expressions look more hurt. Taking off the mask is stopping his lies, and it seems as though that may not have been the best decision on his part.
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Again, I feel like the chair is meant to represent his wife. She was a comfort to him, regardless of the feelings they had for each other. He might not have felt the same way in their marriage, not any longer, but he did love her and the comfort she brought him. Does he want that to disappear? Definitely not. But can he abandon all other thoughts and what he wants in life? Unfortunately not.
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I think I saw that green can also be representative of cowardice. And I feel like that’s also a big theme here, that he felt too cowardly to be honest with his wife and ultimately it led to the greatest loss of all. This also seems to be a big “miscommunication kills” type of scenario. Communication could have also been the killer here - there’s just not enough info here to make a firm judgment.
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Either she jumped from the balcony or he accidentally pushed her. I feel like it’s either one of these. I’m sorta leaning more toward the “he accidentally shoved her in a fit of passion or some sort of argument”... because it just feels like he might’ve had a literal hand in it
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Curse this image being so blurry. He’s holding out his hand and his hand is outlined in red, so it’s very important… could he be trying to lunge forward and catch her or is he about to like... push her. HMMM this image does make it look more like he’s trying to grab onto her in hopes of saving her.
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Broken shards of glass that I think are representative of their marriage and her fall from the balcony. What’s shattered can’t so easily be put back together - and in some cases, it can’t be put back at all. Something he’s learned in a very hard way and something he might have known all along.
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He took a bite from the apple, it’s gone. He made his choice. But what’s left is broken in pieces.
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And he goes back to putting on a mask… because I think it’s too hard to face otherwise. Now then! Onto some other things that might shed a little more light because I’m honestly not sure about this. Kazui’s is so… subtle and vague. It seems so obvious on the surface that it makes me think it really ISN’T that tangible from first glance.
Let’s take a look at some of his other things.
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He really does seem pretty hung-up on his age lol… I guess I can’t blame him because I do the same thing and I’m only in my twenties.
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This is a really interesting tid-bit from him. Why would they find him embarrassing? Because of what happened in his life, because he opened up about something and let down his mask for a bit? I really want to know more about this because it seems so telling.
Another theory I’ve seen go around that I support quite a bit could also be that instead of a “dream” he was hiding he was instead trying to deny his own sexual orientation. If Kazui were gay, that could explain a lot of things in this. Putting on a mask to hide who he really is, staying in a marriage with a person he loves but not in a romantic nor sexual way… his family “being embarrassed” by him… I could honestly see this being the case. He’s playing a part in life and it’s really not HIM because he doesn’t feel he can be himself.
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What’s clear is just how much Kazui doesn’t even seem to know what it is that he REALLY wants. He doesn’t seem satisfied no matter the option, it’s just a lose-lose situation all around for him. If he chooses to go with being himself/his dream then he loses his wife. If he stays with his wife, it doesn’t stop his thoughts from wandering elsewhere. He won’t be satisfied.
On another note, Kazui continues to hide behind a mask even with MILGRAM. He tries to pass himself off as someone who is mild-mannered and relaxed but at the same time he’s a bit contradictory because he also calls himself anxious. He says things to others that don’t really reflect his actual thoughts - such as when Yuno asked him about his type of woman and he says something that’s just… not really well thought-out because it seems like he’s pretty private. He wants to be private because opening up with his true feelings hasn’t worked out well for him.
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Unrelated but I got this screencap and I’m like… i need a kiss from this man ASAP. i need it like i need air to breathe 
Okay that’s it for now!! So interested to see what direction his story takes in the next MV for him. I really want to learn so much more about Kazui, his entire MV is just so subtle. Let me know your thoughts!! Would really love to hear what you think of Kazui and his cryptic demeanor. Thank you for reading! please tumblr don’t delete like half my post thank u <3
like. on one hand i could very well see cheating being the entire case here. it would make sense what-with choosing to “forgive” or “not forgive”. but i also like to have a bit of fun and see what other possibilities might be. who knows! we shall find out in time
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
(game style) (watch the original MV here)
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(gacha club style)
Touma Hinata (日向 騰舞, hinata touma) a 2nd year honor student and a talented performance who always smile despite the hardship. He’s the most-recommended top performer of their dorm.
Biographical Information:
Name: Touma Hinata (日向 騰舞, hinata touma) Based on/Face Claim: Wonderland x Showtime / Tenma Tsukasa Gender: Male Pronoun: he/him, “ore” Age: 17 Birthday: 19 June Height: 172 cm Eye color: Orange-yellow Hair color: Blond with peach tips
Professional Status:
Dorm: Melodiva Uniform Color: Blue Preferred Style: Musical theater School Year: Second year Class: 2-C, seat number 11 Occupation: Student, Theater performer Club: Drama Club Homeland: The City of Scholars, but later moved to Barnum Valley
Fun Facts:
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Favorite Food: Cheeseburger Least favorite food: Omurice Dislike: Failures, dislikes and harsh criticism, bugs Hobby: Watching musicals, playing rhythm game Talents: Acrobatics, piano, screenwriting and directing, acting
Touma describes himself as "have two separate selves", referring to how he acts on and off stage, despite people says that he acts the same.
On stage, Touma is a confident and charismatic performer. He's talented in singing and always put his best efforts in making his show the best. He loves being on the stage with all eyes on him, making him feels alive.
Off stage, Touma is a lot calmer. He's known to be smart, humble, and athletic. He's admired for being someone who can balance the bombastism of his shows and still being a honor student. He's kind, generous, considerate, and difficult to anger.
For both sides, Touma loves praises and yet is very vulnerable to criticism and failures, despite always smiling (to hide the pain). Both sides also always putting a high standard in his craft, whether it's for his study or his shows. When he fails to do something or receive even a tiny bit of criticism, it can bring him down, thinking that he's a failure. His coping mechanism is also a little bit unhealthy, that's by erasing his memories of all the bad stuff with his unique magic.
Touma is the first child of the Hinata family and the older brother of Maiko Hinata. Ever since he was little, his parents rarely paid attention to him considering his sister is ill ever since she was little. He kinda felt bad for feeling a little bit jealous from the lack of attentions. But Maiko was always there for him, even pulling him to play with her teacher's granddaughter, Kotone Yonaga.
One day, their parents took them to see a theater performance and ever since then Touma was smitten. It became his obsession to be able to stand in the bright colors while singing through the amazing music along with the wonderful casts. He watched more musical, joins his school plays, and singing everyday.
But then his sister died and it became the worst moment in Touma's life. The only person who ever given him the love and attention he always needed was gone. He didn't like the feeling of loneliness, sadness, and the utter despair. He wanted it go away. That was when he discovered his unique magic and erased his sister from his mind. His parents was surprised of his sudden amnesia and promised to be with Touma as he was the only child they had. While Touma was confused from the sudden attention, but not complaining, and was pretty sure he was an only child.
His parents was worried about his decision of going to Hourglass Station Academy, but Touma promised them that he will be fine. He will become a star!
Unique Magic:
"Encore In Memoriam"
An ability to erase a certain aspect in his memories. The more often he uses this, the more he would lose a bit of himself, eventually leaving him as an empty shell. The memories can actually comeback with the right triggers or spells, thus it acts more as a memory-supression magic rather than memory-erasion. 
While Touma represents the Wonderland x Showtime theater members, he also has many similarities with 25-ji, Nightcord de.’s member Asahina Mafuyu.
His surname 日向 (hinata) meaning “sunny place”. While his first name is a combination of 騰 (tou) which means “leaping up, jumping up, rising, advancing, going” and 舞 (ma) which means “dance”
His birthday is the release date of TONDEMO-WONDERZ in the Project Sekai JP server.
His hairstyle is inspired from A Sudden Trouble Meeting!? card.
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lightskinrry · 3 years
spill about the nymph fantasy pls!!! also take care & i hope things get better really soon for u and ur family <3
Omfjsjsj thank you for indulging me and being sweet ily❤️
This became incredibly long and poorly written im sorry lmaofhfn but I’ve been composing this story in my head for weeks so there’s so many details😭😭😭 well I put it under the read more <333 also pls picture either harry answering fanmail or harry in the golden mv but in a prince Philip from the little mermaid outfit for this lmaofejfn
Soooo hear me out Harry is a prince in a far away land and outside of his prince duties he loves to play music he loves art and he doesn’t like the high society life so everyday once he’s done at the castle he travels to the forest near by and there’s this enchanted place hidden behind the bushes deep in the forest and there’s a pond and a small waterfall and a big tree with a huge branch and it’s so beautiful and he comes here everyday to play music and write and sing and every day the nature around him in this little hidden haven responds; the wind blows to the rhythm of what he’s playing, the water dances around when he sings and he just feels so at home and safe in this place he leaves little offerings and gifts
he doesn’t know exactly what it is about this place but there’s something there that he loves and then one day he’s talking to himself about a song he’s writing trying to find lyrics and he feels water dripping down on his forehead and he catches a glimpse of someone perched up on the branch watching him but they disappear before he actually can make a form out of them and he tries to shake it off but everyday he discovers a little bit more of whoever is hiding there; he hears a giggle when he’s playing out of tune, humming when he plays the strings of his guitar, a foot print in the wet grass and everyday he talks to them without ever seeing them reassuring whoever lives there that he won’t harm them and that he wants to know them but they never show up
until one day the land is attacked and Harry is wounded during battle he runs to the refuge hoping no one would find him he tries to heal his wound but he passes out sure he’s going to die and when he awakes someone is leaned over him their lips so close to his he thinks an angel wants to kiss him but the moment his eyes open fully the person runs away from him he tries to stand up and ask them to stay but the pain of his wound hold him down he looks down on it and realize it’s almost completely healed he looks around him and he sees little pots and other items and food used to heal him he crawls to the water pond to drink and he looks at himself the peach fuzz on his face indicating that’s he’s been out for almost a week and someone took care of him all this time he’s so baffled he rambles thank yous endlessly he asks the person if he can at least see who saved his life and he promises over and over again he won’t hurt them but there’s still not a peep ....
he lays down and fall asleep bc he’s still very weak and when he wakes up again he keeps his eyes closed and he feels water dripping down on his forehead again he speaks before moving or he doesn’t even open his eyes, he’s softly greeting the person who helped him thanking them and reassuring them again,,, he can hear their breathing and the droplets of water still hit his forehead in the most gentle way so he knows they’re still here.
He decides to open his eyes very slowly and he finally sees the person perched up on the branch, their naked body laying on it and gazing down on him, water dripping down their hair and twigs and flowers inside their hair,, he can’t quite believe his eyes for a second but once they make eye contact he just stares silently, the nymph stares back; eyes big with wonder... they stay there like that silently for a while he doesn’t dare to speak by fear they’ll run away again but in the silence the nymph gets down of the tree.
Harry stays down on the grass his head looking at the sky not wanting to make a move,,, he can feel them walk around him, looking at him and he feels safe.... the nymph kneels next to him and touch his face with their fingertips, softly tug on the curl that’s falling on his forehead, they check on his wound and grimace at the look of it, they get water and plants to put on it and Harry flinches at the pain but doesn’t make a sound. When they’re done they make eye contact again but they don’t speak and the nymph leaves and as they walk away Harry tries to stop them and ask them for at least a name and they just turn around and smile at him before disappearing again....
Harry realizes his wound is finally healed and he knows he has to get back to the castle so he leaves promising to come back again the next morning he finally makes it back home and it’s a celebration that the prince has returned safely and the next morning he takes his guitar and some food to bring to the pond and he stays there offering the food to the nymph waiting for them to come out he stays there and wait all day but they don’t come out he’s starting to think that maybe he made the whole thing up in his head bc of the pain but just as he starts to leave he hears branches and twigs breaking behind him and the food he brought is not there anymore he takes a deep breath and looks up to the branch where he saw them for the first time and they’re there!! Laying on their tummy gazing at him and eating the food he brought.... before he can speak the nymph gets down of the tree and analyzes him, they walk around him in a circle looking to see if he’s maybe hurt, they check his wound and smile contently at the sight of it healed,,, Harry doesn’t move and doesn’t speak but the nymph touches his face before their name fall out of their lips....
They are finally talking and Harry couldn’t be happier he knew it was real!! He speaks ever so softly scared that if he speaks louder he might scare them away again,, he doesn’t dare to touch them not even their hands let alone their arms and he doesn’t look at their eyes too long he’s so intimidated by their beauty and grace he can barely make sense but he profusely thank them for saving his life and he rambles about knowing there was someone living here. The nymph interrupts him to ask him to sing bc they love to hear him and he’s so taken aback he can only say yes so they sit next to him and listen while he plays the guitar and sings songs about long forgotten love stories and heartbreak
He stays there for hours just playing and singing, the nymph doesn’t say a word they just listen... until it’s dark and Harry excuses himself because he has to go home,,, the nymph finally asks him if he would teach them how to play the guitar and he promises he’ll back tomorrow to teach them
And he comes back... every day for weeks, teaching them the guitar, writing songs, listening to them sing, bringing them food and flowers and other trinkets he finds that he thinks they would enjoy and everyday the nymph speaks more and more and they tell him how much they love the sun and their favorite flower and color
One day Harry comes back and the nymph greets him gleefully jumping on their feet so happy to see him and he stays there all day they play and sing and write and eat as they do and by the end of the day as the sun sets and the pond is washed over in golden tones he pulls out a gold necklace with a sun pendant,, he explains to the nymph that it’s a gift for them that he saw the sun pendant and it reminded him of them,, he asks if he can put it on them and the nymph agrees so filled with tenderness from his gesture,,, they tell him they love it and that they’ll keep it forever and once he’s done placing it on their neck as they turn around to face him their eyes meet and it’s like time is frozen, they kisses his cheek to thank him and wishing him a good night... Harry is slightly disappointed but he kisses their cheek back for the first time and the nymph gets so flustered and so Harry starts to leave but right before he could get out of the bushes the nymph appears in front of him and thank him again they caress his cheek right where they kissed it a few moments ago and in a deep breath Harry cups their face to bring it closer to his and as their lips are barely inches away he whispers can I kiss you to which the nymph only answers by pressing their lips to his,, when their lips finally detach they’re both blissfully looking at each other,, the nymph says good night and watch Harry walk away promising again he’ll be back the next morning
When he comes back the next morning bringing the nymph his usual offerings; food and flowers and crystals and rocks just things he knows they enjoy they spend the day again talking playing and singing they don’t mention the kiss but when the day ends and Harry is about to leave the nymph offers him a necklace they made out of pearls specially for him they ask if they can put it on him and as they’re done placing the necklace on Harry and he turns around to face them; they lean over to his face, eyes closed and lips pouted ready for a kiss... Harry giggles looking at their silly face expecting a kiss and they get embarrassed they explain to Harry that they thought it was custom to kiss after giving a gift and Harry cups their face and kiss their nose,, telling them how cute they are for being a little clueless on social norms,, he kisses their forehead and their eyelids and finally their lips before whispering that he loves to kiss them
From now on they make it a little tradition to kiss everytime they give each other something, making their own little social rules in their own little world
One day Harry arrives at the pond and the nymph is nowhere to be found but two other beautiful nymphs are there, they analyse him with despise talking among themselves that they don’t understand why the nymph of the pond would find interest in a human like him, they do refer to him as pretty and magnetic but that he’s a man and he’s never to be trusted... Harry doesn’t necessarily understands what’s happening but he just asks if the nymph is here referring to them by name and the nymph comes out and cast the others away, apologizing if their siblings were rude to him... Harry tells them that there’s no need to apologize and they keep their little ritual and learn about each other more
It’s only when the sun starts to come down that they’re laying on the grass, the nymphs head on Harry’s chest that they contemplate the sky in silence and the nymph kisses Harry’s chin and jaw and as the breeze passes them by they start to kiss, their hands traveling all over their bodies and their heartbeats synchronising... the soft evening air starts to feel heavier and it’s like there’s a wave of heat in the pond,, the nymph straddles themselves on Harry never unlocking their lips and when he breaks the kiss to breathe he’s suddenly very aware of what the other nymphs said about him; he becomes hesitant and shy away from the nymph’s mouth,,, he asks them if they really want to go further than a kiss, further than touches, if they’re sure they want him; if they really trust him 
and the nymph only grabs his face to kiss him deeper to let him know that they never had a doubt and so they make love right there on the grass; the nymph on top of him, their hips moving to the rhythm of the water and their face gleaming in the golden hour and Harry can only say how beautiful they are, how perfect they are, how they feel so good.... Hes sitting up while the nymph rides him so he can make eye contact and kiss their lips, his hands resting on their waist, sliding on their hips and sometimes grabbing their ass, always moaning on the nymph’s lips about how magical they are and its when he picks them up to fuck into them that he finally hears them talk between muffled breaths and moans; repeatedly calling his name... he thrusts harder every time the word harry leaves their mouth until they both come undone on each other, the nymph first : waves of water covering Harry and a last moan of his name against his lips and barely seconds later Harry releases himself inside the nymph,,, thanking them time and time again 
and now they’re staying in this position, their lips trying to find each other in the dark now that the sun has set, giggling in each other’s mouth its only after a while that Harry finally gets up to leave and the nymph is somehow terrified by the idea that he might never come back but right as he leaves, same as every night, he kisses them and promises to come back tomorrow....
so yeah thats about where im at in the nymph fantasy lmaodvnh from then he keeps coming back and they keep fucking in every possible positions so its just horny ass shit and then I thought maybe he’s gonna ask them to come to the city to visit the castle and attend a ball and since theyre a bit clueless on social cues it will be fun and awkward and maybe there’ll be conflict like he’s already promised to someone else or maybe he’s actually the god Apollo trapped in his human form and he’s found a new muse but now that hes in love he doesnt know what to do who knows my brain is full of possibilities lmaohsdvbhv
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apieceofsushi · 3 years
So, “aishite aishite aishite” is probably the mv I have watched the most outside of the game because oh my god it is amazing.
*warning: I will be talking about the more mature themes in the song, beware!*
the lyrics themselves are not very long for the in game version, as you can see here:
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It fights them perfectly. Especially Mafuyu. And the MV! The presentation was delivered perfectly.
Let’s start with the song itself:
All of Miku’s, Mafuyu’s, and Ena’s voices are usually quite high when they sing, so at first when listeners hear the song it sounds almost daydreamy and sweet. But then as the song goes on, it even sounds as if things are slowly getting worse. And then things get rushed as they reach the climax of the song, and everything spins out of control. And that last “ahh” sounds super eerie once you’ve heard the whole thing.
But the message and lyrics that go along with this—oh boy. The “collar” is obviously seen as a restraint, something that controls the person and they have no freedom, as it yearns for attention and craves love. And so, this comes out of the mouth of the person wearing it, and so they become desperate and wants to be loved, and the title really highlights this as it is repeated three times.
And then they must, absolutely must stay attached to the people they create relationships with, which is probably clingy and would definitely seem like that person was losing their mind. This attitude is what clouds the persons mind, and they become obsessed.
Then they question their good qualities, desperately wanting those that they hide behind to be what makes people want to like them. Until it pains them. And then the chorus comes in, and slowly the song ends.
But what I really loved was the music video.
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You see them showing off their new outfits from their latest event, as the event song did not have a 3DMV. I honestly wouldn’t mind if this is what they wore from now on, as it fights them well.
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Then as the song wears on, there a little signs, such as blurring and slight shaking, which could resemble someone deteriorating slowly on the inside, until it hurts so much that it bursts.
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Like I said before, the “collar” is what is choking the persons sanity, and as the climax hits, Miku is reaching out, although they can’t be saved from the madness that then hits.
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And then the words—ugh this was spot on! I assume they’re saying “aishite”, but it really is symbolic that it’s surrounding them and swallowing their vision and surrounding them, like what the song is portraying in someone’s mind. And later, the words are blocking out the screen, which makes the trio look like they’re going crazy, even though their continuing to dance rather calmly.
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I really liked Mafuyu’s walk backward as she is worn out, as some of the song fits her character arc. Especially the little bit of violin that pokes out here, it really caught my attention and I just really like this little part.
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As I also mentioned before, their last “aah” sounds really eerie, despite the fact they’re back in the white backdrop. The feelings that are portrayed are still there, but now the viewer can see how those feelings are hiding underneath the surface.
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Just look at this. After the whole message of the song, they’re smiling. As if everything is fine, and they are reaching their hands out, as if to invite the viewer to be their friend, despite what they just heard and saw.
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And lastly, there is this coloring that appears throughout the video (which enhances the effects even more). The only color changing I have ever seen in project sekai mv’s is sometimes black and white (or gray 🤪), so this is a very bold step for the animators to make.
Anyways, that’s just my interpretation of this song, take it as you like. But I really felt like I could see into the animators minds, and this is definitely one of my favorite 3DMV’s.
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gracefulweather · 3 years
omg ur pulls !!! we love to see it 😍😍😍
i pulled sunwoo for the id card and the qr code so i'm thriving :D and i also pulled chanhee (i have pulled him for every single tbz album i've bought asjklfjsdjk i love him) and a changmin poster ! but wait i pulled jumil for the unit pc :O
YEAH BAYBEE 🤩 i live for fake dating ! but it's also surprisingly the first time i've ever written the trope
tbh i don't have the ending figured out yet 😅 but i also don't know what the endgame should b ajfkldjsalfk but yes ! i cannot write things without pulling huge plot twists, like i love scheming and making everyone's jaws drop it's great
alfjsdljf kyu is a whole mood tbh :") the way i sleep until 1 or 2 pm when i don't have anything to do
yes ! i thought it could be v interesting !
omg would love 2 know ur other thoughts 👀
seriously i can't believe what kq is doing but...yeah ! omg i hope you can go to the concert if you want to !! turbulence was so pretty and i love the song, i am patiently waiting for it to b released on spotify, i'm also curious to hear the rest of the album ! i also saw something on twt that said this is the first mv where none of them have scenes together and that kinda broke me ngl :") wbu?? what do you think of the song? and about their new concept photos
ohhh wait hellbound does sound kinda interesting ! maybe i will give it a try sometime ! there's a new kdrama coming to netflix that looks v interesting too !
yess omg translator admins are everything ! i really have to catch up on their shows. i loved the maverick series it was so cute n funny (also eric saying twat like three times literally sent me 😭😭😭)
hahahah i agree ! oohhh do you normally come up with plots based on things you watch/read or things your mind comes up with or what do you usually draw inspo from? ooohh golca or skz would b fun ! BUT FELT OMG i really thought my intense tbz obsession would die down a bit BUT IT HASN'T
THE FANCON 😭 I AM GONNA CRY ! hyunjae and hoon's hair colors look SO GOOD I CANNOT GET OVER IT ! they all looked so happy to see deobis again and i'm so happy for them :') no drink it, when will the pain end :( but kingdom come is such a banger i would love to see them do it for award shows too ! AND DID U SEE THE HYPNOTIZED CHOREO BC I CAN'T GET OVER IT
yeah i've started to notice how short promos run too, but they also seem to be doing way more other things too
HYUNJAE SUPREMACY 😍 i literally always think abt that one time he was on vlive and "read a comment" but then immediately confessed to making it up like afdkljalk he is so funny
i hope ur doing well too !! i'm gonna find some time to read ur sunwoo fic and hopefully over winter break i can read more of your works too !! exam season will b over for me in about a week or so ! thank u, stay healthy too, ly !! ❤️❤️
UR SO LUCKY HOWWW omg are u just missing eric and then you'd have all ur favs :OO jumil though.... all this hy*nj*e in ur life, is this a sign HAHA
if u like fake dating maybe you'll like my sunwoo fic 👀 jk it's not exactly fake dating alskdj but yeah excited to see where ur smau is going!!! like will it be with cute barista boy or the sweet classmate!! WAIT YOU ALSO DON'T KNOW WHO'S ENDGAME???? omg ok.... i will be analyzing every line to catch this plot twist 👁👄👁
oooh yeah i saw some posts comparing scenes where the members are all separate vs other mvs when they're together :')) but yeah i liked the song and their concept photos alkdjfj THE ALBUM IS OUT NOW THO!!!! i love them for releasing all the kingdom stuff bc that version of wonderland is my LIFE 😍😍😍 unlike.... tbz..... who will never release stealer rock version from 201231 mbc gayo daejejeon 😔 gonna have to make my own instrumental cover at this point 🙄
ohh what kdrama? deobis are still waiting for hak in goedam s2 but WHEN is that coming out omg. also poor hyunjae with his cancelled mbti webdrama :'))
eric saying twat omg HAHAH i forgot about that but he ain't wrong... the letters really did look like twat LMAO. the fight between him and hyunjae tho 🤡
hmm normally i'd say inspired by real life things but these days it's more like letting my mind wander and thinking of headcanons, but i feel like i haven't been motivated to write in a rlly long time except for this hj e2l 😭 wbu!!!
is it too much to hope for drink it at the end of year performances :')) oooh did u see hoon's original blueish hair tho!! ok but. the 120843978 pics of hyunjae with his bare arms and ab flash and perfect face 😠 hypnotized omggg that one definitely came as a surprise but WOW that choreo......... they totally prepared for it with deobis' reactions in mind 👀 also world tour???!??!??!??
do u mean hyunjae enemy agenda HAHA he seems to do that comment thing a lot 😶 he's.... funny sometimes......
ahHHH are ur exams over yet!!! omg i hope u like the sunwoo fic :') pls do get some rest during winter break tho <33 but omg can't believe we're like halfway thru dec?? it doesn't feel like holiday season tbh LOL
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linalilia · 2 years
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 002: hanasaki aimi
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the second prisoner is here! thankfully, she's much nicer than the first one.. well, at least she looks like a nice person.
(prisoner 001's profile)
Warning: implications of bullying
General info:
Name: Hanasaki Aimi (花咲 愛美) (kanjis in her last name mean "flower" and "blossom" and kanjis in her first name mean "love" and "beautiful")
Age: 16 y/o
Gender: Female
Status: Prisoner 002
Birthday: March 6 (Pisces)
Height: 156 cm
Blood type: B
Image color: #FF9AD2
Occupation: High school student (first year)
Personality: Aimi is a sweet and soft-spoken girl, who dislikes fighting and arguing. She claims that she just wants to get along with everyone and she doesn't care about their past, she truly believes that she can become friends with all the prisoners and even guards. In fact, it seems that she's kind of.. obsessed with the concept of friendship and if someone says they don't want to be friends with her, she will want to become closer with them even more. She gets attached to people very easily, they just have to be kind to her and that's it, she will see them as her best friends now. She's also a bit clumsy and often ends up accidentally hurting herself.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song she would cover: Listen. If we're talking about her backstory, After Pain would fit her more. But I already have another character who I imagine covering After Pain and also going with this option feels a bit too obvious, so.. Magic it is.
Which DECO*27 song she would cover: Positive Parade! Yes, she stole everything from Amane. Her Trial 1 song, her cover, even her prisoner uniform looks a lot like Amane's. I am so sorry, Amane.
If she could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: Melty Land Nightmare by Harumaki Gohan. I don't really have a reason for giving her this song, I just think it fits her vibe well!
Her MV description:
Her MV would be very bright and colorful compared to Akio's MV and her song would sound very fun and cute too!
The video starts with Aimi listening to her classmates talk about something and you can see her nodding and smiling. She looks like she's genuinely having fun. After the conversation is over, all students from her class start painting on the walls and Aimi joins them too. Aimi tries to paint something, but then one of her classmates accidentally drops a bucket of paint on her. Even though she's completely covered in paint, Aimi still laughs and everyone laughs as well. The lyrics mention Aimi loving her classmates a lot and wanting to be friends with them and she hopes their friendship will last forever.
As they continue painting, Aimi is struggling a lot. She doesn't have the colors she wants and when she tries to ask others for help, they just laugh and she laughs too. When she trips on someone's brushes and falls, other students just laugh and she tries to laugh too. As these bad things keep happening to her, Aimi finally notices that her classmates don't think she's funny or anything like that, they just enjoy seeing her suffer. She wants to get more paint and when she opens the door, it turns out that her classmates wanted to prank her and she sees another bucket of paint falling right on her head. Everyone points at her and laughs, her song becomes slower for a moment, but when she finally takes the bucket off her head, she ends up being fully covered in red paint and she's actually laughing louder than all the other students. The MV ends with Aimi finishing painting her classmates, she smiles and looks proud. Her painting is much bigger than the other students' works and she used only the red paint this whole time because she still didn't get the colors she wanted. She's tired and she decides to take a nap on the floor, but right when she does that, she wakes up in a dark and scary place that doesn't look like her school at all and she sees something that looks like some kind of creepy Halloween mask lying on the floor.
Her Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Oh, h-hello! My name is Hanasaki Aimi, nice to meet you! I have no idea why I'm here and how this place works, but.. Still, I hope we all can get along no matter what kind of people we were before ending up here!"
"Huh.. so you all hate me this much?"
She doesn't really care about this whole "innocent or guilty" stuff, but if she had to choose, of course, she would want everyone to be voted innocent. She doesn't care about her own verdict though.
She didn't commit any other crimes except murder, but whenever her number of victims is mentioned, she just smiles and changes the topic.
No matter how much she tries to become friends with all the prisoners and the guards, there aren't any people she's especially close with. She likes to call herself, Prisoner 001, Prisoner 009 and one of the guards "The High School Gang" since all of them are high school students. However, Prisoner 001 thinks she's annoying, Prisoner 009 tries to be kind to her, but he doesn't actually like her that much and that guard isn't allowed to get too friendly with the prisoners. Also all of them think that the name is kinda boring.
She's a bit similar to Yuno because of her being the second prisoner and having a shade of pink as her image color.
It's hard to notice because of her clothes, but she has even more injuries than it looks like. So yeah, if she gets voted guilty and someone decides to go Kotoko mode.. it's probably not gonna end well.
So I think a lot of people have heard that the canon prisoner pairs have some similarities between them, for example, Mahiru and Shidou's crimes are both related to love in some way, Fuuta and Muu's crimes are related to bullying, etc. I'm doing the same thing actually! Both Akio and Aimi are high school first years and their crimes are related to their reputation among other students, particularly their classmates. Also they both have names that start with "A" and have four letters. If it looks confusing, I'm sorry
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moonbeamsung · 3 years
under the cut you will find my comprehensive brain dump about hot sauce <3
okay in addition to all the shitposts i made about the album as i listened for the first time, i have so much i wanna say about each track so here we go, even if no one reads this i don’t mind because i’m just posting it for myself! this is 15% semi-professional-sounding album review talk and the other 85% is me freaking out lol
hot sauce: someone said this is zimzalabim’s brother and i can’t stop thinking about it, but unlike that song it honestly didn’t take multiple listens for me to like the song itself. the only thing that was the slightest bit off-putting about it was the higher pitch of the chanting (which i still don’t know if i’m imagining or not) but i don’t mind it as much as i used to. the beat is so interesting and funky and the latin-ish(?) sound of some parts suits them unexpectedly well :,) all the members’ voices are so distinct and i think they all got a chance to shine, like even without looking at the line distribution it just seems pretty even to me when i listen. okay now onto the mv i think it’s super cool and when i saw it for the first time it felt like there was a lot going on and it was a little overwhelming but i think that’s just because it was 5 in the morning and my senses were overwhelmed lol (like the lyrics say o_o (i think??)) also JISUNG’S DANCE BREAK I AM ON THE FLOOR. he sounded so good sjdfbds. renjun’s adlibs (in the final chorus especially) are really something else and his lil duet part with jisung in prechorus 2 is amazing showstopping never been done before etc etc. haechan’s high note and jeno’s and mark’s (side note i can’t believe we really have 7dream again :,)) and jaemin’s raps and chenle’s voice throughout the entire thing are just,,, perfection omg. overall i love this song so much and think it was a great title track for them!!
diggity: IT GOES SO HARD IT’S CRAZY. first of all here are some timestamps that make me lose my mind: 0:30 i swear the adlib sounds like mark but the video shows that it’s renjun and he sounds😳whew. and 2:48.....jisung.........i can’t do this............for maximum pain watch a clip of him talking from 2016/2017 and then listen to this part but warning you may cry. HE SOUNDS SO SKDFBL WHEN DID HIS VOICE GET SO DEEP🥲like i knew it was but this is just. another level lmao but anyways, the bridge in this song as a whole sounds amazing!!! i’m very much in love with really small moments like the little “na na na”s in mark’s rap and the way they sound, sorta minor in tone. also love how the beats build up to the chorus each time and i just wanna bop my head to it! it seems like i hear new little harmonies and adlibs every time i listen and it’s such a nice mix of vocals and strong raps :)
dive into you: the VIBES of this song??? i liked it from the teaser but as i listen more and more it gets even better it seems. like imagine a summer roadtrip to the coast because that’s what this sounds like.  mark and jisung really started things off with one of the catchiest raps i’ve ever heard and everything about it is so perfect😩jaemin and jeno singing >>>> and chenle chose violence with his high note and hearing all the harmonies from every single one of them makes me so happy :> they’re so beautiful like aaaaa. also i just love the minor-sounding notes (that’s a favorite thing of mine can you tell) in the chorus with the “you-ooh” parts. VOCALIST JENO AT 2:36 IS THE PRETTIEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD DO YOU HEAR HIS HARMONY. can’t forget vocalist jisung either, any time he sings i’m just🥰which has happened a lot this cb which is GREAT :DD and then on top of all that, the track video is adorable and they look so happy!! driver haechan doesn’t hurt either lmao AND THE PERFORMANCES OF IT ARE SO CUTE TOO LIKE HHHH
my youth: something about this song sounds so nostalgic and it’s going on my driving playlist because it just gives me such a carefree feeling, like being on the highway or driving through a city at sunset. it’s really chill and it’s one of the softer songs on this album so it balances out the harder-hitting tracks :) jaemin’s rap is so nice, reminds me of how much i love his voice :( i heard a clip of them singing this song live and it doesn’t sound the slightest bit different, it really shows all their singing talents🥺
rocket: omg definitely another favorite of mine on the album, it’s so upbeat and reminds me of dream run!!! also it’s moonshine produced so you know it’s going to be a total bop. for some reason it feels like something that would play on a rollercoaster if they had music, the scales and the synth make it sound really fun and it’s extremely enjoyable to listen to, makes me wanna dance around :) jaemin’s rap with the little star wars line is cute hehe. and chenle’s “level up” part, he sounds SO GOOD! from the bridge towards the end, that’s my favorite part, it’s such an energetic beat and, like, bouncy? i guess? that’s not the best word but i really really really love this track☺️☺️☺️
countdown (3,2,1) : besides the fact that mark decided to k word me with that “explOsive” line at the opening i love this one too! it sounds futuristic almost. i never knew how much i needed to hear jisung say “control freak” before this and his singing voice at 1:15 and 3:11 and 3:24 is just wOw—plus his RAP I’M NOT GONNA RECOVER FOR A WHILE😔🤭......also love the transitions from jaemin into mark and then jeno for that part in the bridge and the buildup it has to the final chorus. i think haechan’s and renjun’s voices sound so good on this track like at that softer part? aND HOLY HECK IS HYUCK THE ONE DOING THOSE ADLIBS TOWARDS THE END BECAUSE IF SO DAMN. yes boys you are very dangerous
anl: why couldn’t they have just called it all night long because everyone’s reading it wrong🤠this one is really chill and i think the way it sounds kinda matches the vibe of their boring ver. photos, if that makes sense. it’s also going on my driving playlist!! i don’t know what to call the little twinkling sounds at the start but i love those, and mark’s voice is so soothing in this song🥺something about the way renjun sings “sky high” is gorgeous and jisung’s parts with the harmonies are truly a blessing to the ears :] the chorus sounds so inherently dream and i feel like track itself has something mature about it? (not in that way geez) but like it just shows how far they’ve come music-wise/vocally
irreplaceable: except for mark’s one english line in the bridge (you know the one don’t make me type it) (but it doesn’t make me cringe quite as much anymore) i also adore this song☺️if this track had a video, i’d picture it looking something like the cafe 7dream content. it sounds really acoustic and warm and like they could just be casually singing it together in a cozy cafe or studio! also, i realized that it reminds me of another dream song when i hear it and i figured out that it’s bye my first hehe. HAECHAN’S HIGH NOTE IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE BEST PART, MARRY ME SIR.
be there for you: literally the renhyuckle ballad we’ve always wanted!!! i don’t even have that much to say because it’s just so beautiful, all three of their voices blend so well together and it’s such a comforting track. nct’s slower and softer songs like this are very distinct and have a gentle kind of power. listening to it feels like a hug and the harmonies and high notes and the extent of their vocal ranges are just so, so amazing.
rainbow: for all the times i’ve cried to it, i still love it :,) those first lyrics from chenle make me want to bawl my eyes out simply because his tone there is so nostalgic and pretty and sad-sounding, and reading the lyrics makes me even more emotional (or maybe i’m just overly sensitive oops). the softer raps and angelic vocals and every little harmony and adlib are EVERYTHING, this is another song that just suits the unit so well. regardless of their positions this track proves that every single member is beyond capable of being a vocalist. i don’t know why it seems like such a sad and nostalgic song to me, but it’s also really hopeful at the same time. it’s like this dreamscape of emotions (no pun intended), and the video is so otherworldly and enchanted it seems almost magical. the colors and the playground set? their expressions and interactions with one another? i swear, their friendship and bond is unlike any i’ve ever seen. this track also makes me think of how proud i am of them, and i wanna give them all the biggest hug in the world🥺
if you decided to read this whole thing i would like to say i’m sorry for the ramble but also thank you for being interested in what i had to say :)
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huiverse · 4 years
content creator year in review, tagged by @soft-pentagon​ ❤️
yeah it’s 2021 what about it
first creation in 2020: this random winter spring snow stage, tbh I.. don’t even remember giffing this, also rip my watermark phase when I was so angry about gif reposters 🙃
most recent creation of 2020: asia artist awards red carpet when I was burning through award show gifs during my holiday break lol
one of your favorite creations from 2020: halloween kino 😁
a creation you’re really proud of: dawn dawndididawn teasers the coloring came out really nice!
a new style you tried this year and a work that shows it: the 10 mb gif limit came out early 2020 so I started making taller stage gifs! this one is probably the cleanest daisy set I made
a creation that took you forever: probably the spring snow set I kind of avoid doing 3x3′s unless I have to, also the extra work to add the watermark was not worth it
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: pentagon 1st win!! 😊
a creation you think deserved more notes: dawn in the dawndididawn mv I wish he had more casual support in general but such is life 😕 
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: I don’t show it on tumblr anywhere but I’m a casual shinee stan!! I watched some highlights from their post-enlistment lives they’re v funny, my bias is key 😁
a creation you made that breaks your heart: hui basquiat stage I know he’s acting but it looks like he’s in so much pain and there were soo many emotions around the rtk time
a “simple” creation that you really love: hui in the dr. bebe mv I wish the shots had been longer 😞
a creation that was inspired by another one: I’m going to answer this a bit differently and say @handongisback​ requested hongseok dr. bebe stage gifs and we all know I usually only gif a certain few members lol
a favorite creation created by someone else: chaotic liev moments, ptg loving yuto, and dr. bebe showcase hearts by @kihno; also I have to call out my kino awakening stage by @yeo1 adslfj
some of your favorite content creators from the year: @soft-pentagon @kihno @wooseoks @yeo1 @huiracha @knnovations @binminseok @wonggu @yeosprout @ddonghyun 💙💙💙
I’m sure I missed some stuff but 2020 was so long I honestly don’t even remember what I did on this blog for the 1st half of the year lol; thank you as always to everyone who creates/likes/reblogs content for ptg and supports me on @hui-data​ even though I’m v inconsistent 😅, I hope you all have a wonderful year ahead and that bigger and brighter things are coming for pentagon!! 💞
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